Bat Calls of New South Wales
Bat calls of New South Wales Region based guide to the echolocation calls of microchiropteran bats Michael Pennay1 , Brad Law2 & Linda Reinhold3 1 New South Wales Department of Environment and Conservation 2 State Forests of New South Wales 3 Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines Bat calls of New South Wales Bat calls of New South Wales Published by the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation May 2004 Copyright © NSW Department of Environment and Conservation ISBN 0 7313 6786 3 This guide is the result of a co-operative project between NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service, now the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) and State Forests of NSW (SFNSW). DEC provided project funding, management, staff, reference calls, preparation and printing. SFNSW provided part funding and granted support of staff time and expertise, reference calls and editing. Research was conducted under NPWS scientific licence number A2753 and SFNSW special purpose permit for research number 05466. Material presented in this publication may be copied for personal use or republished for non-commercial purposes provided that NSW Department of Environment and Conservation is fully acknowledged as the copyright owner. Apart from these purposes or for private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act, no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process without written permission from NSW Department of Environment and Conservation. Inquiries should be addressed to the NSW Department of Environment and Conservation. This publication should be cited as follows: Pennay, M., Law, B., Reinhold, L. (2004). Bat calls of New South Wales: Region based guide to the echolocation calls of Microchiropteran bats.
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