1300ltIJ~C.R .,J \ ;u.svL PUB LIBI\IATHA H't C tireei Enjoy , 169 JERUSAL;~ Ai/I: I N . ~ ~IC~SVILCE eiJ:NewFoun N,Y, 1160 1 ___ Jors Time Camp ~ -- ..,...,aavv.1 Students Special Pages

Vol. 6, No. 30 Thursday, January 23, 1992 35 Cents Police Continue March Tq·Keep lee Ave. Opell Search For ,By Victor Caputo Thec:han1-0f"All wcarc:.snyingisgivc I.cc a chance'' ed1ocd 1hrough the brisk cold air Rumored Gun · last Sa1uiday as parcnls and children mnr• 8y Victor Caput.o ched from 1.tt Ave, School lo Old Coun1ry ~ass.iu Courrty Police arc still scar• Rd. School to let the district lc:now they did ching for a 22 caliber sawed;off not ;iycc with lheconsultants choice or a shotgun.that was allegedly held 10 the school lo close. heads of, 1\1/0 ,tudcnts,ln the second Residents airrying signs rcadirig United noor bathroom orthc Hicksville High We Suind,·Diyided We Close, Slop 1he !ichool on Thursday, Inn. 9. Politics Don'tClose The Wrong School and PoU~am:stcd a IS ycar-ord boy lhe Siivc L« Ave. man:hcd dO'l"n and across all Frlday,af'ter the.incident took place the major roa~ ttiaulementary students and;c:111.racd h1m ,with·mcnaci11g and would have lo cross to get tothci(newschooL passcdallinforinntlonontothcfarriily The man:h cnde(l al ihc front s1cp ofthe couru. Old Country Rd. School. As 1tic crov,,d or 'The incident occurred after an ·peoplegathc:rtd they began chanting "What alleged fist fight bro.kc out in the Do \\\:Want!' "SafClY,' "When.Do Wc Wani. . ' bathroom between two sJudcnu, It;' "Now.' policc~d. d111wing11 Jargenumbi:ror ."ThisJ~ ..$real turnout, showing thl\l students in1othcb111hroom 10 s«Whnl J-ltekMlle as united!' snid Linda Mirro oft he ~goingon. Parents 1b Save Lee Ave. 01Pnization. Shec . T))c boy whq allegedly pulled out sllid thnl before 1hc boaid votes 10 close 11 ' lliegunwasnoldlrpctlyin\'olvcdinthc • sch'ool, they ; hould have an erigli\erlng fi~ht buracc:o~ ing \P l101ia; ~ a n:port done on nil the buildings. Tha(, she ··,fnend of the one boy who was ap- snys, will giYC the boaril more infsaiil1ha1luidocsnoi'Vlli1tio to come up with a ~istricting plan should Lane Schoo!J. . "neighborhood concept:• M11"illosaid to the sec the children in Woodlnnd movtd. Lee A~uc School be closed. Ape1ition wasbcingcin:pla_tedduring1he corasuluint. A ma;or qucstip n residenls'hnd was !widents who attended the meeting c,t- meeting asking the board not 10 close·any Pfncnder asked how much would it cost whe1hcr it is po5$lblc10 ha,r 10ads.such as Old will sa\'Can estimated S600,00l>'if a schooJ oHaplitlcs andaitudycirthedcmographlcs counted for. Country Rd., Ncwbrldgc Rd., Broadway, closes. , rcporJ, along with a study ofsarcty and a Trustee Helen Laffer Iy was concerned and Jerusalem /'>VC. ~ucsts were made to rind outJrom 1he study to determine thci durability of the about thcboundaricsforOldCoun1ry,Road ;f.he,co.mmittec doc5 not want to sec police wllal arc the worst inte~ions in ' ~ iitrictlnJ plan in.the long run. schoolsuachingaa05S Hicksville rorabour chilc!ren crossing ·railroad uac'ks, nnd 1hey Hic~vil~c. The board w)ll look into 'IL He poi.ni.cd out that his j,lnn was only a three miles. nu,1ces James Bia.ck and h~pe ~cry effort will be maile to keep A resi.dcn1 asked why_ is it pcceuarylto first proposal &JJd could be revised and Rlcjwd Pfaendcr and James Manillo also c:h1ldren at, the scliool c:loscst to them. m~ children ou1 or thcir schools to make cbanscd arqund. expressed concern abou1 that mailer. The Jet1er asked that the cllildrcn in the room for Lee Ave. students. Thep~ wasrnoadi.scwscdinvol\1- Lafferty said that she was con.cerncd Wood~an ...i Memories of ... !! ~ Bill Muhle·. t · !! In 1932ourf11t11ily,consistingo(mymom .:: .and d11d, 'kite and Wllll ■ m; sis1crs, ,- florea~and kJlly, andmysclf,11,'td on the j comer-orWoodburyandSouthOystecBiiy J Roads. The kid nearest my ago lived a half• "" mllc away. My parents decided ro m!)!'C If? ,. Sou1h Broadw.iy, opJ>O$itc ~ ~~ue. Al li; first I Wi1.Srelutla1111o_gobut I quitjcly found ~ ou11hcry~9ulrcafcw~idsmyagelMng -;;. in the neighborhood. Nccills:s510 soy I !)ad .; a very hapP)' childhoi?4 playing with Ernie ~ N,aso. Charlie Arnone and Ed and Jerry ..I McGuanigle,justtonamcafcw. Thcyld50 i liadsistmaJJdwc'dmakcourownfunplay- ing•hidc-and•scck, kick-the-can. ring-a­ ; lcvco. a11d 01her1. After moving into that z hoJllc my two 01hcr.sis1crs, M■ rlc and )ber,Jublalbrudis:(UI) Ludlk, ~ K11,B111,&DCl t1o(-), alamialonJul7, 1987, IA>rill< J Lucille were borp. Iha ID M.-du1"11s, Mane la ■ .p;tal~ Nftl' ~ Kl~ln Arizona and Bltl la.HkksvlJlf. S Dad hacl.~'fOjQbs f~~~rs. H.c~~rkcd at the yca_r, it wuprobably'In tbcc:vlY J?SQs, Station wcm.m. Oi\i: nigh1.shc Eventually Ray ~me a princii>,e) of the got the call to stop all traffic immediately. WllJlting to use a one-story Cape Cod·l)'pc c:amel1omc and told usatx?u1 something she Aicl(svilliUiigh School. b.omc with an empty .field amiss the meet . boughtinancwclo1hings1orcilu11jus1qicn­ Mys'ister FloaJJd I enjoyed m1myanlgh1 About.9:30 II.IT1. movie star Plit O'B_ricn nnJ cd. It was owned by Mr. anr Jones Bead) Stale Park. Adult locw includ­ get a ridebac,k 10,1.he beach by sr:mding on clllllngoneof ourn·ewly acquired Record ed chcusc'ofthcpool-75¢ , use of the pool, a car's running 1>!>3rd. Newspapers, in our prornoJional oo locker-JO¢. Tolls during lhe.scason- How many,or you remember wending a material, 1h·e "South Shore ~ord:' 50¢ included p111king. Off,se~n toll ,as pleasanr C\'Cningal Anstlml's in Bc!hpagc'I • Thcreisonl~oncSou1hShOrcR«ord 2.SC. An:hcry. 1011,rows-10..'rl:dal-boatmg Then l110.ok 1wodtinks tosd me ou1 on chc on Lpng bland • and that is Florence per person .Per quarter hour at Zachs d11n~noor1odancea 'Lindy', now I love to . Eoalcr1'18akttyo1111Ncomnor Brotldl'IY 10d Schwartzberg•, award-wini1ing nel"S• Bay-2~t; Roller skatjng, with your own d:1ncc-withou1 the drinks. Jr you want to WtJt Marl• Slrttl bdorc lbt ••oru ...,, paper of the Ffvc Towns. sµtcs-11)¢. meet.a .101 of fun-loving ,peoplc an!! keep drmolbbed. Sorry for the .error and inconveni- , Working .ua toll-collector I.saw C\'Cl}'.nicc yourselflirnbcr, get into l,!liernational folk• cnc.c..... , day drawing lal]le Cl'O'!'l.dS 10 the bcilch, but 0Jncing. Mywifeand I have been folkdan• the hcadllnc011r Vidto Editor 7/Jnrs In Qn TheStaffQJ Lhcgr,1nddaddyoC1hcm 1111 had.tp btthe last cing for 17 years and I wouldn'.t wam to be dayslntcr Anton PUblic.ulons dmetheycverpu1 on a fircworll~cxhibitlon w11bou1 ii. 11crcw from tbeTownof()y$tc:r,Bny Depart· from thebargcintheOC'CDI); I'm nohureof b fter marrying Glnqy, from Huniing1on /conlf•u•d•on paR• /~ I l

