Messages of Condolence from the British Jewish Community

HRH Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh


The Board of Deputies of

The Board of Deputies of British Jews – its Honorary Officers, Staff and Representatives – offer our deepest sympathies to Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the entire Royal Family on the loss of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. As an expression of our fealty, we have created this book of condolence, including messages of loyalty and love from many of the Jewish community’s most significant organisations and individuals. We hope that the messages herein will provide some small measure of comfort to Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the many other family members mourning the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh. God save The Queen. Long live The Queen.

Marie van der Zyl President


Office of the Chief Rabbi

On behalf of the Jewish communities of the Commonwealth, I send our most profound condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and The Royal Family on the passing of His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh. Over seven decades, he provided steadfast support to The Queen and gave exceptional service to our nation. We express our gratitude for all he has done for Britain and the Commonwealth. I enjoyed immensely my personal conversations with the Duke of Edinburgh, during which I was deeply moved by his extraordinary sense of duty. A remarkable Royal, working well into his 90s, he became a role model for staying active in one’s latter years and demonstrated an unwavering sense of responsibility to our country. His Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme, founded in 1956, has transformed the lives of many thousands of young people. We remember the Duke’s interaction with, and affection for, the Jewish community in the UK and his connection with Israel, where his mother is buried and which he visited in 1994. We have lost a most distinguished man who was a selfless and loyal public figure. The Queen and all The Royal Family are very much in our thoughts and prayers at this difficult time.

Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis Chief Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations of the Commonwealth

5 The Federation of Synagogues

We express our great sorrow at the passing of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh, and share our deepest condolences with Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family. As Royal Consort and before that in the Royal Navy, Prince Philip served his country with devotion, dedication, grace and good humour, for over seven decades, and his presence will be sorely missed, not least by this country’s Jewish Community. May his memory be a blessing.

Rabbi S.F Zimmerman Rov, Av Beis Din

Mr Andrew Cohen President, the Federation of Synagogues

6 Liberal Judaism

Your Majesty, As President of Liberal Judaism I am sending condolences on behalf of our Movement in the form of a special prayer read out at all of our 40 synagogues this past Sabbath. It was specially composed by one of our senior rabbis, Mark Solomon. Prayer on the Death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh Sovereign of the Universe, who gives salvation unto rulers and dominion unto princes; together with Britain and the Commonwealth, we mourn the passing of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in his hundredth year of life. We give thanks for his long life, for the seventy-three years of his marriage to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and for the constancy and strength with which he supported her through the long years of her reign. We honour his courageous service as a decorated naval officer in the Second World War, his inspiring leadership of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme, and his dedication to the conservation of nature and the environment, among all his other acts of devoted public service. We think of his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, and pray that they will find comfort in their loss and inspiration in the example he gave of dignified service. Above all, we think of our dear Queen in this time of her loss, and pray that she will find comfort through these dark hours and days in the recollection of their devoted partnership and their shared ideals of royal duty, as well as the deep affection of her family, the nation and the Commonwealth. May the Duke of Edinburgh rest in peace, and may his memory be a blessing. God Save The Queen! Amen. I add my personal words of condolence and appreciation for the life of Prince Philip, and my hope that you and your family find comfort in his memory and in the myriad of tributes that are pouring forth. He was so clearly admired and loved. I have the honour, Your Majesty, to remain your most obedient servant. Rabbi Dr Andrew Goldstein President of Liberal Judaism

7 Masorti Judaism

On behalf of Masorti Judaism, we wish to express our deep sorrow at the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip and convey our condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all the members of The Royal Family. We are conscious of the privilege of living in a free society in which we are at liberty to practice our Judaism and in which different faiths are respected and celebrated. We appreciate the role of The Royal Family in honouring this diversity. Senior Masorti Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg had the privilege of meeting Prince Philip at the 70th anniversary of the Council of Christians and Jews, when the Prince greeted him and his fellow rabbis and members of the Christian clergy with customary smiles and wit. We wish Her Majesty The Queen and The Royal Family comfort and strength at this painful time.

Rabbi Jonathan Wittenberg Senior Rabbi

8 Movement for Reform Judaism

On behalf of The Movement for Reform Judaism in the United Kingdom, I would like to extend my deepest sympathies to Her Majesty The Queen on the passing of her beloved husband Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. We share Her Majesty’s grief at this sad time as we remember not only the dedicated service Prince Philip gave to the country and Commonwealth, but also his lifelong support to the Jewish community. From the example set by his mother Princess Alice who risked her own life to save a Jewish family from the Holocaust, Prince Philip regularly engaged with a range of Jewish charities and was a visitor to many Jewish schools. The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award programme, in particular, will stand as a permanent legacy for our young people here in the UK, and also in Israel. He will be much missed.

Robert Wiltshire Chair

9 S&P Sephardi Community

On behalf of the S&P Sephardi Community we send our deepest and heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and the entire Royal Family on the loss of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. His unwavering and steadfast partnership and support of Her Majesty The Queen, his dedicated service to his country, both militarily and domestically, has been a source of strength and inspiration to the nation for close to three quarters of a century. Prince Philip’s legacy, The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, which he founded in 1956, has encouraged generations of young men and women to strive for excellence, help others, and grow towards their own full potential. His charitable works were wide-ranging and deeply substantive. He was an example to the entire nation of steadfast loyalty, duty, advocacy, patriotism, and responsibility. We are grateful for His Royal Highness’s lifelong good works including his efforts in interfaith dialogue and a unifying force. Our community’s elderly care home, Edinburgh House, was named after His Royal Highness when he opened it and became patron in 1977. We are grateful for his commitment and support to the United Kingdom’s Jewish community over the years, following in the footsteps of his mother in her commitment to the Jewish People. We pray that Her Majesty and the entire Royal Family find comfort and solace in this time of sorrow.

Rabbi Jospeh Dweck Senior Rabbi

10 United Synagogue

Your Majesty, I am writing to express my sincere condolences on the sad passing of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. On behalf of the 50,000 British men, women and children who belong to the United Synagogue, I send our condolences to Her Majesty and Her Majesty’s children on the loss of a dear husband and father. Prince Philip, as Royal Consort for more than 70 years has, together with The Queen, been a constant for generations of United Synagogue members and their families, the wider Jewish community and the nation at large. The Duke’s attendance with The Queen at an event to mark our 100th Anniversary in 1970 is remembered fondly as is his leadership on issues such as the welfare of young people, the environment and sport. As Jews we are commanded to leave the world a better place than how we found it. Prince Philip’s record of championing good causes and supporting many charities means he has certainly done just that. He earned the affection of our community and the nation and will be sorely missed. We wish ‘chayim aruchim’, long life, to Her Majesty and The Royal Family. I have the honour to be, Madam, Your Majesty’s humble and obedient servant.

Michael Goldstein

President Ce lebrating 150 Years

11 Bradford Tree of Life Synagogue

Your Majesty, on behalf of the Members and Friends of this Synagogue we send you our most loyal and deepest sympathy on your very sad personal bereavement, shared by the world and therefor hopefully lightened just a little. The Jewish expression on these occasions is that we wish you a long life. Yours cordially, Dr. Rudi Leavor BEM

12 Etz Chaim Synagogue, Leeds

On behalf of the entire community of Etz Chaim Synagogue, Leeds, we would like to express our deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and other members of The Royal Family on the sad loss of His Royal Highness the Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. The memory of the Duke of Edinburgh remains alive in our hearts, and his selfless service to our nation will continue to inspire us. We pray to the Almighty to grant Her Majesty comfort and consolation at this difficult time and bestow His blessing on her and all The Royal Family.

Rabbi Shalom Kupperman Rabbi Anthony Gilbert

13 Newcastle Reform Synagogue

The loss of a beloved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather cannot be under estimated. The lifetime of wisdom which HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, gave to his family, friends and country will be his lasting memorial. In the age old tradition of Judaism, I wish Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth and all the Royal family, ‘Long Life’. With deepest condolences,

Brenda Dinsdale, Hon Life President


With sincere condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family from the West London Synagogue of British Jews.

