Editorials ..................................... 4A Op-Ed .......................................... 5A Calendar ...................................... 6A Scene Around ............................. 9A Synagogue Directory ................ 11A JTA News Briefs ........................ 13A WWW.HERITAGEFL.COM YEAR 42, NO. 13 DECEMBER 1, 2017 13 KISLEV, 5778 ORLANDO, FLORIDA SINGLE COPY 75¢ It was a night to bless Israel By Christine DeSouza Just think of the tears of hap- piness! Blessing the apple of On Nov. 19, Central Florida God’s eye is no small feat.” Christians and Jews shared a In addition to speakers unique evening together at Steve Strang, CEO of Cha- the Rosen Plaza. The focal risma Media, who spoke point of this year’s event was about Christian Zionists to bless the nation of Israel, who helped establish the and to raise funds for three State of Israel, and Holocaust organizations that help Jews survivor Jacques Wiesel, still trapped in areas like Pastor Blake Lorenz intro- Crimea and Ukraine make duced Albert Veksler, who aliyah to Israel. The event, is involved in the Knesset A Night to Bless Israel, was and Israeli politics, and is a successful interfaith event currently deputy director of to show support for Israel, Global Aliyah. Veksler stated and raised $151,000 for Ezra that help must go beyond International, Return Minis- just getting Jews to Israel. tries and Cyrus. Even though no entry visas “Raising funds to bring 20 are needed for the citizens persecuted and impoverished of Ukraine, Russia, Moldova Jewish families to Israel was and Belarus, these ‘tourist- our practical purpose,” stated olim’ face many problems in Audrey Sandford, an orga- Israel. They can’t work and nizer of the second annual they don’t have the health event. “At the end of A Night insurance or social benefits, to Bless Israel last Sunday since they have arrived as this goal was met many times tourists and are not yet over. The event brought in citizens. Many of them have Ron Kampeas five times our initial goal of used up the little money they Kids can be Samson bringing down the walls at Courageous Pages, the play area at the new Museum of the Bible in $30,000. These funds will brought to Israel and have Washington, D.C. aid in the relocation of over become desperate as they face 400 people to Israel, opening complicated bureaucratic doors of economic, social, and hurdles. In addition to many personal opportunities they Judaism is the star at a Bible would not have had otherwise. Night on page 14A museum built by Hobby Lobby US deplores By Ron Kampeas That epic, earnest and seemingly end- is in the State of Israel. And it makes less film has much in common with the the case that the Bible is not merely to WASHINGTON (JTA)—As the Burning Museum of the Bible, the $500 million be studied but to be believed. Bush crackles, God is heard. extravaganza gifted to the National Mall Speaking at the dedication Friday, release of terrorist “Mow-zes,” God says in the mysteri- by one of America’s leading evangelical Steven Green, the president of Hobby ous mid-Atlantic accent that Hollywood families, the founders of the Hobby Lobby and the museum’s chairman of once trained its actors to use—the one Lobby chain. the board, said museum goers should Anne Baxter as Nefertiti used to summon The museum celebrates Jews and come away realizing that the Bible “has Charlton Heston’s Moses in the 1956 Judaism as the noble, beloved and even had a positive impact on their lives in so blockbuster “The Ten Commandments.” feared antecedents to Christianity, and “Mow-zes, Mow-zes.” argues that its best modern expression Museum on page 15A Holocaust Center and CRJ announce 2018 Jewish Heritage Tour The Boards of Directors of Reform Judaism are thrilled rich history and often haunt- experience during the 12-day of the Holocaust Memorial to announce plans for a joint ing stories of Eastern Euro- journey. Resource & Education Center Jewish Heritage Tour to Po- pean Jews while at the same “This will be an amazing of Florida and Congregation land and Germany from June time witness the rebirth of experience for anyone who 10-22, 2018. modern Jewish communities travels with great guides; I It was during the Holocaust in Warsaw, Krakow, Munich will be joined by a wonderful Center’s first sponsored tour and Berlin,” said Kancher. Holocaust educator (Mitch to Poland and Prague in A series of pre-trip semi- Bloomer) and together we will Pakistani terrorist leader Hafiz Saeed. 