THURSDAY MAY THREE CENTS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23. 1862-VOL. 37. _PORTLAND, MAINE. MORNING, 18, 1899._IgBTRA'jreiSI_PRICE but we to th. Inraraenli, and baa glr»n Anglo-American arbitration treaty and MISCELLANEOUS. ■sometime* we almost touch it, Ulng do no to reconcntr.te many similar documents. MSOlgJJOTdW. never reach it. He who seeks to A then opportunity JIANV LIVES ENDANGERED. quite WAY OUT PROPOSED. Kobbe’e column with M. I)e .staal will open the conference his best each time will do better the next scattered troops to Hlo Grands FOR PEACE. by summarizing the of the time and thus his ideal constantly be- sunboata proceeding up objects gnth- w oris. '•ring and expressing the confidence of comes Such Is an Intimation WE TAKE UP larger. Nicholas that the wilJ the eternal of the soul. Kraperor powers possibilities the benetiolent work of the con- This the question, SOME BRIGHTER. support thought suggests OUTLOOK ference. After the of the CARPETS. "Whet are the conditions of spiritual —————■ appointment, neW nommiftsiong, the conference will adjourn success in the ministry ?” It is no Terrible Forest Fires in Edward Atkinson On for a week. The last word upon it will not question. The American it is under- be until the lust minister nas of delegatee, AND STEAM spoken For Settlement The Dock stood, will carefully abstain from mixing WE DUST Maine Woods. his last sermon. It means pow- preached Philippines. ln purely Eurojxvm but will er. Mot transient sensationalism bnt questions Strikes in Bnffalo. Assemble At The take an earnest In the discussion of A may Delegates part living, abiding power. preacher the of arbitration and im- be and and be power- application CARPETS. popular Interesting provements in the Genova rules lor the less as a minister. gcspel protection of field giving also There is a sentiment that we have noth- Conference Committee hospitals, WE Strikers Appoint Hague. special attention to the abolition of pri- RELAY to do with resuts but are simply to ing Even lie Them To vateering and the exemption of ull Thousand Acres Timberland Burned preach the truth and leave the results to Wouldn't Leave At Request] of Bishop Quigley. private property from seizure, except contra- God. This is half a truth and like half CARPETS. band of war. this the same truths is It ha* made more policy being Over. misleading. Their Fate. as that adopted by Henjamlu Franklin produced more poor ser- “Y<>u press the 202-2) lazy ministers, N. 17.—Bishop in negotiating the treaty with Frederick (telephone mons, more failures in the pastor- Buffalo, Y., May Quig- we rest.” given the Great and successively urged by Pres- button; do|the ate than other words ever ley took a determined stand in bis efforts any spoken. idents James Monroe, James Buchanan, It hns made men contented with the neg- shovellers Excellent Combination. to bring the strike of the grain Benjamin Harrison and William McKin- An ative success of the fort without A holding and the sympathetic organizations to Lengthy Programme ley. The method and beneficial aggressive gains. It has stagnated our pleasant as a result the out It. can be stated that If the commission Lives of 200 Lumber- churches, and wasted our missionary Proposes Cooperation an end tonight and effects of the well known remedy, Laid Out. reconvenes, it will only do so upon a St. fundi. The man who enters the minis- look for a cessation of the trouble Is some- ■ vw ■ Preblf Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the complete abandonment of the old basis FOSTER’S, mygdtf Htp try as only a gospel* "handorgan," to tell California Fig Syrup Co., illustrate men in of Great Powers. what brighter. which proved to be unsuitable to the erec- Danger. the story over and over and grind out the value of the laxa- This the addressed a tion of a oomplete agreement and our obtaining liquid »*ach week an essay for a few of the most evonlng Blthop to be will have same sort of as- tive principles of known hearers had better remain out- of striking freight hand- government plants intelligent _ large meeting surance in advance of the nature and de- HATE YOU SEEN OUlT medicinally laxative and presenting side the temple and 1st the town, not He asked them lers In East Buffalo. gree of the concessions that may lie ox- them in t^e form most refreshing to the the church, support him. It to appoint a oommlttee with power to peoted from the other side, the lack of taste an A acceptable to the system. The preacher is not simply a watchman the To wbioh will confer with the lake which It Is Bald caused fnilnre of one laxa- or bo blow a but a to be Establish Government and act, is the perfect strengthening No Possible Way Checking trumpet, general Armament First the first negotiation. .Senator Fairbanks, nn leader. When the church and Restriction of To $3.50 tive, cleansing the system effectually, aggressive line managers tomorrow, Jassured the president, of the American branch of fevers floes no then its restrain- Them To colds, headaches and The Fire. augres*lve work, Open Trade. them that an agreement abolishing the the commission, was at thu state depart- dispelling and influence declines. The and enabling one ing elevating work Be Discussed. ment in conference with gently yet promptly to be is the of saloon payment system, Sunday Secretary Hay thing sought redeeming the outcome of the London SHOE to overcome habitual constipation per- and other abuses would be In respecting TAN men out of the world Into the signed Its freedom from kingdom meeting and Is now convinced that the manently. perfect of God—not the ethical or to- order. The strikers the and sub- lifting up short appointed commission can be reassembled on a For Men and Women3 every objectionable quality not social or reform. nlety, political committee. The Bishop told the men new basis. stance, and its acting on tho kidneys, Christ nowhere attempted such things. and Best Kangeley, May 17.—A telephone mes- Cam bridge. Mass., Ma> 17.—The Cam- that he felt confident that would The Be*t Wearing Fitting liver and bowels, without weakening He sought individual men. He was not they for the it the ideal from the “Chain of Ponds" where bridge anti-imperialistic association held The Shoe on the Market money. or irritating them, make sage a reformer, but a ttavior. The Apostles be back at work by Friday. Bishop BAD NEGIIO CAPTURED. laxative. the Berlin Palls Mill oompany has a had nothing to do with political reform. a well-attended meeting ^tonight and then drove to South where the EXAMINE. Buffalo, CALL AND of figs The early church had nothing to do with listened to an Mr. Arbitration The Next In the process manufacturing large tract of timber land and a supply interesting speech by striking grain shovellers were holding are to the It. it was the power of the spiritual life are used, as they pleasant was to effect Edward who took for his sub- station, yesterday, the that which shook the Homan As soon Atkinson, a meeting in St. Bridget’s annex. The But Not Before He Had Shot taste, but the medicinal qualities of the empire. a forest lire has burned the station and as It commenced deal with and “Criminal the Out." as entered senna and to ethical ject Aggression Way strikers cheered the Bishop he Topic. are obtained from Men. remedy 1000 acres of tim- political questions it lost both its ethical In the course of his Mr. Atkin- the hall. Informed them Two other aromatic by a method swept through standing address, Bishop Quigley plants, and political power. The great histor- of what the handlers agreed to do. the California Fig Syrup ber. The station was In charge of Wil- son said: known to ian tells us that the greatest social uplift- The executive committee of the grain In order to its beneficial liam and his wife and they are “In the documents whioh were submit- for Co. only. get Mahoney ing followed the preachings of Westfield sooopers bad met earlier in the day end Wanted In Maryland Murdering to avoid imitations, is the of ted to the effects and please safe, bat the llres of 1100 lumbermen and Wesley. This early history by President McKinley Semite passed upon the agreement regarding the Man and Wife. the full name of the Mew The ethical never Contrac- remember Company scattered through that section are en- Kngland. pro- with the treaty of peace with Spain, in old And new locals signed by on the front of every package. duces the spiritual, the spiritual produces tor Connors and Donovan yes- printed dangered. subsequent letters of Gen. Anderson Inspector (be ethloal. God put the first command- terday. They amended the agreement SYRUP CO. and others In the of the Mass of Diplomatic Documents , May 17.