
Ecol Res (2007) 22: 892–901 DOI 10.1007/s11284-007-0352-5

SPECIAL ISSUE in biological invasion

Scott P. Carroll Natives adapting to invasive : , , and the of conservation

Received: 6 October 2006 / Accepted: 10 January 2007 / Published online: 9 March 2007 The Ecological Society of Japan 2007

Abstract Contemporary anthropogenic evolution is Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) was intro- common. Biological invasions are an especially dynamic duced into the eastern United States for horticulture of novel selection. This paper considers how native 200 years ago and began naturalizing widely by the early species evolve in response to biological invasions and the 1900s. With the introduction of other East Asian hon- potential consequences of such evolution. Among eysuckles that similarly became abundant environmental numerous recent cases, the most widely reported in- weeds (Hartman and McCarthy 2004), swarms of stances are of phytophagous shifting onto complex parentage developed (Rehder 1947). In 1997, introduced host . For example, our studies show native North American tephritid fruitflies were discov- that in North America and Australia, soapberry bugs ered infesting wild, hybrid East Asian honeysuckles in evolved substantially after colonizing introduced hosts. Pennsylvania (Schwarz et al. 2005). In their native ran- Such cases close estimation of evolution’s direc- ges, the introduced honeysuckle taxa are hosts for Asian tion and rate, and we have used cross-rearing studies of Rhagoletis, but no infestation of introduced or native derived and ancestral- to measure Lonicera by Rhagoletis has been previously reported changes in reaction norms and performance tradeoffs. from North America. Different fitness traits have followed very different paths Genetic analyses of the flies newly parasitizing Loni- in evolving to their current phenotypic values. Our cera fruit showed them to be a monophyletic group hybridization studies show that the genetic architecture overlapping with the invaders’ geographic distribution. of these involves a surprising degree of non- Yet they were not identifiable to a known Rhagoletis additive variation (epistasis, dominance). The impor- ; instead, they have a unique allelic mixture formed tance of non-additive genetic variation in rapid evolu- through the hybridization of two native fly taxa: R. tion will be clarified as more studies take advantage of mendax, which uses native blueberry fruit (Arctostaph- similar situations. As appreciation grows for the deep ylos), and R. zephyria, which uses native snowberry fruit contemporary interplay of evolution and ecology, de- (). Due to its hybrid origin, the new bate about qualitative terms describing evolution’s rate taxon differs genetically and appears to be reproduc- will become less relevant. From a conservation stand- tively isolated from its parental taxa. The Lonicera fly is point, contemporary evolution in native species presents regarded as a new species (Schwarz et al. 2005) that challenges for ecologically appropriate and sustainable ‘‘suddenly’’ evolved as a host specialist in response to management. Evolving natives and invaders may rec- swift ecological changes rendered by Asia-native plants onfigure contemporary and future communities. Adap- invading North America. tive evolution may also enhance native communities’ The rapid origin of a new species in response to a capacity to control invasive populations. nonnative weed reveals the biological complexity of invasion issues and the implications of evolutionary re- Keywords Rapid evolution Æ Soapberry bug Æ sponses to global change. The major factors destroying Biological invasion Æ Conservation Æ ’s are describable in simple terms: destruction comes from eliminating and converting that kills individuals and prevents . S. P. Carroll Poisoning, over-harvesting, species introductions and Department of and Center for Biology, climate change further alter habitats, disintegrate natu- University of California, Davis, CA 95616, USA ral communities, alter niches and reduce carrying E-mail: [email protected] capacity (e.g., Cox 2004; Diamond 1989). When re- Tel.: +1-530-2976080 Fax: +1-530-2976080 sources change in form, distribution and abundance, 893 they create new niches, affect , eliminate may alter native communities and how enemies and recast the landscape for surviving taxa. quickly they may do so. As chronicled perturbations, These ecological changes raise the possibility that invasion events offer increasingly commonplace oppor- adaptive evolution, emerging from the demographic tunities to test ideas about how communities assemble chaos suffered by ‘refugee taxa,’ will prove to be fore- (Strauss et al. 2006a). As researchers exploit more of most in altering the form and structure of species and these opportunities, we will better understand how communities in the coming years, decades and millennia. invasive species integrate into new communities. A chief result of efforts to secure sanctuary for species This paper examines how native species may evolve in and biota will be to provide raw material for such evo- response to biological invasions and the potential con- lution. Accordingly, a principal challenge of conserva- sequences of such evolution. Evolutionary changes in tion biology is to predict and manage the structure of both native and exotic