Andrew Stone Chairman

15 Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX)

The leadership and membership of the Association of Jewish Ex-Servicemen and Women (AJEX) Jewish Military Association, are deeply saddened to learn of the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip has dedicated his life in the service of our country, and his wartime heroism as an operational Royal Navy officer typified his courage and commitment to his country, and to the democratic values that we hold so dear. His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh honoured AJEX on two occasions as Reviewing Officer at our annual November Remembrance event at the Cenotaph. The thoughts and prayers of all of us at AJEX JMA at this sad time are with Her Majesty The Queen, and all members of The Royal Family, to whom we extend our deepest and most sincere condolences.

Mike Bluestone

16 British Emunah

On behalf of The Trustees, Executive, Chairman, Director and all the staff at British Emunah, it is with deep sadness that we learnt of the passing of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. Everyone at British Emunah joins me in sending you and all your family our most sincere condolences on your loss. So many wonderful words have been spoken about the amazing work that The Duke of Edinburgh undertook over so many decades but we feel that no actual words could begin to comfort you on your loss. Our only hope is that all the wonderful and cherished memories of The Duke of Edinburgh will get you through these most challenging times. May you find comfort among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. May his memory be a blessing to you all and may you be spared further sorrow.

17 Chana Charity

The Chana charity sends condolences to The Queen on the loss of her husband, HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. As a charity with family at its core, helping Jewish couples and individuals with fertility challenges we reflect on the family man, the longitude of his loyal service & the wonderful legacy he was blessed to leave behind in his four children, eight grandchildren and eleven great-grandchildren. May his memory be a blessing to them.

Carolyn Cohen Honorary Executive Director and Principal Social Worker


The volunteers, staff and trustees of Community Security Trust offer our deepest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all of The Royal Family on the sad loss of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. We will always remember and cherish the Prince’s support and friendship for our Jewish community, as well as his steadfast courage against Nazi Germany.

Mark Gardner Chief Executive

19 Jewish Child’s Day

On behalf of Trustees, National Council, staff and the many children we support across the world we mourn the passing of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Throughout his life, Prince Philip committed his life to the service of our country and the Commonwealth and offered unwavering support to Her Majesty The Queen over the 73 years of their marriage. His service reached all corners of the world and we particularly recognise his support of our community, of Israel and the establishment of the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme which so many children benefitted from, and which we see other organisations emulating in some form. May his memory be a blessing and we join the community in extending blessings of Long Life to HM The Queen, and to all The Royal Family.

Charles Spungin Chairman Jewish Child’s Day

20 Jewish Lads’ & Girls’ Brigade

It was with deep sadness that we learnt of the passing of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. The JLGB is proud to have had such a long association with His Royal Highness since he first created his Award scheme 65 years ago. Since then, taking on the challenge of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award has become a rite of passage for thousands of Jewish teenagers in our community, with many receiving their Gold Award from the Duke himself. In so many encounters across generations that our young award participants and volunteers were honoured to have with him, he would always instantly recognise those from JLGB and would take extra time to speak with them about their experiences. With great enthusiasm and intrigue he also took a keen interest in understanding the specialist kosher expedition provision JLGB provides to ensure Jewish young people could fully access the DofE. Many of our alumni today will also fondly remember the Royal Albert Hall ‘Cavalcade’ event of 1976, where The Duke of Edinburgh was our guest of honour. His legacy and impact will live on through the millions of young people who have been empowered with the skills, confidence and resilience they need to realise their potential and make a positive difference in their local communities and wider society. We send our deepest sympathies to Her Majesty The Queen, our Patron HRH The Prince of Wales and all The Royal Family. The Lord Levy JLGB President

Norman Terret JLGB Chairman of Trustees

Neil Martin OBE JLGB Chief Executive

21 Jewish Leadership Council

As leaders of the Jewish Leadership Council we wish to pass on our deepest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen, on the loss of HRH Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip. Prince Philip enjoyed a longstanding and fond relationship with the Jewish people, our community and many of the organisations we represent. He had been present at pivotal moments marking the history of Anglo-Jewry, whether celebrating the 100th anniversary of the United Synagogue or his visit to the , the home of the Movement for Reform Judaism. We also know how proud he was of his mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg. Her role in saving six Jews from the Holocaust rightly saw her recognised by Yad Vashem as a Righteous Among the Nations. He devoted his long life to public service and we share many happy memories of his engagements with the Jewish community. Our thoughts are with Her Majesty, and the entire Royal Family at this time. May his memory be a blessing.

Jonathan Goldstein Chair

Debra Fox Vice-Chair

22 Jewish Leadership Council

Alongside our Chair and Vice-Chair, we wish to pass on our sincerest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen on the loss of her husband, HRH Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip. Prince Philip was the embodiment of leadership and lifelong service - qualities we aim to instil within the Jewish community through our work and programmes. His vision and creation of the Duke of Edinburgh Award is a legacy that inspires across generations in our community and will continue to do so long after his passing. For our community it is of particular pride that this awards programme was a collaboration with German Jewish refugee Kurt Hahn. Together with the nation, we mourn the loss of His Royal Highness and our thoughts are with Her Majesty and the entire Royal Family. May his memory be a blessing.

Michelle Janes and Claudia Mendoza Co-Chief Executives

23 Jewish Volunteering Network

The Jewish Volunteering Network sends our sincere condolences and blessings for long life to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and all The Royal Family on the very sad passing away of Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip was a remarkable man who gave so much to the people of this country. His charitable work is legendary and his volunteering is inestimable. His memory will always be a blessing.

Nicky Goldman Chief Executive

24 Jewish Women’s Aid

The board, staff and volunteers at Jewish Women’s Aid send our heartfelt condolences to her Majesty and all the Royal family. Our thoughts are with all those mourning the loss of His Royal Highness, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip, at this sad time.

Caroline Ratner

25 International Council of Jewish Women around the World

Sincere condolences to HM The Queen and all the family on the sad loss of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh from all members of the International Council of Jewish Women around the World.

Penelope Conway

26 Maccabi GB

Madam, On behalf of everyone at Maccabi GB, I write to express how saddened we were to hear of the passing of your dear husband, The Duke of Edinburgh. The Duke’s philanthropism, not just in the UK but across the Commonwealth and worldwide, is both humbling and inspiring. We know this must be a very difficult time for you and your family, particularly in these challenging times, but we would like you to know that our thoughts are with you and your family and may the cherished memories you hold dear of The Duke of Edinburgh help to sustain you at this sad time. I have the honour to remain, Madam, Your Majesty’s most humble and obedient servant.

Ashley Lerner CEO

27 Magen David Adom UK

Magen David Adom UK, together with our colleagues at Magen David Adom in Israel, would like to convey to Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family our heartfelt condolences on the loss of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip’s connection to the State of Israel and the Jewish community in the UK, through first his mother and then his personal support over the years, is something we are all immensely proud of. May his memory be for a blessing.

Daniel Burger Chief Executive

28 Major Clive Behrens Branch of the RBL

On behalf of my self and my fellow members of the Major Clive Behrens Branch of the RBL, I would like to express our great sadness at the passing of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. We are thankful for his unstinting support for our UK Jewish veterans and in particular the RBL and its Jewish membership. We are extremely thankful for his contribution and support to the UK Jewish Military community which has been a constant over many decades. We will always remember and cherish his exemplary commitment to our community.

Nick Chapler-Smyth

29 Manchester Jewish Representative Council

The Jewish Community of Greater Manchester and Region, join with the whole of the United Kingdom in mourning the sad passing of HRH The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and wish The Queen and all The Royal Family Long Life and hope they all will be spared further sorrow for many years to come

Russell Conn President of the Jewish Representative Council of Greater Manchester and Region

30 March of the Living UK

As a Holocaust charity in this country we fully recognise the contribution that HRH Prince Philip gave to Holocaust education. Being the son of a Righteous Among the Nations, he treasured that relationship with the Jewish community and the belief in the importance of Holocaust Education. We mourn along with the rest of the country his passing and wish Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and all the members of The Royal Family the best of comfort at this difficult time.

31 Mitzvah Day

Mitzvah Day joins the Jewish community, the country and the commonwealth in mourning the death of His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip was a friend and supporter of the Jewish community particularly encouraging and championing social action and volunteering initiatives especially for young people reinforcing their importance in British society throughout his many years of dedicated public service. May his memory be a blessing and may the Royal family be comforted in their time of grief.

