Web Services Standards Overview Dependencies Messaging Specifications

SOAP 1.1

SOAP 1.2 Interoperability Business Process Specifications Management Specifications Presentation SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism WS-Notification the trademarks of their respective owners. of their respective the trademarks Management Using Web Management Of WS-BaseNotification Issues Business Process Execution WS-Choreography Model Web Service Choreography Web Service Choreography WS-Management Specifications Services (WSDM-MUWS) Web Services (WSDM-MOWS) Language for Web Services 1.1 Overview Interface Description Language AMD, Dell, Intel, Microsoft and Sun WS-Topics (BPEL4WS) · 1.1 · BEA Systems, IBM, (WSCI) · 1.0 · W3C 1.0 1.0 1.0 · W3C (CDL4WS) · 1.0 · W3C Microsystems Microsoft, SAP, Sun Microsystems, SAP, BEA Systems WS-BrokeredNotification Working Draft Candidate Recommendation OASIS OASIS Published Specification Web Services for Remote Security Resource Basic Profile Siebel Systems · OASIS-Standard and Intalio · Note OASIS-Standard OASIS-Standard Metadata Portlets (WSRP) WS-Addressing – Core 1.1 ̆ ̆ ̆ ̆ ̆ ̆ ̆ 2.0 WS-I Business Process Execution Language for Web Services WS-Choreography Model Overview defines the format Web Service Choreography Interface (WSCI) describes Web Service Choreography Description Language Web Service Distributed Management: Management Using Web Service Distributed Management: Management Of WS-Management describes a general SOAP-based WS-Addressing – WSDL Binding 1.1(BPEL4WS) provides a language for the formal and structure of the (SOAP) messages that are exchanged, how Web Service operations can be choreographed in the (CDL4WS) is to specify a declarative, XML based language Web Services (WSDM-MUWS) defines how an IT resource Web Services (WSDM-MOWS) addresses management of protocol for managing systems such as PCs, servers, OASIS Final Specification specification of business processes and business interaction and the sequence and conditions in which the messages context of a message exchange in which the Web Service that defines from a global viewpoint the common and connected to a network provides manageability interfaces the components that form the network, the Web services devices, Web services and other applications, and other protocols using Web Services. are exchanged. participates. complementary observable behaviour, where message such that the IT resource can be managed locally and from endpoints, using Web services protocols. manageable entities. Committee Draft WS-Addressing – SOAP Binding exchanges occur, and when the jointly agreed ordering remote locations using Web services technologies. ̆ Basic Profile – The Basic Profile 1.1 provides rules are satisfied. ̈ Web Services for Remote Portlets (WSRP) defines a WS-Eventing implementation guidelines for how related set of non- set of interfaces and related semantics which standardize proprietary Web Service specifications should be used Business Process Execution Business Process Management XML Process Definition interactions with components providing user-facing WS-Enumeration together for best interoperability. Language for Web Services 2.0 Language (BPML) markup, including the processing of user interactions with Language (XPDL) Service Modeling Language that markup. (BPEL4WS) · 2.0 1.1 2.0 IBM, BEA, BMC, Cisco, Dell, HP, Intel, OASIS, BEA Systems, IBM, Microsoft, SAP, BPMI.org Final Microsoft, Sun Siebel Systems · Committee Draft Final Draft Draft Specification Metadata Specifications Basic Profile 1.2 ̆ Business Process Execution Language for Web Services ̆ Business Process Management Language (BPML) ̆ XML Process Definition Language (XPDL) provides an WS-Policy ̆ WS-I 2.0 (BPEL4WS) provides a language for the formal provides a meta-language for expressing business XML file format that can be used to interchange process Servcie Modeling Language (SML) is used to model specification of business processes and business interaction processes and supporting entities. models between tools. complex IT services and systems, including their structure, WS-PolicyAssertions Working Group Draft protocols using Web Services. constraints, policies, and best practices. WS-PolicyAttachment ̆ Basic Profile – The Basic Profile 1.2 builds on Basic Profile 1.1 by incorporating Basic Profile 1.1 errata, requirements WS-Discovery from Simple SOAP Binding Profile 1.0, and adding support Security for WS-Addressing and MTOM. WS-MetadataExchange

Universal Description, Discovery and Integration Messaging Web Service Description Language 1.1 Basic Profile 2.0 Web Service Description Language 2.0 Core WS-I Working Group Draft Metadata Specifications Reliability Security Specifications Transaction Resource Web Service Description Language 2.0 SOAP Binding ̆ Basic Profile – The Basic Profile 2.0 is an update of WS-I Security Specifications BP that includes a profile of SOAP 1.2. WS-PolicyAssertions Specifications WS-SecurityPolicy Specifications Specifications

