After a long, four-year wait. Guns N*Roses finally release their new albums. Review on page 12...

Volume 67 • Number 3

Convocation to feature form er U.N. am bassador Robert S. Blasi Fredricka Riesman, Faculty O f The Triangle Chair for the Convocation. “We |l(«lftawC'¥ENV0Tttij want students to be the main C?«pHiiAOflPWA Wednesday, October 9th, focus. We really want students marks the day of Drexel’s and parents to celebrate.” Centennial Convocation. Convo­ Riesman adds that, “We also cation will begin at 8:30 a.m. want to honor the University with a breakfast hosted by each 101 faculty.” of Drexel’s colleges and will “University 101” is a program lead into special ceremonies at Drexel based on a program honoring each college’s top originated at the University of students and outstanding alumni. Southern California by John This year’s convocation theme is Gardner. At Drexel it consists of I . H i i “Our Way of Learning is Work­ 64 seminar sections which are ing,” emphasizing Drexel’s co­ designed to integrate students op program. into college life at the start of The main convocation their college career. Riesman ceremony will begin with a said, “It’s been shown that the DREXEL procession into the Physical first six weeks are very Education Center at 10:30 a.m. important for the retention of The keynote speaker for the students.” Tht Uagm efW dm it V»tm hotted Hbu tm M taes nimtmgjdreoimea-pemm at kargt. ceremony is Dr. Jeane J. Keynote speaker Kirkpatrick Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Am­ is currently the Leavey Professor John Va*saU

100 students fight for seat in Q uad Drexel news in brief

Drexel receives $121,000 DuPont educattonal aid g r a n t

E.I. Dupont de Nemours, Inc. of Wilmington, Delaware has awarded Drexel a DuPont Educational Aid Grant of $121,000 for the academic year 1991-92. The grant supports academic programs in accounting; computer science; chemical, electrical, and mechanical engineering; mathematics; management; and information systems. The grant will also support Drexel’s Environmental Studies Institute, and provide scholarship aid for minority students majoring in engineering. **On behalf of the faculty, administration, and students, I am grateful for the support of the DuPont Educational Aid Grant Program,” said President Breslin. “The grant provides flnancial support in areas in which Drexel has traditionally excelled. It will also strengthen the University’s position as a leader in educating minority students for careers in science, engineering, and technology.” Drexel and DuPont have had a long-sumding relationship, with Drexel consistently among the top ten schools at which DuPont recruits studoits.

John Vassallo/THE TRIANGLE Mitional *

Earle Philhower Wood, of Purple Haze, was the After all was said and done, Triangle Stajf Writer loud and sometimes obnoxious one man was left On Thursday, 26, from S-7:30 in the Main Building, DJ who kept the top-40s playing sitting, Vince Daniels. His nearly 3(X) pf the region’s busfaiess, civic and academic leaders How do you celebrate 100 for the affair. Also present were preparation for this grueling, participated in « global siraulatioa that demonstrMed the years of existence? If you’re a the organizers. Creative Campus. event included one extra large inteicoaiiMtiQa of world proUetnt. mid-westerner, you throw a Concepts, and television Italian sausage eaten for lunch. Aocod^Hng to R. Buckminaer FUUer, crealor of tihe wortd name, party and send your picture into channels 3 and.6. All of his hard work paid off in a the Game is to ‘’‘make dw woiU woilc for 100% of humanity, in Good Morning America. If With the infamous Drexel big way with his winning of a the siHfiett poMiUe tinw. spooiatwoiw coopeiiiioQ.4nd you’re Drexer University, you Shaft as a backdrop, ICO chairs “bag *0 stuff,” filled with without ecological ofCBBM or the disHtvanttge of anyone.** call out the blue an^ yellow were placed in a line, back to centennial commemorative and have a giant back. While no records were items. Asked what his future musical chair competition. broken (the world record is 8138 plans were, Vince replied, “I’m P a o M d I m Uu m iniciiM i R a v i S iia iila u -to p la y a t The party took place on chairs), the same couldn’t be going to Disney World!” D r e x d October 2nd in the Quad. Brian said of the chairs! Ravi Sliaakar. legendary virtuoso sitarist aiid composer, is lndia*| moat widely irecogtiized and esteemed musical E g a n aiqbaa«Mlar. and has been a niyor cultunl influence in the West for the past thiity years. Through his inspired performances of classical indiaa music, Ravi Shankar has paved the way for his o u t l i n e s lesutgenoe of intoest in the rich cuhural heritage India. T h e He is scheduled to peifoim at Drexel on November 6 in the Main Auditorium. TickeU go on sale October 7 at the newly p l a t f o r m fbnned campus bon office next to the Mandell theater. Gary Rosenzweig...... Editor-in-Chief Continued from page 1 Brian D. Yates...... Business Manager consider to be ‘common sense K arat im shardiokler at Hoyt» Devine & Co. LTD. Brent Diller...... Advertising Manager kind of government’... you have to make managers more Siqibki N. l6 n s . CPA. hat been admitted as a ahareholdo- at Stacey Crown...... News Editor accountable, you have to give Hoyt, Devine ft Co., LTD, a Berwyn, certified Ted Howe...... Ed-Op Page Editor them the ability to manage... p u ^ apGouniing firm. Matthew Appleton...... Campus Page Editor you have to give them leeway to A 1985 sraduate of Drax«91»lNni«yj K any joined ttK firm Ashley G. Smith...... Features Editor do their own jobs... give them cottefe. Ik hecww a CPA m m their own mission and the , Anita j. Michel...... Entertainment Editor flexibility to reach their mission. John Van Ness,...... Sports Editor Then let them hire the b^st and Rich Coughlan ...... Comics Page Editor the brightest to do that job.” He expressed his desire to John Vassallo...... Photography Editor change the current charter in Jennifer Gibbons...... Copy Editor order to allow for Philadelphia Dan Morrow...... Copy Editor to operate more efficiently in the Sandra Benks...... Classifieds Manager present. “I have worked under four mayors in my career and I Mike Tirenin...... Production Manager have been trained all my life for Joel Zighelboin...... Circulation Manager this job so I have a hands-on understanding of how to deal Jack Bilson HI, Robert Blasi, Adam Blyweiss, Steve Bojanowski, with people.” Scott Brown, Catherine Campbell, Mike Carey, Mark Davidson, Egan flnished the conference Greg Galcik, Chad Corn, Waiter Kihm, Jack Persico, Earle by discussing his positions on Philhower, Sriniuas Poluru, Andrew Ross, Steve Segal, Carol minority involvement and Smith, Yen Wei, Scott Williams, Sean Zheng relations, employment place­ ments, revenue enhancements and the development of Copyright 1991 The The Triangle is published Philadelphia’s cultural and art Triangle. Beaver Boy copyright Fridays in Philadelphia, PA, community. 1991, Rich Coughlan. No work during the academic year, herein may be reproduced in except during examinations and any form, in whole or in part, vacation periods. without the written consent of Subscriptions may be the Editor. ordered for $20 for six months; Opinions expressed within display and classified adver­ m are not necessarily those of The tising may be placed at the Friday P«^ Sunny. ?0, Light win# , Triangle or . address below. Friday Night Fair. Lows in UMS ttppnT SO’s. Saturday Partly sunny. Highs arouiid 80. The Triangle • Drexel University S^^y Chance of Lows near 60 iwidlugh$7S^^^ 32nd & Chestnut Sts. • Philadelphia, PA 19104 Monday Partly cloudy. L4>w «inM ^S0’s and in t)w^ upper 80*i Business: (215) 895-2569 • News: (215) 895-2585 Fax:(215)895-5935 Tuesday Pa^, Low* 50 and higlw in

K irkpatrick to address cam pus com m unity S e n io r s Continued from /vge I serve as U.N. Ambassador in completing a book on the role of happening at Drexel. “When is policy. She has received degrees 1981, becoming the first woman the United States at the United it?” asks Colin Bois, a freshman from Stephens College, Barnard to hold that cabinet-level post. In Nations and in the world. electrical engineering major at 2 5 0 College and Columbia 1985, Kirkpatrick left the United Convocation traditionally Drexel. University. She also holds Nations and returned to marks the beginning of a new The convocation is open to all days-to-go! twelve honorary degrees from Georgetown University and the academic year at Drexel. “I Drexel students, faculty, staff various colleges world-wide and American Enterprise Institute thought that was for seniors or and administration. In addition, is the recipient of the United (AEI). She continues to speak something," remarked Josh the parents of all Drexel Cavanaugh's States Medal of Freedom and out on world issues through a Binstead, a freshman studying freshmen have been invited to the Distinguished Public Service syndicated newspaper column chemical engineering at Drexel. attend. Riesman adds, "I would Tuesday, October 8th Medal. and in lectures and news media Although most freshmen know just like to see there be 3,000 Kirkpatrick was appointed by interviews throughout the nation what a convocation is, many people attending, because we President Ronald Reagan to 'and abroad. She is currently seem unaware that one is have the room for it.”

Police Blotter AVAILABLE NOW!! Police report for Sep. 19 to Oct. 1 Burglary 3630 Lancaster Ave. AptC Theft 3201 Market Contem porary Apartm ents Theft from auto 326 N 36th St in Theft from auto 30th/JFK Blvd Stolen Auto 3 4/Arch H istoric Pow elton Village Theft of bike 40th/Market Aggravated Assault 33rd / Haverford Stolen auto 33rd/Race Townhouses at the corner of and Lancaster Theft from auto 3312 Arch Theft from auto 3201 Market Quality - Bright, m odern ai^d secure units. Theft from auto 3201 Market Price - Rates to fit '91 - '92 budgets. Stolen auto 33rd/Arch Theft of bike 51 N 39th St Efficiencies, one bedroom Aggravated assault 35 W Fairmount Burglary 3408 Powelton and two bedroom apartments Stolen auto 33rd/Arch from $400 Theft 34 / Spring Garden Stolen Auto 216 N 34th St Location - Convenient to Drexel, Penn, Stolen auto 31st/Market Stolen auto 3500 Baring Hospitals and Center City Stolen auto Preston / Market Service - Shopping, Dining, Burglary 55 N 40th Theft from auto 3500 Market Dry Cleaning on Site

Tip of the Week: Officer Chatburn of Philadelphia's 16th with full maintenance and cooperative management District advises all students to remove their belongings from their cars and lock them. He also advises students to lock their apartments and dorms at all times.

Teaching adults to read is a diflercnl task than teaching youngsters. Learning con­ jures up painful memories of feeling in­ ferior. And no one wants to be reminded of how much he or she doesn’t know. That’s precisely why the Gateway pro­ gram was developed. It gives adults the confidence they need to tackle adult read­ ing programs-an important first step. (for 1 out o f 4 Philadelphia adults.) With positive reinforcement as its main objective, Gateway focuses on how much students know, so they can tieveiop the confidence many of them never had before. That’s where you come in. We need vol­ unteers to donate their time to help adults (But in just 20 hours you can) better their lives through reading. And you don’t have to be a teaclier to help. After a short training session, you and a student will set up your own flexible twenty-hour schedule tiesigned to jirepare him or her for a regular reading program. (help someone see things differently) And afterwards, you will feel better know­ ing that you have helped someone to over­ come a huge barrier in his or her life. To enroll as a Gateway volunteer, call 875-6600. It’s a short- GKTEW Kl term commitment from |j| |||||| (by helping an adult learn) you that can do long-term good for someone else. B v ■ ■ The Mayor’s Com m ission on Literacy and Philip M orris Com panies Inc. .SliirriH MaiiaKi-mcnl Curp. I; to read. 4 • The Triangle • October 4,1991

N ational Catnvus News Job outlook still isn’t good relations manager fw Coca-Cola. “People need to IF YOU LIKE WEARING THICK GLASSES, The scene is familiar. Young men and women work on their appearance and their preparation for PLEASE IGNORE THIS! in suits, armed with resumes, handshalces and questions and answers.” smiles for older men and women prepared to greet • “We are looking for good academic If fiowever, you are worried about the need for stronger glasses after them with stories of the grim realities of today’s background, good inteipersonal skills, a polished, every eye exam’, please read on. It Is possible for you to control your job market. genuine, smart person,” H o f^ said. “We want the vision and prevent II from deteriorating!!! Welcome to Career Expos for the 1991-1992 best and the brightest.” Over 50 years of researcfi tias shown that our environment plays a school year. significant role in the development of myopia (nearsightedness). Although “There are fewer positions available because of Salaries increase only slightly since last you cannot easily cfiange your environment, you can change its effect on the recession and brcause of sales trends,” says y e a r your eyes. Progressive myopia Is often due to tfie visual stress or eye Dot Svobdia, a manager with American Tourister. Information just released by the College strain related to intense cfose work (reading, computing, etc). The “Still, we’re hoping to find some good folks out Placement Council Inc. continued to reflect a not- distance blur is only the symptom of the eye muscles not being able to there.” so-pretty picture of the job market for college relax after close work. We can help you reduce the underlying visual So is everyone else. This particular job fair graduates. stress that creates the blur, rather than just treating the symptom with brought nearly 80 prospective employers to the In the 1991 Salaiy Survey, figures showed that stronger distance glasses. University of Central Florida in early September. most average salary offers increased only slightly The simplest approach to controlling nearsightedness involves “I think it’s tighC’ says Jim Oracey, director of since last year. modifying the full prescription you need for seeing far away, since it is UCF’s Career Resource Center. “I had some Some average starting salaries by field were: usually too strong for close work It can actually strain your eyes to read employers say that they would not attend because Accounting - $26,819; Foreign Language - through those distance glasses! You may not feel the strain, but your of Ae recession.” $21,526; Civil Engineering - $29,658; Pfelroleum eyes do, and they keep geUing worse. In other words, doing a lot of Of the ones who did, sentiments were the same. Engineering - $38,882; Allied Health - $29,443; close work with our distance glasses contributes to your vision problem In “We’re finding a lot more qualified applicants,” Nursing - $29,596. fact, after 2 years of college you will probably need stronger glasses. says F. D am n Oliverio, a field training ccmsultant The survey showed that the humanities and For eyes that require additional help, the solution to controlling with Metropolitan Life. social science graduates have been hardest hit by vision can be found In vision skills training. Visual skills include The reason for the flood of qualified students is the recession. accurate eye movements, eye teamwork, eye alignment, and focusing the lack of jobs. Although not all companies are It added that the best way to watch for changing ability, Penn Optometries, with support from the Ben Franklin Technology Center and the Pennsylvania College of Optometry, has developed suffering fonn the sagging economy, they are still economic trends is by monitoring chemical exclusive, patented, vision testing and training software which can quickly seeing an increase in applications. production, which has increased over the past four tell us which vision skills are contributing to your problem Visual skills “We’re now even seeing alumni coming to months. If that trend holds, more recruiters may training programs are designed to meet each individual's need for: these events,” says Moira Oliver, director of soon start returning to campuses with offers, CPC Human Resources for Hyatt Hotels and Resorts. reported. • extended concentration with less effort “We didn’t used to see that nearly as much.” • studying with less eye, head and body fatigue Oliver calls the turnout at job fairs in 1990 and Minorities becoming minorities? • prevention of myopic progression 1991 “astounding.” A furst-ever projection of the ethnic makeup of • improved coordination for sports “We have been surprised at the number of the nation’s public schools reflects that by 1995, CALL 387-3600 for information about the Myopia Control qualified applicants we’re seeing. It’s reaaly been one-third of U.S. students will be from minority Program. We assume you have questions, and we will be happy to to our advantage,” said Steve Hoppe, of Arthur groups. answer them. There is no obligation, except to your eyes Andersen Tax Technology Group. “This trend will continue to grow,” predicts Because of the flood of graduating college Robin Etter Zuniga, author of the two-year study WOULDN'T IT FEEL GREAT IF YOUR students entering into the job market, employers sponsored by The College Board and the Western NEARSIGHTEDNESS STOPPED GETTING WORSE? are getting pickier when hiring. Interstete Commision for Higher Education. “The They offer this advice to job-seekers: white birth rate has declined, so the younger the • “Students should get practical experience age group, the more you’ll see this sort of thing. before they graduate. That's very important,” Many states have no single majority any longer.” Oliver said. The study says 1995 will also see ethnic PENN • “In out business, a college education isn’t a minorities making up a majority of students in determining factor,” says Oliverio of work in the four states. In 1989, non-whites and Hispanics Optom etntcs insurance field. “We look for someone who really made up a majority of high school graduates in 3600 Market Street has oomph. When we fmd someone who’s hot, we Hawaii, New Mexico and the District of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19104 make room for (him or her).” Comumbia. • “People really need to prepare for the interview,” says Wayne Johns, regional human -CPS

ENTENNIAL CONVOCATION W ednesday, O ctober 9, 1991

glaat staalis • fad*d |m bs • IBQ ribs •

The following students are to be recognized: GRAND OPENING WEEKEND

College of Arts College of Business College of E v e n in g a n d a n d S c lcn c e s and Administration Engineering U n iv e rsity CoU ege Friday & Saturday Brian Connor Christine Cupit Scou Casper Steven P. Crawford Michelle Schina Yael Heller William D. Cooper Tania Giovanneui Megan Schmiedicke David Hurst Tracey Jo Dance October l l t U 12th Gregory Hartman Marianne Westerfield Paul Kitabjian Kelly Gillen Michele Jennings Travis Peyton Barbara Hillard Scott Keller Nesbitt College of Cynthia Spade Victoria Lash D onald M. K rapp Design Arts Darrell M. Merriu ]0pm-2am K enneth IV1. Kuhn C o lleg e o f W ayne A, Morris Bryan M. Lewis Robert Emenecker Information Frank Rapisarda Erin W ard Pamela Grieve S tu d ies Janet M. Tanish Christopher Wendt Allison Parrish Russell Vallee Ka W ong Kerry Rowan Richard D. Haracz Backstreets

Also, in recognition of the honored students, their parents and high school principals have been invited to attend the day's activities. In addition, University 101 faculty will Friday, October 11th receive special recognition for their contribution in fostering University spirit and bringing our community closer together. 6 South Front Street • Philadelphia PA (2IS) 922-5676 The Triangle • October 4,1991 • 5



