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HARROGATE BOROUGH COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE LIST OF APPLICATIONS DETERMINED BY THE CHIEF PLANNER UNDER THE SCHEME OF DELEGATION CASE NUMBER: 20/04847/FUL WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 05.01.2021 GRID REF: E 433728 TARGET DATE: 02.03.2021 N 466723 REVISED TARGET: 07.06.2021 DECISION DATE: 07.06.2021 APPLICATION NO: 6.54.270.C.FUL LOCATION: Mill View Boroughbridge Road Bishop Monkton Harrogate North Yorkshire HG3 3QN PROPOSAL: Conversion of existing barn to form a 2 bed dwelling. APPLICANT: Miss Jane Fowler 3 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 07.06.2024. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the following drawings as modified by the further conditions of this permission; 2019.005.011 rev a Proposed Plan and Elevations Proposed Site Plan as received by the Local Planning Authority on 02.06.2021 3 No groundworks shall be undertaken until actual or potential land contamination at the site has been investigated and a Preliminary Risk Assessment (Phase I Desk Study Report) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 4 Where further intrusive investigation is recommended in the Preliminary Risk Assessment approved under condition 3 above groundworks shall not commence until a land contamination Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 5 Where site remediation is recommended in the Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report approved under condition 4 above groundworks shall not commence until a land contamination remediation strategy has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The remediation strategy shall include a timetable for the implementation and completion of the approved remediation measures. 6 Land contamination remediation of the site shall be carried out and completed in accordance with the Remediation Strategy approved under condition 5 above. In the event that remediation is unable to proceed in accordance with the approved Remediation Strategy or contamination not previously considered in either the Preliminary Risk Assessment or the Phase II Intrusive Site Investigation Report is identified or encountered on site, all groundworks in the affected area (save for site investigation works) shall cease immediately and the Local Planning Authority shall be notified in writing within 2 working days. Works shall not recommence until proposed revisions to the Remediation Strategy have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Remediation of the site shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with the approved revised Remediation Strategy. 7 Following completion of any measures identified in the Remediation Strategy approved under condition 5 above, or any revised Remediation Strategy approved under condition 6 above, a land contamination Verification Report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority. No part of the site shall be brought into use until such time as the remediation measures have been completed for that part of the site in accordance with the approved Remediation Strategy, or the approved revised Remediation Strategy, and a Verification Report in respect of those remediation measures has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 8 Further to condition 7 where verification has been submitted and approved in stages for different areas of the whole site, a Final Verification Summary Report shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. 9 The conversion of the building hereby approved shall be undertaken incorporating the provision of infrastructure for broadband connectivity with a minimum download connection of 30Mbps, including ducting that is suitable for Fibre to the Premise capable of Next Generation Access speeds. 10 An electric vehicle infrastructure charging point of Mode 3 type specific socket on a dedicated circuit with a minimum current rating of 16 Amp) shall be provided as indicated on the site plan approved under condition 2 above, prior to the first occupation of the dwelling and the charging point installed shall be retained thereafter until superseded by advanced technology. 11 Notwithstanding the terms of The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) (or any Order revoking and re- enacting that Order with or without modification), no extensions, garages or other outbuildings, or dormer windows shall be erected, nor any rooflights or door and/or window openings (other than those shown on drawing 2015.005.011 rev a) shall be inserted, without the grant of further specific planning permission from the Local Planning Authority. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt. 3 to 8. To ensure any contamination is appropriately mitigated. 9 To ensure access to appropriate broadband connectivity is provided in accordance with Policy TI5 of the Harrogate District Local Plan 2014-2035. 