FREE. A thousand cons of Lemon Tango to give away —wk. oft- O6 corpurating Juice magazine Guardian/ NUS Student Newspaper of the Year February 28, 1997 The Berlin Tills In Me sl mat flat seen Traw More soul* JUICE EXTRA: NEW VIDEO GAMES SECTION GIVES THE LOWDOWN ON THE LATEST RELEASES VICTIM FIGHTS

Uni boss OFF KNIFEMAN breaks silence in Security alert Graduates take the stage Sibbledr UNIttAlITLIED Vice- ( hancellnr ledir %%uglier has hilt hack ut after attack in the •torn} of urilitistri liver his plans tin scrap a tint, ccshy faculty, writes Ihirid Smith. Ise

Jude Corrigan was on her way • V. A 11E1. home to James Baillie flats alter . lo, It• be, I posting a litter when a man grabbed st. titillellsith her Cram behind. He held a knife to ■Iwittiet: t., , .111- ..111d W414.11114: her throat and said: -11you make any COMMENT: noise or 1L 1! anylxkly. I'll slit your page 6 throat." The frightened victim iinigg1et1 tree and nttue..r.:r. Tot kicked her assailant between the legs. This V..httlet - .11 gave her time to escape to a nearby block. it • [fit •,11te the f 1111 Ihliur ‘t.t.ttl• quickly on tire sk•ne btu the nwrl had csi.uped. Jude LIAM not gi‘c stry good I.i11-71:. 'WC 5 ■,111 1.111..1 iiescr 411 hit as tie N.V. befilltd her, hot he t, tviteved ,ninunilinn 1n.I iii l.k txmixit :old Ana 5 htut •,(:•.11.-1,.1av 11111 II) sulks wail 11 Yrwl,shrrr aorciiL UNLIMITED HOPE: Members of the Unlimited Theatre Company • all recent graduates of Leeds University - run through ;Mille •te,l, chi lithvgtt hs the L.• amt Nee final rehearsals before their opening night at LMU Studio's Theatre. The company is presenting Harold Pinter's The .inE:tHW Oliteted Llte,1 %meta, 11, pile tit Iter .1116:.1! Dumb Waiter arid en original work. Wise Malls, on Thursday and Friday neat week, and Is arming for national success ..1 • i e 112 IL UM, 111.11 %tie the all: WI. - I (Itei t di it 13_,t4tie Full story- page 3 Plc: Mike Cowling ,r, 111)1 k n1 ny I h.svc a July • TURN TO PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 INSIDE: News 1-11, Comment 6-9. Feature 12-13, Outlook 15-18, Sport 19-24. Plus 28-page juice magazine

2 LEEDS s runt f retaieval. 1007 i,..1 d Silcn I Sail it rnsralarin,wo,. re 'ay „,,I HACK STUDENT A wookh, Jipftll car ihreferrtielpirs This week in Britain's award•winning student newspaper of the year

rot NEWS 1 I 'Iwo scanthit.4, two inotints at LL1: highlight a new immorality Page 11 j,II ICII IN. In I-I ,I1101:111 rv' I+ haw*, Lkrls P cimci A k Ine turf a, , SI ■,..111,111 I,luceld, links.10.tia FlAs IEEE A 9,CO.A.31 .41:1111,' LFIC Columnist te,,1:1111. .61FUL. WV. Ikic 1w41 David Adam on why beer is good for you UNION GIVES BACKING TO PROTESTS OVER CUTS Pae• 0 Knife FEATURE Berliner: picture attack special on the Wagner demos CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE ageless city of ricers iwitene Ihr, Ines he able lei pages 12.13 t m.] what kind Made ustr..1 h atl,5ls sang Jude- . _10111111y no hivh V. •ashed Outlook it Ih: .11taik Thes have al..1 mieraphea the .era “I Depression and gather support 'IA mina!: metre, 114+ C the magic to IF,I,41.71 1.11011[11,1 I hr net, formula ler THE dramatic OT PHIL KERFOOT, etertm:! 51Ultrtit, to the pl-Iltest against EDUCATION ;,,•smie tleniz-er Ir the .Ii heatInt: It CORRESPONDENT BANK BOYCOTT ;:ri:1 ;Slat V••:dance taco cuts at I pipes *9 rcru,1 [..• 1, ." 1,111 gathered ihe SPORT momentum Illi% .1,ctiny 'Vs,11.,,,1 I. I week as the WI( 1141, I CaMpaign Sias In' li :11.11111W I•01. li ere we go: Lil I.•' 14!i, 1/MC111113 'NOVI Ill' an: •11 :II.' - ' storm into the I iiroly•,t eIldttrtied 111 the Iti q”'.'.1 IL, • I, In till 7- national cup final p0.1111,11 ■ students' union. IcCC1-11 Iti'i II :Ii I, r. Mauer" •.kri emergent. L4111t1.111111III.M. Illy kn.! Ckir.1 Pal,a sta SpeLi al .1IGtrc Ili Ihr I Nil 'SC 4 tra• r14 111:11S , •`,!, 1" Meeting was held on oftler±, w llCEC Monday which *err iU.idc Ile Vidal'. iris... SeCUrit:k unarm rnousl!, passed when a rut itic in for the ,itiiiiients N dl march down St!, t:roicri.rd the tut, union Ill hack the to the .Srl Gallo). al tahc II e !be atiaLket is d %et student calurutign ill niultlat old III: iriiitIce du nil Iii slop the dOstile Support „In.:J•r this 4 ■C‘ alla'k lint the iii Health ,11• Unity ,CrVICC hdlC anti Social Care. mitrt:ti hope. II, inc ,it fiend In II wan. also [AN' iked 11.2 :114,1111,3 the ei paw,, will. guest l:111'•1.1■115 to call) the Board of sricaker• in Me tints Hall thoerrans Ri oppow Inter tin, 4111crhi ICI•1417.III, ate -idling for Or the closure student cairipingricri %tot:CI arca near the Ma, campaign leader Joinu Trace," l'aulkcs and Vicki Inn. where the attacker Pearl vowed that pose," North, Isiah bcCos,d ye,a ANGRY activists almost brought banking to a standstill on emerged to he reneesl off against die studems in 11w threatened Wednesday with protests outside the university branch of They have also vowed 'opcnirtiirlistIC L deci■itiro faculty were enthuidirok.' Lloyds. Demonstrators urged students to boycott the bank which concern about the lighting of Vila Chattel:11ot Haifa ,Not Ole iletitoitstratitm. they say participates in unethical activities in the Third World, mos Isom in the vicinity ON THE HORIZON Wagner would continue' "the word has got aittund such as the extinction of the rainforests. especially as part of their litlih_Stene Sunshine We base to hit hard and and we will keep on Pic. Nathan Thomas lel tam know we ale .b,coiturtodation fee goer Saturday: A Aar de!. with mum) pine. toward, outside lighting foing cam this intervals. Fairly mild. Max, They satil„ security Kw% .1 (I/Uteri:It!. temper:num ill' 119F1. the protests have been George Blanc rinower said Irtset this week. we have although iherc had been an Sunday: Rain will clear In the mornint C lo ut ri o been molding us) to l elf4-1/171 7 attack ill uniscroty propert y in leave a mina) anerrnin. Nlakbuttni etiAtion g we have enough there was no rail .e for temperature IUC "II we doll fesp l"Str74.1 rla li llnlrk 5r iill Wow: Sint.: Ibis mists Hipixst for ['lido). and hy.leriCal reaction'. "People Ourloak for the reit rbf Ill threat actual Wagner fersamenneittat like you sr write ror law teed, Ihr weeA: from there we might hold tens) t0 ntake a hog thing of Bluster) weather with /tome tight matt .,III take it an a sign nun awry isceugatiims of AtittaionceLs no:etisur) - Arnow can wntr this sort 01 inerdent. The but mainly dry. e a,C under his ravitiol " Altyou °oath the note to rot in a hit of tem. Wagner office ," campus is generally a safe F011uwing the meeting Vtce-Cltatieelkir caadn'fbr - Ifs what we cart tin lix you ',Lee - were not rereading egry student. held Wagner's promised to Wallas* toevinyday lilt and %taxiing its a utopia. but a ‘ensible [Yrriteilt in the etnistiltatit to irkicuittent to On your CY Ti. Altitude Is needed:. foyer of I MU before for iitan and OUtierit, 01 to A LOAD OF BALLS Any one with Ittionualion oi,, .A2:1111 InnsmLt k, the Tereus tailed to Our 11.1114 .a about lie Attack is urged in the NISkcery numbers is I mate' on Polley ;IN \1I "I contact Millgarrh CID on 1).mon 79) 4,351 Calif. will he 0 CI) 0) ' It I) (r) 1lratail In suietest And the bon,. hall 40 Wagner hits back, see page 6 in (Weave SEEDS STUDENT Friday February 25. 19,47 3 CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED ACTORS GO ON TOUR Talents in tune

A 10111)1N6 IntROCIUR ss II rlas the La.,1” nose 1,, lilc 11,,,f ay, t• ∎01. Ior ,tard..07 .111 the retamped Nriere Thar Neese trameshow. writer. .V8111,11111J !Neil: And illness won't stop him a lie gets .1 4:0,1 he can still play /i I'r nnntri by Tom Jones Auditions were held laid week 41 the Joseph.. Well pith In 1.eed■an the shoo hosed MI the old Britoil vcrsn.n The new NCI-MIMI will be pt.:setae.' by fools Holland If cm:an:Ina Nathanie l

111, . ICs. isle ..0111Ch.Pli, 00111 .111ili.,1 , • ,0 ••.;aa

Some riffle.' pc •

Stage hopefuls ready to savour THE STORY SO FAR

1995 next ear, hut more auditions the taste of theatrical success Babel, SEPTEMBER an original work by Clare .ere Its he held in this Duffy at The Workshop These Moe an.ludes1 week. Only 90 anal of inane A .1111t1VING theatre I BY ABBIE JONES_ j Our Street . a year-long community as ?Whit. a play • than 5.1.111 people will get le beginning of meat month. project with teenagers in the Scott group have returned chrysalises gmprni 'Anil their stuff. Judges The group have been Hall area of Leeds communication as an mother, ui looked for candidates with a to their roots, staging a prrIonning up and down the OCTOBER International theatre festival in exile: o hard man and ,. sense of humour, the ability play at the venue country in the past year and arc Spain bureaucrat. to get along with others, and now 10 moOnl their first proper where they first cut Jon explained the gio,, above all. they had to "enjoy tour. But although they SetaTI ter 1996 their theatrical teeth. distinctive shat on =lime music and a hit of a laugh." have found fume. they say that M ARC H Waiting For Godol by Samuel eimeentrate on emitting a pi., Musical talents were an Unlimited. a five-strong unfortunately fortune has Out yet Beckett at The Workshop image through perfornian, added bonus. as exemplified group of aspiring actor.. come their way Hi•nations! Czech•German festival of Rahn than through plot air set fly another student who —the company has, a hit of university theatre in Cologne graduated from Leeds We seek not to convince di. played a slumping basket cash now problem and none al Tunnel Vision - a three month University last year anti audience of n point of view hig with drum...tido- "1 would us hal. go much mune says community project in Hyde Park walked straight into their rather to inspire them s to I have played .$ shopping Paul Warwick. Unlimited's MAY International festival In Amsterdam urdley ti" could have got one chosen career, forming the director, "We're all still JUNE Vanya - Taken From Chekhov at The in here." he quipped youngest professional minoring from snail:ail debt and Funds Workshop theatre company in get food parcels in the post item AUGUST Chercher la Femme by Clare Duffy at Talent isur moats". The Workshop The group art now looking For those without Britain. week drama project for Then lack of lunds has not ways Iv increase their funds in Uproar a 13 rhythmic talent. a musical And now Clare Duffy. impaired their acting abilities IN teenagers In the Hyde Park area order that they can contino• claim to fame may gave Paul Warwick. Jun Spooner. enterprise however. Their their acting camers. They Chris Thorpe and Lit contr.:taw. an added performances have mat with receive a —iv POO grant advantage One student Margret arc hack performing widespread critical acclaim. and but say that this dies hopeful hoasted of sitting fin in the city where they first they are now perfuming their not go very far and are a toilet seat jug ten minutes own written material. They Moe started out applying for 4 Garry before George Michael used also ntanuged to clock up shows They have already pin on a fast track grant of the !tame convenience abroad in Spain, Germany and :special show m the Workshop f.5.0110 Results will be went out Holland. and have done several theatre at Leeds limo-soy and "led be great if we next week to all those who ni the performances !Or children to are to di. the saw:: I MI' gut the grant." said uudiNnncd, The 2h shows are whoa's in Leeds Jolt "We'd be able to filmed in Yorkshire TV buy ourselves a Studios in Leeds Popular second-hand Transit A spokesman for the tan to transport us and We really enjoyed that in piunkrodcucation company as our stuff around particular because the kids me encouraging those who didn't inne 140 our next so receptive:- said Ion Splinter kaoher." —We Al tic in Leeds. we lose fancy t'nlinlitetTs the city and Wr C11). sy putting ',dents show , something hack into the will he held .1. Tickets am e The Studio Theatre community " afternoon taping% on March Leed.. Nletnipolitai! llnlimitetTs style has been 111-16 awl t9.21, in calling l'tnsersity desenhetl as 'innovative" and ''a Sue at YTV on 22211 19. Thursday and Friday. hit different" hy students who The show is net In sir this have seen their piraluctions with tickets c ailing Spring. on Stliwnruy evenings (3 or LS LOOKING UP: Unlimited theatre on Channel 5.

4 LEEDS STUDENT Fnuay Fent-Lary 211, 1997 STANDARDS IN EDUCATION ARE Funding is Low turnout rains on new sabbaticals as degree 1141;., sAtlesi mini. WI, I/1 year% hccn Ole BY NAVEED RAJA CASH starved departments and libraries have emerged as the biggest concern Ckctios lit die ..ablsincal officers dd f "'xis ver•av Untoot in the debate about standards in higher education. Worries about the quality of ,•• 01 live 15, ntllt students eligible do vote addressed blamed hy some lot flu degrees awarded have also been by academics. .11 averageottly AtitAit gat rev Isle word Cie Many sluilotb• reported I, • , for each pug in hard. More students are netting the candidate election inktm.ttt.ln ui then depeire.,. C'orrent tinarse and .n.finintstrattfra hteher mark* than eve' nincrt later than the '101101 .bile 01 H lltuc• anion hi.nued tits is.•r helore, rirtetimpitng debates XI ft, ;1,, Or • L •11 St:111. • NOIllinatitats, for I 'taint 4 'mina dust over value of It 11., I.1i1 111 and ;11.,.1.04:1 • '14 ecial STUDENT nit Illorsths■larch A whin a candidate% *pi:dd:eat i oils anti 11••. (..111ili ills ' at), III tilt: 1:1•4.11. 111 ‘‘ NW. I, meeting will tw held, the deadline for !tic !mu. ,iptatneil death:nue ability needed reed k•terilent manifestos ls Nlarvh 4. uettieve them. wit& toting tams toner nu Ntarch 11 And with untitei,c — !!!, ELECTED EXEC: The winners celebrate Ple: Shaun de Wet Steyr? an Itterkt.IN tog 01 the y co 1 1 1 have spent ovet I a geography. Ireithel 1250 on field trips alone and that's • ■ cutbacks and struggling kit king hit most respondents • r-1 /4 ^ Funding. stuttenut themselse* not including technical saying that he believed leashing i ) • fear teaching standards mid eqiiipment statislan1). Odor high as was hi. Katick McAndrew. a Quantity resources are dropping which quality of Iresher At I AO). agreed: Ifuwever there vale could advent-Is :Meet their -11tcy expect you 10 hey with Richard 'Intact, all I kiL-J l=17 `l deerces T KlIteelet.siont rehatted the fotlov.ine :es ,allhatIcals not ftext ear, c.luil*Itttnt that }ou only need inice leisure Mil/die/1 fit shoo. I. 1 tom Leeif• Cnin;rattilituons to them on or iwice." "Staff are willing to hr.! t 'us er teteel claims Mx factures anti twitrials• Exemthiggosit.tonts; gro: 121111INI”, CillOCT Alta Funding of 'lupe •1 Communications Ruth Minn 684 veltaft NIT the' IITIOOVCII•Ills down in scent 41 ' The league taints minted lost the% ti!•. Education Rebecca McC air 02 votes bcthrr 1411 me limit!, and Clt/' ai glee l anes show that Leta 544 dotes ',Old< ,:iinitnitinent Entertainments Robert Jazwinski I, ne.cisity was funding each Leta.. Finance & Administration Alex Sobel 365 votes Debates student 1:129 less than the national and LMU at tiverapr. 1.!Mlf tared signateantiy , Societies Rebecca MountfOrd 705 votes criteria used ally! Of Paul ihxon of the Polottcs better with ends student rv:e.wtog were maniputatea hate led 1.• Sports Neil Royer 674 votes 1t!parttnem -it" "Lecturers think funding f424 above the average critichn, ;10 cicr4 1,6 Welfare KaMenne Roumbas 646 votes rr allow r! • teuchine methods, figure ' .'t.e isms, and handouts Full the category of staff to Women's Helen Russell 592 votes 1 , 1esitons awl debates we ,the student ratio Ler_ds thieve-tiny LSfi thii Non-ExeWive sabbatical_a; managed 52 out of 100 whilst ,•tturagett Action Co-ordinator Racha al Hams 474 votes I11 continued. "It %valid he WO LW! scored a paltry 19 Ruth scored badly in the REPORTING TEAM: Nightline Co-ordinator Jaqueline Benton 677 votes ,• place II :loan unt%ersities cdinction Isem Ceti the dfiticalty LAtcpory of library spending JAMES BANDY, SAJ Rag Co-ordinator Emma Clegg 623 votes CHOWDHURY & RUTH ! the degree I no k and the ones scoring 32 and IS respectetely. Leeds Student Editor Ben East 651 votes • ..and today. Sonic module• we Teachung "landau's write LEADBEATER "...ler then wheis. but That's generally praised with Robin !.*.ays been the :se tun Drown Icy, senior l ass -• Wel ;IV "it'• ver■Alt ficult make e nohiee live s om pason ri - WHAT DO YOU nhalletnahcs pullessot lit Drake *Jul. -The !flings Ovine asked ill students have DO WITH YOUR ,•rtainly changed but lay no weans • alt.• !!!1! !I, ih!• SPARE TIME?

i IS( :; (.) 71

.; .1lei fill I •I 1.11 I, 1 11 1- • COVA PIT T TEACHING: Sommer groups meet In rooms that are sub-standard as a working environment Pic: Caroline Penry-Davey 1 1, t,! II 11 , • ' 1 I 1 "1: 117',11 LEEDS STURENT Ffiday Femme*. 28. I997 UNDER THREAT BECAUSE OF FUNDLNG CUTBACKS NEINSFILE biggest worry New beef standards slip warnings

Alley wasting gout) drinking time studying for that degree. you'll be overjo,.;.6 to find ow that you needn't have lumbered well not as much as your parents generation did 30 years ago. Visiting the library, we compared two 1 ,1-0.1 11 ■•10 1. ,111 0:111111: :111,1.11111 exam papers which lead onto the equivalent !rued ts. .urit u. titilk and qualification. from both 1%6 and from 1996. "Chte sitpatts claim. 111Cit gelatin n made Ivaro the hone, .4 cattle- trout liellutun hie Herr dre 1k4 to rota.... ere.urr ihs Iturren. Int o Huller 1969 uniutry itit.. HSI: and CM). 13y expiiiitlinf the identity diNcroonted with the Wel. IN tuedta 11--A2 1" = (1-A r 1+.0". 1111171T-NI 131 the .ituition: -Niles have hnnheal with InSE and :are moving or otherwise. show that into other :subject. Reef Is yotettle., 't because they 'het?w the r•k haa g vie ii relay he = )2-2 60 +2M. lam. but It hasn't pole where krirepresents the coefficient of .t' in the expansion of (1+.t I". It's a good job 1995 they can help it kit At In the triangle XYZ, XY=12cin. YZ=1(cm. angle XYZ is a right angle. Find XZ. .ifiriJitr ,1 hi p; pr•-.14-,1),c 1•11.1 L, So can you tell the difference between the two? Our panel of experts puzzled over the two questions. None of them were mathematicians and the results were astounding - everyone tried to do IN; 19% question and no one could even attempt the 1966 offering. "That 96 one was easy,— said English student Matt Thornton, "it looked like GCSE level.- SHORTAGE: Trying to rind books you need for your course can be impossible Pie Caroline Penry•Ilavey

Reck-tified I 'mon le.trico,. hate unto eel %wanly Jo allay teats utter the Leeds Student Medical Practice announced it Lou Id no longer help tudentA who live in the afCa.. Leeds IOW 15. Do you think there are enough Surat Reck, 1.0.1 Welfare Do you think your course is Overall are you happy with the said. "Students can conw staff and do they teach you well up to Exec for advice on how to enough? under resourced? standard of education you receive? tiro a local doctor."


11 ,

IVO l 111 11. 1,, 1..11.3 • r•

611 st11..1,

editor D n't blame me

Divot, idling

Julrrle 1:rtilm J.

St i • Ill l's 1 DI I I iks kris or axing faculty I ,av eft .ir Outraged Health and Social Care students II., • ■stormed his office IJib. this week furious N1111111 Nid..crPilcultv over the failure of officials to Comma Sue flortinni communicate LMU's gate HhlXhluu plans to shut down Ftrihton their faculty. The Clair E.ittcant). Blip. Vice-Chancellor Infie. retracts his 'no Leith' I eh. comment' and takes the page to put the ..„ record straight. -,11. I'' •• I Ehits Student last week had a front- Lpage headline threatening war with my sell' as the enemy. It was an et, e-catching headline but it did not do much for the cause of truth. you olul41 have said "et tvennuein LAIN tintvinsIly Pictures Willem Swim% funding by 5 per cent each Morgues year'. Less punchy. perhaps. Sarah nits Is but more informative. 1 1 is PoUtto the iinplical ions of this 1.4111 les1111 in CtlilINCs..3,411111Ullip us Tina Burreft government policy which I. planned; value anti quality of Ricoh the ►ev along with vice-chancellor, degrees Icing unaffected: no sluff ft BY LESLIE WAGNER pith hisses: nithiagetntlif OVetiteads Production across the count!). am being reduced. 1.1e1-1 catchy sieve c.umet, currently tackling. Keaveney headline', but the truth. VICE-CHANCELLOR, LMU Olivet Quinn The difficulty with racey The outcome itt this proposal headlines and poptilarist news would he that ull teaching staff and Science stories is that they distort rather most administrative stiff next rear 174ivid Adam than explain the issues. would he in the same offices. with Alex Kit hot Slogans such as 'no CLIC are 1hr saire colleagues operating in Hutt MvIC..=-Not ncalungle. Leeds Memmolitun the Name whiarl unit:fang the Has Leeds Student I 'Itiverkity has to ivdtace its sans slUdenis 1411 the %AMC CAHltsCs intuiting by i?..3 million each year as if they Sere in the Faculty of been too hard on Health and Social ('roc ∎ .tet the nett Ihter yaafS Like all our students. I wish we did not Our Leslie? 1.1.41 1...36311 have to, but we do ll we we to hat the proite.sal will 1131L. ,our sirs with rho Lena% %trident poll 1 ,1., ,nn•ive The intelligent responw is achieve O. a reduction of I,. 4.4. how hest can we d■1 it with Wmanagentent overheads Mai Darn ricer 01111111Pr seur-Ane• tai. A/11411110•1111111111111111‘111 Own thithothith claitiags'11101111.,1111-s44S mid ....47 1.::11! L231.10110 a tear YES... and teaching 121,41.,1 X 10 winch would have to he Whro ,,,nti.,11' man:! e1., .11 the I oittkl othecsvi4e l'o t1.1111111: ICS.111M1 He's doing the best he can IL rill versily mei III tleilik t1,00. 111 po..1s •Hil mullet Fog,: Willi:1i has,: u in difficult circumstances Jell W111111.o.,11u;p1oni. 1.ok.,41,edi direct attect its lea fling and Ifies,LiyCS cITIVIC..:411,4h11.11 related to Icantior 010cm...old sun We o. amea ill Vie- neat Ilir., yv31, iris going ‘illeetiord I hr illaal its ill curses to aerial/id iill ■te 4111144111 dei.:11sults and ill' et eiv iliittF piKsibIe lit 31111t1 I kill 110: Ittill,10 find ktialige tAlrriptIlSo13. 10111111,111gh.A, II 1.151 misclifilly toll gi4c11 the stask 11.4. 31 14114( I. haorcriiii• al other reality It Ille iiiiitlihr sttitatioii, NO... 1/11.‘RTNII NI' M. ye. or114”!1.474-.. !, 041 1.1,1/1 1,111,V. 11131 change 1,.. inc, ■thle 5.1,. s•,Ilentitie, .. nue aic al with talking .ilvpill LMU Is the latest in a tediiiid.alvi.:, 'St, tat sit h.,,,,- series of 'unmitigated ..iv..aled ihal I !urn,: u. , • .in disasters' ....ohm., i., .1, ■,.. Editorial hotline: Vile 1.,,,rm ,,a1 1.-..1111hille •11... (0113) 243 4727 .11!oilin.4431;•3, • 4 Ili,: I .4-oli.. ■II Advertising hotline: HcAlfh and 'ii,. ,al (i.e with ski; . it call Helen White-oak en Alt, 1:ioliiir.: 11.1 Ii whivNcoil' . plrl ,1,11' 11.111.G._ • /0113) 231 4251 or .,,.4 • ,,,,, , .■,• , 3 ...I'll .41, ,1313. II III %mien!, io.1 114 FLASHBACK Last week's offending front page Alf an, ehafki-ri at 5,01, 'kr mono, 0850 468 543

LEEDS STUDENT ruciay Fabouthii 28. 1297 7 EM'S PEOPLE H LAHL'l :tut LLI EA T

- c rw r5 A PI istst,„ - _ E STUDENT STUDENT t'• R D SA Ira PP OTOri.- A s Ti E S '''A S'i ST M 47.

PUNCTuALI FUNIGTICN IMPENETRABLE 8024 Ivt C ft E k_ant ARMni.a.g T'S i's141.41ZE Sf,i,:tr' vAi.- I id W EE KctiCS Now the Arfr4 _ - o fd 5iLVEA Poot4 - reldeNtKICAS K/1 04K A o SELF- FUNIP/Nel ESL[ciy FLA:CI-10K: 1791Pi-Pr T real issue to ft. E ME_ 5 REL ATIGKICHIP RE' l4PrACE-) KNEE. CAPS - IN the ever expanding circus PR 08 LEM S TO --- Tt7 Art-LOW root A :_1.- t THE Ti-t t“ TCA, et tZ NCI of higher education there is 1-01tite'.g NJ-TIOtac L41'.1IVELk S, -Tv never enough money to go STIJOENIT C kkt Olt v•1t1* OF rove round. Gi T N. special Leeds Stude►El- r itir oiligatinn this week found 0.001 A PC:__O ./1 Ire E c t, modems complaining of a lack of T TE resources. 7-1 cS E (111111C .'pp./.11C p.ige ICG 7.:7 6- kEs/d 1..u.T1'..2tsJ 4129 1.14:01,-111-ir. .1! 1 -Mt hi, 1.0 ,11.011,1ed It, ...1114, ilk. 1 1111.1 -TEN ,S 111/.1.11115,1,111 the si111011.3 01111.1f 1%1111.11:11 case Mt report- Mai 1 111 1///411_ re.:111.11/eirt,/fil

Genetically engineered sheep only the beginning ,,,I+. /// /// 1.frods/ . ,/ ./1 fill 1.,, ■.1 y If Is ,111c11 to •Iy111 III OW 1..11 broseen tival [room..., Sr 1111/me And Iht LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 41 itothqu.11 Squeeze A bone to pick with heads of state or just disgruntled at the 11'it11b'rI hit 1 amount of mozarella on the refec pizza? As if L:01111111.!;,,ill If I1;.1 .14) , 101. ▪ fil.1 1,..114.-J 11.b.- - wasn't incentive enough, there's a lottery-rivalling for ,[11117i ,:" .111 111 1..7E:1 .:1 ,• • the best letter this week and every week. -01,11 • ■c• r ■- 01, ol-I ✓. tilli,f11-W 11F. v Write 1, , Editor at Leed‘ Student. LE i PO Box 157, Leeds LS 1 1111 id% I t l I f I'-1h 7953 or ■die LMUSU office. 111.i1.12C drop h 110,11/., a1a irLocili 1ouf:111 for In the •erofrihiv Iii the 1011 US rff uch //1,111101.1l 11///i, Outraged onlooker 1ighifyhr.hsnti in-J Subtle go, in I he hui1d,up It,.i general election whim I fear Edilan Mee foli. a couple of people in .ftimially icker ' are the major mni tic al florae- saying About refused to leave and the driver The oho,' oekeioric thing %hafting your cam:01111W Stubble 1 WITNFSSED an told them he war mu altiKhrd war the way. they appored40 A141831101 all ihrre hove pittligell that unbelievable dirplay of hr tins r exce,-s pas:angers view the his duvet a6 ethiCatiftT11 I. 0111:4 ill hill rhe prima...14% Mere is Deur Faillor. •Irdy 1 %kir. 4 walrus'. Il Their re...pow:e wash'. yell and soitiellting to he 1)elittled joy remookahly lade to her um the subject from Another thing Iii snobbirtmess and arrognitee on Friday night. mat- CO/111.141(1.0 lllll frICTIN their rimy...7MM Non- politician, in the Media. 11AIR 11 if erre. I orIke:.rov honker,. ic the ThrPsyehr Jungle elute 41081 Iii. clothes net being shident

EXHIBITION: ALL WEEK IN THE FOYER OF THE STUDENT UNION BUILDING Information on health, politici, safety, campaigns etc.


WEDNESDAY 5th 1700 • 1800 SALSA AND BELLY DANCING COMMITTEE ROOM D. LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION. Free. (women only) 1930 THIRD WORLD FIRST: Issues affecting women In the third world ROOM G.06. EMMANUEL INSTITUTE, UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS Free; open to women and men, refreshments provided.

THURSDAY 6th 1100 - 1600 FREE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN COMMITTEE ROOM C, LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION Sign up in the Exec office. 2000 2100 HENWEN • a stunning live-part women's harmony group followed by... 2100 • 0100 'SASSY' • with 0.1 Spinstar - the coolest DJ with the hottest tunes. DOUBLES BAR. LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION (women only) E3adviE3.50 door

FRIDAY 7th 1100 - 1600 FREE MASSAGE FOR WOMEN, see Thursday. 1300 • 1400 DEBATE: Is abortion a general election issue? COMMITTEE ROOM 0, LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION Free; open to women and men 1700 - 1900 Free tea and cakes with The Friday Girls at THE WOMENS CENTRE, FLAT 14, 23 CROMER TERRACE.. All women welcome.

SATURDAY 8th INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY! 1100 • 1600 BANNER MAKING WORKSHOP 2: RILEY SMITH HALL, LEEDS UNIVERSITY UNION Free; women only (max 15). 3rd - 9th march Further details and tickets available from Jacinta Costello in exec, or on 0113 231 4225


'A sprint through lesbian existence' featuring Devised & Performed by Di Cuming & Klan- Hateley DJ Spinstar & henwen MONDAY 3 MARCH 1997 Raven Theatre thursday 6th -eeds Jniversity Students Union Liflon Place .30pm-lam 8PM £3.00adv/e3.50o TICKETS f.41£3 concessions doubles bar Available from 0113 231 4225 or on the might leads university LEEDS STUDENT Eistlay Febuatiiy MIN/ 9

Shouting lager, lager, lager, lager, shouting_ Write to David Ham Leeds Student, LUtl, PO Box 157, Leeds LS1 1 WI Bottom falling out of our beer-belly myths

lis is one of the best moments of insp.,. nuts and timer kelsahs. Boer meant no Irak no my life. At last I can truly agree sugar and can provide all of a perton's recommended This new theory can daily intake cif water. II doesn't nit teeth like Coke that sex, drugs and 89th minute T bounce kids off the. walls like orange squash or make help you look like Kate *inners against Port Vale really are you look a winker like dun flavoured water with a Moss - but only as part overrated and that such temporary twist ul hull illicit pleasures rail to come close to the The God-like Professor Williams has also called of a calorie controlled the an end to the myths surrismding beer which. lie natural and exhilarating high which pants out. ha, been male and consmtied for over five diet. can be caused by a simple everyday thousand yews. Presumahh, the: myths benders to are event. Mc+ Ines ah0111 it leading 111 health problems and riot In yew', to come I will it:member this die ones bettered by ilighy players duo its intake limes Monday miming with them trot' loveable clowns whose rany antics have the Old liar in stitches, or Scousers who reverence and it will bring a believe all this media hollock_s about ,smile to the coiner Of my Prof Davi lav &raid being the witty city and think mouth during even my Williams has they ate Cur Wilde after a couple of jars darkest. blackest moods. I Ever swot the moon Egyptians first merely said that beer earcrimenied with home hewing and was browsing through cuter up with those .illy p.m pyramid- the paper when if happened, is good f or you thared ci-firrth, peopk hose trial to Marne there tucked away at ihe beer for something. The Vielonuns bottom of the page was the because it tlw sigtit it larva is-table. the Yanks evattried hunntng it and iI is still used iLs a flimsy news that changed my life contains vital escuse for impotence by hug-mouthed forever. loth:trim without elough lead in their -Beer is good for you. it proteins. Ha, pencil Nut mote will such slanderous contains vital pmteMs and alkgatioro hr acceptable. s itamms. can even help to ha ha. "Beer is hencticial fur human health and promote weight loss and. in fad. the Infrequent Flush, resulting hum A am be viewed as a compkte flood". Ha. ha. ha. liuk over-indulgence is On =won to brand it as contrary motif wellbeing.- Professor Witham, told ha. ha. ha, ha. ha. Ira. ha. ha, ha_ ha. ha. ha. hat adoring en rods arf well.sabehers from his Presidential ha. ha ha_ lat. ha. ha, ha. ha. ha. ha. ha_ ha. ha. balcony yesterday When xumbined with mclii ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. ha. ha, ha_ ha, ha. ha. ha. ha. her similar reset:Mons allow red Wine deictiling ha, ha, hit. Sony. still haven't quite got used to it. etifilestelnk idextitilie lighting depression and that Honestly it's true. a scientist in Wales has said so going jogging knackers your knees. life doesn't sorrn and I for one am willing lo take his expert so bad after all opinion over the lies and half-truths vivid by 1 Intortunately. the news that hcer is gist' fie- sou runiour-mongers, meddling doctors and ill- will hnng its own pitfalls. It will LWOW tit priceand informed parents. Sainsbury will Markel a. DWI) tAr...1the velum. but 'This newly °ahem' pain on sailor stialents is don't be dissuaded As soon its the load kivers realise their I wi elitre plastic bottles of hest Hitler an' 100 Pmfessm David William tithe University of Wales. that per cent umbasdegraiatilc lend produaid through the He says rhea the menu, orbiter have bom overlialksist Yea:kik it wilt pone asp. became of its untold as•SOCi talon with tat Waters and esplaitluicxo Ut dCrent.CICS, It ma for their sensitive coo-tnendly dispositaats and that a drinker's •icer-belty., often mistaken as the result of them coifing twelve pints of Pedigree a night, they'll he hack on ale caner mice before you Wu say is emit I y caused by them stuffing their faces with whose nun!" Cloning around Pic Daniel Homes. LLt ILI _Y She sheep has been all Isehastng ui eua'ulf the politicians and dismayed Rai pn making headlines this week as same way with no signs of tree Lauren whose new rang.c of the successful result of a thought or individuality have shirts won't he ready in time. cloning experiment outraged the chureb. angered now seven months old, was cloned loan a single cell and is Identical in every way hi het Smooth Operator genetic mother. ably down a telephone Sllnllur expeemients with i u 1.• so the Neck to info , 11.11 Link pi e lei- humans are now within teach Bni ish Tole:tan who are AFC the. worth "i don't want 'Iiilkworks' is available although many are questioning advertising their book 10 talk about IL" whilst his tree at the moment, will cosi the ethics of such a teaching pis,plc how to have rl Friend looks wistfully a liver soon. but is ptithal development 'The haute twin: rewarding into the distarav dreaming of available halt-puce on possibility of an Orwellam race conversations a bloke who really knows Men:ury if you check the Of mindless. identical people Underneath a picture of it how to express his feelings, small print 9 I0 1 EEDS STUDENT Flay Fetxuary 28. 199:

