THE MASONIC SEASON .AND the CHABITIES. with the Girls' School Eestival Of
LONDON, SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1S02. arrangements—whether hy tbe proprietors of the tavern, tbe Stewards, or tbe Secretary—being all that could be desired. The meeting, too, was most orderly, .AND THE THE MASONIC SEASON excepting towards the close, and tlie little confusion CHABITIES. that then ensued may be easily obviated in the future With the Girls' School Eestival of "Wednesday last by alloAving tbe Secretary's report of subscriptions to the London Masonic season (excepting* so far as be divided into two or three, with a toast or tAvo and regards the approaching Grand Loclge) may be said song between, thereby avoiding the tedium caused by to liave closed, and we can now count tip the gains . three-quarters of an hour's reading of fi gures at one or losses which the various Charities may have made, period, hoAvever gratifying may be the general result. as compared with the preceding year ; and on the If, however, tbe labours of tbe London Masons have whole it cannot be regarded as unsatisfactory, though closed, those of tbe country brethren AA'ill shortly be the full gain, and something more, lias been obtained in full activity in connection with their Prov. Grand by the Boys' School, whilst the Girls' School lias Lodges. That for Lincolnsbiz-e has just been held maintained its ground, the subscriptions for the latter rather earlier than would probably liave been the case, being as nearly as possible the same this year as last. bad it not been with tbe view of installing a very In 1861 the subscriptions at tbe Eestival for tbe promising- young Mason, tbe Duke of St.
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