בס״ד PIRCHEI Agudas Yisroel of America Vol: 3 Issue: 11 - כ"ח טבת, תשע"ו - January 9, 2016 פרשה: וארא - הפטרה: הפטרה: ...בקבצי את בית ישראל... )יחזקאל כח:כה-כט:כא( דף יומי: גיטין כ״ז מברכים ר״ח שבט ]יום שני[ )מולד מוצאי שבת קודש בשעה: חלקים 13 + 20:03(

TorahThoughts .s glory to the world’ד׳ reveal רְ ע שָ ִּ י ם and the צַּ דִּ י קִּ י ם Both the … בַּעֲבוּרזֺאת הֶ עֱמַּדְתִּ יָך בַּעֲבוּר הַּרְ אֺתְ ָך אֶ ת־כֺחִּ י וּלְמַּ עַּןסַּ פֵּר שְמִּ י בְ כָל־הָ אָרֶ ץ which מַּ עֲשִּ ים טוֹבִּ ים and מִּ צְ וֹ ת accomplish this through their צַּ דִּ י קִּ י ם The )שְ מוֹת ט:טז(. accomplish it in a רְ ע שָ ִּ י ם in the world, while the כְב ד וֹ שָ מַּ יִּ ם for this I have let you survive, so that you may behold My increase … strength and declare [the greatness of] My Name throughout the land. different way. They are similar to the “wood for building and heat.” ֺ to include Their destruction also glorifies His Name. Throughout history theמ שֶ ה commanded ד׳ , ָ ב רָ ד Before the plague of adding seemingly invincible wicked empires have perished, in fulfillment of ד׳ What was . פַּ רְ ֺע ה these few additional words in his warning to when , בִּפְ ר ֺ חַּ רְ שָ עִּ י ם … עֵּשֶב, וַּיָצִּיצוּכָל פֺעֲלֵּי אָוֶן, לְהִּשָמְדָםעֲדֵּי עַּד to remain the verse פַּ רְ ֺע ה wanted ד׳ with these words? Does this really mean that alive just so he should declare His Glory? It is possible that this was for the wicked bloom like grass and all the doers of iniquity blossom — it is צַּדִּיק כַּתָמָר ,In contrast .( תְ ל הִּ ִּ י ם צ ב : ח) being forced for the first time to destroy them until eternity פַּ רְ ֺע ה was referring to ד׳ .s benefit’ פַּ רְ ֺע ה the righteous will flourish like a , ִּ י פְ רָ ח , כְ אֶ רֶ ז … ִּי שְ ֶ ג ה … לְהַּגִּ יד כִּ י יָשָ ר ד׳ — חָטָאתִּי הַּ פָעַּם, ד׳הַּצַּדִּ יקוַּאֲנִּי יוְעַּמִּ הָרְ שָעִּ ים :to express words of remorse ד׳ is the Righteous One, and I and my people date palm and will grow tall like a cedar … to show that the ways of ד׳ ,this time I have sinned and the רְ ע שָ ִּ י ם Both the destruction of the .( שָ ם י ג-טז) are just .(שְ מוֹת ט:כז) are the wicked ones .s ways are just’ד׳ demonstrate that צַּ דִּ י קִּ י ם however, learns these words flourishing of the זַּ צַּ ״ ל R’ Shlomo Wolbe differently; his explanation offers an eternal and timely message. R’ Wolbe explains every individual and every nation was or רְ ע שָ ִּ י ם s Name. When we see’ד׳ offers the ultimately created to glorify ָפ רָ שָ ה in this week’s (שְ מוֹת רַּ בָה ז:ד) מִּ דְ רָ ש The wicked people, were created: A seemingly invincible nations flourish, we should remember the words , ש רְ ע ָ ִּ י ם to explain why מָ שָ ל following They were created in order to provide wood for building . מִּ דְ רָ ש king planted a forest and an orchard. His servants questioned the king of the regarding the benefit he would derive from the non-fruit-bearing and heat. A day will come in the very near future when there will only and false gods ,וְהָאֱ לִּ ילִּ ים כָ רוֹת יִּ כָרֵּ תוּן when ,ד׳ trees. The king told them that the fruit trees provide fruit to eat, and be one way of glorifying to perfect the universe , לְתַּ ןקֵּ ע וֹ ל ָ ם בְ מַּ לְ וּ כ ת שַּ קַּ י ,the other trees supply wood for building and heat. Likewise, explains will be utterly cut off And — וְ הָ ָ י ה … בַּיוֹם הַּ הוּא יִּהְ יֶה ד׳ אֶחָ ד וּשְ מוֹ אֶחָ ד .s sovereignty’ד׳ righteous people, who fulfill through , צַּ דִּ י קִּ י ם the good deeds of the , מִּ דְ רָ ש the .will be One and His name will be One ד׳ ,do not provide the it will come … on that day רְ ע שָ ִּ י ם provide the world with “fruit.” The , ת וֹ רָ ה the world with fruit, but they serve another purpose: They are agents Based on: Rav Wolbe on Chumash (with kind permission from ArtScroll) .s glory is revealed to the world’ד׳ through whom

