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1300lt<J'i30292ll80l -.>IJ~C.R .,J \ ;u.svL PUB LIBI\IATHA H't C tireei Enjoy , 169 JERUSAL;~ Ai/I: I N . ~ ~IC~SVILCE eiJ:NewFoun N,Y, 1160 1 ___ Jors Time Camp ~ -- ..,...,aavv.1 Students Special Pages Vol. 6, No. 30 Thursday, January 23, 1992 35 Cents Police Continue March Tq·Keep lee Ave. Opell Search For ,By Victor Caputo Thec:han1-0f"All wcarc:.snyingisgivc a chance'' ed1ocd 1hrough the brisk cold air Rumored Gun · last Sa1uiday as parcnls and children mnr• 8y Victor Caput.o ched from Ave, School lo Old Coun1ry ~ass.iu Courrty Police arc still scar• Rd. School to let the district lc:now they did ching for a 22 caliber sawed;off not ;iycc with lheconsultants choice or a shotgun.that was allegedly held 10 the school lo close. heads of, 1\1/0 ,tudcnts,ln the second Residents airrying signs rcadirig United noor bathroom orthc Hicksville High We Suind,·Diyided We Close, Slop 1he !ichool on Thursday, Inn. 9. Politics Don'tClose The Wrong School and PoU~am:stcd a IS ycar-ord boy lhe Siivc L« Ave. man:hcd dO'l"n and across all Frlday,af'ter the.incident took place the major roa~ ttiaulementary students and;c:111.racd h1m ,with·mcnaci11g and would have lo cross to get tothci(newschooL passcdallinforinntlonontothcfarriily The man:h cnde(l al ihc front s1cp ofthe couru. Old Country Rd. School. As 1tic crov,,d or 'The incident occurred after an ·peoplegathc:rtd they began chanting "What alleged fist fight bro.kc out in the Do \\\:Want!' "SafClY,' "When.Do Wc Wani. ' bathroom between two sJudcnu, It;' "Now.' policc~d. d111wing11 Jargenumbi:ror ."ThisJ~ ..$real turnout, showing thl\l students in1othcb111hroom 10 s«Whnl J-ltekMlle as united!' snid Linda Mirro oft he ~goingon. Parents 1b Save Lee Ave. 01Pnization. Shec . T))c boy whq allegedly pulled out sllid thnl before 1hc boaid votes 10 close 11 ' lliegunwasnoldlrpctlyin\'olvcdinthc • sch'ool, they ; hould have an erigli\erlng fi~ht buracc:o~ ing \P l101ia; ~ a n:port done on nil the buildings. Tha(, she ··,fnend of the one boy who was ap- snys, will giYC the boaril more inf<lrmatign parcntly losing. • , 10.80 on so 1hal they can make lhe best. PAl!fJl.':fS1NOCHILO~~•nlla«mll'Cfl lnrront11f.LttAwnu<Scbool.Theym-,d1tdlo~ .'. Aft~ullingouq hc&l!1!.heallcgcd­ ,-decision. • th• Old Countr)' Ro■d School. -. lypolrucdit11t 1wostudcrl_is. who later Somercsiden1scarriedsigns1h111 outlin• · ' Pb~•oiraph byCa11!rGrttntlttd , 1ilcdlslatcmqits to th'at effect. Three cd the zoning that would lake place ir Lee • .studcntswl\owi~wliilthadhap- closed. Others said ihat they do .not bcllC\·e ty ractor. Mnny do not believe that a cross- shoul_d be placed :11 certain intcrscc1ioras. •~~ ~~ ~te~cnts wit~ •lhe ihe district will save nny money by closing , ing gu'ant will be assigned to the major in• Mirra says tlin1 wilh the current srilte of . ,· , , , (conljnuc!f an pogc_fl Lee.Ave. tcrsect ioras.,Nass11u Coun1y mus1 do11 .1, Nassau County, the idea lhat they will gel Acon<%fll.ormnnymnn:hlng w.islhcsarc- lie study :ind then decide if r;rossingguards rconlfnu,d on pa11.