—Humphrey Tay- CALIFORNIA FIG There was a northwest gale blowing, ment first. The object of the gospel is and testimony by adding that none but those whose SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. a of the Rosenstein the lire to with the olftecrs of the before the names were on the rolls of the local on lor, negro, suspected N. Y. oanslng spread great- leading army LOUISVILLE. KY. NEW YORK. lost men. 'l'he salvation of men is the as mem- To Be Submitted. at shot and .. r.__ 3d should be murder today n.:.. est rapidity with no possible way to peace commission in Paris, will be found April reoognized Slidell, Md., me thought in Christ’s life, teachings bers of the union; that none Police Fritz check It. absolute evidence of the the In- scoopers’ killed Sergeant Patsau, tnd example. ability, others should be employed and that the wounded Policeman Gow and kept a At Kangeley and Mooeelookmeguntic A man cannot preach what he has not, tegrity and of the service rendered by charter should be given to the new local WILL TRY AGAIN. ann.. 1 fUl ..... houcail nn Inn to a is to of half a dozen officers at from hence deep spiritual life necessary Aguinaldo and bis associates In the Phil- and Its officers retained. posse bay she of the truth. The mission Connoie had to these the cold and winds. the perception the Investment Contractor agreed the loft of a house for nearly two hours. high Upon )f reason Is to what has been re- lupine government during asked the Commission to be study amendment* Bishop Quigley between Anglo-Aiuerftcvn latter lake two of the Berlin Falls ooiu- of Manila and in the surren- Dozens of shots were exchanged renled. The mind cannot know a flower couipelling men to kvote on the amendments to the Called Together This Sommer. been revealed uiu uiuuoiB unu luganr, nuu uuij Bui- pan y's bcoms hare burst and about 100 until after the flower has der of the Spanish forces. agreement, and 95 per cent, of the men The Hague, May 17.— All the delegates to this is true with ull science. The mind some men are working save the 5,000,000 feet “Suddenly these loyal allies become shouted “aye.". The rest, led by. to the International pence conference have rendered when preparations were made 17.— As the result of of mist hare not ODly an objective revela- mal contents, voted adversely. Washington, May logs. said Mr. “because arrived. Today was 6pent In a general to burn the premises. iion, but a subjective experience of that enemies," Atkinson, The Bishop then requested the men to % conference held at the foreign office in Last .Saturday morning Louis Koseu- 'evelation before it can understand the of the proclamation of President McKin- go home and await the uctlon of Inspec- exchange of visits. London between Lord Salisbury, Sir MINISTERS GRADUATED. and his who a small store evemtlon. ley asserting the dominion and sovereign- tor Donovan, who wonld attend at onoe The permanent president of the confer- steln wife, kept Pauncefote and Ambassador revelation comes through some to of the rolls and the Julian Kvery the preparation ence will be M. De Russian am- at Slidell, were found insensible and hor- for that ty of the United States over the whole of Staal, last named under Commencement Exercl.e. acuity of our nature given pur- return of the men to their elevators. Choate, the acting Bangor bassador to Ureat and the head ribly wounded In tbelr store room. Ros- pose. Henson is u faculty. It originates the Philippine islands. The Filipinos Some of the objectors called on the men Britain, direct instructions from Secretary llay, soon died and the woman Is be- Theological Seminary. lotblng. It si in ply reads Gcd'a thoughts resisted to meet again tomorrow morning and of the Russian delegation. The honorary en stein It can now be that the high iver after Him. The Hible is a message should not be the lieved to be near death. fell predicted An effort has been made to establish said they governed by ohnirmun who will open the proceedings Suspicion commission to issues between rom the heart of God to the heart of joint adjust Bangor, May 17 —The graduating exer- dominion. In that effort, thousands ot Bishop. will be M. De Beaufort, of the upon Humphrey Taylor, alias Brown, nan, and only a heart that is in love The as the majority of the men president the United States and Canada will be the natives have been slaughtered, hun- Bishop, who had The here cises of the Bangor Theological Seminary with God can its meaning. The out of the said: “If hold council and minister of affairs of disappeared. police perceive dreds of volunteers who enlisted to es- filed hall, you foreign reassembled during the coming summer ooouned this and feels and the intellect it will not were notified. This Taylor was evening. spirit perceives tablish freedom in Uuba have been killed a meeting tomorrow morning the government of the Netherlands. morning [>r fall. ormulatefl what the spirit sees. be in this ball, for 1 shall close il house on early At the literary and business meeting o»* wounded in the effcrt to deprive the against The Is decorated with seen entering a'small Fowler's We insist this because the most work city brilliantly This outcome is not as- upon you. If the men do not go back to yet positively of the Alumni this forenoon an able ad- Filipinos of their liberty. The dominion the various na- hill, a quarter of u mile west of George- mbtle temptation of the ministerial life under the conditions 1 have secured for foreign dags, denoting Mr. Choate’s of the ex- of the United States has been established, of hurried to sured, but report dress upon ‘‘Sprltual Conditions of Suc- s to look at revealed truth with only nut- then I shall abandon them com- tional This M. town. A posse officers the outside Manila over a small area a them, headquarters. evening office cess In the was delivered or only changes at the foreign certainly Ministry,,” by iral powers, as one studies geology pletely." Van former Dutch minister place. The men were posted about the D. of Portland. large part of the troops not killed or Wunobook, to the H ev. Smith Baker, IB, English literature. There were murmuring among Passau and Gow and another convey great encouragement w< unded are disabled by disease dut-Jto the ugly of affairs, gave a dinner to intro- house while DK. SMITH BAKER’S ADDRESS, (Jut of this purely intellectual enthusi- those who voted the Bishop’s foreign alficlals here and warrant the expectation CiAnatu and the rainy season is upon against officer attempted to gain entrance asm has come niue-tenths of the religious but no violence was attempted. duce the foreign delegates. J that negotiations nmy be agalL taken up The Rev. Dr. Smith B^ker delivered a them. views, of the age. Such men have The bulk of the strikers are undoubted- The will only be admitted to through the front door. Repeated knock- with some prospect of reaching an agree- sermon on the “Spiritual Power of the skepticism What then is the way out and how can reporters lot from Thomas before to Thom- anxious to return to work and BlBhop and calls failed to elicit a on- ment between the two branches of the Ministry,” of which the following is an passed be secured with honor? ly hear the Inaugural address of M. I)e lugs rest is after Christ opened his understanding. peace states tonight that he was satis- commission. abstract: There is one way and perhaps hut one. Quigley who 1b excluded from nnd finally the door was forced. The two L'he trreat departures from faith in all fied that They would return to their la- Beaufort, opening true man falls short of his ileal. That Is, by agreement among the great rooms on the first floor were Every did not spring from superior scholar- bors. the discussion of the Czar’s project. small empty his life have kges naval and commercial powers of the GEN. HENRY ENTHUSIASTIC. However suooessful muy but from the lack of life. of the Marine Firemen’s and the officers ascended to the second ship, spiritual to the isl- The members Three commissions .will then be named to I REAL been he is to say of the world neutralize Philippine compelled L'he greatest uggresslve work Benevolent association voted unanimous- room was also un- to akl them in an or- programmes for discussion. story. The front “Sweeter than any sung ihurch in all has not commenced ands, establishing to work tomorrow at noon arrange Porto Rico a Wonderful Coun- ages to them on ly tonight quit Thinks derly government and open to restrictions of arma- tenanted. As the men passed into tfce My song that found no tongue. with culture but with the deeper unless the strike Is definitely The first relates superior terms granted to all nations to the snoopers’ BUZZINQi try. Nobler than sny fnot life. We aid not to exalt doubt- squal settled that time. ments and the sec- rear apartment Taylor opened fire from ipiritual ooinmeroe of the world. This is by military expenditure; failed of act.” above John. way the door of the loft in which he had My wish that ng Thomas believing deals with the laws civil- trap open, plain and true* the will only ap- ond governing Passau sank to morbid but A deep spiritual experience is next to taken refuge. .Sergeant KIND New May 17.