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Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE SECTION PAGE Introduction 1 ROADSIDE WEED AND BRUSH 139 Safe Use Of Pesticides 1 FIELD CROPS Pesticide Certification 2 Alfalfa Collection, Packaging And Mailing Insect, Insect 153 Plant Disease And Weed Specimens For Weed 159 Identification and Diagnosis 7 Canola Contributors To The Handbook 10 Insect 165 Pesticide Safety Tips 12 Weed 171 Pesticide Information Directory 15 Corn Reentry Times 17 Insect 175 Toxicity Of Pesticides 18 Weed 187 Mode of Action Tables 47 Cotton Pesticide Compatibility 59 Insect 215 Tank Mixes Of Pesticides 59 Weed 225 Misuse Of Pesticides 60 Growth Regulators 232 Pesticide Toxicity To Bees 60 Harvest Aids 233 Pasture And Range EQUIPMENT AND APPLICATION Insect 235 Selection, Operation, Adjustment & Care Weed 239 Of Spray Equipment Brush 245 Preparation Of Spray Equipment 62 Peanuts Sprayer Maintenance And Cleaning 65 Insect 251 Calibrating A Low Pressure Sprayer 70 Weed 257 Ground Sprayer Calibration Process 72 Disease 263 Calibration Of Fertilizer Distributors Nematode 265 & Granular Applicators 74 Foliar 266 Calculation Of Spray Percentage 74 Soilborne 269 Pesticide Dilution Charts 75 Small Grains Reducing Drift 76 Insect 271 Measurements 79 Weed 277 Abbreviations 85 Disease 289 Chemigation 85 Stored Grains Insect 299 ANIMALS Sorghum Fly Control Around Farm Premises 89 Insect 303 Beef Cattle And Nonlactating Dairy Cattle – Insects 94 Weed 311 Dairy Cattle – Insects 102 Soybeans Cattle Ear Tags 105 Insect 321 Horse – Insects 106 Weed 327 Sheep And Goats – Insects 108 Disease 349 Swine – Insects 110 Sunflower Poultry – Insects 112 Insect 359 Weed 363 AQUATIC PLANT CONTROL 115 Vetch Insect 368 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE FRUIT AND NUTS Home Fruit Spray 369 Commercial Apple - Insect & Disease 381 Commercial Pear - Insect & Disease 385 Commercial Peach, Nectarine – Insect & Disease 387 Commercial Grapes - Insect & Disease 392 Commercial Blackberries - Insect & Disease 400 Commercial Strawberry - Insect & Disease 402 Commercial Blueberries - Insect & Disease 404 Commercial Pecan - Insect & Disease 409 Small Fruits – Weed (strawberries, blackberries, 415 raspberries, blueberries and grapes) Tree Fruit and Nut Crops – Weed (apples, peaches, 423 pecans and grapes) HOUSEHOLD PEST CONTROL 425 ORNAMENTALS Trees, Flowers And Shrubs - Insect 435 Trees, Shrubs, Vines And Flowers - Disease 443 Commercial Ornamental & Christmas Tree Insect 515 Christmas Trees - Weeds 529 Turfgrass Insect 533 Weed 545 Disease 559 Greenhouse Insect 577 Disease 587 Vegetables Home Garden Insect 599 Commercial Insect 603 Weed 609 Disease 623 Nematodes 649 THE 2010 OSU EXTENSION AGENTS’ HANDBOOK OF INSECT, PLANT DISEASE, AND WEED CONTROL Prepared by Cooperative Extension Service Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources Oklahoma State University Stillwater, Oklahoma January, 2010 The OSU Extension Agents’ Handbook of Insect, Plant Disease and Weed Control is revised and published annually to provide extension, research, and other professional workers, dealers, applicators, distributors, formulators, and manufacturers the most up-to-date information available on the selection, application, and safe and proper use of agricultural chemicals. Information, in addition to that given here, on the control of insects, plant diseases, and weeds with chemicals as well as by other methods is available in Fact Sheets and other bulletins and circulars which are published by the Division of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources of Oklahoma State University. Suggested uses of specific pesticides are based on information on the manufacturer’s label and performance of a limited number of experimental trials. Because environmental conditions and methods of application by growers may vary widely, suggested use does not imply that performance of the chemical will always conform to the safety and pest control standards indicated by experimental data. Rates of application and waiting periods (the interval from application to time of harvest) are based upon a tolerance for residues of the chemical established by the Environmental Protection Agency. Applying chemicals in excess of the suggested dosage or shortening the waiting period from application to harvest may result in residues on the crop in excess of the tolerance and is illegal according to federal and state pesticide regulations. The information given herein is for educational purposes only. Reference to commercial products or trade names is made with the understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by the Cooperative Extension Service is implied. The pesticide information presented in this publication was current with federal and state regulations at the time of printing. The user is responsible