The Hippo~Oscidaeof Oceania (Diptera)1
OCCASIONAL PAPERS OF BERNICE P. BISHOP MUSEUM HONOLULU,HAWAII Volume XVI November 22, 1941 Number 11 The Hippo~oscidae of Oceania (Diptera) 1 By JOSEPH C. BEQUAERT HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL AND SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS INTRODUCTION In the present taxonomic study of the Bippoboscidae, Oceania covers, rather arbitrarily, the many archipelagos and isolated islands scattered throughout the Pacific Ocean, from the Marianas and Car oline Islands, the Bismarck Archipelago, the Solomon Islands and New Caledonia to the Hawaiian islands and the Galapagos. So far, I have seen material from the Carolines, Marianas, Mar quesas, Gilberts, Bismarck Archipelago, Solomons, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia, Fiji, Samoa, New Hebrides, Hawaiian Archipelago, and Galapagos. This was obtained mainly from the following sources: the British Museum (Natural History), the Paris Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, the Field Museum of Nat ural History, the California Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, the Kyushiu Imperial University, Fukuoka, U. S. National Museum, and Bernice P. Bishop Museum. I am under obligation to G. F. Ferris for the loan of type specimens from the collections of Stanford University. The bibliography of each species covers all references to records from Pacific islands; but only localities of specimens actually seen by the several authors are quoted. I have added a full synonymy, with references to the original descriptions, type localities, and type hosts. FAUNAL CHARACTERISTICS The family Hippoboscidae, never a conspicuous element of any fauna, is particularly scanty in Oceania: Only 20 species are listed 1 This is number 15 of my '~Notes on Hippoboscidae." 248 Bernice P.
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