Women and the Minyan
Committee on Jewish Law and Standards of the Rabbinical Assembly OH 55:1.2002 Women and the Minyan RABBI DAVID J. FINE This paper was accepted by the CJLS on June 12, 2002, by a vote of fifteen in favor, none opposed and two abstentions (15-0-2). Voting in favor: Rabbis Kassel Abelson, Ben Zion Bergman, Elliot N. Dorff, Robert Fine, Myron S. Geller, Susan Grossman, Vernon H. Kurtz, Aaron L. Mackler, Daniel Nevins, Paul Plotkin, Joseph Prouser, Joel Rembaum, Joel Roth, Paul Schneider, Elie Kaplan Spitz. Abstain- ing: Rabbis Baruch Frydman-Kohl, Avram Israel Reisner. vkta May women count in the minyan and serve as ruchm ,ujhka? vcua, Since most Conservative congregations count women in the minyan, the answer to the question must by necessity turn to analysis of the proposed halakhaic bases for why women may count in the minyan and serve as ruchm ,ujhka, as well as address the question of whether women have an equal obligation to prayer with men.1 Following the analysis, a new proposal is offered. The Committee on Jewish Law and Standards permitted women to count in the minyan, and, by extension, to serve as ruchm ,ujhka, in 1973. However, the issue has continued to engender debate and halakhic positions have continued to crystallize since then as the Conservative movement has become more and more egalitarian in its profile. A brief overview of the various stages and positions in the halakhic discussion of women and minyan within the Conservative movement is necessary before an evaluation and new position can be proposed.
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