Please jo in us in* kicking o ff the 1991-92 academ ic year

8 : 3 0 a . m . Continental breakfast by college

9 : 0 0 a . m . College Ceremonies

College of Engineering: Main Auditorium, Main Building

College of Arts &: Sciences: Mandell Theater

College of Business & Administration: Patton Auditorium (Room 109), Matheson Hall

College of Information Studies: Lobby, Rush Building

Nesbitt College of Design Arts: Stein Auditorium (Room 111), Nesbitt Hall

1 0 : 3 0 a . m . Convocation Ceremony

Guest Speaker The Hon. Jeane J|e Kirkpatrick, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Physical Education Center

N oon The Evening ^ University College Luncheon

Faculty Club, reserved seating

As members of a university, open to dialogu/^^^^.diyerse issues and points of view, the Convocation Committee encourages your attendancie and iiairticipation. 6 • The Triangle • October 4,1991 C a m v u s Information Contributed by the Drexel Community Sailing Club sets Expose your shaft!! Just about everyone at Drexel has been shafted at one time or anoth­ er - it's the closest thing Drexel has to a tradition. The next closest thing Drexel has to a tradition is students telling other students about their own shaft. its sails for the year As a service to the Drexel Community, the Campus Page offers a forum for students to let everyone expose themselves in public. ICYRA is the national govern­ competed in weeknight racing Gregory J. Pctry ______Hopefully, the administration will read these and address some of these ing body for intercollegiate sail­ series hosted by Liberty Yacht problems [yes, this is a dream - but we can all dream can't we?]. Sailing Club ing competition. At the present Club and other weekend compe­ To have your own shaft story published, submit your own shaft to First of all, let me set the time, 200 colleges and universi­ titions. The Triangle office by 7 p.m. on Wednesday to be printed in that record straight. You do not need ties in the United States have The fall season begins week's edition. When submitting, please include your name and phone to know how to sail in order to sailing teams actively competing promptly on the first weekend of number. You can have your name withheld if you wish, but include join the Sailing Club or Sailing in the ICYRA. September and practice usually your name and number regardless. Team at Drexel. We teach every­ MAISA membership includes commences about one month Now, the shaft of the week... thing from the basics of sailing 40 colleges and universities, by earlier. This year’s fall season to advanced racing tactics. far the largest of the District consists of 13 regattas in ten irst let me mention that I, myself, am not a sudent at Drexel, ‘Nuff said? Associations. Six of the teams weeks, one of our busiest ever. F which may explain why I had always thought that the Drexel Shaft For Drexel’s team, the home in the MAISA District are cur­ Thanksgiving weekend tradi­ was just something concocted by a few whiny people who liked to waters are those of the Delaware rently ranked in the top 20 tionally denotes the end of the River and the home port of our nationally. This gives you an fall racing season with the complain about anything and everything that was not exactly as they thought it should be. Now I know better. team is that of Liberty Yacht idea of the tough competition Timme Angsten National My husband (yes, he must be the only married undergrad) is just Club. Starting this fall, the sail­ which the Drexel team faces. Championship Regatta. This ing teams from Villanova Our team has two seasons of year’s fall season, however, will starting his junior year at Nesbitt, even though he is supposed to be in University and Haverford/Bryn competition per year, the spring be slightly longer since our team his first co-op job cycle until January. Because he is part of an only- Mawr College will also be prac­ and fall racing seasons. Mem­ will travel to Miami, Rorida to two-year-old major (Exhibit Marketing), at the beginning of the sum­ ticing from Liberty Yacht Club. bers are selected to represent participate in the week long mer the Co-op Office (which I have heard is the epitome of efficiency The Sailing Club is for those Drexel at regattas based on their Orange Bowl Regatta to be held in the first place) washed its hands of him and turned his file (and our students who want to learn how performance at practice and ded­ during winter break. finances) over to Nesbitt They, in mm, organized a job fair, and hand­ to sail and who are interested in ication to the team. Practice for During winter term one can ed my husband a list of companies who might possibly hire him (or recreational sailing. The club al­ the Spring season begins early in normally find the team indoors who, at die very least, might know what Exhibit Marketing was even if so holds several parties through­ February and racing gets under­ at weekly “social events” like they had never heard of co-op employment or Drexel University). out the year. way early in March and both end volleyball and bowling night or The job fair consisted of two (count diem, TWO) companies, both The Drexel University Sailing by late May. The team competes at a Philadelphia Wings box who preferred to hire a junior with experience, not a sophomore just Team has competed in the in about ten regattas during this game. suuting out. That made sense and, of course, there was always the list. Middle Atlantic Intercollegiate season as it is the shorter of the Even if you have never sailed To be fair, it was an extensive list, containing names and numbers Sailing Association (MAISA) two seasons. After a very suc­ and are interested in learning for the members of the International Exhibitors Association in all of for over fifty years. MAISA is cessful spring 1991 racing sea­ how to sail or if you want to join Pennsylvania and New Jersey. However, at least three quarters of the one of seven District Associa­ son, our team is currently ranked the team please call me at either names were outside of any conceivable commuting distance, without tions in the Inter-collegiate twelfth out of forty teams in ^ e (0)895-4971 or(h)662-137frand even considering the fact that we do not have a car. Three quarters of Yacht Racing Association of MAISA District. During I will gladly provide you with the ones that he might acnially be able to get to on a regular basis gave North America (ICYRA). The summer, several team members more information. the standard response that anyone who has looked for a job has heard: “No, we are not hiring right now, but if you will send us a resume...". The remaining three or four companies directed him first to one Program trading pow er­ office, and then to a supervisor, and finally to personnel, who replied “No, we are not hiring, but...” You get the idea. It happens to be a bad time for anybody to try to find a job, but co-op smdents are supposed house lectures M onetarists to have a little bit of an edge, what with Drexel on their side, right? Ha. David W. Egliskis five program-trading firms in the er-traded instrument is equity- Finally my husband diought he had actually found something. One country and one of the top in the index arbitrage. SIG is consis­ of the original listed companies, one easily accessible by public trans­ Monetarists worid. SIG computen. wM Yau tently listed among the top five portation, one whose name actually carried a bit of clout (Boeing), was If being a student is tough, try at the keyboard, trade about 9 program trading firms at the interested. There was not achially a job waiting to be filled, but die making money in the chaotic million shares of stock in an New York Stock Exchange. The name on the list said he could sure use some help, he would talk to his world of computer-driven index average week. He will be ^x a k ' lecture will prove interesting for superiors and see what he could do. arbitrage. It is hard enough to ing on October 9 at 6:00 p.m. in all business as well as computer A week later (it was now July, by the way), the name called back to survive in this business, let alone Ruth Auditorium, Hall. science majors. The lecture will say that his superiors were discussing it, that he would get back to us. succeed; but Susquehanna In­ Susquehanna has o'o c u s' be preceded by complimentary When my husband called the following week, not having heard any­ vestment Group has been suc­ tomers and deals exclusively «« refreshments and followed by a thing, he was told that the name would be back in two weeks, he had ceeding in a big way since its their own account. SK5 traders question and answer session gone on vacation. founding less than 10 years ago deal on the floors of more than with one of the trading indus­ Finally, the job was approved. My husband made plans for an inter­ by seven college buddies. nine exchanges across the try's hottest commodities, Jeff view and gave Boeing the number of the Co-op Office in order for The partners, who are all less United States and Japan in Yass. E)rexel to approve it and start figuring out what paperwork needed to than 35 years old, are led by Jeff stocks, bonds, warrants, options If you are interested in joining go where and to whom. Boeing was told to ulk to the people at Yass. Under his direction the on equity and foreign currenciek. Monetarists, contact me or Nesbitt, and that they would take care of it. And Nesbitt certainly did. firm to become one of the top Susquehanna’s favorite comput­ Mathias Strohfeldt at 222-6450. They recommended that the job be given to someone else. A junior who had already found a job at Strawbridge and Clothier but who had connections and decided diat Boeing would look better on her resume. r Drexel may not giveth, but Drexel taketh away. FRIDAY 4 SATURDAY 5 SUNDAY ' Anyway, having exhausted all his resources, my husband gave up • SPA: Friday Nignu Flick- • Aified E. Neuman. Ilie butard • ProtefUmI (room 226. Creese) on the whole idea (it was practically August anyway) and got a job at "Robin Hood" son of Jesse Heims, is bom in and Catholic (Newman Center) Sliows ai 4:30,7:00,9:30,12:00 1952. After "AI" appears in tiie Services at 11:00. ■ Smart Alex Restaurant waiting tables part time, and he is back taking See Kevin Costner's sland-in subveisive magazine Mod. Jesse •Ivy Day. Ireland (Really! You ■ classes this fall. To top off diis whole terrible experience, the Co-op swim naked because poor Kevin does eveiytiiing in his power to can look it up) office wants him to sign a form declaring his job at Smart Alex as his wasn't making enough $$ to swim slop obscene an. • The Jazz Singtr piemieres in outdoots in S6 degree water. • New Music Indonesia opens al New Yoric, 1927 (not the Neil ■ formal co-op job. He has refused, on the grounds that it makes for a the Harrison Auditorium in U. of really lousy looking resume and the fact that Drexel refused to help P. Gel your Uckeu before they sell him find a job, but willingly took his money for it anyway. He has out. 1 been told he is entided to a refund, but not until he graduates. He has been warned that he may not graduate if he does not fulfill his Co-op II li M II ttl requirements. MONDAY / TUrSDAY 8 WF[‘JNISDAY 9 THURSDAY 10 And if that isn’t getting the shaft, 1 don’t know what is. • "What, me wony?” - Neuman • 'lUesday Night Square Dance • Dragon Daze: 100 pounds of • Rabia II begins in Moslem cal­ And, by the way, if there are other married undergrads, we’d love to Center dedicated, 1982. Unfor­ St. Maiy's Parish Hall 3916 Lo­ TVistykake in the Quad at 1:00 pm endar meet you! (maybe through The Triangle Personals?) At Penn, there is tunately it is misspelled and cust Wdk. Featuring the top 10 (Great Court if it rains) •Vice-President Spiro T. Agnew Drexel is makes up someone with pop group Forge Mountain Ramb­ •Korean Alphabet Day resigns, 1973 (big break for a married dorm and spouses of students get their own ID’s. Here at the last name "Newman" to cover lers. (Followed by a special film • Convocation (actually, 1 think Gerald Ford) Drexel.... their mistake. screening of "Deliverance") Yeha. the Square Dance will be more • Dan Quayle ("J. Danforth" to But then that’s a different shaft. The worid renowned Lane exciting than Jean Kirkpatrick.) his close friends) mutters flnt Neubauer will be doing the call­ • Paul Fejko oigan recital in complete (not necessarily com­ Name withheld hy request. ing. Main Auditorium 1 pm - again plex) sentence, 1987. preferable to Jean Kirkpatrick. Please continue to send in your shaft stories. The Triangle • October 4 ,1991 • 7

W .W. Hageity Libraiy Lamda Chi Alpha Oops!: It was erroneously reported in last week's edition of The helps out hom eless Triangle that Republican may­ oral candidate Joe Egan was Jason Preston Leam how to find information on computerized infonnation sys­ which makes home-ownership scheduled to appear at the tems. The Hagoty Ubraiy is offiering workshops on three onlfaie Lamda Chi Alpha affordable to these families. Stein Auditorium on October Here in West Philadelphia, systems. Dow Jones News/Retrieval is a business-oriented 2 at 1 pm. The correct date As we are sure you are aware, the current project is the rehabil­ and time will be printed in database vendon DIALOG, Dato-Star, and BRS offer databases there are many homeless people itation of the 4900 block of West covering many subject disciplines. NOTE: FT IS NOW MANDA­ next week's issue. We are roaming the streets of Philadel­ Stiles Street. Since 1988, they sorry for any inconveniences TORY TO HAVE INSTRUCTION BEFORE GOING ONLINE phia. We, the brothers of Lam­ have completed 4 houses, helped this may have caused. bda Chi Alpha have stopped repair 2 others and are currently DIALOG Classroom Instnictkui Program giving them change. In return, working on 8 more. Three fami­ Thursday October 10 we have joined forces with lies are now residing in the com­ 1-2 pm Gamma Sigma Sigma to help IMedoesday Octoberl6 pleted homes. 12-1 pm build them affordable housing Tlmrsday October 17 What we need now is spon- S-6pm through^' a program called 1\ic«day October 22 12-1 pm sors.M^thout continued sponsor­ Habitat for Humanity. Friends Friday Novembers 1-2 pm ship, Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is a 1\ic«Uy November 12 1-2 pm cannot afford to buy needed sup­ world-wide volunteer organiza­ WMnesday November 20 3-6 pm plies, and unfortunately, the pro­ do n't let tion that builds homes for under­ Mondiy November 23 12-1 pm jects will cease. So rather than privileged families. With no giving change to the homeless government assistance. Habitat people, give us your sponsor­ D o w J o n e s N ew s / R e trie v a l friends takes responsibility to provide ship. If you would like more Wednesday October 16 S-6pm the capital for the homes, which information regarding Habitat Wednesday 0ctober30 1-2 pm is repaid by the resident family for Humanity, or are interested beer-goggle 'niesday November 12 12-1 pm through a no-interest mortgage. in sponsoring this program, con­ 'niesday November 19 S-6pm The labor is all volunteer and tact Scott Jennings of Lambda Monday November 25 1-2 pm many,.materials are donated Chi at 222-5724 or 222-2067.

Data>Star/BRS ALL STAR-FORUM CONCERT SERIES Thursday October 10 12-1 pm Wetj^ay October 16 1-2 pm S E E THEM ACADEMY OF MUSIC Tkiesday October 22 1-2 pm Wednesday SPECIAL STUDENT RATES! OctobCT30 S-6pm ALL F O R Your choice of 5 of 7 m ajor concert events Friday November 8 12-1 pm FAMILY CIRCLE AMPHITHEATRE Tkiesday November 12 S-6 pm IburKlay November 21 1-2 pm HALF-PRICE 4 5 ;ludes Acaaemy Expans2 7 Wmicshops meet in the basement level of the Libraiy in Room L-34. Fcnr additional information, call 895-2755 ask at the In­ formation Services Desk. 1991-92 ACADEMY OF MUSIC Great Performers The Campus Page Select-a-Series The Campus Page is published by The Triangle for distribution to Your choice of S concorts University students, faculty and staff. In covering events and issues of interest to the University community. The Campus Page strives to prac­ MONDAY, OCT. 14, 1991 at 8 PM tice accepted journalistic standards of fairness, balance and objectivity, while supporting the academic and administrative missions of the BAMBERG SYMPHONY University. O R C H E S T R A conducted by But seriously folks, these pages are provided to you so that you can CHRISTOPH ESCHENBACH show the students at Drexel that you care enough about their existence MONDAY, JAN. 27, 1992 at 8 PM to let them in on what you are doing here. The Drexel Datebook is a a America's Musical Ambassador good place to mention to the University community that you are hold­ ing an event that theyjie welcome to show up to. It's free. Use it. ISAAC STERN P.S.: We still are looking for senior design submissions. Projects Violinist from all majors are welcome. Let your fellow students, parents, and WEDNESDAY, JAN. 29, 1992 at 8 PM future employers read about your work. SOVIET PHILHARMONIC conducted by GENNADY ROZHDESTVENSKY SUNDAY, FEB. 16, 1992 at 3 PM Qml SMii«i M qM m fnm . Philadelphia Debut Recital IVO POGORELICH The talented Piano Virtuoso from Yugoslavia * SUNDAY, MARCH 1, 1992 at 3 PM U tttom etncs ACADEMY OF ST. MARTIN IN THE FIELDS n ^ s A v ^ Q W ^ r I KENNETH SILLITO. Music Director I OwBOurBesI0st III I . fI f * C?C? . I SUNDAY, APRIL 5, 1992 at 3 PM I Dally Wea, Lent Packagos | | VlSIOM Screening I Includos; SHLOMO MINTZ Exam j j see if you need a new vision Soloist/Conductor with the Dolux* Cate Kit | j correclion or examination ISRAEL CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Follow-up Care | | .no obligation | Reg. $129.99 . . .no appointment necessary ■ MONDAY, MAY 11, 1992 at 8 PM ______Now 99.00 DXj DXj conductedLONDON by SYMPHONY II 20% OFF’’! MICHAEL TILSON THOMAS your e y e e x a m II All Designer Frames Plus... in Stock! EVENTS AND DATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE $20QQ off a n y pair of Jones New York. Polo by Ralph Lauren, Perry Ellis. Glasses Giorgio Armani. Logo Paris o ALL STAR-FORUM, 1521 Locust St, Phlla., 19102 j w/hen purchased together^i | ed find $_____for_____ Student Subscriptions Coupm aut bi prwwM a «• of pinlHn. EnkiiiM ol olwt olm E>plrn _____ each. UnAoM coupon ptrpiKliMt Appolntmenls available dally • Walk-In's gladly taken if scheduling permits. ORDER NOW! 3600 Market $ !■ * Entrance on 36th Street LIMITED TICKETS ate/Zip. CALL 387-3600 AVAILABLE For further Information call 735-7506 8 • The Triangle • October 4,1991 EditorianDmnion

Convocation address is im portant to hear Next Wednesday morning guest speaker, Jeanne Kirkpatrick. years in service to the Reagan another convocation will have However, that difference of administration, but all of us have The W eekly Newspaper come and gone. Most classes will opinion is no reason not to attend had to reevaluate our picture of of be canceled, as teachers have been at all. Surejy, diere will be some the world around us in light of the Drexel University urged to encourage students to people who are going to boycott recent events. attend. the convocation because of Perhaps the best thing to do Convocation, with this year’s ideological differences with would be to attend the speaker Jeanne Kirkpatrick, will Jeanne Kirkpatrick (and some convocation and hear how Ms. Published throughout the present Drexel students with an who wall boycott her because of a Kirkpatrick’s opinions have been year by students for the important opportunity. This certain dark incident with a feline altered by the Soviet coup- University Community convocation is the beginning of presidential candidate). But is this attempt. Drexel’s second century. really the best course of action? There may still be a great However, history tells us that No one will deny that Ms. difference of opinion on the way most students will take this Kirkpatrick has die right to speak the world should be run, and after ojqxHtunity to sleq> late. tere, the main question seems to hearing the address you may not Editor-in-Chief There are many reasons for not be whether ch* not her presence is think any more highly of Gary Rosenzweig attending die convocation — you appropriate to the type of Kiricpatrick than you did before, need extra sleep, you have a university we would like Drexel but we really shotdd keep an open hangover from Cav’s, etc... to be. Editorial Page Editor mind to the views of all others. Another reason diat can be added But how can we be sure of what There is no way to make a Ted Howe to this year’s list may be your her current views are. Kiikratrick judgement on the address unless difference of opinion with the was a devout anti-Soviet m her you hear it yourself.

