THE SPIRIT OF P.O. BOX 6614 • ERIE, PENNSYLVANIA 16512 SUBSCRIPTION RATE - FREE WILL OFFERING - PLEASE SEE PAGE 8 If this is the first time you have received this newsletter, and you would like a “Beginner’s Guide,” please contact us for one. EDITOR: JUNE KLINS EDITOR EMERITUS: JOAN WIESZCZYK PHONE: (814) 898-2143 SPIRITUAL ADVISOR E-MAIL: [email protected] FR. WILLIAM KIEL VOL. 27, NO. 8 PUBLISHED MONTHLY August 2014

CURRENT MONThLY MESSAGE OF JULY 25, 2014 ON ThE 25Th DAY OF EACh MONTh, ThE BLESSED VIRGIN GIVES A MESSAGE TO ThE VISIONARY, MARIJA, ThAT IS TO BE GIVEN TO ThE WORLD. “Dear children! You are not aware of the graces that you are living at this time in which the Most High is giving you signs for you to open and convert. Return to God and to prayer, and may prayer begin to reign in your hearts, families and communities, so that the Holy Spirit may lead and inspire you to every day be more open to God’s will and to His plan for each of you. I am with you and with the saints and angels This mosaic tile artwork of Our Lady was created in Medjugorje by a former Cenacolo Community member. commends those who are trying to intercede for you. Thank overcome drug dependency (See p. 7). Organizations like Maria House Project in Erie, founded by our late spiritual advisor, Msgr. Peterson, and Cenacolo you for having responded to Community in Medjugorje and throughout the world, offer hope to those with addictions. We can help by our prayers and fasting. This issue is dedicated in memory of Steven Burkhart who died of a heroin overdose on May 5, 2014. my call.” Addictions – Does Good Ever Come From Them? By Fr. Bill Kiel

Quite common in the world today needs through His Fatherly care. The men and women in are addictions of various kinds – Cenacolo come to the awareness that only with God’s help alcohol, drugs, food, pornography and will their addictions be controlled, and if God is not at the others. It seems the electronic age gives center of all they do, they are hopeless. Cenacolo is a gift us access to the otherwise private lives from God to the members of the community; hope and help of non-family members suffering from are available! addictions, making us much more As family members and friends of addicted men and Fr. Bill Kiel aware of the prevalence of addictive women, we too can use Cenacolo Community as a source traits. Many people today can recall of inspiration, surrendering our loved ones into the having family members who were alcoholics, and while all-powerful hands of God and trusting in His loving neighbors may have known drinking compassion and care for them. was going on, the rest of the world did Many years ago, I had the opportunity not have access to the “neighborhood to concelebrate Mass with Father Slavko news.” Today, however, news of all sorts in the chapel of the Cenacolo Community is transmitted as it occurs – even family in Medjugorje and hear, for the first time, news. Family addictive behaviors that the personal stories of some men in the were “kept secret” in the past, are now community. To hear young men tell of in the open. This is good. Addiction the power of God’s hand in their lives was can now be faced and help be given to something I had not heard before this visit. the individuals in need. If more young men and women could hear Having traveled to Medjugorje these life experiences, more of them would many times and visiting the Cenacolo Cenacolo Community in Medjugorje be living their faith and seeking God’s help Community, I am aware addictions are a worldwide so they would not fall into addictive patterns of behavior. problem. This community, established by Mother Elvira in I also had the privilege of spending a day at the Cenacolo , offers hope and help to men and women suffering from Community in Alabama, taking part in the sacraments of addictions. Usually, the youngest age for acceptance into Penance and Eucharist with the men. It was a beautiful the community is 16 years old. In the community, there are experience to hear their personal stories and be present no medical professional therapists. Life in the community is with them in prayers of thanksgiving and for continued scheduled around prayer and work [See page 6] – God is truly help. They had come to realize that changes in their lives the center of the life in Cenacolo Community. Providential had come through the power and love of God, and without care is the source of all the needs in the community; trust God, addictive patterns would continue. in God is at the core of receiving help of all sorts. When Even though addictions cause many problems and food or building materials are needed, the men and women heartaches in the lives of family members and friends, good spend time in prayer, especially in front of the Blessed can come from addictions… if we turn to God. God will Sacrament. Results are awesome and many times very give help to the