
J Clin Pathol: Mol Pathol 1998;51:237–247 237

Review Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from

BRCA1 and BRCA2 : roles in health and disease

J A Duncan, J R Reeves, T G Cooke

Abstract + This suggests rapid evolutionary change. Between 5% and 10% of all is + Thus, conserved areas must be expected to hereditary, with patients having a strong have an important function. family history of the disease. The remain- ing 90–95% of cases are classed as spo- BRCA1 radic. Within the inherited group, 80–90% BRCA1 (located on 17q21) of cases are the result of germline muta- encodes a composed of 1863 amino tions aVecting two recently identified acid residues. Similarity of this protein to any : BRCA1 and BRCA2. Since the other known protein is minimal; however, sequencing of these genes, considerable study of the protein’s structure and compari- research on the genetics of the mutation son to its murine counterpart has helped to carriers has been performed, with less highlight some regions that are likely to have attention having been focused on the functional importance. Overall be- BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins themselves. tween human BRCA1 and its murine counter- The structure and function of the protein part is only 58%,7 a low similarity, suggesting products thus continues to hold mystery rapid evolution of this and protein. Highly and might be the key to the full under- conserved regions comprise: a ring finger standing of this complex disease. (RING) domain at the N-terminal region,4 an 41 (J Clin Pathol: Mol Pathol 1998;51:237–247) acidic region at the C-terminal region, and two putative nuclear localisation signals.89

Within the C-terminal region conserved re- http://mp.bmj.com/ This review outlines the important structural gion, a twice repeated motif, now designated features of BRCA1 and BRCA2, and their the BRCA1 C-terminal (BRCT) domain, functional role during development and in shows weak similarity to the mammalian adult life. For clarity, within each section we binding protein 53BP1,10–12 and to the yeast have dealt with BRCA1 and BRCA2 sepa- Rad9 protein.11 13–15 Both of these proteins are rately, despite this leading to some repetition of involved in DNA repair, implying a functional information. Terminology, annotation, and role for BRCA1 in this area. Most tumorigenic on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. structural features of BRCA1 and BRCA2 are BRCA1 lesions described in hereditary breast outlined in tables 1 and 2. cancer families have mutations or deletions in University one or both BRCT domains, suggesting that Department of Structure they have a key role in BRCA1 mediated 16 Surgery, Glasgow KEY POINTS tumour suppression. A centrally placed motif Royal Infirmary, 10 + BCRA1 and BRCA2 both show low homol- has shown similarity to the granin consensus Alexandra Parade, 17 Glasgow G31 2ER, UK ogy with other known proteins and their sequence. However, the biological relevance J A Duncan murine counterparts. of this has been disputed because it is not J R Reeves highly conserved in the mouse.18 The same T G Cooke Table 1 Terminology group have described a similar area at the C-terminal region of BRCA2.17 Correspondence to: Gene*/Protein Dr Duncan. Controversy has surrounded the true size email: Human (upper case) BRCA1/BRCA2 and subcellular localisation of BRCA1, with at [email protected] Mouse (lower case) Brca1/Brca2 least some of this being attributable to the Accepted for publication *Some texts might indicate that they are referring to the gene by existence of splice variants, a number of which 9 June 1998 placing its title in italics—for example, BRCA1/Brca2. have now been isolated. BRCA1Ä672–4095 (lacking all exon 11) and BRCA1-Ä11b (amino Table 2 Features of mouse and human BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and proteins acids 263–1364 deleted, the majority of exon 11 lacking) are both found to localise to the No. of amino 819 No. of exons Chromosome acids References cytoplasm on immunostaining. Because Mouse Brca1 NK 11 1812 1 both nuclear localisation signals identified so Mouse Brca2 NK 5 3328 2, 3 far lie within exon 11 it is perhaps not surpris- Human BRCA1 22 17 1863 4 ing that these splice variants, lacking exon 11, Human BRCA2 27 13 3418 5, 6 mislocalise to the cytoplasm. Unfortunately, NK, not known. one of these studies8 used the C-20 antibody, 238 Duncan, Reeves, Cooke

which has since been shown to crossreact with Table 3 Tissue distribution of adult mouse Brca1 mRNA