of Yahrtzeits our Gedolim Gedolim Glimpses loves every Jew, and He feels their ד׳“ individual pain … Yet Jews are in pain ר׳ was born in Knyszyn, Poland, to,ר׳ שְׁ מוּאֵ ל בִּרְׁ נְׁבוֹים זַצַ ״ל כ״ח טבת in and being killed daily. How does He ר׳ אֶ לְׁ נחָ ָ ן וַ סֶ רְׁ מַ ן זַ צַ ״ ל He learned under . י גִּ טְׁ ל and אַרְׁ יֵה לײֵ ב 5768 - 5680 1920 - 2008 Baranovich and later went to Mir, Poland. At the onset of allow it? And what can we do? The was forced to move to Vilna, Lithuania. Miraculously, the יְׁ שִּ י בָ ה WWII, the s power came’ הָ מָ ן tells us that גְּ מָ רָ א fled across Russia to Kobe, Japan, and then to , China. After יְׁ שִּ י בָ ה married R’ Avrohom from the fact that the Jews were weak ר׳ שְׁ מוּאֵ ל .moved to the USA יְׁ שִּ י בָ ה the war, the When the Jew is . תּ וֹ רָ ה together with in studying רֺאש יְׁשִּ יבָה Kalmanovitz’s daughter. In 1952, he became the , כַּ בְּ ָי כ וֹ ל s Power is also’ד׳ , תּ וֹ רָ ה for the next 56 years. weak in יְׁ שִּ י בָ ה and led the ר׳ שְׁרַ גָא מֺשֶ ה his brother-in-law were legendary, his so to speak, weakened. By putting extra שִּמְׁחַ ת הַחַ ִּיים knowledge and תּ וֹ רָ ה Though his vast we תּ וֹ רָ ה effort in strengthening our study of תּ וֹ רָ ה and his great love for הַ תְׁ מָ דָ ה greatest legacy was his uncompromising

זצ״ל learning. can turn the tide!” From a speech by R’ Shmuel Berenbaum

לע״נ ר׳ ישראל בן אברהם ז"ל Dedication opportunities are available. If you would like to sponsor or receive this publication לע״נ הב׳ ישעיהו דוב ע״ה בן יבלחט״א יצחק צבי נ״י via email, please send an email to [email protected]

