To Stop a Near-Term Terror Attack, Read the '28 Pages'!

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To Stop a Near-Term Terror Attack, Read the '28 Pages'! To Stop a Near-term Terror Attack, Read the ‘28 Pages’! $10 Download links for these three CEC magazines, published in 2014-15, are at To Stop a Near-term Terror Attack, Read the ‘28 Pages’! Please direct all enquiries to the author: Citizens Electoral Council of Australia Copyright © 2016 Citizens Media Group P/L PO Box 376 595 Sydney Rd Coburg Victoria 3058 Coburg Vic 3058 Web: ABN 83 010 904 757 Email: All rights reserved. Printed by Citizens Media Group Pty Ltd First printing: August 2016 Cover and typesetting: Craig Isherwood Contents Letter of Transmittal 3 Craig Isherwood, CEC National Secretary A Deadly Double Blow to the Anglo-Saudi Empire 5 Robert Barwick and Glen Isherwood To Stop a Near-term Terror Attack, Read the 28 Pages! 9 CEC Media Release, 22 July 2016 29 Pages Revealed: Corruption, Crime and Cover-up of 9/11 12 Kristen Breitweiser Prince Charles and Saudi-backed Terrorism: Demand Answers! 15 CEC Media Release, 25 November 2015 BAE Scandal of the Century Rocks British Crown and the City 19 Jeffrey Steinberg, Executive Intelligence Review, 2007 This War on Terrorism is Bogus 23 Michael Meacher, MP, 2003 The Suppressed ‘28 Pages’ 25 Part Four of the 2002 Report of the U.S. Congressional Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Community Activities before and after the Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 We Can End This Era of Terrorism and War 44 ON THE COVER Hijacked United Airlines Flight 175 from Boston crashes into the south tower of the World Trade Centre and explodes at 9:03 am on September 11, 2001 in New York City. Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images To contact the Citizens Electoral Council of Australia: Mail PO Box 376, Coburg, Victoria 3058, Australia Web Email 2 Letter of Transmittal Dear Reader, That is why you must You hold in your hands the key to ending terrorism. read the 28 pages, which we As our Citizens Electoral Council of Australia media re- have reproduced in their en- lease of 22 July (p. 9) urged, in words that also are the tirety on pages 25-43 of this title of this pamphlet, “To Stop a Near-Term Terrorist pamphlet. Do not accept the Attack, Read the 28 Pages!” Obama White House line Those “28 pages” (actually numbering 29) are the that the declassified chapter long-suppressed chapter of the 2002 U.S. Congressio- contains no “new” informa- nal Report of the Joint Inquiry into Intelligence Com- tion, a line retailed by me- munity Activities before and after the terrorist Attacks dia around the world, except- of September 11, 2001, dealing with the role of Sau- ing those like the Australian di Arabia’s royal family and government in supporting media which have simply Craig Isherwood the 9/11 hijackers. They were finally declassified on 15 blacked out its release. Do CEC National Secretary July, just nine days after the Chilcot report, the UK’s of- not believe that the 2002 ficial Iraq Inquiry into the decisions that led Britain into Joint Inquiry report contained only unverified “leads”, the invasion of Iraq in 2003, appeared with its confirma- which were subsequently investigated and dismissed tion that the Tony Blair government had lied and used by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon “sexed-up” intelligence dossiers to push through those the United States (the “9/11 Commission”), in its 2004 decisions. report. Listen to 9/11 widow and author Kristen Breit- The two documents, taken together (introductory weiser who forcefully reminds us in her 16 July arti- article, p. 5), open a window onto the British author- cle (p. 12) that the 9/11 Commission under former New ship of international terrorism from within the Crown- Jersey Governor Thomas Kean and lawyer Philip Ze- centred British Establishment, along with their Saudi likow, “did not fully investigate the Kingdom of Sau- and American confederates and agents. The most often di Arabia”. Even the 28 pages are far from exhaustive, recurring name in the 28 pages is that of Prince Ban- Breitweiser underscores, writing that the now declassi- dar bin Sultan, Saudi Arabia’s Ambassador to the USA fied section details Saudi connections to two hijackers at the time of 9/11. Bandar connects 9/11 to the Saudi who lived in San Diego, but does not “include informa- Royal Family, the Bush family, the British Royal Fam- tion found in the more than 80,000 documents that are ily (particularly Bandar’s close friend Prince Charles), currently being reviewed by a federal judge in Florida”. the Anglo-Saudi al-Yamamah oil-for-arms deal, and, Former Sen. Bob Graham (D-Florida), who co-chaired through that, to the Blair government. By identifying the Joint Inquiry, says about the 28 pages, “I don’t think Bandar as a funder of the 9/11 hijackers, the 28 pages it’s the end” (p. 14), insisting that far more of the real