W ith the new year w e should renew recycling efforts

Welcome back to Drexel University. I Here at Drexel, almost 80% of the The goal of the committee was to Drexel are paper wastes. Paper can be hope that everyone has had a fun and waste generated is paper alone. These evaluate Drexel’s current waste divided into two categories for recycling; rewarding summer or co-op experience. wastes are becoming more and more generation and disposal and to investigate white and mixed paper. Now that we are back on campus it is difficult to dispose of as landfills, our and propose environmentally con­ WUte paper consists of just that, white time to remember one of the most most common method of disposal, are scientious methods to deal with them. paper, as long as it doesn’t have any color important duties of our lives on this being filled up and closed down. Fewer Because of the lack of available funds dyes in it Mixed p i ^ r is the other kind planet Basically what I am talking about landfills are being opened up, which is and support at Drexel, the program began of paper that Drexel recycles. Mixed is respect. Not only respect for those causing the cost of trash disposal to keep slowly, placing the bins around campus paper consists of all colored, glossy, and around us, but also foi^the planet itself. going up. Pennsylvania is no exception when they arrived and when time was thick papers, as well as envelopes, post-it Remember that and here at Drexel you are paying the available The goal was to place the bins notes, and paperboard, but does not big blue court drop price. and then evaluate areas and their need include corrugated cardboard or food the M ain There are things you can do to help, if based on the amount of trash and wrappers. Even though Drexel recycles I Building that ann­ you dare to be an acceptable human recyclables generated. mixed paper, it is extremely important to ounced D rexel’s being. A group of Drexel faculty decided Because of the types of waste that are recycle white paper separately because new recycling that it was time to do something about most frequently generated here at Drexel there is a large market for recycled white ______1 program? Well, if Drexel’s waste and formed the Drexel the Committee decided that a three-fold paper, which means that Drexel gets paid you’re a freshman you probably don’t, University Recycling and Waste system would be most appropriate. for each ton of pure white pqwr. On the but the rest of you have no excuse, Management Committee (DUR&WMC). Almost all of the waste generated at although you probably never took the See RECYCLE on page 10 time to r e ^ it, and are now complaining that Drexel is behind the times, by not having an adequate recycling program. C om puter allocations need to be review ed (See the letter to the editor in the August I recently required the use of some 23 issue of The Triangle). For those of current diqx>sition, I could either get the on the floor. I don’t know if these were serious computing equipment (more living hell beat outta me or worse. you who care about the school or care woiking computers but they are just the serious than my four-year-old 1 meg SE I looked to the computer hooked up to about this world we live in or even care tip of the iceberg. With the alliance with two floppies) so I went to the the VCR (they are next to each other) and between Apple and Drexel, there ought to about the needless increases in tuition, Korman Center. 1 had heard that they got you should probably take some to read found a young gentleman pounding his be some way to give us students more rid of the outdated way through an Excel spreadsheet linked access to computers. this article and discover that Drexel has a Plusses and SEs more than adequate recycling program, to a pqier. Again, papers and notes were There’s room in the Korman Center for and installed Mac strewn around the entire area and the more tables; there’s room for more but lacks the su^iort of the student body. lls with internal I know, you are really so busy guzzling sweat on this guy’s face said that would computers. We have people waiting in hard drives, and SE not be a good idea to point out that the lines for computers. The only thing down your beer that you really don’t care 30s. I specifically where you toss your can, but you really thousands of dollars of video equiptment missing is the computers. Now, I’m not needed to scan a were hooked up to this computer for a talking fast, powerful computers. I’m should. After all, even if you don’t care couple photographs and dump some about the environment, you should care specific reason— the downloading of talking low-level grunts (read SE 40) for videotape material to a floppy for moving video to still images—not Word about the large amount of money that word processing, lots of word processing. integration into a paper. papers or Excel spreadsheets. Drexel now spends on waste hauling and One look at the Korman Center and you I entered the Komuui Center and to my As I wandered through the Korman disposal, which basically comes out of can see it is needed. I’m not even going to pleasant suprise, the> rumor was true. Center, I was amazed at the demand for your pocket (or out of your parent’s talk about the last two weeks of the term- However, the place was mobbed with low level computer processing} There was any term. (OK. I’ll just say “Hell.”) pockets, in which case you probably care people. There were people ganging less.) nobody there utilizing color on any of the When I started coming here four years around computers doing group papers and Mac IIs or doing serious number As I sit here and write this, I can’t help ago, Korman laserprinting was 25^ per group projects. There were double lines crunching on the SE 30s. It was papers but wonder whether I’m getting my point page, your paper or theirs, and more for for the LaserWriters, every Imagewriter and resumes throughout the center with a across, or whether I am just wasting my transparencies. They had three old was in use and the most prevalent sprinkling of people creating flyers for time on Drexel’s “apathetic student printers and one was almost always printout was— drumroll please— the events. It is a waste of computer body.” (Truthfully, I don’t believe that down. Now it is true that they have more resume. resources to give someone a MacIIci Drexel students are apathetic, I just printers, more computers going to the I easily found the computers I needed. hooked to all this video gear, expensive believe that they like to use that as an printers and lower prices but all of these The computer hooked to the scanner had software and internal hardware, and have excuse not to do anything; either that or factors make for still greater demand. It’s a very fervent looking, business-dressed them write a paper in Word. time to really survey the needs of the the fact that Drexel does nothing for woman hacking out resumes all over. It Give these people SEs with 2.5 megs them, but really, what do you do for people who use the Korman Center and looked like she needed it done memory and a 40MB internal haid drive Drexel?) comform it to those needs, not fill it with immediately and had to start from for the applications and run System 6.x. I Anyway, even if you haven’t had computers that are ten times more scratch. I almost pointed out that the saw a consultant come out of a room with powerful than is needed. If we need more enough of my obnoxious attitude, I have, computer is supposed to be used for a door covered with posters so you so let me tell you a bit about what you VW Bugs, don’t give us a Lamborghini, scanning, not resumes. But I let her alone couldn’t see though it. Behind him, there give us more VW Bugs. should know' ^d what you cau do. because I figured, depending on her were about 20 computers in a sloppy pile The Triangle • October 4,1991 • 9

A fo n d look at the treasures o f old Latrobe I felt like I was on a religious town, was a boxy-looking building. We pilgrimage. My mind was becoming made our way toward it, down small focused and relaxed. I wasn’t on my way roads and across little bridges. Then we to Mecca, Jerusalem or Bethlehem, but I stopped and parked across the street. felt spiritual just the same. Looking way up at the building we saw Two-hundred miles of Turnpike a faded sign near the top. It said “Rolling became more than just a highway, it was Rock Premium Beer.” A sign around the a passageway to another state — and I other side said, “The same as it ever don’t mean Ohio. It was.” was the noble road Rolling Rock has always been my that carried us to favorite beer. It don’t know if it was our destination. because it was what my friends drank Our exit was in a many years ago, the locality of the plant, small town called or the mysterious *33.’ Donegal. My fnend So there I was gazing in the windows Ron and I, and his beat-up jeep, were now of the building where every bottle of in Deer Hunter territory. All around were Rolling Rock beer I ever drank was made. small towns and abandoned steel plants. Yea, there were those huge glorious , still far away, was at least glass-lined tanks at work. present on the airwaves, accompanied by So, big deal, it’s only beer. It’s not plenty of static. Small roads that were, for even a very expensive, and certainly not the most part, not on my highway map, highly praised, beer. Well, I guess I’m a took us farther north. romantic — and true romantics can get We saw no signs that told us how close wrapped up in anything. T r y not to take your we were getting to our goal. One minute Rolling Rock represents to me more we were on a country road, the next we than just the three ^rcen t alcohol. It is a were in a small Pennsylvanian town — symbol of many things in my life. It has life too seriously Latrobe. always been there for me, and always will One glance at my more highly detailed be. A few weeks ago, Gary Rosenzweig, the things which we despise to help find map of that area and I knew the whole So we took some pictures, and visited Editor-in-Chief of The Ttiangle, and I cures for various diseases? Nothing, layout of the town. I’m like that, I love the main offlce. There were no tours, but went to Carney’s Pub after delivering a that’s what. geography — it sits so easily in my head. we hit a gift shop some miles away — good chunk of the Welcome Back issues Basically, animal rights are silly. You We were close. However, we had no you’d be surprised what they had that of the paper. So, we’re sitting there can’t have some kind of social contract idea where in Latrobe it was. We passed said “Rolling Rock.” tossing back a few beers when he asks me with an animal. Animals don’t respect by small shops and taverns, whose signs Everyone has their favorite ‘When are you going to get responsible?’ people’s rights, because they simply rarely even mentioned the name of the teahi, favorite ice cream, and favorite I just looked at him and laughed. couldn’t understand what our rights might town where they resided. movie. I have my favorite beer. Does it This conversation reminded me of the be. Sure it’s not nice to be cruel to We would feel awkward asking the really matter? Probably not, but it tastes great sage, Robert animals, but to claim that they have many townsfolk for directions. They have better than most things that do matter. Plant, who asked deserve some kind of rights is silly. lived all their lives by the monument that “33” the eternal ques­ One the big things which people take we sought, the glory and mystery of it tion, “Does any­ far too seriously is the search for a would be invisible to them. Ed. Note - Gary suffers from from a body remember ‘significant other.’ Why is it so important So we rode for a while, until we went strange malady which makes his writing laughter?” My own to establish some kind of relationship all the way through town. Then we turned have exactly thirty-three words per interpretation of with only one person? Wouldn’t people the car around and looked oyer Latrobe. paragraph. We believe this is from this asks, “Why the hell do people take be more happy if they allowed each other There were many large buildings, and consuming too miich Rolling Rock. Don't things so goddam seriously?” a certain amount of freedom instead 6f many abandoned mills. let this happen to you. One of the big questions people have trying to confine each other into a selfish, Among the streets, at one edge of wrestled with in their lives is whether monogamous relationship? some supreme being, most popularly Lastly, the thing that people take too known as God, really exists. Both atheists seriously is themselves. Too many people and fanatics think they know. I have have problems with just being wrestled with this question for a long themselves. Too much time is spent Warrior machines time and my conclusion is that it just projecting some kind of image which doesn’t matter. others are supposed to appreciate. What The following is just fiction - it has no seemed to be reflecting on many wars If there really is a creator of the the ‘image projectionists’ don’t whining or complaining, so is therefore past. universe (there could be, the universe had understand is that, after awhile, others do not like my other columns. Since there “Our souls travel through time to get here somehow) would he really catch on to the fact that their image is a hasn’t been any news lately and since I together, my friend,” he was saying to the want to be worshipped? I say that the lie. don’t have the time to make any, I mound of dirt, “and soon ours will meet creator opened a pandora’s box when he The ‘plastic people’ are the lowest decided that it might be a good idea to again.” created it and later split because he didn’t form of human life because they don’t just run a short story. This is the first I could feel the coarse grains of sand want to deal. allow themselves to be. They all suffocate part in a four part series. burning hot underneath me as they Why the hell is rock ‘n’ roll being under their own masks. It is truly a sad Sergeant penetrated my boots and thick gear. taken seriously? Remember rock ‘n’ roll existence to not allow oneself to breathe Thompson removed Thousands of hot tiny needles were before it got a freakin’ conscience? Isn’t and thrive. his helmet and pushing at my skin, warning me to move rock ‘n’ roll supposed to be the music of Maybe, by this time, it sounds like I’m stared to safer ground where the hefron that rebellion? Isn’t supposed to be the music a little smug and have the ‘the meaning of disbelievingly at infected the bordering ocean land would your parents hate instead the music they life’ figured out. I don’t really believe the warm ground have no physical effect on my body. A grew up with? I hate activist rockers like there is some all-encompasssing for some time. sharp wind from the midst of the Sting, Bono, Peter Gabriel and Michael ‘meaning of life.’ Life should be lived, Smoke was still rising from where the turbulent waters sent the fatal sand Stipe. I wish they would all just quit their not pondered. bombs and artillery had landed and new lashing against my face and branded jobs as rockers and become full-time TTiat’s why college is so important. plateaus had formed to hide the old welts on both cheeks. ' social workers. Time spent in college is really the last landscape. Thompson bent down and Nothing could make me move from Rock never wanted to be taken time that there any sort of abandonment. started to slowly dig away the dirt from a my hidden post; however, I was too seriously, it was supposed to be fun, There aren’t really many responsibilities fresh mound with his helmet, discarding engrossed in the scene unfolding in froot risqu6, rebellious, in-your-face and pull at college besides studying and doing the rubble to his side. The dark sand stuck of me. no punches (and other trite cliches) homework. Okay, there are bills to pay to the inner rim of the helmet with recent It had all happened so fast; the sky music. It’s not supposed to have a here and there, but after this, for most of sweat binding it as adhesive. The darkened from the approaching air attack conscience. It just has to be fun to listen us, it’s going to be the 9-to-5 grind. moisture from the helmet that mixed with and we all assumed our defensive to. I shit on the sensitive balladeers like We won’t be able to just ‘cut’ work as the ground turned the residue dark positions. We had just landed on the James Taylor, Paul McCartney and the easy as we cut class. We won’t be able to mocha, like two day old coffee. shore and were unloading our equipment like. To all of them I say one thing, “Quit go out and drink ourselves stupid on a It was coffee they were arguing about when the air fire began. your crying... just shut up and rock! Tuesday night as often. College is truly when the offensive began this morning We hadn't had a chance to set up the Remember when animals used to be the last bastion of freedom and just as the last remnants of dusk was metal shields that would throw off the just animals instead of, I don’t know, irresponsibility. It’s time to live it up giving way to early daylight. As we were satellite probes and were taken super-animals? I mean, look, humans are now, because this is our last true unloading. Major Kelly had spilled the completely off guard. The satellites the most advanced animal life on earth so opportunity to do so. It’s not an amoral attitude, it’s simply hand ground beans that the two of them scanned in on one human after another we get dibbs on all of the lesser animals. the attitude to have fun while you can. If had spent the night before grinding on the and projected their physical image and The only purpose of cows and pigs are you have to put it into some moral theory, ship, while they discussed old stories. location coordinates westward into the to multiply and be slaughtered for human 1 sat there behind the carnage, feeling sky thousands of feet high and wide so consumption. it would be those famous words which Bill S. Preston, Esquire and Ted safe and obscure in my anonymity and the fighter jets could easily pinpoint their Nobody likes rats and mice so, here’s ‘Theodore’ Logan once said: “Party on watched the decorated soldier dig up his targets. an idea, let’s use them for lab dude!” and “Be excellent to each other.” oldest friend. He looked hundreds of The orbital scanners reacted to human experiments. I see nothing wrong with years older as he knelt; looking at his blood and tissue in their probes and cross that at all. All they do is spread disease muddy helmet, and as he tolled he referenced the coordinates of their anyway, so what is so wrong with using ami. on 10 10 • TTie Triangle • October 4,1991

H um anity struggles to stay alive in a harsh w orld com. from 9 victims with an aerial map face on the death screen; it was stations and review the raids heavy as hell; they were set up whole bunch of mos into the which was linked to the firing better get it over with through transmitted footage. on the ground as a shell that ocean, Warmos and civilian unit of the attacJcing jet. The instantaneously because it is The Warmos are well soldiers could station under alike. satellite simultaneously micro supposedly less painful that equipped at psycho-analytical while firing. They did not I could see the cold metal of photographed the skyward way. warfare, however, and exploit completely stop the satellites, their bodies as they landed in the looking human, projected his If it is another unfortunate their enemies' weakness of but confused them enough to warm ocean all at once; image and the image of his human, it has been warned that emotionalism to their advantage shoot down many planes in the realizing through simulated coordinates into the sky, and the look of shock and horror as by broadcasting the execution of interim. The older model interpretation that they were commanded the fuing unit in the they recognize their face and the humans’ closest friends and satellites took even longer to about to destruct The cold metal jet to shoot at the recorded fate at the same time will be squad members to anyone who interpret through the shell, so became more vivid as it location. etched into an observer’s is unfortunate enough to have many more planes were disabled contrasted with the warm vapors There are twenty to twenty- memory forever. That, along his eyas drawn to the sight during those battles. of contamination that brushed five independent scanning units with the following sight of The thick metal shields that It was hard for us to see or against my suit and as I turned in each satellite so each watching them get blown to a defense units use during combat move on the beach because of around, I realized that it was independent satellite can million pieces magnified crystal were created and built by the protective gear we had to more than just my imagination. command up to twenty-five jets clear one thousand times is Thompson himself to deter the wear against the hefron that to kill that many humans at one equally terrifying. satellite probes in sensing the contaminated the ocean fronts. Look for future installments in time. After awhile, the sky Some military analysts blood and tissue of ground Twenty years ago, in 1997, upcoming issues o f The Triangle becomes engulfed with a couple believe that this is the real humans. They were solid and human rioters had dumped a dozen projected images. They reason for the Warmos’ (warrior overlap the offensive jets and as machines) satellite probe solo shooters fire upward they projections that take over the R ecycle and help save the w orld find themselves firing at their sky during combat. It is common friends and co-workers - knowledge that the fighter jets Continued from page 8 recycled is aluminum. This was bins are currently in place, now sometimes even at themselves. have internal sensory probes that other hand, there is a greater also found to be another one of would be a great time to see if The first thing we were taught can just as easily and accurately supply of mixed paper, which Drexel's primary wastes. I bins are in good locations. There in basic was not to look upward pinpoint human occupation. It is means that Drexel' must pay to encourage you to look around is no way to monitor this, except at the snared images because it also known that there are no have it recycled,* but it is still a for the big light blue trash cans through the assistance of the would do no good no matter Warmos in the jets; they are fraction of the cost to dispose of that are for aluminum recycling students who use them. So if what. If it was you, it was better completely computerized to run the paper in a landfill. and toss your cans in. you think a bin is needed not to see your own shocked on their own. The Warmos sit at The third material that E)rexel Since a large number of the somewhere where there isn’t one, or one is placed where it is unneeded, please take note and drop your comments and suggestions off in the mailbox TONIGHT. for EYE Openers (student members of the DUR&WMC); 3029 MacAlister Hall. Address CALL FOR ROOM SERVICE. comments to M. Rogow. An­ other place in the University that Use these coupons for the best deal on campus. accumulates a lot of waste is the cafeteria. Drexel’s cafeterias do not use disposable products, except for polystyrene cups (‘styrofoam’), but these contribute large volumes of material to Drexel's trash. A two-fold solution was chosen. To decrease the amount of styrofoam used, we intro­ duced a reusable mug campaign. The mugs can be purchased at DUFS, Pete’s Arena, or the Faculty Club. The second part of the program is polystyrene recycling. In DUFS, the separation for recycling is done in the kitchen, so ^1 you have to do is place your tray on the rack. In Pete’s Arena the system is different. Because you discard your own trash, we encourage you to place your styrofoam cups (if you haven’t already purchased a mug) in the big white trash cans. Once styrofoam is collected, it is placed into^ a densifier and compacted to save space, for S e rv in g transportation, and for easier N O B O D Y recycling. Drexel University Some of the future projects of K N O W S the Recycling and Waste Management Committee are to 3 8 6 - 2 6 0 0 ' IINE implement recycling in the dorms (student support is mgys. needed), to begin glass and 3801-17 Chestnut St. How 1/bu Like Pizza At Home. plastic recycling on campus. If you have any ideas, comments, questions, or want to become involved in any of these projects $5.99 $ 1 . 0 0 $8.99 or committees, please contact tTi LARGE 1-TOPPING EYE Openers at our offibe, 895- ^ E D IU M ORIGINAL! ^ :O U P O N CRUSHER 4978, or stop by and visit us I Enjoy a medium original I Get an additional $1.00 off Enjoy a large original pizza j sometime at 3029 MacAlister I cheese pizza for only $5.99! I your Domino's Pizza order with your favorite topping for Hall. We’d love your support. I Get two for only $9.99! I when you present a only $8.99! You can recycle in your I Additional toppings $1.13 I competitor's coupon to our homes by bringing your I each (covers pizzas.) I driver upon delivery. recyclables to Ecology Recycling at 3Sth and Lancaster, I Coupon H jH Expires I Coupon H H Expires | j Coupon Expires the first Saturday of the month necessary 12/31/91 I necessary Q jH 12AJ1/91 necessary 12/31/91 between 9a.m. and 3p.m. Come I recycle with the communt^. A little effort is all it takes to make (to •haTHM wSiM A S tS S **'*** our world a little better to live •anoMMiMKtK OiMakiiw •WlMMItelK . MahiV in. The Triangle • October 4 ,1991 • 11