for determining that the intended use is consistent with the label of the product being used. Use pesticides safely. Read and follow label directions. Copies of the Extension Agents’ Handbook may be ordered at a cost of $30.00 from University Mailing Services, Publishing and Printing East, OSU, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74078. Make payment to the OSU Cooperative Extension Service. SAFE USE OF PESTICIDES Safe use of pesticides is more important than ever. There is increasing public concern over pesticides and their use. Pesticide applicators are facing increased legal pressure. Personal safety and the safety of others associated with pesticide use is a major issue. Environmental issues such as ground water contamination by pesticides, endangered species, and waste pesticide disposal are receiving major attention. Pesticide applicators must be familiar with these issues and with the laws and regulations controlling pesticide use to be able to safely and legally use pesticides today. The following information provides important information on pesticide laws, safe use of pesticides, pesticide waste and container disposal and poison control information. OKLAHOMA PESTICIDE LAW Pesticide Registration The Oklahoma Pesticide Law requires the registration of all pesticides distributed, sold or offered for sale within the state. Each pesticide product must be registered annually with the Consumer Protection Services Division of the Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry. This law also provides for the sampling and chemical analysis of pesticides distributed, sold or offered for sale in the state. Under the Pesticide Law it is also unlawful to distribute, sell or use any registered pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. The ODAFF maintains a web site for listing products registered for sale within the state. The address is: 1 PESTICIDE CERTIFICATION Oklahoma Pesticide Applicator’s Law The Oklahoma Combined Pesticide Law & Rules provides for the regulation of the use and application of pesticides in Oklahoma. It is enforced by the Consumer Protection Services Division of Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food & Forestry. Classification of Pesticides The Environmental Protection Agency is directed by federal law to classify all pesticides for either “general use” or “restricted use.” Pesticides classified for general use may be purchased by the general public and applied according to the label directions. Pesticides classified for restricted use may be purchased and applied only by certified applicators or individuals working under the direct supervision of a certified applicator. A pesticide product is considered to be a restricted use product when its label contains the following statement: Restricted Use Pesticide For retail sale to and use only by certified applicators or persons under their direct supervision and only for those uses covered by the certified applicator’s certification. Classes and Categories of Certified Applicators Private Applicator - This class includes any person who uses or supervises the use of any restricted pesticide for purposes of producing any agricultural commodity on property owned or rented by the person or his employer or, if applied without compensation other than trading of personal services between producers or agricultural commodities, on the property of another person. Private applicators are farmers, ranchers, growers, etc. Private applicators must be certified in Category 7c- Fumigation to be able to purchase and/or use any fumigant in Oklahoma. Commercial Applicator - This class includes any person who engages in the commercial application of pesticides. Commercial application means the advertising of services, recommendation for use, the preparation for application and physical act of application of a pesticide for hire or compensation. Noncommercial Applicator - This class includes any person, other than a commercial or private applicator, who uses or supervises the use of a restricted use pesticide under the supervision of a person who owns or manages the property. Noncommercial applicator also means government employees in the discharge of official duties. Noncommercial applicators are certified to use restricted use pesticides in the same manner as required for commercial applicators. Service Technicians - This class includes any person who works for a commercial or noncommercial applicator and applies pesticides as long as the person is not the certified applicator. Simply put, this is the person “at the end of the gun.” Categories of Commercial and Noncommercial Applicators (1a) Agricultural Plant Pest Control - This category includes applicators using or supervising the application of pesticides to agricultural crops, agricultural grassland,
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