MAIL TO: · • Flla{SVIl.f«E AnlO\) Con)munlly Newsp•~f$ CHECK ONE! SENIOR CfTIZENS RATES Pn.Box 1578, Ml,,..,..,,U, N'f 11501 ILLUSTru\.TED NEWS 1 YR t1 ·-·'-•-••-•-•..$12,00 1 YR "1••·-••1••··~·•~...-..... _ ....,...--,.i S10.50 2 YR;, l'1 ••---•~·--,...__...$2/.2!i 2 YRS ....- ..- ·~ -·:-~...... _.,.$19.~ The Hick.sville-lllusu-ated News ~--1- 1,., .. I to .,.w,,1i,,,10 T1Mt llku.111• lllwflulcdJI... IUS~720) f 3 YRS 111 -···-•---,.-..s30.00 3 YF\S ...... _ .• .._,$27,50 PosltNIIOr. Send addrus cl,ang•• lo Long lsl1n<1 'NA¥E Communttr_Newspape,.; Inc. PA ao,. 1578. Mfne• oJa,,N.Y. l 1~!. Enlored u aecono cluS paid posl• ...DDRESS Please add Sl0,00 per sub:1CrlpUon. per vea, lot addresses off Long Island age al the Poll Ollie,, II ,,uneola; N.Y. and lddf• 1101111 mallJr,g ollle.s undurs, ~Inning The permission slips for 1his CYCnl mus1 in AugU$t 1953. be In to the Youth Council by Jan. 31 . In 1heru1urchepl11ns101mvel andjusl 10 I The You1h Council 'is planning a few take ii easy ana enjoy rdirtment. . ._!:: run activities during winier~. A Sid Mildred Mclaughlin started 111 1he library UBRARY RF.TIREF.Sha'1!bttn tsiilna:ll..,.y5!ntt tb!)ltt.llffll rrom tbrllbruyln 0-mbcr.Tbc1 .; Trip Is plann\:11 for Feb. 17 to Cortlna 22 years ago working part-lime while her all plan lo s~nd llmt "Ith th,lr ram Illa, trattl and n lannd enjoy. " i:1 Moun1ain. On Feb. 20, th'e group will be children were still in school. FiYC years ago (Photo By Rldmd Ewn) shewasaskcdtotakco=thcpublicictallons going 10 \Voqdbury Lanes for an ancr­ Mildred has taken re1ircmen1 in st ride, programs the library orfcrs·ancl looks for­ no.o_n of bowling anl.l1on Feb. 22, the aspect ofth e libmJ'}'. "I really enjoyed 1ha1 job, workingwilh all thcmanydiffcrcnt pco. c:111chlng up on a.II Ilic things she's missed ward to Just taking 11 easy. "I can sleep Jatc council will see the lslanders take on the b«ausc or work. " I spc:nd'a 101 of my 1ime nOW.'·she said. ' Mlnncsola NorthSllirs. On March 6, lhe plc. I miss all 1hc contai.i with pcoplC::' slic grou_p will sec th~ Monster Trucks a1 the • '4fd. , now pain1ing, sewing and reading. I also Shirly Szabo worked nl the library for 26 Coliscum as well.· She said lhat the staff she Worj(ed with spend a lol'of lime wl1h my two year old years, spending Ilic las1 10 years as 1hc1'. w;as great 'and provided for a 101 or fond gr.mdd~ughlcr CalllYn:'·shc said. sccrclary 10 the director. Thc.'routh Council lounscwiU be open , ,memori.cs. She intends on laking part in the many pa(le fofpool. faoz,baJJanll Nintendo on Mon• fconllnurd on 21/ day and Friday af1cmoons from 2:30 p.m.-5:lQ p.m. and on ~csday from 6, 11-m.-8 ?-1J1. ILee Avenue PT.A.Reviews Report They will bc,Sll,tjng a wime ballleague 1ha1 wlll-mcct In the"rnlddle schopl on By Victor Clputo sions about i;los_ings lnsupporu1ble and that the 1dl)c:lcrgancn enrollment pro}ccdons , Mood.iy µlgh1s,and an open ~ ,pro­ Qu~~tloniqg i~eral aspects of the mulcadln1!' ilieysaid. ror,hecrucialscco~dfivc-ycar periodmar .,am that wlll meet on Friday nigh.IS. The dcmographiC$ report delivered to the board The report oullinci problems the Lee be undcn:slimatcd. 1.imcs and loc:atiom ofthe gym programs bytheoonsuhins firm or Bishop and Evans, AycnueJ>TA had wilh the demographic They also feel that using a 90 pc:rccn1 aJ. or information abou1 any ·or 1he above 1hel.ceAvcnuePTAqlllleup,with.1hcirown anplysis and wjrh 1hcir cnrollment,pro• jus1cd opciationql capacity guide docs not mentioned triP,Scan·be obtained bycall­ ~rt, crlliqu.ing uA Study ofthe Hicksvilfe jcctioiis and the school facilities in1-en1ory. allow enough mafB)n for error and that 1hc ios 822-'KJDS. Publlc Schools" thal was dated January • The Ltt Avenue PTA's repon rcprin1s cq~ull4ntsignorcd1hcirownguidcUncsof · 'Gregocy·'¥u5tlum Qegipsi 1992.,- • l!lblcs from 1hcoriglnal c~nsultants' icport 90pc:rccnt AOCwhcn1heyrcci>mmended10 The committee came up with II report, and they ou11ine where ,they found discrc• close I.«, wliich would In 1um put thedistritt Sptjng fourse Ofrerjn~ summarizing 1he problems they sec with lhc panclesand things 1ha~1he consultants, the n~9S pcKCDt AOC. The PTA :!llysJha1 the9S Dr. Cpai:l~'Rockwell, Profc_s~or_of · original report. PTA sa>-s, dl3:4S p.ffl..-5 p,rn. The course will entsal ·Lee. the students at the 01hcr six ligh~on their conclusJons:• they said. a!A:h~l;' and 11J:111hctisJ1!CS1J11 islnJhebcst be held for~ oombincd 15 hours O:nd the schools in the dis1rict, or the lal(j,aycrS:' The PTA saysthal 1hc cost savlngs bcl· in1crcs1oflhechildren.'Withalllhat the PTA fee is 'S6S. • , ~ the PTA said in 1hesummary ofthe report. \\fff!dosingabigschoolandclosingasmall reels 1lia1 tlic consultants' report is in• :rhc goafoJ. the: course Is 10 introduce TJiey said ,that in the•ln1roduc1 ion or school is virtually negligible. complet~ and failed 10 nd~uately analyze tnoughgeologlcal fll~and principles to the consullllnis' report there is no suggcs• The PTA secs the rjsk or closing a big 111 IC!15! foutofthe.ir seven technical crhtrin givc1hcs1uden1 an undcrstaodiog ofthe 1ion that closing a school, or making more school as bc1ng able 10 run out ofspace in for,closing n school. gmcral hlsiory of our planet, Partkulllr efficicn1 use ,of ihc schools will result in rhe next decade. Supcrin1e11dcn1 or' Schools Salvatore emphasis will beglwnJo thcevidcncc 1hn1 n bcuer education ror studtnl5' Saving 'The PTA reels that 1hcpo11ulationgrowth Mug;i~rohassald in plis1meeiing.\lh:11 clos• ·suhwlnl ia1es pllllC ICClonlc theory. money, they say, is nol'mcnlioned ji, 1hc in Iii~ childbearing segmen1 mny be lngaschoolprovidcstnJtsaving.stothccom• cntin: rcpor\, , undcrcstlmat«:!1, tl131 too much .weight has 111uni1y.'EducaLionol,p.-uity, he f~ls helps There arc no prc-requisil~ for'IJ1is ''This omission m:ikcs all late,- conclu- been ghi:n lo.~nrollmcnt projcclions nntl fco nrJnuod 011 pa11t 27) coursc. To,.rcsister, J)lcasccall thc Hicks­ ville Gregory Museum at 822-750S. Outlook or Cantlag~e P.nrk Cantinguc Park will be open for the Engineering RepO.rt Does Not Pass, balance oHhis season said Francis Cos­ grovt, ScillQr,Dcpul~ Commissio_ncr of engineering consullaill 10 review 1hc seven done on every school in the dis1ric1, in­ 1hc Parks and Recreation Dcp;i!lmenl of Residents•Request buildings fornomoretlmn S15,000 in ntime cluding Willet, bcc:iusc we hove a rcspon• Nassau County. span of 1,1ndcr six weeks. slbility In 1hcdis1rict fort he safety orc:vcry .. Engineering Study Thcmcitfon came about aner Lafferty in• child allcnding .the schools:• "II Is our expectation that we will re• quired abour IWO Jc(lcrs written by Nappe Residents- in allendan~ 111 1hc Jan. IS· main open and opcralioilal but we will be By Victor Caputo and Johnson, the cji.strict's architectural board lncctingsecmed 1oapprovc ofthe hir­ redudng_scrvlCC'levcls in lhc future:• he 1hcSchoolBoaqlwasunable1oapp~rove firm, wilh one letter saying they were ready ing ofan cngineering consul111nt. Blaciu:lid said. a vote tlia1 would hire an engine1:ring con­ 1odo lhesurvey and 1hcothersaying that the that he would m1her push back the board Rcsidcn1s have Ulkcn it upon them• sultant to do a study ofall the schOQls In ihc suncyprobablywould not si~lheinrorma• vo1ci11ordcrto find ou1 all U1einfomu«ion selves 10 let County officials know Ibey dis1rict. lion the board was hoplng lo find. the board will need In order to nuilcc the rigl11 will oot 5llU)d for !he park closing. They With Board•Vicc•Prcsident James Mar- Supcrinteqdcn1 or Schools Salva1ore decision. have been chi:ulatlng·peiilions which ask 1illo and 11-uslccArlenc l{udin votins no, Mugavcrosaid 1ha1 the IC)ler,aylng lhal the This 1¥85 the second lime the boaro was 10 k«p the park open. · 'lruslCC5JamesBlack, Rkhrud Pfa.ender arid Information sought afjer mighrnot be what unable to approve a motion 10 liire an Helen L,a(fcr1y voting~ and Board Prcs1- the district is lpoklog for was a lct1er 1elling engineering consullllnt 10 loo Ii al the struo­ Many n:sldcnu lllkc advantage or the dcnr Carole Wolf and Tnutee William Col• the district no(to waste the money. The firm t.urc ofth~ schools to sec which ones mlgh1 • programs offered at \he park. The i~ llnsJbslainingfrom 1hcvo1c, lhetwo•thi~ basbccncontractedby1hedls1rict.formany possibly nc:c