Georgina Bye Chief Executive

32 Norwood

All the Norwood family including staff, service users, trustees and co-presidents send heartfelt and sincere condolences to our Patron, HM The Queen, on the passing of her husband, HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. At her side for more than 73 years as a constant source of support and advice, he was a dedicated public servant to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth. He had a warm relationship with our community not least through the Duke of Edinburgh Awards scheme and also the story of his mother, Princess Alice of Battenberg, who sheltered Jews in the Shoah. Our thoughts are with The Queen, The Prince of Wales and the rest of The Royal Family at this sad time. May his memory be for a blessing.

Dr Beverley Jacobson Chief Executive

33 Paperweight Trust

The Trustees of Paperweight extend their condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and all her family on the loss of His Royal Highness Prince Philip who brightened the nation’s lives and embodied all that is best about the Monarchy.

Bayla Perrin Chief Executive

34 StandWithUs UK

The Staff, Board and Trustees of StandWithUs are deeply saddened by the death of Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, who was a dear friend of the Jewish community. In 1994, he was the first member of The Royal Family to visit the State of Israel, where he honoured his mother, Princess Alice of Battenburg, at a Yad Vashem Ceremony. Princess Alice, buried in Jerusalem, at the foot of the Mount of Olives, was recognised as a “Righteous Among the Nations”. She saved three members of a Jewish family during the Nazi occupation of Greece. Prince Philip visited her burial site, met with members of the Cohen family she had hidden in her Athens palace and met with Jewish veterans of World War II. Our sincere condolences are with The Queen and The Royal Family at this sad time.

Sara Sherrard Executive Director


On behalf of The United Jewish Israel Appeal (UJIA) we extend our deepest condolences to HRH Queen Elizabeth II and The Royal Family. Prince Philip was a true friend of Israel and the Jewish Community and will be deeply missed by us all. In the spirit of our tradition, we wish the family a Long Life and that they will know no more sorrow.

Mandie Winston Chief Executive

36 Univeristy Jewish Chaplaincy

Over an extraordinarily productive and successful life – both in his own endeavours and supporting The Queen - HRH Prince Philip has been a remarkable example of stability, loyalty and sense of duty a role model for the Jewish community and for the whole of British society. Notwithstanding his position, he found a place focusing on projects that have brought together from all backgrounds, such as the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme and St George’s House, an initiative from which our own Chaplains have benefited. His passing is a profound loss and we send our deepest condolences to The Queen and other members of The Royal Family.

37 Work Avenue

We are saddened to hear of the passing of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. His contribution to the charitable sector and public service has been immeasurable. Specifically, The Duke of Edinburgh awards, which transforms the lives of many young people. The scheme is widely recognised by employers as the definitive qualification for demonstrating self-reliance, self-motivation, commitment and dedication which are values that are intrinsic to the employment process. Our deepest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and The Royal Family.

38 World Jewish Relief

On behalf of all Trustees, staff and partner organisations at World Jewish Relief, we wanted to pass on our thoughts and wishes to all The Royal Family following the death of His Royal Highness, The Duke of Edinburgh. The Royal Family are in our thoughts, and we hope that the outpouring of support and good wishes from all over the world bring them some comfort. His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh was an outstanding public servant and a good friend of World Jewish Relief. Many of our supporters recall with great nostalgia, his attendance and address at our 60th Anniversary Dinner, bringing passion, leadership and good humour to an audience that was deeply appreciative of his assistance. We hope that his full life of remarkable public duty, care for the environment, inspiration for young people and family support bring you comfort and fond memories. May his memory be for a blessing.

Paul Anticoni Chief Executive

39 " As Deputy for Masorti Judaism, I extend my and our " We offer our deepest sympathies to The Royal Family on communities’ condolences. We are very conscious of the death of a great man. Prince Philip’s wartime service, his commitment to the Alan Vinegrad Jewish community through various charities and acts, and to Israel. As is the custom among British Jews, I wish " A strong-minded man of duty to his wife and adopted The Royal Family, in its time period of mourning, a long country. life. Albert King Adam Rose " We send our heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The " I would like Her Majesty, His Royal Highness the Prince of Queen on the passing of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Wales and other members of The Royal Family to know Edinburgh. His upright behaviour made him a wonderful that my thoughts and prayers are with them. role model. A man of principal and conviction, he was Alan Alexander her most stalwart supporter during turbulent times. We admired and respected him greatly. May he rest in peace. " Sending our sincerest condolences to The Queen and Alec and Susan Cohen Royal Family for their loss. The Duke of Edinburgh has left a large legacy of public service of which we are all very " HRH Prince Philip was a good friend to the Jewish thankful. May you all be comforted by the outpouring of community. His commitment to public service was love surrounding him. absolute and my thoughts and prayers are with The From everyone at All Aboard Charity Shops Queen and The Royal Family at this sad time. Amanda Bowman " I offer my sincere condolences to Her Majesty and The Royal Family, we have lost a remarkable person. Alan Moss

40 " We send our sincere condolences to Her Majesty The " Such a great loss to all. Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and Anne Hyman other members of The Royal Family on the passing of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. " May you rest in peace after serving our Queen and country May his dear soul Rest in Peace. so superbly for so many years. The nation as a whole will Andrea & Malcolm Cowan surely miss your wit humour and presence. Anthony Rothstein (Stein) " Our condolences to The Queen and her family on the passing of Prince Philip. " His Royal Highness Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, Ann Lewis has been an inspiration to us all throughout our lives. HIs devotion and dedication to the service of the nation has " It was with great sadness that we learnt of the passing been an example to us all. We send our deepest sympathy of HRH, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. On behalf of the and heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty, The Queen and Hull Jewish Community, I would like to offer my sincere all The Royal Family. condolences to HRH Queen Elizabeth, her family and all Audrey & Alan Kneller who mourn his passing. May his memory be a blessing. Anna Grantham " Deepest sympathy for Her Majesty and the Royal family. It is a great loss for all of us including the Jewish " He was a remarkable man who will be very much missed community. I send my condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all Austin Burton the royal family and wish them happy memories. Annabelle Daiches " Thank you for all you have done for this country. Rest in peace. Aviran Reuven

41 " So very saddened by the loss of a very special man. " We offer our heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Avril and Martin Levy Queen and The Royal Family on the passing of His Royal Highness Prince Philip. We thank him for his service and " We admired Prince Philip so much and greatly respected for his friendship and kindness to the Jewish Community. the understated role he played. We wish Her Majesty The May his memory be a blessing. Queen together with the whole Royal family a long and Barry & Gillian Freed healthy life. Barbara and Philip Cammerman " A great friend of the Jewish Community and I, as President of Radlett Reform Synagogue, wish to offer the " Deepest condolences to Her Majesty and The Royal condolences of my wife and myself to The Queen and his Family. family. Zichrono L’vracha - may his memory be a blessing Barbara Levy to them. I met and hosted him at The Sternberg Centre for Judaism where I enjoyed his sense of humour, as I have " Sincere condolences from Barbara Cline and family of recorded in both the JC and The Times Tribute page. Leeds. Barry Hyman Barbara Maureen Cline " As one who benefited so much from the Duke Of " A wonderful man, never to be forgotten. Edinburgh’s Award many years ago, I wish to add my May his Dear Soul Rest in Peace. sincerest condolences to Her Majesty and all the Royal Barbara Berg family on the loss of HRH Prince Philip. Barry Levene

42 " We are sorry to lose a friend to our community and a " As a Deputy of the Board of Deputies for British Jews leader of our nation. We send our condolences to Her representing AJEX, the Jewish Military Association UK, Majesty The Queen, The Prince of Wales, The Princess may we convey our deep respect and send our sincere Royal, The Duke of York and the Duke of Wessex. condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal The traditional Jewish condolence to the mourners is Family on the death of the Duke of Edinburgh. The Duke “May the Almighty comfort you among those who mourn honoured AJEX as the reviewing officer at our Annual for Zion and Jerusalem”. Remembrance Parade twice and was a true friend of our Bernard Taub community. Personally the Duke was a huge inspiration to my life. He had the most wonderful way of engaging with " To HRH Queen Elizabeth II, you when he spoke to you. He was interested in you and We would like express our most sincere condolences on what you said, he would ask questions and freely give his the passing of your beloved husband HRH Prince Philip, opinions. I remember his smile and his sense of humour. The Duke of Edinburgh and we are very sorry for your loss. And his diplomacy. When I commented on the sad decline He will be sorely missed. in the Royal Navy, he replied “ I take your point”. RIP Sir, With Deepest Sympathy, thank you for your service and your wisdom. May you Bernice and Sigui Glatt have Calm Seas and Fair Winds. Brian Bloom, AJEX " Sincere condolences to HM Queen Elizabeth and all The Royal Family upon the sad loss of HRH Prince Philip, a " Prince Philip adopted this country, like many, of the truly remarkable man. May his dear soul rest in peace. Jewish community, and made an indelible mark on its Betsy & Gary Winston history and future. He will be sorely missed. Brian Bradley

