ON TARIO IN STIT U T E FOR C A N C E R RE S Ontario Institute for E ARC H ANNU Cancer Research A L REP ANNUAL REPORT 2010/11 ORT 2010/11 MaRS Centre, South Tower 101 College Street Suite 800 Toronto, Ontario Canada M5G 0A3 Telephone 416.977.7599 Toll-free 1.866.678.6427
[email protected] www.oicr.on.ca Funding for the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research is provided by the Government of Ontario. CJ23389 Cover.indd 1 11-07-07 6:56 PM Message from the Minister of Research and Innovation It is my pleasure to thank the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) for the outstanding work it has done over For information about the the past year to improve the health and wellbeing of the people of Ontario. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research please contact: T he work you do has a direct impact on the lives of everyone in the province. It offers hope to the nearly 70,000 Ontarians Rhea Cohen who will be diagnosed with cancer in 2011 and to many millions more around the world. T he survival rate for most types Director of Communications
[email protected] of cancer is constantly improving – and your work is helping to make that happen. 416-673-6642 OICR is recognized around the world for its leadership in cancer research. T he Institute’s high profile role – and that of its President and Scientific Director, Dr. Tom Hudson – in the International Cancer Genome Consortium is just one example of that leadership.