addicts and to those who love and care for quick! The power of prayer is seen here very clearly. The them. We must surrender the addictions and the addicted lives of the members of Cenacolo are centered in God – they to God, and trust that in His great compassion and love, He surrender their lives to Him and trust He will provide their will free them. Message to Mirjana on July 2, 2014 “Dear children, I, the mother of all of you gathered here and the mother of the entire world, am blessing you with a motherly blessing and call you to set out on the way of humility. That way leads to the coming to know the love of my Son. My Son is almighty, He is in everything. If you, my children, do not become cognizant of this, then darkness/blindness rule in your soul. Only humility can heal you. My children, I always lived humbly, courageously and in hope. I knew, I became cognizant that God is in us and we are in God. I am asking the same of you. I desire for all of you to be with me in eternity, because you are a part of me. I will help you on Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis for August your way. My love will envelop you like a mantle and make Refugees: That refugees, forced by violence to abandon of you apostles of my light - of God’s light. With the love their homes, may find a generous welcome and that comes forth from humility you will bring light to where protection of their rights. darkness/blindness rule. You will be bringing my Son Oceania: That Christians in Oceania may who is the light of the world. I am always alongside your joyfully announce the faith to all the people of shepherds and I pray that they may always be an example that region. of humility for you. Thank you.” We thank Marge Spase, Nila Passilla, Audria Petersen, Sue Kirby, Joanne Warren, Dianne Yochim, Georgia Chludzinski, Diane Niebauer, Louise Lotze, and Sue Taccone for their help with the July mailing. We thank Louise Lotze, Johannes Dittrich, and Judy Pellatt for their photos. And as always, we thank Pat Berrier, our proofreader, and Jason Klins, our webmaster.

THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE - 2 - August 2014 Questions and Answers with Mirjana The following was excerpted from a talk given by Mirjana in her home on March 16, 2014. To see the entire talk, you can go to Fruit of Medjugorje archives on, Episodes #106 and #107. We thank Cathy Nolan of MaryTV for transcribing and sharing it in her daily reflections. I spoke with a man from Italy and he told me, “I was a believer, going to church and everything, but God took my wife. I don’t want this God anymore.” I said to him, “I am so sorry, but I must tell you, you must never have been a believer. You don’t know what it means to know the love of God. The symbol of your faith is the cross. And if you say that you believe in God and that you love God and God gives His cross to you, you will not say ‘no.’ You will say ‘thank you’ because you see that God will help you, and you will pray that God does not leave you alone, but you won’t say, ‘I don’t want this God.’” Q: How are your monthly apparitions different from your yearly apparition? A: Maybe only now, when you ask me, the difference is that when I have the apparition on the 2nd of the month, Blessed Mary is always sad or decisive. But annually, on March 18, She is more with a smile. Q: (from a young priest): My question has to do with On 2nd of each month, I never see Her smile, never, because She is the virtue of hope. Today there are a lot of people who are talking about unbelievers, about Her children who do not know the living in a lot of discouragement, a lack of hope, because of love of God, and She knows what is in store for them, and She never the way things are going in the world and perhaps in their smiles. She is sad or decisive to change things. homes. You are someone who knows that Heaven exists. You have these meetings with Our Lady, and so what is Q: Fasting costs me a lot. I spend all day thinking about food. Can you your experience of hope? Knowing what you know with give me advice on how to fast, or can I do something else rather than fast? your spiritual experiences, how do you live that hope, and A: I cannot tell you to do something else instead of fasting, because how do you suggest that we continue to transmit that Blessed Mary told us to fast. But you can try step by step to fast. hope to a world that’s in need of hope? You don’t need to fast immediately on bread and water. You can say A: Father, I think that the answer is simple. I on Friday you will not eat meat. Catholic people never eat meat on always have my God, my Jesus, next to me, in Friday. You can start like this, and ask Blessed Mary to help you, my prayer, in my fasting. And who can do to me because to be able to fast is a gift from God. Ask God for this gift. anything? What can happen to me when my Jesus When you pray, think like this: Who is