taxa may determine how com- communities that have unprecedented assemblages of munities reconfigure following invasion (Cox 2004; juxtaposed, and rapidly evolving, remnant species Lambrinos 2004; Strauss et al. 2006a; Vermeij 1996; (Carroll 2007; Strauss et al. 2006a). Yoshida et al. 2003). This paper also reviews work The -influenced geographic shuffling of organ- about rapid evolution in an seed predator in re- isms is probably the most biologically dynamic of anthro- sponse to introduced plants, describes the ecological and pogenic ‘global change’ phenomena. Nonindigenous genetic bases for its ongoing adaptive evolution and (a.k.a. ‘nonnative’ or ‘introduced’) species are popula- evaluates ecological and conservation consequences of tions of not native to a particular . If such fundamental change in species. established populations of a nonnative species grow and spread due to successful reproduction and recruitment of subsequent generations into the breeding population, Phylogeny and ecology in invasions of native communities that species may become prominent in the native biota, or ‘invasive’ (Parker et al. 1999; Richardson et al. 2000). Colonists from biologically distant locales that survive Invasive species may become numerically and ecologi- and reproduce in a new habitat will form a of cally dominant to native populations (Crooks 2002; relationships with natives. How those relationships de- Davis and Thompson 2000). velop depends on a variety of factors. The colonists’ Disturbed habitats may lose constituent species and degree of pre- may strongly influence how are more susceptible to nonindigenous taxa (e.g., Davis quickly their population grows and the form and et al. 2000; Elton 1958; Rejmanek et al. 2004). Nonin- strength of their interactions with natives. Pre-adapta- digenous organisms may become established in dis- tion may mean that a colonist can readily find resources, turbed habitats by accessing resources left unused escape from enemies or avoid abiotic perils. For exam- because resident taxa are reduced (Fargione and Tilman ple, Strauss et al. (2006b) found that in California, 2005; Levine et al. 2004), or because they are better grasses with few close relatives in the native flora were adapted to disturbed habitats than are residents (e.g., more likely to invade than were those with many close Burke and Grime 1996; Strauss et al. 2006b). Whether in relatives, implying that resources were more available disturbed habitats or not, nonindigenous species may, (or risks lower) for genetically distant colonists. The during introduction, escape natural enemies in ways that relatively more novel genotype-by-environment interac- give them a competitive advantage over residents regu- tions represented by new genera (rather than species in a lated by activity at higher tropic levels (e.g., Colautti already present) colonizing a habitat may repre- et al. 2004; Joshi and Vrieling 2005; Stastny et al. 2005). sent an instantaneous ‘‘niche-creation’’ process. Thus, as an transitions into a com- In such cases, where colonization succeeds due to low munity, the ecological circumstance of the invasion, as levels of competition with natives, impacts on native well as the invading population’s genetic history, may communities may (at least initially) be slight. Colonist influence niche opportunities available to the newcom- populations may then grow until interspecific competi- ers. tion for one or more resources becomes important. To Invasive species necessarily exist within biotic com- the extent that colonists have certain advantages over munities, and thus play many parts in ecological webs. natives (e.g., enemy-free space), they may out-compete They can be predators, pathogens, parasites, competi- them and become deleteriously invasive. tors, mutualists or hosts (e.g., Mitchell et al. 2006). The hypothesis that invaders may prosper due to Certain prominent examples highlight interactions in ‘‘escape from enemies’’ has been especially well exam- anthropogenic communities. For example, controlling ined in plants (e.g., Mitchell et al. 2006). Any invasive rabbits by introducing the Mxyoma in that colonizes a new place has necessarily passed Australia involved well-documented gradients of viru- through chance and mortality filters during transport lence and resistance evolution (Fenner and Ratcliffe and establishment; its familiar biological associates may 1965). In Guam, the introduced brown tree , not have had similar opportunities or success. In par- regularis, eliminated native and shifted to ticular, dependent associates occupying higher trophic prey (Fritts and Rodda 1998). However, we are just levels may be especially vulnerable to even if beginning to appreciate the breadth of ways in which they travel with their hosts. Plants arriving in new lo- 894 cales may therefore be exposed to fewer species of insect and the Asian fungal pathogen Ophiostoma ulmi, cause and pathogens than previously and in com- of ‘Dutch Disease’ in Ulmus americana, are two parison to native plants in the new locale (Agrawal et al. examples of vast mortality events that lack clear evi- 2005; Colautti et al. 2004; Keane and Crawley 2002; dence of selection and consequent evolution in victims. Mitchell et al. 2006). Consequently, invaders may have Compared to their population peaks when hosts were competitive advantages