WS-Policy WS-Security for identification purposes only and may be used herein names are and product brand organisation, names. These company, roduct 1.1 1.1 1.5 1.1 WS-Security BEA Systems, IBM, Microsoft, W3C OASIS IBM, Microsoft, SAP RSA Security, VeriSign Web Services Working Draft OASIS-Standard WS-Coordination WS-Security: SOAP Message Security Attachments Profile Public Draft WS-ReliableMessaging Public Draft 1.1 Resource Framework (WSRF) 1.0 1.1 OASIS 1.2 WS-Security: Kerberos Binding WS-I ̆ WS-Policy describes the capabilities and constraints of ̆ WS-PolicyAssertions provides an initial set of assertions OASIS ̆ WS-Security is a communications protocol providing a ̆ WS-SecurityPolicy defines how to describe policies related Working Draft OASIS Final Specification WS-Security: SAML Token Profile the policies on intermediaries and endpoints (e.g. business to address some common needs of Web Services Committee Draft means for applying security to Web Services. to various features defined in the WS-Security specification. OASIS-Standard rules, required security tokens, supported encryption applications. ̆ WS-Coordination describes an extensible framework for providing algorithms, privacy rules). protocols that coordinate the actions of distributed applications. ̆ Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) defines a family of WS-Security: X.509 Certificate Token Profile ̆ Attachments Profile – The Attachment Profile 1.0 specifications for accessing stateful resources using Web Services. complements the Basic Profile 1.1 to add support ̆ WS-ReliableMessaging describes a protocol that allows WS-Security: Username Token Profile for interoperable SOAP Messages with attachments-based Web services to communicate reliable in the presence of WS-Business Activity