the owner of my body? This is with me? I only think like this. I start my day meal? Or myself? Who is the king in my God! If I can’t with a prayer, and I always say, “No matter what do this for Him, this small thing, how will I do more if He asks me? happens to me today, You stay next to me and I can But always pray, because for me personally, prayer is the answer for take everything.” I think those who have faith, who everything. For example, in my family I never said, “God help my really know the love of God, don’t have to be afraid daughter finish university, help with this, help with that.” Never! I of anything. always say, “God, my family is in your hands, and You know what is This reminds me...before the apparitions started, good for us.” And I pray and fast. I always say to Blessed Mary when when I was a little girl in . Before the I pray normally like you, “I can pray, I can fast, but You, You can talk apparitions I was going to the best school in Sarajevo. with Your Son.” Do this! But when they discovered I was a visionary, they expelled me immediately out of the school. And Q: Has the Blessed Mother ever said anything about the “One World they put me in another school where all the problem Order” or the Anti-Christ or the false Prophets? students from Sarajevo who were my age were A: I can’t talk about this, but I can tell you one thing. Don’t think going. There were drugs, alcohol, everything...and about the world; think about yourself – because Our Lady wants us me with them. And the police would sometimes to change ourselves. If I change myself, if I put God in the first place come in the school to take me. When my friends in my heart, then I can help other people. I will tell you an example. from the class saw the police, they would run away One time, we had an apparition in the church, in the sacristy on the immediately. And when I would return to school, right. The church was full of pilgrims inside and outside the church, they would ask me, “How are you smiling? We everything was full. We asked Blessed Mary, “Are You happy now know how the police work. We know how it is with because so many people are praying?” And She said, “How many them. But you are always with a smile.” And I told fingers do you have on one hand? That is how many people are them, “I have my Jesus with me.” And they would praying!” Because of this, I tell you, don’t think about the future, about ask me, “Who is this mister?” And I had to explain what will be, but think about yourself. Think how to change yourself. to them, because they didn’t know who Jesus is. So I told them everything about Blessed Mary, about There is a wonderful new feature on the web page, There Jesus...because this is important. Our example and are two new links on their home page. Apparition Hill and Cross Mountain our smile...if we don’t have hope, who can have are now being streamed on demand 24/7!! Just go to these new links and you hope?? are one click away from the mountains!

August 2014 - 3 - THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE Natasha’s Testimony By June Klins On my June 2012 pilgrimage to Medjugorje, we visited the and I came for one month – six years ago.” Natasha said Women’s Cenacolo Community and heard the testimony of she was 26 when she entered, and regretted that she had an inspirational young lady from Ireland, named Natasha. wasted half of her life prior to this. “I entered and I didn’t Natasha, beaming with the joy of the Lord through her even know what color I liked. I didn’t even know what kind whole testimony, said that she entered the community of food I liked. Everything for me was boring. Everybody’s because she had a drug problem. “The drugs were the always doing the same thing – going to work, paying the consequence of a lot of situations I lived in life because I bills, doing everything. So a lot of times when I was clean, I was always an empty person; I never felt filled up with would color my hair... After two hours, the happiness passes. anything… I had no real faith in my Then I say, ‘Okay, next week I’m going to go life. I had no real values in my life to buy myself new clothes.’” She wanted to because I never believed in anything.” fill the emptiness with something that you Natasha shared that she was dyslexic touch. and had difficulties in school, and Natasha said she had the will to change began taking drugs at a very young and have a better life, to be the person God age. “I wasn’t happy on the inside. created her to be. But she also had a lot of I was sad and I was lonely…. My fear because she was used to fighting her mistakes started then because I never difficulties with drugs. In the Community, even went to my mother and shared a there is no television, no Facebook, no little problem I was having in my life. computers, no makeup, no hair color, no I started taking drugs when I was 13. jeans – material things. But she decided