Fire said suspicious Pizza shop burns

•y ROBIN GOLDSTEIN shingled roof of (he building WEST LONG BRANCH - A stubborn Paul s l'izza Shack operated in a build fire of suspicious origin ravaged Paul 's ing which had previously housed a restau Ptzu Shack al 868 Broadway, here, and rant called 1. il Abners The building, in threatened an occupied house next door keeping with thai motif, had a high, sloping early this morning, police said roof layered with green painted decorative No injuries were reported in the Ore, shingles but police and (ire officials who arrived al West Long Hranch Kire Chief I'ctei (lie scene at about 3 am today had to Wortman and the. enure borough (ire de hastily evacuate the two-story wooden partment kept a continuous torrent of wa house next door to the pizza restaurant ler dousing the burning roof, but il look* after the house caught fire and began fill more than three hours lo put nut ttu- pel ing up with smoke sunent flames A passerby told police thai hr hid heard Two Long Branch fin Companies Ihr three loud, successive explosions before Neptune Hose Company and the Oceanic the Pizza Shack burst into names Kngine Company. also assisted, along with And bystanders said they hail observed lx>ng llranch Fire Chief Anlhony Mclina police carrying what appeared in lie two apd Kusi Assistant Chief Alfred (jUHi gasoline cans from the vicinity "I the hum

VOL 101 NO 174 SHREWSBURY N J WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1979 15 CENTS Teachers to sue board Freehold Regional budget cut hit

By WENDY IMII.KH , ough and Efficient (aw. will sue the board Murraj Rubin everything you really have to will be made in the science staff "I don't see how he can avoid KRKKHiiLi) TOWNSHIP - Approximate!) 1"<" parents association prealdent, utd The association had not wi in The budget V tentative,' he tinted I think Ihese art them, she staled teachers and students turned out last night lo protest proposed formed the board "I ill decision he •••nil worthwhile cuts If we spend lime between BO* and -\pril. when The proposed budget exceeded the cap by 1812.000. but the budget cuts m tin Freehold Regional Board pi Education in an) district whan education is Uu pHnar) concern Uu budge) muit go before tin public developing curriculum board decided lo apply for a waiver of 1400,000 The cutbacks budget curriculum eutbai k- ait a last resort. Hr Itubin i oinmenleil workshops. Ihe budget will be sound approved last night are contingent upon whether or the waiver Following the meeting, representatives ol the freehold We can no IqtpjjM standby without Initiating action lo alleviate The curriculum cuts, $17!,WI of the entire sum. Include the is granted, which will be known in March. Dr Vincent Crespy. Regional Teachen Asaoclatlon, said the) would sue Ihe board jhtatravest) he added dropping of double period science caunta looDl) Jingle period school superintendent said "If all or part ol that waiver is not over the budget cuts Association members talked with John Molloy field repre courses, ami Ihe revamping "f elective Knglish courses to lull granted. Ihe Board of Kducation will have further decisions to Pointing in particular lei curriculum cuts in ih, >< UOM .mil ,eniaii\i-uf Hit- N iw, ,li-isc\ Education t&socialion. yesterda) yeai required couraes IH Crespy has indicated there Will be no make at that time," he stated in a memorandum passed out al Knglish departments, residents c Ited lean ol .i del reaw in afternoon and parents have volunteered lo wort on the sun Ml culs in the English teaching staff, and that he is '9K percent' the meeting education quality Ihe effect such changes would have on Rubin added ' , certain then- will IH- no cuts in Ihe science teaching staff aside Workshops to determine the subject content ol the loin admission to colleges, and possible violation "I Ine slates In announcing the cuU, John Hornsbergei president of the • from normally retiring teachers different levels of senior English are planned Thcnough and Kfdcient education la» board, stated This is a budget thai la a recommended budget Mrs Irene Warga chairman of the teachers aiSOClaUon Responding to protests over the proposed cut in the length of The education association, charging violation W the [hoi it u a compromise runts are tough Maybe you can i have negotiating committee said yesterda) she expects some cuts Sec FreekeMpage ], Shah resting in Egypt

\SW\N l"i>|>i 'Mi Karah is iM-cupying the presi Wiat's the point i/Tchang Middle Fast ami Africa as well reception befitting a chtef ol Shah Mnha Ret! ilential suite l'hin> two more mg Ihe flowers twite a day if as the bleak outlook lor Ihe state: a military guard fired a I'ahlavi is resting al a Nile- rooms were taken by their en security guards check every 21-gun salute, a band playing usland hotel in Egypt's wlnlei lourageof nearly 20 persons petal of ever) flower' one Sadat has said that because Iran's national anthem and resort and Is expected to fly oh The royal fugitives from po housekeeper said of the turmoil in Iran, he bo- Egyptian officials out in force too Ihe I nil! il liifnii liiual lurmoil and mob vio Sadat and the shah talked lieves the government there to greet the visitors the end of ihe week Ic-nc m Iran arrived yester pnvalely three nines yester and its armed forces are no gut a vear oj turn)ol| an(j KgypUan sources said Ihe day in an Iranian an force jel day - al the airport lounge longer a buffer against the So- demonstrations against his SO-yearold Iranian monarch loaded'with baggage Later a when the Iranian monarch ar viels in (he strategic Persian rule had obviously taken its would make fin public ap. barge ferried iruckloads ol nved. then al the hotel and Gulf area loll on the 58-year-old man who pearances during his si,n Itui ^KKIS lo Hie hold which is later before a formal dinner The shah, whose country is ^^ absolute power nver M he will meet tomorrow with about 150 yards Irom Ihr wa attended by the Iwn families Moslem but not Arab, visited rrttllion Iranians I'ri'siclciii \nw.n Sldal and ler and guesLs Sadat in Aswan a year ago and former President Kind of Ihl Memlx-is nf Hie hotel -.luff Details wen- nut reported, urged other Arab leaders to „ lb ' a m*n ln a United Stales who is touring said Ihe royal suite had been bul it was thought that Ihey support the Egyptian leader's lran™' !>ald ulw EKypt'>n ol- the Midd|e East with his wile stocked with (lowers, baaketa discussed the deadlocked drtve for a peace treaty with The 150 room (HMI in Hotel, ol fruit and chocolates, but peace negotiations hetween Israel Sadat waved away re was cleared [01 the the) complained about Ilia se Egypt and Israel and increas When he returned yester- porters who tried to question billionaire who with Empress cufflty precautions • mg Sonet influents in ihe day. Sadat laid on a red-carpel themonarch Carter ups defense funding

h* *"*' '"^" M'"f though the federal budge, ""mm lha, hecan balance about MObUllon Allan.H Treaty Organization { M 1 L w l,,»nrt»rl !n, n.nn W^"* " ™ * " '»'»«<' '" *>" '»' '" '«•' "i for Ihe IMh budget »i the next year or two Defense spending would be P^ers '«< year l» rai defense outlays by 3 percent n. Deencotiea an exienaea vocanon the new budget, while sli|l find imn- in i In Lhf tie budget for fiscal IMP. increased in the new budget which begins next del I was But there would be cutbacks in £* * 1 B"m« l0 Press al lhl' Govern, other areas including some Mosl"'the ***—* wuuM "lenl Prlnlln8 ()"lle lolla> i""1 Inmming of jobs, welfare and iKJsei lor "cross the board T d\ 1* af* 4~\ 11 1^1 4 * I I W\ aTaa C T »'» '"• Presented In Cungress . education programs, adminis. modertiuat.on.ol convenlinnal with an accompanying presi tration officials have said forces and weaponry dential message lionda) But an additional »1 billion Carter has decided to ask m s endln MlM tBe hearing siiujlion in Btlgen L'uunt) 1 "'ul"" imlil he-IH-I .nni-inavoi Jan I P K- »»<" 'rom Ihe By BARBARA KATELL The pri.sldetlt tc,)cj ,.„„; Congress to approve, an In- Mi \pplcgale was turned Superior Cuuii judge lulrd in I* SB«1 order signed bj He wonthe mayor's seaUn the crease ol about 3 percent in budget and a supplemental re- sessional leaders yesterday it uest or 79 FREEHOLD - Formei down on a M vote two weeks II7( that the mayor is a mem Judge Lane could pul council November election defense outlays - over and Q ' " . *iU be proposi'd will be a tight, spare budget ' l0 ! hl Ml 1 hr Keyport Mayor Charles Ap ago fur Ihe appointment lo ber of the governing bod) and '" •' '!' "-' "" '' above inflation - lo a total of •"> lor full-scale develn|i He has repeated!) said the- m nt o( lne n w plegale. out of office lor more council The third negative therefore a entitled to vote on mlea»«their lavor on Jan Jl poied for the vacancy on coun budget LS small enough in help $122 H billion in 1980. sources * «" mobile mis than a decade, went to court vole was cast b) current in appotnlment to f 111 iva'can "lej "inild ihen h.m- onl) ctl b\ Mr Hirminghain Hit restrain inflation but large said Defense spending this Mayor Richard » Bergen c> " li'ui day* until Jan III in nomination was agreed to b) year is projected al 1111 The budget also is likely lo yesterday to try to gel back in lh< ,.mlugn ,„ ,iiscourat:e a re the political arena And Mr Applegulc contends in Mr kpplegale Ihrough hu ft** *«" <•* I"-Vl" "" •"' ' "*" Kepublicans. Harrv MlUon include about »l K billion lor He obtained an oi del (MINI Ms fuuit suit that thf mayai aHMMJ Davia Mahf O< Old •HMatfte.ln Ihf ITHinnl taran \umack 2nd and Krank H Administration sources who The increase for defense re '"^Ini'tlon of a conventional had no right to vote He argue ly-powered aircraft carrier Superior Court Judge Merrill g g lindge. has argueg d lhal Ihe cj Under state la« niter thai i umer However, Ihe hide asked not to be Identified con iimdeni Kdward Flynn Lane Jr thai forbids Key that the mayor may only vole this has never been Hu prat dale, theb«iroujjhclerk »man firnled Tuesday thai Carter port's Borough Council and l» tinaa a. tie. nut lu I.IWU I1CT Ul Mutniiuuth ruum; Ami— *M**4«M«II* •.(» ul.^«uc. H* and Denm will pwpuag total HJtllOIng ul mayor from filling a vacancy one Mr \pplegale contends thai \nd ..I Monday s burnugh crat James l.awson, in voting about $532 billion foi 188(1 up on council until his arguments Me asks the court to dec laic the Hcrgen County casi- »h»h MMBcU mcelmg. two nominees igamst the appointment about 4« biUws iuim this Mr Inhui(pngpoUtical cartel for Ihe seat can be heard on Hr Bergens vote void and tu apparently U Ihe only timilai "' Bergen-wtre-lurned w.a, Virtually ill Vf the in THK«K\THKH Jan » The show cause and order lhat Mr Applegate be one on the record was never down by munnl wtun his (el he has beeniboUl a Den 0CMI creaae iBlhe result of Innation temporary restraint signed by sworn ina« a councilman appealed beyond Superioi '"* Dtaiocrtt, Councilman ami a Republican Yesterda) however I'toady Kdiy with saew develeplag b) tltrrnoon. Judge Lane also orders the Mr lieigen rirrough James Birmmgilam. u-luwd he acknowledged that some (haaglag !• rala belere eadlag might. S»»a> t.m.r- Court and therefore is not bin v u lul With revenues esiimalccl al borough clerk not to call a spe Borough -Attorney Gordon N ding on anv other county Mr '" " ' ""' '"awns Demucrab. bam c|ucsii,mccl about WS billion, the admmis r»w. Caa»plet« weatlwr r»p».1 page I. clalelecUon to fill Ihe vacancy l.ltwin. argues lhal in a smnla. Vpplegale nas said lhal hr will lAMces Al pment, there are his credentials as a Ihinocal iratmn will project a 19t(0 deli two DemocraUOB C0«ncU, two Mr Applegale that some MkWIeUw. he.u Fllfr. M take his arguments lo Ihe Ap nl of R9 billion That would be Pack a lunch. That's the budget- pellale hivision ol gupwior Republicans and one indepeml- Democrats have complained that bi-only voted in the Demu ,„,, SIna|U,s, Mera| ()(,hi,|( •-Z.I'L.'Vd^ ' « Court if Judge Lane should Mnce 1973. when it was $14 S *•""•"' *«viee » saving suggestion in today's Food agree with the Bergen Count) The council vacancy is !oi rraUc primary twice In. the tllUlon the seal held h> M, section feature that's sure to give dmalon. II in,. io SleamersAlwavsllc BrMge Advkt it l»Mt V KM.ISTKR Ihe Appellate Division „ could Prime Rib special. 16 95 *^«f» » PHONE NUHiBEHS brown bagging a touch of class. s,.| a preml,.,,! ,., the slate o" R.* 0-«ra|«'s . Kr.-ighteri s,,ui tune awav Party ot Ihe vea, Sn ,,li Miinf.,1 W,n,l».,,,l Wharf Pub. MuVwstmiv Aw CtaaUM "» M.I. om« And, if you're heading for the great the role of the mayor's vote on lravel.M2-35J5 Highlands 291-5722, Ctadea N T*ll Free I7IJ1H Crauward MHI* M Tail Vr+* • UCJIIM outdoors on cross-country skis, NeUte-HelmdelT»*«shlp Tin McLeear Tnighl SUrays - Rams*. Saper Bawl EiUUrbih I rta«ltedlh.»i itinZ Tax Assessor's books for 1979 Wed -Sat lock. Slock & Bar lYim'e rib special tnnight. soup Sals Tavern, Red Bank Giant there's a cheese loaf to tuck in will be open lor inspection on rel. Fair Haven, 741 1621 & sa'ud bar. M2-I315 TVs bring Uie whole family iS^Vr* ,' '' : ,-, . , V ™"" Thurs. Jan IMrom J? lo -I 10 . 7«7-IS8S "wruiameai 7 i irruutlon Itrpl MZ-4NI your backpack — or to make when and7.JOto9pm m Ihe Town Chb Spsuk) Fabulom Ursh' Try II '-* Ml Spirts Drpt. S4I-4H4 ship Hall Annex, Crawlords THE hot Wednesdny mghl Kor Kxlra Business run a Art lastracUaa Ufertyte IJ-H MIMMown Burrau .171 21M you settle down in front of TV this Corner Rd, Holmdel • Thurs, Byttandei PrJ Knml Pagf Reader for Fast Guild of Creative Art pro Make A Date 17 freehold Bureau , .411-2112 .Vtllcwil Pqmarico throush Stl>v. IMontana Ocean Kesulls Call 542-4000, H 30 5 (Ml lesstonal p,rs Win Super Bowl weekend. Ul Oattaartes 4 long Branch Bareaa 22J4IU ' tOBgBoanch.Kunbum' p m . Mon through Fri ter term mm 741 1441 SpsfU n-n SUtrtwaw nareaii «r>m»35» 2 The Daily Register MREWSSURVNJ WEDNESDAY JANUARVI 7 1979 People NEW YORK (AP) - »U AfMta FaKsUg, 2». and ly Cuter says his recent be- Bttn I Ivaeis, 33. une half Wage insurance plan faces fight of the world famous Swedish havior hits btfn cited out of pop group ABBA, have de WASHINGTON (Al'i - context by the news media Labor Secretary Kav For example, if a f 15.000a but still do not keep pace wilh There is widespread agree ' elded on a divorce, the news- President Carter is sending to and that he doesn't think he Marshall, answering re* year worker accepted a 7 inflation, and millions of oth- merit even among supporters, paper Kxpressen reported Congress his troubled plan fur has been bad porters' questions, conceded percent pay raise and inflation ers including farmers and that Ihe tax credit .would be Tuesday a special tat credit system to there is no groundswell of sup During an interview yes- for the year ran to 10 percent, those whose earnings are less difficult to administer This does not. however, help protect low and middle purt for the plan and added terday on ABC s (Jood Morn- the government would give Ihe than |4 an hour, are exempted mean the split-up of ABBA," income workers against mfla that it is nut crucial In the Opponents contend the ing Amenta, the president's worker a tax credit amounting Ms Kallskog told Kxpressen lion success of the overall lull III The wage insurance pro credit — like Carter's volun brother cited a much-publi- to an extra 3 percent, or 1450 la an interview Already, several members flatkin program vision was lossed into Carter's tary wage and price guidelines cized eptsode in which he The extra WMi would be anti inflation package of volun- unnaled on Ihe Atlanta air "We decided on a divorce of the House Ways and Means The wage insurance pro- — seeks to shift emphasis subject lu federal income tax tary wage and price guidelines away from what they view as port runway as an example hall a year ago We simply Committee, which will open vision, the only part of the es just as other earnings are at the last minute in an effort the chief cause of inflation of his activities being put in a cannot live together any hearings on the plan later this Carter anti inflation package Ami the credit would be made to sell organized labor on the excessive government spend bad light more Hut it is important to month, are saying privately subject 10 congressional ap available even to qualified ing point out that this is a happy they see no way I lie idea can proval. is aimed at protecting program We were on the end of workers whose families or ex the runway wailing for three divorue, il such exists," she become law those workers whose pay But some of the sharpest prases are so large the) owe Despite the problems and hours A reporter apologized • - Nevertheless, the president raises in 1»7« arc held at or criticism of the program, in- ' opposition. Hep Abner Mikva. 1 no tax lo me because he also got out • •• was quoted as telling members below 7 percent. Carter ! ml cluding the wage insurance, D-IU. a Ways and Muni and did the samr thing We LA .101.LA, Calif (AP)- o( Congress yesterday that unlary limit on wage in But there are several ex lias come from labor leaders member, said, "1 can't sec the had a policeman with us 1 PtoneeT nuclear chemist Dr. wage insurance, which he an rreases teplions in the plan The insur In many cases, wage increases Congress accepting Ihe re- asked if it was all right And Billy Carter Harald C. Urey of the Uni- imuni i'il with the rest of his In essence, the plan would ance would be only on the first won in recent years exi -ceil the sponsibility lor denying the anil inflation package (Id M, we'd been sitting there lor versity ill i alilorma at San have the government pay the 120.000 of earnings, there 7 percent guideline and union president the one big legilll eminent in a business like ui one u( hi** lop three hours They had full Diego says he cannot accept difference il inflatiun aureeill would be nothing (or workers leaders view acceptance of 7 tint tool I rial he is asking for In manner, wilh elertril nj priorities seeunty coming in an invitation from I'eking In the 7 percent wage increase whose raises exceed 7 percent percent as a step backward fight inflation duals and government lead Asked what it meant lo lecture in the people s Re ers responsible lo the tax him that his brother is presi- public of China payers just as a board "I dent. Carter said. "II means Peking's official Hsinhua directors and company of his still my brother, il news agency recently re- finals are responsible to the means I'm still a private Mob-link story shocked Crosby stockholders, the til ve.ii ported that 1 rev US. had citizen I don't think he has old multimillionaire said in been invited to lecture in ATLANTIC CITY Club casino in Nassau was a came manager of that casino MClBtlOlU wilh Ci'limi. GroVel that Crush) claims he was un- been smbarraued I think his inaugural address shortly China by scientists Ouyang The chairman of Resorts In former Havana casino opera- Crosby said Ihe Life article and Sands are part of the 17 aware of problems wilh he would tell me if he had after taking Ihe oath as Te« Chin yuan and Wang Tao-te says a manager of tor with strong ties to Lansky also cast douhi on Sir Stafford objections filed by the New i ulliin droves and Sands • •• .is 41st governor two experts on nii'ti'iirilrs his Bahamas casino "was just 1 don't think I knew the Sands, the previous Bahamas Jersey Division of Uaming Kn before the article was pub- Al!STIN. Texas (AP) - I have not received any Clements said he would a pleasant guy named Eddie" name Cellini,' Crosby said, minister of tourism and fi- forcement against Resort! In lished BUI I kmrnls became Tex thing so far. Urey said until a 1967 magazine Illicit persist in his Itflllitive adding later. He was just a nance who recommended lemalional's application for a Kaymond Brown said Ihe as firsl Republican gov- Monday when informed at identified him as .i dote •• plans, intituling returning to pleasant guy named Kdilie (irovi's H a easnin operator permanent license here article should not be admitted ernor in 105 years yesterday the invitation "Hence, I MK iate of organized crime fig taxpayers the slate's II ( I'lhni. whose late bfDUier because it contained charges He promised thai he wouid i .in i confirm Hie invitation ure Meyer I ,ansk v Crosby, who said he was Company attorney Hay billion surplus Hum also had strong ties lo of organized crime lies made fight lor better, and less Howevei my health Is very disturbed " by the article mond A Brown and Assistant James M Crosby said Ihe I anskv as well as a lengthy by reporters 12 years ago governmem • •• and two others that followed, AttorM) General (; Michael such that I i an I go lo China unit Life article on fnftfi in criminal record, was Ihe assis "This is trial by innuendo "I want lo conduit gov STOCKHOLM (AP) and I give no leCtBTPB at all filtration in the Bahamas tant manager of the Bahamian said hr sought an. immediate Brown argued over Ihe state's meeting wilh Prime Minister attempt lo admit the magazine and by newspaper article prompted him sever his mm Club casino The casino was Brown said pany's- casino partnership with operated b\ Groves' company l.ynden O Pindling to discuss article as evidence The' He asked that Crosby's les Wallace Grovel, who was con and Mary Carter 1'ainl Co , Ihe Ihe situation Browns are not i elali'd lummy on I'ellini br ills MI ted of mail fraud ,'ii years corporate predeteuor of He- Crosby said his firm soon Michael Brown, represent regarded became the state earlier sorts International bought out Groves' intent) In ing the division, said the am used the story lo question the Carter issues plea Crosby, in lesluuony before The Bahamian Club doted the Bahamian Club and its cle is important became company chairman the New Jersey Casino Control in December 1967 when Marv planned interest in the Para- prompted Crosby to go lo Commission Chairman Commission Tuesday, said he Carter l'amt opened its casino dise Island casino for (I 5 mil Bahamian authorities In leek a Joseph I' Lord) said he would had no idea that the thin .ISMS hotel on nearby Paradise Is lion change of his business assoeia rule later on Ihe admissihilil> manager of the Bahamian land Cclliin JWeniUall) DC Mar> Cirtsi Pitnfi n tion with liroves Brown noted uf Me II licit to conserve fuel WASHINGTON (AIM - in mine iii,in i MO governors. However energy nfficals The Carter administration is business leaders mayors ihd say lhat il Iranian production asking some I :ilHI slate and count) officials is not reslored b) this spring, it Random car searches attacked local officials and I' S busi- "The letters ur^e Illetn lu could mean senous gasoline ness leaders to take immediate use then leadership Jn en shortages during the sumniei WASHINGTON (AP) - •tops are unconstitutional reasonable searches unless was on road patrol lhal night pockel steps tn conserve energv in courage luilhei voluntary drume, seaton .mil Depletion ol The Supreme Court is hearing In successfully asking the "specific arliiulahle facts" when he decided lo stop Pro Prousi'was charged with response to the rulolf of nil eiieigv i tmscrv .iiion in re fuel slock piles arguments on whether police nations highest court tn re justify the stop use's car for a spot check of his possession of marijuana but from Iran sponsr to the cutoff of oil ex may stop your automobile and view the stale court decision, Wier said the decision, il license and registration aaked bis tnai court to sup Meanwhile the to-Called It the voluntary program purls from Iran ask to check your driver's Delaware Attorney General allowed to stand, "will ad The officer had not ob- press the evidence because It phase two uf President doesn't work ami il Iranian license and car registration Richard Wler Jr argued that verscly affect law , enforce- served any traffic or equip had been obtained in an un Governors are being asked artel mulli fai I'lt'd energy production is not rettored The test case being con- pallet should not be denied ment in Delaware, and per men! violations but as he ap- lawful ileii'in urn lo more sjncilv enforce the :>fi plan is to IK- sent In Congress soon, more stringent steps sidered by, the court today "the most effective method for haps everywhere, on a day-to- proached the stopped car. A sci its ill stale court rul mph speed limit and urged lo lati'l this veal 11 will include a may be needed lo curb the r i .inn- from Delaware, the only enforcing (driver licensing and day basis Avena detected what he nigs agreed with I'rouse lhat turn the heal down in slate range ol proposed government nation's apeliMIc lor imported state which empowers police vehicle registration) laws — The case that brought the thought to be the smell ill the seized marijuana could not owned buildings Bishop said nines un lulling lax oil. say Kncruy Department of to make such random stops the random slopping of motor issue to the Supreme Court m marijuana he used as evidence against Thev are alsn being uiged bleaks grams and loan guar duals However, other slates uric ists " valves a Nov 30.1976, slop of a A v e n a whn saw a him lo "mmimi/e official travel antees - lu encourage in Energy iecretar) James and encourage cai pooling considering implementing Del The Delaware court ruled car driven by William .1 Pro cellophane bag containing The Supreme Court s ill- i Mated dnmeslM energy pi mi It Schlesingel was going he said aware's system before the Del- that a random auto slop by use III plant-like material in the car usion w ill be annouiu eii some III linn esiM'ii.illv hum union p 1 before the Senate Energy "In Ihe business ,unl m aware Supreme Court ruled pallet unlaid Uu imilitii New Castle lounlv Hcl searched Prouaeand [£Bsd£d time before tl" mil "I its term ventlonal sources ol, powei Committee today lo outline dustiiul sectors, the n last year lhat Ihe random turn's protection against un police officer Anthony Avena ly found some marijuana in ins in June Dial nut iviilhcimal' steps the adimnlsti.iliun is lak (bat leaders take energy ing to deal with the Iranian stc|ts to encourage inetl i 'i' situation ployes lo cniisei vf energ) lie i>n ,i related mallei admin The current unresl iii Iran added istralion ofln ills sav the re Vent I4,i ii'iccnl pine in has resulted in a complete liali If these ihirigs arr llolie Blood is airlifted to Chicago in oil exports from that nation create voted b) oil exporting Ihe Iranian cutoff need nut re — exports lhat had been run- nations and the Iranian unreal CHICAGO (AP) - Km ! storm and liitirt i old autos lurned down a plea for quire more stringent methods Students in chill bound Kan ning at around G million bar has prompted Ihe'm in hold up gencv hlotKl supplies from the rote to (I In Iowa. National (iuard tional Guard troops to feed i tl later." the Schlesingel aide sas. okla have been on an relh a day Of thai Ihe United plans to uij;e Congress to hfi ' West Coast wen- all'll.flctl to Checker Taxi Cab Co Of- IIIMI|IS and (aimers useil hell lie in Missouri because ihe said extended Christinas holiday Slates had been getting about prti i ' iinwni', ii,,,n ,.,, loimi Chicago as Itavi'l remained fered t2f> lo anyone Willing lo copters and snowmobiles in slate isn I equipped In handle The adniinslration has pre since Jan 2 due to lie ami 900.000 barrels a day or about and domestically produced snarled by snow in the dig out one of more than 100 take hay lo starving cattle (he job. a spokesman sax! pared a backup gasoline ra cold, but today's forecast :• iM-n .TII of Us total consump- I Hide oil * Midwest Temperatures final abandoned cstn in Culi'uau, Some animals mn reported The governors ol WBcon railed lot teinpcialuies in the Honing plan for use in linus ol ly warmed a bit, eaainj tion Whethei Ihi price lids and National Guard Iroopt stuck in snow up to their' sin. Missouri and Indiana upper Ms severe petroleum shortegei demands planned to use hoists IIH1U>" m SchlcMiigi'i .nile Jim but official stress that ihis should be lifted - and when — necks added portions ul then stales Jack Mosteller. vice presr Milwaukee to fret' snowbound Bishop said Idlers tinm would be liied IIIIK as a lasl is still being s'udied by the The death lull from ihe Go\ Joseph P Teatdale 10 the lisl ol stales — Illinois. dent nl Oklahoma Natural Schlesmgi't are bring mailed resort ' While House, nllu lals sa\ luwii and Kansas — seeking or lias, saul Ihe warm weather getting federal disaster relief would provide welcome rehel There have been The utililv has cut oul-ol stale ?ATIONf ported dealhs in Illinois. 15 in emergency sales to cope* With, Wisconsin, nine in .1 ,1. record demand Newark man is charged in Missouri, four in Iowa II • The-Red Cross said 1,200 111 Michigan, and one each in pints n[ IIIOIKI were shipped to Ohio and Nebraska Alkin.* cleared in suit Flood payoff* detailed Chicago from Los Angeles A 74'yearolil man burned with shooting of 2 cops It) limes more lhan in any NKW YOKK (AIM \ Manhattan jury WASHINGTON (AH) - A lormei staff to death when his cat Inn si emergency response since the NEWARK (AP) - A :i"» Neal Patterson said I he) ruled yesterday thai l)r Robert Atkins, aide testified vesterday thai he picked up into flame a.s he tried In free II i apt Edward I. Duffv ihe agency initialed a blood trans year-old man anesti-il in inn were in stable condition il author of the populur book "l)r Atkins money stuffed envelopes for Hep Daniel from snow in Auxvasse Un pairotmen H commanding of 1 pomtion progrum foui yean iieituiii with ihe shooting of Diet Revolution,' i annul be. held liable [ill Hood after being advised by the Pennsyl- Callaway County authorities Beth Israel Hospital . 11" i Hid the .man spun ago two policemen was reported In a 73-year-old woman's heart disease B) H vania congressman to "keep in mind, tins reported The patrolmen responding around and Bred two bolt .> 1 vote. Ihe jury dismissed a f> :> million is a business " Stephen B EUto, former It Will save us. but only guarded condition at in their police car lo an O'Rourke wrettled with him malpractice suit filed hv Dorothy Gold administrative assistant to Flood, was Ihe The temperature nil U temporarily," said Red Croat Medical Center, authorities a.nonyinous telephone i.ill aiiei Verlezta fell stem The jury of (our women and two men lirsl government witness at the briber) degrees nl 10 p m last night in •pqketman Dr Tim u said about a man w anile ring O'Rourke tried lo grab tin- deliberated tor three hours. Mrs Goldatein perjury trial of the 75-year-old Democrat, Milwaukee whelc ll has nut Vatthlanathan Newark Police S|jl Peter around with a-gun. stopped'a man's wnst in stop inm irom weighed 2M pounds when she first went In potion above ifeetlng; since Buttrow identified the hospi . who began his 16th congressional term, Most Chicago hospitals i ,ni man at Springfield Avenue ami firing again but Ihe man see Atkins in 1972 She then started \he Jan 1 Natural gas and fuel oil tallied man as Larry Peppers. along with the trial, on Monday Flood, leled elective surgery, and l»th Street squeezed off another shot, high-fat, lugh-siill, high cholesterol and whose trademark is the waxed moustache demand was reported about .to 914 So 19th llutlinse said Pep They managed lo net Ihe woandJngthc: patrolman in the percent above normal . Mime were taking emergent > low-carbohydrate regimen which Mkins of a gay nineties stage villain, ft charged pers was apprehended about man against a budding; inn he neck. Duffy said popularized in his book In the next three surgical patients only if hi I with II counts of conspiracy, bribery and Temperatures in the 20s, one block from the site of an pulled a handgun from Ins hell months, she was hospitalized four limes for was available O-posilive When O'ffourke fell, Ver perjury The government alleges that along wilh 1 to :i inches of snow exchange of gunfire in the when ihe patrolmen were dia lesa filed three tn (ive jholl coronary Insufficiency A pacemaker was blood, the most common type Flood took at least $65,000 in bribes in a six- lu add to the 29 already on the city s Central Ward trailed b) a crowd which had implanted in her chesl Mkihs maintained was in short supply ai the fleeing suspect, police yeai period, much of M collected by Klko ground — were predicted for Peppers, suffered lag and gathered, he said " lhal Mrs Goldstein well mi her way Klko testified about carrying monev to "Right now our blood situ chest wounds, Bultrose said today ation is lousy, said a spokes to a senous heart condition" before she Flood from Muidnck Head, director of Ihe Formal charges have not' In Sioux Kails. S I) . where woman for Michael Reese came lo him Hut Di Seymour llalpern. a Airlie Foundation, which sponsors govern- been filed, he said. temperatures have averaged Hospital, where patients with Blood sought witness lor the Mrs Goldstein, testified ment conferences and conducts other pro- Patrolman Thomas Ver grams with federal funds And Klko told of A this month — IK >> positive blood were told they that Atkins' diet was the win si possible lezza. 36, was shot twice in the M1DDLETOWN - With its until I p m Saturday keeping thousands [or himself below normal - 11 was ex could not he admitted foi opei diet he could have Riven her back and John O'Huurkc, .32. .mount at the Central Jersey peeled lo be in the low 30s ations The mst nl hi,mil re was wounded in the neck, LI Blood Bank critically low, Mid placemen! is iw or more per Surgfon attach severed lej> dletown needs blond, savs Pall pun \iu-i medical uitu'rance (uneer patient- getting '|>ol' Schneckenbergei township plans do not cover the mst ol ALBANY. N Y (AP) - The nearlv health educatoi blood The donation of one pint severed lost el a 24 > ear-old truck iliivei SANj'A FK, N M (AP) - Capsules The Central Jersey Blood of blood exempts all members has been reattached by surgeons in a 12^, containing federally gruwn marijuana Bank unit will be at the i mn ol*the donors lamll) from h11ui operation involving veins the were en route to four cancer patients yes munity Center on Kinns High blood repiaiemeiii obligations diameter ol a coal hanger wire and sutures terday under provisions of a pioneering way al Route 35 from U a m for one vi .11 thinner than human hair The operation, New Mexico law aimed at easing side performed last week but announced yestei effects ol chemotherapy "The capsules ,ni". less than tliiee weeks after are on their way here, I'm told,' said doctors on Long Island realtachi'd the leg George Goldstein, secretary ol the state The Daily Register of an 11-year-old girl hit by a train l)r Health and Environment Department The Richard McShane said surgery on linger shipment from the National Institute of The Sunday Register Feeney — injured in a snuwplow accident Drug Abuse will be the first under New — involved delicate microscopic work on Mexico's law lhal legalizes marijuana and cut and crushed artertfs. veins, bones and its basic chemical component, THC, for soft tissue Feeney, ol Hallslon Spa. was use in cancer treatment research "There \»>r reported doing well at Albany Medical Cen is consistent evidence thai marijuana does Branch OHit«t irtfo 3S.Midaieiown.Nj arm ter Hospital, but doctors said it would lie al inhibit vomiting and facilitates sleep," >U» f r«»lml.l N J I . 7«Blwjtf«oy lung Bioml. NJ 0>»4(i least a year before they could determine Goldstein said "There is some literature Slolehou« T.#nlon N J 0U71 the Surgery's success, Feeney was injured indicating lhal it also relieves pain." The MM P Jan 10. when he left his truck lo pick up a first four patients approved by a slate muffler trjat had fallenfrom another truck patient qualification review hoard include When lhat velni'lc turned around. Us snow r ol Ite Amtr.con Ne.vpop*. PuDlilhtf \ Aw two in Albuquerque and two in Las I irtuloH«fim»NrW JPAtV plow slashed Feeney's right leg. leaving his said program administrator l)r Edward ankle hanging only by a two-centimeter Deaux He said Ihe slate had ordered both (lap ol skin at the hack of Ins call • . oral capsules containing the marijuana de ' WHERE'S THE HOUSE — Chritsopher Lett vlsted his grandmother's home nvative and marijuana cigarettes in Houghton, Mich., yesterday and It almost completely buried in the wake of Only Only On* rear wj ao 111 00 a record snowfall in the state's upper peninsula. MUch of the drifts resulted Homraehvciv l>, W) 00 from snow shoveled off the roof to keep it from collapsing. SHREWSBURY N J WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 1979 ThrUatfy Reg*** 3 Freehold Regional school budget cuts criticized

(Continued) out (if its offices at Sf> Cibson place lasi year and is ronsidering The science department can no longer offer a good pro- Mr Rubin said "On behalf of the community, the Education science labs, Dr. I'respy noted 'Although we are taking away making the mini- nils war gram It's a 27V hour a week rut The teaching load isn I a Association demands that the board refrain from any and all cul periods, we, still olter them as lab There's a great Dr Creepy, clrfcnding the- decision to cut back academic great concern, because you can teach one more class, but the backs til they disclose the line-item budget lo us " variation in ihe number of lab hours in Monmouth County " programs, charged There arr so many ways to be maligned program will suffer." he noted The board hasn't cut the adult The association is currently sueing the board to reveal its Students, parents and teachers citing the need (or sfrminule There is no area (if this institution thai doesn I rcpri'senl a eveningeducauon program " line-item budget The suit is in the appellate division of the state double periods to properly perlorm certain experiments The> VMM interest Ynu talk t-n^hsh and siirnre but football, and "There will be repercussions he staled He said the Superior Court. Mr Rubin noted said college admissions officers are impressed with Ihe existing math art important loo I've seen what I think is an excejkM science teachers have not yet decided their next step In spite of protests, from members of the audience, the science curriculum M llOol SVSttMl •' Mr Rubin said that Knghsh leached in Men school had met board agreed. 7 to I not to table the cut until the public has had a "1 believe these caps were not set In decrease the -quality of Ynu CHI rut anything out (if anything, hi' slated 'The individually, to discuss the cuts lie said he intended to organize chance to review it Norman Rum. the board representative education," Mrs Sheila dross ol Marlboro, told Ihe hoard "To question a when yw can keep balancei »f checked ever) representatives from net seMol In in.-.-t as a group The group from Howell, opposed a final approval of the cut, noting, "My make sure education is the most important ihing. b> lliliir. The iMtanl iseleded by you " will put out a fads and uniform statemrnt (in Ihe Knglish hope was that there would be more opportunity to consider spoke to two experts And 1 tell you, if you cut sixth period lab John Evana-,

•y ROBIN GOLDSTEIN increases, is up more than ini emptoyeei could be used lo offset iht' in- tion and legalization In the rale for school purposes also The 1979 municipal budget another 12 police officers, to LONG BRANCH - The HOO.000 from llwl'JTH budget In addition, the • m m feder crease in the lax rate, the sur- uceanfronl area lasl yeal Ihe went down last year by about allows [or lew increases on bring the police force up to its proposed l»7» municipal which totaled Hi SUS M7 al iinti recessinn funds coal Ihe plus «r a nerressary defense total assessed valuation of Ihe seven cents, leaving the city individual department lim- full complement of 81 In budget here totals M.517,219 The amount In be raised b) in 8U.0M which, in other against possible future cuts in city is estimated a I with an overall tax rale of 13 32 it ems Ireviews are currently under and would raise the lax rale taxes in support of Ihe 1971 years had been used in redui e state anil federal aid and in I3II.794.45H, down from per $100 assessed valuation, in- In one area, the city police way of about 20 city residents for municipal purposes b) IX budget i* $3.1SIS.0(10- up the amount [8 R raflnt b) creasing- eastd KUKI'II* J t313.413.S25 for 1.97H eluding municipal, school .mil department, the increases who passed a civil service po- cents to II M per 1100 HMinid $595,000 from last i cai - local taxes Hwlell. city administrator ex The increase in Ihe lax rate count) lax levies may not be as great as Public bee test given last year The valuation n.m,0M The illy is also forced Uu plained may seem sleep to some city The city Board ol Educa- Safely Director Frank R test was restricted to city resi- The budget, proposed b) 1.ultra had hoped dents in hopes that hiring local In his budget message year, lo allocate $121 IKKI [OI Another factor in Ihe residents in Ihe wake of Ihe tion, in a $1".' million budget Mayor Henry It Ciofft, »;is program! mandated in the The appropriation for people would halt the large Mayor Cioffi described Ine projected increase in the tax substantial decrease in the lax introduced last week, presented to City Council lail Male Ihe mayor noted in hiv ' sti i: -i v III 111 in ii decrease In salaries and wages for the turnover in the department proposed IW1 budget aa atis rate last year 197H was a mu- projected a 2S cent per $100 night Council must introduce imdgei message thi- assessed valuation of division of police is up, in 1979, tore The increases in the to nicipal elei linn year here assessed valuation lax in Mr Bedell said last night a budget for 1978 by Keb III ratable! in the city. Dennis lo I768.3M. over (519.957 last lhat the proposed budget may lal budget ami in the lax rat« Despite all this ihecit) l)ad The tax rale for municipal create in the school tax rate The budget, which comes in ii'Neill citj finance dlrectoi year. include enough money to hire wtK caused in part by in- .i Imdget surphi'. batani > "I purposes went down 30 (ents m (or 1(179 The board has re- just under Ihe stale mandated .mi quested IHTIIHSSIIHI to exceed Director Licitra had said he on a staggered basis and, pos- (reuses in ullitilies IHSUIIUM- 12.1159.500 as of the enil al IT> 197tt. to mt cents per $11X1 five percent limit nil budget Although amre Mirpiu- funds Its budget cap liy 1441 IIIKI hoped lo be able to hire about sibly, bnng Ihe department up costs and wage increment* I'csuitt' ihe new construe- assessed valuation The lax lo full complement-by the end of ihe year The total operating budget for 1179 is (4,026,273, up from Aberdeen man unveils zip code battle plan M.244.321 last year Salaries 1 and wages account for By WARREN UU III \ Mr Herman, a sell pin Edward K Kaufman inquueii. i-ofo despite s d») long lown Untied stale-, to designate IU the townships existing 07747 (2.559.365 of that amount. 1 legal. I assure you." Mr claimed local lip cone revolt! |oklnglj shipproleat'last summer aithi own zip code. Mr Herman designation, which It shares Herman said The capital improvement ABERDEEN - Stating tmnan who resides al 44li Mr Herman ii^i shook ins steps of ihe Postal Service's told the council with neighboring Matawan But Ihe council was less fund for 1979 is (25.000. up from that the township's battle * HI, South Concourse said in- head Washington n C head He then proceded lo lav out Mr Herman suggested that than enlhusiastlc. (22.050 in 1978 quarters, the Township Coun the U S Postal Sen Ice fur an Plan it" wa-. based oi (hi NMIK-II u ill: diagrams und a his seven point scheme aimed il the council designated the " Unless you can go out and The reserve for uncotlected • ii siinuldi.ike Hie mailer m its Aberdeen zip code designation well known pblloaoptl) If small memo pad of noles Mi .it i>i(«liluin tin- Postal Service up code, il could be used on convince H5percent of the peo- taxes, based on 92 percent tax o*n hands and designate itv was at a "stand still tfneM vmi are trytng '<• d< tin Mian melhndh :i into awarding ihe township a envelopea with the 117747 zip pje in Aberdeen Township to collection. Is (955.131 for 1979. Herman last night suggested troducedhu PlanB own /.ip code thing, Iheonl) was lodo it is in /ip code code and the mail would be du it. it's not going lo make compared to (1.026.810 for 1978 the Township Council altei III dOil Vlllllsell He KugKeHted thai MIH e tin- If we do this, -as far as I Utilising (aids and ill.i pi n( essi'd that big a difference." Mayor flp code battle plan and go \nmld you are opening Postal Semi e had relused lo (.(ii it-ii Aberdeen Township grams' to graphically support Holding up a large sample Kaufman said with Plan R would be Ihi1 first town in Ihe vnui own post office grant ihe township Its own /ip his "Plan ft." Mr Herman envelope addressed la "Mr The mayor added that re- said that after some research John Doe, Mr Herman said cently the state Assembly had S.A.T. he had determined that the lhat IK- checked out postal reg- passed a resolution, which will PREPARATION suitable dp cade for Aberdeen ulations, and that tin- council go before the state Senate would be 117777 This he ex would not i»- in violation of the shortly, asking that Aberdeen High School Juniors Pizza shop gutted by fire plained b) noting thai all zip law be granted its own zip code College Board Review codes in Mnmnoutli Count) be There is absolutely noth Mayor Kaufman said that l( onlirnietl i . iid i nine, on Ihe cause ol • »f the blaze NI.IIII ii ,i paKsbabele bj Ihe lei MAKH I MAY EXAMS gin with 077 He (urthci tng in the regulations that says hopefully the resolution would • CLASSES START FEB. 1 llti scene early this morning lllc hl.i/e allttoiU^ll II Oil l.i11\ difficult liie i" Imhi The fire wa> I .died in al pointed out that II would be what you can put before that be passed (nun the state Sen- •GUARANTEED RESULTS Ro inugh Patrolman termed suspii ious ' >' .i in bj -in .( unknown SINCE 1957 Kllellieii luid \<> Tudjic- easier In lememliel four sc\ (zip code) number or after it, " ate to Congress, and that ac- Kredenck McCoiniaek evai pjru whn pulled a nearb) fire MSh. k. M IH Sif. IkM hS> Patrobnen M> < oi ma* ^ and through pools ol walei ind alarm ens in a row than anolhci I om he said tion might result through the ualed an elderlv woman who Ross llonilncksnn and borough oinatmn of numbers such as H) hit i Int StofMrtk TMH were slipping on Ihe rapidly The fuc apparenll) broke II is radical, but n is also efforts «f stale and national was living in the house nexi De-tective Joseph Hellmei it i freezing i oadii • mint) i oad legislators Call 944-0404 door shortly after the fire nut ver) quuklv - a borough h fin- i rwn had hi i»- catted ui tti broke out Anothei tenant also patrol car had passed I lie te-- spread sand on Beveral blocks was evacuated from Ihe house The sub freezing le in laurant onl) ininiiles before 1 • il Breadwej made all but tin Us never too soon. Firemen were tMt ro I"-'"'"'" •"»' <•"' I " the fire wM reported Mr. Businessman: quickly douse Ihe Niiine*. Make sure your estate or trust will receive If you're looking for quality printing,CALL.. damaged Ihe exterior of the. proper administration and attention to detail house The hOUH BUM suffered Trio nabbed in tbeft Contact our trust department through one smoke and water damage' mKAN urn M .i .11 .mi tu ' Snnspi of our 29 branch offices... TOD AY shooting flames and i pliunea fhree area residents wm si Hart wan i Irarged ivnn foui • Urniir aftei Ihe "Hi of smoke could be seen from •• rested and charged will using iiiunls ol n^c ol -i • inicii . redil sponded lu a i .ill (nun Sears far away as K.atohinwii a stolen credit card, lu charge card and pomesaion ol Ics-- securit) CENTRAL JERSEY BANK J The pizza restaumtii h.iil SNIIO WOlttl (ll tflKKls Illilll than 26 %i. oi martfuMU Hie (Mm wiiilh nl ggodj Tel: (201) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL PRINTERS Roebuck and fo in the were recovered frprii the irio - .'9 (.ONVENCNT OFFICES TO SERVE YOU closeil for the night sometime ll(; Is Ix'lllj', held al' the Ihe rtlCIl ESE • I MONMOUTH • OCEAN » UNION ' 9221022 OCEAN.NEWJERSEY 07712 before midnight yesterda) Sea* lew Squ.lle Milll he! t count) jail in lieu of $1 Kin I'.nl w-IlK le I'OIKC would not apeculaii r"ierrv M Sin, I'llsnlla. Hams Haii);> Vve N. plum w.i> ' ii.dged wiih posspsMon ul leu " SPRING" ill marijuana Weather: Snow -mil released in dim bail ! COED \ iii v '-.ii oiii male whose Yeslerdsy't high tern Bo* ton name .and iddrVsi are being Buffalo SCUBA i ecratire al The Register I h>Htri SC with wiiiiinici in-, ause ul hit weather sUUea was U degrees Chfliln WV age was (halted wiih .iidnn; ChKOQO • CLASSES! aad Ihe lew H. II was J4 al i •Hid ibjjij dn i,nit Cinclnnali | START WEDNESDAY • aad the ovemlgat low Iraud . was a Teday's t a.m tem '. t'uii olmao I .uncv \ ,i(. ' |' IAN. 17, 1979 aeraMre was J7 There was an i | FREiHOLO trace el precaution In Ihe 24 Slovei apprehvnded tin u heers esdlag al ( a.m. today. n iz | YMCA CALL There were Jl degree days » II | 462-0464 Meet Rosie yesterday, SB lor the month, dial Rosie's Eighth aad J.Jli lor Ihe healing sea "Tha> Action Lint" in Person at... sea U date Anniversary Cloudy today with mow dc 542-1700 veloping by sfttrnoon Chung ing to rain most sections AND TUESDAY I before ending lomghl Highs In FEB. 20,1979 I the JOS Lows tonight mid "20s lo Paid lor t.K. YMCA lo around 30 Becoming sunn) DIAMONDS CAU 442-3632 tomorrow Highs around 40 Richmond i St LouH OLD GOLD Chance of rain will be mi it P TuBipo Sail Lake 14 EWELRY FRI. & SAT., JAN. 19th & 20th percent today and 50 percent San Diego 61 late tonight Winds east lo s.i.i i ran or call southeast fc'n lo 15 miles an HI " The Skin Diving hour Marine forecast Manas- From 4 P.M. til Closing quanuan to Cape llenlopen and ,II:\\II Center Delaware Bay. Winds east to int*pm EST yttttrMy 1659 HWY. NO. 27 southeast up lo 15 knots todaj otu ih» candlliani »u)i* EDISON 985 2206 • Champagne* MUSIC & and shifting southwest to west Prime Rib 15 to 20 knots tonight Cloudy DANCING with snow and rain lods) and of BEEF Anniversary tonight Visibility two miles or FRIDAY less in precipitationloday and 4 til Closing tonight Average wave heights Complete Cake For two to four feet through the 6.49 SATURDAY day EVERYBODY!- 8 til Closing TIDES Swiss Denture $10(1.00 Repairs $10 to $15 Saady Hook HUi.-lliH-. *SERVED WITH DIMMERS ONLY! TODAY - High 10 39 p in Relines $50 Muco-Seal Denture and low 4 32 p in TOMORROW - High Hi II Medicaid am and 1119 p m and low 4 3ta m and5 04 p in Conventional Dentine $145.00 Insurance For Red Bank and Runison Plans bridge, add two hours. Sea Bright, deduct 10 minutes also, A Program for Senior Citizens Long Branch, deduct 15 Hoi jppoimmcnl oi turtfiv informal minutes. Highlands bridge, ( a/I i add 40 miniilc, WMMIMOTO" - IMMMI Wt«t««i >•' »l« nfrt •! m*ilmimt t»«»»r«liKti f*r ll-kMr Mrlt#. mlBlmilin Itni- K2TJ1?»« mi pr«,,.W>«. l.t » ^A ;/ /' /' , la, pfIM ia«M I PM . >!•• »»olM' ^L'r.. vianC-iaLoweniUin Route thirty-five, Eatontown, N.J.