43 " I had the great privilege and pleasure of meeting Prince " An exemplary life of duty and service to her Majesty The Philip in 2012, at Buckingham Palace. How sad to learn of Queen and the United Kingdom and above all a true love the passing of one who served his nation so well, for so story. My thoughts go to the whole Royal Family at this long. I offer my deepest condolences to HM The Queen sad time. and the entire Royal Family. I also offer condolences Caroline Weston on behalf of the members of the Jewish community that I serve, in Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. In deep " A Great Personality. appreciation and with a heavy heart. A rock and stalwart to our beloved Queen. Cantor Leon Litvack Long Life. Cecil Josman " He was an amazing man who did so much for the world and was always there to support The Queen. Heartfelt " Please accept our sincere condolences, we wish The condolences to all the family. Queen peace and comfort. Prince Philip was a man of his Carol Woolf time. Charles and Irene Drecksler " Prince Philip spent his life showing us the meaning of duty. We were blessed to benefit from his life of service. I " Please accept my sincere condolences for HRH Prince mourn his loss along with the Jewish Community and the Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. We will also always whole country. May fond memories comfort The Queen remember the bravery of his mother in sheltering Jews and her family and may his memory be for a blessing. during the second world war. Carole Abrahams Charles D Posner

44 " A great example to us all and a good friend to the Jewish Warmest wishes, Community. Wishing HRH Queen Elizabeth and all the Cheryl & Ashley Gold Royal family a long life free of further sorrow. May his dear soul rest in peace. " Sending our condolences on the sad death of HRH Prince Charles Hurst Philip on a long life filled with activity, adventure, good deeds and dutiful service. Wishing long life to The Royal " An inspiration to millions. A great servant to The Queen Family. and the country. Will be sadly missed Claire & Robin, Daniel, Joe and Katie Hilton Charles Ross " My sincere condolences to The Royal Family on the sad " Heartfelt condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all passing of Prince Philip. members of The Royal Family. Prince Philip will always be Clare Ray remembered, especially as The Queen’s greatest support and her rock. May his memory be a blessing. " Extending to the Royal family my heartfelt sympathy Charles Trager and condolences on the sad occasion of Prince Philip’s passing. He served his country with distinction. May his " We always found the Duke so easy to talk to and memory be as a blessing. knowledgeable on design and how it helps British Clive Perilly industry. Extremely sad to lose such a vital person. Cherrill and Ian Scheer " My deepest condolences on the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh, I had the pleasure of meeting him, with Her " To The Queen and The Royal Family, Majesty. A sad loss to the Nation. We are saddened to hear about the passing of Prince Cllr Lawrence Williams Philip. We hope that you feel surrounded by much love.

45 " Your Majesty, " A true man of the people. It was with great sorrow that I learned of the passing David & Rosalind Bickler away of His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Over many decades I have really admired " Our condolences to The Royal Family. his forthright approach, always sincere and, where David and Ruth Selo appropriate, tinged with humour. Traditionally, in the " Jewish faith, we wish the close family of the bereaved “A My late Parents left all their possessions behind and Long Life” and no further troubles, and this is what I wish risked everything in order to rebuild their lives, and raise a to you and your family. Family, in a Britain characterised by the kind and generous Colin Glass OBE acts and attitudes towards those of other faiths and cultures, which Your Majesty, the late Duke of Edinburgh, " A life well lived. A shining example to us all. Sincere and Prince Charles so proudly and genuinely uphold. May sympathy to his dear family. his dear soul rest in peace. Corinne Rein David Grunwerg

" I send my wishes to Her Majesty & Family for a long lLife " Our sincere sympathies. Jewish Teaching tells us that the and only happy future, on the passing of a wonderful dash between the date of birth and the date of death on gentleman. My grandson participated in His Award a tombstone represents their life. Some have a short but Scheme. active life & others a long physical life but achieve little. Cyril Levy Few have the merit of both a long physical life but also an action packed and meaningful one. HRH is one of those " He was an extraordinary servant to the country and a people and I hope the memories of what he achieved great friend to the community. during his lifetime will be a comfort to all the family. Daniel Levy David Marks

46 " On behalf of myself and the Leicester Jewish community, I wish you all long life. May his memory be always a we send our heartfelt condolences on the sad passing of blessing. HRH the Duke of Edinburgh, the father of the country. We In sadness. all share in your loss. Denise Lester, Deputy for South Hampstead David May United Synagogue

" May he rest in peace. " It was with much sadness that my husband and I David Mendelssohn heard of the death of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. He was an amazing man who lived an amazing life! " Dear Madam, Our condolences to all the Royal family. We send you and your family our deepest condolences on Diane & Graham Linton the passing of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. Yours and his service to this nation, the Commonwealth " I wish to add my sincerest condolences to HM The Queen and the rest of the world is immeasurable. Your many and her family on the death of HRH the Prince Philip, loyal subjects mourn with you and we pray this will bring Duke of Edinburgh, a man of great stature and positive comfort in in the days ahead. influence and who served our country well. He will be We remain Madam, your Majesty’s loyal subjects. much missed. With sincerest sympathies and traditional Deborah and Robin Porter wishes for Long Life - may his memory be for a blessing. Doris Levinson " To Her Majesty and to all of The Royal Family. I wish to extend my most sincere condolences to you all " His memory is a blessing to us all. on the passing of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Douglas Banin He was a lion amongst men, in valour, honour, values, deeds and dedication to his family and country.

47 " No tribute is great enough to express our gratitude for With heartfelt condolences, his shining example of selfless dedication and duty. His Shari Cohn-Simmen and family contribution to the wellbeing of the nation was unique and irreplaceable. " My wife and I send our sincerest condolences to The Dr Joseph Gerald Benjamin Queen and all The Royal Family for the death of the Duke of Edinburgh who we much admired. " With respect, condolences and gratitude for a life given to Edward Green the service of others. Dr Katy Radford " We have good memories of the late Prince Philip, for the strength of character he showed throughout his life. " Dear Majesty The Queen and all members of The Royal What a wonderful example he was to marriage. You have Family, to work in a marriage to be successful and to be a good Sending our deepest condolences to you and your family team. He certainly demonstrated this ethic. We wish for the loss of a beloved husband, father, grandfather all the family good health and good times in the future. and great-grandfather, HRH, Prince Philip, the Duke of Respectfully, Edinburgh. We wish to acknowledge the lifetime of service Elaine and Anthony Israel that he generously gave to the country. We in Edinburgh always felt a special connection with Prince Philip, the " Rest in Peace. Duke of Edinburgh. We join you in prayer, may his memory Elaine Vites be a blessing to you, your family and the country. " Wishing the family a ‘long life’ free from further sorrow. Eleanor Frances Platt QC

48 " It was with great sadness that we heard of the passing " Please accept our condolences at the loss of Prince away of HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh last Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. His drive, aspiration and weekend. He was a wonderful person, serving our country, initiatives to enhance the lives of underprivileged young and a great tower of strength to The Queen. He was a people changed not only their futures but often the family man and supportive to his family. He did so much futures of whole families and communities. His vision and for Conservation and Nature, and also for young people - understanding of the needs of others will be sadly missed. as in the Duke of Edinburgh award. Ethne Woldman MBE and Harold Woldman May he rest in peace. Our condolences to The Queen and all her family. " I am so sad for Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Elizabeth Lawrence Family. Prince Philip of Blessed Memory was a wonderful special person, we appreciate and acknowledge that " Your Majesty we were very sad to hear of the passing of he was a wonderful true friend to Jewish people. He HRH Prince Philip. He was a very special person who has dedicated himself to the good of our Nation and we will all left behind a most wonderful name. May all the memories feel his loss. My thoughts and prayers are with The Queen you have be a source of comfort to you both now and in and The Royal Family. the future. As we Jews say, we wish you and your family Evelyn Yedd long life spared from future sorrow. With our deepest condolences " Long life to The Royal Family and mazel tov for Prince Ellen and Mike Cohen Philip’s life. You made us laugh and feel at home Felix Mara " With deepest condolences to The Royal Family and grateful thanks for the Duke’s service to country and many charities. Emma Clark

