Abraham Lincoln Assassination
4 \J s > 3 o <v n o fj o X H The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln John Wilkes Booth Miscellaneous Excerpts from newspapers and other sources From the files of the Lincoln Financial Foundation Collection 7/ 2oo<? e>W. OJ3o H says f * ington, Zd. The stex ™ 2d of forehead Uty^.^ > found floating at Govemment ^U'lSD^^SytranBlatecl and is as follows: Washington, April 15, 1865. back m rd J ° he fell ,g°^.° ^- e Mind well that : J. WILKES BOOTH. of expression—those orbs that can meet in On the back of the letter are two endorse- love or flame with passion ; his glances were ments, the first being," Hon. N. S. O. Labam. keen and he read character intuitively. In Richmond, February 12, 1865, In relation to fact, he exercised a kind of magnetism over plans and means of burning the enemy's ship- the person with whom he conversed, and no ping, <fcc. Preparations are in the hands of one could resist his fascination. This was the Prof. McCullough, and are known to only one secret of his influence over Harold, Atzerott party. He asks the President to have an in- and Payne. A mass of curling, jetty hair terview with General Harris, formerly M. C crowned his square forehead and brows ; sueh from Missouri, on the subject." The other is, was his physique. A person who saw him " the Secretary of State, at his convenience, after death, remarked that his features were will please see General Harris, and hear what still beautiful, but it was evident that he had plan he has, for overcoming the difficulties undergone a great struggle, and was now at heretofore experienced.' rest.
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