over ecologically similar natives. still abundant, those pathogens are now rare, yet still Successful invaders may benefit from other advanta- controlling their hosts. ges as well. For example, some of their attributes may be In contrast, should a recently arrived unusually effective in their new environments, whether member harm members of a native population more due to a functional coincidence or to the absence of than others without decimating the population, and that historical coadaptation with the new neighbors. The difference is due to genetic differences among natives, devastation of behaviorally naı¨ ve island faunas by evolution may result (e.g., Kiesecker and Blaustein introduced predators is an example of the 1997). Similarly, evolution may occur if some genotypes former. For the latter, Callaway and Ridenour (2004) benefit from invasion when a new species directly or propose the ‘novel weapons’ hypothesis, suggesting indirectly supports their propagation. Adaptive evolu- (with respect to plants) that competitors in the habitat of tion may be especially rapid in natives pre-adapted to origin evolved tolerance to allelopathic compounds, colonize invaders, as when herbivores successfully adopt while those in the new range have not. This hypothesis novel plants that are phylogentically related to their also relies on coincidence, i.e., that in some cases, col- native hosts. Genotypes better pre-adapted to the onists’ vulnerabilities will by chance be less significant changed circumstances may produce rapidly expanding than the native community’s reciprocal vulnerabilities. lineages that quickly refashion the traits associated with If a nonindigenous species prospers and becomes exploiting the new resource (e.g., Carroll 2006; Carroll common, it may become a resource for natives. This will et al. 1997). Of course, genetic differences among indi- be influenced by the degree of pre-adaptation in the vidual invaders will likely interplay with such differences native community. At one extreme, an example of a in natives, predicting evolutionary and coevolutionary complete lack of such pre-adaptation is the case of dynamics within and between both classes of organisms. invasive cactus in Australia, where more than This natural, but more complex, eventuality has yet to 150 years since introduction, no native insects have be thoroughly explored. adopted this member of a novel to the bi- The most common examples of evolution in response ogeographic (Moran 1980). An intermediate sce- to invasion are of two contrasting trophic types (Strauss nario is posed by invasive European Silene in North et al. 2006a). The first involves prey (principal examples America. Compared to its ancestral range, on the new are native anurans, fish and ) evolving in continent, this taxon experiences less damage from response to introduced predators. Here, interesting natural enemies. An apparent consequence has been the questions arise: can evolution protect populations from evolution of reduced enemy resistance and increased extinction? How does evolution interact with prey pop- growth and reproduction over the past 200 years (Wolfe ulation dynamics? The second trophic relation involves et al. 2004). Yet introduced plants may also experience native herbivores (mainly insects) evolving because of insect attack at rates similar to those of related natives interactions with introduced plants. These herbivores (Agrawal and Kotanen 2003) and may even evolve in- colonize a new resource in their midst, one that is of creased tolerance to herbivory (Stastny et al. 2005). sufficient value to permit persistence while simulta- Lastly, proof that close interactions may develop between neously selecting for altered trait values. Here the invaders and natives became evident when introduced question is not one of extinction, but one of diversifi- members of the soapberry family (well represented in cation and perhaps . Two interesting questions Australia) became sufficiently important to a native seed- arise in these cases: How does preference for, and per- feeding insect within about 40 years of naturalizing to formance on, a new host influence flow with pop- select for morphological changes (Carroll et al. 2005a ulations on nearby native hosts? And how may such below). interactions impact host specialization in both popula- tions? In cases of introduced predators, anti-predator Evolution in response to invasion adaptations include morphological and behavioral changes that reduce the probability of mortality. Kie- Whether a native population evolves in response to an secker and Blaustein’s example (1997) showed pheno- invader depends on attributes of both the invader and typic difference between larval native frogs (‘tadpoles’) the affected natives. Not only must the invader have a of western North American aurora inhabiting strong ecological impact, but it also must affect different ponds invaded by, versus free from, their predaceous genotypes nonrandomly (Strauss et al. 2006a). The eastern North American congener, the ‘bullfrog’ ecologically catastrophic invasions of North America by R. catesbiana. Native tadpoles from invaded ponds the European fungal pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica, altered their behavior to avoid potential when cause of ‘ Blight’ in native Castanea dentata, exposed to bullfrogs’ chemical