to try Like a whole lot of other drug addicts, I it for a month. started with cigarettes. Then after this When she entered the Community, there is boring, you always want something were 18 women living in the house. “You else, and look for something else. know what it is to live in a house with 18 By the time I was 17, I was already women?” Natasha quipped, “If God wasn’t in addicted to heroin. At the beginning, I Natasha the middle of it, we’d be killing each other!” did it because I liked it. I liked it because it helped me feel “We are from all over the world. I come from Ireland. There like a stronger person, that I’m better than other people. It are girls from , from Italy, France, from everywhere.” gave me false courage. It gave me more confidence from the She said the women struggle not only with drug addictions, inside.” but also food or alcohol addictions, and even addictions to Natasha continued, “This road, it went forward for many the Internet. years because I didn’t know who I was at the end of the day. Natasha was assigned a “guardian angel” – a girl who Everybody suffers in life, everybody has difficulties in life, was with her 24 hours a day. She resented the fact that but I was used to confronting my problems with drugs. I used her guardian angel was five years younger than herself. it like an anesthetic. Every difficulty I had, I went and I took “Already, that was enough for me, and I wanted to get drugs just to escape from reality and all my problems. I fell away straightaway because I was thinking, ‘I can teach you into this routine of life. The road of drugs – there is nothing something. Where have you been in your life?’ An awful nice to say. You’re a selfish person. You don’t have respect lot of attitude problem – an awful lot of ‘I know better than for yourself. You don’t have respect for anybody. You don’t you’ – an awful lot of pride inside of me.” even have any dignity left. You become like a slave to your Natasha explained, “In this community, we live from the addiction. Even I always say in testimony that heroin is like Providence of God; we don’t buy anything. What we have, ‘the devil in powder’ because it takes away everything from we eat; what we don’t have, we don’t eat. If there is no milk, you.” She said that people, particularly family, tried to help we drink tea; if there is no tea, we drink water. It is like an her. “I went to AA; I went on a methadone program; I did the education. Before, outside, I ate everything and too much, 12 Steps. I entered in all different styles of communities in to be honest with you. I was never happy. I always wanted Ireland, and a lot of times I gave the best to myself, but there more. I always wanted bigger. I always wanted better. was always the same thing – it was inside of me – I couldn’t Instead of one pair of shoes, I wanted 10 pairs of shoes – grasp what it was. I said, ‘My God, I’m doing everything. I one pair for every outfit. It’s the mentality. These material always feel empty and I can’t put my finger on it.’ I relapsed things didn’t make me happy. So, here we wear skirts and many times.” She never finished school, nor held down a we don’t choose the skirts. It’s more or less an education to good job. “Also, in these times when I was really struggling – be a woman. Mother Elvira says, ‘Women, when you enter I was 26 – I didn’t even have any more will to live because Community, you have more body attitudes like men – I had no real values, no faith in my life. So what am I going hands in the pockets and jeans falling down, and with the to do? I asked everybody for help in every way. Everybody hooded tops and everything. You sit with your feet up and was sick of me. There’s only so much that other people can everything. But when you wear a skirt, you have to walk in do for you, and at the end of the day, I was a woman. I had a certain way and you have to sit in a certain way.’ And she to stand on my two feet.” also says in a family, the children have to know who is the “By the hand of God, I got to know Cenacolo Community mother and who is the father because today in the world

THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE - 4 - August 2014 it’s so confused, that you have to give these real values to yourself and you want to be happy, like everybody else, you the kids.” have to start doing sacrifices…You’re often limited in your After nine or ten months with the Cenacolo Community, head, and you only want to do what you want to do. You one day, Natasha said to her guardian angel, “Look, I had have to go a little bit further.” Natasha did get up with her enough. I’m going home. You annoy me because you’re at two o’clock, not only that night, but for nine nights in a always laughing, always happy, and I don’t understand. I row! They prayed a novena to St. Padre Pio. Natasha had don’t believe in the faith or in prayer.” She said she had difficulties at first, but