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42MHRC Programme And The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Health 42nd MYANMAR HEALTH RESEARCH CONGRESS Programme and Abstracts 6-10 January 2014 The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Health 4422nd MMyyaannmmaarr HHeeaalltthh RReesseeaarrcchh CCoonnggrreessss Programme and Abstracts 6-10 January 2014 FOREWORD Since its inception in 1965, the Myanmar Health Research Congress is an annual event as a symbol of coordination, cooperation and, collaboration of various Departments under the Ministry of Health. The Congress reflects the concerted efforts and achievements of academia, researchers and service personnel in the field of basic, applied and health systems research. Multi-stakeholder involvement under favorable conditions while implementing the research projects may lead to constructive approach of evidence-based findings towards formulating strategies for health and health-related policy and programmes. Each and every year, the Congress brings both national and international researchers together for exchanging their views, thoughts and innovative ideas to serve as a driving force in their future plans to meet the specific health needs of the country. This is indeed an essential platform for mutual exchange of knowledge, expertise, experiences, opinions and lessons learned between senior and junior scientists from various disciplines through the responsible conduct of health research. Ministry of Health encourages health systems strengthening efforts alongside with built-in operational research component for maternal, new-born and child health, emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, and environmental health issues as well as for technology development. The complex nature of research problems in the country calls for multi-sectoral actions that require strong political commitment and health sector reforms at multi-level such as national, state/regional, and township levels, down to the grass-roots. This may further enhance poverty reduction strategies and rural development. For clinical research, it is high time to introduce the clinical registry system to avoid duplications. This Proceeding includes abstracts of 97 research papers and 34 research posters, and the special features of eight scientific symposia. I would like to sincerely congratulate the researchers for their incredible contributions towards evidence-based findings while observing the research ethics. The products of this bench-mark Congress might contribute towards translational applications and knowledge management for further research capacity strengthening and establishment of health research information system. Moreover, multiple avenues of opportunities shed light for young researchers for their future career and profession. Wide range of abstracts in basic biomedical disciplines, applied research, and health systems research may advocate the scientific community for further improvement in knowledge transfer mechanisms in the local context. Chairman Organizing Committee 42nd Myanmar Health Research Congress PROGRAMME 42nd Myanmar Health Research Congress Programme 42nd MYANMAR HEALTH RESEARCH CONGRESS Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) No. 5, Ziwaka Road, Dagon Township, Yangon, Myanmar INAUGURAL SESSION 6th January, 2014 Reading Room, Central Biomedical Library – Auditorium (2) 08:00hr Inaugural speech by H.E. Professor Dr. Pe Thet Khin Union Minister Ministry of Health 09:00hr Refreshments ACADEMIC SESSION Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) No. 5, Ziwaka Road, Dagon Township, Yangon Day 1 Auditorium (1) Day (1)- Morning Session (1) Chairpersons: H.E. Dr. Than Aung Dr. Kyaw Zin Thant Deputy Minister Director General Ministry of Health Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar) 10:00-10:20 Study on use of Health Research Results by National Programmes Paper-1. Maung Maung Toe, Kyaw Oo, Than Sein, Le Le Win, Saw Saw, Phone Myint and Yin Thet Nu Oo 10:20-10:40 Factor influencing the performance of Township Medical Officers in Paper-2. Mandalay and Sagaing Regions Kyaw Kyaw, Myitzu Tin Oung, Phyu Phyu Thin Zaw, G Sen Taung , Kyaw Kyaw, Marlar Aung, Thandar Myint and Pyae Phyo Htwe 10:40-11:00 Study of bone mass density in various age groups of Myanmar population Paper-3. Yi Yi Myint, Nyein Nyein Maw, Myint Han, Thinzar Aung, Kyaw Thu Soe, Kyaw Soe Naing, May Myat Win, Nyein Su Win and Kyi Tha Soe 11:00-11:20 Betel quid chewing in Dagon (East) Township Paper-4. Ko Ko Zaw, Mya Ohnmar, Moh Moh Hlaing, Swe Swe Win, Maung Maung Than Htike, Phyu Phyu Aye, Maung Maung Myint, Sein Shwe and Moe Thida Htwe 11:20-11:40 Prevalence of Vitamin A Deficiency among 6 months to 5 years old Paper-5. children Htin Lin, May Khin Than, Khaing Mar Zaw, Theingi Thwin and Moh Moh Hlaing ~ iii ~ Programme 42nd Myanmar Health Research Congress Auditorium (1) Day (1) - Afternoon Session (1) Chairpersons: Dr. Min Than Nyunt U Htay Win Director General Acting