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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-65068-7 - The Cambridge History of British Theatre: 1660 to 1895: Volume 2 Edited by Joseph Donohue Index More information Index Note: Italicized page numbers refer to illustrations. Achurch, Janet, 368 Adrienne Lecouvreur, 359 Acis and Galatea, 128, 130 adultery in plays, 62, 94 acrobats, 370 adventurers, 111 acting, 272 Adventures of Caleb Williams, The, 38–9 androgyny in, 287–8 Adventures of Five Hours, The, 61 developments in, 290–1 Adventures of Madrid, The, 87 French, 289 Africaine, L’(Meyerbeer), 258 in mid-Victorian era, 1851–70, 334 Africaine, L’; or, The Queen of the Cannibal natural style of, 289–90 Islands (Burnand), 258 acting companies afterpieces, 191, 192, 255–6 integrity of, 13 agents, 259 profit sharing in, 79 Agnes de Castro, 86 social coherence of, 11 Agricultural Hall, 253 acting editions, 268 Alan’s Wife, 367 Actor-Manager, The, 405–6 Albion and Albanius, 63 actor-managers, 266 Alchemist, The, 137 at Drury Lane, 20, 28 alcohol consumption, 350, 378, 379, 385 in mid-Victorian era, 1851–70, 332 Alexander, George actresses, 73–81 management of St James’s Theatre, 296, cross-dressing of, 357 410–12 domestic identity of, 356, 359–60 performances in American cities, 242 impact of, 54 sponsorship of playwriting contests, 364 informal power of, 79–81 Alexandra Theatre, 253 masculinist analysis of, 354 Alhambra Music Hall, 266, 379 pornographic prostitution of, 99 all-electrified theatres, 270 professional advantages of, 354 Allen, Grant, 409 sexuality of, 75, 357–8 All for Love, 63 success
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