cues, but those from 895 uninvaded ponds showed no response. The defensive berry trees ( spp.). Populations of the soapberry response evolved during the 60 years between the pred- bug haematoloma, which use two native North ator’s invasion and the time of the study. American sapinds, have been differentiating since they Evolution in native prey over surprisingly few gen- colonized three sapinds introduced into their range over erations implicates very strong selective mortality. Yet the past 50 years (Carroll and Boyd 1992; Carroll et al. rapid evolution also means that the predator-prey 1997). interaction may, by the time a study is conducted, al- Our experimental studies focused on bugs within ready be ecologically different from when the most Florida, where the native host, balloon vine (Cardio- intensive selection took place. Experiments that inten- spermum corindum), occurs in the far south of the state. tionally introduce predators prove that rapid evolution The goldenrain tree elegans (ssp. formo- may ensue across the first few generations (e.g., Losos sana) was planted in central Florida 5 decades ago. This et al. 2004; Reznick et al. 1997). A largely unexplored ornamental has naturalized, and Florida regards it as a area is the degree to which evolutionary change in prey potentially serious environmental weed. In addition to may influence their population dynamics with respect to having smaller fruit (Carroll and Boyd 1992), the predation. Yoshida et al. (2003) showed that prey evo- introduced tree’s seeds have more fat and less protein lution can determine predator-prey dynamics. Hairston (Carroll et al. 1998), an alternate cyanolipid seed-de- et al. (2005) built on that result to suggest that ‘rapid’ fense (Siegler and Kawahara 1976) and larger produc- evolution should be defined ecologically, i.e., evolution tion numbers over a much briefer annual period of seed is rapid if it significantly influences a measure of eco- production (Carroll et al. 2003b). logical performance. Because bug populations on the native balloon host Phytophagous insects’ colonization of new host now closely resemble museum specimens collected be- plants has been studied as an evolutionary force since fore K. elegans was introduced, we regard modern before biotic invasions’ conservation impact was widely populations as an ‘ancestral-type’ , meaning that we appreciated (e.g., Bush 1969; Carroll and Boyd 1992; infer that they are genetically similar to the population Singer et al. 1993; Tabashnik 1983). Nonetheless, for a that gave rise to a ‘derived’ race on K. elegans. This novel plant to become selectively important, it must adaptive derivation process took place over about 100 often be abundant. Accordingly, some of the best generations or fewer (Carroll and Boyd 1992). examples of rapid evolution in phytophagy do not We explored performance evolution by cross-rearing strictly involve host invasions, but rather crop plants bugs from each race on the dehisced seeds of either host (e.g., Malausa et al. 2005) or horticultural plantings that species. For example, when reared on the new host were colonized before naturalization (e.g., Carroll and versus the native host, derived bugs mature 25% faster, Boyd 1992; Filchak et al. 2000). The introduced popu- are 20% more likely to survive and lay almost twice as lation’s size may be especially important when the many eggs. Fecundity is twice that of ancestral-type introduction is in close proximity to native hosts, but bugs reared on either host, while eggs are 20% smaller. less so when insects discover new hosts in allopatry. At the same time, performance loss on the original, Feeding or oviposition preference should be a key trait if native host evolved at a similar rate and often in a gene flow to and from populations on native hosts may symmetrical manner (Carroll et al. 1997, 1998, 2001, otherwise prevent differentiation. Such concerns have 2003a, b). These evolved performance contrasts may fueled the decades-long controversy about the proba- have contributed to selecting for the considerable dif- bility that could be prominent in ferences that evolved in host preference (Carroll et al. . Microgeographic differences do exist in prefer- 2003a), although it is unlikely that individuals would ence among host-associated populations (e.g., Dres and encounter more than one of the two host species due to Mallet 2002; Nosil et al. 2006). Host-associated popu- their strongly allopatric distribution. Faster evolution lations have also rapidly differentiated in other fitness and greater fecundity likely enhance reproductive suc- traits, including , development, survivorship cess in the annually cycling habitat that the new host’s and history (e.g., Carroll et al. 1997, 1998, 2005a; seed crop represents. Part of that change has been Singer et al. 1993; Thomas et al. 1987). through the increase of a flightless, rapidly cycling morph (Carroll et al. 2003b), and so a pre-existing ge- netic basis for a phenotypic life flight/life history dis- Evolution in soapberry bugs in response continuity may have predisposed the ancestral to introduced and invasive plants population to adapt quickly to the challenges posed by the new host. Soapberry bugs are brightly colored, aggregating seed Rearing contemporary bugs from the native balloon predators in the Hemipteran sub-family vine on seeds of the