Albany \fii/u •• Altw'qu* « V « "• phone: five, four, two-oh, ate ,oh. oh! Ammlllo 11 )J ««» SIB 1 JI m- 'eguiivd in u)gi;>du*i cawst 4 The Daily Register SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY JANUARY I ErnetuA.DeMaHilll Matawan ups rate on utilities FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP cated near Mulaney Tire Ser- -Ernest A DeMasi III, 15, of •y WARREN RICKEY Ihe water and sewer rate in by the stale to enter the BRSA its own plant, no one supported Obituaries 6 Tudor Road, died Monday at creases were necessary be- In April of 1177 for secondary him in his efforts to keep the vice, Broad Street, from a resi- MATAWAN - The Borough plant and stay out of the dential lo "general business" IIIIHHH.1H...UHHHIM IIIMIIHIIHIMIMMIIIIIIWtMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIUIIIIIHKIM HIIII the Freehold Area Hospital Council introduced ordmaiu cs cause both utilities must be treatment of the effluent and zone Bom in Washington I) I' . lasl iiiulil railing for a 62 5 "self liquidating." ihe elimination of sludge BRSA Cynthia W yrkoff Collar! he lived in Connecticut before percent increase in local water Mrs Lupi said lhal the 50 Edward Thompson of "We have Ic slop some- The residents stated lhat place, " the resident said of the they had earlier successfully MIDD1.ET0WN - Miss Sr. of Sanibel, Fla and moving here two years ago rales and a 50 percent increase percent increase in sewer Broad Street, a truck driver, increasing utility costs Cynthia W Collart. 4, ol 13 Harwichport, Mass. He was an eighth grade slu in local sewer rates rates was necessary because objected lo the rate increases argued before the Zsning "You give me a suggestion Cardinal Rd , died Monday at The John E. Day Funeral dent al the Eisenhower School Ihe iiuicased rales would the Bayshore Regional Sew during the public portion of the Board that the property should that 1 can take to the stale and Rivervlew Hospital, Red Home, Red Bank, is in charge here. cost tht' average hoineiwnei erage Authority (BRSA) in- meeting remain resideiilially toned 111 go to them." Mayor Hank of arrangements Surviving are tils parents, 133 a quarter rather ihan the creased iLs rates and will con "How can people keep As a result of the objection, Armellino said. Born in Red Hank, she had Mr and Mrs Ernest A lie current til fur sewers, and linue lo increase its rates until paying for this''," Mr Thomp- the council passed the meas- lived hen- since her birth JoHeph Fornino Mas! Jr. with whom lU Imil (1219 lathii than Ihe mm MB. son asked the council "People Mrs Lupi said lhat while ure in order to beat a state Surviving are her parents, three brothers, Christopher I' iiiiuin t; .MI i|uailerly for wa She said that because in are working a minimum of 40 the slate ordered Matawan lo deadline of Feb 1 for passage Mr and Mrs Lucien It Collart LONG BRANCH - Joseph DeMasi, Troy A DeMasi and lei 1977 Ihe BRSA decidld to in- hours a week just to keep up join the BRSA, Matawan does of the zoning ordinance The Jr . a sister, Nina Collar! al Fomino, M, of HI Art St., died Gregory E. DeMasi. all al Ciiuncilwoman Mary BUM clude in Ihe rales the capital and the only way it goes is up, not have a vote on the six council, however, unanimously IKJIIH1, het paternal grand- Monday at Monmouth Medical home, three sisters Ihe Miss l.upl explained Ilia! Ihe water (usi indebtedness and re up, up, "he said commissioner BRSA board voted lo ammend the or- parents, Mr and Mrs Lucien Center. Long Branch es Michelle 1. DeMasi. Lurella tale iniiease was due to a financed its debt, the borough Mayor Victor Armellino "We're stuck with laws too dinance to designate the two Collar* Sr of Spring Lake, and Born in Long Branch, he DeMasi. and Angela M lie projected. $112.50(1 increase in rates rose from $500 per mil told the resident that the stale which we're not happy with," lots as residential^ zoned was a resident of the area all Masi, all al home, his paternal lion gallons of effluent m 1977 had dictated to the borough to the councilwoman said her maternal grandparents, apprapriatloni Bhe said the in- In other action, Coun his life He was a truck driver grandparents, Mr and Mrs lo $575 or a $227,000 borough enter the BHS A. A public hearing on the wa Mr and, Mrs Thomas H Mann eretae Lndudei • JH.;»IK) HI cilwoman Shirley Henderson for Fort Monmoulh until 1077 Ernest A DeMasi Si of appropnation in 1978 "I don't enjoy it," he said, ter and sewer rale increases i lease in salaries, allocatutii of said because the borough went when he retired Mr Fornino Morgantown, W Va . his mi In 1979. the rate will in pointing out that he had been will be held at the council's Kuril E. Van I1S.0O0 to pay a slate man out for bids for 1979 Insurance, was a communicant of Our lernal grandmother. Mrs dated full-time Incused water cicasc to $650 per million opposed to joining the BRSA, Feb 8 meeting II the or- Malawan may save about WEST LONG MIANIH- Lady Star of the Sea Church Maxine Hilderbrand nf Slat plant n|H'ra1iii, a ptojetted HI t'allmis which would equal an and that he was trying to break dinance is passed, the new $30,000 this year. Ituth K Van Gejder, II, M here City, W.Va , and his maternal |M-rtcut increase in ' nlhei ex esiinialed appropriation by the away from Ihe BRSA in order rates would become effective Victor Ave . died Monday at He it survived by his wife, great-grandfather, Warren peiiteii and Jl 2.000 in interest borough in 1979 of $265,000 to bring the sewer rales down April I Mayor Armellino said Ihe Ihe Weslwood Hall Nursing the former Evelyn Pugh; one Martin of Star City.W.Va no noil's Im Hie estiinaled This increase causes Ihe "People are not going to be The council held a public $90,000 might account for 3-4 Home. Long Branch brother, John of Atlantic High- The Freeman Funeral Itgt.OMrenova'Uon ol the MM borough to have to increase ils able to pay it." the resident hearing on Ihe borough s /on cents in the lax rate, and he Bom in l.akehurst. she had lands and two sisters. Mrs Home. Freehold, is In charge dlesex Road water plant revenue by $I20.000. she said stated "They are going lo go ing ordinance added that last year insurance lived here for Ihe past H5 William Ciccone and Mrs of arrangements The. (iiuneilwoinan pointed By 1VB3 sewei tales (m Ihe to pay for il and the well is Several residents attended costs in the borough increased >ear>. Harry Mundell, both of Long i.ul lhal the borough has mil borough arc estimated al going to be dry." Mr Thomp- Ihe hearing and voiced objec- by Miss Van ('.elder retired in Rranch. M.MK.E,VanGelder had In im tease the watei iate reaching $925 per million son said tion to a. provision of the or- Mrs Henderson said the itM from the llelinar School Hoffman Funeral Home, SUKC ID7II. despile using ((ists gallons The mayor said lhat prior dinance which would have borough received two bids for WEST I.ONC. BRANCII- system, where she had been a Long Branch, is in charge of changed two adjacent lots lo- insurance coverage Ruth E Van Gelder. 91. Ml she |niinh-ii inn lhal both The borough was mandated tu 1977 when Ihe borough had teacher for 40 years arrangements Victor Ave , died Miinila> al She was a 1907 graduate of the Westwnod Hall Nursing Ihe Chattel High School, Long Mrs. Elsie V.Taylor Home, Long Branch Hranch. and had earned her KEANSBURG - Mrs Born in Lakehuisl she had bachelor's and master's Elsie V Taylor. 54. of I:. lived here ' fur the pasl KT> Board is told not to settle suit degrees Irom New York Uni llrookside Ave. died yester years provide their "fair share" of versity. By MARK (iHAVKN business and professional of Hut in the meantime, Ihe zoning ordinance amendment day at the Rayihore Communi Miss Van Qeldei retired in low- and moderate-income She was a communicant of HAZI.KT - Towllsilp At (id's township has adopted a new unreasonable ty Hospital, Holmdel. following 1933 from the Belmir ichoo] housing to meet regional Christ Church. Shrewsbury, loniey Francis X Journick However. Sherman's at master plan — based on over a The amendment was a long illness system, where she had been a needs and WBS a member of its worn lasl night advised township of- tomey. Saul Cohen, has filed a year of study — which calls for passed, after power passed out Born in Brooklyn, NY, she teacher for 40 years But according lo Thomas en's club ficials against "an amlciidc motion with Superior Court a ban on building anymore of the hands of politicians who had lived in Keansburg for the She was ,t 1907 graduate of favored constitution of multiple Kelly, planning board chair- She is survived by a sister. restitution nf a luw suit Judge Merrill Lane Jr . asking multiple dwelling housing pasl 10 years the Chattel High School. Long dwelling housing man, the township already has Miss Sarah J Van ('.elder, with brought .)>> a developer who lhat the cnmtniltec be included According lo Mr. Journick. She was employed as a tele- Branch, and had earned her enough land designated for whom she lived, and several in the law suit, charging lhal Mr Cohen will have lo show Former mayors Stephen J phone operator by the New bachelor's and mait'ei • wants in build 'J.' tawhhouw mult! family housing to stand nieces and nephews units nil Houte 36 al Poole kve Ihe new zoning ordinance is thai the township's new zoning Filardi and Herbert Kupfer Jersey Bell Telephone Com- degrees from New York Uni were voted out of office be up lo any legal challenge And The Flock Funeral Home, tine part of a conspiracy" lo deny ordinance is arbitrary despite pany in Red Bank versity cause they favored multiple township officials have argued Uing Hianch. is in charge of Sherman r.uiMnn (tun his clients rights. Mr Jour the fad that it is based on She was a member of Tele- She was a communicant of dwelling housing that Ha/Jei is not a developing arrangements panv. Railway, liled lull in Su nick said considerable research and phone Pioneers of America. Christ Church. Shrewsbury, community parlor Court several months The IMtlar is scheduled lo planning But. in 1976. their faction of Surviving are her mother, and was a member of ils worn- ago against Ihe Township be heard before Judge Lane on While Sherman proposes lo Ihe Democratic Party had Mr Cohen must bring facts John Mulvihill Mrs. Elsie Corcoran of en's club I'latinine. Hoard and its mem- Keb li Mr Journick said build the townhouses. the land passed an interim zoning or lhat show that the township Keansburg; four sisters, Mrs MIDDLETOWN - John She is survived by a ilitei bers, alleging lhal the board In December of 1977, Judge on ltiiuie :Mi IS still owned by dinance lhat paved the way tor has arbitrarily discriminated Gertrude Gardner of Mount Mulvihill, 36, of 71 Hamilton Miss Sarah J. Van ('.elder, with • umpired lo arbitrarily deny Lane had declared an am UIUIS Manfra Jr of Bloom additional niullrdwelling nous against his client. Mr Jour Pocono, Pa, Mrs Mary John Ave , Leonardo, died yeaster whom she lived, and several site plan appinval loi Ihe $:t 5 mcmlmcnl In the township's field ing following toe New Jersey tuck said son of Jamestown, NY . Mrs nieces and nephews day al liiverview Hospital, • project interim /ng Branch, is in charge ol Bom ,„ county Kerry. Ire ^^T^ ""* nick, "the v.lmlc issue is moot" dwelling housing as un against the township that re In Ihe Mount Laurel de the basis of 20 objections to the arrangements iision Ihe court ruled lhal de plan itself, rather Ihan land, she moved here 16 years The John J Ryan Home for because the township has re reasonable became it wasn'l suited in Judge Lane's 1977 hacked up by a study ruling declaring Ihe inlerum veiopmg communities had to philosophical differences. ago from Jersey City Funerals, Keansburg, is in Micharl I*. Sacco (cntlN ie/imcd Ihe land foi Before his retirement lasl charge of arrangements year, hi' was a longshoreman LONG BRANCH-Michael and a member of I LA ISHH of P Sacco, 34, of 42 Slemberger f Bayonne Louis SaniKon Ave died yesterday at Mini He was a communicant of mouth Medical Canter Hazlet may need cap waiver St. Agnes Human Catholii OCEAN TOWNSHIP - Born in Utica, NY. he Church in Atlantic Highlands Louis Samson, 76. of 1108 High came here from Newark five By MARK GBAVEN viously been dominated by rail Newins and Kenneth F.llen Surviving are his wife. way 33, died yesterday at Jer- years ago He was a rnuiu'iliiii.', Mayor William llaines esti- York Transil Corporations commuters. Mr llaines said Kileen 0Connor Mulvihill, and sey Shore Medical Center, psychologist for the stale of mated lhat the 1979 budget will bus drivers' strike luck HAZI.KT- The Township The five members of 4he two stilts John Mulvihill Jr Neptune New York and a charter t he iHlween 1 and 2 percent Mr Pierce had also re We re still looking for an Committee is scheduled in r commuter committee are Rob and Maurice Mulvihill. both al Born in Russia, he lived in berof the Lincntfl I.inns Club over what the stale's , i- quested that the governor other member,' said Mr nice! Satuidav foi Us final percent liudi;ei cap will allow ert Ward, Thomas Hynes, llaines We hope a woman home. «. Ocean Township for nine He is survived b) his wife 1 direct stale Trasporlalion IIHIIL!' ! • r sum hill nlfn Kits lasl >e;n s liudgel 'Was" Harry W Frankel. Rdvsard W,JJ apply The John J' Condon FUB6r years the former Prederica \viuit> Conimissione! Louts (iambac- He owned a greenhouse and a son Michael P Jr , a d.'iUK'1* are not optimistic thai Ihe $.1.OH3.524 Cull to declare a proposed al Hume. Atlantic Highlands, i iixlr ii (an be trimmed enough is in charge of arrangements retired from the business eight ter, Tracey. both al home and Nonetheless, Ihe municipal p.nk ami iiite facility on Route years ago his parents Mr and Mis In avoid ROBlg I IIM mtliiM tax late will remain stable al 36 as a regional transporlation WINTER There are jio known sur Joseph Sacco, I 'lira. N N lusei'ka rap walvei 55 cents per $10(1 ol assessed need, and allocate funds for 103. In Memorlom vivors The WooUey Funeral ii Kerns like we're going valuation. Mr Hamessaid the project SPECIAL in Losing Mir* Albert Lawrence The Richard C Hoydal Fu Home. Long Kraneh. is in In ha\e In rjJQ In a lefelcli I Ins is |x>ssililc hecausu the Township officials have (•Ins II Flvt yi an 17. im Sadly niued. deep in our heorti your memo neral Home, here, is in charge charge of arrangeini'iils ilum. said I iniiiiiilleeinan cnmniiitccmen plan lo dip mlo been unsuccessful in their at y ti kept we love you loo dearly ewer William llmiilrcau u Inrgel of arrangements. ' a $300.000-surplus to cover Ihe tempts lo secure funds for the Si*ter%on(ilhfir lotnlllei Mn*. Winifred ('.. The reason, according la budget increase, tie said facility, which would abut the ' iiiniiiitii' John I'i'iie Is Miss D. M. Doughty I . ki-lly Officials said it was too MI the New York-Kcansburg- m Oeolh Notice* that Ibfed costs are splrallng !> in come up with an exact UHIK Branch Bus Company's There isn't much •» I an Airport Plaza Terminal, Route COLLART — Cjnlhlo Wyckoll NEPTUNE •- Miss Diane HO I. Ml) K.I. - Mrs figure on this year's budget uge 4. ol MltMlelojvn. on Jon IS, 197V M. Doughty. 16. of 635 Green Winifred C Kelly, S9. Di l.itile Chop. Unit-pletl Ml I'lel ( e Mayor Ihnnes said that the H. Ooi>gtiW of Mr ft Mil Lucien R Col Of FIR GOOD larl Jr Siller ol Nino Grandduitghlei Grove ltd . died Tuesday at Silver, died on Honda} al (he loss nf an expelled $65,000 III A meeting of Ihe township s of Mr AMi- LurienR ( ollorl Sr ond THROUGH FRIDAY, JAN. 19 Mr I Mri Itioma* O Mann Si Ser Point Pleasant Hospital, Point Holmdel Convalescent C federal "antl-receislon" funds Commuter Committee is v>< e 01 the John F Day Funeral Home. Pleasant scheduled tomghl at Townhall IS Rivefilde Awe . Red Bank, on enter, llolmdtl has aggravated Ihe lownship's WeancMfoy al t X) p m visitation Born in Red Bank, she had Born in Counly Rowcpm LAljUINTA, CALIF. - mone) difficulties Mayor llaines appointed Wednesday 7 4. I w p m Memorial donations In Uir CvnVlId W t.illijri been a resident of Neptune for num. Ireland, she (ami' in .Inseph PelrunelU. Ml. .1 ,,K|I In iilhri, business. Ml fivejnew members lo Ihe com- 842-8058 i ui'i prtftrrfd the past 13 years after having South Orange in IMii lived Calle Sown a died Mondas al fierce said lie has received im niittee Jan 1 with an eye to 3S Monmoulh SI KELLY —Winifred C (Lfcnehanl moved from Middletown there for 65 years, and muved the KiM'iiliauei Memorial ilos retpgnse from Oov Brendan giving more representation lo Red Bank of I title Silver. N J , on Jon Is. IffT Beloved wife of the late Polrtcfc J Kel At the time of her death, to Little Silver in Ilitil ' pilal. in Palnf Desert T Byrne on Ins request lhal bus commuters t7c£ Cfiio/n oicyie. ly Devoted mother of Col Eugene J she was a student in the I lth Ihe governor intervene — "use Kelly of Shreveport. La . William I . of Her husband. Patrick J Born In Omaha in- came lo The committee had pre I .Ml* Mhm Vincent X , of Fort grade al Neptune High School Kelly, died III 1 H'»h Long Branch, N ,1 , eighl years IlLS good offices' - In help Wayne. Ind. oearge ' . ol Auburn Vwns , and the late Lawrence P Kelly. Surviving are her parents, Surviving are loui HH1I ano He was the owner of Han seiile the Asbury I'ark-New Alio survived by H grundrhildren and Mr. and Mrs Herbert L right yreol yundchlldren Relatives Colonel Eugene .1 Kell) "f i lleanei B and I B.II01 B in Fair untf triendi ore respectfully Invited to Doughty of Neptune, two sis- Shreveport. La, William .1 Haven, and a rhember of the •nend the funeral Irom Joseph W Preston Funeral Home, IS3 South Or ters, Mrs Deborah Mauro of Kelly of i.iiile Silver, Vtnoent Long Branch Ho:.pel Hall Lottery winner ange Ave . (opposite Prospect St ). West Palm Beach, Fla , and X. Kelly of Fort Wayne, hid Stiuth Urange. on Friday at lOo m Ihe Surviving are his wife, Ihe rilF.NTON (AP) - The Moss will be offered In Our Lady Ol Miss Judith Moore at home; a George F Kelly of Auburn. former BJeeka rivlet and two Vtriows Church. South Orange, at II winning number in New Jer • in, interment In SI Mary't Ceme brother, Herbert I. Doughty Mass., eleven grandchildren sdits, Daniel .mil William, both lery. Boonton N J visiting hours Jr. al home, and a maternal Bey's I'ick-ll Lottery yester- Because we're Thursday only. Mi 7 9pm and eight great giandrlnlili en here grandmother, Mrs. Catherine day was 251. A straight bet The Joseph W Preston Ku The Wiinllc) IMIII rial 5 Schiele of West Palm Beach, paid $194 50, bux paid $32 and KINO — "»<"•» •' Shrewsbury , necal Home, South Orange, is Home, Long Branch! is In on Jon I*. 1979 Husband of Mnr(orle Fla Ihe pairs paid $19 (nee Pclmroset, tother ol Hodlty S Jr . in charge ol arrangeinenl s charge of arrangements taking inventory, all Or James r -. Richard C . Dr Mary Beth levlne ond Mor|orle Ann Long Vlsllo The Robert A Braun Home lion ill the John E Day Funeral Home, IS lor Funerals, F.atontown, is in ' (riverside Ave , Red Bank. Thursday. I 4. OPEN MON.-SAT. 8-5:30, FRI. till 9 P.M. ? 9 p m services Friday, time and plate charge of the arrangements in be announced Abraham and Straus USTOM CUT Our 54th year A stores will be open Whole, Untrimmed Beef Loin FANTASTICALLY FREEZER-WRAPPED lOwtlS"' FOR QUALITY at 12 noon on TO YOUR ORDER ALUMINUM COMBINATION coupon- Thursday, January 18 SHELLS,1 WINDOWS & DOORS ib. t and remain open, late, BEEF See The Heavy Duty Good till Jan »1,1»79 with this coupon only The HUSKY for your shopping Energy Conservation Tan Credit WHITE ALUMINUM Will Help COMBINATION WINDOW Buy Them For You! convenience. • triple track • fully weather stripped' • cleans easily from Inside • quality throughout FREE INSTALLATION (mln. 0) Brooklyn store open til 9 p.m.; 18-22 Ib.avg. Queens, Long Island and all The new energy conservation tax credit will pay 15% Jersey stores 'til 9:30 p.m. one per customer of what you Invest (up to $2000) in replacing your old, THE MEAT DOCTOR energy-wasting windows. FREE ESTIMATE FREE MEASURING SERVICE W/ORDER open Thurt.-Sun. 9—5 ^^m Abraham '.„, Straus 4 mos. tame as cash 32 BROAD ST. flfc 7417500 Q3 RED BANK 49S-0412 •"• Brooklyn • Queens • Hempsiead • Manhassel • Babylon • Huniingion 58 Church St. Keansburg , Snulh Haven • Monmoulh • Patamus • Woodbtidge SHREWSBURY. N J WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17 1979 The DtftyRegMer 5 Hart continues questioning Holmdel court

By BOB BRAMLEY system is necessary or desirable at a future meeting trative Officer is pending. Township Committee has authorized immediate purchase of a Mr Hart's concern arises from an alleged incident in the Mr. Hart said he will return to renew his inquiries new and improved court recording system at a cost not to HOLMDEL — Without commenting on the performance of Municipal Court session of Aug 7 of last year, when charges "I'll be back until some report from the administrator HIM exceed $2,450 The system, required in any case for the pro Municipal Court Judge Kenneth R Smith Jr , Mayor James M against John Perry, a neighbor of Mr Hart's, of assaulting Mr this, becallse it's an important matter. Mr Hart announced posed new municipal building, will be installed a little early to Cox last night invited members of the press to attend any Hart's 14-year-old son were dismissed by Judge Smith Mayor Cox reported that the members of the Township take over the duties of the present malfunctioning system The Municipal Court session in Township Hall and judge for them Mr Hart contends that after the judge dismissed the Committee have listened to the court tapes since they have been i'oniniittee referred the site plan ol the M million new municipal selves , charge, he turned to the defendant and remarked. "I'm sur- returned from the court administrator and added that John J complex to the i'lanning Board /or review- and recommends The Municipal Court meets each Monday at I am and prised you didn't hit the little brat harder " Coughlin, township administrator, has sat in on Municipal Court lions y continues until about 1pm An investigation of Judge Smith's behavior in the case and sessions to evaluate J udge Smith's conduct of the court Mr Coughlin said that bids on yronstruction of the new Mayor Cox'i invitation came after Calvin C Hart of 48J of the tapes on which the case was recorded, which are garbled "Well, I'm sure the judge has been on his good behavior," complex may be received March 6, infwhich case ground could Schanck Road once again urged the Township Committee to set because of a malfunction ol the recording machine, has been Mr Hart remarked be broken before the end of March up a system of court Watchers to make sure the judge is undertaken by the Administrative Officer of the Courts. "I think that remark Is out of line," the mayor responded The committee authorized purchase of a used car far Mr behaving ui a judicial and professional manner In answer to a question from Mr Hart, S Thomas Gagliano Backing Mr. Hart's demand for a watchdog on the court was Coughlin from Budget Kent A Car of Red Bank on a low bid uf Mr Hart reminded the committee that according to a story township attorney, reported that no decision on the judge's Mrs Douglas Mitchell of 2 Eagle Hill Koad, who said her MM H.200 in the New York Times, such a system is in effect in higher conduct has been forwarded by the Administrative Officer, was subjected to similar treatment by Judge Smith The township ilerk was authorized to sign the 197S contract courts in New Jersey and would serve to assist the committee in although a finding that the tapes were garbled because of an "1 wou|d like a lay committee to investigate and monitor the for services with the Mi'oss Family Health and Nursing discharging its responsibility to see "that we have the very best apparent malfunction has been made court If the judge acts like this most of the time. w« would all Service Mayor Cox expressed gratification that this year's man." The mayor and committeemen have refused to discuss the benefit from it," Mrs Mitchell declared contract caOl l"i • reduced tW Ol II,500 Last year's fee W| Mayor Cox said the committee will discuss whether such a case or take any actMti while the decision from the Adminis One result of the incident Mr Hart dearribod is Hull DM 13.000 Controversial pot bill appears headed for defeat 25 grams of marijuana or less TRENTON (AP) - A con Bergen bill sponsored by Sen frank render the bill more en- It was released last Novem- burdens on law enforcement marijuana than five grams of hashish. troversial bill to decriminalize Hagedorn said he had been1 The amendments, spon- forceable and acceptable." ber from the trait* Judiciary personnel and prevent users Dodd, D-Essex. would have re- according tu a Department of possession of small amounts of flooded with calls from irate sored by Sen Steven Perskie, said Perskie. "They tend to Committee by a minimum 6-4 from begin stigmatized as duced sanctions for possession Uw and Public Safety report marijuana was revised yester parents who are "frustrated, of 28 grams or less of mari- 1) Atlantic, also would make strengthen and upgrade the vote mimnals Hashish Is a resin extracted day in the Senate to increase scared and frightened by juana to a 150 fine. using or being under tlje in provisions of the bill " '' Decriminalization of mari- from the marijuana plant the proposed penalties what's taking place in the Sen Under amendments fluence of marijuana punish Law enforcement officials Supporters of the measure juana is not a liberal cause." The amended penalties in But the measure, which is ate." adopted by the Senate, the pen- able by the same penalties as have estimated 28 grams, contend reducing penalties lor said David Hochner. ACI.l' the bill also include possession expected to be voted on when A straw vote in the 27-mem- alties would be increased to a possession of 28 grams or less. slightly less than an ounce, possession of small amounts of legislative director. of six grams or less of hasish the Senate returns Thursday. her Democratic caucus $250 fine for first offenders and The bill originally con would supply between 35 and marijuana would reflect a sen A total nl 36.526 arrests and using or being under I he appears headed for certain de showed only six senators in a 1500 fine for second offenders tamed no penalties for using or 50 "joints," the common term sislmU to its social aciop were made between 1072 and influence uf hashish feat favor of the measure while a convicted within two years of being under the influence of for marijuana cigarettes tance. remove enforcemenl 1976 for possession of less than "This is one of the most similar poll in the 13-member the first offense marijuana Present law makes The measure has been en- insidious pieces of legislation QOF caucus revealed not New Jersey law now calls a person using or under the dorsed by state Attorney Gen- that ever came before the Ben more than two in favor, for a maximum fine of 1500 and influence of marijuana a dis- era) John. Degnan and the ate," said Senate Minority sources said a six-month jail term for orderly person American Civil Liberties Un- FIND SUPER Leader Garrett Hagedorn. H As tfig|Nlly written, the possession of any amount of "These amendments will ion of New Jersey HikeMiddletown school tax rate By BOB BRAMLEV over the current figure and the paled $35 million in stale ditional fringe benefits, com the only two figures on which MIDDI.ETOWN - Meeting maximum amount permitted school building aid, it will be . prising dental and disability in the electorate will vote LUCKY 4 PAYS briefly last night in special ses- by state mandated caps Capi- added to the budget total to surance. up $127,100, transpor An increase in the levy for sion before its workshop and tal outlay at 175.000 Is down make a revised total of tation contracts, up $88,566; re- debt service from $938,365 this Prices Effective thru Saturday, January 20 executive sessions, the Hoard 125.000 from the 1978-79 figure $29,051,991. Paul W Bennett, placement of school buses. year to $956,262 in 1979-80 has of Education adopted a 1979 K0 MM service, which is nol the board's business adminis $23,000 and Social Security. already been approved by vot- school budget which will in voted on in the school elei lion trator. explained $34,000. Mr Bennett reported ers who favored the board's crease the local tax rale IK in Apnl. totals 11.495,500, down Most of the proposed in Township voters wdl be outstanding bond issues cents per 1100 of assessed vita 162.041 from the current fig- crease in the spending plan asked to approve a local tax The projected school tax alum if approved by township ure appears in salaries of all kinds, levy for current expense of rate for 1979-80, based on an voters The total proposed budget which total $17,257,583, up $12 $15,173,473. up from this year's estimated $633 million in total Current expense in the pro is »••:. .•:.! **Mi up t!6 million million or about 7 percent over $14,008,246 The levy for capital township ratables, is $2 56 per posed budget totals f23.9Hl.49l over the current budget total the 1978-79 figure outlay will be $44,283. up from $100 of assessed valuation, up up II 7 million or 7 5 percent If the board receives an antici Other increases include ad- the current $40,690 These are from this year's rate of $2 38 Rich leather-look desk accessories State ranks 7th in tax burden C 1 97 TRKNTON (Al ) - New, position o( the slate income lax al income, gas sixth among spite imposition of a state in- menu or stale payments for Jersey moved from 10th to sev >itn uir 1976 the states, the NJTA said come tax, it said Wipe-clean vinyl accessories include a i|psk pad, ova , semresen/iresi thathatt wouwould1 olnerwlsotherwisee enth place among the MitCl III Property taxes accounted m addition, more than half " letter batket, adtiresi book, memo bo* with paper About 55 percent of the total the total »tate ami laMl BM lui slti/hlK mure -B. uf state budgeted expenditures y,. funded by local property uikly. pen and base, chunky pad. bulletin stale and local taxes were nmi tn much mni" Fuf ftonie m "' $1,089. Massachusetts with personal income ranked Itth $1,082. Wyoming with $933 and among the M stales and below Hawaii with $974 the national average ol I12R SPECIAL PURCHASE Beaulilul brass bracken in elegant while They The lowest state was Ar Under this measure. New What an inexpensive way lu add <* imai I 1 kansas with $494 Jersey's property tax burden Choice ot sturdy 6" planters in terrific colbts look terrific end they're so easy to ittKh, loo Black nail bracken $107 each , New Jersey's relatively still ranked high The Garden Take a train, take a plane, 8 quart potiiny toil 974 bag large per capita lax burden State, with a properly lax was attributed to initial mi burden ol «3 per 11.000 person go by car, near or far — but stop into If s a clean sweepl Sure you can "ANNIE-SEZ" Useful mops and pay your bills before you leave. brooms give you at night... the an easy clean-up A once in a season special Adorable, lovable easiest way, healthy parakeets the time saving purchase of Famous Designer 857 Gin y anr housework a bout(wnti Fashions at 50% OFF Regular Cute, happy birds with lavish way, the less mufjs t*rui bruumtl Choose the sponge mop, |)lurnag>* Ttn>y M* 10 i' II> an angled broom fur haul tu and love tu ilu (i ic ki Retail Prices. Pure silk linen gel at areas Hnqhtiy cotOfld NandlH, 'oo' expensive way Tropical fish . .3 for $1.37 tops & bottoms, printed or solid AitllaM* only In Horn with P»l D»pU silk shirts 'n skirts. Luxurious cotton skirts and butter soft baby corduroy. Fantastic at $ 99 $ 39 to KK) Handy helpers to 24-gal. trash con Twin size kitchen get the job done! has lock-on lid set is so useful! (Made to Sellfor u p to *a0O) Size82tol2 New Spring Colors! sr Plaint drop Llulh is 108 sq It Ruggedly constructed •:,h dr«mi>r and 12 ihieli ijndpspm. 2 pkgj.* 1 tight hd lock handles to kwp with a scrubbing pull plut It's Time To Discover Vx60 vdinwlking lap*. Hi I ml So sturdy' a dish in Annie Sez A FABULOUS NEW SERVICE AT

490RROADST. RTE. 35 SHREWSBURY, NJ 9: JO A.M. TO 9 P.M. SAT TO 6 P M Keystone Savings PHONE 842OO11 Broad Street, Red Bank Stores in Clifton, N.J. Manuel ft HarUdale. NY. The Daily Register Hands-off policy may have hurt

Established in IH7S - Published bv Thr Hcd Hank Regisler IUIIII u ft • 1 > A111i i 11 ft • ft1i i i1 ft.ft 141I1 • • • III Ull Hil I anu Amin forces. Kenya's ac- I IIIHHlllHIIIII IHU MI1IIMI tflMI mill ••twiiMM tions in the sun with allied BY JACK ANDEBSON quiescence was needed be- leaders at Guadeloupe, he WASHINGTON - Still ctus« the supplies would have ARTHUR Z KAMIN seemed perpetually tired -.marling from our disastrous WASHINGTON to be flown in through Kenyan President and Editor aides say The president stlU intervention in Vietnam, as airtptce can't bring himself to delegate well as other botched attempts Embassy officials in Nairo- SCENE enough detail work lo sub Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor by the CIA to engineer the bi immediately sent off a se- ordinates He is not content to overthrow of foreign rulers, cret cable to Washington de muni IIHI IUIIIII ilium shape policy, he also insists on g WEDNESDAV JANUARY t • •. ihe I'niled States has become tailing Mayengo s alternative tinkering with the nuls and understandably leery of med- transferred most of his mili- requests A few days later. bolts ol government "II must illint; in the internal affairs of tary force from the capital city they informed the exiled lead be his engineering back- 'Sadat and Begin got Nobel prizes in other countries of Kampala to the Tanzaman er that he had been turned border To the Ugandan dissi- down. ground," one associate sug- This hands-off policy, gested ruefully though a preferable way of dents, it looked like a golden Inside sources told our as- advance. Whv can't we?' — Those smoke-filled conducting foreign affairs in opportunity to strike down the sociate Gary Cohn, however, Nov 21. 1177 to take a tougher rooms at the Treasury Depart- most cases, can also lead to hated dictator that the US embassy did in stand against Idi Amin Ac- ment are thick with the aroma missed opportunities when fol- The uprising was to start fact notify the Kenyans of cording lo secret Cabinet of Jamaican Temple Hall lowed too strictly For exam- with the seizure of whatever Mayengo's approach but did minutes, Housing and Urban cigars That's the brand Treas- ple, the striped-pants set arms were left in Kampala not seek to exercise any in Development Secretary Patri- ury Secretary Michael backed off a recent, riSk-frM and the capture of Entebbe, fluence on their decision This cia Harris raised the subject, Blumenthal smokes He opportunity to rid the world of the airport outside the capital was actually a disservice, as it expressing hope the US "will purchases them in New York President Idi Ami!!, the The rebels' expectation was tipped off the Kenyan govern- do everything in its power lo City from Alfred Dunhlll o( bloody-handed dictator of that they could hold out until ment to the rebels' plans afld isolate the Ugandan govern lx>ndon ($28 75 lo 111.25 per Uganda weapons and other supplies provided a pretext lor further ment " She noted the "astronomical number of box) But the cigar pollution in US officials were ap- cotild be flown In to solidify harassment of Ugandan exiles their coup. The rebels figured blacks who have been the secretary's backrooms is proached by Ugandan dissi- In Kenya they would have enough am- murdered" by Amin (esti- beginning lo lill Aides say he dents who wanted help to over- State Department sources munition to hold Entebbe for mates run from 150,000 to has been smoking less lately throw Amin The Slate Depart- told us the rebels' requests only four to six hours without 300.000) - Federal Trade Com- ment refused, and Ihe story were rejected because "the reinforcements missioner Elizabeth Dole, wife was buried in Foggy Bottom's United States will not involve The Administration, of Sen Robert Dole, R-Kans, secret files until now Here are Mayengo asked thai the itself in the removal of Idi spurred by Congress, has became absorbed recently In the facts: United States provide arms Amin by force" But onecracked down by cutting off all studying the proposed rules to Last Nov 3, Israel May and supplies, but no man- source who was unhappy with trade with Uganda But when curb advertising .ninni at chil- cngo 11I the Uganda Na- power. In the event the rebels the decision commented: "One the crunch came, the timdrous dren The briefing papers had tionalists Organization ap- succeeded in seizing Entebbe only wonders how many Ugan- policy-makers in the State De so many references to choco- proached U S embassy of- If Washington would not dans have died in the past few partment muffed a chance to lates, caramels and sugar ficials in Nairobi, Kenya, with supply arms, Mayengo wanted weeks while the US ac- get rid of the Butcher of Ugan- coated cereal that it made her uiliirminimi aboul a promising the United States at least to quiesced in Amin's hold on da at no cost lo the UltttU mouth water Finally, she anti-Amin plot and two modest help influence the Kenyan gov- power ' States could stand it no longer Aides requests for U S help ernment nol to interfere with The U.S. refusal lo become WASHINGTON WIIIHI. s,i\ iba rushed to a nearby At thai time, Amin was un- the rebels' receiving aid from involved in such a risk-free sit- Associates are worried thai vending machine and wolfed drrtakmg an invasion of neigh- another country Israel re- uation is puzzling in light oF President Carter is working down Ihree candy bars boring Tanzania, and hadportedly had agreed to help the (Resident Carter's decision on too hard Refore his consulta- Waking in a new guard dog

By JIM BISHOP IMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIllllllHIHIIIIIinillllllilllMIM vision show and our front door When we re ready lo knock it The pup is sewn months Chang cannot, It nnqs on a nil. hi- wanders over lo the old 1 will decide whether to show and he goes out of his bedroom door, turns himself allow him to become eight He THE mind, woofing and runnina and U|isidi' ilnwn, and props his is 65 pounds ol mouth The getting his hackles up rear (eel against the door He voice has dropped from boy REPORTER makes a few noisy adjust soprano lo jungle This week The best 1 can say is that he ments and he's gone looks Intelligent Out back we he tried something new He IIIHItmiUllfUIIIIIIIIIHIIIIHIIMIIIItllllllOII When Chang is ready for snores have an 80 by 60 patio When . serious sleep — as opposed lo ('hang was a baby he cut holes The situation is pre- bite unto you is my motto. Sus- lun naps — he emits an in the screen and escaped 1 enormous sigh That's Highly potterpui One ol us must re- ie, the oyster gray English sprung for S525 to put in main awake to guard the bulldog, arrived In our house BISHOP night, fare thee well The light aluminum railings to keep him is snapped off and he is gone house Obviously, his mother pregnant This is one hell of a inside The moment the last and father failed to give him condition (or hello She had a while I'm still punching holes one was in place he stopped in a pillow Ihe word At II pm we pushed-in ugly puss with Irving t» get out desert ral He sleeps any awaken him in Ihe living room busted langs slicking out where All the lime When lie A week ago I heard the firsl so thai he can stagger into the How any male dog in his His papers say that he has chooses to romp with his rub- tentative snore I thought bedroom for some serious nghl mind — ah. but that's better ancestors than 1. He ber ball, 1 am expected tn be somebody was tearing a silk Asbury Park project axis another story She had 13 pups housebroke himsell. although playful * dress I snapped 1 In-light on It (hang us nol my first dog over two days The nine living Kelly does nol admire the way He has also become a book was our brilliant puppy I called lo him — soltly. louder, A plan for creation of a i70-million The project's principals are engi- Nor the twentieth He has been ones went on one pile of torn he squats. He is also good al critic My books We came preceded by an enormous ar- newspapers, the stillborns on making enemies of friends home from a movie and three shouting He paid no attention civic and convention center in Asbury neer Leon S. Avakian and i Deal ray of'mutls. hounds, English the other That tomato wa,s so Cluing tries to kill l)r Lester were in shreds I was dose to He had turned off his ears Park has piqued the imagination of architects Frank and Joseph Tomaino. bulldogs, Irish wolfhounds and tired she slept through the first Keiser shredding Chang, but Kelly Two nights ago he starled city and county officials and planners The) won enthusiastic support from shepherds There were some two feedings held me back If I bawl him lull-time snoring It's a jot of weirdos smong tnew. out Hocky was a stalely

10HllKU0Ui0»llTSHOm«Ol Television Today 12 NOON lo MIDNIQH1 N.M York Channel* — 2. I, S. 7, 9, 11, T3 NOW PLAYINO BELMAR JERSEY CITY SHREWSBURY HfcLM*H LO€WS CNEMA 1 EVENING (D BEST OF GROUCHO BLOOMFHELO JERSEY CITY TRIPUH RARITAN . Music Makers Theatres specials (D 10 IELI IHE TRUTH "HAPPY CEMTEB • MATAWAN SOMERVIUE rvm • M BfllCKTOWN CNEMA 34 ffi EXPRftS YOURSElf RIOGEWOOO EVENING ntws 8»C«PUU» I HKO VWWEfl 1 Ml O O AMAZING WORID 01 HOLIDAY" CHEECH a CLIFTON MORRISTOWN TOMS RIVER IU B UVI fROM imCfXH CTNTTr -penman, Mehta and tne • mm BUNCH PSYCHIC- PHfNOMFN* CHONG CUFTON I QCEJWCO UAU 3 New Vork Philharmonic Violin virtuoso Itihak JOKEti WILD 1000 EAST •HUNfiWICK NEWTON _____ UNION Perlman It guest soloist ee 2ubln Mehta conducts ODDCOUflf IOEWS ROUIf 'H 'WIN HFIYTITN IVW.'. RKO UUON the Ntw Vork Philharmonic in a concert from Averv SIUDK) SE! "UP IN FREEHOLD OAKLAND WATCHUNO S (2) CLIENT'S PONOHOAO OAKLAND TWn BLUE STAR TVm Fisher Hall. Included In the pertormence ere pieces SEKESIOf KIICHEN "RENDEZOUS WITH ANNE" SMOKE" HACKENSACK PARSIPPANV WAYNE COUIM BASKEIBAll * SIllNCi WORKS by Stravinsky, Tchaikovsky, and Mussorgsky- RKOORIIANI LOEWS TROY HILLS TWN RKO TWW Raval. Mrs. Joan Mondals, a great proponent of the COWWUiS AGAINST KAZ! r{\ lodill 1 U. Cilllim JACKSON SECAUCUS WEST ORANGE t:M I0VI LUCY arts, hosts. (2 hrs.) 2 . J\J Al All TUHIS OHECTORS CHAIfi LOEWS ESSEX GREEN TWIN ABC NEWS 0 B AMAIMG WORID Of PSYCHIC PHfMOMfNA Raymond Burr HARMON COVE QUAD BOWLING FOR DOLLARS Is ths host of this film probing unexplained a KAJ mysteries of the supernatural. The program will CIS NEWS OSffi NEWS sxernlne various experiment! In ESP, photography SAKfORD AND SON O S VEGAl NEWS 01 thoughts, and ths trantferrat ol thoughts acroti O MEEl IHE MAYORS Musk Makers Theatres (iBOWING YEARS specs being conducted at major reeearch centers. (3D MOVIE ICOMEDY PENNSYLVANIA LOTTERY 170 mlns.) • IT Semi lough CIS NEWS 10)0 O II is wmiiiN O NBC NEWS ffi FOCAL POINI movies BSADY BUNCH HIM ioooi STARTING JAN, 17th IK 1AC DOUGH NEWS EVENING ABC NEWS 8 GONG SHOW IM O O WEDNESDAY NIGHI Al IHI MOVIES 'The People That DATING GAME O UNTOUCHABLES MIDDLEBROOK Time Forgot' 1977 Start. Patrick Wayne, Doug NEWLYWED GAME (D ODD COUPLE McClure. An adventurer learnt of a massage-filled ODD COUPK ID DICK CAVEII SHOW DICK CAVEII SHOW 719P.M 1 & 2 THEATRES cannltter containing information from a friend who ffi IHE BES1 OF IKPRfSS SAT SUN claims to be marooned on a lost island with a MACNEIl-IEHHI REPORI roi»SEii 13 7-9 primitive clvllliatlon (110 mint.) no NEXT S1EP BEYOND mo S CD CBS IA1E MOVIE ROUTE #35—OCEAN TWP. BMOVf (JUVENILE AOVfNItlKfr'i SmnAkxie l«» Oewey EVENING MAGAIINE O O IHE TONIGHT SHQW Martin,. Aldo flay. Seven orphaned children, led by SHA NA NA O "I PATROL the oldeat boy, undertake ths haisrdous 2000 mile _ CAROL BIMNEll Al O 0 POUCI 493-2277 iournty from Missouri to Oregon sfter their parents' FtJEWi WOMAN"MANNIt deaths. (2 hrt.) I KKE IS IIGHI (D HONEYMOONIRS HE) MOVK (MUSICAL) *• lau Walii .1971 The Bend. (Paid H0UYW000 SQUARES © SKYLINE Remember when you and Subscription Television) The scene it San Francis- NEWIYWED GAMl woo O ADAM 1/ co, and the players are giant names In folk, rock I 01 DIARY O MOVIE (COMEDYl •• your family could see and blues, friends who help The Band say good-bye I © NEWS Niohl in C.MblaiKj' IMt t MACNEIl lEHtER REPORT In e movie celebration of the group's farewell Q IWILIGHI (ONE hit movies and not I CLOSE UP NEW JERSEY concert. (2 hra.) (33 MOVIE (MUSKAl) *• WAll STREET PERSPECllVf ID MOVIE (COMEDY) ••• Semi lough Burl Reynolds. MS Walti 1911 1000 LOtlfRY PKK IT DRAWING destroy your budget? Kris Krletotferson. (Paid Subscription Television) 1-51 il» B MOVIE (DRAMA) ••• 1® 'HI INCREDIBLE HULK Two football players know the real scoring begins 100 Man i Wai 1964 0 O WEDNESDAY NIGHT Al THE after the game. The object of their affections Is the' NEWS daughter of the man who owns their team. (2 MOVIES The People Thai O loMomow Time Forgot' 1977 Stai 8 See The hra.) IM O MOVIE (DRAMA MUSICAL)" Patrick Wayne, Doug OMOVIE (COMEDY)'" A tight in Cuabknca 1946 The Marx Young Al Heart I9S4 McClure. \m Brothers, Charlee Drake. Three zanies lerret out O PENNSYLVANIA PERSPfCIIVf IALIH RMA \M 8 MOVIE Two for Ihe Best splat In a Casablanca hotel. (105 mint.) (S) MOW Showcase © MOVI! (MUSICAL) •• lail Walti I9M The Band. (Paid Road' Part I. 1967 * EDWARD Subscription Television) The scene Is San Francis § JOt FRANKLIM SHOW 1 Bib HITS Bl co, and the players are giant names In folk, rock IHE KING" host 2:00 MOVIE IMUSICAI COMEDY! For Less! and blues, friends who hslp The Band say good-bye •••• Anchots AmHjh I945 III.0 lilt [illlC! IIIHI In a movie celebration of the group's farewell Robert MacNeil O NEWS concert. (2 hrt.) 8:00 Pm-CH. 5 O MARCUS WEIBY. MD .Q ALL 5IATS AT Ail TIMES II U O MOVII (DRAMA) ••* One Hani Wai IM4 Don Murray, Ml J-OS 8 THOUGHT FOR IODAY Diana Hyland. A crime reporter, frustrated by • CROSS WITS 2)0 CD MOVIE (ADVENIU(E) " reporting people's problems without being able to ~ EI6H1 IS ENOUGH Black Knnhl I9S4 help Ihem, entera a seminary. (2 hrs., 15 mlns.) 2:45 8 MOVIE (HIS10SKAI DBAMAi 100 O MOVK (MAMA MUSKAl) •• Young Al Heart" 1954 Frank (7) WHO'S CALLING •• The Slot) 01 Mankind Sinatra, Doris Day. Arranger elopes with com- mi poser's flaactt, but findl going tough. The lovers * THE SHOTS? NEWS quarrsl but a'family reunion and an accident bring 8 IS ENOUGH 'M SERMONEII! them together. (2 hra.) Mi PRAYER I4S 0 MOVK 'Two for the Road' Part I. 1967 Albert O MOVII JUVENILE ADVENIURi) BIOGRAPHY NEWS Flnney, Audrey Hepburn. A romantic comedy ebout • L, Sewn Akm 1915 3.15 STANLEY SIEGEI SHOW the rocky marriage of two people who eventually O IK 1»C DOUGH sot arrive at a mature understanding of their relation- i •} ti. • MS O MOVIE (HISTORICAL DJAMA] •• Ihe ilory Of Mankind TOI UVI FROM IINCWN CfNIER l M Ronald Colman, Hedy Lamarr The History of ONE DAY Al A TIME is the word mankind, related In several vignettes. (2 hrs., 27 8 Eves: 7:30 mint.) STARTS TODAY- 1 (7) UjppjtD & 9:35 Eves: 7:25 • GWISREVOU/ BRICK TOWN EAST BRUNSWICK EATONTOWN FREEHOLD sports Moscow Philharmonic MOV!. INIIY MAUTRIPLdX &9:30 7 P.M. Sal. ft Sun. EVENING 8 IS ENOUGH uoiHm simici DI HAZUT 1'iA.A MTSVUi CINEMA 9 TOMS RIVER DOVER 2 P.M. Sat. & Sun. ruiH caumi mis COUNCIL SEE DIRECTORIES rod SMOWTIMf S EP'ED Ml • COUEGf BASKElBAtl CONTINUES 8 TheDfctfyKegirter SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17.1979 Mayor hits party lines Prosecutor choice vetoed tell me lo do." he said, adding •y WARREN RICHEV "what would have been good (meeting that a prosecutor should be MATAWAN - Independent for the police department and By law, the mayor has the selected because ol previous Mayor Victor R Armellino lor the borough " privilege of making appoint- experience, not because of the last night blasted the six mem "But I'm in the middle here ments to borough positions, political party he belongs in bers nl the Borough Council with Democrats and Re-with the advice and consent of lor playing partisan politics al publicans on both sides of me, " the council "This man has never tried a ter the mayor's second nomi Mayor Armellino said, recog- Robert J Schwartz, H7B case, yet he will be prose- nation this month to fill the nizing the defeat. borough prosecutor, is cur- cutor II that's justice then borough prosecutor's post The mayor, the only Inde- rently filling in until a new I'm in the wrong chair." the lailed-as did the first—for pendent on the council, pointed prosecutor Is selected mayor saul lack of support out that he had spent all his 59 If the mayor fails to nomi- Freshman Republican "I feel now that it is years in Matawan. and thai it nate a candidate attractive to Councilman Fred Kalma re- evidently party lines that come didn't matter to him whether a majority of council mem- sponded lo the mayor's com first and the people second in the prosecutor was a Demo bers, the council has the au- menls afler Ihe meeting, slat the Borough of Matawan," crat or a Republican "as long thority to designate its own ing, "He's enlitlfd lo Ins 11(1111 Mayor Armellino said in as he can do the job." appointee to the post ions as to qualifications and so criticizing the council after un "But we will get a prose- Mayor Armellino nomi- are we " The councilman re successfully nominating cutor—because the Re- nated MaUwan attorney Rich- fused to elaborate on Mr Matawan attorney John publicans have control—who ard Paula for the prosecutor SokolowskTs alleged lack ol Stockel for borough prose has never even tried a rase in job during the council's Jan 1 tnal experwnc* — . .„. cutor court,'' Mayor Armellino said, reorganization meeting The Mr Kalma said, however. The mayor made the norm raising his voice. nomination failed for lack of "Neither the municipal chair nation during last night's coun- support "II you call this lor the good Vklw R. Armenia* man nor the mayor tells (llad- cil meeting and then sat quiet- Last night, the mayor of ol the borough—I don'l If you ys (Holub) or me how In vole ly, walling for a council mem call this helping the police tie fered a second nomination for are not permitted to serve.' U'i to second the nomination. partment—I don't," the mayor prosecutor, again to no avail Democratic council mem- Mayor Armellino laid No one did •, saidLf The mayor said that both of bers, Shirley Henderson and The mayor broke the si- The mayor was referring to his nominees had served pre- "I'm running for reelection Arthur Kunwola. said they lence by staling that he,, as an Matawan attorney and former viously as municipal prose and 1111 not campaigning hut did not object to the mayor's Independent, thought it was "a Republican councilman cutors, Mr. Paula in Aberdeen its a damn shame." he said nominations, but Ihey said thai shame' that the other mem- Stanley Sokolowski, who is ex- and Mr Stockel in Old Bridge during his 10 minute speech it would lie pointless In support bers of the I:' Republican ma pected to be nominated for the "It just seems ashame'that "Nobody sits in the back the nominations because they jority council allowed parly prosecutor post by the Re- people who are qualified for a room and tells me what to do I would be voted down by the 1 lines to stand in the way of publicans at the council's Feb certain position lor their merit do what my head and my sou Kin majortl) Red Bank teachers on the job