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The girl answered honestly, “It is because of the fame that I ”.will have. I’ll be known throughout the world ִּוַיקַ ח עַמְרָ ם אֶ ת יוֹכֶבֶד … ל ְ אִּ שָ ה … ִּוַיקַ ח אַ הֲרֺן אֶ ת אֱלִּישֶ בַע … ל ְ אִּ שָ ה … closed his eyes, deep in thought, contemplating the רֶ בִּ י The וְ אֶ לְ עָ זָ ר … לָקַ חלוֹ מִּבְ נוֹת פּוּטִּ יאֵ ל … ל ְ אִּ שָ ה … )שְ מוֹת ו׳:כ׳, כ״ג, כ״ה( as a wife … And sentiments the girl had just expressed. After a moment or two, he … אֱ לִּ י שֶ בַ ע took אַ הֲ ֺר ן … as a wife … יוֹכֶ בֶ ד took ַ ע מְ רָ ם .as a wife … opened his eyes and began to speak פּוּטִּיאֵ ל took for himself from the daughters of … אֶ לְ עָ זָ ר points out that there are only three cases where “Listen closely, my dear daughter. It is the dream of every רַ מְ ַ ב ״ ן The mentions the wives of the leaders; each time, the reason is young Jewish woman to be blessed with a child who will illuminate תּ וֹ רָ ה the learning. I promise that if you now תּ וֹ רָ ה to teach us that the offspring of these great people descended not the world through his only from eminent fathers, but from distinguished mothers as well. sacrifice your chance at fame, there will come a time when you will will light up the world. He will תּ וֹ רָ ה sister of be blessed with a child whose , אֱ לִּ י שֶ בַ ע married אַ הֲ ֺר ן .s daughter’ לֵ וִּ י ,יוֹכֶ בֶ ד married ַ ע מְ רָ ם one of the greatest halachic authorities of his , פּ וֹ סֵ ק הַ ד וֹ ר who later became the most become the , יְ ה וּ דָ ה from the royal tribe of , ַ נ חְ ש וֹ ן ”.became the forebears time. Your fame will come — but it will be through him אֱ לִּ י שֶ בַ ע and אַ הֲ ֺר ן . נְ י שִּ אִּ י ם distinguished of the became the only one who was The young Schiff girl wiped away her tears and thought פִּּ נְ חָ ס whose son ,אֶ לְ עָ זָ ר . כֺ הַ נִּ י ם of the had just made. She רֶ בִּ י granted priesthood as a result of his own merit, married a daughter deeply about the magnanimous promise the was a fine, young Jewish girl — and so, after considering the offer, she . ִּ י תְ ר וֹ and י וֹ סֵ ף a name that, the Sages teach, refers to both ,פּוּטִּיאֵ ל of * * * * * accepted. סֵ פֶ ר found this amazing episode in the זַ צַ ״ ל The young Schiff girl had been blessed with a beatutiful R' Dan Segal of Austria and decided to pursue the rest of the story. He קְ הִּ ל וֹ ת voice and great talent. But for a religious girl in Vienna, Austria, in the home, professional discovered that this girl eventually married and had a son by the תּ וֹ רָ ה early 1900s, coming from a traditional באַ בֵית דִּ ין the , זַ צַ ״ ל He was R' Shmuel HaLevi Wosner . שְ מ וּ אֵ ל singing was not an option. name of and one of the outstanding , שֵ בֶ ט הַ לֵ וִּ י the author of the , בְ ֵנ י בְ רַ ק One day, an agent offered the girl a lucrative opportunity. of Thrilled, she discussed the matter with her parents. When the Schiffs halachic authorities of our time. heard about the agent’s offer to their daughter, they knew that they When R' Dan approached R' Wosner to ask him to verify the could not allow her to accept it. The girl refused to listen. Her father story, he became quite emotional and with tears in his eyes replied, who tried to “It all makes sense now … when I was younger, my mother always , זַ צַ ״ ל R' Shlomo Baumgarten , רָ ב brought her to the convince her to abandon this choice of career. Sensing that she was encouraged me to learn well and be an ehrliche Yid. She always said, ”’.suggested that they visit R' Yitzchak Meir Heschel ‘You cannot imagine what I sacrificed for you רָ ב not swayed, the the Kapishnitzer Rebbe, who was in Vienna at the time. This beautiful story is just one example of the sacrifices a , זַ צַ ״ ל Jewish mother makes for her children. It is impossible for children to . רֶ בִּ י Immediately, father and daughter set out to visit the but all children, no matter what their — מְסִירַ ת נֶפֶשׁ As soon as they arrived, the frantic father poured out his fully appreciate this age, should always strive to do t heir best in order to make their מײַ ן טײַ עֶרעֶ ײִּדִּ ישעֶ ,then spoke to the girl. “Tell me רֶ בִּ י heart. The .my dear Jewish daughter, why do you want so badly to go mothers’ sacrifices worthwhile ,טאָכטעֶר into this field?” Adapted from: Touched by a Story 3 (with kind permission from ArtScroll)