duced wlu~h cap dc::suoy the joint with, atd\rltfs hav.c slrotbr s~•mp1oms1 -a co, .. Winfrey.' 931-7072 or'l(aren Garbus at 935-0646, In d/n,s R.lprd medical treatment can rcct dtagnosfs if mpqctim. Joint spec, Tl'hcrc arc siK 5CSSions. each CO\'Cring one Checks .should,W made payable lo tht ~lfm 1rhcum.11olog1$U) WIii rnnm-c fluid textoook chapter and la.sting •Plll'0Xim:ue• Hkksvillc,Council or PTA's and mailed 10 ,o[u:rJoCorc thi s. form of .mhrltlS1 lytwoandonc-halfhoun, Dales are.on the "Parent Workshop;• 104 Wtu Ave nu~. The: 111011 frequent loute ba(tt:ria use from 1hc Joint. This will help confton followingMonda~Fcb.3,•l0,24andMarth Hicksville, NY 11801. Please include )'llur 10 cmcr the 1olnt Is througq the· blood· the di.lgno1ls. /\dd:1ionally: 1hls 001d can 2, 16and23. Unlcsso1heryrilenotfficd, the name, address,, telephone number nild ,m.·am. rhis tisuallr occurs ~•\)cl1 there be examlneil to rule out other causes wo~kshops will l>c held ai the Hicksville ~hcthcr>'?u~spouscwillbcat1c:nding.Class ts an mfecuon dscwhcre in the bod1•. of the tolm 1nOamruatfor1, High Scllool. All classes start at 7:30 p.m. Sile$ arc hm1tcd. l'hc molt co11'ln'io1' wurcct of these n· Once a utncly diagnosis of lnfccOous fcc11ons arc.the lµnas a11d the k1dncl'1. mhou,- ls confirmed, appropriate an, What Hicksville Residents Are Reading /\dU,11011.tlh•. bacteria c~i1 be: lnttod~c­ ublotfcs can be commcr1ccd, and the Jr- ~d 11110 1hc.fo1111 b,· direct 1n1u1~•. loints 1hr111s cured. · E\'cryweck the Hicksville Public Llbra,y this week arc The Robc.r('F. K.:nncd> takcs;i poll ofwhat booksand movies arc the ~in111ion by Philip H. Milanson, Tfle danugl'(J throu~h p11or lll1ur\' or art!}rillS most ,requested by.co[llmunity members. Best Trcatment,by Isadora Roscnfcldi Jrc t£p· >VS< cptlblc 10 baGrcr1al Archmfs ,wkcs .inc out a{ ;c1't:11 pco· This week, 1hc top books in the fiction Chutzpah by A)an ~howiiz, Lew Ufcby mkction, pie. frJm rhc fJcr1. CJ/I forr,-our com• dcpiutm~nt arcNoGmircr f.ovcby D311ielle 'Luc Sante and 'T}ic Carbohydrate Addicr, 1he >1111jp101m of an 1nfcctcd 1£11111 pflmaiwy copy of '1111: /Jim ApptoJc/1 St~I. Remember by Blllbara Toylor Brad• Diet by Dr. Rachael F. ffellcr and Ot. can ,k-,.'i:lop 1·t:r1· ra111il,!y. 111c: 101111 uw, An Ari/1111,; Qrt'fl7l'1i, .. ford;Sair/etr by Al=nilra Ripley, DQoms• Rlchlird F. Heller. . dayConsp/mcybySidneySheldonand The Top videos this week nrc F:Jriuisia, WJfat Or ltl&:l. ;10 ~$: ~!/:!! Jot! Wc... , tbun-, -.16-00,.bS!l 'lop books in the non-fiction department ding Your Life and 0Utf118t:.

Gin Up The Sall , on ,Lon& ls!Jnd Sl)aker to Rne Lone Island Reduce your sodium intake by l!300-2500 mg. Prepare and eat food ~ithout adding .salt. HEA UN L 1)"1P101""""'""•• 1Mlic ...... , ·~

SAIN'[ IGNATIUS LOYOLA SCHOOi; lfoao,rstudtt1ta prolldlr dJSjlt-, lll'!Jr 'Cd Mcghan Keohane. Daniel Tcrgcscn; from ENCLOSURES very good conduct arc.on the First Honors grade five arc Bridg,ct Donohue; Jon Vaz. • Kohler • Shower Lux List. Siudentl who display,oul5landlng cf• fmm grade six arc Jonathan·s.iutcr, Jennifer • Workrile • Ketchum fon and conduc1 arc on the Effort Honor Przybyszewski, ChJistina Wainer; from ®,Sf.~25Yo Roll. grade seven arc Francesca Aquilia, Mcli$Sll Students-po the Principal's List: in grade Zolcta; and from grade-eight ore Gln~ MARBlf, GRANITE, CORIAN, (!~ OFF rou~ arc Jamie Costello. Mcagt:um Kenny, Palmieri and John Briinnan. , FOUNTAINHEAD, CERAMIC TILE Michelle Maier, Suzanne Smfrh, Lilurcn Student on the Effort Honor Roll is from Rlbficotfoo Avo110ble ALL OF Sullivan; from grade-five are Alnna Amplo grade seven; iamesTurturro. ~ Jing MoteriOIS LINES anll Joscpll Panai;elll; rrom &Jlldc seven an: Congratulations to each or t.hc students. , GREAT PRICESI DECORATIVE FAt.:JGJETS & ACCESSORIES Philadelphia Flower Show Bus Trip The Hlc~vllle Public LibrnryJtasarmng­ closes on·Feb. II orwncn bus capacity is cd for a bus trip ,to the mosi famous nowcr reached, whichC11Cr co111cs sooner. The cost show in America. the Philadelphia Flower ofllictrip. payable Ill 11hc tfmeofiqislration, show 10 take place on f.iarth )I. is S38 ~r person, cash only. Included 11re GREGORY Gcn!cning acro5S'A:n:icrica is celcb!llled in round-trip transportation, admission to 1hc BATH AND KITCHEN CENTER "Horizons fQr Disco~• theeurrcnt show. flower show, rcrreshments In the morning 251 EAST SHORE ROAD • GREAT NECK . Fifiy ,ma)or landscape displays and the (lunch is on your own), IU)d gratuities. A creation of 18ofthe nation'SIOP. nower ar­ movie will be shown on the bµs on the way 516 487-1975 Ample Parking rangers arc among ihe Cllhibiu in the nowcr. home. Hovrt M ,.... I• II\.• !,'"""' ,u,~., • ~ ttl'"'•Mt .., .t,t.1.• 01'1 ,.q.,,.. °'1Ht~• LI(. UII 1l to (0,,.,ll'lt."llt c,._,. to, J m.llu . Crcu ,,.·of'th• m 111.c, e.ll¢0fflH r..,, f>o• Jto, o 1·• •m• ~ ,,1, op?Qtill• v,,1dt1 , .,,.. t. show's six acres. The bus leaves HicksviUe all8 a.m. Md Rgistrat!on for the trip swis Feb. 6 and lcavei'Philadelphiaatappraxlmatcly4p.m. I COMMUNITY CALENDAR Friday, January 24 • The,s1, Bcrrrard's.or lc\•ittown Widows and Widowers will be holdingp Sociables Dance at the-'Elks Club, 80 Barclay St., Hiclcsville. Admission is S? per pcrspn and includes an open bar, -cake, CQff~ and con1in 11ous d;lncing.J1 will tali,!! P,~ from 9p.m,1 a.m.'Funhci infoi:mauon can be obtained by calling 483-1707. ~ Bccauscofthcgrcutdcmand rorthc the MRP Mature Driving Clan, the r-_,;;;"---....:--::--~--=------:::•~ =----, I Hicksville Public Library is offering the cou.rse today, from ~:30 p.m.•9:30 p.m. Thcclassc-sarcforresidcnuSOandolder, i Attcndees'must attend both classes to nx:ci'wl: acertificate. A fct of$10 is payable to AARP. Completion of the course qu'nlifics studcn1s for a 10 pcrccnl dis­ J 'COunt on11ie collision portion of the in•. "' sumnocpmniurns. Also. aucndccs will be entitled toareductlon of four poin1s from 1-. their driving n:cord5. Applications arc, !:l no,w a\11ilablc at the library. Sunday, January 26 i • Thcstuden15, facuhy andparcnuof Holy Family School would like 10 invite thccommuni1ytovis!t 1hcschooldurfng Q11holicSchools \Vcek. They will be hav. inganopcnhousconfrom IOa.m.-noon PICJ\JRED I.ft stu'tltnb who made lk principal', list at ibt Hkknlllt High Scbuol . .From the top, tdt-rlabt I.ft d1r I.1th aradt, 11 Ill cradc, 10th with guided tours. The school will ,be cradc and 8th aradr Prlndpil'~ List studrntL open for visitation fromJan. 28-30, from 10 a.m,-2·p,m. Holy Family is a U.S. Department of Education Rtcogniud School of Ex.cellence. Principal's List Aud Honor Roll Students. • i'he Hicksville Historical Society will be holding a Sociables meeting to In• HlchvilleHiahSd\ool!spkasedtoa.nnounc:,c Stcr Bena Den.I Burnafaio JmnJrcrChlddo Nancy C:uonlna/Wn awhJlow" Ma.we Cwnosq"kl dramati£J!rayerscrviccinyol~i:sacastof. disp!A)'C!I in the maiq lobby ofrhc hig/fschool llobctt llcnt~ D,nld Byrnes John Christ Elizabclh D~o 20-J01Ncw 'lcstamcnt characters and a (names and pictun:sc), Jaaiudi!lC Bergeron Thol!wBVITICS liclen Ch,hrodoulou • Dinam,mdio .. small ensemble ofinusicians / llicy will be Congn1111la1lons io thc following big!, school l'llul Bermudez J0:1nnc CadoyiUJ Bill CMstofidu Shannon l>'Amlco auditionipg for aciors, singers, liturgical studc,nts. Mao:o Bcmos ' Ro,lrma Caldtron Hubct1Chu Thonw D'Angdis dancers and muslcians.•To audition, Gina Marie Abamo Jcanlne AriOIUI Prtallcnins David Cbung CbrilDa~,ki i,:sidcnts''should' 91mc prep~ wl,lh 'a Jrnnle!itifAbamo ~Anal• John Beys ~:~~ Eilc'Ouna Kimbeil)1D.ilby AmiAbfiham Mith.id Atharuu!ou sbon piece ofmimct~rwlll cxp~bcir D.anld Bianco Maurillo Calle An1hooy C'ia«io Etol Dal;piu Jojey Abraham Micmle Avmano ltt$1uw Bi1cnu RocioCallc Theresa Cia.rlonc Fillz D3lpiu voice Bnng m11$ic or rccorcfcd'cassctrc Ralph Accardo MdiisAAvilcs Kdly Blackman MJti11w>Cammarol1 Lori Cimino Anna l)l~1on . for accompanimenl:ShoJt 5¢pu will b;e. Ar&clla Adames Darren A)din!an Jonathan BJ.ucr ' Evan Clm~nella Danic;slllifned by~!li ng Erin Mllric Adam.t Michelle.B,ltl lnyna Blauvcll Kathryn ~pion< Clorindo Oriallano JUOR D.unmcs S63·1816. l : • ' Midlad Adclstdn Kimberly Bahrtnburg ErlcBlicb:r Ed,.in C1111lcs Cbrill~ Cirillo Joshua Danfonh RobynAhcm Jmnircr Balnu OitgoryOlind Ckncsyc.nalos UviaCirillo Da.riidD:imiit,ki Monday,;J~J}uary 27 ....bubua Ahmed WlUbm Balnis Morpn Blochl HC!lry Canales Angd11 C!vitano Mkhad IDauoma • Tikvah H&ddassih "Annual Jc!',Visb l>aii.sc Albert Chris Baltas­ Qublian Bloom John CAnnluuo >:ci1hChnq Scou D.. .an National Fund General Mcc:ting" wiJI· 1 Roshan Alaandcr SpirosBalw Brian Bluth Siobhan Cannlwro Patrick Ct;1k Teresa Dl1vls talccplacea1 noon. ft 't'illbcaminilunch, Monica Alcundru 't'olanta l!Atan /'llco!e 8o0cafola KmCtnnone Dcl>orah corr,y Lyn~~ Dawid.dalt at rh'e Midway JcwuliCcnter. There will Kristan AJ!llCSµn Anronl~a Barbosa Sharoo Bodt Krist[ Cannon< Dcnhc Co!Tey • Jlllim O,iyncy be a film on brad and the guest sp:calcer, J~hAllc!l Dan Idle Barile Mom!ith Bogan Vintcnl Canon> Thonw Coffey 0Jmnlfcr IDiyncy, wiU lie•Nancy Cohen, N111!ollal Rcgio'! • Darud Allocco Danldlc Barlotta Wlllwn Boiko Dennis Cantalupo Angjlina Collui> Erin 0. J\rigd11 LbaAhhin "'1cr Barlotta D.iwn BolcJI Chrlslophcr Capd J.uminc Coloa 1Au111 Dc:·AJ1gdis V,P, All residents arc invited 1.0 altcnd. , Mauricio Alwm; Jo1141h&n Barlow M11fBolC11 • ~f,cl)dc Qapu10 Rim Colon , ~ilDcAn&tlis ' • The Hicksville Public Library's Donna Ambrosio SaRll&nwd Don llonifazio ,Philip <;&puto. Jr. Stacy Corpo!U T11111kl 0: Ddlo children's room will present an Evening S1uJos Oanldlc llany S~Bosc GuyC11lonl Mary AM QljfdUJ Anthony De Josq,h • sessions will include stories, singing, Mat1hcw Anello Kenneth Banuulw Frank Bouiua LalicCvoun Pamda Conlon Dennis Dr J..ooOOSOr a Fm: seminar Your C:briuyApdcr JanicsBa1...... tl MwCILIWIO Mlchlel !lei Perdo on "Selling iHta1her Apo,1olidis Nicholas Baudonc Yakrie.Btctl Ronald Ca.itlllo l.orc1110vndl Daisy Ddpdo Home In Today's Markc1:• :ropics 10 be. Jolrnc A~tolldls Jessica Beaulieu. Cvloiia Blli>ct Gina ~roaiCMMI JC!lnifcr Comdo - Kmdiie [lcmanino discussed will Include how to prepare Brian Apostolo SaRh Bcaullcu Midad Brlndlsl Todd Cawuano Mlcbmdo P!illip Deillce • your home for showing. Glenn ,A,aioncmo Robc:rt lk-..t Johnny en-, Atthur CalllnWiu KetriuOiat.fo .PamdaCok • Anthooy IDcSltfano will be holding tbcir,rcgular meeting MwAllu Ryanll«m M'CllernB\abal; • Hcnnindcr thldha Tunod,y COIU&DO Erib Dc,int (~ont/nutd on pof• Z7 I Maihcw 1'rlct. Kristy Bc!ncr Borullellidlhcit Sandt'cp Clwnani Jtnnilcr Comland ( cq~llnu.rd 011 P

