Academic Probation
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i^i^dnO I Volumaj/Number 23 Tuesday, Fabruary 8, 1983 ^4i UTSA Why Some Students Don't Win Mid-term at College Exams (See Pg. 3) '^..u*"^ UTSA Lady Faculty present Lose 1 Roadrunners Semester Take on No. 3 UT Ideas for Academic Goals Task Force Probation Longhorns Tonight at (See Pg. 4) Convocation Center Purpose of S.R.A. shMs VJill Depends on the Sprlnj us •fi'om fhis of Students Laat Wadnaaday, In a regular aaaalon of our atudant govam mant — tha Studant Rapraaantativa Aaaambly, tha SRA again damonatratad Ita waaknaaaaa. Thaaa waaknessas iMalcally cantar around poor organization, a general lack of purpoaa, and a low commlttaa work level. Tha poor organization of our SRA was damonatratad In tha firal important diacuaalon of tha meeting. Ttw diacuaslon cantered around upcoming alaetlona, and whether or not tha alaetlona for praaant vaeanciaa and regular yearly alaetlona cama under the old or naw SRA eonatltution. Last aummar, tha SRA paaaed a naw con- atltutlon vvtiieh supposedly took effect Iha moment It waa paaaed. Tha difficultiaa which ensued from tha naw constitution waa wtMtlwr or not It waa legal, since it had to ba forwarded to tlie Dean of Studenta office, tha President's office, and even the Board of Regent's office for thair "approval." The raaaon It idid pass and supposedly take effect immediately waa bacauaa aoma of tiM rapraaantativas fait that they didn't need Letters to the Editor anyone's approval on how to run their own government. At tha pra aant aoma rapresantativaa faal tiMt tha new eonatltution stiould lie in affect «vhila others feel that It would ba Illegal. At the end of the meeting it waa rasoivad that the SRA is still operating under the old eonatltution ainca no one really knew if the naw eonatltution was Il SRA Shouldn't be Criticized legal and no ona aeemed Inlareated to find out. The purpoaa of tha SRA, according to the president, Chris Webb, is to protect the rights of the students, whatever that means. Accor by Apathetic Student Body ding to anotfier representative the purpoae of ttia SRA ia to ac- compllah what tha studants want. Anothar atatamant of purpose Dear Editor, votes. Since the students people in this University to waa that tha SRA basically picked up certain areas which the UTSA I protest your suggestion don't vote for the represen promote It, and to try to create adminiatration dropped. Examples given were the $1000.00 donated that the student body of tatives, I don't see that they some kind of school spirit In to tfie UTSA Forenaics Team, and fielp given to intramural sporta. U.T.S.A. recall the Student have much to criticize the this fledging institution. What almost all tha reprasantatives at tha meeting did agree upon Representative Assembly, S.R.A. for. The S.R.A. gives the student waa that the purpoaa of the SRA rested In the handa of tha atudent because of inaction in areas You campare U.T.S.A. with body what it wants. Two great body. The representatives alao argued that since students don't you deem worthwhile. the University of Texas at parties. Best Fest and Fiesta really care about tfieir student government as axampllfiad in the In the first place, the stu Austin, a University that has UTSA, and they will be bigger low turnout of SRA electiona and SRA meetinga, than of courae dent body of this University existed for 100 years. I would and better than ever this year. thara la no general purpose to tfie SRA. hope that U.T.S.A. can avoid has shown little interest in its Sue Noble, Since the SRA does agree that studenta don't really care about student government. Out of an some of the pitfalls U.T. has thair govemment then that doesn't mean tfiat that lack of intereat enrollment of approximately taken 100 years to alleviate. Junior Representative as a mandate to do nothing. If that's tha caae then students can 10,000 students, the last elec Chris Webb, Ray Lake, and argue that the reason they're not interested in tha SRA is because it Wayne Terry, S.R.A. officers, Student Representative tion of S.R.A. members Assembly lacks purpose and accompliahaa little. A perfect example of who garnered a sum total of 350 work harder than any three came first — the chicken or tfie egg. Tfie laat example of a weak SRA Is Its real lack of committee work. Tha SRA, after Its vacancies are filled, will have 22 members. Letters Encouraged Since tha SftA meats once a weak, then at one meeting they aliould Tha Paiaano encourages you to communicate with us through Letters to tlie aaaign dutiaa and