42MHRC Programme And
The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Health 42nd MYANMAR HEALTH RESEARCH CONGRESS Programme and Abstracts 6-10 January 2014 The Republic of the Union of Myanmar Ministry of Health 4422nd MMyyaannmmaarr HHeeaalltthh RReesseeaarrcchh CCoonnggrreessss Programme and Abstracts 6-10 January 2014 FOREWORD Since its inception in 1965, the Myanmar Health Research Congress is an annual event as a symbol of coordination, cooperation and, collaboration of various Departments under the Ministry of Health. The Congress reflects the concerted efforts and achievements of academia, researchers and service personnel in the field of basic, applied and health systems research. Multi-stakeholder involvement under favorable conditions while implementing the research projects may lead to constructive approach of evidence-based findings towards formulating strategies for health and health-related policy and programmes. Each and every year, the Congress brings both national and international researchers together for exchanging their views, thoughts and innovative ideas to serve as a driving force in their future plans to meet the specific health needs of the country. This is indeed an essential platform for mutual exchange of knowledge, expertise, experiences, opinions and lessons learned between senior and junior scientists from various disciplines through the responsible conduct of health research. Ministry of Health encourages health systems strengthening efforts alongside with built-in operational research component for maternal, new-born and child health, emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, and environmental health issues as well as for technology development. The complex nature of research problems in the country calls for multi-sectoral actions that require strong political commitment and health sector reforms at multi-level such as national, state/regional, and township levels, down to the grass-roots.
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