of Chofetz ChaimMoment Questions the week רש"י ספר ח״ח הלכות לשון הרע כלל ט׳ סעיף א׳ would מַּכ ַּ ת ב ָּ רָּ ד the precise time when פַּ רְ ֹע ה convey to מ ֹ שֶׁ ה It was Shlomie’s first day in sleep-away camp. The camp director had 1. How did* spent days working on the sleeping arrangement in the bunks. Shlomie happen? would the מַּכ ַּ ת above ב מ ֹ ָּ רָּשֶׁ דה when lift הקב״ה did time מַּ כָּ הthe precise פַּ רְ which ֹע הfor , מִ דtoְ רָּ ש theconvey מ ֹ שֶׁ to ה arrived in his room and began making the acquaintance of his new 2.1. AccordingHow did roommate, Eliezer. Eliezer had been in the camp for years and knew heavens?happen?

above the מ ֹ שֶׁ ה lift הקב״ה did מַּ כָּ ה for which , מִ דְ רָּ ש everything about everyone. When the camp director’s name came up in 2. According to the

9:22). — ( well as heavens the over dominion gave ה שֶׁ ֹ מ ם יִ מַ שָּ הַ ל עַ ה ד ״

הקב״ה ?the discussion, Eliezer said to Shlomie, “I’d rather we spoke about heavens

had dominion only over the earth; now, now, earth; the over only dominion had , until that explains ד רָּ ָּ ב ת ַּ מַּ כ ה שֶׁ ֹ מ ֶ

ם י מִ ָּ ֲ כ ח ”! ָ ל שׁ וֹ ן הָ רָ ע of אִ סּ וּ ר any ע וֹ בֵ ר something else … I don't want to be 9:22). — ( well as heavens the over dominion gave הקב״ה ה שֶׁ ֹ מ ם יִ מַ שָּ הַ ל עַ ה ד ״

. . for heavens the above lifted , the to According 2. הקב״ה ה שֶׁ ֹ מ ד רָּ ָּ ב ת ַּ מַּ כ י תֵ פְ שִ ְת

ש רָּ דְמִ ?Was there any problem with Eliezer’s comment

had dominion only over the earth; now, now, earth; the over only dominion had , until that explains ם י מִ ָּ ֲ כ ח ד רָּ ָּ ב ת ַּ מַּ כ ה שֶׁ ֹ מ ֶ

9:18). — ( ” descend will hail the point, this reach

ר חָּ מָּ עֵ ת כָּ ד ״ ה .Stories adapted from Guard Your Tongue, A Daily Companion, A Lesson a Day and various real-life situations*

. of the in included is and ר וּ סּ אִ ע רָ הָ לָשׁוֹן

. . for heavens the above lifted , the to According 2. ש רָּ דְמִ הקב״ה ה שֶׁ ֹ מ ד רָּ ָּ ב ת ַּ מַּ כ י תֵ פְ שִ ְת Tomorrow when the sun will will sun the when Tomorrow “ said, and for wall the on marking a drew 1. ה שֶׁ ֹ מ עֹה רְ פַּר ֹ

, , to say, but wanted to avoid saying it; this, too, is is too, this, it; saying avoid to wanted but say, to had he that hinted clearly ע רָ הָ לָשׁוֹן אָסוּר

9:18). — ( ” descend will hail the point, this reach ר חָּ מָּ עֵ ת כָּ ד ״ ה

without saying it. In our story, Eliezer Eliezer story, our In it. saying without to hinting is of example ע רָ הָ ן וֹ שׁ ל ָ ק ב ַ א ֲ ע רָ הָ ן וֹ שׁ ל ָ ָר

Tomorrow when the sun will will sun the when Tomorrow “ said, and for wall the on marking a drew 1. ה שֶׁ ֹ מ עֹה רְ פַּר ֹ

