Subdivision Ordinance

Article 1 Title and Purposes 101 Title 102 Purposes

Article 2 General Provisions 201 Authority 202 Jurisdiction 203 Interpretation 204 Conflicts of Law 205 Implementation and Enforcement 206 Violations and Penalties 207 Exceptions 208 Maintenance of Public Facilities

Article 3 Definitions 301 General 302 Listing of Definitions

Article 4 Subdivision Review Procedure 401 General Review Procedures 402 Building Permit and Inspection Fees 403 Sketch Plan 404 Preliminary Plat 405 Final Plat 406 Review by Board of Trustees and Recording 407 Plats of Vacation 408 Plats of Annexation

Article 5 General Platting Requirements and Procedures for Resubdivision, Dedication and Vacation 501 General Provisions - Surveying Aspects 502 Design Considerations 503 Blocks 504 Easements 505 Procedure for Resubdivision 506 Plat Corrections and Addenda 507 Plan Consistency

Article 6 Requirements for Design and Construction of Streets and Related Facilities 601 General Requirements 602 Standard Specifications and Design Requirements 603 Classification of Streets 604 Standards for Street Design 605 Specifications for Subdivision Street Construction 606 Landscaping 607 Acceptance of Streets 608 Electric and Communication 609 Schedule of Minimum Design Requirements for Subdivision Streets

Article 7 Water and Wastewater Systems 701 Water Supply 702 Sanitary Sewers 703 Oversizing Water and Sewer Facilities 704 Public Easements and Water and Sewer Facilities

Article 8 Stormwater Control See Appendix M, Village of Richton Park Floodplain and Stormwater Management Code

Article 9 Dedication of Parks, School, Library and Municipal Sites or Fees 901 Dedication of Park and Recreation Space and Facilities 902 Dedication of School Site Space and Facilities 903 Developer Donation to the Local Public Library District 904 Water and Sewer Acreage Fee

Article 10 Engineering Drawings and Guarantees 1001 Purpose 1002 Engineering Drawings 1003 Construction Supervision 1004 Maintenance of Improvements 1005 Estimate of Costs 1006 Amount of Performance Guarantee 1007 Partial Release 1008 Complete Release 1009 Types of Guarantees

Appendix A Engineering Report

Appendix B Fee Schedule

Appendix C Residential Disclosure Ordinance

Appendix D Park Land / Cash Donation Ordinance

Appendix E School Land / Cash Donation Ordinance

Appendix F Mass Grading Permits Ordinance

Appendix G Special Service Area Model Ordinance

Appendix H Security Requirements

Appendix I Development Review Process, Applications and Guarantees

Appendix J Plat Certificates, Tax Search and Other Miscellaneous Requirements

Appendix K Landscape Ordinance

Appendix L Water and Sewer System Specifications & General Construction Details

Appendix M Floodplain and Stormwater Management Code

Article 1 Title and Purposes

101 Title

This Ordinance shall be known as and may be cited as “The Village of Richton Park Subdivision Ordinance.”

102 Purposes

In the subdivision and resubdivision of land, a developer is required to comply with certain procedures set forth in the Illinois Compiled Statutes. This Ordinance supplements the state provisions and establishes additional procedures and requirements governing the platting of land in the Village for the following purposes:

A. To establish reasonable design standards and procedures for subdivision and resubdivision of land; B. To provide for an orderly subdivision process and promote continuity with existing developments; C. To encourage development which is compatible with the natural features of a particular site; D. To establish guidelines for the dedication, use and continuing maintenance of common areas; E. To establish a single document to serve as a guide in providing an adequate street system; a means of sewage disposal and other utilities; surface drainage and stormwater control; and other services related to the use of subdivided land; and F. To protect and provide for the public health, safety and general welfare of the citizens of the Village.

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Article 2 General Provisions

201 Authority

The Village of Richton Park (“Village’) in accordance with the authority vested by the provisions of Illinois Compiled Statutes to regulate the subdivision of land. This Subdivision Ordinance is intended to provide for the harmonious development of the Village and its environs; for the location and width of proposed streets within new subdivisions with other existing or planned streets; for the dedication and acceptance of land for public use; for the installation and construction of utilities, roadways and other improvements essential to service the subdivided lands; for the dedication and acceptance of land acquired for schools, parks, playgrounds and other public uses; for the preparation of subdivision plans and the procedure for the submittal, approval and recording of subdivision plats in and about the Village.

202 Jurisdiction

This Subdivision Ordinance shall apply to any subdivision or dividing of any parcel of land made within the borders of the Village as well as to any subdivision or dividing of any parcel of land within 1.5 miles of the corporate limits of the Village. Except as otherwise provided in this Subdivision Ordinance, all standards herein shall apply equally to subdivisions both in the Village and within its 1.5 mile planning jurisdiction provided said property is not located within the corporate limits of any other municipality.

Should the Village enter into a boundary line agreement with any other municipality having a valid comprehensive plan pursuant to Section 11-12-9, of the Illinois Municipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/11-12-9, then the terms and provisions of these regulations shall apply within such adjacent unincorporated areas as provided in any applicable boundary line agreement.

No land shall be subdivided within the jurisdiction of the municipality until: (1) the developer or his designated agent submits a sketch plat of the parcel to the Planning and Zoning Commission; (2) obtains approval of the sketch plat and preliminary and final approval of the plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Village Board; and (3) the approved plat is filed with the Cook County Recorder of Deeds.

All regulations and design standards pertaining to the subdivision of land shall also pertain to the development of planned unit developments(“PUDs”) and previously subdivided lands.

203 Interpretation. When interpreting and applying the provisions of this Subdivision Ordinance, the standards set forth in this Subdivision Ordinance shall be held to be the minimum requirements throughout the Village.

204 Conflicts of Law. Where this Subdivision Ordinance is in conflict with restrictions or requirements that are imposed or required by provisions of federal and state law, and other Village ordinances, rules or regulations, covenants or other agreements within the Village, the more stringent provisions shall control. However, nothing herein shall interfere with or be construed to abrogate or annul any easements, covenants, deed restrictions or agreements between parties which impose restrictions greater than those imposed by this Subdivision Ordinance.

205 Implementation and Enforcement

205.1 Authority to Review. The Village Engineer, Village Attorney, Community Development Director, Director of Public Works, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Director of Parks and Recreation, Economic Development Officer and other designated Village Staff shall review and recommend approval or disapproval of subdivision plats.

205.2 Plat Approval. No Plat of Subdivision shall be approved unless it complies with the provisions of this Subdivision Ordinance.

205.3 Ordinance Enforcement. The Community Development Director shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this Subdivision Ordinance.

205.4 Cost of Compliance. Unless otherwise provided herein, the costs of complying with any of the provisions

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of this Subdivision Ordinance shall be at the owner and/or developer’s expense.

206 Violations and Penalties

206.1 Illegal to Transfer. No owner or agent of the owner of any land located in a proposed subdivision shall transfer, sell, lease or offer for sale or lease any such land before a Final Plat of such subdivision has been approved in accordance with the provisions of this Subdivision Ordinance and recorded, unless such transfer, sale, lease or offer for sale or lease is approved by the Village. Whoever sells or leases, or offers for sale or lease, any lot or block in any subdivision prior to final plat approval and recordation, without such approval shall be subject to a fine of up to $750 for each lot so disposed or offered. Each day that sales or leasing, or offers to sell or lease, continue in violation of these regulations shall constitute a separate offense.

206.2 No Metes and Bounds. The subdivision of any lot or any parcel of land by the use of metes and bounds descriptions for the purpose of sale, transfer or lease, with the intent of evading these regulations, shall not be permitted.

207 Exceptions

The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend variations from these requirements in specific cases which, in its opinion, do not affect the general plan or the spirit of this Subdivision Ordinance. Such recommendations shall be forwarded to the Board of Trustees in writing with the reasons therefore. The Board of Trustees may then approve variations from these requirements which, in its opinion, do not affect the general plan or the spirit of this Subdivision Ordinance.

208 Maintenance of Public Facilities

The Village agrees to accept and maintain the streets in a subdivision only when and if annexed to the Village, otherwise said roads or streets must be maintained by the County, Township, State or other owner(s) as in the case of private roadways.

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Article 3 Definitions

301 General

The following words and terms, wherever they occur in this Ordinance shall be deemed to have the meaning ascribed to them in Section 302.

The words "shall" and "must" indicate mandatory items, while the word "may" indicates permissive items.

302 Listing of Definitions

Adverse Impacts. Any deleterious impact on water resources or wetlands affecting their beneficial uses including recreation, aesthetics, aquatic habitat, quality, and quantity.

Alley. An improved roadway intended to provide supplementary public access to the rear of a lot.

AWWA. American Water Works Association.

Applicant. Any person, firm, corporation or governmental agency who executes the necessary forms to procure official approval of a development permit to carry out construction of a development within the Village of Richton Park’s jurisdiction.

Base Flood Elevation. The elevation at all locations delineating the level of flooding resulting from the 100-year frequency flood event.

Bypass Flows. Stormwater runoff from upstream properties tributary to a property’s drainage system but not under its control.

Cable Television (CATV) Company. A person, firm or corporation who has obtained a franchise from the appropriate unit of local government to provide television signals for subscriber use via permanently installed coaxial cable.

Channel. Any river, stream, creek, brook, branch, natural or artificial depression, ponded area, flowage, slough, ditch, conduit, culvert, gully, ravine, wash, or natural or manmade drainageway, which has a definite bed and bank or shoreline, in or into which surface or groundwater flows perennially or intermittently.

Channel Modification. Alteration of a channel by changing the physical dimensions or materials of its bed or banks. Channel modification includes damming, riprapping (or other armoring), widening, deepening, straightening, relocating, lining, and significant removal of bottom or woody rooted vegetation. Channel modification does not include the clearing of debris or removal of trash.

Chief of Police. The Chief of Police of the Village of Richton Park.

Village Attorney. The duly appointed Village Attorney of the Village of Richton Park.

Village Clerk. Village Clerk of the Village of Richton Park.

Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees of the Village of Richton Park.

Village Engineer. The duly appointed Village Engineer of the Village of Richton Park, or his/her duly authorized representative.

Village Staff Committee. A committee composed of the Community Development Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, Director of Public Works, Economic Development Director and others appointed by the Village.

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Community Development Director. The Community Development Director of the Village of Richton Park or his/her duly authorized representative.

Community Water or Sewer System. A system serving more than one dwelling unit, principal use or lot and owned and operated by a utility, homeowners association or similar entity.

Compensatory Storage. An artificially excavated, hydraulically equivalent volume of storage within the floodplain used to balance the loss of natural flood storage capacity when fill or structures are placed within the floodplain.

Conduit. Any channel, pipe, sewer or culvert, etc., used for the conveyance or movement of water, wastewater, electric, telephone, gas or other utilities, whether open or closed.

Conventional Private Sewage Disposal System. An individual, sewage system employing a septic tank and the soil treatment system, commonly known as seepage trenches that are partially or wholly in original soil material.

Critical Soil. Soil materials that have been disturbed and/or have natural limitations extensive enough to require alternative systems or are perhaps so limited as to preclude the practicality of on-site wastewater treatment.

Cul-de-sac. A minor residential street with a single outlet permanently terminated by a vehicle turnaround nearly circular in shape and which meets the standards set out in Section 604 and 609 of this Ordinance.

Date of Completed Application. The date the applicant submits the application, or the date the applicant submits the last item of required supporting data, whichever date is later.

Design Requirements for Subdivision Streets. The Schedule of Minimum Design Requirements for Subdivision Streets in the Village of Richton Park set forth in Section 609 of this Ordinance (“ Design Requirements”).

Detention Basin. A facility constructed or modified to provide for the temporary storage of stormwater runoff and the controlled release by gravity of this runoff at a prescribed rate during and after a flood or storm.

Detention Time. The mean residence time of stormwater in a detention basin.

Developer. The owner or entity proposing to develop the property. Developer shall also mean the owner’s contractor, agent, representative or the like.

Development. Any man-made change to real estate, including:

A. Preparation of a Plat of Subdivision; B. Construction, reconstruction or placement of a building or any addition to a building; C. Construction of streets, bridges, or similar projects; D. Redevelopment of a site; E. Filling, dredging, grading, clearing, excavating, paving, or other non-agricultural alterations of the ground surface; F. Storage of materials or deposit of solid or liquid waste; and G. Any other activity that might alter the magnitude, frequency, deviation, direction, or velocity of stormwater flows from a property.

Development Review Committee. A committee consisting of the Village Manager, representatives appointed by the Village Manager, the Community Development Director, the Village Attorney, the Village Engineer, Chief of Police, Fire Chief, and the Director of Public Works.

Director of Public Works. Director of Public Works for the Village of Richton Park or his/her duly authorized representative.

Drainage Plan. A plan, including engineering drawings and supporting calculations, which describes the existing stormwater drainage system and environmental features, as well as the drainage system and environmental features which are proposed after development of a property.

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Dry Basin. A detention basin designed to drain completely after temporary storage of stormwater flows and to normally be dry over the majority of its bottom area.

Erosion. The general process whereby earth is removed by flowing water or wave action.

Excess Storm Water Runoff. The volume and rate of flow of stormwater discharged from an urbanized drainage area which is or will be in excess of that volume and rate which pertained before urbanization.

Fee in Lieu. A cash contribution paid by a developer in lieu of providing facilities required of development under this Ordinance.

Final Plat. The official graphic depiction of a subdivision recorded in the Cook County Recorder's Office, showing all lots, easements, streets and other dedicated areas. The Final Plat also indicates items such as building setback lines, restricted areas for wetland buffers, detention areas, and any ingress and egress restrictions.

Fire Department. The Village of Richton Park Fire Department.

Flood Fringe. The portion of the floodplain outside of the regulatory floodway.

Floodplain. The land adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations at or below the base flood or the 100-year frequency flood elevation. The floodplain is also known as the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).

Floodway. The channel and that portion of the floodplain adjacent to a stream or water course which is needed to store and convey the anticipated existing and future 100-year frequency flood discharge with no more than a 0.1 foot increase in stage due to any loss of flood conveyance or storage and no more than a 10 percent increase in velocities.

Half Street. A street with less than a full pavement or right-of-way width.

Homeowners Association. An association of property owners, whether residential or nonresidential, formed to address the ownership and maintenance of facilities owned in common or jointly by persons owning lots in the subdivision.

Hydrograph. A graph showing for a given location on a stream or conduit, the flow-rate with respect to time.

Infiltration. The passage or movement of water into the soil surfaces.

Major Drainage System. That portion of a drainage system needed to store and convey flows beyond the capacity of the minor drainage system.

Minor Drainage System. That portion of a drainage system designed for the convenience of the public. It consists of street gutters, storm sewers, small open channels, and swales.

Mitigation. Mitigation includes those measures necessary to minimize the negative effects which stormwater drainage and development activities might have on the public health, safety and welfare. Examples of mitigation include compensatory storage, soil erosion and sedimentation control, channel restoration, and wetlands.

Municipal Utility Easement. An easement for a municipal utility including, but not limited to water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and stormwater.

Natural. Conditions resulting from physical, chemical and biological processes without intervention by man.

Noncritical Soil. Undisturbed soil materials, as determined by on-site comprehensive soil survey, that can support a conventional private sewage disposal system, where at least the lower portion of the soil absorption part of the system can be installed in original, uncompacted soils. Another term having the same meaning for purposes of this Ordinance is "suitable soil."

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100-Year Event. A rainfall, runoff, or flood event having a one percent chance of occurring in any given year.

Open Space. Open space is an area lacking in any man-made structures and surfaces, other than those used for public parks and recreational uses.

Ordinance. The Village of Richton Park Subdivision Ordinance, and as amended from time to time.

Owner. Any person, group of persons, firm association, partnership, private corporation, public or quasi-public corporation, or a combination of any of them, or other legal entity having sufficient proprietary interest in the land sought to be subdivided or divided to commence and maintain proceedings under the provisions of this Ordinance.

Peak Flow. The maximum rate of flow of water at a given point in a channel or conduit.

Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Richton Park.

Plat Act. 765 ILCS 205/1 et seq., and as amended from time to time.

Police Department. The Village of Richton Park Police Department.

Positive Drainage. Provision for overland paths for all areas of a property including depressional areas that may also be drained by storm sewer.

Preliminary Plat. A graphic depiction of the proposed lot lines, streets and other engineering improvements of a proposed subdivision superimposed on a map of the existing topography.

President. The President of the Village of Richton Park.

Property. A parcel of real estate.

Public Utility Easement. An easement for a public utility including telephone, gas, cable, and electric. This is distinguished from a municipal utility easement.

Regulatory Floodway. The channel, including on-stream lakes, and that portion of the floodplain adjacent to a stream or watercourse as designated by the U. S Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) which is needed to store and convey the existing and anticipated future 100-year frequency flood discharge with no more than a 0.1 foot increase in stage due to the loss of flood conveyance or storage, and no more than a 10 percent increase in velocities. The regulatory floodways are designated for Butterfield Creek, East Branch and Tributary A as listed below:

(a) Butterfield Creek Floodplain Maps – Sheets 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 prepared for the Illinois Department of Transportation, Division of Water Resources, dated 1986, and as amended from time to time.

(b) Flood Boundary and Floodway Maps – Community Panel Nos. 17031C 0781F, 17031C 0782F, 17031C 0801F, and 17031C 0802F, National Flood Insurance Program, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Federal Insurance Administration, dated November 11, 2000, and as amended from time to time.

To locate the regulatory floodway boundary on any site, topographic elevations should be used where they are recited; otherwise, the regulatory floodway boundary should be scaled off the regulatory floodway map and located on a site plan, using reference marks common to both maps. Where interpretation is needed to determine the exact location of the regulatory floodway boundary, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources shall be contacted for the interpretation.

Resubdivision. The further division of lots or the relocation of lot lines of any lot or lots within a subdivision previously made and approved or recorded according to law.

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Retention Basin. A facility designed to completely retain a specified amount of stormwater runoff without release except by means of evaporation, infiltration, emergency bypass or pumping.

Sedimentation. The process that deposits soils, debris, and other materials either on other ground surfaces or in bodies of water or stormwater drainage systems.

Septic System (Conventional). An individual, conventional on-site sewage system employing a septic tank and the soil treatment system commonly known as seepage trenches that are partially or wholly in original soil material. Septic systems are not permitted in the Village of Richton Park.

Sketch Plan. A graphic exhibit which shows basic resource features, proposed lot divisions, roadway layout and general drainage features of a proposed subdivision. The purpose of the Sketch Plan is to explore alternative subdivision arrangements for an arrangement which may not be acceptable to the Village.

Standard Specifications. The Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction adopted by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), as amended, latest edition and the Standard Specifications for Water & Sewer Main Construction in Illinois, latest edition.

Storm Sewer. A closed conduit for conveying collected stormwater.

Stormwater Drainage System. All means, natural or man-made, used for conducting stormwater to, through or from a drainage area to the point of final outlet from a property; The stormwater drainage system includes, but is not limited to any of the following: conduits and appurtenance features, canals, channels, ditches, streams, culverts, streets, storm sewers, detention basins, swales and pumping stations.

Stormwater Runoff. The waters derived from melting snow or rain falling within a tributary drainage basin which are in excess of the infiltration capacity of the soils of that basin, which flow over the surface of the ground, or are collected in channels or conduits.

Street. The term “street” and “road” are used interchangeably and mean the same. Street classifications are set forth in Section 603 of this Ordinance.

Street Frontage. The side of a lot abutting a public or private street right-of-way to which it proposes to have direct ingress and egress.

Subdivision. The division of land into two or more parts for the purpose, whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership or building development, including all public and private streets, alleys, ways for public service facilities, parks, playgrounds, school grounds, or other public grounds, and all the tracts, parcels, or blocks, and numbering of such lots, blocks, or parcels by progressive numbers, giving their precise dimensions.

The following shall not be considered a subdivision and shall be exempt from the requirements of this Subdivision Ordinance:

A. The sale or exchange of parcels of land between owners of adjoining and contiguous land; B. The conveyance of parcels of land or interests therein for use as a right-of-way for railroads or other public utility facilities and other pipe lines which do not involve any new streets or easements of access; C. The conveyance of land owned by a railroad or other public utility which does not involve any new streets or easements of access; D. The conveyance of land for highway or other public purposes or grants or conveyances relating to the dedication of land for public use or instruments relating to the vacation of land impressed with a public use; and E. Conveyances made to correct descriptions in prior conveyances.

Suitable Soil. Undisturbed soil materials as determined by an on-site comprehensive soil survey that can support a conventional private sewage disposal system, where at least the lower portion of the soil absorption part of the

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system can be installed in original, uncompacted soils. Also referred to as "Noncritical Soil."

Time of Concentration. The elapsed time for stormwater to flow from the most hydraulically remote point in a drainage basin to a particular point of interest in that watershed.

Tributary Watershed. All of the land surface area that contributes runoff to a given point.

2-Year Event. A runoff, rainfall, or flood event having a 50 percent chance of occurring in any given year.

Utility Company. A person, firm or corporation who owns, controls, operates or manages any equipment, plant or property furnishing telephone, cable television, electric, light, heat, power, water, sewerage, gas (by pipeline) or similar service for public use.

Wet Basin. A detention basin designed to maintain a permanent pool of water after the temporary storage of stormwater runoff.

Zoning Board of Appeals. The Planning and Zoning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals of the Village of Richton Park.

Zoning Ordinance. The Village of Richton Park Zoning Ordinance.

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Article 4 Subdivision Review Procedures

401 General Review Procedures

The following procedures apply to subdivision plat review in the Village. Any plat, other than one for a residential subdivision of four lots or less or for a Plat of Vacation, shall be subject to a three step review procedure by the staff and Planning and Zoning Commission (see Appendix I for abbreviated process requirements). A Plat of Vacation will require a one step review (Section 407). A residential subdivision of four lots or less shall be subject to a two step review process wherein the review of the preliminary plat is merged into the Final Plat review process. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall meet as needed to consider plats, drawings and reports. The Community Development Director shall be responsible for coordinating the process and arranging meeting dates and times. All fees shall be in accordance with the Village of Richton Park Fee Schedule, and as amended from time to time, attached hereto as Appendix B, and made a part hereof.

402 Building Permit and Inspection Fees

402.1 Permit Fees. All permit fees shall be in accordance with the Fee Schedule (“Appendix B”). Mass Grading Permits and Fees shall be in accordance with Chapter 1443, “Mass Grading Permits,” of the Village Code, attached hereto as Appendix F and made a part hereof.

402.2 Estimates of Construction Costs. Final construction costs will be based on the approved Final Plat, and shall be approved by the Village and the Village Engineer. The estimation of construction costs will be used for determining fees for construction inspection services, as set forth in Section 1003 of this Subdivision Ordinance.

402.3 Plan Review and Inspection Services by an Outside Agency. Upon the determination of the Community Development Director, Director of Public Works, Planning and Zoning Commission that an outside agency should be used to conduct plan reviews and inspections for the project, the Community Development Director may, with approval from the Village Board, contract with an outside agency for the performance of all or any part of such plan review and inspection services as are required for the project, with all costs of such services to be borne by the owner, builder, or developer. The permit applicant shall, in such cases, comply with the Fee Schedule as set forth in Appendix B.

402.4 Site Development Fees and Escrow Deposits. A minimum nonrefundable fee ("fee") to cover the cost of technical review by full time professional staff, and a partially or fully refundable escrow deposit ("escrow") shall be established to cover the cost of consultant services, (including, but not limited to, attorneys’ and engineers’ fees), in connection with the construction of any site development, subdivision or watershed development located within the corporate limits of the Village, in accordance with this Subdivision Ordinance and other related development regulations adopted by the Village. The fee is set forth in the Fee Schedule (Appendix B), and as amended from time to time.

The fee will be applied to Village activities and expenses which are customary and reasonable for like site developments, including, but not limited to: staff review, site visits, meetings, telephone calls, and use of equipment and supplies. Village staff and consultants will be assigned to certain projects with the approval of the Village Administrator or his/her designated representative.

Funds from the escrow account will reimburse the Village for "out of pocket" expenses (e.g., outside consultant review of plans and attorneys’ fees), out of the ordinary tasks, extraordinary expenditures of staff time or village resources, and unforeseeable requirements.

Upon permit application, the Village will send a letter to the developer before work commences, identifying the fee and the escrow amounts. Both monies shall be submitted in full prior to site development. The Village Engineer shall be the final authority for the anticipated construction costs of all improvements or, in his/her absence, the Community Development Director.

At any time during construction, if the Village determines that the remaining escrow amount deposited by the developer will not cover actual or foreseeable Village expenses, the Village shall notify the developer. The notification letter will show the escrow balance, request an additional escrow amount, and the justification for such

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additional funds. The developer shall, within seven (7) days, deposit the additional escrow funds with the Village. Should the developer fail to deposit such sums within the seven (7) day notification period, the permit(s) shall be suspended and all work on the improvements shall cease.

402.5 Inspection and Re-inspection Fees. Regular, first time inspections as required by the Village Building Code are funded by part of the building permit fee. One re-inspection is also covered by the Village.

Any further re-inspections will be charged a re-inspection fee, paid prior to the scheduling of the re-inspection. The developer will incur all costs associated with any re-inspections.

Any special inspection requested that is not part of a permitted project (e.g., life safety inspection due to change of commercial/industrial use of an existing building), shall be accompanied by an inspection fee. The developer shall incur all costs for a special inspection.

402.6 Site Development Plan Review Fees. Application for plan review shall be made by the owner of the property or his authorized agent to the Community Development Department on a form furnished for that purpose. Each application shall bear the name(s) and address(es) of the owner or developer of the site and of any consulting firm retained by the applicant, together with the name of the applicant’s principal contact at such firm, and shall be accompanied by a nonrefundable plan review filing fee as specified in the Fee Schedule (Appendix B). Any additional fees for outside agencies, as provided in Section 402, will be borne in full by the owner, builder, or developer. Each application shall include certification that any land clearing, construction, or development involving the movement of earth shall be in accordance with the approved plans.

403 Sketch Plan

403.1 Submittal and Calendaring. Prior to submitting a Preliminary Plat for approval, the developer shall submit to the Village fifteen (15) copies of a Sketch Plan and post a retained personnel fee as set forth in the Fee Schedule (Appendix B). The Community Development Director shall not accept a Sketch Plan for review unless the property is zoned for the intended use and density, or unless a petition to amend the Zoning Ordinance or the Zoning Map has been filed which, if adopted, shall have the same effect.

The Community Development Director shall schedule a meeting of the Development Review Committee on the next available meeting agenda and notify the members.

403.2 Information Required. The sketch plan shall contain such information which is necessary for the Development Review Committee to complete its review. It is not necessary that the Sketch Plan be prepared and sealed by a Registered Land Surveyor; provided, however, that the outside dimensions of the plat shall be based on an accurate boundary survey prepare by a Registered Land Surveyor. Except where specifically provided otherwise, the information shall contain, at a minimum, the following:

A. Identification  Proposed name of development  Scale, date and north arrow  Vicinity map at a scale not less than 1”=1000’ showing surroundings within one-half (1/2) mile  Name and address of Developer and Engineer  Boundaries

B. Nature of existing conditions  Wetlands as shown on the U.S. Fish and Wildlife maps  Floodplain as shown on the FEMA maps (wooded areas as aerial)  Location of water and sewer facilities closest to site  Location of nearest park(s)  Location of existing streets within one-half (1/2) mile of site  Identification of hazards (underground storage tanks, electric utility lines) on or adjacent to site

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 Existing easements on-site  Existing zoning  General soil types and locations in map form

C. Nature of proposed development  Number of proposed lots  Size of tract  Minimum lot size proposed  Approximate location of streets, water and sanitary sewer  Indication of whether floodplain or wetlands will be modified  Indication of whether park land and facilities will be provided  Proposed zoning

403.3 Meeting. The developer shall meet with the Development Review Committee and participate in evaluating the proposed Sketch Plan and alternatives to it. Among other things, the Sketch Plan shall consider the future development potential of the surrounding area, especially the extension of streets and utilities, and how the proposal relates to it.

403.4 Village Staff Committee Report. After the meeting, as provided in 403.3, the Community Development Director shall provide the developer with a written review of the Sketch Plan. Copies will be made and forwarded to the members of the Committee.

404 Preliminary Plat

404.1 Submittal, Scheduling and Notice. The developer shall submit fifteen (15) copies of a Preliminary Plat with three (3) copies of the application and one electronic copy to the Village within one (1) year of completion of review of the Sketch Plan by the Development Review Committee.

The Preliminary Plat shall not substantially deviate from the Sketch Plat previously reviewed by the Community Development Director. The application must include the submission of a filing fee in accordance with the Fee Schedule (Appendix B).

All required information, as set forth in section 404.2 below, for consideration of the Preliminary Plat must be received at least 21 days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which it is to be heard. The Preliminary Plat shall be prepared on tracing cloth, mylar or equivalent material at a scale of one hundred (100) feet to the inch. In addition to the above, the developer shall submit a copy of the plan that fits on a single 11" x 17" sheet of paper.

The Community Development Director shall schedule a meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission and notify its members. The Community Development Director shall distribute a copy of the Preliminary Plat to the President and the Board of Trustees, each member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Village Engineer, Village Attorney, and appropriate Village staff. The Village Clerk shall distribute six (6) of the remaining copies to the Board of Trustees. The developer shall submit simultaneously with the Preliminary Plat, a notarized statement indicating to the best of developer’s knowledge the school district in which each tract, parcel, lot or block lies. Within three (3) business days after the Preliminary Plat is submitted for approval, the Community Development Director, or his/her designated representative, shall notify the president of the school board of each school district in which any of the subdivided land is located that the plat has been submitted for approval and that it is available for inspection. The notice shall also give the date, time and place of the hearing before the Planning and Zoning Commission on the Preliminary Plat. The notice shall be served by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by personal delivery. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall allow twenty-one (21) days from referral for written comment from the applicable school district prior to adopting its final recommendation.

The applicable school district will be requested to agree in writing to accept the school donation and student contribution or submit its objection to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The applicable school district will be requested to agree to accept lands to be donated to the school district prior to Village Board approval of the preliminary plat.

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The developer shall simultaneously file with the Illinois Department of Transportation (“IDOT”), and the Cook County Highway Department, a copy of the application for approval of the Preliminary Plat filed with the Village. The developer shall submit proof of said filings with the Community Development Director.

404.2 Information. The Preliminary Plat shall contain such information which is necessary for the Planning and Zoning Commission to complete its review. A set of engineering plans is required, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Illinois. Except where specifically provided otherwise, such information shall contain, at a minimum, the following:

A. Identification and description  Proposed name of development  Vicinity map at a scale not less than 1” = 1000’ showing surroundings within one-half (1/2) mile  Location by township, section, range  Legal description  Name and address of Developer and Engineer  Scale (1"=100’ preferred), date and north arrow  Elevations (United States Geodetic Survey [USGS] shall be used)

B. Nature of existing conditions  Boundary line of development, acreage of tract  Location of property lines and names of subdivisions within 300 feet  Locations and dimensions of streets which lie in, adjacent to, or near the development  Location of water and sewer facilities together with a description of the same which lie in, adjacent to, or near development  Location of railroad, utility and other easements or facilities which lie in, adjacent to, or near development  Location of parks, recreation and open space owned by the public, private property owners, or associations which lie in, adjacent to, or near development  Structures on the development site with an indication of whether they will remain, be changed in use, or will be removed  Existing elevations at 1 or 2 foot intervals which lie in site and within 300 feet of it (based on USGS datum)  Location of water courses  Delineation of wetlands and floodplain together with studies explaining how the wetlands and floodplain were determined and evaluating the quality of the former  Identification of drainage basins which lie in, adjacent to, and near the development  Identification of any historic resources which lie in, adjacent to, or near development  Zoning on development tract and adjacent tracts  Such additional information as required by the Planning and Zoning Commission

C. Proposed development  Layout of streets, water and sewer facilities together with relevant supporting information, including proposed street typical sections, water and sewer line sizes  Location of proposed parks, recreation and open space; statement of intent regarding ownership of these areas or facilities  Any proposed modifications to floodplain or wetlands  Approximate location and size of stormwater detention areas together with supporting information describing how the sizes of the areas were determined; existing drainageways with proposed conveyance systems for areas receiving runoff from more than 40 acres  Location of lot lines, setback lines and identification of easements  Traffic impact analysis and other studies  Fiscal impact analysis  Any proposed change in zoning

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 Phasing  Construction access  Appropriate certificates as required by this Ordinance

D. Sediment and Erosion Control  In accordance with the requirements set forth in Section 810 of this Subdivision Ordinance

404.3 Village Engineer's Recommendations. The Village Engineer will submit its recommendations to the Community Development Director at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The Community Development Director will distribute copies of the Village Engineer's Recommendations to the members of the Planning and Zoning Commission, the developer, the Village Engineer, the Village Attorney, the President and Board of Trustees, and Village staff.

404.4 Fire Chief and Police Chief Recommendations. The Fire Chief and the Chief of Police will review the Preliminary Plat and submit comments in writing at least five (5) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting.

404.5 Village Staff Committee Report. The Village Staff Committee will file a report with the Community Development Director at least five (5) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The Community Development Director will distribute copies to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the developer, the Village Attorney, the President and Board of Trustees, and Village staff.

404.6 Owner's Presence. The owner or his/her designated representative is required to be present at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting scheduled to review the Preliminary Plat.

404.7 Approval or Disapproval of Preliminary Plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission.

A. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall approve or disapprove the application for Preliminary Plat approval within 90 days from the date of the application or the filing by the applicant of the last item of supporting data, whichever date is later, unless such time is extended by mutual consent. If the Preliminary Plat is disapproved, then within said 90 days, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall furnish to the developer, in writing, a statement setting forth the reason for the disapproval and specifying with particularity the aspects in which the proposed Plat fails to conform to Village ordinances and the official map. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall forward its recommendation of approval or disapproval to the President and Board of Trustees and the Preliminary Plat will be returned to the President and Board of Trustees for their action, if any.

B. If the Preliminary Plat is approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Village Board shall accept or reject said Plat within thirty (30) days after its next regular scheduled meeting following the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The disapproval of the Plat by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall not prohibit the developer from seeking Village Board approval of the Preliminary Plat. In the event the developer seeks Village Board approval, the Board of Trustees shall approve or disapprove the Preliminary Plat within thirty (30) days after its next regularly scheduled meeting following the action of the Planning and Zoning Commission.

C. The Village Board may require such special conditions in the approval of the Preliminary Plat as it may deem necessary to insure conformity with the intent of all comprehensive plan elements and requirements of Village codes and ordinances. If said Preliminary Plat is not approved by the Board, said Plat shall be returned to the developer, with a written statement setting forth the reasons for said disapproval. If the Preliminary Plat is approved, it shall remain with the Village Clerk

D. Approval of the Preliminary Plat shall expire one year from the date of approval by the Board of Trustees. Where approval has expired, the entire process must begin anew and the approval of the Preliminary Plan shall be null and void and of no force and effect.

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405 Final Plat

405.1 Submittal, Scheduling and Notice. The Final Plat shall be submitted to the Village Clerk within one (1) year after approval of the Preliminary Plat by the Board of Trustees. The Preliminary and final Plat may be filed and approved simultaneously if all requirements set forth herein are met. Provided, if desired by the developer, the Final Plat may constitute only that portion of the approved preliminary plat which the developer proposed to record and develop at that time, and provided further, that if the development be staged, all staged final development plans shall conform substantially to the Preliminary Plat as approved. Approval for the Final Plat may be submitted in stages with each stage reflecting a portion of the approved Preliminary Plat which is proposed to be recorded and developed; provided, however, that such portion conforms to the requirements of this Subdivision Ordinance and each phase shall be submitted within one (1) year of approval of the Final Plat for the previous phase.

The developer shall submit to the Community Development Director fifteen (15) copies of the Final Plat (plus one copy on Mylar), five (5) copies of the Engineering Drawings and Reports prepared in accordance with Appendix A, one (1) electronic copy and post the required fees in accordance with the Fee Schedule (Appendix B). In addition to the above, the developer shall submit a copy of the Final Plan that will fit on a single 11" x 17" sheet of paper.

The Village Clerk shall identify the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees at which the matter will be reviewed, and confer with the Chairperson of the Planning and Zoning Commission to identify when the Planning and Zoning Commission can review the matter. The meetings shall be arranged so as to allow a reasonable time for the developer to make changes to the Drawings and for their distribution following resubmittal. The Clerk shall distribute copies of the above to the Board of Trustees, the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Village Attorney, the Village Engineer, and appropriate Village staff. The Final Plat and required Engineering Drawings and Reports must be received at least 21 days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which they are to be considered.

In the event the developer should elect to modify his Plat or Drawings following the Planning and Zoning Commission review, the developer shall notify the Community Development Director in writing of his intent and resubmit any new or revised Drawings and Reports within 10 days of said notice. The Community Development Director shall establish a new date for review by the Board of Trustees and notify the developer. The Final Plat and required Engineering Drawings must be received at least 10 days prior to the Board of Trustees meeting at which they are to be considered. In the event the developer elects to modify his Drawings, the developer shall submit to the Community Development Director fifteen (15) copies of the modified Final Plat (plus one copy on Mylar) and five (5) copies of the Engineering Drawings and Reports.

The developer will notify the following individuals and organizations of the date, time and place of the meeting when the Final Plat will be considered. He shall furthermore provide the Village Clerk and Village Attorney with an affidavit stating that each of the following individuals and organizations was notified by U.S. Mail and indicating the address to which each notice was sent:

A. Village Attorney; B. Village Engineer; C. Fire Department; D. Homeowners Association (any which have indicated an interest in the review of the subdivision); E. Planning and Zoning Commission Members; F. School District(s); G. Cook County Highway Commissioner (if annexation is being considered); H. Cook County Supervisor (if annexation is being considered); I. Utility Company Representatives; 1. Cable Television, 2. Electric, 3. Gas, 4. Telephone, 5. Sewer and Water Utility(s); J. U. S. Postmaster for the Village of Richton Park; K. Illinois Department of Conservation, Endangered Species Notification;

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L. Illinois Department of Transportation (if a driveway and/or access permit is needed to enter any State road); and M. Cook County Highway Department (if a driveway and/or access permit is needed to enter any County road

405.2 Information. The Final Plat shall contain that information which is necessary for a complete review of the Final Plat. A final set of engineering plans is required, signed and sealed by a Professional Engineer registered in the State of Illinois. The Final Plat shall be prepared at the same scale as the Preliminary Plat and shall include all of the information required for the Preliminary Plat, except where specifically provided otherwise below. Standard signature block requirements are shown in Appendix J, attached to this Subdivision Ordinance and made a part hereof.

A. Identification and description  Proposed name of development  Location by township, section, range  Legal description  Name and address of Developer, Engineer and certification by Registered Land Surveyor  Scale 1” = 100’ or larger preferred, date and north arrow

B. Property information  Boundary of tract, property lines of lots, street right-of-way, dedicated areas and easements based on an accurate traverse with angular and lineal dimensions (in feet)  Any municipal, public utility or other easements, including drainage, stormwater detention, road construction, pedestrian  Centerlines of streets with radii, internal angles, points and curvatures, tangent bearings and lengths of all arcs  Names of all streets within and adjoining the plat  Lots numbered with street addresses, building setback lines and lot widths with linear dimensions  Accurate location of at least two concrete monuments constructed and placed as required by the Illinois Plat Act (765 ILCS 205/1 et seq.)  All districts, such as library, elementary school, junior high school, high school, fire protection, etc.  Legal description for areas to be dedicated or reserved for public or common uses with nature of ownership and purposes of same indicated  Restrictive or protective covenants, as necessary  Appropriate certificates as required by this Subdivision Ordinance  State plane coordinates required

C. Certificate required  Certification by a licensed surveyor that the plat represents a survey made by him and that monuments and markers exist as located; that all dimensional and geodetic details are correct; and that he has complied with all of the requirements of this Subdivision Ordinance regarding plats, noting exceptions, if any.  Notarized certification by owner and, if required, any mortgage holder of record of the adoption of the plat and the dedication of streets and other public areas.  Approval by signature of County, State, and other officials concerned with the specifications of utility installations.  Certification by the Chairman of the Planning and Zoning Commission that the Final Plat has been reviewed and approved by said Commission.  Certification by the Village Clerk that all taxes and special assessments have been paid up to date.  Certification by the County Clerk that all taxes and special assessments have been paid up to date.  Certification that the approval of the Village Engineer has been given to all proposed or existing public improvements.

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 In cases of plat or right-of-way vacations, written evidence as provided by statute shall be shown on the plat.  Certification of approval by the President of the Board of Trustees and attested by the Village Clerk.  Certification of acceptance by the Map Department of Cook County, Illinois.  Certification of evidence of payment of the last full year of real estate taxes and assessments on the subdivided property.  Other certifications as may be required by law.

405.3 Village Engineer's Recommendations. The Village Engineer will file a report with the Community Development Director at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The Community Development Director will distribute copies of the Village Engineer's Recommendations to the Commission, the developer, the Village Attorney, the President and Board of Trustees, and Village staff.

405.4 Village Staff Committee Report. The Village Staff Committee will file a report with the Community Development Director at least seven (7) days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting. The Community Development Director will distribute copies of the report to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Developer, the Village Attorney, the President and Board of Trustees, and Village staff.

405.5 Review of Final Plat. The owner or his designated representative is required to be present at the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which the Final Plat shall be considered.

405.6 Approval or Disapproval of the Final Plat

A. The Final Plat shall be consistent with the Preliminary Plat and meet all applicable Village requirements. The Board of Trustees shall approve or disapprove the Final Plat within sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of the last required document or other paper, or within sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of the application for Final Plat approval, whichever date is later, unless the developer and the Board of Trustees mutually agree to extend the sixty (60) day period.

B. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall recommend to the Board of Trustees that the Final Plat be approved or disapproved. Such a recommendation shall be made within a time period that will allow the Board of Trustees to hear the application at a regular meeting occurring within sixty (60) days from the date of the completed application, unless the period of review has been extended by mutual consent as provided in 405.6(A) above.

C. The Board of Trustees shall hear the application for Final Plat approval within sixty (60) days from the date of the filing of a completed application, unless such time is extended by mutual consent, and approve or disapprove the same. If the proposed Plat is approved, the Village shall file eight (8) copies of the Final Plat and the approved supporting documents with the following: two (2) copies shall be forwarded to the Fire Chief; two (2) copies to the Postmaster; two (2) copies to the Village Engineer; and two (2) copies shall be retained in the office of the Community Development Director. If the Final Plat is approved, the Village Clerk shall attach a certified copy of the resolution or ordinance approving the Final Plat to said Plat; if the Final Plat is disapproved, the resolution or ordinance shall state the reasons for the disapproval, specifying with particularity the aspects in which the proposed plat fails to conform with to the official map. A copy of the resolution or ordinance shall be filed with the Village Clerk.

In the event the developer should elect to make a substantial change to a Preliminary or Final Plat while such Plats are under review by the Planning and Zoning Commission or the Board of Trustees, the modification shall be filed at least 14 days prior to the meeting. Resubmittal of fifteen (15) copies of the modified plat (plus one plat on Mylar) shall be required. If such time does not exist, the developer shall request that the meeting be continued or rescheduled.

406 Review by Board of Trustees and Recording

406.1 Signature on Final Plat. After a Final Plat has been approved by the Board of Trustees, it shall be in the

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custody of the Village Clerk, who shall obtain the signature of the President and attest to that signature on the Plat.

