Ohr Somayach Light Lines
Ohr Somayach Light Lines Published by OHR SOMAYACH INTERNATIONAL Jerusalem, Israel 22 Shvat 5760 January 29, 2000 Parshat Yitro No. 71 descriptions of Commandment) Light Insight reward and pun- Once upon a time, a prince was ishment, in order captured by his father’s enemies. The Human Jungle to clarify for us the obligation of After a long time, the king man- hy were the Ten upholding them and the benefit of aged to get a secret message to the Commandments given doing so, which would otherwise prince encouraging him not to Won two tablets of be unknown to us. give up, and to retain his princely stone? Why wasn’t one enough? The second group of com- manner even amidst the wolves of There’s a difference between mandments are all for the benefit prey among whom the prince was the five on the first tablet and the of people. The prohibitions forced to live. Soon, the message five on the second tablet. A quick against murder, kidnapping, adul- said, the king would obtain his tery and false testimony are fun- examination of the verses detail- son’s release, either through war damental to the harmonious oper- ing the first five show that each or peaceful means. ation of society. When they are one is more than just a simple The prince was overjoyed and explanation of the command- followed, their mere performance wished to celebrate, but he could ment. Included with each com- results in a life of peace, i.e. not, of course, reveal the secret of mandment on the first tablet is the reward is intrinsic to their perfor- his joy.
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