. One One . is them of one forms; different many has of The : r e w s n A ר וּ סּ אִ ע רָ הָ ן וֹ שׁ ל ָ ע רָ הָ ן וֹ שׁ ל ָ ק ב ַ א ֲ ָר

twice followed by the corresponding פָּ סוּק  There are various equally acceptable methods that one  One may read each so תַּ רְ גּ וּ ם should be reread after the last פָּ סוּק The last . תַּ רְ גּ וּ ם .may employ to fulfill this obligation .( עָּרוּ ְך הַּ שֻׁ לְ חָּ ן ר פ ״ ה : ו) ת וֹ רָּ ה Halacha that one ends off with words of

.in the context of the bigger picture. Use them as a starting point for further in-depth study הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת it is important to consider these , הֲ לָ כ וֹ ת Corner *Since we only discuss 1-3 הִלְ כוֹ�ת עִ נְיָנֵי דְ יוֹ�מָ א: הִלְ כוֹ�ת שְׁ נַיִם מִקְ רָ א וְאֶחָ ד ּתְַר גּ��וּ ם 2nd Annual Pirchei Contest שובבי"ם ת"ת FocusonMiddos מַאֲרִ יכִ ין לוֹ once told someone that חֲ זוֹן אִ ישׁ The one who is maavir sedrah] will be] — יָמָ יו וּשְׁׁ נוֹתָ יו 'Dear Talmid, repeated his thought, but R a guaranteed (בְׁרָ כוֹת דַ ף ח:) blessed with long life .ר׳ הוּנָא רבַ יְׁהוּדָ ה and ר׳ ַאמִ י of long life from בְׁ רָ ָכ ה R' Bakst would not budge and ,רֺאשׁ יְשִׁׁ יבָה The Mirrer of בְׁ רָ ָכ ה would exclaimed loudly, "…But what is How many weeks would we travel for a זַ צַ ״ ל Shmuel Berenbaum then חֲ זוֹן אִ ישׁ The ?רַ בֵּינוּ הַקָ דוֹשׁfrom יִרְׁ ַאת שָׁמַ יִם we are , חִ י וּ ב דְׁ רַ בָ ָנ ן become visibly upset when he your logic?" He then turned his added, “If we are lax in this .אֱמוּנַת צַדִ יקִ ים thoughts which chair away to face the other lacking in תּוֹרָ ה would hear שְׁׁנ ַ י םִ מִ קְׁ רָ א וְׁ אֶ חָ ד he believed were incorrect. He The Second International Pirchei program has been designed as follows: Boys תַרְׁ גּוּם 'direction. A moment later, R ָפ רָ שָׁ ה was once sitting next R' Bakst Bakst turned back and they from 1st & 2nd grade should complete the , רְׁ בִ י עִ י 4th grade until , שְׁׁ ִ ל י שִׁ י 3rd grade until , שֵּׁ נִ י The discussion continued arguing. until . חֲ תֻ נָ ה at a זַ צַ ״ ל 7th & 8th , שִׁ שִׁ י 6th grade until , ִ חֲמִישׁ י 5th grade until . פָ רָ שָׁ הThe dancing began and grades should complete the entire תַּל ְ מִׁ י י דֵ כ חֲ ָ מִׁ י ם between these 2 immediately turned to trying to it was not long before the two Please send a fax every week by Monday 8:00am understand an interesting signed by a Rebbi or parent to 718 506 9633 – danced together in include your grade, name, school, city & state, and רָ י אשֵׁ יְשִׁׁ יבוֹת concept that appears in a few the center circle. Hand in hand, your contact # and fax # to be entered into a raffle .מִקְׁרָ אוֹת גְּׁדוֹלוֹת חוּמָשִׁ יםto win a beautiful set of מְ שַ מֵ ח Let they danced in order to be , מַ ה לִׁ י לְ שַׁ קֵ ר of שַׁ ״ ס places in ,The obvious admiration Grade 1 – Chaim Feifer, Derech Hatorah . חָ תָ ן us believe what we are hearing the from this person 'because' this they had for each other was Wickliffe, OH. person has no incentive to tell clear to the onlookers. Grade 2 – Zevi Melcer, Chaim Auerbach, ;teach us Ahavas Torah; Ari Korinsky, Torah Vodaath חֲ זַ ״ל , ל תַּ ְ מִׁ י ד this lie. R' Shmuel offered his My , NY. arguing in ,מִׁ לְחֶמְתָּ ה שֶׁ ל תּוֹרָ ה explanation with a complex that ,but R' Bakst would not learning, creates and forges Grade 3 – Netanel Mostofsky, Shalom Yovitz , סְ ָ ב רָ ה Yonah Fogel, Alter Dembitzer, Zechariah Sofer, accept his logic. friendship. Can you figure out Avromi Rosenberg, Ahavas Torah, Brooklyn, The discussion quickly why? Both people have the same NY; Michel Barenbaum, RJJ, Staten Island, NY; ,and Shmuel Mandelbaum, M’kor Baruch, Passiac ד׳ for ,לְמַעַן ד׳ וְתּוֹרָ תוֹ — turned into a heated debate. It goal .The NJ; Tzvi Samet, Bais Mikreh, Chestnut, NY . תּ וֹ רָ ה for the love of His בֵ ית was as if they were in the father Grade 4 – Gabriel Alouieh, Yeshivat Ateret/ רֶ בִׁ י Their arguments were same is true with a . מִׁ דְ רָ שׁ loud, and the hands of both of learning with a child. Both the Torah; Avi Lazar, Dovi Hirsch, Tzvi Zahav, Avromy Leshkowitz, Daniel Zelman, Shmuel and father want to see the Perlman, Shmuel Moredechai Kramer, Moshe רֶ בִׁ י were flying all רָ י אשֵׁ יְשִׁׁ יבוֹת the over the place. At one point in child be successful; therefore, Itzkowitz, Zvi Elimelech Levitin, Aryeh Leib the argument, R' Bakst rose from the more they learn together, Silberberg, Aharon Plotsker, Chanoch Harrel, his chair, threatening to walk the stronger the bond. Yehuda Landy, Noam Zarinmanesh, Yitzi Lang, Torah Vodaath; Mordechai Dovid יְהִׁ יזִׁכְ רוֹ בָרוְּך! away. He returned and begged Beylus, Eli Halberstam, Menachem Manis ,Lang, Moshe Gelb, Ahavas Torah; Brooklyn רֶ בִׁ י Your ,בְ יְדִׁ ידוּת to explain the רֺאשׁ יְשִׁׁ יבָ ה the R' Shmuel A letter from a Rebbi based on interviews NY; Binyamin Brunner, Darchei Torah, Far . פְ שַׁ ט logic of his Rockaway, NY; Shloime Aron, Ohr Baruch, Chicago, IL; Avromi Greebel, Avrohom Yaakov Romanoff, Aryeh Robinson, Chezky Safrin, Daniel Berger, Ephraim Holman, Zevy Kohen, Zevy Goldman, Shmuel Safrin, Tiferes Tzvi, Chicago, IL.