;. Rc$1den1s fearaU$1.Cri1yandhowil will af• containing 3,168 s111mu urcs llgllin.stt he clos• · ::i fcctchildsafdy, AnothCfpcrsonaskcdirlhc ing or L« Avenue: c boa!i!wasboundbythcconsul1an1srcpon. : Wolf pointed outlhattheboard isa1k!n!l ., A 1cacber in Hick.svillcwro1can anicleip .:: for all diffcrcnttypesof reponsandstud1es. Ncwsdaf 1ha1 concerned 1he PTSA. A ,.:; "\Vho i$ paying for 1hc rcdistrie1ing c:on­ rcprescntativc·of-lhc P-TSA jisked ir the f $u}lan1? I 'hope the bo:ird broush11 1.­ ,dtstrkt was a)Yllrcor theardcleand what ii : chcckbqQk;' read ano1hcr card. intended 10 do. "I did not agree whh wlial .. One tc$iden1 asked the board 00110 splil 1he 1eac:hcr$ald !>ut I willdefen!l.hi~ ngh110 s1rccts if at ;Ill 119sslblc. say it:'-.Said MUlljl\ffl>. ,sayipg 1hat I he district ~ The Ltt Avenue PTA r=n•cd the board is looking into the m:ittec. ":' with n 29 pngc critique or the consukants "ThisscJ,ool closing proccs5 has been go­ i dt'fllogr,iphic rcP,On, sa~ing,that 1bcrt are ing on for l8montl)s:indl)as101llllyinfcaCJI i nawsln 1hcconsullants d%tn, They asked 1he lhecommunliy. I wan1 ioput:ic:losurctlns ~ board ngt 10 con,jder the consullants andgct onwilh the task of hclllingthccom• j rccommcndatlon. • munhy and educa1ing the chil!lren in ,ihe :: A petition was prcscnrcd to tbe board, districi:•·Mug:ivero said.

1 1141 11 ~ Rumored.G un r"""' "" '°m pa,• 1 • , .o , _ _ , . t mart John 11", HDMi'd Olllt'a ud BIU)' Strlkri. , jE- police------dcpar(ment, -==------Dlscipline·for 1he students inV91vc:d, where -~ Whatcvc:f(he IS•}'Cllr--Olil pulled OUI ana they decided wJi;tl, ifafi~ , type of disciplinary Dlustrated Helps Reunite wng Time Friends i pointL'Cttding with heard a voice ·on the other end S!IY, "Hello station, )llbiclt you might have rc.td abou1 in t-d for the SCC!JC and rel riC\'Cd it'la1er on. I heir invcsiig;11ion unlil they rccover the Howard Olsen, lhis is Billy Strikcf.' theHickSYille lllustratcd News:i fcwmonihl Policehaveconiioued their search fOl'lhc firearm orwl1111cvcr..i1 was that WllSIIC· Wow! What a surprise as it was the firsl back. A tiank now $lands on 1he- properiy qllcgcd gun. 13ttfugar!'ro 1:iid th:11 this i.s .-he first town. asked Billy and John Uss, Jrom Port S1 . ~urcthe gun 0ti$tcdand th11t as it stands now, time since he has arri_;,'Cd that he l]as heard Billydidnoihavc(imc1ovisitme.ashewas Lucic, 10 join us. nobody,rcally knows wha1i 1 was, ii could of such oh incident, gelling ready to go back 10 his liome In BiUyand John rcmtmbc(eachother from hnvc lx-cn:a ~al gun on toy gun. Police ha~ al5o s:iid tha1 there have n'o1 Mel borne, F,.t.. I quic1clY. go1 a _pencil and school daysanil :ilso liavenoticcn each other ,\1ug:m:rolllsosaidlhlll thc5ehooldh1rict been an unusually large numbcrr of calls to paper and joued down his adcmss. I plan• for over 50.)icars. We were not only school held :i Superfntendent 's. Hearing on lhc high sclipol. ncd to visit him on my not trip-to Florida. kid1 togetlier, but in recent years, hnvc This past December, when I visited Paul some1hing else.in common. Bickfprd in Yero Lake Esllltcs, FL., Paul and ,BillyStrik'er"i.,asailboat enthusiast; Paul I decided 10 visit Billy Striker. Neither Paul Bickford w.isacommcrcial fisherman. John nor I h11d seen Billy in o~r SO :;cars. When 05$=ionally1akes~ut fishing parties on ' we an:h'Cd, Billy was'glad 'to set us-and in• his boat and i$ a Pin Hooker(a Pin·Hooker vi1cd us.In. . is one who fishes With a pole and•line) and Usullllyinsituatlonsofthis na1ure, I am \ I am;tnErlcr, Pin Ff'ookerand I also smoke a real mo1ormou1h, ho"~r; tltis time I hnli eels and all kinds of fish. ·Now don't,ac1 to take a back scat because I couldn't gel a, smart and ask ore they hllrd 10 light or which •word in edgewise. Paul Dkkfo!d,,his 'twln end do I liglnor,which end do I puff on. I ,brother Norm;m a.nil Dilly played toge1her ~moke 1hemin the smoke house I built in m)' as young kfds. Billy sp0kc :ibout how they backyard.,Well I gucssyoucariimagine1ha1 played un thetraipsinthernilroad yard and there were many various tales 1old by nil' about how they played kick 1hc can in the aboui boats, the sea and' fishing. strec1s, along with rhcmimyothcr,runtimcs It was an enjoyable gei together and I will they had. I most enjoyed li~1cping1011)cl0tt· be looking for more.schoolmates to join u;. and grea1 respect these grown men hadi lf)'OU wintcror live in Florida, especially in HICKSVILLE LEVITT! shown when they spoke of each others the south east ponion of 1he state. pJCllil' Don't miss this Levitt Ranch with Its endless potential! Liv• mother, llS well as their own motlier. • drop tnea line and let's expand this group. ing Room. Eat-In Kitchen. 2 F.ull Baths, 4/5 Bedrooms, Den . They spoke about how1heirmothcnsang I will belooking forward lo hearing from ) 'OU or Olning,Area. and Coverea Patio! 2 S/!,ylights! Oulel Block! duet In the Community Reformed Church and hopefully gccing you. MY address i$ Great Horne! Great P.rice! where BIiiy's father ),V3S the Past.or. At one Howard Olsen, 10 Ludlow we. Hampton time, mybroJher Peter Olsen.and l,wcrethe, B~, NY 11746. PTA Hosts Annual Founders Day Dinner TI1e Hicksville Council ofPT/\s will hold lier, Mary Beth Bcc~and An:hlna Bungert. iJs 39th Annual Fo~nders Day Dinner on Woodland-Linda Soviero, Sue DcFrcita, ' Thursday, Ftb.27 at il\e l!enal.ssanceOalaxie and Gus Brog!c. 1n PlalnvJcw. , Middle School-James BcU1 Harold Buck This year's Dimict Honored Guest is and Maureen Traxlc:r. Ricliard Hogan, Principal or Hicksville High School-Mary Sue Carr, James ijlgh School. Mr. Hogan, n graduate of' McRoy, Peggy Gill and Peggy Theis-. .Hicksville High ·School, has long been a Sl:PTA-Mauiccn Kraemer and Andrea s1nunch supp0nerof PT~cfforuon bchlllf Wei.sbcrg. or ouMiudcnts, The Unit Honored· OucstS ,al tl]lS)•ear's Tickets for 1he dirincr l"ill sold until Feb. dinner arc: 10 nt S28 per pe110n. The cocktail hour will Burns Avenue-Mimi Paeuky, Llnday, b:cgln,11 'I p.m., followedbydinner:u8p.m. Modifica, and Kathy Rini. ro pwchasc ~ur tickets, pleaset9nl3CI your D1.11ch L anc-M;lrgarct Lynn; Mary local n'A foun_dcrs Day Chairperson, Jan Masterson, A,driaitne Rosatrberg Phyllis, 1 Mullee (822-8214) or ·Joanne To ich Zollo. (931-0218). Journal ods are lllso availablc. East-Steve Tomaini, Dcnise Mingin, ,frcpe Personal boos1ers (Sl,per line. 2 line m'°'· Man1ell, and Sue Sacllman. imum) , as Well as business card size (SI S) Forlc- uurie Haddocl1, Nancy Rui.si and quarter (S2S), hlllf (S40) and full page ad.$ Anlla DcRlicc. CS80$mny~purchased. Toplllccllflad,con· Lee Avenue-Judy Berzins, Consurncc ltlCI your school PTA, Phyllls Zollo Ma11cuso and Peggy Ryan, (681-S453)or PcggyThci$ (681-6935) by Jan. Old Country-Maiion Mi~haels, Pat Cot: 31. Tke Seacrest IDiner.;.Restauvant WE!ACCEPT . invites you to its AMERICAN EXPRJ:SS ITALIAN I