406.2 Recording of Final Plat. When all signatures required on the Plat have been obtained, the Land Surveyor or his authorized agent shall obtain the Final Plat from the Village Clerk and post a performance bond. He shall then present it to the Cook County Recorder of Deeds for recording.

406.3 Distribution of Copies of the Recorded Final Plat. After the developer has recorded the Final Plat, he shall distribute one copy of the same to the Community Development Director and the Village Engineer. The Community Development Director may refuse to issue a building permit for any lot in a subdivision until he has received a copy of said recorded Plat.

406.4 Identification of Flood Hazard Area. A Final Plat may not be presented for recording without indicating whether any part is located within a flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

406.5 Six Month Validity of Final Plat. A Final Plat which has not been recorded within six months after its approval by the Board of Trustees shall be null and void and of no force and effect, and shall not thereafter be recorded.

407 Plats of Vacation

407.1 Submission of Plats of Vacation.

A. A developer wishing to vacate all or part of an existing Plat shall submit fifteen (15) copies of the Plat to the Clerk and post the required retained personnel fee. The Village Clerk shall deliver a copy of the Plat to the Village Attorney and the Village Engineer. B. A Plat must be received at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting at which it is to be considered.

407.2 Plat of Vacation Distribution. The Clerk shall distribute a copy of the Plat of Vacation and meeting agenda to each member of the Planning and Zoning Commission. The following individuals and organizations shall also be notified by the developer of the meeting date and time at which the Plat of Vacation will be considered. The developer shall provide the Clerk and the Village Attorney with an affidavit stating that each of the following individuals has been notified by U.S. Mail and indicating the address to which each notice was sent:

A. Village Attorney; B. Village Engineer; C. Fire Department; D. Homeowners Association (any which have indicated an interest in the review of the vacation); E. School Districts 159, 162 and 227 Superintendents(s); F. Cook County Highway Commissioner for approval G. District County Commissioner (if annexation is being considered); H. Utility company representatives, for approval: 1. Cable television; 2. Electric; 3. Gas; 4. Telephone; and 5. Sewer and water utility(s). I. Cook County Engineer or Superintendent of Highways for approval; and J. District Engineer of the Illinois Department of Transportation for approval

407.3 Owner's Presence. The owner or his designated representative is required to be present when the Planning and Zoning Commission reviews and evaluates the Plat of Vacation.

407.4 Written Approval of Easements. It shall be the developer's responsibility to contact the utility companies and the CATV Company to obtain their written approval of any vacation of utility easements.

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407.5 Approval of Plat of Vacation by Planning and Zoning Commission.

A. Approval of the Plat of Vacation by the Planning and Zoning Commission is required prior to submission of the Plat to the Board of Trustees. B. It shall be the developer's responsibility to request the Clerk to submit the Plat, as approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, to the Board of Trustees. However, if a Plat has been conditionally approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission, all conditions of approval must be met before the Plat of Vacation may be submitted to the Board of Trustees. C. The owner or his designated representative is required to be present when the Planning and Zoning Commission considers the Plat of Vacation.

407.6 Approval of Plat of Vacation Expiration. Approval of a Plat of Vacation by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall expire one (1) year from the date of approval. When such approval has expired, the Planning and Zoning Commission must again review and approve the Plat of Vacation before submission of the Plat to the Board of Trustees.

407.7 Review by the Board of Trustees and Recording.

A. Following the Plat of Vacation’s approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Plat of Vacation may be scheduled for consideration by the Board of . B. After a Plat of Vacation has been approved by the Board of Trustees, it shall be in the custody of the Village Clerk, who shall obtain the signature of the Village President and attest to that signature on the Plat. C. When all signatures required on the Plat have been obtained, the Land Surveyor or his designated agent shall obtain the Plat of Vacation from the Village Clerk and present it to the Cook County Recorder of Deeds for recording. E. After a Plat of Vacation has been recorded and photographed, the developer shall obtain and deliver the number of copies specified to the Community Development Director. F. A Plat of Vacation that has not been recorded within six (6) months after its approval by the Board of Trustees shall be null and void and of no force and effect, and shall not thereafter be recorded..

408 Plats of Annexation

All plats of annexation must be in compliance with Section 6.05 of the Village of Richton Park Zoning Ordinance. Each plat of annexation must be accompanied by an annexation agreement. A per acre fee shall be imposed on all annexation agreements. This fee shall be assessed during annexation negotiations. The developer shall work the Village Attorney in the preparation of the annexation agreement.

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Article 5 General Platting Requirements and Procedures for Resubdivision, Dedication and Vacation

501 General Provisions – Surveying Aspects

501.1 General. The Final Plat shall include a correct survey of the property being subdivided or developed, including a legal description. A north arrow, a scale and all section and quarter section lines shall be indicated on the Plat. The lines and dimensions of all adjoining properties, and the names, lines and dimensions of all adjoining streets shall be shown. All dimensions, linear, curvilinear and angular, necessary to properly resurvey shall be shown, with linear dimensions in feet and decimals of a foot.

501.2 Monumentation. Every development shall provide monuments located and described on the Final Plat in the manner required by the Plat Act, 765 ILCS 205/1, et seq., and as amended from time to time.

501.3 USGS Monument and Benchmarks. Every development shall provide two benchmarks, one of which must be a USGS monument, set on the external boundaries of the tract to be divided, and shall designate upon the Plat the points where they will be found. These monuments shall be set by the surveyor in a manner that they will not be moved by frost. In the event that the points fall within a street, the monuments must be placed in the right-of- way line of the street.

501.4 Additional Monuments. Additional monuments shall be placed at all corners, at each end of all curves, at the point where a curve changes its radius, at all angle points in any line, and at all angle points along a meander line, the points to be not less than 20 feet back from the normal water elevation of a lake or from the bank of a stream, except that when such corners or points fall within a street, or a proposed future street, the monuments must be placed in the right-of-way line of the street.

501.5 State Plane Coordinates. All coordinates shall be based upon State Plane Coordinates and shall tie to existing monuments as set by Cook County and referenced on a control diagram.

501.6 Materials. USGS monuments and benchmarks must be constructed of concrete or stone in accordance with the Plat Act. Other monuments shall be constructed of iron stakes, 5/8ths inches in diameter, or other suitable material.

501.7 Plat Media. All plats of subdivision shall be submitted to the Village on 22 inch by 34 inch Mylar for recording purposes. The same plat shall also be submitted to the Village Engineer in electronic format on an electronic media which can be read by a computer using a Windows operating system in a .dwg (AutoCAD) format. Additionally, as-builts must be submitted once the development is complete showing actual locations of all underground sewers, utilities, and structures. These as-built plans must be submitted in electronic format, either .dwg (AutoCAD) or GIS format. All plans must be in State Plane Coordinates for updating the existing Village mapping system.

502 Design Considerations

502.1 Lot Arrangement. The lot arrangement shall be such that there will be no foreseeable difficulties in securing building permits to build on any lot, except those marked "undevelopable" or "not proposed for development," in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance and the Cook County Department of Health regulations, if applicable.

502.2 Lot Dimensions. Lot dimensions, areas and building setback lines within the Village shall conform to the requirements of the Zoning Ordinance. Lot dimensions outside the Village, but within the 1.5 mile planning jurisdiction, shall meet the requirements of the corresponding Village Zoning District, as determined by the Village. The minimum lot area and lot width of corner lots shall be increased by 20 percent. Additional width or length shall be provided for lots abutting a collector or arterial, a flood hazard area, wetlands, stream or other similar feature.

502.3 Side Lot Lines. Side lot lines shall be approximately at right angles to the street.

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502.4 Flood Hazard Area. If any portion of a lot falls within the boundaries of a Flood Hazard Area, as identified by the Stormwater and Floodplain Management Ordinance or other duly adopted maps or ordinances, or if a portion of a lot is traversed by an intermittent stream and/or waterway, that portion of such lot shall be protected by a drainage easement and shall be excluded from the buildable area of that lot. When this situation results in the separation of the buildable area of a lot from the street to which it has access, provisions shall be made for the installation of an adequate drainage structure, and its construction shall be a condition of Plat approval.

502.5 Subdividing Land. In subdividing any land for residential purposes within the Village, and within the 1.5 mile planning jurisdiction, due regard shall be shown for all natural features, such as tree growth, water courses, historic sites and conditions, which, if preserved, will add attractiveness and value to the proposed development.

502.6 Reverse Frontage. Whenever a development proposes to lay out one or more lots that are adjacent to a collector or arterial street, those lots shall, whenever possible, have frontage on a local or minor street. In the event that such reverse frontage is not possible, the developer shall undertake other measures to reduce the number of entrances and exits onto the collector or arterial street, including but not limited to requiring shared driveways and limiting direct access to the street.

503 Blocks

503.1 General. Blocks must fit easily into the overall plan of the subdivision, and its design must show evidence and consideration of topography, natural constraints, adjacent uses and development, the transportation system, parks and recreation, and community facilities.

503.2 Block Length. The length of uninterrupted continuous streets or roads shall be determined with due regard for the following:

A. Convenient access and circulation of emergency vehicles and the general public with due regard to the safety of vehicular and pedestrian traffic; B. Limitations and capabilities of topography, soils, drainage and other natural features; and C. The density of the proposed development.

The following distances between intersecting streets are generally recommended:

Lot Size in Distance Between Development Intersecting Streets 5 acres 2,500 feet 3 acres 2,000 feet 2 acres 1,250 feet 1 acre 1,250 feet Less than 1 acre 1,000 feet

504 Easements

504.1 Easements. The following easements shall be provided where appropriate:

A. Public Utility Easements. Easements shall be provided for public utility services including but not limited to gas, telephone, cable, and electric. B. Municipal Easements. Easements shall be provided for municipal or public services including water, sewer, and storm sewer. A municipal utility easement for water or sewer shall not be placed in a side or rear yard due to hardships associated with maintenance of these mains. C. Drainage Easements. When a subdivision is traversed by a waterway, intermittent stream or drainage way there shall be provided a stormwater easement or drainage easement conforming substantially with the lines of same. Such easement shall be of sufficient size to protect said waterway, intermittent stream or drainage way, and to permit ingress and egress for maintenance. D. Street Construction and Maintenance Easements. Street construction and maintenance easements shall be provided adjacent to dedicated streets whenever additional width is necessary to meet the maximum earth slope requirements contained in Article 6, Section 609 of this

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Subdivision Ordinance. Street construction and maintenance easements shall be separate and distinct from utility easements and the two shall not be combined. (See Appendix J for certification required on Final Plat to permit crossing of other easements). E. Greenway and Pedestrian Path Easement. Where a development includes or proposes to include a greenway and/or pedestrian path easement, the developer shall, if the property is not dedicated to the Village, or a public or quasi-public entity which accepts the same, provide an easement to allow the Village and/or County to maintain the space in the event that it is not properly maintained and to charge the benefited properties. F. Landscape Berm Easement. Where a development is required to provide reverse frontage lots with a landscape berm separating the residential lots from the street, the developer shall provide for the maintenance of the berm.

504.2 Limitations on the Use of Easements.

A. No construction of structures, dams, embankments or channels (except as indicated on the Engineering Drawings), and no planting of trees, shrubbery or other flow-impeding vegetation, which hinders the flow of water or otherwise inhibits the intended purpose, shall be allowed within any drainage or stormwater retention or detention easements. B. Municipal utility easements must be separate and distinct from public utility easements and the two shall not be combined.

504.3 Maintenance of Easements.

A. Drainage and stormwater retention and detention easements shall be adequately maintained so as to provide for removal of accumulation of vegetation, silt, debris or other material which may interfere with the flow characteristics of drainage ways or the essential features of retention or detention facilities. The removal shall be undertaken at least annually. B. Pedestrian way easements shall be maintained to permit their continued use. C. Provisions shall be made through a homeowners association, deed restrictions, covenants or other acceptable means to maintain all easements in accordance with Sections 504.3A and 504.3B above, and Section 1.110 of the Village’s Stormwater and Floodplain Management Ordinance.

505 Procedure for Resubdivision

The procedure for resubdivision of land in the Village shall be the same as for initial platting.

506 Plat Corrections and Addenda

All Plat corrections and addenda shall be reviewed by the Village Engineer before being presented for recording.

507 Plan Consistency

507.1 Zoning Ordinance. Every development shall meet all applicable standards of the Village’s Zoning Ordinance

507.2 Building Permit. No building permit shall be issued by the Village or County, for the construction of any building, structure or improvement to the land of any lot created after this Subdivision Ordinance becomes effective unless that lot was created pursuant to an approved Final Plat, or the lot existed prior to the effective date of this Subdivision Ordinance.

507.3 Occupancy Permit. No occupancy permit shall be granted by the Village or County, for the use of any structure within the subdivision approved for platting or replatting until required utility facilities have been installed and made ready to service the property, and roadways providing access to the subject lot or lots have been constructed.

507.4 Other Ordinances. Every development shall meet all applicable standards of the Village’s Stormwater and Floodplain Management Code, attached to this Subdivision Ordinance as Appendix M..

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Article 6 Requirements for Design and Construction of Streets and Related Facilities

601 General Requirements

The owner shall grade, drain, surface and otherwise improve the roadway of all streets shown on the Plat so as to provide reasonable access for vehicular traffic to each developable or buildable lot within the subdivision in accordance with the requirements of this Article.

602 Standard Specifications and Design Requirements

Wherever reference is made to Standard Specifications, it shall mean the Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), as amended.

Whenever reference is made to the IDOT Local Roads Manual, it shall mean Bureau of Local Roads and Streets Administrative Manual, as amended.

Wherever reference is made to Design Requirements, it shall mean the Schedule of Minimum Design Requirements for Subdivision Streets in the Village of Richton Park (Section 609 of this Article).

603 Classification of Streets

The developer shall classify each street shown on the Plat of Subdivision as to its functional use as follows.

603.1 Arterial Street. An arterial street is a major street that serves to circulate traffic into, out of, or around the Village, and which carries, or is intended to carry high volumes of traffic. It is designed to carry between 4,000 and 24,000 trips per day.

603.2 Collector Street. A collector street is a street that serves to carry traffic from local and minor streets to other collectors or arterial streets. It may provide limited access to some abutting properties. It is designed to carry between 1,000 and 3,999 trips per day.

603.3 Local Street. A local street is a street whose primary function is to provide access to abutting properties. It is designed to carry between 100 and 999 trips per day.

603.4 Minor Street. A minor street is a street whose sole function is to provide access to abutting properties. It is designed to carry less than 100 trips per day.

603.5 Business Access and Industrial Access Streets. Streets providing access to commercial or industrial property shall be classified as "Business Access Streets" or "Industrial Access Streets," respectively.

604 Standards for Street Design

604.1 Topography and Layout. Streets shall be approximately related to the topography. Local and minor streets shall be curved, whenever possible, to avoid conformity of lot appearance. Grades of streets shall conform, to the extent practical, to original contours.

604.2 Continuing Streets. To the extent practical, and consistent with other standards in this Article, existing streets shall be continued into the development tract.

604.3 Access to Adjacent Property. Every development shall provide access to the adjacent development (in the nature of stub-outs to those developments) where the access is necessary or desirable to provide an adequate system of streets in the general area of which the development is a part. Notwithstanding, access shall be required for adjacent properties whenever the boundary of any side of a tract of land proposed for development exceeds 1,500 feet in length. However, access shall not be required on a side of a tract where physical barriers would prevent a street from being continued, as where the boundary of the tract is a creek which could be crossed only with a bridge

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or a steep slope which could not be graded to an acceptable slope for the street intended. For purposes of applying this standard, sides of the tract shall be combined to constructively create a four-sided figure.

604.4 Street Jogs. No new street will intersect a collector or arterial street at a distance closer than 250 feet from the next parallel intersecting street. No new street will intersect a local or minor street at a distance closer than 250 feet from the next parallel intersecting street.

604.5 Cul-de-sacs. The maximum length, minimum radius, and right-of-way widths for a cul-de-sac shall be in accordance with Section 609.

604.6 Temporary Dead End Street. In the event that a street extends to the property line of a tract which is undeveloped, and where there is a potential for extending the street into that undeveloped parcel at such time as that parcel is developed, then the street may be temporarily terminated by a "T-turnaround", provided it is no longer than one lot in length and driveway access shall not be allowed to or from it. T-turnarounds shall NOT be allowed in conjunction with a private driveway and must fully reside in the property in which the street lies with continuous ownership. All T-turnarounds must be paved.

604.7 Sight Distances. Sight distances shall be consistent with the IDOT Local Road Manual.

604.8 Reverse Curves. Reverse curves on arterials and collectors shall be separated by a straight roadway section consistent with standards set out in the IDOT Local Road Manual.

604.9 Return Radii at Intersections and Corner Lots. All residential street intersections shall have a minimum curb return radius of twenty-five feet (25’). All residential and non-residential street intersections shall have a minimum curb return radius of forty feet (40’). The Village may increase the radii where it is justified by use or street classification.

604.10 Medians. The developer may elect to build streets, or portions thereof, with a landscaped median. Any median shall be at least 12 feet in width. Cross-sections shall be widened as necessary

604.11 Half Streets. Half streets are prohibited.

604.12 Alleys. Alleys are not allowed without approval of the Board of Trustees as a Planned Unit Development (PUD).

604.13 Private Roads. If private roads are constructed, they must be in accordance with all Village standards for design and construction of streets. Village maintenance shall not be provided along private roads.

604.14 Street Names. All streets shall be named, and in the case of branching streets, the line of departure from one street to another shall be shown. Each street shall have a unique name which will not duplicate any other in the same or adjoining township. The use of continuing streets with the same name differentiated only by compass direction or different name shall not be permitted. A loop street shall have only one street name for the entire loop. Street names are to be approved by the Village.

604.15 Crosswalks/Stop Bars. All major subdivision street crossings and entrances must be painted with crosswalks and stop bars.

604.16 Handicapped Ramps. Ramps shall be installed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines, as amended. Warning plates must be East Jordan Iron Works (EJIW) cast iron detectable warning plates as required by the Director of Public Works.

604.17 Traffic Studies. The Village reserves the right to require a traffic study be performed on any County or State roadway adjacent to a proposed development in order to determine speed limits, turn lane configurations, etc. This study can be required if the Village determines that current County or State roadway requirements will not be adequate for the proposed increase in traffic due to added development. The developer shall incur all costs associated with a required traffic study.

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605 Specifications for Subdivision Street Construction

The following specifications shall govern subdivision street construction in the Village, including its 1.5 mile planning jurisdiction.

605.1 Excavation and Grading. Streets within the subdivision shall be excavated true to line and grade in accordance with the applicable provisions of Section 202 of the Standard Specifications. Whenever unsuitable material is encountered in the subgrade, it shall be removed and replaced with pit run gravel or other acceptable granular material. All undercuts need appropriate drainage provisions. The Village Engineer or Village staff shall inspect and approve the subgrade prior to construction of the base course.

605.2 Base Courses. Base courses shall be constructed of a type, width and compacted thickness shown on the Design Requirements and in accordance with the following:

A. Bituminous Base Course shall be constructed in accordance with Section 355 of the Standard Specifications. Bituminous Base Course shall be required in all cases except those stated in 605.2B below. B. Aggregate Base Course Type B shall be constructed in accordance with Section 311 of the Standard Specifications, and the material used shall meet the requirements of Subsection 704.04 of the Standard Specifications gradation CA-6 Crushed Gravel. Aggregate Base Course will only be allowed with prior approval from the Village’s Director of Public Works or Village Engineer.

605.3 Bituminous Surface Courses. Bituminous surfaces shall be constructed of a type, width and compacted thickness shown on the Design Requirements and in accordance with the following:

A. Hot-Mix Asphalt Binder and Surface Courses shall be constructed in accordance with Section 406 of the Standard Specifications.

605.4 Bituminous Surface. Bituminous surface on an aggregate base shall not be constructed until the aggregate base has been completed and in place on the street for one winter season. This requirement may be waived by the Village Engineer or Village staff, and the bituminous binder course may be constructed under the following conditions:

A. The aggregate base is sufficiently compacted as demonstrated by methods required by the Village Engineer or Village staff. B. The developer agrees to repair, to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer, any areas of the binder course which show evidence of distress or failure prior to construction of the surface course.

In all cases, immediately prior to placing the binder and surface courses, the aggregate base course shall be prepared in accordance with Section 358 of the Standard Specifications. The Village Engineer or Village staff shall inspect and approve the base course prior to placement of the binder and surface courses. This may be accomplished by methods required by the Village Engineer.

Where "Rural Cross-sections" are utilized, the bituminous surface course shall be edged with tapered aggregate shoulders, 4 feet in width, and constructed in accordance with applicable provisions of Section 481 of the Standard Specifications.

605.5 Concrete Pavement. Concrete pavement shall be constructed to a width and thickness shown on the Design Requirements and in accordance with applicable provisions of Section 420 of the Standard Specifications.

605.6 Sidewalks. Concrete sidewalks, 5 feet wide and 1 foot in from the right-of-way, shall be installed on both sides of every street with a minimum aggregate base of 7 inches of Type B 100 percent crushed, with minimum 5 inches of Portland cement concrete (minimum 6 inches of Portland cement concrete where vehicle crossing is permitted), with a minimum 6 bag mix and using a fiber mesh. The developer may NOT substitute an off-site pedestrian trail as an alternative to a sidewalk on Village streets.

605.7 Curb and Gutter. Except where a proposed street would continue an existing street constructed with a

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rural cross-section, and the Village determines that the continuation of that section is appropriate, all streets shall be improved with combination concrete curb and gutter as shown on the Design Requirements, and it shall be constructed in accordance with Section 606 of the Standard Specifications. Swales will only be allowed with prior approval from the Village.

Curb cuts within new subdivisions will require truncated domes as a detectable warning at all locations. Additionally, address numbers shall be installed along the curb in front of all residences by a method approved by the Director of Public Works (i.e. paint, stamp).

605.8 Drainage. Streets with a “rural cross-section” will generally have an "open" drainage system consisting of roadside ditches and culverts, while streets with a "curb and gutter section" will generally have a "closed" drainage system consisting of storm sewer and curb inlets. All ditches, culverts and storm sewers shall be sized and inlet spacing determined on the basis of calculations required in Article 8 of this Subdivision Ordinance or as hereinafter specified. All drainage structures shall be in place before surfacing material is installed.

A. Open Drainage System. Cross-road culverts shall have a minimum diameter of 18 inches or equivalent, with metal end sections, and shall run from ditch line to ditch line. Driveway culverts shall have a minimum diameter of 15 inches or equivalent, with metal end sections, and be of such length so as to adequately span the driveway. Culverts shall meet the requirements of the Water and Sewer Specifications List and shall be installed in accordance with Section 542 of the Standard Specifications. B. Closed Drainage System. Storm sewers shall have a minimum diameter of 12 inches, shall meet the requirements of the Water and Sewer Specifications List and shall be installed in accordance with Section 550 of the Standard Specifications. Inlets, manholes and catch basins shall be constructed in accordance with Section 602 of the Standard Specifications. These drainage structures shall be of such diameter so as to adequately accommodate the number and configuration of pipes entering and leaving the structure. Frames and grates shall meet the requirements of the Water and Sewer Specifications List.

605.9 Topsoil and Seeding. Prior to acceptance of any street, topsoil shall be placed on all unpaved areas within the right-of-way, in accordance with Article 211.04 of the Standard Specifications. Prior to acceptance of any street, any disturbed area within the right-of-way shall be smoothed by dragging and sodded in accordance with the recommendations of the USDA, Natural Resource Conservation District.

605.10 Signs. The developer shall furnish and erect all necessary signs, including street signs, as designated by the Village Engineer, Police Department or Village staff. All signs shall be of a type approved by the Village Engineer, Police Department or Village staff. The developer shall include a signage plan with the final engineering plans which addresses the above.

605.11 Snowplowing. The developer is responsible for plowing any street that has not been dedicated and accepted by the Village. The developer is responsible for any damage that may occur as a result of such plowing.

605.12 Trench Backfill. Whenever the excavation is within 2 feet of existing, proposed or future streets, parking areas, driveways, or other paved areas, the trench shall be backfilled with approved selected granular material, compacted in place. The top 12 inches of the backfill shall be filled with road gravel or crushed stone and maintained as a temporary surface for the normal use of the area.

Trench backfill shall consist of selected granular backfill Type CA-6 (100 percent crushed), and shall be compacted in place to 95 percent of maximum density at optimum moisture as determined by the Standard Proctor Test.

606 Landscaping

Landscaping regulations and guidelines shall be in accordance with Chapter 1214.00, “Landscaping” of the Village Code, and as amended from time to time, attached to this Subdivision Ordinance as Appendix K, and made a part hereof.

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607 Acceptance of Streets

Letter of credit reductions and complete release of street improvements shall be in accordance with Article 10 of this Subdivision Ordinance.

608 Electric and Communication

608.1 Coordination. The developer shall keep all utility, electric and communication entities appraised of the progress on the subdivision, and coordinate construction activities with theirs. If underground utility installation cannot be completed prior to final grading and seeding, it shall be the responsibility of the developer to restore the ditches and turf following installation of underground utilities. Utility companies shall not dig trenches across any streets after placement of the aggregate base course unless complete restoration, approved by the Village Engineer, is provided. Furthermore, all areas disturbed within existing subdivisions by placement of underground utility lines must be restored to original grade with appropriate topsoil and seed by the utility company.

608.2 Location of Lines.

A. New Development. All electric, telephone, television and other communication lines, both main and service connections servicing new developments, shall be provided by underground wiring within easements or dedicated public rights-of-way, installed in accordance with the prevailing standards and practices of the utility or other companies providing such services. Conduits and/or cables shall be placed within the easements or dedicated public ways in a manner which will not conflict with other underground services. All transformer boxes shall be located so as not to be unsightly or hazardous to the public. B. Existing Streets and Service. Lots that abut existing easements or public rights-of-way, where overhead electric or telephone distribution supply lines and service connections have previously been installed, may be supplied with electric and telephone service from those overhead lines; however, the service connections from the utilities' overhead lines shall be installed underground. In the case of existing overhead utilities, should a street widening, or an extension of service, or other such condition occur as a result of the subdivision and necessitates the replacement or relocation of such utilities, such replacement or relocation shall be underground.

608.3 Pole Placement. Whenever overhead lines are permitted, consistent with or as an exception to the above standards, the placement and alignment of poles shall be designed to lessen the visual impact of overhead lines. Alignments and pole locations shall be carefully routed to avoid locations along horizons; clearing swaths through wooded areas shall be avoided by selective cutting and a staggered alignment; trees shall be planted in open areas and at key locations to minimize the view of the poles and the alignments; and alignments shall follow rear lot lines and other alignments.

608.4 Street Lighting. The Village of Richton Park maintains all street lighting.

A. System: Every public or private street or thoroughfare, or any area which primarily serves, or is intended to serve, as a vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting lands, shall be improved with street lights erected and installed in accordance with specifications provided in this section.

B. Equipment: A street lighting system shall consist essentially of the following equipment: luminaires, lamps, poles, cable, steel conduit and miscellaneous items. The installations shall be made in conformance with Village codes and in a workmanlike manner. The installation shall be complete and ready for operation, including all required connections to existing power sources.

C. Equipment Standards: All design standards shall be reviewed by the Village Engineer prior to acceptance. The Village Engineer reserves the right to make changes as necessary due to specific project circumstances.

1. Luminaires: All luminaires must be acorn style. Specifications and photometric calculations shall be submitted to the Village for review and approval. The luminaires shall be Sun Valley

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Lighting LAA1-PG-III-100HPS (Type III), or approved equal; or Sun Valley Lighting LAA1- PG-V-100HPS (Type V), or approved equal.

House side shields shall be installed, facing any residential home or as deemed necessary by the Village Engineer to shield excessive light.

Types II, III, and IV luminaires are intended to be mounted over or near the edge of the roadway.

Types I and V luminaires are intended to be mounted over or near the center of the area to be lighted.

2. Poles: Poles shall be straight aluminum shafts, 14’ in height, single luminaire poles.

The base shall be one-piece corrosion resistant, durable cast aluminum construction, with flush hand hole. The hand hole cover shall have tamper resistant hardware with grounding lug provided.

3. Cable: Single conductor, #6 wire gauge stranded copper, commercial grade, neoprene- jacketed, U.S.E. type, 600 volt direct burial cable of the proper size dependent upon circuitry (Hazard No. S-501 or equal) shall be used from the power source to the base of the light standard. All such cable in rigid steel conduit shall be buried to a minimum depth of twenty- seven (27) inches below finished grade. The cable shall be surrounded on all sides by three (3) inches of clean sand backfill material. When laid in parkway locations, such cable shall be installed two (2) to three (3) feet from and parallel to the back of street curbing. In the event of a sidewalk improvement immediately adjacent to the curb, the cable shall be installed as dimensioned above parallel to the private property side of the sidewalk. All underground cable shall be continuous. If splices are necessary, prior approval must be given by the Village Engineer and locations of splices recorded as to their exact location on the as-built plans. Ninety (90) percent trench compaction shall be obtained to at least the bottom of the curb. Care shall be taken during installation so that the cable is not stretched or unduly strained. All cable shall be shown on the as-built drawings where actually installed.

4. Steel Conduit: All conduits shall be rigid galvanized steel, commercial grade, a minimum 2" size, threaded in 10' lengths, with proper accessories for coupling or 90 degree long elbows. All conduits shall terminate in plastic bushings and sealed to prevent entrance of moisture and debris. They shall be buried a minimum of 27 inches deep and shall always be used in side yard easements and under and within two (2) feet of existing sidewalks, driveways, parking lots and roadways.

5. Risers and Weatherheads: Steel risers and weatherheads shall be installed on public service company poles at locations designated, in conformance with public service company requirements.

6. Circuit Switch Box: Each circuit shall have a switch box installed on the pole designated as the service pole. The switch box shall be installed approximately ten feet (10') above established grade on the street side of the service pole. The switch box shall be made of cast aluminum and shall measure eight inches by six inches by four inches (8" x 6" x 4").

7. Outlet: All light posts shall have a standard duplex outlet with universal metal weatherproof cover, meeting the standards set forth in NEC 406.9(B) and shall meet the following requirements: (a) weather resistant; (b) we4atherproof while in use; (c) heavy-duty all metal construction; and (d) lockable security cover. The location of outlet on the pole shall be determined by the Village.

D. Light Locations: Streetlights shall be placed, at a minimum, at all intersections, pronounced curvatures, cul-de-sac terminations, and mid-block locations, or as deemed appropriate by the Village Engineer.

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Typical spacing of street lights should be at intervals of no greater than two hundred feet (200’) unless otherwise determined by photometric plans approved by the Village Engineer.

608.5 Permits for Utility Services. Permits must be obtained from the governing body for the installation of communication, electric power, gas and other utility services, before any installation is started, and the Village shall be informed in writing of approval of said permits. Installation of all utilities must fully comply with all Village utility ordinances.

609 Schedule of Minimum Design Requirements for Subdivision Streets

The following minimum design requirements shall apply to subdivision streets in the Village:

Schedule of Minimum Design Requirements for Subdivision Streets Curb and Gutter Sections

Access Collector Local Minor Business & Industrial Access Right-of-way 70’ 66’ 66’ 70’ Horizontal 467’ 250’ 250’ 467’ Alignment (Centerline Radius) Vertical 8%/0.5% 8%/0.5% 8%/0.5% 6%/0.5% Alignment (Max./Min.) Pavement Width 39’ 36’ 29’ 39’ (Face to Face) Pavement 8"BBC3 Base, 3” 7"BBC Base, 3” 6"BBC Base, 3” 9"BBC Base, 3” Structure Class I surface (1½” Class I surface Class I surface (1½” Class I surface (1½” binder,1½” surface) (1½” binder,1½” binder,1½” surface) binder,1½” surface) 4” aggregate surface) or or 4” aggregate subbase or 12"aggregate base 10"aggregate base subbase or 17"aggregate base course, Type B course, Type B 10"PCC with course, Type B (100% crushed), 3” (100% crushed), 3” wire fabric and 4” (100% crushed), 3” Class I surface (1½” Class I surface (1½” subbase Class I surface (1½” binder,1½” surface) binder,1½” surface) binder,1½” surface) or or or 6"PCC with 4” 6"PCC with 4” 8"PCC with wire subbase subbase fabric and 4” subbase Curb & Gutter1 M-6.12; B-6.12 M-6.12; B-6.12 M-6.12; B-6.12 M-6.12; B-6.12 Sidewalk2 5’ wide 5’ wide 5’ wide 5’ wide Cul-de sacs Not Allowed Not Allowed 120’ diameter Not Allowed right-of-way, 80’ diameter pavement Crown 2% min. 2% min. 2% min. 2% min. Parking Not Allowed One side 8’ Min. Not Allowed Not Allowed

Notes: 1See Subsection 605.7 (swales are only allowed with Village approval). 2Off-street systems are NOT allowed in lieu of sidewalk 3BBC - Bituminous Base Course. 4Minimum pavement requirements are based on a subsoil Illinois Bearing Ratio (IBR) value of 3.0. The Village Engineer may reduce the requirements where soil tests show higher subsoil IBR values.

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Schedule of Minimum Design Requirements for Subdivision Streets Rural Cross-Sections1

Access Arterial Collector Local Minor Business & Industrial Access Right-of-way 100’ 90’ 70’ 70’ 90’ Horizontal 467’ 467’ 250’ 250’ 467’ Alignment (Centerline Radius) Vertical 6%/0.5% 8%/0.5% 8%/0.5% 8%/0.5% 6%/0.5% Alignment (Max./Min.) Pavement 36’ 36’ 24’ 24’ 33’ Width (Face to Face) Pavement 8"BBC3 Base, 8"BBC Base, 7"BBC Base, 6"BBC Base, 9"BBC Base, Structure4 3” Class I 3” Class I 3” Class I 3” Class I 3” Class I (Base course to surface (1½” surface (1½” surface (1½” surface (1½” surface (1½” be 2’ wider than binder,1½” binder,1½” binder,1½” binder,1½” binder,1½” pavement surface) 4” surface) 4” surface) or surface) or surface) 4” width) aggregate aggregate 12"aggregate 10"aggregate aggregate subbase or subbase or base course, base course, subbase or 17"aggregate 17"aggregate Type B (100% Type B (100% 10"PCC with base course, base course, crushed), 3” crushed), 3” wire fabric Type B (100% Type B (100% Class I surface Class I surface and 4” crushed), 3” crushed), 3” (1½” (1½” binder,1½” subbase Class I surface Class I surface binder,1½” surface) or (1½” binder,1½” (1½” binder,1½” surface) 6"PCC with surface) or surface) or or 4” subbase 8"PCC with 8"PCC with 6"PCC with 4” wire fabric and wire fabric and subbase 4” subbase 4” subbase Shoulder Width 6’ Each 6’ Each 4’ Each 2’ Each 6’ Each (Both Sides) Sidewalk2 5’ wide 5’ wide 5’ wide 5’ wide 5’ wide Cul-de sacs Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed 120’ diameter Not Allowed right-of-way, 80’ diameter pavement Crown 2% min. 2% min. 2% min. 2% min. 2% min.

Parking Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed Not Allowed

Notes: 1See Section 605.7 (rural cross-sections are only allowed with Village approval). 2Off-street systems are NOT allowed in lieu of sidewalk. 3BBC - Bituminous Base Course. 4Minimum pavement requirements are based on a subsoil Illinois Bearing Ratio (IBR) value of 3.0. The Village Engineer may reduce the requirements where soil tests show higher subsoil IBR values.

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Article 7 Water and Wastewater Systems

701 Water Supply

701.1 General. The standards and requirements set forth in this Article are for materials and construction of water mains within the Village. Specification references made herein for manufactured materials such as pipe, hydrants, valves, and fittings refer to designations for the American Water Works Association (AWWA) or to the American National Standard Institute (ANSI); water distribution systems shall be constructed in accordance with “Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois,” as amended, and the “Water and Sewer System Specification and General Construction Details”, set forth in Appendix L, attached to this Subdivision Ordinance and made a part hereof ( “Appendix L”). The design of all water distribution system improvements proposed for construction as independent projects under the control of the Village shall meet these technical requirements and the Illinois EPA.

Community water sources shall not be allowed within the 1.5 mile jurisdiction of the Village. Individual well water systems shall not be allowed within the Village.

All proposals for new public water systems or extensions to existing public water systems shall be approved, and a permit must be obtained prior to construction from the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (IEPA) and Cook County, if applicable, for utilities located within County rights-of-way.

701.2 Capacity. The water supply system shall be adequate to handle the necessary flow based on complete development of the subdivision. The demand rates for all uses shall be considered in computing the total system demand. Where fire protection is provided, the system shall be capable of providing the required fire demand plus the required domestic demand (See Section 701.3C., below). The average daily residential and non-residential demand shall be computed in accordance with Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code.

Fire protection shall be furnished at the developer's expense for any development connected to the municipal water supply system.

701.3 System Design. The location of proposed connections to the existing water system shall be approved by the Village Engineer, taking into consideration the available capacity of the entire system. All connections shall be made under full water service pressure unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer. Connections shall be accomplished without interruption of service unless approved by the Village Engineer. All connections must be coordinated with the Village for all water main shut-downs.

A. General. Except as provided below, system design and placement shall comply with the construction specifications set forth in the “Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois,” (“Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer”).

All testing and disinfection shall be in accordance with current AWWA standards or such other standards as may be imposed by the IEPA.

Extensions to the water distribution system shall form a complete network and be compatible with the existing water system network. Mains shall be extended to the property lines along public rights-of- way and at any location indicated by the Village Engineer.

Transmission mains within or adjacent to a development shall be sized and located as directed by the Village Engineer. Secondary mains shall be sized, looped, and spaced as required for fire flows.

Distribution mains shall form a grid to supply water to the local fire hydrants and service lines.

B. Specific.  The water distribution system shall be designed to provide water meeting or exceeding the standards set out in Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code.

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 In all cases, all water mains, including service mains and hydrant “stubs” in excess of 100 feet, shall be looped, unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer and Director of Public Works.

 The proposed water system extension shall be arranged so that in the event of a break in any main, there will be minimal service interruption, and, in no case, shall require closure of more than three (3) valves.

 Water mains shall have a minimum diameter of 8 inches.

 Water mains shall, whenever practical, be located between the sidewalk and the curb.

 All pipe shall be laid to a minimum of five and one half (5 ½) feet measured from the existing or proposed ground surface (or subsequent excavation or fill) to the top of the pipe barrel. The mains shall be laid to grades shown on plans.

 Valves (open left) shall be located no further apart than 1000 feet. Two valves shall be provided at every "T" intersection of a water main. Three valves shall be provided at every "X" intersection of a water main. Valves shall be placed so that the closure of a maximum of three valves is necessary to shut down any point in the system.

 All valves shall be operated by or under the supervision of the Village’s Public Works Department.

 High points along the water main shall be minimized if possible. Placement of fire hydrants and/or air release valves at high points may be required as deemed necessary by the Village Engineer. All air release valves shall be placed in vaults.

 Valve vaults shall be provided for all butterfly valves. All other gate valves and fire hydrant auxiliary valves shall be located in a valve box, as set forth in the Water and Sewer Main Specifications (see Appendix L). All valve vaults must be equipped with cut- in tee.

 Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the size, type and installation of any water main materials shall meet the specifications set forth in Appendix L.

 No water main transmission lines shall be permitted in the rear yards of any development. Special circumstances which may warrant placement of a water main in a rear or side yard must receive prior approval from the Village Engineer and require a 20’ utility easement (10’ each side of the main).

 A blue reflector shall be placed at each fire hydrant location for identification purposes. The reflector must be installed at the center of the adjacent street, perpendicular to the fire hydrant.

 No watermain castings (vaults, boxes, etc.) shall be located within residential driveways.

C. Fire Protection. If required by the Village Engineer or Fire Chief, the design engineer shall show, in a separate report to the Village Engineer and the Fire Department, that at various locations, selected by the Village Engineer, the proposed water main system will supply the required fire flows in excess of domestic consumption demands. A “C” factor of 100 for an old water main pipe or 140 for new ductile iron pipe (cement lined) shall be assumed. Fire flow requirements set forth in Appendix L.

No pump shall be installed without specific approval of the Fire Department. Proper backflow prevention devices are required in accordance with the Illinois Plumbing Code, 77 Illinois

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Administrative Code 890.1510, and IEPA Technical Policy Statements, 35 Illinois Administrative Code 653.801 et seq..

D. Water Services. Water services shall use the size and materials set out in Appendix L. In the event the Village approves service using a larger size than provided therein, the connection shall be made by use of proper fittings to protect the main. Services greater than 2 inches shall be constructed of ductile iron and shall be tapped under pressure with a full-bodied tapping sleeve and vault. Multiple taps and the use of a branch gooseneck or “tree connections” are not allowed.

Customer water service lines shall be stubbed from the water main to the nearest private property lot line. Water services shall have at least five and one half (5 ½) feet, but no more than 6 feet, of cover. Every building on a lot served with water shall have its own separate water service with curb stop/curb box, and taps shall be directly into the respective mains as shown in the Standard Detail.

E. Tapping Requirements. New mains shall be directly tapped into the water main by way of pressurized tap and tapping sleeve using all Mueller tapping sleeves with the valve being located inside a manhole encompassing the entire valve, tap connections and main. The main will be tested by the developer and witnessed by either the Village Engineer or Director of Public Works.

F. Permits. No water system construction may begin without a valid public water supply construction permit issued by the IEPA. No water system improvement may be operated without a valid operating permit issued by the IEPA.

G. Pipe Joints. Sections of water main pipe shall be connected by means of push-on joints while all fittings must be equipped with mechanical joints, all in accordance with the “Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer.”

EBAA Iron Mega-lug connections (or equal) as joint restraint and precast concrete block or poured concrete thrust blocks as secondary joint restraint are required at all valves, hydrants, tees and bends. Engineering drawings shall indicate the location of each concrete thrust block to be installed. Where undisturbed earth is not available or not likely to be available to back up pressure type concrete thrust blocks, the design engineer shall specify tie rods or retaining glands with or without anchor type concrete thrust blocks.

H. Installation. Water system construction shall, in all respects, be in accordance with the regulations set forth in the “Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer.” No construction shall commence until copies of the approved permits are on file with the Village Engineer.

All types of pipe shall be handled in such a manner as to prevent damage to the pipe or coating. Damaged or defective materials on the job site shall be rejected and replaced to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer. The methods of handling shall be corrected to prevent further damage when called to the attention of the Contractor.

Dirt or other foreign material shall be prevented from entering the pipe or pipe joint during handling or laying operations and any pipe or fitting that has been installed with dirt or foreign material in it shall be removed, cleaned and relaid. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or by other means approved by the Village Engineer to ensure absolute cleanliness inside the pipe. Threaded pipe ends shall be protected by couplings or other means until laid.

Long radius curves, either horizontal or vertical, may be laid with standard pipe by deflections at the joints. If the pipe is shown curved on the plans and no special fittings are shown, the Contractor may assume that the curves can be made by deflection of the joints with standard length of pipe. If shorter lengths are required, the plans will indicate maximum lengths that may be used.

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Where field conditions require deflection of curves not anticipated by the plans, the Village Engineer will approve the methods to be used.

Maximum deflections at pipe joints and laying radius for various pipe lengths are set forth in AWWA C-600 – Installation of Ductile-Iron Water Main and Their Appurtenances.