—Major General Such is not complaining, to be on the of the ex- RUSTICATORSTO BLAME. warfare the third with media- York, he of the The success of pear wanting part ized and the floor dead with two bullets through honest realisation of how much greater power pulpit. of the administra- U. b. until recently military or ecutive officers present A mass his ohest. His rushed for- Henry, V., than our achievements. he is notj that cf truth, tion and arbitration. great of companions will he in a are our ideals preacher tion. along couple of Porto arrived from ban jf or of character, or of elo- Summer Visitor. Ul.m.il For Jut ward and Policeman Gow opened lire rorernor Rico, No poet ever sung the sweetest soug that reason, diplomatic documents will be submitted of weeks. This or ot social or the but failed to hit the gives you He waa by was in his heart. No ever put on quence, enthusiasm, through trap Juan today. acooropanled painter llamp.litre JVtckrdur... on these subjects: Documents Including retreated to was in >f human or of I)It. BAILEY RETIRED. fugitive. Taylor however, time to apply a good his Mrs. Ben- oanvas the greatest thought that sympathy, religious j just Mrs. Henry and daughter, No the memorandum of Piince Met tern ioh a corner of the loft and his ad- his No ever realised his ihougtit, but a spiritual possession. realizing coat of Screen Paint. soul. preaoher of ;on. The General will remain here until nan can what he does not 17.—At the session of the In the vantage the officers picked up the body conception of what a preacher should be. preach poises* Uovrruor Appoint* t attle Commission- Boston, May Df Austria 1810 regarding sugges- heart. men do not seem the ami retreated. Gow received Black, Green or Bronze next when he wilt leave for n his own Many association of New England the of sergeant Monday and Other Officers* Evangelists tion of prime regent England sup- :o rise above an honest, earnest presenta- er* a bullet iu bis right hand, badly shatter- Green. J4pt., 15c. Washington. this Uen. Howard 1.. Porter Alexander I. of Russia for an tion of truth, but a preacher’s power is afternoon, ported by ing it. enthusiastic about Porto reoent pt., 85c Gen. Henry is ipiritual rather than intellectual. To of Concord, N. H., referring to the international peace conference; the opin- The reserves of two precincts were May 17. —A number of im- mi 11 1 nut nnd the house surrounded. The Klco, Its people and Its possibilities. preuch doubts is to awaken doubts, to Augusta, proclamation of Uor. Hollins regarding ions of Mr. David Dudley Field, of the iritiolze is to create criticism. Such were made by Gov. shooting hud attracted several thousand “It is a wonderful country,” he said portant appointments of States as to a soul. the decay religion in.New Hampshire, United lixlng permanent the negro would 3reaching has no uplift to the The Powers tbe cattle com- persons. Occasionally “but we will huve to go Blow In today including in to the of then a vol- today, preaoner stands on higher ground than said, part: limit military force; argument lire a shot at the officers and H. H. HAY & missioners. Messrs. Beal and Deering no one was SON, bringing about reforms. Capital invest- that of the Spirit's presence and power. “New Hampshire is no worse today M. Merlnghac In favor of simultaneous ley would answer it but hit. without is were and in of Ur. of Vermont or Massa- With revolvers in hand, the offluere middle Street. id will bring large returns. More than Not the spirit preparation,that reappointed place than part Maine, ilUiirmainent: the uronosals of Nouoleon the for the window and tried several >0 cent of the value of the augur cane ^resumption, nor preparation without frank s. Adams of Bowdoln chusetts. There are reasons pres- watched every per Bailey, a confer- is Christ did not of In those of New ill. to convoke European peace ruses to draw Taylor’s fire. Most of is lost In the prooess of grinding The lit ipirit, that egotism. named. ent state religion parts Hangs was his own we have ence at Paris in 1863 and similar these were successful for he seemed to children are thirsting for knowledge, and speak words in the strength of Hampshire. In the llrst place papers. In the of the third The appointments were: books a law, have an unlimited supply of ammuni- the great need Is sohools. personality, but power on our statute prohibitory The second commission will consider or tue ninny, anus wun me Lattie commissioners—r. c. ajomi, which has been openly violated for so tion. While he realized escape was hope- person the declarations of the Congress of Paris, Apostles. Bangor; John Deerlng, Saco; Frank S. less he was evidently determined to hold THE WEATHER. and the Uenava 186 4 as con- WATCH 'The word power when used in relation Adams, Bnwdohi. contempt for it. 1856; convention, ; out as long possible. Finally, Chris- that he would not surrender the » the ministry the BIblo always denotes Chairman Boards of Registration— “Then, in the summor months, the u.nratiiied clauses of the Geneva con- cluding wo which Melville come on to lire the A ftB If it was only health, MBtowed* power, the word from South Portland, D. Fuller; tians from Massachusetts up vention of the acts of the St. Peters- police prepared premises. often 1868; mattress was saturated with oil and the REPAIRING. Am* might let it cling, xo gain our expression ‘‘dynamic Westbrook. Charles M. Waterhouse; Saco, Saturday for lishing trips and stop are convention prohibiting the use of to remove the furniture. lfir But it is a cough. One cold Preaching was never more instructive, Lewis F. Johnson; Piddeford, W. A. with New Hampshire families who burg officers oegan We have made a of tilled with human syrnpu- Foss. to work on Sunday to provide 3ertain by civilized nations; Seeing bit game was hopeless, Taylor sur- specialty no sooner passes off before nore compelled projectiles and more to the Commissioners—Georgo T. their Gradually these visit- rendered. ^Surrounded by officers with Watch, Clock, Jewelry ■ another comes. But It’s the ,hv, appealed beautiful, Library tor guests. the minutes of the Brussels conference of and the of God A. J. Water- aside some of their religion and revolvers he was hustled out of the house Optical Repairing for years. all the time. ao’ble, loving compassion Little, Brunswick; Roberts, ors lay of Oxford ■ same old cough This has 1574; the suggestions the to the The crowd \Y e have had years of ex- ban at the present day. The altar Is vllle; Lyman G. Jordan, Lewiston; Mrs. the nutives imitate them. patrol wagon. surged 1 And it’s the samel old story, women. manual the laws and observ- with shouts of him.” A and understand it here, the wood is there, but the lire II. N. Esternrook, Orono. affected young men and young regarding forward “lynch perience I There Is first the cold, us a sancti- was secured and the mob made a in all its branches. YYre too. loes not come. Preachers prostrate Trustees of Hallo well Industrial School Others have come to with ances of w ir; the rules for the bombard* rope the then pneu- that art can ndrew A. W. An- air to have for- effort to place it around the be fi then cough, bemselves. do all —A Hawes, Portland; monious preach,but they ment of the Institute desperate guarantee every job to the and cities, adopted by neck. The coolness of the offi- monia or consumption with lo, uso higher and lower oritl- thony, Lewiston; Charles H. Dudley, gotten to get down on their knees wretch's perfectly satisfactory. The ^ft of International Law In Venice In 18%; saved he sickness, and life tremb- :lsm, oharge them ethically, civilize, Hallo well; Miss Clara M. Farwell, Rock- pray before they preach." cers, however, Taylor, though best American ^B long was blows from the Mainsprings, in the balance. iaymanlze, popularize, but the lire does land; Mrs. Persls Martin, Augusta. the declaration of France and Great Bri- badly disfigured by 75c. ling of the crowd. All the to the Cleaning, $1.00. tot oome. One of the saddest things In Dli. HALE TO HE TIKE. tain the rules of the nearest wuy and regadring unadopted mob followed the Mainspring Cleaning be world Is a popular minister without station house the 17.