From: Moulton, Diane To: "Beruff, Carlos (
[email protected])" Subject: Adam Hollingsworth Date: Friday, January 18, 2013 4:33:23 PM Hi Mr. Beruff, Just wanted to let you know that Adam tried to reach you. Could you please give him a call on his cell? Diane Moulton Director of Executive Staff Executive Office of the Governor The Capitol, Suite PL05 Tallahassee, FL 32399 850-488-5603 – phone 850-488-4155 - fax From: Carlos Beruff To: Spellman, Chester Cc: Margo Holeman Subject: Appointments Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2011 4:50:44 PM Attachments: LOGO.bmp Hello Mr. Spellman, We have not formally been introduced, I was working with Matthew McCluskey on various appointments to the Manasota Basin Board, the State College of Florida, and Southwest Florida Water Management District. Matt and I met during the governors transition team work, he was our team leader. Please at your convenience if you do not have the following files let me know. I understand how hectic the first few months of a new administration can be and how important getting the right people who share the governors objectives. The people I am listing below are all well-known to me and I can assure you will take the lead in pressing the governors agenda. 1) Manasoata Basin Board: David Wick Connor Chamber Bob Waechter Jack Bisham 2) State College of Florida Anne Moore Connor Chambers Charlene Neal 3) Southwest Florida Water Management District Tommy Bronson We have provided support for these folks, but will be happy to do so again. All the applications have been submitted accept Tommy Bronson's which is being sent over night to you today.