epidermal and so, Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from Adult mouse Adult mouse although confirming our expectations, the Brca1 Brca2 results must still be treated with some caution. mRNA* mRNA** Two further alternatively spliced variants, des- Brain +/− +/− ignated BRCA1a and BRCA1b, are both likely Heart − − to be tyrosine phosphoproteins. Localising to Kidney +/− − Liver − +/− both the cytoplasm and nucleus, and interact- Lung +/− − ing with a number of transcriptional and phos- Lymph nodes +++/−† +/− phorylating factors, they might function as Mammary gland (virgin) ++/−† +/−† 20 Mammary gland (puberty) ++ ++ negative regulators of the . Interest- Mammary gland (pregnancy) +++ +++ ingly, on immunoblotting analysis, BRCA1- Ovaries +++/++ ++ Ä11b was found to be present in significant Skin +/− NK 19 Spleen +++/++ ++/−† quantities in the nuclear fractions, a result Thymus +++/++ ++ similar to that seen with BRCA1a and Testis +++/++ +++ BRCA1b.20 The BRCA1 protein splice variants +/−, Barely detectable or no expression; +, very low expression; have also been shown to accumulate in the ++, moderate expression; +++, high expression; NK, not cytoplasm in the presence of serum, but in the known. nucleus in the absence of serum, suggesting *References 7, 25, and 26. **References 2 and 25. that external stimuli might regulate the subcel- †Disagreement within literature. lular localisation of BRCA1 and its splice vari- ants. Whether the changes in localisation con- that the highest levels are found in testis, stitute one method of regulation of BRCA1 thymus, spleen, ovaries, and the mammary function remains to be seen. gland during pregnancy (table 3), lower levels being found in the mammary gland during 7 25–27 BRCA2 puberty. All of these tissues contain prolif- BRCA2 (located on chromosome 13q12–q13) erating cellular compartments undergoing dif- produces a protein product of 3418 amino ferentiation and it has been postulated that acids. A low level of homology is seen between Brca1 functions as a regulator of diVerentia- BRCA2 and other proteins, just as with tion. Because parity is known to confer protec- BRCA1, with only 59% homology with mouse tion against breast malignancy and Brca1 is Brca2.2 Most of the homologous regions show raised in pregnancy, it might be that Brca1 only weak conservation. An eight times re- irreversibly alters cells, preventing their re- peated motif is present in the region encoded entry into the proliferative cycle and so reduc- by exon 11. Each repeat is variably conserved, ing their opportunity for malignant change.7 suggesting that the core sequence was dupli- The subcellular distribution of BRCA1 has cated eight times during evolution, but that been and remains controversial. Complicated many of the repeats are now redundant.21 by the lack of specificity of the currently avail- http://mp.bmj.com/ Within exon 3 lies a region with weak similar- able antibodies,28 29 the problems of working ity to the c-jun,22 suggest- with preserved archival tissue and the presence ing a possible role for BRCA2 in the regulation of various splice variants with alternative func- of transcription. A further small area of mouse tions and localisations are full of pitfalls. Brca2 with 95% homology with human BRCA1 has been claimed to be: (1) BRCA2 was shown to be able to bind to exclusively a nuclear protein30; (2) a nuclear 23 protein in normal cells but an aberrantly local- Rad51, implicating BRCA2 in the DNA on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. repair process. And finally, a motif with ised cytoplasmic protein in breast and ovarian similarity to the granin consensus sequence17 tumour cells31; (3) a granin motif containing has also been described within the C-terminal protein with function as a secreted growth region of BRCA2. inhibitor17 32; and (4) most recently, a cytoplas- To date, no splice variants have been mic protein found in tube-like structures that described for BRCA2, with all the recognised invaginate the nucleus.33 Because the function mutations causing truncation of the protein of BRCA1 is likely to depend on its intracellu- product.24 lar localisation, this area is of paramount importance. Experimental observations of two Tissue distribution and subcellular separate mouse polyclonal antibodies raised localisation specifically against separate regions encoded by KEY POINTS exon 11 of BRCA1 suggested that BRCA1 was + BCRA1 and BCRA2 are temporally and located within the nucleus of normal cells, but spatially coexpressed in some tissues. excluded to the cytoplasm in sporadic breast + DiVerential regulation by ovarian hormones and , and in certain breast and of BCRA1 and BCRA2 occurs. ovarian cell lines.31 Contradictory evidence + Subcellular distribution remains controver- soon came to light with the description of sial. BRCA1 as an exclusively nuclear protein.30 In + Caution must be observed in interpreting this case, several antibodies were used, both antibody work until antibody specificity is polyclonal and monoclonal, and in all human absolutely confirmed. cell lines, and breast and ovarian cancer cell lines studied, a nuclear dot pattern of staining BRCA1 was seen. However, this staining pattern could General opinion on the tissue distribution of become non-nuclear by altering the fixation Brca1 mRNA in adult mouse models agrees conditions used in the immunostaining BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins 239

Table 4 Intracellular proteins interacting with BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from Putative site of interaction

Protein BRCA1 BRCA2 Function

Rad51 Within exon 11 C-terminal region DNA repair agent BARD1 RING motif and C-terminal region Interaction not described Unknown p53 C-terminal region Unknown Maintaining integrity regulator Promoter of apoptosis p21Waf1/Cip1 C-terminal region Unknown Cell cycle inhibitor

process,30 thus suggesting that the variations in (table 4). subcellular localisation being seen could simply + Most of these proteins function as cell cycle be caused by fixational artefacts. This does not, checkpoint regulators or DNA repair agents. however, explain the initial findings of nuclear + Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 might be in- localisation in normal cells but cytoplasmic volved in a regulatory cascade involving localisation in tumour cells, given that the fixa- these proteins. tion conditions were identical in the two 31 settings. BRCA1 The granin consensus sequence is not well Reported to localise to discrete, nuclear foci conserved between species, which implies that (dots) during S phase,30 35 36 BRCA1 is associ- it does not have an important functional role. ated with at least two other proteins, Rad51 Also, it is noteworthy that the main antibody and BARD1, within these foci. Human Rad51, used in this work, C-20, has since been shown a homologue of bacterial RecA, is a nuclear to crossreact with the epidermal growth factor 28 29 protein that appears to bind, either directly or receptor. Finally, and most recently, indirectly to BRCA1, being characterised by BRCA1 has been suggested to be perinuclear nuclear dot-like staining appearing in S in distribution, residing in tubule-like invagina- phase.36 37 BARD1 contains an N-terminal tions into the . Again, this distribu- RING motif, and a C-terminal sequence with tion was dependent on the method of fixation,33 significant homology to the BRCT domains of and so currently must be viewed with some BRCA1.12 16 Both these proteins complex with scepticism until further confirmatory evidence 16 36 38 is available. BRCA1 in vivo, although significant cell In all of these studies, the main concerns are to cell variation in complexing was present with Rad51, suggesting that this interaction is tran- that the specificity of the antibodies used and 36 the fixation techniques are uncertain. Within sient in nature, even within the S phase cell. the controlled setting of cell lines, the antibod- BARD1 interacts directly with BRCA1 in vivo, ies appear to label a protein consistent with with this interaction requiring the presence of BRCA1. It would be foolish to assume that the RING motif and at least some of the http://mp.bmj.com/ 16 within the complex intracellular world of terti- C-terminal region. Missense mutations of ary structures and associated interacting mol- BRCA1 disrupt this interaction, suggesting ecules the same reaction would not be altered that the formation of BRCA1/BARD1 hetero- significantly, leading to the confusing staining dimers is likely to be a critical event in BRCA1 patterns. To confirm without doubt that it is mediated tumour suppression.39 indeed BRCA1 that is being labelled would Synthesised at comparable concentrations

