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1300lt<J'i30292ll80l -.>IJ~C.R .,J \ ;u.svL PUB LIBI\IATHA H't C tireei Enjoy , 169 JERUSAL;~ Ai/I: I N . ~ ~IC~SVILCE eiJ:NewFoun N,Y, 1160 1 ___ Jors Time Camp ~ -- ..,...,aavv.1 Students Special Pages Vol. 6, No. 30 Thursday, January 23, 1992 35 Cents Police Continue March Tq·Keep lee Ave. Opell Search For ,By Victor Caputo Thec:han1-0f"All wcarc:.snyingisgivc a chance'' ed1ocd 1hrough the brisk cold air Rumored Gun · last Sa1uiday as parcnls and children mnr• 8y Victor Caput.o ched from Ave, School lo Old Coun1ry ~ass.iu Courrty Police arc still scar• Rd. School to let the district lc:now they did ching for a 22 caliber sawed;off not ;iycc with lheconsultants choice or a shotgun.that was allegedly held 10 the school lo close. heads of, 1\1/0 ,tudcnts,ln the second Residents airrying signs rcadirig United noor bathroom orthc Hicksville High We Suind,·Diyided We Close, Slop 1he !ichool on Thursday, Inn. 9. Politics Don'tClose The Wrong School and PoU~am:stcd a IS ycar-ord boy lhe Siivc L« Ave. man:hcd dO'l"n and across all Frlday,af'ter the.incident took place the major roa~ ttiaulementary students and;c:111.racd h1m ,with·mcnaci11g and would have lo cross to get tothci(newschooL passcdallinforinntlonontothcfarriily The man:h cnde(l al ihc front s1cp ofthe couru. Old Country Rd. School. As 1tic crov,,d or 'The incident occurred after an ·peoplegathc:rtd they began chanting "What alleged fist fight bro.kc out in the Do \\\:Want!' "SafClY,' "When.Do Wc Wani.
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