take a serious step towards unmasking this Anglo-Sau- history must come out. di terrorism apparatus. But the 28 pages serve as a starting point. Every cit- If the 28 pages had been released when they were izen must read these pages for himself or herself, as a produced, fourteen years ago, it would have been im- basis for grasping what needs to be done next, in order possible to blame Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein for 9/11, to root out the high-level sponsors of terrorism. Septem- instead of the Saudis. There would have been no war in ber 2016 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 at- Iraq, nor the following regime-change wars; no meteor- tacks, and we must pummel the media, MPs and other ic rise of the Islamic State terrorist organisation; and no elected officials with the truth from now until then, and flood of refugees from the war-torn Middle East. Nor thereafter. Every one of us exists under the threat of ter- would the world’s population be in a perpetual state of rorism. The battle to expose its masters and causes is fear, which the Anglo-American Empire and its lick- just as relevant in Australia as it is in the USA, the UK spittle governments have used to set up fascist police- or Europe. Australia has been involved in every aspect states, to control nations as their financial system disin- of this issue: Australians were killed on 9/11, and in the tegrates. Bali bombings by the same Saudi-backed terror net- U.S. Congressman Thomas Massie, one of those who works; we participated in the criminal Iraq war and sup- fought long and hard to overcome the George W. Bush and ported equally criminal regime-change fiascos in Lib- Barack Obama Administrations’ resistance to releasing the ya and Syria. 28 pages, said after reading them: “I had to stop every cou- This is a fight we can and must win. With the re- ple pages and ... try to rearrange my understanding of histo- lease of the Chilcot report and the 28 pages, the UK ry. It challenges you to rethink everything.” government should be forced to reopen the Serious 3 Fraud Office investigation of the al-Yamamah oil-for- and China, before the power of that trans-Atlantic elite arms deal, which the now discredited Blair shut down disintegrates along with their Too Big To Fail banks. in 2006 to protect the Anglo-Saudi terrorism apparatus Therefore, as that final article spells out under funded through al-Yamamah. The 25 Nov. 2015 CEC the headline “We Can End This Era of Terrorism and Media Release “Prince Charles and Saudi-backed Ter- War”, a critical tool against terrorism is the restoration rorism: Demand Answers” (p. 15) and Executive Intel- of Glass-Steagall banking separation to protect normal ligence Review’s groundbreaking 2007 expose of BAE commercial lending from the speculative destruction Systems and the al-Yamamah deal (p. 19) provide fur- wrought by the large “investment” banks. Among its ther crucial background. We also excerpt an incisive many healthy effects, Glass-Steagall will also dry up the column (p. 23) written by the late Michael Meacher MP dirty money flows, without which terrorism cannot be back in 2003, when he raised a host of questions con- funded. Liquidating the financial basis of global drug- cerning possible U.S. Establishment complicity in the trafficking and terrorism, by investigating and prosecut- 9/11 attacks, given how 9/11 was subsequently used to ing the City of London and Wall Street banks that pro- generate pretexts for going to war in Afghanistan and vide it, is a crucial component of shifting to productive Iraq—a line of questioning demonstrated by the Chilcot national economies and international economic cooper- report to have been extremely prescient. ation. Glass-Steagall is the needed first step. At the conclusion of this pamphlet (p. 44), we sum- marise what must be done next, and what you must do Sincerely, after reading the 28 pages, for a lasting solution to the threat of terrorism and war. This urgent action agenda reaches beyond the issues of terrorism proper, into the dangerous world economic and strategic situation. It is the unfolding new global financial crisis, far worse than Craig Isherwood that of 2008, that drives ever new waves of terrorism, National Secretary as well the Anglo-American Establishment’s moves to- Citizens Electoral Council of Australia wards provoking an intensified showdown with Russia 12 August 2016 4 Release of the ‘28 Pages’ and the Chilcot Report: A Deadly Double Blow to the Anglo-Saudi Empire By Robert Barwick and Glen Isherwood On 15 July 2016, as the United States Congress was leaving town for a six-week summer recess, the Obama Administration yielded to enormous public pressure and finally released the 28-page chapter of the 2002 report of the Congressional Joint Inquiry into 9/11, which had been suppressed throughout the tenure of President Barack Obama and his pre- decessor, George W.
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