United States Patent (19) (11 3,715,404 Lindlar Et Al
United States Patent (19) (11 3,715,404 Lindlar et al. (45) Feb. 6, 1973 54 PROCESS FOR SELECTIVE 2,681,938 6, 1954 Lindlar............................, 260/677 H HYDROGENATION 2,992,278 7 1961 Tedeschi..... .............260/635 M 3,075,024 111963 Frevel et al....................... 2601677 H (75) Inventors: Herbert Lindlar, Reinach; Robert 3,336,239. 8/1967 Bailey et al....................... 260/617 C Dubuis, Morges, both of Switzerland 3,450,776 6/1969 Di Cio et al.......................... 260/642 73) Assignee: Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc., Nutley, N.J. FOREIGN PATENTS OR APPLICATIONS (22) Filed: Sept. 19, 1968 288,271 10/1915 Germany.............................. 260/642 (21). Appl. No.:760,980 Related U.S. Application Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS Taylor et al., “J. Am. Chem. Soc.", Vol. 63, (1941), 63. Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 380,038, July 2, pp. 2756, 2757, Q01A5. 1964, abandoned. Primary Examiner-Leon Zitver 30 Foreign Application Priority Data Assistant Examiner-Joseph E. Evans June 3, 1964. Switzerland - w w w w a 7260/64 Attorney-Samuel L. Welt, Jon S. Saxe, Bernard S. (52) U.S. Cl................ 260/642, 252/430, 260/526 N, Leon and William H. Epstein 260/598, 260/617 C, 260/624 B, 260/631.5, 260/635 M, 260/666 A, 260/668 R, 260/677 57 ABSTRACT - H, 260/690 (51 Int. Cl.....C07c33/02, C07c35/02, C07c57/02 A process for selective hydrogenation of unsaturated 58 Field of Search.260/642, 635 M, 617 C, 618 H, organic compounds having at least four carbon atoms 260/690, 677 H, 666 A, 668 R, 526 N, 624 by carrying out said hydrogenation in a liquid phase in B, 631.5; 252/428,430,439 the presence of an organic sulfur compound utilizing a partially deactivated palladium catalyst.
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