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Use Your Illusion / Use Your Illusion II I6Tracks. 76:06 14 Tracks, 75:59 Produced by Mike Clink and Produced by Mike Clink and Guns ’N' Roses Guns 'N' Roses Rating A A A R ating. .AAAAA Guns ’N’ Roses say to ’Use Your Illusion’ once... . and then again, for a second ear-splitting time. Steve Bojanowski______But somewhere in that mess. their talents. The band mixes slower tunes such as “Estrang­ New drummer Matt Sorum, Triangle Staff Writer Guns ‘N’ Roses seemed to real­ blues, metal, punk, folk, and ed”, where his powerful, melod­ who replaces the fired Steven ize that they’re too good to al­ classic rock influences into a ic leads pull against the melan­ Adler, is a welcome addition and Once upon a time (1987, to be low themselves to blow it. They powerful amalgam (there’s a ten choly background. Slash also a real fmd. A much more tech­ precise), a sleazy L.A. metal got their shit together and set out dollar word, eh Jack?) and then proves to be one of modern nically proncieni drummer than band named Guns ’N’ Roses to be the best hard rock band in amplifies it to hair raising rock’s most proliFic songwriters, Adler could ever hope to be, rose above the pack and released the world. The result is l/se extremes. filling UYI I & II with enough Sorum provides a lethal combi­ its first major label album — Your Illusion I & II, two new Use Your Illusion I & II were nasty riffs, to last four albums. nation of power and precision. Appetite For Destruction. Pack­ albums that will undoubtedly produced by the band with Mike Along with guitarist Izzy Hell, he blows Steven Adler off ed with griuy lyrics and enough propel Guns ’N’ Roses into the Clink, who also helmed Ap­ Str^dlin, bassist Duff McKagan the map. Having someone as talent to match its attitude, it be­ realm of the legendary. petite. Together, they really go and drummer Mau Sorum, Slash solid as Sorum in the band really came an instant must-have in The simultaneous release of all out, not afraid to take leads the band into some of the brings the best out of the other hard rock circles. When the two albums has risen eyebrows chances. Multi-tracked vocals most killer grooves and band members, especially album’s second single, “Sweet and skepticism, but the G’N’R (listen for Alice Cooper’s dis­ irresistible hooks recorded since bassist McKagan who comes Child O’ Mine” reached the air­ boys don’t disappoint. Neither tinctive snarl lurking in the back the glory days of The Who and into his own. waves, the masses were won does the quantity act in place of of various tracks) and sound Led Zeppelin. See ROSES on Page 15 over, and very quickly G’N’R quality. Either album by itself effects eke their way onto many were very big. would be a worthy follow up to songs. Especially impressive is Over the course of the next Appetite (Yes, I know I’m ignor­ UYI r.s climax, the epic In Memarium two years, Guns ’N’ Roses ing G'N’R Lies,but it was really “Coma.” Clink and G ’N’R also would becomc a household only an EP): but together they pull out some surprises, such as name, and that sudden fame provide enough great m'aterial to the lushly produced and orches­ Jazz icon M iles Davis nearly destroyed the band. They keep even casual listeners busy trated ballad “November Rain” had gone from living in the for quite some time. and a Spanish acoustic ending to streets and begging for food to The first two songs released, "Double Talkin’ Jive.” The dead at age 65 living the rock ’n’ roll fairy tale. “Civil War” and “You Could Be overall sound quality is excel­ Reports of the lewd and crude Mine”, give a taste of what the lent, as Clink has managed to Jack Persico, Triangle Staff Writer______surrounded the band; stories that revamped Gunners are capable capture the Gunner’s trademark made even veteran bad boys like of, but only hint at the maturity grunge and make it sound huge. Legendary jazz trumpeter and bandleader Miles Davis died of Aerosmith cringe. Singer Axl and growth that the group has Lead piiarist Slash really respiratory failure last Saturday (September 28) at age 65, Tmally Rose seemed to draw controver­ undergone. Not afraid to take proves himself on UYI I & II , succumbing to a month-long case of pneumonia. Davis, revered sy around him, and rampant chances or pull out all the stops, providing the pcrfect parts by both his contemporaries and his successors, had become an drug and alcohol, use played at the songs on U YII & II show to almost every situation. He is international icon of contemporary American music by the time the other band members’ lives. Guns ’N’ Roses in full control of especially' impressive during the of his death. Davis began his career in the mid-1940s, as a sideman to bebop virtuoso Charlie Parker. During his time with Parker, Rod’s Greatest Hits? Davis absorbed'bebop’s emphasis on improvisation and individual expression, but forsaw its limitations. As a bandleader Yfednesday's Spectrum show had a bit too in the early I9SOs, Davis merged the tunefulness of the 1930s’ much emphasis on the old, reliable material big band era with the improvisation of bebop, thereby creating an entirely new style: “cool” jazz. Anita j. Michel, Of The Triangle It was in this tailor-made genre that Davis earned his reputation as a master bandleader and developed his influential Major rock concerts have some very annoying features. playing style. The quixotic nature of Davis’s style is perhaps Features such as corporate sponsorship, feedback prob­ most evident on his ethereal 19S9 release Kind of Blue, a lems, audience sing-alongs encouraged by the performers, timeless document of Davis’s intuitive ability to invest simple people b>ing to get encores by flicking their Bics, group melodies with a deeply emotional quality. clapping encouraged by the p^orm ers, hissing s p ie r s , The essense of modem jazz is conOTist — between soloist and teenage girls heaving stu ff^ animals at the stage, four group, structure and spontaneity, interpretation and reproduction dollar beers, the dreaded audience sway to slow songs, — and Davis epitomized this conflict between consistency and and the noxious orange stuff they try to pass of as change, not only in his recordings but indeed in the scope of his “cheese” with the “nachos.” Unfortunately, Wednesday career, which encompassed not only bebop and cool jazz, but night’s nearly sold out Rod Stewart concert at the also the avant garde “free” jazz of the 1960s. the jazz-rock Spectrum had all those features. Fortunately, these were fusion of the 1970s (for which, like cool jazz, Davis was the the only problems with the show, as far as major shows go. architect) and the world music 1980s. Throughout his 45-year Taking the perfectly white stage at about 8:20 after a career, Davis was the linchpin that held jazz together: the most unusual opening act (a Scottish marching band indeliable mark he leA on each of these styles unified an art form parading around the Spectrum floor), Stewart began with that would almost certainly have fragmented into sub-genres “Maggie May,” which had been a top Tive hit this week without his guidance. twenty years ago. Dressed in a silver lame* jacket and Just a few hours after Davis’s death, on the season premiere black pants. Rod the Mod tried to prove he could still .of Saturday Night Live, Chuck D. of the controversial rap group move like he did twenty years ago. Except for moments Public Enemy requested a moment of silence in Davis’s honor, when he looked slightly like a chicken, he was still able adding “without him. there’d be no us.” Certainly, it is to. He gave the audience enough butt shots, that’s for sure. undeniable that the discursiveness of rap can be so clearly traced The show then progressed in to a mix of hits of the 70s, back to Davis’s radical experiments on Bitches Brew and In A 80s, and 90s. This seemed a bit odd, since the tour was to Silent Way, which can in turn be u^ced back to Davis’s bebop promote the Vagabond Heart album. Stewart only pe­ foundation. rformed two songs off this latest disc, “Rhythm of My Such is the breadth of contemporary music’s debt to Davis, a Heart,” and “The Motown Song,” which was a bit of a le­ consummate musician who never ceased to explore new realms. tdown, since the disc is well put together and received As he so aptly put it in the immodest title of a 1957 album. decent reviews. But the audience knew what they wanted, Miles Davis was always “miles ahead.” See STEWART on Page 15 Rod the Mod did the Spectrum this week. The Triangle • October 4,1991 • 13

L atest V ideo R eleases for those long fall nights Steven D. Segal Depardieu picked up an Oscar one...and the guy's been dead forming the same jokes over and tour. Whether all or some of this Triangle Staff Writer nomination for Best Actor here. for 1 I years. Tells you how over again (like the tried-and- film was staged, the fact remains In French with yellow English great this one is, doesn’t it? (R) true “tripping over the high that Madonna has some serious Career Opportunities: From subtitles. (PG) / haven’t seen it A heels” gag and the “Omigosh, cajones and isn't afraid of being writer John Hughes, a familiar yet. so I'Can't rate it. So sue me. The Marrying Man: On the I’ve got snoobs!" reactions). But brash and blunt. That's her plot: a B.S. artist (Franl< Whaley The Doors: From Oliver eve of his wedding in the 1940s, just when you’re resigned to appeal. That's what makes her of The Doors and The Fresh­ Stone, a decadent, depressing, Alec Baldwin falls in love and accepting the inherent repet­ Madonna. Watch for appear­ man) gets ioclced in a depart­ psychedelic descent back into lust with Las Vegas lounge itiveness of this body-switching ances by Warren Beatty, Al ment store on his first night of the 60s. Val Kilmer was bom to singer Kim Basinger ... who just comedy, things get serious and Pacino, Kevin Costner, and a worlc where he meets Jennifer play Jim Morrison, but his happens to be the girl of turn all mushy. Until then. lucky bottle of champagne Connelly (the babe with great performance - and nearly every­ “Bugsy" Siegel. What follows is Switch is worth a look. (R) (you’ll know what I mean). (R) snoobs from The Rocketeer) and thing else in this wide-screen an ups-and-downs relationship A A 1/2 A A A 1/2 must battle two inept theives. movie - gets lost on the small during which the two marry, Twin Peaks: This much- The Godfather — Part III: (FG-13) A A l/2 TV screen, especially the cine­ divorce, marry, divorce, etc. balleyhooed “European Ver­ Francis Fprd Coppola has added Closet Land: matography which had the This entertaining melodrama sion" features additional footage 9 minutes to his film, taking the is a nameless state interrogator mind-numbing effect of making may just be the last screen ap­ not seen in America before. It’s opportunity to re-cut his rushed- who forces to the theatre-viewer feel like he pearance of both Kim Basinger the original two-hour pilot to-theatres-so-it-could-qualify- admit that her children’s books was tripping-out on acid. In the and Alec Baldwin, seeing how episode with a new ending in for-Oscar-consideration release. contain subversive messages. theatre. The Doors was an out- nobody in Hollywood wants to which the murder of Laura The new footage is said to The film is a tete-i-t6te, a battle of-mind, out-of-body exper­ work with either one of them Palmer is solved. further flesh out certain of wills played out in one room. ience. On video, it’s a dark, anymore. Better taken as a light In the series it took roughly characters, notably those of the As a result, most theatre-goers muddled two-and-a-half hour drama than a comedy. The 10 epfsodes to solve that darned daughter (Sofia Coppola) and felt as if they were watching a rock video. (R) In Theatres: supporting cast is good, fea­ •murder, so you can appreciate the attorney (George Hamilton), stage-play. The claustrophobia ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ; On Video A A turing Armand Assante, Robert how disjointed this video is in as well as more clearly explain of being confined in a cold, The H ard Way: Michael J. Loggia, Paul Reiser and Eliza­ cutting to the chase and circum­ the cryptic plot. marble room for 95 minutes is Fox is a spoiled movie star who beth Shue. (R) A A 1/2 venting the many fascinating With or without the extra intensified on video, and the pairs-up with NY cop James The Rescuers Down Under: developments that unfolded footage, Coppola achieved a larger-than-life feeling inherent Woods so he can study for the The most recent Disney animat­ throughout the season and led to tremendous goal with this film, in theatre viewing is reduced on role of a hardened detective. ed feature is a spectacular ad- the killer. While Lynch does proving that a successor to the video, allowing the viewer to More style than substance, more > venture with an important envi­ solve the murder, he leaves Oscar-winning Godfather and more easily identify with the yelling and screaming than di­ ronmental message. Featuring many more questions unanswer­ Godfather II could be as worthy. characters. alogue, about equal parts come­ the voices of Eva Gabor, Bob ed. Those who never saw the Powerhouse performances from A difficult film to experience, dy and action. From John Bad- Newhart, John Candy and pilot episode or the series should Andy Garcia and Joe Mantegna Closet Land deals with personal ham (WarGames, Blue Thunder, George C. Scott. (G) A A A A stay away because you’ll be far threaten to blow Al Pacino off freedom, political ideology, Stakeout, Bird on a Wire). (R) Switch: Another sex-farce more confused here than if the screen, but things pull tightly physical and mental torture, and ▲ ▲ ▲ ' from Blake Edwards {Victor!- you’d caught every episode. together in the end. Enough talk what people will endure to A Kiss Before Dying: Victoria, S.O.B., Skin Deep), this What a let-down. A 1/2 about this film; if you haven't uphold their beliefs, despite the Hitchcockian schmalu from the time with Ellen Barkin as the seen it, it’s a best-bet on video; lengths to which some will go to writer of Fatal Attraction. Matt spirit of a murdered womanizer And coming next week... if you have seen it, know that it inflict their views on everyone Dillon is a killer who marries who is sent back to earth to plays better on the home TV else. A powerful film about Sean Young after killing ... oh redeem himself for his vicari­ Madonna - Truth or Dare: screen than it did in theatres. (R) human rights. (R) A.AAA never mind. Hitchcock could’ve ousness. Barkin is appealing, “Mockumentary” of Madonna A A A A 1/2 Cyrano de Bergerac: Gerard done a better job directing this though she is reduced to per­ while on her “Blonde Ambition” It cam e fro m D .C , - and it^s not a political scandal subsists on a ‘Steady D iet of N othing’

Chad Gorn, Triangle Staff Writer______the fiery “Reclamation,” the short, simple, and Some bands sacrifice originality for popularity. melodic “Long Division," and the upbeat, For others, originality is the reason for their masterfully dissonant “Latin Roots.” success. Fugazi falls into the latter group. Their Some of the other songs include the instru­ latest L.P., Steady Diet o f Nothing, is an eleven- mental “Steady Diet,” the sarcastic and cynical song voyage through unique musical ideas and “Nice New Outfit,” and the sympathetic “Dear structures. The Washington D.C. foursome has Justice Letter.” Ian MacKaye’s screaming vocals been wrongly classified by magazines as a mixture in “Polish” are reminiscent of his unquestionably of funk, reggae, rock, punk, and everything else hardcore days. with a hardcore appeal. I write “wrongly” because Fugazi’s messages are often mixed. “Reclama­ Fugazi cannot be labelled as anything but Fugazi. tion” is a plea for freedom ( "These are our de­ Steady Diet of Nothing begins with “Exit Only,” mands: We want control of our bodies..."). one of the four songs that Fugazi performed when “Stacks” expresses a desire for a more expanded they played at Drexel in March. Right away, one method of expression than language, which keeps hears an inflectional whining of growing us “...locked and repeating..." and “KYEO," from 'the silence. ’s- unmistakable which probably stands for "Keep Your Eyes Open” drums kick in, and are shortly followed by a typi­ (the exact words are not exactly in the song nor are cally Fugazi rhythm. The music pauses for two of they elsewhere on the sleeve) induces confidence. three stray guitar notes and picks up again. Finally, {"...The tools, they will he swinging, hut we will cries along with his guitar: “Exeunt" not he beaten down.") with a hardened final “t” sixteen times. The other Depending on your chosen musical medium. three songs introduced to the crowd in March were See FUGAZI on Page 14 Members of Fugazi, angry about something, as usual.