701.4. Testing. The contractor shall notify the Village and Village Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance to arrange for appropriate pressure testing and water samplings. All water samples will be sent by the chlorinator to a State of Illinois certified testing lab for coliform bacterial analysis. Samples will be taken at 24 and 48 hour intervals after chlorination. All water main pressure testing and disinfection procedures shall be in accordance with the “Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer”, and performed by a duly licensed and certified individual. All testing and chlorination must be witnessed by a representative of the Village. If samples fail the designated tests two (2) times, the Village reserves the right to charge for water use for all subsequent testing performed..

701.5 Water and Sewer Separation. All water mains shall maintain minimum ten (10) feet horizontal and eighteen (18) inch vertical separations from any sewer lines in accordance with the requirements of the IEPA. If the IEPA separations cannot be met, then adequate provisions for protection of the water supply must meet the requirements of the IEPA and Village.

701.6 Fire Hydrants. Hydrants shall be placed not more than 300 feet apart to provide necessary fire flow. Hydrants shall be located at the ends of lines. In commercial areas, fire hydrants shall be a minimum of 25 feet from a building. Valves of full line size and a 10 foot section of pipe with a plug shall be provided after hydrant tees at the end of all dead end lines that may be extended in the future. Fire hydrants shall have a 6 foot bury with final landscaping grade being not more than 2 inches higher or lower of the bury line on each hydrant and the minimum distance from the landscaping grade to the center of the steamer nozzle being 18 inches and 24 inches maximum.

Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the size, type and installation of any hydrant shall meet the specifications set out in the Water and Sewer Main Specifications.

702 Sanitary Sewers

702.1 General. All developments within the corporate limits or under the control of the Village shall include provisions for the construction of or connection to sanitary sewerage facilities. At a minimum, proposed sanitary sewer construction shall include a system of sewers between a connection to an existing sewer system at an approved location and the boundary line of each individual parcel of property within or adjacent to the development. Where more than one building is located or planned on one parcel of property, the proposed construction shall include all sanitary sewer construction and appurtenances within the parcel. The design of all sanitary sewerage facilities shall also meet all required technical requirements of Village standards, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD) and the IEPA.

In determining whether Village sanitary sewer service is available, the Village will consider the costs of upgrading existing mains and constructing or replacing lift stations, and the extent to which any excessive costs can be recaptured within a reasonable period of time. Septic sewer systems shall not be allowed within the Village.

The design plans submitted to the Village Engineer for approval shall include a map of the Ultimate Service Area. The Ultimate Service Area shall include the entire area proposed to be served by all or a portion of the proposed sanitary sewer. At the Village’s discretion, the Ultimate Service Area may be required to be extended beyond the limits of any development. The incremental cost for such extension of the Ultimate Service Area beyond the limits of the development may be subject to the enforcement of a recapture agreement against the benefitted properties, as defined in such recapture agreement.

Adequate details shall be shown on the Ultimate Service Area map relative to future sewer sizes, elevations and topography to establish the adequacy of construction plans submitted for approval to serve possible future extensions beyond the Ultimate Service Area. Additionally, Population Equivalent (PE) calculations shall be provided for all immediate and future service areas for approval by the Village Engineer.

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All proposals for new public sanitary sewer systems or extensions to existing public sewer systems shall be approved and a permit must be obtained prior to construction from the following governmental entities:

MWRD IEPA Cook County, if applicable, for utilities located within County rights-of-way

702.2 Sanitary Design and Placement. The location of proposed connections to the existing sanitary sewer system shall be approved by the Village Engineer, taking into consideration the available capacity of the entire system.

A. General. The sanitary sewer system shall be adequate to handle the necessary flow based on complete development of the subdivision in accordance with the standards set forth in Title 35 of the Illinois Administrative Code, as amended.

 Sewer mains shall be designed in accordance with the “Manual of Procedures for the Administration of the MWRDGC Sewer Permit Ordinance”, and the “Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer.” The more stringent requirements contained in the cited documents shall apply unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer.

 The sewers shall be designed in such a way as to insure a minimum velocity of flow of 2 feet per second and a maximum velocity of flow of 8 feet per second. Sanitary sewers shall, whenever practical, be located in the center of the street.

 All sanitary sewage consisting of domestic and other water-borne wastes shall be collected and conveyed in a sanitary sewer pipe system to a point of discharge into an existing sanitary sewer system. No sanitary sewage shall be allowed to enter any storm sewer system or be discharged onto the ground or into receiving streams without first being treated.

 Sewer mains shall be of adequate size to serve the entire proposed development and, except as otherwise approved by the Village Engineer, shall be installed in the street right-of-way, or in an easement adjacent thereto.

 Sewer mains shall not be installed within ten (10) feet of a building. The minimum sewer main size shall be eight (8) inch internal diameter and the minimum sewer service size shall be six (6) inch internal diameter and in accordance with minimum slopes set forth in the MWRD “Manual of Procedures.”

 Average design flow for a sanitary sewer facility shall be 100 gpcpd (gallons per capita per day). The maximum design flow for sewer laterals need not exceed 400 gpcpd and the maximum design flow for collecting sewer mains and trunks shall not be less than 250 gpcpd. The design engineer is to provide detailed design calculations for approval.

 All pipe shall be laid to a minimum depth of four (4) feet measured from the existing or proposed ground surface to the top of the pipe barrel unless approved in special circumstances by the Village Engineer.

 Granular pipe bedding material or granular cradle shall be required on all sanitary sewers installed in the Village as specified in Appendix L.

 No sanitary sewer mains shall be permitted in the rear yards of any development. Special circumstances which may warrant placement of a sanitary main in a rear or side yard must receive prior approval from the Village Engineer and require a 20’ utility easement (10’ each side of the main).

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 No sanitary sewer manhole castings shall be located within residential driveways.

B. Sanitary Sewer Materials. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, sanitary sewer materials shall meet the standards set forth Appendix L.

C. Sanitary Sewer Alignment. The sanitary sewer manhole frames are to be located in the center of the street or within 3 feet of the back of curb. Where the sanitary sewer is located outside the pavement in the road right-of-way, manholes shall be located as close to the property lines as practical. Locations where this occurs shall be approved by the Village Engineer and Director of Public Works.

D. Manholes. Manholes shall be provided at the end of each line, at all changes in grade, direction, material or pipe size and be not more than 400 feet apart. Sewers shall be laid straight in both horizontal and vertical planes between manholes, unless otherwise approved by the Village Engineer. The invert elevations shall be adjusted to maintain a uniform energy gradient by matching the 0.8 depth points of different diameters. Manholes and castings shall be as specified in Appendix L.

Drop manholes shall be required where the elevation of the invert pipe is hydraulically required to be a minimum of 24 inches above the invert of the manhole. Drop manhole material and configuration shall be as specified in Appendix L.

Inspection manholes are required for all commercial and industrial buildings, as set forth in the MWRD’s “Manual of Procedures”, as amended. Such inspection manholes shall be constructed on the building service sewer before it connects to the sewer main, and will not be closer than five (5) feet to the building. There shall be no flow into the inspection manhole except flow from the building or buildings for which the inspection manhole is intended. Manholes constructed on public sewer, or on sewers receiving other flows, are not considered inspection manholes. Inspection manholes shall be as specified in Appendix L.

The manhole cover shall have the words “Village of Richton Park” and “Sanitary” permanently cast onto the face of the cover.

E. Lift Stations. Whenever possible, sanitary sewerage gravity facilities shall be designed so as to avoid the necessity of providing lift stations. Lift station and force main designs shall be submitted for review and approval by the Director of Public Works and the Village Engineer prior to submission to the MWRD.

Whenever a development proposes to use a lift station to serve part or all of the lots in the development, the lift station shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Village and offered to it for dedication. The Village may refuse to accept the dedication where it finds that the development will probably be served without the use of the lift station at some time during the planning period.

Whenever possible, sanitary sewerage gravity facilities shall be designed so as to avoid the necessity of providing lift stations.

Each lift station shall be equipped with a standard building which is compatible in design with nearby uses and which is large enough to accommodate any required equipment (i.e. generator, control panel, etc., as deemed necessary by the Village). Stations shall utilize submersible pumps. A stand-by internal combustion power source shall be provided for each lift station. Generators shall have a block heater, an automatic transfer switch and an automatic exercise capability. Generators shall have an all weather enclosure. Stations shall have a minimum of two pumps. The station shall also be equipped with a compatible telemetry alarm and communication system connected to the Village’s existing alarm panel, as directed by the Village Engineer and Director of Public Works. Lift Station material and configuration shall be as specified in Appendix L.

F. Service Lines. Sanitary sewer services shall be a minimum diameter of 6 inches and constructed

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with material as specified in Appendix L. The minimum slope for any diameter service line shall be in accordance with MWRD’s “Manual of Procedures.” Services constructed as part of a new main sewer extension shall be connected to the main sewer using a wye. Eight inch diameter services or larger may be connected at a manhole when approved by the Director of Public Works. Clean outs shall be required for all sanitary services located just outside of the building foundation and at all bends greater than 22.5 degrees and brought to the final grade of each location.

G. Installation. Sewer system construction shall in all respects be in accordance with the regulations of the MWRD and the “Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer.” No construction shall commence until copies of the approved permits are on file with the Village Engineer.

All types of pipes shall be handled in such a manner to prevent damage to the pipe. Damaged or defective material on the job site shall be rejected and replaced to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer. The methods of handling shall be corrected to prevent further damage when brought to the attention of the contractor.

Dirt or other foreign material shall be prevented from entering the pipe or pipe joint during handling or laying operations and any pipe or fitting that has been installed with dirt or foreign material in it shall be removed, cleaned and relaid. At times when pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of the pipe shall be closed by a watertight plug or by other means approved by the Village Engineer to ensure absolute cleanliness inside the pipe. Additionally, the existing sanitary sewer shall be plugged until construction is complete.

The laying of pipe in finished trenches shall be installed to line and grade as specified on the approved plans. The sewer line shall start at the outlet end with the spigot ends pointing in the direction of flow and shall proceed toward the inlet end with pipes abutting true to line and grade. The ends of the pipes shall be carefully cleaned before the pipes are lowered into the trenches. As each length of pipe is laid, the mouth of the pipe shall be properly protected to prevent the entrance of earth or bedding material. The pipe shall be fitted and matched so that when laid in the work they will form a sewer with a smooth, uniform invert.

All sewer pipe installations shall be inspected by the Village. No backfilling or closing of a sewer pipe trench shall be accomplished until specific permission to do so has been given by authorized Village representatives. Upon approval, backfilling or closing of trenches shall be completed immediately.

Connection of new sewers to existing sewers, when encountered in construction, shall be made as ordered by the Village Engineer. Such connections shall be made within a manhole, except for individual house and drain connections. A band-seal coupling shall be used for connection of dissimilar materials.

When connections are made to sewers, special care must be taken that no part of the work is built under water. A flume or dam must be installed and bypass pumping maintained if necessary, to keep the new work dry until completed and concrete or mortar has properly cured.

Junctions, service stubs or extension of the main sewer line for future sewer connections shall be plugged at the ends, or otherwise sealed off in a manner approved by the Village Engineer.

All jointing material shall be used in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Each pipe shall be pushed or pulled as tightly as possible to the section in place to insure tight joints.

Curvature of sanitary sewers is not allowed unless, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, special circumstances dictate otherwise. Pipe required to be laid on curved alignment shall be joined in straight alignment and then deflected, joint by joint. Special care shall be taken in clocking the pipe and, in no case, shall the degree of deflection exceed the manufacturer’s recommendations for the respective pipe size, material, and barrel length.

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The contractor shall keep a “field record” of all sewer services/stub locations by measurement to the nearest downstream manhole. Such records shall be delivered to the Village Engineer prior to scheduling testing and acceptance of the sewer construction.

Sheeting and bracing may be placed in the trench. Sheeting and/or bracing shall be progressively removed as the backfill is placed in such a manner as to prevent the caving-in of the sides of the trench or excavation and to prevent damage to the work. Sheeting which is placed shall not be removed until the backfill has been placed and thoroughly compacted. While being pulled, all vacancies left by the sheeting shall be carefully filled with sand free from silt, rammed into place, puddled or otherwise firmly compacted. The contractor is responsible for the construction techniques, procedures and compliance with O.S.H.A. standards to insure a safe and proper installation.

702.3 Testing. The Contractor shall notify the Village and Village Engineer at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance to arrange for appropriate testing prior to placing a sanitary sewer system into service. All sections of pipe must be televised at the expense of the developer. Approval must be obtained from the Village Engineer or Director of Public Works, and a copy supplied to be kept on file.

702.4 Water and Sewer Separation. All water mains shall maintain minimum ten (10) feet horizontal and eighteen (18) inch vertical separations from any sewer lines, in accordance with the requirements of the IEPA. If the IEPA separations cannot be met, then adequate provisions for protection of the water supply must meet the requirements of the IEPA and Village.

703 Oversizing Water and Sewer Facilities

The Village may require the developer to size water and sanitary sewer facilities to address future development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Where appropriate, this may be accommodated by a recapture agreement or borne by the Village if so accepted and authorized by the Board of Trustees.

704 Public Easements and Water and Sewer Facilities

All public water and sewer main extensions shall be located within the dedicated rights-of-way or easements. If located within an easement, the easement must extend 10 feet on either side of the water main. Underground utility work shall not commence until all existing public and private utilities are field located. J.U.L.I.E. at 1-800-892-0123 must be called at least 72 hours in advance.

All necessary precautions shall be taken against damage to existing utilities. In the event of a break in an existing water main, gas main, sewer, or underground cable, the contractor shall immediately notify a responsible official from the utility company. The contractor or developer shall lend all possible assistance in restoring service and shall assume all costs, charges or claims connected with the interruption and repair of such services. In the case of damage to Village utilities, the repairs shall be immediately performed by the contractor, or the cost of such repair work shall be billed to the contractor or developer on a time and material basis plus fringe, overhead and administrative costs.

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Article 8 Storm Water Control

801 All subdivision development shall be subject to the provisions set forth in the Village of Richton Park Floodplain and Stormwater Management Code, and as amended from time to time. The Floodplain and Stormwater Management Code is hereby adopted and incorporated as if full set forth herein, as Article 8, “Storm Water Control,” of this Subdivision Ordinance. The Village’s Floodplain and Stornwater Management Code is attached to this Subdivision Ordinance as Appendix M and made a part hereof.

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Article 9 Dedication of Parks, School, Library and Municipal Sites or Fees

901 Dedication of Park and Recreation Space and Facilities

See the Park Land / Cash Donation Ordinance attached to this Subdivision Ordinance as Appendix D and made a part hereof.

902 Dedication of School Site Space and Facilities

See the School Land / Cash Donation Ordinance attached to this Subdivision Ordinance as Appendix E and made a part hereof.

903 Developer Donation to the Local Public Library District

903.1 Impact Fee Required for Library. As a condition of approval of a Final Plat of Subdivision, each developer shall be required to contribute cash in accordance with Chapter 1441, Section 1441.01 of the Village Code..

904 Water and Sewer Acreage Fee

Upon approval of the Final Plat, and prior to the recording and filing of the same, the developer shall pay to the Village a fee of $300 per acre, or a portion thereof, to cover the costs of additions or enlargements to the Village's water and sewer system. The Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, modify the time when payments are due.

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Article 10 Engineering Drawings and Guarantees

1001 Purpose

This Article is intended to address the preparation of Engineering Drawings, the timing of infrastructure and guarantees.

1002 Engineering Drawings

Prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission's consideration of the Final Plat, the developer shall submit Engineering Plans in accordance with Appendix A demonstrating that any proposed street, water or sewer line and related facility, stormwater drainage facility and/or other engineered facility complies with the standards set forth in this Subdivision Ordinance and good engineering practices.

1003 Construction Supervision

The developer shall incur all costs associated with construction supervision by a Village representative who shall be responsible for overseeing the project to assure that construction of the engineering improvements substantially complies with the approved plans and specifications. The Village shall supply the developer with an estimate of the total number of hours and the name and contact information of the representative. As a rule of thumb, most estimates will be based on a percentage of the total improvement costs for the project, as referenced in Section 1005 below. The Village reserves the right to increase this amount on an “as-needed” basis if it feels additional inspection time is required. All costs associated with the construction supervision will be paid in full by the developer prior to beginning the construction phase of the project. Any additional costs shall be paid in full within 30 days of an invoice being sent to the developer by the Village. No improvements shall be started until the Final Plat has been approved by the Village Board, guarantees posted and the Plat recorded.

A site manager, employed by the developer, must be on-site at all times when any utilities are being installed. The Village shall not be responsible for any damage to existing improvements in the area. Should any damage occur, the developer shall be responsible for all costs incurred to remedy any such damage in a timely manner.

1004 Maintenance of Improvements

The developer shall be responsible for maintaining all improvements until they are accepted by the appropriate governmental entity. The maintenance agreement must be in conformance with Article VIII of the Village’s Stormwater and Floodplain Management Ordinance (see Appendix M). Maintenance shall include the snow plowing of streets to ensure adequate access to any lots that have been sold.

1005 Estimate of Costs

Prior to the Planning and Zoning Commission's consideration of the Final Plat, the developer shall prepare an estimate of costs of any improvements proposed or otherwise related to the Final Plat, including off-site improvements. These improvements shall include streets, water or sewer facilities, storm drainage facilities, park and recreation facilities, landscaping, and other facilities which will be dedicated or set aside for a public or quasi- public use. Such an estimate will be provided by a person or persons qualified to design the facilities and are subject to approval by the Village Engineer. The estimate for street, water, sewer and stormwater facilities shall be provided by a registered professional engineer.

1006 Amount of Performance Guarantee

The developer shall provide a performance guarantee in an amount sufficient to address one hundred percent (113%) of the estimate of costs. The purpose of the performance guarantee is to ensure the adequate completion of the improvements as shown on the Final Plat and Engineering Plans. In the event that some or all of the improvements will be covered by a performance guarantee to another government agency, no guarantee will be required for such improvements. Any guarantee shall be in effect for one (1) year. Additional renewals may be allowed with the consent of the Board of Trustees.

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1007 Partial Release

Upon substantial completion of part or all of the required improvements, as certified by the developer's engineer, the developer may request in writing a release from the performance guarantee covering those improvements. The Village Engineer and Village staff shall inspect said improvements to determine whether said improvements are completed in accordance with the approved plans. The Board of Trustees shall review the Village Engineer’s and Village staff’s recommendation to determine whether to reduce the amount of the estimate accordingly.

1008 Complete Release

Upon completion of all the improvements, the developer shall submit to the Village, Village Engineer, and Village staff an “as-built" Plat and Engineering Plans certified by the developer's engineer. The Village Engineer shall review the same and determine whether the improvements comply with the Plans. Additionally, the as-builts must show actual locations of all underground sewers, utilities, and structures. These as-built plans must be submitted in electronic format, either .dwg (AutoCAD) or GIS format. All plans must be in State Plane Coordinates for the updating of the existing Village mapping system.

The Village and Village Engineer will create a “punch list” of items that need to be fixed in a timely manner. The developer shall complete the punch list items within thirty (30) days of receipt. The Board of Trustees shall review the same and determine whether to accept or, in the case of facilities not dedicated to the public, approve the facilities. If the Board of Trustees accepts or approves the improvements, the Village shall either allow the guarantee to be reduced to twenty-three percent (23%) of the guarantee amount, the remaining amount constituting a maintenance guarantee for a period of two (2) years, or allow a new maintenance bond for twenty-three percent (23%) of the guarantee amount for a period of two (2) years. No Letter of Credit will be completely released until eighty percent (80%) occupancy has been reached.

1009 Types of Guarantees

Performance and maintenance guarantees may be provided by a variety of means including, but not limited to, the following:

A. Letter of Credit. The developer may provide an irrevocable Letter of Credit from a bank or other reputable institution.

B. Performance Bond. The developer may provide a performance bond for the total amount.

C. Escrow Account. The developer may deposit cash or instruments readily convertible into cash at face value with the Village.

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Appendix A Engineering Report

A-1 General

All street and utility plans submitted in conjunction with a Final Plat shall include Engineering Plans consistent with this Appendix.

A-2 Signature and Seal of Engineer Required

All street and utility plans shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer and bear his/her signature, seal, and date of license expiration.

A-3 Minimum Data Required

Street plans must be complete in all respects and shall include at a minimum, the following data:

 Specifications (IDOT Standard Specifications and Illinois Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Construction and the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago Manual of Procedures).  Plan and profile (to suitable scale) of all roads to be improved.  Cross-sections (to suitable scale) at 100 foot (minimum).  Size, length, material type and invert elevation of all drainage structures. (Calculations must be furnished to justify all structures 12 inches and larger.)  Plan and profile (to suitable scale), cross-sections (if appropriate) and typical section of all off-site drainage within 300 feet and all on-site drainage in drainage easements.  Typical road section or sections as appropriate.  Details of all structures and special construction of any nature.  Typical or specific details at road intersections, cul-de-sacs, "T" turn-arounds, etc.  Street construction and maintenance easements, drainage easements and lot lines.  All plans to the same topographic datum as the Preliminary Plat, and two permanent benchmarks.  Street lighting as required by Subsection 608.4 of the Subdivision Ordinance.  Sidewalks as required by Subsection 605.6 of the Subdivision Ordinance.  Plan and profile of any water and sanitary sewer lines.  Plan showing existing and proposed contours and storm sewer outfall structures related to detention and retention basins.  Erosion control plans meeting requirements set forth in the Illinois Urban Manual, as amended.

A-4 Cost Estimate

A complete and detailed estimate of costs, prepared and signed by a registered professional engineer, must accompany the plans.

A-5 Certificate of Insurance

A certificate of insurance shall be filed with the Village.

A-6 Preconstruction Requirements

A preconstruction conference with the representatives of the developer and the Village will be required before the contractor proceeds with construction. The contractor will notify the Village Engineer and the Village forty-eight (48) hours in advance of any work being started.

A-7 Good Engineering Practice and Compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance Required

Review and approval of street and utility plans does not relieve the design engineer of the responsibility for an - 42 - February 20, 2012

adequate design in accordance with good engineering practice and meeting the requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance.

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Appendix B Fee Schedule

B-1 Concept or Preliminary Submittal. At the time of sketch plan or preliminary plan submittal, the applicant shall be responsible for the payment of an application fee.

Subdivision Plat Review Fees

Sketch Review Fee: $150.00 Preliminary Plat Review Fee: $300.00 for 0-10 acres $200.00 for every 20 acres after 10 Final Plat Review Fee: $150.00 for each phase of development

Site Plan Review Fees: $300.00 for 0-10 acres $200.00 for every 20 acres after 10.

*If site plan review involves a special use application, the applicant shall only be assessed the applicable site plan review fees.

Planned Unit Development (PUD) Review Fees

Sketch Review Fee: $150.00 Preliminary Plat Review Fee: $300.00 for 0-10 acres $200.00 for every 20 acres after 10 Final Plat Review Fee: $150.00 for each phase of development.

Special Use and Rezoning Review Fees: $200.00

Variance Request Review Fees

Residential Districts: $75.00 per request. Business/Manufacturing Districts: $150.00 per request.

B-2 Security Deposit. The applicant, upon submittal of any preliminary plan, plats, PUD, or site plan review, shall be responsible to submit a cash security deposit to the Village in the amount of $1000.00, to be drawn upon only in the event balances relating to said review should become delinquent.

B-3 Related Fees. In addition to the above Site Plan Review Fees, the applicant shall be responsible for the payment of all planning, engineering, legal and notification fees assessed in connection with the sketch plan, plat, PUD, or Site Plan Review.

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Appendix C Residential Disclosure Ordinance (Section 7.11 of Village Ordinance 614)


(A) Residential Disclosure Statement Requirement. All Development property shall be encumbered by a Residential Disclosure Statement as provided in this Section.

(B) Preparation and Recording by Responsible Party. The Responsible Party shall prepare and record the Residential Disclosure Statement against the Development Property. The Residential Disclosure Statement shall be approved by the Village prior to execution by the Village of any plat or subdivision or annexation agreement for the Development Property. The Residential Disclosure Statement shall be recorded against all parcels of property within the Development Property simultaneously with the recording of the final plat of subdivision for the Development Property. The Responsible Party shall submit a written explanation of the methodology employed by the Responsible Party in developing the good faith estimate of annual property taxes required by Section 7.11(D)(10) of this Ordinance for approval by the Village.

(C) Display of Residential Disclosure Statement. Copies of the Residential Disclosure Statement shall be displayed by, and distributed on request to every Homebuyer by, the Responsible Party in each sales center, sales trailer, and model home related to the Development Property, in the same place and manner as the community information provided for in Section 7.11(E) below.

(D) Contents of Disclosure Statement. Each Residential Disclosure Statement shall include at least all of the following information:

(1) All existing zoning classifications and proposed land uses within and abutting the Development Property. (2) The names of all current owners of the Development Property (3) The names, addresses, and telephone numbers of all persons or entitles that have maintenance responsibility for any portion of the Development Property and information relating to the timing and method of any transfer of maintenance responsibilities. (4) A description of all improvements planned for, and features of the Development Property, including without limitation open space areas, bike trails, parks, school sites, and detention/retention areas and delineation and designation of all wetlands and floodplains. (5) A description of all public improvements planned for the Development Property, including without limitation roadways, utilities, pipelines, and overhead power lines and the companies and entities that shall own, or have jurisdictional authority over, those improvements. (6) Identification of all existing and proposed major public facilities, utilities and other significant features within 1,000 feet of any portion of the Development Property, including without limitation waste disposal sites, schools, public buildings, parks, thoroughfares, airports, and major commercial developments. Most of this information is available to Responsible Party from the Village. (7) All governmental entities including name, address, telephone number, and contact person with taxing authority and jurisdiction over any portion of the Development Property, including without limitation the following entities:

(a) The Village of Richton Park. (b) Each applicable school district. (c) Any library district. (d) Any sanitary sewer district. (e) Rich Township

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(8) An acknowledgement to be signed by the contract Purchaser that he or she has received all applicable homeowner’s association by-laws, covenants and other documents. (9) An acknowledgement to be signed by the Contract Purchaser that he or she has received information regarding permissible hours for construction activities in the Village. (10) A good faith estimate of the annual property tax that will be levied against fully improved and occupied homestead parcels in the Residential Development for the tax year when such parcels are first assessed at full market value.

(E) Display of Community Information. The Responsible Party shall cause to be displayed prominently in each sales center, sales trailer, and model home related to the Development Property all of the information listed in this Subsection. Such information shall be assembled by the Responsible Party. The contents of such information and its intended display location shall be reviewed and approved by the Village prior to the issuance of any occupancy from any such sales center, sales trailer, or model home. The information shall include at least the following:

(1) Current copies of the Village’s Official Zoning Map, Comprehensive Plan Map, and Bike Path Map. (2) A current Village street map. (3) A site plan of the development depicting or describing the zoning, existing and proposed land uses, and lot lines, and all major development elements including without limitation open space areas, roadways, sidewalks, bicycle paths, playgrounds, landscaping, detention and retention areas, above-ground utilities and other such improvements. Such site plan shall include the date on which it was prepared. (4) A map or graphic indicating, within 1,000 feet of the Development Property, existing zoning and land uses and, if different, the recommended land uses from the Comprehensive Plans of the Village, adjoining municipalities, and Cook County, all existing and proposed public roadways, public open spaces, bicycle paths, detention and retention areas and major above- ground utilities. Most of the information is available to the Responsible Party from the Village. Such map or graphic shall include the date on which it was prepared. (5) A list of all taxing districts serving the development, including each district’s telephone number and address of its main office. (6) A copy of each Village ordinance establishing a special service area within the Development Property.

(F) Homebuyer Acknowledgment Requirement. The Responsible Party shall obtain an executed and dated acknowledgement from each Contract Purchaser that such Contract Purchaser has (1) received the Residential Disclosure Statement, (2) has had the opportunity to review the community information provided for in Section 7.11(E) above, and (3) has received a copy of the Contract Purchaser Survey provided for in Section 7.11(G).The Responsible Party shall file such executed and dated acknowledgment with the Village at the time of application for a building permit for the dwelling for which the Contract Purchaser has signed a contract and shall provide a copy of such acknowledgment to the Contract Purchaser. No building permit shall be issued by the Village for said dwelling until after such executed and dated acknowledgment has been filed with the Village. In the event the dwelling is constructed prior to execution of a contract for that dwelling by a Contract Purchaser, or in the event that the Contract Purchaser for a dwelling changes, then the Responsible Party shall obtain an executed and dated acknowledgment from a Contract Purchaser at least forty-five (45) days prior to the respective closing date for the dwelling and file it with the Village prior to issuance by the Village of any certificate of occupancy for any dwelling.

(G) Contract Purchaser Survey. The Responsible Party shall provide to each Contract Purchaser a Contract Purchaser Survey on a form provided by the Village. Any Contract Purchaser may complete and submit to the Village a Contract Purchaser Survey at any time within one year after the date of closing of the Contract Purchaser dwelling within the Development Property. The Village shall cause one copy of all surveys so filed with the Village be kept on file with the Village and made available for public inspection on request. The survey form provided by the Village may be revised from time to time and generally shall request the following information and questions:

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(1) Name of development/subdivision. (2) Name and address of builder/developer. (3) Telephone numbers of building/developer. (4) Name of buyers (optional). (5) Address of buyers (optional). (6) Telephone number of buyers (optional). (7) Date of purchase contract. (8) Date of closing. (9) Was your salesperson knowledgeable about the development and the Village? (10) Was your salesperson knowledgeable about the Residential Disclosure requirements? (11) How did you find the service of the builder/developer during the building of your home? (12) Was the builder/developer knowledgeable? (13) Did the builder/developer answer your questions to your satisfaction? (14) Were there problems completing the house and, if so what were they? (15) Was your home completed at the time of closing and, if not, what work remained to be done? (16) How did you find the service of the builder/developer after the closing of your home? (17) If there was work remaining to be completed at closing, was the work completed in a reasonable time period? (18) Were there problems completing the unfinished work, if so, what were they? (19) Did your builder/developer complete the 90-day list within a reasonable period of time? (20) Were there problems completing the unfinished work, if so, what were they? (21) Did you builder/developer complete the six-month list in a reasonable period of time? (22) Were there problems completing the unfinished work, if so, what were they? (23) Did the builder/developer have a service department that took care of your problems and questions? (24) If the builder/developer did have a service department, how did the department take care of your problems and questions? (25) Do you have additional comments?

(H) Declaration of Public Nuisance. Violation of this 7.11 is hereby declared a public nuisance, which a court may abate in the manner provided by law including imposition of an injunction terminating any development on any property for which this Section 7.11 has not complied with as determined by the Village Manager or his designee.

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Appendix D Park Land / Cash Donation Ordinance (Title IV, Section 1441.03 of the Village Code (Ordinances 853 and 1159))


As a condition of approval of a final plat of subdivision, or of a final plat of a planned unit development, each subdivider or developer will be required to dedicate land or pay fees in lieu of actual land to contribute toward meeting the immediate and future needs of residents of that development for park and recreation land and facilities.



The amount of land space needed for park purposes shall be based upon and determined by the ultimate density of the proposed development. For purely park purposes, the Village establishes the standard that there shall be ten (10) acres of park land per one thousand (1,000) of ultimate population. This standard is derived from the National Recreation & Parks Association and has been established to provide park space within the Village to a level conducive with the needs of the community.


The table of population density set forth below, which table is the 1996 edition of data prepared by the Illinois School Consulting Service, is generally indicative of current and short-range projected trends in family size for new construction and shall be used in calculating the amount of required dedication of acres of land or the cash contributions in lieu thereof unless a written objection is filed thereto by the subdivider or developer.


Children Per Unit

Pre-School Elementary Junior High Total High School Adults 18 Total Per Grades K-6 Grades 7-8 Grades K-8 Grades 9-12 Yrs. + Dwelling Unit Scope of Unit 0-4 Yrs. 5-11 Yrs. 12-13 Yrs. 5-13 Yrs. 14-17 Yrs.

Detached Single Family:

2 Bedroom 0.113 0.143 0.041 0.184 0.020 1.700 2.017 3 Bedroom 0.292 0.422 0.120 0.542 0.184 1.881 2.899 4 Bedroom 0.418 0.644 0.184 0.828 0.360 2.158 3.764 5 Bedroom 0.283 0.461 0.132 0.593 0.300 2.594 3.770

Attached Single Family:

1 Bedroom 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.193 1.193 2 Bedroom 0.064 0.106 0.030 0.136 0.038 1.752 1.990 3 Bedroom 0.212 0.227 0.065 0.292 0.059 1.829 2.392 4 Bedroom 0.323 0.370 0.106 0.476 0.173 2.173 3.145


Efficiency 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.294 1.294 1 Bedroom 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 1.754 1.758 2 Bedroom 0.047 0.100 0.028 0.128 0.046 1.693 1.914 3 Bedroom 0.052 0.278 0.079 0.357 0.118 2.526 3.053

Note: There are only three significant categories provided in this chart. Because of the similarity of yields of all types of attached single-family dwelling units, only one category is provided. The same is true with apartments; thus, only one category. Because of the relatively short history of some new types of detached and attached single family units, individual evaluations may be necessary.

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In order to determine the dedication responsibility in acres for a given development, the following formula is established to be applied to each type of dwelling unit(s) proposed:

Acreage = # Dwelling Units x Population/Dwelling Unit x 10 Demand Population Standard of 1,000 Acres


In order to provide for the initial improvements of areas and facilities to serve the residents of the dwelling units proposed, an initial “improvement fees” will be assessed. It is determined that an initial improvement fee of ten thousand dollars ($10,000) per acre of park land dedicated is necessary to provide for initial and partial site improvements.



The dedicated site shall be usable for active recreation (play areas, ballfields, tennis, or similar recreation uses) and located so as to be accessible and largely visible to the public street and the immediate neighborhood. The slope, topography, and geology of the dedicated site shall be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood and not differ greatly from it. Generally, neither flood plain nor land area planned to be periodically flooded as part of the development’s storm water detention system are acceptable as park dedication.


The current adopted comprehensive plan will be used as a guideline in locating park sites. Only in those instances where a developer owns land which is in reasonable proximity to a planned or future park site or is comparable thereto, will land and dedication be accepted. In all other cases, the payment of fees in lieu of actual land is required.


Dedicated sites shall be in a condition ready for facility development, including proper street lighting, site drainage, curb and gutter treatment consistent with the balance of the development. Original topsoil and vegetative cover shall either remain undisturbed or the site prepared with topsoil, fine graded and seeded consistent with the balance of the development.


Dedicated park land may be combined with dedications for other purposes or reserved adjacent parcels dedicated by adjoining developments. In order to maximize total available resources within a neighborhood, joint development of dedicated neighborhood sites with land holdings or other public and quasi-public agencies such as schools, other park agencies, and churches is especially encouraged.



The cash contribution in lieu of land shall be determined by multiplying the “Acreage Demand” (AD) for a given development by the average “Fair Market Value” (FMV) for park acquisition.

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(a) It is determined that the average “Fair Market Value (“FMV”) for acquiring land to be developed as a recreation area in the Village of Richton Park is eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00) per acre. This FMV will be utilized in computing fees in lieu of land dedication unless the developer files a written objection thereto.

(b) On January 1, 2005 an annually thereafter the Fair Market value shall automatically increase by four percent (4%).


TPC = (AD X IF) + (AD x FMV) or (AD in actual land dedicated) + (AD x IF)

TPC =“Total Park Contribution” to be assessed a given development. AD = “Acreage Demand” for parks based on population generated. IF = “Improvements Fee” per acre, adopted to fund initial improvements for park land acquired or dedicated in new development ($10,000). FMV = “Fair Market Value” currently adopted average cost per acre to purchase park land in the Village ($80,000.00).



Clear title to park land to be dedicated shall be delivered after the date of final plat approval and before issuance of the first building permit within the subdivision.


Cash payments covering “fees in lieu of land dedication” and initial “improvement fee” shall be calculated according to the number of dwelling units in the subdivision. Twenty percent (20%) of the amount is due at the time of final platting and the remainder shall be paid at the time a building permit is issued for each unit as a proportionate amount.


Upon passage of this ordinance, the Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to establish a park contributions account. All monies received as park contributions under this article shall be paid into such account. Such funds shall be disbursed only for park acquisition and improvement purposes. It is the intention of this article that funds collected from developers of any particular development shall be expended on projects and sites designed to serve the resident of that development area.


The corporate authorities may determine in the circumstances of a planned unit development, that alternative recreation facilities may be accepted.


The corporate authorities may in their discretion recognize the provision of existing or proposed park improvements over and above that required by this article, as being equal or greater in value to the improvements fee requirements of the article. Upon such a finding and determination, the corporate authorities may credit the development and the total park contribution attributable thereto, with the - 50 - February 20, 2012

additional value of such site improvements.


Where the comprehensive plan of the Village calls for a larger amount of land for a neighborhood park in a particular development than the developer is required to dedicate, the land beyond the developer’s contribution shall be reserved for subsequent purchase provided that such acquisition is made within one (1) year of the date of approval.


The corporate authorities shall make the final decision concerning an appeal by a developer of any condition contained herein.

In the event of a written objection to the currently adopted FMV, the developer shall submit an appraisal showing FMV on such land in the area their development or other evidence thereof. Final determination of said FMV shall be made by the corporate authorities based upon such available information.

In the event of a written objection to the currently adopted “Density of Population” tables, the developer shall submit their own demographic study showing the estimated population per dwelling unit type. Final determination of said demographic data will be made by the corporate authorities upon such data.

In such event of objections by the developer concerning site improvements, improvement fee or inclusion of detention areas, the developer shall submit their objections and proposed action in writing and the final determination will be made by the corporate authorities.

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Appendix E School Land / Cash Donation Ordinance (Title IV, Section 1441.02 of the Village Code (Ordinances 766 and 1159))

SECTION 2: DEDICATION OF SCHOOL LANDS OR PAYMENTS OF FEES IN LIEU THEREOF. As a condition of approval of a final plat of development , a final plat of subdivision, or a final plat of or Special Use permit for a planned unit development, each subdivider or developer will be required to dedicate land for school purposes to serve the immediate and future needs of the residents and children of the development, or make a cash contribution in-lieu-of actual land dedication, or a combination of both, at the option of the Village, in accordance with the following criteria and formula:


1. REQUIREMENTS AND POPULATION RATIO. The ultimate population density of a proposed development, subdivision or planned unit development shall bear directly upon the amount of land required to be dedicated for school sites. The land dedication requirement shall be determined in accordance with the data for the estimated number of children entering school per type of dwelling found in the latest edition of the table prepared by Associated Municipal Consultants, Inc., which table is reproduced as a density formula in Section Two C. hereof.

School Classifications and size of School sites within the Village shall be determined in accordance with the following criteria based upon “Recommendations for Elementary and High School Spaces,” published by the Illinois State Board of Education, State of Illinois, Springfield, Illinois:

School Classification Maximum number Minimum number by grades of students of acres of land

Elementary 600 11 Junior High 900 29 Senior High 1500 45

2. LOCATION: The comprehensive plan of the Village, the comprehensive school plan or facility utilization plan of the School District and the standards adopted by the School District shall be considered in locating school sites. The location of dedicated school sites shall be determined with the input of the school district involved. A central location which will serve equally the entire development is most desirable. Additional guidelines which shall be considered in locating sites include, but are not limited to, size of the subdivisions, proximity of the site to other schools and municipal services, topography and shape of the site, accessibility of the site, safety and other environmental and use conditions.


Where the subdivision or development is small and the resulting school site is, in the opinion of the Village, after consultation with the School District, too small to be practical or when the available land, in the opinion of the Village, after consultation with the School District, is inappropriate for school purposes, the Village shall require the subdivider or developer to pay a cash contribution in-lieu-of the land dedication required. The cash contributions in-lieu-of land dedication shall be paid to and held in trust by the School District in which the development is located, solely for the acquisition of land for school sites and/or the types of improvements of school land, as set forth in Section Two B.2 below which will be available to serve the immediate or future needs of the residents of that development, subdivision or planned unit development or for the improvement of other existing local school land which already serves such needs. The Village shall have the right to request and receive from the affected School Districts annual audit reports and any other information the Village may need from time to time to insure compliance with this Ordinance. If any portion of a cash contribution in-lieu-of school land dedication is not expended for the purposes set forth herein within ten (10) years from the date of receipt, the School District holding the funds shall refund such contribution to the owners of record of all lots, except lots - 52 - February 20, 2012

dedicated pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance, in the development, subdivision, or planned unit development for which such contribution was made. The refund shall be paid to the persons who are the owners of record on the day which is the tenth anniversary of the receipt of such contribution. The amount of the refund due to each lot owner shall be equal to the amount of the original contribution, together with such interest as may have been earned thereon, divided by the total number of lots in the development, subdivision or planned unit development (excluding only those lots which were dedicated pursuant to this Ordinance) for which such contribution was made.


a. The term acquisition as used in this ordinance shall mean – the acquiring of land by purchase, condemnation or such other means as may be appropriate. b. The acquired land shall be used for the construction of new facilities or shall support the types of improvements as set forth below.

2. IMPROVEMENT USING CASH IN-LIEU-OF SCHOOL LAND DONATIONS. Where existing school lands will serve the needs of the development, the cash contribution in-lieu- of land dedication shall be used for the following types of physical improvements:

Expansion of existing school facilities, including remodeling to allow the accommodation of additional students to the facility, additions to the existing facilities and additions to school grounds and environment, or for other educational expenses related to the impact of the development.

3. Fair Market Value. The cash contribution in lieu of land shall be based on the “Fair Market Value” (FMV) established as eighty thousand dollars ($80,000.00) per acre. This FMV will be utilized in computing fees in lieu of land dedication] unless the subdivider, developer, or the School District involved files a written objection thereto. In the event of any such objection, the objecting party shall, at its cost, submit an appraisal by a Member of Appraisal Institute (M.A.I.) showing the FMV of the land in the development or other evidence thereof and final determination of said FMV per acre of such improved land shall be made by the Village Board based upon such information submitted by the subdivider, developer or School District involved and from other sources which may be submitted to the Village Board by others. Any developer, subdivider or school district involved shall have a reasonable opportunity to dispute any appraisal submitted under this section and to submit a contrary appraisal before the Village Board makes a final decision as to any adjustment to the FMV, except that the Village in conjunction with the School District involved may from time to time submit amendments to this provision to provide for different FMVs for parcels that are deemed by the School District involved and the Village to be greater or lesser value.

4. AUTOMATIC ADJUSTMENT OF FAIR MARKET VALUE. On January 1, 2005 and annually thereafter the Fair Market Value shall automatically increase by four percent (4%).

5. CRITERIA FOR REQUIRING DEDICATION AND A FEE. There may be situations when both a land dedication and a cash contribution are necessary. These occasions may arise, among others, when:

a. If it is determined by the Village that the land to be dedicated for a school site within a development contains fewer acres than the amount called for by this ordinance, a cash contribution shall be required for the difference between the amount of land called for by this ordinance and the amount of land which is actually to be dedicated.

b. If a major part of a local school site has already been acquired and only a small portion of land is needed from the development to complete the site, the remaining portions shall be required by dedication, and a cash contribution for the difference shall be required.

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C. DENSITY FORMULA. The following table of population density is generally indicative of current and short range projected trends in family size for new construction and shall be used in calculating the amount of required dedication of acres of land or the cash contribution in-lieu-of unless a written objection is filed thereto by the subdivider or developer.