WS-Security: WS-Security: 1.1 (WSRF) Metadata software component, system, or network failures. It defines WS-BaseFaults Reliability Web Services. WS-SecurityPolicy Messaging a SOAP binding that is required for interoperability. SOAP Message Security Username Token Profile OASIS 1.2 WS-PolicyAttachment WS-Discovery 1.1 1.1 Working Draft OASIS WS-Trust Working Draft 1.2 Microsoft, BEA Systems, Canon, OASIS OASIS ̆ WS-Business Activity provides the definition of the business activity Simple SOAP Public Review Draft Public Review Draft WS-Federation W3C Intel and webMethods WS-Reliable Messaging coordination type that is to be used with the extensible coordination ̆ WS-BaseFaults (WSRF) defines a base set of information Binding Profile W3C Member Submission Draft Policy Assertion (WS-RM Policy) framework described in the WS-Coordination specification. that may appear in fault messages. WS-BaseFaults defines an ̆ WS-Security: SOAP Message Security describes ̆ WS-Security: Username Token Profile describes how WS-SecureConversation 1.0 1.1 XML schema type for base faults, along with rules for how WS-I enhancements to SOAP messaging to provide message a Web Service consumer can supply a Username Token as a this base fault type is used and extended by Web Services. ̆ ̆ OASIS WS-Atomic Transaction Final Specification WS-PolicyAttachment defines two general-purpose WS-Discovery defines a multicast discovery protocol for integrity and confidentiality. Specifically, this specification means of identifying the requestor by username, and mechanisms for associating policies with the subjects to dynamic discovery of services on ad-hoc and managed Committee Draft provides support for multiple security token formats, trust optionally using a password (or shared secret, etc.) to 1.1 which they apply; the policies may be defined as part networks. domains, signature formats and encryption technologies. authenticate that identity to the Web Service producer. OASIS WS-ServiceGroup (WSRF) Reliability Specifications ̆ Simple SOAP Binding Profile – The Simple SOAP Binding of existing metadata about the subject or the policies may ̆ Web Services ReliableMessaging Policy Assertion The token formats and semantics for using these are Committee Draft 1.2 Profile consists of those Basic Profile 1.0 requirements be defined independently and associated through an defined in the associated profile documents. (WS-RM Policy) describes a domain-specific policy assertion ̆ OASIS WS-ReliableMessaging related to the serialization of the envelope and its external binding to the subject. for WS-ReliableMessaging that that can be specified within WS-Atomic Transaction defines protocols that enable existing Working Draft representation in the message. a policy alternative as defined in WS-Policy Framework. transaction processing systems to wrap their proprietary protocols and interoperate across different hardware and software vendors. WS-Reliability ̆ WS-ServiceGroup (WSRF) defines a means by which Web WS-MetadataExchange Universal Description, WS-Security: Services and WS-Resources can be aggregated or grouped WS-Federation together for a domain specific purpose. WS-Reliable Messaging Policy Assertion Security 1.1 WS-Composite Application Metadata Basic Profile 1.0 Transaction BEA Systems, Computer Associates, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) Kerberos Binding (WS-CAF) Basic Security Profile IBM, Microsoft, BEA Systems, Framework IBM, Microsoft, SAP, Sun Microsystems and 3.0.2 WS-Reliability 1.0 WS-ResourceProperties 1.0 RSA Security, and VeriSign 1.0 · Arjuna Technologies, Fujitsu, IONA, webMethods OASIS 1.1 Microsoft, IBM, OASIS Oracle and Sun Microsystems 1.2 Resource Specifications WS-I OASIS-Standard OASIS Working Draft Initial Draft Board Approval Draft Public Draft Committee Specification OASIS OASIS-Standard Working Draft ̆ WS-MetadataExchange enables a service to provide ̆ Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) ̆ WS-Security: Kerberos Binding defines how to encode ̆ WS-Federation describes how to manage and broker the ̆ WS-Composite Application Framework (WS-CAF) is a Web Service Resource Framework metadata to others through a Web services interface. Given defines a set of services supporting the description Kerberos tickets and attach them to SOAP messages. As trust relationships in a heterogeneous federated collection of three specifications aimed at solving problems ̆ ̆ WS-ResourceProperties specifies the means by which the Basic Security Profile defines the WS-I Basic Security only a reference to a Web service, a user can access a set and discovery of businesses, organizations, and other Web ̆ WS-Reliability is a SOAP-based protocol for exchanging well, it specifies how to add signatures and encryption to the environment including support for federated identities. that arise when multiple Web Services are used in combina- definition of the properties of a WS-Resource may be declared WS-BaseFaults Profile 1.0, based on a set of non-proprietary Web services of WSDL /SOAP operations to retrieve the metadata that services providers, the Web services they make available, SOAP messages with guaranteed delivery, no duplicates, SOAP message, in accordance with WS-Security, which tion. It proposes standard, interoperable mechanisms for as part of the Web Service interface. The declaration of the specifications, along with clarifications and amendments describes the service. and the technical interfaces which may be used to access and guaranteed message ordering. WS-Reliability is uses and references the Kerberos tokens. managing shared context and ensuring business processes WS-Resource properties represents a projection of or a view WS-ServiceGroup to those specifications which promote interoperability. those services. defined as SOAP header extensions and is independent of achieve predictable results and recovery from failure. on the WS-Resource state. the underlying protocol. This specification contains a WS-ResourceProperties binding to HTTP. WS-Context (WS-CTX) WS-ResourceLifetime innoQ Deutschland GmbH. All Rights Reserved. The poster may also contain references to other company, organisation, brand and p brand organisation, to other company, innoQ Deutschland GmbH. All Rights Reserved. The poster may also contain references Web Service Description Web Service Description WS-Security: WS-Trust 1.0 1.2 WS-ResourceLifetime Security Messaging ©

BEA Systems, Computer Associates, IBM, Layer 7 Transaction REL Token Profile Language 2.0 Language 2.0 Core SAML Token Profile Arjuna Technologies, Fujitsu, IONA, Oracle OASIS Technologies, Microsoft, Netegrity, Oblix, and Sun Microsystems WS-Transfer 1.0 SOAP Binding 2.0 1.1 OpenNetwork, Ping Identity Corporation, Working Draft WS-I W3C OASIS Committee Draft 2.0 Reactivity, RSA Security, VeriSign and Westbridge ̆ Resource Representation SOAP Header Block (RRSHB) Working Group Draft Candidate Recommendation Public Review Draft ̆ WS-ResourceLifetime is to standardize the terminology, W3C · Working Draft Technology · Initial Draft WS-Context (WS-CTX) is intended as a lightweight mechanism concepts, message exchanges, WSDL and XML needed to for allowing multiple Web Services to share a common context. monitor the lifetime of, and destroy WS-Resources. ̆ Web Service Description Language SOAP Binding ̆ Web Service Description Language 2.0 Core is an XML- ̆ WS-Security: SAML Token Profile defines the use of ̆ WS-Trust describes a framework for trust models that enables Additionally, it defines resource properties that may be used ̆ REL Token Profile is based on a non-proprietary describes the concrete details for using WSDL 2.0 in based language for describing Web services and how to Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) v1.1 assertions Web Services to securely interoperate. It uses WS-Security base WS-Coordination to inspect and monitor the lifetime of a WS-Resource. Management Specifications Web services specification, along with clarifications and conjunction with SOAP 1.1 protocol. access them. It specifies the location of the service and the in the context of WSS: SOAP Message Security including mechanisms and defines additional primitives and extensions