49 " Our sincere condolences to The Queen and other " He was clearly a very good family man. members of The Royal Family on the death of Prince Geoffrey Michael Wolf Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. Fiona and Howard Brodie " We send our sincerest condolences to HM The Queen and her family on the passing of her beloved husband, " We mourn with our Beloved Queen Elizabeth and the HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. He was truly an entire Royal Family the loss of one of our giants in English inspiration and has left a wonderful legacy. Our thoughts history. Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh was an are with our Royal Family at this time of loss. outstanding consort to our Queen, a faithful servant, a May HRH Prince Philip’s memory be for a blessing. gentleman of many talents and skills who used his life to Ghislaine and Adrian Fletcher the fulI, dedicating it to those less fortunate to enhance and enrich the lives and the environment for the benefit of " With deep sympathy to Her Majesty The Queen on the countless people. I was most privileged to have personally passing of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh. met the Prince on two occasions through the Board Prince Philip, a man of fine principles, will be missed in the of Deputies and treasure a photo taken with His Royal life of this Country and the Commonwealth. As a husband Highness. and father his absence will be acutely felt but his love and Flora Frank, Deputy for British Emunah guidance will always live on. May he rest in peace with the holy and pure ones. " Prince Phillip, the Duke of Edinburgh will be remembered Gillian Moonman with fondness. He was an inspiration. We are thinking of Queen Elizabeth and her family at this sad time. May his " Our deepest condolences to Her Majesty and her family memory be a blessing. on their sad loss. Frances Murphy Gillian Sykes

50 " Your Royal Highness Your Majesty The Queen, " To HM The Queen, and all the immediate family of the late It was with great sadness that I heard of your deep loss. Duke of Edinburgh: Your Majesty is in my thoughts at this difficult time. I wish to extend to you my sincere condolences on the May Your Majesty be comforted by G-d as only He knows passing of Prince Philip, and as is customary in the how. Jewish religion to say to mourners : ‘I wish you a long life’. Long Live The Queen. I never met the Prince, but in some ways, felt I knew Your loyal servant, him and what he was like quite well. I liked and admired Mrs Gita Weinstein him greatly, especially his straightforwardness and lack of pomposity. I am sure you will have many treasured " A shining light has gone out. A great man will be sadly memories to comfort you at this sad time. missed by us all. Harold Hammer, Board of Deputies Hari, Mel, Representative of Newton Mearns Hebrew Sandra, Allie Congregation Olivia, Rob, Melissa, Martin Mia and Lottie " Wishing your family a lifetime of memories and love at such a difficult time. Hayley Herman

51 " I very much admired his royal Highness, Prince Phillip. He " It was with the deepest sadness we received the news was the most loyal and supportive consort to her Majesty of Prince Philip’s death. Those of who have lived through and also so very accomplished in many fields. He had a the last 70 plus years cannot but realise the gratitude we wonderful “can do” attitude and a dry sense of humour. owe His Royal Highness for his warmth, his intellectual Having worked in schools, I am very aware of the positive gifts and his understanding of the faiths (and none) which impact the Duke of Edinburgh award scheme has had on make up the United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and so many young people which is a fantastic legacy. He will the Overseas Territories. His unswerving and effective be so very sorely missed. I wish her Majesty and all The support of HM The Queen is a lesson to all as to how duty Royal Family my sincere condolences or, as we would say, and love can manifest themselves. We offer our warmest wish you Long life. May his memory be for a blessing. respects to The Queen and members of The Royal Family Helen Brady and this time. Hilary and Howard Stone " Wishing HM Queen Elizabeth a long life and may you be spared from further sorrow. " Wishing The Queen and all The Royal Family long life. XX Helen Shulman Hilary Cowen

52 " On behalf of the members of Edinburgh Hebrew " Thank you for all your years of service. You have a major Congregation, I extend our deepest sympathy to Her chapter in the history of this great nation. Majesty The Queen, Prince Charles the Duke of Rothesay, Ian Katz and all The Royal Family, on the sad passing of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. We are extremely grateful for the " Sending sincere condolences to The Queen and The support that Prince Philip gave to numerous charities Royal Family at this sad time, and remembering the and good causes within the Jewish community, and of extraordinary Prince Philip with respect and admiration for course far beyond. We pray that memories of Prince all he achieved Philip’s innumerable acts of devoted public service will be Irene and John Singer a comfort and a blessing for Her Majesty and for all The " Royal Family. We send our most sincere condolences to The Queen and Hilary Rifkind Royal Family on the passing of a remarkable man. He will be greatly missed " With sincere condolences at this sad time. I will always Irving and Berry Taylor remember him for his sense of duty, not to mention his " humour. Wishing The Royal Family the blessing of having It is with much sadness that we express our sincere a long life. condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all members Howard L Cohen of The Royal Family on the sad loss of Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh. " My thoughts are with Her Majesty The Queen and all The Irving and Marcia Goldman Royal Family at this very sad time. " Ian Ashleigh A very sad day for all of us. He set an example of national service that is only equalled by Her Majesty The Queen. Ivor Richards

53 " Sorley missed by the nation. " RIP Prince Phillip you were a mensch and a hero. Ivor Spiro Jacqueline Jones

" Boruch Dayan ha’ Emet! " A great man and friend of the Jewish people. I, David, Izidor Richtet met him at an AGM of the MCC, Jacqueline, my partner of thirty years, met him inside the Foreign Office when " A life of duty and service - and inspirational figure and a he took the salute at the AJEX Cenotaph Parade in 2004, true friend of Israel. Rest in Peace and we both visited his birthplace in Corfu and saw the Jack Silverstone humble kitchen table where his incredible story began. Not forgetting that his mother is Honoured among " Wishing her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family Gentiles for saving Jews in World War II at Yad Vashem sincerest condolences may the Lord grant peace to them and is buried in Jerusalem. Rest in Peace, dear friend. amongst all the mourners of Zion and may they only know Jacqueline Levenfiche & David Sherman health and happiness in the future. Jacky Buchsbaum " My deepest condolences, may he rest in peace. My love goes out to The Royal Family, especially The " A remarkable man who will be much missed. May his soul Queen. rest in peace. Jagruti Suryavansi Jacob Levy QC " Sincere condolences to HM The Queen and The Royal " Our condolences to Her Majesty, the Royal family and Family. I was very pleased to have attended the last Naval friends. A true example of bravery and resilience. May he & Military Club Dinner with our President, Prince Philip, five rest in peace. year ago, where he had been a member since 1947. Jacqueline & Aaron Agasee Jason Lever

54 " Rest in peace your Royal Highness. You will be missed by " So sad to hear of the passing of Prince Philip but many but will be forever in our hearts. celebrating the life of a remarkable man. Our thoughts are Jayne Harrison with Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family at this sad time. " A family man and a man of the world. His award scheme Jennifer and Daniel Berger changed lives and inspired so many. We shall not see his like again. " A life dedicated to service, I met him twice, my Rugby club Jean Harris Rosslyn Park, he gave out the winning team prize, later St James Palace. " My family and I are deeply saddened by the death of the Jeremy Fraser, Ealing Liberal Synagogue Duke of Edinburgh. Our thoughts are with her Majesty The Queen and the entire Royal family. We mourn his loss but " We praise Prince Philip for his extraordinary life of also celebrate his incredible life and the huge contribution dedicated service. We send our most sincere condolences he made in the United Kingdom and countries around the to HM The Queen and her family at this very sad time. world. Jeremy Wolfson and Norman Wolfson Susan and Jeff Freeman " A fine example of a man who knew the meaning of duty, " May he rest in peace. with a terrific sense of humour. They don’t make them like Jeffrey Witzenfeld the Duke of Edinburgh any more. John Duschnitz