Children Per Unit

Pre-School Elementary Junior High Total High School Adults Total Per Grades K-6 Grades 7-8 Grades K-8 Grades 9-12 Dwelling Scope of Unit 0-4 Yrs. 5-11 Yrs. 12-13 Yrs. 5-13 Yrs. 14-17 Yrs. 18Yrs.+ Unit

Detached Single Family:

2 Bedroom 0.113 0.143 0.041 0.184 0.020 1.700 2.017 3 Bedroom 0.292 0.422 0.120 0.542 0.184 1.881 2.899 4 Bedroom 0.418 0.644 0.184 0.828 0.360 2.158 3.764 5 Bedroom 0.283 0.461 0.132 0.593 0.300 2.594 3.770

Attached Single Family:

1 Bedroom 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.193 1.193 2 Bedroom 0.064 0.106 0.030 0.136 0.038 1.752 1.990 3 Bedroom 0.212 0.227 0.065 0.292 0.059 1.829 2.392 4 Bedroom 0.323 0.370 0.106 0.476 0.173 2.173 3.145


Efficiency 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1.294 1.294 1 Bedroom 0.000 0.002 0.001 0.003 0.001 1.754 1.758 2 Bedroom 0.047 0.100 0.028 0.128 0.046 1.693 1.914 3 Bedroom 0.052 0.278 0.079 0.357 0.118 2.526 3.053

Note: There are only three significant categories provided in this chart. Because of the similarity of yields of all types of attached single-family dwelling units, only one category is provided. The same is true with apartments; thus, only one category. Because of the relatively short history of some new types of detached and attached single family units, individual evaluations may be necessary.

D. RESERVATION OF ADDITIONAL LAND. Where the comprehensive plan of the Village calls for a larger amount of school land in a particular proposed development, subdivision or planned unit development than the developer is required to dedicate, the land needed beyond the developer’s contribution shall, if so determined by the Village Board, be reserved for subsequent purchase by the Village or other public body designated by the Village provided that such acquisition is made within one year from the date of approval of the final plat.

E. COMBINING WITH ADJOINING DEVELOPMENTS. Where the subdivision of planned unit development is less than forty (40) acres, school space which is to be dedicated should, where possible, be combined with dedications from adjoining developments in order to produce usable recreation areas or school sites without hardship on a particular developer.

F. TOPOGRAPHY AND GRADING. The slope, topography and geology of the dedicated site as well as its surroundings must be suitable for its intended purposes. Grading on sites dedicated for school uses shall not differ greatly from surrounding land.

G. IMPROVED SITES. All sites shall be dedicated fully improved with streets, water, sewer, enclosed drainage, curbs and gutter and in a condition ready for full electrical and gas service, as applicable to the location of the site, or acceptable provision made therefor.

H. TITLE TO SITES. All sites to be dedicated shall be conveyed to the Village wither by warranty or trustee’s deed, or such form of conveyance as the Village shall require. The subdivider or developer shall be responsible for payment of all real estate taxes to the date of conveyance, including any agricultural roll back taxes which might be extended or levied against such sites. In the discretion of the Village, a

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commitment for title insurance issued by a company authorized to do business in Illinois may be required as evidence of clear title. Conveyance shall occur only after or simultaneously with the passage of a resolution by the School District in which the development is located in which it indicates that the property will be accepted by the School District for school purposes. Immediately thereafter, the Village shall convey such property to the Township Trustees of Schools, if applicable, for the use and benefit of the appropriate School District, or otherwise to said School District.


(a) The required land dedication or payments in lieu thereof under this ordinance shall be calculated as follows:

Step 1. Derive the Children Per Unit (CPU) figures from the Density Formula (Sec.2.C.) for the development type for K-6 children (CPU elem.), 7-8 children (CPU j.h.) and Senior High Children (CPU s.h.) and multiply each by the number of units (U). For elementary school districts (K-8), a separate calculation shall be done for the CPU elem. And the CPU j.h. For Unit School Districts (K-12) a separate calculation shall be done for the CPU elem., CPU j.h., and CPU s.h. to arrive at the total dedication or payment.

Step 2. Divide Step 1 figure by the maximum number of students for elementary (max. elem), junior high (max. j.h.) or senior high schools (max. s.h. (Sec. 2.A.1).

Step 3. Multiply the Step 2 figure by the corresponding minimum number of acres for the type of school (min. A. elem., min. A. j.h., min. A. s.h.).

Step 4. If a payment-in-lieu of dedication is required, multiply the Step 3 figure by the Fair Markey Value (Sec. 2.B.3). If both a dedication of land and a payment-in-lieu of dedication is required under Sec. 2.B.5, the dedication and payment amounts shall be calculated by applying the CPU ratably for each figure.


The formula for dedications and payments-in-lieu thereof is expressed as follows:

elem. (C.P.U. j.h. x U) s.h. elem. ______x Min. A. j.h. x F.M.V.=

elem. Max. j.h. s.h.

Sample Calculation: High School District

Positing a 4-bedroom single family detached development of 320 acres, and a fair market value of $80,000 per acre, the calculation would be as follows:

CPU s.h. x U .300 x 320 = 96 ÷ Max. s.h. 96 ÷ 1500 = .064 X Min. A. s.h. .064 x 45 = 2.88 acres required dedication

If payment in Lieu of dedication,

x F.M.V. 2.88 x $80,000 = $230,400.00

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SECTION 3: ANNEXATION. The dedications of land or cash contributions in lieu thereof required by this Ordinance shall also be required as a condition to the annexation of any land to the Village, and provisions therefor shall be incorporated in any preannexation agreement governing such land.

SECTION 4: TIME FOR DEDICATION OR PAYMENT OF FEES IN LIUE THEREOF. The dedication of school lands shall be made by the owner of land within ten days after the land is annexed to the Village or prior to, or at the time of the approval of the final plat of subdivision, or a final plat of, or issuance of a special use permit for, a planned unit development, whichever is first to occur. If, however, payment of fees I lieu of dedication of school lands is required, then that fee shall be divided by the number of units approved for the development and payment shall be collected by the Village from the developer concurrent with building permit issuance. If more than one type of unit is approved for the development, then such fees shall be adjusted to reflect each unit’s proper prorata share of the fee payment. The Village shall, not less frequently than each quarter, pay the fees so collected to the appropriate school district(s).

SECTION 5: EXPENDITURE OF CASH CONTRIBUTIONS. Any cash contributions received by a School District hereunder must be spent for land or other improvements intended to serve children residing within the corporate limits of the Village.

SECTION 6: INDEMNIFICATION. Except as otherwise provided below, the affected School Districts shall be required, as a condition of receiving the donations hereunder, to indemnify and hold harmless the Village of Richton park from any loss, claims and causes of actions of every kind incurred by the Village as a result, either directly or indirectly, of the passage of this Ordinance, or the administration or enforcement thereof, including any so incurred as a result of a lawsuit brought or threatened by a subdivider or developer. If the Village is sued by any subdivider or developer as a result, directly or indirectly, of the passage of this Ordinance, the School District affected may, at its option, undertake the defense thereof but all costs and expenses of such defense, including attorneys’ fees, shall be borne by the affected School District:

A. Where the Village receives or should receive land or fees in-lieu-thereof and fails to convey property to the affected School District or expends funds for Village use (i.e., police car, water well) and suit is filed, the Village shall defend against such suit and bear its own costs and expenses incurred from such suit, including attorneys’ fees.

B. Where School Districts improperly use funds or fail to use funds and do not return same as specified in this Ordinance, the Village may sue the affected School District and shall be entitled to recover as part of the judgment therein, or any settlement thereof, all costs and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, incurred by the Village.

C. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the above indemnification provisions shall be an implied condition of every intergovernmental contract entered into pursuant to this Ordinance.

SECTION 7: COVENANT NOT TO SUE. The affected School Districts covenant and agree, in addition to the indemnification provided in Section 6 of this Ordinance, not to sue the Village for any claim arising, directly or indirectly, out of the passage of this Ordinance, or the administration or enforcement thereof, except for a violation covered by Subsection A of Section 6.

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Appendix F Mass Grading Permits Ordinance (Chapter 1443, “Mass Grading Permits,” of Title Four, “Building Administration,” of the Village Code)

CHAPTER 1443 Mass Grading Permits ______

1443.01 Mass grading permits generally.

1443.02 Grading permit application submittal requirements.

1443.03 Conditions.

1443.04 General permit regulations.

1443.05 Fee schedule.

1443.06 Acknowledgment and Acceptance form.


(a) Mass grading means grading that is completed on a large scale over a large area and shall apply to construction/grading activities on properties or developments of one (1) acre or greater.

(b) A letter of credit shall be required for all work performed under a mass grading permit approved and issued by the Village pursuant to this Chapter.

(c) No mass grading permit shall be issued unless a written application, on a form provided by the Village, is submitted to the Village. The written application shall state the name, address and principal place of business of the applicant ("Permittee"), the location and dimensions of the improvements, the purpose of the construction, and the length of time required to complete such work. The application, when approved and signed by the Village Engineer, shall constitute the mass grading permit.

(d) All work performed pursuant to the mass grading permit shall be subject to all applicable federal, state and local codes, ordinances and regulations, as amended, adopted and/or incorporated by reference by the Village.

(e) The mass grading permit authorizes the grading of property subject to this Chapter, provides erosion control measures and the construction of stormwater management facilities with outlet control structures.

(f) All mass grading permit applications shall be submitted to the Village's Community Development Department.

(1) Upon submittal of a complete permit application, the Community Development Department will transmit the application to the following Village departments, divisions and/or consultants for review as necessary. Review by other regulating agencies may also be necessary.


 Building Department  Planning and Zoning Division  Public Works Department  Village Engineer

(2) The application will undergo one review, which will include comments from each reviewing group. If a re-submittal is required, it shall include a written response to each review comment. A mass grading permit will be issued upon the approval of the application by all the reviewing groups.


(a) Mass Grading Permit. The Permittee shall submit the following documents with the mass grading permit application:

(1) Four (4) sets of civil engineering plans (signed and sealed).

(2) Site location map on the most recent United States Geological Survey (USGS) quadrangle of the area from the 7 2 minute series (topographic) that clearly shows the following information:

(i) The site boundaries, the facility boundaries, and all adjacent property extending at least 1000 meters (3300 feet) beyond the facility boundaries;

(ii) All surface waters;

(iii) All potable water supply wells within 1000 meters (3300 feet) of the facility boundaries;

(iv) All potable water supply well setback zones;

(v) Any wellhead protection areas pursuant to Section 1428 of the Safe Water Drinking Act (SDWA) (42 USC 300F), and any sole source of aquifer designated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) pursuant to Section 1424(e) of the SDWA; and

(vi) All main service corridors, transportation routes, and access roads to the site and facility.

(3) Maps showing the details of the facility. The maps must have a scale no smaller than one inch (1") equals forty feet (40'), have appropriate contour intervals as needed to delineate all physical features of the facility; and show the following:

(i) The entire facility including, but not limited to all permanent structures and roads within the facility;

(ii) The boundaries, both above and below ground level, of the facility and all units included in the facility;

(iii) All roads entering and exiting the facility; and


(iv) Devices for controlling access to the facility.

(4) Plans for controlling surface water shall include, at a minimum, the following:

(i) A copy of any approved National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit issued pursuant to 35 Ill.Adm.Code 309 to discharge runoff from all filled areas of the facility, or a copy of any such NPDES permit application if a NPDES permit is pending; and

(ii) A map showing the location of all surface water control structures at the facility.

(5) Stormwater submittal shall include sediment and erosion control plans.

(b) Civil engineering plans shall include:

(1) Sediment and soil erosion plan;

(2) Geometric plan;

(3) Grading plan showing existing contours, proposed contours, pavement slopes, drainage swales, 100 year flood routes, existing conditions plan, and detention basin with appurtenances;

(4) Grading plans shall be on NAVD 88 datum;

(5) Utilities plan;

(6) Erosion control plan, with details and notes;

(7) Landscaping plan; and

(8) Other details and notes, as applicable.

(c) Stormwater submittal shall meet all requirements set forth by the Village of Richton Park Floodplain and Stormwater Management Code or the Cook County Watershed Management Ordinance, whichever is more stringent.

(d) Engineering and utility inspections are to be scheduled by calling the Village Building Department prior to 1:00p.m. for the next day. If called after 1:00p.m., the inspection will be scheduled for the second day.


(a) Surface Water Drainage.

(1) Runoff from filled areas.

(i) All discharges of runoff from filled areas to jurisdictional waters of the United States must be permitted by the IEPA to the extent required under 35 Ill.Adm.Code 309; and


(ii) All surface water control structures must be operated until the final cover is placed and the vegetative or other cover meets the requirements set forth in the mass grading permit.

(2) Diversion of runoff from unfilled areas.

(i) Runoff from unfilled areas must be diverted around filled areas to the greatest extent practical;

(ii) Diversion facilities must be constructed to prevent runoff from the 10-year, 24- hour precipitation event from entering filled areas;

(iii) Runoff from unfilled areas which become commingled with runoff from filled areas must be handled as runoff from filled areas;

(iv) All diversion structures must be designed to have flow velocities that will not cause erosion and scouring of the natural or constructed lining (i.e., the bottom and sides) of the diversion channel and downstream channels; and

(v) All diversion structures must be operated until the final cover is placed and the vegetative or other cover meets the requirements set forth in the mass grading permit.

(b) Operating Standards.

(1) Placement of Fill Material.

(i) Fill material must be placed in a manner which protects the safety of human health and the environment.

(ii) Any grading, filling or work proposed on adjacent property or public right-of- way shall have proper permits executed and written permission, and/or proper easements granted by the adjacent property owner(s) to the permittee/contractor for such grading, filling or work prior to any such grading, filling or work being performed.

(iii) Whenever any portion of a flood plain is authorized for use, the volume of space which will be occupied by the authorized fill or structure below the base flood or 100- year frequency flood elevation shall be compensated for and balanced by a hydraulically equivalent volume of excavation taken from below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation. The excavation volume shall be at least equal to 1.5 times the volume of storage lost due to the fill or structure. All such excavation shall be constructed to drain freely and openly to the watercourse.

(2) Dust Control. The owner or operator must implement methods for controlling dust so as to minimize off-site wind dispersal of particulate matter.


(3) Noise Control. The facility must be designed, constructed, and maintained to minimize the level of equipment noise audible outside the site. The facility must not cause or contribute to a violation of the Illinois Pollution Control Board's noise regulations.

(4) Fill Elevation. Fill elevation shall not exceed the elevation as approved by the Village Engineer utilizing the information submitted with the mass grading permit (i.e., submitted plans). Any modifications to site/fill elevation shall be submitted as a modification to the original permit and subject to additional review.

(5) Mud Tracking.

(i) The permittee must implement methods to minimize tracking of mud by hauling vehicles onto public roadways. A stabilized construction entrance shall be used at all points of construction ingress and egress. The graveled access should be installed before or as soon as practical after the start of site disturbance. The entrance shall remain in place and be maintained until the disturbed area is stabilized by permanent practices. Filter fabric should be used under the aggregate to minimize the migration of stone into the underlying soil by heavy vehicle loads. All surface water flowing or diverted toward construction entrances should be piped across the entrance. If piping is impractical, a mountable berm with 5(H) to 1(V) side slopes should be used to prevent sediment laden water from leaving the construction site. If conditions on the site are such that the majority of the mud is not removed, the vehicles traveling over the gravel must wash the tires before entering a public road. A wash rack shall be used to make washing more convenient and effective. The washing station shall be located to provide maximum utility by all construction vehicles. All sediment from tire wash and pad shall be prevented from entering storm drains, ditches, watercourses, or surface waters, including wetlands.

(ii) If the Village determines that mud and debris tracked off site have become hazardous or problematic, the permittee shall be responsible for cleanup immediately. (6) Final Cover. All filled and/or graded areas must be covered by sufficient uncontaminated soil to support vegetation within thirty (30) days of the completion of filling and/or grading. The minimum amount of soil to support vegetation is one (1) foot. In the alternative, proper erosion controls shall be put in place around areas designated as roadways or foundation areas. The final surface must prevent or minimize erosion.

(7) Site Stabilization. Once the site is graded per the approved plans, and all slopes are dressed to grade, all disturbed areas shall be seeded and mulched within thirty (30) days of completion, weather permitting. Temporary erosion control measures shall be left in place until such time that permanent erosion control is completed and permanent vegetation is established.

(8) Erosion/Sediment Control.

(i) An erosion and sediment control plan shall be provided.

(ii) Care shall be taken to protect existing stormwater facilities and systems.

(iii) A NPDES permit and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan are required.

(iv) The owner/contractor shall be responsible for keeping a copy of the approved Mass Grading Permit, Erosion Control Plan, NPDES Permit, and associated SWPP on site throughout construction.

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(c) Final Slope and Stabilization.

(1) The final slopes and contours shall be constructed to complement and blend with the surrounding topography of the proposed final land use of the area.

(2) All drainage ways and swales shall be constructed to safely pass the runoff from the 100- year, 24-hour precipitation event without scouring or erosion.

(3) The final configuration of the facility shall be constructed in a manner that minimizes erosion.

(4) Standards for Vegetation.

(i) Vegetation shall minimize wind and water erosion.

(ii) Vegetation shall be compatible with (i.e., grow and survive under) the local climatic conditions.

(iii) Temporary erosion control measures, including, but not limited to, the application, alone or in combination, of mulch, straw, netting, or chemical soil stabilizers, shall be undertaken while vegetation is being established.

(5) Maintenance and Inspection of the Final Cover.

(i) Frequency of Inspections. The permittee shall conduct a quarterly inspection of all surfaces during closure and for a minimum of one (1) year after completion.

(ii) All rills, gullies, and crevices six inches (6") or deeper identified in the inspection must be filled. Areas identified by the Village as particularly susceptible to erosion must be recontoured.

(iii) All eroded and scoured drainage channels must be repaired and lining material must be replaced if necessary.

(iv) All holes and depressions created by settling must be filled and recontoured so as to prevent standing water.

(v) All reworked surfaces and areas with failed or eroded vegetation in excess of 100 square feet cumulatively, must be re-vegetated in accordance with the approved closure plan for the facility.


(a) The reasonable cost of any work performed by the Village to repair, correct, replace, install or maintain any public improvement, constructed and/or to have been constructed pursuant to the mass grading permit, or damaged by work being performed pursuant to the mass grading permit, shall be the responsibility of the permittee. The permittee shall be further liable for any and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, incurred by the Village for such work performed by the Village. Prior to performing such work, the Village shall notify the permittee. The mass grading permit authorizes only work for which a fee has been paid. The permittee shall be responsible for constructing all work in accordance with the description set forth in the application, plans, and specifications and no error or omission in said application, plans, and specifications as filed, whether approved or not, shall relieve the permittee from conforming with the applicable Village codes, and all other pertinent ordinances in the installation, alteration, or repair of any such work. The permittee does hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Village, its elected and appointed officials, employees, agents and assigns, the costs, expenses and causes of action, of any kind of nature whatsoever, brought by any person or arising out of any worked performed pursuant to the mass grading permit, including but not limited to any and all injuries and

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damages to person, property, or otherwise to the extent such damages are cause, directly or indirectly, by the negligence of the permittee in performing the work.

(b) The permittee shall be responsible for responding to any notices of violation, compliance inquiry letters or similar documents issued by the federal, state, or local government related to grading operations. The permittee shall rectify all listed violations within thirty (30) days from the date of the notice.

(c) The permittee shall reimburse the Village for all costs, expenses and attorneys' fees incurred by the Village, its employees, agents and assigns in the defense of any claim, demand, or cause of action brought arising out of the permittee's negligence in performing any of the work pursuant to the mass grading permit.

(d) The permittee shall be responsible for scheduling inspections, including all final inspections, of all work performed pursuant to the mass grading permit.

(e) An activity that will (a) alter or obstruct the natural flow of stormwater in such a way as to cause ponding upon another property, or (b) concentrate or intensify the discharge of surface water onto another property is prohibited.

(f) Notice to Underground Public Utility Facilities. The permittee shall notify J.U.L.I.E. at 1-800- 892-0123, prior to excavating, grading or any other work below the surface of the ground for the purpose of securing location of and protection for all underground public utility facilities.


(a) The following fees shall apply to the issuance of a Mass Grading Permit:

Permit Fee:

12 month permit - $1,000.00

24 month permit - $1,250.00

36 month permit - $1,500.00

Engineering Inspection Fees: $500.00 for each occurrence

Municipal Inspection Fees: $100.00 for each occurrence

(b) Reinspection Fees. The fee to be paid for reinspection in excess of one (1) trip, to inspect any single phase of construction as required by the Village Code Official, due to inaccurate or incorrect information or failure to make necessary repairs or corrections of faulty construction, shall be the rate set forth by the Village at the time of permitting for each trip in excess of one (1) trip.




Permits expire A) 12 months; B) 24 months; or C) 36 months from the date of issuance.

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Applicant Request:______

If the permit expiration length selected is greater than12 months, additional inspections shall be required to confirm conformance with all associated permitted work. A 24 month permit length shall require an additional inspection at 13 months. A 36 month permit length shall require additional inspections at 13 months and 25 months.

By signing this document Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges and agrees that all the information provided on Applicant's/Permittee's behalf is true and accurate. Applicant/Permittee further acknowledges that he/she has read and accepts all responsibilities set forth in Chapter 1443, Mass Grading Permits, of the Codified Ordinances of the Village of Olympia Fields, and as amended from time to time.

By signing this document Applicant/Permittee hereby acknowledges and agrees to the terms and policies set forth in this document.

Applicant/Permittee: ______By: ______Signature: ______Dated:______

Address of Mass Grading Construction Site: ______, Richton Park, IL 60471.

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Appendix G Special Service Area Model Ordinance

Section 1: The Village of Richton Park has the authority pursuant to Article VII, Section 7 of the Illinois Constitution of 1970 (Ill. Const. Art. VII, §7, 1970) to provide special services to contiguous areas within its corporate limits and to provide the manner of levying and imposing additional taxes upon such areas to pay the costs of such special services in accordance with the provisions of the Special Service Area Tax Law (35 ILCS 200/27-5, et seq.)

Section 2: The Board of Trustees of Trustees of the Village of Richton Park finds as follows:

A. That it is in the public interest, and in the interest of the area legally described in Section 4 hereof, that the establishment of said area as a Special Service Area for the purposes set forth herein be considered under the provisions of the Special Service Area Tax Law. B. That said area is compact, contiguous and within the corporate limits of the Village of Richton Park. C. That said area is zoned for residential purposes and will receive a special benefit from the municipal services to be provided as described herein. D. That the proposed municipal services are unique and in addition to the municipal services provided throughout the Village as a whole; E. That it is in the best interest of the Village and of said area to consider the levy of special taxes against said area for the provision of said municipal services as described herein. F. That the owners of said property have agreed and consented to the establishment of a Special Service Area to provide the special municipal services described herein.

Section 3: A public hearing shall be held on the ____ day of ______, 20__, at ______at the Richton Park Village Hall, 4455 Sauk Trail, Richton Park, Illinois, to consider the creation of Village of Richton Park Special Service Area No.__ as described in the Notice set forth in Section 4 hereof.

The purpose of the formation of Village of Richton Park Special Service Area No.__ is to provide for funds to pay the cost and expense of operating, maintaining and repairing a stormwater detention pond to be located and developed as part of a residential subdivision in the proposed Special Service Area, and for the cost and expense of maintaining and repairing a subdivision sign for said proposed subdivision.

A special tax will be considered at the public hearing which is proposed to be levied at a rate not to exceed ______($___) per annum per ______of equalized assessed value, upon all taxable property within the Special Service Area, said tax to be in addition to all other taxes provided by law.

Section 4: Notice of said public hearing shall be published at least once not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the public hearing in one or more newspapers of general circulation in the Village of Richton Park. In addition, notice by mailing shall be given by depositing said notice, postage prepaid, in the U.S. mails, addressed to the person or persons in whose name the general taxes for the last preceding year were paid on each lot, block, tract or parcel of land lying within the proposed Special Service Area. Said notice shall be mailed not less than ten (10) days prior to the date set for the public hearing. In the event taxes for the last preceding year were not paid, the notice shall be sent to the person listed on the tax rolls prior to that year as the owner of the property. Said notice shall be in substantially the following form:


Village of Richton Park Special Service Area No.____

NOTICE is hereby given that on the ____ day of ______, 20__, ______, at the Richton Park Village Hall, 4455 Sauk Trail, Richton Park, Illinois, a hearing will be held by the President and Board of Trustees of Trustees of the Village of Richton Park to consider formation of a Special Service Area which consists of the following described territory:

[Legal Description]

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PIN: [Property Identification Number (PIN)]

The approximate street location of said area is generally as follows:

[Street Location Description]

An accurate map of said territory is on file in the office of the Village Clerk and is available for inspection.

The purpose of the formation of Village of Richton Park Special Service Area No.___ is to provide for funds to pay the cost and expense of operating, maintaining and repairing a stormwater detention pond to be located and developed as part of a residential subdivision in the proposed Special Service Area, and to pay the cost and expense of maintaining and repairing a subdivision sign for said proposed subdivision, all within the proposed Special Service Area.

A special tax will also be considered at the public hearing which special tax is proposed to be levied at a rate not to exceed ______($___) per annum per ______of equalized assessed value upon all taxable property within the Special Service Area, said tax to be in addition to all other taxes provided by law.

All interested persons affected by the formation of Village of Richton Park Special Service Area No.___ will be given an opportunity to be heard regarding the formation and boundaries of the Special Service Area and may object to the formation of the area and the levy of taxes affecting said area and any other issues embodied in this notice.

The hearing may be adjourned by the Board of Trustees to another date without further notice other than a motion to be entered upon the minutes of its meeting fixing the time and place of its adjournment.

If a petition is filed with the Village Clerk within sixty (60) days following the final adjournment of the public hearing, signed by at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the electors residing within the Special Service Area and by at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the owners of record of land included within the boundaries of the Special Service Area, objecting to the creation of the Special Service Area or the levy or imposition of a special tax for the provision of special services to the area, no such special service area may be created or a tax levied or imposed.

DATED this _____ day of ______, 20__.

/s/ ______, Village Clerk

Section 5: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage, approval, and publication as required by law.

PASSED AND APPROVED this _____ day of ______, 20__.

______Village President


______Village Clerk

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Appendix H Security Requirements

H-1 General

The following forms are acceptable for meeting the guarantees required by the Subdivision Ordinance.

H-2 Form of Letter of Credit


Date: ______

Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.:______

Beneficiary Applicant Village of Richton Park (Party Requesting 4455 Sauk Trail Letter of Credit) Richton Park, IL 60471 (Address) Attention: Village Clerk Amount USD $(Amount)

Expiration Date

The undersigned, (Bank) of (City/State) , hereby issues to the Village of Richton Park, Illinois (the "Village"), this irrevocable Letter of Credit in the initial amount of $______, which amount is subject to reduction in accordance with the provisions hereof, and which amount, as in effect on the date hereof or as so reduced hereafter, is hereinafter referred to as the "Stated Amount." The undersigned represents and warrants that the undersigned has full power and authority to issue this Letter of Credit, and that all conditions precedent to the issuance of the Letter of Credit have been satisfied.

1. Draws. Credit may be drawn by the Village by means of presentation to the undersigned of the Village's sight draft substantially in the form of Annex 1.

Draws on said Letter of Credit must also be accompanied by the certificate of the Village substantially in the form of Annex 2 certifying either: (I) that said Letter of Credit is about to expire and has not been renewed; or (2) that work has not been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications and agreements (including any amendments thereof) for the following project (the "Project"):

(Description of Project)

Draws in an amount less than the Stated Amount are permitted. There is no limit on the number of draws the Village may take under this Letter of Credit.

2. Reduction of Stated Amount. The Stated Amount may be reduced upon presentation by the Village of this Letter of Credit and of a certificate substantially in the form of Annex 3. Such certificate shall be appropriately completed, and shall be delivered to the undersigned at the address above along with the original Letter of Credit. Upon receipt of the certificate and the Letter of Credit, the undersigned shall immediately note the reduced amount on the face of the Letter of Credit, or cancel this Letter of Credit and simultaneously reissue a Letter of Credit identical to this Letter of Credit for the reduced Stated Amount.

3. Amendment of Project Description. The Project may be amended upon presentation by the Village of this Letter of Credit and of a certificate substantially in the form of Annex 4. Such certificate shall be appropriately completed, and shall be delivered to the undersigned at the address above along with the original Letter of Credit. Upon receipt of the certificate and the Letter of Credit, the undersigned shall immediately note the amendment to the Project description on the face of this Letter of Credit or cancel this Letter of Credit and simultaneously reissue a Letter of Credit identical to this Letter of Credit with the amended Project description.

4. Expiration. This irrevocable Letter of Credit shall expire on (Date/Year) provided, however, the undersigned shall notify the Village, by certified mail, return receipt requested, at least 35 days prior to said expiration date, that said Letter of Credit is about to expire. In no event shall this irrevocable Letter of Credit or the obligations contained herein expire except upon said prior written notice, it being expressly agreed by the undersigned that the above expiration date shall be extended and shall be required to comply with this notice provision. Notice shall be made to the Village of Richton Park, 4455 Sauk Trail, Richton Park, IL 60471, Attention: Village Clerk.

The undersigned further agrees that this irrevocable Letter of Credit shall remain in full force and effect and pertain to any and all amendments or modifications which may be made from time to time to the plans, specifications and agreements for the project, with or without notice from the Village of such amendments or modifications.

5. Payment. (Name of Bank) hereby undertakes and engages that all demands made in conformity with this irrevocable Letter of Credit will be duly honored and payment shall be made in immediately available funds upon presentation. If, within 10 days of the date any demand (made

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in conformity with this irrevocable Letter of Credit) is presented, the undersigned fails to honor same, the undersigned agrees to pay all attorney's fees, Court costs and other expenses incurred by the Village in enforcing the terms of this Letter of Credit.

6. Governing Law. This Letter of Credit, and each provision hereof, shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (latest Revision), International Chamber of Commerce, Publication No.500 (the “Uniform Customs"). This Letter of Credit shall be deemed a contract made under the laws of the State of Illinois and shall, as to matters not governed by the Uniform Customs, be governed by and construed in accordance with such laws. The undersigned agrees that venue for any actions brought with respect to this Letter of Credit shall be in the Judicial Circuit of Cook County, Illinois.

(Name of Bank)

By: Attest: Title: Title:

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Annex 1

Form of Sight Draft

$ , 20 ___

At Sight of this Draft

Pay to the order of Village of Richton Park, Illinois, as beneficiary under the Irrevocable Letter of Credit referred to below, $ Dollars for value received. Drawn under (Bank) , Irrevocable Letter of Credit No.

To: (Bank) (Address)

Attention: Village of Richton Park, Illinois


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Annex 2

Form of Certificate for Drawing

The undersigned, the Village Clerk of the Village of Richton Park, Illinois (the "Village"), with full authority to bind the Village, as beneficiary (the "Beneficiary") under the Letter of Credit referred to below, hereby certifies, with reference to its Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. issued by (Bank) (the "Bank"), in favor of the Beneficiary (the "the Letter of Credit"), that:

(1) the Letter of Credit is about to expire and has not been renewed;

[or, in the alternative]

(2) work has not been completed in accordance with the plans, specifications and agreements (including any amendments thereof) for the following project:

(Description of Project)

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this certificate as of the day of (month) , 20_____

Village of Richton Park, Illinois

By: Village Clerk

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Annex 3

Form of Certificate for Reduction of Stated Amount

The undersigned, the Village Clerk of the Village of Richton Park, Illinois (the "Village"), with full authority to bind the Village, as beneficiary (the "Beneficiary") under the Letter of Credit referred to below, hereby certifies, with reference to its Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. issued by ("Bank") (the "Bank"), in favor of the Beneficiary (the "Letter of Credit"), that:

1. Pursuant to the Agreement entered into by and between the Village and (the "Company") , dated (month) , 20_____, the amount available to be drawn under the Letter of Credit (the "Stated Amount"), is reduced by $ and effective on your receipt hereof, the Stated Amount shall be reduced to $ and such amount shall thereafter constitute the entire Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit.

2. The undersigned hereby certifies (i) that he or she is authorized to sign this Certificate relating to the Letter of Credit on behalf of the Beneficiary, and (ii) that the Beneficiary has, with the written consent of the Company, reduced the Stated Amount of the Letter of Credit.

Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined are used as defined in the Letter of Credit.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this certificate as of the day of (month) , 20______.

Village of Richton Park, Illinois

By: Village Clerk

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Annex 4

Form of Certificate for Amendment of Project Description

The undersigned, the Village Clerk of the Village of Richton Park, Illinois (the "Village"), with full authority to bind the Village, as beneficiary (the "Beneficiary") under the Letter of Credit referred to below, hereby certifies, with reference to its Irrevocable Letter of Credit No. issued by (Bank) (the "Bank"), in favor of the Beneficiary (the "Letter of Credit"), that:

1. Pursuant to the Agreement entered into by and between the Village and (the "Company") , dated (month) , 20____, the description of the project as contained in paragraph 1 of the Letter of Credit shall be amended upon the undersigned's receipt of this certificate and the original Letter of Credit. After giving effect to the amendment, the description of the Project shall be as follows:

(Description of Project)

and such Project description shall constitute the Project description for the Letter of Credit unless further amended.

2. The undersigned hereby certifies that (i) he or she is authorized to sign this Certificate relating to the Letter of Credit on behalf of the Beneficiary, and (ii) the Beneficiary has, with the written consent of the Company, amended the Project description contained in the Letter of Credit.

Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined are used as defined in the Letter of Credit.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Beneficiary has executed and delivered this certificate as of the day of (month) , 20____.

Village of Richton Park, Illinois

By: Village Clerk

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Appendix I Development Review Process, Applications, and Guarantees

I-1 Subdivision Review Process

A. Initial Contact – Meet with appropriate Village Planning personnel to discuss proposal of subdivision

B. Sketch Plan – Meet with Village Planning personnel to discuss limitations of site, expectations of the Village, subdivision design (site capacity, natural resources, access, drainage, water/wastewater treatment, etc.).

a. Plat of Survey or Tax Map with existing structures and roads

b. Sketch plan and natural resources mapping in accordance with Section 403

c. All required non-refundable fees (see Village of Richton Park Fee Schedule, Appendix B)

C. Preliminary Plat Review – Consideration of planning issues related to the site and surrounding areas. Preliminary evaluation of technical and engineering issues shall be addressed. Includes Preliminary Engineering review.

a. Completed building permit application

b. Preliminary plat and preliminary engineering in accordance with Section 404

D. Planning and Zoning Commission Review – Review of the proposed subdivision by the Planning and Zoning Commission

E. Preliminary Plat Approval – Formal approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and Engineering is necessary to move to final planning stages

F. Final Plat Review and Approval – Includes final engineering plans, permits, and discussions on construction phases. Approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission, Engineering, and the Board of Trustees is also required prior to recording of the final plat. All Letters of Credit/Performance Bond Guarantees must be secured by the Village in accordance with Article 10 of the Subdivision Ordinance PRIOR to any final plat approval being issued.

G. All permits for the development must be received prior to the start of any construction.

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I-2 Application for Sketch Plan, Preliminary/Final Plat Review

APPLICATION FOR SKETCH PLAN, PRELIMINARY PLAT, AND FINAL PLAT REVIEW Village of Richton Park, 4455 Sauk Trail, Richton Park, IL 60471

Date: ______

CONTACTS: 1. Location of Site ______

2. Name of Applicant ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP)

3. Owner of Record (Mandatory) ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP)

4. Representative/Agent for Applicant ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP)

AS APPLICABLE: 5. Engineering Firm ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) Contact Person ______

6. Architectural Firm ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) Contact Person ______

7. Attorney ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) Contact Person ______

SUBDIVISION DETAILS: 8. Subdivision Location: on the ______side of ______feet ______of ______. (DIRECTION) 9. Total Acreage ______Current Zoning ______Number of Lots ______

10. Is there any variance from the Subdivision Regulations requested? ______If so, please describe ______

11. Proposed Zoning Classification of Subdivision ______

11. Attach fifteen (15) copies of the Sketch/Site Plan and appropriate Reimbursement Fee Guarantee.

______Applicant Signature (if applicable) Owner Signature (mandatory)

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1-3 Application for Erosion and Sediment Control Permit

APPLICATION FOR EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL PERMIT Village of Richton Park, 4455 Sauk Trail, Richton Park, IL 60471

Subdivision Name: ______Date: ______

Location of Site ______

Name of Applicant ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP)

Engineering Firm ______Phone ______Address ______(STREET NO. AND NAME) (CITY) (STATE) (ZIP) Contact Person ______

EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DETAILS: 1. Engineering Plans Submitted with Erosion and Sediment Control Measures: ______YES ______NO

2. Total area of existing impervious surface: ______square feet

3. Total area of proposed impervious surface: ______square feet

4. Is detention being provided: ______YES _____ NO.

5. Is floodplain located on the property: ______YES ______NO.

6. Is impact to the floodplain being proposed for the development: ______YES ______NO. If yes, please state what measures will be taken to protect the floodplain (check all that apply):

_____ Compensatory Storage (calculations required) _____ Letter of Map Change (LOMC) _____ Other. Please explain ______

7. Are wetlands and/or water bodies located on the property: ______YES ______NO.

8. Is impact to the wetlands/water bodies being proposed for the development: ______YES ______NO. If yes, please state what measures will be taken to protect them (check all that apply):

_____ Buffers (distance included on plans) _____ Dechannelization efforts _____ Other. Please explain ______

9. Proposed Erosion and Sediment Control measure proposed: ______

10. Attach three (3) copies of the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. ______Applicant Signature Village Engineer Signature (of acceptance)

By signing this form, it is agreed that all sediment and erosion control measures will be placed PRIOR TO the start of any construction activities. Inspections by Village Engineer will take place weekly and after each ½- inch rain event. Any modifications to the plans must be approved by the Village Engineer.


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I-3 Reimbursement of Fees Guarantee

The following form of agreement meets the requirements of this Appendix:


Village of Richton Park Account No.


Name of Property Owner:

Owner’s Address:

Telephone Number: Days Evenings


Name of Petitioner:

Petitioner's Address:

Telephone Number: Days Evenings


General Location:

Total Acreage: PIN:

Legal Description (attach as Exhibit A)

1. Deposit. In the event that it is necessary for the Village to obtain professional services, including, but not limited to, attorneys, engineers, planners, architects, surveyors, traffic or drainage experts, or other consultants, in connection with a petitioner's request for the Village to consider or otherwise take action upon any annexation, zoning change, subdivision development, other improvement or development upon real property, then the Petitioner and Owner of the property shall be jointly and severally liable for the payment of such professional fees plus 5 percent to cover the Village's administrative expenses. At the time the petitioner requests action from the Village he/she will be required to deposit a sum, in accordance with Article 4 of the Subdivision Ordinance, with the Village as an initial deposit to be credited against fees and costs incurred for the above described services.

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2. Invoices. The Village shall send a petitioner regular invoices for the fees and costs and the petitioner shall reimburse the Village within 30 days of said invoice. At all times the petitioner shall maintain a balance equal to his initial deposit with the Village.

3. Withdrawal of Petition. A petitioner who withdraws a petition for annexation into the Village may apply in writing to the Village Clerk for a refund of hi/her initial deposit. The Board of Trustees may, in its discretion, approve the refund application less any actual fees and costs which the Village has already incurred relative to the petition for annexation.

4. Professional Fees. Any professional fees incurred as a direct or indirect result of the petitioner, owner or their agent requesting a professional opinion or otherwise requesting relief or assistance from the Village, whether or not related to real property, shall be reimbursed in accordance with this Ordinance if, in the discretion of the Village, a professional opinion is desired.

5. Default. Upon the failure of the owner or petitioner to reimburse the Village in accordance with this Subsection, no action on any request made by the owner or petitioner will be undertaken by the Board of Trustees, or by any other official, quasi-official or deliberative individual or body thereunder; and such request shall remain in abeyance until all outstanding fees are paid in full. Upon any failure to reimburse the Village in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance, the Village may, in its discretion, elect to place a lien against any real property associated with the petitioner's request. Interest in the amount of 1½ percent per month shall accrue on all sums outstanding for 30 days or more. Such lien shall be in an amount equal to the outstanding amount owed to the Village.

6. Assigning Authority. The President and Board of Trustees and the designated Village staff members are hereby authorized to assign requests for professional services to the Village staff or to consultants as the President deems appropriate.

7. In House Staff. When any professional services contemplated by the Subdivision Ordinance are rendered by the Village staff then in such case the party making the request shall reimburse the Village for its cost incurred in providing said professional services. Said reimbursement shall be at the rate of $30.00 per hour.

8. Remedies. The remedies available to the Village as set forth hereinabove are non-exclusive and nothing herein shall be construed to limit or waive the Village's right to proceed against any or all parties in a court of law of competent jurisdiction.

9. Agreement. At the time the petitioner requests action from the Village, he/she will be required to enter into this agreement with the Village.

10. Refund. Any surplus funds in the account of the petitioner or owner shall be returned three months after approval by the Village Attorney and Village Engineer, upon written request by the petitioner or owner.

By signing this Agreement the petitioner and/or owner acknowledge that each of them has read the foregoing paragraphs and each of them fully understands and agrees to comply with the terms set forth herein. Further, by signing below, each signatory warrants that he/she/it possesses full authority to so sign.

The owner and/or petitioner agree that owner and petitioner shall be jointly and severally liable for payment of fees referred to in applicable sections of the ordinances of the Village of Richton Park, and as referred to hereinabove.

Village of Richton Park

By: Petitioner President


Date: Village Clerk

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Appendix J Plat Certificates, Tax Search and Other Miscellaneous Requirements

J-1 General Requirement

Every Final Plat will include those certificates necessary to demonstrate compliance with the Subdivision Ordinance and as required for recordation by the Cook County Recorder of Deeds in a form suitable to both the Village and the County.

All Plats of Subdivision shall be submitted to the Village on a 22" by 34" Mylar for recording purposes. It shall also be submitted to the Village Engineer in electronic format on a CD-Rom which can be read by a computer in DWG (AutoCAD) format. All coordinates shall be based upon State Plane Coordinates and U.S.G.S. Datum and shall tie into at least 2 of the 6 existing monuments and referenced. Specific electronic layers are required, and the Village Engineer should be contacted for more information before surveying and Plat preparation takes place.

J-2 Required Certificates – Final Plat

Certificate Indicating Approval by Plan Commission. The Final Plat must be approved by the Plan Commission. A certificate indicating such approval, to be signed by the Chairperson, shall be placed on the Plat. The following wording is required:


Approved by the Plan Commission of the Village of Richton Park, Illinois, at a meeting held this ______day of ______, A.D., 20____.


Developer Donation to School Districts. In accordance with Appendix E of the Subdivision Ordinance, a developer is required to make a land donation (or pay a fee in lieu thereof) to the School District in which the proposed subdivision is located. When payment or dedication of land is made to the School District, a document evidencing the donation shall be countersigned by the Regional Superintendent of Schools and recorded with the Recorder. A certificate referencing the signed agreement shall be placed on the Final Plat. The following wording is required:


In accordance with Appendix E of the Richton Park Subdivision Ordinance, a land donation (or payment of a fee in lieu of land thereof) has been made. A letter (or signed agreement) confirming this donation, signed by the Superintendent of Richton Park School District _____, ______High School District _____, ______School District _____, as appropriate, and acknowledged by the Regional Superintendent of Schools has been recorded as Document ______in the Recorder's Office in Cook County, Illinois.

