Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008
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GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008 Volume 56 A.P. Hitchman, P.G. Crosthwaite, A.M. Lewis, G. Torr and L. Wang Record 2010/22 GeoCat # 69264 APPLYING GEOSCIENCE TO AUSTRALIA’S MOST IMPORTANT CHALLENGES Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008 Volume 56 GEOSCIENCE AUSTRALIA RECORD 2010/22 By A.P. Hitchman, P.G. Crosthwaite, A.M. Lewis, G. Torr and L. Wang 1 1. Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601 Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism Minister for Resources, Energy and Tourism: The Hon Martin Ferguson AM MP Secretary: Mr Drew Clarke Geoscience Australia Chief Executive Officer: Dr Chris Pigram Geospatial and Earth Monitoring Division A/g Chief of Division: Dr Barry Drummond Editor: A.P. Hitchman Contributors: P.G. Crosthwaite, A.M. Lewis, G. Torr and L. Wang © Commonwealth of Australia, 2010 This work is copyright. Apart from any fair dealings for the purposes of study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Copyright is the responsibility of the Chief Executive Officer, Geoscience Australia. Requests and enquiries should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer, Geoscience Australia, GPO Box 378, Canberra ACT 2601. Geoscience Australia has tried to make the information in this product as accurate as possible. However, it does not guarantee that the information is totally accurate or complete. Therefore you should not rely solely on this information when making a commercial decision. ISSN 1448-2177 ISSN 1447-5146 ISBN 978-1-921781-12-4 GeoCat # 69264 Bibliographic reference: Hitchman, A.P., Crosthwaite, P.G., Lewis, A.M., Torr, G. and Wang, L., 2010, Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008, Geoscience Australia Record 2010/22, Geoscience Australia. Geoscience Australia Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008 i Summary During 2008, Geoscience Australia operated nine geomagnetic observatories in Australia, the sub-Antarctic, and Australian Antarctic Territory. The observatories were at Kakadu and Alice Springs in the Northern Territory, Charters Towers in Queensland, Learmonth and Gnangara in Western Australia, Canberra in the Australian Capital Territory, Macquarie Island, Tasmania, in the sub-Antarctic, and Casey and Mawson in the Australian Antarctic Territory. At Macquarie Island, Casey and Mawson observatory operations were conducted with the assistance of the Australian Antarctic Division. The absolute magnetometers in routine service at Canberra magnetic observatory also served as the Australian reference magnetometers. The calibration of these instruments can be traced to international standards and reference instruments. Absolute magnetometers at all Australian observatories are referenced against those at Canberra through instrument comparisons. Geomagnetic time-series data with a range of temporal resolutions were provided to collaborators and data repositories in Australia, Japan, France, Germany, UK and USA. K indices were scaled with computer assistance for Canberra, Gnangara and Mawson observatories. Principal magnetic storms and rapid variations were scaled for Canberra and Gnangara. Magnetic-activity data were provided to agencies in Australia, Japan, France, Germany, Spain, Belgium, UK and USA. K indices from Canberra contributed to the southern hemisphere Ks index and the global Kp, am and aa indices, and those from Gnangara contributed to the global am index. Between April and June 2008 the magnetic repeat stations at Tibooburra, Parafield, Eucla, Carnegie, Derby, Mount Isa and Maryborough, were re-occupied and data collected to monitor the secular variation at those stations. This report describes instrumentation and activities, and presents annual mean magnetic values, plots of hourly mean magnetic values and K indices, at the magnetic observatories and repeat stations operated by Geoscience Australia during the 2008 calendar year. ii Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008 Geoscience Australia Acronyms and abbreviations AAD Australian Antarctic Division IPGP Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, ACRES Australian Centre for Remote Sensing France ACT Australian Capital Territory IPS IPS Radio and Space Services A/D analogue to digital ISGI International Service of Geomagnetic Indices, France ADAS analogue data acquisition system K logarithmic index of geomagnetic activity ADSL asymmetric digital subscriber line KDU Kakadu magnetic observatory AGR Australian Geomagnetism Report LRM Learmonth magnetic observatory AGRF Australian Geomagnetic Reference Field LSO Learmonth Solar Observatory AGSO Australian Geological Survey Organisation MAW Mawson magnetic observatory AMSL above mean sea level MCQ Macquarie Island magnetic observatory ANARE Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition NGDC National Geophysical Data Center, USA ANARESAT ANARE satellite NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, USA ASP Alice Springs magnetic observatory nT nanoTesla AusAID Australian Agency for International Development ntpd Network Time Protocol daemon BGS British Geological Survey OS operating system BMR Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and PPM proton procession magnetometer Geophysics RAAF Royal Australian Air Force BMG Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, Indonesia RCF ring-core fluxgate BoM Bureau of Meteorology SC sudden commencement CLS Collecte Localisation Satellites, France sfe solar flare effect CNB Canberra magnetic observatory ssc sudden storm commencement CNES Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, France UPS uninterruptible power supply CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial UT[C] Universal Time [Coordinated] Research Organisation VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal CSY Casey magnetic observatory WDC World Data Centre CTA Charters Towers magnetic observatory X north magnetic intensity D magnetic declination Y east magnetic intensity DIM Declination and Inclination Magnetometer Z vertical magnetic intensity (D,I-fluxgate magnetometer) DMI Danish Meteorological Institute EDA EDA Instruments Inc., Canada F total magnetic intensity ftp file transfer protocol GA Geoscience Australia GDAP Geophysical Data Acquisition Platform GIN Geomagnetic Information Node GNA Gnangara magnetic observatory GPS Global Positioning System H horizontal magnetic intensity http hypertext transfer protocol I magnetic inclination INTER- International Real-time Magnetic MAGNET observatory Network IAGA International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy IGRF International Geomagnetic Reference Field IGY International Geophysical Year (1957-58) Geoscience Australia Australian Geomagnetism Report 2008 iii Table of contents Summary.............................................................................. i Absolute instruments ....................................................46 Acronyms and abbreviations .............................................. ii Baselines.......................................................................47 Table of contents ............................................................... iii Operations.....................................................................47 Activities and services ........................................................ 1 Significant events .........................................................47 Geomagnetic observatories............................................ 1 Data distribution ...........................................................48 Antarctic operations....................................................... 1 Annual mean values......................................................48 Repeat stations ............................................................... 1 Hourly mean values......................................................48 Magnetometer calibration .............................................. 1 K indices.......................................................................48 Compass calibration....................................................... 1 6. Canberra ........................................................................59 Data distribution ................................................................. 1 Variometers ..................................................................59 Time series..................................................................... 1 Absolute instruments ....................................................59 Magnetic activity indices ............................................... 2 Baselines.......................................................................59 Storms and rapid variations ........................................... 2 Operations.....................................................................60 Australian Geomagnetism Reports ................................ 2 Significant events .........................................................60 World wide web............................................................. 2 Data distribution ...........................................................61 Instrumentation................................................................... 2 Annual mean values......................................................61 Recording intervals and mean values............................. 2 Hourly mean values......................................................61 Variometers.................................................................... 2 K indices.......................................................................61 Data reduction...............................................................