PLANNING COMMITTEE - Wednesday 6 January 2016

The Planning Committee made the decisions below at its meeting on Wednesday 6 January 2016


5 CC/14/02634/FUL - Street Record East Street West

Recommendation to permit with amended condition 3 (design) and extra informative 4 (advertising consent) agreed

6 CC/15/00496/FUL - 1A East Row Chichester PO19 1PD

Defer for negotiations with applicant regarding the design of the scheme including the garages

7 CC/15/01590/FUL - Tannery Westgate Chichester West Sussex PO19 3HN

Recommendation to refuse agreed

8 CC/15/02506/REM - Graylingwell Hospital College Lane Chichester West Sussex

Recommendation to permit with four extra conditions: 10 (cycleway), 11 (removal of permitted development rights), 12 (air-conditioning units) and 13 (edge of site dwellings to retain hedges/fences) agreed

9 CC/15/02515/FUL - 101 Adelaide Road Chichester West Sussex PO19 7NA

Recommendation to defer for section 106 agreement then permit agreed

10 CC/15/02569/FUL - Various Locations within City Centre Chichester West Sussex PO19 1LQ

Recommendation to permit with amended condition 3 (design) and extra informative 4 (advertising consent) agreed

11 D/15/01274/FUL - Stockbridge Hall Stockbridge Gardens Donnington Chichester West Sussex PO19 8QT

Recommendation to refuse agreed 12 PS/15/01689/FUL - Bradstow Lodge The Drive RH14 0TE

Permit with extra conditions 14 (sustainable design and construction statement), 15 (broadband infrastructure) and 16 (removal of permitted development rights) agreed

13 SI/15/03092/FUL - 27 Chalk Lane West Sussex PO20 7LW


[Note This decision was contrary to the planning officer’s recommendation]

14 SY/15/02711/FUL - 81 High Street West Sussex PO20 OQL

Recommendation to defer for section 106 agreement and then permit with amended condition 24 (delivery of retail unit) and additional condition 28 (ground floor class use restriction) agreed

15 WI/15/02618/COU - Chichester Harbour Marine Park The Street Itchenor West Sussex PO20 7AY

Recommendation to refuse agreed

16 WW/15/02020/FUL - 10 Windsor Drive West Sussex PO20 8EG

Recommendation to permit agreed

17 SDNP/15/03891/FUL - Oakleaves School Lane Lodsworth West Sussex GU28 9DH

Recommendation to approve agreed

18 SDNP/15/03898/FUL - Greenacres Farm Trotton Road West Sussex GU29 0JT

Recommendation to approve with informative (contamination) agreed

GRAHAM THRUSSELL Senior Member Services Officer