introduced goldenrain tree perhaps (), a worldwide group of three genera and recreates how early colonists responded to the new host about 70 species specialized on the plant family Sap- 5 decades ago, evoking a scenario of pioneers founding a indaceae (Carroll et al. 2005a). The , or population that performs weakly, yet persists as a col- ‘soapberry’ family, is mainly tropical and includes fruits ony of poorly adapted . Directional selection like lychee and longan, plus (Acer) and soap- among survivors transformed the population through 896 the evolution of new trait values, which now map as tion, a result inconsistent with gradual accumulation of adaptive reaction norms that are the reverse of the point . One speculative interpretation is that previous. The form of adaptation differed widely among novel, selectively favored phenotypes resulted from the traits studied. For example, developmental stress formerly neutral variation, now expressed for the first appears to be an affect of the host shift that counter- time in genotypes in new host environments ( gradient selection overcame to return some traits to their Badyaev et al. 2005). Another is that small, initial col- former ancestral values, such as survivorship and onist populations might differ so much from their development time (Carroll et al. 1997; Grether 2005). In parental populations in frequencies that overrep- contrast, the developmental response of body size to the resented, chance novel combinations would generate new host plant is ultimately favored by selection, sug- new gene–gene interactions (epistasis), leading to gesting a promotional role of plasticity in moving the unprecedented phenotypes, with a small but important population toward a new adaptive peak (Ghalambor proportion adapted to the new environment: a founder- et al. 2007). Egg size appears unaffected by the devel- flush scenario (e.g., Regan et al. 2003). opmental host, but that the native host loses perfor- While Florida’s J. haematoloma populations shifted mance in the other traits is probably a pleiotropic from native C. corindum to K. elegans, in the south- epiphenomenon to the adaptive evolution. central US, the shift was from native Sapindus to The successful colonization of, and adaptation to, the introduced K. paniculata (from China) and introduced introduced host was likely promoted by several factors. C. halicacabum (-subtropical). These host-associated Most fundamentally, in its native Taiwan, the golden- races differentiated in patterns similar to those observed rain tree is the principal host of the native soapberry bug in Florida (Carroll and Boyd 1992; Carroll and Dingle vicinus (the accepted identification of that 1996; Carroll, unpublished data). Taken together, these species as L. augur in Taiwan appears to be incorrect events portray unfettered rapid adaptation on a conti- [Carroll, unpublished data]. Soapberry bugs do not at- nent-wide scale. Yet such changes are not inevitable. To tack many sapind genera (e.g., Carroll et al. 2005b), but illustrate that point: in coastal Texas and the Bahamas the goldenrain tree’s ready adoption by Jadera in North (near Florida), soapberry bugs on native hosts have America may have been phylogenetically facilitated by failed to colonize K. elegans, and massive seed crops go its history in East Asia. Moreover, no other seed pred- unutilized (Carroll, unpublished data). In those regions, ator colonized Koelreuteria, and as plantings matured, the first steps toward adaptation, and consequent large crops of uncontested seeds would have become diversification, have not even begun, while in nearby available. Strong early population growth might have locales, tremendous functional changes have already been important in creating a demographic buffer, per- evolved. mitting colonists to withstand the stresses to which they Lastly, the patterns of adaptation we found in North were least pre-adapted. Rapid population growth is a America led us to explore the conservation significance common attribute of contemporary cases of adaptive of contemporary evolution in soapberry bugs of Aus- evolution in colonists (Reznick and Ghalambor 2001; tralia, where invasive sapinds are a more serious envi- Reznick et al. 2004) and may be important in multi- ronmental problem. Australia’s native sapindaceous plying beneficial rare among colonists. It could flora probably include about five times the number of also generate new, beneficial gene–gene interactions host species as does that of North America and is much (epistatis) and, ultimately, new genes (via mutations, more widespread. The five recognized species of Lep- which appear in proportion to population size), per- tocoris soapberry bugs together range over most of the mitting further evolution. Altogether, these circum- continent, and it is possible that additional, host-based stances may have permitted relatively free natural species remain to be fully distinguished (Carroll et al. ‘experimentation’ on the evolutionary path to adapted, 2005b). derived phenotypes (Carroll 2006). Pre-adaptation pro- Keen to explore multiple continents, horticultural vided sufficient developmental plasticity to permit sur- escapees K. elegans formosana, and another Neotropical vival and reproduction on the new host, bridging what balloon vine, grandiflorum, have in- otherwise might have been a fatal valley