• 181 .Prelittiinary Redistricting,Report To Board • , By Vktor,Caputo cd LccA\-muesiudcn15bcing placed in Fork about children being on the bus for a long that the mi~orit)' populntionshould nqt be The Sc:hool'Boaro·met on Wednesday, Lane, But Street nnd Old Co_iln!ry Road period or time 1hcn put Into the structured conccntrntcd. in one ~ hool. Jan. 15, with II rep=uuivc or Applfed School, with .students from.Old Country atmosphere or a school. Supcrintendc,11 or Schools ,Snlvalotc DataSer\ric:es,whlc:hlschiwcdbytheboard Ro~ school shining 10 Burns and Dutch "I think with 11ils'mnp, we have lost tne Mugavcroals1>saiil1ha1luidocsnoi'Vlli1tio to come up with a ~istricting plan should Lane Schoo!J. "neighborhood concept:• M11"illosaid to the sec the children in Woodlnnd movtd. Lee A~uc School be closed. Ape1ition wasbcingcin:pla_tedduring1he corasuluint. A ma;or qucstip n residenls'hnd was !widents who attended the meeting c,t- meeting asking the board not 10 close·any Pfncnder asked how much would it cost whe1hcr it is po5$lblc10 ha,<cc~sing guards ~ to sec.a rnaP, placed on a large screen schoolf. · 10 get mops outlining scc_n:irios or where atmaior 1111cm c1ions. "The school distriCL so thal thC)'icould sec what school their When the board was open to questions, students Wpuld go if other s.chools were hasnoau1hori1yovi:rcrossingguards!'said children att~dlngafter rcdistric- Trus1cc William Collins asked if the special c:loscd. Muga,-cro, polming ou1 1h01 rcsi,dcntsCjln ling. Instead, rcsidt-nu~reallov,'Cdto vicw, cd studcnu. would be going 10 BOCES ourry Park Civic Assoc:ialiol'I President ask NasJau Couniy to conduct.ii traffic 1he map near the stage on 8Jl individual becausc1heydidno11igurelnto1hcrcdistric- DavcSiaton read a letter fro·rri the citizens, &Judy and he said the district will for a School Board Pn:.sidcnt CaroleY{oJr ting p!nn. commlllee regarding 1he concerns they ns l\'CII. Thccountyde1erminC$ mlil the s1~ to thcaucliencc that would "Thespedaled roomshadb«n.rcscrvcd would 1lke'1h·e bo:trd 10 look 111 carefully whcrcnrfd ifa crossing guard is DCC:CSFV)', become thel'ICW boundaries for thcsc:hools. al each of 1hc buildings a.s of the demo• )"hcn·chooiing a scliool to close. Another question concerned the savings The consultant ga\'C the criteria iJsed in graphcrs rcpon;."said lhccorasulllllll, mean• The le11er nsked 1hc board to minl mizc in rhedist,ict. tyiuga\'CT0$3id !hat lhe,dl.stiicl rcdistrictlngandwdlhatitlnvoh'Cd~tiidy ingthntspccial.edchildrcn l\'Crc:llrcadyac• ~tudents crossing m!IJ<>r 10ads.such as Old will sa\'Can estimated S600,00l>'if a schooJ oHaplitlcs andaitudycirthedcmographlcs counted for. Country Rd., Ncwbrldgc Rd., Broadway, closes. , rcporJ, along with a study ofsarcty and a Trustee Helen Laffer Iy was concerned and Jerusalem /'>VC. ~ucsts were made to rind outJrom 1he study to determine thci durability of the about thcboundaricsforOldCoun1ry,Road ;f.he,co.mmittec doc5 not want to sec police wllal arc the worst inte~ions in ' ~ iitrictlnJ plan in.the long run. schoolsuachingaa05S Hicksville rorabour chilc!ren crossing ·railroad uac'ks, nnd 1hey Hic~vil~c. The board w)ll look into 'IL