then it got easier. “I felt better because a closed heart and wondered how it could be so simple I was doing something that I didn’t want to do. So in the with faith and prayer. She still contended, as she did on morning, when they woke me at six o’clock, I was happy the outside, that only weak people pray. “You have to have because I overcame myself. After a while, she didn’t even the strength to be good by yourself. I still wanted to do have to wake me anymore. I continued going and going. everything by myself in my way – a little bit good and a Still today, I do the same thing, because the way of faith and little bit bad.” She was afraid to change because she didn’t prayer is a lot of sacrifices. We’re human people, and we live know what to expect. here; it’s not like we’re saints and perfect. The women in the house tried to help We have a lot of defects. Every day you her, but she provoked them in every make mistakes. Every day I have to way. She wanted to see how far she choose to do good in Community. I also could push her guardian angel – to see have to choose to give myself to others.” if everything she was telling her was “Our whole day is tied with prayer, true. Her guardian angel said,” I don’t with the Word of God, the Bible, with care. Natasha, I don’t even know you. sharing. We also have moments when I just want to help you. You have come we do personal prayer. Also the way of here like everybody else, but you have faith happens outside the chapel because to lower down your pride. You have it’s easy to put yourself on your knees to become humble. You have to let the and pray five to six hours every day. others help you.” Natasha said, “And Everybody can do it and pray good, but the more I provoked her, the nicer she if you’re not capable of putting it into was to me! It certainly annoyed me. I practice, it doesn’t serve you any good. thought, ‘How can she be so nice?’ She Books about the founding of Cenacolo Everybody can talk about love and said to me, ‘Look, you have to start Community by Mother Elvira forgiveness and giving yourself, but if praying.’” Natasha had been praying since she arrived, you’re not capable of showing it during the day, it doesn’t but her heart was not in it. She was in the chapel physically, do you any good. Also here I learned the way of faith and but admitted that her head was back in Ireland. “I wasn’t prayer and more. I have to do sacrifices. And I always have present with the prayer and I never knew how to pray with to love the other people.…” the heart.” Towards the end of her testimony, Natasha shared that One day, her guardian angel said to Natasha, “You listen, three years prior to that time, one of her brothers died as a and you try to commit yourself to prayer and everything, result of a heroin overdose. “I could easily be in his shoes,” and you’ll see things will change.” Natasha said she felt a she reflected. “It is only with the strength of prayer that you strength – like a burst of energy – and said she would try. can carry on.” “But I didn’t realize it’s easier saying it than doing it!” Her Editor’s note: For more information on the Cenacolo Community, guardian angel said, “Okay, tonight we get up at two o’clock you can visit their website, in the morning.” Natasha was not too crazy about this idea. Her angel said, “Like a sacrifice, we’ll get up at two o’clock.” Natasha asked, “You want me to get up at night time and Fasting Tips go to the chapel and pray?” For her, this was too much, and she said, “I can’t get up at two o’clock in the night, because • Drink plenty of water! Often times, we think we’re we also wake up at six o’clock in the morning. No, I am not hungry, but really we’re thirsty! Recommended amount capable.” Her angel replied, “If you want to do good for is 1 oz. of water per 2 pounds of body weight, so if you weigh 150 pounds, that’s 75oz of water on a fast day. This is Dr. Elaine Racatore’s recommendation. On June 25, 2014, the 33rd anniversary of Our Lady’s apparitions in Medjugorje, a group of over 20 people • Brush your teeth! We often don’t realize that our bodies release toxins through our mouths! The mint will give met for Mass, and then went to a nearby Lourdes Grotto you a refresher and also relates to Scripture when Jesus for more prayer. At the grotto, we presented Our Lady says, “When you fast, anoint your head and wash your with the 9,320 Masses which had been reported for Her face” (Mt. 6:16-18). (Others will appreciate it, too.) intentions by that time. On July 25, the total number • Pray the Rosary. Prayer and fasting are inseparable! of Masses was 11,335. What a great birthday gift for The Rosary is a beautiful opportunity to reflect on the Our Lady on August 5, the day She told the visionaries mysteries of Jesus’ life. If you are struggling to pray, is Her real birthday! Happy Birthday to Our Lady! meditate on something you’re thankful for on each bead.

