Fire said suspicious Pizza shop burns •y ROBIN GOLDSTEIN shingled roof of (he building WEST LONG BRANCH - A stubborn Paul s l'izza Shack operated in a build fire of suspicious origin ravaged Paul 's ing which had previously housed a restau Ptzu Shack al 868 Broadway, here, and rant called 1. il Abners The building, in threatened an occupied house next door keeping with thai motif, had a high, sloping early this morning, police said roof layered with green painted decorative No injuries were reported in the Ore, shingles but police and (ire officials who arrived al West Long Hranch Kire Chief I'ctei (lie scene at about 3 am today had to Wortman and the. enure borough (ire de hastily evacuate the two-story wooden partment kept a continuous torrent of wa house next door to the pizza restaurant ler dousing the burning roof, but il look* after the house caught fire and began fill more than three hours lo put nut ttu- pel ing up with smoke sunent flames A passerby told police thai hr hid heard Two Long Branch fin Companies Ihr three loud, successive explosions before Neptune Hose Company and the Oceanic the Pizza Shack burst into names Kngine Company. also assisted, along with And bystanders said they hail observed lx>ng llranch Fire Chief Anlhony Mclina police carrying what appeared in lie two apd Kusi Assistant Chief Alfred (jUHi gasoline cans from the vicinity "I the hum <l<'i',iii|Niil 'Millie nlllrt-ls also MMd by ill ing restaurant the ICMW ' The fire, which apparently started in The owner of Paul s Puta llul I'aul the kitchen area of the restaurant almost Ventun o( Occanport. arrived al Irn* fin- immediately engulfed the decnrativ.lv See I'liu page ]. Firemen battle blaze early today in Went Branch. Photo bv Carl Forino. The Daily Register VOL 101 NO 174 SHREWSBURY N J WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 17, 1979 15 CENTS Teachers to sue board Freehold Regional budget cut hit By WENDY IMII.KH , ough and Efficient (aw. will sue the board Murraj Rubin everything you really have to will be made in the science staff "I don't see how he can avoid KRKKHiiLi) TOWNSHIP - Approximate!) 1"<" parents association prealdent, utd The association had not wi in The budget V tentative,' he tinted I think Ihese art them, she staled teachers and students turned out last night lo protest proposed formed the board "I ill decision he •••nil worthwhile cuts If we spend lime between BO* and -\pril. when The proposed budget exceeded the cap by 1812.000. but the budget cuts m tin Freehold Regional Board pi Education in an) district whan education is Uu pHnar) concern Uu budge) muit go before tin public developing curriculum board decided lo apply for a waiver of 1400,000 The cutbacks budget curriculum eutbai k- ait a last resort. Hr Itubin i oinmenleil workshops. Ihe budget will be sound approved last night are contingent upon whether or the waiver Following the meeting, representatives ol the freehold We can no IqtpjjM standby without Initiating action lo alleviate The curriculum cuts, $17!,WI of the entire sum. Include the is granted, which will be known in March. Dr Vincent Crespy. Regional Teachen Asaoclatlon, said the) would sue Ihe board jhtatravest) he added dropping of double period science caunta looDl) Jingle period school superintendent said "If all or part ol that waiver is not over the budget cuts Association members talked with John Molloy field repre courses, ami Ihe revamping "f elective Knglish courses to lull granted. Ihe Board of Kducation will have further decisions to Pointing in particular lei curriculum cuts in ih, >< UOM .mil ,eniaii\i-uf Hit- N iw, ,li-isc\ Education t&socialion. yesterda) yeai required couraes IH Crespy has indicated there Will be no make at that time," he stated in a memorandum passed out al Knglish departments, residents c Ited lean ol .i del reaw in afternoon and parents have volunteered lo wort on the sun Ml culs in the English teaching staff, and that he is '9K percent' the meeting education quality Ihe effect such changes would have on Rubin added ' , certain then- will IH- no cuts in Ihe science teaching staff aside Workshops to determine the subject content ol the loin admission to colleges, and possible violation "I Ine slates In announcing the cuU, John Hornsbergei president of the • from normally retiring teachers different levels of senior English are planned Thcnough and Kfdcient education la» board, stated This is a budget thai la a recommended budget Mrs Irene Warga chairman of the teachers aiSOClaUon Responding to protests over the proposed cut