Lobster Dinner Introducing ·Special J-I/I.Jb111ml. ,. \~lrit Ftrrl({I }IJKUJ1 n"ta Special Broiled Whole 1 lb. Lobster 99 5 R"'°' OfnnCT spcodal lnducl . . . : ...... •• . : .• . .. $6.95 For Dessen1 Frult Pie,_Je~o, Chocolate Pudding, l 1/2 Roast Spring Chicken w/Stuffing & Apple Sauce . .•..... $7.95 Ice Cream ot Plain Yogun Baked Bluefish Plaid .. . , • .• , ...... , ...... $7 ,95 No Sharing Broiled Boston Scrod w/Peppers, Onions & Tomatoes •. : •.. . $8.95 Glass of Wine - "$1.75 2 'Broiled Pork Chops•w/Apple Sauce .... . , •.. .. , ...... •• $8,95 Broiled Fillet of Rounder w/Pep~, Onions & Tomatoes .. . $9.95 MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Baked Eggplant Parmigiana w/Pasta .. . : •...... , ...... - . $7.9S . • EXCEPT HOUDA VS • MUST BE•SEATED BY 5:30 Italian Meatl?.a!Js w/Spaghetti . ... . •...... $7:95 P.M. ' HOUSEACCOUN1SAVAllABl£ BREAKFAST. 'LUNCH • DINNER WE ACCEPT AMERICAN • BIIJ.ED "10NTHLY OPE~: SUN. TO THURS. 6 AM~2 AM FRI. & SAt.6 AM-3 AM - • - -=~------.,_,--.....,,=- Adamf"imlct RtbccaGci rilkis AdimOrippl RotiulHoa Je,.gca Kaiser MldladKncmcr Jamcs LF'IWimmocu Robcr!Gc:blwd ·s111wnha Grossman MarpmHoran TbomuKaldcbcr Elu:abcth Kmnf(f E HonorRou Btlin Flanlp.n Ra>c,:Oa)ffl Ji\On M~DEnria/11 Palqulle fi:>rc:111 Sa>itOil~f lnnldlc Hapn 'lobbk Hu$!1fn Ra)ah~i • Christopher Langloj, e Chris\oph RlloJ)O!llil$ 'Chris Oloia ! Sutanne. Haines Sc;o11 Jiulduruon 7. AlCl!I ISamJ OjoOOl'l<' Soriia E"nrlquo. r111 Kean ElliabethlalU.l i ;\lichdldJohert)' , Jimmy E1pino.r.a Nadine f'olOl)OUlos Vcncs.1a Oion11JJ1) Johr.Hitcy James Hunlc Chri1dneKw Miclud u~uia l11e,;t,lbffl FouQnl Emlin P-ino OJron Christina Huulcr ~ ThomliDoherty Ml}l)'~IO Chrutophcr Hamann Brian Kearns )(lmbaly lapertOQ Ra)iN)nd '1,,\-,kr Mirtlla Oiron V®jlica Homay~ Elizal>eth H)'dc ~ J~~citl Alldm,: Elttgi~ JCIII Marie Kecv!iu Jennifer w~ln Lisa~ Dal~~•! Maureen Hamel stwo./ JIIICU Thomas .!Ctt\ins D.\l"fl wortg.1 =[)Q ! ,d i)om<)' Anthony &ttginro>"O ,David Olwi,n Susan Qouo:11< Jlld:ic Elicnnt ~ull Fr.anchtno Chiullnc Hamlin Elvis brrrinaJA UllluKdlcr John I.anon Kl111balie OIOYtt Julie lfamroa John lkooomopoUlos • Chulq l)oughcny JancEiitr Magqui Hammar Kri$tylb¢i C111i.11ophtt Kdl)' C)ujsjk IA!piria ,;_ ~ Doughcn Sharon Fttilctldi, lmpmlo l)mniJl(dJy i! ~1lflll Dourouph R-.r,abriiq Cinda Oh,m~ Dornctri Hmbmbidu Jmnlfcr Orqory Lalin! E Nikolaos Douroupo-, Rooer,f3pn Rus!t!IFrty So;ofl Ooq1clp,.111n Tracey ljarlill Cari lngm.sdlino James F. Kelly Clndy,l..111.0 • , lctmlicrly boi-·n.. 1\1.crfillln Kri11ian Friedridi Manhrw (',old Brian H11kin\ Rdbcil lnaru,d5no JamtSO.Kdly LiulAIZO ShannonFrla. p ;ivid Ooldn:11n Dina Hams George ln1dis:ano K.1hleen t:d(y Johnny Lau a SanDolln<> l>IIICS'FamtgJl,urk l.i~nrdl An~• Fulfaro Amaijda 001 z Wi]liam Hll\"C)' IAumlO\'t'nO Abc)'Kcneth ~wo Anthony l\lim ~ ~ nllr:I~ Justin F:lirdlio \\'mdy Fu1CO Pau!Ooma Loi~Ann HU!(II Al!Jly Kennh MlcheUe lnl'ln Dd>orah Slwinon Faulkner Benjamin Fyfe Ciiolina Oolizakz Micjlacl Hllllln Willilm Irvine K.evinlet!illcm 12r19utKhan Ji)OIIIII Let Grqory ~to.sich 01llld Ooooirich TaraH«l:kf Chit11opl)et fames OavldKharl Tat \\bong Ltt Ca1h)'V. Du Ktrril'fflcrc JCU\11 Jama l,,un Ann Dub«h Usa Fctzuson JdTrcy G~lin ~in1< KdlyHeycr I.Aura Jennings Oarrdl Klr:a Daniel Lien f~ricl>urjun lnomasFrco Manfrcdy Jcru JohanM Easley ()ffg2fYFiaJia Collffll Oird11tt AdamG,t)\oril DanldOrun Ro!emar}'H1aum Elinbdh Kmpp Shanooo Unneiwi AndrN(i,aynof f,ancpOrid Olen JlirqJcy An&tlJim v;a1blyn .Ka,auer Ocrard tlppc,1 OlfflHin,.d DwtaJlm lla,iamfn Xnighl Mlcliad Uppen "'1crHoan~ BillJfmenu ·~l(nia/11 lmnillcliJ)$011 Edwin Hodk!n19n NJco1c JunroaJou Boan Knippcobcrg Scoc1Upw· THE KOMAl!A J311d Jiocnlgnuruf llcq)caJohn Jeff~ JCnlppenbcrJ J~U~gslOO JOMC1Ie Ho,rmann Liio Jolm-,Bapdste, N'rcole Koerber MldiadU>'Obi INSURANCE AGEINCY C!iristlna Hoffmin Jason Jobnn Chrisiopbcr t:oea.:r Winslon lodirid1e fDIICUHoffman , AndrNI Johnson· Tracy Kodttr Joseph lombri Jttinlftt Hoffmtn Dawn Johnson Stepbartit Kopp Dillla lloffmann W.: Joh1U011 Allion KolDlki ~no \Y.tlicf Hoffmann_ Maura Johnston lrcce Konsc:wa1os DwdUlll&O Brya,,Hofr~ RobcnJOtWon Lariuo Komn:y Mlchadlonao ~I furry Hojnonki Robert Jordan SAndraKosnwt Btiaoi.-nis Midiad tfolland MarkJovlc: Dawn Kotowia Jo,epb Lopardo Scitn Holla, d Eun Youn& Jung Anthony Koulouru SIMnlim T1ion\as u, 11 ~ae.Sung Jun, Ste>,: Kourk!Jumdls Oilltt111.owry Dav,·n Hoo..:ct Eliz.abclh Jurgcrurn • Dean Kouuownbis Shannon l.uw Vinca11 He-: ,ck J'tl,r ~IUkJ Ma,pmKnbbda Bobby John I.JldemlM CAthcrincll?fl ZtrKabashi JCIIJ!if,r Kraemer (conllnu•d qn pog« 10) NOW ACCE~TING JOHN E. KOMARAi, JR. REGISTRATION 675 BROADWAY MALL FOR CONGRATULATIONS! SEPTEMBER-1992 516·938-3737