raaponaibllities to committee's who can actively Editor. Altfiough all letters must be signed, names wlll be withheld upon request. work throughout tlie weak and report at the next meeting. Every Lettera to tfw editor sfiould be concise and must ba typad and doublespaeed. These mamlMr of tfie SRA sfiould be a functioning mamlier or a member letters sfiould be addressed to Box 120, UTSA Campus Mail. We reserve tfw right to of a functioning committee. If not the SRA will Juat be a group of 22 edit all letters. individuala wo meet once a weak. If tlieaa atwrteomings ara countered by the SRA as being the STAFF fault of our apatliatic student body; then agree with them by not fill ing out tfie below form. If not, than give tliam a purpoae and Editor Daniel Dominguez apacific axamplaa to prod them from their dormant atage. Managing Editor Melllssa Knight News Editor Michele Salyards Nam*: Features Editor Lenora McKensie Classification: Sports Editor Art Rodriguez Photo Editor Laura Horton JTh* purposs of studatit govammant at UTSA should Business Manager Mike Noll Ad Manager Sandy Gudat r*' Advisor Diane Noll I Artist Lisa Arnaud I Cartoonist Mark Persyn I General Writers/Reporters: Adele Tschirhart, Alvin Ronnfeldt, Brian Adamcik, |Th* StiA sttould addrass thaaa apacific iasuas this Jane Altobelll, Kerri Strlmel, Lesll Hicks, Scott Behrens, Trudy Mallory, Kevin Isamaatar Duney, David Neathury, Noe Saldana, Vickl Jurney, Mark Welch, Joyce Hyde I Publiahad by: Printed by Student Newapapar Aaa. San Antonio Praaa, Ine. I 14525 Roadrunnar 300Art>or San Antonio. Tx. 78207 San Antonio, Taxaa 78207 I 890-9301 I Tha Paiaano is publiahad by ttw Studant Nawapapar Aaaociation of Tlw Univaralty I of Taxaa at San Antonio and la not aponsorad, financed or andoraad by Tfw UTSA, I , and tha univaralty aaaunwa no raaponalbility for Its content. Clip out and drop in ona of SRA suggastlon t>oxas. The Paiaano Tuesday, February 8,1983 Page 3 "I really think dropping out makes the going back a lot more meaningful. College Drop-outs Return With New Priorities Editors Note: This article on students may drop out. He tended. Today she's at SAC diminishes on an average of withdrawal rate. college attrition is In a two part states that the reasons are as studying Special Education 10% from the number enrolled As UTSA continues to grow series. Tha second part will be Individual as the students and she has plans to return to at the semester's start. Dr. and expand its facilities, the in the February 22 iasue. themselves. UTSA and earn a four year Hedrick stresses, however, diversity of those who attend Mike Noll, a UTSA degree. that there car. be a combina will increase. According to Priorities seem to change tion of these reasons, but Brown, when a student is by Lesll Hicks sophomore who's aiming toward a degree in Business for those who re-enter school states that many students feel ready for UTSA he will leave At the onset of every Management, says he just after time away. Bonnie that it's a highly personal mat after four years with a solid semester many students set a wasn't ready for college Emswiler, who dropped out of ter and thus chose not to education, a firm base for the four month goal for following high school gradua school after two semesters disclose that information on start of his career. themselves. They plan to hit tion, and that, coupled with a cited "financial difficulties" as the official withdrawal form. "This is quality education at the books hard and go full conflicting work schedule, led her reason for withdrawal. Her Family and financial problems, the best price possible," speed ahead as they boggle him to withdraw the first time. view of a college education loneliness and low Brown says. Brown affirms, at soon changed. the minds of their professors "Going to college was my GPA's--Hedrich contends UTSA, students leave with a with their inherent knowledge excuse for putting off what to "I quit school and got a job. there is no single cause for the very valuable piece of paper. of the world. Many students do the next four years. I don't But then I got laid off... it was ' ^^^^^i^^^MH^ES^^^^S^^^^i? 'W?MMM have high hopes at this time. think high school prepared me then I started wondering what I UTSA Fornesics Team Presents The lure is a piece of paper, a wanted to do. I was out of well for college," Noll explain degree in one's field that can school and out of work. That DEBATE AND FORUM 0N| ed. During this period Noll determine the economic future experience caused me to go realized his potential in the UNILATERAL FREEZE ON .