—Forecast for Thurs- CHASING INSURGENTS. Boston, May 17.—Kev. Dr. E E. Hale Geneva convention; the views of the for and combined, $1.50. Boston, May ^inversion. When I read a Sunduy even- wagon, shouting vengeance, written a letter the ( weather and dlBtiu- has resigning pastor- Amsterdam chamber of commerce, ap- about the building when lay: Partly cloudy light ng sermon a short time ago of a lingered Taylor ate of the South Congregational church, a cell. vari- which was delivered be- ved successive Netherlands foreign whs safely in □cal showers aro probable; light juished preacher American Them Eroni a servioe of nearly 48 years. He pro by on Bock of Army Driving after When by the police in re- ure a large audience the the of the questioned ble winds. was called there June 4, 1856. The letter ministers, urging adoption the Rosenstein murder the ttuth, confined to the four uses of the Pillar to Post. gard to pris- was read at the annual meeting of the min utes of the Brussels conference in much confused and told half FRANK~P.^McKENNEY, May 17.—New England: lovel In literature and from this match oner became Washington, I committee and the and observ- not one standing proprietors 1874 dealing with the laws a do?en different stories. lie said that Watchmaker, rains Thurs- css story of tho Old Testament, with local Ayer’s evening. ances war did not lead to the committed the ’artly cloudy lust of whloh Brown hud or moral lesson was drawn 1 Manila, May lb, 11.23 a. in. —Major a man named MONUMENT SQUARE. to north- iplrituul Dr. Hale be realizes that the of and the he waited on the outside lay; fresh to brisk easterly to but says 3onoluslon any convention; murder and that ivus foroed say, “Very brilliant, Kobbe’s column reached San Luis, eight can be both church reeds a man who circular of the Dutch minister of foreign and kept watch, receiving from Brown winds; fair Friday. jowerless." meet- easterly probably miles up the Rio Grande yesterday minister and preacher, someDody younger affairs in 1871 relating to the adoption of dollars. the prem- This fact of an objective spiritual force sixty Upon searching but One man than he. He a deep affection for the of inviolability of private the found a watch truth more than Is Inherent ing with slight opposition. expresses principle ises police 1113, gold jiving power whom he h'is worked a <>f Local Weathei Report. This a the people among properly and u g ug clearer’deiinitkn and chain and a diamond rinu. His con- ADAMS & CO., Cherry n Itself, Is the secret of preaching. wus wounded during brush with the ANDERSON, above so long. the term “contraband of war.” flicting stories as to his movements and 17.—The local weather ifts pleaching above lecturing, rebels." Portland, May above little Ihe resignation came as a surprise The third commission will consider the where he obtained the money led the Fire Insurance nere intellectual effort, Agency bureau records as to the weather are as above At daybreak today the Americans began It was unanimously voted to urge of Lord Clarendon at the Paris to believe he is the man the Mary- .hemes, above religious skepticism, proposals police Street follows: toward the pastor the advisability of con- in 1856 for the Intermediation of land authorities are looking for. ft is 3ft Exchange leeklng place, above personal ambition, a further advance Candaba, upon congress tinuing in the service of the church, and a state to a recourse to however, that he will be de- 8 a. m.—Barometer. 29.962; thermome- peeiorai from it comes the unction und power about £ix the river San friendly previous probable, Hrst Class American and Foreign Companies ind miles up beyond it was to procure for him an the motion of Signor Mauclni in tained by the district authorities and Horace Anderson. Chas. C. Adams. ter, 51. dew point. 27, humidity, 38; jf the proposed force; pulpit. Luis. assistant to lighten his labors the Italian chamber of deputies in 1875 tried for the murder Passan. decis Thos. J. Little, ip eodtf wind, N; velocity, 0; state of weather, Train moll for the ministry deeply, of„fceigeant Give them all The along General MaoAr- Dr. Hale will be consulted personally in favor of arbitration; the acts of the blear. of jroadly, highly, fully. insurgents loosens the grasp your cough. with by the members of the present standing Berlin and Zurich conferences on com- 8 p in—Barometer, 30.053; thermome- bat scholarship oan bestow, wait thur s front evacuated their positions HASN’T CONSIDERED IT. The of the throat committee. and mediation; Mr. David Dud- MAINE BOY PRIZE WINNER. ter, 53, dew point, 38; humidity, 67; congestion ^k hem in until tho foolish ambition promise is all in- prayer during the night, presumably moving Some of those who heard the letter read Field’s for an arbitration tri- llrectlon, 8E; 6tate of and lungs removed; from the heart und they be ley plan New (Jt.. 17.—After the velocity, 6; is wrung tenor would indi- for an Haven, May an is the further the railroad. declare that its general bunal; the arbitration Extra Hrulou of Congress Still Open weather, dear. flammation subdued; »bove seeking place and salary. 'They up proposals Yale Theological school commencement on cate that the dootor is determined to re- tribunal for the North.Central ami South Maximum temperature, 63; minimum parts are put perfectly at rest •euuire above all other things the bup- The 23d infantry lias sailed the exercises this afternoon, notice was given Question. oan tire from the pastorate and they doubt if American states, adopted In Washington temperature. 43; mean temperature, and the drops away. It B ;isiu of the holy spirit, before they Leon XIII. for Jolo island to that Herbert A. Jump, of the graduating cough transport he can be prevailed upon to withdraw his In 18%; the Marquis of Salisbury's let- 17.—President S3; maximum wind velocity, 13 5'E; has no diseased tissues on B lave the spiritual power in the fpolpit. elais was awarded the .Saunders prize of Hot Springs,, Va., May relieve the S punish garrison there. resignation. ters to .Sir Julian Paunoefote in 1890 re- precipitation, .0. The programme for tho graduating $50, and among the ten winners of the has not considered the which to hang. ^ fl to the conclusion of an arbitration McKinley yet as follows: lating of $50 is U. B. Lothrop •zeroises was FIGHT POSTPONED. between Great Britain and the Fogg scholarships of an extra session of Congress. INSURGENT CAPITAL treaty Mo. feubject Waatlier Observation. Jrgan Preluds. ANOTHER the terms of the unratlCod of Pittslield, This statement was made officially here selection of United States; Dr. 1 Prayer, Prof. S’. B. Denio CAPTURED. New York, May 17.—The tonight. The agricultural department weather Ayer’s Miss M. Blanohe Sparbawk Decoration Day as the date for the big Gen. Otis song, 17.—The The despatch of regarding bureau for yesterday, May 17, taken Addresses by the Graduating Class: Washington, Mny following tight between Jim Jeffries and Bob Fitz- the capture of San Isldor by Gen. Law- Pectoral 1 despatch has been received at the war simmons, before.the Coney Island A. C., it 8 p. m.,meridian time, the observation Cherry Anglo-Saxon Superiority, ton and his forolng of the scattered In- John Henry Cone depaitment: aroused 60 much opposition among sport- the was for- for each section being given in this order: May 17. was to surgents into mountains, Plaster W lhe New Reformation, Manila, ing men that it decided postpone warded here by the war department. The l'eraperature, direction of wind, state of Clarence Petcy Emery To Adjutant General, Washington: the light until June 9th. George Silver President sent the follow- Situation as follows: Luwton with refereed the Corbett- immediately weather: draws out inflammation of the Whittier—The Poet and the Man, of , who ing telegram to Gen. Otis at Maulla: Jm James Kisher tact and ability has covered Bluaoan Fltzsimoions tight at Carson City, has SW, clear; New lungs. .tCT."' V “Convey to Gen. Lawton ami the gal- Boston,54degrees, York, Miss province with his column and driven in- been selected to act in the same capacity 54 SE, rain; Philadelphia, 52 jona, Sparbawk San lant men of his command my congratula- degrees, Advfca Frmm. IVtnJell PhilliDs, George Milton Jones surgent troops northward into Isidro, on June 9th. SE. cloudy; Washington, 60 de-1 ■ l whioh he tions upon the successful operations dur- l3gree9, Remember we hflT# ft M#dl<*ftl Depart- B Christian Idealism, George Edward Lake second insurgent capital cap- E, cloudy; Albany, 60 degrees, ment. If von have any what- B ene- KVJIAL now Vomm ing the past month, resulting in the cap- frees, complaint 1 of the Palace ture this morning. Is driving GRADUATION EXERCISES. ever and desire the best medical advice The Mnerer School, SW, cloudy; Buffalo, 56 degrees, R, rain; ?I into mountains. He hn9 ture this morning of San Isidro." can obtain, write the ■ Willis Looker my northward ^•T Absolutely pure 54 cloudy; you po9slblv •, Sparbawk U.