August 2014 - 5 - THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE Legendary Priest Breaks Lengthy Silence By Jakob Marschner on July 24, 2014 Publically silent since early 2009, Fr. has “So many live unwisely, and many have lost the joy of now resumed his meditations or commentaries on the life and are fighting against the forces of evil and darkness, Virgin Mary’s monthly message given on every 25th day of losing the last hope. Everything is contrary to their wishes the month to Medjugorje visionary Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti. and dreams and they simply are losing the will to live. In Now 73 years old, Fr. Jozo, the parish priest in Medjugorje that night of ignorance and trial man needs God. He is the when the apparitions began and quickly imprisoned light. He is a new day. He is our safety.” by the communist regime for refusing to denounce the “Our generation seeks and needs its apostles. They are Virgin Mary’s appearances, has only met with very few not the people who pride themselves on their diplomas and pilgrims since February 2009. His most recent message knowledge, but the people who have changed their lives – commentary dated back even longer when he wrote the first converts. Today only true converts, or rather saints, have the of now three in April this year. opportunity to help neighbors. Today’s Samaritans watch Fr. Jozo’s comeback as a writer coincided almost precisely how Levites and priests passing by the neighbors knowing with the Vatican Commission on Medjugorje finishing its they have nothing to give them because they have no time, work, as this took place in January this year. His Franciscan because their time that should be devoted to the neighbor is superiors had asked him not to speak about Medjugorje in lost,” Fr. Jozo further notes. public until the Commission had finished, an order Fr. Jozo “Such lost time makes man nervous and unhappy. Our obeyed without viewing it as a punishment. wrong education makes the love for the neighbor difficult Fr. Jozo was among the key figures the Commission called for us, and our conflicts make wounds on the body of the and questioned. According to Medjugorje Today’s information, Church family. We are waiting for the good Samaritan, the the Commission members were particularly impressed by Samaritan who wholeheartedly meets and helps the needy. Fr. Jozo, a well-known charismatic whose talks and writings He always has something to give and offer, and never walks have affected very many people throughout the years. without the indispensable oil and wine. He knows where In his most recent message commentary, Fr. Jozo calls the medical clinic is and to whom the patient should be his readers to true Christian apostleship, noting that only taken to have his health restored.” Christians have the tools and answers needed to solve Since December 2011, Fr. Jozo Zovko has served in a contemporary problems. “Our time of trials and troubles – Franciscan monastery in , Croatia. Since he left Siroki like floods, earthquakes and wars – has shown who is a Brijeg near Medjugorje in early 2009, the last place where Christian, and who is a man-humanist. This is the time of he was available to pilgrims on a larger scale, he has also those who have the heart and the time for prayer, the time for been in charge of rebuilding a Franciscan monastery on the good deeds. Such Christians have the eyes to see the wounds Croatian island of Badija. and pains, the sufferings and needs of their neighbors. Published on the website of his organization, International And today only love – Christian, Jesus’ love – saves and God-Parenthood for the Herceg-Bosnian Child” that is why we must stop interpreting and making new [] … Fr. Jozo’s message commentaries theories why and from where problems and troubles come,” from April and May this year are also available in English. Fr. Jozo Zovko states. Ora et Labora By June Klins In July, I attended a talk in which a priest named could ever accuse Bl. Mother Teresa of not being productive! Fr. Greg read the gospel reading about Martha and Mary and If your work involves doing something creative, Father then spoke about what he called, “Ora et Labora,” which is suggested that you consecrate your creativity to the Lord. Latin for “Pray and Work.” I thought I would share a few If your work is strenuous or hard, you can offer it up as a of the tips that Father gave so that we can fulfill Our Lady’s sacrifice. If your job is tedious and requires no thought, you continuing request for prayer in the midst of our busy lives. can pray as you work and that will make the time go faster. I Father concurred that when we are working, we cannot pray as I mow my lawn. Since my yard is quite large, I get a always be attentive to prayer at every moment. We can, lot of praying in! however, begin our work by consecrating it to the Lord, Father spoke about the encyclical of St. John Paul II on the and in the