require purification and sequencing of the throughout the cell cycle, BARD1 polypeptides on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. labelled protein, for comparison with the are apparently distributed diVusely throughout known sequence of BRCA1. the nucleus during G1 phase. All, or at least a substantial quantity, of these polypeptides BRCA2 must be recruited into the BRCA1 nuclear dots Analysis of Brca2 mRNA concentrations in as cells progress into S phase. Whether this adult mouse tissues reveals a very similar relocation occurs independent of BRCA1 or 225 pattern to that of Brca1. Brca2 mRNA con- whether the prior formation of BRCA1/ centrations, although significantly upregulated BARD1 heterodimers is required is not yet during mammary gland development were still clear.39 However, it might be significant that only half those reached by Brca1 mRNA. Con- BRCA1 has been noted to undergo hyperphos- versely, Brca2 mRNA in the testis during the phorylation at this stage of the cell cycle.35 first 4 weeks of life is markedly upregulated Rad51 also localises to nuclear foci in the S compared with Brca1 mRNA. Taken together, phase and must be recruited by an as yet these results suggest diVerential regulation of unrecognised system to these sites. A putative expression of Brca1 and Brca2 mRNA by sex binding site has been described within exon hormones. 36 Despite not being investigated as extensively 11, in a sequence known to be subject to at as BRCA1, BRCA2 has already been suggested least one naturally occurring loss of function to be a nuclear protein.34 No nuclear localisa- missense mutation. tion signals have been identified to date. As already described, within the C-terminal region of BRCA1 lies an area with significant Interacting proteins homology to the human 53BP1 protein. p53 is KEY POINTS well known as a cell cycle checkpoint regulator + Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 are associated and promotor of apoptosis. It would be feasible with a number of intracellular proteins that this area functions as a p53 binding site,12 240 Duncan, Reeves, Cooke

implying a direct interaction with BRCA1 and nuclear dots, and is then transiently dephos-

further functional possibilities. phorylated immediately after M phase, in the Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from The protein p21WAF1/CIP1 is a universal cell very early part of the G1 phase.35 The fact that cycle inhibitor that binds specifically to cyclin BRCA1 is phosphorylated in parallel with its −CDK (cyclin dependent kinase) complexes synthesis suggests that the phosphorylated and proliferating cell nuclear antigen, thereby form is the active one. However, this has been serving as a potent growth inhibitor and eVec- challenged by Zhang et al, who claim that tor of cell cycle checkpoints.40 Via direct inter- hyperphosphorylated BRCA1 is found in action with its C-terminal region,41 it has been quiescent cells and cells arrested at the G2/M hypothesised that BRCA1 might transcription- checkpoint with, conversely, reduced BRCA1 ally activate p21WAF1/CIP1 expression and thus phosphorylation being seen at times of unre- negatively regulate cell cycle progression. A stricted cell cycle progression, proliferation, number of elegant experiments have confirmed and transformation.45 Despite this controversy, that lack of either p21WAF1/CIP1 or BRCA1 leads the phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of to loss of the cell cycle inhibitory eVect.42 Lack BRCA1 is likely to be a significant regulator of or mutation of specific parts of the BRCA1 BRCA1 activity as a cell cycle checkpoint con- C-terminal region led to the inability to troller at the G1/S phase and/or G2/M phase activate p21WAF1/CIP1.42 These cells then trans- transition points. fected with functional BRCA1 showed a The (s) and protein phos- subsequent increase in p21WAF1/CIP1, suggesting phatase(s) could therefore perform the impor- that the activation of p21WAF1/CIP1 requires func- tant task of regulating BRCA1 activity. Already tional BRCA1. This is in direct contradiction suggested for this role have been CDK2−cyclin to the observation that cells from BRCA1 null D or CDK2−cyclin A complexes,35 both of mouse embryos have increased concentrations which have been shown to be capable of phos- of p21WAF1/CIP1 mRNA.43 BRCA1 might, how- phorylating BRCA1 in vitro. Given the recog- ever, have diVerent functional roles in embry- nised association of hyperphosphorylated onic development, as will be discussed in a later BRCA1 and its localisation to nuclear dots, it is section. interesting to note that exposure of cells to DNA damaging agents causes promotion of BRCA2 hyperphosphorylation yet leads to the elimina- Similarly, Brca2 has been shown to interact tion of the punctate nuclear staining pattern with Rad51, p53, and p21Waf1/CIP1. The region of normally seen for BRCA1. This suggests that Brca2 that interacts with Rad51 is contained hyperphosphorylation itself is not the localising within the C-terminal region and shows 95% signal for congregation to nuclear foci.46 homology with human BRCA2. Deficiency of either Rad51 or Brca2 in embryonic mice leads BRCA2 to extreme sensitivity to irradiation, suggesting As yet, nothing is described in the literature a symbiotic relation between these two proteins regarding phosphorylation and dephosphor- http://mp.bmj.com/ in protecting the genome from damage.23 Simi- ylation of BRCA2. lar to Brca1 null murine embryos, p21Waf1/CIP1 is upregulated in Brca2 null murine embryos. In Cell cycle associations association with this, an upregulation of p53 is KEY POINTS seen. Both p21Waf1/CIP1 and p53 are known to + BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression parallels cause cell cycle arrest, suggesting that the loss the cell cycle phases.