AUTO • HOME • L11FE • NURSERY BUSINESS Hicksville resident Jim Burke has,just • PRE-KINDERGARTEN • SERVING HICKSVILLE &. completed another succes.5ful yw after • KINDERGARTEN JERiCHO FOR 15 YEARB joining Hicksville's newest real estate of­ • CONVENll;Nt:LY LOCATE:D AT THE BROADWAY MAILL lfil 2,3,5 Dar Programs fice, Re/Max Central. f says 1992 will Mornings, Afternoons, • AUTO/HOMEO.W~RS MULTI-POLICY, DISCOUN!T be another, gr~t year because of low Full Day SHslo,na • SATU RDAY OFFICE HO.UIRS mortgage rates. . • IMMEDIATE SERVICE Ca/I For a Brochure and 'an Appointment To Visit • • WE PROUDLY CARRY. N~TION- ' WIDE INSURANCE PRODUCTS JERICHO TPKE. -1\1 NATIONWIDE· WESTBURY, RFJMAX CENTRAL REAL FSTATE 33~·1144 '1J. !~lJ!~~!!~i! 88 BROADWAY, HICKSVILLE -Transportation Avallable- HAlWJi'tl~ft.t:¥lH~'o'l1J~nn~ce · cowMeus. oliip · 938-7188 . ' iiow WeD DoYou Hear? i.. • )11u t:an h~ar ixopll' ,ixak tnll lind,i1d iflkull 10 undcniland all lhc word~. • Ynu fr~4u~n1ly u,,k ~npl~ 11, r~pcul 1h~111:,Ch·c,. • • l'nd~rs1:1nding ~11n1w,a1ron~ in .1 nni~y riiom ~~m~ Ill~ gening impossible. Ta~e the.first step to better hearing.

Call today. Now.accepting appointments.for this .: • WednescJay, Thursday, & Friday

Hicksville 195 N. Broadway 433-0300 ext205 ,

$_Jgj}l/fll~ HEARING.Alo' SYSTEMS • A""""'1<)lhC 10~1 lo oeWIT\'II<> .l"1C)i '11Jt()HDAPIIIIUDI211H-, 23,()(X) Ml...... , ...... 1 1111 U9773 'II f'OAD TAURUS SW, 55,()(X) Ml ...... '6666 . li9e19 '90 fOAD f-350 unurY IODY, 25,()(X) Ml...... , ...... '1 ...... ' , U9808 '91 f'OAD AIROSTAR 7 PASS., 9,738 Ml ...... ~ 13,418 . -a: .. o:r 1 t~" .. U9607 '91 fOAD AIROSTAR. 7 PASS., 11,000 Ml...... ··" ··· ...... 13.... U9609 lti MaCUR'f COUQ.All, 11,000 Ml...... '1~ , . ' LE..lME 1 . -"·· l/9617 '91 FOflD ESCORI' IX WAGON, 13,()(X) Ml. , .•. .••...... •. ....•. •8418 U9781 '91 MUSfANG IX 2 DR., 10.000 Ml...... •.' 1111 U972A '91 MUSTANG OONIIBITIIIU, 17.000 Ml..., ....•...... 1 13,911 U9742'91 fOADPROIE2~17,000'Ml...... 1 1...... , ....'9611 . : . OPEN .. U9618 '91 f'OAD PROBE 2 DR., 13.000 Ml...... "'9881 U9611 '91 MERCURYSAILE4 DR., 15.000MI...... '.. ... , ...... , .. .. 11'1,611 , · U9780'91 MBICURYSAllU DR., 15.000 Ml...... '11,611 U9612 '91 MERCtJR't SAILE 4 DR., 10.000 Ml.. .• ....•.. , ..•...•.•. : ...'12,288 , NDAYS 1 1------1 U9740'91 THUll:>BIIIRD, 16.000 Ml...... , ..... 11,681 • U9718 '91 THUNDEIIIIRD, 9;800 Ml ...... , ...... ,.112,384 Up To U96S2 '91 THUNDBIIIRD, 9,200 Ml...... ,., ...... '12,311 ' •1000 U9683'91 f'OADTAURUSGUDR.,11 ,000Ml...... 11,611 U9719 '91 f'OAD TAURUS GU DR., 1~Mi...... '11,611 CASH BACK U9720'91 fOAD TAURUSGL4DR., 1 Ml ...... , ...... 11,611 ______,;....,.. ______---,1 ON SELECT U9725 '91 f'OAD TAURUS GU DR., 12.000 Mi...... '11,611 MODELS. U9776 '91 FORD11MPOGL4DR.,8.000Ml...... : ...... '1311 I-'-----· ----1 U9m '91 f'OAD T'NIO ~4 DR.,DR., 10~ MIMI ... :\ ...... , ...... '8211 l/9916 '91 F0IID T'NIO - 4 15,.,..,., ...... '7111 U9778 '91 ~10PA'U DR., 6,000 Ml...... 1 1611 U9610 '91 I\BCUR'f TOPAZ 4 DR., 10.000 Ml...... ~1411 U9750 '91 I\BCUR'f TOPAZ 4 DR., 8.000 Ml...... •.•..•...... •••..1 1111 4.8%, U9Tl9 '91 r,&CURYT0Mt4 DR., 13.000 Ml ...... '1211 U9620 '90 FORD AlllOITAR VAN, 21.000 Ml..• , .... , ...... '1411 Pl.US FOCJR(4) 1990 l'0llD 1150 CARGO VANS ···Ask~Oo.i~Money80eltGuarcn1e.e'·· /mnlfor M~ng Counnty Mu.Jlfn Donldlc ~nilk Ktm ki'nhirdt Louis$dl Che1J1111h1ha Ne,llf Mcrtado llelhtnnc Murplty Thomas Ormond Alloon Rtjov.'Ski John Sdlnc:r 1imnl)'Trinps HonorRoll Heat!ier.Memirfo Quiuopber J; Mutphy JohnOnllni Chnstincl!dla Doroihy Sdltnrdch Smud Trinps, PalqciaM~ Chrislophcr T.'Murplty K Joseph Miu Angela M'idc A=ndaMUia! s~uir Pinci'ii Maria Riven John Siinoodlo Lisa '\'Karo -!! Sbc;nncn Mac:co ilarir,a Maurtr" Gmslmos MibalaloJ AmandaM1m Thomas Rilffl Lomlnc: SimoocUo AlnnY.tldhia James ~fJtkln Paul Ma)'ef Thot.nis Milani Sain&nthi Mim ~~uU. Edward Rhcirt Andrew Slniooacbl R.!:Mo Valdivia t Paul Mackin , AIO1ou JO\Cf)ll Riu1'l Christine~ Jo,g,l,~inl r. RaY1'1(lt1!1 Mad«' C!liisloplicr Mc Auky Erin Millet Lynn Ahn Myron loannls Pa113yannis MkhadRlz.to Basi1los Siozlos Kd1b Yan Doran .: Btian M'1&« lifrnbcrlY Mc Aill,y Mari'sa·Ldli Miller JC11nlfd Nqlc Andr?w PaPJl"I l.uaR.obbizu James Sl\fflson Trja:y_YanJwlat ~ Call)lc Mq« Anada Mc Call11111 Danielle ~finkort RaJi.cNait . Soula PaPP"S Craiglblbe)' Sa.io''~kty j Collc,:n Mia« Cluistophcr Mc Canby Sl~Mltro Oco,gc Nauer Sajc;sh Paia1halh Eliubcih~n Mati!li ,\larroQe : K.dly'Ann Maitt uurm Mc C.Utlty F.uida Mirul ~dhy2 P.inlh~lh J01tph RobllOO =~8iian Smi1h Emlli> J~ \'a$co Me!in>Mahnl.'i:n M~1'1cCormkl' PtltrMiLU ~:~::mmonJ•~ Min Park Mich.Id Rcbison Denise Smilh llian ,Yuco ,. ~n,ssa Mahnhn Jalllouwens i Catol1nl'I .\lit.Im Mary Mc Fcdy OawnMolaky Damone Ncy,:ion ChuP.usaro Nancylloju Lba$otilh Anthoey V'ianla :: D,a'!d M~m Todd Mc Gee Oanidk Moium JoscphNich Ntha Patel ~s Jlool.1n LoriSmhh • C:hrislophcr Viar ,. Abbie Manddl Frank Mc Oeough Joseph Monlll10 MdluaNigro \laldchl P.ild AlanJwnwidli Jmolfor SMdtdy Rayniond YICIOr a . Houhcr Mandta i;c,&n Mc Clnnls RalphMorucra Nico Nigro MeenaPatil Katen Romandli KrutinSneyd Mia ,Viqoriano ] JcnniferMandua Chibloph Mc lncrllC)' .CindyM/Jon Diana Lynn Non ThonwPanmon Ddmis Romano Laura SllO'!\'IScn Jennifer V'..sd i t:aur.a Manio Michael r,tc,lnerng! ""°'Mor.ict ·Ocoigc Nolan J~hPaui EMnllomano Derpik"Sohf Roben Vlslionc TlJmi2 Miruicilc:o Brian MdCcc Robcri Mor.,c,: Janttli\eNollro Sandra Paul Janlnc Romano M11kSoij11W1 Mesh Vi) JCflnifer MaMl Kdly Mc Kenna, David Morales Marie Notaro • William Pavlo\'ich l..)'11.n~no Allilon Solomon Johll Vlllanl Chrillinc: Manolakcs TtmQ!hy Mc Kenna Emory:MoraJI K.Ylitrinc Noco t,fcliua P.twk:zal Theresa Ronwio William Sol!lmcr Jeanine Vince!,1t John Mansueio Jamo Mc uughlin KMnMOflany AnlhOII)' Nora Lauricl'w< Kllhl«n Romb1eh Sum«1 Sondhl Wllwlm VIOia Jennifer MllllD MlchadMc uu~lln Ma11hcw'Morillo Junc(Nuu.l Jason l\ldonc Robcn Rombxh Naialll.'lSono Kristoffer Vbconti MktiAd MIKhCfla Aqdrrw Mc I.Dughlin Lob Mouradjan l:rfn o•c~uahail An1hoey Pdlt11ictt J)rianR.ooncy 51/Jcy SutOm3l'Of Chnslopher Yoccola Joy Mfflhot Rldwd Mc Mahon Dcmeirios Mou~dii Kelly Ann O'Conndl Sln'Cfl Pena Krislin llponcy JOlq>h Sovl:ro l.hal>b=la John M~n Nancy Mc Naman lnnielMoy )CtllyO'CoMOf Im Pindcipsl Y,ltync Rollud1Ud YalSl)MW'O Ma!dlCWYou ,Mkha~I M1tdn Pamala Mc Neil Jaaiuclinc MO)' $mn11Q110'.l(ccfc N',rolc Pltnclbds Julicrlnc 'ru)opulo$ Barbu.a ~ Pumi Anll'OCIC Nora '~• Alicli Rllnclel Cart Sdllcfern O;tnicl Sdticifmieln Grrq T',adcn Maro 'lbuu12 Ziman l.ouls Zollo c,11 For ~1llim6n1 Maui Rthauq Kdly kw Sclafani Sus&!l Toumour Jcnnl(er ZambilO Mldtad Zollo Located Next :To 380 North Broadway ,\lellTtlllChlna Harry Zouros PathmarJ{ Suite -313 Brian Rdlly Krillin Sclafani •Robgt~ll 932-9131 PGrolhYR.n11y Brfan Scccto 1lMf Trantbin& Brian Zddm AndtewZll~ St)opplng Center HlcksyUle, NY Jmdll'apmo CbrisliartZUDC Hours: M.-F. 9-9 Sat 9-6 ~•ryRdUy JalOCI Scpll Sll4YZeidm 11 Amy· Rdiihard1 CaricSdcr Goo:ll'COplldo KarenZdkr ll&rooZ)'an '1 e aa~a0taie