—The exer- Advices also were received from Cuba Detroit. degrees, NW, Chicago, doctor freely. You will receiv* • A i Miss constant lighting inflicting heavy losses Bangor, Hay graduating St. 54 de- Song, Sparhawk the Seminar? which it was stated indicated a satis- >6 degreee, N, cloudy; Paul, prompt reply, without cost. and few casualties; appearance cise. of Danger Theological DR. J. C. AYER. M Conferring of Diplomas. suffering; more delicious and wholesome cloudy; Huron, Dak., 63 de- Address, > of behind occurred this evening In the Hammond Makes the food factory outcome of the present situation. jrees/NW, I.owoll, Mass, Prayer, Dr. Bolster of his troops ou flanks enemy clear; Bismarck, 66 degrees, mjk at every Street Congregational church with a large The President's visit here is nearly at crees,~NW, Hymn. entrenchments thrown up _gOVAiaAKnjOPQWOEWCOi:_WEW_VORK1^__MMMMaMM,^^^^^^ an clear; Jacksonville, 80 degrees, fc>K, demoral- attendance. end. It is almost certain the party S', Benediction. strategic point and town, very will rsaoh Washington Saturday. dear. I ~ 'J' 1—_!-Lj. ■ ■ ■■ '1

LaWTenoe of Maine. Tha a hard atop of a gronndet almost back n! SIGNER. Buoksport, ACKACHE is • symptom. NEW PITCHER former marriage Is alleged to have oc- first took a« EPISCOPAL CONVENTION. VICTORY M.RBKR SKYEY. base. Clark everything curred at Lynn. Wbeu arraigned today Something makes the backache and that something he hna a of and contributed of thi not and tba oaae way doing Manager Smith Keeners Cogswell Jbnton pleaded guilty requires attention or the backache can never be tomorrow. perma- much to tbe victory. W» are pleased at was continued notll " Rework lob. nently stopped. I suffered for years with a long list of this juncture to say a good word for FHYKbUHG CHAUTAUQUA. troubles." writes Mas. C. Klenk, of Wells, Minn. (Box 151), to who has been Brat I Giant Conroy, playing Smith has the ternii Manager aooepted Id.—The picture eqne Mrs. Pinkham. “and I want to ____ stan- Kryeburg, May latte, au.i hitting the 1*11, up to the who has reoantlj Friend Conclusion of Annual Still Has Olsan of Pitcher Cogswell, Mayor’s Before at Kryeburg are to re- Portland made Cbautauqua grounds thank you for my complete a- dard and a little more He hasn’t been released the Newark elnb of th< by be the scene of more aotlee and interest- Pinkham an error e» tbe bag for the season, l be- on thi Mazet Session. covery. LydiaE. sVege- VrC#lnllIbad Record, Atlantic league. Cogswell pitched Commission. life than ever this coming summer. ing is a wonderful _ _ lieve, and It eoems almnt impossible to clubs of th« table Compound Allentown and Youngstown The season Is to be more extended than throw one ont of bis reach. He takes won nlns medicine for women. Interstate league lost year, and formerly. The beginning Is to be made them off the like a s •• severe female ground, too, Tenney, of the 10 he He bad will not oomo I had complaints ww a games played. on July S*. and the close ss^ and altogether he hns been playing as Is ex terrible backache and ner- batting average of 205. Cogswell until August 25. between these two causing o/l(/ttj-l well ns we have seen It In tbla played ted here in a and If he turns oui be Scene At vous was dizzy most of L---- Victims of Pitcher Miller's pec day Refuses To Whether ||,> Con- dates there are to three dlstlnot, yet Affecting Kenedieiton By prostration; Pawtucket league for some time. His batting, too, to bt Say as strong as he Is recommended united features: first, the School of Meth- the time, had headache and such a tired feeling. I now have bus won us at least three of the games, clul he will fill a gap In the Portland ducts fool Rooms, ods for teachers; second, the Assembly Bishop. taken seven bottles of yonr Compound and have also used the Curves. we have to oar eredlt. A Giant, ltogether, and give what will be thi varied course of lectures probably I roper with Its Sanative Wash and feel like a new woman. I must I never we like The attendance showed a say you. trio of boxmen league. a oonferenoe for strongest In,the and concerts; and third, had me so much. 1 have better health than I marked and encouraglng growth. (Score: anything help BAbKBALb NOTES. and Sunday school teach irs parents ever had in my life. I sleep well at night, and can work all PORTLAND. the Maine State Sunday Wglter Burnham telle the Brockton sactloned by day without feeling tired. I give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- Ex-Commissioner Ham- School Association. The School of Meth- He Alludes To His En- Game Was Best BH.PO.A. K. Times that he doesn't expect to get table Compound all the Played __AB.R. ods Is one cf the official summer school- A U 1 10 1 Holmes, because he understands that for I know it ha3 Spratt, If., Educational A credit, 5 0 0 4 0 0 will be sent to Kuat He ilton On Stand. of the State Ue|artraent. feebled Condition. of the Season. Nobllt, cf., player Douglass. cured me of all 4 0 0 0 1 1 Is Issued and can be my Counlban, 3b., tbs manager writes bin proepsctus already 3 0 0 1 0 0 says Heading troubles. I would not Smith, rf.. had elf her of the State Superintendent of that Holmes has bean farmad to Port — Sullivan, 3b., 4 10 14 3 or of the Manager, do without your reme- Conroy llx, 4 1 3 13 0 0 land but he thinks this Is only evldenct Schools, Augusta, School Seesion is dies for Toft.c 4 8 8 6 0 0 that the Atlantio league manager Is 11 fryeburg. 'ihe Sunday anything.’’ ss., 3 113 6 0 of Mr. G. 11. Clark, to the foul to Declares Statement ot Mayor to be under the charge On St. Catharine's Hall Mrs. E. Klrton, of 0 1 0 3 0 party conspiracy prevent Report and Taun- Miller, p,,3 whom be ad- Manchester, Newport him from Portland, Archibald, to inquiry may Meade, Mich., writes: 33 5 7 37 13 4 (Burnham) “doing” Total, Van Wyck To lie False. dressed at Woodfords. It Is In the Assem- and Other whloh Is the joy and delight of bis heart, Institutions. "Two years ago 1 was ton Also Won. that Interest PAWTUCKET. and deprive the team here of anothet bly course, however, general troubled with constant will largely center. Tbs announcement AB.fl.BH. PO.A, E. player. Be oltee as proof of this that UltUliUlIIC HI1U s has been made. It Is has written to bliu saying that he lor thl year just Welsbeoker, If., 4 1 0 3 0 0 bpratt headache and released that hard to reject events for speolal mention; lb., 5 0 3 13 0 0 expects to be by Portland, New York, 17.—Today's sessions of was nerv- Leplne, May an A service of morning opened very 4 0 0 8 0 0 Head. ror each one of them has attractiveness prayer News, rf., player being released outright, by the Alazet investigating ooiniulttee wort 3 1 of more the second day of the diocesan conven- ous. I resolved number seven. Noyes, 3b., 4 0 1 1 been of its own. Some tho striking Well It was victory Ing, when Holmes was said to have not noteworthy in any wit- of. 3 0 0 3 0 0 particular,no a of the war tion of the Kptnropi) church of Maine at to medi- U beut the world how things Whiting, Smith the are as followei description try your Doesn't ss 4 0 0 0 6 0 farmed. Manager says by nesses of any prominence being called to Terrlss, Ir. th« West Indies, by Mr. G. K. Gra- 9 o’clock yesterday. cine and took two continue to oome our way ont on thoee 4 0 1 3 3 1 that he has no intention whatever ol Smith, 3b, way the stand. thin annexed 4 10 10 0 ham, a newspaper correspondent who was Immediately following Bishop bottles of ball we Portland people Kennedy, o., That work with Lydia grounds 3 releasing bpratt. player's James A. Mahoney, whom Mayor culled the convention to order. with other Fields, p., 4 0 1 0 0 with Schley during the great naval com- Neely Pitjkham's last winter, along sundry has teen satisfactory. Van admitted he had had soiuw Wyck the of the Prisoner At the roll oall 22 priests and 20 lay |E. and debts and Total, 86 S 0 24 15 3 bat oil Santiago; story I Com- traots of territory things. Louie Leplne of the Pawtuoket team Is business was one of the Vegetable transactions, with such an representing parishes the southern dl- 0 0 0 0 0 3 x-5 of Kenda told abundance of delegates, eight This time we got at Portland, 1 8 a