RED BANK-Members of board and the union negotiated rence I Hammer, a state Pub Mr Dyer said that the sues separating the two sides Mllv H>tnKr FMH >f Carl facM the Red Bank Teachers' As- for seven hours on Tuesday lie Employees Relations Com- teachers voted to give him the after the Tuesday session TRUCK FIRE — Tose truck driver Mike Cagna lumped to satety in the sociation (HBTA) went to night in Ihe board's offices, but mission ii'l'lii > conciliator power lo call a job action "as I Teachers are reportedly parking lot of the Rt. 35 Dunkln Donuls 4n Middletown seconds before fire school yesterday, and did a failed to reach an agreement assisting in the negotiations, see fit," during the sit in TIMS concerned over a proposal tu from a broken fuel hose enquffed the cab of this tractor trader. very good job." despite earlier in their 15-monthold contract has an early Fnday appoint day night lengthen the school day al the threats of a possible job action dispute As many as 50 teach- iiienl. and cannol slay past Ihe He said that no job action l*nmary School, and are also sometime this week, a teach- ers-staged a sit-in upstairs Vpm deadline mn i ailed fnryestirday hoping fur larger pay raises ers' spokesman said last nighl from the offices in which the John Molkiy, a represent than the board has to tar of negotiating teams met during "The leathers all wenl to Allan 0 Dyer, ihe union's alive of the • New Jersey tend Truck cab burns; president, said that he is "still Ihe session. ' Kitu 1 al nin Association school today, and they did a very good Job." Mi Dyer saut optimistic" that his group can Mr Dyer said that the (NJEA). has said that the dis- Afler Ihe Tuesday night ne agree on a new teachers' CM teachers will invite all Ihe pute will be resolved tomor- Mr Rammer, who also goliatinn session. Mi Mam tract with Ihe local Board of members of the btiard lo at row, "or we lake direct action serves as a conciliator lot New inci said that he was tip Education at a negotiating ses- lend tomorrow's session, on Friday " He said that there York's equivalent of 1'I.Ki tiiilLstu thai a sell lenient driver jumps free sion set for tomorrow which is set In begin It t p m., may be a "long weekend" if no said that money and thecould be reached at tomor- Representatives ol Hie and conclude by 9pm Law settlement is reached workday" were Ihe luiim is row's session By WARREN RICHEV 50 gallons ol diesel luel in each of the two MIDDLETOWN - A North Jersey "saddle tanks" on the truck cab truck driver jumped lo satety yesterday Hi' added thai the anti freeze alcohal evening after his tractor trailer burst into used in the truck's radialor alto caught (in WMUA rate decrease approved flames when he turned on his ignition in Ihe and contributed lo Hie blaze, which totally parking lot of Ihe Rt 35 Dunkin DoDtltl engulfed the cab and sent flames 15 (eel here. into the air MANAl.APAN- Western decrease is possible lor next Mr Goldzwcig voted to increase sight and re ting in revenues, so we will Charge a developer $7 50 per "1 just turned the key and saw light and Deputy Chief Kelly added that portions Monmouth Utilities Authority year" The commission also an view fees to developers to $7 Ml jumped put The whole thing wenl up in of Ihe cab body were buill 61 fiberglass and (WMUA) customers will be The decrease will come in nounced that the Internal Rev per proposed unit Mr Gold unit when Ihey pul in the flames," said Mike Cagna, a driver with burned with toxic fumes treated lo a 15 percent reduc- the wake of lasl year's con- enue Service is making 75 2 zweig said that the authority plan." he said engineer was spending loo the Fairview-based Tose freight company Firemen from Ihe Did Village Fire tion in their sewer rates, troversial H6 percent rale hike, percent ol last year's $255 fee In olnef business. Ihe com much lime reviewing de Mi Caqna, of llowell, escaped the 5 30 Company and Middlelnwn Township Fire tiveFeb 1 which Mr doldzweig had said tax deductible mltsteMn voted i»r a reduc- velopers' sile plans, and thai p in blaze without injury Company No I wore special breathing The WMUA commissions s was necessary to balance the The refund will be appro* tion in bulk raW fees from $171 Ihe authority wits losing mon It WitS III!' M'l'llllll Mil'Ull'lll ill lilt' Mill apparatus,.w|yje creating a "high pressure litsl night unanimously ap- budget of the then financially, imately $70 to last year's to 1146 lor the coming year iiy on the engineer's fees dletown Dunkin Donuts in a week involving fog" from their hoses to dissipate thehpni Proved-UttLraU'.?"', which will Irouhlttl authority WMUA customers. Mr .Gold' Musi of Ihe customer! for bulk a tractor trailer truck from the fire, the deputy cruel sitid decrease the charge fur a un The financial problems zweig sand •—'• Wr "Were paying nmrr tn rnlr •iiTvire liv« in Kngliih . town Last Tuesday night an unattended trac- He said the fire was under control about glefamily dwelling from S255 stemmed largely from an ov The commissioners also the engineer than we Wet I get tor trailer rolled free and traveled 150 15 minutes after firemen arrived mi ihe IOJ2I7 ' - ereslimalion of Ihe number ol yards down Rt 35 before crashing head on scene Commissioner Arthur to restore the F.A1 land to its Planning Board also to review a year chance lo slock up and original /.uning fin industrial In the master plan adopted them really save on these lamous uses NOW 78% Council said il was willing flatterers PII k youi lavorites' to consider the change, and to in in Woman kidnapped, PKH ISM M - ask Ihe Planning Uuaul Ipj 1 Style Heg Sale recommendations, but Rich- 9 Everyday 160 ard Bonello, city attorney, •10,000 MINIMUM Ultra Sheei 250 wanted that no changes in zon- robbed at gunpoint 300 Kffrrliir Thur-.. Jan. Ill Control Top 300 2.50 ing could be made in tune for Ubh lim « , ,1. Jun. 2 I the Feb 1 deadline for adop- EATONTOWN - A man lu Third Avenue in Asliury Understatemenl 350 2.90 tion of the new city zoning or- about 25 years old yesterday Park. He. was last seen leaving Alive Stockings 3 95 3.25 kidnapped a woman at gun- the taxi in thai city, police dinance Alive Pantyhose 4.95 Arthur Abrams, of point here anil drove hei I" said. 0%.0.45 Maple wood, obtained an option Long Branch where he robbed Police did not reveal who her and then left the car, ac- drove the taxi to buy Ihe property of EAI last H YEAM VWI U. cording to police Police were searching for a week I milHl U|N VIKI.II Mr Abrams intends lo im- Police said that Ihe woman black male with a medium w ai.OOO Minimum • l.imilr.l luiir prove the property, which now was unharmed. j • • build, approximately 25 years- houses several conuantei m The victim. Identified u old, six feet tail with short hair where YOU Hire dot* eluding part ol EAl'i "Dera- Carol Herbermann, was lea\ and thin moustache, smooth make a difference. tion!, and lo attempt to attract ing the Household rU complexion, wearing maroon more tenants for the area, he fice in Katonlown to make a plaid pants anil it cranberry said bank deposit when Ihe suspect colored jacket "Mr Abrams isn't buying forced her to move over in her I'tilice said that the amount the property to keep il the way car al gunpoint, police said of money taken is unknown rl is," attorney Norman The assailant then drove in Detective Sgt Thomas Mesnikoff explained "lies in Third Ave in Long Branch Stoneham is in charge of Ihe terested In developing it, and where he .stopped the car. gut, investigation, and is being as- he'd talked about pulling up it out. and left Ms Herbermann sisted by Detectives Pal Joyce unharmed, polio and Bruce* Newman, both ol retail warehouse PHONE TOLL FREE BO0-39S-689O (FROM ASBURY PARK AREA Z74-4747) • ASBURY PARK 10-5 30 FRI TO 9 "If you make il a non-eon- the suspect then entered a the Long Branch Police De- • RED BANK 10-6 III Win Mil TO9 ftrming use (by re-zoning ihe taxi, which police said he took partment BRICKTOWN10-9 30SATTO530SUN12-5»MANALAPAN SEAVIBW SQUARE MON -$AT 10-936 Hearty ports

By IRIS ROZENCWAJG MINI RAVIOLI STKW Now is the time (cir all good workers In give up those 141 up shopped ut whole -mall unions lunches mil — al least twice a week — and brown bat; it Vi cup chopped can The budget is pinching from Ihe holidays Vacation 2 lablesfjoons Iniitei ol HIM plans cut be made Without substantial savings between U) package (10 UJ i Iruzes whole grei nbean nuw and .summer i uoked very h*MI> ami dnf1u>f - And the brown liar. M bail lunch, prepaii'il al home and taken hi umk represents a savings ol al Icasl two I can (15 o/ 11 |»f Boj n null,,!-.i day — or more (the guVtj parties know whnthey 11 hese ure mini fheca .III-I .ind meal bjtt» wluiiuiy »*u'Tj" T I'urtabli- IUIK In-, i .in be peanut liuttei sandwiches I tablespoon rti with an apple They can be collage cheCK and pears I'; cup walei They can lie ham on ry( with • cucumber They can Saute oimms and' But they also can lie hoi soup Ire* Up* i n-.p sized sail,, pah. Addruiuiiaii* mendi, nls mi cookies or B ptece ol cake such BS we arc sharing toda) ci and simmer W U minuter M•! slick butler I manual laborer), and in the winter it should In' hoi It \<-, lahlispounS sweet paprika should include ,i Iresh (run in raw vegetable! (both are I pound ni"i not necessary), and. it batortei arc no oujert i ui in | dessert is nice Cofleo, lei and oilier beverage aie I cup quick • imhiiir ' presumaiiK available on Ine Job '•; li a\p,urn marjora '..ill in taste V? 'I cups water. Brown bags and thermos bottles, are perfectl) aei 'V table lunch containers, and then is really no substitute lnalargcsauce|i|h]smitethi'onii>nul.ish.'\licovered. for 5 miinuten s nioic or wiliwi l Ihr mtxttiri I and the lentilils arc sod Sprinkle it with p.u.lpuliii vv Yield lldmnei e p.»il»hltj|»«rhe. 1 NUTW tfUltOLATK t'OOKfR 4 eggs '4 cup soft imrtt'oinr ( KKAMY Ml SHKIIOM SIIIIIMI- SUDP 1 CUp SJ1C..1C..HH 1 pound mushrooms, I cup cakake AAMJ >•_• stick butter |i

linn and slur thin .ill Ihe mushrooms SI 11 iheiii 1111,1 •OIJNIM.M ^ the butter which v»:* — been melted in ;i saucepan and cook B jumbuei'.i' them, covered, shaking the pan m 1 asumalh, [or 5 I pound butter nmiuUss Sift the flour and Ihe white peppei over Ihe Imps Wondiufloui mushrooms, reduce the heal to low, and cook the mixture, V'i cuphsugai stirring, lor :i minutes Add the chicken broth, heated, and 1 tablespiHin vanilla S£ Hie cretin oT half and half, stirring, and bring the soup to .1 sunnier over moderately low heat, and cook it for 10 Hk-ndbutlei , HI it a tmiejdcl vanilla minutes Add Ihe shrimp, shelled and devemed (or a small Add eggs, one at attBe. AdOntlr. an? i;fft^;i time Mix • an of shiiiup) add the sherry and the dill, and simmer well for 4 minutes. Weaise .and fkigT«JtB»i Hba pan A box lunch, prepared at home and taken to work the soup fur .1 minutes 01 until the shrimps turn pink Hake al :l!i(l degree., fur an **m*mim0&rt aki tester Serve soup in heated bowls, garnished with pH !• | stuck in the middle c,11, II11 , .ike lasls a long represents a savings< Serves 6-8. or. in a lum hbnx two lunches time, and has the lunch-boll advantage of being very Enjoy a winter picnic in. a SUPER weekend Miih snow ,in ihe ground m many areas ul tin uiunfr> Id , tin km ,vler\ and ^people are swapping then FUHAHH, IMM • t,,i •!,• b*t'uuntr-> .ki- [rigerate Ml ,,|,|,'.| I,, I ,'lllllHI, III, U • 11: l- \ll U Intel ,|l,i11 offei .1 great excuse im netting ouldlkirs, and. wbetliei it 1 I' I'M! ill skiing skating nt ice (i-'liuu .> umtei poiu, .uld-- in ihiJ en|oyiiienl of the season- I , nip n Whal goes into the winlet |iu nic, haskcl ' Well.Tor start* i i nl n ml margin ine mvlled kpaiknflc |il,i • tin li.nliiioii'il wuki t li.i-.kil Hial'- used during Hie sumniei sutce Hie tiuldoot sportsman can strap tin |I,H k mi his back .in,l , ,n i > it tnii, flu w uoov \ theniios of M r"it sieaiiniig hot coffee or soup macks including fruit and .nut •i,'. wich or salad uigifdicni. i .m be lucked into the pack It Although its cooler during the.wintei iinmili.s n POOH peppei important to take the same precautions tIKIt are suggested lor I package {toi (fro • summei picnti foods Ihe kcs winds to remembei an rub thawed, finely i h / , hill ,md insulate i i. ,ni.i,r. and utensil: such a.1 I , i|||ll'tl|ip|H'll W.ll, I • '!• 1 l'1-l knives between each use ami reft igeratot > lull .ill rood ' tablespoons mthci d placing them In insulated i unlalnei In medium bow t In logi i, mayonnaise margarine, Mayonnaise often mistakel) accused ol being Hie villain in shel IJ lemon Mil; ,- dill I'l and peppei mild wel ul food poiMuning DM aunimei picnics, is an Important1 blended SUi in shm I its and onion Pack into year-round picdii ingredient Since ii contains lemon fulce ' "in.HI,' i>,cad [or vinegar and ..tit mayonnut u uctuall) helps la protect Ihe '•,1 lips mixture when it s used us an Ingredient IMnit Spread Callow ret'lpi* fot skin s Spread Use lean (7 rhe following pti me recipes were created m the Hellmann • II/ i tuna, drufhed hnel> hoppwl in pl:i< e ,d shrimp Makes p^ real mayonnaise kitchens especiall) toi wintei picnic* The i up cheese l".il slays firm in the skier s backpack, Ihe spread can be served with dark bread and hoi vegetable soup, while Ihe (HUSK A .11 SAUSAGE I.OAK 1 chicken salad features a touch ol citrus Try one uflhe following S pound .liai i <• • flnefj shredded 1 recipes and pack a sale pit nic throughout Ihe yeai rupimiyoi ^EDITOR'S NOTr:- This trio vntu prrfrrt f»rr; too. for UH4-<4-w»-|.pimiiMiti., • • r-^ st I'l llltdVil «ri Kl sir M, ii,'1. (••-. di ,iuit-ii III,''|> i hopped 1 I" ,i | I n! lo! keit skinned kii , ul it nglhwise mte eighths 1 • ,1 leniihv. e.e I haul I 'linked I'l'.f. I'Ut li'lllltllWIse into i iV.lll ll- In medium howl sill tni'elliel , Ilei-M- ;intl ma\oMn.n-.i until sniiHiih •.in m pimtenlii ind anchovies I'ul bread in half luill/.»mUIU Hollow • . h lliti k shell (Removed un :!,il l,u latet use ,is bread MUIIIIIS i Kill each shell with ', ol Ihe cheese mixture, -.(lieaillllf. I'M til) In lllie e,,. || Jii II Winking leiigihwi i i , stlCRS down the cenlvfpol one cheese Ijneil bre id hall On one side ol the kielbasa mw alternalef) arrange In a lengthwise fashion 2 "I I pn ,, (placing yolk stile IIIICKI'N I II KI S SAI.A1) U|)Wn) Ite^ t)0 nlhel I'l, ul l.uTli.e.a I ow '*j cup mayonnaise Hi) seiiind i heese liiu-il brvad hall, place a low of piekle % cup thawed orange jutie concentrate slicks dawn the centet t)n one Mile ul Ihe pickle row alternately t< teaspoon cruahed dried tarragon icau" .ni.mi' lelbasa sticks Repeal on other side I, I,'.IS|K of pickle low t ling retna r cheese mlxtun v, lei»poon whtto p*ppBl each loal I'lai Inmlv Wrap 1 cups cooked dii ed chicken tightly in imi 'S« ure with B iubb around This Cheese and Sausage loaf travels in a cross- 4cupcl)UUSKili, miei \,<\ • I DI case m slicing loal rcirig- i.;cupsliceowiiloi ' in ' Illl '.111 |l In medium bowl sin together maynnMU country skier's backpack to a winter picnic site. 10 TheDtflyRegister SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 1979 Now presenting an exclusive Wines Scouts in bake-off offer on beautiful new FARM1NGDAI.E - "The participants have been asked lakes and cookies are World of Well-Being" is the lhat cookies and cakes be Judged on a point system Genuine Porcelain from theme of the 17th Annual Girl made of natural, non fortified cakes by shape, surface, vol- Scout Bake-off, cospiuisiind Ingredients, such as fruits, ume, texture, grain, color and by Jersey Central Power and vegetables, cereals, honey. .flavor, cookies by appearance, Light Company and Monmouth Kiains, nuts - the more whole- texture, color and flavor Council of Girl Scouts some recipes (Inly cakes and All contestants have al- Now under way. then1 »ill iimkies that require oven bak- Italy ready won their own troop be five Bake-off weeks ending ing will be accepted (baking Bake-off Kach Brownie and Keb K, to accommodate the lime to be 40 minutes or less) By CHARLES B. RUBINSTEIN Junior troop leader arranged I HO girls H9 Brownies and 91 Brownies must bake cookies "A MI wk* kit Ml beei In Italy for her individual troop take- Junior!! who are partici and juniors must bake cakes is always concious of an inferiority ' off, in accordance with the Participants are to bake "from Samual JiihriMin, contest rules, and then fol- Something new has b*W scratch " and not use a cake, (Boswell. 1.IKK. 1776 lowed through to enter the win- coukie or frosting mix They added this year Although ner or her alti-inatr in the baked goods will continue lo be are to select a recipe they can Up to tills point in time I've written about 30 columns on finals wine for The Daily Register and yet I find that there is a very judged Weekly, the two prize follow without much as The annual Qlrl Scout important wine growing country that I've neglected to write winning items will lie placed in sistanee Mothers are not per- Haki'-off Mrvei a* a learning about The country is Italy, which produces more wine than any Ihe freezer until Thursday. mitted to help Contestants and fun activity lo improve other in the world Keb. 15. when al 7 30 p.m., all may not make a 3- layer cake, cooking skills, become famil- This profusion of wine has been exported rather in- winners will be assembled fur coffee cake, cheese cake, up- s iar with ippUMcea, li'iim to discriminately in the past, and this has led wme psapli to a speaa( Rnzewinniny'cere side down cake, lube-pan follow directions and compete downgrade the wines of Italy It's a mistake to judge all the mony in ihV-Uenwfsliation cake, brownies or refrigerated Also, lo accept the di'cision of wines on the basis of the poor ones Italy does produce a number Kitchen of Jersey Central cookies They cannot use Iht1 judges graciously — win or of great red wines, although the whites tend In suffer in Power and Light Company. Al uhi]j|i»-i! cream lopping or comparison to those of Germany and France Moreover, Italian lenhursl fnishni;. or a cooked egg while lose wines offer some of the best buys to be found today. Another innovation is that frosting or broiled topping The wines of Italy are regulated under a system of wine all cither liiikeil Hems will he laws called Denominazione di Origine Controllata These run distributed each Friday, lie Cooking fun trols were instituted by the Italian government in 1963 in an tween 3-5 p m. lo area con- CREME FRAICHE attempt to bring some order out of chaos. There are three valescent homes by members You can make this French standards of control Denominazione di Origine Semplice (DOS) n( Senior Troop 312. Matawan delicacy in small quantity. is equivalent to German Tafelwein. It is ordinary table wine and Neighborhood '2 pint heavy cream there are no set standards for this grade The next hither rank Miss Kleanor Viewer If in 1 tablespoon commercial charge of Ihe overall program. buttermilk assisted by Mrs Rose Kane In a straight-side, wide- Dish Detergent Holh are consumer rehiHinis mouth, round iar i about 3'2 THE WINE TASTER representatives of the ilUUUoi inches high and 2't- inches in 1 iiiiii|iiiny Thej Iw*' arranged diameteri holding l'< cups, stir Palmolive the scheduling, will supervise together the cream and but- is Denominazione di Origine Controllata (DOC) which has a the baking and will act as termilk. Cover top with one lay- controlled region of growth and standards of quality The judges for Ihe five contests er of cheeselclotli, securing highest rank, 'called Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Liquid Baking is being done on with a rubber band. Let stand Garantita (DOCG), is awarded only to specific wines and Mondays. Tuesdays. Wednes- at room temperature 165 to 70 specific producers. days and Thursdays in the degrees I until thickened Wines designated DOCG are among the besl in Italy The Demonstration Kitchen throughout — at our house this 22 oz. cont. Classico designation can be appended to indicate lhat the Schedules are set up on a first took a couple of days and a grapes are grown in the original area of production. come first served basis with couple of nights. Remove The basis for these laws rested in a number of voluntarv i iinsideralion given to special cheesecloth; screw on jar top; Now you can collect a beautiful set of china through this associations of consorzi which are composed ol growers There chill before serving as a top- 11 <(lit-I-. [oi .i ipjidQi dm are over 50 such groups If a wine meets the standards n( lit*1 ping for prunes marinated in exclusive offer. Each week a different place setting piece local consorzi, then the wine is awarded a seal which usually is and time segment wine or other fruit. Makes will be featured at this special price and placed on the neck of the bottle. In keeping with the theme. about 1 cup. purchase requirement. The labels of Italian wines carry other information Kiserva 69* indicates a better quality wine Imbottighato nel'ongine means estate bottled and lmbottigliato nello stabilimento delta dilla MEDIUM means bott|ed on the premises of the firm. Slravecchlo nuans FEATURE PIECES ONLY very old, ripe and mellow Vino liquoroso is a very sweet winv You Save More I'll discuss the wine growing regions of Italy by tracing the geography from north to south. In the northwest, the important SHRIMP 2.49 ib. region is Piemonte. The best red wines of Piemonte are Barolo. Downy Barbaresco and Gattinara The flavor and bouquet of Raroln Wed. Jan. 17 • Sat. Jan 20 only • while supply lasts are among the best in Italy The grape is the Nebbiolo A scent of tar, truffles and raspberries are terms useil to describe the Fabric bouquet of Barolo. FRESH Barbaresco is a slightly drier wine than Barolo and is mil as • SWORDFISH • SAND-FREE STEAMERS full The vintages of 1969, 1970 and 1974 are very good for both • SMUTS • SCAUOPS Softener these wines The I971's are outstanding. Gatlinara is a very elegant wine The 1974s are fabulous • CRABMEAT • FRESHWATER TROUT 64 oz. cont. In northeast Italy, Verona produces a number of wines that Complete line of freih seafood Daily. ^^ ^ • ^^T SETTING are familiar to Americans Valpolicella, Soave and Bardohno •• mm ^^ PIECE are all made in Verona Soave is probably Italy's most famous ^^L ^m j^r white wine It's rather plain with no exciting taste (haracler- $169 ^^^^^^ ^ $3.00 Purch«M istics. II should be drunk young The recent ttntagea hsve b*»n good. Valpolicella is a red wine that is at Us besl when drunk These featured pieces will be available three times during young To my taste. Bardollno is a paler, less complex version 1 of Valpolicelli It's meant to be drunk as soon as it's made the 15 week program. Buy as many pieces as you like, and The wines of central Italy contain some of the besl wines of the country I'hianti is grown here, but the whites outnumliiT Personal Size add to your collection at your convenience. the reds. The whites include Verdicchio (no outstanding recent vintages) Trebbiano (1974 and 1975 are Very good) and the Tuscan whites including Vernaccia di San Gimignano (1974 and On Sale This Week! 1975 are very good) Someone in the area gave me a bottle of the Ivory Each Vernaccia to evaluate It was from the 1977 vintage and the grower was Angiolina It's a dry wine that is priced right al $4 Dinner With Each Chlanti deserves an article all to itself so I'll leave the dis- eocn - m^W $3.O0 cussion of this region until then. Soap Plate ' Purchase The wines ol southern Italy are improving bul they are not in the category of great wines. 4 bars in pkg. As I mentioned at the beginning of this article. Italian wines • Feature-of-the-Week Schedule:

offer good value for the money There is an extra bonus in that • there are some great red wines from Italy so be adventurous ..... and try a sampling of these wines. Ll Vtfc f ACH READERS ARE WELCOME to write Charles B. Rubinstein FAIR HAVEN Dinner mmx Mill MCI la cartel Tie Register, One Register Plan, Shrewsbury. NJ. 609 RIVER ROAD $3.59 g^P^t »• OPEN «-6. MON SAT , FRI. TIL 7 (42-0940 Plate " '-JISP ' •7711 55* ^OCOLATE CRUNCH JELLY FILLED DUNKIN' GLAZED CHOCOLATf Cup $2.59 5S You Save More kx EACH • 1 A ' •^•r i - - Saucer $1.99 gijW

k>v EACH. . 75* OFF Comet Bread & •I * • •'' Butter $1,99 5S Cleanser Dessert 45 MUNCHKINS Dish $199 5

•• tie*" ' tLiDefmor»e Mugs N Jrafes s- lb. P> -"sstswaa--. quorters .J*4 ~s> Fully Cooked (water added) 40 Smoked HbCi,I Center Cut „, "CS^S fiS-1$ 199 Pork Chops • I Shank For Bor-B-Que $159 Rib End Pork Loin Portion 9-11 End ft Center Cut Chops $159 PorkChopCombo i s 09 'iwtfl Ptemtum f >vpn HOG it MHdo* Sptced Butt Portion o l »>.. Corned Beef Brisket»,' $ SmokedPortShoukJetfcjtt wot* Added < Center Cut Slices or Roast , 1" Redeem any or all Schlckhaus Daisies«, Super Coupons with a Kohn's I-I Flxln Boneless $O99 U.S.DAGradeA •Ingle $7.50 or more purchase Smoked Ham Frozen Pattl-Tyme 8-14 lb. 5 Star Fanner's Market Veal Patties cubed avg. Frozen Pattl-Tyme ;;: Fresh Young Florida Large (Size 1OO) Veal PattieS Breaded Frozen Skinned or Develned Tangelos Sliced Beef Liver lb. Frozen Shenondooh All While Meal ,"$^ : Hen Turkeys Turkey Roast ^ O 89 12 99 Noie^9henartdoor>«vt«eeOcv«Meoi < *% 1 A USD A Choice Boneless Beel US DA Choice Boneless Beef Turkey Roast pig 3 Shells of Beef r ^ CrispGre r Fresh Gov't Insp Wllh ^n( Shoulder Steak London Broil Chicken Legs Thigh* i /• CucumberCs Fresh Gov'i Insp wm, $119 Chicken Breasts Ribs ib I Shoulder USDA1 USU SD D AA CfK>KeBMlwnoleUnmmfr>edlend**o Fancy WatfUnalon SUM M 01 GoKMn Delicious iA( . gallon Apples » *»• (SU* 2J5) » M) carton CaNtomla 1OAOC CoMlomla.oa,*Qe You Save More Lemons "OT Avocados ••• Foodtown JulcFtpoda (Su* * loO1OAA) C WaxeConodan dVflo w ir]t Sour Cream Oranges in. W Turnips >U Assorted Varieties wreen M AC Yellow "' m»-1 Natural Sundae Style Peppers , "Iy Onions ID 19 Yogurt too«o«m Foodtown Regular Squash , *IY Yam* 4iu Margarine S Star Frozenland Foodtown Pasteurized Process Amer. Singles Florida Citrus Pink Grapefruit Juice Kraft Natural Sliced

Swiss Cheese Johnson * Johnson _ 4mn8 Frozen Morton Assorted Varieties Pope A Toddler $I Chicken in AlOUette Cheese Diapers 2-lb $189 I Theo BaskeRnclfAtl pkg 1 Friendship lb Foodtown TomatYou Save Moro e^aste f Ffoien Minute Maid Untweetened Cottage Cheese cup Peas& Grapefruit Kraft Natural Sliced 8 ol $|19 Tomato Puree ™T Diced Carrots Juice ^9 cam voc pkg Regular You Save More You Save More ( Cheese Flelshmann's C Pope A #\c Ma's 64 oz. Foodtown Elil' $ M ao p$ Wine Vinegar £%49 Root Beer bottle SSprini gW Water ffiiV wi»-»««o^ 1 DiDiett MMargarine n^ 79 Assorted Colors Cottonelle 49 Crescent C C 4oz. You Save More Bathroom 4rollJ 7Q Sta Puff Fabric Softener tS *V* Orange Plus Frozen cc£ 89 Plllsbury Rolls 3 Dkgs Foodtown $ TiSSUe In pkg 16 OZ. IvoryTlquld Seneca Batampte quart Sliced Be efs cant 1 ChocoUt*. AJmorxl MUh. or Ounch S4M Apple JUiCeFrozen m 39' Itxxllown Chlchen N j^..n«. GIMMI Pfl Pickled Tomatoes & i. lomalo oi Onion Era LiquTd Frozen Blrdseve Cut t or FrencI h 5 Star Country Oven Cup of Soup PwionalSIM ISCOTHGkJd* Ivory Soap .'SS 55' Green Beans Air Freshener 59' Vou Save More U oi Q ftC Ftown fcoccoi Horentme. JapaneHe C Pumpernnickel Cuts Pure Vogetqbte Freeze Dried instant Comet Cleanser ,-. AV MHarw PorWon. fiomano or del sol 16 01 AO Pam Spray AucwtBd Cokxi ,«« Taster's Cholce 160 59c Vegetables,**«, 9oj Hudson Napkins m bag Downy Softener * I COffee tar MUM! li«O Assorted Flavors 16 02 W sm«.» !•»» o ~.* Chocolate en Swiss Sandwich «Ol French Dressing Don* 59' Sealtest '-I gallon $169 loaves Nabisco e cont Suoor, Cinnamon or Half & Holt n ( \ Ty D Bowl Cleaner IOO MAC IceCream • Fnm1tn.«n 89' SweeT'N low Dt Foodtown pkg 69 arshmallow Cream ' Oreo Cookies Ltq White Bread Prestone II No Bland (500 i (•akery Pricei eftecftv* Mon ttwu Sal only) •athroom, Sizzledn Anti-Freeze Tlttu* 'oiu 5 Star Fisherman's Wharf You Save More No Brand No iiotKl P»* Foodtown riathh Slc«d lo Oia»f Uv*nvun! oi Apple u oi Fabric Vtnin"JL f\i Chicken Foodtown $499 Schlckhaus Bologna Juice »°ffl« Softener OV lb. vac. No Brand Ho Bfond Dry flooded Franks Pkg Anti-Freeze FfMhPy Sliced To Omm Oval Flounder 89« $129 S ,2O Hormel Spiced Ham '/.lb I Peanutanuts ioi . lb voc $139 S 59* R SotonlatBicon Mainly Sliced lo Ofdai frond Red Fillet pkg I Blchbiook o, Noiw«tt«m Tuna C, White Turkey Roll !» P0«ock5oston $179 Hygrade Franks Ib'vapkg.c SISt No frand Nu Brand Freshly SNced lo Order to vac Cat Food ** C e resh Blue Fillet . 1 •tfff5$'%rMogn#tS Roast Be#f Hom«ttyle /4tb 99 59 -99 I pko ssrr No Brand Frozen 'Queen O' the Ocean" to, $1J Champion Valley $ H»bi»« Nallonol 49 OM laihlon.o No BranB d liqiltc Fish Sticks p^g SO •• Trash Can •« Pancake Knockwurst 12 oz yoc *!»• Dinner Round* 1% Griddle Franks lb A Llnert »'" M Syrup »ff • (»va«aD» orty m itom reolurtna In order to assure a sufficient quorillly ot sale Items lor an our customers, we ereserve tlie light to limit sales to 3 pockages of any Item unless otherwise noted Sole Items not available In cose lot* Mee« Saturday, Jan 2O >niv Not losixjnslWe lor typographical errors Member Twin County Grocers SUPER SAVINGWeekly Specials!

Lancaster Brand STEAK SALE! Lancaster Brand Boneless Steak Sale 0^M BEEF • LOIN • Shoulder Steak «,M.99 LANCASTER BRAND BEEf ROUND TOP Round Steaks $2.19 Sirloin $ LANCASTER BRAND BEEF ROUND Tip Steaks *2.19 iANTASTE M BRAND. BEE F ROUND BOTTOM FULLCUT.NO TENDERLOIN Round Steaks '2.19 REMOVED' LANCASTER BRAND, WHOLIE OR HALF Steaks LANCASTER BRAND BEEFCMUCH Cube Steaks M.99 LANCASTER BRAND BEEF CHUCK UNDER Bonele LANCASTER BRAND. OVEN READY Beef Rib Blade Steaks m *1.89 \N AMERICAN STORK CowpANy SAVE 30 WITH SUPER SAVING COUPON Eye Roast CHILLED 710 8 It* avg. M will cuitora trim to customar i Roasts spwihcaliontldubiKtlo lilt culling lost) $ Minute Maid SAVE 30° LARGE WITH THIS COUPON END Orange Juice TOWARD YOUR PURCHASE OF 1Z2 ONE 64-OZ CTN OF MINUTE MAID II , H'iMAi''Nl' ID •" PRICED HIGHfR ORANQE JUICE UNCASTERWANOJEEFLOM TAILLESS Savings on Franks & Kraut! CO-7-137 $ L imil nne pe< lamily plMBfl !'• LANCASTER BRANO MEAT OR KEF T-Bone Steaks , 2.79 Fteoeem Jin 14 Ihru SO 1979 LANCASTER BRANO BEEF LO* PORTf HHOUSE Deluxe Franks iS'1.49 ************ FRESH FRYING Tailless Steaks *2.79 LANCASTER BRAND BONCLESS BCCf (I)f 1 MON'CO) SAVE 30 WITH SUPER SAVING COUPON Chicken Franks £«1.09 Chicken Parts Rib Eye Steaks '3.99 IDEAL GRADE "A" BaTl Park Franks &M.59 LEGS WITH THIGHS I BREASTS WITH RIBS LANCASTER BflAMO LARGE END BA1LPXBKMEF Beef Rib Steaks ,'1.79 Fresh SAVE 30 Knockwurst JS'1.69 WITH THIS COUPON .89° I ?1« More Super Pork Values! SILVER FLOSS Large Eggs TOWARD YOUR PURCHASE OF CHICKEN DRUMSTICKS »109 ONE DOZEN GRADE "A" PORK LOM 3 RIB. 3 LOIN 3 CENTBfl SauerkrauAMERICAN K06MEH t £549° CHICKEN LIVERS > 70- lib FRESH' 3 LBS AVERAGE IDEAL LARGE EQQS Asst. Pork Chops *1.49 CO-7-138 Beef Franks •2.19 C RIB END PORK COUNTRY STYI E Roasting Chickens.. 69 Spare Ribs M.49 ****************


1 I III I) Wl AIHI H 1HI.A1 ^.», 69 io ib • 439 Spiced Ham .. bag 89° bag I Kidney Beans 3'«n.*1 Save on Cheeses otthe World! ********** Dairyland Super Savings! OnfynMarttfli w*h Ch—ima oltfi* WoUO Hap'*- More Produce Values! Plant Department Super Savings! OOLOCN Wlb< ilNSINSMAHP SAVE'122 Parkay Margarine 2, AVAILABU IN UAmVSWtTH PLANT DfPTS Cheddar Cheese b'2.59 N*iPOmEOftWMtSANEG RfcRMfc SAN» S ROMAROMANI O Southern Yams 4,,,*i iMPOfiTCDHOlLAND MIlDBUl !*NI.I" WITH THIS COUPON GARDENERS U 9 NO ONClBtAKj C TOWARD YOUR PURCHASE OF Cheese Gouda Cheese »'3.39 ONE 1 QUART COVERED KRAFT EXTRA SHAW OECORATIVE OBEEN. HANGING Red Bliss Potatoes „ 19 Potting Soil Fresh & Frozen Seafood CCheddah r Cheese %°g»1.19 Basket Fern ^«5.99 LAROE JUtCy FLORIDA i EKCO SAUCEPAN Seedless Grapefruit 6 M CO-7 139 L >mil on* pat family plaaM Frozen Food Do//ar Sate/ Fresh Baked for Super Savings! C Fresh Whiting « M.59 wleem Jan 14 thru 20 1979 FKMTV ACHES SUimiME WHOLE OHCHACKEO Ripe Tomatoes 39 $ 2^.89° Health & Beauty Aids Savings! Scrod Fillet *2.99 Broccoli Spears 3£9" 1 7i-OFF LABEL' BUY TWO 48«'»2.39 Deep Sea Scallops '5.89 Dutch Apple Pie ^»*1 GET ONE Lister ine We've cooked up great savings on REOULAR OCV OR EXTRA BODY GET ONE 12-OZ. PKG OF SUPREME Flex Conditioner 2^*16-WI3 Flounder Fillet '2.19 Ideal Waffles 2^*1 £/SKYLINE SHEER TQ THE VWIST IMU/I rV HIM NIAT' MRS «Ul.5F»ED • . ' '•• English Muffins Hose ~ ^99e EKCO Fish Fillets ^1 WHEN YOU PURCHASE TWO 12-OZ. furbot Fillet ,„ M.49 PKGS AT OUR REGULAR LOW PRICE GRAND PRIX STAINLESS STEEL SAVE! More Bell Ringer Price Reductions This Week! COOKWARE! Unique Triple Wall Construction with Radiant Heal Cora distributes heal unilormly so foods cook lastet and more CREAM STYLE OR Del Monte Spinach evenly Self-basting covers and Vapor Seal Rims let you WHOLE KERNEL cook at lower temperatures with less water Completely t dishwasher safe Resists tarnishing and pitting too! Scott Napkins 4 3B f Uniaue Five >foar Guarantee! Meal PINEAPPLE ORANQE i MI i,Hi SSOCAIIFORNIA Start your collection with Del Monte Tomato Paste 4ca^s$1 this week's feature Hem: Golden CREAM OF CHICKEN 10 5 0/ $4 Drink Ideal Soup 4 cans I ASSOOTtD TABLE hones t4 Corn 4 oteo'l PAN $.128 l6\t-orl Hudson Napkins ANOCOVER Jutt ^W^^ cans I ^aLAJ 10 5-02 $4 CREAM OF CELERY WITH BONUS COUPON ABOVE 5 cans I Available in Future Weeks: Her4e are Just a few: 15 Ideal Soup 8-oz M Oarned Beef Hash *«n 69* PROORESSO 6 cans I WHttjM. 71-27 8 INCH OPEN SKILLET AUORTEDWRIETCSDOO DISPOSABLE DIAPERS Wtak ] Jan. Jl-Nl 3 t Vt QUART COVERED SAUCEPAN 14 Tomato Sauce Wttl4Ftt.4-1t 2'iQUAflT COVERED SAUCEPAN Del Wonte Pears 2^ Cadillac Food 4 ^*1 Johnson'DISPOSABLE DIAPERS s Toddler J?3»1.49 mtk I Ftl. 11-17 I QUART WARMING PAN OELMOtTTE DEI MONTE HALVES OR SLICES YELLOW Look for our TRADITIONAl SSPAOMe 17-M M 48-62 WiakeFta.1l 24 10 INCH OPEN SKILLET 2 c«n» J Fruit Cocktail Cling Peaches 2^*1 Yellow Shelf Labels Ragu Sauce £1.59 Will 7 Nl H-Mtr.3 3", QUART COVERED SAUCEPAN POWDER ROOM AW FRESHENER SPAGHETTI THIN VERMICELLI OH 7-01. M 21-M for PRICE REDUCTION 16 2 can* I 3 CO1I Mueller's Linguine ». 39 Renuzrt Spray Pork & Beans OUR HNCST WJAtlT Y1 LOW CAL CREAMY CUCUMBER SALAD 8 OEAL ASSORTED FLAVORS SPECIALS!

2 £? (QiurtCoMt«dS«ucipal $13.99 Cup of Soup 3 These Bell Ringer Shell Labels Indicate PRICE Ideal Corn Oil REDUCTIONS on Hems you and your family use FREE2EDRIE0INSTANT Kraft Dressing X KEF OR CHICKEN B Quart Covered Siiie«pol $16.99 2 £A every day Plus the Unit Price, that makes il "^•3.19 possible to compare the economy of the size ol the Ideal Coffee 12 Quirt Covtrtd Siuctpol $19.99 Mott's Nectar Jerky Treats 3»£ piusBunv SLICED item being purchased. Also, on every Bell Ringer 2Vi Quirt Whlrtllng Tn Kettle $7.99 OUnnNEST OUALITV Shelf Label you'll find a date that indicates' me Doublt Bolltrlnurt MIM >«.«$4.99 Del Monte Beets 3 c.n, lenath of time the Bell Ringer Price Reduclion is in Bundt Cake Mix ORTEGA Ideal Quick Oats • CATFOOO effect 3 Cup Egg Poichtr .i.m4WMIM $3.49 B&Rrf Beans Lovin Spoonfuls 3 «". Taco Shells High Dome Covtr/Cainrol* ...n« ID «msmt $6.99


Prices effective in the following counties: New Jersey: Bergen, Essex, Hudson, Middlesex, Monmouth, Morris Passaic, Somerset, Sussex and Union and, in the following

communties Washington, Toms River, Jackson and Poifit Pleasant, New Jersey. New York: Richmond County SHREWSBURY N J WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1979 The Daily Regfcfcr 13 Pasta in a micro-wave Whether the microwave oven is a new present or a long-time BEEF STROGANOFF future, owners have lots ol questions about micro-cooking 1 cup sliced mushrooms One Irequent question is, "Can pasta be cooked in the \ cup water microwave oven?" It can, but since the cooking lime is no 4 cup minced onion shorter than when the conventional method is used, many i<, cup Burgundy or other people prefer to keep the microwave free for cooking the rest of dry red wine the recipe. 3 teaspoons instant beef broth Beef Milan is a good example of the way to make best use of 1 teaspoon salt the microwave oven for pasta recipes The vermicelli is cooked 1 teaspoon dill weed conventionally according to product package directions Mean- •4 teaspoon garlic powder while, the ground beef, unions and green pepper are micro- >., teaspoon pepper waved in one large baking dish All casserole ingredients are 1 pound boneless sirloin, combined, microwaved, then topped with Mozzarella cheese cut into thin strips Total cooking time is only about 15 minutes - 3 tablespoons flour 8 ounces (5li t o f, cups) The following recipes were tested in a 1500 watt counter top medium egg noodles oven at full power Since wattages vary, cooking times are 1 cup sour cream approximate and shoudl be adjusted to your specific microwave In Hi-quart shallow glass baking dish, combine first nine oven ^ , ingredients. Cover with wax paper; microwave al full power 4 minutes, stirring once Dust meat with flour, add to baking dish BEEF MILAN Cover; microwave 6 minutes, stirring twice Meanwhile, cook Comedian Bob Hope noodles as directed on package; drain in colander Blend sour 1 pound ground beef cream into meat mixture, microwave 30 seconds Serve meal entertains with % cup minced onion and sauce over noodles 4 servings a tangy treat. His '•j cup minced green pepper 2 medium cloves garlic, mashed Family pleasing Quick Chicken Casserole takes less than 20 TV show is Jan. 28 I li teaspoons Italian seasoning. minutes to prepare crushed QUICK CHICKEN CASSEROLE 1 teaspoon salt 4 slices bacon, cut in li teaspoon pepper 1 inch pieces 8 ounces vermicelli 2 tablespoons flour 1 can (1 pound) tomatoes. 2% cups chicken broth Bob Hope's lemon pie . chopped (with liquid) i-j cup minced onion 1 can (16 ounces) tomato sauce li cup minced celery M, cup grated Parmesan cheese li teaspoon thyme leaves. * minim e into beaten egg ycilks. return to hoi mixture Cook over |n tlii' pid wvtral >c;n Unii Hope h;isn i ,|»;tii mall) 2 slices (2 ounces each) crushed . h ai home bin ins travel! abroad have mdt medium heal 3 minutes, stirring constantly Stir in lemon juice, Mozzarella cheese, cut 8 ounces spaghetti thousands of youn^ pt'nplt1 who couldn't go hninr fm Hit- margarine and lemon rind four into pastry shell diagonally 2 cups cubed cooked chicken hotldiytlMli lot more like crlebntloi Hopi ~i SOfhrtntmus Heal egg whites and sail until soft peaks form Gradually Celery leaves, if desired shows siartnl in IMS Simeihrii they havp grown to inrludi mil add marshtnallow creme. beating until stiff peaks form Spread In 3-quart shallow glass baking dish, evenly crumble beef; Paprika, if desired (inly I'ntrrtainmml. but notM Inmi Horn* iind Fhrtrtnm dinner owr filling, sealing In edge of crust Bake al 35(1 degrees, 12 to 15 lop with onion, green pepper, garlic and seasonings Cover with In 2l£-quart shallow glass baking dish, arrange bacon; too minules or until light h browned Cool wax paper Microwave at full power about 8 minutes Mean cover with wax paper Microwave at full power about 4 minutes When hr li linmc, the enjoyment "I K an> fell and prac- Ucall) all fal from lop surface SPARE RIBS M.39, P, CU|»SUg,ll and uncut end of lamb Mix 6 tablespoons com starch together Ihe sail, pepper, Hash n(-.ill paprika muslard and garlic CALA HAMS 1.09 U4 I Ups boiling W.llrl powdtr rub over the top and :i eggs separated the cut end of the lamb Place, 'i (UpIrllioll JU1* 1 top sule up. on a flat rack in a 1 labkapeons Parka) margarine .null shallow liaking or roast- SHORT RIBS OF BEEF 1.39 Ib. 1 teaspoons lemon 1 mil . ' Ing pan lined with loll (or easy • 1 t-inch baked pattn ihoH i leanup Koast in a preheated ISO-degree oven, using a meat SLAB BACON 1.29 l>ash-of,sall thermometer In desired done- ness Let the staml II cumbertind farmsi I 1 0/ ]ai Ki.ill MKiishni.ilKiu 1 1 I'MII FREEZER (MOMS A VAUABLK ( oinbine sugai cornatarch and tail in luceuaf gradually loom temperature for 20 FREE DELIVERY icecream add water Hnng to boll, stu nng conflantl) 1 null 1 minute 01 at me regular low price until mixture is dear ami ihtckened SUi anall amount of hoi RflC Citrus Season at Delicious Orchards and get UU on the VICTORY MARKET second kail gallon 31 W. Front St. Red Bank OFFER LIMITED TO ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER. this couponi 747-0508, 747-1339 Texas Ruby Reds OFFER EXPIRES JAN. 21.1171. EXCEPT FLAVOR OF THE MONTH CLIP THIS COUPON Friendly, personal service • USDA Choice Meats • Grade A Poultry At.Delicious Orchards we never rush our citrus because we know thai every type ol citrus fipens at its WE DELIVER own pace and every citrus-growing region otters Newport something unique that is well worth waiting for BREADS Night now it's.time tor our Texas Ruby Red and Star (•)lub SODA PORK JUMBO $ Ruby grapefruit Grown in the Rio Grande Valley where ALL FLAVORS the semi tropical climate blesses these grapefruit with 28 oz. NR 20 oz. LOAF CHOPS 1.39 lush red coloring and incomparable sweetness Come to the Orchard and we will slice open one of ibies for you to sample They are available in j 2/69* ib. t s loose or by the ten-pound sack. WHOLE RIBS'1.59 a y Red Grapefruit You'll agree they were well 1 Includes: rib steaks. worth waiting for All Natural Flavor club steaks, rib roasts, OF BEEF stew & ground beef Texas Ruby Red Grapefruit ICE CREAM YOGURT Size 32.7 5io«99c Flavor of the Month Pineapple Strawberry Size 40 $2.29 10 Ib bag Old Fashioned Raspberry Peach BOILED HAM M.99 ib. Star Ruby Grapefruit Swiss Chocolate N' Fudge Size 32 $ Half Gallon j^nces apply Januacy 18 24 oz. , 1.19 Rig. SI .59' ,3/99*, I k-licious Orchards LIVERWURST 99' ib. 10 am to 6 pm Tuesday thru Sunday Closed Mondays, Route 34. Colls Neck 462-1989 5420204 FLORIDA 100% Pure DONUTS BOLOGNA M.29 ib. ORANGE JUICE Fresh from Concentrate RISING COST OF BEEF HAVE YOU IN A BIND? SHOP VICTORY FOR THE BEST BEEF BARGAINS