in the adaptive vaded eastern coastal Australia over the past several landscape and catalyzing rapid evolution in the likely decades (Carroll et al. 2005c). They colonized riparian absence of significant (below; Ghalambor and disturbed forest habitats, and are now expanding et al. 2007). inland into intact moist forests. Balloon vine is regarded Remarkably, the goldenrain tree race consists of bugs as a serious environmental weed (Batianoff and Butler that appear to have differentiated more deeply in terms 2002) and is abundant in many areas, whereas the of genetic organization than might be anticipated from goldenrain tree is still a perceived threat and relatively their recently evolved phenotypic values. Contrary to rare. To determine whether Australian soapberry bugs theoretical expectations, nonadditive genetic variation are adapting to invading sapinds in the manner of North (epistasis, dominance) underlies much of the differenti- American Jadera, we began by measuring beak length as ation among host races (Carroll 2006). That surprising a function of host in Leptocoris tagalicus. This bug finding suggests a role for multilayered genetic changes species appears to occupy the invaders more reliably early in the process of adaptive population differentia- than it does its main native host in the invasion region, 897 the woolly rambutan tree (Alectryon tomentosus; Carroll mens collected between 1920 and 2000. Because Koel- et al. 2005b, 2006). Woolly rambutan has much smaller reuteria is rare compared to Cardiospermum, which is fruits than the balloon vine (which are inflated like those extensively naturalized, and Alectryon, which is common in the native Florida species), but its fruits are larger in moist , we anticipated that beak elongation than those of the goldenrain tree. These plants have would be more likely to appear as a trend from older to many other differences of potential significance to spe- more recent collections. No host data accompany these cialized seed predators. museum specimens, and later collections may include Because morphological size characteristics are easy to bugs from any host. In females, beak length of the 16 measure, in 2004 we sampled beak length and thorax post-1965 individuals averages more than a half-milli- width (a measure of overall body size) of approximately meter longer than that of 6 comparable individuals 1,000 adults across the three hosts to test for adaptive collected before 1965 (7.41 ± 0.35 versus 6.81 ± 0.35 mm, differentiation among host-associated bug populations. P < 0.003 in Wilcoxon rank-sum test; Carroll et al. In both , the grand mean beak length of the 12 2005a). Thorax width has not changed significantly populations on balloon vine was greater than the means (3.41 ± 0.10 versus 3.39 ± 0.15 mm, respectively), for all 10 populations on native rambutan (Table 1; indicating that the change in beak length results from P < 0.002 in Wilcoxon rank-sum test of population developmental reorganization rather than just an overall means; thorax widths did not differ significantly; Carroll body-size increase. Results for males are similar (Carroll et al. 2005a). Developmental data from cross-rearing et al. 2005a). experiments showed that bugs from lines collected from How does this evolutionary change interact ecologi- the invasive host had longer beaks irrespective of the cally with invasive balloon vine? In one experiment, we rearing host, indicating that host-associated population exposed unattacked balloon vine seed capsules to labo- differences in beak lengths of wild bugs are genetic ratory-reared females from either balloon vine or native (Carroll et al. 2005a). rambutan. Females of both histories attempted to feed In contrast, thorax width was substantially smaller in with equal frequency, but the balloon vine bugs (with eight populations from planted (rather than naturalized) their longer beaks) successfully fed on 75% more seeds goldenrain trees (Table 1). While beak length is, as over a 1-week period (Carroll et al. 2005a), suggesting predicted, much shorter on goldenrain trees, we have not that the balloon vine-adapted bugs’ longer beaks permit yet tested whether that difference has a genetic basis or is them to attack invaders’ seeds much more efficiently. induced by the developmental host. The reduced body Balloon vine is probably so abundant that increased size suggests that development is impaired on the new selection from more efficient seed predation will not be host, but we cannot yet distinguish evolutionary versus strong enough to measurably influence fruit-size evolu- developmental hypotheses in this case. tion yet. However, if the ability of L. tagalicus to kill Both the main effect ‘host’ and the covariate ‘thorax seeds continues to increase, it may soon become a potent width’ significantly affect beak length (Table 2). In selective agent. In addition, from a practical standpoint, addition, the effect of the interaction of thorax width because of propagules’ general importance to recruit- and host differs among host-associated populations, ment in an expanding population, and for establishing which indicates that the relation between thorax width new subpopulations in new habitats, this insect’s ability and beak length differs among them. While the collec- to serve as an effective indigenous biological control tion locale, within