Woonsocket French Canadian who was witnesses and ho was put through a long pound, and on taking and Pawtuoket, 08000000 0—8 stereoptioon illustration as to be depicted responded. rislon of the New England league, said to be a second Lafoie, for the reason series of with reference to his the third a tumor was questions Is tbree Hev U. M. Sills was chos- on this with movement as It related; unanimously the Is especially gratifying Two-base hits, Conroy, Miller, Leplne. that be halls from the same oonneotion with rooms in 1 victory apparently alleged pool en seoretarv of the convention. I was a little Stolen bases, Tarries, Fields, blble talks, and a popular lecture on expelled. aooount. Spratt, town the does. He was admitted a Double Clark and Con- Philadelphian this city. Mahoney being Ideals, bv Kev. 1 Ir. Lyman Abbott; the The committees and sent for the doctor; and he said that it was for- hfanoheetersand Kennedy. play, following standing frightened Wt, contended with the tried Pittsburg, but qulokly relegated bookmaker, and admitted also that he "Ideal a unique description of the roy. First base on Dulls, by Fields 8, by by City.” were announced: tunate for me that it came I well after that even terms, on the away. got quite Cam bridges on pretty nearly Miller 3. Struck out, by Fields 1, by to minor league company. had conducted a pool room in this oitv best tn city life, by two experts Clubs On Canons—ltev. Dean Sills Canon and have alone to thank for who were In the Miller 3, 1 hour and 40 minutes. subject; a day devoted to Woman’s your Compound my recovery." bat the fellows league Time, Brockton expects to secure Inllelder some years ago, but said that it had J. C. John Marshall Attendance, 500. under the official management of the l^etUngwell, Fortin, Multitudes of women suffer with backache. of a nuolens of Umpire Lyons. Brown. H. H. Gardiner. constantly Other last year had something Moss. been closed by the police, lie declined, Maine Federation; lectures by Hon. W. we On O. K. J. multitudes have been relieved of it Mrs. Pinkhatn’s teams, and we didn't know hut people NEWPORT, 11; CAMBRIDGE. 3. The Pawtuckets again today on the however, to answer the question as to W. Stetson, Prof A. W. Anthony, Mrs. Finance—George Cram, grateful by louu narra- M. idldden, ,T. E. Prlndle. liau nuuiu aixw The Khode Is- Muriel Loomis ta nengnuui advice and medicine. ID me upper Forest avenue grounds. whether he still conduc ed pool rooms On Dlcoesan Education—Rev. Cambridge, Mass., May 17—The New- tor of travels) and so forth. Spaoe does J. M. classed, when tile weather got warm landers are the liveliest set of ball tosiers here Very little couid be gott3n out of Sparks, G. F. Degen, C F. Lee. ports bad no difficulty In batting Galla- not permit the mention of other equally to corns and n Is as- On Unfinished Business—Rev. for the southerners seen here so far and good game interesting feauues; these have been Dean On motion of Rev. A. H. tht stated that Mr. Plant cer- enough and won 11 to 3. Morrissey, Pupineou JMr. Degen to the gher today ut random. The concerts will be Sills, Rev. W. F. Livingstone, J. F. A. sse us Events proved contrary sured. Flanagfaan will pitoh. Former Police Commissioner Hamilton taken sum of 9100 was voted to the editor of tht tainly had 6uch notice for he hud was very effective and the locals apolo- are however, Ills.)_ lata n# To.tla.llla Kao increased In number and quality. The nnd now do yon know we beginning whom Mayor Van Wyck yesterday desig- On New Parishes—J. C. J. W. North East. gized to him for not being able to l e only scored on errors. Soore: usual classes will be conducted. The Foster, at winning the pen- tu his old Pawtucket. the J. A. Merrill. to think seriously returned love, nated a blackmailer, was on stand foi manager of the Assembly, bryeburg, will bparks, On jnotion of Rev Harry Hudson the present. Mr. K. H. Gardiner also state 1 0 5 0 0 1 1 0 0 4—u Ol course all teams Newport, has released Second Baseman sent and for- A note of nant In this league. Fitchburg a short time and while then* declared answer uny inquiries him, welcome to the visiting clergy- usual number of copies ot the journal that he bad never heard of the mee ing, Cam'.'ridge, 00300-0 00 0— 3 if the We did, ward the circulars issued, requested. men and was enpeot to win pennant. Merrlman. that what the Mayor had said was abso- delegates unanimously ex- were ordered printed. but Mr. raised a great by 5. Er- The influence of this assembly is one of Degen laugh heat but there Is a Hits, Newport, 11; Cambridge, bns tended. even after Bates us, Now It la said Klotednnz signed lutely false. of the and The committee on education, through saying he had a letter ar.d a telegram rors, Newport, 4; Cambridge, 4. Batter- the best possessions state, every of difference between a per- with Worcester. was and as well William G.Ellis was great deal ies, Morrissey and Mtlleriok; Gallagher Police Commissioner Hess ques- believer In education progress unanimously elect- Rev J. W. Sparks of Waterville, report- from Mr. Gardiner giving Ills reasons a real firm oon- as who what is whole- functory Intention and and Curtis. In the future. New England league tioned regarding the dismissal of Chief those appreciate ed treasurer. ed on the resuscitation of St, Catherine’; for not able te attend Mr. Gardi- must at Its being a ohanoe to some In recreation, rejoice vlctlon that one bas got get 0. games of the Cambridge olub will be of Police MoCullagh and acknowledged The following standing committee of Hall school, that the action of ner his error. MANCHESTER, 8; BROCKTON, prosperity. stating gracefully acknowledged a at It. We have that conviction. on the Looust street In thit he nad voted be- the diocese was chosen: Kev. Dean the rector of grab N. played grounds against MoCullagh bills, St.Mark’s,Augusta, in open- He was of the opinion that the diocese because of the Manchester, H., May 17.—Manager Portland won this game South Boston. Manager Spaulding cause lie had an “impression” that Mayor Kev. J. W. bparks, Kev. C. F. Lee, John the sohool without the assistance of endorse a school and thus make Irwin’s team won its first game of tbe ing might oar man Miller Van wished him to vote that war. THE ARENA SUED. very peerless kind of ball found the grounds nt Charles River Park Wyck Marshall Brown, William G. Ellis, K. the trustees was worthy of diocesan no- it the diocesan school without becoming season tbla afternoon by a score of 8 to 6. fate of that Is to He wild that he remembered the Share's a boy going uusulted for baseball und the Cambridge ! H. Gardiner. tice, particularly as it Is the school linanclally for it. pitched. was contested and Police Commissioners Phillips ami Ham- only responsible for his work It hotly throughout For Publishing An I'naut liorlzetl Pic- get himself talked about games will all be transferred. ilton. and he believed the best to do The Bishop announced as the examining of the kind in the diocese. At the. meeting of the Maine an excellent exhibition of ball playing. thing Episcopal the season Is over. his was to vote ture of linker K«ldy. In the box before The Emeralds beat tho Fort Trebles Id to retain position against Mary chaplains for the year: Kev. C. F. Lee, Rev. Mr. Degen of Augusta, the mana- the following new a new from Baltimore, Missionary society and what control I Kennedy, pitcher MoCullagh and this he did. Several wit- P Wbat speed he had, to 17 yesterday at Fort Preble. R. W. !ant, F. E. Calvert. ger of the school, made a very members were eleoted: ltev. Russell made bis initial and gave tbe nesses were examined who within the interestinH he In the appearance 17.