of Brca2 leads to defective DNA repair, result- + The time of maximal BRCA1 and BRCA2 on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. ing in the accumulation of spontaneous DNA expression coincides with maximum cellular damage and activation of p53 and p21Waf1/CIP1.44 growth and diVerentiation. Alternatively, p53 and might interact directly with Brca2. Mutation might disrupt BRCA1 this interaction, allowing upregulation of activ- Fluxes in BRCA1 (and BRCA2) expression are ity of p21Waf1/CIP1 and p53. There is little associated with cell cycle phases in both described in the literature regarding the normal mammary epithelial cells, and breast relation between p21Waf1/CIP1 and Brca2 in adult and ovarian cancer cell lines,35 47–49 with expres- life. It will be interesting to see whether, similar sion being induced maximally just before cell to Brca1, functional, active Brca2 is required in entry into S phase, at the time when maximal adult life to activate p21Waf1/CIP1. growth and diVerentiation is occurring.750 From the information outlined above, it is clear Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation that the degree of hyperphosphorylation corre- KEY POINTS lates closely with changes in BRCA1 protein + Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation occurs concentrations, alteration in subcellular locali- in a cell cycle associated manner. sation, and changes in BRCA1 mRNA + Phosphorylation/dephosphorylation might concentrations.35 51 This supports the hypoth- regulate BRCA1 activity. esis that BRCA1 functions as a cell cycle regu- + Hyperphosphorylation is not the signal for lator at the G1/S phase transition and/or at the localisation to nuclear foci. G2/M phase transition. Aprelikova et al claim, however, that no change in overall BRCA1 BRCA1 protein level is seen when MCF10A cells are BRCA1 undergoes hyperphosphorylation in growth arrested or stimulated to proliferate.52 the late G1 and S phases of the cell cycle, coin- Indeed, it might be the case that the actual ciding with its reported localisation to discrete protein concentration remains unchanged but BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins 241

the physical state is altered by the addition or responsive elements in the BRCA1 gene 56

removal of phosphate groups. Protein expres- yielded two possible candidates. Because it is Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from sion, subcellular distribution, and function thought unlikely that oestrogen would act to might all be regulated by similar if not the same stimulate the gene directly, the oestrogen interactions. receptor was cotransfected with oestrogen into MCF-7 and SK-BR-3 cells. However, the can- BRCA2 didate sequences within the BRCA1 gene were BRCA2 mRNA expression has been shown to both totally non-responsive. Both elements be regulated with the cell cycle and associated were highly responsive in the human hepatoma with proliferation in both normal and tumour line treated under the same conditions,57 derived breast epithelial cells.50 53 Similar to underlining the diVering tissue specificity of that seen with BRCA1, cells arrested in G0 or these elements.56 early G1 contained little BRCA2 mRNA. Once An interesting finding in mice is that Brca1 released into the proliferating phase however, expression in the breast is markedly greater in BRCA2 mRNA concentrations rise, reaching a females than in males, whereas Brca2 expres- maximum in late G1 and S phases.50 53 54 In sion levels are very similar. We know that association with this, the BRCA2 protein has BRCA1 is associated with an increased risk of also been shown to be induced in late G1/early in females only, while BRCA2 is S phase, before DNA synthesis, implying that associated with an increased risk in both males this rise is not simply secondary to the increase and females. It is possible that the gender spe- in proliferation.34 This coincides with the time cific diVerences in breast cancer risk associated of maximum cellular growth and diVer- with germline mutations in BRCA1 and entiation.50 BRCA2 might simply reflect the diVerential regulation of these genes by sex hormones.25 Hormonal regulation KEY POINTS BRCA2 + Sex hormones, directly or indirectly, regu- BRCA2 (like BRCA1) is induced by 17-â late BRCA1 and BRCA2 expression. oestradiol, secondary to DNA synthesis, this + DiVerential expression of BRCA1 and eVect being blocked by antioestrogens and BRCA2 occurs secondary to sex hormone cyclohexamide, as above.47 As outlined above, stimuli. Brca2 mRNA expression is induced during + Phenotypic diVerences associated with pregnancy in parallel with Brca1 mRNA. BRCA1 and BRCA2 germline mutations Interestingly, Brca2 mRNA is markedly up- might be secondary to diVerential regulation regulated in the testis in the first 4 weeks of life, by these hormones. whereas Brca1 mRNA values remain essen- tially unchanged.25 The significance of these BRCA1 findings has yet to be elucidated.