55 " Remembering HRH The Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh " A Legend has gone to his eternal rest. We will not see his who gave so much to ALL the people of this country and like again! the Commonwealth and elsewhere and his service to Her Jonathan Lewis Majesty The Queen. A family man at heart Chaim Aruchim to all his family. " HRH, your work and contribution to society as a whole Jonathan Abrahams will never be forgotten. You have been a standard for the country and for all religious beliefs. Your contribution " As Chair of Governors I had the honour of conducting to the well being of the global community will never be Prince Philip and giving a speech of welcome when he forgotten. May you rest in peace. opened Hertsmere Jewish Primary School in July 2000. Joseph Morris It was a joyous occasion, made all the more so by HRH engaging brilliantly with the children and delivering an " Deepest sympathy to HM The Queen and family at the outstandingly witty off the cuff speech. Subsequently loss of a man full of personality and respected by all. I was privileged to meet Prince Philip when I held the Joy Loffman Presidency of the Board of Deputies. He could always be " relied on to make people laugh and put them at their ease. We wish Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family I give thanks for his life of service to our country and for A long from any further trouble and sorrow. his long life. Furthermore, our community will always Judith Gillis remember with gratitude that his mother Princess Alice " We wish to express our sadness on the Duke’s passing rescued Jews from the Nazis in World War 2. May they and gratitude for all he has done to support the family rest in peace and may you be comforted in your loss. over the years. Jonathan Arkush Judy and Bert Gabriel

56 " Elliott and I would like to send our deepest condolences " The Duke of Edinburgh personified service to others to Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family on the and was a role model to millions. He was also a great passing of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. We grandfather to 10 children, who, like the rest of his family would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a ‘long will miss his wisdom, family values and joy of life. Sending life’ away from any further sorrow. I am sure he will live on the royal family warmest wishes. May his memory truly be amongst you all forever. for a blessing. Justine Saville & Elliott Allen Laura Marks OBE

" He was a Talmid Moovhak to Lord Mountbatten " Our deepest sympathy at this extremely sad time. Kalman Bookman Laurence and Carole Cantor

" Thank you for your service and your support of the Jewish " Thinking of you all and sending sincerest commiserations. community. Rest in Peace and may your memory always With regards, be a blessing. Laurence and Dolly Abelson Karen and Raymond Solomon and Family " Wishing Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family " Thank you for a lifetime of public service and for your condolences on the sad passing of HRH Prince Philip and support for Her Majesty. a ‘long, healthy and happy life’ to you all. Keith Laurence Very best wishes, The Perl family " Sad to have lost Prince Philip who was such a friend to the Jewish people, we will remember him always as a blessing. Kenneth Grimmitt

57 " Our sincere condolences to Her Majesty and all members " I wish to offer my deepest condolences to the entire of The Royal Family on the sad passing of Prince Philip, Royal Family on the passing of Prince Philip. I should have Duke of Edinburgh, a man we always admired and deeply met Prince Philip in 1961 when I was probably the first respected. Jewish youth to complete the Gold standard of his Award Leslie and Joyce Lesser Scheme. Sadly, he was indisposed and Sir John Hunt deputised but I was fortunate enough, many years later, to " Wishing The Queen and the rest of The Royal Family meet him in less formal circumstances. my sincere condolences. He will be sadly missed by the In 1972 or thereabouts I was tasked with dropping a team United Kingdom, the Commonwealth and the rest of the of skydivers over Eton Hall during a carriage driving event world. and met Prince Philip at a reception after the event. He Linda Braunstein expressed great interest in my helicopter, a Bell UH1H, Huey. I offered him a flight but after a little thought he " Sending our condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and declined due to the possible security implications. I found all The Royal Family on the sad passing of Prince Philip. this brief exchange most enjoyable. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. I hold these memories of him dearly. Linda & Simon Fisher & Family Lionel Shrago

58 " Your Majesty, " We would like to send our heartfelt condolences to Her My condolences to you and your family. Majesty The Queen and all the royal family on the very sad Your husband was a great man and an inspiration to passing of HRH Prince Philip, a loving husband, father, others. As a PE teacher I have been involved in the D grandfather and great-grandfather. of E awards and know how wonderful this was for my Malcolm and Cynthia Ross students. At this difficult time, I hope your family can join with you and share the wonderful times you have had " We feel that the passing of HRH the Prince Philip is a together. Best wishes to you all. moment of great sadness for the whole of the country. He Loraine Berlyn was a symbol of unity and of great service to the Crown, and to the people. We do not forget the courage of his " I loved his kindness and the way his smile reached his late mother who sheltered victims of oppression, and her eyes. I loved his no nonsense manner and the way he example was reflected in the achievements of the Award didn’t suffer fools. I loved his sense of humour and fun. scheme in the name of the Duke of Edinburgh, which gave I loved the way he looked at our Queen with adoration. inspiration to many, many thousands of young people at I loved the way he put his country before himself. I am home and abroad. Perhaps his two inestimable qualities deeply saddened by the passing of HRH Prince Philip and were his love, devotion and service to Her Majesty, and the will miss him and send my deepest condolences to his fact that he always remained “his own man”. family for the gaping hole he will leave. Malcolm and Gail Taylor Louise Lerman " My condolences and understanding having lost my wife after seventy years together. Malcolm Berwin

59 " Wishing condolences to The Royal Family, and may the " My Dear Queen, memory of Prince Philip be a blessing to all. He was an Memories live longer than dreams. inspiration in so many ways and helped raise the spirits Stay strong and know that you are loved. of our nation. May his soul be elevated as his good works All best wishes continue to have a lasting impact. Marie Morrish With respect, Marcus J Freed " We offer our deepest condolences to Her Majesty and all of The Royal Family on the sad loss of her dear husband " I am so sorry to hear about the sad death of Prince Philip. and father Prince Philip. His loss is felt throughout the A terrible loss to The Queen, his wife, his wider family and world. He was a towering figure, the like of which we will those across the world who have benefitted from his long never see again. We wish you, in the Jewish tradition, a life of service and visionary support for young people, long life, free from further sadness. wildlife and nature. May his memory be a blessing. Marilyn and Bernie Dexter Margaret Greenfields " HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh will be a sad " Sincere condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, loss to the UK and the Commonwealth. As The Queen’s Charles, Anne, Andrew, Edward and all The Royal Family. Consort he initiated and aided so many projects and Wishing you all “long life”. organisations. He provided a life of service to the nation Yours sincerely and his passing will be felt not only by his family, but to all Marie and Alex Kessel of us. I would like to wish Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family “long life”. Marilyn Keen

60 " HRH Queen Elizabeth and all your family, wishing you " A lifetime of Service to Queen and Country. “Long Life” and treasured happy memories. HRH Prince Shalom, Philip will very much be missed. Michael Braham Martine and Steve Allen " An inspired lifetime, wonderful leadership and example to " Rest in peace Prince Philip. xxx Great Britain and Worldwide. Melanie He will be greatly missed by so many. Michael Filer. Freeman and Hon.Alderman " An extraordinary man who contributed so much. His Borough of Bournemouth legacy will be felt by many generations. May his memory be a blessing. " Thank you for everything you did for us all and the Merle Kessler environment. Michael Rosenberg " My deepest condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and The Royal Family on the passing of HRH The Duke of " On behalf of the UJIA Scotland office please accept our Edinburgh. A life of service and dedication my thoughts sincere condolences on the passing of HRH the Duke and prayers are with them at the sad time. of Edinburgh, who will be greatly missed by the whole Michael Asher Jewish Community. May his memory be for an inspiration and a blessing. Micheline Brannan

61 " We wish to express our sincere condolences to Her " We would like to send The Queen and all of The Royal Majesty The Queen on the very sad loss of her husband Family our sincere condolences at this sad time. HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. We were fortunate enough Mr and Mrs Taylor to attend a Garden Party on the 10 June 2014 on his 93rd birthday and noted how modest he was not wanting any " Sincere condolences are extended to Her Majesty Queen fuss over his birthday. Our thoughts are with Her Majesty Elizabeth and to all members of the Royal family at the at this very difficult time. sad passing of Prince Philip, a devoted and loyal husband, Michelle and Alistair Morris father, grandfather and great grandfather. Michael and Barbara Westerman " I wish to pass on my condolences in respect of the passing of the HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. " I was greatly saddened to learn of the death of Prince He will be sadly missed by many and no one will see the Philip. My thoughts and condolences go to Her Majesty like again. A lot of young people appreciated the Duke of The Queen and all The Royal Family on the sad loss of Edinburgh award scheme which helped them a lot. a loving husband, father and grandfather. The Jewish No man has ever supported his wife to such a degree and Community has also lost one of its greatest supporters. it is unlikely he will be matched in the future. May he rest in peace. He was a man before his time when lecturing about Mrs Myra Wand looking after nature. It’s a pity no one took notice before " we came to the twentieth century when things are in a Wishing you long life, comfort and peace. bad way in respect of the planet, poles, animals etc. Ms Penninah Serrano May he rest in peace. I hope The Queen can continue with the help of her family. Miss A A Alexander