—A suit of has It was as clever an act did Boston, May flO.OOO At 11 o’clock the convention sermon statement of the facts of the case. At Rev. »S. P. Moore and Rev. satisfaction. Xne visiting team, past few weeks have been doing detec- Woodman, a greatest filed In the United States court box as we have seen for many day. FIELD OF SPORTS. tive work for Counsel Moss,ami they gave been by was preached in the Cathedral by Rev. the time he made his address last Herbert L. Wcod. with one or two yeaf at exceptions played good to tbo number rooms & of N. It was rather lnoky that Miller was testimony ofjpool J. C. Derby Co., Concord, H., Mr. of St. Paul's Bos- he had little iaea his for Lee was Score: Lindsey church, very how plans Rev. Charles Pollen re-elected ball In every inning. that are being run in is’ew York city at the AreDa Pub- for the visitors Introduced photographers, against ton. the sohool were to bis best, too, The Bath Gun olub will give au Inter- the time. declared that the opening be carried out, secretary and Mr. W. G. Kills- tieasurer. whose Manchester, 03000006 0—8 present They of Boston and the Alli- a twlrler by the name of Fields, was that no was lishing company Luncheon wns served in the Parish I but it that his remarks ( The convention session was resumed Brockton, 00100300 3—6 state meet on Its range in Wooolwloh this number large; difficulty appeared having a sunburst of red, in in these ance Publishing company of New York house at 1 o’clock. nut Is surrounded by summer. Invitations have been sent to experienced gambling places been reported in the papers aroused much and Rev. Mr. Norwood of the House of Manchester, 10; Brockton, 8. at will and that at no time was the po- use of the Isn’t so as young Mr. Calla- lilts, for the alleged unauthorized The convention resumed its read a and who big all the gun dubs in that state and to business interest. the Good Shepherd, Rockiaud, Errors, Manchester, 6; Brockton, 4. Bat lice Interference thought of the well- whom we had the day of Mrs. M. B. Eddy, m. han of Manchester, and l«ke; Day and Evers. Massachusetts teams. The will bo continued tomor- picture at J.36 p. Mr. Degen bad an interview with Mr. statement of the finances of the institu- terles.kennedy healing in the but Is a much better pitcher. row. known Christian .Scientist May before, Wilson of Bath got a decision over THE AFTERNOON bEbblON. McMullan, who held the mortgage on the tion. hetet the Arena. Fields had one fault which TAUNTON, 10; FITCHBURG, 2. which was unsuccessful. Mr. The total from nil sources were Manuel of Portland In a sparring exhibi- At the the school, receipts is an article opening of afternoon session Manchester man, he couldn’t always F1SHERMEN HAPPY. The picture accompanied by McMullan refused to do and total big Fitchburg, 17.—Fitchburg tried tion at Bath Tuesday evening. Manuel is anything except 13, 411.id), expenditures ;3,,57.- May W. Dresser entitled Bishop Neely read his annual report of them over the plate, but when they Horatio “Kddylsiu sell. He would not lease it to one 41. This does not include the bills from get McCarthy, the new pitcher, today, and confident he oan best Wilson, and the lat- his official acts for the The whole any horns could- Season At Mooaehrad-Portland year. could reach them the players him a re. Opens Exposed. for school purposes. It came to Mr. 3d. When these ore there he lost his own game In the first Inning ter is perfectly willing to give number of continuations has been smaller pril paid them out of reach. There (iooil Luck. All newsdealers have been warned not n't seem to rap which will ocour In Port- Anglers Having Uegen’s knowledge that there was a syn- will be a small deficit. two errors. After tbe turn match, than for several to the ill- of hard luok about the by wildness and to sell copies of the May Arena under years owing was a good deal land. j dicate in Augusta all ready to buy the On motion of Rev. Walter Stewart of It was a health of the as he has been un- took and that ac- third Inning pretty game. Moy- severe The suit was Hied in Bishop, direction the hits may Greenville Junotion, May 17.—The penalties. property, pull down the buildings and Bath, the usual votes of thanks were was effective when hits were need- BI MONTHLY SHOOT OF PORT- able to visit all of the parishes. In for the red twlr- nahan the court yesterday and attachment many count somewhat topped warm weather of the late cut the land for house lots. had and after a brief address by the LAND GUN CLUB. balmy April of them there are now candidates await- up They passed ed and received fine support. Score; made on the Arena Publishing company ler’s apparently good showing. and has suddenly 48 hour8 to make up their minds. In the with reference to his somewhat early May disappeared in this but not on the New York confirmation. The address Bishop the sec- 51300020 x—10 'dho shoot of the Portland city, ing Bishop’s Pawtuckets two runs came in Taunton, hl-monthly fishermen who are to meantime Mr. saw Mr. weaken d tho convention ad- and the flocking tlriu. contained Degen Mauley, condition, Fitchburg, 010000 0 10—2 Gun olub was held afternoon a feeling tribute to the memo- ond Inning and there were some people Wednesday have ulsters sailed for on the who made an with Mr. He did not know whether he Moosahead by every train Mr. Dresser Europe of the late Williams of Connec- arrangement journed. at the 8. Er- on the Ocean street grounds. 'd'hete was Canada ry Bishnp who were displeased way Hits, Taunton, 6; Fitchburg, and ear mulls as a of their steamer today accompanied by Titcomb whereby he the would become stronger or what the out- present 7. part equip- of the bought proper- too. rors, Taunton, 3; Fitchburg, Batter- a -mull attendance but the weather con- his wife. ticut, presiding bishop church. them and with some reason, ment. Snow fell in liurrles the from Mr. McMullan and then leased come would be. Thus far he had not they got and Barrlll; McCarthy along The called attention to ty ies, Muynahnn ditions wore favorable for results. Bishop bt.Cath- Smith was the first man up for the visit- good B. & and men who it to him, Mr. for three at deemed it to ask for any assis- and Murphy. upper A., Monday, erine’s Hall school, It has Degen, years, necessary and hit to who K. A. Randall did the fancy work of the MAINE WOMAN PKEblDED. Augusta, paid ors It this Inning Miller, came down from Boulton said they had a $400 a year. tance ip uis work of visitations, but he UEAGUE STANDING its current expenses for the and sent one roll- NEW KNGUAND party and at unknown expert, doubles 17.—The business ses- past year threw him out. Kennedy heavy hail storm there and that they Baltimore, May Mr. Degen described the masterly in- could not tell what the future will de- it "^~Won.~Uost. ~P«r Cc and known broke titi out of his sion of the 13th annual convention of the it Is earnestly hoped that the small down to Connlhan, who let go by angles were their snow shoes out of the trustees in their ol ing getting nguiu • the activity policy velop. of Wo en’s Centennary association, amount neoessury to relieve it from in- seems he wants tc do about 7 0 l Oct) 100 maklug a continuous run of breaks him as it Portland, in upper Aroostook. national missionary society of the I'ni- thinking about what should be dune tc From now until September his duties Taunton, 5 1 .833 74 debtedness ought to be quickly given. half the time. That gave the visitors a targets. The has the versalist church, opened this morning the school and aro light in any event, 3 3 500 George Greeley party pen- The the Good reopen doing nothing. comparatively Fitchburg, scores were as Second verbalist with House of Shepherd at filed out to Clark and The olub follows: at the Uni church, e llfa Fields Newport, 3 4 .428 nant so far this season, both for its suc- Mr. Degen holds the entire property in By that tin he hoped to be able to know £5 Mrs. C. A. Quin by of Maine in the chair, Kocklaud was also mentioned as an ex- j knocked one over Into Yel- 3 3 400 E. A. Kamlall, be ns Weisbecker Pawtuoket, cess as a trout syndicate as well as a of the A con- h|s own name, but be insists that it is definitely wh .t the result would to 3 4 333 Wilkes, £5 as president organization. ceptionally worthy object of support. It j low stone back of the bicyola track Brockton, went the lake in service was conducted park, 5 £3 social society. They up ference and prulee Cambridge, 3 .286 Williams, kn U*.' \1 A IHaniu rtf MncsufthnuiMa Is the only Institution of the kind in the where Jaok Spratt Is keeper. 