He out that his j,lnn was only a three miles. nu,1ces James and h~pe ~cry effort will be maile to keep A resi.dcn1 asked why_ is it pcceuarylto first proposal &JJd could be revised and Rlcjwd Pfaendcr and James Manillo also c:h1ldren at, the scliool c:loscst to them. m~ children ou1 or thcir schools to make cbanscd arqund. expressed concern abou1 that mailer. The Jet1er asked that the cllildrcn in the room for Lee Ave. students. Thep~ wasrnoadi.scwscdinvol\1- Lafferty said that she was con.cerncd Wood~an<!Sc:hool 1101 be mow:i:l'llg.ain and (contlnu,d on ~i• •> ...i Memories of ... !! ~ Bill Muhle·. t · !! In 1932ourf11t11ily,consistingo(mymom .:: .and d11d, 'kite and Wllll ■ m; sis1crs, ,- florea~and kJlly, andmysclf,11,'td on the j comer-orWoodburyandSouthOystecBiiy J Roads. The kid nearest my ago lived a half• "" mllc away. My parents decided ro m!)!'C If? ,. Sou1h Broadw.iy, opJ>O$itc ~ ~~ue. Al li; first I Wi1.Srelutla1111o_gobut I quitjcly found ~ ou11hcry~9ulrcafcw~idsmyagelMng -;;. in the neighborhood. Nccills:s510 soy I !)ad .; a very hapP)' childhoi?4 playing with Ernie ~ N,aso. Charlie Arnone and Ed and Jerry ..I McGuanigle,justtonamcafcw. Thcyld50 i liadsistmaJJdwc'dmakcourownfunplay- ing•hidc-and•scck, kick-the-can. ring-a­ ; lcvco. a11d 01her1. After moving into that z hoJllc my two 01hcr.sis1crs, M■ rlc and )ber,Jublalbrudis:(UI) Ludlk, ~ K11,B111,&DCl t1o(-), alamialonJul7, 1987, IA>rill< J Lucille were borp. Iha ID M.-du1"11s, Mane la ■ .p;tal~ Nftl' ~ Kl~ln Arizona and Bltl la.HkksvlJlf. S Dad hacl.~'fOjQbs f~~~rs. H.c~~rkcd at the yca_r, it wuprobably'In tbcc:vlY J?SQs, Station wcm<m<l intoo11rpresenthomcon ]'.. the MarleS1rec1 Ra1lroail Crossing as a 1952-Rkk Mubltabrvdc In rront orhls homt The parking lou filled up.'~ople sfarted M)-crsAvcnucin1anuary, 1951. Oni:ofour ; gatcmanon1hc31o·i1 p,m,shirt.!mcmbcr al lhttomttor M)'fnl Ate. and l'rincasSlrttt. parkirfgalongsidcthcroadsbuttbcbiggcst biggest highlights living hcti'was sinned '; Mom walking dawn 101he$haJJI)' !hal Dad hazard tame when tlierc was no place to go when wcgo1 apholiecnlla fewwctks bcfo1c 11 worlt'td out ofto !iring him :11ht rmosofho1 of my sis1cr's best fr/ends, Edn■ Giese, but 1opark righ1jnlherQad. Toat'swhcn\\'C Nov,.Z9, 1951. It was from a TV ca.sting crew ~ coffee, usually abol/16.j>.m. Oi\i: nigh1.shc Eventually Ray ~me a princii>,e) of the got the call to stop all traffic immediately. WllJlting to use a one-story Cape Cod·l)'pc c:amel1omc and told usatx?u1 something she Aicl(svilliUiigh School. b.omc with an empty .field amiss the meet . boughtinancwclo1hings1orcilu11jus1qicn­ Mys'ister FloaJJd I enjoyed m1myanlgh1 About.9:30 II.IT1. movie star Plit O'B_ricn nnJ cd. It was owned by Mr. an<I Mrs; pl;1ylng mqnopoly wllh Albina (CaJscll1) the TV crew arrived at our home. bringing G9ldm11n, I guess Mrs. Goldma!1 Rud and,hermother. :.\lbinn 11s still 11 with lhcm•buns from l~e bakery, while \\C rerncrnbcn:d Mom bcc:1uscanytlme~'tsnw Htcbvillc f'C3idenl. sup111ied 1hccoffce.'Our son Rlck was n 1)1· Both ofmy pa~nu worked In $yossct for Mrs.

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