2 .Eil u2/D7 Will you be making it Friths) Bclwevn upni .tifil I I 4 Sprii, it Anutteitt Ilan was harken'ken into IVI DESIGN FOR LIFE North Hill road Thiei es igai lied curry by cliniliing a ;drainpipe In a 9.icorid flair hut iwhere they fenced a windov, or faking it? Ethat wa_.: slirlilly Oar A Hi -1'1 d Cl). were stolen. HASSLE free degrees BY ANDY MILK 1 Between 9 lllprn and I .45ani. are on offer on the Studies, Business Studies and 1hurclar. , Oat.% a dustbin Education from Leeds through the window or a 110111.4e. interne) to anyone who CritVerialy as well as Masters Park party in; Brudenell road and once has the money. degrees from Sheffield and a WORLD famous pop group inside, pm's:rested h force Mid friiin Iti( ford Teaching standard', and U2 are set to play it huge open Bat doors They smle. ti exam marks don't mailer - open air concert at playstatiork games Qualifications Roundhay Park din and a CT), all you need is a credit Prices range from C30 fin a summer, wrirea Sarah card. By visiting a wcbsite GCSE pass fur one subject to Schofield SaltitratiY based in the UK and £70 for an Arts degree front a The show. which II Pal Between f1.11lplti and 9 141pni• pa.ssing on your credit UK university, The Liverpool- of the nipmgnsup's thieves broke into a ground Card details. you too can based company offer certificates worldwide tour. will take floor flat un North Hill ion& to anyone without asking fur any place on August 211 and is choose from a range of by forting 64 window and real academic quahlicarnms. one of man) big outdoor bending hack protective bar.. "replacement" educational Second year Sociology attrecnons In Leeds thts A large number ot CDs were certificates including ,tittleni John Moron was year. stolen. GCSEs. FINDs and interested to hear about the A limpkte Iasi year's Degrees. curnnany_ "Well it would save faw fluor 'Puny in the Park. Munday me a till of work and a kit of which returns to Temple Certificate money If I'd have known Newsam in Jul), is the V97 wean Ilam arid 11 3fkun, before, I would have paid the event. also In he held at . ' s es raided sever-al flats In The Educational £Th rather than the i4000 I'm Temple New-stun. The 2 day St Mark 's crannies They Certificate Replacement paying now " festival in Angulo will itlei ined access to the propert) The site hal been shut down feature Blum, giants Met Service advertises Ns wares by an insectire main titan and as suitable for people who at its current location due to For the more cultured pits:ceded to kick their way there will be the area air have lost their original legal pressure from academic into flats A portable CD instittalCals but the owner of the 'Opera in the Park' and player. CDs. hank cards and a W certificates or those who eiimpany still operates the 'Ballet in the Park' in July consent were stolen. have never had the chance to BUILDING ON PAST SUCCESS: Teams of arehitechts from 40, ice by post and intends to set and a classical ouncat with gel a university education. both LMU and Leeds University gave presentations of their up a new webstle in the near (fireworks.., al Kalman Abbey Compiled by The example certificate listed plans to redevelop the waterfront to a panel of lodges. The future in September. inchinit• Lici:rer!, ni Son I Anna Carter results will be announced next week Pic: Nathan Thomas

Flotice of Elections C4AIR THE TUDIO 64a Otley Road, Headingley nominations for Union Council posi- Tel: 274 0513 tions, representative officer posi- (Just below O'Hagans) tions. 061T1 Speaker and Services Officer close at Spm on Thursday Recently appointed Tigi Salon 6th iTlarch. The deadline for Leeds Student submissions is now Spm on 'Tuesday 4th march. Full details of all the changes are displayed in the Union Building Foyer with a full list of all the positions available. Pick up a peck from the Porters in the Union Foyer. it you need any more into than TIGI contact the IMEIC office on 231', 226. book Student discount Mon/Fri Fast Tan Sunbeds Course of Ten Treatments £18 •

LEEDS STUDENT Fndav February 28. 10st 11 tlf Porn row breaks out after two new union scandals 0911.1 Dodgy directives OVER 400 people were lelt waiting for an boor for a talk LOADED QUESTION on travelling to centime Once, by exphsrer Robin Hanhury Tentson He was lute after he got Ias i on his way to the talk in Lei miler Cold comfort OF DECENCY ROW 108-HI iNTIN(; Aide I, CENSORS who banned The Nun ha%c het n Wiggins. 2,4. was cierperutel.. ,.)eye to I:lint:btu% it role a'i at! branded hypocrites after giving free tidy trtisint2 skating ,upervi,or III to controversial men's magazine Loaded. Cardin' until his psospectis, bosses Southl out that ht. file popular men.s BY SHIRAZ LALANI ,kart monthly title, which features pornographic Can't ctirr‘ lotA• picirireA and celebrates 1181 "'midi:sinless-. will he , his ads ettised on the Lt 0111 r 112 t'o Fre-Aar-4 wetssite for !hate Months tree 1,1 • Gars It. Coliority.. IT., ItSpo• 4i ,;11■1 -.I .„ • .Intl tip Anil ttglit lit; wileak_v 2r7E Pi' LquIca tins tires ir-7o era. os zit anus axe SS ftay caszhiollett nit Until they kilos, it u.11111 II. ...! we g ht-aotr Itt4.1tiftr;t in • ▪ ive them J tree trial handed 1411 it 1 ,lirt• (.1-t 1/2\14.- period for three months in the Oil ler There w as Ilene hope they will ColflIC hiCk ;$[1(1 pposition n, the tilatnifitte an !tic NISI: Oh proper adverrising '• lwac, Nil. Pea,p•tml "%t- Golden globe.s? Free ohJecl.:4 simr3fy iris the Nt. vowtal never to give the itiiip,d.ettit PAMELA ANDERSON has lie defended the decision, saying -It isn't totally free We tint again. finnify achieved recognition -11 ern LaVoUt rut Ilallrung for her flue acting _lunge them a Bat tote kV putting Sun. and the ad on the page Put no sale Leridrd Is much vnwitc. It performances Her 'twin casts pornography as a joke " how much that works out at. It's assess have beefl nominated FredIxecA Is nut on the mum probably about the same as as -worst double act- in get out the greries LUU webute which is chased as Hollywood's Golden in loaded'ocs first month's advertising. but I don't an academic site and so not Raspberry awards for their supermodol sweep really know at the moment." allowed to advertise tide m the 111111 'Butil The move has come mulct tire Instead II can Ite (fond at ns from pri,Strre eampaigners its it iecdhack,rrg,ui. well Its wmucri'S. Komp. Emotionally drained Finalist Ben Burke Davies ECSTATIC learner driver POSING BOUGH: How Loaded might look if the magazine gave tree advertising to Gary Bouch raged -This Is blatant hy pocrtsy. Becky Williams from and his pals at LW Graphics Oily Quinn 'They bun Sun because of page Bournemouth threw her car keys into the air after learning that she had passed her driving test • only to ace them drop straight down a dram. Stressed and High fibre food Porn storm depressed? A /ANN RUSNI:lift student Wiitt a h'21 with fncutts that hr.:fluid eel his insk suit 19 rear old Pete, ftlienk .41 Ir,01 Nioscor.. A BREAKTHROUGH in the look eight days and SIN bOtIle• treatment in dcpsessilm is being ul ketchup to complete the .01.41111 HI a Inniof new slimly. over vid ad nir3 Jn lirpkinvot task HARD-core pornography L -lid putting up the poster .1nd last year a !daily is openly on sale at LULL - Yea' 11:411 15' In contruvento to of con ciuded that being a student is Honesty pays all our policies " Bruce Hartley_ and a poster advertising the most strwiful oixtipulion FORTUNE was smiling on Futtunee and Administration there is the illegal videos has hottest taht•driver Peter Officer refused to comment on Researchers at Leeds Biliols from Basingstoke. been officially endorsed the situation, University are eondtletthg an by the union. wrnes or 430 Men and Hard:, when he returned 050 Filth rnYestigiui. telt in hi, rah by a passenger - Chrislopher Blake. women who will be theldial mai his litter ,.rtiliettle Won flit The poster. offering Shortly after the poster had three groups some receising 'rime anii 'wit the following "highly erotic American been displayed a grafliti artist psychological treatment. mane w . niedieution alone. and others a eek style porn', was authorised had defaced the poster. *Ming -this filth should not be combination of both. with a union stamp dated Roasted roast sanctioned by LIAJ" Patients suffering Inert Febniary 19. This approval Jill Dryburgh, a First veal ikTrx-ssitin are to he refened by TWO firemen were involved means the 'rosier has- to chemist echoes! this "I don't their (11k tram u least twenty in u dare -devil hid - to save comply with the Limon think it should have gone up, I medical practises annual Leeds, their mural's roust. Steve and constitution which expressly don't know how Exec can ‘a!, including the university's own Dave Baker managed to put prohibits "all racist. sexist 010 knits.. nothing about they student medical practice. out a kitchen bln/e alter mum and homophobic material " run this place lifter all. Its Exec Di Anne Rees of the Beryl burnt the Sunday lunch - his should be held Psystiolisgical Therapies hut they were all snides after Discretion tesponsible Research Centre stated'Tire learning that she had void the Finalist Mutt 'Acim overall aim or the study is to six linm. who: pd,hicr, - go up k Ilrc disaereed "It's a free world. Math treat Mete Is Riled, clrit ii 1.11Linline responsihility of Exec. you should he able to buy Hi/wryer, sit wish to .ltd} especially it the poles hit, hatever you want .It's only a hit depressant not only tri Its autit: Compiled by w Research has revealed that nothing is more Coll Lime: slat content fastnta " phase, but also to see how pelvic DEPRESSED: sit student Pie: Nicola Ouayle Mali Genever Costello. Woniett'• officei at deal with iC stressful than being a 11 EMS STUDENT Frriay Fehmary 1497

Ber in: time You don't mess with Berlin. It's the hardest city Fascists have rampaged through it. They've bon in half with a concrete wall. Yet, clutching the r(

HE. bandages are sacrificed at the alter ill bland underground ■411 slowly being 'turn architecture. But the homage to mink peuiple that tell you that the white walls titril T unwrapped. You o can't just paper over a scar party u.ts by '92 antl. that Beam 11.ts 1.!uine chain-stone cummert at nail that deep. So a line or nO A 1.1111 were us fullg. Berlin !slicks twit tin% take vuu by the hi ering, cranes stand erect !init ots. up to Ihe a honsical •iiu a siciOs !east against the sky-line. creating is{ the back-pack hound,. ite.s. Find your ot a 'new' wall. sy mholie of v..1101 a We of 1%0 ClIleN but wandri aroued it .1 dn crse mis indruidualli) and culture iu Iticredig the corporate invasion east encourage: cord tallitu. Huth fig the pit Plctarila. and the I ;o, ernment 1.1dditt", ate, II determination to make Berlin maim!, art and architecture se..anid. hand ,Ilur work Glilfflrl is the high art ill over the city Berlin home again. statement bete awl everything I. int atm it6 cato, at BItit id has hecu -.heti and pen cal:P.:IN It tr t be spray.can Nharhloh .:111 writ many of the achiugl!, Ficautiftil masque. they probably teach It at Itintrislin id, poi builthm!u: in the East have heel' Nehuot By contra:A the 4.11)1 y0U N_Vd kis sweet beer. and a Words by BERNADETTE McNULTY

12 Keep* the faith in 97; Exclusive Faithless interview US • He dal' 6t 6G COMPIETE Contact Lenses NI/ MONTH SOLUTION PACK - FREE! WITH

CONTACT LENSES Multipurpose Cleaning Fluid ReN11 (please call in for details) by Multi•Purpose ALLERCANI by


Lower Ground Floor, Union Buildings. Leeds University so T HE -e,ACl I R STUDIO THE 0-(AIR TUDIO 64a Otley Road, Headingley Tel: 274 0513 (Just below O'Hagans) 64a Otley Road, Headingley Recently appointed Tigi Salon Tel: 2740513 • , e,'" Require Models for fashion cutting + colouring. Carried out by trained stylists and colour TIGI technician 10% Student discount Mon/Fri Phone or call in for details Fast Tan Sunbeds No charge Course of Ten Treatments £18 contents 3 Juice Friday February 28 1997

4-7 I Witches and Martians. The Crucible and Mars Attack reviewed. 8-10 fj Can't get no sleep? Insomniacs dance outfit Faithless and the coolest man alive, Barry Adamson 11 I Tired of those M&S fowling undies. Sagging in the wrong places? Sort it out with this season's new range of underwear 12-13 fj Mixmag aren't interested but we are. Indie clubbing in focus Centre Award winning writer and cultural commentater: Yorkshire's very own literary star Caryl Phillips 16 Seven day guide to the latest cinema, clubs and theatre. 17 Waxing lyrical. Who scores for you Des Lynam or Alan Hansen?

up. Celebrity clones, past dangerous). what about a Hitler and present: 60s icon home growing kit? A whole :._ Juice's weekly rant at British culture 1 or '90s nerd. You could football team composed of despots, book the Beatles for your Stalin as caption and Genghis ousIn's wedding, and Khan in goal. L that's only when Elvis Is out of Brand me a Luddite but do we 'mon] Maybe Cindy stock. really need this technology? Isn't :6 !rawford or Move over Mcdunalds. famous life in the 90's complicated hip Nick O'Meallv even Jim Morrison for the individuals could make millions enough. Women with enhanced ladies. 20 year guarantee with genetic franchising. adding a breasts and transsesuais I can ouldn't it be included. whole new meaning to the term handle, but a whole Tory cabinet wonderful to stroll 'Copyright.' What a unique way composed of 'Margret Thatcher he stuff of science fiction? for Fergie to pay off her debts. clones with a couple Dr Michael down the aisle of theoretically he used W Nat really. Last week Your very own Fergie genetic Howards thrown in for good your local genetic on humans. scientists unveiled the first home growing kit. Forget Bun measure. No thanks. T The possibilities are endless. A Lightyear... what a rush there Sounds ludicrous, but then supermarket (Duplo Mart ever chine of an adult animal. A for short), and pick up your sheep reassuringly named Dolly. 'Dupla Mari' in every city would be to buy that product! again until last week so did the selling lifesize genetic copies of very own breathing, heaving This major breakthrough and old your horses. Fergies idea of a cloned sheep called Dully. landmark development in human beings. harmless enough. cif she six foot two supermodel. Specialist stares would spring biological research could H had hrians she'd he 15



Witch-hunts a plenty and false accusations will only result The girlie show in one unholy mess. JUSTIN PENROSE sees if he's spellbound by Arthur Miller's classic play adaptation

can get tier hatlan unit JollU fi, , . t is fitting that screenplat adapted by Massuch wont+ iota n of Salem Miller himself, it is in 11192. the film is based (Dliy-Lewl id, As a result a • rthur Miller's twisted web is spun insulting in a around a Net of simple. yet classic talc of perhaps unsurprising that conspiracy of Iles from which The Crib IN( cot tie. up urnartng facts that Miller witcher) makes its there t• no escape. I smelling tit roses Indeed. lured% sticks by The stopaei Of the moral and cinematic debut the film is as enthralling In the puritanical. soeietall issues in thte piece is Ncith this utmost superstitious world od the 17th highlighted hrilinintly as It as the play. it Just Isn't century a group of y,Sung girls rosaries on the rebitionghip perfect screen very pretty viewing. are spotted frolicking wantonly between John and Elizabeth representation . set III the small in the wood, Pteicti1T and their elasstc tragedy. et :artbyisni, !istern with hunts. 'the With a cast lit Auer some 01 the girls tall Proctor is it man with a terrible enreibk - relevant to today'! 'Pah' die fur. into uncoutociousne•s the dilemma. A nun with phy sielang blame MIIAP /lad it conscience he tr laced will the M1011 sneer. but I beg to differ. This is wonderful witch hunt ensucc. To defend decision of whether to admit to a nut a play about the practice of making cinematography unsubstantiated accusations of and Menisci% eN the groap'+ leader. Communist leanings. or a play Maud the and the wiliiaani, ithe rigorous campaign to expose pagan. excellently conniving but lo the gallows . superstitioits dissenter. on the pretext of perhaps not powerful enough After a relatively slow start safeguarding public oelfare. This play is about Mama Ryder) implicates a the film explodes 1111(7 a wattling more than a hunch of screaming, to umber of village worneit iii 311 oneindranunte but never lei.s than hysterical girls. Novo what could hr more Htlempil to free the group 5111 thrilling story. Miller is relevant than dial? the accusations unction Willy to be congratulated I itrl ooh mks has heves beeti so. i ale • ont .Lc hi particular Abigail on) his EMI, allaplation, but the girls not continually up in arse about StlilletillfiV. lotuses her wrath on pftshltsflints aft' the ones who and wung m..cmcillaingly manipulidlic peer ElltAbcfh PrOd1), 4u PP" 17ferkl,Urt to conjure up support and feminine purer than the dnven exe -1 bondnig. feminine unity, feminine strength' -1 Ake snow Juan Allen) in an 41, the whole (amino movement. The suffragettes attempt to get her the +W111,0111 Preklii: ;It tt,e were no more than it label of screaming .,• ih•it fir pot , hysterical gtrIx. Wonderfully effective thank (kid. but cull a hunch of %creaming ltyglerical %viatica As were du women fighting for Ihetr nibs idler the Second Wm Id %id. As %very the aeornen In the 1 ,1544 `• liberating thein■etse+ .anal discos cline and using the corgracepti ve pill A• are the IN Itlif c campule..ners in the mo. abortion dehate. today you need look no further than you: flatmate to seek a sal.'...11111111: h:vnirrh..;11 girl. Aid what are then screaming about now Ittglit•, sa omen's minitnoes. work. recognition I fert notThe sinner Tiic are screanline about weight. ducts. slimming. fasting. calones. salads. eerier). ceders outline, tro.ct sill g1.11•,4: and a•totliisilitg. hi, h) COO). and the par pre% Sill C 111;13CC, 0,11 •111'0 1 ).1, I 1 ' "./.11 1. Itarr wItt• W.11111111! 11, 5,, 1,s paint with his hair. /4111Y.0 111;w •ite 1,1•..::!,, than hi-r-.. a110,4; is ■Tli pro I ■pre ' vottilti sintiUltieft at ins s a.mtty'' and coagulated this inethoci wring in ptiltrUties mill: r \sli, ...... * 10-,:s s,,,Vcii 11.11.1si 11,, ,, h., .11,ip, II 1/4, Idri. kohdli Sit, true to hum. good 'The Lust on the Mohican.. The Age Ivo.1,. (in I, tic ,,tuurre then tri-rit.1•. att.t lruskm( man, ,sr he must he un out ill boss ever. alut In the Name Of ehttektng tip tic., Woe mid ...t.or.t.ts.10 u • II, '.1111 aeld-t1U1 banwnl rile 1.011e1 Hultman. aiita.e.A.1 NI/II n.itilt: tl thes 'C Isti.1 ll ,01,1 , Falling in tote u tub him was ma Foully lie's hack on the big COM11111111111,111 and ,til.:11.. tat! ,rre no 11 ,11;701 OW 1), .. Mticnn Ittn he appeared nit A screen as Julia Nocior in The enemies This tune 1,.., Ph, I, s ,1.1 Si , ‘,:il,.%1 .01.., 1,11E11 • 1.15 11. k,sat, a till .ns,a,a .out ea,io it sun tl iti d,lr His method al:ring has V.1111C11, Wititilla and ,:., ',1C.,1111T11_,,J1.hb 101,q.,111i. ;'I •, 1.11 1,11,- 1,- i • • c..11: allied here, inolte didn't have that the courtroom I• the ittaki fake show. Then 1.11,1 II, ,, \ ft,-,,row 4i; attml s% tiil W11%00.0,1110 Nutt the you'll teed right at home and up to date If this 1,,..1 ,,cd 1/2• link seems ro thin. Iltrn and slight for you, then ■S tt.L. ot,. sly ttis,l , ' tile I nr,i,I■4:11. so Ile ., Crust %s ill, its (tads There's alway • snooker in Shelfield totto..1 out .].1 Ill, rik I 1011,11,- ■• 11,..101.. Its, 111.- nitl,l he the IX•N tl 1.111 lut,h I r, • 1,1.11111 l•thpte.1 Clare Lister tktt.t, toot 1■11.-,m ill' I I 1•11, pla.‘cti his NI, I et, 1•o—t Clare Lister arts

her career However. for the appears to he especially unfair to The shots of smiling, cheering hammers home a rnosage that powerful and hysterical role of director Nicholas Hytner who also laces us the 'witches' are pushed would be wonh heeding today Abigail Ryder's demure missed slut with The Madness of to their death is chilling to the Apart from being thought appearance leaves tine thinking King George Hytner is in control extreme provoking and heart breaking this whether she was the correct choice of his subject matter and directs Although a thinly disguised movie is an overeltie version of one for the role. Nevertheless this is this stellar east with great skill. metaphor for the MeCartliyist of the greatest plays of all time. perhaps a little unfair and does not Indeed, it is this mastery that communist witch hunts of the '50s This is an intensely absorbing detract troth the enjoyment factor creates the finishing touch that the film still has a poignance that account of fascinating subject The shining suir of the film though leaves the viewer with the feeling makes it relay sato today's mutter but if may not appeal to all is Joan Allen She puts In a heart that you have just been treated to it society. What Millet's classic play Nevertheless, even if your idea of wrenching performance as the Mal film. Some of the camera illustrates tit us is that once mass culture is ten pints and a curry injured Elizabeth Proctor and work and the scenic shots are hysteria is injected into a situation It should not he dismissed . itiorourzhly deserves her iixcar superb, while the tension that is society has in had a scupesout to moult:num for best supporting built up in the coun scene Mottle solve its problems Overall. The. Crucible is :wiress. audience on the edge of their seals majority rule was dominant in the rrieoard nn Fr•lulu/et It is mystifying that ilus Hytner Ow succeeds in tune of the Salem and the 28 eticellent feature w as overlooked building up the final scene to au McCarthyist witch hunts and it is for the other maim accolades. This emotional and disturbing climax still the case today. The film thus

W suns Ryder. Even her !ter first tess roles suggt:sted .• lhrir ri.ind!, aie altitude. inrios:crux• although F.111,iii name seems somewhat low status tor her acting career and then in Montauk, where Hawke could melt aver the ethereal. She might pans in Rectlejuler. and (teat compared with Chet she iippeared chastest of ice queens have lived with such moody Halls of Fire. but betore long slit a complete angel Well svlio So_ at last in The •rucibi, ■ men as hinny Repp, amt been was tact 41, 111(• Winima outxt,..lic 1101 1.1,11, 1 ■■■ lined with many more. but .1,:culetil al' rituisi•rct in ::filer ti ••111,' di Iii I vr kl,i, .Hi • :-.. Winona comes across as being Ilea Ulet+. 11.11ed in hi Nli 1"1.1,1 .• ■■11i. one chaste spirit_ Ito V1,111..11_1 • 1.1,-, ■11,11 • [•SAL l 1, uii 11 tier -fresh J laxs li.ok, pale ▪ ..LIPACil:t1Cli his. f,10 111, 1,111MM, ha ss h,• s ,1 111 sin, contrasted with lark hair, • 111.11,1e-, .01,1..111,111 pace willi such irinoi..-eihr In "Ilia• l',51,1o71-1 1.111111111s (.-.1tn:111( .light ti I sweet voicv. alt 1101(1111y that coq ' t solo letior ell"... or 0,1Itt ..t1,211 \d1;1111 s141111i1 thr •intee•I that she should spoil,' ins. wail. Fol,. vol.:, 111 I '11 Ya aril Mii• 11,tiacn Tillfn it a 'tic mg. and lisr pettitaiierols hiii [WI SV11111111,• +.1111 otiiisc 1, ■01, a trite in krah(y Cloud nine Hearted tolerate at erli tar. CS 1211 if HJr, rurally h,...4,1g her Clare Lister 6 Jules Friday February 28 1997 hat's 0 What'. quint' up and down in the juice hot 1)1 films hit ',swath.? THE comma Arthur lalltur s classic. A Inch, 1,11. •.•1, 1471 Oltki*11,11.. , 1 vv r Mars attacks Hollywood. Tim Burton's wild and wacky humour C:130 (Al, • •• • 014••■••• returns in this space age caper. PHIL STEEL sees if the earth LIARS ATTACKS el moves for him, and wishes the aliens would abduct Tom Jones spool =2 11,14, 1..t., . .1111"2.11, 'A. .1,111111! 511.,i11114 Meant% hilc Nnholsoti stars .41).gesi ill .11 111,- ,:111 ,11111141 lo the mtlitary who a. both t'rrsislent James Dale and 'As, ■011111101:1‘ 1111.:1,,,111:1131e 1,111r ive jeep. in 111,41t1C Las Vegas properly ••—•-•••••. MARS ATTACKS 111101101 111111, 1-11 11.11,tor). where green uniforms doing and Avon); developer An Lund, happy to wbeivit ph a is the least willow: Alm-, Present is Inc calm, nuke money. even if it', frum GRACE OF MY important consideration. logical stientigi who is phased by accommodation for Vitliaa'S nom HEART 01R:11M BURTON Nostalgic 60' Moreover. despite an astounding nothing, here in the formula other worlds. Marlin Shun makes ° Meigood STARS. JACK NICHOLSON array of actors - Jack Nicholson. pipe-smoking Pierce Itnisnair an appearance as the President's amnia 41. Glenn Close. and Annette Bening "Don't worry," he advises, while a press secretary no less useless ItIc Idea)! he earth is in to name hilt a few • it's the aliens pair of big-hrained, skull-foe at than his boss. and Sylvia Siditey is 41711r1111 who are the mom impressive - and Martians with bulging bloodshot a senile, deaf /old granny who is trattri* le • peril. A full- hilanow. • part of the cast. eyes stare into a camera. we may Completely obli v hank; the theme w • trans! scale alien Looking slightly surreal. they run look equally as ugly to them.• invasion Present too are Michael invasion is RANSOM - about, zapping innocent 4. Fos. Sarah Jessica Parker. mtagallidis underway. ei•ilium and perksrming Danny DeVito and Natalie a0nd opal& Mel TWho'll save Earth this e*penments 4711 Portman. Some of this amazing calma paxunw disembodied humans Cast appear in no mare than hit the kidnappm limds Chile? with unmistakable glee_ parts, and, niwilless to say. not all indented paying the That's actually a tough That is essentially a of them escape being fried alive. n{13.11.411. tern d10111:11 question In answer. hcs,:ause tan blatantly athied it, comic spout - with MOM tamn rat... R.14 arm+. from the moment a heel of emphasis on the at , Alirli IS basically burning cattle stampede across old than the heroics of Ti hut the actors Tararen't here to win Ossms., RERCE the semen. you know that Independence Day - but 5 CREATURES - things aren't going to he at all it's cleat Hunan holds Just to run Around hysterically, Clans and Co Conventional. Welcome to the the original8-names in which they do quite well. whilst III back again. Z.., world of Tim Burton. Inspired high resrant. because all around them. Las Vegas, amps, feral id this Washington. and countless other by a series of 70s trading the old elements an mediocre crawly that ka presem • and done cities, are razed to the grennul ALfraxia, A FaA c.a./ cards. and the tradition of '50s perfectly from whirring This may he it comedy, but sei-fi 13-movies. Mars Marks! mo • • ow... flying saucers with Men running thmugh Mors Ana k.' is depicts the tnvuders as I iule a Vein of dark and mune humour green men with oversized which is typical SHINE - qui" Austeafirr, , heads and ray guns, who want of Tim But 0 nothing mote than to fry the Se there arc entire human race. Pitched plenty tit against them is a group grizzly

. .,011,111111114f comprising of the inept deaths. President of the United States. and no dr rouge of a war-obsessed General, an ex- gooey green slime amen and Tom limes. Torn flying alsan_ Them PORTRAIT OF A LADY Jones ? Yes, and he might just av he. one tech., mane The latest Mtn he Earth's last hope. nl from Jane Campton. 11111. ® ivah.A. or limn la ac's 19th Cavan, JANE 10:: PORTRAIT OF A Lot ••tl. wets Nank 1W/um .1111 E Gram r rsto+no

SHE'S THE ONE STARS: KM KMMAN, JOHN • Baba filled 0 roma& MALKOVITCH obniady_ Two 1 hootheo put oily & Mr Ming through Prirtroii dlc leisis LAI . licit 1-ierhari, Lite mo...t JO 1111ki On the srus-s, love .111.411orn• I•Likt ,tunnel nom of a Lady is rather like acimf v..1- fro:, hut ( J,Ifithmg quints ti.a, what annoteJt tne in the Primal+ teem t.i .tchs Ito:nt:12th III ienitoicd ‘vein,:-.1 iu u1,rl. in /he $$lies. and .,:dbel .1.rchcr watching your roof S ing I '!.ard had merely having 1 sexual I aniasy with Mier leak. It is irritating. you are ankpendein molded been icpenlest by men on lie: bed. Campion esen helpless to do anything it. so liconne 111 tlefiffil.:` 'anipinn to in has a piano in it and y on would you sit and wish it would 114' Ribel mm .1 VIM). el,ecs,• nn have thought she'd be sick of assay. This film hi more nritaiing and P., "Vol I The those. Oh anti she dimities the tedious than—the hook. Jane trustiati 11C ai own alls,e whole ending id the hi x-ii■ I:amnion's second ram ithe it ;0111, tit11,1: • .1 I Beautiful though the land:4.41p.; first being the well received C5 ti' 17.111,I1v Lull OM)• he, 41111 IM.SWeVer Tin Pirzaol should have been ouitse if beonsie %per!. aillfaCtiSC Kaman JudLV In. a is, it does nil) detract form the eight octaves holler than Jam Malkoviti rnenn'a !tile had front ‘1.1dvr... boredom which this film 004* thi.s. heel whisked ankle Tlic only reason for going. lit see THE PHANTOM - Comic The cast rs fantastic. Anil stria banter. •• straight from particularly this tam is to watch the 2u:omit tit displays incredible potential !IL l.• 111111 1101 !. set of farm, ere .)Lovell on Mr pertained by virryotte Nicole I,: idman in the lead a, LearoortA and .taintal. angle' else in the cinema The tune la 1111 , .11,1, ••••-r• Isabel Aniter. supported by plonked down in Ms sitters ark: the would has e passed movie quickly I. A IIL411,::1711.; Ivy Barbara Hershey' and holm beiwtilut Horemme new rrr tcrpretativc had I simpli, reicad the 650 pagc ,11,11 III Malkosilt•ll However. the Isabel V01.11 • 111.11 .11 butulott to Pnrrran of a slitter lot has such lk in the book was tar 4C1111,sexl ?tom &ay. Typecast • none like carats as modern Caloric in ., personal readings of Clare Lister ridiculous teenage girls giggling and IB arts 7 A SHORT PLAY ABOUT SEX AND DEATH

plr7miL or thew still SW PIN WV WU convalescing Fafter last IdglRwlil111W1i8 year's football fever, the prospect of a play set during the semi-final of Euro '46 Is about as appealing his Richard Bicycle on a full no ion. Floss eser..4 Short Play About Sex and Death uses broths!l simply as a catalyst to bring to a crisis the tension that arises when one woman Sonny 1, shares a flat with three men - one or sN hum is a vs-impish intellectual i Xavier t. and of the remaining two t Liam and Nathaniel). both are fiercely patriotic football fans. hut only one is English. The 11,2 01 syYloylit in tills No111.011,1. onprc.soc file ,:laustittrh,•hi,• atmosphere Is emphastsed by the patine bloc and orange set and by the primary Yoh KU'S won. by three of the charnels:1N. Xavier's1)1151111Y11 :1• YOUtIlligr is appareM by the dratines • his cult. it is only Nathan's top whicht•iertesdi) matches the set and tiant.l. I itcrutton truni oppression and milky as weknoW it is signified by the nhedifingsd his bright yellow l'-dart and the displaying of delightful while Y- fronts Tim Hinton in the aliens' lust for tlirecliontessnos, Which brings ate to comedy_ ranges holds the w hole thing together. Exclusive Tim Burton destmetion of odious human 'let the ritos ie. despite its bad You may love it or hate it, quite from Men finhatine Bad/v style ladilish wit. to being patches. is eminently likeable The possibly at the same tithe. Rut go interview next week in Juice farce :ad then to black burnout akin to that of White the images of invasion timelessness of this kind of sci-fi is and soy Mars Attacks' because it rs Sitaif•oo. C;frave, Each ut the characters are inspoed. the ecimplere lack of a CloOked well. and the cast camp it 411.11FC like ;Natant; you have ever numaged in raise u laugh through rile hnaton!Is mat plot means Thai bilking the up as much as possible. And, ler% wen, or will rver 'WC again written si. ripe. hat it %%a, lohr, pkit, , 1.1.1m ,51 hri II iant ly i nue Mari se scenes arc a fare tt, the premise of Me film it. Nathaniel .111y1 1171 ,10 are more not malty any less ludicrous than the mom initmalaling. ochre.[ .114 conlidcm hew passages which prrfiimt+tl ea sliihiouQ. and the film doesn't thud of .S.Anne cl.latieter.,110.1C,10.1A.IV a little me:rot} pical Whether this w its mall), get going mail the aliens Independence intentional or not was unclear, but diced have lauded Al these points. when an. though theatre's a funny old game Ihr k'Aki overact as if the entirC that, admittedly. Jenny Cm:numb thing is in ipru‘ised. its tempting didn't include a to %volute', Just how Warner lose affair allowed this film to get made. Yet Iseuverts two when the Martians nrr on iiA:reerr. it evet-cti bends hectrati. clear Juni what n talent film is Tim Burton has for imagining the III pints THE TRUTH ABOUT CATS AND DOGS unimagittubk. inunensely Swinging between hrilliarke amt enn ly utile mid looks. Noodle on the other hand has the ruin leaves at ‘•thers ;tinnily throughout_ cheekbones like razors hut set" -Ortiple102. ignorant i ii resembles u the ',ismer 4. little umtairs. So. when a caller to where it's pang to go next. This is questionable IMO ABOUT CATS AND DOGS her radio station ask', Abby out she Mot 41ei:viAarily a bad thing. but mess such an apt oachdemands a prat Nevertheless, DH MCRAE lfIMININ sends Noelle instead, degree of kWh on the part of the though it's far what ensues rape,. usel I Aisne the audiersce, if its tk'l to come aeross from perfect, $1ARST DMA INDRMAll irmal tuts-taken Memo sisal due to sumo as aim scatty there's a certain uextion : who would a bloke perceptive writing and a sweet peannnance Trutt Hen Chaplin who OcCibilintally, Mars Artactid totes childlike rather have - Playboy's slip into apparent enthusiasm that Illallaget to do the charming Englishman play mate of the year or tel without the annoying stammering of Ti ne's woman of the year tough Gram Likely to strike a chord ? Yep It's the brains versus beauty girls grab the video, Cinema debate. Ahhy has the former, but a tmthiple hats or (AK:Ante and ent•4 major inferiority complex alaltli her Lucy Guy DIR: A lLISON ANDBIS GRAcE of my HEART STARS: I L1EAHA OHMS, MATT OILLON MOONLIGHT AND VALENTINO ostalgia: it's a powerful depicting, al/CY:Mk of 11111/1101(ttu_k skikpiCli51.1k and ire is sioS;c3 t_lit.ttaztit thing. .knd like it or change for the pop oatsis industry - is coittlo.etL Needle,is to tint all this it music which is the star the course of the hate it, Grace of Alv and its the ressIlsed tlinnitInfut N here. The stnindiniek is full of weft- AND VAlf /Ulla ti I n 1. as rile) collie to terms w ith tta,:h /lead oozes it. Opening in the judged pastiches, than chirpy rock ,,ther and ittemselse, Iahtet Ntic Dll. ONE NEMO late 50s, this film tel the story n' roll to slushy ballads. and knots it atutie, air the 5,41/e. wolf J.,n His, Jovi of Denise Wave:1Na talented the !Dm both drive :Ind credibility, SIMS: BOOM PENES Imin, v.411111111, young musician who undies is Real* enough, though l• „H.•h ..1i!YY" Boughs Mininiitlit u I ‘lih.nlinii Is and sings.; her own songs. she seems to be trying too feta:Mt anvalsoneNillrr. ..harart yr Iris rut r.igit Recruited by an ambitious ll)Il. as ..4)expticor noadgicthr rc ■ols. • 11•'1 pentlunang, Wirizerlgy hi siren performs the Lind of minor role she's rnd nn iwnet dgetillitillie iltriedlaiallsoop, suited hi. Stain thesis' ate= au ntstessphereestm fry those iheretnifsely unknown Mei Est for other Piopla of In whi1Aatolt :multi hl I* eds. in the ibelhow luxualittattefHp& the lituritams Ole akirasyciej. - light at-Wasietlerhte,thmagh a ■ thattanicilk IANNEIr 1141 r il let • .11 I _

c .11 ... • ,! r-- •••

8 Julcie Friday February 28 1997

-Insomnia" was a massive tune, but FAITHLESS ,insist they're not just a dance band full of 'chancers and resting DJs. IAN LLOYD gets no sleep with the band in Sheffield

Vi III 's sine thin k 1111, 111111111,1, l nnnaut Aline uhcrr aithltms t i11.1.,glIri,C4.1111111 ins Roe IwhJ sell a 'Sou teill high ha.•rtic ,1.' ., 11,1 1 11.11 1 atoms s Ihri, W. are all set) sc.. • I Single of the Week pink about ilitt el rift, .1111! .11e sulluenceil I L s -.mere pa, ill Rim, lot 11111,1,' /Ac ce ICJ,. heti the lack or meta a ro•-• the board. Oui and Ow lets the 11. hole 111111p Atcterence is scii lot big Faithless - Reverence icor* and tell to cilia and is defirtitels things Nei a wasn't a bed itt tole Dr thr .1 ripic• Ituar ilw ker.+ styled Lonseusaitonal plaice Die -result- taunt lied begmoing "Dtin'i I Isiicism and delicionsh, laid back. - 'anthems of itself onto lie world as die the hand's first single., is Ill. nigh IJ1.rlt 111..1devil.11 insiniinemak. •91t). 1)4114 bettall pole the opp,isite of the me. luck. However. alongside the likes frchelic Insomnia". and pia I he leimscs tier the hugely AIM the Fisgee -Generalh: shim s their diverse netting 111111C 101.111lar pre:, ions single gob suc •essful people like. ' We're The song a 1.711.110q 11/11- 111d 'Insomnia- hotse•el. tvairinrip album gonna he a rock hand Its gii WW1 41 I 1111k) beat and lame surprisingly pleasant teehno- Inc sels1.111 Rrverwret suggests and &sit ' but for us. COM'. smooth totals, And 14 -hafirk In the all- !UMW _0)1); Willi that Faithless are not your Faithless is 11 !alb: prOiCtt. we de sei•1,eil tat Mon: cowbell'. aplenty And, happily, there's stereotypical dunce outfit. all do our own ;tug and this recognition A, it WM. ittien• ew tost to yinir right! Bringing together a vast was ruin': to he a little thault overtrouble rite ilter10 Of musical innUenettl) we did fot bit aren ' t Otalt._ or the CUT, of the Sneaker Pimps- Spin Spin from hip- hop to pop, jasz N alh sure what we did light., Itnush public. a tad which Sugar miaow Flamm to rap, the album has Nit ale going to put our ow n he liand hope to put right received all the plaudits. Protects on hold kw the Masi admits "This year we Tot,111, 01111T.1,1`,11111I11:11 •111T11.1,ell "We atc not the standard moment and keep nit doing watil in try and push those likeness to Poilislicad el .111h1, 1.11i11g .1,11110. 111/./. the what we. do. which is make songs that men' t Itnn•r, to t:tokt Cot to ‘111.i 01 “111,1•111111:1' 411111 I the 1111111( that Vk ‘1111A. 11111.7 00101 side lit our Ono: :aril ha.. I.:go:and eh,. ii iii. oeidint lies pan of the Faithless and Meals sonic new ground ITIO•1) " hth gct or. In) Fs pi:nem:L. Rollo. Sister while were hoc, and it we "We make musi‘ nets,. the 1,.)•sni.1...)..11t/11111 , 051011 Bliss and 1ill11Ie CIINO try to he 01/I selS els and tool be hash:ally to rei:It out to Ittall.iges to regain +++writ: tcrrii+irs and 1.:1111111101.e 1111.`10111-,OfFIC.11.1th Ilaluented tin' snitch by what people.- continues Maxi in ate, r•)I +if ti.els all slow ss id+ and each 111efliher tinieging is glint: tin around us. Mtn nhilOsopher mode -Slime a dramatic piano no +mew. though Ihia number tit di iterent we could Its here (01 people make mush. 40 they diould try it prograttininte ate naluences while ion Kruk caul, those arc the drum machine ot us late eland!, The "title protect '. seems ones lit really worry shout slirietent lo he st raking, -Insomnia- But tor chine 01 1t5 who are Alool- Wish You Were Here backgrounds. was a massit e Int. selling really try ing to touch people . lEasSAVasit \ I is. . r dr. s its with our ow n experiences,.