That ovarian hormones might regulate BRCA1 http://mp.bmj.com/ expression was suggested by the observation in Pathology mice that Brca1 mRNA expression was sub- KEY POINTS stantially upregulated during pregnancy. Ex- + Specific phenotypic features are associated pression of BRCA1 (and BRCA2) has been with both BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutation shown to be induced by 17-â oestradiol in oes- carriers. trogen receptor positive breast cancer cell + The site of the mutation within BRCA1 is lines.747 In the mammary glands of ovariect- associated with diVerent phenotypes. on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. omised mice, Brca1 mRNA is significantly + The size of the BRCA1 protein fragment lower than in age matched intact animals, but relates to age of onset and severity of disease. can be restored to normal values by the admin- Despite poor prognostic indicators, BRCA1 istration of oestradiol and progesterone in (and possibly BRCA2) mutation carriers tend combination.25 27 to have better overall survival than their Recent observations suggest that the induc- sporadic counterparts. tion of expression of BRCA1 and BRCA2 by oestrogen occurs secondary to promotion of BRCA1 DNA synthesis and not, as was originally BRCA1 carriers and pa- thought, as a direct eVect. This conclusion is tients with sporadic breast present with supported by various pieces of evidence, diVering phenotypic features (table 5). In addi- namely: (1) the oestrogen response of BRCA1 tion to those features outlined below, there is is delayed when compared with the pS2 gene, also a suggestion that breast tumours from which is induced directly by hormone occupied BRCA1 germline mutation carriers are signifi- oestrogen receptors, being more comparable cantly more often DNA non-diploid, prolifera- with cyclin A expression55; (2) the response of tive, and oestrogen receptor, progesterone both BRCA1 and BRCA2 is blocked by receptor, and c-erbB2 negative than their cyclohexamide, a protein synthesis inhibitor, non-mutant BRCA1 counterparts.58 61 62 One whereas pS2 expression is not, indicating that small study contradicts these findings, suggest- ongoing protein synthesis is required for ing that BRCA1 mutation carriers are more oestrogen mediated induction of BRCA1 tran- likely to be progesterone receptor positive; in scription; (3) it is impossible to uncouple addition, this study found no definite relation increased expression of BRCA1 from an with oestrogen receptors.63 Thus, it remains to increase in the percentage of cells undergoing be seen whether a clear relation exists with DNA synthesis; and (4) a screen for oestrogen BRCA1 in this area. An excess of ductal 242 Duncan, Reeves, Cooke

Table 5 Phenotypic diVerences between BRCA1 germline mutation carriers and sporadic breast cancers Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from Study 158 Study 259 Study 360

BRCA1 (%) *Control (%) BRCA1 (%) **Control (%) BRCA1 (%) †Control (%) Phenotypic feature n=40 n=100 n=75 n=75 n=118 n=547

Histology Ductal 95 77 66.7 60.0 74 74 Lobular 0 17 6.7 18.7 3 10 Lobular features NA NA 9.3 26.7 NA NA Tubular 0 2 NA NA 2 5 TLG NA NA 6.7 32.0 NA NA Medullary 0 2 13.3 4.0 NA NA Atypical medullary NA NA 13.3 2.7 NA NA All medullary NA NA NA NA 13 2 Histological grade I 3 23 NA NA 9 24 II 5 33 NA NA 25 40 III 93 44 62 29.5 66 36 Nuclear grade I 0 10 NA NA 4 10 II 8 42 NA NA 23 38 III 93 48 44 34.1 73 52 Mitotic rate 1 3 23 NA NA 26 53 22032NANA1517 3 78 45 56 15.9 59 30 Lymphocyte infiltration rate NA NA NA NA 030 I1532 II 26 46 III 56 22 DNA diploidy NA NA 13.6 40.9 NA NA

NA, not available; TLG, tubular-lobular group. *Control group, 100 stage II breast cancers with the same age distribution as the hereditary breast cancers. **Control group consists of “other” inherited breast cancers, 75 cases comprising 17 with BRCA2 mutations and 58 without iden- tified BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations or linkage or ovarian cancer occurrences. †Control group, randomly selected historical controls from apparently sporadic female breast cancer cases from histopathology archives of department of histopathology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey.

carcinomas has been described58 64 65 and, within the N-terminal region.69 It seems that furthermore, Marcus et al reported an excess of the change in ovarian cancer risk between the tumours with medullary, atypical medullary, two ends of the gene occurs at a sharp and no special type with medullary features transition point located in the area of the within his group of ductal carcinomas.64 boundary of exons 12 and 13, rather than as a

Paradoxically, despite all the adverse prog- smooth gradation of risk through the entire http://mp.bmj.com/ nostic indicators, BRCA1 associated patients gene.69 This suggests that the postulated “pro- are predisposed to lower recurrence rates and tective” domain might be situated in this area. better overall survival than other patients with If this domain is left unaVected by a mutation, hereditary breast cancer.59 64 This might be then the risk of ovarian cancer remains low; explained by the over-representation of medul- however, if disrupted, the risk of ovarian cancer lary and atypical medullary carcinomas within is increased substantially. the BRCA1 tumour group because, despite its The length of the protein product of the on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. threatening pathological appearance, pure mutated BRCA1 gene correlates with age of medullary carcinoma has a significantly better onset and severity of disease.70 The longer the survival rate than other forms of breast protein fragment synthesised (or alternatively, cancer.59 This is also the case for BRCA1 asso- the shorter the segment lost from the protein), ciated ovarian carcinomas, which have higher the earlier the tumour will be manifest and the mitotic rates than their sporadic counterparts, greater the disease severity.70 For example, a and yet have better case survival rates.66 mutation at 5385 (5385insC) leads to Interestingly, BRCA1 associated tumours also a stop of translation at codon 1829 and thus appear to have a lesser degree of in situ loss of the terminal 34 amino acids.4 Patients carcinoma associated with them, suggesting with this mutation present at a very young age that they might represent a diVerent form of (third and early fourth decade) and commonly , with a reduced precancerous have bilateral breast cancers.470Alternatively, a stage and a more rapidly progressing invasive mutation in exon 2 (187delAG), causing dele- cancer. This would or should lead to a lower tion of two base pairs and thus termination of risk of local recurrence in these patients the protein product at codon 39 (mid-RING following adequate surgical intervention.67 finger motif) is associated with unilateral The site of the gene mutation also seems to tumours with onset in the fifth decade.70 be important. Highly proliferative tumours are Because most mutations result in BRCA1 pro- associated mainly with mutations close to tein truncation, most cases (87%) will lack the either the 5' or 3' end of BRCA1.68 The closer C-terminal region.16 70 This loss has been said the mutation lies to the 5' terminal region of the to be the vital step in the development of breast gene (the N-terminal region of the protein) the cancer. What are the domains within the higher the likelihood of ovarian (as opposed to C-terminal region that are essential for normal breast) carcinoma, suggesting the presence of a development? A p53 binding domain has domain that protects against ovarian cancer already been muted to be present within the BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins 243