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t • Lc-c.tcntolhcedi10rvc"-dccmcdbrN11011CotMWIUlf~pm.Wcrcscn,:1bcrtghc1.oedil1n1hc "-.:51 indudc •n •ddn:u •nd dJytlmc frlcphoncnumbnfo,,'fflhCJOan."'1t<)nJlat!M11 •ndkt1cncONkkmltnpoarwtcWlllnocbcprin1~ ;f}p_inion We unnoc publilh ~'ff"/ kt1et we rctlom. §r------===---,------_:;'=-~=------, .! Letters Not An &sy Decision ... Why Are You Interest~ In school lo close. Redistrict the elementary ClosingEast Street? population for educatlonal and economic goals. However, mab: sun: thllt the dosed Why a~ ,ou so intent on closina East St. schoolandthencwboundaricsdono(man• The education and sqfetyofth uhildren must be the main considera­ School? Why have you bolated this one dlltc thatchildm! walkorridcacrossanyor tion ,Jhen deciding on a school to clott. school? An Board or Education member, the notoriously dal)gcrous Intersection), you should at least havcthcopmnessto'vicw 1uch 11S Broadway and Old Country Road or Schon/ closing,rand redlstncting are never an easy thingforacommunlty all schools as equal. Th!sls not sowilhyou. Newbridac and Old Country Road. Ever)' ' to go through. In the end, no matter what school is closed, somebod;:,, will The age orEast St.Schoolshould not be intersection, whe1her larac or small, is a be affected. an issue. There arc many old building threat to a )'Dung child. and there is no es­ around. The Empi~ State Building is oYCr caping the raa that all our childlffl muse The School Board'm,w look at all iriformation possiblea11ci reh!vant IOO~arsoldandstillqulteuscful. HEastSI. cross some strccu 10 JlC1 lo school. NC\Cr­ to a school closing, making sure t/iat the decision reached will not ,~arm has bttn maintained properly ,throughout thdcss. 10 blatantly disregard the visibly life. (hecommunity)'earsdoll'n the rood. The neig/iborhoodsc hoolconcept, the ~ars, why 'should there be a problem thrcatenlng crossings of,ome of our local ifpossible, must lie adhered to as much as possible. Children shoul,d n6I now? In comparison, East Sr.School would spc:cdW11ys Is unconsciollllblc. 1>robably be the best structurally sound. hove 10 be bused :several miles to auend an elementary school. I urae the Board of Trustees for our Many ofooroldcr homes .tnd buildings were Hicltsvillc School Distric:l to investigate all local politics should not play a part in school closings. Th~dedslon built much sturdier than now. I hope aspcc:u rclcva.nt to thudedion of a school your request for an engineer's report 10 close. I urge them to retain the safest nnd as to what :school shouldbecloset;J should bebased on what isbest/or the back.nrcs 111 you b«aUJC I haw: a reeling cojt1111unity as a whole, nor jl/St a particular section. " most well-constructed buildings for our other schools will be In much worse shGpe chlkln:n1ousc. I wgethemtorctllinthemo$t When a decision has been reached, the community must come togt•ther; than East St. economically adv.uuageous buildings. I urge Why is this Enginccn Rq)orJ only being thcmtomalaccvcrycfTortforcducational cx• whatever the outcome, ondfocuson providing the children in thesdlool reques1cd now when it took Ihm! months fOf districtwithrhebe:stedua,tionpossibleinorderfor.1hemtotoketheirp/0C'e ccllence for all the children in whale-er the Consultant's Repon7 And since only buildingthcyarcassigncd to. HOWMr, I Urge fn society. three weeks remain rill this rq,0n is vorcdon, thi:m, abo\ie all, 10 maJcc whaJC\-erdcc!sioru howdo )'OUCllped 10 gel'Dcomplete analysis TIie School Boord has a very tough decision to make and needs 11,,e In• an: ncces.sary 10 tc«p our 'chlldn:n safe on ofal l buildings? And why did the Board vote the strccu to and from ihcir schools. You put oftheentlrecom/'Tmnity to mokeo decision that will benefit theetlu<:a• rohin:1hlsconsulwtandn0tcvcnconsldcr cannot educate a dead child. rion the children receive. 1hcir f'CCOllllTlmdations7 You'\/Chad East St. • Ml!!)' Elko Mackay School set in your mind from the beginning Open Letter To The as the school to close. Something is w:ry wrong after spending Sl 2,000and 1101 even Hicksville School listcnlng lo w)lat they'w: said. According to

," un...-..c...-....,...... ,u. LON<;; ISLAND COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS IJi..... \• "l,l\' 6.\,'-'~'" "•Ut\••""""'''!ft.l• ....Ull "1 '°'1t.._• lo\"""""""'°• l,flC.,..-, -.n"'-"•ft\t~• CJn._qifil'N'"­ • fl\ l• i'"h• t)',; ..1"-U. l1 ..,,,_-. • 1i... ~IIIN"T.-.,l,,t-i,.• .. • · ..,., .,,_, Wu x • '4.. ,"-~ ~ Ntt• l~M1l) llll!l....,_.I ILLUSTRATED NEWS I 1~ 1Nil ' 1ili, n"'k l• ◄ • $,1'¥!.l,.ti-.l• , 114y ~ • l.l...i,_., 1'1'•1>.• • flvt,~ ,t,,Ln.t.1.,tll-...-..-,_.,._.,.. Pit ~ ""1.io flk'Ul'tY • ~ t:wfll,, founo.c,lil'\ --0,,~ald.l,.-'--pM , .., ...... lH-,.' ◄ " ' ·-~~, -~,.N')\.t -~•1.-,., • ..... _-_____-1"<--- .,,,.,.,_..... ANTON Vlcto, c.p.,to EOllOR -Ddtuo..1. 1<. PUBLICATIONS EDITORIAL STAFF \th,""'-­•~..,._~,.. la.it"-'-""•• Pt,• bl.. ,n IJiltn.)vt ~ C:.-.1.lli~ O