Director General Department of Health Department of Health Planning 13:00-13:20 Estimating cost of TB patient Self Help Groups in Hlaingtharyar Paper-6. Township, Myanmar Wai Wai Han, Saw Saw, Thandar Lwin, Tin Mi Mi Khaing and Thet Aung 13:20-13:40 The lived experiences of patients with osteosarcoma who undergo Paper-7. chemotherapy Maw Maw Than, Thein Thein Kyi and Nang Kathy Aung 13:40-14:00 The lived experiences of primary family caregivers of children with Paper-8. acquired hearing loss Naw Htoo Phaw Doh, Ohnmar Myo and Lwin Lwin Kyi 14:00-14:20 Lifestyle and health care practices of fishermen from Kyauk Chaung Paper-9. Village, Hainggyikyun Township, Pathein District, Ayeyarwady Region Naing Lin Tun, Soe Paing Lin and Ohnmar Myint 14:20-14:40 Salt consumption patterns and iodine nutrition status of pregnant Paper-10. women in coastal region Theingi Thwin, Moh Moh Hlaing, Mya Ohnamr, Sandar Tun, Thidar Khine, Wah Wah Win, Su Su Hlaing, Hla Phyo Lin and Nyein Nyein Win Auditorium (1) Day (1) - Afternoon Session (2) Chairpersons: Professor Myint Han Professor Win Myint Oo Director General Professor/Head Department of Food and Preventive and Social Medicine Drug Administration University of Medicine (1) 14:55-15:15 Bacteriological analysis of household drinking water in selected Paper-11. wards in North Dagon Township, Yangon Thuzar Myint, Wah Wah Aung, Aye Aye Maw, Aye Yin Shwe, Su Mon Win, Hay Mar Win and Khin Thet Wai 15:15-13:35 Preliminary study on mercury content in river water around Gold Paper-12. Reclamation Site Khine Thin Naing, Tin Nwe Htwe, Ye Hein Htet, Tin Tin Han, Khin Moe Latt, Ohnmar Win, Aye Thidar Tun, Thet Htet Aung and Myat Phone Kyaw 15:35-15:55 Drinking water purification systems: implications for translating Paper-13. knowledge into action peri-urban households with under-five children Su Latt Tun Myint, Moe Thida, Tin Tin Wai, Lwin Lwin Ni, Zin Mar Aye, Aung Soe Min and Phyu Thi ~ iv ~ 42nd Myanmar Health Research Congress Programme 15:55-16:15 Cardiovascular Risk in People with chronic exposure to low level of Paper-14. arsenic contamination in drinking water Soe Minn Htway, Ohnmar, May Aye Than, Khin Tar Yar Myint and Mar Mar Myint 16:15-16:35 Determination of multi-element profile in street dust Paper-15. Moe Moe Han, Nyan Htun, Thet Naing, Ohnmar Oo, Tin Oo, Myat Phone Kyaw, Ohnmar Win, Ni Ni Maw and Esther 16:35-16:45 Utilization pattern of drinking water in rural households of arsenic Paper-16. contaminated areas and their awareness on arsenic contamination Ye Hein Htet, Tin Nwe Htwe, Khin Moe Latt, Ohnmar Win, Tin Tin Htike, Aye Thidar Tun, Kyaw Soe, Ohnmar and Khin Thet Wai Day 2 Auditorium (1) Day (2) - Morning Section (1) Chairpersons: Professor Tin Maung Han Professor Theingi Myint Rector Department of Biochemistry University of Medicine, Mandalay University of Medicine (1) 08:30-08:50 A Comparative study of enzymatic method and accutrend GCT Paper-17. meter for determination of total cholesterol level in hypertensive patients Thidar Oo, Aye Aye Khin, Khin Thike Win and Aye Aye Myint 08:50-09:10 Study of serum oxidized LDL level and lipid profiles in hypothyroid Paper-18. patients before and after treatment with thyroxine The’Mon La, Hta Kyi Sunn and Theingi Myint 09:10-09:30 Serum leptin and estrogen levels in postmenopausal women with Paper-19. overweight and normal weight Yin Yin Win, Aye Aye Yee, Aye Aye Maw, Khin Thida Wai, Thandar Myint, Sandar Aung, Naw Myat Su Mon and Thae Maung Maung 09:30-09:50 Serum Tumor Necrosis Factor–Alpha (TNF-α) level and insulin Paper-20. resistance in obese adults Moe Moe Khine and Theingi Myint 09:50-10:10 Assessment of body fat percent by using the deuterium dilution Paper-21. technique in postmenopausal women residing in Yangon Aye Aye Maw, Aye Aye Yee, Khin May Oo, Yin Yin Win, Khin Thida Wai, Thandar Myint, Sandar Aung, Naw Myat Su Mon and Ohnmar 10:10-10:30 Serum 25(OH)D3, calcium, phosphorus levels and bone mineral Paper-22. density in adult women Ei Ei Hlaing, Khin Moe Moe Nwe and May Pyone Kyaw ~ v ~ Programme 42nd Myanmar Health Research Congress Auditorium (1) Day (2) - Morning Session (2) Chairpersons: Professor Tint Swe Latt Professor Myat Mon Rector Department of Pathology University of Medicine (2) University of Medicine (1) 10:45-11:05 Development of a new monovalent ovine snake antivenom against Paper-23. Russell's viper (Daboia siamensis) Aung Zaw, Khin Aung Cho, Kyi Kyi Thin and Mon Mon 11:05-11:25 Preliminary dose-finding and safety study of ovine Russell’s viper Paper-24. antivenom in patients envenomed by Russell’s vipers (Daboia siamensis) Han Win, Khin Thida Thwin, Zaw Myint, Hnin Wai Maung, Thi Thi Myint and Win Aung 11:25-11:45 Immunodetection of Ki-67 labelling proliferation index in Paper-25. proliferative breast disease and invasive duct carcinoma of breast Aye Myat Mon, Aye Aye Khin, Myat Mon and Khin Shwe Mar 11:45-12:05 Significance of -catenin immunoexpression in operative cases of Paper-26.
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