I fell like I %%In drew nine while listening 10 lfili, Aluloslpbes c its it dreary. dull :deo. The heightened ideas. Lost somewhere stud depressirrg sort of v. ay this seea. The atmospheric is reminiscent turiongst the stoned Pao Aloof engaged in some snarly faced. ot Underworld's brooding heats. Hammond organs. angst-loaded.%) tithed vv.:at...and Milo DEATH IN VEGAS nuisterpiece "Dirty Epic". and chugging old &Iona KERING the mind or It they''.. nicked the Buy the single for the hmakheats, is that old Sneaker Pimps' drum machine The DEAD ELVIS (CONCRETE) different mixes; ihte truck ch&stnut it sense of ON Till TURN (MERCURY) following travesty that is -HOC Knives rules Also on the album is direction. Death in Vegas After Lunch ' was swiftly gteeted after the other single 'Din- have it in them to make a rocking in a similarly sombre way. This tired sub•Chentical grew album; I hope they he 131151 time 1 saw Isis was a hero Brothers etturt, complete vdit do one day . Kerhdug, diet were Found You (AM' 111 most, but hr with crowd noises and nick Dodgy- Matt James propping up the bar neser meant guttars. suet T at the .Adelphl in Ilull. the idanititue in the satire 1.ein a, then shit to Mt.:* ( 'buck It really Hp lo moth set they had just played went solvates with 1/110111CI singalonga once !add. l'he o o Irllisll ;Mimed distinct promise. acoustic pop number Though less. oserneight ;thug of ruck iii in.hc kid, though It maybe larked a Cants' initially drat is a definite gmwei, roll past haunts this Inc ii,Ck.s.lanse little maturity. In the year with the keylvardliwouslichiccorthan much anuited dehut a :1 55 ▪ • then, some generous I rktw Mt Ceihere die singer t in album, which leatures 11'A .1 1 • 1.11117 rio. misguided individual sent sonvinse us Mat lir realls Is living limit or the 1111011111.111 Them lei I .A to record this, •Iro 'fend, .11, 1111 , 1111 11.1111 Is beim! a panlcnl iris homonstis highlight Richard Fearless u 1- ,11:016 /11111 diaeru their -diMcult" second %CI% C1, • !Or: at (1611 album, with producer r1..e11.■1111% 1,. h111 It. Monaco- What Do You Want la:Garth 1ft 1 p,I, LI, .....11111111011, :1111111 , . war From Me ipiitdo Nrcr/elli..... II IaLls, Skunk Ananslei. 'fliy 11.1;-1411s•for•r, - difference is Nast ilic end In)l 11 lid .11++.•,11 I wall) cn,grc ,, a , ' 1 `NI, 1.... V1.,1111 1!1i d 11•11, 11 in othiet ,111111 I .1,11.1/m1111! ∎ 11• 1 .0 all I 111, 'ill.. 111,, ,1.11 • .441 . 1 1• • •111111 • 14 1::. 1,11i •111111" 1011 1111 .1 11 1.17. 111...1" .1,111'..... W-111 o: • .11+41 .0115+111„ 111a1+ 11 ;•11 aii in short .111:1r• , [1 ,1.1.11,4111 III 1.1:111,1 .01v111.0VIS •etilt • lilt- 0 a sier% ).16H 4.110.M1- lull LI:I'll-II' repealed enotiy.11 I is ,one, tot which 3 (7olour% flOr• it,rif mill mein..., Nest lip in Ned would give their leti 1++L-r Let - 1.. I, •C 11 1.11 1.1 4.11.11 4 i,11 k•ha Leh ••• ■ . iglu ter. in the case of "11'.. itoll,...••1 1.1%_,111• 11 '..4.1.11111` :ally the 'a114101 ',mil:" 'Md. "Oh 'nit. rum , ;1. OW 111,1 /11,1in:111 ..11 most 111'11re:oat e track hie . the 111■11 .1 1 1, nilih testicles for. Fortunatev„ •41.11 InCln thee l'if iltsh n ck /U11.11 m.111.11+; I be ■101,10.I 111,41,i' it this will mil he required 01 the sieni: at inel0:111 hill ilclh't tie sued sin Lir, u lets gencial pubhic pill 011, ISLA bC Singled out by Nick Revell .nil 41,10111M gattlif- ill) are really only .C.11.1,e, the:, don't subscribe to lie tun cu t j.111111111C In breathtaking halt -torniolated Nils Eastwood music

record proves that we have totally We brought the album some sequencers and has been receiving regarding might he. then you have a done this out mainly for sinrselses II programmed stuff which is the use of drugs'''"I don't dangerous vombinattim.- And the movement of a was Holln's little baby lie for the house music. but think that drugs arc a part of So. are Faithless son song such as "Insomnia" wanted to make an album that everything else is dune with dance culture - No chance ny going to he around this time from the club scene and was completely different with live instniments." In fact. a liameyesque revelation next year. or will their apparent respectabituy to the different v ihe.s And as for Mast could be found playing hots, then. success merely he a Flash in Mien ridiculed char settle the modest Mail at the Leeds Undagmund in "I think it's a good way for the pan" would hope OUT dives not bother Maxi. it goes on. "We've spoken to 1995 with Jason Kabello dealers to keep selling IF they music has some sort of depends how blinkered you loads and loads of kids and "Playing live is really make people believe that they longevity. I don't really see arc l'Ne heard the Name thine That [Trott' seems to hay': trnpon.thr I.. me next. are are part of club culture For the point in doing it said shout the Fugees.yini ie personally, I don't di, E's otherwtsc,tint Maxi doesn't know People have said or anything like that I'm not want to time his life mound me. 'God Mast, what - gonna hold my hand up and live minute* of fame. tan he happening to the Fu,.• say I do I mean Bruin says. -When you've 00 • '1 don't think that thought they Haney really did get right great, when it's gale you Peel the hip- hot Into the shit. You can have a like' skit_ In twenty yearN they 're mak drugs are a part of brilliant time without taktne little, I Want to be able to 1,11. the Mick Huainan' I me.n, any drugs. Essentially the in it Faithless record and -., is thew only one type at dance culture' ma*, problem with drugs Is not to 'Yeah, that was a tulle, listen music' Is your Ille so muck the drug but the to than— narrow" Those -.11 person who is_gotoe to take Vim see. FaithieNN ate say when hands 1011chea quite a tot 01 11, 1W0 different mediums Chen Out of tea people that diftereni, daring and tutu- charts they've losT 1quite steeply. It's l'esiple can have a great time may take ecstasy for the first tint ikc so many bandy 'hi credibility, it I've lost record was part 01 the l.ihri listening to the record. but it tittle. time of them will say, decade "We all add credibility with that sort nt of their uses for a While, and you then en to the gig and see 'Very nice, might do it different flavour to 11.. person tadopiN .varenstic I'm very proud 10 have had the record performed again.' and the tenth IN piing but the song is the moss rrote't. well whin a shame, anything to do with ii lIfferently to what you 10 say, 'Iiat was hrilltarti. Important thing. it you sc. how sad, never mind.. " So whul can we espect expected, then ti's great " I'm gonna lake seventeen what I mean " We do to see when Faithless perfortil For u man that has been nest time I go out ' the Faithless are rather like .l DESPITE his confidence in live "People generally know around the club scene. and is nature of the personality good ice-cream It doesn't the music that Faithless are UN as a dance act which is soon to entbark on a UK tour, utvolved. An ecstasy tablet matter what the "flavour", or producing their success obviously 'ens of -Insomnia' what does Maxi make of the lying on the table is not a how many different flavours wasn't entirely expected. and all that, but were inevitable link between drugs danger. it is when you have go into making i1 so long as it -The auceess sit the album actually a (Cr. piece band and and Janet culture, and the somebody who is notin taste, .1:01 id has completely shocked us... do a full live art. We do have had press that the stance scene control of themselves as they

the down richt daft.. iIIICSI style chanting "his) exile-. and .1 so nesolise they are EXCLUSIVE for cones across as just refreshingly hectic dynamic. and sound example., features a plain lazy. untitled track chidden original. 1HE On seven minute !!) Individually most after five minutes of Ironically what the exert (rum film of the trucks seem too silence at the end. Orb have produced ORBLIV1ON IISLAND) Naked, outlining the lung, finishing as and sounding more here is pure CHOCOLATES role bar-codes will they start. with little like it mising.desk ambience; perfect for have tin the happening in- fight between Ddb background music, SUPERB RANGES IN STOCK FROM THE he Orb have millennial between. The tracks Syndicate and and requiring very FINEST INTERNATIONAL CHROLATIERS produced apocalypse. whilst that do inuituge to Squarepusher than little attention ar T unuther Orh the aural pollution of stand tin their own anything Dr Ales and engagement from the From Belgium, England, Switzerland and France alhunt". "Bedouin by deep- arc recent single pals come up with do listener hut, on the Though lacking whole. without much CHOCOLATE BOXES & GIFTS, DRINKING CHOCOLATE some of the quieter. substance. While TOP QUALITY SUGAR FREE CHOCOLATES more drawn AM and keen Orb fans cats self•indulgent rest assured that moments of earlier they're getting more CHOCOLATE SPECIALITIES albums, this is no of the .same, the For Birthdays, Anniversaries, Mother's Day, Easter great departure from uninitiated should he the style. sentiment a little more dubious, HIGH QUALITY CONTEMPORARY CRAFTS & GIFTS Raving straddled the or quality cif their Ceramics, Porcelain, Dios , Wood more recent releases. boundaries of Igi,ked much of the dub/dance/emblem common elements for many years now. remain: samples of the Orb have birdsong, waterdrips managed In Wain a niche and motorbikes in the dance underlain with "marker. This album a lacklustre dubhish hasallnes. is merely While pleasant reconstruction of that position and one can't enough, it seems help but wonder if the much of their Orb (God hies* their creativity and humour little fluffy clouds) appears to have been have had their day lost, with some or the sampling ranging Nick Raven 3 THORNTON'S ARCADE, LEEDS, LS1 61Q from the hitarre to TELEPHONE : 0113 - 244 - 9442 21

ion music

He's the main man, the master craftsman. He is Barry Adamson and his dazzling Oedipus Sclumedipus album has just been re-released. PIERS MARTIN talks Lynch, Freud and Jarvis with the mother of all film composers

s1111(1vT villa! It , atieitIllty 111 term. art Oen .4,, ',lid .1,lioal/C , on,c1 \ .Thr•Ii• hilt It has hien •isCI L111,11.. !Ili I. reads Linder Lvt•11,01 Sti n'• plothitAN roil a 1,....(1,•11 .1 111,11. .dl "t )trcupation" In Idea 111111■11..0 4111811110W rIl a No I 11 IItarrs Adamstites fliolifrtil I 1 nail at lea,t hring .11;•„: 'No...1,cm-, al •811111,41., passport? 11w:it:inn? 11r1Isl? ..11 N4•.,I:Isk• 1,8!. /118111111.1III • hi t ithariser? Stem, W(Iw1'? 11w Ano .11.1 1-11,a, the hi, •WW1 lI.111 1011.K. IlitfTlinS e. coolem man alit r? It should say irash hulk of -Set The In:, Ly111k111 an, the .,hole 11.1 all these and more became I .1mo], T11e Brant III The l'els is" riMIS ,:n1( lal All atilt' ti ,u Barry .tdattram is. frankly. a Me 1k•A thiag tar, i• Ira, eve' stmt. math:NI And MC1.4111101 I genius find even if you's e nes er asi4oed mer - hitrodlnl:Iseitatl, think math .Niie, a. 1 In Tli11 Valles ( 1r The that sari Inc led hi lilt' 11.4enta".. heard of hint. you have !ward - I)..11, 1111111h 11111" dither allies of the Ill thee 5411W it ay thaf hial. if y nu Net what I mean. dllh a movie Call Lin it That makes if ard late. iiat,./.•laiti•nted Iii 'Id. III Nialt•ll lin: ••••• A I tom espet knee '' f ),..ftff fl., la,a, if.,■,, aft Pig 11e, Stail.eitor h. the Fian, ova: iff mole p,111∎11 f limas detiehts .,1 Lk. ‘41U autk them .11V XI, , 1. • ll:iii if +11 ', rt. i,111:11 \1 ,...,,' v. , 4 it aihsts that sot. 1.1 hkC h' C•intilltn;itc w 11th ••••• linure suer the Lis. maiim with Bills, Nick and 1.11, is arid Men v.ttrion‘. Is Rh I_',UL II 'This is the most and 411 :he W-4 of II 1 Ill tjtlIt• coateat stasellitie satisfying part of at 111... oar thaw 1.11 Ir %saw helirr my career Barry Adamson I ••11,. t••• ••• • • • I_•••• _ • I 1,-.111‘, Ii••••11911 ••• 1111. Col stmlate Tvcordzne in a t•• r,..1c.ILe 1.1 • it d 1,7e,11-d, 1 in 'in,! Ith s.,;•1.....•111)c•

L • •I,a , 11,1111

cd,ri dild .dart .11) I,••••••••••• •••••• tiler 1-111.1,e :, -.111:11I!) ht-:a-:v,1 aff,, His 1 ,, 11 •11.11 of Toff•. ....hoc, I di. at,,it likt: I d .1 4.111,11111.;. iiiif .1 1,11 n0 ,1, And 211 •:'it. II • 88,1.:1:111 .II 114• 1411 !, sr,•itd, I Ltd' like I hi !••■ 111.1i;lkt the rnnlinc, n} Irma< 1I, ta., sith ir, l'> 111 ., ci ,illitig ay.) I•ffi it rhr ,i4nliu Iii .1r4:1e- ∎ 1.11 If,. a •In111.11 11.11 ty.t•• ,nifirooNcp, •• al.1.111111111111 1,, I•• I teal/III, ••••••••11 • 1111.111111' I ;lot•. +Le • ••• 1. 'i flat, !kit 1, Ii.111' I flunk 'a. V••••40•1:: ph , and the cook,f, 1,. ri,1:121. III ,m m. iit ••••11•IN•tatiln2 (11)1U.11% 11) See It fiat ~ldllha dac.nn, •dant..•1i • .111.111111W music tend, 1•1 I ON Ilea , AlL1111,1411...11L110,. 1181 Lan h•o. Nurc q.0 r a!o: 111%,,l,' g•ft d 1,,n1,,n, .01111,1144,k FIL:1•1.1 afILI ,•••'•••• 0 rniC01-1[177 need- turdier:s James, out worked .4, sell on S nth' 4 "As akuiche are the ems of relaunch? anti Strip-Melte. Whipiaah. The misli-mush 01 Lumen] sifts Well, yes Just as. The The curwril singk, "Sties A all emir kviher Charlatans managed to re-mvent Star".is a good suiting point n a itioritno diemselvas ism tale of L au finest frnrri this ,n&-isli su(liurrt s• theme camtlinued to prat dicer !funds, Wl1uwp1eS wilt surely base 14.111,-7,• ion tiff on of aI the very nest track,. InlloK in ifteit midst ask year tangents ATM yts.111.11 tuthtiks For tit hsphoh a. a ft araidah10 .1 junk track 'A irrenmicr" Pot 11717p/11■1?!.therf, . them's no "Sri Alvin In.111 until,c1)usid Pott p m ti.,1,eitl Dor, anthemistn here amts. Filed under 14042,nnmp 114 emit thew is al Whiplash is astir Milt a haul) earls '0111s hulk !lands .5 lets 1.1.111 Wage:, it th 0.•11 time, ,aie ',thing mir th Skuseitte. emit ri-rrmeshai_ y anti blip -intik., an keg, utrene,. thia lc,' ail slant's-nits-, t ners.11). Mg!. and Nali's Atomic j 1 III dmeu plaits to. 411 lilll itwatt it worts Tim 1 histhilt f as our great hairs dial ,t a` kitsmiurig 1101411 .as s JIM yeas mil of l`- for stiperstardom. until JAME 11:,(1 ktuir. Jail It-, *LASH Ills htncllglu Asian aretan som •host, rralised titer •th.• •••ght h,tik . cap, aira!, liaiwa-r,,,s". 'Gotta keep 1 ailh only hail about three half Ike 1111.11.a avad I that luck wilt change' He decent songs. I hi we really prop the samillest heats ond taming .,.niital• Ben East 11. COCKPIT RE11101 1111 Every F !day Sevinegete, Leeds. For more Info 0113 - *44 3446 the garage Every Saturday

22 Undercover Story

Fasten your wonderbras and hang on to your Y-fronts, it's time to spring clean your undies drawer! JENNY LETTS and CLARE EDWARDS say 'knickers to you' and check out the latest pile of pants! Undercover camera work: NICOLA QUAYLE

the lk 1hr, ‘prine F the Valentine's hug r1.11111.11rent dre.o.e, alll look their - ,u1iii 115 131 failed to entice you consph11,, girls into haying new For inspiratiiw ••-k • 1 IL0CNI ..1 seductive undies. then 51•40..7 Gill ■■1100. .0 this season's sexy pastels ihk week 's 13ri1 Awagit, t definitely and chat ky cheeks are will you dart to tare' sure to get you back in l•01 the guys. the rute, ale 4 t'.0. the mood for love. different' If you think than hat for women don ' t really cult vilaur you The look that', wear underneath your Levi 's. iv: s Spring/ Summer 97 (weather ort the reeord straight Here. WF permitting! f is all about r)Ot Si. pietist.. if you want RI do wearing your underwear ... •47111e 4er11114s iiiiprei,ing behind C41 KC-111011M , rorgel Ifni outerwear. Sounds sk,:ary'.' 1.110, dt0ir, S hug,. blIT111V h,rsers 1101r, , not talking Relay, v.e're yrlll like. women •I about a re% ival iti the rnoo po—e...ou, • I Madonna - look of industrial Nhille. ['MIL Calk III Klrhlr strength cor,ets and Dem.( yeah IICITIC1111'0,'S ad wherc the git■r /001., hi, downright dangerous pointy rn the Lionkb:relte iv ■ea I hi, bras. we're talking about p14111 while limes, sk a.. .1 flirty feminily, floral 1C.I) good move. sic piCaW patterns and sweet romance. hors, take note' IA11111,001 quo Might like in Willi uncut '1,011 get Big knickers are in! home heh,r. ;ripping off'l However. it you're not quite However. it Situ lee! Innt•yoil ready 101001i like your granny. don": the don't chuck away those paste.' }omit ,port diere are hriell; or G•Ntrings- as they are now Fitted toi:l.ei• rust as fashionable Instead of ACILIA1111 '0E1)1,101 1001, urn. I.Lkle " the ti“.nil cotton. opt Inc lace or Believe a 1,1 lint they Idle .11.31NIII) silk t.. make you feel extra more Caillftlrl.rhte rift ,u we heart seyr ' than hoNeri. Cahill Kirin atm, kire're Aayinti LI 10/11.1 1.110".1.'11 re., hate it wide range anderueal olit old filt'lill ill N.,}1,1,,,I•hrj Arla 411.'111,1111e .innlOthibli- ui.1.1.,011 Thin 11.1', r •r, '` ''' ' • 1., ' Il • . 1 .,••

_umerie 1.1t,L. 11,111 box and


12 Judea Friday February 28 1997

Men 111 AI f Lod Fridaye, Hyde Perk Club 1•l1.1

el in the brad or Leeds- student laud at the !up of Asia tiros e. just olT Brudettell timid!. this cosy club is ideal for revellers who can't ',suit till closing We sent five indie kids to various 'alternative' clubs to investigate the flip time to party. %nu 1. I enir), cheap Lind side of hip. Happy snappers at 9AC - JAMES McCARTHY and JENNY WOOD are nidil hui inCtI1C10,11..0 lireu.IL11 decor. It•,nl the •.ifi nun Al. on lilt stall, 10 Uw huge croc, into B x[+Cllll of is kill herore (lir. A crlomil rush .1!te mum.: loud. and ouiii IOW "sutdiaellatinditni.- aria "olitskoolhiplum- 0 1411 ineukheatdeuntandluss- cut . ji and limed by iiiavo Nix ally 14Iaek Prime iknril.11.11rely had name.. MI/kid) 4S.k9~d1'1 f11? .1111 ni 11•11- .11.1111%:"}: N ILlorian hull 1111!.. .11W •. ,11% ,1,1f.' I .11:r! It '1 p pi.Th di,

C'Meaily.Clark 1111

s ew 1) v

n( state of the nation bs lu (a1 LUU Harvey Milk Bar, Thursdays) c automatic heap pints for all ht played &luring. Ihe night.

- (al NATO, Thursdays) the beer-boy., nut tuch $}}1, Ak beirig 1.1 htl_L'nl there and special remember the C by the Ian 11.11f11.!V,041Cd lean, offers on spirits for the days when The Fir ,%1 }I- }.}.:}11}}.11}}.}}. that .hinted Music Factetry mods makes 'irate' Of Ii) al, hi C II I spastic cliiekrals It. basement ir.i.pi the Nation a great night • 1,1 Ii f 11 was the place for ant. 31111.}1111111}} Is 1 101 .11101.10U any Indic funkster 'Die tousle iNeNur, acid 11 ,1 . 111.2111 1114 .111`. }}.1a ■1611.1 111417 1 1 good misture ph '1,n, to be on a Tuesday '.111.0T1.11 Indio 1 1.11E1' - 1,:d 1 1 etc tWili .14 • mod right through iii F"Ai FA night. titippOseOl!. u lth rime_ ,ohiill11-14:: SI.- hritpup plus a hit oi .NuniumatiL had S.eng.cance kintnint .,01,11, poll A} OW bar 19rst.of Nam lk an tteutles. Plus if s011 everyihing Mai n III I 01.11 ,11,1i,iie illcMfterliliqrs Venue toi happen tit i:i-i iiii.iry 1 Iliiii good hutie club IV eitticr An Indic night. ' iinee to this basement . Itil>. hurrliiiksf of he should have - the night 4 itr,orn i may well find Ohio :Nu.. 1.111011i •■i1;11; sniel I nt vont. in the would slink anion.. Ir. ittlbe420201A9i1190912 can pretty much net. ut:iTels 11,11. chip.. loos. load of lads air ermine surroundings .1, MONierb die Mouth t'imel'ine' perfectly well. but brass :'4e1tr.TI lro Ile ilrari'..1 looking like 'Plane, ulJ 11111}}li MiiiicClatist of ihr Apel' eNtras. tlaliiet and painttnyi. on I1W w and at-least two the wan just I use Sam Selby Caroline Waite Nu icily blokes in the right feel rut an

24 C


• •■••

a) _a I a) 4-, ith all the love and poison of WLondon, the gorgeously Menswe@r- esque Di Colin and pals are attempting something spang,ley. This is (Plastic' Fantastic. The Beautiful Ones has all the music that you wished Brithop et id would play. All aspiring glamourpasses will adore the choice mill Of Suede, T-Res, David Bowie and Placebo amongst other bile sized morsels of beauty. None of yer 011giS Cast Scene trash will strut its niatching check shirt and loam here it% the crowd are effooses.A5

he's hard io had ten indie night %Mitsui the "Cl slier dun thou- attitude that pervades most ulternonve So. if you're one of The Beaubfut One, Of one of !slatorc's Hated who Walll a hum& rii9fie% dubbing Willi die wiht onp then go to whatever lialWalt you happy on a riirmial, ialarm) night: Vickie Boon. brit hop rat Ritzy's, Thursdays nine acre court nderlit stairs. 'KOK wane' a1 The P1! 5. 41 all Sri,: hatchelor-pad i 1 it dabapireer are, well, furnishings, and the Scr•the itcIli' Iiiffilc. cheap, and everyone card-shop-chic of the pink seems to he enjoying 11 else! . lin.: in neon lights. We are in forty or,. themstives. seemingly posters. and a claim to oblivious to the fact than Rit.;,...v 's tor course I. our these playing 'the best in all a hit old hat. very own hit of Bangkok Wifely Fre gull thinks new music and ststles flax 71113,11: piJlis. Ih in the Merrion Centre. A leak > sad matileiNn't nate n something that the promoters classics', "Vali Acre monument both to the rime. Dentin the an Kell bait: ihr seem to be trying to shake otT Onirt at the Pleasure irrepressible spirit of the itius4sal Poltilchtrdleher ht writ, II though • there are rumours Rooms looks to he An that the illis. are Oa a In ■siOtt northern working classes 4i101114111: retetalgill 111-ant+tie italic kid's wet dream to neVINC Interest in early (eat your heart out, Wigan heienfitenate now fsrssourito of a night ord. othc olo 'Coumer teett Casino, as well as, erm, Vas" volt Waist on It then ._ . may)11c. riu: pissed students, itir..,y is a far Mid's aka, eel s Ita-VNe Whams' el:Holes. and I veritable study in swill] min) and the UHL:114N lin:last least seven people sks or with some Duran D.ultii remained on the aim:rano, history. Rimy Music and other 'tilfis wins- when I e puls shut and for The Verve (RIPS. It is also the grand ho, anthems Add e slice of Pulp ibc inevitable motley true Nine Acre t. nun will cathedral of cheese. ?tiler aril Suede and t to rt porch of of die•hard htitpoppurs never bt another Brighton Stringfellow's last resting- edam: Moe the der (taw, tell descends upon the Beach, and 1 don't think it place. Rita. Sue and Bob tow's etoryarre dun Woo' Wien:labs unlikely venue 4_11 flax should be. The relattscly pastel dream... eo there and serve cocktail. Pleasure Rooms. unpretentious crowd (theft will always be the odd Anyway stewdents, hip. the gliltcrad. The sonnth •ack to this hop,Tripthop and now... Asir-Flop! Otherwire. don't patronises us. cvelli includes Oasis. sprinkling of 'beautiful c at such eVellihj w ant Fon:vcr un the cutting edge. Rims, - Stick In Joints what you do beet - Pulp. Kula Shaker and pct j has invented a new musical genre. playing the Renegade Master foal The Bluetones • the more is.xed and (Ian" kids, right under our very noses! $44 or ti ea shirts and stroppy obvious. mainstream side If decent musigoatid 11 happily ntslips A kind of eclectic, gnu-nation sandals. Nov. that's rrdiv sad. to the indie scene - and antidote to Britprop. a the punters can'tgrt Jenny food kaleirlsssenrsie nosh-mesh of Rot- James McCarthy enough of it. Bottles of 'P t 111.11r 15 Caryl comes home?