A Coping And Caring Rosenow, the foundalion's cxcculive dircc- Conference tor,csaid. . ~ ThcJ.ong Island Alzheimer's Founda- The 1rces will be shipped postspaid at the 1ion, Inc., L:IAF, and lhe Long 15111,id right timcJor, pla.rttina between Feb. I and Unh-ersi1ycen1eronAging. LIUWA,havc M:iy 31 with ~ncloscd planting instructiqns. I an~ounccd plaDJ ror an all-day cjonfertll~e The six to twelve inch trees arc gu:imntecd i entitled: Coping and Caring, An lnforma­ 10 grO\\' or they will be replnc.cd free of ;i tio!]al Conf~n:ncc for-Famllles Dealing.with charge. ' ., a Alzheimer's Disease and other Rela1ed 1b become a member Of the Foundniion WEARHOUSE 0UTL~ ,. Pemcnliiu, on f-cb. 8. -and to receive the tree. sen~ o•S10 member­ Thcconfer'Cl)cc will be held at Hillwood ship contobutio.n to'lcn lrces, National Ar­ OPEN-TO-THE-PUBLIC -3 bor Day Founda1ion, JOO;Arl!or Avenue. Commons, in The Cinema, with rcgistrallon Women's Coordinated and C0!'1linen1al brcalcfas1 from 8 a.m, 10 9 Nc,bmsJm City, NE 68410, by Jon. ll.. EMLV SIRQ•RATES Sportswear a.m. The kc)1101e :iddrcss will be given by Liver Foundation Joan_~- Mackell, M:A,. NY Univcrsily Now Awllable .. Mcd1caLCcn1cr~ Aging nnd Dementia j\ierits Award Rcscan:h Center. Al 9:35 a.m., nDfognosis The 1:ong bla.rtd Chapter oflhe American EEATURING: and Treatment workshop will be led by Or. Liver Founda1ion was presented with the ifei!n Schulz, geriatric p_s)-chiatrist, Nonh Crystal A\\'3rd at the Founda1ion's Annual i.Jniqli~ Week" Sliore University Hospital, and Or. Lo,ry Mcciing ill Chicago for raising S25,000 in • Jumpsuits • T?PS = Brighl;Long; director of LI Alzheimer's 1991. lhe award was presented to Long Disease Assistance Ccp1er, SUNY, Ston)'. ls!and Chapltr P"':sidcnl, Rh9da Bl!ch1, by • Sweaters • Blazers .~i Urook. ' ' Jam~ ,C. Oimm, chapter reprcscn1ativc to NEW! ~ Al 11:()S a.qi .. two workshop~: n Home the National,Board. Pick Your • Stirr.ups . g Caret))aily Living Worl(shop will feature: The Long lslonfCl!IIPler, cs1ablishcd in Ow;i Daysi Natasha Saltzman, ACSW, director of 1981, hos become a strong prcsc11ce ln the Call For De~lls '-p.._x ! Social Services for Selcctcarc and Karen area 1hrough its mon1hlyeduca1ion andsµp, I • McLaughlin, Social \\~rk Case Manager for port group meetings as well as fundraising, SFtE9JAL WINl'ER ! the EastEnd Community Sc1Yfccs. Inc., and cven1s. 'This year's Annual Dinner Oanc.-c "SPECIALIZING Understanding, Nursing Homcs/ P,i'tient/s and Auc1lon, honoring trnnsplnni surgeon CLEARANCE Rigli1s Workshop will feature: Vil'llinia·Bdl­ Charles Miller, M.D., lsscl1cduled for Friday, ' IN THE ing; Sciilor Placement Services and Evelyn May IS1h. ON ALL . Welnstcln, program director Ombudscrvicc • 'l]je American l:.i1~r found111lon i, the on• YOUNGER Program. These 4S-ininute worl5shops will ly nntlonnl •'Oluntary health organization MEflCHANDISEII be rcpca1.ed. Following a buffet luncheon al d~'dicatcd 10 finding cure for liverdisensc by .CAMPER" 12:15 p.m., an Elder La"( lssucs:·.A Legal supporting rcscan:h, providing profcssio11nl CASHONLY - Workshop will feature atforneys Penny and public education programs and pro­ Kassel, Im Schneider and Daniel Fish. The moting li~-er v.'Clli1el$ nnd aw:m:ness. 1..ar·:t .. tl 2099 JERICHQ'TPKE. final workshop, Insurance; Mcdigap/ 1..ong For more informa1ioii al!out the Long NEW HYDE PARK '\CtmCare, will bel¢by AlexHcrzeOdnnd Island Chnp1er and iu upcoming meetings "(516) 334-1144 (Bohlnd Jorrii11< Ccrr,ttiat,111) Timothy T. Crowley, ofBerkcly A.ssociallon a.nd evcn1 s, con1ac1 1he chapter at Scrvi=i. · . 516-543-27~. Jericho Tpke. 775-1775 ,For rcser~l!OJlS a!'ld inform111jon, 'Call Westbury Hours: ;'fuos.-Frl. 10:30-4:30P..m, 767-9446. Housing Services Opens Office Theatre Benefit The Board of Directors of,Lo,-ig Island Nowhere is ii wriucn 1h111 Angebof Mer­ H,eusingScrvlccsannouncal 1heopening'of RICHARD NADER'S ANNUAL • ~ cy can't have fun and fivcofihem will be ap­ our Nassn.u Cou11ty Extension Ce,-i1er propriately hilarious in the mus.icalcomedy localed nt 9Ccntre,Strccl in Hcmpste;id, /Vunst:nst: on Feb: 22 in a benefit pcrfor­ l..ongJ$land Housing Services staff will ¥alentine~s SlioW ,inan~c tor the New York Staie Parks Games provide housinscourucling in 1he following - -.~err ~ for the PhyslClllly Challenged. dlscipllncsa1 the Nassau County Eiitcnsion TJiccurtnin'o)C 247, Landlofd/Tcnant;"and referral 10 govern• Babyl~n. NY 117?2or byphonca166?--l(lOO, mcnr and private housing and social service ClllCOStOn 29S, ' . , pro_gmm~. For further ihform111ion or lo purchase LrHS' Housing ln(o-1.inc .for Oic111s ii ticke1s, call the Games ci_C(icc a1 (S16) (516) 582-2727. LIHS'lfoll-Ft'ec: Housing 669,l()(t(}; cxlcnsio1129S. Discrimination Hotline is (800) 600-6920, - Suppo.rt.Group, .. The ~tension Center's l>ircct Telephone TI,c'J>an:nlJ;>f'A,,¥n ~WIL1tlc<;hlldrcn Sup­ 11/umlx,r is (516) 292,-0400. port Group Jill m~t III Schnciderbiildri:n's LIHSisaU.S, Oept. orHousing&Urban HospiJal .of ~}lg Island Jewish Medical Ocvelopmcni certified ,housing counseling ·Cc;nteronJan. 30, 7:30to9p,m., ,room 337. agenc:y. LJH S docs 001 chargcn fee for its Elsii J. .Roe, MD, coordina1oroflhcS~H services. Ptdhurlc As11ima Center, will discuss Peak Nassau N.O.W~ Offers ~low Melen and Cathy Fairwcntticr, Support. Groups .' , Care rcprcscnlatlvcofMetropolilan Home NassauN.O.W. is sponsoring a free series Service, will demonstrate tlu:.Dura/Neb Por­ offour consciousn~rnising groupl(S$ions table CompJ'C5SOr. A question ~nd answer for women who ha~bccn subjcc1cd 10 sex­ J)l:riod and rcfreshmi:ots will f~llow. uul assunh by men known1oihem. Sessions Those in1ercs1ed In ancndingsl)ould res­ will focus on issucsassocia.1ed wilh recovery pond by Jan. 25 to (718) 470.3300. and prcven1lon. They will 1/C dircc1cd , Ten FreecTrees 1owards encouraging wnmen 10 cope wllh , Ten free 1rces.wlll be given 10 each person the aftermath ofsexual a5$11Ull wilhoul self• • who joins The National Albor Oily Founda­ blAmc. lncn:ascdscnsillvitylopre-;usa~lli\'C tion during January. cues will be stressed, 11$ well ns how to han­ The free trees arc part of 1~e non-profit c!Jc a thre:uening situation. Foundation'slrees for America campai811! Through the sharing:of cxpericnccs. Thelen uccs 111'1! 1he Su81/ Maple, Whi1,e sroup members will become aware.of the FlowcrlngDogwood, Pin Oak/ White Pinc, violence inherent In unwanted sexual ad• Red Mnple, Birch, American Redbud, Sih-er' vances and free themselves of unwanan1ed Mapk-; Red Oall and Coloraifo Blue.Spruce, responsibility for 1he.ir victimization by "These t re~ were selected to providq others. Thc.,mectlngswill beled by a leminut benefits every 'sea.son of the year: lovely psychotherapist, over four consecutive spring Ociwtrs, cool. summer sl)ade, spec­ weeks. Your Community Newspaper is Deliv~red By tacular autumn colors and winter berries For more information, and 10 register, cnll Your Reliable Letter-Carrier f I .and,nesling shes for songblrds:• John 1he Nassau NOW offic~ at 485-8902. - l ! I CAMP & SCHOOL I ~ Friends ,Academy Begins S.ummer RegistmtiQn t- Friends Academy Summer Programs i.n sessions to both bpys and girls ages eight Campcrs participate in ?uch activities as Mini.Camp program. According to Camp ! ,Locust Valley is ncceptlng applications'for through ,14 years. ;J'hego;a.ljs to instruct and backpncking, IC!lting. can~ing, oricntcu- Director Bill Dalton, ''Welook at the sum • .. r1sGcntra!Crunping Progr,un,SportsCamp 1odcvclopsclf-conITdenccand skiUs within ing. cooking, f~hing and mountain climb- mcrasachlld'slimcto~havc.fun,mak, =: and P,ionccr Piognam. Summer Prog.i;1ms the camper's abilit ies. Head coaches anii ing. This programm is designed tci teach some new friends and lo'lcarn more abour '! arc an inicgral pan ofFriendsAcadcrnyand some nssmant coaches arc usually P,rofcs- campers t.o learn about and appreciate lhc t.he activities tliey an: participating in ~, . ~ onM6ndny, ~une29, the camp will pcgln its siopals or collegiate or sctpndary school environment. Campers return to Friends on camp." The Summer Program office is open , 24ili season under lhcdircction pf William, COll.ches. In tlie·S110,rts P,ro8RIJI, campers Friday afternooi\s in time to spc.nd the Mondatthrough Saturday, from 9 a.m. to .., J. Dalton. select a,norningspoitandan altmweaftcr- wcc~nd with their families. 4 p.m: Parents intc:rcsted in infonnation or ~ ThcGcneralCJJripingPrognup,forooys noon sport. Each session ,lasts about two FricndsAcademySummcrProgramspro- in ·visiting camp may call Mrs. Patricia ~ and girls ages three !hl'Ough 12, provides a hourS'an