2016 that HMREC Executive nars, led by Rabbi Engel lead discussions and learning Director Pam Kancher and and the Holocaust Cen- opportunities. We will begin By Ben Cohen attacks, including a number Rabbi Steven Engel decided to ter’s resource teacher, Mitch by gaining a greater under- of American citizens. The co-sponsor this trip to Poland Bloomer, will provide histori- standing of the Shoah and The US expressed horror Pakistani government should and Germany in 2018. cal and religious context to then move to learning about on Friday, Nov. 24, over the make sure that he is arrested “Participants will have the the countries, museums and release by Pakistan last week and charged for his crimes.” opportunity to explore the memorial sites the group will Tour on page 14A of Hafiz Saeed, the master- The statement noted that mind of the November 2008 in May 2008, “the United terrorist attacks in the Indian States Department of the city of Mumbai whose targets Treasury designated Saeed as included Nariman House, the a Specially Designated Global local Chabad center. Terrorist.” “The United States is deeply “Since 2012, the United concerned that Lashkar-e- States has offered a US $10 Tayyiba (LeT) leader Hafiz million reward for informa- Saeed has been released from house arrest in Pakistan,” Saeed on page 15A a statement from the State Department declared. “LeT is a designated Foreign Terror- ist Organization responsible for the death of hundreds of Participants in the 2016 Jewish Heritage Tour. innocent civilians in terrorist PAGE 2A HERITAGE FLORIDA JEWISH NEWS, DECEMBER 1, 2017 Lake Brantley’s Club L’Chaim rises up against hate (L-r) Club L’Chaim co-presidents Alana Halperin and Jordan Greenberg, faculty adviser Student members of Club L’Chaim with Idit Lotringer (far left) and School Board member Dan Smith, speaker Dr. Jacob Eisenbach, and Rabbi Mendy Bronstein. Abby Sanchez (third from right). By Christine DeSouza dedication of Brantley’s Club hate in the world, and how event, the auditorium was shared that it was after the Halperin encouraged the L’Chaim co-presidents Alana to combat it. These meetings filled to overflowing. war his brother was killed just students to start initiatives Students and faculty of Halperin and Jordan Green- are part of an on-going series. This year Club L’Chaim, because he was Jewish. of their own to promote ac- Lake Brantley High School berg and student members, The first meeting of this kind under the guidance of faculty “This was an empowering ceptance and to fight hate, and are learning about how to another informative meeting was held a year ago. Although adviser Dan Smith and Rabbi event for the students,” said stated that everyone should do stand up to hate in these was held at the school to bring the students expected about Mendy Bronstein of Chabad Bronstein. “It is important to what they can do. troubling times. Through the awareness to the reality of 50 people to turn up to that of Altamonte Springs, in- be proud of your heritage, and Also in attendance were vited 94-year-old Holocaust each motzvos we do lights up Mike Gaudreau, executive survivor Dr. Jacob Eisenbach the world with goodness and director of Seminole County to speak to another large kindness.” high schools; School Board Chanukah party at the JCC gathering of students about The message students took member Abby Sanchez; and his experiences during and away from the meeting was Idit Lotringer, director of after WWII in Europe, and not to shy away from anti- Hebrew and Judaic studies that anti-Semitism is very Semitism and to be proud of at the Jewish Academy of much alive today. Eisenbach their heritage. Orlando. The J Ball Charity Auction is just around the corner The Roth Family JCC is University attendees, as well gearing up for the 2018 as seniors over the age of 64 “J-Rassic Park” J Ball Char- are $75. ity Auction that will be held Individual or additional March 14, 6:30 p.m., at the raffle tickets can also be pur- The Ramat Gan Israeli dance group. Orlando Science Center. In chased for $25 through the advance of the auction itself, JCC’s website, https://orlando- The Jewish Academy of Chanukah party. It will take Israeli dance group, and the JCC is hosting a raffle for jcc.org/calendar/j-ball-2018 Orlando has partnered with place at The Roth Family JCC special Israeli food will be ticket-buyers: Anyone who or at the JCC’s Registrar’s The Israel American Council on Dec. 10 from 4 p.m. - 6 available for purchase. buys their ticket by Dec. 21 Tickets are currently on Desk, as well. and the Friends of Israel p.m. Entertainment will be This event is open to the will be entered into a raffle sale: General admission is For more information, Scouts, to host the annual provided by the Ramat Gan public and is free of charge. for 4 tickets to the Jan. 3 $100; Tickets for parents contact Lucy Maddox at Orlando Magic game against of JCC preschool students, [email protected] or the Houston Rockets.
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