PHOENIX AUTOMOTIVE DIRECTORY "The Time for Reform Has Come," It Is Claimed, and the Club Women Have Volunteered to Join Mrs
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t r REPUBLICAN, MORNING, DECEMBER 17, 1920 fAGE THIRTEEN , THE ARIZONA FRIDAY 3 FOR FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS C1PH HIT '" I Ti NEAtt-SbMc- I V oU.PoP-ltttt- M m Vfc ( ull L CAN'T T !lf U - ? s-c- 1 MOTHER IN PHOENIX Tl 1 Tiffed (Vr0 SSi UouTB. VJWB Vnf Fya-BlooDWcw- trl 1 cwr?) S jJ p W I III 0r The campaign for a City Mother to ' ' upervlse the public dance halls will vy b launched today when Mrs. F. B. rL 12?' Il 2jZP&M, ItZtz Stevens, on of the four minute speak- Ul I ers, makes an address beforo the mem- bers of the Home Missionary society of the Methodist church. This will be the lnltal four minute talk of the campaign, which will be carried on until the matter is formally presented the city commission for action. Mayor Plunkett, with whom I Mrs. Stevens held a conference yester- day. Is In sympathy with the move ment. It is said, and has promised his - ' 11 1 The plana were definitely outlined X II : t a meeting of the W. C. T. U. yes- JI terday, Mrs. Stevens, the president. I . - - " J danger of pink bollworm event this evening. The Juniors they lose the game there is only a tctlnsr as chairman. It was agreed that terday morning to the effect that such The the bis cham-pionsi- p. r Old Mexico are working hard and when the cur- slight chance of winning the the dance hall would exist until the an extension of time had been granted crossing from into the Everyone can go to stabliBhment of a recreational center f LI ACTION YET ON United States is alarming the com- HIGH SCHOOL NOTES tain rises tonight things will be in who . Walter Bennett of the legal firm wired mercial interests and cotton growers perfect condition. There are still a Tempe should be there. In Phoenix and that in view of that senior-alum- ni ' Congressman Hayden confirmation. Old few choice seats for this evening's The date for the fact the only course was to secure for in Texas. The Infected part of ' Mexico In Laguna district, a performance. The cast for this eve- dance, which is to be held at the supervision of the amusement places. Mr. Hayden's reply follows: the rich There will be a big field meet on Country club, has been set for Deo. It was decided to brine the matter to ASSESSMENT BILL "House has not passed bill, ex- section of territory on the boundry line ning is as follows: tr of states of Durango and Coahuila the parade ground during the first Garrett Foster Bertram McKinney 27. The dance will be restricted the attention of the public through four tending time for doing assessment the and second periods today. The girls Margeson McCabo seniors and graduated students. Bet- Mrs-Steven- s containing 2,000 square aera, John ! minute speakers, as supffosted by work to July 1, but will probably miles of will be dismissed from their classes in Carpenter ter get your date early, as this win be ro, next Monday." entirely surrounded by mountain ranges Barbara Standish Esther several days and the list The house of representatives has not act on same order to witness the affair. There Phillipe de la Noye Roland Fulton one of the best dances ever given.- of speakers was partially arranged, passed a bill extending the time for There is much interest throughout and but 250 miles from the Texas will be battalion parade and inspec- Jones o Mrs. Stevens lending her services. the mining states of the west, includ- border. This section of Mexico is one Capt. Standish ...Delbert doing assessment work on mines for farming regions tion and contests in manual of arms Miriam Chillingly. .Bernice Callahan Two and one-ha- lf million farmer "Educate the public to see condi- ing Arizona, in the matter of the bill of the most fertile in - r, a period of six months, probably platoon drill. Several races are Mobs v nolniT n trim are but assess- the world, the chief crop being cot- and Aunt Resolute Winona ' ii ohiles and tions as they evist in Phoenix"' will be will act on the bill next Monday, ac- extending the time for doing to be run this morning. This field Rose de la Noye Zolla Conan makingiu substantial""n savings in time and y, - ton. Almost only known way to the only instructions given the speak- cording to a telegram received by Kib-be- ment work- Owing to present condi- the meet is only a sample of what is to team car for mining men regard as vitally wipe out the pest is to stop planting This afternoon the basketball money as a