Table 6 BRCA2 phenotypic features60 Table 7 Temporal and spatial localisation of Brca1 and Brca2 expression during foetal development725 Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from BRCA2 (%) *Control (%) Phenotypic feature n=78 n=547 Gestational Gestational Tissue day 13.5 day 18.5 Histology Ductal 76 74 Liver + + Lobular 10 10 Midgut + − Tubular 0 5 Ventricular layer of brain + + All medullary 3 2 Germinal neuroblastic epithelium of Histological grade developing eye + − I1124Lung − + II 48 40 Bowel (non-specific) − + III 41 36 Salivary glands − + Nuclear grade Thymus − + I510Tooth bud − + II 40 38 Brown adipose tissue − + III 55 52 Skin − + Tubule formation Olfactory epithelium − + 118 21226+, Expressed at high level; −, expressed at low level or not at all. 38766 Mitotic rate 14753of Brca1 mRNA during this time has demon- 22617strated peak expression of mRNA at day 13.5 32730 of gestation, with lower but detectable values at *Control group, randomly selected historical controls from days 6.5 and 18.5.25 apparently sporadic female breast cancer cases from histopath- Disruption of Brca1 during embryogenesis ology archives of department of histopathology, Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, Surrey.60 has shown that it plays a vital role at this stage. Nullizygous mouse embryos become develop- C-terminal region.12 It might be that a short mentally retarded and disorganised, and die protein chain with no p53 binding site present early in development. A Brca1 mutant mouse is less harmful to the cell than a larger molecule model has been produced by deleting exons 5 hindered by an incomplete p53 binding and 6 of the Brca1 coding region (Brca15–6), domain, because the incorrect interaction with leading to the introduction of termination p53 might result in early disregulation of cellu- codons in all three reading frames and the lar metabolism.70 removal of the zinc finger domain. Hetero- zygous (Brca1+/−) mice are normal and fertile, BRCA2 and lack tumours by 11 months. Homozygous Cancers arising in BRCA2 mutation carriers are Brca15–6 mutant mice die before day 7.5 of likely to be of the tubular-lobular group,59 61 64 embryogenesis. Before day 7.5, embyos show with accompanying lobular carcinoma in situ two diVering degrees of severity of phenotypic (table 6). This contradicts the observation that abnormality. Those less severely aVected are the tumours of BRCA2 mutation carriers are of under half the size of their wild-type counter- http://mp.bmj.com/ higher grade than controls because of a lower parts, and show no clear boundary between the rate of tubule formation.60 63 Apart from the embryonic and the extra-embryonic regions. generally small numbers, much of the data The more severely aVected group contains within these studies regarding BRCA2 muta- embryos with no morphological organisation. tion carriers continues to be mixed up in a het- The reason for these diVerences is unknown erogenous group labelled non-BRCA1 related but might relate to presence or loss of other genes such as p53. Resorption of mutant

hereditary breast carcinoma, a relic from the on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. days before the sequencing of the BRCA2 gene. embryos begins on day 7.5,43 corresponding Obviously, this group might contain hereditary with the initial rise of Brca1 mRNA values to breast cancers caused by as yet undiscovered their peak at day 13.5. In contrast, Brca1 genes and so might not be phenotypically mutant mice obtained by of exon 1171 representative of tumours caused by germline demonstrate survival until midgestation, with mutations in BRCA2.64 Thus, any conclusions death occurring in utero between days 10 and drawn from this heterogeneous group must be 13 of development. Thus, the mutants de- viewed with some caution. scribed above have diVerent phenotypes, and although both are lethal, the Brca15–6 mutant Role in embryogenesis appears to be more severely aVected at an ear- KEY POINTS lier stage. This suggests a vital role for exons 5 + The dynamic expression of Brca1 and Brca2 and 6 in very early embryonic survival, with during embryogenesis is almost identical. exon 11 being important for continuing devel- + Regulation of Brca1 and Brca2 during opment and survival at a slightly later stage. development might be by the same pathway. The impact of Brca1 and Brca2 null mutations + Overlapping functions of Brca1 and Brca2 is and the associated phenotypic abnormalities possible, although unlikely, during develop- are much less severe in a p53 null setting.10 ment and unlikely in adult life, given that the Because inhibition of cell cycle progression and increased cancer risk still occcurs even if one promotion of apoptosis are included among the of these genes is normal. diverse functions of p53, the lethality of Brca1 and Brca2 null mutants could be attributed to BRCA1 their inability to downregulate p53 activity, During murine embryogenesis, both Brca1 and leading to growth arrest and apoptotic death. Brca2 mRNA values vary in their temporal and Lack of p53, however, means that proliferation spatial degree of expression (table 7). Analysis and diVerentiation can continue unchecked, 244 Duncan, Reeves, Cooke