in the length of The education association, charging violation W the [hoi it u a compromise runts are tough Maybe you can i have negotiating committee said yesterda) she expects some cuts Sec FreekeMpage ], Shah resting in Egypt \SW\N l"i>|>i 'Mi Karah is iM-cupying the presi Wiat's the point i/Tchang Middle Fast ami Africa as well reception befitting a chtef ol Shah Mnha inin.nl Ret! ilential suite l'hin> two more mg Ihe flowers twite a day if as the bleak outlook lor Ihe state: a military guard fired a I'ahlavi is resting al a Nile- rooms were taken by their en security guards check every 21-gun salute, a band playing usland hotel in Egypt's wlnlei lourageof nearly 20 persons petal of ever) flower' one Sadat has said that because Iran's national anthem and resort and Is expected to fly oh The royal fugitives from po housekeeper said of the turmoil in Iran, he bo- Egyptian officials out in force too Ihe I nil! il si.in liifnii liiual lurmoil and mob vio Sadat and the shah talked lieves the government there to greet the visitors the end of ihe week Ic-nc m Iran arrived yester pnvalely three nines yester and its armed forces are no gut a vear oj turn)ol| an(j KgypUan sources said Ihe day in an Iranian an force jel day - al the airport lounge longer a buffer against the So- demonstrations against his SO-yearold Iranian monarch loaded'with baggage Later a when the Iranian monarch ar viels in (he strategic Persian rule had obviously taken its would make fin public ap. barge ferried iruckloads ol nved. then al the hotel and Gulf area loll on the 58-year-old man who pearances during his si,n Itui ^KKIS lo Hie hold which is later before a formal dinner The shah, whose country is ^^ absolute power nver M he will meet tomorrow with about 150 yards Irom Ihr wa attended by the Iwn families Moslem but not Arab, visited rrttllion Iranians I'ri'siclciii \nw.n Sldal and ler and guesLs Sadat in Aswan a year ago and former President Kind of Ihl Memlx-is nf Hie hotel -.luff Details wen- nut reported, urged other Arab leaders to „ lb ' a m*n ln a United Stales who is touring said Ihe royal suite had been bul it was thought that Ihey support the Egyptian leader's lran™' !>ald ulw EKypt'>n ol- the Midd|e East with his wile stocked with (lowers, baaketa discussed the deadlocked drtve for a peace treaty with The 150 room (HMI in Hotel, ol fruit and chocolates, but peace negotiations hetween Israel Sadat waved away re was cleared [01 the mv.il the) complained about Ilia se Egypt and Israel and increas When he returned yester- porters who tried to question billionaire who with Empress cufflty precautions • mg Sonet influents in ihe day. Sadat laid on a red-carpel themonarch Carter ups defense funding h* *"*' '"^" M'"f though the federal budge, ""mm lha, hecan balance f.ie about MObUllon Allan.H Treaty Organization { M 1 L w l,,»nrt»rl !n, n.nn W^"* " ™ * " '»'»«<' '" *>" '»' '" '«•' "i for Ihe IMh budget »i the next year or two Defense spending would be P^ers '«< year l» rai defense outlays by 3 percent n. Deencotiea an exienaea vocanon the new budget, while sli|l find imn- in i In Lhf tie budget for fiscal IMP. increased in the new budget which begins next del I was But there would be cutbacks in £* * 1 B"m« l0 Press al lhl' Govern, other areas including some Mosl"'the ***—* wuuM "lenl Prlnlln8 ()"lle lolla> i""1 Inmming of jobs, welfare and iKJsei lor "cross the board T d\ 1* af* 4~\ 11 1^1 4 * I I W\ aTaa C T »'» '"• Presented In Cungress . education programs, adminis. modertiuat.on.ol convenlinnal with an accompanying presi tration officials have said forces and weaponry dential message lionda) But an additional »1 billion Carter has decided to ask m s endln MlM tBe hearing siiujlion in Btlgen L'uunt) 1 "'ul"" imlil he-IH-I .nni-inavoi Jan I P K- »»<" 'rom Ihe By BARBARA KATELL The pri.sldetlt tc,)cj ,.„„; Congress to approve, an In- Mi \pplcgale was turned Superior Cuuii judge lulrd in I* SB«1 order signed bj He wonthe mayor's seaUn the crease ol about 3 percent in budget and a supplemental re- sessional leaders yesterday it uest or 79 FREEHOLD - Formei down on a M vote two weeks II7( that the mayor is a mem Judge Lane could pul council November election defense outlays - over and Q ' " . *iU be proposi'd will be a tight, spare budget ' l0 ! hl Ml 1 hr Keyport Mayor Charles Ap ago fur Ihe appointment lo ber of the governing bod) and '" •' '!' "-' "" '' above inflation - lo a total of •"> lor full-scale develn|i He has repeated!) said the- m nt o( lne n w plegale.
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