middle of our work, we can stop and make short Dignity of Human Work, which says that when we work, we aspirations, and at the end of our work, we can make an act of share lovingly in God’s work – we collaborate with the work thanksgiving. Father said, “Punctuate your day with prayer.” of Jesus. Suffering in work can be united with the suffering of Father recounted that in the Middle Ages, although the Jesus and we become a co-redeemer of mankind. monks in monasteries would take breaks and pray during Father also pointed out that God communicates with us in their work, the monasteries were the most effective centers of the midst of our activities and work, if only we are open to economic development at the time. This proves that making Him; and at the end of our day, we should thank Him for all time to pray does not mean you will not accomplish anything. the blessings we received during our work. I recall reading that Bl. Mother Teresa insisted that her sisters “Thank you for dedicating all your hard work to God…” pray for three hours in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament (Our Lady, 10/11/84) every morning before they went out to serve the poor. No one August 2014 THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE - 6 - The Church Does Not Abandon Those Who Fall into the Vortex of Drug Abuse Vatican City, 20 June 2014 (VIS) – This morning the adequate therapy, but rather a veiled means of surrendering Pope received in audience the participants in the 31st to the phenomenon. Here I would reaffirm what I have International Drug Enforcement Conference, which took stated on another occasion: No to every type of drug use. place in Rome from 17 to 19 June. He thanked them for their It is as simple as that. No to any kind of drug use. But to work “in combating this most serious and complex problem say this ‘no’, one has to say ‘yes’ to life, ‘yes’ to love, ‘yes’ to of our time”, expressing his hope that they will accomplish others, ‘yes’ to education, ‘yes’ to greater job opportunities. their goals: a more effective coordination of anti-narcotics If we say ‘yes’ to all these things, there will be no room for policies, better sharing of relevant information and the illicit drugs, for alcohol abuse, for other forms of addiction”. development of an operative strategy aimed at fighting the “The Church, faithful to Jesus’ command to go out to drug trade. all those places where people suffer, thirst, hunger and In his address, the Holy Father commented that “the are imprisoned, does not abandon those who have fallen scourge of drug use continues to spread inexorably, fed into the trap of drug addiction, but goes out to meet them by a deplorable commerce which transcends national and with creative love. She takes them by the hand, thanks to continental borders. As a result, the lives of more and more the efforts of countless workers and volunteers, and helps young people and adolescents are in danger. Faced with this them to rediscover their dignity and to revive those inner reality, I can only manifest my grief and concern”. strengths, those personal talents, which drug use had “Let me state this in the clearest terms possible”, he buried but can never obliterate, since every man and woman continued: “the problem of drug use is not solved with is created in the image and likeness of God”. drugs! Drug addiction is an evil, and with evil there can “The example of all those young people who are striving be no yielding or compromise. To think that harm can be to overcome drug dependency and to rebuild their lives reduced by permitting drug addicts to use narcotics in no can serve as a powerful incentive for all of us to look with way resolves the problem. Attempts, however limited, to confidence to the future”, Francis concluded, encouraging legalize so-called ‘recreational drugs’, are not only highly the members of the Conference to carry on their work with questionable from a legislative standpoint, but they fail to constantly renewed hope. produce the desired effects. Substitute drugs are not an Corpus Christi in Medjugorje By Sr. Emmanuel For the feast of Corpus Christi, a huge crowd of pilgrims me saying: ‘I am very and villagers took part in the procession of the Blessed happy and pleased Sacrament through the village streets. What a joy it is to see with the Cenacle you this beautiful tradition being revived in Medjugorje since the have come from, and fall of Communism! When I was a little girl (last century!) with all the graces I we had these processions in the towns of France, and the have obtained for you’. children would throw rose petals where Jesus passed by, Our Lady had spoken Corpus Christi procession in carried with solemnity in the monstrance accompanied by to my heart and then I Medjugorje in 2001 songs and hymns in His honor. Today, in many places, these knew who this person processions are forbidden, replaced by rallies of other types – was – she was Vicka