Caryl Phillips has come a long way from his childhood in Leeds. On his return, talks to the award-winning writer about cultural displacement, diaspora and The Nature of Blood. Capturing Caryl:

people have it all definite that this issue is immensely Even today he is unclear about always interitkd to write about her, he - gorgeousness and relevant, and not just in the historical where 'home' is. spending a silyN_ pelitapr pretentiously. that setting he usually writes about "II significant amount of time in London. writing through her happened Winner intelligence. Sadly, seems w he a really Important way of Si Kitts and America where he teaches accidentally: "I don't know why I'm not one of them but I louking at what is tlw condition of creative writing Not only is he vague suddenly found myself writing it was lucky enough to meet mast of our lives. I mean. I just about the notion of 'home'. he is also tom RCS point of view as opposed walked around y whsle 1,11111:11 of rather cynical, quoting kitten Frost's to the person I see when I look m a man who is. Dressed all Chinese people coming in here and siatcitirtil that home is the place where the emote to brush my Teeth in the in black with the physique I'm thinking 'well where did they "when you po there they have to take rimming." He esestinally of u filmstar and the come frrirn'y because I would rites,. you ire' Leeds, the env where he anohutc., his empathy for his may he ■VII111r. that not all of them spent the fire IX !, cars ie his life i. itanteier lo the tact Hutt lint handshake of a man who 010.11: Iwirti hoe so dies ve suitor !trim mit:cable tor it. alakence in the list ol "oh 1101110. balm' spiritist knows what he wants, some% here and here then arc in the Mo:, where Phillip• spend, he, hale espencliccs oI facie alienation hie wc,t y.v-k‘bire i'lavhouse. Vial', Caryl-just-call-me-t 'az- also iliat he wits the smite :we and 111W.1,,T IrolettC, tir gen:tat:on La' is cell Sll,lw ei !or his ar felt Ininsell thinking lake het Phillips should lie a pretty dispiaocrtieni Ito Urn kind, it-vale-a: it 11.seitini1 11111 Sets al tic el)lh.11111/4,. what It he' happy man. especiull,, with on at ticeathe I 'hook it you rt: Iii 11111 iiv Ss.ii.15. hnNN 125.rl hr 'HAN illaCL. wines ihrouet, pe, din et cat 11131Ut01) in DIttloOft is e • re I 110.1:d Ph hips w heth,t he hod fr■Htl IIII/1.710 as it yiortt the knowledge that be is a all trying ttido, then 1.41.i set, a ,ill hegieten hoc tools 5111i1 Was hams set .1 a tiler In tutopine tither fictiple- bestseller, a previous Around us What's a Chinese straight: " A rat ICII is not an escape to Excellent Phillips novel. Booker shortlister, and restaurant, an Indian restaurant. a a less pmblematie envuonment, may hi', but down-to-tart)] they Greek restaurant? They're all America is a write) deeply mired III err not. drawing on a huge winner of the James Tail testaments to displacement "' some serious trace poinems us 1 range of cultural. Intellectual Black Memorial Award His preoccupation with haven't forgotten who f am." in actual and historical source, I asked Crossing the River. the nose' displacement lulu grown from his iron Wt. It is not easy its definewluit his Phillips whether he bad thought about coventig his which could have won the experienets. Burn in St Kitts, he micas are as: "Although the Caribbean mow:el in Leeds as a small child when may have produced ate. Britain made questions of cultural iticteurty Booker. is essentially an Iris patents joined the huge wave of me what 1 am."' Ott more of an eseryday street exploration of 250 years of the West Indian immigrants in the 'olis Complexity coupe up again level. The heavyweight nature African diaspora. Poetic and Phillips acknowledges hr encountered surnitindtng Caryl Phillips. this time 01 his novels, Ire C1.31111dill. haunting, Phillips' novel racial prejudice but shrugs it off. with regard to his wntmg style. 'The is not entirety -Veteh but you're bnund to when richness of his wswk comes partly preplanned. When he crosses continents you're the only black kid in from his willingness to employ a writes for the screen his generations to school. its not like there diversity of characters to explore his wink is apparently tell the story theme but the less obviously of one human freedom with which intellectual he speaks through but "when condition of characters of a I'm writing displacement. different haeitemond Irislelfi I thruuth to hintself In wad it gel a hit particular. the with my 14k. 4WCYnlinINIY characters Multi Is miaow e, An his hatted Jets itlt -rIrtttaao denied the accusation he' seems to take ranging front of Tot woman of 77te lift' very seriously. "I suppose 11 he of their ex-slaves to NeltrIle te Wend has people think I'm pessimistic There net the man who att.taacd numv turret a lot re pikes in my his iks lull ire tentatively home led the subjavi of accuunions of actual fact I'm spine tin nptentst " Ile traded in them exactly how tte should he cultural dors however seem to he on a tresorin to a black "I Ns( %J.: Ye. misappmpriation to educate the world 011 the problems that -my number id labels American (ii front the cities What of cultural idutlily, but again this 1., eo he's a block 1.1.111C1' Fair posted in a ssa.S. any conceded ewes:, black British may the rty.lit dotted: -'I don't reel that I has,' he tr. •ue You COWL/ 7,3V 'he': a ie. think he has the insight to express the spitkespei 'on lie that community Ithe Yorkshire 5:11111patirri apai rim- me Indian writer' Perhaps '1k.3 the thintehts of such a ditterent le:rein" 'West Indian community tit his village during the Second lust ss ha Lids tIti. Mr) pick uu Bondi writer' 'Vert. I am a British kill.kWef is ii Louise that parries]. that I should necessarily World War, mils' obvious target I 11150111(1111.1 The official letiaen The thing is theIT's MgrIC tin was in any way they share the commie) experience al hang a political drum till theni." lie my uphongmg in all nl them but none ill them is Phillips' latest book, The racial diaspont Feeling relaxed and tleknowlestees though that he believes defined r governed by it." A Mile sufficient" Nature of Blood, is another jovial though as he a (gilt 01 the hest writing to be enntionlatiortal punitioxically, he acknowledges that sipped The thing to iemember though, he eaatnittatum of the houndartee get "the nectar of the gods Phillips say ins that "you produce damn good although he didn't let the prejudice says. is that: "Befirre Frn Mack, I'm Created by awareness of racial merely deflects such seiticisul by work out of frustration" hat that this to hint, the sense at being different did person " Labels do have their uses saying "you're just grateful you ye got hum:anon must be firmly emanilled differences, Superbly written. it not just Wahil over hint though. he acknowledges. as long as character you're interested in because "anger is the most uncreative tells mainly of • and I say mainly A you get them ne,ht. -What I do object mean. Hallelujah " Although he had eneetrui" because Phillips writes using a hi is when people Nay black complex and rich embroidery at C 1hl 1. vaiter. and weal they actually mean Many characters -a young Jewish P1-.14LLIPS by it is like describing a dancing dog, woman trying to grow up of What they're actually 'Keying is 'isn't Germany at the time of the 111k rernarkahhe. They' it in a very pejoratise. Holocaust, and the Othello don't lose any sleep figure of an African general West Indian and British C hired by llic Venetian Doey to may Ise. bur a dancing dog cormilantel lljr armies in the I nth literary wield lie centunts is I:cowry There is clearly a feriiittrit! preoccupauoit of eldiural displacement heir Phillips is

The Juice crossword

1 Synthetic lead - at inost.,lestgileil to be durable. i4.2.4 • _VI fi. Old notice, for exampk, being put back Inside (41 W Grandonothet is going 1hrtmgh Jewish phase. (5) The first correct entry to the Juice crossword I i Ruling I have cot back after former economic leaders have you hock in Paris. (9i Previous competition will scoop a crisp teener. Bring 12. Like the sermon'' Knock back drink in huff. (91 your completed crossword to the Leeds 13 Finale got tidward wound up. (5) Student office, either at LMUSU or LUU. and the 14 Rush around hat getting worried, (71 cash prize could be yours. The closing date for 15 Ran intennitiently - tore after Germany 47) entries is Monday March 3 7 I I avoc created by a hien, found inserted into Christian Union animal al crossword • 19 ImIlowers of fashion, light hot Gigs. (7) 21. Stand calm. Luxembourg' (5) 1111111•11 III o 1 23 Condition of underwear nt the laundry (9) n. A Spanish thought is not entertaining, (9) solution N 25. Ii somas like Iowned a duck. (5) • 26. A record's range. (4) • M • • 27 Bail conditions al the moment - turmoil in ship. (10) • • • " • • Down • II I. Fellow has tilde money for city suite (7) 2. Retiring salesman had encounter with Sidney - comes down with canine ailment. (9) '4 ../II 15 I 3. Ringing "Can-can Northern Spectacular" (not loudly). (141 4. Sheltered department follows raw eel crisis (7 ) 5. Sniffed at chaotic descent. (7) • 18 " 7. Embellish, say, trade group. (5) ■ 8. Was afraid of doctor having English dead hacked to pieces. (7) • 9 Spin tender orchestration with wandering tune for leader, (14) • III 2-1 111/1 1 IIII• • lb. Philip and the queen flirt. (9) • • . • 17. Understands that you are. say, having a break. (7) • OM IS. Language used by one from the north-west who isn't all there. 17) • 11.1 r • The juice crossword is 19. City has good beginning: the Spanish leave, say. (7) • • ••• devised by Will Wollen m 29 Earth's domains. (7) II ME III 22. Inside sources tamper with label. IS)

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he latest edition of T Moon I 0 come nut of the JP" PlayStation closet is the ret minted sersion PlayStation for the shotild 'keep the station. player occupied for a Price £199 - £250 (depending on package) Ike first oink. noticeable The graphics are Retailer All major retail shops difference is the use sharp and the Released Summer 1995 of ambient lighting Playstation handles effects and 24 the 3I) scrolling quite 6=g;111•1 vied, with the channel stereo WIPEOUT 2007 exception of slight sound. Specification jerking. All the PLAYSTATION flte sound PlayStation element% £44.90 effects are room hinorre to 32-Bit RISC Processor .and There are slay the least 1 ilimalc Double Speed CD- ROM Drive and not for lk,,,m are more than the faint 16.8 Million Colours present in hearted. 360,000 Polygon this 50 levels Doom should be in Capacity The everyone', gamepIsly Is of blood- game Two Memory slots %ery collection simple: you Two Joypad ports stained even piny Just for nu Stereo Port marine madness nurelt) Link up port stuck in the %%due. pits of hell. This latest %union .11 your disposal are doe% take full a starlet, of weapons ads adage of the and the aim of the Playstalion game is Moss 'our CANhiillit'i4 and 1.s Peripheralsfivailable ans• through the impressive. especially les ch. *shot linked In There are wire decent stereo. Control Pad than 50 Ics els of Mond-stained 4 lop mounted buttons lot specific. moves. 14, i 1 asii,hir moo If you are a total muffles, ohich speed freak then •1 dirflethilal blitt011S and 4 action buttons I would suggest Memory Card .1j Rapier which is Lets you save your game at any time . Compatible with different olaystatinnk PlilY011.11Y 710 S01210/FX 0/10 the fastest CAMEPLAY 710 OVERALL 70% Tips & Cheats

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C' M M EGASTORES Ll Flow could you forget the star-studded launch of Virgin's largest Megastore outside London last niL November.? With appearances by Richard Branson, Suede, Shed Seven, Zoe Ball, MN8 and Paul Gallagher among others the new Virgin Megastore situated in Leeds Shopping Plaza started life as it means to go on. The range of music, videos and games available in the Megastore is second to none and Virgin also offers a special 10 per cent discount to students on Wednesdays. Thursdays and Sundays (just take your NUS card to the Megastore to qualify for a discount card). To continue celebrating the launch of the Megastore, Leeds Student has teamed up with Virgin to offer you the Who is Flash Gorgon's arch enemy? chance to win one of six bottles of Virgin Vodka. To win What was the "politeness of kings" according to Louis XVIII? a bottle of Virgin Vodka simply answer the following question and send it with your name, address and Which group's first release for flue years was Voodoo Lome? phone number to Virgin competition, seeds student,

If V011 kJ IOW 11112 .11L,WI.A!‘ Own leremv inarioV, yin!! Card Satit I, ALI these leeds university union, pa box 157, feeds Isl luh. questions have appeared on tinirerialty Chagnisr, and hopefully you will toc5, 11 you're keen Closing date: 7th March. an helping Leeds hash the brains Out of Britain (even (hchridg• college included) then get together a team of four and prepare for battle. All the teams at rum university will go head-to-head with each other in the eliminatot play-offs next month. The team that comes Question: Which song by Pulp is about losing your top from that is the local champion_ ready to enter the national super league and face a. television grilling imm 'arcl man lennity. virginity? Call the University Clselkngr hotline now en MIMI 24.14727 or send your names and ksnumbers In Unierffity Crud:mgr. Leeds Stritfrnt newspaper, PO Box 157. Leeds L.Si 1151-1 I

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television' 1 5


(-- ....\ what's hot...and what's not this week

• K.114 111 in the FAN, Ind Boy le • Chrap mkes. smut and iv • depth diseussuni of iiroal issues, w-rillibleia • acrit:it u lihtuir taibid• What hello fount • dehitte' • t •iitittriotioo ■ • istory is but FILMS ON THE BOX • • .1111. ..1,11 •11 • putty in the hands of film- SHOWING THIS WEEK makers, ready to Hby re-shaped to suit their Fivq ▪ every whim. dill! I There is. oi coni...e. nothing • • I 11111 .tl.0 1W UI1 fundantentally wrong with !hi, of pulling um 01 • Nam Btu de. 'Oct) 141 11114I • - we go to the cinema till tdinspirucies area 61.1trift sigh mire "11 the WTI 5% Oh 11101,11, entertainment. not history tmeresting than the bullshit our pla‘ed b1 kirk It lie No, then • I ■ecrt JFK, lectures. and if we do learn governments usually try to peddle to .111.; w nuIii I1.I,e • U., remarkably ',multi to ,tfliitiqhf anything we prefer it to be 1)L.tef Ully4Me remember that Non !BBC Friday, lu.55prrii1 • incidental 10 the tot-screen eptreode of QUeffiltlITI 1..eap when tIti- a 'madcap' movie which BBC2, Sunday, 9.30 pm aCtion. guedlny time-traveller Sant Healer represents De Niro', moo • 1111--1 But, for a dirmutr like Oliver leaped' Mtn the body of Lee Harvey stitTeassitil attempt 41 • 11'IH•7, better 'aunt Stoic. MOM') ii more Limn mere Oswald, and dtseirsesed that Oswald comedy SInc.c Ihr hilarious ..lunduai_ir Mai the tinny It ts like a hard, elniinous tlic11, really did homehow 1 do if? ft bored 1Jrcr Moire, • Vietnam fliolihack type dm! it is his mr,ston to smash it Open me to reat• Stone's gut the rusts idea Charles Cliodio play s slum! of a hovering with a htg hammer and show us the - conspiracy theories may he cruiy, deeply health-conseious MIDNIGHT RUN, • Police Helicopter Comfon gooey red mess hidden within unhinged and half-unfounded. but entherrier rktui's wanted by the of lijudnexel An ekrra And so, thank', i. his labours. we rho Nlut creates such U great sense Mob. the Fecit., comml este, • hoinu, for tirsheis seeking aridly learn THE TRUTH So what 9/. of drama Chuck Inn few A.list stars and just about everybody el:e. BBC1, Friday, 10.55 pm Mal elusive I SA aulhentre Dili TRUTH according to Stone', (Kevin Costnet, Joe 1,60, lack and it's up lo Lb: Niro to get 111/ city hn-ak infamous edu-dtien,.inio-drannt epic. Lenin •n. Tummy Ice tones Ctrl, him safely 34:M%S. AMeric:i ■ • ,/rA t liliC2. Sunday 9_30stmi. Well. whisk up .1 tangle(' plot tntrIgue. he can pick up the huge luluni t it toes SIJIMething like this: President threat, and level trot-1.40ton until can hint This involve. lots ill luck Kennedy warialur Son of God. on it (nulls cater into it state .11 neurotic Witty dialogue on stick Sliblects the serge of same America from the irena. kip it all oft with the maddest. 111 Dc Niro' habits and imminent Vietnam ,P,1, ml .1:1,11 y,fr11 .'ice HOT SHOTS, War. when the lemur ry • ctihans, the Marta, the 111.,: 1i ,r,• BBC1, Sunday, 8.00pm • CIA. the cu Mr, • 1111. LBS. 1/1/estft C1111 I', ,:t.ii.FoRi)1(11 K. 0.,,• CNN, tuuke lit a htiFell, • II NASA. original rxpet wtice ;h. ll A DA and but 1bibovin. • I eiliituri a whole 1,,11 111 IlliNIV ,Iii lite) ! .:111 • r.1.%l .:11 industrial ,011 ivrimple‘ Types well! • and P .11eLI It • all by hur•in• • Ito head iipen with Nouirthim Ili• Joe \14(.04 1lI „Iris well Pilot %loon !ill, Nick O'Nleally aimed And I Isualil ' Ile u itii.. ■-■ I pawn. caught in I Id i.11111 tier,. riu.s ate - .11 1.5 1111- ■1111, 1 lit% f II •

february 28 Firittriot3T Flavour of the Day Here's Johnny, C4, 10.30pm juice guide

A Icy, weeks after the launch of this hip iolinti). Vaughn. who hay worked every low new Friday night char type StillW, We at budget grave-yard slot there has over been Leeds Student finally catch on. on Channel Four, he finally gets his own cinema Yes. it't another at' those prograrimics io fin studio, and, more importantly, his own sari'i let 2452661 04..4 U4.2436230) the void that is a Friday night spent in front house hand_ So far, auditioning for the poll Miss Aral., 12 40, 32o,g Iteimesc is nt the box. It continues a lone line or noble we have had a traditional greek hand and Ner,e CtemlweN. I M. 1 53 4i g 1_5 1.1.1 t, 17_51, 3 30. 0.05.5_50 Clac television output t at W some thrash mead type‘., Plus, Vaughn Oininti 100, 1 23. 530 R 15 Ihic. 1.30. 5_55.1101 h A. 5130131104 by hails The /Weems .1 le Leer. 1.30.4,41, 740 Holland's l'hr Tube. and was nearly wiped treats us to another of his in depth reports 0114pr ice i41,2751441, landnto a 314, I 013 5 ill out altogether by The Won) from the Weeks of Britain. For a different %Lug %awl, 5.111 R21 1 Gee, 7 50 itnentv a nr. gown; 1-i1 the currently in demand view, circa out the 1 v page in Juice_ sofa ...gilt Presented Hyde Park Metter tbeelse tort )haute Pell/1524 421.16221 2752961 the Shiite_ flare! the 314. gelitlinet 1i. to, 13 13,5 15 Itent.iitt Beeped Off. She'. deo Ow %lianiphi Entire... I i le 54401411. In le7re ar.1 Veer tierce Channel 4 Ctreinies. leautuni 1111 1A4r45000., BBC I BBC 2 1TV 1 linnet i hi. 2'7 1411, %1.145 5114.155. a 41. or Sirgrici • 5.00 Busmest.7 00 6.00 Open University. 7.15 See 5.00 GMTV: 9.25 Win, Lose Cr 6.00 Sesame Street, 7.00 The BBC Breakfast New- 9.00 Hear Breakfast News, 7.30 Draw. 9.55 Calendar News And Big Breakfast, 9.00 Bewitched Breakfast News Exha. 9_20 Style Captain Caveman And The Teen Weather: 10.00 The Time.. The 9,30 Scnools, 12.00 Bloom. 12.30 Challenge'. 9.45 Kilroy 10.30 Angels. 7.55 The Really Wild Place, 10.30 This Morning; 12.20 Here's One I Made Esther. 1.00 clubs Gael Cook. Wool Cook. 11.00 Show. 8.20 Just So Stories 8.35 Calendar News And Weather. Cybill. 1.25 Australia WM: The 12,30 fIN Lunchhms News' Lodgers At Ne Club P4en minol rnendhe 11*a, News Regional Newt: Wuathei. The Record, 9.00 The French 26 e.. ditaffiCteat. • Lem 'Wien pileg nee Wu., emitting, ,ice-litre 11.05 The Realty Useful Show: Experience. 9.15 The Biology Weather 12.55 Horne And 1.55 FILM: Carry On Admiral rr Mete Auto=c4.4 a (wavy. i4 Away, 1.25 Ernmerdale 1.55 A (1957). Farce starring Seeley tr, 909 11.35 Change Thal: 12.00 News' Collection. 9.45 Watch. 10.00 ItIent. tem th Paydays. 10.30 Hatch Perth Country Prance; 2.20 High David Tomlinson Regional News. Weather. 12.05 Road: 2.50 Shontand Street. plil mMiiS I ISprit0174;212:2744AU 10.50 Cosmo And Dibs 3.30 TravellIng Light Mei limp* The Alphabet Game; 12.30 Going HOutie, In 3.20 ITN News Headlines, 3.25 t YerRitrIngi watt mutton. 1314..1.111 mu I 2330 miter Puniabi. 11.00 look And Read. 4.00 Fifteen To One Marre3, Rem, torn b. mine For A Sang. 12.55 The Weather Calendar News 4.30 Countdown luThr WeieNgote The Phisenge 9.11114135 Show. 1.00 One O'Clock News 11.20 Shod Circuit. Lite 3.30 Rosie And Jim 114034m tigiiraitge 0,51 Processes And Living Things. 5.00 ftroki Lake its ISL'S A Member., £111 Mars 4cchuo, ‘,311 hoot wiih tie Weather. 1.30 Regional News 3.40 Slim Pig Kid 4[0 'Keith kW. Camp E. Weather. 1.40 Neighbours 11.40 English Time. 12.00 3.50 Warner Brothers 5.30 Pet Rescue lbe Cat English File: 12.30 Working 6.00 TFI Friday. Maestro Chris phi in Neat A. '0. Modernimit menet. limn sail ciatiggel (lab 2.05 FILM: The Gift Of Love Cartoon Evans orchestrates the tees Ca kltb. with live brat lace Legato:Nu} 70. disco, with (1993). A man strikes up a Lunch, 1.00 Scene - Breaking 4.00 Zzzapt PetiMar nittt wrgerhygra amt Reeks fonid Irktir•, 5453 it. The Code. 1.30 Le Club: 1.45 another superb symphony friendship with a 4.15 Jumanil at music, chat and tun 1114-Llekraroand mysienous young runaway. Words And Pictures; 2.00 Just So 4.40 Gladiators: Train 2 Win mif::::e'iwariwom....e Fixes kcal Nisiks Stones. 2.10 Sport On Friday; Home And Away 7.00 Channel 4 News That*, Dedi. !qtrs. 2xis. 13. Fel 21411113 Mr theca Starring Andy Griffith 5.10 7.55 The Press Photographer em hive with Filluka Lea 3.55 5.40 ITN Early Evening News Rh 3.30 Playdays News Regional News. Of The Year ...alephew amp!. Swat.* w Weather, 4.00 Today's The Day. 5.55 Calendar News r1444-klei ea well, 4., then'. if., state 3 50 The Friday Zone 8.00 Bloom. entirely oar 10 pal pinata. Obbiewe. the 0.144- enit,lub 4.30 Ready. Steady. Cook. 5.00 6.30 Tonight Shot on lined 4.55 Newsround Extra 111m. Bloom reveals indaing a fwegnell The Esther 7.00 Wheel Of Fortune The Hide Pith Chile, ruth Grum Werelsougs Wild, lb. tbege he the re. 5,10 Blue Peter beautiful blossoms. old Nhr rr rIkt and riicigir 5.30 Going. Going, 7.30 Coronation Street. Judy Oi• 11.,01 FnatrirreltiCh 5.35 Neighbours. The Kennedy Gone Star Trek prepares to say goodbye lavounte, new surprises 11 t I membeitillp 10Viti 8.00 unikely relations Mils taco the 5.50 Electric Circus to her mother and at the 8.30 Brookside. The Cafe Bei consequences 7.00 Pole To Pole. 8.00 The Bill. A City trader IfTweil=1:P.V1 hem f bin alMl weekend's events blames his unemployed comes under new 70. rt...1 ilernr.2ena (4 7.50 A Week To Remember 6.00 Six O'clock News breams-xi-law management 8.00 BIrding With Bill Oddle. A when drugs 1.3131St 6.30 Regional News are found In his 9.00 Caroline In The City. Dot", bilk • erence-fre, rein six-part series on bird. mite woad, ell Cele Pep Larnborghinl. Stater and Caroline and Richard 7.00 Big Break watching - how to first 0,1911 51 Of The Pops Quinnan discover the tacker over their shared 7.30 /op watch and identity beds Henry 3111% Mgr truth With Andrew Paul work space until Caroline Npoi. prrainnlarati, 8.00 Porridge. The inmates at 8.30 Gardeners World. Alan matenen. Slade Prison are bonfire:I and Alan Westaway rinds the perfect solution e. the best tieuratitnparary pip tt to discover there's a thief in Titehmarsh considers the 8.30 Holding The Baby. War 9.30 Spin City. Michael midst graceful terraces and breaks out between (Michael J. Fox) needs a Melt delicate fountains ol the Gordon and his smug 8.30 A Question Of Sport With favour 'Toni a famed New learn captains John Parrott Mediterranean while neighbours over wnose York developer Dan Stephen Lacey discovers child Is more gated Donaldson (George and Ally McColst some clever plant 9.00 Catherine Cookson's Wendt), but the prim he 9.00 Nine O'Clock News: combs tations In Wales. The Moth. Following the gigs Regional News: Weather has to pay may not be B lather, Ruben 9.00 Red Dwarf. When an death of his worth it . 9.30 Silent witness. When Hopi! Peet a intelligent virus Bradley leaves the Jarrow 10.00 Roseanne. The The Cockpit and takes up the Connors Pergameliga)np 41 finghtun Hein Snatch terrninaity 111 patient dies. impregnates Lister, he sets shipyards and themselves out of their see atertel offer of a lob in the tamity lirmi his body is donated for up a communication link element when they accept ]atee a Ndt furniture business from medical research with his disease and Ines his an Invitation from Astrid Pwhals lerventty relig FICINI1c • NIA:MAW r PCs, 10.20 The Mrs Merton Show. lo sweet-talk It In to not ious uncle Wentworth tMo Galfnayi to Caroline Aherne interviews 10.00 News At Ten: Weekend killing him Weather visit her luxury home and celebrities including 9.30 The Two Fat Ladles 10.30 Calendar News And meet her family Jeremy Clarkson and Comedy Cook-In. Sacha Distel Weather 10,30 Here's Johnny 10.30 Newsnight 10.40 FILM: Cocoon: The 11.05 The Girlie Show rjtheatre 10.55 FILM: Midnight Run 11.15 Space: Above And Return 11.35 TFI Friday (1988). Fier., Chic Thetas (1988). Starring Robert De Beyond 12.50 Funky Bunker 12.40 Robin 3orksbtet liar I i1.1,.111 (•un asJ KnKlicr. by Niro and Charles Grodin 12.00 Stuff The White Rabbit 1.50 Club Nation 12.45 Fiava Mir vi.. .urne.h 12.50 FILM: The Legacy (1979). 12.30 FILM: The Face (1959), 2.50 Cyber.Cate 1.15 FILM: The Burglar (1957). slat Minting Occult cruller, Starring Max 3.20 Dating Taut film noir starring Dan von Sydow heads the The Enemy Grand Tlictiltr 11.1tueame Katharine Ross Stand c-ast of this blackly comic 420 And Deliver Duryea, ii.ditiro end 111. ',Mel,. 2.30 Weather; 2.35 Close 19th-centUni mYstofY 5.15 Cool Vibes 2.55 FILM: Nightfall (1956). 2.15 Close 5.30 ITN Morning News 14.20 FILM: The Mob (1951). Cl) ARIES: I I Capricorn: mititt5tsit$ N.,. HI, and pink tat u large rob! Surer hit; axsocialed wills bright proposal will come your way in !tom Me 1111. week. Asti', itaturait %err. 11.111:4111r. ult. Slop I hi. 55 eel,. 130.1tile(1012 1.1114, looking up, Mart tunukiep dew 11. .4101 .1, it hack U. KIL :i1.1114'111 fall Ihn Than krioiliang kii3 toy thew trerr.nlitmis +/kin ilie neer rather than ascending II nut. IN: (Mike 3 m1[1011, 11E, re. Fin- ilinnerh glass ',vele*. br'itCiiCl.rl ill If1P fatale. 11 U11.11111:41111g it, tha, mearnl rill' Cancer: it.24111f: 11 ,21P I, SAGITTARIUS: hilt Taurus: •It -rr2 he'21111111lig t. •Istit TARSIGNS Scorpio: you gelid Much ce Libra: iodedriive. btu this watt %WM 4it`Illl 111, ibring I final chvisive action. Flataots you must not let LEO: Four nights a week is lust yourself he iniisattl, as yini can not enough. You'll have to change your (easily be, by other peoples' Luck lifmtyle to accomodate your peace of mind. U) responithility. and inner sportful health. 32

.iat.-t-i.iurcila3r. march 1 the Day juice guide Evita @ Hyde Park Picture !louse, clo.1111e 0.1.:11 51altidiy appit ilia Madonna's lis ego must huve been rather surprised land living under a small rock for the past couple cinema disappointed I when the nominatirins tvere Of months then you should :Arcady luiow anninitteed Whd ii.he and Eriin were mil Esau t% the true story or Argentinean girt Eta rj5114.4. Si. 241;615. ( Id 4,11 .1 4 174 II.; In . mentioned_ liaving said that. the film has Peron, who bettanie involved in 11.... .0,-, I • " I ■ I .4 r I "1..1 bete :dreads• picked tip two Golden Globe diVt ards, showhusiness, married the President and . • iticludutc one hit Rest Actr•its In a Musical eveuttutil) beeline: line of the most important. • (mangy ea f1.-1.2751mm, or Comedy The film shows at the Hyde !'ark fiercely loved alai enntritivrsiil °VIM!, rti the Mdin all r .111 Picture finlike until Thenvdtt). and it you %wild. Cinematography is by Dariut Kondji. haven't already wen it. then 1 i definitely whose credits include Stealing Beauty. and Ittids hrhlittrairy Ileum rut I Itrirlonnrttlq.plat hey t;vad, 0:Inheit :7526151 dome MI 41 Mi., Ili .1112 • i, reel to thin rentarkable I 6.11.0 I4 81524 IILUII 11 NI 141111C 1/.4 711■7( fir 111, . I pill rtf test! '&004.. II, 1 •■■•,. -•,.I Fs...- BBC 1 2 ITV Channel 4 •• .1. P 4.1 • BBC I n. 4b1, , I 1.1. 1 I;Irsptn, 7,00 Harry And The 6.20 0(101, Llowersity 8.00 0I1ell 8.00 OMTV. 9.25 SCIdtCrly At td 5 50 hrirytoons. 6.00 Salaams Hendersons Saturday: 10.30 The Static CO, 11.30 The Chart Show S reek 7,00 Dumb And Dumber, 7 25 News: Weather Mimed: 10.35 Carriers 12.30 Moves. Cremes And 7 30 Dennis. 7.45 First Edition. 7.30 Felix The Cat Canbtwan 10,50 The Sky At Videos: 1.00 ITN News 8 00 Transwortd Sport, 9.00 TT:, 7 45 Phantom 2040 Night Weather, 1-.05 Caere:fat Wee, 1. ening Lire: 10.00 Csauena clubs 8 10 Trio Real Adventures Ot 11.10 FILM Bringing Up Baby CantidamWpitaltionsieir:e14.g1400 UsEpl=e,;,,Lti ltalla 11.00 NBA 24t7 Jenny Guest (1938). screwball 1200 MIti•SItha Parents, 12.35 nAnse [heti. Murk. 4411111 .•1..41 11,1.1 1111,11,1;i11 8 35 The Filntstones :01110M SIA !ping Katharine 1.40 FILM: All For Mary (1955) Channel 4 Racing From MAN Ilia-Lail I'I' pntnn Ihe 9.00 Live And kicking 5110 Cloy l'".1 3.00 FILM The Plank (1967). Dory:aster. 2.50 Pate Smith UM 14111 1.1rti 31...r 111. i11.11.1.1.. %Vila 12.50 Film 97 With Barry Ise wt 1114ro ',crowd, Stitt. 14111-1..43 12.12 Weather Silent comedy written and Specialities Nan Nrrt I r.: coo to 11-,, from .44.1 111.0 1,3,4,1 rli•• 12.15 Grandstand Norman directed by Enc Sykes ■ 3.00 FILM: Hans Christian Central, PAIL thu-rt, Stern II ?, 1.1 4im I ti i. ,n r LA, Its 5.30 News- Weather 1.20 FILM: Sergeant York 3.50 Baywatch Stu 11151rn t 111 nteiiit...t. 11 Z (1941) Andersen (1952). Tuneful 5.40 Regional News: Weather 4.45 rrN News : Sports and enjoyable ten loosely tee, riv I 153,5 rrivni4CY. 3.25 Howard Hawks: Results: Weather Minix 7; 1 14141:11 „ph, 5.45 Dad s Army based oar It Mt lilt) of maestro American Artist LOS Calendar Nows and Cbab %Ilex 6.15 The New Adventures Ot forry•tale teller Hans Jtowerek. N ith Fein. peon froolrol. !Naive terra 4.25 FILM: Rio Lobo (1970). Weather Cul Itelfent ellie min revs MorIol vat, Superman Lighthearted Western 5.10 Sconeine Christian Andersen Iffillieri,150a011C t /SR. kb 111%tun.4.5.1.-vvisietti 7.00 Noel s House Party. Noel 013Calt 0 tomer Unitinist 520 Clueless. Char is 5.05 Brookside Omnibus 'Mr MANridw-E..1-10 Whets eclair Edmonds busts another 6.30 Right To Reply i1.30eaLe5 a01u colonel who sets Out to enthralled tv hear that rtes Ti... L align five extravaganza from settle some old lawyer lather's new client 7.00 A Week In Politics wee amt 1"knivera knout. Cnrailay Bottom. leaturing SCOres.Starring John Is none other that actor Kip 8.00 Fragile Kingdoms. Sarah xitiv 11..131.61 I.If 41441• N11.4 coonah'. I WW1 the 'Hot f-kkete NTV', 'A Wayne and Jennifer Kiiimore Hart and hersisters Beluth O1 II/ bawd. a. Mirth . rosin Mme, veilite with Hein Minute Ot Prime time 0 Nee and Lajo are ordinary Ansusi Coat, amtrett and 5.45 Sabrina. The Teenage rithsreseek1& time 'My Little Fnend 6.15 Cruhs 97 Witch. Its writer break American children living an Ceartliant sAc e we 7.50 The National Lottery 6.45 News And Sport: and Aum 'Zelda and Hilde estreordinary Ile deep in t.orrA Home.. val1tRrx Sealt 11204 tbeilleet eyrr e ini, finr Live. Dale Winton presides Weather lake Sabrina to Mars iot a the hurl forest of Zaire This Ste.. Moue VW Firdy awl Mite neniee fiZonien. over today's lottery draw 7.00 Correspondent, Emily family skiing vacation documentary eNn♦areS their 'hem & Ciess111 8.10 Crime Traveller. A new Buchanan reports on a 6 10 You Bet! unique lifestyle I., Mere rpr ht,-psexA pour.. al .6m MOO 'Ii mystery adventure series vagenriz, programme run 7 10 Blind Date. Cara Brack 9.00 Last Chance Lottery 1 • vion, 1ln 1 rrt do 411,,t. Wu fin., 111. n•4-4 Onnt with Michael French. Chloe by the Canadian province Irada..:11 mom eager 10.00 Eurotresh. Presenters • 11'4,4/A4/L.44 .ntIO 1.4 On... 1110.1 y 01 Alberta up to 111172 idittiar ermiestants in search ol ,r,11 rlfmla Andy e and Sue Johnston, Jean-Paul Gaultier and which people could be love at hoe sight including Antoine Re Owners Lt. 511 Mr.. Zip. LndINIS.TMI'd following maverick rorcibly sterilised Lottery Result Jo. 1.,nfinni 114,, detective and his colleague ire mdutis Jessica Rizzo, Loft set i.mdG 11.10)%woll2_11kuu Le 7.45 Branded. The 8_10 It'll Be Alright On The as they solve crimes by one et laity s new breed of Sal war,' hrfkr,4411110fillf Modes Wiser li=gli3 documentary series Night 7, Denis Notden PI•• C ?OXUS OU.S16111411, using a time machine examining global brand presents another porn stars liVogylitoolg 9.00 News And Sport names and the vision compenchum of TV out- 10,30 The Show. .lein Rob Milts 11'1 Har,r3 Mint 11se Mc. 1111,11111 SOljekiFICAANWIlhi• fur ariothei voyeuristic 110+4,.. lldlJfr utl. 14410 11,r111 tnet11 00-n. I ',no. tnan 11/11111 9.20 FILM: Dancing in The behind the products takes, howksns and 'pal, iii G no Ihr 01101 11.• tr, n1 Dark (1995). The trim story focuses on the all- tourney through the lute at a of one woman's light American brand of Lew 0.10 blotAstiPeisanatd, A Iwo-Ian $111411 chat show. capturing the against the 'lecherous auras. settee about the crisis Vieek•.ong behind•01e- advances al her tattier-n1' 8.25 Close Up. Leading Mm- triggered by a huge scenes scramole to put The gigs law. one 01 Texas' legal mailers and calebnbeS asteroid on a direet Bob Mills Show together collision course with the 11.35 Hill Street Blues. There 1.4.A.n.r.. %lent, 1COnS end a pillar of the cheese thee favouree fern Earth licuun al••1111 • 114111L community. Stoning clips are problems For Captain 10.55 ITN News: Weather: Victoria Principal, 8.30 Performance: Company. Flunle as he defends rile 01 Lottery Result 10.50 Match Of The Day. 10.50 FILM: Harrison Bergeron he officers. while the rest (1995). A sci-ft thriller 11_10 FILM: Deliver Them Desmond Lynam go out on the streets. based on a story by Kurt From Evil: The Taking Ot Introduces highlights of the dressed in drag. to catch Vannegut Ut 2053, anti- Alta View (1993). the notorious park rapist Premiership match tellectual forces have Fachisity-based story between Newcastle United 12.30 The Client. interresd the earth and 12.50 In Bed With Medinner 1,30 The Girlie Show rj theatre and Southampton at St everyone must wear an 1.20 FILM: The Lawyer (1970). 2.00 Rickl Lake James' Park 3.25 Funny Business thew tiarlishar Pliviteem I 's It I hrolrt. electrons; headband that 2.45 Beam And Bullhead 1.1141 mein I.0 1:n• I .1, • 1.1: MO 12.00 Chalk sr:Tampa:5 intelligent 3.55 Collins And Macontes r.,,It,11. da.1.4.11.. 12.30 Top Of The Pops thriughi Starring Sean Movie Club 3.10 rlava 1l..111111. airt•Iiiiiif 171.411 1.00 FILM: Silver Dream Racet Aslin 4.25 Murder. She Wrote 3,40 Bless This House Special: The (19801. 12.25 Windows On The Work, 5.15 Sound Bites 4.10 Film Night tit. rastd English Patient 14.,4111...1114 11411d 1141.11 ni,-181 2.45 Weather 1 25 Global VideoBytes 5.30 ITN Morning News 2.50 Close 1 50 Close 5.05 Beat Special ti EVERY SATURDAY DURING TERM Leeds' Biggest Midweek Student Night Every Wednesday at LMUSU City Site


mfirlf OAR EM0115 44 LEEDS METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS U ION 95p a pint lager/bitter/cider mixer 9pm - 2am £2.50 N.U.S/£4.50 Guests £1.85 trebIMIk HAPPY FIRST HOUR 2 rooms of music • Main Hall .Pop & Dance, Bach Room • Indie & Retro BITTER. LAGER, CIDER 95p A PINT • Admission only £1.50 84 10.30pm, £2.50 after QUEUE EARLY!!! Avoid the queue!! Priority Tickets £2 from City Site & Becketts Park 33