County Recorder

Owner's Certificate and Notary Certificate. A certificate shall be placed on the Final Plat indicating the ownership of the land being subdivided. A notary certificate shall be placed beneath the owner’s certificate in witness of the owner’s signature. The following general wording of these two certificates is required:

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This is to certify that the undersigned, (list names) , is [are] the legal owner[s] of the land described on the Plat hereon drawn and shown hereon as subdivided; that he/she [they] has [have] caused said land to be surveyed, subdivided, staked and platted as shown hereon, for the purpose of having this Plat recorded as provided by law; and to the best of my [our] knowledge and belief the drainage of surface waters will not be changed by the construction of such subdivision or part thereof, or, that if such surface water drainage will be changed, reasonable provision has been made for the collection and diversion of such surface waters into public areas, or drains which the subdivider has a right to use, and that such surface waters will be planned for in accordance with generally accepted engineering practices so as to reduce the likelihood of damage to the adjoining property because of the construction of the subdivision.

In witness whereof I [we] have hereto set my [our] hand[s] and seal[s] this day of (month), 20____.





I, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that ______and ______of ______, who are personally known to me to be the same person or persons whose name or names are subscribed to the foregoing instrument as such ______and ______, respectively, appeared before me this day in person and acknowledged that they signed and delivered the said instrument as their own free and voluntary act of said trustee for the uses and purposes therein set forth and the said ______did also then and there acknowledge that he or she as custodian of the corporate seal of said trustee, did affix the said seal of said trustee to the said instrument as his or her own free voluntary act, and as the free and voluntary act of said trustee for the uses and purposes therein set forth.

Given under my hand and notarial seal, this _____ day of ______, A.D., 20___.

(Seal) Notary Public

Surveyor's Certificate. The surveyor who prepared the Final Plat shall place thereon a certificate with the following wording:


I, ______an Illinois Registered Land Surveyor do hereby certify that I have surveyed and subdivided the following described property, and that the Plat hereon drawn is a correct representation thereof, all distances are shown in feet and decimal parts thereof. (Insert Legal Description)

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Containing total area, including R.O.W.'s: (in square feet and acres)

This is also to certify that upon completion of construction, concrete monuments, as shown, and iron pipes at all lot corners and points of change in alignment will be set, as required by the Plat Act (765 ILCS 205/0.01 et seq.). This is also to certify that the property, as described in the annexed Plat, lies within the corporate limits of the Village of Richton Park, Illinois, which has adopted a comprehensive plan.

Given under my hand and seal at ______Illinois this _____ day of ______, A.D., 20___.

Illinois Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.

Certificate Regarding Flood Hazard. In accordance with the Recorder's Act (55 ILCS 5/3-500] et seq.) the surveyor shall determine if any part of the proposed subdivision lies within a flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. An appropriate certificate shall be placed on the Plat and signed by the surveyor. The following wording is required, depending on which situation exists.'


I certify that none of the above described property is located in a flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

(signature) Illinois Registered Land Surveyor OR I certify that none of the above described property as subdivided is located in a flood hazard area as identified by the Federal Emergency Management Agency except as indicated on FEMA Floodway Map, Cook County, Illinois, Community Panel Number ______, effective date ______

Given under my hand and seal at ______Illinois this day of (month), 20____.

Illinois Registered Professional Land Surveyor No.

'Refer to Subsection 903.14 for wording of a special certificate which is required if the subdivision borders or includes any public waters.

County Clerk's Certificate. The County Clerk shall make a tax search of the land being subdivided (see Section 904). A certificate is required on all Final Plats, indicating that any back taxes and the required tax search fee have been paid. The following wording is required:



1, ______, County Clerk in Cook County, Illinois do hereby certify that there are no delinquent general taxes, no unpaid current general taxes, no unpaid forfeited taxes, and no redeemable tax against any of the land included in the annexed Plat.

I further certify that I have received all statutory fees in connection with the annexed Plat.

Given under my hand and seal of the County of Cook, Illinois, this day of (month), 20____.

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(signature) Cook County Clerk

Village Engineer's Certificate A certificate shall be placed on the Final Plat to indicate the approval of the Village Engineer. The following wording shall be used:



I certify that an irrevocably letter of credit or other approved instrument of surety for completion of this subdivision’s public improvements has been deposited with my office on ______, 20____.

Village Clerk

My signature, as Village Engineer for the Village of Richton Park, indicates that, to the best of my knowledge, that this Plat meets all the requirements of the Ordinances of the Village of Richton Park. Approved this ______day of (month), 20(year).

(signature) Village Engineer

Board of Trustees's Certificate. A certificate shall be provided to indicate approval of the Final Plat by the Board of Trustees; Space for the signature of the President and the Clerk shall be provided. The following wording is required:



This Plat and dedications shown hereon are hereby approved by the Village of Richton Park, Illinois, at a meeting held on the day of (month), 20____.

Village President

Attest: Village Clerk

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Recorder's Certificate. A certificate shall be placed on the Final Plat to indicate the date and time of recording, and the book and page on which recorded. The following wording is required:



This instrument filed for record in the Recorder's office of Cook County, Illinois, on this ______day of (month), 20____ at ____ o'clock ___M. and recorded as Document Number .

County Recorder

Easement Crossing Certificate. A certificate shall be placed on the Final Plat to allow easement crossings. The following wording is required:


All easements indicated as road construction and maintenance easements adjacent to road right-of-ways on this Plat are reserved for and granted to the Village of Richton Park, their successors and assigns, for road construction and maintenance including maintenance of drainage ditches and slopes. Said easements may be crossed perpendicularly by driveways and utilities and drainage or retention/detention casement with the consent of the grantor. Said grantor reserves the right to cut, trim, or remove trees, bushes and roots as may be reasonably required incident to the rights herein given, and the right to enter upon said property for all such purposes.

Date: Owner

Village Treasurer. A certificate shall be placed on the Final Plat indicating that there are no delinquent or unpaid obligations to the Village. The following general wording is required:


My signature, as Finance Director of the Village of Richton Park, certifies that there are no delinquent or unpaid, current or forfeited special assessments or any deferred installment thereof that has been apportioned against the land included in this Plat of Subdivision.

Date: Village Treasurer

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Road Certificate(s). If interior subdivision streets or roads access upon a county, township or state road, the following certificate(s) shall be included on the Final Plat:



Approved this day of (month), 20____, as to roadway access to (County/State/Township) Highway No. also known as ____ .

(signed) County Engineer and/or Illinois Department of Transportation and/or Township Highway Commissioner

State of Illinois Certificate. In accordance with an Act in Relation to the Regulation of Rivers, Lakes and Streams (615 ILCS 5/7), if a subdivision borders upon or includes any public waters in which the State of Illinois has any property rights or property interests, it must have a boundary line indicated between the private interests and the public interests.

The proposed boundary line must be reviewed and approved by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Division of Water Resources for the special certificate that must be placed on the Final Plat to indicate that the boundary line has been approved.



Approved by the Department of Transportation of the State of Illinois insofar as this Subdivision Plat, showing lands bordering upon or including public waters of the State of Illinois, relates to the provisions of Section 7 of An Act in Relation to the Regulation of Rivers, Lakes, and Stream of the State of Illinois approved June 10, 1911, as amended, requiring review and approval by said Department as to the boundary line between private interests and public interests.

Dated at Springfield, Illinois, this day of (month), 20____.

Approval recommended: Director, Division of Water Resources

State of Illinois, by its Department of Natural Resources

By: Secretary

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Impact Fees. The following notice shall be placed on all Final Plats of Subdivision:


All of the property described herein and platted in lots, blocks and other parcels of units may be subject to the payment of an impact fee to the Village of Richton Park, Illinois for park, school and library purposes at the time of application for building permit.

F-4 Tax Search

Before a Final Plat may be submitted to the Board of Trustees, the owner shall make all payments of any and all taxes and special assessments levied against the property being platted.. In vacating subdivisions previously platted, the petitioner shall submit evidence of the payment of all taxes and special assessments levied against the property in the same manner as is required for subdividing (see Subsection 903.7).

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Appendix K Landscaping Ordinance (Chapter 1214 of the Village Code and Section PM-303.41 of the BOCA Property Maintenance Code)


P.M. – 3-3.41: All vegetation, trees, street furniture, accessory structures, berms, and/or other landscape elements located on any zoning lot as defined within Ordinance ______shall be regularly cared for and maintained free from physical deterioration so as not to become a hazard to any person, personal property, or public or private utility, infrastructure, or improvement.

The Village may remove or have removed any landscape element or portion thereof which encroaches or overhangs into any public right-of-way, landscape, drainage, and/or utility easement.



(a) Purpose. Landscaping shall be provided as part of any site plan or subdivision design. Landscaping regulation is designed to achieve a number of objectives including; to maintain and protect property values, create transitions, and reduce the negative impacts of surrounding land uses, provide relief from traffic, noise, heat, glare and the spread of dust and/or debris, enhance the aesthetic appearance of the Village, reduce soil erosion and silting of local detention facilities and lakes, preserve existing plant and wildlife species, and reduce the effects of wind and heat through the provision of shade.

(b) Policies and Intent. All plans shall be conceived with the entire site in mind by integrating the various elements of the site. The intent of the ordinance shall be to preserve and enhance the existing vegetation and ground cover, minimize coverage by impervious surfaces, regulate grading and the movement of soils by working with the natural grade of the site, and provide onsite detention through the use of landscaping for run off created by impervious surfaces.

(c) Applicability. This landscape ordinance shall be applicable to all zoning districts and land uses within the Village. The regulations contained herein shall be applied for any plan, plat or permit requiring review and or approval involving of any land development, alteration and or modification of a zoning lot, building structure, or parking facility contained therein requiring Planning Department approval.

Individuals purchasing property within a completed residential development and homeowners associations in the case of townhome and condominium developments shall be exempt from the planting specification and regulations contained herein, with the following exceptions:

 Any landscape plan approved as part of a development shall be maintained as the minimum landscape requirements for that development and shall not be removed without Planning Commission approval;  All maintenance responsibilities as specified in Section 7.06 and the proximity of plant materials to municipal utilities and property as stated in Section 7.04 shall be enforced;  Parkway trees and plantings shall be required to meet and established regulations for the applicable district.


A landscape plan shall be submitted with each preliminary plat application and/or plan. Landscape plans

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shall identify existing and proposed trees, shrubs, and ground covers, natural features such as outcroppings, wetlands, and other landscaping elements. All plans shall show the existing and/or proposed locations of plantings and/or construction details including paving materials, walls, fences, and street furniture. All plans shall indicate the tree species, spacing, number of trees, and an approximate planting time table. All existing plant material to be preserved during construction shall be indicated on the submitted landscape plans along with the proposed methods for protection.


(a) Topsoil Preservation. A permit shall be required prior to the clearing, grading, transportation, or other movement of soil or earth. A detailed sketch plan showing all property lines, acreage, zoning, proposed utilities and structures, existing utilities and structures, soil type, adjacent land-uses, and flood plains shall be provided. A topsoil preservation permit shall not be required for roto-tilling, planting, or other activity typically associated with privately maintained residential lots and gardens.

Topsoil moved during construction shall be redistributed on all re-graded surfaces to provide a minimum of six (6) inches of even cover throughout the development area, and shall be stabilized following final grading using seed, sod, hydro-seed, or other vegetation. During construction, erosion control devises including silt fences, hay bales, and tarps shall be used to prevent destabilized soils from being washed or blown from the site. All erosion control measures shall be approved by the Village Engineer prior to beginning construction.

(b) Protection of Existing Plantings and Natural Features. A minimum of ten (10) percent of the natural features of the site, including trees, rare plants, water courses, historic areas, and other irreplaceable assets shall be maintained. This requirement is in addition to all other required land donations.

Temporary material and soil deposit may not be placed within five (5) feet of shrubs or within ten (10) feet of the drip line of any tree designated to be retained on the landscape plan. Protective barriers and tree wells shall be installed around all plants, trees, and/or groups thereof that are to be retained. Barriers shall be at least four (4) feet in height and constructed of durable materials and are to remain in place until construction is completed.

(c) Debris Removal. All stumps, tree parts, litter, brush, weeds, scrap or excess building materials, or other debris shall be removed from the site prior to the issuance of the occupancy permit. No tree stumps, tree parts, or other debris shall be buried anywhere in the development. Plant and tree material which is reduced to mulch may be used in landscaping areas, subject to Village Engineer approval.

(d) Slope Plantings. Landscaping of terraces, cuts, and fills shall be done using plant materials shown to prevent soil erosion. All slops greater than twenty five (25) percent shall be landscaped with ground cover and materials appropriate for the type of planting, soil conditions, and the surrounding environment.

(e) Additional Landscaping. All areas not covered by site improvements shall be landscaped with grass, shrubs, trees, ground cover or a combination thereof in accordance with the approved landscape plan. In addition to the required ground cover, street trees, and screening, additional landscaping elements and plantings may be required where necessary for climate control, privacy, or other reasons in accordance with the landscape plan.

(f) Planting Specifications. Only nursery grown plant materials shall be installed within new development and along municipal right of ways. All landscaping shall be done following approval of the final grading by the Village Engineer.

Deciduous trees shall have minimum (2½ ) inch caliper measured thirty six (36) inches above the root ball at planting. The size of bushes and evergreens shall be allowed to vary depending on the location and type of planting to be used.

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All planting materials shall be guaranteed by the developer for a minimum of one (1) year from the time of planting. Any dead and/or dying trees or plants at that time shall be removed and replaced by the developer.

(g) Plant Species. The species of plantings shall be selected from those determined to be tolerant of a hardiness zone of five (5), as designated by the US Department of Agriculture.

The Planning Department shall maintain a base list of appropriate plant species. (Alternate species may be permitted subject to Planning Department approval)

1214.04 SHADE TREES.

(a) Location. Shade trees shall be installed on both sides of all streets in accordance with the approved landscape plan. Trees shall be allowed to be evenly spaced, massed, or some combination thereof along the right-of-way.

Trees planted at specific intervals shall be spaced according to tree size as follows:

Tree Size (Ft.) Planting Interval (Ft.) Large trees (40 +) 50-60 Medium trees (30-40) 35-50 Small trees (to 30) 25-35

With space intervals of more than forty feet, small ornamental trees may be planted between the larger trees. Trees shall be planted so as not to interfere with any utility, roadway, sidewalk, sight line, or street lights. Tree locations, landscape design, and spacing plan shall be approved as part of the submitted landscape plan.

To prevent interference with surrounding objects trees shall maintain the minimum following distances from the objects below:

Object Distance Street Corner 40 feet Light Pole 40 feet Curb Cut 20 feet Signs 20 feet Fire Hydrant 10 feet Public Utilities 10 feet Curbs/Sidewalks 3 feet*

*Setback is a minimum and may be greater depending on species selected.

(b) Tree Type. The type of trees to be planted shall be specified by developer and may vary depending on the intended effect of the landscaping. No single species shall make up greater than twenty five (25) percent of the total number trees within the development.

The Planning Department shall maintain a base list of appropriate plant species. All trees are to be of the male species to prevent damage to municipally owned utilities from seeding. (Alternate species may be permitted subject to Planning Department approval).

(c) Planting Specifications. All trees shall have a minimum (2½) inch caliper width, at thirty six (36) inches above the root ball. All tree species shall be nursery grown and trees within a particular species shall be relatively uniform in size and shape. Trees shall be planted in accordance with established horticulture standards. The developer shall be responsible for the watering and maintenance of all trees for a period of one (1) year from the time of planting. Any dead and/or dying trees and plants during that time shall be removed and replaced by the developer.

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(a) Function and Materials. Buffering shall be designed to provide a year round visual and acoustic screen so as to reduce the impacts of or on adjacent land-users. Buffering may consist of fencing, berming, bushes, trees, rocks, or other elements which achieve the intended objective.

(b) Where Required. Every development shall provide buffering when the topography or other barriers do not provide sufficient screening from adjacent users and/or when the Planning Commission determines a need to shield adjacent properties from the impacts of adjacent developments, land-uses, roadways, arterials, and/or railways.


(a) All vegetation, trees, street furniture, accessory structures, berms, and/or other landscape elements located on any zoning lot as defined within this Ordinance shall be regularly cared for and maintained free from and physical deterioration so as not to become a hazard to any person, personal property, or public or private utility, infrastructure, or improvement. All landscaping shall be maintained in accordance with Section P.M. 303-41 of the Village’s Property Maintenance Codes.

The Village may remove or have removed any landscape element or portion thereof which encroaches or overhangs into any public right-of-way, landscape, drainage, and/or utility easement.


(a) Shade Trees. Residential lots shall provide a minimum of one (1) parkway shade tree per street frontage (corner lots) and one (1) additional shade tree per street frontage to be located in the front or corner side yard of the zoning lot. The required additional tree(s) may be of an alternate species as deemed appropriate for the intended location and use.

(b) Buffering. Where a residential development abuts a more intensive land-use including residential, business, or manufacturing districts, parking lots, railways, or arterials, a minimum twenty (20) foot buffering strip shall be required to reduce the negative impacts of the adjacent development. This buffer may be achieved using a variety of arrangements including parallel, serpentine, or broken planting rows, landscape berms, fencing, or any combination thereof.

Buffering materials shall be designed to provide a year round screen of at least four (4) feet in height in three growing seasons. Landscape berms shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in width and not exceed a fifty (50) percent slope. Openings in buffering materials shall be provided along dedicated easements, right of ways, and where necessary for emergency vehicle access.

(c) Residential Ground Cover. All lot areas not covered by site improvements or required buffering, trees, bushes, or other vegetation shall be covered using sod.

1. New Development. All new residential development shall be required to sod all yards of the lot prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.

2. Existing Development. Where ground cover is removed, destroyed, or dies for any reason, the property owner shall replace said ground cover using one or a combination of the methods permitted within this ordinance.

(d) Parking Lot Landscaping. A minimum of ten (10) percent of the interior parking space for non- residential uses (schools, churches, police/fire station, planned developments, cemeteries, and other permitted special uses) shall be reserved for landscape plantings including but not limited to; parking islands, hedges, berms, rocks, trees, and ground cover. One interior parking area shade tree shall be planted

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for every fifteen (15) parking spaces. Interior shade tree requirements are in addition to the required number of street and parkway trees.

1. Location. All landscaping shall be planted within center islands, at the ends of parking bays, and along sidewalks so as to provide protection from automobile and pedestrian traffic. All plantings and trees shall be installed so as to not impede sight lines between four (4) and eight (8) feet.

2. Plant Type. The planting of evergreens are encouraged along the perimeter of parking lots for their screening characteristics. Deciduous trees shall be planted within center islands and parking bays to provide shade.

Parking blocks, curbs and other such devises shall be used to prevent automobiles from overhanging landscaped areas. Any area that will be under the overhang of an automobile shall be mulched or paved.

(e) Paving Materials. A variety of designs and paving materials including concrete, asphalt, paving block, brick, cobble stone, tile, and other materials are permitted in residential districts. The paving materials to be used shall be resistant to weathering and installed with the consideration of function, cost, availability, appearance, and the user (Appendix A).

All paved areas with the exception of residential driveways, patios, and sidewalks shall be designed to meet the minimum weight requirements for emergency vehicle access as established by the Village Fire Department.

(f) Privacy Walls and Fences. Walls and fences may be erected where necessary for privacy, screening, separation, security, erosion control, or other reasonable function.

The design and materials used shall be functional and compatible with the surrounding environment and meet the requirements of Section 4.00, entitled “Fences” of the zoning ordinance.

(g) Street Furniture/Ornamentation. Street furniture including, but not limited to, benches, sculptures, flag poles, lighting, and ornamentation shall be regulated as accessory structures in residential districts according to their respective sections of the zoning ordinance. The location and size of all furniture and ornamentation shall be in accordance with the function served and the applicable regulations for the residential district in which it is located.

1. Design. All street furniture and accessory structures shall be compatible in form, material, and finish, to the principal building. Street furniture shall be selected considering theme, function, durability, maintenance, and over-all cost.

All trash containers shall be located in the rear of the principal structure and required to be screened from site using fencing, vegetation, or a combination thereof. Non-residential uses shall be required to screen their trash container using solid fencing materials.


(a) Shade Trees. All parcels located within Village Business districts shall provide a minimum of one (1) parkway shade tree for every fifty (50) feet of street frontage of fraction thereof.

(b) Buffering. Where a business district abuts a more or less intensive land-use including residential, business, and/or manufacturing district, parking lot, railway, or arterials, a minimum twenty (20) foot buffering strip shall be provided to reduce the impacts of or on adjacent development including noise, light, heat, and odor. Buffering may be achieved using a variety of arrangements including parallel, serpentine, or broken planting rows, landscape berms, or combination thereof.

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Buffering materials shall be designed to provide a year round visual and acoustic screen of four (4) feet in height in three growing seasons. Landscape berms shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in width and may not exceed a fifty (50) percent slope. Openings in landscape buffers shall be provided along dedicated easements, right of ways, and where necessary for emergency vehicle access.

(c) Commercial Ground Cover. All lot areas not covered by site improvements or required buffering, trees, bushes, or other vegetation shall be covered using sod.

1. New Development. All new commercial development shall be required to sod all yard areas of the lot prior to the issuance of a certificate of a certificate of occupancy.

2. Existing Development. Where ground cover is removed, destroyed, or dies for any reason the property owner shall replace said ground cover using one or a combination of the methods described above.

(d) Parking Lot Landscaping. A minimum of ten (10) percent of the interior parking area shall be reserved for landscape plantings including but not limited to; parking islands, hedges, berms, rocks, ground cover, and trees. One interior parking area shade tree shall be planted for every fifteen (15) parking spaces. Interior shade tree requirements are in addition to the required number of street trees.

1. Location. All landscaping shall be planted within center islands, at the ends of parking bays, and along sidewalks so as to provide protection from automobile and pedestrian traffic All plantings and trees shall be installed so as to not impede with sight lines between four (4) and eight (8) feet.

2. Plant Type. The selection of planting shall be at the direction of the developer subject to approval of the Planning Commission. Evergreens, berming, and other dense vegetative materials shall be provided along parking lot perimeters to reduce the impact of automobile noise and lights on surrounding land uses. Deciduous trees shall be planted in the parking lot interior to provide shade and improve the aesthetic appearance of the lot.

Paving block, curbs, and other such devises shall be used to prevent automobiles from overhanging landscaped areas. Any areas that will be under the overhang of an automobile shall be mulched or paved.

(e) Paving Materials. A variety of designs and paving materials including concrete, asphalt, paving block, brick, cobble stone, tile, and other materials are permitted in business districts. Paving materials must meet the established Village specifications and be installed with the consideration of function, cost, availability, appearance, and the user (Appendix A).

All paved areas shall be designed to meet the minimum weight requirements for emergency vehicle access as established by the Village Fire Department.

(f) Privacy Walls and Fences. Walls and fences may be erected where necessary for privacy, screening, separation, security, erosion control, or other reasonable function.

The design and materials used shall be functional and compatible with the surrounding environment and meet the requirements of Section 4.00, entitled “Fences” of the zoning ordinance.

(g) Street Furniture/Ornamentation. Street furniture including, but not limited to, benches, sculpture, flag poles, lighting, and ornamentation shall be regulated as accessory structures in business districts according to the zoning ordinance. The location and size of all furniture and ornamentation shall be in accordance with the function served and the applicable regulations for the district in which it is to be located.

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All trash containers shall be located in the rear of the principal structure and required to be screened from site using solid wood or masonry fencing.

1. Design. All street furniture and accessory structures shall be compatible in form, material, and finish, to the principal building. Street furniture shall be selected considering theme, function, durability, maintenance, and over-all cost.


(a) Shade Trees. All parcels located in Village Manufacturing districts shall provide a minimum of one (1) parkway shade tree for every fifty (50) feet of street frontage of fraction thereof.

(b) Buffering. Manufacturing districts shall provide a minimum thirty five (35) foot buffering strip between adjacent developments, railways, arterials, and parking lots to reduce the negative impacts of or on the surrounding land-uses. This buffer may be achieved using a variety of arrangements including parallel, serpentine, or broken planting rows, landscape berms, or any combination thereof.

Buffering materials shall be designed to provide a year-round screen of at least four (4) feet in height in three growing seasons. Landscape berms shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in width and not exceed a fifty (50) percent slope. Openings in buffering materials shall be provided along dedicated easements, right of ways, and to provide access for emergency vehicles where necessary.

(c) Manufacturing Ground Cover. (Same as business districts)

1. New Development. All new manufacturing development shall be required to sod the front and side yard areas of the lot prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The rear yard shall be seeded and/or hydro-seeded so as to produce complete coverage during the next growing season.

2. Existing Development. All new manufacturing development shall be required to sod the front and side yard areas of the lot prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. The rear yard shall be seeded and/or hydro-seeded so as to produce complete coverage during the next growing season.

(d) Parking Lot Landscaping. (Same as business districts)

1. New Development. All new commercial development shall be required to sod all yard areas of the lot prior to the issuance of a certificate of a certificate of occupancy.

2. Plant Type. The selection of planting shall be at the direction of the developer subject to approval of the Planning Commission. Evergreens, berming, and other dense vegetative materials shall be provided along parking lot perimeters to reduce the impact of automobile noise and lights on surrounding land uses. Deciduous trees shall be planted in the parking lot interior to provide shade and improve the aesthetic appearance of the lot.

Paving block, curbs, and other such devises shall be used to prevent automobiles from overhanging landscaped areas. Any areas that will be under the overhang of an automobile shall be mulched or paved.

(e) Paving Materials. A variety of designs and paving materials including concrete, asphalt, paving block, brick, cobble stone, tile, and other materials are permitted in business districts. Paving materials must meet the established Village specifications and be installed with the consideration of function, cost, availability, appearance, and the user (Appendix A).

All paved areas shall be designed to meet the minimum weight requirements for emergency vehicle

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access as established by the Village Fire Department.

(f) Privacy Walls and Fences. Walls and fences may be erected where necessary for privacy, screening, separation, security, erosion control, or other reasonable function.

The design and materials used shall be functional and compatible with the surrounding environment and meet the requirements of Section 4.00, entitled “Fences” of the zoning ordinance.

(g) Street Furniture/Ornamentation. Street furniture including, but not limited to, benches, sculpture, flag poles, lighting, and ornamentation shall be regulated as accessory structures in business districts according to the zoning ordinance. The location and size of all furniture and ornamentation shall be in accordance with the function served and the applicable regulations for the district in which it is to be located.

All trash containers shall be located in the rear of the principal structure and required to be screened from site using solid wood or masonry fencing.

1. Design. All street furniture and accessory structures shall be compatible in form, material, and finish, to the principal building. Street furniture shall be selected considering theme, function, durability, maintenance, and over-all cost.


(a) Shade Trees. All parcels located in Public and Semi-Public districts shall provide a minimum of one (1) parkway shade tree for every fifty (50) feet of street frontage of fraction thereof.

(b) Buffering. Where a P-1 district development abuts a more intensive land-use including residential, business, or manufacturing districts, parking lots, railways, or arterials a minimum twenty (20) foot buffering strip shall be required to reduce the negative impacts of the adjacent development. This buffer may be achieved using a variety of arrangements including parallel, serpentine, or broken planting rows, landscape berms, or any combination thereof.

Buffering materials shall be designed to provide a year-round screen of four (4) feet in height in three growing seasons. Landscape berms shall be a minimum of three (3) feet in width and not exceed a fifty (50) percent slope. Openings in buffering materials shall be provided along dedicated easements, right of ways, and to provide access of emergency vehicles where necessary.

(c) Ground Cover. (Same as business districts)

1. New Development. All new commercial development shall be required to sod all yard areas of the lot prior to the issuance of a certificate of a certificate of occupancy.

2. Existing Development. Where ground cover is removed, destroyed, or dies for any reason the property owner shall replace said ground cover using one or a combination of the methods described above.

(d) Parking Lot Landscaping. A minimum of twenty (20) percent of the interior parking area for non- residential uses shall be reserved for landscape plantings including, but not limited to; parking islands, hedges, berms, rocks, ground cover, and trees. One interior parking area shade tree shall be planted for every fifteen (15) parking spaces. Interior shade tree requirements are in addition to the required number of street and parkway trees.

1. Location. All landscaping shall be planted within center islands, at the ends of parking bays, and along sidewalks so as to provide protection from automobile and pedestrian traffic All

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plantings and trees shall be installed so as to not impede with sight lines between four (4) and eight (8) feet.

2. Plant Type. The selection of planting shall be at the direction of the developer subject to approval of the Planning Commission. Evergreens, berming, and other dense vegetative materials shall be provided along parking lot perimeters to reduce the impact of automobile noise and lights on surrounding land uses. Deciduous trees shall be planted in the parking lot interior to provide shade and improve the aesthetic appearance of the lot.

Paving block, curbs, and other such devises shall be used to prevent automobiles from overhanging landscaped areas. Any areas that will be under the overhang of an automobile shall be mulched or paved.

(e) Paving Materials. A variety of designs and paving materials including concrete, asphalt, paving block, brick, cobble stone, tile, and other materials are permitted in business districts. Paving materials must meet the established Village specifications and be installed with the consideration of function, cost, availability, appearance, and the user (Appendix A).

All paved areas shall be designed to meet the minimum weight requirements for emergency vehicle access as established by the Village Fire Department.

(f) Privacy Walls and Fences. Walls and fences may be erected where necessary for privacy, screening, separation, security, erosion control, or other reasonable function.

The design and materials used shall be functional and compatible with the surrounding environment and meet the requirements of Section 4.00, entitled “Fences” of the zoning ordinance.

(g) Street Furniture/Ornamentation. Street furniture including, but not limited to, benches, sculpture, flag poles, lighting, and ornamentation shall be regulated as accessory structures in business districts according to the zoning ordinance. The location and size of all furniture and ornamentation shall be in accordance with the function served and the applicable regulations for the district in which it is to be located.

All trash containers shall be located in the rear of the principal structure and required to be screened from site using solid wood or masonry fencing.

1. Design. All street furniture and accessory structures shall be compatible in form, material, and finish, to the principal building. Street furniture shall be selected considering theme, function, durability, maintenance, and over-all cost.


(a) Shade Trees. All lots shall provide a minimum of two (2) parkway shade trees for every fifty (50) feet of lot frontage. The additional required tree may be of an alternate species as deemed appropriate under this regulation.

(b) Buffering. Where a development abuts a more intensive land-use including residential, business, or manufacturing districts, parking lots, railways, or arterials a minimum twenty (20) foot buffering strip shall be required to reduce the negative impacts of the adjacent development. This buffer may be achieved using a variety of arrangements including parallel, serpentine, or broken planting rows, or any combination thereof.

Buffering materials shall be designed to provide a year-round visual and acoustic screen of at least four (4) feet in height in three growing seasons. Buffering shall provide at least seventy (70) percent open space so not to restrict the flow of water. Openings in buffering materials shall be provided along

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dedicated easements, right of ways, and where necessary to provide emergency vehicle access.

(c) Ground Cover. All lot areas not covered by site improvements or required buffering; trees, bushes, or other vegetation shall be covered using sod, seed, hydro-seed or some combination thereof.

1. New Development. All new development shall be required to sod the front and side yard of the lot prior to occupancy. The side and rear yards shall be seeded and/or hydro-seeded so as to produce complete coverage during the next growing season.

Should it not be feasible to sod the front and side yard prior to occupancy due to the time of year and/or climactic conditions, the developer shall post a security bond equal to two thousand dollars ($2000.00) or one hundred ten (110) percent of the improvement to guarantee that the ground cover will be planted at the beginning of the next growing season.

2. Existing Development. Where ground cover is removed, destroyed, or dies for any reason, the property owner shall replace said ground cover using one or a combination of the methods described above.

(d) Parking Lot Landscaping. A minimum of twenty (20) percent of the interior parking of non- residential uses shall be reserved for landscape plantings including, but not limited to, parking islands, hedges, berms, rocks, ground cover, and trees. One interior parking area shade tree shall be planted for every fifteen (15) parking spaces. Interior shade tree requirements are in addition to the required number of street and parkway trees.

1. Location. All landscaping shall be planted within center islands, at the ends of parking bays, and along sidewalks so as to provide protection from automobile and pedestrian traffic All plantings and trees shall be installed so as to not impede with sight lines between four (4) and eight (8) feet.

2. Plant Type. The selection of planting shall be at the direction of the developer subject to approval of the Planning Commission. Evergreens, berming, and other dense vegetative materials shall be provided along parking lot perimeters to reduce the impact of automobile noise and lights on surrounding land uses. Deciduous trees shall be planted in the parking lot interior to provide shade and improve the aesthetic appearance of the lot.

Paving block, curbs, and other such devises shall be used to prevent automobiles from overhanging landscaped areas. Any areas that will be under the overhang of an automobile shall be mulched or paved.

(e) Paving Materials. A variety of designs and paving materials including concrete, asphalt, paving block, brick, cobble stone, tile, and other materials are permitted in business districts. Paving materials must meet the established Village specifications and be installed with the consideration of function, cost, availability, appearance, and the user (Appendix 1).

All paved areas shall be designed to meet the minimum weight requirements for emergency vehicle access as established by the Village Fire Department.

(f) Privacy Walls and Fences. Walls and fences may be erected where necessary for privacy, screening, separation, security, erosion control, or other reasonable function.

The design and materials used shall be functional and compatible with the surrounding environment and meet the requirements of Section 4.00, entitled “Fences” of the zoning ordinance.

(g) Street Furniture/Ornamentation. Street furniture including, but not limited to, benches, sculpture, flag poles, lighting, and ornamentation shall be regulated as accessory structures in business districts

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according to the zoning ordinance. The location and size of all furniture and ornamentation shall be in accordance with the function served and the applicable regulations for the district in which it is to be located.

All trash containers shall be located in the rear of the principal structure and required to be screened from site using solid wood or masonry fencing.

1. Design. All street furniture and accessory structures shall be compatible in form, material, and finish, to the principal building. Street furniture shall be selected considering theme, function, durability, maintenance, and over-all cost.

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Appendix A. Paving Materials

Material Cost Comments Low construction A durable material that can be easily cut and repaired as needed. Requires occasional Asphalt cost resurfacing. Is an absorber of heat and is aesthetically unappealing in large expanses. Moderate Requires minimal maintenance, but if not made property will crack. Not attractive in Concrete construction cost large expanses, but does work well with other paving materials. High construction Long life expectancy with minimal maintenance. The exposed finish is more attractive Concrete Aggregate cost (twice normal than normal concrete. concrete) Moderate Long life expectancy and attractive textured surface. Requires minimal maintenance, Cement Pavers construction cost but has a limited range of available colors. Is made in a wide range of colors and is highly attractive. Can be laid in a variety of Brick & Brick Moderate to high patterns and is durable. Snow is not easily removed and if not cared for, can be Pavers construction cost dangerous to pedestrians. Economical and attractive when used in conjunction with other paving surfaces (i.e. Brick Grid Moderate entrances, courts, plazas, and private spaces) Requires minimal maintenance when constructed properly. Low construction Used primarily for special effects and has a wide range of designs. Requires continual Wood Decking cost maintenance and repair. If not treated properly has a very limited life span. Excellent surface material. It is durable and attractive and is made in a wide range of High construction Stone colors, textures, and styles. Granites are among the most durable. The type of stone cost used should be appropriate for the local climate and environmental conditions.

Appendix B. Trees, Shrubs, Plants



BALDCYPRESS Baldcypress Taxodium distichum H=50-70’ S=20-30’

BEECH European Beech Fagus sylvatica H=60-80’ S=55-65’

BIRCH River Birch Betula nigra H=45-65’ S=40-50’ Whitespire Japanese Birch Betula playphylla japonica H=40-50’ S=30-40’ Yellow Birch Betula allegheniensis or Betula lutea H=40-60’ S=25-35’

BLACKGUM Blackgum Nyssa sylvatica* H=35-45’ S=20-30’

BUCKEYE Ohio Buckeye Aesculus glabra* H=25-35’ S=30-40’

COFFEETREE Kentucky Coffeetree Gymnocladus dioicus H=60-80’ S=40-50’

CORKTREE Amur Corktree Phellodendron amurense* H=35-45’ S=30-40’

ELM Cebark Elm Ulmus parvifolia H=40-50’ S=25-35’

FILBERT (or Hazel)

Turkish Filbert (or Hazel) Corylus colorna H=40-50’ S=20-30’

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GINGKO Gingko Gingko biloba H=55-75’ S=35-45’

HACKBERRY Hackberry Celtis occidentalis H=50-70’ S=45-55’

HONEYLOCUST Honeylocust Gleditsia triacanthos inermis H=65-85’ S=40-50’

HORSECHESTNUT Common Horsechestnut Aesculus hippocastanum H=50-70’ S=30-40’

LARCH European Larch Larix deciduas H=60-80’ S=25-35’

LINDEN Crimean Linden Tilia x euchlora H=40-60’ S=20-30’ Littleleaf Linden Tilia cordata H=50-70’ S=30-40’ Redmond Linden Tilia Americana ‘Redmond’ H=60-80’ S=35-45’ Silver Linden Tilia tomentosa H=50-70’ S=35-45’

MAPLE Green Column Black Maple Acer nigrum ‘Green Column’ H=40-50’ S=15-20’ Norway Maple Acer platanoides H=40-50’ S=30-40’ Red Maple Acer rubrum H=45-55’ S=30-40’ Sugar Maple Acer saccharum H=80-100’ S=60-70’

OAK Bur Oak Quercus macrocarpa H=65-85’ S=70-80’ English Oak Quercus robur H=75-95’ S=80-90’ Pin Oak Quercus palustris H=45-65’ S=30-40’ Red Oak Quercus rubra H=60-80’ S=40-50’ Shingle Oak Quercus imbricaria H=45-65’ S=50-60’ Scarlet Oak Quercus coccinea H=60-80’ S=60-70’ Swamp White Oak Quercus bicolor H=50-70’ S=55-65’ White Oak Quercus alba H=55-75’ S=60-70’

PEAR Bradford Callery Pear Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’ H=35-45’ S=20-30’

PLANETREE (SYCAMORE) London Planetree Platanus x acerifolia H=75-95’ S=65-75’ American Planetree Platanus occidentialis H=75-95’ S=55-65’ Oriental Planetree Platanus orientalis H=75-95’ S=60-70’

REDWOOD Dawn Redwood Metasequoia glyptostroboides H=75-95’ S=25-35’

RUBBER TREE Hardy Rubber Tree Eucommia ulmoides H=40-60’ S=40-60’

SWEETGUM Sweetgum Liquidambar styraciflua H=50-70’ S=35-45’

TULIP TREE Tulip Tree Liriodendron tulipifera H=70-90’ S=35-45’

YELLOWWOOD American Yellowwood Cladrastis lutea* H=35-45’ S=35-45’

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ZELKOVA Japanese Zelkova Zelkova serrata H=55-75’ S=55-65’



ALDER European Black Alder Alnus glutinosa H=45-55’ S=25-35’

BLACKGUM Blackgum Nyssa sylvatica* H=35-45’ S=20-30’

BUCKEYE Ohio Buckeye Aesculus glabra* H=25-35’ S=30-40’

CHERRY Amur Chokecherry Prunus maackii H=30-40’ S=20-30’ Common Chokecherry Prunus virginiana H=20-30’ S=15-25’ Higan Cherry Prunus subhirtella H=15-25’ S=10-20’ Kwanzan Oriental Cherry Prunus serrulata ‘Kwanzan’ H=15-25’ S=10-15’ Newport (Cherry) Plum Prunus cerasifera ‘Newport’ H=15-25’ S=15-25’ Cargent Flowering Cherry Prunus sargentii H=35-45’ S=35-45’

CORKTREE Amur Corktree Phellodendron amurense* H=35-45’ S=30-40’

CRAB Flowering Crabapple Malus speciosa NOTE: There are approximately 400-600 varieties of Crabapple in the United States (Dirr 1977). They differ according to size, shape, flower, fruit, and disease resistance.

DOGWOOD Corneliancherry Dogwood Cornus mas H=15-25’ S=12-18’ Flowering Dogwood Cornus florida H=15-25’ S=15-25’ Kousa Dogwood Cornus kousa H=15-25’ S=10-20’ Pagoda Dogwood Cornus alternifolia H=15-25’ S=25-30’

FRINGETREE White Fringetree Chionanthus virginicus H=12-18’ S=12-18’

HAWTHORN Cockspur Hawthorn Crataegus crusgalli H=20-30’ S=20-30’ Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn Crataegus crusgalli ‘inermis’ H=20-30’ S=20-30’ Downy Hawthorn Crataegus mollis H=20-30’ S=20-30’ Washington Hawthorn Crataegus phaenopyrum H=20-30’ S=15-25’ Winter King Hawthorn Crataegus viridis ‘Winter King’ H=25-35’ S=25-35’

HOPHORNBEAM American Hophornbeam Ostrya virginiana H=25-35’ S=15-25’

HORNBEAM American Hornbeam Carpinus caroliniana H=20-30’ S=12-18’ Columnar European Hornbeam Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’ H=30-40’ S=12-18’

KATSURATREE Katsuratree Cercidiphyllum japonicum H=45-55’ S=30-40’

LILAC Japanese Tree Lilac Syringa reticulate H=15-25’ S=15-25’

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MAGNOLIA Ballerina Magnolia Magnolia x loebneri ‘Ballerina’ H=20-30’ S=20-30’ Dr. Merrill Magnolia Magnolia x loebneri ‘Merrill’ H=20-30’ S=20-30’ Leonard Messel Magnolia M. x loebneri ‘Leonard Messel’ H=20-30’ S=20-30’ Saucer Magnolia Magnolia x soulangiana H=20-30’ S=20-30’ Star Magnolia Magnolia stellata H=15-20’ S=12-20’ Sweetbay Magnolia Magnolia virginiana H=12/-18 S=12-18’

MAPLE Amur Maple Acer ginnala H=15-25’ S=12-20’ Hedge Maple Acer campestre H=25-35’ S=25-35’ Japanese Red Maple Acer palmatum H=15-25’ S=12-18’ Paperbark Maple Acer griseum H=20-30’ S=15-25’

PEAR Bradford Callery Pear Pyrus calleryana ‘Bradford’* H=35-45’ S=20-30’

REDBUD Eastern Redbud Cercis Canadensis H=20-30’ S=20-30’

SERVICEBERRY Alleghanay Serviceberry Amelanchier laevis H=25-35’ S=10-20’ Apple Serviceberry Amelanchier x grandiflora H=15-25’ S=10-15’ Shadblow Serviceberry Amelanchier Canadensis H=15-25’ S=10-15’

WITCHHAZEL Common Witchhazel Hamamelis virginiana H=20-30’ S=15-25’

YELLOWWOOD American Yellowwood Cladrastis luteau* H=35-45’ S=35-45’



FIR Balsam Fir Abies balsamea H=50-70’ S=15-25’ Douglas Fir Pseudotsuga menziesii H=55-65’ S=12-20’ White (Concolor) Fir Abies concolor H=35-45’ S=18-25’

HEMLOCK Canadian Hemlock Tsuga Canadensis H=45-65’ S=20-30’

PINE Austrian Pine Pinus nigra H=40-60’ S=25-35’ Limber Pine Pinus flexilis H=35-45’ S=20-30’ Red Pine Pinus resinosa H=55-75’ S=25-35’ Scotch Pine Pinus sylvestris H=40-50’ S=30-40’ White Pine Pinus strobes H=55-75’ S=25-35’

BRUCE Black Hills Spruce Picea glauca ‘densata’ H=25-35’ S=12-18’ Colorado Blue Spruce Picea pungens ‘glauca; H=40-50’ S=12-18’ Colorado Green Spruce Picea pungens H=40-50’ S=12-18’ Norway Spruce Picea abies H=50-70’ S=25-35’



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AZALEA There are too many varieties of azaleas to list here. They are often listed as broadleaf evergreens in nursery catalogs because they are part of the genus “Rhododendron”. However, azaleas are strictly deciduous and should not be confused with rhododendrons.

