Bibliography of George Peacock's Arithmetic
BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE PEACOCK’S ARITHMETIC [completed by M.-J. Durand-Richard] Peacock just gave the name of the author and a short title. The bibliography was completed, as often as possible, and is given here by alphabetic order, with reference to the symbol § where Peacock quoted each title. The sign > indicates the rare references which could not be found. > Peacock. G., “Arithmetic”, Encyclopaedia Metropolitana, London, (1826) 1845, I, 369- 523. Encyclopædia Metropolitana Or System of Universal Knowledge on a Methodical Plan Projected by Samuel Taylor Coleridge 2d ed. revised First divison. Pure Sciences. London. 1849. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PEACOCK’S “ARITHMETIC” Reference to the places Alphabetic order where Peacock quotes them § 88, 114 > Alstedius, Encyclopadia, p. 804 ? § 68 ••• Alsted, Johann Heinrich, 1650 (1699), Thesaurus chronologiæ. An account of some remarkable eclipses, and the effects observ’d. Herbornæ Nassoviorum. ••• Andres, Juan, 1782-1822, Dell’ origine, dei progressi et dello stato attuale d’ogni litteratura, Parma, tom. iv, p. 57. § 81 ••• Anonymous, 1629 (1537), An Introduction for to learne to reckon with the Pen and with Counters, after the true cast of Arsmetyke, of Awgrym, in whole numbers, and also in broken, London. § 65 ••• Anquetil Duperron, Abraham Hyacinthe, 1771, Zend-Avesta, ouvrage de Zoroastre, contenant les idées théologiques, physiques et morales de ce Législateur, les BIBLIOGRAPHY OF GEORGE PEACOCK’S ARITHMETIC 285 cérémonies du clute religieux qu’il a tabli, et plusieurs traits relatifs à l‘ancienne histoire des Perses• Paris. 2 tomes. Traduction et compléments par A. J. Anquetil Duperron. § 22 ••• Apollonius, 1828, Apollonii Rhodii Argonautica.Ad fidem librorum manuscrptorum et editionum antiquarum recnesuit.
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