Newsletter Issue 22 Srping 2005

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Newsletter Issue 22 Srping 2005 Issue 22 Spring 2005 Contents: I International Spectator I Indonesia course The Clingendael Newsletter I New EU member states I IHEDN I Conference Partners Dutch Photo courtesy Richard van Eijsden Ambassadors I RAWOO-CRU conference I CIEP Energy Seminar Internationale Spectator online I New Publications When Clingendael was founded in 1983 monthly column, one substantial article from the union of five smaller institutes in and the summaries are available free of The Hague, each of them offered its assets charge on the site. newspapers, states in his essay ‘From as a dowry. The Netherlands Society for Cheese to Terrorism’ that the first cracks International Affairs (NGIZ) thereby The April issue starts with a substantial in the image of a well-functioning and relinquished the publication of its Dutch- article written exclusively for the Inter- well-organised Dutch utopia became language journal on international politics, nationale Spectator by Atzo Nicolaï, the apparent when Pim Fortuyn entered the Internationale Spectator, to the new Dutch Minister for European Affairs. He political stage. Fortuyn crushed the Institute. In 2006, the journal will argues that, to some extent, the successful dictatorship of political correctness that celebrate its 60th year of publication. integration of Europe has taken place for years had obstructed public debate. Although the formal, technical and without the explicit cooperation of EU The politically motivated assassination of commercial publication and exploitation citizens. However, depoliticised decision- Fortuyn on 6 May 2002 made it clear to of the journal were handed over to Van making in an integration process that is many abroad that the Netherlands had Gorcum & Comp. Publishers in 1993, becoming ever-more political can only lost its innocence. The idea of a model Clingendael has retained all intellectual continue for a limited period. A Europe country was finished off by the murder and editorial responsibility, and so that is ‘owned’ by its citizens can only on 2 November 2004 of the filmmaker provides almost half of the Editorial Board come about if everyone takes part in the and satirist Theo van Gogh. members, the executive editors, and continuous debate about what is required the editor-in-chief – also Clingendael’s to make this a reality. The European Isabel Ferrer, correspondent in the Director. Van Gorcum takes great care Constitution offers new opportunities to Netherlands for the Spanish newspaper to keep the journal’s image up to date, bring ‘politics’ back into the Netherlands’ El País, paints a picture of the Netherlands and has therefore introduced a new EU policy. However, for this to happen, as a disoriented democracy. The fact layout as of January 2005, with each citizens will first have to respond to the 1 that the country had lost its supposed issue featuring a relevant picture on its June referendum with a resounding ‘yes’. innocence had already become clear cover. It goes without saying that the when the coalition government of monthly selection of the picture gives rise This April issue continues with five the Social Democrat Prime Minister to hot debates between the editors and the contributions on the changing image Wim Kok resigned in April 2002, publishers. of the Netherlands abroad following following a negative official report on the the murders of Pim Fortuyn and Theo co-responsibility of the Netherlands and Also in January, Clingendael’s Informatics van Gogh and the ensuing strained its peacekeeping forces at the time of the Office, the journal’s Editorial Office and relations with the Dutch citizens of massacre of Muslim Bosnians after the Van Gorcum jointly launched a new Islamic origin. surrender of the enclave of Srebrenica in website, July 1995. With respect to the conspicuous Subscribers to the journal can now view In the Introduction, the former Head of problems of multiculturalism and the the contents of the Information Department of the Dutch integration of Muslims in the Netherlands, each issue online Ministry of Welfare, Public Health and it is argued that the traditional Dutch and download Culture, and currently publicist, Han methods of piecemeal pragmatism will no articles and Mulder, argues that the Netherlands is longer guarantee ready-made solutions. other items. The facing an image problem, both at home and contents of the abroad. Image-building is not an isolated Hans Renner, Professor of Central issues from 2000 phenomenon, but forms one side of a European History at the University of to 2004 are also triangle, together with history and identity. Groningen and exiled from Czechoslovakia available online. in 1968, sketches the Netherlands’ image For non-sub- Helmut Hetzel, the Netherlands-based