First Record of Dinychus Bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann
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NORTH-WESTERN JOURNAL OF ZOOLOGY 11 (1): 86-91 ©NwjZ, Oradea, Romania, 2015 Article No.: 141209 First record of Dinychus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska-Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol in Romania: Notes on the morphology and taxonomy and a contribution to the Dinychidae fauna of Romania (Acari: Mesostigmata: Uropodina) Jenő KONTSCHÁN1,2 1. Department of Zoology and Animal Ecology, Szent István University, H-2100, Gödöllő, Páter Károly str. 1., Hungary. 2. Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1525 Budapest, P.O. Box 102, Hungary. E-mail: [email protected] Received: 30. June 2013 / Accepted: 01. September 2013 / Available online: 02. January 2015 / Printed: June 2015 Abstract. One female and one male specimen of the Dinychus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska- Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol, 1984 were collected for the first time in Romania. A new re-description of this species is given accompanied with first description of the legs. Notes on the differences between D. binchaeacarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska-Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol, 1984 and D. carinatus Berlese, 1903 are presented. Other new occurrences of the Romanian dinychid species are given with a list and a key to the Romanian species of the genus Dinychus. Key words: Acari, Dinychidae, new records, new key, Romania. Introduction collected by the following researchers: Csaba Csuzdi (CsCs), Edit Horváth (HE), Jenő Kontschán (KJ), András The Uropodina mites are one of the characteristic Orosz (OA), Victor V. Pop (VVP), György Sziráki (SzGy) and Zsolt Ujvári (UZs). The specimens were cleared in groups of soil dwelling Mesostigmata. Currently lactic acid and observed in deep and half covered slides, more than 2000 species have been discovered and with a scientific microscope. Illustrations were made with described, from the polar to the tropical regions of the aid of a drawing tube. Identified specimens were Earth (Lindquist et al. 2009). stored in alcohol and deposited in the Soil Zoology Col- Wiśniewski (1993) summarized the known lection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum. Uropodina species by countries. Romania was one Measurements are given in micrometers (µm). Width of of the intensely studied countries of Europe with idiosoma was taken at the level of coxae IV. 83 species presented in this work. Numerous spe- cies were later added to this list by Huţu & Results Călugăr (1994), Huţu (2000), Kontschán (2006), Constantinescu & Cristescu (2007), Kontschán & Dinychus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Ujvári (2008), Constantinescu et al. (2011), Con- Wagrowska-Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol, 1984 stantinescu (2012) and Kontschán (2013a). (Figs 1-10) The genus Dinychus Kramer, 1886 is a charac- teristic one and the single European genus of the Material examined. One female and one male. family Dinychidae. It belongs to one of the most Romania, near village Cobeşti, beech forest with species-poor genera of the Uropodina mites. More small stream, from decayed tree, 26.X.2009, than 20 species are known from the Holarctic N46º6.544’, E22º21.590’ 337 m, leg. Csuzdi, Cs., (Wiśniewski 1993), the Neotropical region Kontschán, J., Popp, V.V. and Ujvári Zs. (Kontschán 2010), Tasmania (Błoszyk & Halliday Description of female. Length of idiosoma 600 1995) and the Indo-Malay region (Kontschán & µm, width 280 µm (n=1). Shape of idiosoma ob- Starý 2011). No recent Dinychus species are known long. from Africa. Dorsal aspect of idiosoma (Fig. 1): Marginal and dorsal shields completely separated. All dorsal se- Material and methods tae smooth and needle-like (ca. 19-24 µm). Mar- ginal setae similar in shape and length to dorsal The specimens investigated were found in the Collection setae. Posterior platelets bearing one pair of pilose of the Soil Zoology Department of the Hungarian Natural and two pairs of needle-like setae. Dorsal and History Museum (Budapest, Hungary). The samples were marginal shields covered by irregular and oval Dinychus species of Romania 87 Figures 1-4. Dinychus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska-Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol, 1984 (female). (1) Dorsal view of body; (2) Ventral view of body; (3) Peritreme; (4) Ventral view of gnathosoma, tritosternum, palp and the first two segments of leg I. pits. A characteristic ornamentation situated Prestigmatid part of peritremes long and with around central setae of dorsal shield. characteristic shape, post-stigmatid part absent Ventral aspect of idiosoma (Fig. 2): Sternal setae (Fig. 3). short, smooth and needle-like. St1 (ca. 40 µm) Tritosternum (Fig. 4) with narrow basis, tritos- placed near margin of sternal shield, St2 (ca. ternal laciniae subdivided into four branches, the 42µm) at level of central area of coxae II, St3 (ca. 84 lateral branches smooth, central ones with bulbi- µm) at level of anterior margin of coxae III and St4 form apical part. (ca. 77 