from Medjugorje. She appeared to some of them of a perverse nature – that certainly do not me at Dublin Airport! Then I said to Our Lady: ‘Do you call down divine blessings upon our streets and boulevards! want me to speak to her?’ and She answered: ‘No, this is a Lord, have mercy upon Europe, which has resolved to expel confirmation for you that Medjugorje is authentic and the You from its borders, unaware that to reject the Savior means Marian Movement is authentic.’” to reject salvation, too! Children of Medjugorje,, On that day of Corpus Christi, the walls of St. James, here July 2014 report in Medjugorje, were ringing with the magnificent homily of an Irish celebrant at the English Mass. This priest received Correction his vocation in Medjugorje, and it was plain to see that Last month, shortly after the July issue was mailed Our Lady was with him. Here is a short extract from what out, I noticed a mistake that I had made. The picture on he shared with us of his personal experience: “I was coming the cover did not fit the caption. I had originally picked back from the first International Cenacle meeting in 1992, out a different picture and that was the caption for and while I was at the Dublin Airport, I was saying a little the first picture. Our webmaster corrected the online prayer: ‘Our Lady, are you pleased with my Cenacle that version right away. The caption now reads: The statue of I’ve just made and all the graces You have obtained for me? Our Lady of Medjugorje pictured above stands in front of I really felt the influx of grace from the retreat!!’ ....and all a home in Medjugorje. ”Dear children! I wish to tell you of a sudden everybody at the airport disappeared before that I have chosen this parish and that I am guarding it in my eyes, and there was only myself and this beautiful girl my hands like a little flower that does not want to die...” smiling radiantly at me. I didn’t know who she was, and I (August 1, 1985). I apologize for any confusion that may couldn’t put a name to her face. Then I heard a voice inside of have caused.

August 2014 - 7 - THE SPIRIT OF MEDJUGORJE The Spirit of Medjugorje NON-PROFIT Information Center ORGANIZATION P.O. Box 6614 U.S. POSTAGE PAID Erie, PA 16512 ERIE, PA U.S.A. PERMIT NO. 685 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED


MARY IS CALLING YOU On June 24, 1981 in Medjugorje, Our Lady appeared to six humanity. This time, this period of grace, is for CONVERSION children. She identified Herself as the Blessed Virgin, Queen of and a DEEPENING OF FAITH. After the visible sign, those still Peace, and has continued to appear daily. Her message is PEACE, living will have little time for conversion. peace with God and man. Her words to the visionaries, “I have The Blessed Mother invites us to PRAYER and FASTING and come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life, and PEACE. “You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can to enjoy this fullness and obtain peace, you must return to God.” stop a war from happening. You can suspend natural laws.” Today, all but three of the visionaries have daily apparitions of The publisher recognizes and accepts that the final authority the Blessed Mother. During the apparitions, the visionaries do not regarding the apparitions at Medjugorje rest with the in react to light, don’t hear any sound or react to being touched. They Rome. feel that they are outside of time and space. All the visionaries declare to see the Blessed Virgin as they see other people - in three To borrow an original prayer cloth from Medjugorje for a dimension. They pray and speak with Her. week, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to the address The Blessed Mother is confiding ten secrets to each visionary below. You must include your phone number. If you want a prayer cloth we made to keep, send a self-addressed stamped (some are chastisements for the world) and promises to leave a 1 1 visible sign at the place of the apparitions in Medjugorje for all business size (4 /8” x 9 /2”) envelope with $.70 postage on it. Permission is given to spread the text of any original works and may be used with the following conditions: 1) No words are changed; 2) “Spirit of Medjugorje” is cited. For articles by other sources, permission must be obtained from the original source. If you want to receive “The Spirit of Medjugorje,” please fill out the form below and return to: P.O. Box 6614, Erie, PA 16512 with your donation to help spread Mary’s messages. Thank you for your goodwill offering. May GOD BLESS YOU. Sponsor a subscription Distribute Please check one: New Renew for someone overseas “Beginner’s Guides” Distribute Adoration Newsletters (suggested donation: $13 to ( ) Issue #1 or Issue #2 (please circle) # of guides cover postage) (# of newsletters) (Please, no foreign checks or money orders, except postal money orders. U.S. FUNDS ONLY)


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