scribers, the correspondent for German-language (continued p.2) (Internationale Spectator online) stereotypical Dutch motifs such as tulips, European country facing problems windmills and cheese, but also with more for which there are no easy solutions. contemporary aspects that are seen as a Of course, one may occasionally witness in the Czech Republic. The enlightened product of the proverbial tolerance of the some malicious delight in Flanders section of the Czech population has Dutch: drugs, coffee shops, euthanasia over these developments, but generally traditionally demonstrated a great deal and gay marriage. sympathy prevails. The Flemish hope that of sympathy for the Netherlands and its the Dutch will change their rather arrogant people. After the downfall of communism Finally, Yvan Vanden Berghe, Professor of attitude towards their southern, Dutch- in 1989, Czechoslovakia regularly took the Diplomatic History at the University of speaking neighbours, and that Flanders Netherlands as its example when it came Antwerp, describes the Flemish view on and the Netherlands may become to setting up its own democratic system. the recent violent events in the Netherlands. compagnons de route in the European As shown by a recent survey, young To the Flemish, the Netherlands has Union. Czechs associate the Netherlands with become just like any other Western- to deal with disappointing news in a Training Iraqi diplomats diplomatic way. Following the fall of Saddam Hussein in to various institutions in The Hague and Despite the ongoing instability at Iraq, the country is in the midst of political Brussels. home, the Iraqi diplomats demonstrated transition and in great need of capacity- The course proved to be a timely initiative. great enthusiasm during the course. building. In response to this need, While in the Netherlands, the students In particular, the diplomatic skills Clingendael provided a one-month participated in the first general elections programme was highly appreciated, as training course to 14 young diplomats of for an Iraqi parliament. Voting in the were discussions with experts from all the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The Netherlands had been made possible by spheres of international relations, among participants (most of whom have been the International Organisation for which Max van der Stoel, former UN working at the Ministry from two to five Migration, which operated an out-of- rapporteur on Iraq and former OSCE High years) followed an intensive programme country voting programme. Furthermore, Commissioner on National Minorities. that included lectures on foreign policy the group witnessed the debate on the Clingendael hopes to continue to provide and economics, workshops on policy withdrawal of Dutch troops from the support to the Iraqi diplomatic service development, training in communication Al-Muthanna province, which provided through more training activities in the and negotiation skills, and working visits them with a real-life test case of how future. Luxembourg Junior diplomats from Indonesia Presidency of the EU On 21 February, the second eight-week In particular, he touched upon the role of course for junior diplomats from the International Court in settling the Indonesia in International Relations dispute between Singapore and Malaysia and Diplomatic Practice officially began. on the sovereignty of Pedra Branca/Pulau Participants were welcomed by delegates Batu Puteh, Middle Rocks and South from the Indonesian Embassy in The Ledge islands. The case is still pending Mr Van den Broek Hague, lead by Mr Djauhari Oratmangun, before the Court. welcomes the audience representatives of the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lead by Mr Robert Milders, The course is part of a three-year project On 7 February, a conference was held and Clingendael’s Director, Professor to train junior, mid-career and senior to mark the start of the Luxembourg Alfred van Staden. After the official words diplomats from Indonesia. All courses Presidency of the EU. Luxembourg’s of welcome, Judge Kooijmans of the within the project focus on helping to Minister Delegate for Foreign Affairs and International Court of Justice gave an professionalise the Indonesian diplomatic Immigration, Mr Nicolas Schmit, gave a enlightening speech on the role of inter- service, maintaining the good bilateral speech in which he highlighted the national law in the peaceful settlement of relationship between Indonesia and the priorities for the Presidency. Mr Atzo disputes. Netherlands. During the course for junior Nicolaï, Dutch Minister of European diplomats, lectures and training alternate Affairs, responded to his address. The with working visits to the Dutch Ministry conference was chaired by Mr Hans van den of Foreign Affairs
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