N ation of Ulysses provides latest D .C. noisefest NATION OF UIYSSIS Boy In America Contest” in 1990. He won, and Anita j. Michel, Of The Triangle______used the magazine as a springboard to shamelessly 13-Point Program to Destroy AmerUa Here’s happy news for people who had to put up promote N of U for a year. with a summer of CHR, classic rock, and a dismal Enough about the organization of N of U, what Philadelphia club scene; grunge is alive and well about the music? 13-Point Program starts off and living in Washington, D.C., the city built on a strongly with “Spectra Sonic Sound,” a barrage of cesspool. The noise we’ve been waiting for all drums and bass. This song sets the mood for the summer has arrived in the form of the Nation of rest of the disc, short and noisy, which may or may Ulysses and their debut album 13-Point Program to not be a good thing. It’s pointless to mention the Destroy America, on , produced lyrics of these songs, since they take a backseat to by no other than Ian MacKaye. the music. They are mixed very low and are almost According to Nation of Ulysses, they’re more unintelligible. than just a band - they're a religion. In the The award for N of U’s best song title and accompanying CD booklet to 13-Point Program, concept goes to “Any Kid Who Tells on Another they outline the “Syllabus Ulysses - the grand Kid is a Dead Kid,” a fun little song with lyrics scheme for the fate of things great and small.” such as “If you must tell, say why, so we know Included in this syllabus is the line “to dress well, what to put on your tombstone." It’s a simple as clothing and fashion are the only things which grunge song, a few chords, lots of feedback, and we - the kids - being utterly disenfranchised, have silly concept. Just be warned that it’s actually song any control over.” Huh? These boys are in their six on the CD, not five - mislabeling mistake. own little world. It’s been rumored that Ian It's a bit strange, but there is a trumpet in the N Svenonius, the lead singer and trumpet player, lied of U lineup. When Ian Svenonius isn’t wailing. Nation o f Ulysses: not Just a band - a way o f life. about his age to enter/Sassy magazine’s “Sassiest See ULYSSES on Page IS 14 • The Triangle • October 4,1991 “Saturday Night Live” — 17th year and still going.. .and going.. .and going... Steven D. Segal that feature bikini-clad babes Now on to the revelation of X” and looked in desperate need producers should wise up and the greatest cliffhanger on net­ of something — anything — to put it to good use. Triangle Staff Writer with great snoobs frolicking in a swimming pool, enticing the work since the days of “Who say besides “Peace with two So if the show’s so bad, why If you weren’t out partying manly-men heroes to grab their shot J.R.” and “Who killed fingers!”, and Jesse Jackson do I keep watching? Perhaps it’s last'Saturday night, you may beers and jump in for some, Laura Palmer” — who takes showed up on Weekend Update to in the hope that one week they’ll have been unfortunate enough to boinkin'. But not here: in one of over Dennis Miller’s shoes on preach a few choice lines from Dr. put on a doozy of a show that catch the season premier of the best commercial parodies Weekend Update? (In case you Seuss’ “Green Eggs and Ham.” will leave me in stitches. Saturday Niifhl Live. The lon­ SNL has ever done, Chris Farley didn’t know. Miller left the And, oh yes, let me not forget Perhaps it’s in the hope that I gevity of this show is one of the and now-regular Adam Sandler show to pursue late-night talk the fantastic musical perfor­ can witness another performer great unexplained mysteries of are house-sitting for a friend. show fame; his show should mance by Public Enemy (“NOT!”). accidentally drop the “F-bomb” the ages. There have been count­ The pool is cruddy and unkept. premier after Letterman some­ 1 may joke around by facetiously on live TV (like Charles Rocket less changes in both cast and Then, as suddenly as the spritz time this winter). asking why they played the did when he played J.R. in a crew, the writing staff can that flies from a just-opened can While I was hoping for a new same song twice, but was it “Dallas” spoof and shouted: “I generously be best described as of beer, the pool area turns into a face to read the news (perhaps really necessary to swear out the wanna know who the f-ck shot unpredictable — some skits hit tropical paradise complete with David Spade, the repeat guest “f-ck” and “Bullshi-” words on me!” — Rocket didn’t return for the mark, others go on far too ... half a dozen studly guys in performer who was on with network TV? Perhaps they felt the following season). Or maybe long without ever realizing some G-strings so tight one might Miller a few times last season safe in the knowledge that because 1 like to count how sort of punch line or payoff (the mistake them for dental floss. offering lists pf “In’s and Out’s” nobody would be able to dis­ many times they drop the cow. term used by SNL cast and crew The beer bein^ advertised — — as in “In, out, in, out...oooh, tinguish those words amidst all After last week’s episode, I for a skit that goes on too long is Schmidt’s Gay! The remaining I ’m getting a w oody!”), the the other noise in their song ... came to the realization that it's “dropping the cow”), and the skits were pretty much standard producers stuck Kevin Neland or that — more likely — nobody gonna be a long season. gutsy approach taken by the cut & dry for SNL — but mostly behind the desk (the guy who would be sitting in front of their What SNL needs is to start original “Not-Ready-For-Prime- they were just dry. does “Mr. Subliminal”). Who­ TV sets because music breaks taking some more risks. Be Time Players” has not been Michael Jordan hosted, and ever wrote the material for Mil­ always mean bathroom breaks. gutsy. Be brash. Be fresh. Let evident in years. looked as though he felt as ler’s Weekend Update must also So, this season gets off to a the new faces have a shot at the The new season got off to a comfortable as ... well, as any have left the show because the horrible start, despite a few camera, as some of us are sick lukewarm start with Mike Myers pro athlete would feel if some­ segment was horrible, complete­ precious moments of brilliance. and tired of seeing familiar and Dana Carvey doing their one stuck a mic in their face and ly lacking any of the satirical New cast members were lucky characterizations go to waste “Wayne’s World” schtick, offer­ said “be funny!” He wasn’t. But political sting Miller was always to get on camera once, let alone before our eyes due to poor ing the "Best/Worst of Summer don’t blame Jordan: blame the able to find. have any lines. Returning cast writing — let the new guys and 1991,” along with a new per­ writers, who nearly achieved the In the end, the only points of member Chris Rock had only gals have a crack at making sonal favorite vocabulary word miraculous feat of providing a interest were a handful of sur­ one skit, and the aforementioned fools out of themselves on live (“snoobs” — n. slang for the two laughless show (not counting the prise guests: George Wendt David Spade showed up for ... TV. And, if at all possible, bring parts of the female anatomy tim e when JordaYi began to returned to do his "We Love was that about 30 seconds back Dennis Miller. which so gloriously defy gravity). laugh and giggle uncontrollably Ditka” skit (“The Berrrrssssss!/ during the “Harlem Globe­ By the way, I lost count of Then came a brilliant take-off during A1 Franken’s “Daily The Bulllssssss”); Spike Lee ap­ trotters” skit? There’s a lot of how many times that poor cow of all those beer commercials Affirmation”). peared with Chris Rock on “Nat untapped talent on the show; the was dropped. F i n e A r t s . . . and other S tu ff First Friday in Olde City •The InterAct Theater Rodden Theater at LaSalle the local environmental action “First Friday in Old City” takes place on October 4th, starting Company presents Morracco by University. This is a good time group. Tickets are $9 in advance at approximately 5 p.m. This is the first “First Friday” since the Alan Havis, running from to drill the future mayor of and $10 at the door. Come out, spring and looks to be another great time. For those who are October 3rd to October 19th at Philadelphia about what he’s hear some cool music and unfamiliar with “First Friday.” it is a collaboration among the 25 Annenberg Center Studio going to do about Philadelphia's support a good cause. art galleries in Old City. To help showcase the works of local and Theater, 3680 Walnut Street. problems. , •At the Temple Cinematheque upcoming artists, the galleries hold simultaneous openings on the This play is the story of a •Pfiilly Bands Play Environ­ this Week, October 4th and 5th, first Friday of the month. This event has proved to be a great Jewish-American businessman’s mental Benefit at the Troc, Shoot the Piano Player (France, success for the artists in the past and hopefully this month will be visit to Moracco as her tries to October 6th, from 4-8:30pm, at 1960), October 7th and 8th, The no different. Due to space restrictions. The Triangle cannot list all get his wife released from the Trocadero, 10th and Arch Great Gatsby (1974), October the openings, but below are a few of the exhibitions. prision. For tickets and informa­ Streets. Locals the. Dead Milk­ 9th and 10th, Pretty Baby tion, call 898-6791 or 985-2396. men, Flight of Mavis, Scram, (1978). Call 787-1529 for more • Persona! Shrines and Icons - a Group Exhibition, running •Mayoral Candidates Debate, and Weasel Stick will be playing information. from October 4 to October 27th, Opening reception October 4th, October 8th at I2;30pm, at the to benefit Clean Water Action, 5-8 pm, at the Arcadia Gallery of the Clay Studio, 139 N. 2nd Street. This exhibition explores diverse approaches to precious October 5th, 1 p.m. “College Confercncc.” Living Arts Lounge, Mandcll objects, shrines, and figures as icons. Call 925-3453 for more info. Theater. Students firom college campuses across the Delaware Valley • A Delicate Balance - a Solo Exhibition by David Wright, will be gathering to discuss campus organizing tactics, building an ^ running from October 4th to October 27th, opening reception intercollegiate network, and Issues conc-crning homophobia on a / October 4th, 5-8 pm, at the Front Gallery of the Clay Studio, 139 college campus. V N. 2nd Street. Call 925-3453 for more information. • l^. October 6th, 3 p.m. “Why is the Militaiy So Seared of US?” Interiors - Oil Paintings by Kathe Chapman Grinstead, Living Arts Lounge, Mandcll Theater. A panel discussion on running from October I st to October 27th, opening reception the DeparUnent of Defence’s policy banning homosexuals in October 4th, 5-8pm, at the Zone One Gallery, 139 N. 2nd Street. miliuuy service. Call 829-8995 for more information. • Samsara - OH Paintings by Rosalind Bloom, running from Octobcr 7th, 1 p.m. “I Know Cod Loves Me the Way October 1st to October 27th, opening reception October 4th, 5- He/She Creausd ME.” Room 4014 MacAlister Hall. A panel 8pm, at the Zone One Gallery, 139 N. 2nd Street. Call 829-8995 discussion on homosexuality and religion. GuesU includc Rev. for more information. Shwon Vandergraft. Director of Asbury Ministries at Drcxcl, • Michael Frechette - Paintings, running from October 4th to Octobcr 8th, Noon “But It Can't Happen to Me - Yes It Can!” October 25th, opening reception October 4th, 5:30-8pm, at the Mandcll Theater Auditorium. A panel di.scussion of AIDS/Hi V Vox Populi Gallery, 17 N, 2nd Street. Call 925-4249 for more info. education, intervention^vention, and sensitivity on college campuscs. • War; Persian Gulf Photographs, running from October 4th to PWA*i from ActionAIDS will be featured panelists. October 27lh, opening reception October 4th, 6-8pm, at the Level 3 Gallery, 309 N. 3rd Street. Call 923— 3204 for more info. Octobcr 8lh. 2:30 p.m. “Health Issues Relating to Sexual Min«)riiies.'’ Mandcll THeaier Auditt>rium. October 9th. 5:30 p.m. “When is it the Right Time to Come Out ?” Room 4014 MacAlister Hall. A Fugad: a band not to be taken facilitated rap session on coming out on a college campus.

October lOtb, Noon - 5 pjn. “Ans/Crafis and Community Ba/aar.” Mandell Theater Lobby. An Arts lightly, so take a listen! and Crafts Community Fair in celebration of our pride in our cuUukc. Limited table space is still available. C*3 Continued from Page 13 Fugazi T-shirts. You won’t pay October lllh. All Day “Drexel Celebrates NaUonal Coming Out Day.” This day will be commemorated O Steady Diet of Nothing is either. much more than five dollars to as Gay Bag Day. We encourage everyone to carry the bag (napsack, bookbag. netbag. duffel bag. etc.) Fugazi’s fourth or third release. see the band. “For five bucks, you carry your schoolbooks in support of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community and for everyone to On cassette, it is preceeded by we can suck,” explains MacKaye, take the next step in coming out. Pink triangle stickcrs will be distributed in thcQuad. Fugazi (1988), Margin Walker “and sometimes we do suck. (1989), and Repeater (1990). On We're only human." You will October n th, 6 p.m. "Out and Countcdll!" Mandell Theater Auditorium. Keynote address to our compact disc, their first two commuitity by Dr. Marjorie Hill, Mayor's Omce of Liiii.snn to the Lesbian & Gay Community, New not see a Fugazi album released York City, NY. Admission S2 includes tlic show. albums are combined on one by a major record label. You disc and is named 13 Songs. will not see Fugazi sell out to Octolter llth, 8 p.m. "Out of the Closet • Into the Bull!'’ Miindcll Thcaicr Auditorium. A talent showcase Also, Repeater has an additional anybody. Right now, the band is featuring studenB from the Delaware Valley including a Drag Queen/King Competition. Hosted by three songs on disc. only interested in making music, Madomenic. Admission $2. You won’t hear Fugazi on the not money. radio, save for WKDU. You Fugazi plays in no bands' October 12th, 9 p.m. - 2 a.m. "Let the Beat Hit ’Em, U t the Music Take Control” Dragon’s Don, Creese won’t see Fugazi on MTV. You shadows. Steady Diel o f Nothing Student Center. An all-ages, dance parly. Music by D.J. George. Admission S4 students, S5 non-student, won't see a licensed Fugazi T- free for all Drexel students. is one more illuminating exam­ Shirt; the ones that read “This is ple that their style is their own. not a Fugazi T-shirt” are not The Triangle • October 4,1991 • 15

*oses by any other name. One Nation \ominued from Page 12 nihilistic teens that make up a The Triangle Rating Svstem Another new addition is good deal of his audience. Rose U nder Ulysses eyboardist Dizzy Reed. His shows us the skewed point of liano parts fit in surprisingly view life has given him in “My AAAAA Yes! Yes! Yes! Continued from Page 13 yell into the Guns *N' Roses World,” a deranged rap in which he’s making strange noises his 9und. The inclusion of key- Rose beckons “You wanna step trumpet. In songs like “Aspirin oards also adds new depth to into my worldllt's a sociopsy- AAAA A lm ost perfect. Kid” and “Ulythium," this j’N’R, such as the unchar- chotic state o f hliss...” dischord is reminiscent of James kcteristically Elton John-ish Use Your Illusion I & II are AAA Three triangles. Chance and the Contortions or ending to “Locomotive”. Reed not, however, without flaws. Teenage Jesus and the Jerks. ^hares piano chores with Rose, The tracks “Garden of Eden” Odd, but it works. Other vho is also an accomplished and “Shotgun Blues” arc generic AA N o t q u ite . standouts on 13-Point Program pianist. Rose, in turn, relin­ G ’N ’R raunch. And why they include “Target USA,” and quishes the microphone to gui- decided to record “Knockin’ on A S ta y h o m e . ‘Today I Met the Giri I’m Going Itarist Izzy Stradlin on two of the Heaven’s Door” is beyond com­ to Marry.” Ibluesier tracks — "14 Years” prehension (this may be the best 13-Point Program to Destroy I and “Dust and Bone.s." version in existence, but it’s still America is not without its flaws. Singer Axl Rose’s lyrics still a boring tune — no matter who Rod Stew art shakes it up (in m ore Sometimes the concept becomes I have a “pissed off at the world” does it). Otherwise U Y II & II a bit too weird, such as the mentality. He frequently attacks are consistently good. Even their ways than one) at the Spectrum elaborate CD booklet outlining I his detractors in songs like version of “Live and Let Die” is their credos, and the often “Don’t Damn Me,” or just warns up to snuff (all you classic rock Continued from Page 12 bizarre lyrics. The disc does tend them to leave him alone in types are probably cringing right and they got what they wanted: just the hits. to get a bit boring and repetitive “Back Off Bitch” and “Perfect now). Included in the two hour set were the standards “Hot Legs,” "You at times, especially the extra Crime.” He even directly chal­ Though many people try to Wear h Well,” “You’re in My Heart,” (fantastic job or reaching all tracks (the “Three Point lenges his enemies (yes, he even rate one record against the other. the audience with that one) and “First Cut is the Deepest.” The disco Remedial Program”). When will names names) on “Get In The Use Your Illusion I & II really hell of the 70s was represented with the infamous “Do You Think bands realize that they don't Ring”: “Vou wanna antagonize should be considered as a single I’m Sexy,” and the modern hits of the 80s included “Downtown have to fill up the entire CD? me? Antagonize me Muther- unit. Together, their 30 tracks Train,” “Lost in You,” and “Forever Young.” Predictable, but exe­ Nation of Ulysses don’t quite f*cker!IGet in the ring Muther- display the full range of Guns cuted well, especially the mid 80s hit “Some Guys Have All the have it down yet. But they’re f*cker!IAn' I'll kick your bitchy ’N ’ Roses vision; the testimony Luck.” trying, which is more than any little ass! ” Whether or not Rose of a band that took rock ’n’ roll A highlight of the evening was the 60s soul set. where Stewart and CHR act can say. As they put it is up to the challenge remains to excess to its limit — and live to his most proficient band covered “Do You Like Good Music,” in “Hot Chocolate C ity,” the be seen. tell about it. “Midnight Hour,” the instrumentals "I Can’t Turn You Loose” and music world is going to be saved Though Rose's tales of love “Night Train,” as well as some Muddy Waters. The set turned into a by the strange: “We gotta bring and life gone wrong may seem Steve, for the life of him, bit of a history lesson, with Rod as the professor. it underground so the noise can depressingly angry and hope­ cannot understand why everyone If anything, this show established Rod Stewart as a performer. grow, til the cit}’ suffocates from lessly negative, they also act as a likes "Knockin' on Heaven's The stage was set up so even the people stuck behind it could get the an overdose." How I hope sort of rallying cry for the Door." most of Rod and the band, and video screens aided the people stuck Nation of Ulysses and all other in the rafters. The band, consisting of acoustic and electric guitars, underground bands time will Joe Pesci's new film. The Super opens today! violin, bass, two backup singers, drums, keyboard and piano, and a come. hom section, was showcased more than Stewart himself sometimes. The Triangle has funky colored t-shirts and full size They had to be, considering Stewart’s four clothing changes: from movie posters to give away!! tacky silver lame' and black pants to a fuchsia suit, then to an ultra The return of All you have to do is answer the question: purple suit, and Anally to a mustard yellow suit. A bit excessive, but effective nonetheless. t h e ita lic ize d What film did Joe Pesci win his Acttdemy Award for? Overall, Rod’s performance could be summed up on one word; Drop off your answers and pick up your prizes at The ' predictable. For a show on this scale, it was bound to be. But it was blub. Only in Triangle offices, 3010 MacAlister Hall. an enjoyable predictable, which is driving me crazy. Who ever thought that songs that have been played a million times on the radio could sound so good live? Maybe it’s hearing “You’re in My Heart” T ria n g le while sitting less than a hundred feet away from Rod Stewart.