YOU CAN FIND! W« RtMint the Right to Limit Quantities


10-Vioz. 1-ql. 14- cans oz. can 5:, 99 5=99* 2S 89* 5

CondenMd Cream Of Apple Beans cSrn ***** Chicken

ShopRite s ... 9th Annual


1 Ib uOQC C Purple Plums oi can %J 3 Plum Tomatoes 9 v,:- 59 Savarin Coffee C IIUI HEIiUI AHOH 1 Ip I $ "I ' Pork & Beans 4 z 99° Whole Tomatoes 39 Nestle Cocoa MAHSHMAIIDW 9/ i an I C C Grapefruit Juice SliopHiit o/ can Sauerkraut si..,*.. 5 99 Corned Beef ShopRite ?:99 CHIAMSMII OK 1*1 one C SlilipftHr CHUNK III.Ill e Stokely Corn WHIIII KIHNII 4 o/ cans */ •*/ Cut Beets 5;:99 Tuna INOII OH WA II H \;59 M,,i|iHilp VICE TABLE OK e $ 9 1 .lil.lui.nlllllir, I'lASH Soup VEGETARIAN VEG 5°r99 Olive Oil £ 5' Peas 'iin iirAflHdis ShopRiie ShupRile A I Ib $ Apple Sauce MGCII AH OH NATIIBA1 f CJns Cling Peaches mm, 3v: 1Whole Tomatoes BITE I!,O> $1 AQc ShopRite Ravioli SIZE 3 cam I Val Vita Peaches ^ Tomato Puree », oi cm *t J ShopRite 15.. $-I PHOUHCSSO liNTU SIM It HI A IIIMA III lib I.; OQ HIUIIAIIIINIMI p., .i $-149 cms I MACARONIiBEANfMlllfSIIUINF lln

SHANK PORTION WATER ADDED ORANGE YOUNG JUICE • iibCQC SMOKED HAM Q7 TURKEYS c Cottage Cheese ShopRite cup\l«J Cheese Pizza ..?»», r99 I •itimiiuD • .a n VI "•• 6 S C NEWCUUNIRT Oi.. $1 BUTT PORTION II TO 22 LBS. Yogurt I Hill! MAVIIHS O CUpt I AVERAGE Green Beans «R5? r 69 c HAHKAY mini i iv. $-199 • '-III »ll •HIAIIII HI. C Margarine ,v;59 WHOLE HIFl PORTION III Morton Dinners sis ;; 59° Chicken Legs Wllll THIGHS »97 Pork Loin Roast WHIM I WITH $-127 The Deli Place IMSH Ib • The Appy Place Chicken Breast RIB CAGE Pork Spare Ribs VAC PACK Oven Roaster Sr , 89C Pork Chops COLONIAL M 09 $"J79 POLISH BACON Fresh Cornish Hens Pork Butts HIILSHIFIEPOllSHSmf $-|99 CHOPPED HAM Kielbasa BFCUIHROmCEF ft' Smoked Ham *#t)N MI0M> II C RUSSEft e Beef Pranks COLONIAL I?, 99 IOZEN SPRING LAMB Liverwurst IHHI Sill I [I b59 Smoked Sausage Pji Chicken Pranks COLONIAL 79 % 9 Bologna MORI SUCH) ,59° Sirloin Steak sssg $2 19 Leg Of Lamb &, V MAHIIH1. MUM The Ice Cream Place IKII/IK I amh Phnnc SHOULDER •' .'' $-159 Turkey Drumsticks GRADE A Ib LdlllU bllU|JO BLADE cur Sprincj m I The Fish Market tfll&HlllHOIPIt ShopRlts fRO«N ( C SomeTHIN LITE Turkey Wings GRADE A 69 Shanks Of Lamb '1 99 • FRESH FILLET $O19 CENTER CUT SMOKED $4 77 ICE MILK Ham Steak Oil HUAST WATFIIADOIII ID P/us a /of more for a little less. OF SCROD L » $ 29 INWV OUCK S "I 3 9 Sandwiches ssr >r 1 MIXED FRYER PARTS Turbot Fillet FflO/FN ID 3Br«is1 QuanertWlth CORNED BEEF ROUND wlnit ind backs KINGS TREAT The Snack Place i with , The Bakery Place back* ittachetf CRY-O-VAC .. 5 I 69 3 CMbM Packet* Ib. IN BRINE CROWN TOP' NO PRES. ADDED 1 WHITE •The Produce Place BREAD FRESH "U SIZE" Anjou Pears Health* Beauty Aids ElOMOA c CALIFORNSA Juice Oranges inn si/i 10.99 General Merchandise BROCCOLI TEMPLE SWEET JUICY . c no«i iirnuwu Oranges 10,99 HEARTHSIDE STONEWARE CALIFORNIA C FLORIDA WHITE SEEDLESS C C Navel Oranges 1USI/F 99 Grapefruit in SIZE U 99 IDAHO BAKING sit C FANCT iin 70' Potatoes U S HO 1 GRADE Dig 79 Red Rome Apples GRADE bag I 9 H < ! I 99 Bic Razor WASH SIATE REDtGOLDEN C I AIIIIIHNIA Rag Rug Runner 60 Apples IHIIFJIOUS EXTRA FANCY 49 Avocadoes /il'.l/l 39'

The Bake Shoppe ShopRite Family Pharmacy Al ShopRltes with Pharmacy Oept. Only. at ShopRltes with in-slore bakeries only. ShopRite of MIDDLETOWN Hl9h y 35 H mon Rd Announcing! The $2.00 prescription ShopRite of RED BANK "" » " » ShopRite of FREEHOLD drug program lor New Jersey's Senior TRESH BAKED Highway 35 - Shrewsbury South SI. - Fteehold citizens o«er 65 and who are eligible. 71 oi. ShopRite of LONG BRANCH HARD Highway 36 - Watt Long Branch Pick up your application at your nearest ShopRite of OAKHURST ShopRite of HAZLET JShopRlte Pharmacy Dept. (II not eligible ROLLS Highway 35 »* Park Av.-Oakhurit ShopRite Of ABERDEEN TWP. Highway 36 - Hail.l for State program, join our "Golden Lloyd Rd. ft Hwy. 34 Age" program. , v

In order to assure a sufficient supply of sales items lor all our customers, we must reserve the right to limit the purchase of sales to units of 4 of any sales items, except where otherwise noted Not responsible for typography! errors. Prices effective Sun.. J3ny14 thru Sa), Jan 20. 1979. None so|jj to other retailers or wholesalers. Copyright VVAKEFERN FOOD CORPORATION 1979. Business SHREWSBURY, N j WEDNESDAY. JANUARY i M979 The Dtwily Register 15 N.Y. Interest-free loans: For real? By SYLVIA PORTER IIIIMIIIIIMHtttilMllillHi estimate These borrowers then will become regu NEW VORK(AP) TuM ConPM.u inn lar finance company customers, paying from 18 to radonotp prkMMtor tor N N« w Vork tonlAIr ]St < 1)1 »*. Occip.ll.141] 1141 ISM IS ISVt- H If you were offered an interest-free loan of StokEnchamttuh u OHCwpl JS | 771 UVi Ohl.Ed I Mil Jtl U'. U u - V. $1,500 for three months — 90 days during which more than 21 percent annual interest on their OIKKpJ » 7 111 avt Okucfiass in i;% ir int-vt PE MHU Low CI*M Chfl CmHOlM IS I ISH •« OklaNOI SB 4 lit II* II'A im* 14 you easily could invest the money at well over 9 loans ContTill 14 I Ml 1SU a*- Oil" IS S HI IIS ISH ISH- H YOUR MONEY'S The rates which finance companies charge IIUTHH JO*- CIICHM aisnu ISft- o™n 11> i a ii1* » it - % percent — would you grab it? M .M J m\ i; Coopln III tl IM, 1SH- Ow«nC la * IU 17% MH MH- Vi Dial Finance Co., a veteran consumer finance vary, depending on the state in which they con AM mil • t m M 14% fifi* M 1 CcvnO I SSIS 17) ISH aw- OwvnIIH u * m ISM IS IB *- % duct business AtA 0 I 4V MHO<* MV. + IU, CrwnCk I ID m s7*- firm headquartered in Des Monies. Iowa, has been AtaMLb .1411 l» UK »U «%- ft Cr.UI I tt f »l »» 33** f*0 IB I It dangling this financial goodie off and on before A ('aliforman. for instance, who borrows 11,500 An 4IW 4IH- S C»«W SSI IS ISM J|» - % PocGE lutim IM mt »»• AlfPfd tt t Ml HH MU. »*- ft 1S% I"OCL1« 1 7 u IIM an «H- new customers for the past six months. Dial WORTH from a neighborhood Dial office and discovers he Akiwta WO 17 13 llf. !?*• H I 4t7 4IH •'» MM-IM r-ocPw it] s IIOavi a% avt • AtcanA 1 } W MS M*k 33 - - H operates in approximately 35 states, is a respect- needs 24 months to repay could end up turning , i 177 IM tnt ut-m J U IV'. MH IV. « AltpLd I a 7 « IM U% MM- ft Doyco lab 1 I] KS I4H I»H- H AltfPw I 7? I ifO Uft Jim 7» Mt 7 - able and savvy company, and it has attracted • I Illlllllll IIIIIHIMIIIHIMMIIMMIi over a total of f 1.896 for his socalled "free" loan of |« ||M * ft Oovtr-UMI III M IIH 1IH- H OH a «H. AIMCh I 1 m » JfV> im- H I US MS i;% IMt MH- H PonEP7l0/ 74 thousands with ads promising: »1.500' Aiwstr 140« m n% «* a* PenDU IM 4V% IH JM * II". llVt IIH AllbCh I 70 J 140 HU»V. , J0K.-I I 74 7 37f . "Interest-free Loan! Special get-acquainied furnishings Because they customarily cater to higher-risk n I*' AlCOO 2 7 1«$ 4fft «ft 4tft-lft in 7 H If D«inyi m 1 4M Hit <» M- * PH« 11 V. 31'* borrowers than banks, credit unions and other Amu 1 mt w M m Itft- H Mtf< lilt in us rf If HI 11 holiday offer lets you borrow up to $1,500 without (2) The short twin loan is truly "free" only to PepsiCo 111 m 77H M »*b- AH«N lb » 77J VW77 7) fc, OkmS I a t US Mvt PerhtnE 1711 Mi10 ?fH 7TH interest for three months " the borrower who can repay it in lull wilhin the financial institutions - which is their stated func- AmAlf 40 4 114 I4H13S 14 - % OlgllolEq It» silt mt Pflltf 1 3011 431M'^ W'.I U'» Atrntfk 4 7 7* 4t%4*ft «ft- ft Dillon I.Btll a x% allotted three months. In general, workers in the tion in the money markets — finance companies M a PhelpD 4030 70S ?P 1101 IM its int Pneumo III SI Wk 74V, appealing across-the-board at first glance, in charges on the individual seeking a small loan *mH«p 4413 .10 77V1,7 T7ft- % DuqLI I HI5 IM Itst ficially charged almost 12 percent by bunks across ISU PoiaroM 114 1141 w% U SJV>- AmMotri I M Ih tv. SH- ft PortGEI.70 * IM UH the country, and much stiffer interest rates unof- themselves help to limit the loans to the category than on the borrower obtaining a big sum of AHotR 3 e H »H it, im im- It *•* « U. EosiAIr I !» t» ProctC 314 311M 1/'* I/H of borrower who usually doesn't negdjy^em AStand 1*0 I $7 44ft 44ft 44ft- ft EoUGF ailliw lilt Itvt- PSvCol 1 MU 707 ficially, or under-the-counter). money ATT 4NIIHI fl UH I4H U'.i 40ft «IU- IIH 17M PflSPL IU 7 101 HH How, then, can Dial Finance extend loans. Jilt i*1* 1/'* • 7 Amptl 11 in US 14H % rr.hi m ui] in lift i|, ,,s. H Pullmn 1 40 I IM Bit even for so short a span as 90 days, interest free interest-free loan within the 90-day period, the finance company's funds to the higher-risk, small AncftrHI.M 5 114 3/H 37*- W% WV»- ft EIPOW in; ji7 u in it Purti I it I 34 It ArctvD Nb u OuafcO 1 30 7 137 U - finance company levies finance charges on the full borrower — which is the reason the companies 14* N'. H EimiEll.uinm a J7% »»_ n 24'. UVk- Here's the tale behind such consumer finance ad ArtiPI IN J M lflift OuohStO M10 N MH MS 71 * ft En«MC l«l lMullHi JIM )IH '< IW ir» 11^- campaigns amount of the loan from day one In fact, the Dial have flourished for so long a period and grown to Armco 1 M 1 U4 3M3Mb b»H »*•» ft Envdi I It 7 at in, lift u»_ H ArmtlCh I »IU/ I7H Ifft 17ft Eunfh IHi n H u* 1414- % RCA 140 11347 71 17H 77ft- % (1) Dial's "interest free" loan is available only loan program is so structured that all participants iKcupy so significant a place among our lending Awrco 40 343 IIHlift li'.. H Etftvt ins ji Tv* rt'h »vi- vt «l i 11 S 41 14 13ft HH H sign regular installment loan contracts when they AthlCMlnl.4** 173 uttfc. U »Mi- % FvwiPI ]0a t lit ItH IIH IIH- H RaliPur 50 I Itfl IIH 11% il', % to new and "qualified" customers The company institutions AldDG 1 SO 7 7> 17 lift lift- ft Romod Ue)147fO lift II 11 i'. accept the "interest-free" money In effect, they Rut there are few, if any, free lunches in real AtlRlthI 40 t IMS S7 S4H MH % EiRon 1« * lit] «v« «TA «'.. H retains the right to determine who is and who is Ranco I If im IIH IIH— It are paying a finance charge each month along AtlOtCp 41 Itft 10', IO'/I • ft Roythn I 4011 Ml S3 Sl% SIH- % not "qualified." ! life — especially from consumer finance com- AvroCp I 7 470 MHn% 73H I FMC I « / Ut MH M", IS'i It Reodtot 1 7 174 IIH »H »H-1 with a portion of the principal At the end of the 90 folrCm M ; 711 »•* n JI^ Us goal is the cusionuT who in the past has panies in business to make profits from their Avtry S] * MS HH i\H '. RtlcnCh 74 4 IS 17 MH 1] - '/. ft ' liH I H~ FolMnd «' II NH J7H »«|lj t RepStlllOoS 471 17ft IS Mft * H days, when they repay the full amount of their ANT '** H "i ft Fedder* 71 111 «•* 4V, <* rarely even thought of veiling a finance company, operations Avon 7 4014 S73 USM»* Utt-P/. RttvOII 1410 TSt IIH Oft lift- H loans, the finance charges are refunded FedNM I 71 4 Ml UH le% UH Hevlon 1 3014 417 S3% SIH SIH- ", The very offer of a loan at zero Interest should - • • - much less actually using one ll is seeking pro FedOSI 1 n • Me M Jl* jm_ Rtynln IH 7 MO S4H UH SSH- H Bally Ml 1073 iin il FlnSBor M 4 U ISH UH I4H ReyMII I «0 7 l» jjft u* 3Sft- '•» fessional, white-collar and managerial individuals A full 15 to 25 percent of the 15,000 customers arouse your skepticism The source of such gener- BollGfc 17% 1 M 71ft •m Flrtstn I II M] 12% \vu II",. Riff Aid 43 1 «tS 11'/. 70H 70'. % ' •kAiiQI — engineers, lawyers, accountants, teachers, the who obtained interest-free loans during this pasl ous loans should raise your cynicism to a high •outcri 77 • 10* «'/. i Knit n 4 141 ISH IS* 1jv» Roblm 40 1 171 fH G*"j Ol", BoxtTrv 40U 43 iVi 47H FtfCMcl 10 • 7U If us ii', Rochwl]40 7 llf UH UH 3SH* '4 like — who earn above-average salaries, have ThanksgivingChristmas-New Year's holiday sea. notch Investigate every line of small print and 8«atFd 1 00 • 77V, I7H Sft HiuBn \ JO v •* li MS ]S Rohflnd 7 41 IIH IIH IIH- '. son will not repay the full amounts of the loans read between the lines as well — before you even IS i FteelEnt »t W IIVI ItH I1H- Rarer 7|U 4Sf ii>, ISH U - 'i well-established a edit records and plenty of BellMow N 7 Hi lift IS* IS* • KiPt ?.M « 71} 77 MH Wi* RC Cot I 04 I M IS UH UH- ft sound collateral, such as houses, cars, boats, within three months, Dial marketing executives consider accepting BfffNtU ?M ' i DV, ftoPowl 74 T 117 ]|H JOH ]1 RoytO 4 tie 4 141 IIH 43ft 43ft- H MnlCj) I » 6 U 73H73ft 73ft- floor 140 7 iot nu nv. in-, RyderS 00 t 73 74% 73ft *3ft- '/, BenptB I 4*4 3H 34% 3'/jt FordM IM 3 170 43V, 44 43 - m »-« - •MtPd 1*10 ST 77ft »* 7*^ ForMK 1 14 I in im if* ifi*_ SCM 1 10 1 S4 UH IIH lift- H S«thSII 1 4 117 77STlft 7IH FronfcM JO • IM «>,, .', U%- Safewy l.M t 103 43H 43 43ft- % eiocHDf 6017 fU lt% )|% 1|'« FrpMlnlUII ID J3'4 J] JJ _ Slow,, 13011 4S 1;H 34ft UV7- H BltkHRI Mil IfS »••• IS 7S1* FrweM I K 4 43 1/H 17 77'*- StL&oFl.SOS 7 MH H% M'. . Bo«ln Il0n17 7200 /7H TV* >S\% - •—• - SiRegP 1 00 I 171 IfH MH MH- '* SOIMC 1 IS i 140 7»'i I*1/. 7t'. - OAF ,« HI UU OVk'A^ V> M Sontbo' M 7 M0 io<, 10% 10% Replacing a dividend check Bardvn 1 77 i 711 «'•»TSft HH- Oonnertl 4014 m 4J>.-, 47* 47H SFtlft 70 S 441 31ft 30ft 31ft- ft BWoW 7 1 llf 71ftIfft »H. GnCoblel 10 f H UH i«H UH SFtlfl Mil fOS 79', M 11%-IW fto»Ert 7 44 1 4f 74 73ft 73H • C*etiDyn /ie ill OfH 07H i;**- SchrP 14 f IH JOH 30% 30ft- '» By DAVID R. SARGENT Q-We woiM like more la iinurn amounts, a short term ever, it is only possible when A certified personal check for Bronlff M i 3M 14ft13* 13* AenFI le0*1U5 »% 4*H 4fH- Vhln I 4011 t17 101 fl'i WH IH BflllM 1 7714 tH 1?S OnFdi | HI m 3jrt M* Mn, r utt U ¥ tw 17% lift IIH- H Q-l Inadvertently de- formation ai Treasury Notes. note, in fS.000 and larger you are purchasing a new iv 5% of the amount of the secur- BrllPtl iitl 14* lift II lift* Gnlnit NI Hi U JJW JJH Seobi_L?70 S 113 7/', J7% 77'. ', stroyrd a dividend check tram I'M mentioned some Jl.tM amounts; and a medium term sue; previously issued secur- ities being bought should ac- BMttwk » 7 1110 144* GnMIHH UtO IS* IIH OH 7IW S«orleG « 171 11 UH 13 * ft HIM el I JO 7 Iff7 17ft GMot ee S 1171 S7tfc J4W UH Soar* I 13a I 1131 7IH 70'. jl -H Eaitnaa Kodak wken I level-year notes yielding note due in (lve, seven or ten ities must be purchased company your subscription •unkR SO • 734 lift GPU I 0B I 140 IIH 1IW UH. SlwliOinN* 141 »".-, 3IH 33 - % The balance will be payable Burllndl 0 7 447 11% GTC It /I0II IfH UH If Shell! I 33e I 4 45 44H 44H- % kinwd It with some trash. l.i%. Wkere art Ikey Isiaed years and generally in $1,000 through brokers or com- BufINo I 0 t 101 40ft OTIre 1 SO S KM Wh M'4 »%- SIM win 44 70H TOW 70S. H Haw da I ga aboal grttlag a aad wkere caa Ikey be baagkl? minimums Other notes are of- mercial banks, and there is a according to the terms of the t Mil 1113 71 IVi H'h -3"i GeneKo 41 4H IU 4'. signal n ? 744 uteoi 14^ 71% 4 w GaPoc MO f 1111 MH MH K SlmpPot 1411 441 10% 10H 10H replacement check Issued' Wkal b Ike Issuing cost? Haw fered on a monthly or quarter foe attached. ottering. Your certificates will -c-c - OCetty I 7010 140 HH J7H 1/H S4ft S4Vi '•» > Singer M 4 MS 15% I4H UH- H be mailed to you in about ten ?M< KU M",31ft 37%- % OltorFn 40 e ATf 14H IJ'/sij*,- Skyline 41 I 114 lift 11% IIH A.D. ManackHetts attea ait dlvldeads paid? I..S. .MMHIIIIIIHtllllHIIMIItHllltiallllllllllllllll CPC 7 40* n nVi GlllettelHf 170 M* UH ISH- Smtkln I Mif 703 f]H f3V f3ft-1 weeks w* sift* ft 1 A—You simply write In the MkUgaa in t 40 sift 34ft 34H Ooodrchin} 14* UH II . 11'/.,- SonyCp IS*U IS3 IH IH IH I 7i t 4t MH 7IH 71% %Goodyf 1 JO I S41 1/H 1/ \r, SCrEG I 41 7 IN 17ft 17 17ft transfer agent, explain Ida sit A— Bonds and notes are IM 7 177 77ft 74* 74*b- ft Goutd 140 7 IM nu it) ir. . SoCalE 7 41 I 1174 Mft Mft MH * H If your certificates are 1 ualion and request that a new b> I7 477S3 ISf•'t %17ft I''. ft Groct 1 fO 4 400 »% M M /- SourhCol S4)0 101t U', 14% U', issued by the U.S. Treasury, bought in registered form, you Litipt 7 1010 *IOQftlft WH tOH H GlAIPr. S3 14S *'» tH V\* SoNRdl IS 4 MS 13 HVi 37'i check be issued Kastrmin with the largest offerings usu- irlonw 17 400 47'..41% 47 • I GtWftrt I S TH M% IfH JfH SouPoc 7 40 I 174 77*v 17 17 - ft SUCCESSFUL will be mailed a check for the C«nSoW1 14 J ;M ll'»liV, ISft- ft GGIont I Mil n 99V, If if SouRv IN 4 144 44'* lift fr. H Kodak's transfer agent is Lin- ally coming in the quarterly interest semiannually If you CtntrDol 114 743 OftHH HH J Greyr) 104 f 3*4 ij', IJ'. 1? . IprryR 1 33 f 141 4tH 47'* 41 H I.I it-«ii n i 174 IJH A Grumml 70 i 140 UH U II - SquorD I 10 I tt 73 TlH 77H H coln Kirst Bank. One Lincoln refunding operations in Febru- buy the notes in bearer (orm, (»UAI> 0010 47S u»<4 GlfWltn 70 4 114 I4H UH UH Squibb I0H7 1I1* 31'. 31 31 - H First Square. Rochester, NY ary, May, August and Novem- Cttopn 1 4 4 77 71 Vi GutfOII I W I in 74 13H 73S SIBrrw) I 3410 131 14H 14% 74ft there will be interest coupons thomSfi n 1 101IS »H »•. GlfMUl 1 14 7 141 im IIH 11V, StOIICI IM I 7|0 44V. 4SH 4SH- H 1464.1 There will probably be a ber In a senal offering, usual- INVESTING GultUtd • 7 lit U"i 1 M UH* attached lo them These are ClxnM ) 70 4 JI7 JtH 11 StOlnd 7 00 I 44 14 11% UH- ''. ly covering a week or ten days, ( h*itl« ? T7 I 77* 7»71* * SrOIIOh N13 S47 47', 41ft 41ft- H month's delay before you re presented to your bank for HalllW IMf Mt 4IH~«'/i II - (MPrttf 7 0 U 7i 74* |M StowfCh 1 } 103 3t 31ft MW % ceive the nHHued dividend the Treasury will issue a new payment twice a year I would ihrltCft ' 70 10*10* % 10V, HofleHh Mis ft 14 71'.. IJ'. •SterlDg '711 477 17 UH UH iiiimiHHiiiiHiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHimi CrMylki 40 3StS W-» 10ft 10ft* HorttZd 40 * 70 10'% fH tH- tevenj 1 Wo I 4ft UH UH' ''» payment long term bond, in (1.000 mm advise buying them in regis Kertuiet i I 241 i; it', I*H (iiiup I It 7 771 Mf7Sft t ISft- StuWoi I 7S 4 45 SIH 31'. II'. U ly basis, according to Treasury II you are interested in in CltfetSv 70 I M «H IV, Meubllnl Sill W 30 7f; »u SunCo IN 4 7JJ 41ft 41H 4t'. ', tered form for the sake of safe (.Hylnv I 4 34*IS% 14* 14*^ HewltPk U17 M3 t4'. tin n -| - T-T - needs vesting $1,000 or more, you ty Bearer bonds are payable (HUM HIM UH Hollbov 14 17SS7 IfH 1|H UH- TRW 1 N 7 to MH M M - H ( If.n itll IN II MoilyS <; l7'/< I|V) UVt- lull** ) 4 41 IIH lift IIH* '• Individuals may buy any of should call or write the Detroit to the person presenting them Momifhl UaU llf Jl \V\ RVi* Uotoi. 40 7 701 II TompE I 17 7 It* IIH II II'* these securities through either branch office and request in (AlStOt » 7 443 It i» 9 m u nvt n<*- Tandy f IU HH MH 17%-1H Stocks decline for payment HouthFIt) 4 144 IH II II* • < .f.oBii 40 f 143 4* Tondyttt 10 N 71H 11% 13V> a commercial bank, a secur- formation on a noncompetitive CtKSCI I MIS 4M 4S* Mouiln 7M 7 Jfl 7? Tl", »fc- Techncr 40 1*4 lift 11% 17ft NKW YORK (AP) - A and raised its dividend (olgPali 111 HI !•"• HoutHG 1 0 1131 14H 14H 74H lektrm 4415 II* UH Sift .S3ft-I ities dealer or a Federal Re- lender offer Then watch the (Mr Sargent cannot an- (oiPtfl I 70 4 774 I7ft Mowdjn 44 7 l»4 IIH 10H 10H Tetedn 114) 4 41S 114% IIM IHH-lft selloff attributed partly to In the gambling group, HugMTI fill 791 47% 4SH 4SH- serve Bank or branch office A financial pages of your paper swer all mail personally, but [- % siixk prices intci .i hioail do Itully Manufacturing fell back INACp 7 40 S is located in Detroit. Buying coming note or bond offering. OmwE 7 40' m Mft M% MH 111 «V| 41 41'/, Tnora S 771 IH IH IH- H cline yeslenliiy. cancelling out •I'* to 56%. Del K Webb sible in his column ) Comxil 711 l\ »'i 41* 4m IU Int fl 1 411 I0H IOV> ItH Tr«OCO 1 f 14/7 24H 74ft 14ft- H notes and bonds directly from ConEd 7 70 4 401 74ft 71ft 74 idohoP 1 K t UI HH ISH 71* Te»Eil7 3O7 104 17H 17H 17H • ft Monday's gains dropped l'T Ioi9%, Hamada CanFdt I 400 7 171 77'* 7} idtxMB I 40 I <7f 13H HH H'% TeRinti 715 S41 M' , HH 17 - ft the Federal Reserve is the Uh. IIS HMMCp m ifH it-., if. Teilnl 17 Itt 1% 7H 7H- H The Dow Jones average of Inns iKs) Ht to II, and Caesars INCO •O74 tJS 17H l/v. \J% 1 best way since there is no lnOGlMOIl 411 3S>A 33H J4 -I 3,0 industhials, which had World was down :i'* at :\v., Incit 101/ m 17% UH UH l.Pcld 40elf 1 4t 44 ** charge for the service. How- SHOP VAC inaerR 11 311 M *v. TevUIII I 11 7 311 ItH '*'• if' '» IIII.IIHHI 12 39 on Monday, fell VliiriM-iill inRdS- - 70 14V, i*% Temigll I 7011 SM IIH 31 11%* ft Underwriters for Caesars 7 Ttlf It 13H MM7)1. Teitronl M 4 417 M'. M 7t kick 13 08 to 835.59 announced a public offering of NEW YOftKlAP) Tuewloy iKletleri IBM II fill ISM 114H 300H lOtH Thtohol I 30 ; 1 ])'•> 11% 31H InlFlav 4014 HH Declines outstripped rwttonolpiKe 'or Amctlcon S44 IIH 71'/. Thrift* 5113 10 IS UH UH- % 500.000 shares at $34 apiece to S 89 intHarvl JO 4 KiMnfMii US 37% 34W Iigerlnt M I 407 M'1 Wl ?V* %gamers by more than a 2-1 irilMin It* t itt at* nv, IlrrwiMl 70)0 7S4 13H 33H 11'. . H add to the company's working RAZV wai mtPaper 1 f Ne Jf, M-, TimknlMa 7 71 S4H lift 55ft- ft spread on the New Ynrk Slock o* CIOM Cha 1 capital and help finance con- IntTT 7» 7KM JOH JOH TWC 3 Iff If '. 11% U'J I AegiiCp i I* I'. • Inltwow OS 4 Exchange, with nearly 1,100 is struction of facilities in Ne- 37 *IWAM IH H f) »H If ; Tranvn 1 4 /If W UH UH- H (owaBt II 4 Tronic a I 10 I tJ 70H TOft 70'. 'v AltetCp 71 1 IH o . lawaP&lIM 7 sues losing ground vada and Atlantic City JIM S gallon wet dry *S. If O4t tH » Travlri l.« 4 404 MH J*ft MH- ft Afmln II 4 IH I .. . TrlConlO/c 101 if. if', if. ft Analysts said traders who JhnMonl Mt 1«tS 11 14H U\, Trtco 14 7 vi1, IH IH "s Volume on the Hig Board It' , 16'i 'i Jotmjn US m 74'/< 7SH /SH had been waiting for a rise in m IH HFo.lTOo* 4N 31H 3J'* lift- H came to 30 34 million slwnes JooLon 40 0 »41 IS'* IS IS'4* - U-U - «'» i\%« , Joitert. 14. f U If i 1| ll',. slock prices to do some selling Monmouth Building Center AutmRod i UAL M 3 m 13ft 11'* 1*^- 'i against 27 52 million the day r* iti * *• JoyMfo I 4411 104 )7"i J1H 11V. UMC 1 10 7 47 ISH 15V, ISH- ft evidently decided that the Bonlitr 4Uf 7) • •» IH- '« before fteraenB Me 4 IS - • K UNCRet 40 4 73 IfH lift II'* '•* 777 Shrewsbury Ave., Shrewsbury •H IH K mort 7J,t 144 13H 7JH 73H UVIfni 1 1 1414 ull1. 74' , 74'. market had gone far enough. Beverly 11 114 7H /H 7H7',. •, KoiirAI I S*O? UH 17H II UnCwb7l0 4 tU 34'- ISH 31H H The NYSF.'s composite in BowVall 1011 711 IIH IIHII1. -. KonGE 140 | With c.Kht advance! in the 4f IIH II'. UH UnElec I 44 7 147 Uft UH u dex dropped 65 lo 55 66 KonPLM U 7 IS ItH ItH it*. • UnOCall 40 7 Tt* 17', 14'* SIH- H first 10 sessions of 1979, the nrtmon la 3 17M UH t US HKotylnd 3 IM 7H 1V» tVt- (f Pet l«l 37 17'^ KoufBr 70 0 UPOCC 13010 7tl S3'; Uft S3'. <* Standard & Poor's index of 114 IH I IH Unlroyol 7371 *'•-, 4H A' | Dow Jones industrial avertge Cotnatl Nat lit 77W 7 V - v> Jelioggi 7010 400 industrials lust 1.46 to *J ItH IIH IIH- UnBrnd lie f 44 IIH 11'* n'. <. showed a net gain of more than NOTICE TO RESIDENTS OF TINTON FALLS i ". »* S3S IIH 71H II'*- USGyptl N 4 HO 7/H 77'. 77ft- H ClrdoM 11084. and S&P's 500-stock Ker'M 1 III] f) 40H 47'.% 47L*. USInd to S Uf •% G-0 G-'.« 45 points through Monday s < olemn 00 7 41 t'» U'» <. Don't lall tor those KimbCUM 7 I3S 44W 4SW 41'1- USleel I 40 13 SI7 14H 14ft 7*ft composite index was down 1.23 lontOG 71 14/ t's IH - Mi 1 cloie KnlglRd 1010 43 7) . 11''. 7)' | UnTecfi } ' tM 3f W* IIH '• S600 00 a month Rental Your first aid squad is in dire need of addi- Cookln 14(4 N IH 7 * ^ Kopp«t I » T Ul » IfH 30 • at 99 46 rotnllut. MM » 01* IV,H UnlTel 1 44 I 717 if. UH If Bnken ^said the market Ads (S21 95 per day-no Kraft 7 K 7 : Uptoho 1 1117 JM «'•% 40H 4tH-l''< tional members so we can continue to serve (rut.H Mil 73 Ht. I4H HKfoaer l ? » might have been unsettled McGraw-Hill eased % to mileage) We rent cars lot Oomton 11 144 7H 7H- Vt USLIFE 44 7 IN MH 70S 70H - '• 1 1 - V—V — our community. If you are age 18 or older, in r>atopd JO | -M7 If, II . tl', I . LTV 7H /'. by a decline in Ihr Hollar M'< A flurry of legal actions less than hell ol that — DomePt • Iff IS' II'. II'. 4*. Varlon 40 f 41 ISH 15 IS - H learSg K i If-. IIH- VoEPwl 31 7 141 14% 14 14 • ugainst leading foreign curren- were filed as American Ex- comparable wheels — no good health and are interested in helping )H LeeErit, 4411 14% 74H« EortttRei 1 7 W ISH li1, - w-W - big deals, just plain good I ertrnn TV I0H II * Wochov M I 117 l/H 17% I/'. cies yesterday press took steps to proceed 1 others, please contact us. We will train you in FedRei Jl si * It* I ewitrl 40 1 M 1»H sense thai am t crazy FronIA 10b 4 I UH >4H I OF la 4 WolMrl 1114 1 74", 14''. |m Losses showed up virtually with a (34 a share offer for the GRI 3011 44 4H 4V, 40 U'l ]4 H 74 H 1 WaltJmlMS 101 MH Mft' 7l'i '. first aid. L loot* I 10 4 lOt 14H 14'. 14'. ' WrnCom I I 177 44H 44ft 44H H across the board in slocks lhat company, despite McGraw- (jntvell 10* 7 t|7 •'., IHJ HllyF. III WI4 lilt SIH »H »*• ' HHor. iff WarnrL 1 M10 1017 15% 74H 71 '• Cowrltid » U H 7)4 77W ?1 7IH- WthWt 14 17 lift 73ft 73%- '1 had been leaders of the recent Hill's vehement opposition to I'.. '. Lockhd 4 CALL CAROL NEIS AT 741-5467 OR Iff H4 71H 73 -1 WnAIrL 40 1 715 tH tH tH 4 ft GIBotlrtP 7i SH Loews I 10 1 rally the takeover bid. 111 t!<. 44H U^ • WnBne 1.34 4 Ht MH M M - H JOHN MC CARTHY AT 842-3719 GtLhCh 1411 73'* 13H- Vt 1 I "Still 1,10 4 IS TlH 7J'i 71'-,- WUnloni 40 6 tl UH Uft 14ft- H HortiM 4011 77 HH U ) 1JH* Vt Du Pont, for example, VtLCo I 70 4 tt UH 17% 17H* ' WeitgEI f7 1 171 IIH 17** II - H One of the market's. few 7W 7W- ^ turn LoLondln » 711 MH YOUR HELP IS VITAL Hou6M NI W )7VtUH UH - '» 111% HH_ i Weytrhr I f Ml Mft 74 M% dropped 5^ to Kin'., as of the 4 areas of strength was the gold- laPoc 4Ob 7ISO UH ItH 1tH- WhectFI TO f 47 IIH 11% 31%- H - Hm*yO It ft »'->30% «•.!•. Lutkt/S 14b f p.m close in New York The impOII la f n ItH 41 1S%1SH iv. < - Whirl* 1»* 150' tl% 17'* II - <>* mining group, which advanced WhlteMI 741 7'. 7 7 - ft inilrSy. » 413 I'-* 1 1 - stock soared 11% points Mon WGIC 71 7 4U IIH K4 »H H WTilth* 70C 4 445 Uft 13H l*%- '* broadly as the dollar declined inlBnfcni 10 M0 JH Mocmlll 71 7 4S4 I] IIH n\k- % Wicket til U Uft UH 14 day, when the company an Intploll X I S tH tH IH '. and world bullion prices rose .*t— % —X-V-I- MorMid 00 1 371 UH UH UH 4 H Xerai HI 1114 40H SfH }tH->% Megoinr 14 4 fH vi, H Morrlof 1410 1)44 14 IJH IJH- H ZolKp > I 1 Uft ISH II'** ft MIUME II 7 IfH 17H- H IH IH MortM 1 00 I Ml 30* JOH JOH ZeflllhR 114 117 UH UH lift- * MIIKO S110 IU Jl^ 11% 11% • M MauyF 103 10 fH fH We f 4f ;% HIIIKIK IH IS %MGAYOS 1 » 7 143 74V, 74H J4V, Holei tS 4V, ID Bonoi U M* Ml 4% 4H— '.i MaytgilOalO MM IIV, »Vj NoCdO I 41 fH McDtfml I S 7lf UK. 11% HH4 '. ID Public Utlliliei U*S«0.|7 10 Induttrlolt 11M* DOS OtOfkA tSc 4 03 SH McDnld MU IfU 44H d43H 44W- % Real IS U IS 14 » U Commod futures ind*> 1 It Pf Ind 1 IV 14 WiOonO40f t)4 liVj 34H J4H-I PGEpfW).S7 14 MV>MV| 74' i H m n- M(GEdll0 4 111 14% 14 14'% '.» PECp Mt I 31 3H 3 3 - * McGrH IU17J1 UH 13 J3W- H Prenriol 3410 4S M HH 7SH '. Mead 1 40 S 173 M »% »',-,- % Every Preiicy 63r 7 41 IHr,, IH- v> Local Securities Melville! 40 t>M4 lf% »H »H- % Bonk Dock ouotalloni c ourlesy Out Estate RethCot 74 I S3 UH U'-, UH- '» M»f(k 1 toil till 7tVi »% 70%-IH RevtA IIS3U M I7H 11H • I •rater J. Welli, Aioury Par* Inoutlrlai Mwrtfc.JM 414 IIH t7% 17', *| auatationi courtesy Foftne lock A Co . Robntcti II AS UH 11 i,i ni H MtioPeVlfb »7 14V, 31% «'. 1 JH JH H By ANTHONY J. CAMASSA SetMta M IH MGM Mto HI 44% 4SH 4SH-1 ltd Asked 40H 40 W '•» BANKS Sunday tolllion II 77 v\ 3H IH MGMtMl JM UH HH 33H- H Allaire Stale Bonk vv, REALTOR I H'» MH- 'i MldSUt I 11 7 9077 li'i ISH ISH. H Cenlrol Jeriey I0H '0J, Synle« W1I 717 37 MMM IU 1034 41% 44H «4W- H Chemical Book 40* «qH SyilEng U 1S7 ISHIS IS - H Community Slate 71 In Uw Sunday Register IH IH MlhPL I 14 f 44 If V, If % ItH Ttnnetowt 3t3 IH Mottll 4407335 4fH UH It -V, Fidelity Union Bortk Coip 1? t7' , JHJ SH S THAT BEAUTIFUL LEVERAGE TerroC 4M3 7 SH MdMer 14 I Uf IS". I4H I4H- H Flril JerMy Natlooal IS IS** USFIIIr .37 0 )7S IIH 11% 11V) First National T R IS'T 16' I On* ol the graal advanugM MohhOlo ll m 11 tH fH- '* ? purchased lor only $10,000. Unlvftl Jl t. IU UH UH UH '. MonwnlMi 17/ 4fH 40H «W IV.Franklin Stole A Vernllrn 10 7 74 4H Jeftet Shore 1? IV In real ••Hit Invtilminl Ii cash and a 190,000. mortgage oc MnlDU 1.S0 4 II UH UH UH- vt WarnCpiM 3t UUi Brunswick Bank & Trust U thai wondlrtul word c»ll»d loan. Five years later, the A Sunday through Saturday MonPw 704 7 US 71'* 70H 11 Hew Jersey National Corp 7?*fc 71*. Moroon? SO I 47S 41% 41 41'. H Ocean County National 1J"i \*-> leverage In Its ilmpltit terms, same property Is sold lor MurNort HI0 00 IfH IfH TlH- V, People'! National Lokewood i 1] 1 II means using lomioni (150,000. (a 90% gain In val- rooiiioU's Motiotoi MtO 111 IIH 40 40'. IH Srtrewibury Stale II II '. Listing of TV programs, United Counties Trust Co •Ua's money to vastly In- MIFueiin t 43 31ft 31H 31H- H im ue). Alter paying oft the United Jersey Bonk talei Raal •state hVs traditionally vestor would reallie, not a NCR 111 IM ef% I7H 47H-1H Tvenh btnea on Ih* lotl qvorterlrottemi Brockway ir 50% gain, but rather a 500% NLInd I 70 t IfO lift 11% 7l%- % Buck Engineering 3Vj \m4', bMn vary good security tor annuoWetlorotlon Speciol or tltrp dlvid gain on his actual cash Invest- rntft etpaymenti noi deii«f>aied aweaui NLT 1 4 144 Tl'. lift IIH- ft C.RC Corporation '. loans. This means that real new easy-to-read tab or are tftenllttedintM to»e*e'« NoblttolUI 103 MH 14% 14*4 \% Colonial Foods 1 1 estate can be acquired with a ment because he only In- HotAIrl SOU 7t3 U 11% HH H 00 Toman Industries Ilk Electronic Aisoctatn mIVt smaller percentage ol cash vested 110,000. not $100,000. »lwi lto«k dividend - L)quidotm rjwi NatCon 4411 47 ItH IfH IfH- H tVk At your newsstand or call 542-4000 f 9 EAC Industries t'/1 me MsMof tared or paid thii yeof an actwmulaiwt Notom 1 00 S 103 44ft 45ft 4SH-1ft Metallurgical Int 7'. m The Sunday Register - <»w» #Hh dlvtdtftdt m arrroM n-rNew NevPw 3 1 33 IIH lift IIH Midland Glass IS the appreciation In property IV.. Hwe ' OttiwtdDi eotdln p*»(«»rnB •) NEngtlJ IB 7 100 TlH 17% H% Monmouth Airlines tj value belorigs to the property we're htn to *•* One Register Plaza e Shrewsbury monttii plut tlotk dividend i Paid in Newmt 0031 144 73H 7TH 71H-IV. Monmouth Capitol 7 1 holder regardless ol the CAUASSA AQBNCr, iltxk in sretedinf IJ menim etHmated NlaMP 1 44 I 110 UH 14% 14ft» ft PnO4W 1101/1 M "Or si imt> vatwe on ei dividend or »« OHlnbv NorfWnlOII IH 14H 3H 14H* H Monmoufti Real Estate 7 3 amount ol the loan. Oceaoport A—., W. loflf loo Hi," loir NoAPhll SO S M 17% 17 77 -% N J Natural Go* 14'. •men. MsMt OMIM or 4 NoeirUM 07 f Ml fH fH fft- ft PerMn-Elmer 30 WH To Illustrate, assume a • -Ei-dlvldendort« ngM* * -d-divi Precision Optics. k) Carter Am., IMHe SUnr. (t*od and talci m full i-Salei In lu" NoiNGllttt »7 M% JSH ISH- H tJ • 100.000. property was NoStPwl 14 7 ISO Mft 74ft N%- ft Radiophone Corp l i H J*one: Ttr-ttU. tkl-CoOea wd Wntndlilribvled «i- Nortrp 140 7 IN 40H IfH . IfH Hoy Comfri tnd Inc 4 •Vnentiwed w«-Wlth worronti •«- Servomatlon M (Editor's Note Realtor Camassa is a Pasl President ol the NwilAIrl 71 f 401 JOH IfH IfH- H n WlfhoutwarronU .dU -E. dittnogtlon Spiral* Metal 1' * IH Monmouth County Board ol Realtors and was named Realtor ol . v|-in bankrupt!v or recelverihip or NwtBcp. 14 I 14 77ft VM> 17% Triangle Industries VH being reorfoniie«Sod»f the Bonkfuplc* Nwtlnd I 71 4 «*! 31ft »% ItH- ft U S Hornet. IM '0'i the Year lor 19!'6 by the New Jtrsey Assoc ol Realtors) Norton 1 II 7 ll 77 M »** ft United Telecontrol ' i Pi Hoi Sim fib 7 4M UH UH UH I • f CS2©SOUPE.^PVSf^SMS^k. AnotherR reaso nBOW You'll do better L

kEach ol these advertised I items is required to be read- ily available lor sale at or advertised price io«ach AaPStore^ .except as specifically noted in this ad.