march 2 Flavour- of the Day •

emonheacis V 1 NTI 'SU (It) Site A 'dl 111, l juice guide tint' .11 in dr. !.'4,1.1'. III Il,e Thclr irdt et ill NitratM rile! later, Is hot 11 1111 (dint *;p1,01., ,Wrr- kr)bromin tumcli thcni roil di-N,a:,,acialed Inn 11 ILtlu hel p de- lawn iiineholLl traffic el% C? • MOIL ' men el ill the !-Jelg I SO Weight 'cc% ihe• cinema Neu! .1 lel Dam) i'ete Terng !take soinethin• 01 fi CoMe .INKL trail, 1t, ith tiout pia I, w lib rumour id dray hem. like lilt Inelancht■In. // / Cold,/ %Eh r rel. 2-152hi7 in- hand -arlr and Lt titers Nock. I + an Dandy, 1,4 T ell YL.Ir. . J. well is u U.'S.y baci, didn't help the hand,. Ii.,ilihl 1111Jee ht eat:theme lo Intl hat', II should h.: a 121,041 ■ Cretin-en. !Ark C. IlLik lug ;i real night in the plc...elm: ill a man who bus prelt. 25 ir.e .0.11 hinis•n 1.11 Y.11• 1 111• 11111,1, 1111.)01 411,11i. if OH 111)(1 Will it all 1.11.4.)FO). Houma I tar I Lti s 411, n 1 1 . e le, ILLLe.e,,,, I elle*. Rd 1le1.2731Mr61 I a I'i4 42tieZ2I ▪ .1t1Jek, s I. Si -a-4 t. Channel 4 1hr Num,' BBC 2 ITV Hy4b Park lileisue I lousy lb{ 11...r1.le I • i -r , I It, 2/$20451 .Is' o lilt C. ie.. lend.,. to Lure .neon War 1-rinic reAlurci, 7.30 ee Hermon- 4 Annuli ShOM, 755 6.10 Open University 7.25 Open, 6.00 OMTV 6.00 Mitserei 825 6.20 NBA 24.- 7 15 Matleirne 7.40 Draw: On ILklerren. 101 arInteliout. hutted_ Phyows 6.15 20 Slaps To BARMY Sunday Toveuds The PenkteisanCe. Dewey Clue: 10T5 The Shay Nevetending Story. 6.10 Doug, Fyne 6.15.1/ urn Manly, Manegemerre 9.30 Cheekiest With BIS Stay Tweed 9.10 The Family Keepers 10.45 Morning Warship: 615 etyperman 030 Saved By The gar. Patmakb, Pnroad Ness. 9.15 The hay Betsy Spider: 9.35 Crucrbic. Evito. 1.1y Awry Herne. Frost. 9.30 tranOom Gvnel 10.15 11.45 Link: 12.00 iletlyaill KnOWS, Byel 9.25 Steel snann, 4.50 Lettnym UHL 27$1061i See +leaf' 10.45 Deutsch Plus. 11.00 Meetly Mes 10.00 Ship To Shore, 12.30 7_10 1,righlenars. Sleepers Goats On &aiRiyi 12.55 C.alitotrua Dreams 10.15 Harpy Clays. Fiche Creature.. 5 40. The Eleventh, Hour. 12.06 C-euMryFole 10.30 Gramm Hill, 10.55 The Wild Calendar News. 1 AO ITN Nees 10.40 rkelyeake Omnibus, 11.40 The 12.30 On The Record: 1.30 House, 11.20 Seen Change 11.45 Wearier, 1.10 Jonathan Dentsleb4; (lutist. 11.1. 14.1412.4111 Weems. 12.40 4M A Dee Unzipped, EastEnders. 2.50 The Clothes Show, The 0 Zone, 12.15 TOTP LOS 2.00 Murtlei. She Wrote. 2.55 il• 3.15 Eidebeck Brothers Ana Selms 1.30 Avenel Coronation Street. 305 Cartoon 1.10 Hers a Johnny 1.40 Featball 3.55 FILM: ftw1 75 (19751. A Programmes 2.00 A Week 7r, 4.00 FILM: Hart To Hart Returns. item. 400 News Summary end melee td,fislon Mayes a peebo Remember Jonathan HEM ea ten reed for Weather let damaged but ivell airworthy 2.10 FILM. Man's Favourite murder 4.05 Travelog Trek Spore) (1964). Comedy. 5.35 SenOuest DSV clubs 5.40 61L.: Weather 4.05 Skl Sunday 6.30 Calendar News And Sport 4.15 FILM- Bonnie Priem Charlie 6.05 Regional News 4.55 Rugby Special 6.45 ITN News. Weather 119461, Eve amount on Bonne Arb Cade Rar Nab} 6.05 Songs 01 Praise 5.55 The Natural World 7 00 Bruce Fornyttes Play Your Ponce Chance (Maned Thr Sendale 5rOlon with ittrs4 Dix Low letv, 'Ombra togy lb& 6.40 Denise Red Nose Co!Mellen. 6.45 Star Trek- Voyager. Cards Right. attempt to win lie 81111511 PlOhle hiphap `ha 911,0-24,11 Analhar mor;k-.andmak, COrroc 7.30 11110 Presidency. The inside 7 30 Coronalion Street. throne With Dived Pavane, Edwards Rader reciter 8.00 A Touch 01 Frost story tram Dublin and fleetwele Margaret Leighton J.Len flee. laid hunk heels beau* The aurtyard 6.46 Lail Ot The Summer Wine. or what mewled WM July when 10.00 The Clines James Show. Thu 5.30 Last Chance Lottery s. wake. (echo; 111, Irk Nwhr (,“-aV,C11.1n,tunc. The minuet 441.0 parade is evoked Wok on the presidency wry and goodies, and he 1,1 rlalr Islitill1) placed Ul bee Nerds ul Foggy at me European Union for al. Mthoel guests east a brilloal 7.30 Love Lire Cornea and Clegg What could 111041ff1S eye 01010 the week's news and ROO Canterbury Tabs The Umbrervms1 7.15 peeeibly geol=w, 000 The Money Programme unearth some or the mote 9.00 Turning World. Stoats hike ash Ivanic webs, li!itki Pork Club Mahn= 9.00 Red Dwarf offbeat mammies from TV 10.00 FILM: The Handmaid's Tele mash and laid NO: ramrtom the lAvivorl}co 4.30- bileton Dnev, 9.00 FILM:MOS/1W 111161. 6.30 FILM, JFK (199 1 t Oliver wound the walla 11985). Siarnny Natasha Kan Mark!, Trip, obi tows I:1, mat wide rii=if• think. FaltePiteed !While &When 10.45 ITN News: Weather, followed &reins iced 11. 1111 Penn: NLek by Local Weather Hichanham. Fare Dunaway 4..-* pitta drahadade era sere nr;ranllJn nl lino 1469 Free entry. finishes 10.30pm cape Mt perefellart Weasel'. Kennedy asluirainakorr in 11,00 The South Bank Show. and Alder Chen must Ike dthsti his lethet'S Deltas W5 Its aftermath, Melvyn Bragg manes tea Bee 12.00 Partners bettered rep1.016100 fixerangioo the ewes/wear:a Gees, e trio who have entoyerd 12.10 Dispatches 9.25 The War Of DM*. of Newtitre:Arm IMM(1 phenomenal success over lour 1 15 World Cinema. FILM: The gigs decades Ecclestastleal SITCOM, Attorney Jrre Garrison Music Room 11954). 10.05 News: Weather 12.30 FILM: The Female Jungle 12.00 FILM; Three For The Reed I.MUSLI Of, Slit Dueletas (198T). Followed by Newt 3.05 World Cinema FILM 10.20 Omnibus 11955) lornonlicalc.. loll Ara I Fterniectie + Ronne 1.35 Eastern Cinema: Appu Rale C harulale (The Lonely With) 11 10 Heart 01 The Matter. 1,45 Close tle5(lah. See tele 'y renew (1990). (1964) er 11.50 FILM. Winning 119691. 2.00 The Learning 2oneOpen the 1.50 Weather 1 55 Close University 4_35 Jobtinder 5 10 A Week In Politics Sunglasses by a, La. 11101. g Dearr .11 eele ot erg ellm ;., .1,-Lou... •.. , _ , !inn). aronta• g Iwo) .CP11.41(1 17000. Si (11.01.16 telI Pope ,on 81, ar.L.I.O. bal.-ally 1 ....get•Ig +VW CCI &Out rty TAMP en Whoa no have ITN Pane to alms IV move eats gas% ne the pow +ewe csirt Moe wth 61010 $110110.1 a fro morn or ry course work voknout makarg sun I re had eha,gh re oink

an iniosigree pesos I snow Me Num that ere teem to myseir .10,4 he PIA 841116 Marl maker raceme I were to Nip ale ea at eitertre as comber Rct trenedmg saw. lo cySence the lege Lee year 1 marnepel re LOSISOCO lint erselw Del ?Ya in [WON 00 0401 DIM 1014004nrarda eel l ewe Pee Cx. shoult10111001 Wad wend to ay to norm newel 101100 110144. *weer Ins OW Pepe wee draw a concemed lean Metal hawe pane enema convinced era 1 was temp lo these I eSidl Of me (Mgt.% 041 OP 00.110.1 bop at a twos not IP are the pane maces got 10000 and owlet 0.11, 000.1010 kan0/1 1 tol to soma lune of. tome: crypt my &weep tea pal rue mem only 01+1110 . numbly 01 0.01 • 11981 rover man an 00.146 84100 I 0:1!7y II 1 MO I Okilekua anastie m the reuse Pao them II I owe 1T are PIO my ow io ream moo I ea to me cc balms tercet t5 3ath iust on case I eke t ea we to lie 010 11111 Nem I ewe ado my amen irom my house Main WO buy toy mom Won t'Avvi. .0:01- 000060 1rrt mrameel or the erieure I aim

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march 3 Flavour of the Day juice guide Jonathan Fire*Eater @ The Duchess Ibex moniker may tic ale must annoying LP. tremble //rider 1-Mom LtgbrA. shove:teed clvg to type but this bloody .minded their studied Warhohart charisma and determination is blatantly reflected m the awkward ()eking out of a melody. Singer cinema gr011113..S' music Quite possibly the coolest Stewart's lyrical Polemic! snapshots id B hand to ettlerge fr►nt America in the last few dettauclaxl urban life may trek of privileged hissul lleL 4111 it;r1- 2453400 ) ears. J01111110121 rire'Ealera preppy an public a ha,l waywardness but combine this page 4}. '1i1 kati to int I if) I 110m..Cmgauft, rfki 3 le S IS NItLIlaci I: 15. "I•9? . ..chool chic and angular, cerebral take on yeah the group's liumnireid- fuelled, ls :to • Nevi Wave•era tack has had critics and fans ►a.m.& re IN limn ol a ...h. I :1i .41 hopcleasly dniinalic guitar histrionics and ail alike drooling in the Wings: The New more than a few piercing slaws and you' II loonvkarsl:'1 tr.•h. raid.• Cartage 401.27:.1.416 Axr-I W.1 I ‘ollaWashington I)( guilders defeit mini- scam understand w hal all the hiss is about Man .frock; iti '1211 Mr* Park how, Wow hsl_ SlatoortAN., ilrl 111.114 1204.22 mod, Ili • ■ h.iLa I. Is s I • f .• • 11,11 •.,•• • ••.- BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV Channel 4 ‘1.121,1ar. 1111.• ■,4514 17rilti teaser net itapviro, 101 IM00.15..., F. Cs.larr.. rr t1; A ..."1 timed, Mar. AssAi,ftsltrli 4 6.00 Itasinoss Breaktasy, 7.00 6.00 Open University; T.15 Ste 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 Chain Lames, 8.00 Sesame Street; 7.00 The Nam Fristawer. Sierran 110C Breakfast News; 9.00 Hew Breakfast News, 7.30 followed by ITN News Headlines, Big Breakfast; 9.00 Bewitched. Breakfast News Erin,. 9.20 Style Captain Caveman Arid The Teen 9.55 Calendar News And 9.30 Schools; 12.00 Right To Challenge. 9.45 Kilroy; 10.30 Angels, 7.55 Blue Peter, 8.20 Weather. 10.00 The Time .. The Reply; 12.30 Here's One I Made Can't Cools. Won't C.0075: 11.00 Pingu, 8.25 Hairy Jeremy. 8.35 Place. 10.30 This Waning, 12.20 Earner. 1.00 Cybal_ 1_25 Bicycle Never Regional News. Weather Lassie; 9.00 TV& 9.30 Pathways Calendar News And Weather: Syniphorly. 1.35 FILM- The Man 11.06 The Really Useful Show. DI Bello, Judaism. 9.45 12.30 News_ Weather. 12.55 From Colorado (1948). 3.30 clubs 11.35 Change That. 12.00 News Tecrmology Starters, 10.00 Home And Away.: 1.25 Collectors' Lot. 4.00 Fifteen To J Regional News. Weather. 12.05 Maydays. 10.30 Landmarks- The Coronation Street: 1.55 A The tersrlyard IttINALINC/ibelted fJ pea The Alphabet Game, 12.30 Going . 10.50 Look And Country Practice, 2.20 Wish You °Mnonefel.30W11C1Zne,untti .30wn,Ptr 5h01. /1.• MAW 6w eat FicaIsrane IlaiaL,rwtelItukel For A Song; 1255 The Weather Reed 11.10 Zig Zag The Anglo- Were Here 7: 2.50 Shortland 6.00 Moviewatett. Top led MON dirt, maw% 011010401201. Show- 1.00 News. Weather, 1.30 Saxons; 11.30 Ghostwriter 12.00 Street 3.20 ITN News. 3-25 Hollywood stud Alex 1011h Calendar News, 3.30 Tots Mst.LiFee 0.11117prn Regional News Weather, 1.40 Testament. The Bible In Baldwin lalks about his O UM* taw/ ILlwrlar! 3.40 Rainbow Days. 3.50 Wall CI Neightxlurs Animation, 12.30 Worlung Lundi. new hen Ghosts Cit the 0611111111060111i pay 001 1.00 History Disney Cartoon; 4.05 Sooty's 2.05 FILM: Mom's Army Fite. 1.20 German Past. Plus an email-eve raggiae-MothaL 9.3ffeer-2knr. Omsk. Globe, 1.25 Landmarks- Pakistan Amazing Adventures report from inside rtemuft it.ts (1991). Quirky cornedy. 100P War And Its People, 1.45 Slorytene, 4.20 Snap Hollywood with Alta • 14.4.' "wane./ when Sterring. 13afbara Eden and 2.00 Pinou. 2.05 Hairy Jeremy 4.45 An Attack McLeod &Wink sada' Playing kiwar.L-waer.. disco, Hector Eli:rondo And Away reek. 2.10 FILM: The Last Of Mrs 5.10 Home 6.30 Hollyoaks, Michael 'MOWN; amt. pep drachm d hip-4.g, 3.30 Maydays 5.40 News- Weather taper, tad maws* Prat only. it brad./ taco, El ghat drink. Cheyney (1937). to hold his 3.50 Pingu 3.55 News 5.55 Calendar hostages . 6.30 Tonight Ix new SERA 3.55 Badger And Badger 4.00 Today's The Day 7.00 Channel 4 News MOW (w. Howl: riki. A 1111.41 =We fur the mime. 4.10 Gadget Boy 4.30 Ready. Steady, Cook 7.00 Wish You Were Here... 7 7.55 The Slot llgxu :am. LI Lei. 1 tam. L7 en I her ritit 1.1■a• later: 4.35 Record Breakers Gold 5.00 Esther This week, Idanin Roberts 800 The Seven Wonders Of Nn. cA1.1Ic Blown K task Llaulcr. In Mess it ran. 5.00 Newsround 5.30 Seniors Pot Black goes to Amsterdam The World. John Romet LI 2, 5.10 Blue Peter 6.00 Space Precinct 7.30 Coronation Street. Will into Liquid 5.35 Neighbours. Shona Kelm give a scruffy ■ 8.45 Quantum Leap. barn laelegeve5ndSdea7c1 myths Nam creel Rr.4 11. PM sigh; el 1.7i makes her apologies - but rakes over the body of a stranger an offer to work al surrounding the Hanging cmot. am dlro milli the garage, IS she sincere, handicapped Vietnam war Gardens of Babylon and 111. a sals Lukleal .rat vuh inkireh. ((unit. ,01.1 Nr111 6.00 World In Action Bram, erm-luk. I/ *ion In 111 ornme GNIrSrLlodlrn 6.00 News- Weather veteran who is trying to the Temple ol Artemis at 6.30 Regional News home in 6.30 Kavanagh OC. Llano tari•lise adjust to ate hack Kaye/lac/is defence of an Magazines Amenca army chaplain accused el 9.00 FeuttIZEdge:wla Secondary Best. To the children Ram Klai 7.00 This Is Your Ufe 7.30 The Scl Files. lulling his brother /a made and ► uinmethnistary. Atnoilthrit wArkrit wed 7.30 Here And Now. Tonight's investigative series 00 the all the more difficult by the 1pohower paotrilrindocts pieins prey mldurty dear programme reports on the world el science. fact that his client refuses children Morn a tough 8.00 Jeremy Clarkson's to speak Starring John educatenal choices we Newcastle estate who are Motorworld. A look at the Thaw psunthestark. Tire elm n(14.1101.7.74 taking on the top poumalists place tai the cat in different 10.00 News At Ten. Weather in Fleet Street cultures around Ihe world 10.30 Calendars News et ic:1110nel realities gigs 10.00 Dark Skies. Kim sneaks 7 8.00 EastEnders. As news of 8.30 Ray Mears World Of 10.40 Noah Bridges_ Lisa away to net sister's 11.4denewseall spreads, Tiffany Survival. Survival expert warsesses a taunter. but her rerun, wedding In Colorado Corliers.M. uanoar sigh. 1.11 Mr..) .41-11 filar keeps a IOW profile_ Ray Mears travels to the when Nash turns up to esrats.i s had. C.I.mcdy mnih SIM .111.1 tide outback of northern 11.00 NBA Raw. from Sere 8.30 Goodnight Sweetheart. inveshgate. Mere is no Sin 1.4 MIS ILA when traharyall. arse Li Australia - a land of 12.00 For The Love Of... Forger Time.iravel comedy with evidence ot a crime searing heat, torrential rain lotteries Mere are an Nicholas Lyndhurst 11.35 Prisoner Call Block H. Detbee. and crocodiles Joyce lees Leiue off for abundance of riches In be 9.00 News: Regional News: bAballiffi Net • 9.00 FILM: 'Incident In A Small ridoiling her won and all for the price of Weather Town (1993). 12.30 Nationwide Football a poslage stamp . 9.30 Panorama 10.30 Newsnighl League Extra 1.00 Animal Nights: The Great 10.10 FILM: Complex Of Feet 11.15 Walden On Gaitskill:I Ex- 1.15 FILM: Lite In Danger (1993). Tense Minter, Labour MI' and political (1959). A downbeat story 2.30 AAnplemTarliaNlights: Animal theatre Staring I fart Bc4hner and interviewer Brian Walden in whets an adolescent girt Rites Joe Don Baker analyses the kves and belnends a duller who is 2.55 iAmnpoltnrealt Nights: Sexual ill quirt ,)II II,. 11.40 Alm 97 With Barry careers of termer Laboui mistaken for a child LIP1 e, 1,traig Norman. In a special leaclers. murderer. 3.55 Animal Nights: Animal edition Barry Norman laiks 11.45 Tom de Null. Animated 2.25 An Invitation To Traffic In Pierce Brosnan shod Followed by Remember 430 Animal Nights: The 12.10 FILM: Sweet Bird Of Weatherview 2.65 The Chart Show Grampian Sheepdog Youth (1909). 11.65 The Midnight Hour Wilh 3.55 Cyber.Cate 1.45 Weather. 1 50 Close Sir Bernard Ingham 4.20 Jobtinder itnt:cites' IrCiii.:aTvd 17 30 The Learning Zone 5.30 ITN Morning News 5.35 Backdate - MIN =MI NM - - I■- IIMIM 00 0 sweet revival RARE GRDovE - MANN • 50LJL • 019.G'7.1 Open 7 days a week 50mi till late ww To order just pick up the phone and give vs a call. Tour order will be delivered FREE to your E 6 UMW/5: door within our shop 8 ( Voted NONE (Pm' B A R No. I by DELIVER 11/1 CD N SAYS Leeds FASTER O i C11-0 SKOC311._ MUSIC IA h OLD skoo. PRICAES: students At51§ tequila 50p a allot ›- doubles £1 .20 (IrecitacIala mixer) Lyty5 shot of liquid with FREE PHONE aviary bottle of grouch (£ 25) 0500 11 33 45 £1 casrlIrega black label 0 2 central rd, loods lot 0113 246 9595 (underneath Oxfam, near the corn exchange) 81 RAGLAN ROAD, HYDE PARK, LEEDS, LS2 9DZ L

march 4 Flavour of the Day Ant and Dec Unzipped, C4, 6.25pm juice guide The wild boys of pop. and the undisputed e verything. kings of kids television return on a new Last week. for example_ their target was channel and in a new lime slot for a new sexual equality, so a.s well as Channel Four series that has already delivered the goods. dancing girls, they also had the all male and the gags. dance troupe The Gay Grahams, cinema The thing about these two is that they are Like so many television shows these days. ri ■ 411 I! Unzipped is sponsored.- by a company. v. ho LU1. Pike Soddy far more clued up than they are given credit 0411, roan the Ssla nariung %WWI l : S4 1.10, MY,. 4 34 for They are in on every joke going. and • make Killen Stilts - for kittens who want no “uisnutan riot. V41.1/74011', WrCi runairta t. 4110 pop pedigree - have a be as tall a. cats %mut Mini Lecture Thrstre, 1pto The Hrreari 1-.1) what with their top 7 411 unique insight into the murky world of Watch out also for MM' calebrit4 cameo 411C Ile, 24520461 Is Lose sad war. Id h to Mew Au KY 1,-1•11 33n, 5,1'.4. ft.:11 sleeper. 130 tar 411d 17.4 ll.t !Preto pre show business and are in a great position to appearances by the likes of Katy Pakriek (21C1111HCC. 1.00. 3 ao...45 5.11 et.. rt yrint,* and and Bob Mortniner. Fierce hasicail) rip the piss ma of Boorht. 11M1 1 4. t flit, 4 II STIOWCIIR Orli 01424 420022i Thr Stara. Ifamst the Farr, Whist Craw Rd iteL27Steare Itarmart litransird (NT, Me... ale Ow. AA2n. Mina: s 10 A id Msultha. In Low and 4t1a. Pima Channel 4 Cremate, Ratuunt. 101 Delsturtana, BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV IIIrds V** Picture liners ttel Dive). Man Monk... hatred of a rMOO, Loll Crorthic. Cilia. Fly Aiwa) v Roma. Foghnorra.Nkapart .00 Rosiness Breaklast. 7.00 6.00 Open University 7.15 See 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 Chain Letters. 6.00 Sesame Street. 7.00 The Et•Itni 5,.15 I I BBC Breakfast News: 9.00 Hear Breakfast News: 7.30 9.55 Calendar News And Big Breakfast. 9.00 13evolched Lomat 4tel P5101111 Breakfast News Extra: 9.20 Style Captain Caveman And The Teen Weather, 10.00 The Time. The 9.30 Schools. 1200 House To Fleur rustisic, h 11x.71 .5' Challenge. 9.45 Kilroy. 10.30 Angels, 7.55 Blue Poker; 8,20 Place 10.30 This Morning 12.20 House, 12.30 Here's One I Made Johnson And Fiends. 8.35 The Calendar News; 12.30 News Earlier, 1.00 Cybel, 1.25 Mute; Can't Cook. Won't Cook: moo Oaken tut 243aLlai News Regional News. Weather Record; 9.00 Standard Grade Weather: 12.55 Home And 1.40 FILM: Whirlpool (1949), 3.30 11.05 The Realty Useful Shcny. Modem Studies, 9.20 The History Away, 1.20 Coronation Street: Collectors Lot, 4.00 Fifteen To 11.35 Change That 12.00 News: Collection, 9.45 Watch 10.00 1.50 Afternoon Lrve . 220 One. 4,30 Countdown: 5.00 Rock' Playdays. 10.30 Come Outside; Regional News. Weather 12.05 Vanessa 2.50 Afternoon Live; Lake: 6.30 Pet Rescue IF] clubs 10.45 Science Zone - Light And The Alphabet Game; 12.30 Going 3.20 ITN News Headlines. 3.25 5.00 Friends. While Phoebe Sound. 11.05 Space Ark. 11.15 Calendar News. 3.30 Potemus For A Song, 12.55 The Weather and Chandler end their awn. Porten Le Club, 11.30 Shakespeare - Park: 3.40 Madura 3.50 'thhrt . 02.:44 Ion. hip !PT. Maori Earth Show, 1.00 News Weather. 1.30 respective romances, Ross 1.tia,:a..1.4,..k hartmtant nen ot The Animated Tales: 12.00 See Bumble's Bucket 4.00 Scooby and Rachel spend their tirst Regional Neves. Weather, 1.40 Heart, 12.30 Working Lunch; 1.00 Doo. 4.15 Hey Arnold! Co erode .pool tac11.14chathfial, if duet rag Neighbours. 2.05 Snowy River - date doing laundry thcart kludieut sight in Om at hal 1.2 Sfi Mrrmha.I LI NIA. Teaching Today; 1.30 Showcase: 4.40 Frighteners together. gapes eeee. maiiht e oh Kuhr.' Info and numnersittp. :ail 0471 The McGregor Saga: 2.50 As The learning Zone: 1.40 Hatch 11,17!- 5.10 Home And Away 6.25 Ant And Dec Unzipped. Auburn Time Goes By; 3.20 Noble Patch House; 2.00 epttilaus. C MIS have I C1 Johnson And 5.40 News. Weather The dynamic Geordie duo Castles, 3.30 Playdays. 3.50 Friends; 2.10 Everyone's Gal 5.55 Calendar After..! bolted. ta hat her Lt Mfrs Placers Room. of Ant 8 Dec mitten* their / Mrir A,flf Gwg. codi Indg/ gth, Casper Classics: 3.55 Hubbub. One. 3.00 News Regional News 6.30 Tonight adventures with Thri eauflyan1 sash t'lx)tng ers•pop type roes& 4,10 Pnnce Of Allantrs, 4.35 The Weather. 3.05 Westminster With 7.00 Emmerdate. Robert and a wad array of celebnry guests fields Batik was Mame Morin phi. Ore mon demo la for Mask. 5.00 Newsround Nick Ross, 3.55 News Regional Andy hit the bottle, while aid htfieop. rata Ivan erase and Food mrsr.urc MrwollrikL,4 5.10 Grange 11111. Joanne News: Weather, 4.00 Today's The Frank is contronted by and atter egos 6uc...saki Wm. Prat ...opt 6. area. th.N.0, hip hop - sop! mine. Pelt pre Itirtoi2ran.0 makes a move on Chris. Day, 4.30 Ready. Steady. Cook. personal tragedy. 5.55 Fresh Pop 7.00 Channel 4 News 5.35 Neighbours. Debbie plays 5.00 Esther: 5.30 Seniors Pot 7.30 Ouayskle 7.55 The Slot IA/War& Tbir Undorgrpaid Cupid, while Mel succumbs Black; 9.00 Fresh Prince Of Bel 8.00 The Bill. Why would a Sim/ 4rnon, hrphh11, pill lauchhmt ries fate fasunscliaytup make 8.00 Wings to Shona s romantic Wiles. Air 8.25 Heartbreak Hein: 7.10 !nen confess to a burglary ti,. the hot kcal 1)1 Ott•at in Lac& tom hosed /r•mise_ aufat2tradu. 8.30 Brookside. Who is oul for laprro2ant. fri (LIN) arke 6.00 News: Weather The 0 Zone ne didn't do? Glens) 7.25 Delia's Red Nose revenge agernst Sinbad? hist Vrarelautose 6.30 Regional News searches for the real huh C..T.1.ira tea rrtrc .rarlt.ron Collection mason behind his And what will counselang 7 00 Holiday. Jill ❑ando *Mita dna • 1111.41. mkt uutleiti uirta fitatt 7.30 From The Edge. Reports admission at guilt lead to for Bei and 011ie? Sant Gran Canaria on ine arts, politics and 8.30 Pet POsettf. Anthea Turner 9.00 Seriously Funny. In the 7 30 EastEnders. Peggy t1111006 news scone Irom disabled presents the programme lintel pal of Howard Inn awkward for Lorraine. reporters that highlights the Jacobson's cantle Odyssey. Gila demands some Nato 8.00 The House Detective& extraorrimary bravery. he turns his attention to the 51srarrro fMl. Nierrs dans., drars answers trim Sanjay, and Juliet Morris with the series devotion and star quality of Ullenate taboo - death. Nigel breaks some bait on how to read your house the UK's pets. 10.00 FILM: Babyenatcher -laws to Pauline like a book, revealing the 9.00 Peak Practice_ A ionety (1994). Thriller based truth SportsnIght - Newcastle secrets that are hidden mother's cry tar help Bianca longs for children gigs In Europe. Live coverage behind its walls leaves her young son's Ate Ei and is overjoyed when she of Newcastle Unaed's 8.30 Food And ()rink. All the hanging in the balance as becomes pregnant But Arta Cuff Bar UEFA Cup duarie''final latest food news, Andrew and Enca struggle when she loses the child Thir Torso Dews. first leg against Monaco. presented by Chris Kelly. to find the real cause of she lakes her pregnancy - from SI James' Park, Michael Bony and July the boy's constant medical and abducts a baby get thhisna problems. Rallweel • Utottstr Simi NI Introduced by Desmond Goolden. Starring Veronica Hamel 10.00 News At Ten: Weather Lynam 9.00 Thnewatch. 11.45 Film Night 9.50 Before 101e. Films annul 10.30 Calendar News 9.55 News: Regional News; 12.25 The Last Picture Show: Weather the terminally ill 10.40 Clive James Meets Damon Hill FILM: Fixed Bayonets 10.25 Inside Story. The story 01 10,00 Have I Got Old News For You. 11.45 Around The House (1951). a woman whose amity Is Another chance to see the prizewinning 12.15 Collins And Maconie's 2.05 The Last Picture Show: theatre fighting for justice alter her El comedy quiz show. Movie Club. FILM: Forty Guns (1957). Cypriot lover knowingly Followed by Video Nation 12.45 FILM: 18 Again (1988). A Samuel Fuller's classic cull Thr erand 1,1 Kiln, smith Ilad Sawn ender for Snell teethe, .1.c Pi -1 Ill,.n Circe infected trot with the HIV Shorts voung-at•riean second feature Western virus starring Barry Sullivan Tar- p MGM Wyk mural rrut '1,14.01 10.30 Newsnighl octogenarian has his wish Stood arras for today •atly - nods It 11.20 FILM: Juggernaut (1974). 11.15 Face To Face: Paul to be 18 again granted. 3.30 A Night With A Woman A h. Ow mar of not 7 30pm. tickets avu.a 14r 11111,11111flet.• 1,14I 1.00 FILM: The She Creature Eddington Starring George Burns. Oey With Charlie Inrint CATS card thoit kw 43 11.110.'1:10 I is (1 957). Eerie atmospherk 12.00 The Midnight Hour With 2.35 Funky Bunker 4.00 Schools 1....Sisorritudertel Unid 5-ettraat t.1111113i Lesley Riddoch 3.23 Club Nation 5.10 Almost Complete History 2 1 3 Weather: 2,20 Close 12.30 The Learning Zone Open 4.30 Jobtinder Of The Twentieth Century Universil 5.30 ITN Morning News 5.30 Backdate TRIPPING OUT TO AMSTERDAM Open 7 days a seek 5ps till late To older just pick up the phone and give us a call. Your order will be delivered FREE to your door within our shop. £39.50 Voted NONE No,t by DELIVER Departures every Friday Leeds FASTER students Tripping Out Ltd, Suite 5, 1.14C105 FREE PHONE Y-5-• 10 Mill Hill, Leeds, LS1 5DQ 0500 11 33 45 Tel: 0113 234 6750 81 RAGLAN ROAD, HYDE PARK, LEEDS, LS2 9DZ Jt 11,4741brx.c:14:3,r. march 5 guide Flavour of the Day juice Hugh Laurie @ Waterstones, 7pm good news for all autograph !lumen, a. thus colurw. signing copies. In answer to the nice people (Turn Watetstones t Albion question on everyone's lips. his chum cinema Street I give you a 01:1110: to expand your Stephen Fry will not he at his side but this IS collo:Wm by bringing the mint' of nevertheless an event not to he misses!. for comedian, actor and writer MO Laurie to an evening of quiet but hurnourous Alit fart. 2.132AA.4. I Wrote ihrl. Leeds. Lintrie's novel. The Gan Seller is out sophistication is as.sureall. Laurie will start al 7. :II. 7. IL 'II 1431• now Crr..1.1.,. I III. 14. .7, ' i. ; . r• • rs '1 40 and he'll be stopping by on the usual 7pm. 'tickets err £2 but can he redeemed Icuss.1, I 111 Cmlftls. 13a. S t!. A JAI publicity-seeking tour to plug Il Laurie will against the cost of the book If you can't og al+W il113111316 he reading from his hook and answering MVO l4Nrw. III. bout wikr CORSO/ pry I(11.115 I ARO .7111IMMIA War.1:14.5 10 make it . look. out for an interview iv Oh stria cud. tr,411 A-ll chins. ' _re - questions from. the audience as well as, of Hugh [-untie soon in ilelre_ Hoy I 1.l II Ill lb& het Pittute Mao•tot- MOO; Sb4nwatur •111224-1711672) trier IS it. A I Ft. Shaer, Hamer %py, rye, Slw .11. 1-1. BBC 1 BBC 2 ITV Channel 4 Loses let :7511161i I., I • ,,,-1 V,. I- ek, :I• h I !Ad.., .o•Li.. . yL 1.11r1r.ol 6.00 Business Breakfast; 7.00 6.00 Open University. 7.15 See 6.00 GMTV 9.25 Chain Letters. 5.00 Sesame Street ....., I, Ode I• IL, \AA, 11. or.. I - BBC Breakfast News: 9.00 Hear Breakfast News: 7.30 9.55 Calendar News And 7 00 The Big Breakfast Breakfast News Erna. 9.20 Style Captain Caveman And The Teen Weather 10_00 The TIMB. . The 9.00 Bewitched Challenge, 9.45 Kilroy; 10.30 Angels. 7.55 Record Breakers Place, 10,30 This Morning; 1220 9 30 Schools Can't Cook. Won't Cook: 11,00 Gold; 8.20 Terety Truces, 8.25 Calendar News And Weather, 12.00 House To House SPOi. 0.36 The Record. 9.00 12.30 ITN L inct dime News • News Regional News: Weather. 12.30 tiara's One I Marie Earlier 11.05 The Really Useful Show; donnas Francophones 9,25 See Weather, 12.55 HUM) And clubs 1.50 1.00 CybIll 11.35 Change Thal, 1200 News! Yeu, See Me. 9.45 Woods And Awtri , 1.20 Emmenthie, 1.25 Australia Wild Regional News Weather, 12.05 Pictures, 10.00 Maydays, 10.30 Afternoon Love. 2.20 Vanessa. 1.55 FILM: Pennies From Caper. Naa Thu Aymara! Game 12.30 Going Numbertimu; 10.45 Cats Ey6s, 2 50 Afternoon Use; 3.20 ITN fliA . lova aialasasollatiakaa "ea 1120 Around Scotland; 11.20 Neves Heedlirew 3.25 Calendar Heaven 11935) ∎ , Fel A Song, 12.55 The Weethel Mr/ NW. e ke livt yeetawira wataxnewnia art NIt.151 Makers, 11.40 Science In News 3.30 Tats TV: 3.40 The 3.30 Collectors Lot liklkallhere .heHQhrr 44maarid 5110* 1.00 One OCIInk News' ntie4.-Kni oreetwell.relliAperreawn aria In weaver 1.30 Regional New Maori. 12.00 Spanish Globe. Blots: 3.50 The LAM Mermaid 4.00 Fifteen To One • • „, ,,„ xtrinwaleakr se sewirealle4 Woollier. 1.40 Neighbotths, 2.05 12.05 History File: 12.30 walking 4.1511 kerglu 4.30 Countdown [Lb,. 4.40 Cone Zone Poke Rescue, 2.65 As Time Lunch, 1.00 The Geography 5.00 Rich Lake JAJ Inc full Feveltlijalleil.1.3 NUS ww 5.10 Home And Away Goes By; 3.25 Well Worth A Visit: Programme: 120 Thunderbirds In 5 30 Pet Rescue 5.00 tTN Early Evening News: EmIlwaiela PteauseRessaL. 3.30 Maydays, 3.50 French: 1.26 Zig Zag. The Anglo- 600 Party 01 Five. .1 orb(' ■ Weather rrioh •.•wano., .Thr on rn.n WV • 11 ;IvriirtreveASsgpri Chirckievision. 4.10 Pory...we Arid Saxons 1.45 Come Outside 2.00 •■ ru, win, nos, Crrom ' NY, Intl A4411.: (IxoprA Lelecmieri 5.55 Calendar Son. 4.35 The Wild House; 5.00 Toady Trucks. 2.116 Spot. 2.10 ref_rawahl by Mr, F7rom iskaltnrthireglyarthen Everyone s Got One; 3.00 News' 6.20 Tonight kitEki Nevinitound, 5.10 Blue Peter Regional News, Weather, 3,05 6.50 Emmardate. Ftalik comes lhoughtiPs amiuclo 10 .11, OWL: edirrgleleet 5.15 Neighbours. Dam tails 10 terms with his lose; Bin :oche hornoie...5 .11.f.i.Lhe ink; Steve's arms Westminster With Nick Ross: PumptisM u iming Pact Jr: ., and 1161,..* with mri.klif I 3.55 News' Regonal News: and Linda enjoy an 6.50 Fresh Pop /..Lei 6.00 News. Weather intimate evening. and I Ore -241L 151 111.111' pro. Weather, 4.00 Today's The Day: 7 00 Channel 4 News 111011.-1„th t 1110,ot I ipm.s. 7.'0,1 6.30 Regional Now rites work 4.30 Ready. Steady. Cook, 5.00 Barry 500s ISIS 7.55 The Slot 12141:51 1.14 Silt 7.00 Noel's Telly Years go up in smoke 07( Lerman Esther, 5.30 Seniors Pot Black, 8.00 Brookside. Bet contributes ,t..tratut..hcaful & tttit. Pe" 7.30 Tomorrow's World. 7.20 UEFA Champions 14 rib seer 1-45.1 art au.te 1411 .A!, 1,wAr, kr.A a Alerrratin style Mike 1.1 6.00 Star Trek The Nest IIr Rhutippa Forrester joins League Ouarta•Flnal, lo the hurnillatton of 0180. ....Ibiter,.ktier wed ode Jear etru pint atl nifty Generation: 6,45 Tres And archaeologist Denis van First Leg - Live, Boo 8.30 Travelog. Reality and 1.wt.150tvfore 11Llepm..a311.reri- tUret-l'en. 11A Elet Semen's Transmission Nita, mare.S m 64, are Genren to discover why Wilson presents live fiction merge in me last Impossible; The waslime more women survived coverage Irons Old programme of the series 7.16,u •n.irenscpn. 7.00 Hancock's Half Hour Irtigeek .1411.1113.14TAL Trattord as Menatte5ter when Pete McCarthy Rom 111, d /Ilk cluIsLialedo .AR I euentond famines in the Dark Ages 7.30 Counterblast rill a110ib.4die aKI.itaimimprearm v VP!. E4 Mei ...lbw marl man. United lace FC Porto in douses himselt in InseCt 8.00 University Challenge the NSl leg of the rev 1•Allar 8.00 National Lottery Live 8.30 Changing Rooms. Two repellent and reads fin Carol Snll* presents the Champions League Jurassic Park territory - neighbours are set to Warier-final midweek doaw. Costa Rica transform a room in each 9.30 Coronation Street. Fraser 8.15 25 Years 01 The Two 9.00 Fortean TV. others home - with a is looking for answers after gigs Ronnles. Mother chance budget of £500 and some 9.30 Brass Eye. A tonal the bungled roebery. And I to enjoy some classic professional help, Lie finds turmoil on the coraroveosial comedy sketches from Barker and The Perim. 9.00 Modern Times. The woes receiving end 01 scene stilt offering from the satirical Corbett. including 'It Came kliktlim documenting the imerrogation sharp-shooter Cnros Moms Out Of Hendon' contemporary world 10.00 News Al Ten. Weather 10.00 E.R. Mark Greene tirk Timer! 9.00 News: Regional News: cob OsrmtcrOrchan..pnionuing locuses on life si Hong 10.30 Calendar News And discovers the truth about Weather Kong. %two!. flaw Cokere. in A Mae. Weather HIV-positive Jeanne and :ail riveka•aci in 9.30 One Foot In The Grave, A 9.50 A Woman Celled Smith. A mrnotay Nt-4 10.40 Taggart Keaton gives Caner some Mien tkl !alert*: new home security system series about extraordinary 11.45 UEFA Champions surprising news. threatens Victor's chance women with a common League Highlights, Tony of sneaking oft to the name and a story to tell Francis presents highlights 11.00 Friends. Phoebe beams European Cup Ow rter, 10.00 Even Further Abroad of this evening's quarter- the surprising truth about theatre F mil With Jonathan Meadee. final. first•leg ties. her father and Monica has 0.00 Insiders. A Catholic onest Jonathan Meader roams Including reaction and her Christmas party ruined iii given a four-year the country la search of all Comment From Manchester by Ross alter he causes Its t.reaut LIN Piler *NA Hug sentence when to kills a thongs quontessenkatly UMW'S rnatbn with FC • •aitennticitva Seelbeeey her apartment heater to go ;upon l4ln, ■■..-4115e teenage boy in a ha-and- British Porto at Old Trafford haywire. 12.45 Dating The Enemy run accident 10.30 Newanight. 11.30 Cheers, 1.45 Stand And Deliver 10.50 Sportsnight 11.15 This Life. ()Donnell could 12.00 Under The Moon 12.25 FILM: Murder So Sweet prove lobe Mill y's knight in 2.45 FILM: Echo Of Diana 4.00 Schools 11993). Slatting Harry shining armour. 09611 4.50 Hogg's Heaven Hamlin 12.00 The Midnight Hour With 3.50 Heller Shelter 1.55 Weather; 2.00 Close Andrew Nell 4.40 Jobfinder 5.15 Polygon 12.30 The Learning Zone 5,30 ITN Morning News 5.25 Backdate 10% KASHMIR .0 DELI vz.k „. 0 ' ,Px, DISCOUNT ON ORDERS .1) tar-i Z. TO ALL RESTAURANT aj OVER £5.00 162A Woodhouse Lane, Leeds 2 (opposite Parkinson Steps) STUDENTS ON EAT-IN 245 3058 ORDERS ONLY -p. t77 II In Buy 1 curry, & get a valid with this REE Valk' with this Buy 1 curry, & get a ON FREE u. n in Feb F token m Feb U. SELECTED lesser priced curry lesser priced curry 0 toMarch.lnam March,1 rorn £2.95 MEN & MEALS MEAL absoso lutely free &Sun- Thurs Sun-Thurs absolutely free 0 rk,-1.,ernat,b, -Ii Iii-i.,131,1•7 .-.)(21,-,•,111.• redeemable at KAStentr opposite University, Mr eat In meals only redeemable at Kashmir, opposite University, for eat in meals only 0. ■-■4 ,1 n ,..1111tilICIEw .)[Ilse 31 3 not in conjunction wen any other offer & not in comuncnon with any other offer :t7