f o i i i ® " ! Free 22 oz. I ^$ 1I.UU .0 0 Ull o f f I S o d a ! any foot j ■ with purchase of ■ > long hogie ■ 8/i/footiongHoagle I 1 or Large Salad ■ I or Large Salad I I We Deliver! I I WeDellver! I I Offer Expires 10/17/91 | I Offer Expires 10/17/91 | OraootfionperouitomirptfvWl- On*MU»onp«eurtoroe*|)«fvW" _ I Wo(wMw>hwiyo

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(215) 387-9990 NOTHING BEATS A B U a jW j 16 • The THangle • October 4,1991

Pow elton village delicatessen offers variety and value I can’t comment on it. The M ark Davidson dressings they provide are also Triangle Staff Writer pretty decent. Next to the deli section is an Question: Why did last ice cream parlor-type counter Wednesday’s 100-foot hoagie to Powelton Varsity to where they serve ice cream, disappear in less than 10 P iz z a ’ s start serving shakes, and malts. They also minutes? Answer: Avoiding the Tuna with meatball carry Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream obvious (that students are poor the works. grinders and and Frozen Yogurt. and will eat anything that is Although Var­ Italian Because I’ve always been to placed before them). Varsity sity ’s prices are sausages. busy in the morning I’ve never provided that hoagie. slightly higher Varsity also had the chance to try their Varsity Deli, located at the Powelton Pizza or Village serves decent side breakfast specials, though their corner of 36th Street and Pizza, they’re not more orders, though I would bacon and/or sausage smells Powelton Avenue, is both a full expensive if you take into warn you that, as at most great when your five minutes deli and a grocery. Though on account the size of Varsity’s places, the fries are almost late to class. Along with the the small side, it does have an hoagies. For example, an ice-cold when you have them regular breakfast fare Varsity area with tables for eat-in Italian at Varsity is S3.75 delivered. The onion rings are serves egg sandwiches and costumers. Having opened just compared to $3.25 at also greasy. omelets. They serve breakfast at this past summer in that long- Village and $3.45 at The deli also sells all hours but who would want an vacant space at The Courts Powelton. But remem ber that Again, the price of Varsity is a macaroni and potato salads and omelet over a hoagie or a cheese (remember Mark’s Market?), it those places are actually pizza bit more expensive, but the size cold cuts can be taken home for steak for dinner. is a welcome addition to parlors and do not specialize in makes up for the price. Compare homemade sandwiches, some­ All in all. Varsity is a pretty Powelton Village, especially to deli food like Varsity. $3.25 at Varsity to $3.00 at thing that 1 would advise you not decent grocery and a good deli. those of us who live in the The steaks that Varsity serves either Powelton or Village. to do from 7-11. They’re also usually good about vicinity. up are also “belly bustin,”’ Along with the steaks they also Along with all the hot and their delivery, mostly under a Varsity has both a large though a bit on the greasy side. serve great burgers (their bacon cold sandwiches. Varsity makes half hour. They are open form selection of “deli” groceries, You can choose between 100% cheeseburgers are preuy good), decent salads, their chef salad 7:00 am til 11:00 pm, til such as chips, cakes, and sodas, beef or 100% chicken steaks. but I don’t suggest you try the being the best of the selection midnight on Fridays and and those “convenience” items, Both are done well, especially pizza burger - the pizza sauce is (garden, tuna, seafood, chicken, Saturdays. Varsity is gaining a like milk, bread, and cigarettes. their chicken cheese, beef jrizza, too bland to go on a burger. It and shrimp). They always seem lot of popularity so get in there Those cigarettes are really and either type hoagie style. would be a wise decision for to be out of the s ^ o o d salad so before the line gets too long. important to a smoker, but as of late they have been out of Marlboro Lights. Come on guys, how hard is it to keep cigarettes WeVe lookiiig for people who in stock? In any case, they’re prices compare to 7-11 or Super Deli. In other words, some items look at this glass and say: are more expensive, some less expensive, but it all evens out in the end. Lets move on to the food. ^^There’s gotta be other Varsity fancies itself as “The Home of the Belly Bustin’ Hoagies” and for the most pan they’re not joking. They do pack glasses of water.” their hoagies with a lot of meat and and any extras you ask for. They're regular Italian hoagie is well-made and chock full of meat and toppings. The other hoagies that they make well include their Turtcey and Roast Beef. Sorry guys, but I’m partial Wanted! Enthuiiailic, iggeisive, and leiponsible itudent or organization to m a^et winter ikiing and ipring break iripi. Earn high commision, and travel benefit! while gaining valuable tales and maikeling experiencel Great fund raiier for any organization! (All deitinations and the belt rates avaUable.) Call Scott at Campus Vacations 1(800) 786-7377 ex. 312

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Tuesday ALL MAJORS Living Arts Lounge Octoiwr IS, 5:30 WELCOME Creese Student Union The Triangle • October 4,1991 • 17

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ApMrtm en U Apartments A partm en ts R o o m m a tes f p r For Sale: Nissan SX-XE auto Clark Park Real Estate Newly Drexel, Penn, Presby area bright sunny Large, bright 1 bedroom apartment Roomates needed lor 2, have own bed­ 1986 200 tuibo, ac, cass w/eq, pw, pdl, p-sunroof, Renovated studios, I& 2 bedrooms 2 bedroom townhouse, skylights wood available immediatly at 35th and room or share room in two bedroom apt $300-$600,New kitchens, some witli dw. floors, washer/dryer, brick patio in pri­ Lancaster ave. Heat apd H.W. included on 21st and Walnut, DW, FP, newly p-mirrors, digital display, 80K, new trans intercoms, hardwood floors, large clos­ vate courtyard, cable available. $600+ for $400 per month. Call 664-7779 for refinished bathroom, must see, $ 155- & muffler, $4,995. 332-488274/ ets, W/D,large closets, short term leases. Call 551-I343./4/ more info75/ 300. Call Alan H. 569-9751 or W (609) Call 387-0327./?/ 224-2805./3/ Mountain Bike - top of the line Giant 3318 Arch Street Live on campus in Great House 3204 Powelton. 5 bed­ Sedona. Retails at $500. student price One bedroom apartment for rent - 408 quiet, secure, 2 gigantic bedrooms, 2 ii'll rooms, 2 bathrooms, great livingroom- 2 Bedrooms available for sublease in a 5 only $300. Mint condition (3 months N. f#2nd St., Large kitchen and living baths, bi-level. Good for four people. must be seen to be believed. Yark, park­ bedroom house. $200 a month per room. old). Light weight Chromolly frame and room, wall to wall carpeting. $404/mo $1150/month, includes heat, hot water, ing, hardwood floors, $1200, price nego­ 35th and Race. Available immediately. alloy ARAYA rims. Call and leave a including heat. Call 222-1989 or 483- exterminating, intercom, washer/dryer tiable. Available immediatly, call 387- Call 222-695475/ message 382-383974/ 2845. facilities. Call 222-2625. Discount if 413775/ sign early. Female Roomate wanted to share I bed­ Mega Bass DIscman Sony D-12 unused Efnciency-340« Spring Garden St. A partm ents-42 & Pine 2,3,5 bed­ room apt. Great location - close to cam­ in box from store w/ Warranty $1(X) Call First floor. Gas heat, new kitchen area, Grad female roommate preferred. rooms, 7 bedroom house, furnished or pus. 24 hour security guard on duty. & leave message 382-383974/ security bars. W/D in basement. Perfect Artist's studio. Own bedroom, share not, W/D, modern, newly painted. Washer /Dryer, wall-towall carpeting. for one student. $300 -f utilities. Call bath, utilities. Pets welcome. $295+. Excellent security-No reasonable offer Needed as soon as possible, for info, call Alpine Car Stereo cass, removeable, 6 386-672273/ Available immediately. Call 387- ivfused. 664-653975/ Roxanne at 386-7390710/ mon. old $225. Altec Lansing 6 1/2 413774/ speaken 2mon. old $75. Call 546-6435. On Campus: Large, sunny, safe, 2brm One bedroom in two bedroom apt Real Ask for Mike74/ apt on third floor is available immediate­ Roomm,atc wanted to share huge room Rpgmtnf^U^ nice. On campus. Share with non-smok- ly! Huge kitchen w/new fridge and ckMc to'campus. Low rent. Non-smok­ ing grad student $290 + utilities. Great Wonder Words 331-3936 Professional, House to share In Narbcth. Close to range, hugebathroom w/ new floor, large er, female preferred. Call Deanna at apt. Call Steve 3S6-6884./5/ reasonalbe. Term papers, resumes, appil- public transport and stores. Need non- walk in closets, hardwood floors in bed­ - ./ Z ications, tapes. Laser printing and fonts. 38625642 smoker for bedrooms to share. room, free twin bed and dresser includ­ 3 Fall Term only Located at 33rd and Pick-up and delivery. Semester discouns. $ /mo + utilities. Please call Jose - ed, Rent is $ S/mo(heat& hot water Two roommates for spacious apart­ 300 664 Race St. Looking for male, non-smok­ See us in the Donnelley75/ 57 / included) * electric and gas. Call Mrs. ment. Prefer females. Great location 188074 ing. Rent $240/month. DW, WW carpet­ Flowellat - I./ / ( rd and Arch). $ +/month to share ing, Pin Ball machine. If interested call Nintendo 13 games, megamen. Ninja, 386196 5 33 225 Roomates wanted to share a house in double, AC, and carpet. Call - 222-1744./4/ Marc, etc. $200 call Lenny 387-3120./5/ 386 Havertown. Quick commute to school, $500 • 2 Bedroom for sublease. Close to 693776/ campus N. rd . Between large rooms, freshly renovated, close to Small Refk-lgerator for sale. Perfect for 312 33 public transportation and many conve­ Powelton and Baring. Water and Heat Roommate wanted to share a bed­ dorm rooms! Call Chrisy at 222-5506. 4 nience stores. Friendly safe community. For Sale inc., W/D avail. Furniture if needed. One room apartm ent All new. Own room, Asking $75 or best offerji/ Call and leave message. Rent large bedroom. Great for twoor three dishwasher, microwave, fridge, washer, 789-2025 $300 + util./5/ Sofas for sale (one, a sleeper), all great people. Sae location Available dryer. $225/mo + utilities. Call 222- condition, perfect for apartments or stu­ Texas Instruments STAT/Scientiflc cal­ Fall/Winter terms. Call Mike/Carlos at 725879/ dios, geneious prices, for more infor­ culator. I year old. Hardly used. $40 or leave message./ / Your own room in two bedrooin apart­ best offer. If interested call Tom 387- 387-6607 3 ment. Mostly furnished, at rd and mation, call 789-2025 and leave mes- Fairmont-Art Musuem area Looking 33 697773/ Powelton. Clean, new and comfortable. sage./5/ Hamilton Street • Efficiencies, for two students to occupy two remain­ 3312 Non-smoker. Only $ /mo + utilities. One and two bedrooms. From $299/mo ing spacious roorns in this shared story 234 ImageWriter II Excellent condition. 3 Call - . Quality dish sets for a super discount up.Heat, gas, and hot water included. house. First floor common area, baths, 2430426 Call Bill for details 222-3944./4/ 3 Don't miss this one./3/ price, complete set. Call @ 789- Alll apartments have walk in closets, lots W/D. Muat be a non-smoker and at least 2025151 of windows, walking distance from tolerate dogs. $350/month, utilities 86’ Ford EXP New clutch, tiies, brakes. Roomate wanted to share room in brand Pull out clarion Stereo. Dark red metal­ school. 349-9429./I1/ included. 763-497374/ PC Lover DX tower case MB new townhouse at 32nd and Hamilton. 386 -20 2 lic, gray interior. Near mint condition. memory MB capacity of hanl drive Deck, kitchen, livingroom,diAing room, 200 Gets + mpg. Call Rob - Bcatlful one and two bedroom apart­ 34th & Baring Lovely renovated 2 bed­ 1.2 and 1.44 floppy disk drive Super 30 $3000 302 ments available October 1st. Unique room apartment. New kitchen and bath. bathroom. Huge house, big rooms, rent 654-7734-/5/ $250 +util. Cheap. Call 662-0495/3/ VGA card and monitor (1024 x 768) rehab; dark hardwood, exposed trick- Wall to wall carpets. Beutifiil building. over $10,(X)0woith of software Some of wall, gigantic closets, W/D, back- Excellent security. Fine street. Laundiy them are: Dos 5, Autocad 9, PC Shell 6, Small Cube Reft-Mgerator runs great, yard.$480 to $505. Leave ^ message facilities. $ includes heat. - Roomate needed for either fall/winter best offer 222-8429 ask for MarkT?/ 625.00 947 sublet or future full year lease. Window 4.0, WordPerfect, and 3-D 552-813773/ 9380 Games, etc. Interested call Ed; ( )- Apartment completely furnished, 609 Appleworks never used, still 424-4975 (after 6 PM) (Best offer)/3/ 3.0 Efficiency 3622 Baring St. Quiet home, 34th & Baring Beutifiil veiy spacious 3 includes hot water, heat, cooking gas, shrinkwrapped, 5 1/4 format, $169 or W/D. Your own bedroom.Avail immedi­ best offer. Call - - , ask for newly rehabed. New kitchen ^ tile bath. bedroom apartment. New galley PSR Yamaha keyboard, brand new. 2158554525 ately. Call 222-8602./4/ -70 Mike. Security bars. Available now. $400 kitchen. Laundry, large living-room/din­ Paid $1,000. Will sell for i 700. Full includes heat, hot water. 386-6722/3/ ing area. Many closets. Beutiful, very size. Call Joel at 745-6872/4/ safe building on lovely street. $895.00 For Sale:Any and all types of comput­ includes heat. 947-9380. Chevy Cavalier 1986 56k miles. Red, er supplies that anyone will ever need. Automatic, AM / FM Stereo/cass. All brand new, top of the line, and at Clean, runs great, 4 cyl., great on gas. about 1/2 the cost of the bookstore. Call $3400.00 or best offer. Call Sergio @ Jay at 215- 567-2712 and leave a mes- 386-240773/ sage710/

Wantcd-Macintosh computers and Mac SE, Keyboard and Mouse 2 years L exington i^partm ents peripherals wanted. High price and old. Lots of softwear. Graduated, must immediate cash offered. Whether work­ sell. Call Ed 215-677-0679 or 215- 676- ing or not, new or used. Call Joe at 295475/ ( ) any time / 609273-1357 78 Apple style writer printer for sale, 36th & Pow elton Ave. For Sale Macintosh SE computer, dual brand new in sealed box with all acces­ disk drive, all software and printer - sories. $250 call 625-9978. Also col- ImageWriter II, Like new. Must Sell - orstudio complete with all docunentation perfect undergrad packagel Call 482- $200. Efficiency from $320.00 9S29./4/ 1 Bedroom from $420.00

Includes: heat, hot water, & cooking gas Houses and Apartm ents Student Rentals

Availabie Im mediately Nce(i Immediate Ojccupancy? Sliort Term Lease? other apartm ents available In Powelton Village Discounts or 1 month free!

271 h S o u th - 2 h d rin s from 6 M onth Leases Available. 10 Mins to (.ainptis, in a salVf an a

For inform ation cali 386-0502 I lUli in Iroin $4‘>5

3627 l.aiicasler Anl‘Iuic -5 Ixirms $1500 Now A ccepting Fall A pplications New rchah - Set. S>st - ( A - W /D and More!