and although disorganised and including many BRCA1 protein and BRCA1 mRNA have

uncorrected errors, the embryo will survive both been described at significantly raised con- Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from longer before eventual death. Indirect evidence centrations in the nuclei of human for the upregulation of p53 activity exists, given spermatocytes.26 36 Two possible modes of that the expression of p21 (an important target action have been suggested for BRCA1; first, gene of p53) has been shown to be increased that it is an upstream regulator of the meiotic and the expression of mdm-2 (a gene encoding crossover process and, alternatively, that it a negative regulator of p53) has been shown to functions as a DNA repair and cell cycle be reduced in the Brca1 null setting.43 If checkpoint agent. In yeast, it is well recognised BRCA1 functions as a growth regulator and that Rad51 plays a vital role in double stranded cell cycle regulator, it could be expected that break repair, meiotic recombination,73 and loss of function would lead to aberrant normal replication.74 75 Because BRCA1 and overgrowth of tissues, with the presence of Rad51 are known to interact, it is reasonable to multiple mutations, as we see in tumours. assume that this might have an eVect on cell Because of its regulatory functions, BRCA1 cycle progression, DNA replication, and even has a role in the maintenance of genome integ- maintenance of genomic integrity. rity. Loss of its function will precipitate genome errors, leading to activation of checkpoint BRCA2 genome guardian functions, cell cycle arrest, Similar work has been performed with the and upregulation of DNA repair mechanisms. Brca2 mutant mouse model (Brca2Brdm1), pro- This will lead to protection of the overall tissue duced by disruption of exon 11, and leading to integrity or, if repair is impossible, sacrifice of formation of a mutant Brca2 protein lacking the cells by apoptosis. The argument then amino acids 626–1437. Once again, heterozy- ensues that tumorigenesis and uncontrolled gotes are healthy and fertile and have no sign of cell proliferation would occur only if a second tumorigenesis by 8 months of age. Homozy- event, such as loss of genome guardian gotes do not survive embryogenesis, being function (that is, loss of p53 function) occurs, apparently phenotypically normal at day 6.5, suggesting that BRCA1 might be only part of a but showing abnormalities by day 7.5, with the cascade of damage leading ultimately to main abnormality appearing to be the lack of aberrant cellular behaviour.36 If, however, p53 formation of mesoderm, and the absence of and p21Waf1/Cip1 are dependant on BRCA1 for amnion, allantois, and chorion.23 Again, this activation to their functional states, it is corresponds with the first gestational day of possible to see how the solitary event of loss of increased expression of Brca2. BRCA1 function would lead directly to tum- origenesis by disruption of the whole complex Role in adult life regulatory network. KEY POINTS Although embryonic lethality occurs in all + Both BRCA1 and BRCA2 are likely to have the Brca1 mouse mutants, a 32 year old patient a role within the transcriptional activation http://mp.bmj.com/ has been described with inherited homozygos- cascade. ity for a BRCA1 mutation that would result in + Other potential functional activities require a truncated protein of only 900 amino acids.72 further elucidation. If this patient is genuinely homozygous, this + The role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in the aeti- suggests that BRCA1 is not essential for ology of sporadic breast tumours remains to human embryogenesis. Whether this difference be clarified. would then reflect BRCA1 functional diver- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. gence in humans and mice remains open to BRCA1 debate. Within the Ashkenazi Jewish popula- Transcriptional regulator, cell cycle checkpoint tion there is a population frequency of ∼ 1% for eVector, apoptotic regulator, genome guardian, the 185delAG mutation within BRCA1. Thus, DNA repair agent—all have been postulated as it would be expected that a number of functions of the BRCA1 protein. homozygotes would also be present. However, Within BRCA1, we have already noted the none has ever been identified, lending support RING finger, found in many transcription fac- to the theory that homozygous BRCA1 mu- tors and believed to mediate sequence specific tants are embryonic lethals. DNA binding69; a putative p53 binding site Expression of p21Waf1/Cip1, a potent cell cycle within the C-terminal region12; and the similar- inhibitor, is elevated in Brca1 null mouse ity of the BRCT domains to nuclear proteins embryos.43 This directly contradicts the previ- with cell cycle checkpoint and DNA repair ous observations that BRCA1 is required for functions.11 12 the transcriptional activation of p21Waf1/Cip1.41 When fused to the GAL4 DNA binding However, the function of BRCA1 during domain, the C-terminal region (exons 16–24) development and embryogenesis might diVer, can activate transcription, both in yeast and with BRCA1 suppressing p21Waf1/Cip1 expression mammalian cells. Specific mutations occurring during development to allow cell growth.43 within the C-terminal region (table 8) greatly Loss of BRCA1 therefore allows unchecked impair this transcriptional function.41 76 expression of p21Waf1/Cip1. The level of expression In the regulation of apoptosis, when trans- and the eVect on the cell cycle of p21Waf1/Cip1 fected into mouse fibroblasts and human breast protein in the Brca1 null mouse embryo has cancer cell lines, BRCA1 appears to cause not yet been determined. Equally, the mech- altered morphology, which in the face of anism of increased p21Waf1/Cip1 expression re- further stresses (serum deprivation or calcium mains unclear.43 ionophore treatment), leads to programmed BRCA1 and BRCA2 proteins 245