A U . OZ CAN /# Chicken <£ / Of The Sea BONELESS* SKINLESS BREASTS «*nn ™.~ - »•" O00 Limil one coupon per family. A4P 29 Valid thru Sat. Jan. 20th. »609 Chicken Cutlets ».. 2 Shell Steaks s_* 2™ Boneless Pork Boast THORN APPLEVALLEY FRESH #*<%* n • I • n •*•• 179 69 .. lh I VOU PAY WITH THIS COUPON » I7.M PURCHASI Boneless Round Ham * 2 Chicken Thighs > 89° PorkLom Back Ribs Country 159 SMOKED, HOT LINKS or FRESH #*** A n-1 . Mylt " I 79 DEP.-2LOINEND Hilishire Polska Kielbasa I Chicken Drumsticks . 99° Spare Ribs CwnMnrtlwt 149 SLICED WHOLE ^-Q •« CENTER CUT. 1 SHC, Pack * i PORK LOIN , END CUT OUR BEST FROZEN 89 SMOKED .. . WATER ADDED BreadeOscar Mayed Pattier Bacos An as 99 I ° CenteChicker nHa Breastm Slices s= *- 1 I " ShouldePork Chopr Pors k Chops •H • MEAT Of BEEF ft THORN APPLE VALLEY #*OO WITH COUPON IN AD 19 Mb -V AAP Sliced Bologna ui I Boneless Petite Hams -.2" Kahn's Sliced Bacon P*U AY WITH TMH COUPON • $7.50 PURCHASE LANOO-FROST ° _^ HICKORY MAID „ BEEF LOIN TAILLESS c 0 ANY FLAVOR Chicken Bologna ^ -89 Griddle Franks r3 Porterhouse Steaks .v\Hi-C Fruit PERDUE.. . 5TO7LB. AVG. FULLY COOKED ... WATER ADDED A&P BRAND #P Drinks v Oven Smoked 29 Meat _^___ Limit one coupon per lamlly. **p Aip ) Valid thru Sat. Jan. 20th #610 Stutters ,b Hams Franks

^/" Yw'll Oo tottsr SntiA4P't YOU'LL DO BETTER WITH A&P S FRUITS I VEGETABLES You-NDeMtsvWMtiMPs CL DAIRY DEPT. FEAT! HEALTH t FLORIDA ... 100 TO 125 SIZE ' Temple Oranges O 88°

EQULARorOILV THOflCANA CHILLED UMirunniCALIFORNIMA TENDEicnucRn GREEunccnN INDIAINUIMPNJ niTcRIVERn WHITwnilC-/E 2J3 Tiu/O 21f BI*SIZCE Orange Juice ss.59q C VO 5 Shampoo Fresh Broccoli xss 59° Florida Grapefruit 4 99 STRAWBERRY, SASY, OOLOEN 0. EQQ AMY VARNTTV ^ . _. U. S. *1 • _ g^^ WASH. STATI r . g* Breyers Yogurt 3^.1 Yellow Onions 3 ^ 59° Anjou Pears -• 49C Suave Shampoo COTTAOE CHEESE ***%* HOM AEROSOL . . REO. or UNSCENTED CALIFORNIA .35 SIZE U.S. #1... ALL PURPOSE "^ ^ TAA 00 Light n' Lively IT 69° Fresh Avocados 4,1 Cortland Apples 3.79° VO 5 Hair Spray C CHEESE SPREAD REGULAR«SUPER F • FIRM FOR STUFFING Ct\f EA(Y TO PEEL... 1M SIZE ' "t t% 1 SQ , 99 > JCraft Velveeta * P Alberto Balsam Look For A*PJ A- Green Peppers «. 59 Florida Tangelos I Ik I Look ror MF's IPRICETAGSZ* YOU'LL DO BETTER WITH A&PS FROZEN FOODS EW ACTION PRICE TAGS, SALTED or UNSALTEO TOPS LAYER CAKES Nabisco Premium Crackers # PepperidgFarm e Fill* in

RCQULARorTHIN ANY FLAVOR « KO AA. San Giorgio Spaghetti P*»39° ( Sliced Peaches SALAD DRESSING •' _ Sealtest Ice Cream xl Sara Lee Pound Cake °;r 89 ANN PAGE Kraft Miracle Whip ri09 Good Humor Bars bx I Less Sugar ss^ z 59° A»P GRADE -A' Fruit Cocktail FLAVORFUL 69 100 AAP SWEET PEAS. CUT CORN Of IMPORTED FROM FRANCE 10-OI. 1 00 21-OI. 4 bottla Red Rose Tea Bags Green Beans 4 pkawl Perrier Water ANN PAGE YOURCHOKE Mixed Vegetables ASSORTED .. tOO SHEET ROLL ( Coca Cola or Tab Meat Pies ™ SEABROOCreameK FARMdS Spinach v:19 Bounty Jumbo Towels .-. 63 CHOCOLATE FAMILY PACK ORANGE JUICE runrni ITC WITH 10-OFF LABEL Tasty Kake Krimpets Minute Maid Rich's Eclairs 'sr69 Palmolive Liquid ^79° a REGULAR onr POLY.FOr R COFFE> r E F cH|cittN UNSWEETENED VBf%A jjT™" j;" .r" ' ™ inn *™ ' <"TURKEY Sunsweet Prune Juice "° 79g Perx Lightener 3^luu Meat Dinners

Pricaa aftoctlva thru Sat., Jan. 20th In A&P Stores in Cantral, Northern, N.J., Staten Island, Rockland a Orange Counties (except Princeton, Mlghtstown, Manahawkln, Rt. 1 Mercer Mall 1 Central Ave., Newark, N. J.) Mot reapontlbH) lor typographical errors. In order to asaura a sufficient quantity ol sale Items lor all our customers, we reserve the right to limit sales to 3 packages ol any Ham unless otherwise noted Prices not effective In A»P Store 66 Old Bergen Rd., Jersey City. SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 1979 The Dtity Regbfcr 17 fO.J.' repeats as teen-agers' top sports hero 1 Chris Evert By GEORGE GALLUP position to the lead in 1978. Tony Dorsett, Oakland Yet although Staubach is quarterback Ken Stabler, and Gallup Youth Survey 2. O.J. Simpson PRINCETON. N.J.- number one with boys, he fails Miami signal-caller, Bob S. Nadia ('omenifi The findings are based on O.J. Simpson, legendary to make the girls' top 10 Griese 4 Muhammad Ali telephone interview! with a iTh* analysis was based "ii running-back for the San list—ranking llth. An interesting distinction the 1977 survey). *> Keggie Jackson representative national sam- Francisco forty-niners and first ami iscond Dhow 6 I'f'le Rose Newcomers to the list of between the choices of boys While the time ul year in ple of 1.115 teen-agers, 13 to formerly with the Buffalo luniii I 7 Dorothy llammil boys' favorites include Reggie and girls is that while the lat- which the interviewing was 18 years old, during the period Bills, has again been named TOP 10 CHOICES ' X Hillie Jean King Jackson, now wearing the ter s top 10 list includes four conducted may have had a November 3-10. 1978. American teenagers' favorite ALL TEEN-AGERS B Jimmy t tooMri uniform of the world cham- femate athletes: (US tennis bearing on the choices—the Copyright 1979. The sports personality, repeating Iii Sieve (iarvev pion New York Yankees, and, champion Chris Evert; I976 1978 survey took place during Associated Press. the honor first accorded him Olympic gymnast Nadia Com- until the announcement of the height of ilu- football 1. O.J. Simpson in an April, 1977, Gallup former Cincinnati! Red's enici: former Olympic ice season, in early No- 2 Reggie Jackson Youth Survey. catcher Pete Rose's new con- skating gold medalist vember—it's interesting to Muhammad Ali Klondike Derby set Examination of the latest tract as a Philadelphia Philly, Dorothy Hammil. and semi- note that the April. 1977. 4. Roger Slauhach survey, conducted in the highest-paid player in retired net ace Billie Jean L1NCROFT - Monmoulh structions for reaching the fin- choices of boys included five :i I'hns Evert November, 1978, also reveals baseball Knse appears in fifth King), and six male Council. Boy Scouts of Amen- ish line Practical Scouting footballers, despite the fact B Pet* Rose that no fewer than five of the place on ^he boys' list and in athletes—the boys fail to ta, will sponsor it.s 12th annual problems are encountered that the football season had 7. Nadia Comeniii top 10 choices are repeats sixth place on the girls', while return the compliment, nam- Klondike Derby Saturday from along the way and must be long since been concluded 8. Tony Dorsett from the earlier poll Jackson noses out Rose for ing not a single woman to 9 am until 3pm in Thomp- solved by each patrol before it when that survey was con- fifth place with girls, lit their own list of 10 favorite 9. Fran Tarkenton son Park can proceed Among boys alone, Roger ducted should be pointed out that in- athletes 10 Julius Erving C'Dr .' i Prizes will be awarded lor Staubach, a key factor behind The team winning the most terviewing for the 1978 Four star athletes appear the three lop patrols and the the remarkable gridiron points for working out its prob- survey was completed before Including repeating among the top 10 f»vnrlt«i oj senior team winner prowess of the Dallas lems wins the derby Rose's contract terms and superstar Fran Tarkenton, six both boys and girls They are: Cowboys—including their TOP 10 " The derby stems from the new team affiliation were of the top 10 I978 choices ol Simpson Jackson, Ali and Governor of the 197* Klon- second Super Bowl victory CHOICES OF BOYS days of the rush for gold in made public.I boys are football players, two Rose. In contrast with the dike Derby committee is Wil- last January-garners the Alaska when men raced by dog are baseball players, while the 1978 favorites of boys, which liam Maier, with cent most votes, followed by "The sled across the frozen wastes The other boys favorites worlds of boxing and basket- include, as noted, six gridiron 1 Roger Staubach llanranan as lieutenant gov- Juice." Among repeaters from in search of instant wealth making the list for the first ball each have one represen- stars. O.J. Simpson is ih> nnl\ j II J Simpson • ernor Don McCoach, Sid Bell, the boys' list in 1977, Sooting lias adapted this ac- time are all football players: tative, Muhammad Ali and footballer to achieve that ' :i Reggie Jackson Walter Baker and Robert Klauhach shows the greatest tivity as ah annual event for Dallas star land 1976 Julius "Dr. J" Erving. respec- distinction among girls • I n 1 Muhammad Ali . KeiWey are in charge of regis- progress, vaulting from tenth area Scouts Heisman Trophy winnerl tively, (botf! repeaters from 1977. he was joined by Joe I", ic Rose tration The scoring center will Each patrol builds or re- Namath. now retired I 6 Tony Dorsett be manned by Lee Pannebaker furbishes its sledge each year • I tlllMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIinillltlMllllllllltlMIIMIIIIMMItlllllllllllllMIIIIHtlllllllllllMIIIIMIIIIIII 7 Fran Tarkenton and Dan Kreider Every dog team (so called be- Following are the top II) 8. Julius Erving I'Ur. J"l cause four to eight Scnuts act Mike Wyman will be at the Labor pains result />• •>. .1 choices of teen-agers collec- 3 Ken Stabler as huskies) works an a sepa- suiting line, with Harold Scott tively, as well as boyi lad Ki lii.h Orleae . J County Births girls separately, in response to rate unit, following a course al Frost Comers Judges will the questions* assigned al the beginning of be Lloyd Belton, Frank Boesch in a jail sentence 1 < niMiiuitrii nun HIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIMMMIIII.IIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII TOP 10 the derby at Frost Corners and Jack Fenton, with Guy RIVERVIEW HOSPITAL Alberta Ave, East Keansburg, The team driver, who is the EATONTOWN - Juliette fined U50 plus 125 court costs, "Who is your favorite CHOICES OF QIRL8 Geoly as finish line judge. Red Bank Jan 12, a boy patrol leader, is handed a Watson, 197'Garfield Court, and a 30-day suspended sen- sports personality? And who William Bishop will be in Mr and Mrs Lewis Lunt, Long Branch, received a sus- Mr and Mrs TaroS Brown. wnulu ne your second choice?" sealed envelope containing in- charge of the kitchen. tence Nanette Webster, 54 Wake Rd., pended 30 day jail sentence (Gloria Mitchell). 114 Mont- Eatonlown, Jan. 12, a girl and was fined SIM plus »Z5 Michelle Ann Gillis, Orbit gomery Terrace , daughter. court Skip those Super B,owl Sunday blues by supporting the Rumson. The Willow Cleaners in Sea Bright It Little Silver Middletown Jaycee-ettes in honoring our outstanding young & The Mart in Monmouth Beach or by calling Mrs Hunter woman and outstanding woman at an award fashion show at 842-4753 Half-lime autographs available for. youngsters luncheon, to be held at the Sheraton Inn, Hazlet. Tickets are llO.wrter person and can be obtained by calling 671-6103 or 291-4832. Proceeds to benefit Kiverview Hospital FEBRUARY I Red Bank Catholic High School PTA Luncheon, theme Parents Without Partners, 644, Cocktail,, Party and Mardigras. Feb 6, fashions by Dobbins, LTD, Shore Dance, Hideaway Lounge, 2 Fearey Place, Morgan, 8:30 Casino. 11:30 A.M. Tickets: $9.00 Call 291-9314 or291-4355 Free Buffet. Call 5W-017O It* % Old First United Methodist Church Museum. I.must cVV Open a* Earner Today Ave., West Long Branch. NJ. exhibit of personal grooming FEBRUARY II u Middletown Jaycees presents Broad-vay Star Robert Why shoulcV° 9° another day without items used by grandma & grandpa Time: 2-5 P.M Ad- ia mission free. Morse in "Play It Again, Sam" at the Beacon Manor """^ earn

JANUARY II, 11,14 FEBRUARY II Beth Ahm Community Players production. Fiddler On Bus Trip to Beacon Manor Dinner Theater. Bus leaves The Roof, auditions Jan. 21, 2-5 p.m. and 7:30-10:30 p.m.; HighlandsBoro Hall, 11:30 a.m., $17 includes bus, luncheon, Jan. 23,8:30-11 p.m.; Jan. 24. 8:30-11 p.m. For information, theater seats, tips. Tickets sold Sat. Jan. 13 and Jan. 20,12 caU Ted Winters, 264-7709 evenings. noon. Highlands Boro Hall or call Chris or Ro. 291-5464 after DLONIAL 5 p.m. Meet the stars in person. JANUARY 12 Chicken Fry, Jan. 22, 1979, sponsored by Keyport FEBRUARY 11 Klwanis Club at the "Chowder Pot", Rt. 36,11 30 A.M. to 8 Senior Citizens of Monmouth County glorious day trip to •IRST P.M Philadelphia Bus, lunch, visit the Mint, Senior Cltiwnt Monmouth County Right to Life is sponsoring bus Pageant. $19.95 complete. All welcome. 988-5252 or 774-1411. transportation to Washington DC on Monday, January 22, JIONAL 1171, for the annual March for Life Abortion Protest FEBRUARY H * FWolltv Union Bincofpotatkm Bank. MwnbM FDtC Demonstration. Donation, $10 (or adults; $5 for students. Broadway Show to Grease, $27.50, call 264-3754 or CaU for information, (81-4207; 787-4650; 741-2174; 7751588. 787-7852. Hazlet Sports Club. Food, bus and refreshments. MWVVWWWWVWVMAMMMMMMMMMMMMIMMMMMMMI. 18 The DMty Register SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY JANH SLIM GOURMET Something-else slaw in slim combos

I tablespoon fresh lemon juice •y BARBARA GIBBONS WALDOKt < III HV SLAW 1 Who says colesliw has to be cabbage1 Only the dictionary salt and pepper to taste

    Today's mechanical marvels take the elbow grease out ot salt and pepper In tusli' 1 teaspoon dried onion flakes stamped, sell addressed envelope and 35 cents lo SUM slaw-shredding. If you have a food processor, or an electric Quarter the unpeelrd applet off-center, missing the core. 2 tablespoons Italian parsley, minced (iOURMET SAI.A1) I'lKAS, in care of The'Register, Sparta. grinder or standing mixer with a coarse shredding attachment, Cut away the core anil ilisnuil I'ut Ihc apples and celery 5 tablespoons Italian seasoned NJ 07871. you can shred up a slaw in less time than It takes to tnss up a through the coarse shredding disk nl a food processor or the conventional salad A blender can also do the job, if cut-up shredding attachment ol a mixer Or, dice finely uy hand vegetables are added a bit at a time with some cold water A Combine all Ingredients and mix well Makes six servings. 05 Cooking fun few quick on-off turns will do it.^lth no gadgoU to plug in. you calories each can still make a slaw with the aid of muscle power, patience and SKSAMK BGOi a dime store hand shredder WHIM III SLAW MONMOUTH MEATS Scrambled eggs are varied in a delicious way 110 MONMOUTH ST. 13 MAIN ST. 90 OCEANPORT AVE. Here are some slim combinations to try A raw beets, peeled, quartered 5 large eggs i red apple, unpeeleo, cored and quartered Mi cup commercial sour RED BANK EATONTOWN LITTLE SILVER MEXICAN LETTUCE SLAW 5tablespoonsyogurl. plain, Inw-fai. cream 741-5292 542-0743 741-5350 or lowfal sour dressing S teaspoon salt 4 cups iceberg lettuce, shredded 1 teaspoon prepared horseradish '* teaspoon pepper 1 ARMOUR STAR HOT OH SWEET , i ii|i onion, minced (or more, in taste i 2 lablespoons butler DUBUQUE I bell pepper, seeded, chopped sail and pepper In lasle 2 tablespoons sesame seed, % cup Italian-style salad dressing, Put beets and apple through coarse shredder ol food proc- loasted ITALIAN I clove garlic, minced essor or mixer attachment, Of Ihred b) hand Combine with Beat together the eggs, •A-teaspoon ground cumin remaining Ingredient! Makes fottr servings, 50 calories earn sour cream, salt and pepper BACON 6 tablespoons Cheddar cheese, extra-sharp, coarsely just until blended In a 10-inch LIVER SAUSAGE shredded CAULIFLOWER SLAW skillet heal the butter, add the egg mixture and cook over low $ j 59 Quarter a head of iceberg lettuce and shred finely with a 3rupscauliflowei. raw, coarsely shredded heal stirring as Ihe egg mix- $-|49 sharp knife Mince onion and pepper by hand or through the I cup red radishes, coarsely shredded lure sets, while still creamy, Ib. coarse shredding disk ol a food processor. Stir dressing with '^-cup red onion, minced 99« Ib. stir in Ihe sesame seed and garlic and cumin, and mix into slaw. Shred Cheddar and 4 tablespoons mayonnaise, lowfal cook, until as set as you like sprinkle on top Makes six servings, 55 calories each 4 lablespoons yogurt, plain, lowfal Ma.kcs 3 or 4 servings:

    PAPAYAS-They come from fast-growing tropical tree9 Papayas delight calorie-watchers By CECILY BROWNSTONE Associated Press Food Editor Now that many of us have had our fill of sinfully rich holiday deeserU, its lime a cook's fancy turned to fresh fruit For example, you may be interested in using the lovely fresh papaya to intersperse with the commoner varieties ol fruit Papayas have a lot going for them They offer vitamins A and C plus the minerals potassium and phosphorus. And good news: a 3^-ounce serving (100 grams) of papaya contains only 39 calories Thus a generous wedge of papaya with a squeeze of lemon, or lime juice — as often served in Hawaii — is an excellent way for a calorie-watcher to begin or end a meal.

    Since it's only fairly recently that papayas have been widely available in supermarkets, culinary works neglect them How evvr, "Fresh Food" by Sylvia Rosenthal (Tree-Dutton), pub- lished in 1978, devotes a section to them Mrs Rosenthal notes lhat "The fruit varies in size from 5 to 10 inches It Is cultivated in Florida, Puerto Kico. and Hawaii, but Hawaii is Ihc main source of supply "

    You may be as interested as I was in the book's directions for storing papayas They are "Green papayas may be ripened al room temperature away from sunlight They will ripen in 3 to 5 days. When they are sod and mostly yellow Jor orange, refrigerate and use within a week "

    After the fruit is ripe, you might like to U\ a Mexican milk shake, called a licuado, for a quick pickup According to "Fresh Food," it's made by pouring a cup of cold milk and several Taster's Choice" 100% Freeze-Dried Coffee, Regular chunks of peeled ripe papaya into an electric blender and and qreen label Decaffeinated. whirling until snrtiKUj. Then the drink is sweetened to taste with honey or sugar Looks, smells and tastes like ground roast coffee.

    In my own test kitchen we worked out ;i delicious way to serve the (rait lor a special dessert We pared a papaya, cut it in — STORM'OH PON- --NIOKI COUPON • hall and removed the seeds aliil discarded Hum, Then we drained a small can (about H ounces) of crushed pineapple, thoroughly pressing out the syrup, and mixed the pineapple wilh three ounces of sofkwd cream cheese We used the pineapple SAVE ii SAVE cheese mixture to fill tlie Cavities of I In I wrn papaya halves and chilled the stuffed Iruit At serving lime we cut each half into two long wedges Presto, a fresh-lasting, interesting and delec- 40$ 4(K table dessert for four i I'aslcr's on J I mn m(fU«GO0D(MIMUllCOO poMi O discard them. Mix three ounces of softened cream cheese with a I * (jtM)O UNIT Oft UUli- ONI T OH i*iim i t mm i HUM ' Xi MUIM mi- (nut uwoconn niMifti IOOMMIA owo cam quarter cup of finely chopped toasted, filberts or almonds Fill I o> mi otwR mi cfvntituin it*uo omn vu cmitnuiu m»uo Dscafltlnaxed the papaya cavity with Ihe cheese mixture, pressing il down w EXPIRES APRrt. 15 1979 onl>. lightly Return the reserved slice to the base Cover and chill Al serving time, slice the stuffed papaya crosswise It mil look I pretty and taste good 40* _J 40* 40* Governors say state needs better image

    NEW BRUNSWICK (AF) - In their drsl joint interview "unnecessary appends i tour New Jersey governors praised one another's terms in Hughes, who hUowed Meyner as governor, succeeded m office, admitted their power base came from the state constitu- having a stale sales tax paaMd But he and Cahill tailed in tion of 1M7 and agreed there was a need to improve the state's attempts to enact a stale in ne tax image The Rutgers Kuruin is he oldest public affairs program in Gov Brendan T Byme and three former governors ap- New Jersey, according ti> moderator Roger Cohen peared yesterday on the Rutgers University Forum radio show, When the program began in 1M5, it was carried initially by marking the l,5OOth broadcast of the show that started in IM5 three New Jersey radio iUllDH The former governors were Democrats Robert Meyner and Now the program is bi id on 4» New Jersey stations and Chief Justice Richard J Hughes and Republican William T stations in Philadelphia and New York Cahill. The first Rutgers Ken m, programs were recorded on large Meyner said the 1047 constitutional convention concentrated discs similar to long-playinr iecord albums and then circulated power in the executive position by giving broad authority to to participating stations appoint judges and cabinet members The original formal (• amred a discussion of current New Hughes and Cahill praised the state constitution tor provid- Jersey events by three or hi i faculty members ing the groundwork for a unified judicial system Reporters and ntwiril ll > s being featured on the 24-minule "The constitution focuses responsibility on the governor program are not paid tor thi if appearances on the show which that he cannot and should not duck, " Byrne said is taped at Woodlawn. a • at Douglass College which Hughes, Cahill and Byrne endorsed the longstanding efforts houses Rutgers' Kagletnn Irl litule of Politics to achieve a broad-based state tax which was culminated when Alter the taping, In* p, incipanls are dinner guests of the Byrne and the New Jersey legislature passed the state income Kagleton Institute tax three years ago. The teatured guests on ihe anniversary program jointly But Meyner, who opposed the extension of any slate taxes. headed New Jersey's exc< u'ne department since 1954 said he still doubted the wisdom of increasing taxes Meyner served from IM until 1D62 Hughes was governor "I always subscribed to the idea that there is no free ride,' from 1M2 until 1970 when He was succeeded by Cahill who look Meyner said office in 1970 and was go\ etnor for one term In suggesting that new taxes simply bring on more pro Byrne's first term hi jan in 1»74 and he will complete his grams, he said he still wondered whether new taxes brought second term in 1982

    ALL GOVERNORS — Governor Brendan Byrne, of Politics yesterday. The four participated In the The Daily Register left, Is |oined by former New Jersey Governors, left 1,500 radio program of the Rutgers University Fo- rum. 1o right, William Cahill, Richard Hughes and Robeit SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY JANUAHY I 7 197 Meynir, at Rutgers University's Eagleton Institutp 19 Shrewsbury zoners weigh fate of racquetball plan RySHKKRY HClmith •ere parcel lo *»<• lubdtvtded offennjj a nettled recrea- minutes of the Route 35 site SIIHF.WSIIURY - All out i'f -< Im K1 Ii BI < owned i>\ tional assiM and a I'mnl new Last month, however. seven members |i( the Zon Genola Venture's Inc clean tax ratable Clay llamner. head of the Ing M<> mi nf Adjustment Bui two m*w tnuml incm Brian George, itumson. Duke University marketing Mm listened In Ihfee months bers were appointed on Jan president of Nnrlhshore department ami adviser to uf lesliiiiiiin lasi fall KM a 1 and !!»• fiw nVnibns n> '1 said lie had made the National Court Club As proposal in build a new rac- matning, who bad heard .ill an iiifm survey last Sat- "U.IIHIII produced another quetbaU dub hers on the Av- ihe ic• inning were pi31 in in dav petitmns in hand, of study indicating that the enue of tiu.- Common will he their initial dtsi usi Ion 40 businesses In Shrewsbury market within a five-mile ra- in deliberations on the ap- three-tii two and found iml\ one of the 4(1 dius of the proposed club flu Blion .ll .1 BDI • 1.1I llteel Tht' bo.trtl mm! iiiir.lti opposed in ihe racqttetbsll would support profitable op- mi; tomorrow at H p HI five affirmative votes in ap 1.11 Hit) eration of only 33 courts 1 •.err" I»II HI ihe seven hm prove 'in variance 1 needed \nd she said she didn't within the prime area mill Murk and Mark Roman fur Ihe M*i nahutin] in ihn like sports, period," Mi Ninety-two courts have enko. are now former hoard which is nol inrluttcd 111 the George said already been built or ap- members Mr Muck, who IIKM Industry and 11 The petition's signers proved in Ealontown, West had asked mil IIJ tic reap ous permitted In the Llfj M slated thai tliev as busi- Long Branch. Sea Rnght, pointed when his lei in ended IT inen would support the Liille Silver and Wall'and 1 1 • 11 said last ntghl lie Lawrenct- HaUghan 1H efiorts" or the (inn to bring Brick Townships Mill definitely he pieselli ai 11*' Silver, 1 onl i .»• 1 in the new club which "will Dr. llainiiei was retained tomorrow night s meeting pun hater i»f the propertj provide needed iniloor recre- by the owner of a new 15- Mr Konuinenko. who ami secretary ol Northsbftre ational facilities and provide i mn i racquetball and health look his seat mi Borough Sportcili, tnc , Huinsnii, (he a necessary ratable club scheduled to open in Lit CoUJldl Ian I is ..I-." n DperaUng turn, is also iteli Mn club as planned tie Silver. 2 5 miles away, in peettd to sUond mi' variance! fin parking re* would contain ie 2Oby 40 March PROPOSED RACQUETBALL CLUB - gular structure fronting an the Avenue of the The meeting »iii be open qutremenUi injd foi 1 (wn tool regulation court*, in- Mi tieorge charged last Architect's rendering of Shrewsbury racquet- Common. Shrewsbury\ Zoning Board of Adjust- to ihe public, but no com- tyard suli'vani combination eluding a tournament court night, however, that the ball club proposed by Northshore Sportech Inc., ment will discuss the plans at a special meeting Mil Ills Will lie IHMIIIItll'll ,.( 11:1 [eel where 175 feel undone convertible into two builders of many of the pro designed by C, Edward Phillips, West Long tomorrow night - Vttlirill-ys fill llolll Hie .||I fre require*! squash courts, ii viewing posed clubs going up in the Branch, shows front view of two story trian- pncanl Mid objectors to the Hit' board VMII have to lounge anil nursery and en county are "speculators " proposal agreed to slhm the decide the caae on txiih a 111 ise facilities and said he had been ap- "Recreational and leisure has become extraordinarily East. 1975, (lie new sport was two formal memberl to re philosophical question of C Kdwani Phillips, the proached as a potential activities are one of the big popular in Ihe Mid and Far Ten years ago, according drawing 14 million partici- inni fin the discussion and when fncilitiis foi a pgpulai Weft Long Branch architect buyer of at least two of the gest things lo happen to this West. to US. Racquetball A pants iinal yg|e mi Hie * a| I.IIK es new spoil 1 en Ii B saturstion who designed tile two-Story proposed new clubs country and we are in a busi But only within the past lion figures, there wei Mi anngs 1 an from Oi h> poinl in .1 rm•!• an B and .i trtangulai 1 lull lesiified last "We are people who have ness thai would cater In year or two has the sport 50,000 players nationwide There were five million bei through DeiVinlnt mi in .11 in ai interpretation uf November that ins leulbili- Ihe financing, who are bona this," Mr Ceorgesaid begun to generate the same and court clubs were uti active racquetball players in plans for Ihe It) court, two iLs zoninguiUinaiitt s ly sludv lui the project fide businessmen, who want Racquetball, first played fervor in its participants and known 1977. a nd last year there stni > Noiiiistiore Racquet Norllislini e 1 ''in i-M'iii lounii thai jusi under 410.000 to bring in a nice clean rac- with a sawed nil tennis rac the same level of dollar in- The first two court iluh- were 750 clubs to house 1 iii 1 lub planned foi .1 .' I Btives have irgoed Mu'v air peisnlls lived wllhlll 15 III 20 quetball club lo this town quet in Connecticut in 1950. vestment club builders in Ihe were built in 1972. and bv them Concern for orchids won't interrupt building plan ».MI.H\I IIHMkl, ID a K menu Utei ihe meeting, Author- ing by 1SH1, and has been or as Kincannon of Knviroiiuieii ter. he said consistency of peat in It's Ihe same runoff you MONMot 111 BKACII night ity Chairman Paul F soiissiei dered by the federal govern- tal Assessment Council, Inc., a When the sludge arrives at an earthy snull would get from a street," Dr iin luds apparently will not be AAccording io .lean Stuck, Bid he would have mi objec- uieiii to develop a composling New Brunswick consulting the site, it will be mixed with Authority officials said the Kincannon suggested Tlllton Kails ausuel In Ihe Ilir Wife of I'olinellin.Mi I >.il' tion to local orchid fanners o|H'ralion. according lo An- firm, presented plans for the wood chips to maintain its compost from their pi "1 don t live on a street • i nail 'Lull i II Shick ami i iniiiitiei of'thf attempting to remove the thony Savino. an associate ol proposed site, which would porosity. Mr Savino added. plant would be slm'Uai where they dump sludge," Uthough'concerns ovei the Vmerican Orchid Society, -i flowers from the site, a plan Ihe authonty's consulting engl- employ what is called the "ex- The mixture is then added sample Mayor Spector retorted. habitat ol the tiny fish helped variety of orchid known as a suggested bv Mrs Snick's hus- neei Charles Manganaro. tended pile methoti" of "forced lo Ihe compost pile, through Residents and conn. I Residents of Shafto Road environmentalist* hall a Sli< lad) slipper gluUs uilil nil ,i band. Authority Chairman Paul aeration composting " which air is drawn to en- members who spoke were expressed concerns about the million federal, ilani projei I ID-acre trad Which the author "I'm sure that with as t. Schissler apologized lor not A four-acre section of the courage bacterial digestion, he mainly concerned about odors possible effects the plant local concern ovei rare oi itv is buving for its comporting sniuli .in area as it is. il could informing Ihe borough officials plant will be devoted to the said from the plant mighl have on their well wa- rhnis will not change plans b) plant lie handled," Mr Schts.sler of a public hearing on the plant actual composting, according The air is deodorized before In response to a question DJ ter Hie Northeast Mnninoulli He The orchids would he said which was held in December to Mr. Sav mo being expelled from Ihe sys- Mayor Gabriel K SpVctnr "Do you realize that we aU f!ioiial Seweiage Authoi it\ to threatened if Ihe plant is built. The plani is planned toi H "We did omit'nolifying the Sewage sludge will be "de tem, Mr Savuio said about the smell, Dr Kincan have wells out there?" asked construct a cumpustlm plant Mis< Shick contended site six tenths ol a mile south borough. We're sorry it hap- watered" at the authority s fa After the sludge has been non said. "II the slinh. Frederick Richardson of J0O0 in the borough A terrestrial* ecoiogisi foi nl Ashuiv Avenue and Shalto pened We wouldn't mien cility here, and the sludge turned intn compost, it will be tic. it will have a sinel Shaflo Road "Asphalt is not I'he endangered orchids .Ihe authority, Stephen Fnuci Road, about W0 feel to the tmnally omit anybody, and we cakes" will be transported in cured on the site lor about 30 not septic, i! will not have going lo make it waterproof" m 11 "IK- ol man) concerns said the orchids on Hie slle west of the Ket'Veytowh AMF. hope we can go on that note water-tight containers to Ihe days, he added odor " "How would you like this voiced bj 23 luitnii K.dis ie,i wen a mutation of a rare /ion ChUTfh, and near several and satisfy the questions that Tinton Falls site, Mr Savino A sample of compost from a Mayor Spector asked if i thing in your back yard if you dents, including ihe mayoi and species, but were not specifi 11 ulenees come up." Mr Schissler said said llellsville, Md , composting fa runoff pond for drain a r paid 140.000 or 150,000 for your members of the borough coun call) protected in i The aUthortt) lias said ll Mr Savino and an environ- The de-watered sludge will Cility, which was passed site would collect sludge pam home7" asked Edmonia 'il who attended the author dangered species legislation up ui ''.in sludge dump mental consultant. Dr Thom- be about 22 percent solid mat around Ihe audience, had the cles and emit a smell Brooks of 3092 Shafto Road High school science resource center issue resurfaces

    ByHll.llV MrCOKMICK ber of board statements lusl such a cenlei in the 197K-79 statement lo res|xind, he stroyed The priorities are not whal ••illation for others I don development of students, then HI'MSON - Ihe | month and a criticism (il the budget, we would be Imam added "Get out of the teachers they should be We are *,peml why it should not be i 1. as a lay person, would prefer Ihl Rumson Kan Haven He board bj a second membei Ing a new program Mrs Barbara Durrus. way and let Ihe teachers make ing an iniiiiliii.ini amount of credit. They do an awful ill if that judgement ' munal lllgli School s* il uu time has any iiiein She said at that point il board member who chaired Ihe best of themselves, our time offering a - course for things in there that ai i But Kstnn V Whelchel. source cenlei resurfaced al ber ol the hoard doubled Ihe seemed to hoard members to Ihe meeting In Ihe absence ol children and this great mstitii credit," she said. cial. They are learninr board member, said, "I am nol last night's Education value of the silence resource be "unwise" to fund a new Board President Mrs Tina I lion," he urged Mrs Emery agreed, main- ticated material." he cyi comfortable pitting credits for workshop meeting, with an ex center, -said one board mSm program when ihe board was Doremus, and Vice President "Nothing we can plan or taining that "it doesn't belong turned ballroom dancing versus cred,Hum fii'in i board nicm IHT. MIS Barbara -lean Em .ilieadv faced with reducing Curtis S Townshend. ex order or rush around trying to in the academic field its for trigonometry ' ery^SJie said it was ilisru Bed ihe stall and cutting Item* plained thai Mrs Kiyeiy had enforce will take its (creative Hut the coursers taught by "Dr Alfred C Tho at Ihe Dee llboard meeting (rom existing programs asked to make Ihe statement implulse) place." he said Mr C.iflin. was defended by board member, sSid, "WliX because memben questioned Hut since that meeting, she because of confusion thai sur- In other business, board Harry R "Bob" Carter, in- Mr Ciiffin does in his fi the Implementation ol "what Said It W.I 'Apl.nneil In llel rounded the center ill the members were urged In sunn dustrial arts department is Us own business i «e inougm in Be a new pro that the center been in press members of the public to keep chairman, and Mrs Marilyn like toseeil offered thi gram without mil pj existence [pi se\n,il years Board member John ballroom dancing as a mini Bell, Knglish teacher is now " proval Approval ol n Out board does nol have to Barnes said he felt the board's course, and not make it part of Mi Carter and Mrs: Bell "The course is exi grami Is a n spon ilbUltj ol ill approve the i entel as n would position "was a serious con the physical education pro maintained that the mini worthwhile." declan New Jersey school boards at have to do il n were new," she demnatlon on Ihe part of board gram for which two cmdits course is part of the yelluca Berberich "As a com mtpdatedby law vi id members on the creative in could be earned lion of the whole child illative of some teachers ' The Credit, il gives the a. Board pi i>> i dm * in dealing She sliessed that hei ie The board is currently con Mrs Bell said many stu- center has been operating certain legillmac) with Ihe lent' i ••.' . marks in the prepared sidenng curriculum changes dents have signed up for Ihe since September In expanded C.iffin's giving up his Ii B month ago ab it reflected hei p»si for Ihe 1979-80 school yeal course since Mr liiffin began facilities, and is staffed by is nice, but 1 would liki She saul that l yi lion alone on the matter Changes will be acted upon at teaching it teachers who volunteer time lo dents to get credit He i when the board was preparing "1 was not awaie there next week's regular meeting Pointing out that Mr Giffln 1 be there It was set up during ployed first and foremost a a the li78;7J-school pud| would in a statement read,' Donald F Trotter, acting leaches, this course also during Ihe summer by George GIKih, science teacher and ,i board was "advised b) Ihe pre said Frederick w Hmi superintendent, said he felt the free time, Mr Cartel said. science department chairman, ment chairpersun 1 don vious admlnlsti stlon that Ihe Itose, another board membdl course, taught by Mr Giffln, "You are primarily lalkinfi at the request of science teach- this is interfering m\ ntei had •| take exception! in your could not be absorbed in the about what Mr liiffin can do ers classroom leaching." h no! been In existence for some commi'iits tbbul tlie Pee i« pysical education department on his release time It means five years " he lolil Mis Kmeiy • Mr. Raines maintained that Mrs Carol B Kuby, board he is correcting papers at And Mr Rose said And she pointed nut .thai "II I had known there by criticizing the science de member, said she prefers lo home people who arc prod would i I would- partment creativity, the see the course "as an activi- ;'lt is a vocational orlen in the field fvl thai II" .board numbers reasoned that J Frrdrrick W. Rose if they included mon hive had a pi epa red creative Impulse mighl be de- ty," with no credits offered tation for some, and social on of this course is essential in the Mrtml.EMi; 20 TheDMtyRegiMer SHREWSBURY, N J WEDNESDAY. JANUARY IM 97a Penn triumphs; Eagles pass Villanova falls PHILADELPHIA (AP) - Senior Tim Besides Galls' 18, the Pirates, 11-4, got » Smith scored 16 points. 10 in the second half, as points from Mark Coleman, 11 from Howard the University of Pennsylvania rallied to defeat McNeil and 12 from Clark Young touehest test Big Five-rival SI Joseph's 41-42 In the second Mike Bruno topped the Jaspers with 18 NEPTUNE • Top-rankegd stripe M times and con- to a »tt lie at the end of the game of a college basketball doubleheader last points Karl Luechau aded II while Hector Iliddletown South High verted on 21 attempts The first quarter. Forward Paul night Baei, John Leonard and Brinton Hugglns each School pasted its toughest Scarlet Fliers (W) made Hall then broke loose for M St. Johns defeated Villanova 74-54 behind scored II. test to date in defeating good on seven of only 11 point* and guard Dave Har- Reggie Carter's 17 points in the first game al Shore Conference "A" trips to the Une rington added eight in the the Palestra Marqaette It, L«g Beats St. M Division North foe Neptune, South walked to the foul second quarter as South St. Joseph's, 8-7. had taken a 3125 lead on a MILWAUKEE - Bernard Toone scored 21 nm for its 10th straight vic- line 17 times In the fourth went up by five points at the layup by Rob Valderas with 15:13 left In thepoints and reserve Jim Dudley sparked a Mar tory quarter, converting 11 half. The Fliers got no game. Penn, 10-2, came back to tie the score at quette surge late in the first half, leading the nth-ranked Warriors lo victory over Long The story of the game times. Neptune went once. closer. 17 on Smith's Jumper with 7 16 to go Beach State wu Wd at the foul line. The The Eagles, who sever The teams then traded field goals until Jeff Hall, second in the county Rickey Williams scored 20 points to lead Eagles went to the charity trailed in the game, battled in scoring, finished with a Clark's free throw gave the Hawks a 42-41 edge at the 2:48 mark Long Beach, which slipped to 1-5 with a fifth game high 25 points. Har- defeat in six games. rington followed with 21 and Smith's long jumper with 2.36 remaining John Benbrook added 14. accounted for the game's final points. St. Joseph's, which took only 26 shots all night, had Terry Peniston, coming the game's last shot, but missed with three off the bench, led Neptune seconds left. College Scores with 17 points Todd Holland Tony Price and Matt White each had eight MIT and Keith Coleman hit for 14 BoMI.I B1DI* n. volley Foroe Chrli points for Penn, while Zane Majors was higH points each and Greg New- Clorktonol.Concordior* for St. Joseph's will) 13. CooitGuordn. Curry 41 land added 10 E otttrn ft, UrslnuiM. OT Led by Carter^ and Wayne McKoy, St Hamilton Si. Albany SI I) Eagle Coach Pat Hous- Hortwlch M. Birflolo 4? Johns, 9-7. scored the game's first nine points HooortM.BrockporlStl' ton, one of the most intense and stormed to a 35-15 lead on Carter's jump Holy Croti 7*. Fair field 7] Lincoln 14, Rutoeri ComdfnM mentors in the area, wu shot with 4:43 left in the halt Moil Maritime n. Worcester St 44 leery of his team's ranking NovyTS. YOM7J Villanova. led by Tom Sienkiewicz, cut the New Haven 17. Keenest. 13 earlier this season How- lead lo53-40with 13:24 remaining, bul SI Johns Perm 43, st Jooiepni, Po 4J Pratt 70. N Y MorltlmtM ever, "after last night's Im- scored six straight points and was never again p. node lilondBi. Provldonce 41 pressive victory against a St John'i.N Y 74, Vlllonovo M threatened Wton Holt If. Manhattan n Flier team that rarely loses Stockton SI n.GlaUBOroSt »! McKoy added II points and Bernard Suffolk n.fltchburar* at home, Houston must feel Rencher 15 for SI. Johns, while Sienkiewicz led weiloyonS7.MITS) vv Maryland*!. Moravians* a bit more comfortable In Villanova, H-7. with 16 IOUTH the place at the top. Nttre Dame II, Lafayette M AuouitoColl 71. GlenvllleSI 41 Cedorvllle 77. MolOftO 7o Matawaa M, H.well U SOUTH BEND, lnd (AP) - Top-ranked Chflt Newport 77. N C Wtilf-yont! Notre Dame went on a 14 point scoring binge Clinch Volley n. Blocftttd Coll IS MATAWAN - Steve Delaware SI 7*. Howard*! late in the first half, led by Bill Hanzllk, Kelly . E Monnonlteft. Shonondootili Bethunc hit a game-high 21 Emory 4 Henry 71. K Ing, T enn U points and Keith Gritzek Tripucka and Orlando Woolrldge, and went on Florida AJ.M *}. Alabama ABM II to trounce Lafayette 91-66 last night in college (.rambling 77. Mm Volley 74 added 11 as the Matawan GreentboroColt 47.CokerH •e.literifaf1 .Hotel »r Cert ferine basketball. Oulllord 71, Mllllgantf Huskies rolled over the HompdtftSydrttre'.woiri Hern GIVE ME ROOM —Middletown South') Paul Notre Dame never trailed after Tripucka, Mothoalit 14. N C Greeniboroit HoweU Rebels Norfolk SI U. Hompfon Inlt 77 Hall (32) grabs some roomand goes up after a Hanzlik and Woolridge scored tour points ftodtordll.BluefleMSt 47 The Huskies took the lead rebound for the shot, during lost night's Shore Rider n. Catholic U H apiece during the late first-half drive, giving Trtvecca7l,Unlontf In the first quarter and kept Conference "A" Division North contest against the Irish a 44-29 advantage with 1 26 remaining TroySt If, Ala Hwntiville 77 building, (altering briefly in lulculumNCarm Newman IJ Neptune. Fliers' Keith Coleman tries not to foul before intermission Va Union 70. Fayeltevllle St M the third period before ft Carolina 7». BoptliteJ the Eogle. Prior to that, the lead changed hands II charging up to the final rV Georgia 14. Colvmbvi Coll 71 times 'William t, Mary 47, Vo WeittyonU buzzer In the In si period, the Irish, now 9 1. capi- MIOWBIT Marvy Howard paced the MIDDLETOWN - Thomson and Ken Parstck Ball St of N Mllnoli ppd . mow talized on 20 turnovers by the Leopards, now ( oncordlol7. SI Loull Pharmacy 77 added 18 and 12 points, re Rebels with 14 points, Fol- Rarilan High School played 6-7 Dellonce 1*9. Anderion 4J lowed closely by Ed heads-up ball in the first sperl'ively Mike Maeru Drake 114.WIchlfoSI IVr.OT sun HaU M, M.aaaltai 71 (.roceH.Mancheiter M PadleUa's It. Donald Nqrbut quarter and coasted to vic- paced the Lions with 13. and Langttonfo, BtihopIS NEW YORK - Seton Hall's Nick Galls 1 oulivllle 77. Dayton 74 contributed 10 to the tory over the Middletown John Goulet contributed 12 Morwflen, LonjBeoenSt 10 fired in a game-high 38 points to power the Huskies. North Lions II was the Paul Clark led. the Rock- Notre Domett. Lotoyttteei Pirates over Manhattan College Ottawa. Kon M. t> WARNING —Referee Joe Callano warns Matawan is 0-3,1-0 in "A" Rockets' first conference ets in assists with five Via Grande B). Mt Vernon Noiarone players from both sides to keep cool during last win. Karitan is now M. II in Galls connected on 12 of 14 shots from the North. HoweU is 4-t, winless field and 14 of 16 foul shots The senior guard SWOhlahoman.Cent SI .Ofclo 71 night's heated "A" North basketball game at Mark Clark led the Rock conference. Middlelown SOUTMWI1T after one division game. shot a perfect 6-for-O from the field and 5 (or 5 Baylor IS. Houiton 77 Neptune. Top-ranked Mlddletown South passed Rarltai (4, MlddleUwi ets with 20 points and 11 re- North is 1-10, winless after SMUM.TeiaiTtchiS from the line in the first half to give Selon Hall TeN0tt4, Rleell the big test by defeating the Scarlet Fliers. bounds Teammates Ken its first conference pairing N.rta U a 41-38 halftime lead Potvin scores 3 — Knick make in Islander victory Vitale cry NEW YORK (AP) - "It breaks my heart," said Detroit UNDALE, NY. (AP) - a goal by Rick Green at 7:13 of my). II, Ptri»on,, J: 13. 3. New York, Coach Dick Vitale "I'll shed some tears tonight." Defenseman Denis Potvin the third period before Potvin BOMV J* Trottier assisted on I'otvm's pushed aside as New York Knicks Glen Goderzick (44) goes for a rebound last up an inbounds play The only ones they fooled were them- first goal and the tally by night at Madison Square Garden. selves. Bossy, his 3611) of the season. "We had an idea what they were going to do," said Knight "They like to break everyone off the slack and then throw the Walter sent a 15-foot ball to the back man. We were supposed lo overplay our men backhand shot past New York and try lo make something happen." goalie Billy Smith at 17:44 of Rutgers has difficulty recruiting What happened will linger In Vllale's memory Three De- the second period, then set up troit players broke in different directions and M L Carr tried lo PISCATAWAY (AP) — It's not easy recruiting away. become a national power Oliver says Rutgers has hit his remaining teammate, Rnh Lamer, with the inbounds top athletes to a school that doesn't offer full schol- Mike Frick, a two-time NCAA champion at yet tq gel a vote ol respect from the state scholastic pass. But Knight stepped in front of Lanier, intercepted the pass Red Bank arships. And Rutgers University wrestling coach Lehigh, Chris Campbell, who won three NCAA coaches and then drove In carefully for his winning dunk Deane Oliver is well aware. crowns at Iowa, and Gene Mills, a Syracuse Univer- "I don't think they go out of Iheir.way to send sity junior who is currently ranked number one in their kids to us," Oliver said "I think it they have a DITHOIT (III) wins 8th Oliver spends a good deal of his time trying to Carr s J-4 1], Dovglat i 1-4 13. Lamer 10 111 71. Long • (H> 14. Porter V a i u the nation, at 118 pounds. sell the Rutgers University college wrestling pro- real super kid, they'd like lo see him at Oklahoma " TatumJMi. Tyler e3 714. Woktfleld I MI, HollllOIHiO, McNclll0040 TOTALS 47 RED BANK - The Red 14-24 110. gram to Nt?w Jersey high school wrestler;. Oliver figures that during a rmiruilini; year he'll NIWYOCK Illll Bank Middle School's boys' contact in excess of 300. maybe 400 kids Out nf-thal Knight III 7H. Wr.Adool4 00]t.MeilweoMer S7 ill,OeamoniOl H.Glenn His sales pitch doesn't include the fringe benefits basketball team ran its win- number, he figures some 60 percent won't take the 49 11-23 111 ning streak to eight games by you would expect to find at Iowa, Oklahoma or Cards get Knowles Df*r*n M D M • trouble to respond NtwVMt nun it ii thrashing Thompson Junior Wisconsin He knows he'd be hard pressed lo match Fouled out—None Total fouli-DeIron n. Ntw York » Tech nicai-New ST LOUIS (AP) - The St. Louis Cardinals have High School, 45-27, yesterday them. Of the remaining 40 percent, he estimates half York,iontd*ftrrM. A-UJO7 broken the ice in their bid for a free agent, signing Paul Sims led the Middle Oliver's sales pitch is geared toward selling a won't qualify academically. veteran left-handed reliever Darold Knowles lo a School charge with 19 points. "top-notch, quality education," showing a "concern II boils down to "maybe 25-30 kids" who'll gain Iwo-year contract at terms undisclosed. E.V. Boynton chipped in 14. for the individual," and offering "lour years of admission, and only "two or three" who figure to NBA Standings "I'm tickled lo death," Knowles said yesterday. Mike Pascale was high scorer enjoyment." make any significant contribution "I grew up in Missouri. I've always wanted to be a •=»iwef m vowforoivcf " 4JBHI R *>vMHet"awct for Thompson with 10 points. To some degree, Oliver has been having trouble "A full-ride for an instate student." says Oliver, AlKMttC DtVltlM MlwWMf DtvtthMI St. Louis Cardinal Deep down, I guess I've always W L Pet. as Koniat City M I* •1* - getting his point across "would run roughly )2,800 Last year, I had $2,800 " Wathlngtofl 71 11 IU Dtnvtr 74 K US ) been a Cardinal fan ' Philadelphia » 14 M\ l Milwaukee % ft tH IV> "Number one, it's the financial part," Oliver A full ride — that's the rub/A kid with any kind NewJerity 70 10 UO 7V| Transactions Knowles, who broke in with Ihe Baltimore Ori- Chicago 17 M m tV: said "And secondly, there are a jot ol kids who'd of talent isn't only going to expect one. he'll protla- New York J, 34 4*7 t infltano U 77 in IOVi oles in 1985, has hurled in 715 major league games Bttton 14 U 3» DM . BKrat-'sKttod Lorry give their right arm to come to Rutgers but bly get it, too And If Rutgers isn't willing to foot the Poclftt DlTtUei for seven major league clubs — four ir the Ameri- Cmtrvl DIvHIejit Lac Aitgelet 7t It to* parrlih, tklra owitman, wtrren Son Antonio 17 It «7I academically, they can't Seotlle It U U4 OBtwwHl,OHHIIIBII, AMra Dtwttfl.Ht bill, chances are some other school will. can League and three in the National. 7 Houtlon 14 11 STt Iv, "Being a state school, we've got to Justify our "The NCAA limit on scholarships Ior wrestling is Atlanta 74 71 Ol 4 PhoenlM Si || »l . ST. LOUIS CAROINAIS-Sllrlea "If I hadn't had as good a year as I had last Cleveland if JS 40jJ 1*1 Golden Stale » n HO 1 t rwe year admissions," he added. "Some other schools don't 11," Oliver said. "We don't have any 1 can't see us Detroit 14 1» IN Ij Portland If JI m 7 year, I probably wouldn't have taken the chance," NCWOflMM 14 1? , m SonOlego » M f have to worry about that." competing on the same level until we can come up I4V| BASKIT8ALL he said of his decision to become part of baseball's Yerterdotir*! G4vpn#t 03a.m. MiNMMl MkMMH AMAH with the same kind of thing Take Gene Mills, he got Detroit at Ntw Jtriey-I: Oliver's sales pitch? Ntw Yorkm, Detroit 110 •OSTON CELTICS-Trodtd Billy re-entry draft last (all. Freshmen Lou Trygar of South River, an a full ride at Syracuse We offered him everything Komas City MuCkvelond 7» Knight, torward. to Indiana for Rick Rob- "Bul I'm glad now that I did," he added. "I Phllodelpniadlchlcaoo.imd .now ey. forward NJSIAA quarter-finalist last season. Pal Gleason of bul tuition. They offered him everything." Denver IM, New Orleans 100 Denver at Son Antonio, I JtD.m. SOCCER think I can pitch at leasl two more years. I think J94mffmmn Photnl.atMllwtivhtt.tillD N*rM Amttrtcan Socetr Letawt Bound Brook. Anthony Srage of Passaic Valley and Despite the obvious handicaps, the Rutgers pro- Kontat City at Boiton, 7 M p m Lot Angttta at Son Dlooc.. 10 OS a n ATLANTA CHIEFS-Traded Bob that whereever I've been, I've done reasonably Dave Jevie of SI. Pius of Plsacalaway bought it. grain Is respectable But until Oliver Is able tofffer Portland at Atlanta. 7:J5 iwn Houston at Golden Stntv, 10: M p'ni WnHrticft, (Word, to Detroit for a Ifto well." mtmirtmt braft choke ond on vn But then there are the blue-cnippers that got everything to a high school star, Rutgers will never Mjolofcoth SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17 1979 The Daily RegfctCT 21 Loughery Holmdel still warned f 9 NEW YORK (AP)-Kevin Don Murphy, the two officials l/oughery, the excitable coach Loughery bumped, also best in C of the New Jersey Nets, has worked the Lakers game HOLMDEL - Holmdel High School took an potnts to lead his team in the first quarter Point Beach could manage only two points in been warned by the National O'Brien told the Nets that early lead and fought off second and fourth the period The Gulls came up with nine points Basketball Association "in the he would hold the club respon- quarter rallies by Henry Hudson Regional lo strongest terms possible" to in the second quarter, but Freehold scored ir sible for Loughery's future ac take its fourth "C " Division victory and remain follow behavior standards for for a 26-pnint hlaftime lead lions Under the NBA conslitu in first place coaches and to tone down his tion, the commissioner can Hudson, paced by BUI Williams wilh 21 Walch finished with a game high 22 points. outbursts against NBA of levy a fine of up lo $25,008smd points and Doug Williams with 22, outscored Rich Head added 12 points Justin Hurwitz led Retail an indefinite suspension for the Hornets 21-18 in the second and 22-20 in the Point Beach (2-8) with 10 points NBA Commissioner Larry conduct detrimental to the closing minutes, but the Admirals were only Kevpcrt 77, H 't'Brien called Loughery to a league able to narrow the gap to five points At one KEANSBURG The Red Haiders evened point, Holmdel led by 15. then overall mark al 6-6 while handing the special meeting yesterday af- In a statement released by ter the Neu coach, who was Rich Scanlon was high man for Holmdel Titans their ninth straight loss Keyport is now the league after yesterday's 1 recently suspended for three with 24 points Jess Stout put up 23 points and 2-2 in conference and Keansburg is 0 4 '»/ hum meeting, Loughery, games and fined $1,000 for pulled down 12 rebounds who leads the NBA with 28 Center John Hubler scored eight points in bumping two officials, was Holmdel is 10-2, undefeated after (our in technical fouls, also said hi' the first quarter as the Raiders jumped out to a quoted as saying there was a conference play Henry Hudson is 5-7. 2-1 in had no evidence or information 21-11 lead Steve Cross and Doug Kemp spHJ 16 "conspiracy" against him by "C" Division to support his accusation thai points as Keyport increased its lead to 17 points the referees AP PD4I4 NBA officials were "out to Freehdd 71, P»l»l Beach 14 at the half Loughery later denied DM BEHAVE YOURSELF —New Jersey Nets Coach Kevin Lougriery waits to POINT PLEASANT - The Colonials stayed Cross led all scorers with It points. Ilubler gel" him meet with NBA Commissioner Lawrence O'Brien yesterday before being quote, w*jrh was attributed to Neither O'Brien tior a game behind front-running Holmdel by bat and Kemp each added 14 Paul Canny ind him afterthe Nets lost to the warned about his dcpoitmcht on the sidelines. Loughery denies saying that teringtheOarnet Hulls Brian AUfrey shared Titan scoring honors with l/oughery would comment af hebelieved NBA officials were conspiring against him. Los Angeles Lakers 117-116 ter the meeting Freehold's Dave Walch pumped in nine 12. Pete Riley added 11 Friday night The winning point came when Los Angeles' Adrian Dantley converted a free throw with 11 seconds re maining after New Jersey s Phil Jackson was called for a loose-ball foul with the Nets in Bucs turn it on to beat Blue Devils possession game behind the idle Branchers and the victorious Ironically. Mike Mathis and WKSI !.i)N<; HitANCH - Red Hank Regional eight points. < hi|i|n'il ,ivi;i\ at a IS point Ked Rank KUMSON - Rumson-Fair Haven poured it on in HiKh Schools boys' basketball iMfll iCOIfd III in the fourth Shore pulled to within two with the second period and outdistanced the Marlboro Bucs by battering the Braves unanswered points with under two minutes Irfi in four minutes left, 63 61 Sam Jones then hit two Mustangs en route to victory last night Jim Pinkney pumped in 10 points as Monmouth 1 (he gQlM to break away from Shore llegional. 7.1-65 quick buckets and Dwayni Lodge added a basket as Wayne Reevey.led the Bulldog offense with 21 jumped out to an 18-10 first quarter lead Ftnkney High Srhool Scorn in a Shore Conference "IV Division North COOlfiil the Hues went up, 69-61 The Blue Devils got no points Bob Emery threw in 14 and Mike Sheehan added eight more in the second quarter as the last night ri(M> closer than six points after that. added 12 Falcons led by 13 points at the half Stout 111 Jj, QutglfV J S II. Johnwiri The win kepi the Hut'cancers even with an idle Uxlge pared the Buc attack wilh 20 points Doug Daubert was high for Marlboro With 13, )H BOfley SO 10, ltonl«i> 17 0 14 Melton 00 0 Balfcovk 0 04 TOTALS Long Branch team in the "b "B" Norlh rare Both Dwight Atkinson hit for 19 and Dan O'Hern added 16 followed by Mike Hilfman. who hit 11 Monmouth, with Steve Ghbben hitting for seven squads are t n The Hankers improved their overall points, blew the game wide open in the fourth HIM y HVMM (ill Lubischer finished with 16 points Joe Pingiturc Rumson is 4-7 overall, and 2-2 in conference play •III William*. II IM. Andrew* 34-4. mark in K I Shore <&5) is now 1-3 in conference pumped in 15, Barry Ferguson had 12 and Nick Marlboro is 5-7,1-4 in conference Pinkney finished with 22 points Gribben hit for 15 Pot O'Nelll JOt Ooufl Wllllomt 10 7 77 and Nat Pinkney added 10 points Jim ONtiu 0-44. Honcotfc 7 I |, Johnson action sophomore Nick Serbanic added 10 MMMMU Reg. 71, MaiaUpti U fr*4, TOTALS »S4i The Klue Devils, paced by Steve LubtfChST'l TINTON FALLS - The Golden Falcons stayed a Hal Shaw led the Braves (2 10) with 10 points. U II 71 70 t\ RumsM Fair Haven II, Mirlbtroil » 71 14'71 *\