host, is also significant to the analysis, agent may also be evolving. comparing the F ratios shows site variation within hosts to be much less important than the host species itself (Table 2). Discussion To understand the history of change further, we measured beak length and body size in museum speci- Contemporary evolution in response to anthropogenic change appears to be increasingly common (e.g., Palumbi 2001), and biological invasions will be a chief Table 1 Beak length differences among host-associated popula- tions of the Australian soapberry bug Leptocoris tagalicus are illustrated by mean values1 for females Table 2 ANCOVA of host-associated variation in female beak Trait Cardiospermum Alectryon Koelreuteria length as an effect of thorax width (an indicator of body size), host, grandiflorum tomentosus elegans their interaction and site of collection (within host) (N = 12; (N = 10; (N =8; nonnative) native) nonnative) Source DF Sum of F ratio Prob > F squares Beak length 7.43 ± 0.15 7.11 ± 0.11 6.78 ± 0.72 Thorax width 3.42 ± 0.06 3.36 ± 0.07 3.15 ± 0.17 Thorax width 1 13.434203 124.2766 <0.0001 Host 2 6.260163 28.9556 <0.0001 1Values (mm) are grand means of (N) population means for each Site [host] 29 5.321542 1.7582 0.0105 host sampled. This insect occurs on two nonnative host species with Thorax width · host 2 0.843199 3.9001 0.0209 fruit sizes that straddle that of the principal native host in their introduction/naturalization region Size values were log-transformed for analysis 898 theater in which such evolution plays out. Certainly, influences on community evolution, but these may take there is evidence of invasive species evolving in response more time to occur and be more difficult to link to their to selective differences between their current and former causes. In contrast, when invaders become abundant environments (e.g., Lee 2002; Phillips et al. 2006; Sie- new resources for natives, selection to take advantage of mann and Rogers 2003; Wolfe et al. 2004). Such evo- opportunity need not be as strong to result in detectable lution may in fact be important to the process of evolution if the overall effect is population growth. Be- invasion. The substantial time lag between when some tween those extremes, discerning evolution may require species are introduced and when they be become inva- intensive observation and careful experimentation. More sive is often thought to represent a period during which refined and co-evolutionary relationships such as new evolution occurs to the point that invasion becomes mutualisms may, on average, take longer to evolve possible (Kowarik 1995). Moreover, work by Phillips (Mitchell et al. 2006). That last possibility is of partic- et al. (2006) on limb elongation in invasive Bufo marinus ular concern because specialized biotic relationships are toads in central Australia indicates that evolution may those that may most readily disappear due to invader be taking place in response to the toad’s ‘evolving disturbance, and disturbed communities may come to experience.’ In other words, novel aspects of genotype- include greater proportions of transient generalists by-environment interaction, which may develop as per- (Rodland and Bottjer 2001). Yet the Lonicera fly egrinating genotypes become more common as they example that opens this paper is an instance of the spread into additional unoccupied habitats, may con- surprisingly rapid evolution of an extreme specialist tinue to generate new, derivative selective environments (Schwarz et al. 2005), and new specializations in soap- that create yet more evolutionary change. Hence, the berry bug populations are increasing the phenotypic ‘before-versus-after’ invasion dichotomy may be over- and, likely, the of the (Carroll simplified, because invasive species’ evolutionary tra- 2007). jectories could remain indefinitely dynamic as they Key to understanding evolutionary change in inva- continue to expand their geographic ranges, and as their sive and native species, directly and indirectly, will be host communities respond ecologically and evolution- means by which to integrate ecological and evolutionary arily. Thus, the impacts of invasive species will continue analyses (Hairston et al. 2005; Lambrinos 2004). Build- to develop because many recently introduced species ing from Thompson (1998), Hairston et al. (2005) pro- have not yet, but soon may, find a successful combina- posed that rapid evolution be defined as ‘‘a genetic tion of genetic and environmental opportunity, and change occurring rapidly enough to have a measurable those that are already invasive may continue to alter impact on simultaneous ecological change.’’ In other their relationships within native communities. words, the adaptive products of selection must influence Evidence for native evolution in response to invasions that ongoing selection as a result of their evolutionary is interesting and abundant. It indicates that an invader change. The authors refer to this as the ‘‘convergence of has had sufficient impact, positive or negative, on at least ecological and evolutionary time.’’ Their analytical ap- one native population to alter the selective environment. proach is to assess the mutual influence of ecological and That is a scientifically valuable phenomenon because it evolutionary impacts. Assessing those effects will depend offers the opportunity to examine processes involved in on a clear and quantitative understanding of causal the assembly and re-assembly of biotic communities in a relationships, something that may be difficult to obtain manner that would otherwise not often be possible. in circumstances less ‘microcosmic’ than the copepod/ While too many biological invasions will be seriously fish and island finch/seed examples they dissect. Other disruptive and often reduce local biodiversity, conduct- cases will often involve more complex, community-level ing basic science on the demographic, ecological and interactions, including the presence of many indirect, evolutionary processes at work will be greatly useful in ramifying interactions (sensu Mitchell et al. 2006). laying the foundation of the emerging field of evolu- Taking a prospective approach, which anticipates native tionary conservation management. evolution, may lead us to make early measurements in Strauss et al. (2006a) found more than 30 published more complex biological systems and thus to generate cases of evolution in response to invasion. Herbivory on baseline data that would ultimately permit incisive novel hosts and novel predator-prey associations were analyses. the most common, but competition, disease and other The ecological definition proposed by Hairston et al. were also represented, as was at least one case (2005) is important because it is a clear formalization, of an indirect effect (Smith et al. 1995). The most evident but it may be too restrictive in at three least ways. First cases will be those in which selection is altered by either and simplest, it precludes assigning such qualities as great destructive influences or great opportunity. The ‘rapid’ in non-ecological discussions comparing evolu- strongest negative effects, e.g., novel predation, disease tionary rates. This concern is likely resolvable by con- or competition, may not generate direct evolutionary text, however. Second and more importantly, it is legacies in invaded communities if they eliminate native difficult to imagine cases of rapid evolution due to biotic populations before evolution can rescue them (e.g., processes in which there actually is no feedback on the Parchman and Benkman 2002). On the other hand, selective agent, even when we fail to measure it. It is true decimating invasions will doubtless have lasting indirect that biologically remarkable and scientifically informa- 899 tive adaptive evolution may occur in response to intro- As global change phenomena become more potent duced enemies or resources with little evident influence and appreciated, I predict that dialogue throughout the on the invaders. In cases where novel enemies drive a field of evolutionary ecology will soon become domi- native population to extinction, any differential survival nated by discussions of systems in which evolution is and reproduction among genotypes before extinction ongoing, directional and non-reversing. Community and implies likely influence on some aspects of the intro- conservation ecology will likewise become microevolu- duced species, whether behavioral, energetic or subtly tionary disciplines. When that happens, concerns about demographic. Similarly, new resources, such as intro- issues such as ‘slow versus fast’ evolution will likely be duced plants that alter native herbivores’ , may superceded as we work from more unified perspectives appear to suffer little ecological feedback from those and positions about the problems and opportunities to insects during the invasion process. Documenting any be addressed. such effects may require years of labor-intensive data collection and complex analyses (e.g., Fagan et al. 2005), Acknowledgments I especially thank the symposium organizers who such that evident evolution might only qualify as ‘rapid’ invited me to participate: Drs. M. Ishihara, F. Ishihama, S. Kudo, K. Goka and T. Yoshida. In addition, I thank the Japanese Eco- only years after genetically based phenotypic change is logical Society for supporting my travel and expenses to the meeting noted. Moreover, community-level responses to such and while in Japan, and the membership of the Japanese Ecological change, e.g., extinction or evolution, may become evi- Society for hospitality during the meeting. K. Fujisaki, S. Nishida dent only after evolution occurs. Predators altered by and T. Nishida provided additional hospitality after the meeting, as did the students of all these individuals during and after the meeting. evolution in now-extinct prey, for example, may differ The United States National Science Foundation, the Australian– significantly in their interactions with other prey species American Fulbright Commission, the University of California, due to that alteration, just as natives’ phenotypic evo- Davis, and Carroll-Loye Biological Research supported the research. lution in response to new resources may in theory influence their interactions with other native and intro- duced community members. The third difficulty is that References while these examples meet the Hairston et al. (2005) criterion of considering the ecological consequences of Agrawal AA, Kotanen PM (2003) Herbivores and the success of evolutionary change, they call into question the utility of exotic plants: a phylogenetically controlled experiment. 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