62 " My deepest commiserations to Her Majesty The Queen, " I was honoured to meet Prince Philip on several occasions HRH Prince Charles and all The Royal Family on the loss whilst working at the Board of Deputies. On each occasion of the Duke of Edinburgh. Prince Philip made such a he managed to come up with a topical and witty comment positive impact on this planet that it will be felt for many which immediately put those around him at their ease. He many decades to come. was clearly comfortable at Jewish events, and genuinely Murray Ayrton interested in multi-faith gatherings. Numerous tributes have been paid over the past few days to his personality, " Wishing Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and all the to his remarkable range of interests and abilities, and members of the royal family our sincere condolences on to his extraordinary public service and sense of duty. the sad loss of a beloved husband, father, grandfather and Suffice it to say that we will not see his like again. Our great grandfather. hearts go out to The Queen and to Prince Philip’s entire Nevil & Cynthia Tolkin family, whose sense of loss is immeasurable. May they find comfort in their memories and in the tributes received from all quarters of the globe and from all those organisations which he supported. May his soul rest in peace. Neville Nagler

" A true public servant whose wise counsel will be sadly missed by all. May his dear soul rest in peace and wishing all The Royal Family a long life. Nick Black

63 " I hope that all members of The Royal Family take comfort " I offer my condolences to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth from remembering all the good activities and deeds on the death of her beloved husband also to their children that Prince Philip did during his lifetime. I send them my and the remainder of the royal family. He was a much condolences. loved husband, father, grandfather and great grandfather Nick Silk who devoted his life to the support of The Queen, their family and the realm. May his memory be a blessing. " With deepest sympathy for your loss. Baruch Dayan Emet. Patricia Marina Brody Nigel Lawrence " Sincere condolences to The Royal Family and in particular " Sincere condolences to our gracious Majesty The Queen to Her Majesty The Queen. Whilst it is a very sad time, I and all the family. thoroughly enjoyed reading the numerous articles about Norma & Stuart Wineberg HRH, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh and learning more about his formative years, exceptional achievements " Rest in peace - a life lived to the full - a job well done. and lifetime of service. Norman Roberts Paul Gross " With sincere condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and " So sorry to hear this. I would like to.take this opportunity all the Royal family. Thinking of you at this sad time. of offering my condolences and wishing The Royal Family Pat Moss a long life. Paul Hart " With deepest condolences to H.M Queen Elizabeth II and her family on the passing of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke " Prince among princes who did it his way. of Edinburgh. Paul Hoffman Pat Radam

64 " I send my deepest condolences to The Royal Family " We are so sad to hear of the passing of Prince Philip and and have them know that HRH Prince Philip, the Duke send our condolences to the whole family. My parents of Edinburgh, was held in the highest esteem. I did not (both Holocaust survivors) actually named me after have the opportunity of meeting HRH, however, his well Prince Philip as they were grateful for his friendship to the known publicised remarks cut through the pomp and Jews. May the family only see good times in the future. circumstance and never failed to bring a smile to his well Philip & Sara Noe wishers. Penelope Ixer " I met Prince Philip many years ago when I worked at the National Maritime Museum, of which he was a Trustee " The perfect Consort for our Queen throughout his long and of course very interested in the subject area. He life. used to come to our staff party every so often and was Peter & Harriet Brostoff introduced to new employees. Since I worked in IT, we had a very nice interchange about the computer indexing " An extraordinary life of service to Her Majesty and this system which was being developed for the first time. He country. was easy to talk to and very gracious. I wish Her Majesty Peter & Yve Beyfus and all of the family long life and much comfort from knowing how many people appreciated him. " We are full of admiration for all Prince Philip achieved and Philippa Gamse are grateful to him for a life of dedicated service. Peter and Marianne Summerfield BEM " We send our condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family on the passing of the Duke of " May his memory be a blessing to us all. Edinburgh. Peter Gilbert Phillipa and Norman Fisher

65 " I share with Her Majesty The Queen and all her family in " Prayers of sympathy and consolation to Her Majesty The the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh. His impact on us all Queen and the Royal family on the passing of HRH Prince is beyond words. Yet his example, wisdom and down to Philip “Alav HaShalom” - “Upon him Peace”. earth approach will be a lasting legacy. Therefore, I share May the richness of his legacy of commitment and with the UK Jewish Community in mourning him. May his service continue to inspire us and may his memory memory always be a blessing. remain a blessing “’Zichrono leBerachah” and let us say Rabbi Dr Martin van den Bergh “Amen”. Reuven N. Kane " I send my deepest condolences to all The Royal Family at this very sad time. " Our deepest sympathy and condolences to Her Majesty Rachelle Moore The Queen and all The Royal Family on the sad loss of HRH, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. " Prince Philip personified everything that is fine about the Richard and Diana Barzilay Royal family, devotion to duty to the nation both in peace and war and exhibited a sense of humour at the same " “Kings loveth him that speaketh right” Proverbs xvi time, the nation is the poorer for his passing. Richard Cohen Raymond Randall " Prince Philip more than anyone truly deserved the title of Father of the Nation. My deepest sympathy to Her Majesty The Queen and to all The Royal Family. He has truly been the rock to support Her Majesty through everything. May Prince Philip’s dear soul be bound up in the bonds of life eternal. Richard Cooper

66 " A great man with a distinguished commitment to The " Sincere condolences to our gracious Queen and to The Queen, Britain and the World. Royal Family. He was a great man who fought for our Rchard Stroud country, supported our Queen and gave us the Duke of Edinburgh Award which is used by all our schools. Young " A shining example to us all. My condolences to Her People were and are changed forever by this Award. A Majesty. wonderful legacy. Richard Woolf Robin and Jessie Little

" A life well lived, full of Honour. We will miss you. " HRH A True and Special Gentleman, with sincere Riki Samuel condolence to Her Majesty Queen and family. Rochelle Selby " Your devoted service and long and loving marriage sets an example for us all. " Very sad to hear that our dear Prince Philip finally passed Robert E Collins away. I send my condolences to The Queen and all The Royal Family. " I wish to convey to the family my condolences for the loss Ros Eisen of an extraordinary individual who will be sorely missed. As we Jews say, we wish you long life. " Sincere Condolences, to all The Royal Family on their very Robert Stone sad loss. Rosa & Stuart Panto

67 " I was saddened to hear about the passing of HRH " As a member of the Board of Deputies, I am pleased to Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh and extend my heartfelt have the opportunity to send my condolences to Her sympathy and sincere condolences to Her Majesty The Majesty The Queen and all the Royal family on the passing Queen, HRH Charles Prince of Wales and all members of of The Duke of Edinburgh. The UK and Commonwealth The Royal Family. have lost a much loved supporter who worked tirelessly Rosamunde Bloom for the good of us all. However, on a personal level, you and your family have lost a husband, father, grandfather " We recall being presented to the Duke during the and great grandfather. I wish you the traditional Jewish reception for a Board of Deputies dinner at which he was greeting of ‘long life ‘ and hope over time the memories the guest of honour. For the period of our conversation you have will be a comfort to you all. he honoured us with his total attention. We express Sally Strauss our condolences to Her Majesty The Queen, His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and the Royal family. " I would like to express my sincere condolences to Her Rosemary and Jonathan Lewis Majesty The Queen and The Royal Family on the passing of HRH Prince Philip. I had the pleasure of being present " I am truly sorry we have lost a wonderful prince. I wish at Gordonstoun in the early nineties when His Royal The Queen and all the royal family long life. I have Highness opened the new Bruce House, where my Sons followed him since he married our lovely Queen and were at school. I remember very well how His Royal remember all the great things he achieved. The wonderful Highness put everyone at their ease and spoke from the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme which helped my heart. His words were also interspersed with one or two grandson so much. He will be truly missed by my family. amusing stories about his time at the School. It is an Ruth Ross, CNSS occasion that I will always remember. Sandra Shrago