    Em«Kv 4* 14. SfMMtMn •> 1 II. RHV«V till. T V Of too* tl I. K.iiy II II. Hwtiwnov 14}, M Stwww 7 I V MuUoy I I 3. BrundOflOOO SourlMOQO TOTALS SIS-M

    Cohon O-S-S. SthetfctrwJ JO* Hllfmon 4) |1, FrdOOWl 0 00 KIOmtnlQwkl 00 0 Asbury Park stays even Pyron 14-4, Wtiillon 704 vonWoa'iti Oil. EpmO I I. Hakkmnn 10* Daubcrl s i n TOTAI s i* i] ii Rufnton FH J n 14 75 4* Mprtttr* •' f u 71 si f

    •MM) Parslck 14 17. Clorkt 104- Clork 44 74. Thornton 17 11. Ram ton 7 0 4. with Piners in B' South (rotg 0 17. Simmon Dl 1. Miltrr 004 A 25-point performance by ASBURY PARK - Asbury 12 and JoJo Walker had 10 the Harris and company pulled /tiiwfc 000 frgkrO I 1, Burnt 0 0 0. TO Panther Jim Mazich. coupled TALS n 70W Park High School kept the Patriot center Jeff Peras col- out to a six point lead at the MMaJfrftwm N*rm III) lected 25 points Rick Piontek half and were never headed. wilh John Flynn's 18, left the GoutoH 4 It, Enny I 0 7. Murphy I 0 2, Shore Conference "B" Chryon M0, Podfy 107 Hopf Sill. Knights still searching for thai Division South race close by added 21 Gallagher finished the con- Stoltmontfl 0-00, Moero i 1 1) Wllllomt elusive first win Dave Bur 000, Slat* 4 I 9 Gollaohri 0 0 0. TOTAI S beating rival Freehold Town- LakewMd71,0eeaiM test wilh 2J points 71 tfrS? OAKHURST - Anthony Pitat PleauM B.r.IS, Wall U roughs scored 13 in Ihe losers' Rorlton 70 II 10 It M ship, 61-51 yesterday. MkMlfflown North 4 IS 17 tl M Harris pumped In 26 points to cause, and Drew Anlas added Meanwhile, Lakewood de- PT PLEASANT — A J2- spur Lakewood to victory over 12. feated Ocean Township, 71-54, polnt fourth-quarter rally was Ciun 144, Mohtr 4 1 f. BerUcfM I ) i. Ocean not enough for Wall Township Point Boro Is 2-5 in "B" ywrmer 114. Coll 10 7. Malveoui 174, lo maintain a 4-0 league mark »>hlrfwl 1*4. Show J010 Ptation 040. The Spartans, lot by Bill as the Crimson Knights fell to South and 3 8 overall Wall is L«lfO»4>4. Wliltt)*!. TOTALS 17 I \7 The win gave the Blue Bishops a 4-0 mark in the Gallagher, battled to IS all al defeat at the hands of the Point winless after II, and has tost I Plnhrwy MO 77. Mortlnsi 74-4. the end of the first quarter, bul Boro Panthers four conference games. (*ribb*n 1 I II. Smith 3 J f, Joiwi 1 I t, division and an 8-3 record over- KlrkpalrUt 7 0 i biMlctHlo o«ff M t'lnknty 4 J 10. Pr#ddy 2 74. Nolan 1 0 7 all. The Patriots (54) are now TOTALS IS* » I 2 In the division Wonalopon 10 II It n •>! Monmoulh R»g II II It V ff Junior Warren Anlhony was the star of the show last *M If V AlkinMfi 1*4. night as he scored half of ROM 144. O'Htrn M It. LodQ* f 7 70. Swann hits streak Attlni 10 1. Inert 104. Moltti 000 TO Asbury's 16 first quarter points TALS II II n for an eight point lead The Ouiglay I 0 7. 0 Hell I 7 4 1, LuttUchvr Bishops increased their advan 6 4 It, Ftrgutefl 4 4 17. Ptnfltot* 7 I \\. tage to 14 points at lialft nne

    II 13 II U M Anthony did it again in the of super bad luck U » third quarter, hitting for eight MMKrir of Asbury's 12 points He fin- MIAMI (AP) - Lynn Swann's foot may wind been kidding aU the time. He wasn't really hurt till Ennan 0 7 7, Holl ished with a team high 22 10 MS. Harrington Mil, Murray 4 frl up rivaling Paul Warfield's hamstring or Fran that bad WontontlOOO TOTALS 17 II )\ points Wilson Koss pumped in t Tarkenton's arm before this day is over "It'll be all right," he said, serious now "I d /0 14, Coltmon t 714. t I 14. N*«rlOnd SO IQ, Broggi 1 I 7 Uuikui > 0 7. Swann, the lithe wide receiver of Ihe Pit- should be able to practice tomorrow " Ptnltlon • I 17. Graham 044. Blair I 3 S. tsburgh Steelers, limped out of training camp WlKonOOO I lihf(0O0 11)1*1 S 11 7 44 Rams chop The injury occurred when Swann and John- Middl»lo*n South K 14 II 13 - 'S and into Parkway Hospital yesterday after son, the Steelers' left comerback, "were run- Hrt.ii,..r 70 If II 17 « teammate Ron Johnson stepped on his left foot ning side by side 1 thought 1 had room to move 1441 3 coaches during a workout for Sunday's Super Bowl "BESS 11 4 74. GritrM 4 1 lt:N«r*vt lo the inside and I was wrong He just stepped 14 10. Murphy 14 4'- Edward* 2 0 4, I.OS ANCKI.KS (AP) - game. i Oaldbera 7M Hugh" > 0 7. TOTALS down — right on my foot " 74 1444 Los Angeles Bams Coach Hay Nothing was broken, X-rays showed, and M.wtH (III Wllk 14 7. Padtillo 11U Howard Malavasi announced yester- the Steelers said Swann would resume practic- A 7 14. Stallworth 0 3 1. Von Winkle 7 4 10. day he has fired three of'his ing today. But the foot, bound in tape, was RodauMSO ID TOTALS )9 14 » Pacers get Knight Matawm If II 9 II W assistants — offensive line bruised and Swann was limping. Howell 17 10 14 It %7 coach Foster Andersen, of- And that was enough to cause a ripple of INDIANAPOLIS (AP) - The Indiana _, 111) fensive backfleld coach Max Vauanfi 1 0 7 Montana 0 0 0. Murphy excitement in the rumor-ripe atmosphere "that Pacers announced yesterday they have reac Coley and quarterback coach 000, Plonlik 1 Ml Pfrat If 71, AP mete pervades every Super Bowl, where a sniffle quired former Pacer Billy Knight from the. (ratloghtr 000, Ooherly IIS. Avgiion* Charlie Waller l>00. SoballiniOOO. TOTALS 17 IJ SI UNFINISHED SYMPHONY - Seated at the piano is Dallas Cowboy quarter- quickly becomes double pneumonia ,and a Boston Celtics in exchange tor rookie forward •iM« V i\ '» energy" and therefore have the edge in the Point Beach 7 * 10 II 14 style of the two quarterbacks (hat seem to begether his staff accordingly 1, back, could barely lift his arm He could do a The Buffalo Braves, who this year became WMI till upcoming Super Bowl, according to a dance Characteristic "I then learns style of play myself, have always worked lot more than that, of course — and did His the San Diego Clippers, traded Knight, a for- Bloha 1 > 7. Antoi 44 U..yag«l 1 7 4. ward, to Boston last August, along with Nate Koin W 17. Poylor 744, Bunoyghi Jf 13. instructor who has studied both teams' mine (Terry) SradshavF, [or example, slices through with smaller staffs," he said passing didn't surfer noticably Only the Vik- Oiborrw I 13. McNeltl 44-1. TOTALS menls Archibald, Marvin Barnes and drafl choicer 77 19-43 Petal PUewH Bt#* tUI Hie an when he Ihrnws the ball The motion is "1 released Ihe three today ings suffered again, beaten 16-6 by Pittsburgh ftaikh 7 11 7S, While 3 17. Hughc\ for Kevin Kunnert, Kermit Washington, Sidney "Their use ol space, efficient use o( energy, crisp and direct to assure them of ample time 7 3 7. Clevtnatr 7 Of Connon 1 0 J, Htnl Now it was Swann's turn lo become the 141. Flvnnf 4H. TOTALS 7S n 6\ and thi'ir ability lo draw from within the to secure a position Wicks and Freeman Williams Wall '* f It 37 tl Strength ol the IINIMI IMI tile drill Ulll iiu'llli'lll " uuided <>"' ns to a I'M "It's pain, but 1 ve been-able lo lake pain," University of Kentucky's K7K National ( ol KiffWi 177) She said the Cowboys seem to dance as they he said in j telephone interview when asked Groilf-1 If. Gurowtfcl 7 3 7. £amp«llc Ms Schmidt teaehes dame al Hobart and record in his first year as a legiate Alhlotu Aswjcialion championship 401. Hubler fO 14, Kemp S4 14. Hettrtck break from the huddle about the injury "I'll be able to go out there team, was the third pick in the 1978 const I3S Infante 141. MtCann 17 4. Slrli William Smith collegea here head coach He was hired after 0 7 7, LOWtonO-7 1. TOTALS JO 17 77 ••Noi that I don't like the Cowboys." she "The Cowboys are definitely dancers When George Allen was fired and play with a broken fool. It's going to hurt a draft Kiiimnn the line And then Swann burs! oul laughing. He'd today n 1J |« 17 --! than the Steelers. and in terms Dl ihoreii Malavasi from UCLA last fall Freehold girls hand Beach first eC loss of year

    FRF.KIHlLD Freehold High School's «irls basketball Ptlal Beach H II IJ-J7 IIICII I.ANUS - The Hornets kept pace with the "C" leaders division race by stopping the Golden Falcons Manalapan is now team picked up an important Shore i^inference i Division Freehold 21 I I! - SI by battering the Admirals Holmdel, 8 2 overall, improved its 54 in "B" play and »-2 overall Monmoulh dropped to 2-2 in the victory by beating Point Pleasant Beach yesterday. 51-37 division mark lo 3 1 Hudson (I II (dropped (o 1-4 in the division division and «-4 overall The win gave the Colonials a 3 1 mark in the division and an Keyport 54, Keansburg 24 The Hornets moved oul to an 11 8 first quarter lead and Carol O'Neill hll for six points as Ihe Braves took a 15-4 first 8-2 overall record. Point Beach suffered its first loss after KEANSBURG The lied Haulers pulled into a tie with I'uinl steadily pulled away Sally Maxwell was high scorer for quarter lead Monmouth, with Joy Kendall and Judy Madca conference loss after tour straight wins and saw us overall Beach in the Division by muling Uie Titans Keypini. K :i overall; Holmdel with 14 points Nancy Burke hit for 13 and Nance? splitting 12 points, came back to trail by only three points atthe mark dip to 5-4 us 4 1 in ihe division Keansburg is uti in ihe division and 2-« Ubrecque added 10 Daffncy Ferenczi led Ihe Admirals with 10 half Urna Williams pumped in eight points as Fraibold i aced overall I Manalapan put on another spurt in Ihe third quarter and oul lo a 20-8 firs! quarter lead The Colonials increased their Karen I unks led the Raider charge with 23 points Maureen Httadel 11 IS 1Z II-SI held on for the win. Jean Jacoby led Ihe Braves wilh 15 points advantage to 17 points at the half Brady hit fur 12 and Linda Brown added II pmnls Heary Hadsaa I 4 I Il-t7 Laurie Martin hit for II mid O'Neill added 10, Vickl Roy paced Freehold with 21 points Williams anil Julie Keyptrt 17 II II IS-54 ' "B" Dlvlilo N»r(h 4 tl 7 It -47 lloebee added 10 points each Jenny Hulh led the Game! Gulls Keansburg • i II 8-M MuaUpaa II, M»«mo»lh Reg. 47 U 1! 14 U-S7

    with 10 points # H.lmdrl SI. Henry Hudson Hen 17 1 K.NGI.ISI1TOWN - The Braves^ncreased their lead in the See Frtefctkt, page II » 22 Thr nyjyRrgtatrr ' SHREWSBURY N J WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 1979 Freehold stops Point Beach girls' streak

    from Red Bank Catholic in a liotl)-mule Mnl Ball h (Continued) "A" DlvUIn Ntrta Cindy Hook added 10 Jean Williams was high scorer for the Rarttaa M, MIMIeUwi Nirtk M Fliers with 16 pmnls Tracy Thomas added 10 Mater Dei stretched its five point halftiine lead in Ihe last Short Reg. 44, It* Ink Reg. 41 HAZI.ET — The Rockets scored eight straight poinls in NeptiM H 1« l« '-" two periods behind Uw hoi hand Hi Kennedy and Jackie ! M d n in lhl LITTLE SILVER - Liu Cotlora converted on a pair of foul overtime to down a tough Lion team Rantan improved its mark MUdletown S.ith 21 17 II 4-48 Messina, who added II RBI ''•'" ""' ' iboU with 15 seconds left to give the Blue Devils their sixth win to 8-2 while North dropped to a 5 f> losers' cause of the season The Buccaneers dropped to 2-8 Rocket Michelle Szymanski threw the game into overtime Matawaa SI. Hawell 48 Mater Dei is II I Had Bank Calhnht• evens its mark at 7-7 Laurie Cancalosi was high scorer for Shore with 10 points when she hit ti foul shot with one second left cm the dock FARMINUDALE - Dead-even play was decided in over- Mater Del *M » '» »-« Josephine Johnson led Red Bank with 14 points Allison Scott Teammate Sharon Ashtnar pumped in lour points during Hit' time as Ihe Malawan Huskies tripped the Howell Rebels in n KB( t It » «-M added I] points overtime non-conference game Share R«t II is It 1-44 Kelly Whalen led the HocVet WOTtfl with 16 points The Huskies look a one-puinl It-ad into the second half, but 14 14 I .1-41 Szymanski hit for 14 and Jackie Hept added 13 Geena Doran ihe Hebels lied n Iftar IhTN and both teams traded buckets in FOREIGN CAR SPECIALIST had 18 and Pat Hansen chipped in 14 for the Lions the fourth A strong Malawan effort in the overtime was Ihe For Quick Service CaW Mario KimiM (I, MarUMra 42 MkMleUwi Ntrtk t It 8 IJ--M deciding factor MARLBORO - Holly Reid scored 31 points for Rumson- RlrtUl It * 1411 -W Juan Casagrandf paced Iho Huskies with 19 Mary Sheehan seven In the fourth quarter to help give the Bulldogs the victory added III and Shelley Duncan helped oul with eight Hegina 542-4446 going away. Frejer paced Ihe. Hebels wilh 11. and Fran Itandawo hit 10 • Fiai • royota Middlel.wa South S3, Neptaie 48 • Lancia • Honda Virginia Sourlis also scored seven points in the fourth for the MIDDLETOWN • The Eagles, 81 overall. eottKtad Him Malawan t> 4-4. while Howell slips to 36 MaUwaa • Alia Romeo • Volvo Bulldogs and accounted (or IS in the contest. first "A" North win by beating the Scarlet Fliers Neptune is _^ 112 » 12 7 - SJ(OT) • (tylsun • '"'pel •»'- Sp»cl»llit In rtbulH oitwraton, ilt«rrntor« > ilarttn Marlboro (2-1) got It points from Mary Lou Jicka and 10 now 7-5 overall H.wrll H-7-IIIJJ-4B(OT) from Mary Schwimer Cindy Hook hit for eight points as South took a 21 15 first • AU WORK RJUY GUARANTKD • Rumson s record is M quarter lead. Mary Gilligan added eight points as (he Biglu lid Mater Del S5, Red Bank Catholic 14 •••IM It 17 14 27-M HKI) BANK - Maureen Kennedy split 16 of her 20 points at the half. 38-25 §£,*!&?«•. 4do».aw. points for Union Darren Jones and Mark Wills IIS - Rich Wleolnt ID by tafftlt. both added 13. 117 II* Gory D.F«llc.lOp Mtytr. 104 IMMCMMTint US - G.n. Rwto (Lid Don Burger, M, Jorttt. O. H 13. lonn. C 3-04, Goydlih SI II. Malur III BfrnHnSltaublCId Ttrry Lwnply, |-g 7? 16, R.W M-S, Wills M-il, Kurlowo 14-3. Camay 4 It. If TmHoniwill Id Lou Lomblott. IS 0 Crouiy fMW TOTALS 1) 77) IM MottSoil.f IC)p FronkVort,3 U BrMk4M« mi m-TonyFltgolClp Mlk.Hornc,0:S4 ArltrjQ. 441. WodtMn 401, While f 1 IV. MCKtor. v I TI IM JoNiMuiholtondtClp Boto M.nd«l. 1 X Rtgori I-O-J. Ford 4 i 10. SlofiordO I L McEnon.y 1-0.. Corton Unl-MlktP'Ang«lltfL)p Bob Holrt,»:S7 Freehold Today Doctor knox (fAortholl FTT1 Ractr (Manneiiii . Show Mt KitlMoktft Roddy i (Laird) 7M: Pact. 1 M. SLIM, Clmt Drronlmo (Herlng) 4-1 Fancy Fancy IBonocorM) Ovirhoul (Morki) Town OttMitonlt (Otwtoodt M IM Foc«, 1 M, S14N. M«N. Eric Grow (H. Flllon) | M Frill (B*o«hyl S-1 Wa|ettlc GomMer (Poquct) Htlimon (King Jr ) ' Olympic Score (Gollaghtr) * I Franklin Street (Vltelli) Wogner (Moker) Monty Man (Kelly) .' Burly Bob (R Flllon) Legal Ey« (Wyott) Letoonon Counwl (No Driver) V1 Kenwood Overtime (NUIIO) Walter Wove (No Drlwtf) ... | Freehold Remits * G Vt John (Vilionl*, 10 1 Hotly Yankee (Ruutll) Manlmum Hanover IPrnMnl BM;P«c*,IM,U,IM going let: (••€•, 1M, !).*••, I M l T V Kntghl (Cot*) Mlchtoli Condy (Kelly) - CruiiPac* (Kovath) ?»«! 00 3*0 3rd: P*ct, 1 M,II4M, ClHtf Rommel Honover (Campbell! Snapptr Soup 3 40 3 X Ooni Melody INo Driver) RocKvllle Wko iRlcrtardton) Cyptyi Jonv (Morhs) 4 00 Claire Auguitui (Butler) IM Pwi,lM.U.NI,Clmi ElOCtt 1 1 I4J 4t Bfft»G B ISoomon) Mfc: P««,)M,|. **• Orcxel Bob* (Schmlgcl) . than you might expect to pay Hk: foe*. 1 M, tlJM, 1 «.l Satellite Honovir IMorrlil Hometlrclch Eve ID Flllon) F-ulloCosMtlparU tJ01»2U Sir Porter IRumlD Bruihwood Commondtr (H. Flllon) Buck Butler (H Flllon) Tempctt Froil (Worrlngion) » » 3.N Rolon Charlie N (Campbell) Vlntac (Colauntl) , Daring Shall A (Bruno) 3 00 Lyit Mot (Kelly) lining Victory (Kelly) • MCM Formitcod Shannon (Kovoleft) for such quality. M «.« True Von (Rotlno) Boylan IDoclurka) p G Panther IR Flllon) lon.e» Modify (Ktllyl S»4M4.40 Blue Booli (Engllih) tlth: Pott, I M, II,Mt, Clr»f King CoHon (Conul) 11104.n *M: Poet, l M,»1.1M PoddyOntlHH Flllon). The Power Streak 78 has been our best-selling Gypsy Hill KnlflM lD«rCompt« Jr ) . S JO Don Crttt (Luchtnlo) Surf City (Beochy) •MCta II MM! Jolly Gumdropi (Blum) Deri (Hunoertplund Jr.)..... diagonal ply lire lor Iwo simple reasons: Honest nit Ptu.iM.umii' Bye Don (Vinci) treitwood Birdie (King Jr ). Rlc A Pop tScorpO) 7S»fKI40 Final Ruth (King Jr.).. Bob Hanover (Monger) performance. And honest value. The durable iMihey Flrtl IKHly) S 70 4 M Abedonm Girl (Flild) Royal Detccndant (Prlmok) . Ron Honovir N (Colt) 6 W Alcove (King Jr ) Durlynn IDukel diagonal ply body is built wilh individual EKOClat 7IIHM Eaitcr Mlcatle llngro«la) Ala Tony (Colownllt Ith: Pica, 1 M, U.Mt, !H) cross-plies of polyester cord. You get Tomptovcr IKIng Jr ) iOOlUMO SELECTIONS J F ORourhXLuchonlo) 4.AQ1 W dependable strength, as well as Fvrrgrrcn Tom ICoknontll S.H I - Shtw Me Kit, Oeronlmo, Town DebiUite Etal l flexibility. tlti P««, 1 M, II.IM. 1 M 1 1 - Mtwy MM, Majestic Gambler, Fnnklli Street CupOl JovolNolooyr I104NJN 1 - Ray Gad, Strawberry Mist, Alua Go . .ill Ihe Bravo Br*MKing jr.).. SJOIM4.00 But you won't get any annoying Ju»ICrul*liHKofti Jf ) 3 00 4 - Btb* Bar, Velglatlaa, Sweet April "thump," even when starting oul. advanlageB Power KMCt«B-.Uft.40-l-«UlM I - Back B«Uer, SatelUte Hanover, Rolen Charlie N Slteak 78'SOHPI IIU-II IM: Pact. 1 M. U4M. 1:17.3 The Power Streak 78 also has a Grateful Joclyn IM Flllon) 4 40 3 40 2 M 14 always been Amaibro Ed(Forlno) . 7O03M I - DM Cresl, Bye Dm, J oily Gimdrops Jo Su Mlrtdy (Contolt ...... 940 7 - Eric Gray, Legal Eyes, Overhaul . special six-rib tread, designed surprisingly low. •••CM ); w.m 1 lift foct.l M,U,MI, 1 M I - Rommel Haaover, Red Ideal, Mlcheats Candy specifically for good all- Star Freight (Ltporl) 9W3003M I - Ttaten. Abbey N, Eskimo Sal, Best of Gold Jetslar Dcitir (Scorpol M0 3 W around traction and So streak down Lucky Ralpri (H. Flllon] * 00 II - Farasiea&ShMara, Drexel Babe, Brets G B corneiing ability. TrlftKtil 7 117MM II - Bob Haaover>Sirf City, Paddy O'NeU to your Goodyear BEST BET: Tlntern Abbey N

    . UtPKt, U.1M I Upto Snurt (Gale) surprisingly Kingly Mitt (GIMI 15-1 ii Byrd (Morki) Bye Bye Bud (No Driver) MoitHoppy John (Gal*) Butler i Brewer (MeiMngvr Native Mlit (Kwtblen low. Mliltf e«ory N (Gogllordl) ::•& Connie Brydon (Luchenlo) TioveHn Boy Mann's Mlgh Ideal (Luchentol Giobe Chonc* lOofwrty) II M Field Byrd ISomton) 11 Eighty Four Ace (King Jr ) PMCt««l llfTM Brenl Pulomo (King jr , " • Master Ricky (Spefendl) 7TH: Tot*. M,tf^M O««ler Alba (Monil) 7 40 3 60 J 70 GOODfYEAR Roy Chorln (CompMID ? » 3 40 SELECTIONS Chi Chlmoun fWrlgM) I H I - Red aid White, Show Day N, Bret Coaqaered •tMmit BUY IT WITH CONFIDENCE.^DRIVE IT WITH CONFIDENCE. t S - C'MsUat Rala, toaale Brydoa, laverttr's Boy C Stevens. Anila and Pen1) Kesslei. Blberon caterer, brought out the ice cream and sauce Weinman and l.enm (she) and Marly (he) Cohen. Mlddletown for dessert Also. Willie (sin11 and Chuck (he) linden. Mr and Mrs The travelog evening was a benefit for Monmouth Museum, Donald liolden and Mi and Mrs Kirk llershkowil/ Inehiild IIM- third ol lhal soil Mr Berger has staged He has spoken Mr and Mrs AI»6uMlt»ln, TlfflUII Kiills Mrs Pegg) Hakci previously on Berger flings to Mexico and Fast Africa laiiiiitimn Mi and Mrs Hy Klein. I. Mile Silver Mr and Mrs All in the family Milrhell llershev and Mr and Mis Gerr) h'arher ihead-lo head AND DOLLY MAKES FOUR - Leah Mauer, Red the Broaaway production of "Hello Dolly." With In namgammon Mioflu I) Hi IIMl Ml)l Mrl Stangtr »nd Mr -forty y*»aik and 20 miuilh.s. 11 was snrl ^f a dua| celehra- Bank, left, presides of Sunday's open house cele- Mrs. Mauer are her daughter Llse Mauer, seated and Mrs Jerry Spumberg, Llncroft, Mr and Mrs Howard lion. Friday, when Pasquale .1 Tomaino, N l.ovetl Ave , Little brating the redesignation of the "Costume Shop, 10 right, and their friend Sue Mauer, Little Silver, Hisick. Humson. Jay Wisand and Myrna lNnnerantz. llnmn and Stiver, retiring after -to yeirs »nh term Markets, was guest of Riverside Avenue, Red Bank, as the Leah Mauer whose name Is the same though her lineage isn't. trom Monmouth Beach Mi ,mil Mrs Richard Wetcoll, Jean honor al an intimate family dinner in Old Orchard Inn, Katon Costume Shop, stocking outfits for every occasion, The shop is open Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Irwisand Hen Hainii and Barbara K.l> and HaMWHutltel town The 20 months balong la Wesley Nasnn. Mi romainos Including this original design for Carol Chonnlng in SoturdaV from 2 to 6 p.m. and by appointment. grandson, who enjoyed the party from his high chair vantage I Barn Jo Broadway point The dinnei was planned hy Mr Tomaimi'.s dauKhli'i i ami From The Bam to Broadway in severalbreet) steps ami her hushariil Leon Nason. Red Hank, and the new retiree's That-, llus week's success sluiy as related by Loll son Ronald Tomaino. Sandy Hook Mr Tomamo's must recent McDonald. |>iopnetoi ul Hie ll.uii Thcatci. Kuinson. who II Acme assignment was as a meal i utter in iHe Shrewsbury ,ian\ eyed about ihe lad thai two former Hani performers will market Chop chop be appearing on Broadwas this spring —Mrs Robert Goodman, Navealnk', is gelling her act u>- Judy I'uduikiT (stage name Jud) salm) ol Hatawan gelhei. after taking lime oil) lol family fun with her daughter during tie! II US 1 audition in the Big Apple.! - Was selected fol Susan Balhnger and tier family in Marietta. Ga i^'ggy Good- MBP us warn OUR MTIMYI I pan in Carmelina •< new musii al b> Man la) Lernei and man s son 1'eiei is hack at Hie University .of Delaware- hard at (THE PARTY'S ON US) llurton Lane work, of course •ON TOW Owl MWNC MNVUT M fOUUT Judy (ol the grand and gjorioii! voice) audilioneil lor —Mrs Elizabeth Clears of Shrewsbury spent a littlelime lo AND MJOT » HHI aON VOUSl MI1T Unwr, Lane. Jose Ferrer and I'eler (iennaro (with whom she Littleton, Colo with liei suin and daughlei in law CARBKAN CRWSl SKOALS 7 to 14 days trom $505 per person Return coupon tor your Free Brochure cootutreAvn. ttttntt 474 MOM n ••twwxrr (3 842-4900 mm

    GAME PLAN — Studying the game plan for Satur- day's tennis party, a benefit plonnned by Sisterhood of Monmouth Reform Temple, Tinton Falls, are, from left to right, Jerry Spumberg, Lincroft; Charles Sills, Rumson, and Barbara Goldstein, Tin- ton Falls. "ALYSSON IN WINDOWLAND" Hair/Cosmetics NOW THRU JANUARY 31st DECORATIVE JOANNA WOVEN WOODS CLOTH WINDOW SHADES 20% OFF j Rtf llttf it«M 30-50% OFF MATCH MAKING- El- len Heffes, Holmdel, Rumson Roulette, Inc. CUSTOM-MADE STOCK right, and Barbara DRAPERIES SHUTTERS Gltlln, Monmouth. 7 WEST RIVER ROAD, RUMSON. N J. 07760 Beach, chairmen of.Ihe annual tennis party 20% OFF 20% OFF sponsored by Sisterhood of Monmouth Reform MINI BLINDS (1" SLAT) Temple, Tinton Fqlls, 20% OFF take time out to enioy W WINTER SALE r^rouc mth ol January and Available in SO Colon 20 OFF we 20% On • I oul •tin. partV in Colts Neck •MCIAI DISCOUNTS ON UDWMtDI Racquet Club, with fheli AMD MAOV-HAOt MMMMU husbands Dr. Richard Gitlln, left,: and Dr HUM /Heffes DO YOU KNOW HOW BEAUTIFUL ALYSSON WINDOW YOU CAN BE WE DO/ PENNY AUCTION ft SHADE CO. INC. • SHREWSBURY-The Lin 320 Highway 35 — Mlddletown crofl Woman's Club meeting • SPORTSWEAR ) aw* North orft«)Ban* arMe* tonight at VM o'clock here In COLONIAL VILLAGE MALL the Community Room of The 1060 HIGHWAY 35 SOUTH ml III OPEN MON THRU FRI. Register will feature a Penny MIDDLETOWN. N.J 671-6067 • TO 1:M — SAT.ATOS Audion to*enefll chanties 24 TheEMyRegbter. SHREWSBURY,NJ WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17,1979 ANN LANDERS Engaged Johnson-Dunphy A motel moaner LONG BRANCH-Mr and Mrs Thomas T Dunphy 2nd. 611 Ings. How can I wort Ikis Ml? Dear AM Landers: My has are asking you. ( oaple Of Old Goats - Ages 41 Vernon St., announce the engagement ol their daughter. Miss - Cater Me Yellow baad aid I own a mold We Oir 17-year-old Barbie aid Aid 41 Kathryn Ann Dunphy, to David Orland Johnson, son ol Mr and Deal V It's simple. Phone an wrttiig t< let you know It's her III year old Bray can't Dear Coats Young love IS Mrs Orland L. Johnson. IS Highland Ave , K.iir Haven A June line yra stopped giving motels seem to keep their hands olf beautiful, but what you de the mamas and ask them to wedding U planned a baa ume by repeatedly re- each other. She Is either scribe sounds more like paw drop off their youngsters Miss Dunphy is a graduate ol Long Branch High School and ferriig U them la your column smoothing his hair, stroking ing, mauling, massaging and Sweeten (he situation by tell- is attending Monmouth College, West Long Branch She is Till Waters as a place where Illicit sexual his arms, or ske has her hands ing them you'U bring the child employed by Fidelity Union Rincorporatmn. Newark, in the petting This puts a very cheap affair* are ctadieted. aroaad his walsl or shoulders. home. auditing department connotation on something that Why don't you say, When a Baity kisses ker nerk aid I'll bet most of the mamas [\ Mr. Johnson is an alumnus of RumsonFair Haven Regional ought to be precious — and maa takes a woman lo a ho- her hands, runs his fingers will be happy to have the few y^High School and received a degree in business administration private I'm with you tel," tr "to kls apartmeat" or through her hair aid caresses hours to themselves from Winona (Minn ) State University He is a management Dear Ann Landers: Our son "to Ike home of a mutual ker every few mlntes. AU this will be celebrating Us sixth Don't flunk your chemistry trainee (or Colonial First National Bank. Hed Rank. Irtetd?" Mast 11 ALWAYS be goes on In the preser- if birthday soon. We would like test Love is more than one set "a motel?" friends, parents, grand- to give Urn n party Mil tke of glands calling to another. If We offer accommodations Weckw-Waters parents, anyone who happens problem Is Ike mothers. They you have trouble making a dis- to many travelers with small to be around. bring their kids and act as If tinction you need Ann's eklktrea. W« are a godsead lo My husband aad I don't HIGHLANDS-The engagement of Miss Toni Mane Waters tke party was for them booklet. "Love or Sex and How to Chirks H. Wecker 4th. son ol Mr and Mrs. Charles II people who are stranded with think such behavior Is respect- to Tell the Difference." Send a car Irtible. Motels are the Ide- Kids always behave better Wecker 3rd, 22 Valley St., is announced by her parents, Mr and able. We've told them so and Ion);, self addressed, stamped al solution for relatives who wben Ihclr mothers aren't Mrs. Richard Waters, 61 Fourth SI j they tell us we are "out of II," envelope with your request visit tat don't want to Impose. •round. We have a small Miss Waters attended Henry Hudson Kt>Ki<>nal School and According to Item, young love and 50 cents to Ann Landers, We alto ofler a qulel night's Is beautiful and they are not apartment and It would be a lot does child care work I' 6. Rox 11995, Chicago, Illi- Ueievleve Rexrode lodging to troubled (or angry) ashamed lo show their feel- easier lor me without the Mr. Wecker was graduated from Henry Hudson RaglOMl nois 60611 . School and is employed by Public Service Electric and das spoaaes who need lime away ings. Whal do you say? - A mamas. I done want knrt feel Company, Sewaren He is a volunteer fireman Ini v from home to cool off anil Museum think things over. Please, Ann Landers, give Piniak-Smith at a break and stop using "motel" as a synonym for a MIDDLETOWN-Dr and Mrs Donald P Smith. 235 Cooper in TV secret meeting place lor sex Road, announce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Donna aal orgies. We perform a great J Smith, to Richard A Piniak, son of Mr and Mrs Alex Piniak. maay social services and don't Reckless Place, Red Bank. A June wedding is planned spotlight deserve the black eye yon are Miss Smith was graduated from Middletown Township High giving us. - Just Trying To School and attended Brookdale Community College. Ltncroft. LINCROFT - The "Look, Make An Honesl Living She is'a professional model. Touch, Discover Junior Dear Trying Sorry if I nl Utalm Saltt Mr. Piniak is a graduate of Red Bank Regional High School Museum at. Monmoulh and attended Rutgers University He is with Hit Hed Bank Museum, is featured on New fended you, bul when a person writes tii me and says, "We Police Force. Jersey Public Television "Jar- seyftle" program, which wilf "spent the night in a motel," 1 Freglette- be aired Tuesday at H p in on don't change the letter to read. Smith-Rexrode, all four New Jersey Public1 Tel- "We spvnl the nlghl in ;i Boynton evision channels church " EATONTOWN-Mr. and School, Tintim Falls, and is SPRINGFIELD, Va -Mr Mrs. Richard Rexrode. 398 employed by Twin Boro Feder- I in sure the majority of and Mrs Frank P Boynton Meadowbrook Ave., announce al Savings and Loan Associa- Hulh Aleinpi. prixlm el motel owners do ttieir best lo here, formerly of Middletown, the engagement of their tion here brouKhl bar craw in (hj nui _nispi!ctabli' IBBI i hi | N. J , announce the en- daughter, Miss Genevieve Kay museum tn capture whal she .IIIMI i Interested in the two gagement of their daughter, Rexrode, Southbrook Drive, to Mr. Smith was graduated referred to as B "Unique COD tuiui customers, hut .when I Miss Karen Anne Boynton, to Joseph A Smith, son of Mr. from Neptunt* High School and cept of a museum " receive a Irtli'i saying,."We James Richard Freglette, son went lo a motel' 1 print and Mrs. Milton Smith, 89 served four years in the U S • "It is excellent lo have a of Mr. and Mrs James Morris Ave , Neptune City Air Force lie is employed by • iriotel" Freglette, 27 Irwin Place, museum like this for children Miss Rexrode Is an alumna Larrison Coal and Fuel oil. Hazlet, N J An August wed- It's reality, and the children Dear Ann Landers: My hus ANNUAL BRIDAL SHOW of Monmouth Regional High Neptune City ding is planned. can experience n ami enjOJ il band and I have agreed thai featuring the lalpil tnfaihtont and as a special place." Mrs we art too close lo the situ- everything for >)><• hriilr *• groom Alembi continued ation lo br objective - so we Hiss Boynton was gradu- Hendricks-Smith The docent (luut ^uicle) Tuesday, January 2.1. 1979 8 P.M. ated from Mater Dei High RUMSON -Announcement a licensed practical nune training program is open In LA LE( HE BVBNT School, New Monmouth, N. J., is made by Mr. and Mrs. Wil- degree at Freehold Area llos volunteers from the communi- HOLMDEL- The benefits and the' College of Notre At The HILTON INN liam A. Smith, 15 Avenue of pital She is employed by ty, Details are available' In of breastfMding to roothei Dame, Baltimore, Md She is Two Rivers, of the en- Friendly Ice Cream, Mon calling the museum, which is REFRESHMENTS \i III, BE SERVED employed as an elementary bob) .mil family will In- till gagement of their daughter, mouth Mall, Ealontown on the campus cif Krookdale tllll) ClTUtlM * HrlHrlrrl school teacher cussed at tomorrow's H pin lAtlr I am- Hriitut Miss Kathleen Kelly Smith, to Mr llendi'icks was gradu Community CoQagt It is open meeting o| la l.eche League IMIHflorufhi N<»r I OOh* AM lli.ur.i,, 0/ tfonimmlri Mnll Mr Freglette was gradu- Glenn Richard Hendncks, son ated from Middletown Town- Tuesday through Saturday here in the home of Mrs Mary Ml Ml I' Man h«> < smrtfei ll> t.icluure ated from Raritan High of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hen- ship High School and attended from 10 a "i to 4 U p m . and Henry, II Deer Path Kxpec- M OH I IIS HUM florin of II nniiimi dricks, S3 Park Place. Georgia Southwestern College, Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. Croup jm UK) (m—t'tl'-nmUiuu M| SIC H< r..ur M..r. School, Hazlet, and Tusculum tant women, mothers, bantefl riWIOl.K I MM - Sam LtirfirM Americus, tia He is employed tours may be arranged II and grandmothers are wel- I tit I I dill ill M-l/lll College, Greeneville, Tenn. He Miss Smith is a graduate of IK II H II.KM I I. si is employed by the Union Rumson-Fair Haven Regional by the Borough of Kumson booked in advance come Iliilhunl- litirrifiin I mine* Beach (NJ.) Public School High School and is studying for , 2,; Hi •System (All. OFFICERS ELECTED Now in progress... TMUHU't /<" I", TIM'Oy FALLS (Pa* f.,, i»r» <>\n X MllHll.KTOWN- Joseph Castiglioni has been elected Home-study president of Middletown Town- Semi-Annual ship Historical Society. Of- ficers also include Kenneth course on Norton, vice president; Mrs. A SALE THAT WILL Ann Castiglioni, secretary, SALE nutrition andMrs Thelma Ludlow, treasurer TURN YOU ON! FREEHOLD - A home study course in nutrition January 17th thru 27th "Food At Work For You" is offered by Sylvia Griffin, SALE Rutgers professor and ex- tension home economist for 15% OFF Monmouth County Open Dally ON ALL ITEMS The three-lesson course ex- 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. uplo Wed Night 151 Markham Place plains whal nutrients are and 7 p.m -9 p.m. what they do for the body, in- Little Silver -842-5150 formation on nutrition label- 50% OFF ing, food additives, basic weight reduction, vegetarian ALL OTHER ITEMS diets and food for all ages is ,60% included Registration, by Jan. 19 is 1 OFF necessary and is limited to 200 1 Monmouth County residents Reg. Retail To register, send your name and address to Mrs. Syl- The via Griffin, 20 Court St., Free- Price hold. The course will begin Jan. 29, when Lesson One will WICKER be mailed and Lessons Two and Three will be mailed at BASKET three week intervals to give Rout* 34 Cotta Nock students time to do the reading Opon Mon.-Sot 10-5 • Sun. 1-5 and the homework 4«2-MS5 SOLE JANUARY CLEARANCE Throughout the Entire Farm • Every Chandelier f • Every Recessed Fixture Specially Selected Items 10% O TO O OFF • Every Swag Lamp • Every Outdoor Lantern • Gift Shop • Hanging Baskets • Every Hall Fixture • Every Post Light • Wicker • Greenhouse Plants • Every Bed Lamp • Dried Flowers • Pots • Every Desk Lamp and much morel • Early American Furniture • Every Picture Light • Every Curio Light • Every Cosmetic Strip FREE BAKED and Accessories • Every Pool Table Light • Every Tiffany POTATO ROAST • Every Floor Lamp 1 Jan. M a 21 • Handmade By Us* [ very 2-4-8 track & Accessories Special Price On Sold Directly To You Mon. County Potatoes JANUARY 16th 19th & 20th thru Jan. 21 • Save On Many Factory Specials ONLY! The Lighting and Old Wagon Gifts SORRY, NO JtM Jfartiitutt Center SPECIAL ORDERS (Factory Outlet) J "79 E. Newman Springs Rd PRICES EFFECTIVE ON Red Bank. N J "IN STOCK" Open Daily 8 -5 741-6400 MERCHANDISE ONLY RT 35 & LAUHtL AVE HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP. N J Rt.9&CralgRd. Freehold 462-6469 9—5CLOSED TUESDAYS (201)671-0294 SHREWSBURY N J WEDNESDAY JANUAF' The Dtffylfcgtter 25

    Ring CONSUMER ADVICE on a tile Keeping you up on down Ry SYLVIA GRIFFIN iiynursell snaps Check Ihe label to see if Ihe manufacturer urge to pull Ihe down out This will just pull more down out DEAR HELOISK Now that I he holidays are mef, do you have time lu sew7 installs Ihe snaps lor you behind the protruding quill Instead, work from the back of the Down outerwear — those colorful, bulging, rustling ja< kel the sewing directions should be easy to read and illustrated fabric with your fingers and try to pull Ihe down back inside S ?£? «• "* »"" ""to* "«t. • Urger and vests — have become the most popular way to stay warm, Ask to see these directions before you buy Even if you are an . And although down is one of the warmest materials for lar ktd Ir.ablc kearlag the telephone rtig. cm or nil the ski slopes You can save up lo 35 percent off the expert sewer, follow the directions given There are no short winter wear, if you don t clean it correctly, it can lose jts WMe waHlig Itr tke lelepaue rtmpaay U lialall a trader ready made price of a down garment by making it yourself hul cuts in constructing down kits insulating value Those light, fluffy down feathers seem deli krl Mai, ike placed tkr phone •• a reramlr lllt> aad *hr CMM make sure the savings merit your time and effort I .nnk for washing, cleaning and storing instructions Se* the cate. and they are so when washing down, be gentle Sub- Ifcea kear II rlag rkarty. - Pebble titlti Down kits usually come complete with filling, fabric shell care label that comes with the kit inside the jacket or vest merge the garment in warm water and mild soap suds Squeeze thread and notions in a variety of styles A vest is a popular item Most manufacturers give a written guarantee to replace the gently for several minutes to push out all the air Then rinse it Tta trie, yti km! Aiy metal tr kard tarface will ampUly for the novice sewer Some companies offer "suggested fit* kit or refund your money if you aren't satisfied Make sure the several times to remove all ihe soap Support the wet garmenl aat —at Tke reverse hold* trie wbeti placed on a eaaklaaed time" kits kil you buy has ;\ guarantee carefully The weight of »vi filling can strain or tear aartiee - HeMse You can buy down kits in camping supply stores, •porting OOQte down »ill be warmer than polyester filling, and more seams and even force the down through the fabric And never goods stores, fabric and retail stores or you can order kil s dll <•>< expensive Since I976. the price of down has tripled due to high1 twist or wring down To dry the garment, use a clothes dryer at DEAR BELOISE: from the manufacturer Since there are a dozen or mure brands. demand Some manufacturers offer filling that is SO percent medium heat Add two or three clean bath towels to absorb A inaiania .1 vtaegar nlied lau fronting will keep It Iron, look for a style suited to your needs and sewing ability down, M pcinni leathers to reduce the price By government some of the moisture A nun o( < lian tennis shoes in Ihe dryer traJdag wkei cit. - Alma Pirata When shopping for a down kit compare the price of the kit In standards, any garment labeled "down" must be at least HO will break up clumps of down as Ihe dryer rotates Re sure all the similar ready-to-wear coat or vest. Decide if your lime is percent down moisture is evaporated since damp down can mildew DEAR HELOISE: worth the savings Match Ihe manufacturer's guide lo tiling After yuu've invested in a down garment, don't ruin Us You also can dry-clean a down garmenl Hut don't try to do Ta keep tke ceramic tile la yair shower clean aad skiny, with your own measurements. If available, try on sample insulating abilities by stuffing it in a crowded closet or a storage it yourself — and make sure your cleaner has had experience keep a >Wn aqietgle kaady. garments to determine what size to order ban 1'lace down garments on hangers in a cool, dry, uncrowded with down If you have a down garment dry-cleaned, make sure If you need lo make alterations (longer sleeves, (or exam place — they'll retain their "loft," warmth and good looks your cleaner uses petroleum based solvents rather than the Alter every shower. Jut «q«eegle down tke walls aad yon pie), look for a kit that sends the fabric and pattern of longer if properly stored more common solvent, per-chlorelhylene, or perc This solvent •rial ke amazed kow cleaa aad spot free tke tiles will be. pre<'ut pieces A down puil HI i|iiill sometimes will begin to'work its way out can damage down after continued exposure Air your dry I Hvc la la area wkere tke water It very kard, wklek makes Snaps lhal are already in place are more durable than >ln through Ihe fabric or seam of a down garment, but resist the cleaned dnwn garment thoroughly before wearing. Ike water ip*U very difficult to remove: Need I say mare? - (Mate Capta! a—nnjajaj fjaaaaaaj a^ajj »a» ajaaaaaj «• «aaaai nnjaaaj aajaajaaj a** aaaaaaj aaaaajj aaaaaaaaj aai SALE TODAY THRU HINTS FROM HELOISE SATURDAY, JAN. 20th ! CVS/pharmacy QUANTITY RIGHTS RESERVED DEAR HELOISE: 1 aiaeed two Inexpensive medicine cabinets on Ike wall In •y atlHty room I s- ..-^—, \mmmKrwmmmrmmmmmmtr I la Me, I keep Hay Items sick ns glie, dog aid cat awttckiet, flea stamp**, etc. la Ike other, extra spices, tubes ol WMiaaitc and olker vartons and saidry Items. I Takes a lol of pressure oil Ike rest of our storage. - Mary 2nd semester values DEAR HELOISE: —— QUICK I Alter gratlat cfctest. grate i slice of bread Tke cheese CVS rtaktae comes off easily aad tke resalllag climbs may be added SILVER I* Ik* grated ckeese or refrigerated for later ase as a casserole PENCILS Naomi Smith