march 6 Flavour of the Day guide I Tnlimited Theatre Co. @ LMIJ Studio Theatre juice MI/ 51.1Cf hash end annther resit I Ai, Lb, t nlinni,:d 1.1111411• 1.1.1irkine for a intql•ey. I hcy firs., to Itmea in craisurnitie h711112 Thin ti0111111: hill In the I .,.d. the rani, arc Mt., cinema S.L.:11nridt600 Stitan, I Itt.•:Ore itmii2.10 lie ranee.) world. Thy. production challenges lhnhrlr I1,1114 .1 I..t Il;nldlt Pieter plan atiout man-, fisionatton and tier ITIt'al %111- 41.1 aiszeeei /13.31‘41t, I A I ill [I (111'512550111 with wolecnI:I II Biel and the. II1. ' hit• men e mime Mar. ► 11 U),, Ni 5 4,, 15 .15) A1333161,1, I ;15.1..1-.IA toe. 041 ,5 e„,...cieent tor the 1,111 le II %ii Mtge men I!ulilnitcd ThCiiitt- IS cklinp.ilry 111 I eir: CfrAbile.. I 1130, I 1(L 5 tc1 1.310. 3_43_1041 1-1.5iikt I .011 1 21 510 A li Tho tkru.a■.1 1.,..1v I „al a LL trapped in in •ycil •ararivei •itiouroir melt, •itietlt.1: at I_Cedr, llniver.ity, and has i•Ati 111141 all 1.1111 111114201012 11111.1 Ms enttt.c Ikea pioduc ing inumall‘e and exciting t'eueei.1t4ori.27Stritier la Lure eel Yee. t In 5 In Slerpere, I.50 I f flpar far a con( •roditviemo 11.1‘i Void% , written Ity drama sinee 1994 A lethal cocktail of Man. revel.. I •111. a 211 nl'iortv,i s (laic .Wry 01 theatre drink it if you dare Hyde park Pinar. limo* II& SbuteemlieL41, 31411103.2) 27$2011.4) Ur Shine Unita klit Sp, lakiktd. eou. n15. ri 15 Rammi Bnaaa.1 £51. She. Ilk' nI1e. hhatkia. u Lew OW W.,. Channel 4 Lwow deL Zrellifitt Crseturn. Kowa: 1111 BBC 1 BBC2 ITV bee, Cream,. 6 II, a .Ill fraud. Aim A> L". . • Lan two*. hk.1rq.11y Awn Ilmae.F.ighowtoth..tteepon. 6.00 Business Breakfast. 7.00 6.00 Open University, 7.15 See 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 Chain Letters 6.00 Sesame Street 7.00 Tee Hear Breakfast News, 7.30 Big Breakfast. 9.00 Bewitched. BBC Breakfast News: 9.00 followed by ITN News Headlines. 1.111eon lint 24361:50) Breakfast News Extra, 9.20 Style Captain Caveman And The Teen 9.55 Calendar News And 9.30 Schools. 12.00 House To Challenge, 9.45 Kilroy. 10.30 Angels, 7.55 Blue Peter, 8.20 Weather. 10,00 The Time._ The House. 12.30 Heres One I Marie Can't Cook. Won't Cock. 11.00 Wishing, 8.35 The Record. 9.00 Place: 10.30 This Morning, 12.20 Earlier. 1.00 Cybill, 1.25 Pal And News Regional News Weather: The Science Collection: 9.25 Job Calendar News And Weather: Mat. 1.50 FILM Footsteps In The 11.05 The Really Useful Show, Bank: 9.40 Megatnaths; 10.00 12.30 ITN Lunchtime News Fog 11955). 3.30 Collectors' Lot; 11.35 Change That: 12.00 News: Maydays, 10.30 Storytime; 10.45 Weather, 1255 Home And 4.00 Fifteen To One, 4.30 The Experimenter, 11.05 Space Countdown, 5.00 lewd Lake, 5.30 One Mrs Mosel forth Regional News: Weather; 12.05 Away: 1.20 Emmerdeie: 1,50 Deur Er,* tinera dame 151C 4. rre hone-. Re free Ikea Are: 11.15 In Living Memory. Mr aught f4Ildnm11444511 The Alphabet Game. 12.30 Going Afternoon Live, 2.20 Vanessa. Pet Rescue. 6.00 Hangin With awiw oral were,. vat.. .Tie KIEL% 11.35 Landmarks Pakistan And Cooper; 6.30 Hollyoaks p.h.r11 For A Song; 12.55 The Weather 2.50 Afternoon Live: 3.20 ITN Frornirm .41, mkt of Its People 11.55 Techno, 12.15 7.00 Channel 4 News do >Pp ...mob .7. 12 ..51% Show, 1.00 News. Weather 1.30 News Headlines; 3.25 Calendar LH. aeellytt vitae Messed Cmlar...37 to 1. 4 •.r.etI.- °write Minutes Plus; 12.30 7.50 The Slot 01n1111: WY Rh Regional News Weather; 1.40 News. 3.30 The Fiddlers Working Lunen. 1,00 Leeschool. 8.00 Shop Till You Drop it. mel wear:ham authe Neighbours: 2.05 Quincy, 2.50 As 3.40 Wizadora l7eI1ierrt Ream 1.25 tube,. 1.45 Numberlime. 8.30 TV Dinners. Chilli TI.. Sr* Mee flak cur Rue. low Time Goes By. 3.20 Noble 3.50 Warner Brothers the Pleadree 2.00 Wishing, 2.10 Everyone's obsesswes Eddie Baines Woe tiler cumin edge Asp leer. n tin .Jr mime Rom kid, mil lout to Castles; 3.30 Playdays 3.50 Got One; 3.00 News: Regional Cartoon Lead er6ft trunk aril jaw. hoax end RR Li Pa., f I %dun and Steve Donovan RUE (11 ..1% the lac Wham! Bamt Strawberry Jam': News' Weather; 3.05 3.55 Rupert lucre•-.1enr.. 'S fi Wore 107414 4.06 Casper Classics, 4.10 prepare a special wedding allow L4 titer. Westminster With Nick Floss 4.20 Mike And Angelo anniversary dinner for their IA Phone Rugrals, 4.35 The Really Wild 3.55 News Regional News. 4.45 Reboot II mosso, mime- duly unit apprehensive wives la. Show. 5.00 Newsround: 5.10 Weather. 4.00 Today's The Day. 5.10 Home And Away AlterTrigt lit:0322am / 0_41 (Lo hod', Ina aim arelirerger. Grange led 9,00 Dispatches tit} goes Milk' Er 'if...Savoie 4.30 Ready, Steady, Cook. 5.00 5.40 ITN Early Evening News: Sparks: Wattle. Liquid Ow. m1.0 load trebia. 5.35 Neighbours. Angie comes 9.45 Bright Malmo (WO Chat neu par.rviet.eier. Esther, 5.30 Seniors Pot Black Weather The affectionate .,.Ili swivel Ins heruhvrenching 8.00 Star Trek: Deep Space 5.55 Calendar x_dreezeie. IL. • ell The Laetorpetni decision documentary introduces us ewetam iikeeseerre Wet Ws Nine 6.30 Tonight to a rhythm and blues C1140.1 & Gins, ph. law 6.00 News-. Weather 6.45 Quantum Leap Let tieree Milk Bar 7.00 Emmerdale. Zak is upset harmonica hero on Ills tour .146.1" "it m. Mawr. 1114M50calli lurk mit Uaar. tkoels.. 6.30 Regional News 7.30 Regional Programmes elteellareve toe 10_10prmeak Ian by the Bungles' new lodger of the London pub scene WIN all ),rat &ewer twee 7.00 Watchdog 8.00 Surely Some Mistake? E5 axe. /06' 7.30 3D. Julia Somerville 10.00 FILM: Hope And Glory men lam, Q mate eReep Junk.. 7.30 EastEnders. Joe's Four part series analysing presents an investigation (1987). John Eloorman's The %Taboo. religious experience takes business debacles. Near into the controversial aware winning Ieh wren. rte nuert loved woe ad. Kinn& mine. ar eilmrsday,11.neyod an unexpected Nest 8.30 Top Gear. Jeremy pit* .kon5tur.. *ern lenlLy beau 'nanny-cam'. a 010/100 autobiographical memoir of return. Illpfir LuIL Ctnnhr .kre 8.00 Wildlife On One. A portrait Clarkson test drives some huh, amx.rniall WWI IV WON, Tuererte • Mao *mem I, an ordinary larnily living boys 111.4,,,,,,c amt of the sea eagle of the new breed of 'super used by American parents I'41 -r, .14-,an Jr Steve Par, hem, awn. through the extraordinary 8.30 A Perfect State. A bully trucks . including the In spy on thew nannies. l• R. litre Tarn.t .el 8.00 The 1310. When a young times of the Blitz, seen fl}ta bay' MP Is sent from Mercedes Actroe, 1997 through lheoveyes of a Westminster to Flatby 40 Truck of the Year man claims his Car has nine- undermine its emerging 9.00 Horizon. Investigation into been stolen with hie fou• eie latest scientific month-old baby inside. 12.05 The Unpleasant World Of independence. Penn 8. Teller. The 9.00 News: Regional News: solutions to 0130511y, asking Ceyer and Blake read the whether there •sunicti masters of mayhem teach gigs Weather ho any 'quick Is answers to 8.30 Michael Berrymories Fiona Fullerton a gory 9.30 Chalk. welcome to he party trek and reveal how stresseddul concrete weight redeems Strike It Rich The thatberra 1.141 NI Illy Me 9.50 Sportenlght Special, Ray 9.00 Reckless. Alter coining to to con a free meal from a Sleranpliotrim shed tipped fa by Arpeaadrrwa fed runge of a thoroughly *Mem -77. phi. mittport ferer, ft& ex..11.4 eat ...tend Ivreemi tem Stubbs Introduces blows over the quesnon of restaurant using sae and a modern comprehenerve. trey. 7 7Orn 10,00 The X-Filar. Several highlights of the (list leg of where Anna's true the European Cup-winners 12-35 Drowning By Bullets, inmates of a veteran's ahections lie. Richard and Cup quarter-Real clash The chilling documentary hospital have attempted Owen finally meet to between Nonveys SK casts light upon a terrible suicide believing that an discuss the future !alarm and Liverpool at the massacre that Wok place in nvWble presence has 10.00 News Al Ten: Weather Pans on October 17 1961 Brann Stadium 10.30 Calendar News murdered thee laved ones_ 10.30 NetivsnighL 1.35 Nothing But The Truth 10.40 Missing 10.45 Question lime. 11.45 Comprehensive coverage 2.35 Nomads 11.10 Good Advice Tilt snarl 1.1 Iriba Sm1111 Hen The Mrs Merton Show. of loday's Overlent 3.35 Reform And Reaction Caroline Aherne interviews 11.35 Prisoner Cell Block H Stern tinaci.fer Sewn Orathete. lo1,111.5. •fir Lives* national and Intemationai (1960-68) 74111. 13bers, skim ewe 15.10 celebrities including news stories 12.30 Funny Business. 4.00 Encylopedia Gatectica Jeremy Ctarkson and 11,15 Late Review. Mark 1.00 FILM. Murder In High 4.10 Russia MU Studio Teems Sacha Distal Lawson and his team 01 Places (1991). 4.30 Schools At Work: need, were, mkt WI.. Mil ► 151 12.15 FILM: Unspeakable Acts 2.45 Shill 13.7 30prit Set 141•60 f4551w of pundits discuss this week's Operation Gran ow Pm (1984). Grim, thoughtful cutliiral highlights. 3.45 In Bed With Medinner 4.35 The Glittering Haze drama Starring Jill 12.00 The Midnight Hour 4.15 Jobfincter 5.05 As Seen On TV - An Clayburgh 12.30 The Learning Zone: Open 5.30 ITN Morning News Inner City Riot 1.45 Weather 1.50 Close University 5.30 Backdate CLIP THIS AD & BRING Wa IT WITH YOU TO CLAIM great food, YOUR COCKTAIL great cocktails, t k1t,7i. lad 2 f6 qe great atmosphere! tails . .;Pi§ for the price of

". "a"ZiaedLCeditalLS1 illarM' 0113 245 2555 Fes 0113 244 461% at the hottest new venue in Leeds? We as have a happy - 301. isti 7p/a, Monday until Frilly


television 2 3 boXedi Now D es He D o That? j_n As the football season hots up, there is another battle taking place off the field. ANNA FORD assesses the championship credentials of the front A weekly runaround running football commentators. and places the BBC top of the TV league. of last week's TV or most people, comings and goings ,Viateh of the' 11ay has Fthe pulling power or hu Stork, inks gone mad since Ritzy's when you're sober. Roseanne /Fridays. ('4 i won For us dedicated footie T the lottery, The ttinnors' fans h()%vever, it is the oindfull hasn't confirmed ins hope undisputed mullia of all that I'm a millionaire in the making. On the contrary; if our ten football programmes. it atsoui thatch i a o' clock Friday night offering has Su what 1- lost touch with reality then life in the i)a . I Salta-11:11 night, 'Ili(' I i I .S6 seems bleak by comparison. it that makes it so supetiot Li , yollf mum revelling in the dysfunctional average tele+ t•ioti viewing ' family's hardship that made the `slight !suggest t hr •eheiriistry • prospect of another Saturday night hens ern tnessirs I lanseit ill olsow •iu.1 I lill, ,,scisc,-,, is, al 11w Poly Hop seem bearable. the Bolo all 0 t.,,thal nt I was. Iiiisseset. hioktity iamb aru [II , ..imiiie *faring the Inornciat Ill palm*, pride 'Sir' rh•,ss,,,! I ,,,, Ito. i, with •i ii Fah slims, lentlitet Situnitos and .,Falls,s! .,...s.,..! si, h,, she spit. Hill tom ma Lumley Atte, all, if the ,,, all sh, is past and great about roman-trite was intent on descending Into Mit • sports ciwerage and iii farce 0 may as well do so with some gOOd Muhl, re( the Doi he has found i ad l3ntish sty lc Whiles our homestead the ideal' arena. 4.1ts did us proud they didn't quite In giving Alan "dreedful it dLLS manage to save the show. They handled deelendin" Hanson the hetiliint Ili Fir Me, PlOWeVet. MI Ole their drunkenness like the esperts, but express his frustrations, using a I le.... plane AS king of the gmeanne had to turn to the stale dre-AM gentle hand with H, sting's nnwr commentary, with the Afut h sequence effect to es press her inehriation. sensin se demeanour; and shutting up Ito, studio as ins pa Litt Maybe Unt jug Niter tsie would it be Jimmy -the chin' 1-1.111 before he goes possible for them up lose the Inn fruition off on line; Iks is indeed a national are about as interesting as Forrest Andy Crray, the wards Irritating' and dollars' Fur die sake of comedy! bent Gump reading out the classified 'sit' spring to mind. Football fans We were hit with an unexpected March of the Day conunentatotur football results are notorious for debating offside Moment from the terminally annoying themselves 4Iso moon to stand head Sky seems to base claimed all the decisions fist weeks but this man (weekdays, host of Reads Swans, Cook and shoulders over the rest having big tooth:Ming occaNion, now but takes the obsession to even greeter less tendency tumults spontaneous this is surely its only asset extremes Known to calculate the combustion when the pressures on Terminator-style sound effects and exact wind speed activity im a free to pronounce those tricky foreign ELI A) 'OSHA'S are no substitute t ar kick Al any given time, he alien names. quality manages to reduce every pass to l'TV may have more than then distance covered, square Centimetre> fair share of football coverage. but s fur as presenters to 'ism! Des of pitch touched and farce of bounce they must know by now Hum being a and Co, its mat auruction is to the nearest newton football manager doesn't guarantee ARichard Keys, infamous as Sky's obsession with post-mulch svmmenutry skills. Even worse axe the single known werewoll to st s is frightening. This list of the dire regional pmgramines. whieh broads-no on prilTleiii•G TV. As for 'interesting' fads typically includes

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • OOOOOOOO • • • • OOOOOOOO • • • • • • • • • • • • OOOO • • • •

BFJC.b. Fern Britten She finally or her Vaughn is at the helm of itnportant issues suds as than the second. Jun &AWLS last Friday for two years of Here% Johnny. a show whether Foreign Ambassadors These are minor points, getting under the feet of the chefs. however, open the current along the lines of TFI really serve Ferieni Roder ut sticking her fingeo. in where they are their receptions last week's stale of Rainy night television friday but light years more most certainly not wanted, It was linen quest to find the ultimate 'pub US considered. Johnny Vaughn 'turner who delivered the blow with an watehable than the shoe' covered a subject close is at least genuine. a expluding hag of whipped cream -Al Television diabolical Lam Chance to every student's hear. characteristic sadly lacking in lam?" cried the nation's students, patine:. Loners _ Each week. Johnny his contemporaries_ Go. aside their doubts about their religious CHM0111 4 Johnny's latent hes in Ms auditions it group of musicians Johnny, go._! daily viewing patterns "Who needs easy-going interviewing to take up the coveted position Courudown anyway'!" ID 30am Nay technique. genuinely tunny of the Here's Johnny official Jenny Wood Perhaps the comedy and the cuif Mars Jrw maepping tactics. and light- hand and, even better will, aren't so far apart. Delia Smith. who hearted approach to the there isn't a blonde himbo deliver's, her recipes with the prixision •i sometimes all too serious sidekick in sight. a chemistry text book. is currently ohnny Vaughn. world of showbiz. Johnny ehainpioning the Comic Relief build up the face of doesn't wear loOk-41-111C-riu- ould this be the breath of Her wilier., apiniuWII its her trade makes Moriewatch, the wacky" outfits. chooses guests fresh air that weekend her the pertiwi shave fur our funniest host of ill-fated series for interest rather than star Ctelevision needs? Well. nail equating tood with J celehtities. So status and. unlike a senain maybe. Johnny's show tans fun ut your life Quick. pas:, the The Fall Gay and the Chris Evans. treats his sicwcrs down on three paints The chocolate body paint .. and a spoon! only good thing about with 1.4C respect they. deserve. opening credits showing Here's JaIhniii. combines Mr Vaughn surfing on a sofa Sara Gibbons Naked City, has unusual celebrity interviews are too cheesy. -Pensioners finally been granted =duff the cuff (centres with Win Prizes" is treading a fine the prime-time regular items such as "Petty line between comedy and had status he deserves. Crime Watch" and taste and, finally, the first half 1 investigates e reports on 01 tit: show is ten times betty 39 * total...... takes 2 to 4 people London and back!

. ant a weekend down London to go Travel to London on these Travelling in comfort, in reserved seats, clubbing, or taking your mates back home Midland Mainline trains only. enjoying free tea and coffee, you can really to see the folks (shock, horror)? make the most of your trip to London. Depart Leeds: Then Midland Mainline's got just the At only £29 total for 2 to 4 people to Mon-Fri . .0635 Ez 0725 ticket...4-Sight. London and back, this must he the best One ticket will take 2, 3 or 4 of you from Saturday . .0635, 0754, 0836 & 1836 invitation to party you've ever had. Leeds to London St Pancras, and back, for Sunday .1037, 1219, 1524 ft 1840 Book your 4-Sight ticket at Leeds station one total price of just £29. Arrive London St Pancras: or any Rail Appointed Travel Agent at least Unbelievable? Fact! This amazing offer is Mon-Fri . . . 1028 & 1048 3 days before you travel. available on selected trains in standard Saturday ...1003, 1113, 1225 ft 2210 Alternatively, call 0345 125 678 at accommodation - just check the chart in Sunday .. . .1450, 1625, 1858 Et 2220 least 5 days in advance lig credit/debit card this ad, then make your move. bookings.


gigirew l rne in t r a n travel r •4 1944 arc '4.1btoci 10 6V4.14"6". 41141 all. uellY uwa ■." W41,340 MrtIllar.ii Manhnr Vain.. Yam rArtion Ivricol it vaiorl for A full incnot. 1111 CA2ows. ! FEDS STUDENT PT 4 y February 28, 1997 13

, after time

1 the European block. Kaisers, Communists and ad it, burnt it, invaded it. They even ripped it as, itgets back on to its feet again and again


_ ."

t ;sin II:Pit•I is 1111: -111C.11X.1 npdun ' F.tuolincl■leInc 1,0h.1,11 evt•r)' Well .q i~dlcr .110.1 k. 0 iccIn and e.tiargc Dig rclwti Pictures by WILLEM JASPERT

• 1 4 LEEDS STUDENT Feclay February 28, 1907

Write in to Helen PO Box 157 Leeds University Union, Leeds, LS1 !UN Alternatively, hand your message to the porters. marked for the attention of don't get mad, get personal Leeds Student or leave a massage anytime. nigh, or day on 231 4251

Apology - we as the promoter,. of body would y Oil 111/111 it against KNIFE BUT MY' PAN LID IS nu in the Old bar. When are FRESH illy' inrlrpeudrm Of the my? Itaboho, hit o treacle, hope 5115511441 heart to heart ti., you going to make your c? NATO nightclub We wish to this cheers you up. Cheers Inc What the - Leeds Student Rework are F110. Happy Binhthe Sarah chiet XiCild our apolognn: u. 11[1.■ot our the Impending loan of the entire HAPPY' IIIRTHDAT1IELEN either give ii a you hove to do is simply fill in the firm balmy k -.Lipper. From the OW ', clientele who were ilisuppOlUleil on contents of your house. FROM ALL TILE TEAM. RAVE to heart, lends to the ponen at luu or send 0 in heart John Davies, I think about WelllICMJA? 19th Fehruar■Helen.ass A TOP DAY. student, leads 157, leeds,ls I lull 3,0u...tu my bed...,etu just Oi Squirt! You old stopper. te vatted and waited so I guess penitent's must be tenived by midday on lies stethoscope on. Boogie on dual] in Pau! We will I'll do It myself. Little nutbrown ahetnativeh leave a message anytime on 2314 251 'Co hippo, come arid wallow it11115 always love you and that In here is definitely- you. I love you ll you sant a photo to be printed with your message please put all mull-pool Froul !him) horn v xx3i, hind too! Big snags, From Mg nutbrown hare. P.S. I'm detaik on the bark John I.imm t"Limtny, ''t trey Me Giggler and Slasher. so glad all your hard work for that MESSAGE in a postAalerittline's smug' To the told ing one Do you worn ro ikteiong service wasn't wasted mei us of ,half we lust bus a Cal' Curly. Peter. Spracklen and Cat! Fmin its tuvutg Rachel, Dupont I prepare to spew I. Koltrooni. I think vou'rt lorely, Thanks for everything lust Reek. Chrisice4 AN for the rest of you. you're ace and I love y ou. Well you ain't so bad either. P.S. I Wileneser you need me...y eah. really like carrot cake. you know the red! Lou us Hey clicek) roll Ems! limns s .11 Cheri up Helen. III had my way for tai king att.- nu when I was I' sl stay with you torever. /lime the ▪tck you're babe. Lose and roams went (1.K. today and I'll see kt,c. you tater tor the celebrations. Hate a brilliant 21st Sham - I'm hbiC sure 11'11 be 'magic'. it you need to find a Doctor to Jta sou ok AN ' rake cArt, 01 register with, a tun list of !,Drir.elt Suiten,. nteeiicni practices is available `Alright. the LAAAAAACr--' Nlessogr for the photo couple in from exec. NIGHTLINE lust week's Leeds Student. I NW) TO SHARPEN MY Please give I es-ds Student a call nightline listening to let us know how It went. wr IL, ims! tsas.k to I led. Ihe 243 9997 F'‘,Nualit ,hoss ern nightline info line • most 10 .hotk someone. under thr kink 243 9998 To my special little boy .1, hope to see a lot more or youl at your 8pm-8am every night of term party. Lure number 1. Ocar Ara. Cos sl lock Ion your test From Am. HOUSES TO LET FOR Dear Ani, have fun in Amsterdam - Ara. JUL 197 - JUN '98 3/4/5 BED —moor Will Wright start playing rugh) To the token male of the house.. Happy list Hot-Lip,' lane Dnantrn IN HYDE PARK & HEADINGLEY rather than hanging our of the hack Happy 21st matey. It could of Missing you. An and all the way' We love you uirika High quality fully furnished, central Jo admirer have been worse - there could 11.1ohnsini! nabs, Fanny. Gushily. heating, washing machine, burglar alarm, hate been four of us! Lots of t;:rifter dr 18-•M-down VNYA Huai, if I said you had a beautiful the first wives club xXx shower, bath, phone, some double glazed 1 with parking (& even 2 showers) seperate longe & kitchen, —AFFORDABLE ACCOMODATION Turkish Party all good size rooms. (approx L85 per month) Rent varies £35-E40 For only t85 per month (1st year mortgage 19.30 Summer rent negotiable 28/02/1997 repayments including interest.) vim can save Tel: 0113 2785793 or 0958 220606 money, invest in your own property, and at the * Big party will be held in the Doubles Bar some time be assured that you will live to of L.U.0 comfort and security during your stud * FREE "MEZE". AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUY A 2 BEDROOM FLAT. * Turkish drinks will be available behind Complete with kitchen, bathroom, lounge, halhvay, communal gardens, parking & security the Bar. micro im. * All kinds of MUSIC including the best of Asking price: £32,000 (negotiablei Turkish songs. Interested? For details and * Tickets will be available at the door. viewing tel: (0113) 262 3709 * Members: £1.00 Non-members: £2.00

o body piercing studio with a different attitude STUDENTS! FLATS AND HOUSES FOR NEXT ) piercings by Doug DISCOUNT RATES SESSION 1997-98 ) full friendly advice - oil piercing concepts discussed • for 2-6 persons in Headingley area " all have gas central heating, showers, ) 100% hygienic and sterile studio CVs, DISSERTATIONS, t_ alarms, microwaves, fridge/freezers, _ • ) extensive stock of jewellry WORD PROCESSING etc automatic wasing machines & seperate lortges. ) fast custom jewellry service Work Carried out

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Never mind Jeremy. it doesn't matter With the election campaign set to be the longest ever, TINA BURRETT adds some spice with the most celebrated cases of 4mlitics1 sex, sleaze and scandal. Illustration by COL HODGKINSON

I .Etill()N .1C-0./Sed 01 bolding an I K.4eat having an allint with hi. 4:4110.0010114: tint it Europe. Roes. hut little to tel Mc heart fever is hotting old mile who acted as his mow Caletet The government's decided to share a bed. racing Trscurcher. an allegation Hayes poriannicai !ma twi fvasics sawlike. supposedly to save «tixaey. To &seiner any Lat. out up. 'lite strongly denies.. designed to promote the virtue:. id Prudent i.imounin reasoning. nusderneanour to rival the Tones Aipolitical Polittc., is a lonely prokh.sion Gunny values., was blown oft Lady Thatcher would be proud. we mud M•s4111 m de seemingly he scandal of that is fraught with this/ninon. It ionise when one MI' decides! out hat het thts explanation just incorrupithle Dennh Skinner The parties are scouring the self Westminster's is futility surprising that so many Ire was so m lavuur of the idea he link hard to swill kiw^ us -styled paileranan puritan_ has T past lives and loves of ot ow. nation's leaden sod, rteri.14..t1 two families hope they did not sample any indeed suceombed to carnal corridors appears In be their opponents for any ismifon in the arms at !Joe eyed The fathering of the gamtlinomic delights hoween the pursuits it with The News sJ rife elsewhere in the young politis cis so easily illegitimate child of AR East sheets - a dolkip of dropped uf,rid that tins told of the 'bean' political world. hint of scandal that nepressol Ii) drat power ;aid IAA-001i Tim councillor by o tinge eheme on the sheets trim Fjoysover's' honk with his Rumours have been may help them win the Aldus minister Min Yen tell the aould he Null to explain Antenran researcher in 1994 spreading cinicerninp election. Westminster has a long hishey government with egg on its face. h is not only the Tones who Then their was the ,candid sexual public' order of esidiamentary sauce. In this Hot on the Faris of this came the base been caught straying Hum that wasn't An investigation into Given Westminster's Incident insists mg the century the moot Infamous story ol Hanky Booth. a the straight and narrow in the A rice rim of snotty pmstituutcs mayor of an Esser, coastal pass rectini they may he urn parliamentary attar must he dun Methodist lay preacher and swat lead up the lust election it was led to the diary of *were' the town and his neighbour 's 10 a winner. The sexual between war minister Min family values *Twwa k. who was reseeded that Paddy Ashdown had Yining damsels tdlung nun the dog antics displayed by the Pitifunto and mann= Christine repels-illy having n fling with been playing "111 Inuit hume hands of the poke Interestingly The allegation hovering geat and the good in Keeler. alit, was with hiS limner the Wary threw up the name, of over the mayoral hued is also sis:retary mint members of the House tot parliament puts that other that he attempted to engage ith a NI!, eel In inteally this Lords who were government hit canine companion in great British tradition. Ilie official. Even the Prime niselatisai served ministws One such minister was the kind of pursuits Carry On film to shame lion tila ! old!. LL•tsk1S1 I Lord Jellicoc who promptly politicians normal COKING An NIP tumid dead 111 base to look Minister was 1.1hend Hens tsar icsouted %Iwo the lady in tot their Iowan* WI:Mita% underarm' and hack lo the support by wiction was shown a Mali. it asSislaitls. geriatric old men chasing 19tYks for rumoured to be panting they his hittlshnpshe failed is/ The gory circulating is esidence ot aren't as boringly reuignise him The I, ed klliae young women around thin; not that be actually played political :1111til woolly lo we had in ibis dim was the runic nt a pith hide the t Winalen sausage desks is vintage Sid italics. hi the 191141s the having an affair all whew our nennn• net hC1' Politics and ;sassily* we an With the dog hut, well just lose idfair As the dm clients. Leal Jeliume hail resigned Inseparable partnership, hut what use your imagination. The between Cecil with his caterer has lain dished anyway to SAW bus goserniiient is it that makes these oll tem ise pike have not decided Parkinson and on many ti hapless any anbamisamon Thine were iwing. Unaltructis c grey !nen in whether to go ahead and Sarah Keyes was meths lair, the Lahour the Jaya: hadi> fining sulk so desirable to prosecute and the mayor marital only by Mai ol• Davi& res.:nimbi-4' Emily Bari 114 sett Is a Patty appears to lust.. come With the Conservative young minim. and stints-times continues to poem his Steel curd Owen. The revelatirm classic exari plc 01 the old maxim Ihrough isxmingly smelling of as Casanova Alan Clark irturning tr young moil How 0 wad David innocence. that Keyes was carrying the chill 'those *110 INC in glass houses awn cherished roses For sc.-Ind:A Westminster iri the tiest When one linfaf MP was ?birth-1E 111e only man in the world of the then TOES Pany cluirtnan should not thrush stones' mad unfortumite pits flare rudiament things don't kink ici less am:anise than Pus own asked by, another -hots and Thatcher ;avower came on Why have mute IIIASUM when Shat', slip over chugs. stirred ihe get any better. Clark_ the nun could the mayor have Spitting intaee puppet. tied a sexy the slay utter the 141,3 election you can have sin? Steven Norris, poi but one the haze Mal cleared with the voirst ripper Int ittlent stooped so lase he was IICITON, alai in his Chelsea strip to and ...List Parkins' al any chance of the Transom minister with a all Ural remained was a hit of rusk= political history. reached 1014 lie didn't:I believe hoe(' one day leading his pay . Henry V111 complex. had more smoke and nut much tire, ilotierety after publication of nos the animal in question Kass Power i s a parent aphmasirs: - Thu MARW gosemirera has nustresses than the Sle.P hash "The only other banana don for the thanes resealed his twins-rum the appalling) to be ,,, a *cc ii, standing on the patio horn besieged by scandal. minis MPs. Thar, one very turd opposition has been olueatit affairs including one with a Furn acre". The story gives the seal of giivernmcnt has a of the 'beast with tali bucks' hououratile menther The mint As Tony Kw and Harrier mother and her shun:kers. !shove strive allure fer many a young a whole new ravening to squatty. Even the Pnme Minister interesting shay of the Nei ro Harman ettolted the virtues of was predict with ceetainty the out getting into the may oral political aspirant In the last himself. amen %slyt looks and husk. era was that invoking ;auroral choice concerning their conic of We corning electimi, but rover. awake to hit the place ol Ian sounds like he was From to he I hisid Ashby MP. Ashhy and a oltspring's education. there were one thing hicks certain: political Tina Burrett Jerry Hayes. WI:,mniiister's snogAinous, was rumoured to male ummartion, alto were on a cries of hypricrisy hum the scandal is hem to stay. amacer to Kenneth Williams. was