result. There is a ers, who, it Is said, are familiar with Bennett & Jenckes, local attorneys, tions, it be given in one of the big meets that journeys to Tempe to play the Tempe every six persons in Iowa and Ne- the local It is undeniable, yes- necessary that the bill be passed, and cotton for several years. in February. Every ca- 401 situation. from Congressman Carl Hayden o will be held Normal. This will be one of the best, braska, altrough there are only they say, that certain girls are not ex- terday. passed soon. In mining circles it is det should come to school with a clean games this season. If the Coyotes win states whose inconrve ercising any manner hoped that the time will be extended Great Briton has only 35 peeresses persons in those discretion in the On reading a published report yes- - uniform and have his shoes shined. it will put them in good running for .exceeds $1,000. In which they meet men. They "pick a year. in 'their own right. Everything is in readiness for the the championship of class A. but if jjJ&M i.T..,Mjil w.ann-.-,- gr- ' up" with any stranger in the dance r7aMasgs aa - . ... - - .ill--i if""'" " iflW 'fl hall, which the women declare is the Fl rtf favorite rendezvous for girls and men who make a practice of "having that eort of an alleged good time." On unfrequented roads one sees cars t a standstill, and others not so par- ticular will "spoon" in a car on any public highway. PHOENIX AUTOMOTIVE DIRECTORY "The time for reform has come," it is claimed, and the club women have volunteered to Join Mrs. Stevens in aeelng that It is canted on. 1 o Garages--Servic- e HUGE SPIDER PREYS ON BIRDS y'tomobiSes One of the latest additions to the Roads Bulliten New Tork soo Is a hug spider, com- ing from Eastern Bolivia, South Amer- ica, which kills birds! Its name is "Avicularia." When stationary, with Phoenix to Coast via Parker and Ehrenburg both in fairly good SERVICE Us body a trucks UTO Its eight legs covered like iinnr1 Anm AT r r shape . THE with bristles that irritate the human U 1V1V jtVlLtLttlj'MACK and improving. skin like a nettle, it occupies a cir- MOTOR EQUIPMENT CO. cumferential area equal to that of Phoenix to Prescott good by way of Wickenburg. Black Canyon the closed fist. Living in burrows or BABBITT BROS. REPAIRING STORAGE hollow trees during the day, he sallies 131 and 313 North Central Ave. Phene 14M slow for most part. CORNER FIFTH AVE. AND WASHINGTON forth by night to prey upon insects or young birds, taking the latter from Phoenix-Superior-Floren- their nests. He possesses hollow ce in good shape. Apache trail In poor teeth, which distill a poison into a condition. Phoenix to AJo, take Laveen or Buckeye roads. wound in a manner analagous to that of snake-poiso- n. This lethal fluid 13 Works o active that it kills In an Instant .HANDLER RIZONA Radiator creatures of far greater size than it- Radiators repaired and re self. Spiders, as a rule, are beneficial, Williams to Sellgman in good condition. Seligman to Kingman good except built. New cores of any kind rather than the reverse, since they HUDSON ESSEX from Crozier to Hackberry. Oatman to Topock rough. installed. Fenders and auto Insects which would otherwise be G. M. eat C. TRUCKS TRAILMOBILB bodies repaired. Windshields' destructive to crops and life. Several CAL MESSNER Main roads in Gila county undergoing Oxy-a- ct e y I e n of the larger spiders are poisonous in Cerner Fourth Avenue and Adams maintenance work, which Is installed. their bite. Carrlngton, in Leslie's. restoring them after recent snow and rain. Road work also going on welding. All work done by experts. o in Graham county. Best work In town. A committee report made recently to the thirty-secon- d annual convention of the National Association of Kailrourtt; All roads In Greenlee county in good shape. Take Duncan road 307 N. Central Ave. Phone 609 and Utilities Commissioners declared that public ownership and operation of between Safford and Clifford. The railroads has failed wherever it properly iLEVELAND-MARMO- N has been tested. It stated Pinal county roads rough in valleys "but good in mountains. that private ownership and operation River crossing with public regulations was the only at Sacaton good. No water at present. Just and honest manner of conductii W. CO. coun- E. GARDNER & the public utility business of this 42QS Springerville-S- t. Johns-Holbroo- k road in good shape. Mountain try. 'x " FIFTH AVE AND WASHINGTON PHONE c roads still unsafe for travel. i uto Truck Bodies Built A pool to assist In the financing of te order.