    HINTS FKOM HIM DEAR HELOISE: II has been siM tkal kaads carry germs so, as a child, I was always laaghl when I Caigked or sneeied lo bead my arm and eoagk late Ike crook of my elbow I How nick more saaltary tkal II wken that sndden emer ajeaty artaes! — Bob Brown I DEAR HELOISE: A frtead timed one ol my daigkter's disasters Into a real Mpfilklit PEANUTS, Mj 1 year old was covering my house with petroleum lelh THEME \ ELMER'S Mlag ny favorite anllqae bookcase. GLUE-ALL Wkei my neighbor keard my shriek of despair, ske told me BOOK 5 SUBJECT CVS aat te wank II off, nil rib It In, cover with a towel overnlgkl and I tall alike morning NOTEBOOK • FILLER PAPER TV Jelly soaks In nad restores nataral laster to finished I I akw discovered wklle watering plants lhal Ike water drips aa Ike bookcase, beads ip aid leaves no spots. - Karen I DEAR HELOISE , WkHe trying te rnn elastic Ikraagk the casing of a blouse, I (at lab brainstorm I I III a ulety pla on one end ol Ike elastic lo thread II Oraagk Ike opening (as we all do), aid then look a straight pin anal Binned Ike tall end of Ike elastic lo tke seam allowance, so II wwtta't sUp tkrongk Ike casing anexprrtcdly A Header THIS COLUMN is written lor you the homemakei If you have a hint or a problem write to in care of this newspaper BfiCtUM ol the tremendous volume of mail Heloise VASELINE is unable lo answer individual letters She will, however nnswoi PEPSODENT INTENSIVE CARE SPIC AND SPAN your questions in her column whenever possible ADULT BATH BEADS CLEANER TOOTHBRUSH 1 Medium 01 Hard Bristle 4 Next week FOR Our Regular 67' ea you can be NESTLE PLAYTEX 7pounds GIANT SIZE HAND SAVER CANDY BARS GLOVES \ lighter Assorted Flavors 5 ounce U^ with COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Nutri/System 97* 2000 MYADEC REVLQN FLEX VITAMIN II I his is i In- ycai vno n BALSAM & GILLETTE TRAC II FORMULA GILLETTE TRAC II u-.illy pm\y, lu Insr weight PROTEIN SHAVING TWIN BLADE ilu II you Reid "Ihc »ei|ilii SHAMPOO CARTRIDGES RAZOR specialists" All 1 ypes With Weighl I oa- Medik H t ontei s unique Marft /ieftler I'M H Ibf nlNulrl/Sysiem !000 pro hu pal ' iKH "'••' • gum, vniill lose wejitu Intel W W/fcl Md / ' quickly .mil slfel) . »Hh' inchrt without rvMttinn mlo'H \ without Jnttl or mil using did pills, in •IT*.. inni i turn lections, li'i'in' protein iff . STRESHABS600 OXY-10 heavy exercise Ami youwon'l be hungry' HIGH POIENCY EXTRA STRENGTH You'll du ii M«hi every ••lep bl the way under STRESS IORMILA ACNE PIMPLE medical iupemsiori You won't rouni L-alunei VITAMINS MEDICATION Ami y.iii ,.iii i make, all) "diet" mistakes bi you Jon i maki anj Imxi decisions 1 myTfifn« is pre-pingiammaJ mil clinically controlled It's CVS VAPORIZER irulv .i fnfa/iyrtem designed jusl loi yi>" and pinvrn succenifu even with lho« ihaljtw* tried io lose weight .md failed Now,there s no excuse i"i nol being Mr lo

    ,H.|il SI .II I ITB NJS >CJl ri»»IH Wllll Nuin/Sy-iii" -°00 Otily ai Weight Lots Medical Cenlers1 weighttfrloss I SHREWSBURY medical centers Shrewsbury Plaza, Broad St.-542-7333 MULLANEY REALTY BLDQ. • (FORMER MACK DRUG) pharmacy I 1000 RT 35 MIDDLETOWN. NEW JERSEY 671-4940 The !>aily Register 26 SHRFWSBURY N . WEDNESDAY JANUARY Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace

    SOME VARMINT STOLE WHO ON flIRTH Crossword puzzle A TRAFFIC SIGN OVER WOULD DO ft THING LIKE IN TWIN FORKS THAT? , SNUFf V 45 Source ol 1b Stole At ROSS 24 1 ii-ni I. energy 21 Donkeys Fr 1 Julep 25 Wired 22 Mediocre garnish 28 Dupes 46 Custom 47 Uncrowded 26 Funny 1 Famed 33 Views 26 Classical sitanst amorously 55 Car pan 56 Unbroken marketplace '1 Swab 34 Cowboy's 27 Pjjtfup about competition 57 Davenport's H state 28 Icecream lapproii 35 Ran across holders matelyl Ii. Disposition 58 Shake up 59 Tender 29 Fruit 14 School V Penalized spots drinks sub| in a way 30 Cause won M. example Senora's 60 Bank deal M 61 Collections ,1ei merit 11 Play part

    1 • 43 Sky rovers •' -•• > • > 3 Memo • '14 Forthright • 4 Came forth

    02 • 46 Artifices slowly 5 Carried on •17 VIP of 1I • 6 Corns up India c ••| 48 I'.i"' 8 Yearning rival 'IT TEACHES YOU NOT TO /V\ESS ,i 1 B 9 Kind of 49-Stewing EOOCASHUNAL ARXtNO WiTH A f93ADRUNNER. | •Mil ^") 1-17. H I apartrnunl Ifl I'll.' \\\ Itil 1 10 Crystal • • 11i 61 Spoiled Mary Worth ! 1 , • hef j; H • - words 1 11 Formw rV M (In vac ,i I « i i NOW LOOK!SOON Vi DAD MAS A POINT. VI! • I CAN T SAY 3 54 j 1 • W1LI BE LIVING EVEN IF WE CONGRATULATIONS 12 IT ISN'T THAT WE. JUST \ ABROAD »ND KXJ WILL HUPP* ABOlU CWPY.'BUT I'LL DON'T WANT SOME OIHER BE TOURING WITM IMC NOTPOTHJ. DOG-IN'A THY TO ACCEPT WOMAN TAKING • • • • OR BASKETBALL TEAM.' I MANGER RlT.' A STRANGER IN TRYING TO TAKE • DONT WANT 10 GROW OUR HOME ' MOTHERS PLACE? OLD HEM Bv MYSELF A BITTER LONB./a P MAK1

    Th<- Wizard of Id

    . and each snowflake is different from any other one. It has six sides and a design of its very own." Andy < apji Your horoscope, birthday /1 DONT KNOW WHAT'S ) 'E'SOUT 'TIL ALL HOURS, - UNTRUTHS, WEDNESDAY. JAN 17 through your ability to re- ARIESlMarch 21-April 19) failure He unstinting III I GOT IN1B CHALKIE J THEN COMES IN AN HALF-TRUTHS, NOT LIKE THIS LAb, Born today, you are a pair what is broken and - You may be able to tell a i.III praise > These wvB. FUO, S GOES STRAIGHT It) BEt> I TALL TALES, WITHOUT A R.IPPM1 WORb EK,RUBE? E TELLS I'MIIII talker and an even build from scratch what real personal success slots VIRGOlAug 23-Sept 22) (JP6 BO WITHMSVWN -) MS EV£BYTHIN< - FAIRY TALCS - iH-ller listener. You know vou need in evening, lake Bdvan - \n rvrptiiinnl t.'ilrnt (If how to make others feel tage "I anenrlii'i [jtistake mands exceptionaj appll important by hanging on TAURUSIApril 70 M;iy ,'l]| i atlon toda) ilul ail you their every word You also THURSDAY. JAN 18 •• You will have In do some have Into un cuprcHSion o( know how to protect your- CAPRICOHN(Dec ?2- HI hi'iiuiing if w»i are t" MH . self from bad advice by Jin 19) - Take care thai •ccompllah .ill th« tiaj tlBRAISepI 23-Oct 7Z) •• carefully weighing every- disuse docs not cause tuo offers. Insist on HI del'! Mm ma) be op- thing you hear, while ;it I lit' great ;i diminishing ol § GEMINIIMay ?IJnne?0) iii jrflul i-llinl I" same time appearing nut nice talent for I'onveraa Though you Ifwj feel il»' li'iin1,1 \ "in miai'i- \ ,III to be doing so. You keep in.i Talk! is stacked against Hill win mil n, the end your personal relation- AOUARIUSIJan. 20Feb you. there arc 8 few I'IIIIII I 'ersevel E ships Interesting and firm cards left ' 9iang< occui 18) - You call tS rocks <>f disinterest rn aheffd u ith \ oui plans to tiniiiiini rake un < ham < Although you are bast- them PISCESIFeb 19-March improve your knowledK^ tiih tin,iiM i", lodaj r.iih intellectually orient Hobbles ultirnalel; brins 201 - Follow through on SAOITTARIUSINov 22 od. you enjoy sports and jo> Dec 21) - You can make a have a distinct knack for your plans lor Increasing LBOUuly 23-Aug 77.) •• loved "iic ecstatically meThaniial work You your (arninK potential Vnlll I'll'mil ;||'|'IIlent IllaV nappy i,,i|a\ merel) bj should be able to save a Uiok into mlult education [ii.ikr the difference be makiiH! tin rii^lit retnark great deal of money at eve tween Bnothei' iui i esa oi .1 ih, 111' I ii iimi' Sheinwold's bridge advice Wi i rjejli r By Altred Sheinwold hornhl imrro NIIKTH get a ruff and Siiilth in.iv • A 7 I ii week-long -unh n( UUL.5IR.mefi probabih't) continu DAILY QUESTION RILErlUefE mwiem HCIL/WIPO/NO itie cluli tine i Still, the ' ii close i IHMI c i hence thai the pades will Partni r opens * ith- one * ' ' AKiOU, SAID mi WE IN WR. OFFICt I'M. I'M. AND GIVE MEA Should vou |iidv for two suits J HERB.. BOY? mm UP, (XiNGON? i break either 1-3 or i-2 I i mil and >ii' 7WLAM. H/w win THESE ur for just one' WEST EAST SOI AU9MAH5HAL f ^_ better than the combination Vou hold • K I in I Declarer ruffed the ihinl • QH • K I in I •1 \ / • 1THS« ' ik I V R ', 0 A IJ 7 Ii * ihf i tub finesse you will Wh.n do you ,ii il \ (T) « ducked a ;pado Smuh ruffed > i io a fl seldom play a hand'in which 0 AQ7l, the dismontl reiurn. led a ANSWER: H anything else often J better * Q fl , 2 * III 7 I, the .it-1 • and ruffed .i i' 111 W11 h l H i hance than IUI h a combina spade. uits.'n , SOl'TH Hull • H I When ihi ; •l :•' U11 I ( 11 ; uiii'i|iulh South [ell • iih gets ^ A K ij ri i the ' lul II neither ,i trump return if lie ducks a Auuld i *K I I nil i,line through spade 'ii once He wins, leads I \ POI KI. I 1,1 IIH' In a spafle tc tin ice and ruffs .i i BRIDGE vtniii-n hs Vltrcd WHI NoMh Eul Soull. spade high Eat k wiih .i Sheinwold is available Uel PLAY SPADE AT ONCE \'i I'a trump to the ten and .uiuther VOUI I Op) 1,1 .li'llii:- || ', |n Pa I* I1, Hagar South should give tip .i spade ruff No* Smith draws 'In Red Band Regi Iw I'd 1 2 N1 Vi Hrr ruffing ihi third Ihc last missing iruinp and BOX IfMHI I .„• \|,,',.|r I ilil I . RAP, IF YOU WEREN'T A diamond If the spadi gels to dummy with a club to WHIM ) U|»nmg li-.i'l IRES A BOOK HOV MEAN 6UY5 I WONPER IF THEH n YOU'RE HOPEU PIRATE^ SIR WHO STEAL OTHgR MAKE TREA5URE MAPS k SIR! PEOPLE'S REC0RPIN6S? TELLIN6 WHERE THE RECORPINeS ARE BURIEP...

    \& I \tol"

    i|n un • i ••1.,' V^, W — •

    The Phantom


    10. Wonted Automotive 2. Autos For Sale Nubbin Autos For Sale ABBIT you we ffet Hi drive It te, CAWARO IHV - V. (.Under outo CREDIT PROBLEMS I'M CfUAD YOU SHREWSBURY MOTORS. WE BUY CARS 1 Autos For Sale main, power ilierlng, UMD arlginol coihT It you're working, we can Jlcve II •NTIOUE IMEVROLfl IHI Iq mllfi Ne* locoutr point, new carpet neip tg gel you financed No money Af>M BUICK if?/ Foixdoor red, 9000 CHEVROLET VAN 1*74 White, an AM/FM radio, V *, bucket teat*. l*.0tt) tnlln. excellent. HIM wlndowi around iide, aood tcmdition. RITTENHOUSE mim, ISTti 671 Mfj. eve* LINCOLN MERCURY, Inc tan UllilH ^ motor tuned up 7 is*f7M oi JUliU peWence C«ll * FORD Ifef Stick oft the Moor. Ill lour cylinder automatic transmlMlon. VFGA l cylinder, tltt Coll 4S.00O mllei, aood condition Asking NOVA Itm Very good condition. JO' WEST SIDE FORD - ROUTE 66 - NEPTUNE 13000 or best offer 791 UK engine, tight cylinder Coll 731 M71 or 7(Jl773 _^ VOLKSWAGEN 1944 - Run* good NEW AND USED CAR Ol DSMOBIl.r: I97S - M Royolc. tour 2 Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sale 2. Autos For Sale door hardtop, smoll VI, automatic •di work, 11S0 power ilecrlng. factory olr. orlglna muff I PUBLIC AUCTION L_, owner Very pretty Hm Phone VOI KtSWAGEN SOUAREBACK 1971 mmttflotMECHANICi Ofwning In busy FordS deal *;i 3isj efshlp Ford tiperWnce preferred E> I SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 9:30 A.M. | client growth opporhinlly plwt tap pay OlDSWOBILE WO - Four-door pton All benefits Coll Mr Martin Sedan. ISO •noln«. full power, air, b*< VOLKSWAGEN BUS 19H - Four otter tol^94*-l«6 after J p m cylinder, four speed, manual tram mlulon AM/FM radio Three new OLDSMOBU.E M Ires Recently tuned, needs front heod YOU CAN BUY A NEW [»4M LARGEST VOLVO DEALER IN SOUTH JERSEY! door. 1300 or best otter Trailers nvenlory to work with Hceptlanally ALSO BEING AUCTIONED OFF.Auto repair equipment, Call 179 7307 or 791 MSI Ngh volume u«ed cor trofttc e« eel lent CHtVROLETPICK UP- 1974 4-ton, focllltle*. oil malar beneflH. Including office equipment, new Ford parts, etc. • HIGHES" TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES ANYWHERE PONTIAC VENTURA 19 « - Two door Hick shlfl, olr. Mbtrgtot cop. tomlly demo Call F" " • EXCLUSIVE 3 YEAR. 36,000 MILE « RRANTY hatchback Everything In II. UOOO Co< owned 7» 44*i ft 3 S p m , D UTOMATIC MACHINERY - Oe . TOP 20 PARTS DEPT. IN ENTIRE U.S.A. ,. m^m. DODGE 1974 - Plehup. Club Cob, 111 CALL 922-1050 FOR LIST OF CARS and INFO: PONTIAC I EMANS 1971 - Four door tgntr. Crtotlve ln*vtduol wrtd for • AWARD WINNING SERVICE DEPT. blue, automatic. 41,900 mile*, eight ^O^t/*oC tvt er 0" ejivers"tvej eou*p cylinder, regular got Power steer m*m. Ltbtral pay and bontftts Coll INSPECTIONS OF CARS: Thursday, Jan. 18 5-9 P.M • UP TO 60 MONTHS BANK TERMS Ing/brakes. Lust re lined, air condition 913 1TM for Intervl**, or s*nd resume I ing, new whltewaiit and wows, radio William E Young 1 Compony. 400 • BEST CHOICE OF MODELS & COLORS ALWAYS I IIKK) Call 741 460* SMH Rd Waptwnt, N.J \ Friday, Jan. 19 1-9P.M. • FINEST BODY SHOP 4 FREE TOWING • PROFESSIONAL SALES PERSONNEL—OVER 50 YRS EXPER erated, fully miulated U00 Call Doyi. 74i mi, eves^ n*-_itn. NEW CAR SALES .M.-9:30 A.M. lk t Salurday Jan 20 8 A TKUCK INSURANCE PONTIAC WAGON - Grand Solar 1 I Nln* potMngtr S4,000 miles £• FRFE quotet ond binders by phone offer ell mo|or . ...lent condition fully equipped CALL TOLL FREE MM»-fm SHORE MOTORS I 13490 7a)-43M. Wtlon. desire ond a need to be tut I PONTiAC LEMANS - IfT* Eicellcn cettful Immediate apenlna PRE- 4 Motorcycles VIOUS APPLICANTS NEED HOT AP HWY. 35 528-7500 WALLTWP. condition, olr, ' PLY Coll DomlnkkCorlno all. WEST SIDE FORD h 4VSOOS7 "" CYCLE INSURANCE n.-l p.m. 1 PONTIAC CATALINA 1WS - Four L FREE IOO«7f70] AVIATION MAINTENANCE TRAIN I door. Blue 41.000 mllet Eitrortmsfo EE - Positions available Must be | Jtt»e» Auction Co - Auctlonatrs Route 66. Neptune | linows AM/FM, powe MAICO UOAW 1977 willing lo relocate Call yowr Navy VOLVO n brakes'itMrlns. «*» 74li1 7t5* Eicelkmt conotllon RetruW In Red tank, 74) J3J4. Free Cnh. 7414744 hold, no 1070. E Bruniwlck. «• S17t I 2. Autos For Sale YAMAHA J 1 R CYCLE SERVICE, INC AVON Union i 3rd Ave Lai SELLING IS FOR PEOPLE Bronctt-779 1100 WHO LIKE PEOPLE Sell Avon. Meet pttplt while y»w Mrn oood money. Flex (We hours F*r *e I 5 AutO bill call Mrs Hammond, «714J9I Servicei/Ports

    TWO TONE - Gretn bucket scat, to 1973 Pinto, excellent condition s» SHREWSBURY AVENUE Call S*4 UWofftr 4 p.m. A Auto Rent/Lease VIII be retpontlWe far ell ._ RENT A VAN -tow. low role* C( edger Fringe Marty, TOM'S FORD. Hwy 35, Ke pori, 744 1400. i BOOKKEEPER - Full lime. e« perlenced In nursing home prod USED AUTO 4 VAN RENTALS edorei Knowledge of Bwiiowohi 17 A DAY/1 07 MILE LedOB helpful, but will train Apoly CALL TOLL FREE IOO-«n 97B3 Monmovth Convatetcant Cent*r7n9 Both Avt, Lang Bfonch | 7 Auto Insurance BOOKKEEPER — Full time. M> AUTO INSURANCE wrlenced In oil iihnwi pleoee Coll FREE quote* ond binders bi revelers One, 74V MM CALL TOLL FREE Mf " BUILDING MAINTENANCE - 1 er For John L. Mrnvtaam R DRIVER Home, Freehold Full tin- .ALL 747 7100 All Civil Service banafltt PMWM can REID HARRISON AOIMCV Admlnlttrotton Office, 431 MM | PHOENIX BROKERAGE'— FofntMM ING SERVICE WORKER lor low cost out* Inturonce Eat ohn L. Mafrkwmory MvtHcal payment plan Immediate I D cardi . Fre^oW FXtime »-4 shlfl Free quote by phone Coll H4-1M7. :iviil SarvlcSl * btlbanttlHH . Pi AUTO WORLD tod Admlnistrcrtlon Office, 4 BURGLAR ALARM - Motor N.J 10 Wonted company Mtfclng experienced o*orm Automotive tachnlctam. Encelttnt pov and bera fits •» !«•;__ JUNK CARS WANTED BUS AND LUNCH AIDES - ln«ulre AUTO WORLD IS GOING RED BANK PRIMARY SCHOOL, 777 Wed Bonk 741 101 RIVER ST . RED BANK, N.J 07701 JUNK CARS IMMEDIATE CASH PAID CALL ROCCO. W-3U4 CAFETERITERIA - PPloyorounl d aides TO BLAST *edtd approilmaieiliiy I Jvio m houri day Call Rajpn RaMmen. Wi ttti JUNK CARS WANTED INSTANT CASH AND PICK UP CAR WASH HELP - Appl INFLATION! I 49S0611 Of 191-9*99 c I JUNK CARRS 8rfl&SS£ -" * > dolladollarr . Immediatmediaatee pkk u 771 r 77111700 '"*'*! TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS CARPENTER - To ln.K.11 ocotnilCOl I** LIPPIN MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. ctlllng tltci for proltct Moomowrh *t\ 35 tayrevltie, N.J. 777 13 County Mutt tw ixparlMcM. Suk con USEO AND JUNK CARS WANTED Hod Of loo Hourly «oo. Coil mSt TOP PRICE PAID CLEANING HELP - Commorclol 741 174) bulMlnvt. Mon. fhroofh Thurt. tvt nlno>. no p.m., Sol.. IS DrlMi't. WE NEED USED CARS llttnw and own cor noidod. For In lop dollar paid. MUU.FR CHEVRO l«fvlew coll Wl'^177 i LET. Hwv J4. Motowon. Se* 8000 WE BUV USED CAR5 AND TRUCK More ClOMifitd SCHWARTZ Chryiler-Plymouth Red Bonk. 747471? on Next Pofjt. . Autos For Sole 2. Autos For Sale ?. v • NEED A CAR? GET RE-ESTABLISHED UP TO 48 MONTHS TO PAY THAT'S RIGHT! I i?lirr 100% FINANCING

    The people at Auto No Co-Makers — No Gimmicks World promise to do on Iht Spot Approval II Qualified their best to blast infla- Cod Mr. Bonks 566-6120 or 6411 Authortw) Oukr tion in 1979 by keeping GEORGE prices as low as pos- WALL VALUABLE COUPON sible. Follow the crowd ' *» LINCOLN-MERCURY 50 CENTS OFF to Auto World—your SH^AS**1 747-5400 XVk-* Your Next 1979 "Inflation DAKY REGISTER CUSSHED AD I* By pfesenimg ihis coupon When placing your classified ad Fighters" — You can't (5«rj. rxx good to»fdi f•mi>> *d FORD or ConlrMl AdrtrHttn) Formerly DOREMUS 5 GREAT DEALERSHIPS afford not to! 'OOStln AD MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE — - — >wury nit ••iirlln,If 741-6000 READY TO SERVE ALL Call 542-1700 Ma* etwekt lo: Tht 0i»> Riglitot ,'J YOUR AUTOMOTIVE NEEDS! Ono FttfKMt Plan, thtmbunr. N J. 177(1 28 Tin fl«i) ITi gkm i SHREWSBURY NJ WEDNESDAY JANUARY I 7 1979 Ice Skates - Team mates - Fence & gates Garage Sale - Wood & Nail - House for Sale Classified puts it all together! Automobile - Super deal - Magical Appeal! DIAL THE "ACTION LINE" 542-1700