amendments to that specification which promote operations (or methods) the service exposes. for the purpose of securing SOAP messages and SOAP for security token exchange to enable the issuance and Framework (WS-CF) chland GmbH. · Copyright interoperability. message exchanges. dissemination of credentials within different trust domains. 1.0 · Arjuna Technologies, Fujitsu, IONA, WS-Management WS-Transfer Meta Oracle and Sun Microsystems W3C Committee Draft W3C Member Submission Management Of Web Services ̆ WS-SecureConversation WS-Coordination Framework (WS-CF) allows the ̆ Management Using Web Services Web Service Description WS-Security: X.509 management and coordination in a Web Services interaction WS-Transfer describes a general SOAP-based protocol for SAML Token Profile BEA Systems, Computer Associates, IBM, accessing XML representations of Web service-based resources. Security 1.0 Language 1.1 Certificate Token Profile Layer 7 Technologies, Microsoft, Netegrity, of a number of activities related to an overall application. Service Modeling Language Messaging WS-I 1.1 1.1 Oblix, OpenNetwork, Resource Working Group Draft W3C OASIS Ping Identity Corporation, Reactivity, WS-Transaction Resource Representation Note Public Review Draft RSA Security, VeriSign and Westbridge (WS-TXM) SOAP Header Block (RRSHB) Technology ·Public Draft Management 1.0 · Arjuna Technologies, Fujitsu, IONA, W3C Business Process Specifications ̆ SAML Token Profile is based on a non-proprietary ̆ Web Service Description Language 1.1 is an XML-based ̆ WS-Security: X.509 Certificate Token Profile describes ̆ WS-SecureConversation specifies how to manage and Oracle and Sun Microsystems Recommendation Web services specification, along with clarifications and language for describing Web services and how to access the use of the X.509 authentication framework with the authenticate message exchanges between parties including amendments to that specification which promote Committee Draft Business Process Execution Language for Web Services them. It specifies the location of the service and the WS-Security: SOAP Message Security specification. security context exchange and establishing and deriving ̆ Resource Representation SOAP Header Block (RRSHB) interoperability. operations (or methods) the service exposes. session keys. ̆ WS-Transaction Management (WS-TXM) defines a core infrastructure complements MTOM by defining mechanisms for Web Service Choreography Description Language service consisting of a Transaction Service for Web Services. describing and conveying non-XML resource representations in a SOAP 1.2 message. Web Service Choreography Interface

Conformance Claim WS-Choreography Model Overview Attachment Mechanism (CCAM)

1.0 Business Process Management Language Security Reliability Messaging

WS-I Transaction Final Specification Business Process Execution Language for Web Serv. 2.0 XML Process Definition Language ̆ Conformance Claim Attachment Mechanism (CCAM) catalogues mechanisms that can be used to attach WS-I Profile Conformance Claims to Web services artefacts (e.g., WSDL descriptions, UDDI registries). Messaging Specifications SOAP Transaction Specifications Reliable Asynchronous WS-Business Activity ̈ WS-Notification is a ̈ WS-BrokeredNotification ̈ WS-BaseNotification ̈ WS-Eventing defines a ̈ WS-Addressing – Core ̈ SOAP Message Messaging Profile (RAMP) family of related white defines the interface for standardizes the terminology, baseline set of operations provides transport-neutral SOAP Message Transmission WS-Atomic Transaction 1.0 WS-Notification papers and specifications WS-BrokeredNotification the NotificationBroker. WS-BaseNotification concepts, operations, WSDL that allow Web services to WS-Addressing – Core mechanisms to address SOAP Optimization

WS-Eventing WS-Coordination Metadata

that define a standard A NotificationBroker is an and XML needed to express provide asynchronous Web services and messages. Transmission Optimization Mechanism Messaging WS-I 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.0 1.2 Web services approach to intermediary, which, among the basic roles involved in W3C notifications to interested This specification defines (MTOM) describes an Working Draft OASIS notification using a topic- OASIS other things, allows OASIS Web services publish and parties. W3C XML elements to identify W3C Mechanism abstract feature for WS-Composite Application Framework OASIS-Standard based publish/subscribe OASIS-Standard publication of messages OASIS-Standard subscribe for notification Public Draft Recommendation Web service endpoints and Recommendation 1.0 · W3C optimizing the ̆ Reliable Asynchronous Messaging Profile (RAMP) is a pattern. from entities that are not message exchange. to secure end-to-end Recommendation transmission and/or