68 " So sorry to hear of the death of HRH the Prince Philip. My " Our sincere condolences on the passing of a remarkable thoughts are with The Queen and the other members of gentleman. A leader, in a quietly inspiring sense; a his family. compass for the nation through his decades of devoted Sandra Barnett service to Queen and country; a protector of faith and defender of a multi-cultural Britain. A long life, lived well. " We were saddened to learn of the passing of HRH Prince We wish long life and health to The Queen and her family. Philip, Duke of Edinburgh and wish The Queen and all The Saul and Louise Nathan and Family Royal Family a “long life” spared from any further sorrow for many more years to come. " Your Majesty, Yehi Zichron LivRacha - May his memory be a blessing. We are taught that a person remains “alive” as long Sara & Barry Radivan as people remember them. The good deeds your late husband did both for humanity and the planet we are " My special memory of HRH Prince Philip,Duke of blessed to live in, means he will be alive forever. Edinburgh was when I was given the honour of being May the soul of your late husband, the Prince Phillip, Duke introduced to him personally at the St James Palace of Edinburgh rest in peace. Our sincere condolences to reception which took place before the 5th annual you and your family. Holocaust Memorial Day (2005) gathering at Westminster Your loyal subjects, Hall. Having come to this country as a 15 year old Saul and Sheila Erner orphan (my parents and siblings having been murdered at Auschwitz) after being liberated by British soldiers at " Our heartfelt condolence to Your Majesty on the loss of Bergen Belsen I was very touched by his interest and kind such a wonderful husband. We wish only good things in words. It meant the world to me. the future for you and all your family. May his memory be a blessing. Sheila and Philip Rosen Sara Kahan

69 " With deepest sympathy to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth " A Gentleman, and a lover of Zion. and the Royal family on the death of Prince Phillip who is Stephen Nichols sadly missed. May he rest in peace. Shirley Huberman " My thoughts are with The Royal Family after such a sad loss. Prince Philip’s life and achievements will be etched in " His Royal Highness came to Liverpool to officially open British history forever and be an inspiration to current and the newly built Jewish Community Centre of which I was future generations. newly appointed administrator and director of this Centre. Stephen Ryde I had the honour of escorting HRH Prince Philip around the Centre. " A true Prince of the Realm who served us, his public, with Sidney Cohen unstinting service and supported our Queen, his wife, with love and devotion. A unique man who will be sadly missed " Extending sympathy to The Queen on the loss of husband by us all. and partner of 70 years. Rest in peace, Prince Philip. Stephanie Silverstone Sue Mundy-Jones

" Prince Philip has been a most remarkable man of our " Your friendship to and recognition of the Jewish times. People in this country feel that they know him community in the UK will always be remembered and personally, his warmth and his humour shone like a appreciated. beacon across the land. Her Majesty and all his family will Susan Goldstein miss him and revere his memory forever. We wish Her Majesty and all The Royal Family well, with affection and respect. Stephen and Jaquie Harvey

70 " HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh, you are a great " We were so terribly saddened and shocked by the news of loss to our country, you’ve worked so hard instigating the passing of HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh many environmental issues and children’s activities. Your who was a truly incredible man who gave such richness support for HRH Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth over 73 and dedicated service to this country. We have always years has been an example to everyone, love, attendance, been so proud and encouraged by the support of The and duty and so many other unknown actions. Royal Family for the Jewish community and send you May You Rest in Peace, Shalom. our sincere condolences at this extremely sad time. His Susan J Harrison memory should always be a blessing. Susan Pascoe " Sending my sincerest and deepest condolences to Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family on the sad " We grieve and offer our heartfelt sympathies to our Queen passing of Prince Philip. The Duke was a very special and all The Royal Family on the loss of a wonderful man person who touched countless lives and will be sorely who was a true prince of hearts to those that knew him, missed by so many. I was widowed two years ago and I with the soul of a king and the influence of an emperor on know what the void feels like but can’t even imagine what his subjects. it must be like for Her Majesty after so many years. My G-d bless her Majesty. thoughts and prayers are with you all. G-d bless. Suzie Collins Susan Lynn

71 " R.I.P. Prince Philip " Wishing Her Majesty The Queen together with all her Always there for The Queen children and their families long life. Standing by her side The Duke will be remembered with great fondness in the What a pleasure it has been! Jewish Community and for all his wonderful charitable To watch the two of you work - especially the Duke of Edinburgh awards scheme. Do your duties through the years Our sincerest condolences, Happy times and sad times Sylvia and Howard Glass The laughter and the tears! It must have been quite hard " Our sincere condolences to HRH Queen Elizabeth and all To have to ‘step back a pace’ members of the Royal family on the loss of Prince Philip, With Her Majesty being ‘Our Sovereign’ Duke of Edinburgh. And you taking ‘second place’! Sylvia Levitus and family But your dignity withheld " For over seventy years! Offering my sincere condolences to The Royal Family on So ‘Duke of Edinburgh’ we salute you the passing of HRH, Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. We’ll raise a glass and say... May his memory be a blessing. ‘THREE CHEERS’!! Tal Ofer Sylvia Adams " Thank you for a lifetime of service. Rest in peace. Ted Morris

" Saddened by the loss of the Duke of Edinburgh, may his dear soul rest in peace. Tony & Rona Sharpe

72 " I am sorry to learn that the Duke of Edinburgh has died. He " Sincere condolences on the loss of a Husband, father and made an enormous contribution to the lives of everyone family man who spent his life in support of “His Queen” in the UK and the Commonwealth. His support of and and his country. keen interest in all he did will be missed greatly. I send my Warren Karpf sincere condolences to HM The Queen and all his family. Valerie Berkson " As a transplanted Brit having lived in the UK until 1964, I was a little girl when HRH, Prince Philip married the " With deepest sympathy to all the royal family. present Queen. Also remember the coronation. My cousin, Vivien Lobell Ronald Gerard had several photos taken with Prince Philip which I treasure. May his Memory be for a Blessing. " We join you in mourning the very sad passing of His Yvonne (Buffman) Cheyney Royal Highness Prince Phillip The Duke of Edinburgh. At this difficult time, we send our deepest condolences to " My sincere condolences to her Majesty The Queen and Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family and we the whole of The Royal Family. wish you all “Long Life”. May the Almighty spare you from Prince Philip will be missed and lovingly remembered further sorrows. Yvonne Shiff Sincerely, Carole & Warren Berliner " Sending deepest sympathy to The Queen and all The Royal Family on the loss of HRH Prince Philip. " We offer Her Majesty and her family our sincere Anonymous condolences and wish them a happy life free of further sorrows. " With Deepest Sympathy Warren and Hazel Sunderland Anonymous

73 " A man who was totally committed to his duty as Royal " With deep regret we hear of the death of a great and Consort, supporting his wife, Her Majesty The Queen, strong man who set an example of values and service to but used his own very personal drive to further modern our country. Sincere wishes to Her Majesty The Queen for thinking and to creating projects which benefitted all of the great loss of a husband of 73 years. society. We share in this time of sorrow and wish happiness and Anonymous success for the future to all The Royal Family and those who knew him well. " You made a real difference in so many ways to so many May his soul rest in peace. people, thank you. Anonymous Anonymous " Will be missed by everyone. He could always be relied " We wish The Queen and all the Royal family condolences upon to speak as an ordinary person! This was a very on the passing of the Duke of Edinburgh. great quality. Anonymous Anonymous

" A man who gave The Queen and family his strength and " Sincere condolences to Her Majesty and The Royal Family devotion. He will be sadly missed. on the loss of HRH the Duke of Edinburgh. Anonymous He was a great and lifelong contributor to the welfare of the British nation and a friend of our Jewish people. " Wishing Her Majesty The Queen and all The Royal Family long life, may his memory be for a blessing. " I wish Her Majesty The Queen both consolation in her Anonymous sorrow and continued good health. Anonymous " Baruch Dayan Emet. May his memory be for a Blessing. Anonymous


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