    77. Pets And Livestock 51, Help Wonted si. Help Wonted Tiger Si, Help Wonted • EACHVIEW GARDENS - One SETTER PUPPIES - Six weeks Old bedroom, U3i. heot, ho» woter and So MECHANIC - For packaging ma our males five female) tiSeach Coll h. Mon Frl Salary oopen S chines Methonlcoi/electrkol •• cooking gos Included. M-mri. 741 «3H - . e to P 0 B01 Ml. Redd to**. perlence desired bul will train Apply m CAPRI APARTMENTS - Luxury at Neptune Custom Cut, MM Eleventh SPRINGER SPANIEL Pups Three oarden apartments, two-bedroom, wp Ave . Neptune. N j Asking iTl each Papers In six to eighi _ on k*o«t netlce Please sand EXPERIENCED - Sewing machine iMirs available Near shopping cen weeks Call 747*47? t» teti OM, The Dolly Reo operator worried Union ihop lor the teft and trontporWten Me#T honwa 1 NEWSPAPER DELIVERY ROUTE - following position lining tetter, collar tei and pool supplied Call 3*1004 X ", Man or woman with drivers license to COMMUNICATIONS TEAINEE - Nc setter, sleeve tetter, lolnlng itltcher assist In delivery ot newspaper In the 80 Bicycles/Mini tAtONTOWN four cleon rooms •ry Will from Col Onlv experlemed person apply Call AHontk Hlahlorxft. e1t area Variable free utilities Kids, pets ok ttti in Rod ton* 741 S7U or apply rrt IT WaT SI Red Bikes 74M434 STATt RENTALS Bfcr Bank EATONTOWN Furnished EATON COOK - For J«hn L. MonlMonloomero , EXPERIENCED TOWN- Furnished efficiency, all will NIGHT GUARD POSITION - ---uponcy, UH AAe*c«4 H«M. Freehold Fullll Unit WAITERS (M/F) Dormitory room seven night* a week II 7 eMfl. All CUII Wvkk l bbenefll Call Ul mo PUfePUi i cceatace i Administration Offic For ex lullv* private club continental 81 Sports Equipment 431 lOt cultlne accent on service Phone TTfllJI tor appointment Mi Rosslngol 170 with bindings, assitf^t o.ru7., fUll tIMt ( leaning person But )lie * boots, poles. mlMens, goaales. SS^MCurity TMBayAv. Cal. oft.. ting machine experience necetsory paiiuofi MI |MI win 1 IUCIUI urncm* etc •» 747 MO ;pm.S4?S7is AMily at Nichols. Rl M Lloyd Rd, good working conditions Apply in per HIGHLANDS Newlv decorated four son. Mon Frl. 10 3pm HOLMDEL loroe rooms with wall lo wall carpet OARpgNES AND CONVALESCENT CENTER. Hwy 14. 83 CBs/Electronlcs imfNe pert References IMS plus utll GHOUNDSKEEPER - Fou l t per tOUNTER HELP WANTED Itles ondone month's security m JOM Bright Cleoneri Coll **l position, lawn mowing, shrwti (I 73 rhonnel SBE Trinidad, brand new power mike 113S or best after Call •43 HH I a m luni • and eenetol bandy work Refer SI. Help Wanted 51 Help Wonted 71. Merchandise 7). Merchandise before e pm ei required Available Immediate 74/0149 anytime HIGHLANDS AND SEA BRIGHT - DENTAL ASSISTANT - For d NURSES AIDE - Part lime, • a ml For Sole lo.wl estate HI MOD REAL ESTATE - Sales associate TRAVEL AGENT For Sale One and two bedroom oportments. Orthodontic Office School pm Experience preferred Please call wonled tor one or Mlddletown i leading Experienced rorpet, dishwasher. 13SS up on the bay prefer™ ~ GENERAL OFFICE WORKED -IBM Shrewsbury Monor Nursing Home for ANTIQUE PIANO - Eorly 1900 s LAWN MOWER - 7 h p , with I Merchandise ooemies Capable of handling, e: Anchorage Apartments. Mt Iff* lunch experience necessary Pel uppolniment, 741 70S* Call UJ 7rM> I enoi uptight grond S3H high by (eriillier ipfeodei and lawn sweeper ecutive clientele, full time onl< Wanted HIGHLANDS - Four rooms, heat ond *nt position Medlcol and retire NURSE'S AIDES - And Housekeeper, Llcenseamust Experleniehelpfui but TRUCK MtCHANK Ulescl w «7I\V Sound board eKcellenl. Very good condition, tns Will deliver DENTAL HYGIENIST hot water References ond security il benefits Norwood Dtilrlbutori weekdays. 7 J Coll Queen of Carmel not necessary Sophisticated market Mrlence and tools necessary Apply jood tone, slightly sttorp Ebony wood Call evenings, 944«S*9 AAAAAA - LIQUIDATE UNWANTED Ideal for business person No pets 634 Broadway. Long Branch 721 M04 Ing and training program available Mrson Schwartz Inlernallonol. Ul W cabinet wilh caslers, matchrng stool Nursing Home, MHWI • I r VOL OR RIVIERA BLINDS kNTIUUrS JEWELRY. RUGS. FOR GENERAL LABORFR No ex Modern office with all essential locll Front St, Red Bank. 11000 I47«UI Avaltotile Feb 1 Calf otter 4 p m NURSE S AIDE -7 to 3pm Full lime VERTICAL BLINDS ASH. flence neceisory Appl' Itles Member at MLS Call Foulki TYPIST CLERK - Al weekly flshli •77«34 ; ' position Liberal bcneflti. M 30 per ANTIQUE OAK FURNIIURI 30% OFF LIST) INTERNATIONAL GALLERIES Preston Agency, tor confidential In tewspaper. competitive pay Pleosa rX and 1 30 Intern O Thei hour Apply In person, Hoimdei Con Areas lorgest and finest selection in Free delivery, Elenby Products Coll 1S9 E Newmon Springs Rd HIGHLANDS Three rooms suitable only Experience preferred Excellenl terview Foulkl-Preston Agency ondlllons JShour week Call A 51 - Keypuri valescent Center. Hwy 14 Hoimdei. Squanknm *ellowbrook Rd., Form »l 43146M for quote Shrewsbury 7474100 for adults. H'S per month plus ulllltles- salary/benefit* Strict confidence. 671 9494 I Woodland Dr . Mlddletown GLER'S n NEWS, 1177 OWIl Atlont J Ifrll p m . Man-Frl ole, neit lo Howell Park. •end resume FO BOM 57). Red Bonk, GRILL PERSON - Dayi. Mon Frl Hlghlonds for Interview LOG SPLITTER- For sole or lor renl lecurlty required 7*11144 Experience preferred: bul not neces REAL ESTATE SALES We ore look McLAlN. 9119371 (7 days! Will deliver and pickup Call Days, ALL LIONEL TRAINS HIGHLANOS One bedroom, on me sory Call 7afi MM Ing tor two licensed soles assocloles lor IKISS WW Part lime, doy 791 OtW Eves 791 3151 river, private dock, dishwasher, cen o very ocllve and motivated office Mon Frl Experience preferred, b BEDROOM FURNITURE - Double IOWREY SPINET ORGAN And *ep Or Flyer Top cash appraisal 94* Ttn OISHWASHER/BUS PERSON - »< HAIR SlYLISTS Experienced, with after 6pm Excellent working conditions Including troi olr 1775 per month, security, refer nol necessary Call 74) MM. 9 5 30 orate I eslle lone cabinet Perfect con p.m., with opportunity to learn arm followlno., tor new Red Bank Salon A 1 constant help with mortgages, linings ANTIQUES Anthing old Furniture. emes required Available Fob 1 PART TIME WELDERS - Experienced In t>lpe f work Apply In person. Charlie's f>la* applied lo ANTIQUt riOCKS REPAIRED AND i experience Write P 0 bul mu»t hove experience In quality rroni'butler's desX, U» or best oHer purchases Come to our renovation ond /47 94J4 STATE RENTALS Bk< , LEGAL SECRETARY - Mustbeprofi ASSOCIATES iy Red Bon* home three to tour nigh EWEIRY DESIGNED 799 River ftd on, N J . O//MJ retail store Call S*3 INO between 10) Coll after 4 p m . 719 97*4 warehouse clearance sale Save from : dent In oil types ol Uriels. Including week References 530-0160 alr Haven. N J 1414157 KEANSBURG Two4edroom apart 7S7 Hwy 3S Mlddlelown CONTENTS OF APARTMEN1 IIX to 40^. on famous brand plonos and EARLY SUN. AM Apaelate. must hove excellent Mere IABYSITTER Responsible, n ment Free gos. U00 monthly Security PAKT TIMI farn U In U per hour 671-1800 Eight month old Conlemporore Tow bar In good rondi NEWSPAPER HOME DELIVERY torlol skills, at least three y< woman to take core of lour yearo required, adults preferred 73*07*1 Parent and child with full tlie car or N J l«-go< experience (all other* need showing ladle's tashlom Muil be il furniture, oil excellenl 717 7301 I OH BfSt BUYS IN PIANOS AND RECEPTIONIST - Full time potman Joy. Ranney School student 1 30 ORGANS CONSUl T MAX LEWIS KEANSBURG Lovely three room Van, earn IIS to UO lor three houn. not upplopply' ) Excellent benefits. Includ Call for Interview, 49*7171, 7(7 3093. light bookkeeping and good lyplng A 3D p m dolly, occasionally all da •tmerit Heat ond hot water In HI U47. aportr Ing pension, lire Insurance and hospl si-lilt Mlddklown area Reply lo P O Own transportation Call 94*4174 aft Daily-Sunday Yard and parking, I7IS tarnation, ail nan eantrlbutobte by em dude. PART TIME Pe'ionfluentlnB'oill Box 1*7, Mlddlelown, N J 07741 TUSTING PIANO CO. ll]9tl41JS ployee Salary commeniurate with SBS? "• ""•"'- Ion Portugese, to converse for two 'in Bongs Ave Asbury Park ll\*dt Al»o Red Be**. tral New jersey plastics operation looking for a sell starter willing t. brass single heortoonrrJ Cnit after 4. broker Minimum ot live yean experience In accept and show responsibility WOMAN Wants to clean house day 671 77iJ SILVER GLASS - Fisher Skit site : Smart Warm Up 170. bindings ore Cubco with poles MANAGER ASSISTANT - Voane S plastics and knowledge of excursion • n transportation n Incentive K bonus piogiorm FIREWOOD Seasoned oak, US a good condition. 171 777 7*44 Furniture Clearance Center By ap ond vacuum forming of polyethylene or Good starting salary ond fully pair Mndafale (all Wi OOU split cord Call SU4J93 or S644151 be uneq'jaled >n lite slaie with lop IMlnlmenl only. 741 40N polystyrene Excellent storting salary company benefits Apply in person or SLEEPER SOFA Herculon plaid, ond full corporate benefits Please tween 7 304 p m ild. 1110 Complete Spanish call for appointment between 9 o m Situations Wanted aiuooles eorning up to 43 of send resume with salary requirements and S p m 77S 7410 55 FIREPLACE WOOD bedroom, massive dresser and MECHANIC to: Box D173, The Dally Register, (onimissiofii Male All hard woods, quick delivery, honesl or moire. 14U. one year Old 717 14*1 Full-time. Must have Shrewsbury, N J , 07 701 SIGNALITE (old 946 IMS REAl ESTATE SALESPERSON - SNOW TIRES (71 radial. GRIS Ei Help in obtaining your Ne* Chicogo Miniature own tools. Apply in per- Clean, Inside work, salary ond bonus, leilenl condition. 140 firm (Used two 1913 Heck Ave. Neptune, NJ FIREWOOD Jersey Real (state liieme il yu>j terrific advancement potential Stole dows, sash chains, . months) S44 43r* son. Werner's Dodge, Seasoned oak. split logs, free delivery Rentals, Bkr , 747 v4tt EquolOpporlunlty Employer repairs, garoge doors fixed, ceram do nol hove it SALES AND STOCK PERSON WI tile repair 747 7945. W4 4373 Or 944 4133 SNOW PLOW Meyers. 4 . Slightly Hwy. 36, Belford. used, complete wllh mounting gear fai train Apply In person 777 Shrewsbury FIREPLACE INSERT - 90 years old. 6 O'ji porent company is Berg MECHANIC Fullllme. contractors RECEPTIONIST LEGAL SECRE TAX PREPARER - Former leep or similar vehlcol 7*1 0IM * S Ave . SnTcwsoury. N J not Franklin type Coll for details. Keep warm while you keep equipment Mutt have hydraulic, pneu TARY -For Red Bank taw firm Some resenlative desires, full or part tim evenings. 7*1 tl*4 inierprues Im the notions employment during filing season Co 741 4477 after S natlc and electrical background Alsq experience required Excellent work looking pretl) in Ihis snurl sel " SALES TRAINEE 791 M10 after ftp second largest Real hio'e Bro 'our cycle air and water cooled engine '— conditions. Call for Interview, FIREPLACE WOOD Mai and hood all m one plus Company benefits Call J64 61/1 Split, seasoned OoN keruqe I Morlgoge Bank ing (o SI. EARN TO TO 471 7079 millent comsl «ai lo head DUI STEREO - And AM/FM radio corr listed on tht? Ameman Slot* $200 PER WK FURNITURE New moll r esses on icy days -Ciochcl sel ol blnation in cabinet ilOO SI. Help Wanted SI. Help Wanted W99J. dinettes. U9, chairs. HI 95. warm hutly yarn Pattern S9I Local company needs three aogreisi tables. 119 9$ K O SHARP S Call 671 5417 Our Sales Asuxialpi iome to us people with con to learn home im FURNITURE. 175 Hwy 14, Well SYCAMORE GREENS r lltl rial (one sue lili all) millens provemenl business Call Mr Slevens 61 Business Kearfsburg Coll after 1pm. 49SOH5 Furniture Specials' Bedroom suite, from all walk's of Me so don 11st S M L included __739_-3300 Opportunities FURNITURE Brlcatxoc and lew stainless sl#el glosg s diningg room sel -the lack ol eipeneme hold you elry New ond barely used Only quality Cheslerlielolerlleldd type cutt velvevelvet t loveseaioveseat t SALESPERSON -Tires, outside, to pieces Kitchen sets, sofas,, bedroom Mlalit" y cocktoli table, Iwo hexooon HELP WANTED wholesale distributor. Salary plus com AMWAY balk (all for u (unfidenlial n sets, TVs. stereos, china, sliver, etc «jw lump tooles. Mahogany llth Cen mission, plus benefits Excellent op Get the whole store Sl.M lor eath pattern Add 401 furnish your own home of apartment y bedroom suite Also antiques, rare terview wilh Gene Fitipolmk ol portunlty tor right person Apply H K MtipTI • - for |ust a fraction or original prices china, giosswore, sterling sliver, point each pattern lor lust class air Responsible person for sales, service TIRE CO. 77 30 French St. Hew HoilelOHiie (701) 764 8700 laio BEAUTY SHOP - Mlddletown ... Lorraine's Nearly New. Vanoerbllt ings, prints, etchings, etc Visit us no Brunswick 747 9173. mail and handling %mi IK Shopping center, bus route Panele Ave , Leonordo, (behind Post Otflcet obligation RuscllsT» Sycamore Ave (oolidential interview SALESPEESON - Billion dollar < and collection Long Branch area. Call • air conditioned. Heart bet up tor thr Tues. 4 30 pm to 9 30 pm, Wed little Silver, N J 741 IW __^_ pony seeks three salespersons foi operators. Good growth, in area through Sot , 11 a m to i p m WI 0071 THE USED FURNITURE CENTER ponding local marketing olilce Ir years Make offer Coll *»s m* a Me 1*7 Shrewsbury Ave , Red Bonk starling Salary lo 11000 per month piu THE DAILY/SUNDAY REGISTER p.fn. Been). Hos been) ond Why Not) incentive Income as earned Call dolly FURNITURE Laura WHwUt THIS WEEK WE OFFER - Utility. 10-1. Ml 4900 FISH MARKET - Good cllente Furniture at a traction above cost Any two door cabinet, 117 V), Iwo door, modern fixtures, high traffic area, e nome brand avdlloble, such as Ben NMdl*croft Dtpt. *1 Circulation Department metal wardrobe. 1)4 M. 17/34 base tab cellent tor store or warehouse nlngton Pine, Pennsylvania House. (net. 114 SO, pair ski), 17 10, small fire ihiai hlah school C GIG Realtors HI WOO Sll-M Dreiel. Heritage. Henredon, Boker. Tht Doily Itfjitar place screen. U SO, polm plonl, 117 SO, 542-4000 Ext. 257 ferred Coll 747 1774 Thomosvllle. Century and many, many 1.AUNDRAMAT more For more Information call book trough end (able, U.», T V BERG SECRETARY - General office work Good location weekdays. 17 9 p stand, U 7?. wa«er. U SO. three piece Bo. 1(1, OM CMM SI, Un Ask for Bob McKnight heavy typing Apply Electro Impulse Coll 777 01 SO or 7*4 JSJ1 kitchen set. 17* SO. couch, 14* SO. studio Hi Chestnut SI , Red Bank 721-6666 touch. 17* 50, four dining room chain, tort, XT IN1I. frMt Nam, AGENCY NEWSPAPER" RouTE^^Ho U0, apartment siled go) Stove 14*. Equal Opportunity Employer Ml livery Apartment house and coin bo apartment tlie refrigerator, 179 Also M*m, ii, FatWo Dual*. SECURITY GUARD - Imfttedl route avolloble Netting IIS0 per we china, glassware and other mis FURNISHING ON A LOW BUDGET' NEW (OR 1979' NHDIfCRAd or better Con be and ii being 1 tellaneovn brlcobrac RUKIU 7i Check the USED FURNITURE CEN ponded Call 747-MSJ .__ Eosi Front SI 741 l*»3 CAIALOG Hundreds ol beauti TEROFREDBANK Fine furniture for 1 SUPPLEMENT YOUR INCOMF less 197 Shrewsbury Ave ful things to mike J Iree SECRETARY NEEDED - Foi bus BE YOUR OWN BOSSI TIRES Good condition patterns inside Send 7S< dynomlc Orthodontic office Executlv DELI/SUB SHOP tor sale, clean, co GARAGE SALE all sites Call anytime, skills required Experience preferred pletely redecorated, in excelienl 101 9Mlt31 Excellent salorwbenefits Send Re Hon. 10 car parking lot. Asking tn, Doors, windows, table topi, spindles, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I CLASSIFIED , sume. Strict confidence, P 0 Box, S73 besi offer. MUST SELL' Rte hardware, medicine cabinets One ot \si IS color perfect (ondltion 1700 | Red Bonk, N J ^ lll Cll 737 f7«f ft a kind, discontinued, damaged Close 7 fabric and wood < ouch, 1700 outs MONMOUTH BUILDING CEN Portable wood ond slate bor. 1700 All I SECRETARY NEEDEitf^- For bu\ TER. Shrewsbury Ave , Shrewsbury Printed Pattern dynomlc Orthodontic eftke Executlv three pieces malehlng 170-714* ' Ills required Experience preferred GAS Sliivl I WOO! I) But good Fliher speaker) 63 Money To Loan Good condition icellem salary'benefits Send ond two AR speakers A llldlng door I suesume, , SStricct oconfidence. P O Bo LOANS BY PHONE1 7411744 The NOW Coat! Red Bank, N J. BUSINESS DIRECTORY Secondary Mortgage Loans GAS STOVt I Blorll SECRETARY [M {MM) 6/7 H79 IWO ULAYER Plnboli with (Oln »lol Men's 10 spe^rl hlkr PAY OFF ALL Call 717 5504 A DAILY GUIDE Good typing skills a must Didophon HAMMOND 8, BALDWIN helpful, bul nol required Will do cus Those Christmas Bills UNIFORMS - Up to 70% off Going out tomer service and figure work South and Everything Else PIANO AND ORGAN of business Shirley Shop, Brood St , em Monmoulh County, 17M0 lo star CENTER Red Bank OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR NEEDS for this immediate opening Coll Llso *"i% Government backed r flnonce/debl consolldollon Ul tor homeowner), even It you are behli Division ot Altenberg UNPAINTED Any amount) up la U00,000 . W Piano House WRIGHT PERSONNEL wall when'f 00 C«n *e pocket Ing the Old you-IMS*. FURNITURE IS7 Brood SI luirmi cash sgvlngt every month, now' C We Are N.J.'S. Largest slock g CliJB travel Coll anytime, Me-11*4 ceedlng a sole price ot 1100 per art I furnace, a ton of coal, a row cultivator, Coll Sal. VM440S CALL TOLL FREE MO-127 f 70] oolotl W mt, Mon through Frl 7414044 PRICEMUST BE MENTIONED Ea form implements ond hardware, I XI MUMN MARTIN • \< run i «AiLERDIIlVf!R -Mw additional line, 11.00" No dlscounl ploftormiii, T vV anlenrwt. spreaders AKC MINIAIUM, HAH INTERIOR PAINTING Three males Call PLUM1INC ft Neat ond dependable, no |ob too small . experienced ond reliable, yeoi canceled before expiration Cash only. 9M • Porttrn Dtpt. 420 7«1 7144 HEATING (all imwil or 4U4W4 ound work Coll offer a. Ml 6147 NoVhonge) In copy Hove something loiel 17 Phone HUNTING COAT - Orange. Ted Wil Hams, slie 46. detachable hood, aan.; DOG TRAINING - Owner Handlers Tht Doily lUgiittr • Interior Painting Beau Association offers obedience and show MOLMDFL PLUMBING lltul paint |ops done by Eddie. I move 01. Commercial pocket, waterproof seat flap, needs ury (leaning Catalog price IS! Sale, wi handling classes at VFW Post. Rl 71 .. AND HEATING furniture an* vacuum all dull befwft AVIS Ookhurst For Intormat'cn call 747 1091 Rentals Hot WaterSleom Heal pointing, I patch crocks, seol all itolm 542-1/00 Call 471 on offer ) pm weekday, ur KilU Repair Ing-1 nstalllna-Alterol lor ond use new drop cloths My work. I) anytime weekettdi. Small Jobs Big Jobs neat and clean ond your house will loo* GOLDEN RETRIEVE Puppies INI 1. Pnut MHE, MWUS, * IM571? or mnn beautiful. Coll E**e, *71 44S3 PRIMI INDUlTtlAl SPACI THE DAILY IBM TYPEWRITERS AKC, five females, tour mulesr) . Wlllh. f 21.000 sq It (t floor 9.000 six weeks old Jon. ». Coll 147 4S»9 JQ74 Hwy IS. Mlddletown PAINTING AND DECORATING RENTAL $19.50 per mo. zit. sin «MJ snu NUMHI. ; Carl B Jones Fully Inturec n (I . ! door 12.000 sq tt) REGISTER Rent with option to buy 177 0377 HAY, STRAW - Oats and sweet httd Ay the new clothes you need for « For Free estimates call 77» MM picked up or delivered tailgate loading, railroad sid- CLASSIFIED ADS KENMORE IMANGIE) IRONER — 4»7 3415 your busy lile aie in our SPRING • Excellent condition, asking MO Alto ; *" " "WINTER SALE ing, private parking, air condi- AWPEOE BASS - And Traynor am SUMMER PAntRN CATALOG' • OOO iOtS - IMMM andowttMe, com tOilI 100m, Iwo coats point. L11 Paul by Ibonti. Ftfldtr am tioned, spnnklered Public Torlle Polnte. Female. _. •left house cleaning, furniture Qulik. dton, avofliy work Ait. imvn (. M nn Hd tndu. Echople, Student avltaf and amp, I Dresses, lops, skirls, pints, vests J transportation tered. SofHMce 1'S 7«IOt*3 poHeMnf, email repair*, etc. ba-W.\ WALLY'S PAINTING, 7*1-11 jackets Plus SI 50 Iree pattern • BEFSIFR ENLARGED - B?)C • LARGE - Spinning wheel, over 100 PERSIAN •" One year, blue, rreom 747-1100 t.llenl candlllon. ITO Coll atlli yeari old ITS Good condition Cr" smoke, female, CFA registered Saci ^__ _J coupon SenMMd T n» QftM^flHOOQQOOtOOQOOOOOOQQOQQQQWOOQQQOOQQUQOQtQ p m . Stt-liM lice. US 74149*3 2)3 Marlboro 101. Cornmtr c.ol 131. HomtsForSflle HI. Lett And Found SHREWSBURY. N J WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 1 7.,1979 KfANUUI*0 - Thm htfrumi, MK PUBLIC NOTICE mum Hi P.I. (on OAK HILL RANCH - 0MMT rMMry ro Notice Is hereby given thot the reg 244 Tlnton Foils *4$ M»nm»tftti Ounty move out «4 tWa po«4M«M« iietfW UICH monthly meetings of Tho lw< ot swsr hoed. Ranch rwfM oniwlt-ocre plw Firt Commissioners, Fire District No WHEREAS, funds art ewMloMttef •TTIJAaivl - w«,ma Clrcutor brick woHt. toree brick pJtte. ]. Marlboro Township will be held on those purposes ond no puWlc bidding Is Prlvoty fence. Fruit Feet atoownd City man two, throo, hwr roomt or l the third Monday of •acti month at 7 » necessory because the services ren Metiomi m o«*M, dining p m In the Independent Fire Hovse dered or* unkaut ond ore professional U» rortl. Full nrvlci room, fli lltiri IM*tl •«•«•. C«n vi7wTfticri«hed fwovolie, lo» i Route No n. Moroonvllte. M J for Ihe services, license* In accordance with not be dw!lc*rttJ In Ook Hill. MM 175*4) CORNER HWV vk«tm\ el Four* A« , AHonttc High current year EWA)|oo ptmoN "•«*••*!<•« J?»L *He*e*n Full price oftly B7?,M0- «K?Siip8!if. ^5% Secretory ACADEMY AGENCY SOLVED thai me firm of McOmber ond charged Jan W «•• McOmber of 90 Monmouth Street. Red DOWN TOWN RED BANK - P 739-22M 311 Special Notices Bonk, be retained ot Attorney tor the ffflc* twet e wtthen-tHi parking OCEAN TOWNSHIP - WemMa Wot* Board for the period trom January *. mpooT CL ond Long View VlUfi gtffjjj Rtw m Mlddletown 197* io December 31. 1979 and com Psychic Clairvoyant pensated for services In the following hornet from 007J0B. Cell SiiOMiS. The Township ot MWdletown Sew but lira Ml MRS. SYLVIA manner The reasonable value of ser in fraud OFFERS PLEA«I - |f you're o hit eroge Authority, Monmouth County. vices performed but in no tense at o mwrth'i Mcur Coll a Aoency Ath for Gifted Reader 4 True Advisor New Jersey, will receive sealed B«Ji Veronica Gertrude Brown, Plain lory buff, like Little Sliver, neoel tour rote higher than those Irodllional in On All Problems of Lite lor o V> Ton pickup Truck ol Its monthly tin vs: Thomas Augustus Brown Deferv FREEHOLD - A JS-year- bodroomt. ond ereot big family room Monmouth County for like service*. Are You Werrleer meeting In the Township Hall, Kings KCVPORCVPORT - ThrM r««M and bath, with lovely flreptoco* turn* you on. coll Morion A Ebcrle. Secretary old Long Branch man was in- IDEAL LOCATION - For to we thli Century home totfty. ITJ.iOO t Mk Dii Highway. Mlddletown, New Jersey, of *** By virtue of 9 writ of execution In Ml Mm uHlffln UMXIM On nm, next te publiblic parkikin J Board otAdlustmenl E A ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Re 1.._..... dbp n. — jsdoy , Fobruor"*• y 14**. the obove stated oction to me directed. JJrtl. Ho ntTtt.ll. onl utlHtleutlHtl i UJ fifig bei^ C.n. KKKIl I RVnil *UCRV> > «• Jon 17 HOD dicted by a county grand jury ( 1979. at which lime and place ail bids 1 tholl expose tor sole of public vendue, attor, S55 Proipect Ave , Little Silver IDEAL LOCATION — for imoll bull ppotme win be publicly opened and road at the Court House In the Borough of on charges of issuing a forged 741 4100 Freehold, County of Monmouth, New MATAWAN - Kan Gortra. Ma ant n«M, ntxt te pottle porklng, »» plui The Inflructlons to Bidders and and twi ••»IMW •^artmiliU itu'llng REO BANK — Ttwoe bedroomi, conve 542-9500 Jersey- on Monday. the Sth day of Feb utllltlw 747 rtnlbttwetn To ^ p m Specifications may be examined al Ihe prescription lo a Long Branch ot CM Cortina lhauotaut Al, can nlenlly located Atklng »H.U0 Coll office ot the Authority, al Center Ave ruorv* im, al 3 o'clock. P M Eostern LONG BRANCH ram n «f ««< iM6l 40* 7*14 afltf 5 or weekendt the Puolk Lows ot T97i" It It hereby iH1t«nlM. LoN m *trklM SwImmHw n y nue. Betford. New Jersey, between the Standard Time pharmacy and attempting to dtcoratod otttcet. reotonoblt rot* resolved Ihot the Board of Ad|ustment pad «tf T«viU CjwH. Yiu, Mm own hours ol 9 00 a m and 4 30 p m , Mon All the defendant 1 right, title and wtthln 1000 M of Long irimch city hall at the Borouoh ot Tlnton Falls will hold obtain drugs by fraud bedroomi, living room, family room, day through Friday, and coplei Ihereol interest. If any. in and to the following SI 4MB. IH Regulor Meetings ol the Municipal with a betifl vi Ol U4TC0 N 212 Travel- obtained from the Systems Manager of Building. Ue Tlnion Avenue. Tlnton All those certain trod or parcel of Savino M Trimiglozii of MATAWAN - R|. U. W~9m Office with the Authority No bid shall be Foils. H.I on the Flrsl Thursday of land ond premises, hereinafter porflcu private ofnc«, toco w fl , milt of three withdrawn within » days after Ihe each month In the year 1979. commenc lorly described, situate, lying and Wesl wood Ave., Long Branch, MATAWAN - K«n OMM Ma on Transportation being in the Township ot Wall. In the ond !»• »•*I1IW l»w lililllll Horttna offlcei. MO tq ft Private eolroncvi. Ingot! 00P.M. ample parking idMl for Iniurorue or """Bidders snail Include the following it is further resolved thot the Work Counly of Monmouth, ond Slate of New is charged with forging a pre- ol tm. Car*rllna IhrovaNut Air r on with their proposals Jersey, being lot number Ii, ond the oWanlM. Loh at BarfclM. Swimming "•veloftfKy immcdlait occupancy RUMSON AREA - Send tor our shop meeting of the Board ol Adjust 1 la) Bid security kind In the reor thereof as shown on scription July 17 and issuing pool oiWTomll Cowh You. «.., own "Shore and Country LMng brochure, ment of Ihe Boiouofi ot Tlnton Falls fb) Disclosures of ail stockholders will be held at the Municipal Building Mop A In Plon ot Lois Late HenrleHo that prescription to Young's OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE — In owning 10% or more ot Ihe bidding in Tlnion Falls, on the Fourth Thursday Newman's, deed . situate neor ooos location. Irom S to 7J0 *a Inquire 213 Instruction organliatlon of each month Hn the year 1979. com Belmor Mon Co , NJ., Dec IIM. Pharmacy. Prospect Ave., agyriev.a (ct The date proposed lor the de menclngatl OOP M Wm H Shatto. Surv , Filed April 79, livery of Ihe vehicle ifJM, situate at the south side ot a OCM 'AIR MAVFN l.orot mod II Is further resolved that within Long Branch, and attempting The vehicle lo be supplied shall be street or rood dedicated by Henrietta ovolloWe for ihop. ltudlo. oft Ice Coll TRANS EXEC Ing cou seven days of Ihe dote hereof this Resa manufactured In the United States in Newman as a public rood, ond now ipoc^ Slack Sheep. 74IMS3 or lullon ihall be prominently posted In to obtain 12 Dilaudid tablets by un accordance with N J S A 40A 11 II the Municipal Building copy filed with known os Curfls Avenue, and more par The Authority reserves the right to tn ularly described as follows fraud BROKERS' all day course, lull two the Borough Clerk of the Borough ot M0OIIN APARTMENT - Neoi RED BANK - HI Broad II waive Immaterial informalities or lo FIRST TRACT BEGINNING at O road II, no*t le weeks, Jon » Feb t Tlnton Falls, ond a copy forwarded to irontportotion. b*tt time to coll before Colonlaljtonkjoi^ioyl B re eurr ODIc. 741 Oil able to the Authority as a guarontee day ot May A D IMA. thence running pratmlonol person, four bedrooms, Mlddlctown Ottlc* *N nil ing on Jonuary 4,1979. thai if the contract or agreement is Morion A Eberle from said point looreeobly to magnetic assignment judge. RIVERVIEW TOWERS prime locailon. M Pinckncy fid , lust bearings \n A D 1IT«I first south 14 THE VERY FINEST IN PUBLIC NOTICE awarded to the Bidder that the Bidder Secretory Howard Sofleld. 10, of LUXURY HIGH-RISE" off BfOOd SI Coll Loire Fills. ffl«M Please toke notice thol the Board will enter Into the contract therefor and Board of Ad|ustment degrees and It minutes wilt parallel 132 Condominiums with the westerly line ol sold Horner s Ov*floMlng the Novetin* River RED BANK. ol Adjustment ol the of Highlands will furnish the vehicle os required In the Jan 17 IH>» Drower Blvd, Ocean Town conduct special meetings on two (2) specitications The amount to be de lot liO'eet. thence (II south H degrees Town Houses posited shall be ION, otthe bid and M minutes west parallel with the Wewontyoul Tohelpusliettrprentsat (onsetutive nights on Tuesday. Janu ship, is charged with possess- . Frederick J Whittles 147 Rtglonol Not! coi aforesaid street S?VJ loot, thenci 111 their lowest By maintaining 100% oc ary Wand Wednesday. January II. itTf SEA BRIGHT - Store tor rent Heat otIOOpM at Highlands Borough Hall Enecutlve Director ol the north HdegreeiondllmlnutesMitiSO • ijponcy w« or* effectively keeping 9VJ% INTEREST NOTICE ing Dilaudid Aug 5 in Asbury furnished, approKlmolely 1140 so, ft . The meetings ore being held lor the Township ot Mlddletown feet to the edge ol the atoresoid street, lentslow Studios Starting at MM on* or IM sq ff. ovalloble April I or jlltt Keon 90% FINANCING irpose of hearing the applications ot dlelown Joinl Flood Controf Com thence Ul along the same north M Park bedrooms itorllng af »HD Iwo before irt-0545 degrees ond S4 minutes east SJV, feet to bedrooms ilarting al »SW. thr#« And SDbert Franson, case 10 'I and Theo mission will hold Its regularly sched bedrooms olio SVIAMORE PROFESSIONAL dore and Jemmo Butwln. case 11 71 uled meetings during the Year. )979. os In lhat same indictment. HUM UINI, IMMEDIATE OCCUPAN- Applicants are seeking permission lo Only one suit* (1100 sq ft ) still avoll CY continue us* os residence and com m Oceonport Time CoucusaU MP M Regulor Leslie C Macillwrath of Cen- Central olr and heat, gat cooking, -floi number » os laid down on map or aw* In vitro modern addition to well mcrclal fishing In Rl Zone al premises i Meeting ot I OOP M botconlM, 14-howf doorman. IV t«cur Put the final touch on this located on Shrewsbury Av« NOTICE TO BIDDER! ot lots of Henrietta Newmon at tral Ave.. Long Branch, is'. ettobllsned professional building Lo Ploci Hotlet Municipal Bldg Ity. swtmmlnf pool. Muno, morlno, I Belmor. New Jersey, mode by cated an Sycamore Ave In Tinton award winning con- Goll A Case, Secretary 319 Middle Rd C oYso unctergreurvd parking Rental o( I Hill bids will be received by the Willlom H Shafto. surveyor, ono en charged with possessing Highlands Zoning Board Hotlet, N j dominium package. Two Mayor and Council of the Borough at tending thence HI ureslerly olona Ihe immediate occupancy Unlimited ot Art|ustmenl Dates January 79 Oceonport on Monday. Jonuory 79. southerly line of said lot number IS, SI Valiuni. distributing Dilaudid parking Beautifully kmdscaped Medi bedroom and two bedroom Jan IT IS 70 , February » 1979. olio 00 A M in Ihe Borough Hall. feet 6 inches; them* (7) southerly 71 RED BANK - Iwobtdroom, ne col Specialties only Will finish fo suit i Morch it and possessing Dilaudid not in with den units each teotur 771 Monmouth Boulevard, Oceonport. feet, thence III easterly SI feet • m hllihen. new tllvd berth, 11 vine rewr PUBLIC NOTICE \ April 90 Ing ?'/i baths, wall-to-wall New Jersey for two (1) 1979 4 door ches, ond thence (41 northerly 77 feet to otnett*, OK plus ufllltles 471 IMS Please toke notice that the Board i May» its original container, all the Police Cars for the Oceonport Police the point or place ot Beginning carpeting, central air con- of Ad|uslment of the Borough of High I June IS RED BANK - OISHJ Department Being the some premises conveyed 109 Buildlngs/Gorages lands will hold It) regular monthly I July » same day ditioning, woodburnlng meetings on Thursday at I 00 P M al Specifications tor the above may unto Thomai A Brown and | August 37 Highlanm Borouon Hall on the follow be secured trom Ihe Police Desk in the G Brown, his wife, by Jacques MARLBORO TOWNSHIP - Garages .fireplace, five G.E. ap- September 34 ing dates Schneider ond Justine Schneider, his Robert Von Bargen. 20, of tor rent, suitable for storage 1 October 79 pliances, garage, and February 1, 1W Boulevord. Oceonport, New Jersey. wife, by deed Dated April 1. >9*9 and in 1W> oner 4 '• November 16 Center Ave.. Keansburg, is RED BANK Ortt b«*OOfn luxury. much more. Financing Morch 1,1*79 The bids are lo be enclosed in sealed recorded April tl. 194V in the Mon envelopes bearing the name and ad December 11 hvlrtg. dining room, all new Mtchtfi April S, 1979 V mouth County Clerk's Office in Book available to qualified Indi- dress of the bidder and must be accom Roe Ellen O'Brien charged with breaking Into a with dlthwoihtf, rorp«,!r.Q\ 1)00 plui 110 Wanted To Rent Mary 3,1*7* 7M7 of Deeds, poo* III fcc ponied by a certified check or bid bond Secretory uillltlM 471 1M5 viduals. June 7, 1*79 Sublrct to covenants, conditions, garage owned by Edward. payable to Ihe order of tne Borough of Hojlet Keonsburg RED IANK - Ont bfAooffl luxury. RENTALS - Yearly or winter, tenant! July 1, If ft restrictions of record ond to local ion Oceonport In Ihe sum of not less than Mladielown living room: oil rwwval In kllchtn wlrh August ]. 1979 Joint flood ing ordinance) and other governmental Jackson. Seeley Ave., Tower Hill September 6. 1979 ION of the amount of the total bid. rules and regulations affecting the use Control Commliilon The Mayor and Council reserve the of said premises Keansburg. and breaking into October*. 1979 -—-^—_—___ rifht iere|ect ony or all bids it deemed JOB. IT. W00 November 1.1979 Being commonly known ond destg RED IANK - ThrM bedroom l to be in the best interest of the Borough a car ownyd by Mj Jackson EASTPOINTE - One bedroom with December 6.1979 noted os No 911 Curtis Avenue, Wall new modtfn kllchtn with dlinwott H I A I 1ST; vltw. only 111,900 CENTURY 11 Goll A Cast olOceanportlodoso Ml Monmouth County Township. New Jersey Oct 10 living, dining room, nm batti. ttudy FOR SAL OCEM-UtEALTY. Ul-ltN. Secretary By order ot the Mayor ond Council Tne approximate amount ot the 1111 no pttt. 1371 plui utlllfUl AM IHi Highlonds Zoning Board of the Borough ot Oceonport. Mon ludgment fo be sat lifted by sold sale Is SHADOW LAKE VILLAGE Resales SHERIFF'S SALE RED BANK Of Adluitment mouth Counly, New Jersey me sum ot IS,117 together with the costs Robert D Vetter of West Various models LAWLEY AGENCY. SUPERIOR COURT tn lurnlthed PATRICIA L VARCA o( mis sole • ..- Realtors, 74UM1. eves Ul an Jon ir ' «*» OF NEW JlfttCV imlty required. 1110 o month Call of 131 Houses For Sale A/1W0U6H CLERK The Sheriff hereby reserves me Palmer Ave , West Long CHANCERY DIVISION if< IJ0 evening*. J*\ ItJt Jon 17 «30 right lo odlourn this sole without H AcllES - WtM bulll Colonial plui SHADOW LAKE HI Holmdel MONMOUTH COUNTY Branch, is charged with RED BANK - T*o room, turnlintd Deckel No. MOM? further notice by puDlicatlon apartment Utilities included, no pelt, rental home ond tiverol barm, NEW LISTING atWodftonfc PAUL KIERNAN. Sheriff privacy, nice tree* 1110,000 Horold NOTICE OP DECISION possessing marijuana and MirtaWl for buftinett otntlemon In Two bedroom, two bath Clinton Take notice thot the Holmdel Dated November It, 1971 RESOLUTION MORTGAGE ASSOCIATION. O corpo i|utr« 111 Monmouth SI . Red Bonk model with fireplace, view of ooods Township Planning Board at It* requlor Samuel L Epstein NOTICE is hereby given that the ration Plaintiff vs BENJAMIN L possessing it with intent to dis- ua\va ond ravine Desirable end unit Only meeting held January 10, 1979 re|c cted Attorney Red Bank Board ot Adjustment will RHAME. unmarried, et als Oelerv the application ol Lowell C fell Jan 10, W. 34,11 tile 40 tribute it Sept 18 In Eaton- HUMSON - All (MnvcettOM On« hold its regular meetings (or 1979 on the inghom submitted on 9'7i'7% lor pre tiodronrn. new modern kltcntn with third Thursday ot eocn month on the By a writ of execution m the above limlnory and final site plon approval ot 11 II town «ifm IT IS Intended to describe the some dining room, luper itlence kitchen, Tr J copy of the determination, together 1957 In Cast 63 IS Sold premises being semblyman Anthony M VII- WEST END - One bedroom garden two ruitom botns. den. many new woler Onliy O Harol' 'd "Li "n with pertinent documentation relating require* that fh* awarding ol < onttai t» premise) conveyed lo Benjamin L more particularly described os lol apartment, furnished or unfurnished Item* Profeulonally londitopod Low m. Broker, totontown, Ul 1103 to thlt matter, has been filed in Ihe for "Professional Service) without Rhome, by deed dated September M. lane Jr., R-Monmouth, yester- Carpeting, free pool, balcony, ocean office ot the Township Clerk ond Is (ompetlfrve bidding must D« publicly 19*9. recorded October 3. 19*9. In Book BEG INN ING at a monument In the .lew UK a month ytor round No '°MELMED AGENCY available for inspection during regulor odvertlsed 3M0 of Deeds for Monmouth County. day introduced legislation to 137 LotsA Acreage Paoe M northwest corner of Shadow Lawn pets SAND CASTLE APARTMENTS, 471 MM 4T1MO0 business hours NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on January 10. 1979 the Board of Adlust Drive ond Ruth Drive, and running permit college campus secur- kean Blvd m «JW The approximate amount of the a A«umable Mortgage ItFANSBURO - Building lot. »-)« HOLMDtL TOWNSHIP menl ot Ihe Borough of Red Bank did ludgment fo be satisfied by sold sal* Is thence <1> South H decree 01 WEST END Modern three room ond sldewalki ondfurb Corner Woodsid PI ANNING BOARD appoint Alan Klaluy an Attorney at ues well along the northerl ity forces to use police dogs in CO1V mint condition ranch in River rhe sum of 110,304 together with the Doth furnished aportmenti immediate Ave ond Grove PI t4O00 W !•» Marguerite M Peseux Law. to serve ai attorney to Ihe Board costs ot this sole Of Shodow Lawn Dr twri* and winter Coll P Pfl Secretory tor the period at January 10, 1979 to their patrol duties. The Sheriff hereby reserves the 90 CENCY. INC . RE uw December 31. 1979 right lo odlourn this sole without "thence (1*1 Norttt tl degrees 00 IM Mobile Homes This appointment was made further notice by publication minutes 10 seconds West 1)3 feet to o NOTICE OF DECISION "In the past several years, sg without competitive bidding ai O " Pro PAUL KIERNAN. Sheriff poliM. IOISS Adult. Iwo bedrooms Take notice thai Ihe Holmdel WCIT END - Thre#-room opartment living tesiional Service" under the pro Dated October». 1971 thence (}) North J.i degrees rapes, assaults and acts of de- Little Silver Realty room, oil conditioners, shed Township Planning Board al Its regulor 1 Tilt bath, rwor beoch ond topping 11500 visions ot the Locol Public Contracts Zucker ; Goldberg 4 Weiss minutes £ ml 9a 11 leet to o• poMinl i in (Corner ot Proipect and Markham) Hailel area m«!fD meeting held January 10. If 79 re|ected LOW because the said person is author westerly line of Ruth Drive. struction un college campuses I all after V Ml Sill the application ot Jomes E Jones sub GARDEN PARK MOD 11 I HOME S ned by law to practice the legal pro thence 14) Along the some south II 741 0950 mitted on lO'll'fl tor preliminary and tesiion and this profenion Ii reguioted degrees 00 mlnutri 10 seconds East 111 ave increased tremen Bethany Rd . Hoi let Adult park. Walk final Site plon approval ol a 36 loot high BETTER THAN NOW INS by law and'or Is exempt from H J S A leet to the point of place of Beginning 103 Houses For Rent to shopping ond N Y bus 1M-H11 amateur radio antenna lower on prop II II Coty ronch, two bedroomi, If living «A II I el sea by reaion ot the pro The above description Is drawn in dously," Dr Villane said "1 room U'Olnlng area ulencf kitchen. 1QXSS VAGABOND - On* bedroom erty located ol 171 Crowfordt Corner visions of N JSA 40A S 11 SUPERIOR COURT accordnoce with a survey prepared by t^ACRF f ARM Rustic fevr rooms. utility room; garoge. torpellno central air, enclosed Florida room Rood ond known at Holmdel Township believe the use of especially Jan 17 UK OF NEW JERSEY Robert Greenberg Associates P E 1 New lOxt shed Can stay on tot SoOOO Tai Map Block 11. Lot HA. and lhat a copy ot the determination, together CHANCERY DIVISION L S . dated February 25,1969 BUT* tUTBUHTAUM, MELMED AGENCY COM 7I'«6M rained dogs would be a strong with pertinent documentation relating 24} Shrewsbury MONMOUTH COUNTY Being commonly known and deiig ATLANTIC HIGHl ANDS Thru KIUU mum lo this matter, has been tiled in Ihe Docket Ne. F-*m Jt noted as No US Ruth Drive Neptune, deterrent lo those who may be bedroomi, Ml besement. living room. BRAND NEW M0 S office of the Township Clerk ond Is Borough FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN AS Niw Jf rity dtnlM room, kltchtn. on* cor aaroo* Three lpaciout bedroomi, 14 mailer 140 Real Estate Wanted available for Inspection during regulor SOCIATION OF BAYONNE, N.J Ihe approximate amount ot the contemplating the cum mission MB MI month plui utllltm bd II qtit bedm l'lboths NOT ICC PlamllM vs BERNARD M DOTTS ludgment to be satisfied by sdld sale it LISTINGS OF BETTER HOMES - In BAHRS REALTORS, in 1MB h 10 M Pursuant to N.J 5 A 40 49 J l, no ond others Defendants. rh* ium ot*37.774 together with the if such crimes " ~' " ""Tot«oe1.TO«NSH,P lice Is hereby given thai the following By virtue of a writ ot execution ir costs of thli sale COUNTRY TRAILER -^ ^«tt lointi. Holmdel oreo THE SMOTKO AGEN PLANNING BOARD ordinance Is being revised pursuant to the above stated action lo me directed The Sheriff hereby reserves the Marguerite: M Pcseu>. JVWELMED the Municipal Land Use Law. P L 197S. t shall expose tor sole at public vendue rtgtit to odlourn this sale' without 141 Monmouth County Secretory C 791 IC 40 S5D letseq 1 at Ihe Court House In the Borough ol further notice by publication Jon II **« right in odlourn tltll Mle wltftoul COXY C.0TTAG6 — J«»' *««th Four BUY O« SEU - Vour ham« lh,ftuo*i An ordinance to amend the code ot Freehold. County of Monmouth. New PAUL KIERNAN, Sheriff furltitr nolle* by publication room* ttlO. mov* In j , ofllllol» ot m* loiortl i«al tilalt 1 the Borough ot Shrewsbury by amend Jersey, on Monday, the Sth day ot Feb Dated October 36 1971 t NOTICE OF DECISION PAUL KIFRMAN Shfrltt »*7f4M 4TATE RENTALS B*r company in llw world Onluty 31 ; ing Chapter II, Subdivision ot Lond ruory. 1979. at * o clock, P M Eastern Loutmon, Ropscn & Henderson Take notice that the Holmdel The main objectives ol these re- Attorneys • Dated OrtoturM.I??! 1 AST KEANSBURG - Living room. Count ProMor HI »M. Multlplf Mil Standard Time 1 ownshlp Planning Board at Its regular visions are to comply with the require Dre<«r 1 Drrlrr krktitn. two b»*«Hm bom VHOptt ALL thai tract or parcel ot lond. nveeting held January 10, 1*79 dlsap menu of sold Municipal Land Use Law situate, lying ond being in the City of montti. pi in got ami *i«clilc One proved Finol Plat No UB. Section III, s/e 152 Boats & conforming 10 the provisions ot the Long Branch, In the County of Mon 11 * month* muflty. feterweet, leowf* CONSIDER A "Rambling Brook al Holmdel filed aisier Plon of the Borough ot mouth. In the State of New Jersey SHERIFFS SALE ' auired Coll Peggy 7I»4*W, 10 o m * Accessories - on December I, 1971 by Rambling CONDOMINIUM? Beginning at a point on the northerly SUPERIOR COURT Brook Associates, co T Colon lo I, ilde of Hamilton Avenue distant }11 13 OF NIW JJIRIEY SHERIFF'S JALB See our ad under Con- Son. ma|or subdivision of portion ot feet from a stone planted ot ihi CHANCERY DIVISION SUPERIOR COURT Johnson Electric itort and ihlft, mint Tai Mop Block 1. Lot * into V building living room, kltchon. UW rn dominiums for sale. Coplei of said ordinance ore on IIle northwest corner formed by me in MONMOUTH COUNTY ...Of MEW JERSEY condition MO Coll mim otter ft lots located south ot County Route SW. ^lltn«t lWflf** an*t » 30 for public examination and acquisition lersection otthe north side ol Hamlltoi Deckel Ne F-4S71<7? CHANCERY DIVISION Holmdel Vilioge, and that a copy of the at Ihe Office of Ihe Shrewsbury Avenue with the wesl side of Libert. ' OCEAN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND MONMOUTH COUNTY Orter mi notion, together with pertinent Tower Hill DINGHY 5 - Ell. Skimmer. Dy«r, Borough Clerk. Municipal Building. Street, ond running 11) north » LOAN ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff vi Oecfect Ne F SB4-I7 documentation relattno to this malter, Sumner. Eadtac. Metieicr If you can't Brood Street ond Sycamore Avenue, degrees Se minutes west 169 feet to 0 JOHN CARCtCH. et u>, el als Oetrn PULAWSKI SAVINGS t LOAN AS ILLEN | HAIEL1ON. RFALTOK has been tiled In the office of the Town, find your next dinghy at BOAT MOUSE, Shrewsbury. New Jersey point between lots Nos M ond SS. os dontt SOCIATION. PlolntlfT vs CHARLES Member Real Estate Exchange ship Clerk ond is available tor inspec LEONARDO - 147 1700 you don't wonl a The public hearing on this pro- marked on said mop. thence (1) north By virtue ot a writ of execution In STiLES. el ux, el als Defendants Ave . Sea Bright tion during the regulor hours ot bust posed ordinance shall be held on Mon 45 degrees OS minutes west 31 II feet to FAIR HAVEN the above stated action to me directed, By virtue of a writ at execution In day. January 79. 1979. at I 00 p m . at 0corner, thence ID toothU degrees04 Vie above staled action to mt directed. £v3K?& coufte iMSW nWth plwi DESPERATION SALE ICEBOAT - ON HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP I snail expose for sale at public vendue. irilinin. »l« «SOO Mcurttv Avolloole the Shrewsbury Municipal Building minutes west along the reor line ot lot I shall eipose for sale at public vendue. FORECLOSURE NEAR - Owner will Asking IfM PLANNING BOARD al Ihe Court House In the Borough of imrnMHoftiy call mini DATED Januory U, 1979 No SO to the easterly side of lol No 60, af the Court House in the Borough of accent ony reasonable offer Three Coll 171 OH/ Marguerite M P*\eu« Secretary Freehold. County ot Monmoulh Ne la mtd Aug. No peti l4» per '"pOPOK REALTORS'ML£ NOTICE OF DECISION NOTICE eost MO feet to the.north ilde of Homll BEING KNOWN ond designated as Standard Time. month. p*w irtlllUe* One month I te Take notice that the Holmdel Pursuant to N J S A 40:49 3.1. no ffU4oo fm: mini ion Avenue, thence IS) olong Ihe north all of Lot 39 and the westerly one half ot All that tract or parcel of lond. rurlty Cell Ml iiU Township Planning Board at its regulor lice is hereby given thai the following r*IP. HAVEN f.oiy two bedroom erly Side ol Homllton Avenue north U Lot M as shown upon a plon entitled 1 l-NUI MARINA - For Har lion Bay meeting held Jonuary 10, 1979 dltop ordinance is being revised pursuant fo touch, finished basemen), screened degrees 04 minutes east » leet to Ihe Old Squon Village Borough ot proved Preliminary Plot No 104 dated Ihe Municipal Lond Use. Law. P L 197S. two both, family room, garogt. A»Vlng parch, walk to schools, church and point and place of beginning Manosquon, Monmouth County. New In Ihe Stale Of New Jersey November 10. 1971 for minor sub C 741 [C 40 SSD I etsea, ) UOOpermonm imnvuJlote otcuponcy (Tores Ashing MM M709O7 Prliui Th* above description It In oc BEGINNING ol a point in the cen division ot Holmdel Township Tan Mop An ordinance to amend the c ode ot LeoMT rettrefltti ond wurlly -• pals only LVUAN - MAKO, Matqult. Sabre. cordanc* with a survey mode by Vlcto tor line of South Street or Adeiphlo block JO Lot 1 Into 3 building lots the Borouoh of Shrewsbury by. quired Coll Bob Dowion. Centwry Ji IJuroooutlf . Boiton Whaler. Johnton, J LoPlnlo. Civil Eng . doled Fetiruor Office on January I Rood sold point being the Northeast located at the corner of Line ond amending Choptcr 94. Zoning. McGowon Rron Aft«ncy; 747 MOO OMC. El Loader, mppllti 71. 1974 S7-3I corner ol a lol of land Heretofore con- The main objectives ot these re The above premises is common)', veyed to Joseph Motor by John W JUPITER TEOUESTA Bry'i Mailne. Neptune 17S1W* Builders. Inc . opplicanl. Marl* Premises also known as Lots 19 t visions arc to comply with the require known os 773 Hamilton Avenue. Long Hull* ond wife ana Charles T Clayton Hobe Sound Benkert. Owner, and thai a copy ol the MB on the Official Tax Mop of the nVet*oth home. In tic»l»«nl dl ments af said Municipal Lond Use Low Branch, New Jersey ond designated < ond wife, thence KAVMONO C HOACLAND. ASSOC determination, together with pertinent Borough of MonaSQUon ond commonly tion, In e««utlv» oreo 1450 ptr month by conforming to the provisions ot the Lol No. 30 In Tax Black 374 on tr Eves (1051 7*7 im New Jersey's documentation relating to this matter, known as IS Willow Way (U bound along the Northerly line I all oftfi * p m , *7U»S Master Plan ot the Borough of official Tax Map of Long Branch. N J teouesta Propeiilcs, me Complete Marine Center has been filed m the office ot Ihe Town The opprovlmate amount of the ot said Joseph Mahar'i lot North 7S REDBANrf -Four b*droom», large Shrewsbury, prepared by Candeub. The approKlmote amount of the \ degrees V andone half minutes West BS m», ag p o ton J*4; ship Clerk ond il available tor inspec Fleisslg and AnocJotes dated Decem U00 month pl tHIH ludgment lo be satisfied by said sale it leer to o paint said polnl being also the gomtroom. U00 mo i utHIHe* tion during the regular hours of bust ber, 19*1 Reoltori. MLS leaurslo Ih* sum ot US.701. together with the t costs of this sate rear corner of sold Joseph Manor's lot, Hlct oroa._M*-«0l0lt ness Coplei of said ordinance ore on tile costs or this sole. • The) Sheriff hereby reserves Ihe HAVE BUYERS NEED LISTINGS HOLMDEL TOWNSHIP on public exnmlnotion and acquisition RED SANK — Three aotfroomt. I"J The Sheriff hereby reserves the : right to odlourn this sale without II) North li degrees 04 minutei Call the Kerr Aoency, Int PLANNING BOARD al the Office ot the Shrewsbury oaths, living room, oinlng room. (In right to odlourn this sale without further notice by publication F oiltt feet too poln* thence Ut River Rd . Fair Haven. 'HMD Marguerite M Pes*u>. Borough Clerk. Municipal Rullding, • sited basement, washer/drver. 14 5 further nolle* by publication I PAUL KIERNAN. Sheriff (31 Sou H d INSURANCE Agency tommettiol per month ptui utilities AvaMobie JOHNSON OUTBOARD PAUL KIERNAN. Sheriff 1 Dated October M. 197» minutes Fast 373 teeo o p Jbn 17- MM Shrewsbury, New Jersey S&l.Tor sooner Coll Ml IMS underwriter, experience required E» AAARATED Dated November II. 1971 Sim, Sinn. Gunning. center line ot South Street or AdelpNa The public hearing on this pro RED BANK - Three bexKoom. cen itllent salary ond benefits Write In SERVICE CENTER Horace K Roberson Serpenlelh A. FHtilmmons Rood, thence posed ordinance shall be held on Mon turance.PO Bo* W, PedBant077O' Attorney Attorneys (4) bound along the center line of trolly located to tronsportotlon, gat day. January 39. 1979. af 1.00pm. ot i ITTLE SILVER - Polnl Rd .three Jon 10, 17. 14,31 W.00 Jon 10, 17. 24. Jl *«"> said South Street or the Adetphla Rood Ihe Shrewsbury Municipal Building heoTDom Cape Cod. m baths, full fc*»w FLAGSHIP MARINE South 1 i degrees 4m. es Weil SO leet r d Municipal Marine Bo*ln CMCROYNCY MIITINO DATED .tor1u6ryi6,-!9T9 ——X u> the place »f BEGtt IHO SEA BRIGHT^- Coiy f»V *» r5?." rZl. bflchjrtlo M».W Principals JEANW FABRY Borough Clerk Atlnnllc Hlahlondi Please toke nonce thai there will SHIHIMf SAL! This description in accordance only Coll otter a p.m . Ul MO* be on emergency meeting of the Key- SHERIFF'S lALtt SUPERIOR COURT with survey made by James P ttovacs. 79156O0 port Planning Board on Wednesday SUPERIOR COURT LITTLE SILVER OFNEW JERIEY OF N«W JERSEY 'I upon ond comment upon a proposed LOAN ASSOCIATION PlolntlfT vs Siioln CMMI. f """"':'"*! Little Silver Realty the fallowing resolution ot the Re rate ot the State ot New Jersey. Ploln Thli it o tint purctoM money lonlng ordinance referred to the Plon RALPH W TRUITT ft ols Defendant* goll tourit, lonnll cowl*. ""J" "J" (Corner of Prospect ond Morknom) MOTOR HOMES FOR RENT orgonliatlen Meeting on January 4. lift vs: JOSEPH P POl.SNFY.elu«.et moMoooe piven to «ccurr parl ot th* nina Board by Ihe Governing Body By virtue ol a wrll ot execution In Jounlr. tli* Clo*t lo oil r«orll f REE MILEAGE I. INSURANCE als Defendant* •nortooflfd pr*mit» Th* following 741 0950 Keyport Planning Board tne obove stoted oction lo me directed. CALL AND CHECK OUR LOW. WHEREAS, there eusli a need fpr By virtue of a writ ot execution in personal property IJ included tn the aiu LIT ILE SILVER Ranch with many Wllliom Kerchner I shall eipose for sole al public vendue. l LOW RATES 77*447}. rhe Profeislonai services ol an at. the above stated oction to me directed, within mortgoqe a\ parl ot Ihe mort deslroble features Owner Inlrresiedln at the Court House In me Sorougn ot SEA MIGHT - "•" J«2'!!*j Vice Chalrmon torney for the Board of Adjustment. i shall expose for sale ot public vendue. vooed pr emiM Mtchvn Howe oil reasonable oners Asklna MU.flB Jon 17 %i 10 Freehold. County of Monmouth. New at the Court House In Ihe Borough ot ALSO DESCRIBED AS ALL thai ,,,otti unlli. Ooll»/««o» «imonllil» POP OK REALTORS. 4>3 7400. Jersey, on Monody, the Jlh day of Feb Freehold. County of Monmouth. New trod or porctl ot lono, Ktwile. lying raffi (Mold *on*lco/oll uimllti. Tfo« T74 7933 ruofy, t*7». ot J o Clock, P M Eastern Wlr»> Mom. Ml 1 til 2*3 Mor|fr»ro Jersey, on Monday, the Sth day of Feb Standard time Ofidbelnqlnlhc Borough ot Freehold lp MIDOLETOWN -• Send for out Shore 233 Marlboro ruary 1979, ol 3 o'clock. P W Eastern All that certain lot, tract, or parcel the Counly ol Monmouth In the Stole of and Country Living" brochure, pics, Standard Time. of lond and premises, herelnofier par New Jtrv 104 Furnished Rooms descriptions, prices on available NOTICE OF ELECTION ALL THAT TRACT or parcel ot Ocularly described, situate lying ond BEGl-MINGol a polnl at Ihe well Km^M APPLEllROOR REALTORS. 210 Lost & Pound Notice 11 hereby given to Ihe legal voters of f ire? District No 3. Township loftd and premises, situate, lying and being in the Borough of New erly line t/ south Mretl dUtant IW )j r Q 9W Rt U. Mlddletown. 4 M 7100 ot Marlboro. County of Monmoulh. Slate of New Jersey, that an election will being In the Township of Hailft, Tn the Shrewsbury. County of Monmouth ond teel northerly from the northwest cor EATONTOWN ~ """i*V'J!° '' HIMALAYAN CAT - Tort. wtiifVfieo be held on Saturday. February U. 1979. ol the Independent Fire House. Route County of Monmouth and State ot New monl, kllchtn ptMloof*. Coll bolwt^n State of New Jersey ne>r ot South Street cwirt Borkalow Avr No 79. Morgofwllle. N J Jersey* more particularly described oi 6* o m.. tlt-llll MtDDLETOWN color In vicinity ot Stork Court, Oak BEGINNING at o paint in Ihe nwe and running thence (It north 7S Polls will be open trfm two o'clock p m until nine 0 clock p.m lol lows Lovely Itiree bedroom modern ranch Hill lection of Mlddletown Reward southerly sideline ot Cherry Street, dls cteo'ee* 09 minute*. JO lecondt Weil. KEAHSBUR& • COIT "x**1 "I* Jllth The purpose of this election is to elect Iwo (1) Fire Commissioners for a fc.telUnt condition Large lot. pool, Coll 6713031 BEGINNING al o point In the east tant 130 feet west ot me interjection J2S 00 teel lo o polnl ttrence II) north IS on. ASull «ontHmooj<«*r'«l" Ul POr lull term of three 1)1 yeors. ond to vote on the proposed budget tor Ihe current convenient to transportation, schools l lint f Sth Ll A dl formed by tti» southerly sideline of ctegren CM minu)e* 00 ucondi rait SO woo> Coll ofl«i I. HI.WI. LOST — Block wltti ton marklngi fiscal year and shopping Nice^ijldMiioloreaof Cherry Street and the westerly sideline leet lo a poirt. thence (}) iouth 7S (Shetland sheepdog), female VklnlTy Petition! moy be received trom the Secretory of th* Boord. whose K EANSIURC - FurnHnrf loomi ond well kept homes tSf.N0 Coll W SSOO. uf Blossom Avenue ond thence running drgrrei, Mmlnutrs. lOieromtieaitltt ot Ned Bank and Mlddletown Reward address Is Route No 79. BOR If). Morgonvllie. New Jersey All petitions must teel to o point In the westerly lint ot sr f ook Hom lnc Brnwn Shepherd Antweri to Property known ond tfritonoted os rnopol the lownol Ff eehol.' naming 11.00000 t»>r i-uini ui piute ul Seglnnirtg Estate on over four ocress Main house Chrlsy' Bring lo 7 Brolno.d Ave, l.olsH. Wood Win Block B . as laid Being lomrmmly kno#n and deiig insuronce 114.17s 00 built ovet 110 yeois ogo Pool with Pert Monmouth. Hew>f< Being ond intended to be oil ot Lot gyf on Mop entitled, Wop of Home naltdaiNo lOiouth Mreel I reehotd. labonna.ouestcoHooe. Har Ltoni 4 Audit si 000 00 No H. 5ecllon I wo a* shown an Map ot f*o«h- . ond filed In the Monmi He* Jersey court Threecor goroae with rentol LOST - Germofi Shtpherd, temole, >ro Twsp M LT A 119.000 00 Cold Spring Manor, West Keontburo.. County Clerk's Office on Noven The approilmalf amount ot th* parting 1 unit Mmh more to offer. For sale al seven years old, answers to Lady • - M.SOO 00 Rorllan Township. Monmouth County. 1st, ttn, os Cose No »• ludarrreni to be tatlilled by uld uli Is 1744,000 Vicinity o^ Red Bonk W-ffJW. New Jersey , Being known as Let ?6 In Black 13 B It* iutr> ot MU1S together with the CENTURY 11 COZENS, Realtors LOST - Will th« person who found the Being commonly known at 4tt on the Borough of New Shrewsbury Tr C.O*UOHIIIIMII«. 108 Commercial (S.OOOOO "Independently Owned" Germon Shepherd, female, oil black, True* Molnlenonce South Lourei Avenue, Hoiltt. Hew Jer Map The Sheriff hereto* rewrvei tt-c *•¥ R«ntalB II] River Rd Fair Haven one year old Brown flto collar,around TOTAL Being also known as M Cher rkDhl lo odlourn thli sate without The approalmot* amount of the Nt rtte OP«n * to » New Years Pleas* contact owner, pet LESS SURPLUS APPLIED Street. New Shrewsbury, New Jersey further* by publication under vtt't core, could txreome vl TOTAL TO BE RAISED BY TAKES ludgmeni to be satisfied by sold sail Is The Appro*Imate amount ot me PAUL KIERNAN S>trltf the mm ot UO.ftt together with th« TINTOH FALLS - Fowr-otdroom, cus Clous Call wmSor tOI-Bff* 1MB ludgment to be satisfied by sold sole Doled Oilober 74. -»n t ash of thli sale lorn bum. brick ronch Finished base FDWARD G PRI ihe sum ot UJ.Ill together with t Nlcolaideianaiybeth The> Sheriff hereby reserves the ment. patio, oOs heoi and fireplace, Secretory cost! ol this sole Attorney* • • riant W odlourn this tale without fwotor oaroo*. tn.900 1414105 US W The Sheriff hereby reserves the ion 10 17.74. ii SHIM 30 The Dtfly few** Asks sound fiscal base Assembly Ok's revised abortion rules; for seniors' program T H K N T t) N - \ s - Commitlee In put the I'harma Ihe Legislature recently semblywoman Mane S ceutical AsMstann' foi the voted to increase the prescrip- predict KO by constitutional challenge Muhler, RMonmuuth, yester- Aged program on a "sound fis tion lee lo |2 and to use casino day called for the l.egisla cal basis' in setting up the profits to keep the program alive TRENTON (AT) I Ig , would U i ' niijiy Mate Abortion 1 noi just Under the measure, phy of (Manned Parent ture's Joint Appropriations fLscal UNO budget islation thai would pUi < young women lo go undei havtm a inoih pulled in .in snians also would lie re- hood Mis Muhler said the pra "The use of the casino mon- quired to make a reasonable ey creates a constitutional con stricter regulations on ibol ground" in seei abortions eye examined Ms lome "It is an intrusion on the gram LS in jeopardy became ol effort to contact the parents Budget action njcl because these funds were tun procedures m '• Opponents ill III. thing thai 1 • verj traumatic practice of medicine," said "fiscal gimmicks' used to or guardians of girls under dedicated by referendum, for sey was approved In ii would Imp* • iperience Joseph Kat2 of the Medical fund the program fur the next IH years old who seek abor tiext week three months senior citizens property tax sembly CORUntttAC \rsii'i due "" if Ictlons on 11*iv i rtie bills preambli Society of New Jena) day, but opponents of Uu lull ' Hip 11 ii "the long-standing poll- 'turns LITTLE SILVER - The "I voted in favor of the and transportation cost re The l'epnsylvania abor- lief," Mrs Muhler said "(It's) predicted II wouldn'l sum i |MiMt i hailed 11 ^ .1 wa) la c) of ilu.s date iii.11 the un David llochner ot the Borough Council has author bailout program, but only be- tion law was struck down robbing Peter to pay Paul and a constitutional chaJlMli protect women troni nn bom child is a living human Amencan Civil Liberties In ized the borough auditor to cause it was the only method last week when the high our senior citizens suffer as a The Assembly liutllu scrupulon- medli 1 being Ironi the moment ol ion said the legislation would prepare the budget for final Ihe Democratic Legislature 1 court ruled it unfairly lim- result UDM, HUIUI and Welfare UCCi t'tK eptlon put the physician in "an un approval at next week's coun- would consider to keep the pro ited the broad discretion that Cnmniitter voted li I I" re Tin bill tpon 'i ed fa But thai statement was cil meeting gram alive. said lira The prescription drug pro 1 11111 f 111 I a Ii I e straight doctors need in deciding lease the bill lot action by KmUyman Thomas .1 Dt 1 naUenged by Ann Baker ol Mayor Aulhnnv Kruno said Muhler. Assembly, deputy mi- gram got into early fiscal tiou picket " whether to try to lave the the lull Assembly ifUM " verin. l> Union would 11 the National prganitatlon that the $1 I million budget will nority whip Me because 300 percent mure If 1 In lull is passed and life of a fetus vinini! the measure I li'i Women, who said it was not cause a ux increase to "In my Judgement, the fee people enrolled for its benclils quire pj inform signed inlo law, be predicted (orm with a iccenl l! S Su women ion iii an erroneous assumption 'Abortion is no minor So budget, because [Re fm cull senior citizen pre than had been forecast by the the ACLU would be sue preme Court decision sink Tlie legislation would re medical procedure and Us sciiption should have re state Department of Human 'tile dangers arill Inv cessful in gelling a leni council was planning to use the ing down Pennsylvania's quire women to give written ethical, medical and legal inauiril al SI and. equally im Set Ii<' " pose a 48 hour wilting pe 1 porary restraining order • •Mi.i surplus 'mil! nun. i abortion law consent to the procedure al implications are piofound," pofUnli Hie stale's share of She said she would urge the before IDG :iiini iuin 1 Duld be preventing its enforcement c,IM d on 1171 investment Assemblywoman Mildred performed ler being informed of the said Patricia liundakvr, The budget will exceed the a uu, gambling profits should Joint Appropriations Commit B (iarvin, DKsseX; the only "New Jei rv h r in have dangert nut have been diverted lu help lee to find funding tor the pro woman coinimtlce member. swim1 kind HI regulation, 1 "ntpHfatlflna and 1 in provision of the MI.-.I-.III 1, Itight to Life "II is lime to anpioximaiiK 'i HI accord fund the program she said gram elsewhere ill the budget east the dissenting vole She Deverui laid "We regulate iii"lo|'.ic al develo|inii'nl of an would create "a chilling el dispel the myths and bring mgloMayiii Bruno said (he bill "over regtl ;iinn>si everything in nn^ unborn cluld fed" on physicians, said Ann the facts to light" The council will apply to Ihe slate for a waivei is approved Recreation schedule by the voter, in thi upcoming and frtdays, ~ :W9 :io al Hen referendum n dull ,t [oi HIGHLANDS - .'Ihe 1171 ry Hudson II s lo lesidents of Feb. 0 winter recreation schedule has First aid plan revamp could be $10 million been announced for the Com Highlands and Atlantic High A public lu ui ing h munlty Centi, lands. Mondays for adult men 1 scheduled (in I TRENTON (Al ) - A con trci fir.i ;ini squad metnberti Ailniinisti atinn Hoard votes medic vehicles and ROII trained will have to travel great dlifl Hi,' all, i M hool tenter is and women and Kridays for troversial plan to revamp Un served ss Iratni d paj u l-'il' I paramedics tames to reach "resource hos MAECOM "to*s«-H open Mi,nil;, \ I I uesdays grades 7 12 state's first aid system could If im paramedics were il .1 Daynor, president ol Harris said there arc about pllals." lose autonomy and Wednesdays and Fridays from Tin' teiri center al the com- cost as much as $M million, a paid i' would pmli.iliK i Dl I the National llurn Victim :IOO paramedics in New Jersey pnlvide less service to those beginning I >ii.22 I ., I in ,1 Ihe II olel ami Is mum!) center is open Mun New Jersey health offl of which about 275 are mem- who pay (or I hen existence available to all grammat days, Wednesdays and Fridays' juout two million iiiiii.ii Foundation in II,,,HIT aid thi I fONTOWN lln Mun yesterday plan, winch would designate m bers si volunteer drat aid "it would change out entire H hool i hlldren i, inn 7-9 Mi p m for pool, ping H mi. predicted mouth Adult Kdin ation Com William .1 Hum HIM I IOI nergencj service n- squads lie said state certified operation and cause delays in l»ing. music, table games and Several offu la!* ol mnm mission (MAECOMI will offer Qpeirgym mil bt hi U Hfed of the state Division uf Heull gums would "create ,i paramedics must complete 500 definitive medical care.' neda) and \ ridays 19 p m at television I ,,. '.nil-., in "ii)i e Ih.HI /ll via- r - din in,' il Services, said, however, the monopol) in emei gem \ care hours of specialized training added William Reed of High- the pUblll I' schnnl Basketball will begin on eluding the rtali I H il Ud wintei let in beginning Jan tl program, expected lo tie Im In cub region there would The put [HISC is lo put l'»- tstown, president-elect of the Gj mna Itii s * nil, \ hall and Saturdays, stalling Jan tl al Council, jl I.i'il linn' III hold a Classes w»ll ineel i1 * ibUI J plemcnted Sy Repli inlii i be a "resource Hospital" lu grthrr an - ativiffltrd life sup- New Jcisc> H'lrsl Mil I mint il basketball are held Wcdne llenr; Hudson Im ith and Hth public bearing un ihe plan hnt II "ii II s would cost much less if voli n handle specialized care (01 port system, Harris said "If Inc. days (oi Rirlsin t;iades 4(i and graders in both loniinunilies before ii" i ii • Hi Mill ' nre the MAKioM Education bttfn iinil |HIISOII VUIIDIN lo il works., it will be a national Heed said about 450 local tor boys in tl,< am. Registration and orientation model" 'will bi held .tan 20 al noon in addition, Harris said there first aid squads throughout the i "iin'\ location License plul W be a need [or H para i laynorsatd first aid squads stale belong In the council ' '1'i-n t'\Ml i Ililil Mulidav Ihe comimmllj cenlei fee hike OK TKKNTON (Al'i in balance a budgi i which will License plates fees for most meet basfa itate need i New Jersey car owners will budgel whlcti d i not require increase by j:i to I/MI March I ii), raising ol oi the imposition under legislation signed yes of any new Btate taxes lerday by Qov Brendan ' . Although he refused to com Hynie un ni i"' Ifli BIIJ mi the Byrne added Ins sign itun budgel message he «ili delivi i to the bill moments alter Ihe Jan SO, the governoi ;ald he Assembly voleiH I ;i'ii II i nni m did not iinnk tinn would be ui the Senate s revisions in the any iut• II fee structure The motor vehil It The motoi vehil le i egii (ration bill and a measure lo tiaiiuii lull, sponsored bj As SIMMONS IIK lease to Si, Ihe fee iruckei s sembly ^|H:ikei Christopher pay for decals, which also was •laikmaii. Ii Hud ion Blso was signed by, Byrne Tuesday. lo providi a long- were part ola legislative pai k term solution to m untit Ipated age designed lo FedUC-6 B i.ii'iui" ilii line caused by the projected $2UU million slu|itfall trend toward imaliei ami in Ihe stales fiscal IVKU lightei i budget Tin bill raises feesbj M foi 1 II wasestmialcd flic license i an mull: ' MM pounds f' foi plate fee bill would raise $2a cars 2.701 lo :(.H(HI pounds and million over it, months and the $7 fin car. iivci I Hfl for Hie CHOICE truckers decal bill would add IS7I-Will model yi JI t-1 million to the slati In asm > Gars in the firsi wrii • With Ihe overall | egorj im-iudc I'ompacl ind llyrnc said h>' was eeflfidenl he sub comp would IH1 able In UIIIIPI 1" tin autuniobuV an included in 1

    Legislature "a budgel whi,ch i ; • Ask slate inves 1 igate reports of mercury IBOXSPRIHG

    TBENTON lAl'i ii" I GOT A SUPER BUY New Jersey Legislature ,i,iI'd bj Sen >nih j BeopiHc pmccTFttoM SIMMONS passed two resolutions yestei day asking foi a stale in vestigation of large amount ol in prevent mercufy reported in tin- llackensack Meadov.1 ami i Iliai B An Assembly resolution. •iuin bomb h • be present, sponsored by ^semblyman said contamination maj Kobert Hollenbeck. I) Bergen leadv have doomed'' the gives the state liepaitineut of Environmental Protection M days to lest the wi BJ the Berry Creek anil to recom 'leadiiv. lands mend ways lo clean up the contain II ?. 6AIN WHEN P waters if unsatisfactory IrVels iiun I>I m niinalion CLOSED ITS IVAR£HOUSE of mercury are found. known in ii"' wurld,

    PURCHASE Ltrrs LEFT AT THI$ Rlt,. 119.95 ~^£ i/ toi< i 09 $29B

    3 EATONTOWN STORE closed tomorrow until 5 P.M. Thursday, Jan. 18th

    Open from 5 P.M. until 9:30 P.M. 922*3//3 9:30-9:001 SAT. TIL 6