10 In the interests of providing opportunities for sustainable transport and to improve air quality across the District. 11 and 8. In the interests of visual amenity. INFORMATIVES 1 You are advised that in respect of a ground source heat pump the associated pipework will require planning permission if located outside of the curtilage of the approved dwelling. 2 A developer/ applicant has a responsibility to ensure no nesting birds are disturbed in the carrying out of a development and a pre-commencement check is recommended prior to the start of works during the birds nesting season. CASE NUMBER: 20/05176/OUT WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby CASE OFFICER: Jill Shingler DATE VALID: 16.03.2021 GRID REF: E 439361 TARGET DATE: 11.05.2021 N 467173 REVISED TARGET: DECISION DATE: 03.06.2021 APPLICATION NO: 6.56.37.C.OUT LOCATION: Millbrook House Langthorpe York North Yorkshire YO51 9BP PROPOSAL: Outline application, with all matters reserved, for housing including demolition of existing house (Site area 0.13ha). APPLICANT: Mr Graham Gudgeon 1 REFUSED. Reason(s) for refusal:- 1 The proposal includes the demolition of a significant non designated heritage asset within the Boroughbridge Conservation Area, which is considered to contribute to the character and local distinctiveness of the area. In the absence of any clear justification for that loss the proposal is considered to be contrary to Policy HP2 of the Harrogate District Local Plan 2014 -2035, 2 The proposal is for new residential development within Flood Zone 3, this being land with the highest risk of flooding. No sequential test and exceptions test have been submitted with the application to justify such development and no Flood Risk Assessment has been submitted, The proposal is therefore contrary to the advice of the Environment Agency, the NPPF and Policy CC1 of the Harrogate District Local Plan 2014-2035, which seek to direct new development to the areas at least risk of flooding and to ensure that there is no increased risk of flooding elsewhere as a result of the development. CASE NUMBER: 21/00984/ADV WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby CASE OFFICER: Amy Benfold DATE VALID: 10.03.2021 GRID REF: E 439157 TARGET DATE: 05.05.2021 N 467398 REVISED TARGET: 11.06.2021 DECISION DATE: 08.06.2021 APPLICATION NO: 6.56.74.E.ADV LOCATION: Land Comprising OS Field 1541 Skelton Road Langthorpe North Yorkshire PROPOSAL: Display of no.2 Landscape Stack Signs and no.14 Flags and Flagpoles. APPLICANT: Taylor Wimpey 1 APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development hereby permitted shall be begun on or before 08.06.2024. 2 The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in strict accordance with the following drawings: Proposed Site Plan - Drawing No. 20318:SA:2. Received 10.03.2021. Proposed Elevations - Received 10.03.2021. Reasons for Conditions:- 1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91-94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 2 For the avoidance of doubt and in the interests of proper planning. CASE NUMBER: 21/01023/DVCON WARD: Bishop Monkton & Newby CASE OFFICER: Mike Parkes DATE VALID: 01.04.2021 GRID REF: E 442330 TARGET DATE: 27.05.2021 N 472674 REVISED TARGET: 08.06.2021 DECISION DATE: 07.06.2021 APPLICATION NO: 6.27.48.DVCON LOCATION: Land Comprising Field At 442330 472674 Cundall North Yorkshire YO61 2RN PROPOSAL: Variation of condition number 2 of Planning Application 20/01688/REM to allow for altered appearance of single storey rear projection to the "Farmhouse" considered. Planning application 20/01688/REM permitted the appearance, layout, scale and landscaping of 2 no. dwellings under the terms of outline permission 18/04254/OUT which had permitted the access and principal of development. APPLICANT: Mr Hutchinson APPROVED subject to the following conditions:- 1 The development to which this approval of reserved matters relates shall be begun on or before the expiration of two years from the final approval of reserved matters or in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved. 2 The development hereby approved shall be carried out in strict accordance with the Downes Illingsworth email of 13 August 2018 16:28 and the following approved plans and documents as modified by the further conditions of this consent: 3872-PD-02 Proposed ‘Farmhouse’ Plans dated April 2020 3872-PD-03 rev B Proposed ‘Farmhouse’ Elevations dated April 11/03/21 3872-PD-04 Proposed ‘Barn’ Plans dated April 2020 3872-PD-05 rev A Proposed ‘Barn’ Elevations dated 11/08/20 3872-PD-06 rev A Site Block Plan dated 11/08/20 3872-PD-07 Proposed ‘Farmhouse’ Garage dated May 2020 3872-PD-08 rev A Streetscene / Site Sections dated 11/08/20 3 Before the first use of any materials in the paving of the development hereby approved, samples of those materials shall have been made available for inspection by, and the written approval of, the Local Planning Authority and the development shall be carried out in strict accordance with the approved details.