Table 8 Transcriptional activation by BRCA1 C sors, such as p53 and the retinoblastoma gene terminus41 75

product (Rb), which interact with ubiquitous Mol Path: first published as 10.1136/mp.51.5.237 on 1 October 1998. Downloaded from cell cycle mechanisms. The suggestion is that Relative Construct (amino acids) activity BRCA1 might inhibit growth of only those cells containing either a regulated secretory Wild type 32 BRCA1 (1560–1863) 1.0 pathway or an appropriate receptor. BRCA1 (1560–1823) 0.0 Whether BRCA1 has a role in the aetiology BRCA1 (1560–1803) 0.0 of sporadic breast tumours or not continues to BRCA1 (1560–1778) 0.0 BRCA1 (1760–1863) 0.6 be hotly debated. Despite extensive searching, BRCA1 (1779–1863) 0.0 somatic mutations have been described in only BRCA1 (1760–1803) 0.0 Mutants a handful of cases of sporadic breast or ovarian 78–81 BRCA1 (1560–1863) Ala-1708→Glu* 0.0 cancers. , reflecting BRCA1 (1560–1863) Gln-1756→C+** 0.0 gene inactivation, has been reported for both BRCA1 (1560–1863) Met-1775→Arg* 0.0 BRCA1 (1560–1863) Tyr-1853→stop** 0.0 the BRCA1 and the BRCA2 loci in sporadic 82–84 BRCA1 (1560–1863) Pro-1749→Arg† 0.0 tumours. However, because other tumour suppressor genes are known to occupy sites Each BRCA1 coding region was fused to the DNA binding domain of GAL4 to create a GAL4-BRCA1 fusion protein. adjacent to these loci, it might be that the *Clinically recognised substitution mutation reported in elevated loss of heterozygosity data simply patients with breast cancer. reflects allele loss aVecting these neighbouring **Insertions leading to truncated BRCA1 protein products. 63 †Clinically recognised substitution mutation reported in a genes. patient with ovarian cancer. BRCA2 cell death, while untransfected cells subjected BRCA2, like BRCA1, has been suggested to to the same environment show lower levels of have a transcriptional function. Exon 3 of apoptosis.77 The potential interaction of BRCA2 (which lies within the region highly BRCA1 with p53 via a binding site in the conserved between mouse and human) shows C-terminal region has already been discussed. to the activation domain of Thus, BRCA1 might act as a regulator of p53 c-jun, and has the potential to activate transcrip- function and so indirectly aVect the apoptotic tion in yeast. Lying on either side of exon 3 are potential of cells. Because disruption of apop- regions that negatively regulate its expression, totic regulation is central to malignancy, lack or masking the activating potential of BRCA2.22 inappropriate expression of functional BRCA1 The cell cycle kinetics of BRCA2, although might be central to this process in breast and less fully explored than those of BRCA1, ovarian malignancies (including sporadic tu- appear to be very similar. BRCA2 mRNA is mours). maximal in late G1/S phase, its expression once As outlined above, BRCA1 is expressed in a again being independent of bulk DNA cell cycle dependent manner, with hyperphos- synthesis.53 It would not be unreasonable to

phorylation occurring at specific transitional postulate a similar cell cycle checkpoint http://mp.bmj.com/ phases within the cell cycle, although exactly function for BRCA2 as for BRCA1. However, which, is still under debate.35 45 Despite this, it is simply because the patterns of expression are fair to say that the association of phosphoryla- similar does not give us a good enough reason tion and dephosphorylation with the cell cycle to assume overlapping functions for BRCA1 checkpoints would support the suggestion that and BRCA2. BRCA1 acts as a cell cycle regulator at the G1/S No irrefutable evidence exists to associate phase and/or G2/M phase transition points. BRCA2 mutations with sporadic breast can- on September 24, 2021 by guest. Protected copyright. Given our understanding of tumour sup- cers. As already commented on, however, loss pressor gene function, BRCA1 is likely to of heterozygosity indicating allele loss or function as part of a signal cascade with cell inactivation has been identified at the BRCA2 cycle progression upregulating certain signals, loci.82 85 However, this observation must be leading to increased expression and hyperphos- viewed with caution because it is well known phorylation (or dephosphorylation) of that the Rb1 gene loci (among others) are situ- BRCA1, which then acts at the cell cycle ated in this area, and the loss of heterozygosity checkpoint(s) regulating entry into S and/or M might simply reflect the presence of these other phases and so inhibits cell cycle progression. tumour suppressor genes. Loss of this negative feedback loop, as occurs in tumours, would lead to unhindered progres- Conclusions sion through the cell cycle, with no correction Germline mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 are of mutational errors. causative in the majority of inherited breast and It has been suggested that BRCA1 exhibits ovarian cancers. No somatic mutations have properties of a granin, being localised in secre- yet been described in sporadic breast cancers tory granules, released after stimulation by an and only one or two have been identified in activator of cAMP, post-translationally modi- sporadic ovarian cancers. However, in non- fied, and induced by oestradiol. If this is the familial breast and ovarian cancer it is possible case, then BRCA1 functions by a novel mech- that an abnormality occurs within the actual anism for a tumour suppressor gene product.17 BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene product, aVecting its The same group have demonstrated that over- function and leading to the same deleterious expression of BRCA1 inhibits the growth of eVect as a germline mutation. breast and ovarian cancer cells. This growth Within the next few years the subcellular inhibition is specific for certain cell types, localisation and function of BRCA1 and unlike previously described tumour suppres- BRCA2 should be clarified and, with this 246 Duncan, Reeves, Cooke

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