UCA R ealty Group ( all Don at W oodsfock Realty • 763-3.^0.^ The Triangle • October 4,1991 • 19 Help Wanted AmomQemenU AmQum m en ts Eei h on Microwavc Great for Dorm or Work Study Students interested in Thivel like a travel agent. 50% off the Drexel Ski Club will be meeting on To My ASA Sisters Let's have the bcsi nenl. S60 and in perfect condi- working at photography lab in Academic flnest hotels in the world. Savings up to 10/8/91 in Creese Rm. 226 at 7 p.m. fall yet. I missed you all this summer. n!! Don't rent one is you can buy one Building. Please call Gina A.S.A.P. at 50% on 1000 cruises, 2000 condos Trips to Killington, Colorado, and Utah Love in ASA, Tasha ^cheaper. Call Jennifer 662-1494./6/ 895-2390, photgraphy expereince a plus. worldwide, and car rentals toolll Call will be planned and possible. Ski team Not required./4/ John at 829-0451 for more info./4/ beginners welcomed/}/ To my group from last spring Please ountain Bike for sale Marin call me if interested in getting together uirwoods, complete with specialized Work Study - Available at the Newman Free. The first in a series of organ Electrical and Computer Enginnering again 386-9938 Tasha ^ dipj and water bottle boss. One year Center. Stop in for information or call: recitals sponsored by the depanment of Depanment Student Depanment Head: d, good contition, $200. Call and 590-8760./3/. Performing and Cinema Arts will be pre­ Scott Casper. If you have any questions Rob Goodluck this term. I'll help you |»ve a message 215-382-383976/ sented by Paul Fejko on Wednesday, or comments about the Department, stop study any time. Love you. Your Admirer On Campus Representative needed to October 9th at 1:00 p.m. in the Main by the office. Commonwealth 104, lewlett Packard 12 C Financial sell and distribute The Game of Drexel. Auditorium. Mr. Fejko is an organist & Monday 1-3 p.m., Friday 10-11 a.m., or Hey Amy G. When volleyball Is over culator $S0, call and leave a mes- Flexible hours. Work around your sched­ music director for the Gloria Dei Church call 386-4362 or 245-0267 lo leave a and I stop working we will "do lunch" - ^ 2I5-387-3839./6/ ule, paid by commission. Call 908-297- of Philadelphia. Admission is free and message./6/ 'cause till then we are just too damn 68I 1./7/ are welcome to attend73/ busy’ JFP.S. Hi Nicole!! ! 6M 1984, beige. 4 cyl, 2.2 L. 4 Loesche School, Bustleton and -s, automatic tnmsmission, air condi- Parachute club: first meeting will be Tomlinson Roads, Philadelphia, is cele­ Angel If you’re willing to teach me ning, radio, power steering, comfort- AmQuneement? held Monday October 7th at 7 p.m. in brating its 25th anniversary. We are know how to fly. I just might be ready to ble seats, good condition. S2,2S0 or 3021 MacAlister. We are active each and looking for graduates to share their leam. Flash t offer, call 623-8608. Free Spring Break IMps to students or every weekend. Check us outi Office : memories. Please call 961-201474/ student organizations promoting our 3024 MacAlister. 895-2S84./3/ S.W. and S.M. Thanks for your hospital­ Cailolone CT-360 Inc. AC adaption, Spring Break Packages. Good Pay and Self-defense! That works. Karate and ity and understanding Friday- It was just usic stand, cover. $100 or best offer, Fun. CallCMl. 1-800-423-526475/ Theatre minor: There is a meeting for Ju-jit-su Antigua Champion Andrew a dumb misunderstanding. Love and >11 ChrisUne 609-429-7454. Study Abroad In Australia, all those people who are interested in a Lyn. 1974 and ‘82. Also, 7th in the 1984 miss you both. G. Information on semester, year, graduate, theater minor and for people who have U.S. Open. 387-0979, 583-405572/ |l year old JC Penny 40- Stitch Sewing summer, and internship programs in signed up for the minor already come to Hey Cutie Our mellow lunch was so iMachlnc does bunon holes, embioydeiy, Penh, Townsville, Sydney, and the Green Room, Mandell Theater - Fund raisers needed for the J,S.K.A., much fun on Sunday and Saturday night ■zig-zag and more Melbourne. Program starts at $3520. Lower level on Monday Oct 7 at 1:00 a non-profit organization designed to was just like old times ( I have a washer ■ New Secllonal Sofa gray with pastel Call 1-800-878-3696/W p.m./3/ help to x e l and community. Contact and dryer!) I'm so happy to have you as I undertones. It has been scotchganM. If Andrew Lyn, 387-0979, 898-4907./2/ a friend- Love, your old roomie. G. I interested, please call 592-7822 and ank Men’s MeetlBg October 8th, E.YX. Openers, Drexel's student envi­ for EJ. If no one is home, please leave TUes. 6pm Classroom A in Physical Ed. ronmental awareness organization has Flea Market. Saturday, October 5, 9 To Carmel’s mommy I had a great I name and phone number on machiney6/ Center/3/ weekly meetings at 7:00 p.m. in room a.m. - 4 p.m. Domestic and Third-World weekend- I love you lots! Be good - 2020 MacAlister Hall. Everyone is wel­ crafts, clothing, jewelry, books, sweat your awesome and a domestic goddess. Spring Break in Septemberl Trips to come! Student and faculty support is shirts, snacks, and furniture. Spnice Hill LoveG, Jamaica, Cancun, Bahamas, & Florida. greatly needed! Stop by or call our office Christian School playground, 41st and MAYA NEEDS YOUR WORK $199-$ 529. Call Glenn at 387-4812/5/ at 3029 MacAlister. 895-4478 for more Baltimore72/ Debbie D. Remember, this is a 4.0 term Submit your poems, short stories, essays, info. Remember there are no passengers for both of us. but I'll pay you $10 if you photoi & illustntions for the next issue. Gamma Sigma Sigma will be holding on Spaceship Earth. Everybody’s Spring Break from $199. Cancun. let me watch my flyers games. Christine Our theme is nature, but all work will be an hour long luncheon on Tbes October crew!A5/ Bahamas. Daytona, and Panama City. considered ... Our office is located at I at 12:30 in the Creese Reading Lounge Includes 7 ni^ts, free beach party, free Hm T nak You are a great guy and you 3013 MacAlister. Please include name, for all girls interested in participating in Scholarships, Fcliowslilps, Grants. nightclub admissions and more! Book know that I worship the ground that you date, A telephone number. Any ques­ service projecb and interested in learn­ Educational Research Services. Box with the Best—Don't Settle for Less! 1- walk .on. So can 1 watch Prism at your tions call 386-3128. If you are interested ing more about our sonority. Please join 3006. Boston, Massachusetts 800-724-1555720/ apartment? Christie in production, please get in touch with us or call us any time at 895-197371/ 021307140/ Mike at the above numberyiO/ Film and Vkko. If these things interest Jim MacNamara Are you a turtle? PRSSA, Drexel's Public Relations The Drexel University Karate Club you in any way, this may be the student W aalcd: MacWrite User's Guide and Students Society Of America invites began fall season training on Monday. group for you. Come to our first meet­ Ed Sisko DelawareValley Bodybuilbing "Getting Staited" Call (215) 895-2585. people with initiative, interest, and good Any men or women who are interested ing of the Fall Tsim, Thursday, October Champion ( Junior Short Division) Ask for Andrew. 16/ inter-personal skills to come join our in learning traditional Japanese karate 10, I99I, in 3021 MacAlister at 6 Congratulations on allthe hard work and organization. Fbr further info, call 789- are encouraged to look into this competi­ p.m72/ dieting!!!! Love Heidi ( your personal SEND FAX’S CHEAP, IntemaUonal & 2025 and leave message7IW tive and challenging sport. The karate trainner) Domestic. Call 382-4404. /SI club offers the world's finest raining, The Mooetarlsts Drexel's ofTicial eco­ intercollegiate tournaments, and interna­ P m Q m h Edward J. Sisko Congratulations Haver you ever used MARIHUANA? nomics and finance organization, is host­ tionally recognized testing. Whether ANBC- Delaware Valley All Natural Would you like to earn between ing a lecture series featuring a variety of you are looking for competition or sim­ Joel Thanks for the shaving cream Kim Body Building Champion 1st place: $150- 250? If you would like to partici- business leaders, a professional forum ply wish to slay in shape and meet new Junior Short Division . 2nd place: I pate in a psychophysical study, call and other events. Find out more or to and interesting people, the kante club Tb the Field Hockey Team keep up the Overall Junior Division Uura or Donna at 898-1519 or 7416. All order a great-looking T-shirt. Call has something to offer you. Training is winning trend. It's good to see you guys information will remain strictly confi­ Mathias Strohfeldt or David Egliskis at held MWF at 6 pm in the lower level winning games. Good luck for the 1b the Brothtrs of AXP Those of you dential. /4/ 222-6540710/ dance studio of the Physical Education Conference Games and I hope to see who are on co-op have a brief respite Department. Please feel five to stop by Drexel at the Championships. Srini. from this hell! Hopefully your football WANTED; Get rid of your old printer. Drexel Bowling Team First team prac­ and join, or simply watch and allow us to skills will be better than Saturday night ( Immediate cash offered for ImageWriter tice Sunday, Sept.29. Meet in front of answer any questions7S/ 1b Fisbl Where’s the Monkey Brains!!!! then again you won't have girls on your II, working or not. Call Ajoy at Day: Myers Hall at 8:30 am. First tournament Goofy Foot. team? ) Here's to a good year and a 975-4781 or Eve: 387-6307. /6/ stop is Harrisburg on Oct. 19-20. SAMIMY Fall Rush ‘91, The only way great rush. ASK Preliminary try-outs will be held this - to go Greek74/ Congratulations MkhcUe!! Jack is one Wanted-Macintosh computers and Sunday. If you can't make it call Greg lucky guy and we are sure that your lives Rocco And they were on a trek, and lo. peripherals wanted. High price'and Higgins or Rob Moore at 662-0992./6/ Wanted: Chairpersons and together will be filled with love and hap­ before them was FUDDRUCKERS. immediate cash offered. Whether work­ Attention!!! Student Congress is now Committee members for the following piness. Love always, your roomies past They stopped there, and ate. and it was ing or not, new or used. Call Joe at accepting applicants for the position of NAACP Committes: Press & Publicity, and present and the guys from 3206 good. ASK (609)273-1357 any time./8/ "Student Dean Co-op” Applicants must Program & Research, Education, Labor Hamilton past and present. submit qualifications and future plans & Industry, Political Action, and SusieJ. Jeepers, creepers, where’d you for this position to the Student Congress Verteran Affairs. Requirements: Paid B.O. The aroma of garlic makes my get those peepers? Office by 5pm Oct.7th73/ memmber ($3), letter of interest for the dimples appear. Peaches m i p W m M chairperson position, and a resume. Nga Thanks for being such a sweetheart Schedule of Masses at the Newman Interests must be expressed by 10/ 16/91. Bikerman Finance, kink, and eveiything - x’s and o’s, your admirer- Mike! IVavel Sales Representatives Center: Sunday, Ham ; Daily, 12 noon. Any questions? Direct it to Rm. 3017 pink. Happy Anniversary... I love youl STS, the leader in collegiate travels Chaplain: Fr. Charles Brinkman7II/ MacAlister or call 895-2581. Ramona Super Sunday Woman Metal Man Thanks for a great week­ needs motivated individuals and groups Hollie presiding President./3/ end. You are the best . Oct.26th is to promote Winter/Spring Break trips. Attention All Student Organizations: Sorry Jenny 1 didn’t know you'd look rapidly approaching so stan preparing For information call Student Travel This is the Lexerd's attempt to get you that bad . Next time don't wear black far now. "Even if you were my bother I’d Services, Ithaca, NY at 1-800-648- all organized. Please submit descrip­ a B&W photo. Dave still want to —— you" Love your 4849/ 10/. tions of your organizations, preferably Chichie on disk to the Lexerd (Mac Allister Rm Steve. The Steveman. Steveola. Steve-o- ADDRESSERS WANTED immediate­ 3012) by November 18, 1991. This is to BARCLAY rama... Sorry, “amalgam” only gels you Oh, and have I mentioned our first ly! No experience necessary. Process assure that this year’s yearbook will look $6.50 at Jack’s Lofty Word Emporium. anniversary was the 29th? Happy FHA mortgage refunds. Work at home. a lot better than last years. If you do not SQUARE Bett luck next week. The Jackster Anniversary my love. Call 1-405-321-3064/3/ submit a description you will not be in the yearbookVI / 1 GARDEN APTS. Work Study Needed - Asbury Protestant Ministry, 10-15 hours per w / own shopping center, ele­ STUDY HARD. LIVE AT EASE week. - varied, office duties. Hours vators, 1-2 or 3 bedrooms. Flexible - days only. Please call or stop PARK LANE EAST Across from tennis courts. by 231 Creese, (895-2522)73/ Starting from $435.0° Make Your Move CALL YOUR DATE GARDEN APTS. - 6 2 6 - 2 0 0 0 - 1,2 or 3 Bedrooms PACK Shopping Center, NEAR #21 BUS 6 5 0 /m in . 9 7 6 - 3 1 1 1 Trasportation & TOWNE WOMEN FREE: Call Parking at Door. 645-0630 or 645-0823 lAISi $S00.»>1000...$1S00 Starting from $399.i» PLACE ALTERI^ATIVE [ E O O L l LIFESTYLES - 2 5 9 - 9 0 0 0 - NEAR #21 BUS 850/min. 976-3311 5 6 ^ ^ 2 2 0 0

2200 Benjamin Franklin Parkwiy - just steps from the Art Museum. Art Museum — Center City Open Monday to Friday 9-6, Saturday & Sunday 12-5. Efficiencies, studios, one and two bedrooms. Free bus and utilities incIuded./24 hour door attendcd/24 hour attended Some with utiiities. Newly remodeled, close indoor garage/Free outdoor parking/New fitness center. For your frtltmlty, tororlty, toam Will provice bus transportation to and from Park Town Place and the to center city activities, tt^eaters, museums, or oth»r ctmput organization. University. All utilities included. owner m anagem ent, 751-2766. MMunurNOi CALL 1-1300-950-8472. ASK ABOUT OUR STUDENT RATES 20 • The Triangle • October 4,1991 C o m i c s Beaver Boy by Rich Coughlan

F/Si/ wer-t. CreoA/rca so hcrr;{'C "fhtif I "fhti'r ttf>ptatAnce sen'f j^Veirs up -the. I Ucki ef Heria/ men... JSs/' k/herf yet/ Utoi^hf // u/«S S<»/< A Vafch Cemmtttia/... ft I\ i I Reiurn or Cott Pr-odoct ^r\Qof£&rc)mf'

^ (jso.ractcrS...... Claymotioit from h l e l l /

“Tennis Anyone?’

ACROSS DOWN 1 Indian Prince 1 Polish River lo the Baltic 5 Oarsman 2 Semetic person 10 First mate 3 Edberg's "91 US Open 14 Newscaster Severeid opponent 15 Flexible 4 Service score 16 Moses* mountain 5 Ms. Huxtable off camera 17 . set. match 6 Curved moldings 18 EdberglLendl and 7 Weakling Courier/Conners events at 8 Yale student the US Open 9 Umpire 20 TV network 10 Tree rings „ 21 Common dog's name 11 Las Vegas term 22 Regulations 12 Can do 23 Appreciative words 13 No. side of tree decor 25 Sheep's clothing 19 Golf clubs 27 Dim witted 21 Skidded 29 Ms. Capriatti 24 U.S.. French or Australian, 33 Perused eg 34 Scott Conners 25 " ... the day and the way 35 Classic car 36 Senator Hatch 26 Bucks 37 Loses color 27 Sat. Night Live skit, eg 38 Sawbucks 28 Trunk 39 Sugar ending 29 Spoiled 40 Oilor vinegar holder 30 Jim Courier’s triumph 41 Obsession 31 . meenie. minie. moe 42 Tennis stroke 32 Ms. Parks and others 44 Tie scores (tfter forty 34 Junket 45 Expansive 37 Friar's title 46 Mr.Vader 38 Tight 47 Red or yellow pigment 40 Map 50 Adore with on 41 Simple 51 Cheer for Emelio Shanchez 43 Chris <4 Family 54 Conners’ landmark 44 Courters 57 Gl's addresses 46 Receiver 58 Small pie 47 Mr. Preminger 59 Lamprey flsherman 48 Scorch 60 Puts the pedal to the metal 49 Employ 61 Valuable minerals 50 Pickle spice 62 1991 US Open Champ 52 No score 63 Leg Joint 53 Being:Latin 55 Affirmative 56 Bom 57 Indiana Jones'quest

Unifarcity byMikeCarey

r [ WU) I tMtW WIMT Uo-o^ tTiwK FeA... MtWL UMVtMITY, (O ^ q CowiVft vou'k L. twim*. thm ay uow TMei' woM* NAvr nti^ i^cr j TOitTHtf. The Triangle • October 4,1991 • 21

. j ; ; n ^ MH MW HKLD HP !H TMGDKHA MW BKDOiMNLW - XWfCKlOSfD^^^ )cri'M% ‘>erte^- +sf« X WN BKDOMNLW HPZH MH VLWH GD KZHMNJDS Or «i*t. kiMwsT 3)ioTsnn Unto/ X Hints: (ilvKikst CV. 6uehl«') C>Y(jl?M(JfilCK

The real thing q d j l m j d Female gander qnnwd Thwgj +ki+ rvw»ke <■• +i»e Last W eek's Answer: ba'Hiirooi*^

There is nobody so irritating as somebody with le ss in tellig en c e and more W7 sense than we have PRLNES -tu HMCAawCH'.

a a a a u □□DEI uuaaa saaa L a s t Quia^ nuaaa zraua W e e k ’s f3Qo sonoti □ □ □ L i i a m \ C r o s s w o r d : □ □ □ □ □ □ i;^iQQ >.DDD “T h e C oup u n ^ F lu ” ?:iDOs PDDDa ; ? □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ B nan □ □ □ □ □ wumn

Wei’s World 5o«y '** ftfwdaiw 5^Mrf1” jdkes by Yen Wei, PU.D. LooI<3 (.tee SM 9«f ^ 5 h ^ . n c z z z z B r r You SLHftJ, duicD

You «||- +!«« tVe»»l Sh M ; j c ____ Vot< kn»w, ^ou if again i*<4} < knife >w -iiic ifltM <1 P^^il anj Del (wU, of c<»uritf, wet^e fuHnif +o beg,vi wlH»')

-3 rt> '^

HlPPoCflMpMS" m t

T O M the D A N C I N G B U G presents:


^ ty MKN tOlllNfr 2 2 * The Triangle • October 4,1991

L acrosse league expands into B uffalo, N Y

Buffalo, New York, as the association with MILL and to won the bronze medal at the medals between 1985 in pre- Triangle Sports Desk expansion city," said Mr. Fritz, bringing the sport of indoor World Games. Mouradian also olympic tournaments and World Major Indoor Lacrosse co-founder and President of the lacrosse to Buffalo. Sports fans helped his teams receive five Games in Toronto. League and the Buffalo Sabres League. in Western New York and silver medals and four gold jointly announced earlier this "The Buffalo metropolitan Southern Ontario will fmd the week that the league will expand area has long been active in the fast-paced action of lacrosse into the Buffalo New York lacrosse community, and we feel similar to hockey's. Further, the W omen*s Tennis nuulcet for the 1992 season. The a natural expansion city for the addition of sports like indoor team to be named the Bandits MILL," Fritz said. lacrosse to Memorial Auditor­ S c h e d u l e will play at Memorial "There is a good talent base in ium's schedule of events fits Auditorium and be represented the region, and we are confident well with our longer term plan locally by the Buffalo sabres of that the Buffalo Bandits will be of developing a variety of sports the . a force in the League at the and entertainment offering for The Bandits will join the six onset. We are also very pleased Buffalo's new sports and 10/5-Sat. atU M B C -1:00 current Major Indoor Lacrosse to be associated with the Buffalo entertainment complex." teams, the , Sabres management. Their The team has selected Johnny 10/7 - M on. at Villanova - 3:30 reputation in the Buffalo Mouradian as the Bandits New England Blazers, Detroit 10/9 - W ed. at LaSalle - 3:30 Turbos, , community is outstanding,"said Genemal Manager. Mouradian graduated from Ithaca College in Philadelphia Wings and the co-founder and Senior Vice 10/12-13 - Sat. and Sun. at Pittsburgh Bulls. President Russ Cline. 1976, and has been active in "We are pleased to announce Seymour H. Knox, III, lacrosse coaching since 1982 Vermont - NAC Champions that the Major Indoor Lacrosse Chairman and President of the when he acted -as Assistant League is expanding for the Buffalo Sabres commented, "We Coach for The Canadian 1992 season and proud to select are looking forward to our National Lacrosse Team which

