Investment and emission control under technology and pollution externalities (Original title: Technology diffusion, abatement cost, and transboundary pollution) July 2009 Geoffrey Heala, Nori Taruib abstract This paper studies incentives to develop advanced pollution abatement technology when technology may spillover across agents and pollution abatement is a public good. We are motivated by a variety of pollution control issues where solutions require the develop- ment and implementation of new pollution abatement technologies. We show that at the Nash equilibrium of a simultaneous-move game with R&D investment and emission abate- ment, whether the free rider effect prevails and under-investment and excess emissions occur depends on the degree of technology spillovers and the effect of R&D on the marginal abate- ment costs. There are cases in which, contrary to conventional wisdom, Nash equilibrium investments in emissions reductions exceed the first-best case. Classification: Q50, H87, D70 Keywords: International environmental agreement; pollution abatement costs; endogenous technological change. aGraduate School of Business, Columbia University, 616 Uris Hall, New York, NY 10027, USA. Email:
[email protected]. bCorresponding author, Department of Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2424 Maile Way, Honolulu, HI 96822, USA. Email:
[email protected], phone: +1-808-956-8427, fax: +1-808-956-4703. Investment and emission control under technology and pollution externalities (Original title: Technology diffusion, abatement cost, and transboundary pollution) abstract This paper studies incentives to develop advanced pollution abatement technology when technology may spillover across agents and pollution abatement is a public good. We are motivated by a variety of pollution control issues where solutions require the develop- ment and implementation of new pollution abatement technologies.