WS-Transaction Management Security profile, in the fashion of the WS-I profiles, that enables, themselves service endpoint identification in wire format of a among other things, basic B2B integration scenarios using providers. messages. SOAP message. WS-Context

Web services technologies. permission of innoQ Deuts in any form or for purpose without the express or transmitted This poster is not to be reproduced ̈ WS-Enumeration describes ̈ WS-Topics defines three ̈ WS-Addressing – WSDL ̈ WS-Addressing – SOAP ̈ SOAP is a lightweight,

a general SOAP-based topic expression dialects WS-Addressing – WSDL Binding defines how the WS-Addressing – Binding provides transport- XML-based protocol for WS-Coordination Framework Reliability WS-Enumeration protocol for enumerating WS-Topics that can be used as sub- abstract properties defined neutral mechanisms to SOAP exchange of information Systinet, Microsoft, Sonic Software, BEA a sequence of XML scription expressions in in Web Services Addressing address Web services and in a decentralized, 1.3 Binding SOAP Binding 1.1 Systems and elements that is suitable subscribe request messages – Core are described using messages. distributed environment. OASIS 1.0 1.0 W3C Computer Associates for traversing logs, message and other parts of the WSDL. queues, or other linear OASIS-Standard WS-Notification system. W3C W3C Note Presentation Specifications Public Draft information models. Candidate Recommendation Recommendation Web Services for Remote Portlets Mess. Secur. Standards Bodies Reliab.

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS) is a not-for-profit, international consortium that drives the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. The consortium produces more Web services standards than any other organization along with stan- dards for security, e-business, and standardization efforts in the public sector and for applica- tion-specific markets. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 4,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual members in 100 countries.

The Consortium (W3C) was created in October 1994 to lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing common protocols that promote its evolution and ensure its interoperability. W3C has over 350 Member organiza- tions from all over the world and has earned international recognition for its contributions to the XML Specifications growth of the Web. W3C is designing the infrastructure, and defining the architecture and the core technologies for Web services. In September 2000, W3C started the XML Protocol Activity to address the need for an XML-based protocol for application-to-application messaging. In January 2002, the Web Services Activity was launched, subsuming the XML Protocol Activity and extending its scope. ̈ XML – Extensible Markup ̈ XML – Extensible Markup ̈ Namespaces in XML ̈ XML Information Set is ̈ XML Schema – XML ̈ XML binary Optimized ̈ Describing Media Content Language is a pared-down Language is a pared-down provides a simple method an abstract data set to Schema Definition Language Packaging (XOP) is an XML of Binary Data in XML The Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) is an open industry XML binary Optimized Describing Media Content XML 1.1 version of SGML, designed XML 1.0 version of SGML, designed Namespaces in XML for qualifying element and XML Information Set provide a consistent set of XML Schema is an XML language for language for describing and (DMCBDX) specifies how to organization chartered to promote Web services interoperability across platforms, especially for Web especially for Web attribute names used in XML definitions for use in other describing and constraining (XOP) constraining the content of of Binary Data in XML indicate the content-type operating systems and programming languages. The organization’s diverse community of Web 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.0 1.1 Packaging documents. It allows one to documents. It allows one to documents by associating specifications that need to the content of XML 1.0 XML documents. (DMCBDX) associated with binary services leaders helps customers to develop interoperable Web services by providing guidance, W3C create own customized tags, W3C create own customized tags, W3C them with namespaces W3C refer to the information W3C documents. element content in an XML recommended practices and supporting resources. Specifically, WS-I creates, promotes and Recommendation enabling the definition, Recommendation enabling the definition, Recommendation identified by IRI references. Recommendation in a well-formed XML Working Draft W3C W3C document and to specify, in supports generic protocols for the interoperable exchange of messages between Web services. transmission, validation, and transmission, validation, and document. Recommendation Note XML Schema, the expected interpretation of data interpretation of data content-type(s) associated The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers between applications and between applications and with binary element concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth between organizations. between organizations. content. innoQ Deutschland GmbH innoQ Schweiz GmbH operation of the Internet. Halskestraße 17 Gewerbestrasse 11 D-40880 Ratingen CH-6330 Cham Phone +49 21 02 77 162-100 Phone +41 41 743 0111

Version 3.0 · February 2007 Version [email protected] · www.innoq.com