Outlook 28.02.01 millennium GRADUATE With the spring term crawling by in an endless torrent of rain, Leeds Student catches up with the activities of six first years who will be among the last Leeds graduates of the

millennium. PART THREE: House hunting, home, and housemates from Hell. Words: EMMA AL-JUIViAILI. Interviews: KATY REGAN. Photos: WILLEM JASPERT and NICK LEE

O, exams are a thing Leeds 6 and. let's lace it. the of the past. Unless you sun ain't gonna shine until at are a stressed out least mid-June. S Seasoned Leeds dwellers know finalist spending 15 hours the score. Anyone with any a day putting the final moths:tint of sense and the touches to that oh-so- experience of nt least one fascinating 15,000-word Yorkshire winter under their belt dissertation on the history will he permanently slatterns'd at of potato farming. life is the window of their sitting room with the central heating turned up pretty darn boring. to ' tropical.- Most of us realise in our lint Lectures simply have to he couple of weeks in Leeds that avoid ed. but of course this only takes the phrase 'it's grim up North' the slightest amount of pre-planning 511eltlf .% notes can was obviously invented one during the summer months and Monday afternoon by some reproduced aline wintertime with 'Intl impoverished student battling the most discreet alterations courtesy against the elements on that of the ever useful l'tppes. As a result. walk through the park to All estuns 1 assessed essays r lectures long An be missed as s.•ni spend

Name: Hilton Miller lnelitution: Leeds University Course: Management Studies and Maths Home Area: Widths University Bodington

SUM up the past term in one sentence. -The good, the had. and the ugly" How were the l'hristritas holidays? Did you find it hard living It house again? "it was ruce to meet up with old friends and to catch up with my I1% ut %%MCC Stun up the post term in use stoicism. Were VDU glad to come Mock to Leeds again? "Iticrodibly (mai sometimes and incredibly had at otters '• "Yes. I was dying to catch up with my new trends - How were the Chrildmits holidays? Did you find It hard living at home again 7 How's your lovelife? 1 had a good time but it was weird seeing nay old friends agars "I've still got the same boyfriend hack home. t met him before I came Its Were you glad to come hack to Leeds again? Lends-" "I was quite scared but we h;ul a reurricm during the holidays which mule it C4-1.11.1.•• Are tour friends at home compatible with those that you have made How's your lovelife? sines coming to Leeds? -Promising. I got 'hire Valentine's earls and an Email. "I find Its better to see home friends at home. I'm nor really at to the whole Are your friends from home compatible with those that you 11:1111 nook since enteruaning thing. although it coupler If friends hate: been up and it's heen coming to Leeds? fine" "One friend Imm home .role up m the second week and it wash ha 411 a 111.ghlthille Flow did you get on with your moms/ asnased work alter Christmas? to be honest. I prefer not In 1111% the 11,411" i • las were scry much as I expected_ I haven't got results fmm assessed Haw are your relationships with your flat-mates progrmsing? X yet so who 'mows?" "It's much more comtortrible now but still a hit insular I feel that 1 need to nicer I taw are your relotiosethips with your flat-mates programing? some new polite - .11e .11 get on brilliantly and hate snick together from day one- We went on . Name: Man Herschel Hase you made any housing arningernents for 191171$? Ihe (Ale) rim diCs,C4 use the 014ml-sof the rainbow the other night!' -Yes, wc !kite you made any housing arnangemcrits for 199718? Institution: Leeds Universits - vr already signed the lease Has yoursurial life improsed or declined since last term? I lassie There ale 12 or us trying hi 1t iii, lit twines next door to each Course. : History "People are starting to run out of niones now Heiwcver, I won W the rather Home Area: High Wycombe on Valentines Day with a group 1.1i friends The girls ended up getting drunk and Sins your social life Improsed or declined since Wet terns? Universits Hall: liodington got chucked out.and I stayed with the lads.- "The hank accourd's the main problem. and everybody is rust too .gent. What is your most memorable experience of the mat three mouths? Mind you, fifty of us went to Attract-0am last week for the slay, like you do. '1 might want to save that one because its the Hod hall tonight! I went in so that was the %Win 1.1171111 171 the hank accoilm. Wilikh el, cr.. prom Amsterdam last week though. and that was pretty good" though." What is your most memorable experience of the pied three months? -Definitely Amsterdam_ What can t Fantasia- but knaLkermg"' 44 '3artfookli

Sum up the pint term in one sentence. Name: Korohne %nicks -It's lived up Pet III) elk p,...,:tatiun, d. spite a rest hitvups " Institution: l.reds How were II* Christmas holidays? Did sou find b hard filing at bruit, again? Metropolitan I' nik ersity "Niye hicait. and no washing up to do I was expecting it to he weirder Course: Cultural Studies Were you glad to come back to Lee& again? Home Area: ('nth Republic -Dellnstely - i could get back to smoking in peace" I. oilers'!) Hall: Woodhouse Illuvem your Insclife? Flab In a word. nomextoret." Are your friends at borne compatible with those that you have smolt since arming to Leeds? —ties but they're got nth+ Nu they don't slit! much.' SUM tip the past term in one sentenee. How did you get on with your exams/ assessed work atter Christmas? "Ups and downs, the ups oulwrighing the downs it can't have any exams at all on my degree E't lime were the Christmas tiolidaya? Was it hard living at Mane at min? Haw are your relationships with your flat-mates progressing? 11 was taind basing borne coMitlals. My main thought I needed feeding up "I get on really well with two of them, but I don't peal, Chinese which Were you glad to come hack to Leeds again? prte,,ey it problem with the otherct" "Yes, Met I'm hoping to go out to Clechosinsnkla Won 'lase you made any housing arrangements for l'197M? liow's your lovelier? Name: Joanne Davis -We've got the pm/ile, we just need a house now ". Has your +weft! life improved or declined since last term? 1re your friends at hand' commit/hie with those that you hose made since !restitution: Leeds its probably got slightly !scum. we've started to make mote of an effort. I coming to Leeds? Metropolitan Ltniversity go to the pub during the day more but would like to try more clubs. Our Iasi Most of lily friends use in CitehosluNakia, co it not really an issue.- Course: Literature and effort to gel in Maiestyls failed miserably and we ended up at home Hon did you gel on with your exam/ assessed work after rItliAtnlits? Ilium watching videos" EN.AnI4. were line but I've got loots of viral on now " Have you made any housing arrangements for 19971$? Home Arra: Derby. What is yoUr most memorable experience of the past three months? "I went to a Halloween party dressed in a I'm going to vtay in halls nest yea:, is pea ease,"' University Kirkstall Rocky Horror costume and got hideous:1y jitsmsed on half a bottle of vodka. It turned out to be a Rocky Iliss your social life improved or declined since hart term? Brewery Flats Horror arc wheal said the unthinkable to a certain ha I don't really '1 lie same. we mostly int.' go to the pub. occasionally Planet EarktL" want to go mue detail. Apart from tlua I can't with In get paid next week kk hat is your most memorable experience of the peel three months? and son out my overdraft That will dermitely be a memorable experience!" I experience was getting my credit card and II) card stolen "

, months " suffering " trom the with anything as mrelevain rs longest bout of flu since. well. since workload, and as worrying as it is, the Sum up the past term in one sentence. Last year. - you know, the bout that MN pressing concern centred around "A shock to the system coming hack to but great getting k ROW lots of miraculously matenabsed the moment Making holay's meagre grant cliespies new people that gondol(' Fred leapt twee to the survive a whole 10 weeks, /tow were the Christmas holidays? Did you find it hard tieing at home again? Yorkshire area and declared that there Half was through the some term '' not lived with iny: parents hew two years ,0 when I go hack home it doesn't may picesibly hen alight chance of ei is unlikely as to whether lift hits really feel like my home anymore.- moderate winds anti es-en maybe a changed all that much for our fresher • Were you glad to come bark to Leeds again? few light showers Exuma have clime and gone, as has 'Yeah. I alw ays do it's great " Of course, It is trot to another local council conuittution to How's your hiseille? spend more than One year in Leeds in student life. while your lucid friendly Booming As tt happens' I grit an unexpected Valentine's card from someone I used to order to master the tine nut ref skiving bank. who. Ipnly momhs ago were work with in London .arid other interests en the pipeline • Lounging In front of the television. throwing attractive mugs, pros, an all Are your friends at home romp:Milk with those that you bare made since coming sitting m the pub while the rear ill us too padtettc ten pound note and it son to Leeds? are in lectures, lying in the gutter were lucky a Pitea Hut courtier 'Yes, all my mates al hone dnitk locals id beer. It's called It% 'rig in nannies '" while everyone else is safely tucked Ouzo Hut ??7? Do these people How did you get on with your eXibill10 assessed work after Christina's? up in bed. Bloody fast years. don't students are mode of money t at ”It's grange but attar about a SPA year break front work Aker MeSsIng; up my A. let els Name: Stuart IONS. you just hate them ? anyone who would sonsIder opeam, I'm liwn►any quite enjoying work. I can treat it like a nine to (heath it necessury gnstitultim: Leeds an Oce.Ouill. with them. are Dose How are your relstimtshIps with your flat-mates arogresdng? Nletrupolitun I nit resits has to lie said that must of us creating a snuill paper mountalit nr "I think they were a bit taken 1"."L when they first met rile. being about six years look hack on our first year at your living mom with strongly older than then) and all that. They don't tend to go MI as much as MC, well except one Coarse:'tourism University as it it were sortie long wsilsks1 -suggestions " that sou come Ind who goes our drinking esery night. Inc-Wendy he went to Barnsley college before Management. pine period of histrtry that didn't in and we Harm inittodtately tO he came to Leeds, it's, in the blood!" Home Area: Barnsley. really exist. If only I'd known then discuss your financial sitmition. Have you made any housing arrangements for 1997/$? University Hail: Sugarwell that it was only nieewry to get a "I'm looking Mr a place in Headingles not meg nest February_ tvet..lum: 111y inconil Flats meagre thirty seven per call asetagY IVE. month, into the year is yroi 's a sandwich year.- in order to achieve the privilege of highly likely that the realty met Has your social life improved or declined time lad term? becoming an iris so sophism:pled Fguy in the rksm. nest 11'1 )1111 "Not really eltiengeJ much, obkiousb I went out a lot more in die first Lotiple ,.1 soxind year It only I'd um read the Vo cal 1111/ 111.. it. impress and weeks. I lnvr going to Stomp and 077, hoWevar Ides hail my beer men , is ell and English s.: ,. , v , , . e . to his tnitol thrash metal mmple tend to fall down before I do. haven't had much rolimory loss a, set hut I instead oi ..., expect el to happen this Saturday et the Cockpit when 'sew hog one " strugghlig UP 1:,,, What in your most memorable experience of the past three months? NM till. when . was sat In swanky!! btr last week and my hest mate's girlfriend walked rn. t hadn't I could Lounging by t he television, seam bet for nearly a yea, ,o it v, a5.1 hell ham satins-Wetter." been show the gorgla ,us rugby player sitting in the pub, lying in Ur Ft block the true trironing the gutter.. First years, . r. Sum up the past term in one wolflike. of fumbling "Fs eopentlig with his barb don't you just hate them ? Hens were the Christmas holidays? Did s-rsit Find it hard living at home again? Bends I "Cleo:onus was not 2c.:4,1 due lin bad ilfill111,1.111.e,. net a• e J b., uo• pool+. hadn't passed .uz‘uuilsa 24 leans a day II situ needed ire tall, to s,emeone. up the imp mutiny to %hog %%ere you glad to creme back to Leeds again? with a seas amain on the Dublin -yes I missed the people, the Feu aught picas and being .1 tug in peat,: in tit) Hitch just because there was,' s .1 ;i1 porn.- essay on Hitler's sharing lechn , . , mods, Sprung rani skintriess Ilow's your lowlife? robe handed in on the Mtaidas handicap for all our subjects. and that .NIGHTsi NRF Comp!is at:■111h I 41'1 01,1 s.1, I se cr sri't mt. that morning. If only , well. you gel lib first term or madness. mindlessly Ire your friends at home compatible with those that you have made sitter corning to picture Obviously I completely taking full advantage of all that "free Leeds? passed up the yppe elute ly Iss spend money is beginning Ire lake its loll. "I' se in up watt my trivets at home so we have certain ways of tulk and 'in pike., nine monihs In a fit of hedonisne sell- They've had the loan. the overdraft. Out ray tualeN Leeds ean't really appreciate. They've very different petiole but ittdulJtence in orrice' to actually dee the desperate pleas of poverty to everyone gets on weliwhich is good hex-wise n lot of my friends Ike in Bradford so they're Name: Craig Sileock some work Strange econsem 1 realise parents who have now wised up to the up quite a bit - that now Anyway, it is rue to say that tact that thee: 'perfect' offspring are In How did you get on with your exams/ amassed work after Christmas? Institution: overdo there are totttilless oilier• who share fact milking the bank and their wallet "Eon - what? A hide vague on Mai hYrnr exam' were OK_ but pctilaps 0 loth% (II ITVIS101 Colsersir3 my regreta and would give anything to her all that ii•S worth That time of the would host helped. Actually my matt has just mid me this ininute Mut I've passed our of Course: Envirimmental I think " take their first year monn with all the year has earner wheat first years ate in, rums so Ws off to the pub for rue this :thermion Nlanagentent weirdly knowledge that they now forced to calm down. However. some How are your relationships with your flat-mates progressing? Home Areal: Soudipon possess. Well, at least I hope there people hose no such concept Two of "Brilliant_ we're all one of a kind really. although the lack of privacy is beginning to get to are Its not just me is it ? our interviewees treated themselses to one Sometimes you lust want to he left alone to listen io music in your mom, but there's University Hall: Since October, Ixeda Student has a day trip to Amsterdam, and the loun always people dragging you to the pub." (shame) Detonshirr Hall been charting therogresa (if six first onnpany leas helped Craig leo/ a four Have you made any housing arrangements for 1997/8? years, as this year s new students will hundred pound pwr of decks - a "Yes, there are seven of us lads moving in together so it should he fun " be 11w last to graduate this necessity lot all. Ern sure you'd agree lies your sodal life hupnwed or declined since last term? millennium. Last rime we spoke to After careful consideration it has in' "My social life tuts unproyntal but Mete was a iime last tarn when i wanted to lock myself them they were, in not so many wends, etc rainehaletl that the first tear's lot it in my room. due to girl friend pressures. The only problem now is finances since I've Just completely a-tuckered. and looking smite a happy lot. but Ws not as if the spent £41,51tin some new decks, you hese to treat yourseJr- totwiud to four weeks of home rest of US have it 1110 hod, is it?' What is 'OW moats memorable experience of die toast three months'' cooking and catching up wall old Probably becoming a lot closet to my family over Christina,, stile to CUt.31111,11UICCS I can -t friends oser the Christmas vacation, really gin into." Nobody seemed to be at all bothered

Phew! What a scorcher hat's the hottest purl Wid the son..•

i-11.11V0.1 NI , .1 ,u..11,, as the solar wind ery couple ui yeah_ dots V.'11Iliteaelics a leak anti upset... tot of media and military type, h trying satellites in upper Earth ,rho! olecules of mood .' As pubs across Leeds fill with students drowning their exam d . , tit.- .t ;ill sorrows, agony aunt ALEX KIBBLE asks if there's more to it iswa'c, iratel it-match the c(:) Earth W,11. sliciekv..aves ISIIN el through thtt can as well. cience, depression than meets the eye. Illustrations: DANIEL HARNESS Auxadirtg ut sortie suitquake specialists. the sun 'rings like a bell' than all these waves! 0 you think but .11,0 hi chose Mound them. thews rock bottom. 50 legit ul in difference, The tact iv, the brain of a But po,stbk■the 4iatit.k0 crap, then me Take Alrlieinier .1 ilepressed person contain?, By analysing the suit in , on' re alone a vanous regions of the tilettrain tact dINIut depre,00n is that So if pulling at the poly for example No vac t. I - lower (muffin) of a LA and It-Asking for sheckviave D is ith your much ill the ...Li/Wring bop wits once the pinnacle of these poor aettrohansrnitter called signauires, Ifs poissMle to get problems? unneccssar) Nloq people do your %sick, and now you can't snap out of it. With a disease semtimin, and tuns molecule 111.1 scck n•onnent. although muster ally Mitethelit, you like Alrhenner'u you is important in mood arousal. iitttc 01.1C3 ilfwhal it's like inside Are you so dawn in And the revue[ l Damn Ind. A the tat maimlit, can he could be one or the luck) Ito effectively have a hunch of ))rugs designed to reduce the dumps you have to couple of millirtn clegrees in the helped! Chunk, n, ci aim n1 per cent 0t If you hav e abnormal brain cells which. the removal of the molecule (awe whale ttuin of loot. up to see the soks Iililttui .sit iltil r. feelings or vinyl' MN.: aid in essence. commit suicide *net Its release from the Flydnven are tieing burnt per of your shoes? Es cc!, hods 's In the case nerves mean the scroutnin it second and cooler the further vim Sure. we all feel down enroll I at), present in the htnift tor Enoch 1,• are than the core now and agate. but if longer and iltereforr has a the et rots ill `Yesterday I was at rock bottom. Th—hoernpn much greater chance of The solar i•lcuarta ah.o Jitpeur• you•re sad most of the the n •rkt mmlt ,.ahuncing a persitn's mood. lo he dense's, near chi surlakc lime. and the hortelessness iteltds this the plasma is tend min around Ihrtil Recently the erne for just vion•I go away, intlyhe Today there's rock bottom, then and a lot of Mitt erieril) •McNutt, We are :orating this uptake the problem is depression. sway (mm the Lott* It's as 1t the hard mechanism has been The had new s is that o's suit is tCtuhsely sec a.. I. 50 feet of crap, and then me' ,no • identified. which should common Miring art.' I. large 4311 Iletuecil i plirninti rich s.dhcillo1,: tv, these post u. n lelleT Oil oulh period ..., .sedans trid the crux up to Ill per •41.1,1etted when thing. go yoll. IC tam! 0', tlrn/ef,hindine of the problem ,:cat dia the popillAtom outlet b•• lei hori: lumi t.lbliteUsii : illik.,.. ••• %%lieu .01111, pu.dptr at' hlit,-011, trntciilralri arc vol•!! 11.1.• Jcptvssed, hot h hi, al cattitrtll ant*! the .LL, depcssion differ, soul .11,111,r 411 .• I1. 0% mttch corn he lcuu 1,•%, .1,1 Pt sseat.rie,, or I nrcntdl pro .4.41 Mile..• 0! •I nnpli shed 111 the ease of .ingoing. but tart •L ‘1111.M.:L!.. 41111 • tt dh 11.11111.11 wart) has Riddle , 1 1 dc pr 1111/,h01Iiq -110 11.1M 1,4 /let the rill -V•ItTte•I..trte,t1' I '..111e..11.., Ofir. :l` Jlvely, • Barry Mc Kernan 'A.1 II r, ILL 111 li '.I IL .: III _ • ------ • • TUDEN SPORT SURELY A MIRACLE THE REFEREE LIVE Ilarrett's God Squad are CREAM OF THE CROP still in the C 111 II 11 14 I. rr I 1 1'1 110 .-st nisi% 11 a 1riving seat. The I ill' 1.3-3 1 1 I, ''1 Chaplains Chaps are 11 ••• •3 Po3% is 33 10.'43, ,1 I miraculously top of the that dis ftiterwaticin in It' become one of the highest ivquirod and Indeed delivered scoring players this week. N. Coral Football League hetitre the 111141 JUSIVITI1.711 4140' or the week is Julian Dicke, whim shall he the all knowing and ulna iugh Ills side West 1 lum lei For yet another week. CUMIN! 1111 NNI.Ks Despite write learns all conquering TI' /11411ager 14 in three against Sp1113. 111• in 1 1111 4I\ made. letai1amoi to tUrri Ea.' [Amnion's •••••i• 111.441". Mining more than 2.Spts, IMII,11 41 .11 I 541 I/11 11 cos have been uhle to .hir ers 0.C.11111:1 C4140.11110114 (H'. ill* 1 11- lo tine could Over come scow At:image scoring 154 • • s. • 111, 1.4/1 points fur then new teams aitd I, 1.10•111 1 11 .he Ch.iplain to hecome 10f Illy. 71701 time this week. letithrig his side it. whip.. In the he new league leaden htInts they acquord w their utd same gins- Told% Sheringlt., Clive has guided his learn dubs will not he transferred shill 1T mart!. T1- in:makers milt the players 10 iheir nevi li,K•3, uu ikt• 4117CI 4111 well, although some of his homes. Leeds 43.4C111.11.21N leatuird playing well Mayers Tony Adams: and bight, in irunsiers. with 1111311y David Batty. included have M:01111gefx splashing out Millions Striking Alen Yeovil from the straight of pounds fill their service,. 1.1/1111111thk111-5 rcirnl 11b11u1 It% and narrow. Ilittortunt.uely tor some. Leeds 111t411111 that Allan; .11I Olen Allowed Likerphittl Ill 4l:i51V 0010' players are scoring points Prodigal Is KO. in Enid, Weds- 1111111C C7011S1S1C111iy •O111112 Jonas. Mot I10014 111.1111 -Sgurar 411 •014901.11111.0 Noe/ unqueq,,,n,,I.t. Clive Hulett 5' usually noted for his striking of esetv member sil his flock 111e trall nutnaged lo surprise till. wes Ihe qualifying nand. All 112.1111. as NW'. however he did banish himself' includect as he lead lite Redknapp 54:1/11114 7 ptimiti or Mi•i. •" Wilket in to rlotts Ill 11 1 •1 1'11:11/15 171 CT 1.11131 hen didn't wait sseek, week 12. have qa. pmdignI war, NI eel Mario) Arsenal The highest 1C1.11C1 • o of or Leeds Ill for the 14%1 mom' and Nfarctis Cia1 li Jenne the the week is lan Marshall who httuits 1411l appear lrom M ndis 'MAW !lion wall got it luunek helium': Len este: nod•season transit:, period before he rued Ili Si tut fesiks lis sludeni• t defeat nethy 4-1 and 4L. wed There is all a loaf Wry lu g horns, III his free nos: 1.• I 2pt1 in Total Football and managers kick. while Iahl 's 44 III nerd all the help can Stun vet As a Leeds kluitril Seas, at HEADING FOR THE DROP Collyrnon• The much talked anon, It Iii 13.141rt Clive 14 quilt: tied othed a hiace u'ap kicked 4,11-11,1, x12.1. 411111 to plumy for %loot} It muy he Ilk WEEK 12 PLAYERS SCORES: Has your team qualified for The Cup? (inalkeepers II' 11 1031 1 1 1 I 10: I 1.11111 1 I 4. In 0 I Nlidfieltlers 1114 411 411 111 1.1'. III 103 14 1 1.11 III 0 I Ikl. 1.4 1141 111(11441 ON 1 L11 • 14 IM .14111541L 4 The complete tables are displayed in your nearest student cal %LAM 4 5 Alt, 00 IN 111.141/PH SKS 110 40: w 01515 I11 0 0 1111 111 11141 a 5 at: loi 11 littia auts 11 0 lie .111- Ili' ri .411 OM 0 5 00 INS, Is 11111. 11 I Ina Mks 1 TIN in. union so that you can monitor your team's progress. 1144 141x41('11 AST .1 0 ut• rouriun A145 el I 1164 H. 511111,1 4441 • IN 107 1,111 III. Il e 004 04102. ASI Din 10' 10.1.111111 ANS 0 11 ri41 •1 111 11 11141. 1110 10,11s11 (114 III Pts Place Pts MIS 1 1 111111L5 111,1 115 140 WIWI. 015 11e Place Pts Place ale cos 31111 a it 100 S11 VA III'. III pm 4:11 k,5 151.4 4 I 109 ON 114.11 eel I.o n II 103 047'14411151. 1'111 4 . 4117 I11 sirs/. 11111 1111 31141 41 11414 n o 4401 50 176 350 132 650 u1.11 rut Art 11 11 0 111 7 411LNVN 11131 u 1- 1 111155414111) 457 1 • 901 11111111.414 It l'Ilt • -1 (kW crsco: 'ON, I II 17! L....1.1.'1mo' MIN 3 4 100 162 400 127 700 98 004 4111111.101 IC 4111 I II 171 1 4 11110 457 I I Ran 011.111/11 41410 11.1 113 10111035 PAL 3 410 Ill 44 1131 0 0 11.1 1.10011.41 1"4:14.14. 750 93 0'1 IIART1115 51' 44 0.4 114 51111471 3 11 150 154 450 123 all mitt.' 111114 4 2 IT* IN ISIS 115 PalAikli 1.1.7 .3 A III 5411'11141.1. EV; 4 1 ITS 111111151,5 III I 119 800 85 Ill. 40-11.11111A1 771 012 200 149 500 Os 1.0110 SKI, I1.1 3 • il• 1511 111 .4 10 117 4411154/19 LEE 0 • 114'4.41111'5 Ili 0 21 1771111.51441x111 11L I, 010 250 143 550 114 850 77 III Ramis. 145'4. Ill 17A 111114s1 SIP I, 1113 017011111 ;II PIAIIIP•tivr• 1.1.1k I 66 110 11,1.1 1011 to. I i IT' 44111111'051 11.5 300 138 600 109 900 417 0001.11 1.1:1 . I IWO 14.11 till LEI -1 $ 1141 1.1S1A1-11"41 Ile 0 1.1 oil J.4414; 1.1% 021 III Wins 1.01 .1 .1 1(1 54141. 950 38 III 14411041R 1.13 0 is 172 11114111 1E1 .1 e 102 IT 114 Is 1:111:1 .;4, 121 1111141117 III 6 II 11,1.51 I t SIIIP 1/ I 1.." 11µ1 I 14141 0;1 564 I. J0'4 '• O20 S0'H411:111111. 4140 o a 110 4100111s 124 1.1111 III • • 111w1µ1 *1111 0 1 rU 1 1•11■1111E1P•41 5 45 111 N I) 3419 1 1511141 O21 VAN 111:11 4:41.11111 5141 a a 114 lo OS 11.171'1.11 413 411 ■ 2:11 HI 51111 s1111 171 1.4110 341 Ai 00 51115044111 51,1 :1 1: 0: Olt 1111,1.114 41111 I , 115 103. 11 si 1 111 k 11 0 • A 411 S41101.1.3 03 WAL311 51111 11 * 1:a St 11.1_4 UV 144 11..4 114 0 .1 sI sup sm. a 272 Itt1Ls 341•11 If tr Ill 0 14 3 ailkiks 31141 0 312 COS. Mal 1 1 014 5413411'kk 4033 II al mustio.1% 1117 11,1 11 1 OS 0 11 IAN 141/1E4114 41111 a 11 27 3_41 11.1*0:1 Ill 10314311.1.1 Nail 11 10 100 11111.01' SI% 3 2 122 1041.1757111 silo' 0 io kb 1111111541\ 41, a I IV 11119.1 1 4 lia SIPA 4141 0 14 233 4.1501 1 St '0 412 114 114114111'. 1111414.1.14 141.19 3 4 1/14 1 I I I 01 StIkert ▪ 130 .111115 4151 0 II ■11 141 11.1 111) 511 115 1101111ln 074 VETTIS 1111 0 51'5, 1151 0113 1141- k 7 WO EP .11 NI 11 11 • 316 VH1,4111111 ,".4447:11111v611H 11D00 13:51 131 11:41150,1\ 111 15 5114 234 1.11 1 151 III ry1k2.734145 MST 'III 204 11 111,111 Olt; 0 II 072 OF 1i/s3 31•11D 241•44 I 4 V11.53$1124 MID 011 1114. I 100 1114.1 • 1110114%.%%0 SON 2:12 5 .4 Ill 11.4 511110:its 029 117.:054 SOT 0 7-1 III 111.1,4 411. &Re Its 501 1 143 43 11111• 41111 0 -9 3.11 11411 5 5111 II 114 15Pk111% 031 13.111115 SI '4 0.1 11521• 101 I IS 111.1( 1 5 1.5 rs woos.. 1114 501. .1 1 144 1311((45 41111 .• /el 111145 5111 n T 11.1trar• 'sill PIl 1101.141'11 ll/T .1 1 074 1.1'111.1 IM 1514511 1 Ilk IT* I11µ11 1.4.1 411 IT! 14411 t4.11 5111 l 135 al 11901 5111 3 II 113 sin, 5111' 0 0 121 01 11 011 1411.1.117.1340 1411111•1 11111 I 1 IiiI (II', 174 %III 1.1 411 151 1 110 1,70 11111 511 1 •4 110111.1 5-11 0 a !4. 1.1-515111.1 SDI 11 071 1- 4411'l1.11.1 . O11 S14.1.11.1'. 41(511 , 45 11. 110 1111111 1 1 PI • • 11.11544 , s •,1 0 3 sp1A 11: 422 11:511111CS 077 4111E11 1-104 5101 _7 9 131 P1.114.01.1 Iv' lb. 00 111 1 41414 u • 114147 ,4 MI I 1 SC'. 5411 0 1 ✓ •34 111.4111 44141 0 ▪ al 1141 11141 141 a 0 :1' :1 I :'144 Alt 511-111 541,1 •2 • OA 110 111.11 5111 -1 II 1114 41'111. :At 11111.14PN VII U II ` st t 1l 111 14 Ill I e 15 413 111 24 111011114115 41, 1011111 stir -2 Ill 1'11E111.1 SHIP I 1 1104 11111111.1 1 n 2 242 U1.01(11. Swl a .4 :A: 51111114 • 5 s 1 21 4 Wing-Racks UPI 0 .4 101 100103 ••• 1111 1111 III 11! 151 101 11 000 01 HI 1 4•I111l•4•14 0 tat ri 411 1 1 511;4 al4 o 1 01.I SI I 11 I 141 .0'14 A5111 11 5141 I , 144 •1l 0111.3 , 4511 0 2.0 111101 S51.1".'4 e't et 1111 hi 11011.10 u 1, lb It rim MU" 111.1 St girl A 141 VV41 110-14 55‘ ■1 le :A• 11 111 sks • .1 204 1 1 113 1 1111 :Li. ,111,1 11,:1(1, „1 .1 :02 .14111475 • V 274 111.41115 Lilt III 31.10 3314.7111111 Us OKI 1.1 4115 701 ta• T114 sill 1 5114 011 r11h1. SHY,. 0 1 fit •11,1111 24. 119 511' 51 1 14 1 111 0 -1 ITT 5140 51115 41111541•11 4511 2 :AT lu I IS' 104 1\71 5145 11E1 141 341 III Ii• II it n • 5141 4 4 Ix' 14111'l 45 L u 1 6111 H01111,111 1114 1.1115111114,11 0111 0 145 /4111%141/4 4111 245 1.0 117 u ON 1 I 114 411 IC M11 I 10 205 In. RI IS 711 AM 414 431411.1.1',1 140 11E511415 k1/1 11 HI ‘1,/ 11, 5111 .1 111 e1t1.4.41,4111 1111 3 aha 1311'04 1111A 411 300 111111 240 MI/ NI/ (PSI 1111 0 1 11_9114 4111A.: .1 sof -2 1 I. 1141 5 WC WWI HI 1.1 117 Se:03415 Mr 4 111 FIS• _In 111 ISI 4111 n Nu 511 111111.11 MX II) MI I I 5 0 1040 51151 I 5 19115-2 .1 151 1114 11/5 5411 a • 1 .,1 51 11114 1111 • UM es o :01 1. 11101 m54 114.N • 1 ■ 011 LIANA Will 0 110 1 1 011130 411 4117 0 11 . 11 1 141.111 4411 11 I .151149 14V141,4...".; 111 '441: 114 1•1 upri 1111n 111:31 1411 1, 1 • %Awl. 1/71 I L: 0.14 111101T • 110 1,1-4.51144.71111 31151 1 0 15V 4141111/4 41 • 11 0 1 ,, 1.11114 41'5 • 4 114 I.1 51.11 • 111 ILL 1119 111 11 I I:: 1''1;11 .4"; At sl .‘11: O44 /0.1111.5c1 111 1 5 ill aNn 51.5 e ■4 11i5 11I 415 0 1 1 smt 14.1441 :11 1 of 1.1 :05 1/111.1 5174 Il l • V! CLAIM SI S 1 a ■ .1. 7 1 F s„111'1.11:211(pst. 11 /1 0 '- 152 BALI_ 11; 1 SI,. Hi •• • 11 7.• µs1 :44 514 Alit Lit 011 00 71111 45 143 t 34114111r1 1 lot -3 a • t. 1.4 1415 t IP I 5.1 y Aq 1,11 : Centre-anclo 111 411411±1 It. 11111111 7 1 n an 141511 • IV 1_ %I 111 11114190i 101 -3 11 0410.1114.4 11,1 : III 1,1w-1,1:1, 1 N111 0 214 NI 1.1,4 2•7 11114.51 11 4 1 1, 444 Rm. pl.% 1411 00-1110114 tort tot 4.1 Ili 11 51150 • I I LAM I ON 1.In 11 kW% -7 70 :It 11011411 4 r 441 14114 . 040 iiiitlaw• lee 11,111111'11 1111 e II. 1 to ■st I! 4 1, 11011 1 • um I 1 1115 :14 7.90 NI 511 1 1 1 •o Its 11411. 131 n 1111 N 114 0.1 II' 01 441 !au 1111/1111 kW, I11 nl V41 III 151 1.1.1 1121 141541 11(1 nits • • 241 411 1 41 1.11 n iturva :111 1.1, 'III 411 74 51 1 il 1 144 • 0 IRS 0 1 .11 11411":1 32 P1111111 131 111115 9.114.1 3 241 1st 1 MI 21: I 1 551 I 4 ▪ 1 511110J •0151 KI PA.1110: 140 14-111. 14115 It 11 w11 .n n 14_, 9, 0it 11 •L.Nt ronolooss • : so I111111RIU, 411 50.114 Iii Ill 551 1 12 101 41 111 11111111771 III 111 41 11.1 TN 211 111111145' 1411 t mi. 1,111111114N 41 1 all 31111 • L. 211 ;tit 111 NA II...11511,1 1 11'1 t: 151 4 2 51' 11 111011 14151 a 0 1199 11O41412131 Ill 111/1:1.01:1 1g41,14 14151 11 II LT 1151 •1 1111.111 5 44114 i • ' 1.71 111.1 1 31 1721 019 11111 1 I III AAA ISISI 10.1 0141111.1 91111 0 3 1 7 1-4. 5111511 K 11 111 1 1 tot LINT 111 TT 511 atl41.11 1 11 0 : r'. m-1 4411 :•■I Hi 11111/4 11 IP • 1 Iry 011.1.1 n to =14 I 411 112415 • .11 1 1 111101 1% • 11111 1.111011.11 74 3 2:1 II 5151111 • I •I PP 1. 1 I 1.15111 1111 4 0 • All scores are correct for Premiership matches played to and including Monday February 24 LEEDS STUDENT Frieay fehrwin 2a. II197 20 •