SageSayings Grade 5 – Shmuel Yankelewitz, Darchei Torah; Chaim Loewi, Siach Yitzchok; Far Rockaway, .R’ Shmuel NY ,רֺאשׁ יְשִׁׁ יבָ ה It is appropriate to say about the Mirrer ,Grade 6 – Shaul Kadin, Chaim Berlin, Brooklyn עֶ ר “ ,once remarked חֲזוֹן אִׁ ישׁ זַצַ ״ל what the , זַ צַ ״ ל Berenbaum ,He has learned well NY; Binyomin Gutlove, M’kor Baruch, Passaic — האָט גוּט אוֹיסגעֶלעֶרנט דִׁ יגְמָרָ א]קִׁדוּשִׁׁ ין כו.[ NJ; Binyamin Zev Lasar, Shaare Tzion, Edison, ,NJ; Yosef Yonana, Orchos Chaim, Lakewood מְשִׁׁ יכָה אִׁ יז אַ בּעֶסעֶרקִׁ נְיָן װִׁ י — גְ מָ רָ א that which it says in] the] .Drawing close is a better method of taking possession Hershy Friedman, Clifton Cheder, Clifton NJ — חֲ זָ קָ ה . played on the words to mean Grade 7 – Boruch Heinemann, Yeshiva Orchos חֲזוֹן אִׁ ישׁ than taking hold.” The Chaim, Lakewood, NJ; Avrohom Chaim Furst, closer with love is a better method of Yeshiva Tiferes Tzvi, Yaakov Friedman, Yeshiva ל תַ ְ מִׁ י ד Bringing a — Ohr Baruch, Chicago, IL; Pinchos Libman, (than by force. Source: Along the Maggid’s Journey (ArtScroll תַל ְ מִׁ י דִׁ י ם acquiring Yeshiva Darchei Torah, Far Rockaway, NY.