Philadelphia city council candidates debate the issues Continued from page 1 Theater in an attempt to join the Participating in the debate “I think the whole system has only one who had personally Consumer Party.” debate proceedings while were Ortiz, Augusta Clark (D- to be revamped,” she said. “We told her about having any Weiner explained the carrying signs reading “League inc), W. Thacher Longstieth (R- have to look at property intention to run was Councilman Consumer Party position Supports the Status Quo” and inc), David Cohen (D-inc), taxes....We have to computerize John Street. concerning the LWV debate. “Shame on the League,” and Diana Roca (R), Gladys (Happy) our system, and we have to On fiscal matters, the panel “We’re on the ballot... and we shouting questions about the Fernandez (D), Joan Specter (R- lower the wage tax....” seemed evenly divided on the feel we’re entitled to participate League’s decision at the inc), James Kenney (D), Roca and Ortiz were also privatization of Philadelphia in the debate because we are a candidates and President Lawrence Tabas (R), and decidedly anti-crime, often blue-collar employment and political party, and we have been Abernathy. DeLores Weaver (R). mentioning “safe streets” as a each placed blame on the since 1967.” Abernathy apologized to the Cohen called for City Council high priority in their political opposing party for the city ’s Weiner’s late husband. Max Consumer Party for what she and the mayor’s office to agendas. financial woes. Cohen speciHed Weiner, ran a well-received called an “oversight,” although support the maintenance of Kenney, Tabas, and Specter Republican control of an 1989 campaign for the post of she still refused to let the party adequate health care for the poor all stated their support for some inefficient Traffic Court system city controller. join the debate. A heated of Philadelphia. He cited as an type of change in the city and Republican-sponsored Weiner also stated that the exchange between Abernathy example of such support two charter; while Tabas said that budgets as sources of protest was not directed at the and Haver left some of the LWV recent executive orders from minor revisions to allow for irresponsibility, while candidates themselves, and she representatives visibly shaken Mayor Wilson Goode (D) to set more communication between Longstreth suggested “40 years did not know what the LWV’s and the League looking as minimum standards of scrvice the mayor and City Council of Democratic rule.” response would be, if any. “At though it was trying to avoid the and availability for Philadelphia were needed. Kenney and “The Democrats have least we’re bringing it to the Consumer Party issue altogether. health centers. Specter pushed for more controlled the administration, attention of the people of As a final sign of protest, the Diana Roca summed up the sweeping changes. Spccter took they’ve conu'olled City Council, Philadelphia,” she said. protcsiers left as the debate was feelings of many Philadelphians the opportunity to creatc and the city has gotten into the Thirty minutes after they set beginning, uninterested in a during the course of the debate publicity and support for her kind of shape with which wc’rc up their picket, the Consumer discussion that considered some when she voiced her concerns “chartcr change” bill. all familiar today,” Longstreth Party group entered the Mandell opinions unimportant. about the city’s lax structure. Spccter also gave a surprising said. “1 would have some advice response to an audience question to give to all of you relating to about the next City Council the mayor’s job [and] the City President, who will replace the Council job [sic] in both the Drag & Talent Night retiring Joseph Coleman. districts and at large; When in Spccter said that of all possible doubt, throw ‘cm out.” candidates for the position, the ______G et out of the closet-into the ball! C om e join area gay, lesbian, and bisexual students as they show thier prode and culture in and out of drag. EVERY Mandell Theater WEDNESDAY! October 11,1991 6:00 p.m. c im m s MEAL PLAN - The keynote speaker for this evening will be: Majorie Hill For Only $10.00 EnJoyaBuffM From the Mayor’s Office of Liason to the Lesbian and Gay Community. ftcillBavercKM s Ffom9PM tiH12 Registration forms for the drag and talent show may be picked up at the GLBD office, 3015 MacAllister. PROPER I.D. REQUIRED 2 4 4 - 9 7 7 7 Registration deadline September 20,1991 i i i i i Sponsored by Gays, Lesbians, and Lesbians at Drexel (GLBD) The Triangle • October 4 ,1991 • 23

audie replaces K ashow as coach

{Anthony Burokas ______Division I softball program and “There will probably be a big sixth in the Division III national Softball Coach-of-the-Year last [Triangle Staff Writer tallied a 170-173-2 career record change in style, though, because poll and played to a 28-16 season. in 11 seasons at the school. I am very aggressive. I like to record, earning a berth in the “I’m making no predictions.” Director of Women’s Kashow’s 1991 squad earned a push, take chances and do the NCAA Division III regional Maudie said. “We will just take [Athletics, Barbra Kilgour, third place Northeast regional unexpected. Much of the play playoffs. Five of Maudie’s care of ourselves and focus on announced that Joyce A. Maudie ranking during the course of last seems predictable. I’d like to Wisconsin-Whitewater athletes what we do, keeping our goals I of the University of Wisconsin- season and posted a school best mix it up — do different things.” were All-Conference selections, in mind. We’ll take one day at a Whitewater has been named 35-15 record on its way to a Maudie enjoyed comparable three were named to the All- time.” physical education instructor first-ever East Coast Conference success as the head of softball American Midwest team and and head women’s softball championship title. coach at the University of four were selected to the coach at Drexel, effective Maudie met with the team Wisconsin-Whitewater from Regional Tournament team in immediately. this past week as they played in 1989-1991, where she also Deborah, Iowa. Maudie replaces former head Allentown. “There’s a great deal served as assistant women’s She was named Wisconsin coach Carol Kashow, who de­ of talent in this team.” Maudie coach. Her 1991 Women’s Intercollegiate Ath­ veloped Drexel’s NCAA said during a recent interview. squad was ranked as high as letic Conference (WWIAC) Johnston com pletes H errion's coaching staff

Triangle Sports Desk basketball camp, opponent was a member of the Dean’s List MacKenzie 6th Player Award as the part-time assistant coach, scouting, organizing the film and received a Bachelor of Arts the team’s unsung hero. He completes the Drexel staff. Basketball head exchange program and game degree in Economics. A four- totaled 776 career points and Earlier this year Herrion retained announced earlier this week that preparations. year letter winner from 1983-87, 286 assists. Walter Fuller, the captain of former University of New Johnston arrives at Drexel Johnston started at guard his “I am really pleased to add Drexel’s 1986 NCAA Tourn­ Hampshire standout Andy after two years as a assistant final three seasons and led the Andy to our coaching staff," ament team from former coach Johnston has been named an coach at American International squad in assists each year. His Herrion said. “I feel his Eddie Burke's staff and named assistant basketball coach at College in Springfield, MA., senior year he served as co­ familiarity with the North former St. Anselm College Drexel University, effective where he helped guide the captain of the Wildcats while Atlantic Conference, both as a assistant Steve Seymour as his immediately. Along with on- Yellow Jackets to consecutive scoring a career-high 13.2 points player and coach. He will prove two full-time assistants. court duties, Johnston will be in 19 win seasons. per game and shooting 50 per­ to be invaluable to our Johnston replaced Drexel star charge of coordinating under­ Johnston, a 1987 University cent (37-74) from three range. program.” Bob “Sweeper” Stevens, who class recruiting, summer of New Hampshire graduate. He also won the Jock Johnston, who will serve as resigned in August. Sailing C lub prepares for Fall racing season

Gregory J. Petry Yacht Racing Association of competition per year, the Sipring The Fall season begins at weekly “social events’* like North America (ICYRA). and Fall racing seasons. promptly on the first weekend of volleyball and bowling night or Triangle Staff Writer The ICYRA is the national Members are selected to September and practice usually at a Philadelphia Wings box For Drexel’s team, the home governing body for inter­ represent Drexel at regattas commences about one month lacrosse game. waters are those of the Delaware collegiate sailing competition. based on their performance at earlier. This year’s fall season Even if you have never sailed River and the home port of our At the present time 200 colleges practice and dedication to the consists of 13 regattas in ten and are interested in learning team is that of Liberty Yacht and universities in the United team. weeks. how to sail or if you want to join Club. Starting this fall the States have sailing teams Practice for the Spring season Thanksgiving Weekend the team please call me at either Sailing Teams from Villanova actively competing in the begins early in February and traditionally denotes the end of to)895-4971 or (h)662-1376 and University and Haverford/Bryn ICYRA. racing gets underway early in the fall racing season with the I'Will gladly provide you with Mawr College will also jbe MAISA membership includes March and both end by late Timme Angsten National more information. practicing from Liberty Yacht 40 colleges and universities, by May. Championship Regatta. How­ Club. far the largest of the District The team competes in about ever, this year’s Fall season will The Drexel University Sailing Associations. Six of the teams 10 regattas during this season as be slightly longer since our team Team has competed in the in the MAISA District are it is the shorter of the two will travel to Miami, Florida to Middle Atlantic Intercollegiate currently ranked in the top 20 seasons. After a very successful participate in the week long Sailing Association (MAISA) nationally, this gives you an idea Spring 1991 racing season, Orange Bowl Regatta to be held for over fifty years. MAISA is of the tough competition which Drexel is currently ranked 12th during Winter Break. one of seven District Asso­ the Drexel team faces. out of forty teams in the MAISA During wfnter term one can ciations in the Intercollegiate The team has two seasons of District. normally find the team indoors

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DU triumphs over H oyas

Scott Williams IS kills and 7 digs, started Triangle Sports Writer Drexel on a final scoring run that brought the score to 13-5. The Drexel Women’s Yale was able to score only Volleyball team had a busy twice more, and the game ended week as they hosted the Ninth 15-7 in Drexel’s favor, as the Annual Drexel Invitational last Dragons posted their first win weekend, and took on Lehigh against Yale, 3 games to 1. University on Tuesday. The In a series that began in 1988, team posted wins against Drexel had posted four losses Georgetown and Yale, but lost against the Georgetown Hoyas to Villanova in the tournament. going into Saturday's match. On Tuesday, the Lady Dragon The Dragons were looking for a Volleyball team defeated the first win against the Hoyas, and Engineers 3-1 (15-3, 15-6, 9-15, it was a tough battle. Drexel's Judy Fenogtio(number II) attacks during Tuesday's game 15-5). The victory brought The Hoyas looked good in the John Vassallo/THE TRIANGLE Drexel's record to 9-3 for the opening game, winning 8-15. (gainst Lehigh. FenogUo totaled 8 kiUs, I assist and 2 digs in the season. But when Georgetown served at game, as Drexel beat Lehigh 3 games to I. The Lady Dragons will travel to Princeton tomorrow. The action started Friday the start of game two, Drexel night, as the Lady Dragons met answered with a sideout that was too far behind when Junior Judy Georgetown. on October 23. Despite the loss Yale for the first time. Junior followed immediately by a kill Fenoglio got a kill to give This was an important win for to Villanova, Kane-Hopton said Melanie Kopka (5 kills, 37 from Senior Debbie Naylor (19 Drexel a sideout. Fenoglio had the Dragons, in the sense that it she was “very happy with the assists, one ace, and 9 digs) kills and 11 digs). 13 kills in the match. was a big challenge that they effort this weekend.” opened the second game with a This was followed by two Later in the match, Drexel faced well. Coach Peggy Kane- The Lady Dragons have a service ace, and started Drexel consecutive aces by Kopka (47 found itself on the long side of a Hopton said it was a "really big series of away games against on a scoring drive that gave assists, 6 aces, 10 digs) as 11-14 score with the game on emotional win against George­ Lafayette, Princeton, and them a 4-1 lead. Yale played Drexel proceeded to take a 5-0 the line. The Dragons answered town, especially in the fourth Towson State this week and hard to keep the game close until lead. this challenge with three game.” next. Next weekend they will the end, when Drexel won on a Both teams played hard to tie consecutive points, to tie it at 14. Unfortunately, the Lady travel to the NAC mid-season kill by Sophomore Agnes the game at 9, and then again at The Hoyas didn’t score again, Dragons didn’t play as well seeding Tournament at North­ Dusza. Dusza had 14 kills, 5 12, but Drexel came out on top and an ace by Drexel ended the against Villanova. The Wildcats eastern, where they will have assists, one ace, and 12 digs in 16-14. Drexel opened the third game, 16-14, with both teams defeated the Dragons in three matches against North-eastern, the game. game with an ace, and a quick 7- having just one more chance. straight games (10-15, 8-15, 12- Hartford, Vermont, and Yale dominated throughout 1 lead. The Dragons eventually If you had walked in at the 15) on their way to the Delaware. They will then travel the third game to win 11-15. squandered that lead, as the middle of game five, you tournament championship. to LaSalle and the University of Game four began much the same Hoyas steadily pulled ahead to wouldn’t have known that these Villanova has been improving Connecticut Classic. as game two, as Kopka opened win the game 11-15. two teams were even closely lately, and the Dragons knew The next home game for the with an ace. Yale answered that The game that followed was matched. Drexel pulled ahead this would be a difficult match. Dragons is scheduled for challenge with four points in a full of tension for the Drexel right from the start, in a game in Kane-Hopton said “Villanova October 23 against Villanova at row, but an ace by Dusza fans, as the Lady Dragons which every serve was a point played a spectacular match, but 7p.m. in the P.E. Center. sparked the Dragons as they tied started out trailing. They did for the Dragons. Drexel we just came out with no juice it at 4. remain poised enough to keep recorded a quick 15-6 victory, left.” Drexel plays the Wildcats Junior Amy Guidice, who had the game close, and they weren’t and a first win ever against again in their next home match Lady Dragons edge out Ur sinus College Srinivas Poliiru Tuesday. Ursinus did not waste towards the end of the first half. offense, meanwhile were penalty corner shots, Mandy Triangle Sports Writer any time to go up 2-1 through a The pressure was mounting at making sporadic raids and it took a direct shot off the assist second half goal from Allison the E^xel end of the field and it looked as if Drexel might be in from Amy to secure yet another Bums.' The Lady Dragons seemed to was Catherine’s gutsy for a long afternoon as the victory for Drexel. Undeterred by Ursinus’s lead, have learned the knack of performance in the cage which thoughts of overtime came into Drexel now stands at 3-3-1 the Jen’s in the Drexel forward winning games. Helped by two enabled Drexel to take the everybody’s mind. Mandy and looks forward to the games line combined once again, this game-winning goals in crucial breather with a 1-0 lead. Armstrong had different ideas on Saturday & Sunday against time Jen Emhardt feeding Jen The relentless pressure by moments by Mandy Armstrong, altogether. With Mandy coming the North Atlantic Conference Peirce to bring parity to the Drexel got past the nationally American continued into the alive in the second half and Amy opponents, Boston and Maine scoreline at 2-2. This was Jen second half with the American ranked Ursinus College and beat Stipandic chipping in, Drexel respectively. This will be Pierce’s first goal of the season, American College at home by a offense pounding the Drexel forced American to gd'on followed by the game against and her very first goal for Drexel score of 2-1. These two wins, defense, which stood well until defensive and in the process Towson State on Wednesday. University. As both teams held along with the win against Diane Lewis tapped in a goat off gained a couple of penalty tight defensively, the game went a beautiful cross from the right made it a 3- comers. After trying a couple of into sudden death period, which in-a-row for the Lady Dragons. wing Michael Corace. Drexel intelligent variations on the saw Mandy Armstrong blasting The last week’s performance a penalty corner assist from testified Captain Dawn Stevens Amy Stipandic into the cage belief that the win against past Ursinus goalie Hope Pellegrini dom inates league Villanova was a turning point Arroliga. This game-winner for the team. from Mandy concluded a morale Scott W illiams in overall scoring in both the Wednesday’s game against The game against Ursinus, on boosting, courageous per- NAC and the Philadelphia Rider. The Broncs came away Thursday, was very crucial for Triangle Sports Writer formmce by the Lady Dragons. Soccer Seven, and leads the with a 2-1 victory. Chris the team, since the opponents Coach Dipi Bhaya said “This Mike Pellegrini was selected NAC in scoring in league Binckley scored the only goal were ranked 17th nationally and overtime win does so much for as the NAC Player-of-the-Week contests. for the Dragons on a penalty also they have dominated Drexel the confidence of my team”. and the Philadelphia Soccer In the victory over Penn State kick in the second period. The in the past 10 games between On Saturday, Drexel took the Seven Co-Player-of-the-Week he scored Drexel’s only goal, loss brought Drexel’s record to these two teams. field against American College. for the w ^ k ending September and recorded his 14th game- 5-3-1. The game started off with With the newly acquired 29. Pellegrini led the D r^ons to winning goal. Against NAC Drexel opens a three game both teams trying to assess one confidence and the home crowd victories over Penn State rival New Hampshire, Pellegrini home stand this weekend when another’s strengths and it would cheering them on, Drexel shot University (1-0), the University scored his first hat trick, and led they host Vermont tomorrow. have been a scoreless first half, into the lead very quickly of New Hampshire (4-1), and to Drexel to a win with three goals. The Dragons will then be out of but for the last minute goal from through a goal by Jen Peirce. a tie with the University of Pellegrini has 78 career points action for the next 11 days. Ursinus’s Cleai> Clarke. Drexel She was assisted by Mandy Maine (1-1) last week. and is tied with Drexel Athletic They will take on Lafette on came back with a lot of energy Armstrong who put up a stellar The 5-9 senior cuirently leads Hall of Famer Bob Linde (1947- October 16, and battle NAC and ideas, which saw Jen display of defense on a bright the Dragons in goals (6), points 50) for ninth place on the rival Delaware on October 19. Emhardt scoring off an assist sunny afternoon. American (14), game-winning goals (2) school’s all-time scoring list. from Jen Peirce, who seems to College was slow to start oft, and scoring average (1.75 per Unfortunately for Drexel. have picked up front where she but its attack gained momentum game). Pellegrini ranks second Pellegrini was held scoreless in left off against Villanov* on