µm) situated at level of anterior margin of Gnathosoma (Fig. 4): Corniculi horn-like, inter- coxae IV, St5 (ca. 65 µm) at level of posterior mar- nal malae smooth longer than corniculi and api- gin of coxae IV. Sternal shield covered by oval cally bifurcated. Hypostomal setae h1 long (ca. 45 pits. Ventral shield with alveolar and irregular or- µm) and smooth, h2 short (ca. 17 µm) and margin- namentation, all ventral setae smooth, needle-like ally serrate, h3 as long as h1 but marginally ser- and ca. 14-18 µm long. A preanal line situated an- rate, h4 (ca. 15 µm) short apically bifurcated. Che- terior to anal opening. Adanal setae and postanal licerae not clearly visible, fixed digit longer than seta similar in length and shape to ventral setae. movable digit. Ventral part of palp trochanter Genital shield scutiform and situated between bearing two serrate setae, other setae on palp coxae III and IV. Its anterior margin bearing wide smooth and needle-like. Epistome apically pilose. and spiny process and its surface covered by oval Legs (Figs 6-9): All legs bearing claws on tip of pits (Fig. 5). tarsi, but claw of leg I smaller and narrower than 88 J. Kontschán Figures 5-10. Dinychus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska-Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol, 1984. (5) Intercoxal area of female; (6) Ventral view of leg I; (7) Ventral view of leg II; (8) Ventral view of leg III; (9) Ventral view of leg IV; (10) Intercoxal area of male. others. All legs with smooth and needle-like setae, chus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska- except tarsi of legs II-IV, where robust and serrate Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol, 1984 as a junior setae can be found. synonymous name of the Dinychus carinatus Ber- Description of male. Length of idiosoma 580 lese, 1903, but he did not include in this work any µm, width 270 µm (n=1). Shape of idiosoma, or- information about why he thought that these two namentation and chaetotaxy of the dorsal part as species are conspecific. In Błoszyk’s (1999) men- in female. Sternal setae short and needle-like. St1 tioned paper, an illustration is presented about the placed near the anterior margin of sternal shield. D. carinatus species. The illustrated species differs St2 situated at level of the posterior margin of from the German (Karg 1989), Hungarian coxae II, St3 at level of the anterior margin of (Kontschán 2004), Slovakian (Mašán 2001) and coxae III, St4 at level of anterior margin of genital Romanian species in the ornamentation of the shield. St5 placed at level of the posterior margin sternal shield (strongly ornamented in the Ger- of coxae IV. Genital shield oval and situated be- man, Hungarian, Slovakian and Romanian speci- tween coxae IV (Fig. 10). Ventral setae and orna- mens and scarcely ornamented in Błoszyk’s mentation similar to those of female. specimens) and in the shape of the anterior proc- Remarks. When Hirschmann et al. (1984) de- ess of the female genital shield (narrow in scribed this species they mentioned that D. Błoszyk’s specimens and wide in the others). Un- bincheaecarinatus differs from D. carinatus in the fortunately Błoszyk (1999) did not present the shape of the peritremes (poststigmatid part absent most important character (absence/presence of the in D. bincheaecarinatus and present in D. carinatus). poststigmatid part of peritremes) in this work; Later Błoszyk (1999) presented the name of Diny- therefore I cannot agree with his opinion. On basis Dinychus species of Romania 89 of the earlier mentioned characters, I am sure that Dinychus inermis (C. L. Koch, 1841) these two species are very similar, but they are not New records. - conspecific. Previous records from Romania. Region of Moldova River (Huţu, 1974), Danube Delta Bio- List of the Romanian species of the family sphere Reserve (Huţu 1993, Huţu & Călugăr 1994). Dinychidae Distribution. Europe. Family Dinychidae Berlese, 1916 Dinychus perforatus Kramer, 1886 Genus Dinychus Kramer, 1886 New records. Romania, near Lacul Sfânta Ana, 600m, from moss, 01.VIII.1999, OA. Romania, Ic Dinychus arcuatus (Trägardh, 1943) Ponor, Sphagnum bog, from moss, N46º37.417’, New records. Romania, Someşul Cald, pasture, E22º48.218’ 1065 m, 25.X.2009, CsCs-KJ-VVP-UZs. from soil, 450 m, 24.VII.2009, CsCs. Romania, Previous records from Romania. Region of Sovata, 1000 m, from moss from tree, 12.VIII.2010, Moldova River (Huţu, 1974), Maramureş SzGy. Someşul Cald, near lake Tarniţa, mixed (Kontschán & Ujvári 2008). beech forest, 610 m, from leaf litter, 22.VII.2009, Distribution. Europe. CsCs, Zorenii de Vale, mixed forest fragment, 46°47,532’, 24°03,795’, 411 m, from decayed tree, Dinychus sellnicki Huţu, 1973 03.XI.2007, CsCs-KJ-VVP. New records. - Previous records from Romania. Maramureş Previous records from Romania. Agapia (Huţu, (Kontschán 2006, Kontschán & Ujvári 2008). 1973). Distribution. Europe. Distribution. Europe. Remark. This is an endemic species. Dinychus bincheaecarinatus Hirschmann, Wagrowska-Adamczyk & Zirngiebl-Nicol, 1984 Dinychus septentrionalis (Trägardh, 1943) New records. Romania, near village Cobeşti, beech New records. - forest with small stream, from decayed tree, Previous records from Romania.