BARBERRY Dwarf Red Barberry Berberis thunbergii ‘Atropupurea Nana’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Golden Barberry Berberis thunbergii ‘Aurea’ H=3-4’ S=3-4’ Kobold Barberry Berberis thunbergii ‘Kobold’ H=1-2’ S=2-3’ Rosy Glow Barberry Berberis thunbergii ‘Rosy Glow’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’

BAYBERRY Bayberry Myrica pennsylvanica H=4-9’ S=4-9’

BEAUTYBUSH Beautybush Kolkwitzia amabilis H=6-9’ S=6-9’

BUCKTHORN Tallhedge Buckthorn Rhamnus frangula ‘Columnaris’ H=8-10’ S=3-6’

BURNING BUSH Burning Bush Euonymus alata H=10-15’ S=10-15’ Compact Burning Bush Euonymus alata ‘compactus’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’

CHOKEBERRY Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa H=3-5’ S=3-4’ Red Chokeberry Aronia arbutifolia H=6-10’ S=3-5’

CLETHRA Summersweet Clethra Clethra alnifolia H=3-8’ S=3-8’

TONEASTER Cranberry Cotoneaster Cotoneaster apiculata H=2-4’ S=3-6’ Peking Cotoneaster Cotoneaster acutifolia (lucida) H=6-10’ S=6-8’ Rockspray Cotoneaster Cotoneaster horizontalis H=2-3’ S=4-5’ Spreading Cotoneaster Cotoneaster divaricata H=5-6’ S=6-7’

CURRANT Alpine Currant Ribes alpinum H=3-6’ S=3-6’ Green Mound Alpine Currant Ribes alpinum ‘Green Mound’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’

DOGWOOD Bailey’s Redtwig Dogwood Cornus sericea ‘Baileyi’ H=6-10’ S=5-10’ Isanti Redtwig Dogwood Cornus sericea ‘Isanti’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’ Kelsey’s Redtwig Dogwood Cornus sericea ‘Kelseyi’ H=2-3’ S=3-4’ Yellowtwig Dogwood Cornus sericea ‘Flaviramea’ H=6-10’ S=5-10’

DEUTZIA Slender Deutzia Deutzia gracilis H=3-4’ S=3-5’ Lemoine Deutzia Deutzia x lemoinei H=6-7’ S=4-6’

FORSYTHIA Beatrice Farrand Forsythia Forsythia x intermedia ‘Beatrice Farrand’ H=8-10’ S=5-10’ Bronx Forsythia Forsy. viridissima ‘Bronxensis’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Meadowlark Forsythia Forsy. x intermedia ‘Meadowlark’ H=8-10’ S=5-10’ Spring Glory Forsythia Forsy. x inter. ‘Spring Glory’ H=6-8’ S=5-7’ Sunrise Forsythia Forsythia x intermedia ‘Sunrise’ H=4-6’ S=3-5’


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Dwarf Fothergilla Fothergilla ‘Gardenii’ H=2-4’ S=2-4’

HOLLY (deciduous) Afterglow Holly Ilex verticillata ‘Afterglow’ H=4-6’ S=3-5’ Aurantiaca Holly Ilex verticillata ‘Aurantiaca’ H=3-5’ S=3-5’ Red Sprite Holly Ilex verticillata ‘Red Sprite’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Winter Red Holly Ilex verticillata ‘Winter Red’ H=6-8’ S=4-7’

HONEYSUCKLE Arnold Red Honeysuckle Lonicera tatarica ‘Arnold Red’ H=9-12’ S=9-12’ Clavey’s Dwarf Honeysuckle Lonicera xylosteum ‘Claveyi’ H=5-6’ S=4-6 Emerald Mound Honeysuckle Lonicera xylosteum ‘Emerald Mound’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’

HYDRANGEA Annabelle Hydrangea Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’ H=3-4’ S=3-6’ Oakleaf Hydrangea Hydrangea quercifolia H=4-6’ S=3-6’ Pee Gee Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ H=6-8’ S=6-8’ Tardiva Hydrangea Hydrangea paniculata ‘Tardiva’ H=6-8’ S=6-8’

KERRIA Japanese Kerria Kerria japonica H=3-6’ S=4-6’

LILAC Common Lilac Syringa vulgaris H=10-15’ S=6-12’ Dwarf Korean Lilac Syringa meyeri ‘Palibin’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’ French Hybrid Lilac Syringa yulgaris hybrids H=8-10’ S=6-8’ James MacFarlene Lilac Syringa x josiflexa ‘James Mac.’ H=6-10’ S=5-10’ Miss Kim Dwarf Lilac Syringa patula ‘Miss Kim’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’

MOCKORANGE Mockorange Phildelphus coronaries H=10-12’ S=10-12’

NINEBARK Dwarf Ninebark Physocarpus opulifolius H=4-6’ S=3-5’

POTENTILLA Abbotswood Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa ‘Abbotswood’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Gold Drop Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa ‘Gold Drop’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Goldfinger Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa ‘Goldfinger’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Jackman Potentilla Potentilla fruticosa ‘Jackmannii’ H=2-4’ S=2-3’

PRIVET Amur Privet Ligustrum amurense H=10-15’ S=6-10’ Cheyenne Privet Ligustrum vulgare ‘Cheyenne’ H=8-10’ S=6-8’ Golden Vicary Privet Ligustrum x vicaryi H=4-6’ S=4-6’

PYRACANTHA Kasan Phyracantha Phyracantha coccinea ‘Kasan’ H=6-8’ S=4-6’ Pauciflora Pyracantha Pyracantha coccinea ‘Pauciflora’ H=6-8’ S=4-6’ Yukon Belle Pyracantha Pyracan. Coccinea ‘Yukon Belle’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’

QUINCE Common Flowering Quince Chaenomeles speciosa H=6-10’ S=8-10’

ROSE OF SHARON Rose of Sharon Hybiscus syriacus H=8-10’ S=4-6’

SERVICEBERRY Regent Serviceberry Amelanchier alnifolia ‘Regent’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’


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Common Smokebush Cotinus coggygria H=8-12’ S=6-10’

SPIREA Anthony Waterer Spirea Spiraea bumalda ‘Anthony Waterer’ H=2-3’ S=2-4’ Bridal Wreath Spirea Spiraea vanhouttei H=6-10’ S=5-8’ Froebel Spirea Spiraea Bumalda ‘Froebelii’ H=3-4’ S=3-4’ Gold Flame Spirea Spiraea bumalda ‘Gold Flame’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Little Princess Spirea Spirea japonica ‘Little Princess’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Snowmound Spirea Spirea nipponica ‘Snowmound’ H=3-5’ S=3-4’

SUMAC Gro-Low Sumac Rhus aromatica ‘Gro-Low’ H=2-3’ S=4-6’ Smooth Sumac Rhus glabra H=9-15’ S=9-15’ Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina H=15-25’ S=15-25’ Cutleaf Staghorn Sumac Rhus typhina ‘laciniata’ H=15-25’ S=15-25’

STEPHANANDRA Cutleaf Stephanandra Stephanandra incise ‘Crisa’ H=2-3’ S=3-4’

VIBURNUM Amer Cranberrybush Viburnum trilobum H=8-12’ S=8-12’ Arrowwood Viburnam Viburnum dentatum H=6-8’ S=4-6’ Blackhaw Viburnum Viburnum prunifolium H=12-15’ S=8-12’ Bract Viburnum Viburnum bracteatum H=6-8’ S=4-6’ Burkwood Viburnum Viburnum x burkwoodii H=8-10’ S=6-8’ Doublefile Viburnum Viburnum plicatum tomentosum H=8-10’ S=6-10’ Euro. Cranberrybush Vib. Viburnum opulus H=8-12’ S=10-15’ Judd Viburnum Viburnum x juddii H=5-8’ S=5-8’ Koreanspice Viburnum Viburnum carlesii H=4-6’ S=4-6’ Mohican Viburnum Viburnum lantana H=6-10’ S=6-8’ Nannyberry Viburnum Viburnum lentago H=15-20’ S=6-12’ Willowwood Viburnum Viburnum x rhytidophylloides H=10-12’ S=8-10’

WEIGELA Java Red Weigela Weigela florida ‘Red Java’ H=3-5’ S=3-5’ Red Prince Weigela Weigela florida ‘Red Prince’ H=5-6’ S=5-6’ Variegated Weigela Weigela florida ‘Variegata’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’

WITCHHAZEL Vernal Witchhazel Hamamelis vernalis H=6-10’ S=6-10’



There are over 900 species and an infinite number of cultivars that comprise the genus ‘Rhododendron’. While often considered separate species, Azaleas are included in the genus ‘Rhododendron’. Azaleas have been classified above as deciduous shrubs. Rhododendrons are characterized by very showy spring flowers and evergreen foliage. Azaleas differ from true rhododendrons in that they are deciduous and generally smaller. Both require a well-drained acidic soil and protection from harsh winter conditions.


BOXWOOD Green Gem Boxwood Buxus microphylla var. koreana x B. sempervirens ‘Green Gem’ H=2-4’ S=2-4’ Green Mound Boxwood Buxus microphylla var. koreana x B. sempervirens ‘Green Mound’ H=2-4’ S=2-4’ Green Mountain Boxwood Buxus microphylla var. koreana x B. sempervirens ‘Green Mountain’ H=3-5’ S=2-4’ Green Velvet Boxwood Buxus microphylla var. koreana x B. sempervirens ‘Green Velvet’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Winter Beauty Boxwood Buxus microphylla ‘Winter Beauty’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Winter Gem Boxwood Buxus microphylla ‘Winter Gem’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’ Wintergreen Korean Boxwood Buxus sinica insularis ‘Wintergreen’ H=3-4’ S=2-4’

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GRAPEHOLLY Oregon Grapeholly Mahonia aquifolium H=3-5’ S=3-5’ Compact Oregon Grapeholly Mahonia aquifolium ‘Compacta’ H=2-3’ S=2-3’

HOLLY Blue Holly Ilex x meserveae ‘Blue Prince’, ‘Blue Princess’, ‘Blue Boy’, ‘Blue Girl’ H=3-6’ S=4-6’ China Boy/Girl Holly Ilex rugosa x cornuta ‘China Boy’, ‘China Girl’ H=4-8’ S=3-7’ Compact Inkberry Holly Ilex glabra ‘Compacta’ H=3-6’ S=3-5’

YUCCA Yucca Yucca filamentosa H=2-3’ S=2-3’



ARBORVITAE Globe Shaped Thuja occidentalis ‘Woodwardii’ H=4-6’ S=4-6’ Globe Arborvitae Hetz Midget Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ‘Hetz Midget’ H=3-4’ S=2-3’ Little Giant Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ‘Little Giant’ H=3-4’ S=2-3’ Rheingold Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ‘Rheingold’ H=3-5’ S=4-5’

Upright/Phyramidal Shaped Thuja occidentalis ‘Nigra’ H=15-25’ S=6-8’ Dark Green Arborvitae Emerald Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ‘Emerald’ H=15-20’ S=4-6’ Holmstrup Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ‘Holmstrup’ H=5-10’ S=3-4’ Pyramidal Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ‘Pyramidalis’ H=15-25’ S=6-8’ Techny Arborvitae Thuja occidentalis ‘Techny’ H=15-25’ S=5-7’

FALSE CYPRESS Boulevard False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Boulevard’ H=6-10’ S=3-4’ Dwarf False Cypress Chamaecyparis obtuse ‘Nana’ H=2-3’ S=1-2’ Sun Gold False Cypress Chamaecyparis pisifera ‘Filifera Aurea’ H=6-10’ S=3-4’

JUNIPER Large Spreading Type Hetz Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Hetzi’ H=10-15’ S=10-15’ Pfitzer Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Pfiteriana’ H=6-10’ S=6-10’

Compact Spreading Type

Armstrong Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Armstrong’ H=3-4’ S=4-5’ Blue Star Juniper Juniperus squamata ‘Blue Star’ H=2-3’ S=3-4’ Compact Pfitzer Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Pfitzeriana Compacta’ H=4-5’ S=5-6’ Fruitland Compact Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Fuitlandii’ H=3-5’ S=4-5’ Gold Coast Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Aureau’ H=3-5’ S=4-5’ Kallay Pfitzer Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Pfitzeriana Kallay’ H=2-3’ S=3-4’

Upright Type

Blue Point Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Blue Point’ H=10-15’ S=5-10’

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Canaert Juniper Juniperus virginiana Canaerti’ H=20-35’ S=8-12’ Glauca Juniper Juniperus virginiana ‘Glauca’ H=15-25’ S=8-12’ Hooks Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Hooks’ H=15-20’ S=5-10’ Keteleer Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Keteleeri’ H=30-40’ S=10-15’ Manhattan Blue Juniper Juniperus virginiana ‘Manhattan Blue’ H=10-15’ S=5-10’ Robusta Green Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Robusta Green’ H=10-15’ S=5-10’ Spartan Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Spartan’ H=15-20’ S=5-10’ Upright Hetz Juniper Juniperus chinensis ‘Hetzi Columnaris’ H=20-30’ S=8-12’ Wichita Blue Juniper Juniperus scopulorum ‘Wichita Blue’ H=10-15’ S=5-10’


There are many dwarf and weeping varieties of Pine and Spruce that may be acceptable for use as evergreen shrubs but do not satisfy the intent of the ordinance for evergreen trees. They are too numerous to list here.


There are too many varieties of Yew to list here. The most commonly used Yews in Central Illinois fall under one of two species – Taxus cuspidate and Taxus x media. Taxus cuspidate tend to be larger than Taxus x media. While some yews can actually grow to be as tall as 60’, they are classified as shrubs. The reason for such classification is that yews will not take on the typical form of an evergreen tree if allowed to grow to maturity. Rather, it will have the appearance of an overgrown, poorly maintained shrub.

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1.101 Purpose

This Code is enacted pursuant to the police powers granted this Village by 65 ILCS 5/1-2-1, 5/11-12-12, 5/11-30-2, 5/11-30-8, and 5/11-31-2. The purpose of this Code is to maintain this village’s eligibility in the National Flood Insurance Program; to minimize potential losses due to periodic flooding including loss of life, loss of property, health and safety hazards, disruption of governmental services, extraordinary public expenditures for flood protection and relief, and impairment of the tax base, all of which adversely affect the public health, safety and general welfare; and to preserve and enhance the quality of surface waters, conserve economic and natural values and provide for the wise utilization of water and related land resources. This Code is adopted in order to accomplish the following specific purposes:

a. To meet the requirements of 615 ILCS 5/18(g) Rivers, Lakes and Stream act.

b. To protect human life and health from the hazards of flooding;

c. To protect new buildings and major improvements to buildings from flood damage;

d. To assure that new development does not increase flood or drainage hazards to others, or create unstable conditions susceptible to erosion;

e. To lessen the burden on taxpayers for flood control projects, repairs to flood-damaged public facilities and utilities, and flood rescue and relief operations;

f. To make federally subsidized flood insurance available for property in the Village by fulfilling the requirements of the National Flood Insurance Program;

g. To comply with the rules and regulations of the National Flood Insurance Program codified as 44 CFR 59- 79, as amended;

h. To protect, conserve, and promote the orderly development of land and water resources;

i. To preserve the natural hydrologic and hydraulic functions of water courses and flood plains and to protect water quality and aquatic habitats;

j. To preserve the natural characteristics of stream corridors in order to moderate flood and stormwater impacts, improve water quality, reduce soil erosion, protect aquatic and riparian habitat, provide aesthetic benefits and enhance community and economic development.

k. To prevent the adverse impacts resulting from increases in stormwater runoff quantity, or rate and decreases in quality caused by the development and improvement of land.

1.102 Definitions and Terms

Whenever in the Code the following terms or pronouns in place of them are used, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as follows:

ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: A non-habitable structure which is on the same parcel of property as the principal structure to be insured and the use of which is incidental to the use of the principal structure.

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ACT: An act in relation to the regulation of the rivers, lakes and streams of the State of Illinois, III. Rev. Stat. 1987, ch. 19, par. 52 et seq.

ADVERSE IMPACTS: Any deleterious impact on water resources or wetlands affecting their beneficial uses including recreation, aesthetics, aquatic habitat, quality, and quantity.

APPLICANT: Any person, firm, or governmental agency who executes the necessary forms to procure official approval of a project or permit to carry out construction of a project from the Village.

APPROPRIATE USE: Only uses of the designated floodway that are permissible and will be considered for permit issuance. They only uses that will be allowed are specified in Article III.

BASE FLOOD: The flood having a one-percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The base flood is also known as the 100 year flood.

BASE FLOOD AREA: The land area subject to inundation by waters of the base flood.

BASE FLOOD ELEVATION: The elevation at all locations delineating the level of flooding resulting from the 100- year frequency flood event. The application of a base flood elevation shall be as defined in Sec. 1.307.

BASEMENT: That portion of the building having its floor sub grade (below ground level) on all sides.

BEST MANAGEMENT PRACTICE (BMP): A measure used to control the adverse stormwater-related effects of development. BMP’s include structural devices (e.g., swales, filter strips, infiltration trenches, and detention basins) designed to remove pollutants, reduce runoff rates and volumes, and protect aquatic habitat. BMP’s also include non-structural approaches, such as public education efforts to prevent the dumping of household chemicals into storm drains.

BUILDING: A structure that is principally above ground and is enclosed by walls and a roof. This includes a gas or liquid storage tank, a manufactured home, or a prefabricated building. The term also includes recreational vehicles and travel trailers to be installed on a site for more than 180 days.

BUILDING PERMIT: A permit issued by the Village for the construction, erection or alternation of a structure or building.

BULKHEAD: A structure or wall that protects stream banks and property adjacent thereto.

BYPASS FLOWS: Stormwater runoff from upstream properties tributary to a property’s drainage system but not under its control.

CERTIFY OR CERTIFICATION: The specific inspections and tests where required have been performed, and that such tests comply with the applicable requirements of this code.

CHANNEL: Any river, stream, creek, brook, branch, natural or artificial depression, ponded area, flowage, slough, ditch, conduit, culvert, gully, ravine, wash, or natural or man-made drainage way, which has a definite bed and banks or shoreline, in or into which surface or groundwater flows, either perennially or intermittently.

CHANNEL MODIFICATION: Alteration of a channel by changing the physical dimensions or materials of its bed or banks. Channel modification includes damming, rip rapping (or other armoring), widening, deepening, straightening, relocating, lining and significant removal of bottom or banks. Channel modification does not include the clearing of dead or dying vegetation, debris or trash from the channel. Channelization is a severe form of channel modification involving a significant change in the channel cross-section and typically involving relocation of the existing channel (e.g. straightening).

COMPENSATORY STORAGE: An artificially excavated, hydraulically equivalent volume of storage within the

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Special Flood Hazard Area used to balance the loss of natural flood storage capacity when artificial fill or structures are placed within the flood plain. The uncompensated loss of natural flood plain storage can increase off-site floodwater elevations and flows.

CONDITIONAL APPROVAL OF A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY MAP CHANGE: Preconstruction approval by the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources (IDNR/OWR), and the Federal Emergency Management Agency of a proposed change to the floodway map. This pre-construction approval, pursuant to this Part, gives assurances to the property owner that once an APPROPRIATE USE is constructed according to permitted plans, the floodway map can be changed, as previously agreed, upon review and acceptance of record drawings.

CONDITIONAL LETTER OF MAP REVISION: A letter which indicates that the Federal Emergency Management Agency will revise base flood elevations, flood insurance rate zones, flood boundaries or floodway as shown on an effective Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map; once record drawings are submitted and approved.

CONDUIT: Any channel, pipe, sewer or culvert used for the conveyance or movement of water, whether open or closed.

CONSTRUCTION: Any building or erection of a structure or preparation for same.

CONTROL STRUCTURE: A structure designed to control the rate of flow that passes through the structure, given a specific upstream and downstream water surface elevation.

CRITICAL FACILITY: Any facility which is critical to the health and welfare of the population and, if flooded, would create an added dimension to the disaster. Damage to these critical facilities can impact the delivery of vital services, can cause greater damage to other sectors of the community, or can put special populations at risk. Examples of critical facilities where flood protection should be required include: emergency services facilities (such as fire and police stations), schools, hospitals, retirement homes and senior care facilities, major roads and bridges, critical utility sites (telephone switching stations or electrical transformers), and hazardous material storage facilities (chemicals, petrochemicals, hazardous or toxic substances). Examples of critical facilities where flood protection is recommended include: sewage treatment plants, water treatment plants, and pumping stations.

CUBIC YARDS: The amount of material in excavation and/or fill measured by the method of “average end areas.”

CULVERT: A substructure designed to carry drainage water or small stream below barriers such as roads or railway embankments.

DAM: All obstructions, wall embankments or barriers, together with their abutments and appurtenant work, if any, constructed for the purpose of storing or diverting water or creating a pool (i.e., weirs, restrictive culverts, impoundment berms). Underground water storage tanks are not included.

DESIGNATED AND/OR DESIGNATED FLOODWAY: The channel including on-stream lakes, and that portion of the floodplain adjacent to a stream or watercourse as designated by IDNR/OWR, which is needed to store and convey the existing 100 year frequency flood discharge with no more than a 0.1 foot increase in stage due to the loss of flood conveyance or storage, and no more than a 10 percent increase in velocities.

a. The floodways are designated for the countrywide Flood Insurance Rate Map of Cook County prepared by FEMA and dated August 19, 2008. When two floodway maps exist for a waterway, the more restrictive floodway limit shall prevail. The floodway maps are shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Maps 17031C0781J, 17031C0782J, 17031C0801J, and 17031C0802J.

b. The floodways for those parts of unincorporated Cook County that are within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Village that may be annexed into the Village are designated for Butterfield Creek,

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Hickory Creek and Tributary A on the countywide Flood Insurance Rate Map prepared by FEMA and dated August 19, 2008.

c. To locate the designated and/or designated floodway boundary on any site, the designated and/or designated floodway boundary should be scaled off the designated and/or designated floodway map and located on a site plan, using reference marks common to both maps. Where interpretation is needed to determine the exact location of the designated and/or designated floodway boundary, IDNR/OWR should be contacted for the interpretation.

DETENTION FACILITY OR BASIN: A facility that provides for temporary storage of stormwater runoff and controlled release of this runoff during and after a flood or storm.

DETENTION TIME: The mean residence time of stormwater in a detention basin.

DEVELOPMENT: Any man-made change to real estate, including:

(a) Construction, substantial improvement, reconstruction, or placement of a building or any addition to a building. (b) Installing a manufactured home on a site, preparing a site for a manufactured home, or installing a travel trailer or recreational vehicle on a site for more than 180 days. If the travel trailer or recreational vehicle is on site for more than 180 days, it must be fully licensed and ready for highway use. (c) Drilling, mining, installing utilities, construction of roads, bridges, or similar projects. (d) Demolition of a structure or redevelopment of a site. (e) Clearing of land as an adjunct of construction. (f) Construction or erection of levees, walls, fences, dams, or culverts; channel modifications; filling, dredging, grading, excavating, paving, or other non-agricultural alterations of the ground surface; storage of materials; deposit of solid or liquid waste. (g) Any other activity that might change the direction, height, or velocity of flood or surface water, including extensive vegetation removal. (h) Substantial improvement of an existing building.

Development does not include maintenance of existing buildings and facilities such as re-roofing or re-surfacing of roads when there is no increase in grade, or gardening, plowing, and similar agricultural practices that do not involve filling, grading, or construction of levees.

DIRECTOR: Director of Public Works employed by the Village.

DRY BASIN: A detention basin designed to drain completely after temporary storage of stormwater flows and to normally be dry over the majority of its bottom area.


ELEVATION CERTIFICATES: A form published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is used to certify the elevation to which a building has been elevated.

EROSION: The general process whereby soils are moved by flowing water or wave action.

EXCAVATION: Any opening in the ground or pavement surface in any manner whatsoever, except an opening into a lawful structure below the surface, the top of which is flush with the adjoining surface and so constructed as to permit frequent openings without injury or damage to the adjacent property.

EXCESS STORMWATER RUNOFF: The volume and rate of flow of stormwater discharged from an urbanized drainage area which is or will be in excess of that volume and rate which pertained before urbanization.

EXEMPT ORGANIZATIONS: Organizations which are exempt from this ordinance per the IL Compiled Statutes

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(ILCS), including state, federal, or local units of government.

EXISTING GRADE: Means the vertical location of the existing ground surface prior to excavation of filling.

EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION: A manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including, at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) has been completed before April 1, 1990.

EXPANSION TO AN EXISTING MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION: The preparation of additional sites by the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads).

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency and its regulations at 44 CFR 65 effective as of October 1, 1988. This incorporation does not include any later editions or amendments.

FLOOD: A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of normally dry land area from the unusual and rapid accumulation of the runoff of surface waters from any source.

FLOOD FREQUENCY: A period of years, based on a statistical analysis, during which a flood of a stated magnitude may be expected to be equaled or exceeded.

FLOOD FRINGE: The higher portion of the flood plain, immediately adjacent to and on either side of a floodway, occupied by quiescent or slow-moving waters during floods, including that portion of the floodplain outside the designated floodway.

FLOOD HAZARD BOUNDARY MAP: A map issued by FEMA that is an official Community map, which depicts generalized areas of floodplains, replaced by a detailed Flood Insurance Study.

FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM): A map prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that depicts the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) within a community. This map includes insurance rate zones and flood plains and may or may not depict floodways.

FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY: An examination, evaluation and determination of flood hazards and if appropriate, corresponding water surface elevations.

FLOODPLAIN: The land typically adjacent to a body of water with ground surface elevations at or below the base flood or the 100-year frequency flood elevation. Floodplains may also include detached Special Flood Hazard Areas, ponding areas, etc. The flood plain is also known as the Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA).

a. The floodplains are those lands within the jurisdiction of the Village of Richton Park that are subject to inundation by the base flood or 100-year frequency flood. The SFHA’s of the Village of Richton Park are generally identified as such on the following map number 17031C and panel(s) 0782J, 0801J and 0802J, dated August 19, 2008, respectively, of the countrywide Flood Insurance Rate Map for Cook County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

b. The SFHA’s for those parts of unincorporated Cook County that are within the one and half mile extraterritorial jurisdiction of the Village of Richton Park and may be annexed into the Village of Richton Park are designated for creeks on the following map number 17031C and panel(s) 0781J and 0782J dated August 19, 2008, respectively, of the countrywide Flood Insurance Rate Map for Cook County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FLOOD PROFILE: Graphical representations of the elevations of the water surface of the 100-year flood along the watercourses of the Village.

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FLOODPROOFING: Any combination of structural and non-structural additions, changes or adjustments to structures which reduce or eliminate flood damage to real estate or improved real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures and their contents.

FLOODPROOFING CERTIFICATE: A form published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is used to certify that building has been dry flood proofed to the flood protection elevation.

FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION (FPE): The elevation of the base flood or 100-year frequency flood plus two feet at any given location in the SFHA.

FLOODWAY: The channel or watercourse and those portions of the adjoining floodplains which are required to carry and discharge the 100-year flood with no significant increase in the base flood elevation. FLOODWAY ENCROACHMENT LINES: The lateral boundaries of the floodway which separate it from the flood fringes.

FREEBOARD: An increment of elevation added to the base flood elevation to provide a factor of safety for uncertainties in calculations, unknown localized conditions, wave actions, and unpredictable effects such as may be caused by ice or debris jams. The freeboard requirement is set at two feet.

GRADING: Excavation or fill or any combination thereof which shall include the conditions resulting from any excavation or fill.

HISTORIC STRUCTURE: Any structure that is: (1) listed individually in the National Register of Historic Places of preliminary determined by the Secretary of the Interior as meeting the requirements for individual listing on the National Register; (2) Certified or preliminary determined by the Secretary of the Interior as contributing to the historic district or a district preliminary determined by the Secretary to qualify as a registered historic district; (3) Individually listed on the State inventory of historic places by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency; and, (4) Individually listed on a local inventory of historic places that has been certified by the Illinois Historic Preservation Agency.

HYDROGRAPH: A graph showing for a given location on a stream or conduit, the flow rate with respect to time.

HYDROLOGIC AND HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS: Engineering analysis which determine expected flood flows and flood elevations based on land characteristics and rainfall events.

IDNR/OWR: Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources.

IMPROVEMENT: Any pipe, pipeline, fence, wall, planting, grading, vault, manhole, conduit, wire, tower, pole, anchor, cable, transformer, ditch, roadway, pavement, driveway, parkway, sidewalk, pedestrian-way, parking area or any other work, material, structure or object of any kind of character, whether enumerated herein or not, which is or may be lawfully constructed, left, placed or maintained in, upon, along, across, under or over a watercourse.

INFILTRATION: The passage or movement of water into the soil surfaces.


LETTER OF MAP AMENDMENT (LOMA): Official determination by FEMA that a specific structure is not in a 100-year flood zone; amends that effective Flood Hazard Boundary Map or FIRM.

LETTER OF MAP REVISION (LOMR): Letter that revises base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation, flood insurance rate zones, flood boundaries or floodways as shown on an effective FHBM or FIRM.

LOWEST FLOOR: The lowest floor of the lowest enclosed area (including basement). An unfinished or flood resistant enclosure usable solely for parking of vehicles, building access or storage, in an area other than a basement

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area is not considered a building’s lowest floor; provided that such enclosure is not built so as to render the structure in violation of the applicable non-elevation design requirements of this ordinance.

MAJOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM: The portion of a drainage system needed to store and convey flows beyond the capacity of the minor drainage system.

MANUFACTURED HOME: A Structure, transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis and is designated for use with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities. The term manufactured homes also includes park trailers, travel trailers and other similar vehicles placed on site for more than 180 consecutive days. The term “manufactured home” does not include a “recreational vehicle.”

MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION: A parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided into two or more manufactured home lots for rent or sale.

MINOR DRAINAGE SYSTEM: That portion of a drainage system designed for the convenience of the public. It consists of street gutters, storm sewers, small open channels, and swales and is usually designed to handle the 10- year runoff event or less.

MITIGATION: Mitigation includes those measures necessary to minimize the negative effects which flood plain development activities might have on the public health, safety and welfare. Examples of mitigation include compensatory storage, soil erosion and sedimentation control, flood proofing, and channel restoration.

NAVD 88: National American Vertical Datum of 1988. NAVD 88 supersedes the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD).

NATURAL: When used in reference to channels means those channels formed by the existing surface topography of the earth prior to changes made by man. A natural stream tends to follow a meandering path; its flood plain is not constrained by levees; the area near the bank has not been cleared, mowed or cultivated; the stream flows over soil and geologic materials typical of the area with no substantial alteration of the course or cross-section of the stream caused by filling or excavating. A modified channel may regain some natural characteristics over time as the channel meanders and vegetation is re-established. Similarly, a modified channel may be restored to more natural conditions by man through regarding and revegetation.

NATURAL DRAINAGE: Those channels formed by the existing surface topography of the earth prior to changes made by unnatural causes.

NEW CONSTRUCTION: New construction means structures for which the start of construction commenced on or after the effective date of a floodplain management regulation adopted by a community and includes any subsequent improvements to such structures.

NEW MANUFACTURED HOME PARK OR SUBDIVISION: Manufactured home park or subdivision for which the construction of facilities for servicing the lots on which the manufactured homes are to be affixed (including at a minimum, the installation of utilities, the construction of streets, and either final site grading or the pouring of concrete pads) has been completed on or after April 1, 1990.

OCCUPANCY PERMIT: A permit to use or occupy any building or any development site or any part thereof.

ONE HUNDRED-YEAR EVENT: A runoff, rainfall, or flood event having a one person change of occurring in any given year, also known as BASE FLOOD EVENT.

ONE-HUNDRED YEAR FLOOD: A flood magnitude with a one-percent statistical chance of being equaled or exceeded during any year. A flood this large would be reached once during a 100-year period, on the average. However, the occurrence of such an event does not diminish the chance of its recurring again at any time. Also known as BASE FLOOD.

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ORDINARY HIGH-WATER MARK: The point on the bank or shore, up to which the presence and action of surface water is continuous, so as to leave a distinctive mark such as by erosion, destruction or prevention of terrestrial vegetation, predominance of aquatic vegetation, or other easily recognized characteristics.

PARCEL: All contiguous land under one ownership.

PEAK FLOW: The maximum rate of flow of water at a given point in a channel or conduit.

PERFORMANCE BOND: The security provided by the Permittee or his Contractor solely for the protection of the Village and conditioned upon the faithful performance and completion of the work in accordance with the plans, specification and conditions thereof.

PERMITTEE: The individual, firm, association, corporation, governmental agency or any other legal entity to which a permit is issued and is thereby responsible for construction of the proposed development.

PERSON: Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company or organization of any kind.

PROJECT ENGINEER: The professional engineer employed by the Permittee to design and/or supervise the improvement construction.

PUBLIC BODIES OF WATER: All open public streams and lakes capable of being navigated by watercraft, in whole or in part, for commercial uses and purposes, and all lakes, rivers, and streams which in their natural condition were capable of being improved and made navigable, or that are connected with or discharge their waters into navigable lakes or rivers within, or upon the borders of the State of Illinois, together with all bayous, sloughs, backwaters, and submerged lands that are open to the main channel or body of water directly accessible thereto.

PUBLIC FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT: A flood control project which will be operated and maintained by a public agency to reduce flood damages to existing buildings and structures which includes a hydrologic and hydraulic study of the existing and proposed conditions of the watershed. Nothing in this definition shall preclude the design, engineering, construction or financing, in whole or in part, of a flood control project by persons or parties who are not public agencies.

RECREATIONAL VEHICLE OR TRAVEL TRAILER: A vehicle which is build on a single chassis; 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection; Designed to be self-propelled or permanently towable by a light duty truck; and designed primarily not for use as a permanent dwelling but as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping, travel, or seasonal use. REGIONAL PERMITS: Regional permits are offered for pre-approved projects which are considered minor projects that are permissible per IDNR/OWR Part 3708 rules for Northeastern Illinois designated floodways. A complete listing of the terms and conditions for specific project types can be obtained from the IDNR/OWR website.

REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR: A land surveyor registered in the State of Illinois, under the Illinois Land Surveyors Act 225 ILCS 330/1 ET SQ).

REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER: An engineer registered in the State of Illinois, under the provisions of the Illinois Professional Engineering Act 225 ILCS 325/1 ET SEQ).

REPAIR, REMODELING OR MAINTENANCE: Construction activities which do not result in any increases in the outside dimensions of a building or any changes to the dimensions of a structure.

REPETITIVE LOSS: Flood-related damages sustained by a structure on two separate occasions during a 10-year period for which the cost of repairs at the time of each such flood event, on the average, equals or exceeds 25 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred.

RETENTION/DETENTION FACILITY: A facility that stores storm water runoff without gravity release. A detention facility provides for storage of storm water runoff and controlled release of this runoff during and after a

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flood or storm.

RIVERINE: Relating to, formed by, or resembling a river (including tributaries), a stream, creek, or brook.

RIVERINE SFHA: Any Special Flood Hazard Areas subject to flooding from a river, creek, intermittent stream, ditch, or any other identified channel. This term does not include areas subject to flooding from lakes (except public bodies of water), ponding areas, areas of sheet flow, or other areas not subject to overbank flooding.

RUNOFF: The water derived from melting snow or rain falling on the land surface, flowing over the surface of the ground or collected in channels or conduits.

SEDIMENTATION: The processes that deposit soils, debris, and other materials either on other ground surfaces or in bodies of water or watercourses.

SITE PERMIT: A permit required by the Village before any development of any kind is allowed within the Village.

SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA (SFHA): Any base flood area subject to flooding from a river, creek, intermittent stream, ditch, or any other identified channel or ponding and shown on a Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map as Zone A, A0, A1-30, AE, A99, AH, VO, V30, VE, V, M, D or E. SPECIFICATIONS: The description, directions, provisions, and requirements for performing the work on a specific project. In all cases, the Village’s Standard Specifications shall govern in applicable circumstances.

STANDARD DETAILS: Detail drawings of structures or devices adopted as Standard Construction Details by the Village Engineer.

STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS: Technical specifications adopted as Standard Specifications by the Village Engineer.

START OF CONSTRUCTION: Includes substantial improvement, and means the date the building permit was issued, provided the actual start of construction, repair, reconstruction, rehabilitation, addition placement, or other improvement was within 180 days of the permit date. The actual start means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or placement of a manufactured home on a foundation.

STATEWIDE PERMITS: Statewide permits are offered for pre-approved projects that are considered minor projects which are permissible per the IDNR/OWR Part 3700 rules. A complete listing of the statewide permits and permit requirements can be obtained from the IDNR/OWR website.

STORMWATER DRAINAGE SYSTEM: All means, natural or man-made, used for conducting stormwater to, through or from a drainage area to the point of final outlet from a property. A stormwater drainage system may include but is not limited to any of the following: conduits and appurtenances, canals, channels, ditches, streams, culverts, streets, storm sewers, detention basins and pumping stations.

STREAM: A body of running water flowing continuously or intermittently in a channel on or below the surface of the ground.

STRUCTURE: See “Building”.

SUBSTANTIAL DAMAGE: Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cumulative percentage of damage subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred regardless of actual repair work performed. Volunteer labor and materials must be included in this determination. The term includes Repetitive Loss Buildings. See “Repetitive Loss”.

SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT: Any repair, reconstruction or improvement of a structure, the cost of which equals or exceeds 50 percent of the market value of the structure subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance. For

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the purposes of this definition “substantial improvement” is considered to occur when the first alteration of any wall, ceiling, floor, or other structural part of the building commences, whether or not that alteration affects the external dimensions of the structure. The term does not, however, include either (1) any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary, or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions or (2) any alteration of a historic structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places provided that the alteration will not preclude the structure’s continued designation as a historic structure.

SUBSTRUCTURE: Any pipe, conduit, duct, tunnel, manhole vault, buried cable, or wire, or any other structure located below the surface.

SWALE: A low-lying, natural or graded depressed land area which acts as a drainageway but has no definite bed, banks or shorelines and intermittently conveys only smaller quantities of water, thus permitting growth of maintainable sod or other low vegetation.

TIME OF CONCENTRATION: The elapsed time for stormwater to flow from the most hydraulically remote point in a drainage basin to a particular point of interest in that watershed.

TRIBUTARY WATERSHED: All of the land surface area that contributes runoff to a given point.

TWO-YEAR EVENT: A runoff, or flood event having a fifty percent chance of occurring in any given year. TRANSITION SECTION: Reaches of a stream or floodway where water flows from a narrow cross-section to a wide cross-section or vice versa.

URBAN RUNOFF POLLUTANTS: Contaminants commonly found in urban runoff which have been shown to adversely affect uses in receiving waterbodies. Pollutants of concern include sediment, heavy metals, petroleum based organic compounds, nutrients, oxygen-demanding organics (BOD), pesticides, salt and pathogens.

VACANT: Means land on which there are no structures or only structures which are secondary to the use or maintenance of the land itself.

VEGETATION: All plant growth.

VILLAGE: Village of Richton Park, Cook County, Illinois, and its officers, agents and employees when lawfully acting in its behalf.

VILLAGE ENGINEER: Person, Firm, or Corporation employed by the Village of Richton Park for the purpose of administrating the provisions of this code.

VIOLATION: The failure of a structure or other development to be fully compliant with the community’s floodplain management regulations. A structure or other development without the elevation certificate, other certifications, or other evidence of compliance is presumed to be in violation until such time as that documentation is provided.

WATERCOURSE: Any river, stream, creek, brook, branch or other drainageway in or into which stormwater runoff and floodwaters flow either regularly or intermittently. Swales between buildings serving to drain waters from no more than two adjacent buildings sites are not considered watercourses for the purposes of these regulations.

WET BASIN: A detention basin designed to maintain a permanent pool of water after the temporary storage of stormwater runoff.

WETLAND: Land that has a predominance of hydric soils (soils that are usually wet and where there is little or no free oxygen) and that is inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and under normal circumstances does support, a prevalence of hydrophytic vegetation (plants typically found in wet habitats) typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.

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WETLAND BASIN: A detention basin designed with all or a portion of its bottom area as a wetland. Areas that are restored or created as a result of mitigation or planned construction projects and that function as a wetland are included within the definition even when all three wetland parameters are not present.

1.103 Authority of the Village

All watercourse and other drainage facilities, whether located on public or private property, shall be under the authority of the Village. The Village shall exercise supervision over all improvements therein, and the maintenance, and cleaning thereof. The Village shall be charged with the enforcement of all code provisions related to such watercourses, drainage facilities and grading and drainage of site developments and is hereby authorized to enforce such codes, ordinances and regulations.

1.1.04 Applicability

This Code shall apply to all development within the Village and its extraterritorial area of jurisdiction.

1.105 Other Regulations

Before starting any work affected by this Code, a person shall comply with the requirements set forth in other applicable ordinances with respect to the submission and approval of preliminary and final subdivision plats, improvement plans, building and zoning permits, inspections, appeals and similar matters, along with those set forth in this Code and as may be required by federal or state laws and the regulations of any department of the State of Illinois. Where provisions of this Code are more restrictive than other requirements, this Code shall apply.

1.106 General Considerations

The Village shall take into account storm and flood hazards, to the extent that they are known, in all official Village Board, Commission and Committee actions related to land management, use and development.

a. Plats and plans for new subdivisions, manufactured home parks, annexation agreements, commercial developments, and planned unit developments shall include signed statements by an Engineer that the plats or plans account for changes in the drainage of surface waters in accordance with the Plat Act (765 ILCS 205/2).. Such development shall be consistent with all requirements of this ordinance including the need to minimize flood damages.

b. Proposals for new subdivisions, manufactured home parks, annexation agreements, commercial developments and planned unit developments shall include Base Flood Elevation data and Floodway delineations whenever any part of the development site is at or below the Base Flood Elevation. Where this information is not available from an existing study filed with the Illinois State Water Survey, the applicant shall be responsible for calculating the Base Flood Elevation and the Floodway (delineation).

c. All new developments, including those of governmental agencies and non-profit organizations, shall provide for stormwater detention in accordance with provisions of this Code.

d. New subdivisions, manufactured home parks, annexation agreements, planned unit developments, and commercial developments shall be designed to provide for the conveyance of surface run-off and other stormwaters by swales, channels and other overland means whenever feasible. Drainage swales and channels, together with their accompanying easements, shall be so located that they do not straddle rear or side property lines. Drainage conveyance facilities whether open or conduit shall be located on only one side of a property line. Discharge from stormwater conveyance

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systems shall be directed into an approvable, natural or man-made stream or other drainage facility. No stormwater shall be allowed to enter a sanitary sewer system.

e. The Board of Trustees shall not approve any Planned Unit Development or plat of subdivision located outside the corporate limits unless such agreement or plat is in accordance with the provisions of this Code.

f. All other activities defined as development including public utilities and facilities shall be constructed so as to minimize flood damage.

1.107 Discharge of Private Stormwater

a. All down-spouts or roof drains shall discharge onto the ground and the water directed overland to suitable drainage facilities. No down-spouts or roof drains shall be connected to sanitary sewers.

b. Footing drains shall be connected to sump pumps and discharge shall be directed to drainage swales, detention areas or other suitable drainage facilities. No footing drains or drainage tile shall be connected to a sanitary sewer.

c. Floor drains in basements shall be connected to sump pumps and discharged to sanitary sewers.

d. Sump pumps installed to receive ground waters or other stormwater shall be discharged into swales, detention areas, channels or other suitable storm drainage facilities. Sump pumps installed to receive and discharge floor drain flow or other sanitary sewage shall be connected to sanitary sewers. A single sump pump shall be used for one function only, either the discharge of stormwater, or the discharge of sanitary sewage.

e. No window well or area-way drains shall be connected to a sanitary sewer.

