On Moments of Folded and Truncated Multivariate Normal Distributions Raymond Kan Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto 105 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario M5S 3E6, Canada (E-mail:
[email protected]) and Cesare Robotti Terry College of Business, University of Georgia 310 Herty Drive, Athens, Georgia 30602, USA (E-mail:
[email protected]) April 3, 2017 Abstract Recurrence relations for integrals that involve the density of multivariate normal distributions are developed. These recursions allow fast computation of the moments of folded and truncated multivariate normal distributions. Besides being numerically efficient, the proposed recursions also allow us to obtain explicit expressions of low order moments of folded and truncated multivariate normal distributions. Keywords: Multivariate normal distribution; Folded normal distribution; Truncated normal distribution. 1 Introduction T Suppose X = (X1;:::;Xn) follows a multivariate normal distribution with mean µ and k kn positive definite covariance matrix Σ. We are interested in computing E(jX1j 1 · · · jXnj ) k1 kn and E(X1 ··· Xn j ai < Xi < bi; i = 1; : : : ; n) for nonnegative integer values ki = 0; 1; 2;:::. The first expression is the moment of a folded multivariate normal distribution T jXj = (jX1j;:::; jXnj) . The second expression is the moment of a truncated multivariate normal distribution, with Xi truncated at the lower limit ai and upper limit bi. In the second expression, some of the ai's can be −∞ and some of the bi's can be 1. When all the bi's are 1, the distribution is called the lower truncated multivariate normal, and when all the ai's are −∞, the distribution is called the upper truncated multivariate normal.