.P)/1 fj_,±A „

HERE is a football could be facing a night or tan dub In England NI in the cells, At least people will embroiled In scutsdal it burr a rrkr,./11 Ii tuck about will stnigpc Ito Plymouth, There's not naafi In else that makes them a complete the season without entering into criminal comersation plies. torneerdittgs, yet it dues not even make the lyuck page of hl• Thanes Linea. rhr Non, TN. II, • • lac or Its star Wastes is bi • Luc 0.1\ court on kidnapping i• tiouts, J. • 1,1. ■:-.J I ill areal ler Gives primal MOO 41.4.511111.- diem' au rosations abeam:in. Hut it is Bo' 7% lauchester 1 td or I .v4.1 \ % I ...AI ii 111.. numager waS mends saised. w Ith the chairman avowing him of having II God Hilly Hans urn ys as ettinillet.. Hut Ws not Newcastle tile`. estt4iJ match, He was urn Honer either. .1115111.11W nor a /limier • no. he 'the club lacing all this was Me umpire. His for turmoil is In fart Ply mouth IIta aint NKR:dray htsigewill %role_ The south amid taim imilordshalb, he seen out the fluidly hit the headlines Ind .Louts It% of Love Train kw ecitenti after their trans brawl weeks 11 , s-nine John Travoltu tan at tliesterfleld. after which out heart oat three of their players were sent And what was that hair? Who off. The Tight even made It to Jul he think he wax? He was Sky's “Nlethanters". II oan obviously hitter that umpires delinitelv on u par w nth were tIlllated when tile one-day 1nesuil's brawls with Isionvich py lamas goo handed mt. so by and Man t 'td in the late Mk introducing his new dances he is But the light was just the making an 144kertI for sometlimg. king on the cake for the a hit different Ilinselt man: week's. doh- Their Mom colours have already problems dale mud, further been claimed by the -fest nations. back. flue first of the pheuers so the new umpires uniform sem off ill) full isiuld slick to white but introduce Roger Mange. Nir is doe in rig fags in all the colon's of the Illustration: Col Hodgklnson l•01111 MIR el on kidnapping rainhons. It couldn't look much chargn.. The ease cannot he Vi Urge than the teams' kits *sstNk* . discussed fur legal tr11,,m,+. bin I believe it intuit es o moan. a 11' Isn't es cry (ate up man. a lose triangle of mime Winarms about the %r'kutr‘. `Tungsten tosser' Bobby George spoke to description and a car in the latest travesty in middle of DarUnoor. foolliall?liverponl kitting Their goalkeeper may Rot forces with ()tune to "'made a Paul Wilson about his time at the oche he able to play for much hunger nursery for the Premiership Wadcloll's meam-tn the-nicest. was called for ahoy making his first appearance a, he is up on bribery charges.. chili is the closest British / possible .w,15 Bin unlike -Alter winning that. landlords the was mated) list eight yeun. %Ir tCrobbelaar's lass yen are hmstball has clime to ending the plastering the plenty of alintrock sportsmen. he- would may 'come and play my The comeback was 215c presently slimming up the case hitimi of all hiss Cr ILIWUC bed n Him," said ll:is natural talent nn abundance to plovers for 1150.' I couldn't wan oiemorable fete slightly less fur his defence and Ply mi anti Hobs. But our mw cures. Marie George. "Can hack up his bravado ) to bloody get them Anyone van positist reasiirtS await the verdict no Has the Premiership From Ins ...andelahraand-cups' he u pm, but it's test much like "I snapped my hack Ift dew tenterhooks as the' promea rt laconic SO chile that everyone you ring hack in half an entrance to his milking to the hard work and there's no money if match." says Bt Ihhy, 'and I forkp: completing the season without else bar the rich few has hour?" eaiwil. ;art Is) wearing enough you don't win these days. But it out a fortune to get it mined tie ■seriously given till 4111.1 lot him is not an altracti e one. She wasas referring to her to make both Mr T anti Big never used w be hive that, there when I carte Mil of anaesthetic, r irobanar is only 11w latest es er gating there? Thai must much that I thought husband Bobby., darts, RotRon go urea, Hubby George has were 20 TV Imunaments a year nun su. in a long Iiiie of dodge keeper: be why they are so willing to round his niche as the tans' and snit could earn wit grand lust 'fucking 'cll. I've given him C. at Ply Malan. NUT Shihun iwe'ept is reduced rairnher sliowntan extraordi Itaire, favourite nom tinning gland to bract me up' It we newts went bankrupt from of teams promoted and But shy should someone of The on r44.1l auy bloody murder, t can tell you - his pi:Wiling debts a hen he f • relegated in tutu the higher Ins stature and hank balance of lwre 111unkfully, all is writ now Ni was manager. is ision. he gelling. his hands dirty at glittering `Anyone can be cat one way. more htingee-lumping pethapv olio IA-manager in Ibex (.111111aVs. get-up have I went the hut he can manage to take the lell1411,10 not yet 'George Hall'? queidion is 'Neil beeorne a pro, but its either on Illy oche, But only when he gets.paid Warnock, but ocitilirm•d by the "I'm kloiog me house up setni- mind you. hciauve he neve follu ow ing his FA. %I ill have aren't I' I used In lay concrete legelditIN too much like ma:tikes dismissaL rumour., aliening floor. I or a living anyway,- he tale , itallUilit "Nab. not me Either )tiu'si of the chairman implications. said 24 InllitlIts tiller "By the "Vvell. I its hock got it or you haven't. 11 you 1u4 haling a. God rumples of %%hat if 'rime hard work' V.,1%. III , you like it'? licorge was in Spam 13 oil I he bricks for a !oily you don't du his own en` much were promoted to 'all' I Mean ' I Wanted to call and we were utivenainticv on the weekend do your strut-leer. the l`r•iniership le this place Fuck ' watching this Elvis imperstma tor. of helmi on tow he pays the bills Well. if you put it like that.- %mile cialld he the tan teams met in all but they wouldn't let tne - and he was shit Hut all the by doing heiwneut five and seven But there rs. still one mantic! heading for the record a cup-tie? pubs and Am One with Iht!it late they loved him. he had a towel eAruhirtints a week to remaimng_ It Hobby hail books. and not just Spain has this with a knot in it down his vomers club...Indeed. George has only me the sequins-and-showman because thco are tote ul' nurser' system, but evenings free over the New Year will have seen the Embassy World for God's sake. But he had this remaining ambition from El Elvis, what about lb ants hair league clubs there the sandier tram yellow sequin earstui on and lie "lo live 11w longest. because tower ending in the letter e. Thai 01111101 enter cup Darts Championship and it so. George's antics will he etched on hooked the business. Sol were Line I' se been there and door it all "Fle only had a hand owe could corm have the competitions or he went from the mind He is easily the most int a het. and it there Dans has leen good to Irle, it's down there, anti I'd need a lilood highest numbers of promoted. This accidental discieiery ei‘-en me things I wouldn't have bath towel n l I did it. wouldn't Tr' prisoners on the hot iks as So Italy t'revve fans memorable and emenaining ul the current crop of dales - I drink mimics- that of George himself tor had 01.11L'etvlse 1 me been round well. Grobelaior's on his into have this to look only a year after first picking up the world and ma loath of people way. Mauges looking forward to. Mary the word for Mein. I'm MX sure of the tochnival ternt some arrows at the age or 20 he Ii's a great way to make a living dodgy and if the police I bet they tan', wait. won the Nino Of 11w torrid title Saying that. he hasn't lust his has e their way. all dime Itansmet! Dart pluyers'.? Tungsten tossers, to use. sid !Me forerunner of the Embassy las competitiveness or ability - In insu lied in tow brawl an amateur and LI Career lut4 he almost won the Einhassy iii LEEDS moor. Friday February 211. I9117 21 NATIONAL ENGLAND EXPECTS FOOTBALL Will Jack Rowell's side pass their biggest test so far or FIXTURES

are the French about to burst our Five Nations bubble? Saturday March 1 FA Curling Picriderchip rthatillutte s Sulettalared ENGLAND THE MEN TO FRANCE Dertsy s Chelsea Everton v Arsenal WATCH eeds s west HUM I happens every the Viniteli pack etiteti their .I• was the 1114.-ITIWIV.c, ithel kale; Etti.111.,11 •• them Ilinntiy11 of a 1.1.11-■'111 :.-110 time the French .1 media hat e hlJlnl l_. Iv:14111N dlso • team come to I tin,. up IN mom-wk.,' been treating Ski !IWO In ntanll ir, '0 4-'1• le Twickenham. l's iftr 'hied i•m,etutr.e this match. one Vi.111faci 'r !1,1.111,11 I ,11. 14... Ai 1 etaurill his T I 111:1,n 1,9,4 AI lice begiiitittig id olluctoei could be forpjvet► for .'Sit his 11511 lift \Shcui .21,y ■ ye- f inuthistand, Stet L. Rider leputate1011 Ns .•1C Ili this i•.) believing that •:riglaild's dips into the file marked hookers in the world tusks nit: name is already ■ 'trench rugby leant pack has wierted eta:C-101U) i.e. Eelind ils4 still i • Wu!, 1‘1111 Lulu:nee Dallafilit and engraved on the famous Iht vat, that helrll Own clis hes". and by the time krchorkl I lin proving their wrath trophy. 5111 chili ter lit Ms: FOCLes Li Intel, on, Vnotball Ill the international stage English nigity seems he IV 011. you're sick ol hearing atoll! Wert humiicii i$ SO tar up ils own backside 'finil 1 s Hair-. -France's mint; the lucks. the !hive produced one of the finest that they have forgotten there perliirocitst titter with by d exciting unpredictability" tionnicirsall.(irayson nership IF wining to is still one major obstacle to lainipedn chili side and wilt Itay.- their -tie vast:atilt and 'limns}, despite calls lor the overettMe, nattely a French dins! of their hack divimori attacks on the break-. inclusism of Amain l-lenley at Side who are certainly representing then country. Alum Conic on Stcse. I know semen-half. Will Carling is hack u. l'erniud will pull the string. at fly Capable of crunching the you've got to soutilethalance sees hest limn_ keeping icretny halt. whilst lainiaisisii and Writhe , the curt-so-slightiv one-sided an emote-Ink in. and Grand Slain from under adi exploit tiny weaknesses .!e views of Mick Skinner and watch ills! ha- Phil sle• (dans tile England's noses. wide I/tide:rats al SlenihtlssInic are far tte.ti■l: Brian Moore, but that's study alit skipper will lice:AL:el Ii parse English optintisnI, est:it writhe Fran Cotton's .k.%.:issien In iin-ogance. has sieMntes1 solely alrackinu ditui iklending and will going for r fat Nationwide IA.-ague hive ism A Air hie man Lit at, Iwo tecord. break nig Pienv Villepeetis coo eirttr lioweve: the French hasert.1 front r; t n. Lis ision Non Ail 1:,,I..Iscrtliarn ha til,re than victories over Scotland and II all this Iii l t• 11, \tin (1." • • .1.,...iy: - Le tuba. mr.. :h.q. , tin. 41E11 AK, .4101,14. tetei.lei Imo the freland. ...uh•. Siest 11,. ith.Alt the 1116 I hate ilikieNtiley the 'Husain that I. ii• itti sot ".i1111 VIC' 011 kt.05% the I IMO, higlahal hats' stalketill; hecootic I • ■hi., VIIII1c. but fi0 .0•.I.,.. ,.ill A .•,:t01 4,0 . ,thtl.1 0,1 tiAlirr,er Vin mat! heaters hot the cY.'•(t lee A demehe the Ni eAr - Its tJuse .1{e the) ileprIllg Of the Ern-, tat do,: di • 1111.[. tease.. di'.'. Id of .1 deLl.lit tr•th Ilse re Mon.-211 dokt Su minter! 5.p-cl..* girl,. • Aslth . ally :ate L lib., play tte eti Civets- ,1 A dierhoo. ihdn the , our 1',,P"'"'.,, • 'spew kicentin t. - Osumi.: sk• Carlini, int tears filt.tewrol ,irtl lire le-Fth, well l'hi the ssteolr Wait, Id-I aitut ...leo) ii 1'..,r , . th,yr •,Arrt, hen they me hist plain snip ittaruthed Ley pate ,,A111;11 Ale (Si -untie tides mat! match, front and this Is wheie Englund is J y1111146. 101 ',of eikvnititer with the La I really tail They have nit It, the Firtich. Chi. faith its-,7rti.efi, (A►I). sti they heat helilTh.1 by font iiie) re ail running seures1 tall htsck sit i/diell their IVeitor,/ them Iv. set Ilthithentl .oily started h• pLt!, open_ tries to nil \Se bean Tltc 17iensts. pretenders is • 411 clout claw up nun tps Were the french ounraleing ditraetme nigh) m the Iasi sill:Mel France will be a real test ha III. Fish N.muns Hite \'t-, this ',tax 'treatise the trip...ants mtiettst Wales? I think not a titan vilkt .1m1 UrilitA. Their the .:tilting edge id hail ground the i tips-Athol loin /1110 Contrast that with Inglansf, side rho be no reconi wore tang. inks,] -intrust and the flora during the previous sixty jetharnuinces aganist Ss setts. ql Wight have won NW' England might fired that to Itelaral Against the Scots. they minutes. However. this tactic will their e,anieN sn far, hut li.Althritty. iirvirtestiyrwie the Ftenek and es en said that England didn't play well Inn against shover ',Liniments like they '11 he getting their anise inure distaitting, lu iweresurnatt. Ian the first hour. But how long Feiner just as it did agsunsi the New upputo: their own sta.:tells. IS a recipe ten &Vs a game of nigh> lase' The Zealand Barbarians whim the disaster. II the Films:it lirnse I don't want its siminit ••• rest's': occuted and Fneland found team% rampant scoring in the last like Mickey Skinner - come txtheying in their own ability then ill ihernselses cynics-ding ptilillY. 20 minutes of both games was a , they Kate the taloa tu bring think id it_ I don't want to dies liiV/3174sihe end. testimony to the magnificent like him collet. But just sit hack England back down lc earth when strength anti stunina of the Key decisions 411ill events were and w7ucli as l'nuice gels a they belting. fneward!, who had eflectively also firmly in our rayon! during, lEttrotrashing Laurence .-0 Julian Belts hashed hole. in the Daliagho so those two games Scotland were opposition's line The). inure slum Chris Straw first denied a hiaLint try and then to Nationwide League atom, will be up for this tine. and .ski insult us injury found Divhdon Two RNA-with luth s Shies shell 4 Rufus (..(VWC v Gtllmghatn Mu lei ill s Wycombe Non-county v Brent!. rid Europe's quarter-final countdown Pitt.'ehoe, •u0 !'RI-n..0111 +,1 Newcastle fare NEwcAsTLE V convincingly liar• should 30t1 MIPPlirl. MAN Pon should also see Ponsis LIVERPOOL V SK SRANN MONACO i ld,ati5rh.ire1 ltroV their UEF ss Cup The GLYIrttiGN v your nation's ' dangerous Bra/than Flusi■A ( :1■ their quarter-final stash with he reliesed experienced Belgian representative in Europe's snikeforce ol Jude! and Anur LiVer110•11 iti41 lit tsar. ia Maoism nest week with mastermind Emu Sclfo is premier club competition used return from injury. SC/WIWI:V.4m opposition alter trepidatkin. after the Iwo of injured But a United Nations 1141. 1,1.1r1 though you etin't forget that United's perfomuinces in being dumped out of the Man Shearer iti wikefine consisting of Nigerian linage of Hasid Ifes..thinn Europe this %caw have been UEFA t'up bs banish outfit Though Ktiegart's Newcastle Victor lkpeba, who excited A' s, at ions' itic I vague grinning homily at you In an inconsiment, with Brandby hunt year, disposed of Meta in Um much in his country's Olympic Ditision I hree Ten paid twenty Ilionsaind comprehensive defeat against Norwegian football has ■ competition before Christmas, triumph, and prolific Bearillan 4. ■ neck to do this yrni knew type Juvemits in Turin and a pitiful propsenal in recent years, with they lost the away kg. and Ring marlaman Sonny Anderson. has 1):1/101.,.., ■11 tift11:11..11 way' tram behind his home defeat to Fcrencvaros the national team faring well Kenny's inheritance face a much reaped eight of their I3 lik.TA t111111171 unkialbly floppy fringe. alter being combined with impressive against many nations not least tougher French conuiruakat Cup iltrals so far. scoring yet another thirty yard victoria away to the England. So Roy Evans' side against kisgue-leaders Monaco. Can Les Ferdinand improve I", user screamer itigehell your dub? Hungarians. and at Rapid must be on top of their game if If anyone on Tyneside on his four-gaol LTITA Cup haul Ilull Noniump4k.a Funhermore, are Man Uid Vienna. they wish In prrognists, tuiderestimiaes this any sod shoot Newcastle tn victory tot,, orient • ti•tettet capable of beating one of The head says Porto The 'Stan the man' and Robbie prineipulny. they shook, think without his Englund scant-mute. red.tholehl v Clunitridge Europe's Most prestigious clubs.? heart just about whimpers Fowler will have to finish henry again. Dumped out of this or will Crank flair overciime Torquay Porto are one of this season's Manchester United after a than against Blackburn tecently tournament by Leeds 18 months English passion. giving Monte rum tennis, and despite their violent heating front the while Liverpool's Viking agss this season's leant is one of Ca d° more than jusa the -030th Sunday March 2 unexpected fad league defeat of conscience. Just dual hold your defenders Stig Inge Bjomehye the savaged in its seventy-year anniversary of Grimaldi royal FA curling Prentiershisi the season against lowly breath. and Bjorn Tore Kv•ne conk' history. htnisting a squad of rale ki celebrate? ,v,hni Viii s I 1,crpooi Chris Leadbeater be the key 10 denying their SAlgueinx last ice kind. they internationals that knocked out Paul Itrovin remain twelve points clear at the country nien twos tuxigh GOITIlaTI shies top of the table.VVednesday Knit Ohene-Hlan ay

22 LEEDS STUDENT Friday Fab-tarty 2a 1997 Catch 22 acheive 'Ultimate' goal in winning National Indoor Championships

BUSA NEWS FIRST-EVER TITLE MOTOR SPORT HIE National Student Nliotur Sport Championship comes to Leeds for the first time since 1990 de, weekend. the event C1111hIsL, of• FOR FRISBEE ACES take AL1111101 77 the Warwick Rears I _30arT1 111111111170y, The ,ante lealll haul 1• .1.- Moult! Preston Sheet are the new CalCt In 1.1s1 ear and the Northern National hut the home Irani „ Lilly, which will mu It- Student onheatahle form thus year. midnight to num on Sall& • wlllllllli the came 16-4 fill nmirlg hanipions after 'the', went on to meet top The course will wind roan,: w inning the Indoor seeds Skunks Rh in In•idt it the 'foil...41UL- 1).L1,-, Snulliarnion I 'In verNify in the „aid Tournament on home planuh I Iii. final. and both teems were /r1.!:t111..:1, man Ilte 1.171 equally motivated tin the They finished top of game. i I tell qualifying pool. Catch took the upper hand early on Their defence was I .11 !et comprellenst vcI y I iinstandi g ty tight and N.OU,1"1,,111, .111•1 1.1 healing Cfan field enal,led them lo pi 4-0 up College and Sheffield'S before Skunks rceained all) JIU JITSU Thal Lds. s-111111141s1lfe sold started woring However. the Lot:este, points But Catch never (;RAIIANI 1Nillianis woo Jesters proved Is, he harder allowed them to 41CIEIC miii any the British .list Mist, opponents, 11.101 ('.tech kind ot rhythm with stifling marking and punishing Championship at last finding t hettisel es 7 .4 counter-attacks weekend's competition in doom wtlh only w o Skunks started to trade points. Bristol. minutes left on thy' clock but the damage hail already lip won the :!,141 rned.111 in ILL, A +yr J11.0.41_01[11! been done and with inspired ■■m ilio w.nir.11 Alt .-3tcp i passes ,ind cool heads from buck mg from from Smolt oltns ■I•nt the Leeds players managed to Hill. and awesome lakes in the level the sword. and lease lone by Mutt Minims. it them at the top tit their group became incresitiely apparent CANOEING Catch then easily won their that there was truing ui he only quarter-final match against one winner ILL Canoe Chili took ielythago. demonstrating their 'rhe %livable crowd were pert inthe Kt stiperuir defence arid tight. (realm". to a display ot Whitewater race on the passing offence. It Was -111 190 ULTIMATE HIGH: Catch 22 and Skunks pose after their epic final, above, while Larry Larkin is in more aw rat mu% near perfect active mode v Warwick Bears, below, and SI HIll picks up the trophy, left, for Catch 22 Pies: Pete Cotton River Dee last week. much fin the Bnsent wane who Ultimate frisbee before tunic The e.weni only managed to score tour expired with the score at 9.0 their first eset student Llangollen, Wales saw ihr.•c points to Catch's 13 to Leeds winning by 11-6 members of the club Ands Seeded sound in the Matt Himins won Me most .144itistrm, Simon Forre0 .1110 tournament. ("arch w ere Ark foul pOsses•onn valuable player award. but the (beg Tussle - compete iiieunsi expected to make the it the start ol the victory Was it great leant several other univerntleh III the final but they were Cresulting two point effort Wain event. never piing to he Mlle cap. An inch perfect Jed! Children. Leeds" This was lamed by the complacent about hammer throw from second team. are still trying to individual competition. in their semifinal Simon Hill to Larkin in the establish themselves On the which Mark Cole and Aaron against 'one. instantly student circuit. Stephenson joined their tea ni demoralised the tiring They finished in 12th mates in posting impressive Skunks place. despite being seeded partornumeer The visitors vauds Med to 16th and its the most difficult bring the disc hack up group . STUDENT GAMES the court. hut were Despite a Valiant effort quickly they were finally defeated by FOR many of the student intercepted by Skunks 2 in the I 1 th/1.7ah sporting population. the the flying place play-off season is coming lo an Gaffer Hinkins, Pete Cotton unwelcome end. and teed, Howes c1, for gifted • .41%1e-tell to fortunate enough, ant mallak; two huge events that will provide competition on a grander .ale. At the beginning of the Lister break. fidinhureh University is holding the British Pact' Lacey sees off University Carnes. Betweeen March N - 27 the Scottish MEN'S RUGBY UNION an Oxford mistake. had no counter to the swift, well-supported by a 1:11.••• institute will play host to it, LUU 1st XV 31 - 0 OxBr The Leeds side looked a confident bull-movement of and vocal crowd. lormidable outfit. exerting the hosts. Winning nearly esery rest of the country. By Paul Brown But In Mg that, in tremendous pressure and the Michael Brouthe line-out. and displaying between August - 31 '1'110 early tries from two early tries were just extended the lead to a well- decisive running and reward for their impressive deserved 19.0 at half-time tackling throughout the side. World Student Championship .Jackie Lacey set the whteh opening with a try of his own and two LI ll.1 never really looked in will pets ids: sitar pattern for Leeds' lines! with this conversions. and he ended dunger of conceding a try, let prise themselves o.i - League match. which Possession the game lop semi- with alone the match- eleven p4mits. converting They. effectively sealed stage. saw 1.1.7U run out By contrast. the visitors Mite PI hive chances victors early after the re-start convincing winners offered little re,islanCe. The game became with a quick try. and hardly venturing user the over Oxford. increasingly niggly as the eelehnned rowurds the end hull -way line. and w hen they AMERICAN FOOTBALL The home side look wiles tried desperately to with an owhichther. Brim& did manufacture a Ir, - immediate control, w tilt make an impact. and converted to !litany condemn IT promises lo he their .0.iring ',ppm tunny they Lacey 's blistering pace is:cashes:II flare -ups were a sorry Os ford to defeat. toughest trot yet. net could maintain common. Foams hog last Sundae '. taking him user to score possession long enough lie it Howes er. the mulch aas surprise defeat at the hands of after only six minutes, and NI he touched down playrd III cemmendable Newcastle. Leeds' Celtics must Pic. Shaun de he broke through again They could not handle wet Steyr[ spirit, with the home team now travel to Loughhoroueli In soon after to capitalise: on LUU's aegressive platy. and the 13CAFL play-offs 50

• FE OS ST, t0EN't equityfittrnrary28 low 23

la0(--pq;u4ikcti4-4.442 GUTS AND GLORY No.32: Truly Bulbar By Chris Leadbeater (1N the nip ht It hen Gritty display Taylor's foul Wig hall game ap:anttd,r:1,tiumillptinly,

I'm the World Cup. an ervti takes Met into higgtr shack took *et. in Thai's when. Fnuii.r. also demilrad do they couldn't he =sex' .,sv;iiili)iioemoluner Alheney other

BUSA semis Their failter was tad. amoinahme Needing ugly 11 paint SOMETI N1 Fs, through cheer determination from their Lana two lwaine gratie, alone. a Nide can Manage' in pull orr the result against Rigel uud ltuirana_ rtrc they want. 1•4.10i 11.10 Ow .ellt rs, I,' in the 14,1 lit r At Beckett Park lit MEN'S RUGBY UNION Inca 1 2 win, lerst.fig ISI•IVI kith the air k s 13ltlg ui t Wednesday, LNIUS11 dirt LMUSU 14 • 8 SOTON pane just that. beating Cardona par lbern hut By Chris Straw then ies.t.•ival lei NMI -tampion Institute in KON1Ali1111%, &Mil the man with officially the waist their BUSA Cup sinning game In counter the hatzeut In lime' whole would 41tarter, ftna I t prilblemx of the w Ind reaped twice, the +.0,1aki bring a top win. epiiomiiciI h) hard rewards in the 70th minute coiner sk-rearrier in mini], Time in send Itatvina work and strength tit when an eitecilent buck-row' ht Atnetiva. Catilnint relteard lo •ithcbc,Irr character, deservedly maim opened op the ehance for Nick RI .h.cra. Ira ,scort.- and took utit hl. isiorramot.111,1 the gives thent u place in the the fur comer homer League. last four. III ate causing ihinittes• Still. the seagulls behind the Converted try would have trawler lauglktl Illtar maths e Awakening been enough for Southampton 4r•c1. 011- when they heard that result. Yet it had all seemed a to snatch a victory. hat resolute deretid Ing, long way till when particularly by hooker Starry Southninplon took an I I I h- who was cornett nlf Ili the I iliSt minute lead thanks to a Minute. now 1.vIllS1J Mime. Lick-.ind-ause try from their winger Spirit It was the awakening that Salford Understandably delighted. LMUSU needed They had s:aption Nick 13rowit auk, -It bier' terry slow to start, hul a. was a 50-50 game. the hull mile on they came S111.111Limpl on pl4yr4.1 v..eil, hurl shot out 111146, into the game. it watt nun hit of extra -Tint Irma] hack oagt Jackson at -cerormitalt as that thiouvh fond Cartier wit.. chili r1.11:,,,i!, parmulutly inapteintve, 101111 . providing an excellent link perfarillanCe I WirlA110 I ...Lull between the puck and fly -hall 111 et ant: 711 IN t• It at fir 10 plat am any intlisithrak. tr. 411 Cul 40 Lloyd The Litter, ebtlily la 147,111,5• ever0+0415 aid their thintit...-• homier lin ',SIN,' ,t kirk Well in the ass iinard lab and did the 171:".1 thc5 Innen. al 1,111'3! i .4111_ inn! conditions sus prui iii j110 lite• I Jr:triode!, 'suds Au ,z sy I t..1 I • u •r• ,;.!.1t .3 ,},,,,.I 3111.• attJ '1•1;031 lu .telt? Mt a lead •v,.. 'lurk tar vt, fl' uiu Ill The kelltur fltrn A telialis IL I Otr,,:111- 111,51. Val, Owl: line ruli, 11 tie meant thi: Ole ,e,,r4 1 tsr.:u.iii di, I. REACH FOR THE SKY: LMUSU dominating the line in Wednesday's game Pic: Nathan Thomas numb. aht.11 k gr.l, fritittlaturRy 10,11110f tt,,15 ifoo.ivevi.a-• It took Leeds arily MEN'S RUGBY UNION ink' ,tt sthNeNt 11.11f hi LUU 3rd XV 8 - 17 S'sea hut the came .Srth,nt. With then First so Ike twit', By Ben Proe lack,i in cut In Irian the right. 1 W(.) trios in the last fo.% ta!,e,.1 the hall off 111 Mytull whim minutes gave the scoreline Cheltenham hurdled sonirtilled it mat irlea.eil feminine .Inks Ih.d tree The an artificial look.. This was MEN'S RUGBY UNION in fact a closely fought Salhail Lallalkeeltel ...11:11.,,c LUU 2nd XV 27 - 14 C&G contest which LUU were =luck, to lose. By Ben Singleton Brilliant 11111. 113111133 331(10. hail iMNC t N IMPRESSIVE than matched last year's .:inerying 'hips in ltir endues. winners Swantien In ith evenly display put 1,1,1.1 in the defence by hailing a while igseto Itnight lint hall in which the semi-finals of the BUSA Myhilt who toriong ot bath wilim•lialvo Charnplon.ship. 11P.M;illy NIT-trick ,4:11, the matt it element. 11te home side proNed too Font nitwits Inter another attack Leeds went mio the break much for ClOtenhatil and on the right, ltli• dole In•ltgalai attend at 13..7 ciairte‘y at by (lamer. urn Jones wale with a irloucecler. who found it Ailmmn's try. Cork:encl.! cliort ;:us'14•1 rn stay in eurarrii as ensured ltit it:111'61m.: NI-named difficult to fmm1Irtcdre refilk so •elnse tirittl The cli Nog the Leeds forwards took AA 4-0 the gante was dead and stages, but Swiinsed , saperior charge. IltcZak'dismi sal,d sid..atiwliad loom was far prone the i.ritoai Leeds had dominated from tittle effect. A disappOink•:1 tnctor the begmrime will' A .1 White L•tIllIneAb{l that Tram captain Ailimin was, sharing' Iwct 1/1CS lit na many LUU 'pm in the tucklc. and we anderiallialubly• supriinted 10 nannies The second try win. FIGHTING IT OUT; LUU and Ch eitenharn battle for the hall PLC: Shaun de Wei Steyr• our unable get out of our It.t+C at the gunner- final stage of snatverled by the .42nd-off and LUU captain }im Cheltenham and filtiutea,ta throughout the match, However wen! awarded. a penalty try or iuhilata die BUSA championship, but captain. Ben Hinviand. Gwen i)orraniaecl his limn of the exertod little pressure dining the Lccda' May Crahum and Nick Leeds foiled to remained pleased with his A. 4 U1111, the halt hacks ' entire side - find hall but Quite 41VIly with at Hadley crimpeted admiral:ay Clime:ciao right • matohin pett,rmAticc, operate'd effectively, tegulating Vet this was ni a one man lry hum Getham Janet. alter against the opposition, claiming (111111114N reel at the, I • 'he boys grilse everything the llow or ihe anal with quick quick they were awarder' three the maturity 01 the hall m muddy Llll1's 4llpeiln 1301 H snow in ?vlyttilIhtm...firvras l./hVittioly 1,117t.C1 ki lthde at ball and intelligent kicking penaltioi within the I.U1) n- conditions 'unlined up: 'vie held tocotscrite klafe. but very proud id ?Mo•. running horn Heft was our ltesI tealII yerK1 (MC Dating the 1,01:133ill hall Kir omit the end and did ran their oftlirtS Wulf 4.11.111111.• heel! Hart:slut tir•aell the midfield •cam)n, Thu $uc • rat hits fraught with vsklEnt• carne ha* at Lti Li and game fait apart " perlonita•e of 11w .1 tough season " was also instrumental in has went difficulties and scuttl es. applied consistent flTeN,Itre. and SunkPrkl team's %moo.. but 'WA tikiliKatycdelcIri.'" 51 IL, 1E1E17, S SPORT Five Nations preview on page 21 ENGLAND VA, FRANCE PLUS: DARTS LEGEND BOBBY GEORGE REVEALS WHY HE Is 13 LE TOPS' - PAGE 20 League stars teach Born a HAT-TRICK HERO harsh lesson MEN'S RUGBY LEAGUE LUU 50 - 0 L'BORO

By Ben Proe WITH only two games remaining, LULU have SINKS SALFORD one hand on t he inaugural National League Championship. Goal blitz shoots LUU into BUSA Cup final Although they arc top of the of the league, points MEN'S FOOTBALL Letxls countered Sallintl's difference could still make LUU 4 - 0 SALFORD more physical and direci all the difference. and game with good passing Leeds were obviously By Ben Burgerman hxaball in difficult conditions aware of this throughout the on a quagmire of a pitch. match. SHARP shooter Andy Saltird's early pressure was The were ahead w i thin lust Myhill bagged a absorbed, and with more of the one minute. after an play in their opponents half. the enterprising 611-yanl move fed brilliant hat-trick to home site began to stretch and to Ogilvie crossing at the propel LUU one step unsettle the previously compact corner. McCormack scored closer to BUSA glory. Sal ford defence again almost immediately Myhill opened the soaring on when forward pressure forced blasted throe Myhill 16 minutes when, unmarked, he a Loughhornugh mistake goals in just riser half-an- sharply turned in II corner foal] hour to seal a game cut to sit yards out. This inspired Errors 8(1 minutes due to the beds to impose themselves more on the game, and 10 efforts of the Leeds unexplained absence of the minutes later the skilful Jackson pack forced frequent handling original refenv. continued on page 23 errors from the visitors in the firm period. Riggs and Moran being especially effective. In contrast. strong running from ow.1 Diamond and Simons provided APARER.DAM_Ii_39_67_ LUU's hacks with an excellent INIATIMA _ 7292_149 platform, and silky passing led BANGKOK 195 355 to tries for Wright. Harrison BLUING Lft3311 and Armytage, giving LUU a BUDAPEST 79150 commanding 28-0 half-time DELF11/11/0411AY lead. MAIN 30 S6 The interval seemed to 538 break LUU's concentration ISTANBUL 44 157 little, and although Ihe visitors tO'BURG 256 389 never threatened. handling FM131P 211 errors denied Leeds several LISBON 79 121 tries curly on. ft was Ogilvie's UMA 202 492 second try, from a labulous MIAMI tiS 199 fV1eCurmack 51ip•tiss that got MILAN 49 97 the scoreboard moving again. NA1RDSII 202 339 with Army !age converting NEW YORK 102 155 hrilliantly from the touchline PARIS 34 68 Sloppy C "gm us RIO 201 339 travel SINGAPORE 220 410 siinntes later. Sauteing's VIENNA 15 121 ;Inset chip forced a We specialise in low cost travel TOF101170/SKIN11111&_114 194 Liusglihototigh drop out, and for students and young people ZURICH 70 95 Moran's strong funning led to providing support in over 150 offices 'Antares exclude lax' a second try for Rigg. As the throughout the world visitors began to tire. EUROSTAR MeCormack's cheeky pass RUSSELS/PARIS E49 rtn helped ArMytage to his second LEEDS with an iSiC card try, before sloppy tackling YHA ADVENTURE SHOP, allowed Diamond to seal the 117 121 Vicar Lane, victory. LONDON / Leeds LS1 6P1 Captain McCormack wits BANGKOK I SYDNEY / particularly plettsed that his LOS ANGELES / 0113 246 1155 side had conceded nu points: "I LONDON FROM 1680 asked lor u big points -victory, We monde a full range and that's _gist what the lads of server es for youth and student travellers, including gave me actuain/bus passes, On this form. it will take a travel Emu:ante. low cost spectacular el Inn from GOING FOR GOAL: Ben Jackson on the attack for LUU Pie: Shaun de Wet Stern accommodation, tar here. Livetpool lohn Moines to ID cards. adventure tours. deny I.L1L1 the National title