1.108 Obstruction in Watercourses

It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, create or maintain any obstruction within a watercourse or swale of any type, except as may be specifically authorized by these Regulations.

1.109 Deposits Prohibited

It shall be unlawful to deposit in any watercourse or other drainage facility any waste material, trash, trimmings, stones, earth, concrete, wood or any other material or substance not specifically permitted by the Village Engineer.

1.110 Maintenance of Watercourses and Drainage Facilities

a. Except where streams or drainage facilities are located within publicly owned property, it shall be the responsibility of individual property owners to maintain watercourses and other drainage facilities located upon their properties including, but not limited to, stream beds, stream banks, swales, detention facilities and bulkheads. All natural and man-made features shall be maintained in good condition. Watercourses shall be kept clear and open to allow passage of required water volumes without overbanking into areas not historically inundated.

b. Before a site permit is obtained for a private stormwater drainage system, the applicant shall execute a maintenance agreement with the Village guaranteeing that the applicant and all future owners of the property will maintain its stormwater drainage system. The maintenance agreement shall also specifically authorize representatives of the Village to enter onto the property for the

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purpose of inspections of the drainage system. Such agreement shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County. The maintenance agreement shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County. The maintenance agreement shall include a schedule of regular maintenance of each aspect of the property’s stormwater drainage system and shall provide for access to the system for inspection by authorized personnel of the Village. The maintenance agreement shall also stipulate that if the Village notifies the property owner in writing of maintenance problems with require correction, the property owner shall make such corrections within 30 calendar days of such notification. If the corrections are not made within this time period, the Village may have the necessary work completed and assess the cost to the property owner.

c. The Village has the option of requiring a bond to be filed by the property owner for maintenance of stormwater drainage systems.

1.111 Routine Inspections

All privately owned drainage systems shall be inspected by the Village Engineer not less often than once per year. A written report shall be filed of the results of any inspection and a copy sent to the property owner detailing any problems which need correction.

1.112 Bench Marks

The system of official bench marks and elevations established by the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88) shall be taken by engineers, surveyors, and architects when making topographical surveys and maps, and when setting grades and elevations for buildings, pavements, drainage facilities, and other structures or works publicly constructed or regulated by the Village.

1.113 Appeals

An applicant for a site permit may appeal a decision of the Village Engineer by filing a written notice of appeal with the Village Board of Appeals no later than 15 days after the applicant is advised of the Village Engineer’s decision. An application for appeal shall be based on a claim that the true intent of this Code or the rules legally adopted thereunder have been incorrectly interpreted or the provisions of this Code do not fully apply. Upon receipt of a notice of appeal the Village Board shall schedule and hold a public hearing after giving 15 days notice thereof in a newspaper of general circulation in the community. The Board shall render a decision within 30 days of the hearing.

1.114 Penalty

Failure to obtain a permit as required in this Code or failure to comply with the requirements or conditions of a permit shall be deemed to be a violation of this Code. Upon due investigation, the Village may determine that a violation of the standards of this Code exists. The Village shall notify the owner in writing of such violation.

a. If such owner fails after ten days to correct the violation:

1. The Village may make application to the circuit court for an injunction requiring conformance with this Code or such other order as the court deems necessary to secure compliance with this Code.

2. Any person who violates this Code shall upon conviction thereof be fined not less than $100.00 or more than $1000.00 for each occurrence.

3. A separate offense shall be deemed committed upon each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues.

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4. The Village may record a violation on the title of the property.

b. Nothing herein shall prevent the Village from taking other lawful action to prevent or remedy any violations. All costs connected therewith shall accrue to the person or persons responsible.

c. Any bond, performance bond, assurances, loan commitment, or any other guarantees provided pursuant to the terms of this Code shall, in the event of the Permittee’s failure to complete the work or failure to comply with any or all conditions of said permit or of this Code, shall be forfeitable to the Village for the payment of all necessary costs and expenses that may be incurred or expended by the Village in causing any or all such work as required thereunder to be completed pursuant to the terms and conditions as provided in the permit or this Code.

d. The Village Engineer shall inform the owner that any such violation is considered a willful act to increase flood damages and, therefore, may cause coverage by a standard flood insurance policy to be suspended. The Village Engineer is authorized to issue an order requiring the suspension of the subject development. The stop-work order shall be in writing, shall indicate the reason for the issuance, and shall order the action, if necessary, to resolve the circumstances requiring the stop- work order. The stop-work order constitutes a suspension of the permit.

1.115 Abrogation and Greater Restrictions

This Code is not intended to repeal, abrogate or impair any existing easements, covenants, or deed restrictions. Where this Code and other ordinances, regulations, easements, covenants, or deed restrictions conflict or overlap, whichever imposes the more stringent restrictions shall prevail. This Code is intended to repeal any older ordinances or regulations which were adopted to meet the National Flood Insurance Program regulations, but is not intended to repeal the resolution which the Village passed in order to enter into the Program.

1.116 Severability

The provisions and sections of this Code shall be deemed separable and the invalidity of any portion of this Code shall not affect the validity of the remainder.

1.117 Effective Date

This Code shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval and publication, as required by law.


1.201 Site Permit Required

No person, firm, corporation or governmental agency, unless specifically exempted by law, shall commence any development on any lot or parcel in the Village without first obtaining a Site Permit from the Village. The Village Engineer shall not issue a site permit if the proposed development does not meet the requirements of this Code.

1.202 Other Agency Permits

a. The Village Engineer shall not issue a Site Permit unless all known to be required federal, state and district permits have been obtained by the applicant and copies thereof received by the Village Engineer. The granting of a site permit under this Code shall in no way affect the owner’s responsibility to obtain the approval required by any other statute, ordinance or code, or to meet the requirements of other Village ordinances and regulations.

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b. Any work involving the construction, modification or removal of a dam as defined herein; per 92 III. Adm. Code 702 (Rules for Construction of Dams), shall require an Illinois Department of Water Resources permit prior to a permit being issued by the Village.

c. Any development involving work in waters of the United States, including wetlands and streams as identified and regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers shall require permits or signoffs from the Corps prior to the issuance of a permit.

1.203 Permit Application, General

No Site Permit shall be issued unless a written application on a form provided by the Village is submitted to the Village of Richton Park. The written application shall state the name and address and principal place of business of the Permittee, the location and dimensions of the improvements, the purpose of the facility and the length of time which will be required to complete such work including removing all obstructions, material and debris. The application, when approved and signed by the Village Engineer, shall constitute a permit.

1.204 Permitting Process

Site permits for work associated with building construction will normally be processed along with the building plan review process. When work is contemplated which might affect a flood hazard area or any drainage course, the applicant should discuss the proposal with the Village Engineer prior to preparing final plans. The Village Engineer shall advise the applicant of the types of information and documents that are expected to be required for the processing of an application. The Village Engineer shall also advise the applicant of any permit requirements of other agencies, in-so-far as the Village Engineer is aware. When a development is proposed which will require a permit from the IDNR/OWR, application for a site permit must first be made to the Village. The Village Engineer, after reviewing and approving the information and documents submitted, shall forward all necessary information to the IDNR/OWR for its review. The Village Engineer shall issue a site permit only after approval of the project by the IDNR/OWR has been received on any project for which IDNR/OWR approval is required. The applicant shall be responsible for making applications for permits required by any other agencies.

1.205 Plans Required

No permit shall be issued until acceptable plans for the proposed improvements have been submitted and approved by the Village Engineer except in cases when the work is of such nature that the adopted standard details and/or specifications adequately govern the quality of materials and workmanship. When required by the Engineer, the application for a site permit shall be accompanied by a site plan, drawn to scale, and furnished in the quantity required by the Engineer. In such instances, the site plan shall contain certification of all boundary and topographic survey information by a Professional Land Surveyor or Engineer. Site plans may be required to contain the following information:

a. title, north point, scales, notes, legend, area of site, and other pertinent general information;

b. boundary lines and dimensions and area of the site;

c. locations of existing and proposed utility lines and underground facilities;

d. locations of existing and proposed buildings and other structures on and within a minimum of 100 feet of the site, depending on existing topography;

e. names and addresses of owner, developer, engineer, surveyor, etc.;

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f. existing ground contour lines at one-foot intervals on the site and to a scaled distance of 100 feet from the boundary lines;

g. details of existing terrain and drainage patterns; dimensions, elevations and contours of grading, excavation and fill;

h. location and name of any stream and its banks, and location of any wetland and pond as delineated by its ordinary high water mark; i. locations of building setback lines;

j. location of any 100-year floodway and flood fringe limits;

k. location of existing or future access roads;

l. areas to be disturbed, left undisturbed, vegetated, stabilized, etc.;

m. a description of methods to be employed in disposing of soil and other material that is removed from allowable grading and excavation sites, including the location of the disposal site if on the property;

n. elevation of the lowest floor (including basement) and the top of foundation elevation of all existing and proposed buildings;

o. a detailed description of the revegetation and stabilization methods to be employed;

p. such other information as reasonably requested by the Village Engineer.

1.206 Submittals for Sites affected by Drainage Courses

When developments are proposed within an identified Special Flood Hazard Area, or the improvements will be located within, or affect in any way, a drainage curse of any type, the Village Engineer may require that the permit application be accompanied by more comprehensive information including but not limited to.

a. an assessment of the potential impact of the proposed development activity on any stream, including, but not limited to, loss of flood storage potential, loss of habitat, impacts on water quality, increase in human intrusion and impacts on associated water-courses or downstream sensitive areas;

b. a schedule indicating when each stage of the project will be completed, including the total area of soil surface to be disturbed during each stage, and estimated starting and completion dates; and

c. such information and calculations as may be necessary in the opinion of Village Engineer.

1.207 Submittals for Improvements within Designated Floodway

When improvements or work of any type are proposed within a Designated Floodway, the application shall include the following additional information:

a. Site location (including legal description) of the property, drawn to scale, on the designated floodway map, indicating whether it is proposed to be in an incorporated or unincorporated area;

b. Signature of applicant or the applicant’s agent;

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c. If the applicant is a corporation, the president or other authorized officer shall sign the application form; d. If the applicant is a partnership, each partner shall sign the application form; and e. If the applicant is a land trust, the trust officer shall sign the name of the trustee by him (her) as trust officer. A disclosure affidavit must be filed with the application, identifying each beneficiary of the trust by name and address and defining the respective interests therein. f. A vicinity map showing the site of the activity, name of the waterway, boundary lines, names of roads in the vicinity of the site, graphic or numerical scale, and north arrow; g. The site plan shall show existing and proposed ground contour lines at one-foot intervals on the site and to a scaled distance of 100 feet from the boundary lines. h. The improvement plan view of the project reach and engineering study shall provide principal dimensions of the structure of work, elevations in mean seal level using NAVD 88 datum, adjacent property lines and ownership, drainage and flood control easements, location of any channels or any existing or future access roads, designated floodway limit, flood plain limit, specifications and dimensions of any proposed channel modifications, and location and orientation of cross sections; i. Cross-section views of the project and engineering study reach showing existing and proposed conditions including principal dimensions of the work as shown in plain view, existing and proposed elevations, normal water elevation, 10-year frequency flood elevation, 100-year frequency flood elevation, and graphic or numerical scales (horizontal and vertical); j. A sediment and erosion control plan for disturbed areas. This plan shall include a description of the sequence of grading activities and the temporary sediment and erosion control measures to be implemented to mitigate their effects. This plan shall also include a description of final stabilization and revegetation measures and the identification of a responsible party to ensure post- construction maintenance. k. A copy of the designated floodway map, marked to reflect any proposed change in the designated floodway location. l. Any and all local, state and federal permits or approval letters that may be required for this type of development. m. Engineering calculations and supporting data shall be submitted showing that the proposed work will meet the permit criteria. n. If the designated floodway delineation, base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation will change due to the proposed project, the application will not be considered complete until the IDNR/OWR has indicated conditional approval of the designated floodway map change and no structures may be built until a Letter of Map Revision has been approved by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. o. If the proposed project involves a channel modification, the applicant shall submit the following information.

1. A discussion of the purpose of and need for the proposed work;

2. A discussion of the practicability of using alternative locations or methods to accomplish the purpose of the proposed work;

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3. An analysis of the extent and performance of the impacts the project would have on the physical and biological conditions of the body of water affected;

4. Any analysis of the extent and performance of the impacts each feasible alternative identified in Section 1.207-o-2 would have on the physical and biological conditions of the body of water affected; and

5. An analysis of the impacts of the proposed project, considering cumulative effects on the physical and biological conditions of the body of water affected.

1.208 Other Submittals

a. The Village Engineer may require that the site proposed for development activity be investigated to determine the soil and geologic characteristics. A report, prepared by an engineer experienced in the practice of geological and soils mechanics may be required with Site Permit applications for any improvements proposed within a Special Flood Hazard Area. Such a report shall include a description of soil type, stability of surface and subsurface conditions. Any area which the investigation indicates as subject to geologic or soil hazards shall not be subjected to development activity unless the Project Engineer can demonstrate conclusively that these hazards can be overcome.

b. A hydrogic control plan that, in part, describes the hydraulic characteristics of nearby Watercourses, prepared by an engineer experienced in civil engineering, shall be submitted with each Site Permit application for improvements within Special Flood Hazard Areas whenever such plan is found necessary by the Village Engineer.

c. When required by the Village Engineer, a landscape plan, prepared by a professional landscape architect, shall be submitted with the Site Permit application and contain the flowing:

1. a plan describing the existing vegetal cover of the property and showing those areas where the vegetation will be removed as part of the proposed construction; and

2. a plan describing the proposed vegetation of disturbed areas specifying the materials to be used.

The landscape plan will be evaluated according to:

1. the character and size of the proposed development and potential for adverse impact on the stream;

2. the width of the stream;

3. the topography of the area; 4. the type and stability of the soils;

5. the type and density of the existing vegetation; and

6. the existence of diseased trees or trees in danger of falling.

d. A sediment and erosion control plan for disturbed ground surface areas shall be provided for work which will disturb an area of 5,000 square feet or more or whenever any ground surface within a watercourse or SFHA is disturbed. This plan shall include a description of the sequence of grading activities and the temporary sediment and erosion control measures to be implemented to

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mitigate their effects. This plan shall also include a description of final stabilization and revegetation measures.

e. The permittee may be required to present evidence that demonstrates that the proposed development activity will not endanger health and safety, including danger from gas, electricity, fuel, short-circulating, grounding, igniting or electrocuting.

f. For all projects involving channel modification, fill or stream maintenance (including levees), the flood carrying capacity of the watercourse shall be maintained. In addition, the applicant shall provide verification that all watershed communities have been notified in writing of the intended activities. Such notification must be achieved no less than 30 days prior to the issuance of a permit.

1.209 Review of Site Permit Applications

a. All Site Permit applications, together with all supporting submittals shall be reviewed by the Village Engineer or his designee.

b. The Village shall also provide for applications and submittals to be reviewed by the Village Engineer who is employed by or under contract to the Village. Applications for the following activities may be permitted without an Engineer’s review. Such activities must still meet the other requirements of this Code including the mitigation requirements.

1. Underground and overhead utilities that:

(a) Do not result in any increase in existing ground elevation, or

(b) Do not require the placement of above ground structures in the floodway, or

(c) In the case of underground stream crossings, the top of the pipe or encasement is buried a minimum of 3 feet below the existing stream bed, and

(d) In the case of overhead utilities, no supporting towers are placed in the watercourse and are designed in such a fashion as not to catch debris.

2. Storm sewer outfalls that:

(a) Do not extend streamward of the existing adjacent natural bank slope, and

(b) Do not result in an increase in ground elevation, and

(c) Are designed so as not to cause stream erosion at the outfall location.

3. Construction of sidewalks, athletic fields (excluding fences), properly anchored playground equipment and patios at grade.

4. Construction of shoreline and stream bank protection that: (a) Does not exceed 200 feet in length.

(b) Materials are not placed higher than the existing top of bank.

(c) Materials are placed so as not to reduce the cross-sectional area of the stream channel.

5. Temporary stream crossings in which:

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(a) The approach roads will be 0.5’ (1/2 foot) or less above natural grade.

(b) The crossing will allow stream flow to pass without backing up the water above the stream bank vegetation line or above any drainage tile or outfall invert.

(c) The top of the roadway fill in the channel will be at least 2 feet below the top of the lowest bank.

(d) All disturbed stream banks will be seeded or otherwise stabilized as soon as possible upon installation and again upon removal of construction.

(e) The access road and temporary crossings will be removed within one year after authorization.

6. The proposed development will not be located within any Special Flood Hazard Area. c. For a development located in a designated floodway, the following data must be submitted to the IDNR/OWR for its review and concurrence after the permit application and supporting documents have been reviewed and approved by the Village Engineer but prior to the issuance of a Site Permit:

1. Engineer’s determination that an existing bridge or culvert is not a source of flood damage pursuant to stipulations in Article III.

2. Engineer’s determination that a proposed bridge impacted by backwater from a downstream receiving stream may be built with a smaller opening pursuant to stipulations in Article III.

3. Designs for alternative transition sections and hydraulically equivalent storage pursuant to stipulations in Article III.

4. Applications for Illinois Department of Natural Resources, Office of Water Resources projects, dams (as defined in Article III) and all other state, federal or local units of government projects, including projects of the Village.

5. Any changes in the Base Flood Elevation or location.

6. Base Flood Elevation determination where none now exists. d. Upon receipt of a site permit application for a project located wholly or part within a flood fringe, the Village Engineer shall compare the elevation of the site to the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation. If the developer can prove that the existing elevation has not been increased over the natural grade as it appeared when the parcel was first identified on a FIRM map as being in a flood plain; and if the existing elevation is above the base flood elevation, then the site is not located in a SFHA and, therefore, not subject to the requirements applicable specifically to Special Flood Hazard Areas. The Village Engineer shall maintain documentation of the existing ground elevation at the development site and certification that this ground elevation existed prior to the date of the site’s first Flood Insurance Rate Map identification. e. The Applicant shall be required to furnish to the Village Engineer copies of all other local, state and federal permits, approvals or permit-not-required letter; that may be required for this type of activity. The Village Engineer shall not issue a permit unless all other local, state and federal permits have been secured. f. If, after examination, it is determined by the Village Engineer that the proposed development or use of a site will be in compliance with this Code and such other ordinances and resolutions passed by the Village Board applicable thereto, the Village Engineer shall approve such application and issue the appropriate permit as soon as practicable. If the examination reveals otherwise, the application shall be rejected and the

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Village Engineer’s findings shall be noted in a written report to be attached to the application. A copy of the report shall be provided to the Applicant upon request.

g. If the development site is within a floodway or in a floodplain for which a detailed study has not been conducted and which drains more than one square mile, the permit shall be referred to a licensed professional engineer under the employ or contract of the Village for review to ensure that the development meets these regulations. In the case of an Appropriate Use, the P.E. shall state in writing that the development meets these requirements.

1.210 Modifications of Permit Requirements

The permit provisions of this Code shall not apply to:

a. Emergency work necessary to preserve life or property. When emergency work is performed under this section, the person performing it shall:

1. report the pertinent facts relating to the work to the Village within ten days after commencement of the work;

2. immediately thereafter obtain a Site Permit; and

3. perform such work as may be required by the Village Engineer to correct any impairment caused by such emergency work, to the water conveyance capacity of the Watercourse; and

b. Work consisting of the operation, repair, or maintenance of any lawful use of land existing on the date of adoption of this Code shall not require a Site Permit except that no expansion of such use shall be allowed without complying with the provisions of this Code.

c. The property on which the improvements will take place is not within an identified special flood hazard area and;

1. Excavation, fill, or any combination thereof totals an amount less than 500 cubic yards, results in less than three feet of fill at the deepest point, results in less than four feet of cut at the deepest point, the total area of plant cover removal is less than 5,000 square feet and the lot or parcel is to remain vacant for no less than one year or,

2. The improvements of the site include principally remodeling or additions to existing structures and the construction and site improvements will effect less than 2,000 square feet of the site or

3. The work will be limited to installation of utilities by authorized public utility agencies or companies.

1.211 Occupancy Permit Required

It shall be unlawful to use or occupy any building or any development site or any part thereof hereafter constructed in a Special Flood Hazard Area without first making application for and obtaining a use permit from the Village. Request for a use permit shall be submitted to the Village upon completion of the work authorized in the Site Permit issued for the project. If, upon final inspection of said building or development site, the Village Engineer finds that the work has been performed in accordance with the approved application and plans for the Site Permit, a use permit shall be issued. If final inspection reveals otherwise, a use permit shall not be issued until all deficiencies are corrected.

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1.212 Permit Limitations

a. The issuance of a Site Permit shall constitute an authorization to do only that work which is described or illustrated on the application for the permit or on the plans and specifications approved by the Village.

b. The issuance of a permit or the approval of drawings and specifications shall not be constructed to be a permit for, nor an approval of any violation of, or deviation from, the provisions of this Code or any other ordinance, law, rule, or regulation.

c. The issuance of a permit, based upon drawings and specifications, shall not prevent the Village from thereafter requiring the correction of errors in said drawings and specifications or from stopping unlawful construction operations being carried on there-under.

d. Where no substantial work is commenced within six months after issuance or, if commenced, is discontinued for two months, the Site Permit shall expire by limitation and a new permit shall be secured before work is started or continued, unless exempted by the Village for good cause shown.

1.213 Revocation of a Permit

The Village may revoke a permit where there has been any false statement or misrepresentation as to a material fact in the application or plans on which the permit was based. The Village may revoke a permit when work is performed contrary to the provisions of the application or plans on which the permit is based. When a permit is revoked, the Village shall inform the Permittee in writing of the specific steps the Permittee must take in order to have the permit reissued. It shall be unlawful to continue any work authorized by a permit after revocation of that permit and until the permit is reissued or a new permit is issued.

1.214 Fees and Charges

a. Fees for permits shall be established by separate ordinances as approved by the Village Board.

b. For engineering evaluations performed by qualified consultants when required by the Village, the Applicant shall promptly pay all costs associated therewith.

1.215 Time Limits

a. The Permittee shall fully perform and complete all work required to be done pursuant to a permit within the time limit specified. If no time is specified, the Permittee shall complete the work within 90 days after the date of the issuance of the permit.

b. If the Permittee is unable to complete the work within the specified time, he shall, prior to the expiration of the permit, present in writing to the Village a request for an extension. If, in the opinion of the Village Engineer, such an extension is warranted, he may grant additional time for the completion of the work.

1.216 Conditions of Approval

In granting any permit under this Article, the Village may attach such conditions as may be reasonably necessary to prevent creation of a nuisance or hazard to public or private property or to protect the hydrologic characteristics of any affected drainage facility.

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1.217 Liability

Neither the issuance of a permit under the provisions of this Code nor the compliance with the provisions hereof, or with any conditions imposed in the permit issued hereunder, shall relieve any person from responsibility for damage to other persons or property, nor impose any liability upon the Village for damage to other persons or property.


1.301 Duties of the Village Engineer

The Village Engineer shall be responsible for the general administration and enforcement of these regulations and shall cause all necessary surveys, studies, inspections and reviews to take place, including but not limited to the following duties:

a. Ensure that all development activities within the jurisdiction of the Village meet the requirements of these Regulations and are permitted.

b. Provide information and assistance to citizens upon request about permit procedures and flood plain construction techniques.

c. Check all new development sites to determine whether they are in a Special Flood Hazard Area. If they are in a SFHA, determine whether they are in a floodway, floodfringe or a floodplain which drains more than one square mile on which a detailed study has not been conducted.

d. Dams are classified as to their size and their hazard/damage potential in the event of failure. The construction or major modification of all Class I (high hazard) and Class II (moderate hazard) dams require an IDNR/OWR dam safety permit. Some Class III (low hazard) dams require an IDNR/OWR dam safety permit, depending on the drainage area to the dame, the height of the dam and the impounding capacity behind the dam. Most off-channel detention basins that have an embankment are non-jurisdictional Class III dams. A consulting engineer with dam safety knowledge can estimate a hazard classification and determine if an IDNR/OWR dam safety permit is required. A permit application submittal must be made to IDNR/OWR for the construction or major modification of jurisdictional dams. Regulated dams may include weirs, restrictive culverts or impoundment structures.

e. Inspect all development projects before, during and after construction to assure proper elevation of the structure and to ensure they comply with the provisions of these regulations. Schedule on an annual basis an inspection of the floodplain and document the results of the inspection.

f. Maintain a record of the elevation certificate of the lowest floor (including basement) or the elevation to which a non-residential building has been flood proofed, using a floodproofing certificate, for all buildings within flood plain areas.

g. Maintain for public inspection and furnish upon request base flood data, SFHA and designated floodway maps, copies of federal or state permit documents, documentation of variances, Conditional Letter of Map Revision, Letter of Map Revision, Letter of Map Amendment and “as built” elevation and floodproofing data for all buildings constructed subject to these Regulations.

h. Ensure that construction authorization has been granted by the Division IDNR/OWR for all development projects within floodplains unless enforcement responsibilities for those areas have been delegated to the Village upon acceptance of this Code by the Village and FEMA.

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i. Ensure that construction authorization has been granted by IDNR/OWR, for all development projects subject to Sections of this Code, unless enforcement responsibility has been delegated to the Village. However, the following review approvals are not delegated to the Village and shall require review or permits from IDNR/OWR:

1. When work is proposed by organizations exempt from this Ordinance.

2. Projects involving dams or impoundment structures as defined herein and all state, federal or local units of government projects, including projects of this Village.

3. Any activity which would result in a change in the base flood elevation or location of floodway.

4. Review of an engineer’s determination that an existing bridge or culvert is not a source of flood damage.

5. Review of an engineer’s determination that a proposed bridge affected by backwater from a downstream receiving stream may be built with a smaller opening.

6. Proposals for alternative transition sections and hydraulically equivalent compensatory storage as stipulated herein.

7. Base flood elevation determinations where none now exist.

j. Cooperate with state and federal flood plain management agencies to improve base flood or 100- year frequency flood and floodway data and to improve the administration of these regulations. Submit data to the IDNR/OWR and the Federal Emergency Management Agency for proposed revisions of a designated map. Submit reports as required for the National Flood Insurance Program. Notify the Federal Emergency Management Agency of any proposed amendments to these regulations.

1.302 Improvements Within Flood Fringes

a. Development in and filling of the flood fringe will only be permitted if protection is provided against the base flood or 100-year frequency flood by proper elevation and compensatory storage and other provisions of these regulations are met. No use will be permitted which adversely affects the capacity of drainage facilities or systems.

b. Only limited filling and excavating necessary for an approvable development is allowed. The construction and maintenance of roads necessary for permitted uses are allowed only on a limited bases and where no alternate location outside of the Flood Plain is available.

c. Land surface modification within the Flood Fringe shall be permitted for the purpose of constructing stormwater drainage swales between the developed area of a lot (including a stormwater detention facility on a lot) and a stream, or detention facility.

d. Whenever any portion of a flood plain is authorized for use, the volume of space which will be occupied by the authorized fill or structure below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation shall be compensated for and balanced by a hydraulically equivalent volume of excavation taken from below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation. The excavation volume shall be at least equal to 1.1 1.5 times the volume of storage lost due to the fill or structure. In the case of streams and watercourses, such excavation shall be made opposite or adjacent to the areas so filled or occupied. All flood plain storage lost below the existing 10-year

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flood elevation shall be replaced below the proposed 10-year flood elevation. All flood plain storage lost above the existing 10-year flood elevation shall be replaced above the proposed 10- year flood elevation. All such excavations shall be constructed to drain freely and openly to the watercourse.

1.303 Allowable Uses in Floodways

It shall be unlawful for any person to cause, create or maintain any improvements within a floodway, or watercourse of any type, except those classified herein as APPROPRIATE USES or otherwise authorized by these regulations. They only developments in a floodway which will be allowed are APPROPRIATE USES which will not create a damaging or potentially damaging increase in the base flood elevation flood heights or velocity or be a threat to public health, safety and welfare or impair the natural hydrologic and hydraulic functions of the floodway or channel, or impair existing water quality or aquatic habitat during or after the development activity. Only those APPROPRIATE USES listed below will be allowed:

a. public flood control structures, dikes, dams and other public works or private improvements relating to the control of drainage, flooding of existing structures, erosion, or water quality or habitat for fish and wildlife;

b. structures or facilities relating to the use of, or requiring access to, the water or shoreline, such as pumping and treatment facilities, and facilities and improvements related to recreational boating and other functionally water dependent uses;

c. storm sewer outfalls;

d. underground and overhead utilities;

e. public open space and recreational facilities such as playing fields and trail systems including any related fencing (at least 50% open when viewed from any one direction) built parallel to the direction of flood flows, and including open air pavilions and toilet facilities (4 stall maximum) that will not block flood flows nor reduce floodway storage;

f. bridges, culverts, roadways, walkways, railways and any modification thereto, which are used for crossing floodway;

g. flood proofing activities to protect existing structures including the construction of water tight window wells, elevating structures, or construction of floodwalls around residential, commercial or industrial principal structures where the outside toe of the floodwall shall be no more than ten feet away from the exterior wall of the existing structure, which are not considered substantial improvements to the structure;

h. in the case of damaged or replacement buildings, reconstruction or repairs made to a building that is valued at less than 50% of the market value of the building before it was damaged or replaced, and which does not increase the outside dimensions of the building.

Appropriate Uses do not include the construction or placement of any new structures, fill, detention or retention facilities, building additions, buildings on stilts, excavation or channel modifications done for the convenience of site design, fencing (including landscaping or planting designed to act as a fence) and storage of materials.

1.304 Setback and Buffer Strip Requirements

For those areas adjacent to streams where a floodway has been defined, it shall be unlawful for any person to cause or create any buildings or imperious surfaces whose are exceeds 10 percent of the area within a minimum distance of 75 feet of the ordinary high water mark. This requirement applies to channels that

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have been modified in accordance with Section 1.309(i). Only APPROPRIATE USES may be permitted within any floodway within the setback area in accordance with Section 1.303.

For any development that occurs after the effective date of this ordinance, a vegetated buffer strip shall be preserved within the setback area extending landward a minimum of 25 feet from the ordinary high-water mark. The buffer strip shall be continuous and natural in appearance except in limited areas to accommodate appropriate uses (such as trails) and maintenance activities. Within the vegetated buffer strip, trees, shrubs and tall herbaceous plants may be selectively pruned to achieve a filtered view from the principle structure and for reasonable access. Said pruning and removal activities shall ensure that a live root system stays intact to provide for bank stabilization and erosion control. The requirements of this paragraph are optional, but strongly encouraged for areas that have been previously developed.

Where it is impossible to protect a buffer strip during construction involving an appropriate use or where a stream channel has been modified in accordance with the requirements of Section 1.309(i), a vegetated buffer strip shall be established upon completion of construction. A landscape plan which provides for restoration of native vegetation and habitat is strongly encouraged. Non-native plants on an approved list maintained by the Village Engineer may be substituted for native species.

1.305 Variances from Flood Plain Regulations

Granting variances is not consistent with the purpose of these regulations and it is therefore essential that every effort be made to comply with the requirements of these Regulations. No variances shall be granted for any development located in a designated floodway. However, when a development proposal is located outside of a designated floodway, and whenever the standards of these Regulations place undue hardship on a specific development proposal, the applicant may apply to the Village Engineer for a variance. The Village Engineer shall review the applicant’s request for a variance and shall prepare a recommendation and schedule a Hearing on the matter at a regular meeting of the Village Board of Adjustments. The Board of Adjustments, after hearing the request, shall transmit its findings and recommendation to the Village Board.

a. No variance shall be granted by the Village Board for development in a flood fringe unless the applicant demonstrates that:

1. the development activity cannot be located outside the SFHA;

2. an exceptional hardship would result if the variance were not granted;

3. the relief requested is the minimum necessary;

4. there will be no additional threat to public health, safety, beneficial stream uses and functions, especially aquatic habitat, or creation of a nuisance;

5. there will be no additional public expense for flood protection, lost environmental stream uses and functions, rescue or relief operations, policing, or repairs to stream beds and banks, roads, utilities, or other public facilities;

6. the development will not create a threat to public health and safety;

7. the activity is not in a designated floodway;

8. the applicant’s circumstances are unique and do not represent a general problem, and

9. the granting of the variance will not alter the essential character of the area involved including existing stream uses.

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b. The Village Engineer shall notify the applicant in writing that a variance from requirements of Article III that would lessen the degree of protection to a building will:

1. result in increase premium rates for flood insurance;

2. increase the risks to life and property; and

3. require that the applicant proceed with knowledge of these risks and that the applicant acknowledge in writing the assumption of the risk and liability.

c. The Village Engineer may require an independent study and report by a qualified professional engineer, the cost of which shall be paid by the applicant for the variance. The purpose of the study shall be to provide evaluations of the applicant’s proposed improvements as they may affect stream flows and hydraulic characteristics of the watercourse and to also evaluate possible alternatives to the applicant’s proposal.

d. Variances from the building protection requirements of this Code requested in connection with the reconstruction, repair or alteration of a site or building included on the National Register of Historic Places or the Illinois Register of Historic Places may be granted using criteria more permissive than the requirements for other buildings.

1.306 Disclaimer of Liability

The degree of flood protection required by these Regulations is considered reasonable for designated purposes and is based on available information derived from engineering and scientific methods of study. Larger floods may occur or flood heights may be increased by man-made or natural causes. These Regulations do not imply that development either inside or outside of the Special Flood Hazard Area will be free from flooding or damage. The Regulations do not create liability on the part of the Village or any officer or employee thereof for any flood damage that results from reliance on these Regulations or any administrative decision made lawfully thereunder.

1.307 Base Flood Elevation

The protection standard of these Regulations is based on the Flood Insurance study for the Village. If a base flood elevation for 100-year frequency flood elevation is not available for a particular site, then the protection standard shall be according to the best existing data from federal, state or other sources. When a party disagrees with the best available data, he/she may finance the detailed engineering study needed to replace existing data with better data and submit it to the IDNR/OWR and FEMA for review and consideration prior to any development of the site.

a. The base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation for the SFHA’s of creeks shall be as delineated on the 100-year frequency flood profiles in the countywide Flood Insurance Study for Cook County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated August 19, 2008, and such amendments to such study and maps as may be prepared from time to time.

b. The base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation for all other SFHA’s in the Village shall be as delineated on the 100-year flood profiles in the Flood Insurance Study for the Village prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, dated August 19, 2008.

c. The base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation for the SFHAs of those parts of unincorporated Cook County that are within one and half mile extraterritorial jurisdiction or that may be annexed into the Village of Richton Park shall be delineated on the 100-year flood profiles in the countywide Flood Insurance Study for Cook County prepared by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and dated August 19, 2008, and such amendments or revisions to such study and maps as may be prepared from time to time.

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d. The base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation for each SFHA delineated as an “AH Zone” or “A0 Zone” shall be that elevation (or depth) delineated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map of the Village.

e. The base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation for each of the remaining SFHA’s delineated as an “A Zone” on the countrywide Flood Insurance Rate Map of the Village shall be according to the best existing data available from federal, state or other sources. Should no other data exist, an engineering study must be financed by the applicant to determine base flood elevations. When no base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation exists, the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation for a riverine SFHA shall be determined from a backwater model such as HEC-II, WSP-2, or a dynamic model such as HIP. The flood flows used in the hydraulic models shall be obtained from a hydrologic model, such as HEC-I TR-20, or HIP, or by techniques presented in various publications prepared by the United States Geological Survey for estimating peak flood discharges. Along any watercourses draining more than one square mile, the above analyses shall be submitted to IDNR/OWR for approval, once approved it must be submitted to the Illinois State Water Survey Floodplain Information Repository for filing. For a non-riverine SFHA, the Base Flood Elevation shall be the historic Flood of Record plus three feet, unless calculated by a detailed engineering study. For an unmapped extended SFHA (with a drainage area less than one square mile) which has been identified by the Village Engineer pursuant to this Code, the base flood elevation shall be determined by the applicant utilizing a method as approved herein.

1.308 Occupation and Use of Flood Fringe Areas

a. No development in the flood fringe shall create a threat to public health and safety.

b. If fill is proposed to elevate the site above the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation for the purpose of removing the site from the flood plain, the developer shall submit sufficient data to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the purpose of removing the site from the floodplain.

c. Whenever any portion of a flood plain is authorized for use, the volume of space which will be occupied by the authorized fill or structure below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation shall be compensated for by at least 1.5 times the hydraulically equivalent volume of excavation taken from below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation. In the case of stream and watercourses, such excavation shall be made opposite or adjacent to the areas so filled or occupied. All flood plain storage lost below the existing 10-year flood elevation must be replaced below the proposed 10-year flood elevation. All flood plain storage lost above the existing 10-year flood elevation and must be replaced above the proposed 10-year flood elevation. All such excavations shall be constructed to drain freely and openly to the watercourse.

1.309 Preservation of Identified Floodways

Within the designated floodway as identified on the designated floodway maps designated by the IDNR/OWR, the construction of an APPROPRIATE USE will be considered permissible provided that the proposed project meets the following engineering and mitigation criteria and is so stated in writing with supporting plans, calculations, and data by a registered professional and provided that structures meet the building protection requirements of these Regulations:

a. Preservation of Flood Conveyance, so as Not to Cause a Rise in the Base Flood Elevation or Increase Flood Stages Upstream.

For appropriate uses other than bridge or culvert crossings, on-stream structures or dams, all effective designated floodway conveyance lost due to the project will be replaced for all flood events up to and including the 100-year frequency flood. The carrying capacity of all altered

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watercourses must be maintained. In calculating effective designated floodway conveyance, the following factors shall be taken into consideration:

1. Designated floodway conveyance,

“K” = 1,486 AR 2/3 n where “n” is Manning’s roughness factor, “A” is the effective area of the cross-section, and “R” is the ratio of the area to the wetted perimeter. (See Open Channel Hydraulics, Ven Te Chow, 1959, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York)

2. The same Manning’s “n” value shall be used for both existing and proposed conditions unless a recorded maintenance agreement with a federal, state, or local unit of government can assure the proposed conditions will be maintained or the land cover is changing from a vegetative to a non-vegetative land cover.

3. Transition sections shall be provided and used in calculations of effective designated floodway conveyance. The following expansion and contraction ratios shall be used unless an applicant’s engineer can prove to the IDNR/OWR through engineering calculations or model tests that more abrupt transitions may be used with the same efficiency:

a) When water is flowing from a narrow section to a wider section, the water should be assumed to expand no faster than at a rate of one foot horizontal for every four feet of the flooded stream’s length.

b) When water is flowing from a wide section to a narrow section, the water should be assumed to contract no faster than at a rate of one foot horizontal for every one foot of the flooded stream’s length.

c) When expanding or contracting flows in a vertical direction, a minimum of one foot vertical transition for every ten feet of stream length shall be used.

d) Transition sections shall be provided between cross-sections with rapid expansions and contractions and when meeting the designated floodway delineation on adjacent properties.

e) All cross-sections used in the calculations shall be located perpendicular to flood flows. b. Preservation of Floodway Storage so as Not to Increase Downstream Flooding.

Compensatory storage shall be provided for any designated floodway storage lost due to the proposed work from the volume of fill or structures placed and the impact of any related flood control projects. Compensatory storage for fill or structures shall be equal to at least 1.5 times the volume of flood plain storage lost. Artificially created storage lost due to a reduction in head loss behind a bridge shall not be required to be replaced. The compensatory designated floodway storage shall be placed between the proposed normal water elevation and the proposed 100-year flood elevation. All designated floodway storage lost below the existing 10-year flood elevation shall be replaced below the proposed 10-year flood elevation. All designated floodway storage lost above the 10-year flood elevation shall be replaced above the proposed 10-year flood elevation. All such excavations shall be constructed to drain freely and openly to the watercourse. If the compensatory storage will not be placed at the location of the proposed construction, the applicant’s engineer shall demonstrate to the IDNR/OWR through a determination of flood discharges and water surface elevations that the compensatory storage is hydraulically equivalent.

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Finally, there shall be no reduction in floodway surface area as a result of a floodway modification, unless such modification is necessary to reduce flooding at existing structure. c. Preservation of Floodway Velocities so as Not to Increase Stream Erosion or Flood Heights.

For all Appropriate Uses, except bridges or culverts or on stream structures, the proposed work will not result in an increase in the average channel or designated floodway velocities or stage for all flood events up to and including the 100-year frequency event. However, in the case of bridges or culverts or on stream structures built for the purpose of backing up water in the stream during normal or flood flows, velocities may be increased at the structure site if scour, erosion and sedimentation will be avoided by the use of rip-rap or other design measures. d. Construction of New Bridges or Culvert Crossings and Roadway Approaches.

The proposed structure shall not result in an increase of upstream flood stages greater than 0.1 foot when compared to the existing conditions for all flood events up to and including the 100-year frequency event; or the upstream flood stage increases will be contained within the channel banks (or within existing vertical extensions of the channel banks) such as within the design protection grade of existing levees or flood walls or within recorded flood easements.

1. The engineering analysis of upstream flood stages must be calculated using the flood study flows, and corresponding flood elevations for tailwater conditions for the flood study specified herein. Culverts must be analyzed using the U.S. DOT, FHWA Hydraulic Chart for the Selection of Highway Culverts. Bridges must be analyzed using the U.S. DOT/Federal Highway Administration Hydraulics of Bridge Waterways calculation procedures.

2. Lost floodway storage must be compensated for in accordance with this Article.

3. Velocity increases must be mitigated in accordance with this Article.

4. The hydraulic analysis for the backwater caused by the bridge showing the existing condition and proposed designated profile must be submitted to the IDNR/OWR for concurrence that a CLOMR is not required.

5. All excavations for the construction of the crossing shall be designed in accordance with this Article. e. Reconstruction or Modification of Existing Bridges, Culverts and Approach Roads.

1. The bridge or culvert and roadway approach reconstruction or modification shall be constructed with no increase in backwater over the existing flood profile for all flood frequencies up to and including the 100-year event, if the existing structure is not a source of flood damage.

2. If the existing bridge or culvert and roadway approach is a source of flood damage to buildings or structures in the upstream flood plain, the applicant’s engineer shall evaluate the feasibility of redesigning the structure to reduce the existing backwater, taking into consideration the effects on flood stages on upstream and downstream properties.

3. The determination as to whether or not the existing crossing is a source of flood damage and should be redesigned must be prepared in accordance 17 Illinois Administrative Code Part 3708 (Floodway Construction in Northeastern Illinois) and submitted to the IDNR/OWR for review and concurrence before a permit is issued.

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f. On-Stream Structures Built for the Purpose of Backing Up Water.

Any increase in upstream flood stages, greater than 0.1 foot, when compared to the existing conditions, for all flood events up to and including the 100-year frequency event shall be contained within the channel banks (or within existing vertical extensions of the channel banks) such as within the design protection grade of existing levees or flood walls or within recorded flood easements. A permit or letter indicating a permit is not required must be obtained from the IDNR/OWR for any structure built for the purpose of backing up water in the stream during normal or flood flow. All dams and impoundment structures as defined herein shall meet the permitting requirements of 17 Ill Adm. Code 3702 (Construction and Maintenance of Dams). If the proposed activity involves a modification of the channel or floodway to accommodate an impoundment, it shall be demonstrated that:

1. The impoundment is determined to be in the public interest by providing flood control, public recreation, or regional stormwater detention;

2. The impoundment will not prevent the migration of indigenous fish species, which require access to upstream areas as part of their life cycle, such as for spawning;

3. The impoundment will not cause or contribute to degraded water quality or habitat conditions. Impoundment design should include gradual bank slopes, appropriate bank stabilization measures, and a pre-sedimentation basin.