לע״נ ר׳ משה בן הר׳ טוביה הלוי זצ״ל בס״ד Learning from our Leaders Pirchei Agudas Yisroel of America

One erev shabbos as Rav Yaakob Ades The Rav sat with the man in the doctor’s ...was walking home when he noticed office as the doctor ran a battery of tests זצ”ל an older man bent over, moaning in pain... I can’t be sure, Kvod harav -- come but this seems to be acute ulcer pain... take with me ... let’s go right Ah... oh, thank to a doctor. this and sit in the waiting you! room. Let’s see if you oh, thank have relief within the you! how can hour. I thank you enough?

I don’t think I No, I am not know you... from here.

The old man took the medicine and sat together Children, Of course, with Rav Yaakob as the medicine took effect. please get some Abba! we were so food for this worried about where I Didn’t eat any food Hacham; he hasn’t Abba was! Abba is today because I was so eaten anything all usually ready to go to nervous. I just arrived from day. Beit Hakneset at this Yerushalayim to be tested for time! the position of Dayan. I understand. Please come to my home to eat before the interview. oh, Moreinu - thank you!

Rav Yaakob looked at the poorly dressed Rav. Rav Yaakob himself had only one suit, so he switched with his guest, changing into the poor man’s rags. He can’t go to the I’m going interview dressed like to lend you my this! He looks like a suit. It’s important May Hashem beggar... that you appear shower you V’chein L’mar. I respectable for with success and have new confidence. your test... grant you favor Wearing the rav’s in the eyes of the clothing makes me You are so Hachamim. feel so blessed! right! Hashem has showed me such kindness in meeting you. Thank you!

received ,צלחה and ר׳ אַברהם חיים born in Aleppo, Syria, to ,ר׳ יעקב חי ציוֹן עדס זצ״ל under ירוּשלים in ישיבת אהל מוֹעד his initial education from his father. He studied in ,חיה אסתר In 1919, he married .ר׳ יוֹסף ידיד זצ״ל and then under ר׳ רפאל שלמה לניאַדוֹ זצ״ל in מגיד שעוּר In 1920, he was appointed a .ר׳ עזרָא הררי רפוּל זצ״ל daughter of where he served until it closed in 1923. He then served in ,ישיבת אהל מוֹעד He remained there for .ראשׁ ישיבה and later as מגיד שעוּר first as a ישיבת פּוֹרת יוֹסף 20 years. In 1935, he was appointed to the Sephardic Beit Din. He was appointed first as ,בית דין הגדוֹל in 1945, and 10 years later was elected to the ירוּשלים in דיין together with R’ Betzalel Zolty, Chief of אַב בית דין and later as דיין .פטירה where he served until his ,ר׳ יוֹסף שלוֹם אלישיב זצ״ל and ,ירוּשלים כ“ז תמוז For any inquiries or comments please feel free to call 347-838-0869 • Illustrated by: Yishaya Suval www.leilshishi.com 5658 - 5723 1898 - 1963 .חזרת הש״ץ or קדיש, קריאת התורה Please do not read this publication during .עַל ּפִי הַלָכָ ה Please be careful to handle this sheet in the proper manner as required