4. A non-point source control plan has been implemented in the upstream watershed to control the effects of sediment runoff as well as minimize the input of nutrients, oil and grease, metals, and other pollutants. If there is more than one municipality in the upstream watershed, the municipality in which the impoundment is constructed should coordinate with upstream municipalities to ensure comprehensive watershed control;

5. The project otherwise complies with the requirements of these Regulations. g. Flood Proofing of Existing Habitable, Residential and Commercial Structures. If construction is required beyond the outside dimensions of the existing building, the outside perimeter of the floodproofing construction shall be placed no further than 10 feet from the outside of the building. Compensation of lost storage and conveyance will not be required for floodproofing activities. h. Excavation in the Floodway.

When excavation is proposed in the design of bridges and culvert openings, including the modifications to and replacement of existing bridge and culvert structures, or to compensate for lost conveyance for other appropriate Uses, transition sections shall be provided for the excavation. The following expansion and contraction ratios shall be used unless an applicant’s engineer can prove to the IDNR/OWR through engineering calculations or model tests that more abrupt transitions may be used with the same efficiency:

1. When water is flowing from a narrow section to a wider section, the water should be assumed to expand no faster than at a rate of one foot horizontal for every four feet of the flooded stream’s length;

2. When water is flowing from a wide section to a narrow section, the water should be assumed to contract no faster than at a rate of one foot horizontal for every one foot of the flooded stream’s length; and

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3. When expanding or contracting flows in a vertical direction, a minimum of one foot vertical transition for every ten feet of stream length shall be used.

4. Erosion/scour protection shall be provided inland upstream and downstream of the transition sections. i. If the proposed activity involves a channel modification, it must be demonstrated that:

1. There are no practicable alternatives to the activity which would accomplish its purpose with less impact to the natural conditions of the body of water affected. Possible alternatives include levees, bank stabilization, flood proofing of existing structures, removal of structures from the flood plain, clearing the channel, high flow channel, or the establishment of a stream side buffer strip or green belt. Channel modification is acceptable if the purpose is to restore natural conditions and improve water quality and fish and wildlife habitat;

2. Water quality, habitat, and other natural functions would be significantly improved by the modification and no significant habitat area may be destroyed, or the impacts are offset by the replacement of an equivalent degree of natural resource values;

3. The activity has been planned and designed and will be constructed in a way which will minimize its adverse impacts on the natural conditions of the body of water affected, consistent with the following criteria:

(a) The physical characteristics of the modified channel shall match as closely as possible those of the existing channel in length, cross-section, slope and sinuosity. If the existing channel has been previously modified, restoration of more natural physical conditions should be incorporated into channel modification design, where practical.

(b) Hydraulically effective transitions shall be provided at both the upstream and downstream ends of the project, designed such that they will prevent erosion.

(c) One-sided construction of a channel shall be used when feasible. Removal of streamside (riparian) vegetation should be limited to one side of the channel, where possible, to preserve the shading and stabilization effects of the vegetation.

(d) Clearing of stabilizing vegetation shall be limited to that which is essential for construction of the channel.

(e) Channel banks shall be constructed with a side slope no steeper than 3:1 horizontal to vertical, wherever practicable. Natural vegetation and gradual side slopes are the preferred methods for bank stabilization. Where high velocities or sharp bends necessitate the use of alternative stabilization measures, natural rock or rip-rap are preferred materials. Artificial materials such as concrete, gabions, or construction rubble should be avoided unless there are no practicable alternatives.

(f) All disturbed areas associated with the modification shall be seeded or otherwise stabilized as soon as possible upon completion of construction. Erosion blanket or an equivalent material shall be required to stabilize disturbed channel banks prior to establishment of the vegetative cover. (g) If the existing channel contains considerable bottom diversity such as deep pools, riffles, and other similar features, such features shall be provided in the

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new channel. Spawning and nesting areas and flow characteristics compatible with fish habitat shall also be established, where appropriate.

(h) A sediment basin shall be installed at the downstream end of the modification to reduce sedimentation and degradation of downstream water quality.

(i) New or relocated channels should be built in the dry and all items of construction, including vegetation, should be completed prior to diversion of water into the new channel.

(j) There shall be no increases in stage or velocity as the channel enters or leaves the project site for any frequency flood unless necessitated by a public flood control project or unless such an increase is justified as part of a habitat improvement or erosion control project.

(k) Unless the modification is for a public flood control project, there shall be no reduction in the volume of floodwater storage outside the floodway as a result of the modification; and

4. The project otherwise complies with the requirements of this Article. j. All engineering analyses shall be performed by or under the supervision of a registered professional engineer. k. All dams and impoundment structures as defined herein shall meet the permitting requirements of 92 III. Adm. Code 702 (Construction and Maintenance of Dams). l. Seeding and Stabilization Plan. For all activities located in a floodway, a seeding and stabilization plan shall be submitted by the applicant. m. Public Flood Control Project. For public flood control projects, the permitting requirements of this section will be considered met if the applicant can demonstrate to IDNR/OWR through hydraulic and hydrologic calculations that the proposed project will not singularly or cumulatively result in increased flood heights outside the project right-of-way or easements for all flood events up to and including the 100-year frequency event.

n. General Criteria for Analysis of Flood Elevations.

1. The flood profiles, flows and floodway data in the regulatory designated floodway study, referenced in Section 1.307, must be used for analysis of the base conditions. If the study data appears to be in error or conditions have changed, IDNR/OWR shall be contacted for approval and concurrence on the appropriate base conditions data to use.

2. If the 100-year designated floodway elevation at the site of the proposed construction is affected by backwater from a downstream receiving stream with a larger drainage area, the proposed construction shall be shown to meet the requirements of this section for the 100-year frequency flood elevations of the designated floodway conditions and conditions with the receiving stream at normal water elevations.

3. If the applicant learns from the Department of Water Resources, local governments, or a private owner that a downstream restrictive bridge or culvert is scheduled to be removed, reconstructed, modified, or a regional flood control project is scheduled to be built, removed, constructed or modified within the next five years, the proposed construction shall be analyzed and shown to meet the requirements of this section for both the existing

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conditions and the expected flood profile conditions when the bridge, culvert or flood control project is built.

After receipt of conditional approval of the designated floodway change and issuance of a permit, construction as necessary to change the designated floodway designation may precede but no buildings or structures or other construction that is not an APPROPRIATE USE may be placed in that area until the designated floodway map is changed. The designated floodway map will be revised upon acceptance and concurred by the IDNR/OWR and FEMA of the record drawings.

1.310 Public Health Standards

a. No developments in the SFHA shall include locating or storing chemicals, explosives, buoyant materials, animal wastes, fertilizers, flammable liquids, pollutants, or other hazardous or toxic materials below the flood plain elevation (FPE) unless such materials area stored in a floodproofed and anchored storage tank and certified by a registered professional engineer or floodproofed building constructed according to the requirements of this Article.

b. New and replacement water supply systems, wells, sanitary sewer lines and on-site waste disposal systems may be permitted providing all manholes or other above ground openings located below the FPE are watertight.

c. Public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas and electric shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage.

d. Public sanitary sewer systems and water supply systems shall be located and constructed to minimize or eliminate infiltration of flood waters into systems and discharges from the systems into flood waters.

e. All other activities defined as development shall be designed so as not to alter flood flows or increase potential flood damages.

1.311 Protecting Buildings

New buildings to be located within a flood plain, or existing buildings to be modified in a flood plain, shall be protected from flood damage below the flood protection elevation. In addition, existing buildings located within a designated floodway shall also meet the more restrictive appropriate use standards included in this Article. These building protection requirements apply to the following situations:

a. Construction or placement of a new building or alteration or addition to an existing building valued at more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or seventy (70) square feet.

b. Substantial improvements or structural alterations made to an existing building that increase the floor area by more than twenty percent (20%) or equal or exceed the market value by fifty percent (50%). Alteration shall be figured cumulatively subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance. If substantially improved, the existing structure and the addition must meet the flood protection standards of this section.

c. Repairs made to a substantially damaged building. These repairs shall be figured cumulatively subsequent to the adoption of this ordinance. If substantially damaged, the entire structure must meet the flood protection standards of this section.

d. Installing a travel trailer on a site for more than 180 days.

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e. Installing a manufactured home on a new site or a new manufactured home on an existing site (the building protection requirements do not apply to returning a manufactured home to the same site it lawfully occupied before it was removed to avoid flood damage).

f. Repetitive loss to an existing building. This building protection requirement may be met by one of the subsequently described methods

1.312 Protection by Landfill

A residential or non-residential building, when allowed, may be constructed on permanent land fill in accordance with the following:

a. The lowest floor, (including basement), shall be at or above the flood protection elevation and,

b. The fill shall be placed in layers no greater than six (6) inches deep before compaction and should extend at least ten feet beyond the foundation of the building before sloping below the flood protection elevation. The top of the fill shall be above the flood protection elevation. However, the ten foot minimum may be waived if a structural engineer certifies an alternative method to protect the building from damages due to hydrostatic pressures. The fill shall be protected against erosion and scour. The fill shall not adversely affect the flow or surface drainage from or onto neighboring properties.

1.313 Protection by Elevating

A residential or non-residential building may be elevated in accordance with the following:

a. The building or improvements shall be elevated on stilts, piles, walls, crawl space or other foundation that is permanently open to flood waters and not subject to damage by hydrostatic pressures of the base flood or 100-year frequency flood. Designs must either be certified by a licensed professional engineer or architect or the permanent openings shall be no more than one foot above grade, and a minimum of two openings having a total net area of not less than one square inch for every one square foot of enclosed area subject to flooding shall be provided or,

b. The foundation and supporting members shall be anchored and aligned in relation to flood flows and adjoining structures so as to minimize exposure to known hydrodynamic forces such as current, waves, ice and floating debris.

c. All areas below the flood protection elevation shall be constructed of materials resistant to flood damage. The lowest floor (including basement) and all electrical, heating, ventilating, plumbing, and air conditioning equipment and utility meters shall be located at or above the flood protection elevation. Water and sewer pipes, electrical and telephone lines, submersible pumps, and other waterproofed service facilities may be located below the flood protection elevation.

Gravity storm and sanitary sewer connections are specifically prohibited. Overhead sewers are required for sanitary connections and sumps are required for the storm sewer connections.

d. No area below the flood protection elevations shall be used for storage of items or materials.

e. Travel trailers to be installed on a site for more than 180 days, shall be elevated at or above the flood protection elevation; and, shall be anchored to resist flotation, collapse, or lateral movement by being tied down in accordance with the Rules and Regulations for the Illinois Mobile Home Tie-Down Act issued pursuant to 77 III. Adm. Code 870.

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1.314 Other Protective Measures

Only a non-residential building may be dry floodproofed (in lieu of elevation) provided that a Registered Professional Engineer or Architect shall certify that the building has been structurally floodproofed below the flood protection elevation, the structure and attendant utility facilities are watertight and capable of resisting the effects of the base flood or 100-year frequency flood. The building design shall take into account flood velocities, duration, rate of rise, hydrostatic and hydrodynamic forces, the effects of buoyancy, and impacts from debris or ice. Floodproofing measures shall be operable without human intervention and without an outside source of electricity.

1.315 Protecting Accessory Structures

Accessory structures on an existing single-family platted lot, such as sheds and detached garages, may be constructed with the lowest floor below the flood protection elevation in accordance with all the following:

a. The building is not used for human habitation.

b. All areas below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation shall be constructed with waterproof material. Structures located in a designated floodway shall be constructed and placed on a building site so as not to block the flow of flood waters and shall also meet the APPROPRIATE USE criteria of this Article. All other requirements of this Article must be met.

c. The structure shall be anchored to prevent flotation. d. Service facilities such as electrical and heating equipment shall be elevated or floodproofed to the flood protection elevation.

e. The building must be valued at less than $5,000 and be less than 500 square feet in size.

f. The building must only be used for the storage of vehicles or tools and may not contain other rooms, workshops, greenhouses or similar uses.

1.316 Altering Non-Conforming Structures

Existing buildings located within a designated floodway shall also meet the more restrictive Appropriate Use standards. Non-conforming structures located in a designated floodway may remain in use, but may not be enlarged, replaced or structurally altered. A non-conforming structure damaged by flood, fire, wind or other natural or man-made disaster may be restored unless the damage exceeds fifty percent of its market value before it was damaged, in which case it must conform to these Regulations.

1.317 Occupation and Use of SFHA Areas Where Floodways Are Not Identified

In SFHA’s or floodplains where no floodways have been identified and no base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevations have been established, no development shall be permitted unless the cumulative effect of the proposals, when combined with all other existing and anticipated uses and structures, shall not significantly impede or increase the flow and passage of the floodwaters nor significantly increase the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation.

a. The permitting requirements of Article II shall apply when projects are proposed in SFHA areas where floodways are not identified.

b. No development in the SFHA, where a floodway has not been determined, shall create a damaging or potentially damaging increase in flood heights or velocity or threat to public health, safety and welfare or impair the natural hydrologic and hydraulic functions of the floodway or channel, or impair existing water quality or aquatic habitat. Construction impacts shall be minimized by appropriate mitigation methods as called for in this Code.

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c. Within all riverine SFHA’s where floodways have not been determined, the developer shall have a Registered Professional Engineer state in writing and show through supporting plans, calculations, and data that the project meets the engineering requirements of this Article for the entire flood plain. As an alternative, the developer should have an engineering study performed to determine a floodway and submit the engineering study to the IDNR/OWR for acceptance as a designated floodway. Upon acceptance and approval of the study by the IDNR/OWR, the developer shall then demonstrate that the project meets all requirements of this Article. The floodway shall be defined according to the definition in Article I.

d. Based on the best available existing data according to the federal, state or other resources, the Village Engineer shall compare the elevation of the site to the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation. Should no elevation information exist for the site, the developer’s engineer shall calculate the elevation according to Section 1.307e. Any development located on land than can be shown to have been higher than the base flood elevation as of the sites first Flood Insurance Rate Map Identification is not in the SFHA and, therefore, not subject to the requirements of this Code. The Village Engineer shall maintain documentation of the existing ground elevation at the development site and certification that this ground elevation existed prior to the date of the site’s first Flood Insurance Rate Map identification.

e. Whenever any portion of a flood plain is authorized for use, the volume of space which will be occupied by the authorized fill or structure below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation shall be compensated for and balanced by a hydraulically equivalent volume of excavation taken from below the base flood or 100-year frequency flood elevation. The excavation volume shall be at least equal to 1.1 1.5 times the volume of storage lost due to the fill or structure. In the case of streams and watercourses, such excavation shall be made opposite or adjacent to the areas so filled or occupied. All flood plain storage lost below the existing 10-year food elevation shall be replaced below the proposed 10-year flood elevation. All flood plain storage lost above the existing 10-year flood elevation shall be replaced above the proposed 10- year flood elevation. All such excavations shall be constructed to drain freely and openly to the watercourse.

f. Dam Safety Permits. Any work involving the construction modification or removal of a dam or an on-stream structure to impound water as defined herein shall obtain an IDNR/OWR permit or letter indicating a permit is not required prior to the start of construction of a dam. If the Village Engineer finds a dam that does not have a Department of Water Resources permit, the Village Engineer shall immediately notify the IDNR/OWR Bartlett, Illinois Office. If the Village Engineer finds a dam which is believed to be in unsafe condition, the Village Engineer shall immediately notify the owner of the dam and the Illinois Emergency Management Agency (IEMA) and the IDNR/OWR Bartlett, Illinois Office.


1.401 Detention Required

No person shall cause any development on any property in the Village without providing stormwater detention facilities as herein described and specified.

1.402 Exceptions

The Village Engineer may waive the requirement for detention facilities when one or more of the following conditions exist:

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a. The proposed development consists of home improvements or additions to an existing residence and it can be satisfactorily verified that the improvements will not increase the value of the premises by more than 50% of its then current value.

b. The proposed development consists of restoring existing improvements which have been damaged by fire, storm or flood.

c. The property to be developed is all or a wholly contained part of an approved development for which stormwater detention was previously provided or planned to the satisfaction of Village authorities in the form of on-site detention, off-site detention, cash in lieu thereof, or some combination of the above. Development of property shall be allowed to take place according to the conditions of previously approved detention standards and stipulations provided, however, that previously approved concept plans and/or preliminary plats shall not retain their approved status for stormwater detention proposals for longer than one year if no construction or development takes place within that time.

1.403 Drainage Plan Required

When a detention facility is required or proposed, the applicant shall submit plans and information, depending on development size, providing the following data to ensure that the provisions of this Code are met. The submittal shall include sufficient information to evaluate the environmental characteristics of the property, the potential adverse impacts of the development on water resources both on-site and downstream, and the effectiveness of the proposed drainage plan in managing stormwater runoff. The applicant shall certify on the drawings that all clearing, grading, drainage, and construction shall be accomplished in strict conformance with the drainage plan. The following information shall be submitted for both existing and proposed property conditions.

a. Properties Small Than Five Acres 1. Topographic Map: A topographic survey of the property and areas upstream and downstream necessary to determine offsite impacts of the proposed drainage plan at one- foot contours.

2. Environmental Features: A depiction of environmental features of the property and immediate vicinity including the following:

(a) the limits of wetland areas;

(b) any proposed channel modifications, and

(c) any designated natural areas; and

(d) proposed environmental mitigation features.

3. Drainage System: A depiction of existing and proposed drainage system features of the property and immediate vicinity including:

(a) The banks and centerline of streams and channels;

(b) Shoreline of lakes, ponds, and detention basins;

(c) Farm drains and titles;

(d) Watershed boundaries within the property;

(e) The properties location within stream or river watersheds;

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(f) Location, size and slope of stormwater conduits;

(g) Sanitary or combines sewers;

(h) Mapped natural Depressional storage areas;

(i) Delineation of upstream and downstream drainage features and watersheds which might be affected by the development;

(j) Detention facilities;

(k) Roads and streets and associated stormwater inlets;

(l) Base flood elevation, and regulator floodway where identified for the property; and

(m) Basis of design for the final drainage network components.

(n) Other pertinent information determined to be necessary by the Village Engineer.

b. Properties Larger Than Five Acres

The same information as required in Section 1.403a is required for properties larger than 10 acres along with the following additional information for the minor drainage system’s design runoff event and the 100-year runoff event of critical duration:

1. elevations and maps of flooding;

2. cross-section data for open channel flow paths

3. direction of storm flows;

4. flow rates and velocities at critical points in the drainage system; and

5. a statement by the project engineer of the drainage system’s provisions for handling events greater than the 100-year runoff.

1.404 Minimization of Runoff Volumes and Rates

In the selection of a drainage plan for a development, the applicant shall choose a strategy which strives to minimize the increase in runoff volumes and rates from the site. The applicant shall observe the following hierarchy in developing a drainage plan:

a. Minimization of impervious surfaces on the property;

b. Flow attenuation by use of open vegetated swales and retention of natural depressions or construction of new ones in conjunction with retention of existing natural stream channels;

c. Infiltration of runoff on-site;

d. Stormwater retention structures;

e. Stormwater detention structures;

f. Storm sewers.

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At all times the applicant shall keep in mind groundwater quality and public safety and convenience in the selection of drainage plan elements.

1.405 Release Rates

a. Generally: The drainage system for a property shall be designed to control the peak rate of discharge from the property for the two-year, 24-hour and 100-year, 24-hour events to levels which will not cause an increase in flooding or channel instability downstream when considered in aggregate with other developed properties and downstream drainage capacities. The peak discharge from events less than or equal to the two-year event shall not be greater than 0.04 cfs per acre of property. The 100-year discharge shall not be greater than 0.15 cfs per acre of property.

b. Small Development Sites: When the calculated allowable discharge for a development site is exceptionally small due to the small size of the site, i.e. three acres or less, the Village Engineer may allow a greater rate of discharge provided the developer’s engineer demonstrates that appropriate attempts had been made to develop a design for a discharge device which could be reasonably expected to function effectively without undue personal attention or maintenance efforts. In no case will discharge orifices less than two inches in inside diameter be required. Project engineers shall be expected to utilize, to the extent practicable, innovative and high-tech solutions for discharge facilities intended to minimize discharges for small site detention basin

1.406 Water Quality and Multiple Uses

a. The drainage system should be designed to minimize adverse water quality impacts downstream and on the property itself. Detention basins shall incorporate design features to capture stormwater runoff pollutants. In particular designers shall give preference to wet bottom and wetland designs and all flows from the development shall be routed through the basin (i.e., low flows shall not be bypassed). Retention and infiltration of stormwater shall be promoted throughout the property’s drainage system to reduce the volume of stormwater runoff and reduce the quantity of runoff pollutants.

b. The drainage system shall incorporate multiple uses where practicable. Uses considered compatible with stormwater management include open space, aesthetics, aquatic habitat, recreation (boating, trails, playing fields), wetlands and water quality mitigation. The applicant should avoid using portions of the property exclusively for stormwater management.

1.407 Hydrologic Design Procedures

The design of the drainage system shall be developed and evaluated by the applicant based on routing runoff hydrographs for the two-year, 10-year, and 100-year, 24-hour events through its minor and major components. In addition, a general assessment of the impacts of flows exceeding the 100-year event shall be presented.

a. Rainfall: Unless a continuous simulation approach to drainage system hydrology is used, all design rainfall events shall be based on the Illinois State Water Survey Bulletin 70. First quartile median point rainfall distribution as described by Huff of the ISWS shall be assumed for discharge estimations. SCS Type II distributions shall also be acceptable for detention basin design.

b. Hydrograph Required: Runoff must be developed as part of the design of the drainage system’s minor and major components. The TR-55 design procedure, or other method approved by the Village Engineer, shall be utilized for generation of hydrographs, subject to rainfall distribution modifications, for all properties larger than five acres. The Rational Formula shall not be used to estimate peak discharges for properties larger than five acres.

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c. Antecedent Moisture: All computations of runoff hydrographs which do not rely on a continuous accounting all antecedent moisture conditions shall assume the following antecedent moisture conditions:

1. SCS TR-55 = antecedent moisture condition.

1.408 Hydraulic Design Procedures

A profile and mapping of floodwater depths and coverage shall be prepared for the property for the 2-year, 10-year, and 100-year events. Direction of flow and velocities shall also be reported for critical points in the drainage system.

a. Detention: The minimum available storage to be provided in a detention basin shall be based on the runoff from the 100-year, 24-hour event and reservoir routing (also called level pool), or equivalent.

b. Streets: If streets are to be used for storage of excess stormwater, ponding depths shall not exceed curb heights by more than one inch and shall not remain flooded for more than eight hours for any event less than or equal to the 100-year event.

1.409 Wet Basins

Wet detention basins shall be designed to remove stormwater pollutants, to be safe and as much as feasible, to be available for recreational use. a. Depths: Wet basins shall be at least eight feet deep, excluding near shore banks and safety ledges. If fish habitat is to be provided they shall be at least ten feet deep over 25 percent of the bottom area to prevent winter freeze-out.

b. Permanent Pool Volume: The permanent pool volume in a wet basin at normal depth shall be equal to the runoff volume from its watershed for the two-year event.

c. Nuisance Control: Wet basins shall be designed in a manner which will reduce as much as practicable nuisance problems such as algae.

1.410 Dry Basins

Dry basins shall be designed to remove stormwater pollutants, to be safe and, as much as feasible, to be available for multiple uses.

a. Drainage: Wetland and dry basins shall be designed so that the portion of their bottom area which is intended to be dry shall have standing water no longer than seventy-two hours for all runoff events less than the 100-year event. Underdrains directed to the outlet may be used to accomplish this requirement. Grading plans shall clearly distinguish the wet/wetland portion of the basin bottom from the dry portion.

b. Water Quality: All dry detention basins shall be designed to remove stormwater pollutants.

In addition to the other requirements of this ordinance, wetland and dry basins shall be designed to remove stormwater pollutants, to be safe, to be aesthetically pleasing and as much as feasible to be available for multiple uses.

1.411 Safety

The drainage system components, especially all detention basins, shall be designed to protect the safety of any children or adults coming in contact with the system during runoff events.

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a. Shorelines: The shorelines of all detention basins at one-hundred year capacity shall be as level as practicable to prevent accidental falls into the basin and for stability and ease of maintenance. Shorelines shall not have greater than three to one (horizontal to vertical) slope. b. Banks: The side slopes of the banks of both wet and dry detention basins shall not be steeper than three to one.

c. Safety Ledge: All wet detention basins shall have a level safety ledge extending three feet into the basin from the shoreline and two feet below the normal water depth.

d. Velocity: Velocities throughout the drainage system shall be controlled to safe levels taking into consideration rates and depths of flow.

e. Overflow Structures: All stormwater detention basins shall be provided with clearly defined overflow facilities capable of safely passing overflows so that downstream damage to properties is prevented.

1.412 Infiltration Practices

Infiltration practices including basins, trenches, and porous pavement shall only be allowed in soils considered “A” or “B” by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service. Infiltration practices shall not be located within seventy-five feet of a water supply well or a building foundation. A sediment settling basin shall be provided to remove coarse sediment from stormwater flows before they reach infiltration basins or trenches. Stormwater shall not be allowed to stand more than seventy-two hours over eighty percent of a dry basin’s bottom area for the maximum design event to be exfiltrated. The bottom of infiltration facilities shall be a minimum of four feet above seasonally high groundwater and bedrock.

1.413 Detention in Floodplains

a. Detention basins shall not be permitted in floodways.

b. The stormwater detention requirement of this Code may be fulfilled by providing increased storage capacity within flood fringe areas on the project site. The placement of a detention basin in a flood fringe area shall require compensatory storage for 1.5 times the volume below the base flood elevation occupied by the detention basin including any berms. The release from the detention storage provided shall still be controlled consistent with the requirements of Section 1.405. The applicant shall certify its operation for all streamflow and flood plain backwater conditions. Excavations for compensatory storage along streams and watercourses shall be opposite or adjacent to the area occupied by detention. All flood plain storage lost below the ten- year flood elevation shall be replaced below the ten-year flood elevation. All flood plain storage lost above the existing ten-year flood elevation shall be replaced above the proposed ten-year flood elevation. All compensatory storage excavations shall be constructed to drain freely and openly to the watercourse. c. On-stream detention basins are allowable if they provide regional public benefits and if they meet the other provisions of this Code with respect to water quality and control of the two-year and 100-year, 24-hour events from the property. If on-stream detention is used for watersheds larger than one square mile, it is recommended that the applicant use dynamic modeling to demonstrate that the design will not increase stage for any properties upstream or downstream of the property. Also, impoundment of the stream as part of on-stream detention:

1. shall not prevent the migration of indigenous fish species, which require access to upstream areas as part of their life cycle, such as for spawning,

2. shall not cause or contribute to the degradation of water quality or stream aquatic habitat,

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3. shall include a design calling for gradual bank slopes, appropriate bank stabilization measures and pre-sedimentation basin, and

4. shall comply with 92 Illinois Administrative Code Part 708 dated November 29th, 1988 and this Code.

1.414 Detention in Wetlands

Existing wetlands shall not be modified for the purposes of stormwater detention unless it is demonstrated that the existing wetland is low in quality and the proposed modifications will maintain or improve its habitat and ability to perform beneficial function. Existing storage and release rate characteristics of wetlands and other depressional storage areas shall be maintained and the volume of detention storage provided to meet the requirements of this section shall be in addition to this existing storage.

1.415 General Detention Considerations for Water Quality Enhancement

a. Inlet and Outlet Orientation: As much as feasible, the distance between detention inlets and outlets should be maximized. If possible, they should be at opposite ends of the basin.

b. Velocity Dissipation: Baffles or berms should be placed perpendicular to the direction of flow through a detention basin to reduce velocity and prevent scour.

c. Maintenance: The stormwater drainage system shall be designed to minimize and facilitate maintenance. Turfed sideslopes should be designed to allow lawn-mowing equipment to easily negotiate them. Wet basins should be provided with alternate outflows which can be used to completely drain the pool for sediment removal. Presedimentation basins should be considered for localizing sediment deposition and removal. Access for heavy equipment should be provided.

1.416 Protection of Depressional Storage

Wetlands and other depressional storage areas shall be protected from damaging modifications and adverse changes in runoff quality and quantity associated with land developments. In addition to the other requirements of this ordinance, the following requirements shall be met for all development whose drainage flows into wetlands and depressional storage areas.

1.417 Protection of Wetlands

Wetlands shall be protected from the adverse changes in runoff quality and quantity associated with land developments. In addition to the other requirements of this Code, the following mitigation criteria shall be met for all developments whose drainage flows into wetlands:

a. The existing wetland shall be protected during construction by appropriate soil erosion and sediment control measures.

b. All runoff from the development shall be routed through a preliminary detention/sedimentation basin designed to capture the two-year, 24-hour event and hold it for at least 24 hours, before being discharged to an existing wetland. This basin shall be constructed before property grading begins. In addition, the drainage hierarchy defined herein should be followed to minimize runoff volumes and rates being discharged to the wetland.

c. A buffer strip at least 25 feet in width, preferably vegetated with native plan species, shall be maintained around the periphery of the wetland.

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1.418 Flows From Tributary Areas

Stormwater runoff from areas tributary to the property shall be considered in the design of the property’s drainage system.

a. Upstream Areas Not Meeting Code Requirements: When there are areas not meeting the storage and release rates of this Code, tributary to the applicant’s property, regionalized detention on the applicant’s property shall be explored by the applicant. The following steps shall be followed.

1. The applicant shall compute the storage volume needed for his property using the release rates prescribed herein, the applicant’s property area, and the procedures described herein. 2. Areas tributary to the applicant’s property, not meeting the storage and release rate requirements of this Code, shall be identified.

3. Using the areas determined above plus the applicant’s property area, total storage needed for the combined properties shall be computed.

4. Allowable release rates shall be computed using the combined property areas. Storage shall be computed as described herein. If tributary areas are not developed, a reasonable fully developed land cover shall be assumed for the purposes of computing storage.

5. Once the necessary combined storage is computed, the Village may choose to pay for oversizing the applicant’s detention basin to accommodate the regional flows. The applicant’s responsibility will be limited to the storage for his property as computed in “1” above. If regional storage is selected by the Village, then the design produced in “3” above shall be implemented. If regional storage is rejected by the Village, the applicant has the option of bypassing all tributary area flows around the applicant’s basin. If the applicant chooses to route them through his basin and the upstream areas exceed one- square mile in size, the applicant must meet the provisions of on-stream basins.

b. Upstream Areas Meeting Code Requirements: When there are areas which meet the storage and release rate requirements of this Code tributary to the applicant’s property, the upstream flows shall either be bypassed around the applicant’s detention basin or be routed through the applicant’s detention basin at the discretion of the Village. Storage needed for the applicant’s detention basin at the discretion of the Village. Storage needed for the applicant’s property shall still be computed as described above. However, if the Village decides to route tributary area flows through an applicant’s basin, the final design stormwater releases shall be based on the combined total of the applicant’s property plus tributary areas.

1.419 Early Completion of Detention Facilities

Where detention, retention, or Depressional storage areas are to be used as part of the drainage system for a property, they shall be completed before general property grading begins. This is to ensure that if soil erosion and sediment control practices are not adequately implemented, any eroded sediment will be captured in these areas and will have to be removed by the applicant before project completion.

1.420 Fee in Lieu of Detention

a. In instances where regional benefits and economies of scale can be achieved, it may be permissible, and may be required, for adjacent properties to utilize a common regional detention basin. Applicant shall have the option of paying a fee in lieu of required detention so that the Village can build regional facilities.

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1.510 General Criteria and Standards

The following general principles shall apply to any movement of earth and any sedimentation and erosion control plan and the granting of a permit for the execution of said plan as hereinafter provided:

a. The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed at any given time during development.

b. Such minimum area exposure of excavation shall be kept to as short a duration of time as is practical.

c. Temporary vegetation and, where appropriate, mulching or other soil stabilization measures shall be used to protect areas exposed during development, including temporary stock piles of earth. Such temporary stabilization shall be applied to exposed areas within 15 days, including areas not at final grade but which will remain undisturbed for longer than 60 days.

d. Sediment basins, debris basins, desilting basins, or silt trap shall be installed prior to the initiation of grading activities and shall be maintained to remove sediment from runoff waters from land undergoing development.

e. Provision shall be made to effectively accommodate the increased run-off caused by changed soil and surface conditions during and after development.

f. Permanent, final plant covering or structures shall be installed as soon as possible.

g. The plan of development shall conform as closely as possible to the topography and soils of the site so that the lowest potential for erosion is created.

h. Natural plant covering shall be retained and protected so far as is consistent with developing the site.

i. Site improvements and structures shall be in accordance with the Building Code, this Code and other Village ordinances.

1.502 Standards for Design

The provisions of “Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control in Northeastern Illinois”, first edition, as compiled by the Soil Conservation District – USDA and approved by the Village Board, are hereby incorporated into this Code and made a part hereof by this reference, for purpose of clarifying the considerations and factors which should enter into the preparation of a site plan for any development.

1.503 Standards for Conducting Improvement Work

a. Applicability: All earth-moving and grading operations not specifically exempted by the provisions of this Code shall comply with the applicable standards and requirements set forth in this Article in addition to all other requirements of this Code and any other ordinances. Further, all necessary sedimentation measures shall be inspected and approved before additional site grading is authorized.

b. Handbooks Adopted by Reference: Soil erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be designed and implemented consistent with “Procedures and Standards for Urban Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control in Illinois” (1988) also known and the “Green Book” and “Standards and Specifications for Soil Erosion and Sediment Control” (EPA, 1987). In the event of conflict

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between provisions of said “Handbook” and other provisions of this code, said provisions of this Code shall govern.

1.504 Activities in Floodways

a. For all activities located in a floodway, a seeding and stabilization plan shall be submitted by the applicant.

b. For all activities in the floodway, including grading, filling, and excavation, in which there is potential for erosion of exposed soil, soil erosion and sedimentation control measures shall be employed consistent with the following criteria:

1. The construction area shall be minimized to preserve the maximum vegetation possible. Construction shall be scheduled to minimize the time soil is exposed and unprotected. In no case shall the existing natural vegetation be destroyed, removed, or disturbed more than 15 days prior to the initiation of improvements.

2. Temporary and/or permanent soil stabilization shall be applied to denuded areas as soon as possible. As a minimum, soil stabilization shall be provided within 15 days after final grade is reached on any portion of the site, and within 15 days to denuded areas which may not be at final grade but will remain undisturbed for longer than 60 days.

3. Sedimentation control measures shall be installed before any significant grading or filling is initiated on the site to prevent the movement of eroded sediments off site or into the channel. Potential sediment control devices include filter fences, straw bale fences, check dams, diversion ditches, and sediment basins.

4. A vegetated buffer strip of at least 25 feet in width shall be preserved and/or re- established, where possible, along existing channels. Construction vehicle use of channels shall be minimized. Temporary stream crossings of non-erodable materials shall be constructed, where necessary, to minimize erosion. Necessary construction in or along channels shall be restabilized immediately.

1.505 Special Precautions

a. If at any stage of grading operation the Village Engineer determines by inspection that the nature of the soil conditions is such that further work is likely to imperil any property, public way, watercourse or drainage structure, the Engineer may require, as a condition to allowing the work to be done, that such reasonable safety precautions be taken as he considers advisable to avoid the likelihood of such peril. “Special precautions” may include, but shall not be limited to, specifying a more level exposed slope, construction of additional drainage facilities, berms, terracing, compaction, or cribbing, installation of plant materials for erosion control, and reports of a soils engineer and/or of an engineering geologist whose recommendations may be made requirements of further work.

b. Where is appears that storm damage may result because the grading is not complete, work may be stopped and the permittee required to install temporary planting to control erosion, install temporary structures or take such other measures as may be required to protect adjoining property or the public safety. On large operations or where unusual site conditions prevail, the Village Engineer may specify the time of starting grading and time of completion or may require that the operations be conducted in specific stages so as to insure completion of protective measures or devices prior to the advent of seasonal rains.

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1.601 Assurances Required

A permit shall not be issued for any improvements regulated by this Code when the cost of all site work is in excess of $1,000 unless the Permittee shall first post with the Village a cash bond or a bond executed by the Permittee and a corporate surety authorized to do business in Illinois as a surety or other assurance device in an amount sufficient to cover the cost of the project site work as determined by the Village. The assurance device shall be in a form approved by the Village Attorney.

1.602 Conditions

Every bond shall include the conditions that the Permittee shall:

a. Comply with all of the provisions of this Code, applicable laws, and other ordinances; and

b. Comply with all of the terms and conditions of the permit for the work to the satisfaction of the Village Engineer; and

c. Complete all of the work contemplated under the permit within the time limit specified in the permit. The Village Engineer may, for sufficient cause, extend the time specified in the permit but no such extension shall release the surety upon the bond.

1.603 Failure to Complete Work

The term of each assurance device shall begin upon the date of the permit approval and shall remain in effect until the completion of the work to the satisfaction of the Village. In the event of failure to complete the work and failure to comply with all conditions and terms of the permit, the Village Engineer may order the work required by the permit to be completed to his satisfaction and shall notify the surety of the default in writing. The surety executing such assurance device shall continue to be firmly bound under a continuing obligation for the payment of all necessary costs and expenses that may be incurred or expended by the Village in causing any and all such required work to be done. In the case of a cash deposit, said deposit or any unused portion thereof shall be refunded to the Permittee.

1.604 Assurances Through Loan Commitment

In lieu of providing assurance of construction in the manner provided in section 1.601, the Permittee may provide assurance of construction for improvements by delivering to the Village, prior to the issuance of a permit, an appropriate agreement between an approval lending institution and the Permittee, stating the funds sufficient to cover the entire cost of performing the proposed work, including engineering and inspection costs and in an amount approved by the Village Engineer, have been deposited with such approved lending institution, or have been committed to be loaned by such lending institution to the Permittee. Such agreement shall provide that such funds in the stated amount are specifically allocated, and will be used by the Permittee, or on his behalf, only for the purpose of performing the improvements. The Village shall be the beneficiary of such agreement and the Village Engineer shall approve each disbursement of any such funds. The agreement shall also contain such terms, conditions and provisions as reasonably determined to be necessary by the Village Attorney.

1.605 Exceptions

The requirements for assurances may be waived by the Village under the following conditions:

a. The Permittee is a Municipal, County, or State department whose functions require the installation and/or maintenance of public improvements.

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b. The Permittee is a corporation whose franchise with the Village empowers it to make its own surface restoration, but such permits will be issued only when the restoration work keeps fully apace with surface openings being made. Such corporations shall pay promptly all bills for inspection at scheduled rates, and all bills for restoration done by Village forces;

c. The Permittee is a developer who has currently in existence assurances satisfactory to the Village under the provisions of the Subdivision Regulations provided the proposed improvements do not exceed the scope of the improvement for which such assurances were accepted.


1.701 Consent for Inspections

All work for which a permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the Village. It shall be unlawful to refuse to permit Village authorized personnel to enter such premises or structure at any reasonable time to make inspections. It shall be unlawful to interfere with or hinder Village inspectors when in the performance of their duties. An application for a permit shall constitute the permittee’s continuing consent to allow the Village to enter upon the land or improvement for purposes of making inspections as provided in these regulations.

1.702 Surveillance to be Provided

The Village shall provide for surveillance, at the discretion of the Village Engineer, of all improvements being installed, which are regulated by this Code and assure their satisfactory completion. The Permittee shall pay to the Village the actual cost for providing the construction surveillance service when the performance of such is required by personnel other than Village employees. In cases of larger projects, such as subdivision developments, the Permittee may be required to provide construction surveillance services by contract with a professional firm qualified to perform such services. The selection of the firm, the scope of services and the assignment of personnel under such arrangements shall be subject to approval by the Village Engineer.

1.703 Testing Required

When deemed necessary by the Village, materials and/or compaction shall be tested in accordance with the requirements of the Village Engineer. Such testing, if not conducted by Village employees, shall be performed by a qualified testing service to be approved in advance by the Village Engineer. The results of all tests shall be provided to the Village promptly upon completion.

1.704 Cost for Testing

The cost of materials testing or compaction testing, as may be required by the Village, shall be charged to the Permittee and such charges shall be promptly paid.

1.705 Exceptions

Nothing in this Article shall be construed to require surveillance by the Village or the payment of inspection fees for materials or workmanship for the actual installation, replacement, maintenance or repair of utility distribution paraphernalia when such work is performed by a corporation franchised by the Village to supply or convey gas, electricity or communication impulse. Village inspection and the payment of inspection fees will be required for all excavation, backfill, compaction and surface restoration associated with or necessitated by such utility work when performed within a Special Flood Hazard Area or Watercourse of any type.

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Article VIII. Maintenance Responsibility Section 1.801

Maintenance of stormwater drainage facilities located on private property shall be the responsibility of the owner of that property. Before a development permit is obtained from the Village of Richton Park the applicant shall execute a maintenance agreement with the Village of Richton Park guaranteeing that the applicant and all future owners of the property will maintain its stormwater drainage system. The maintenance agreement shall also specifically authorize representatives of the Village to enter onto the property for the purpose of inspections and maintenance of the drainage system. Such agreement shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds of Cook County. The maintenance agreement shall include a schedule for regular maintenance of each aspect of the property’s stormwater drainage system and shall provide for access to the system for inspection by authorized personnel of the Village of Richton Park. The maintenance agreement shall also stipulate that if the Village of Richton Park notifies the property owner in writing of maintenance problems which require correction, the property owner shall make such corrections within (30) thirty calendar days of such notification. If the correction are not made within this time period the Village may have the necessary work completed and assess the cost of the property owner.

The Village of Richton Park has the option of requiring a bond to be filed by the property owner for maintenance of the stormwater drainage system.

Article IX. Administration

1.901 Inspections During Construction

General site grading shall not begin until the Village has certified in writing to the applicant that any necessary detention facilities are in place and operational. The Village or his representative will also conduct periodic inspections of the work in progress to be certain that the drainage system is being built as designed.

If any violations of the provisions or requirements of this ordinance are noted during such inspections, the Village of Richton Park shall notify the property owner in writing of the items needing correction. The property owner shall have ten (10) calendar days to make such corrections unless given a specific extension of time in writing by the Village of Richton Park. Failure to complete such corrections within the specified time period shall constitute a violation of this ordinance.

1.902 Final Inspection

Upon notification by the applicant that the drainage system is completed, the Village or his representative shall conduct a final inspection. If the drainage system is found to contain deficiencies which require correction the Village of Richton Park or his representative shall notify the property owner of the necessary corrections. The property owner shall correct such deficiencies within ten (10) calendar days unless given a specific extension of time in writing by the Village of Richton Park. Failure to make necessary corrections within the specified time period shall constitute a violation of this ordinance. Upon finding that the drainage system meets the provisions and requirements of this ordinance the Village of Richton Park shall issue in writing a notice of drainage system completion to the property owner.

1.903 Routine Inspections

All privately owned drainage systems shall be inspected by representatives of the Village not less often than once per year. A written report shall be filed of the results of any inspection and a copy sent to the property owner detailing any problems which need correction.

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1.904 Enforcement

The administration and enforcement of this ordinance shall be the responsibility of the Village of Richton Park or their representatives.

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