1 5 29 the steamer and returned the names of the trustees shall be up to this Manchester, .166 Bradley, Louisa, May 8, be printed bishop Neely point spoke Hi An address of welcome was delivered by diocese. It should made an object of Jack ascended five or six mountains. Merrill, The party consisted of George In the annual report, exaotly as If they with the utmost calmness, hut when he 29 Monday. the Rev. Anthony Rllkovsky, pastor of In all of the » »»»« Gray, regular parish offerings ooaewa aowu iuhuj, iwuw H. Grteley of Bangor, lear admiral; the church, to which Mrs. Quinby re- had taken their usual part In Its manage- rose to give his blessing in adjourning let It in tne oriental medal mated the loi several Darlenes. nnd Anally settled under the ball, AA llUaAli i.r.Auur. UAaas Henry J. Hathaway, Houiton n ex-couec- sponded. ment. the convention, his voice broke and it the lowing were the scored: At session an address on Gen. John Marshall Brown presented drop In bis hands, and then alas, tor of customs, chief of the medical staff; tonight’s Mr. Degen said that the trustees not was with the greatest difficulty that he At CleTela.nl—The Cinclnnati-CJeve- E. A. 22 the was delivered the annual of the com- let it out. Louis hit Randall, “Placing Emphasis," report standing to lluiab. all of sequel, diop LepiDe hmtl on acoount of rain. Dr. Isaac Strickland of Bangor, chief 13 A. of and one only bad done nothing to help the school, was able Nearly those game postponed Wilkes, 21 by Rev. Wright Maine, the Canonical consent in oeutre Held and mittee for year. over Noblit's hend At Pittsburg—Pittsburg, 11; Chicago, Williams, I'J surgeon; Sam Booth by and Charles on “Help the Woman,” by Rev. Dr, but on the contrary bn was sorry to say present were in tears has been to the election of one went out on a t H. Pullman. given two runs oatne lu. News iiradley, 17 Gilman of Portland, vice admirals; John Royal that some of them had permitted false At 10; Brook- and one postulant has been ad- DU. DUTLKK AT OKONO. to and tbe run column was Brooklyn—Philadelphia, of chief of the bishop fly Toft, U. Dorscher Jersey City, statements to gain currency concerning lyn. ADDRESS TO POPULISTS. mitted deacon. 17.—Dr. butler of closed to the visitor* for the afternoon. At Baltimore -New York-Baltimore weather department; Dr. Garland and the sohool. Said he: “If you don't want OroDo, May Colby SCHOOL AND COLLEGE. John M. Glldden for the finance narrow es- Kansas 17.—An address Col. a lecture at the There were one or two very game ended in third Inning by rain. Charles Luoe of Gloucester, Mass., in- City, Mo., May to give anything, don't, but don't tell university gava Congre- tit. to the of the wuj issued committee oertliled to the correctness of hut Miller always to see At tit. Louis—Louisville, 2; Louis, of G. H. Bemls of Populists country gational church tonight, under the auspi- capes. managed spector tish; Bangor, the lies about It. 1. Called at end of rain. hero tonight by national organization the referred to them at the morn- Sullivan sixthly reports ■ ces of the Womans’ club. The subject that we pulled out all rlgnt. Wednesday afternoon at Roger Wil- chief of commissary department. The committee of the Peoples party. A hard Mr. Degen read an Interesting financi- ing session. was ‘‘Uses of literature.” Among those saved some rnns in the llret Inning by NATIONAL LEAUUE STAND1NU. liams ball. Rates college, ooourred the party chartered the Louisa for their stay light was made to secure the endorsement al statement of the school: and Donnol* ltev. Bruce Nicholson of Fort doubt the most beau- in an of Wharton Parker Ignatius George present were dolegates from the Athene, what was without graduating exercises of Cobb Divinity and made their headquarters at- RECEIPTS. Won. Loet. Per ci- for President and Vice President in was eleoted a trustee of bt, of the season in the local Seeboomook. )y Fairfield l'Jth Century and Norombega clubs of tiful play school nod Bible sohool, Presi- tractive cottage at but this the committee refused to st. l.outs. 19 7 .731 Training 1POO, Catherine’s Mall. From St. Mark's parish, Augus- There were three on bases and 8 .892 distinguished arrivals recommend. Instead a bangor. grounds. Chicago. 19 dent Chase presiding. The diplomas were Among Monday’s thorough organi- ta, $1,465.64 19 8 .704 zation of the middle-of-the-roaders In he was elected Mr. After the lecture Dr. butler was two out. Terries hit tbe ball sharply Brooklyn. Dean Members of at the Moosehead Inn were Bishop Healy After Rev. Plant From other 333.58 given Philadelphia. 17 10 .629 presented by Howe. is parishes, every section of tha country uiged with a and Mrs. over tbe third Sully down Kev. Fr. of Portlund. wanted to know wbat be was eleoted to. From old pupils, reception at the home of Dr. hag. swooped ClDClnmUl. 15 8 652 tbe graduating class were: Tbs Divinity and Hurley They that shull enter 15 11 .577 the understanding they Individuals In Augusta, 335 (Xi a he had to Bostou... lake in the afternoon Ma wanted to know If the From M. C. Fern aid. on U like hawk, though school, Herbert Williams went up the and the next natlonul campaign with the corporation 63 HU Baltimore .. 13 13 .5410 Cummings, From Individuals In tho state, out full to reach a few at Deer Island. had not been dissolved when the stretoh himself length New York. 9 15 .375 Montpelier, Vt.; Charles Edwin MoCol- will spend days present Populist organization. property From Individuals out of the state, 480.06 REV. MR. SHEPHERD AND bISHO 10 16 .4uo it. Then he managed by some kind of Louisville. John Mer- John Heald, Maine Central det»*ctive was disposed of under the mortgage and From the llishop for rent, 306.25 Pitts burg. 9 16 .360 leo, Winnebago City, Minn.; NEELY. act to throw his and Morris McDonald that whatever the school now Is the trus- Inoome, 3,017.68 a circus fairly body Washington... 5 21 .102 rill Paige, Rlohmond; Talmage Patter- Superintendent NEWS NOTES. 250.00 3 20 .130 MAINE Doan, the in time to Cleveland. were also the at See- tees have nothing to do with It. To the Editor of the Press: over to bag put Noyes out, son, Waterford, N. B.; Frank Pearson, among sportsmen Sale of old furniture, 10.10 liev. Mr. that come who was running from second. Madison, N. U.; Edwin Herbert Pres- boom ook cottage. Mr. Heuld succeeded Degen explained simply Dear Sir—It having to my knowl- score oti of u 4 of because the to be tem- $6,200.25 that the friends of Portland didn’t until th9 fourth, oott, 'Manchester, N. H. Biblical Train- in getting the track 1-2 pound Mrs. Frank R. Haskell Augusta, property happened edge many bishop BOWDOIN OUTCLASSED. laid aside It Is no reason The were $6,541.99 and the are inclin' d to consider and then not until two men were out ing school, John Thomas Clow, South square taller and Superintendent McDon- 30m mitt 3d suicide by cutting her throat porarily why expenses Neely in Maine as Sullivan had been given a life no Smith’s Kdwin Able Rich- ald caught eight trout in six minutes, the Tuesday. She was 38 years of age, and the oorporution should die, but on the balance estimated necessary to a sermon I preached ut St. Paul's church N. 17.—Dartmonth Litchfield; Dlnslow, Hanover, H., May all the more It should be the on a nut at seoond, and Giant Conroy brought mond Corner. The sohool smallest of which weighed two and the only sister of William Russell. Re- contrary why oomplete year $1,567.97, making a few Sundays ago Ritualism, per- defeated Bowdoln here Divinity grad- oollege today by alive In case nn offer of a new a total of leaving u balance ol criticism of 1 wish lo most him in by a delightful drive to centre. A uates are settled In as one half pounds. side Mr. Haskell, one daughter, 14 years kept $8,109.96, sonal him, say a score of 28 to 0. The was won already pastorates game or a endowment should be Of this Mr. no such irt n- wild throw by Noyes in the sixth set tbe follows: K. H. Prescott at Jefferson Tom Walker, the Portland insurance of age, survives her. school made. $1,567.97. deficit, Degen emphatically that 1 had the terrific of fce nof mainly through hitting Mr. Plant was not himself advanced about $800. He warn- tlon. My relations have always hall to rolling again and singles by street Free church, man, caught a three and one-half pound- A forest lire broke out in the vicinity of convinced, but.Mr. the locals. Score: Baptist Blddeford; the most pleasant and cordial chnraen r and a sweet drive Mil- in front of the from Rar R. H. Gardiner assured him that no ed the remainder made up as It was Clark and Toft by H. W. Cummings, Garland; F. Pear- er from the wharf Lake Eagle lake, live miles Harbor, and it would ill become me in public field In 8 7 1 10 3 0 3 0 1—38 noon The lire was transfer of the property had bean made money actually owed to tradesmen and in his words or ler clear to left fence, brougbt Dartmouth, son, Farmington, X. H.; T. Patterson, House, at dawn Sunday morning. about Tuesday. print to call quostiou Bowdoln, 20 00 2 6000—0 vote of tbe trustees. So far as others who were entitled to It. Mr. De- acts. two runs. Two more came In tbe elghtb. New Gloucester; J. M. Paige, Rich- F. F. Coggin and George K. Haynes of burning so liercely at three o’clock that by tbey are were Respectfully yorrs, them but It relieved tbe are at Moosehead town authorities sent out a crew of are concerned, they still alive and gen’s remarks received with loud We didn’t need Hits, Dartmouth, 21; Bowdoln, 13. mond; C. E. McColley goes to lowu; J. Portland registered Inn. bho Jos. battell Shepherd. for business. continued teuslon wbiob bail been something horri- Errors, Dartmouth, 6; Bowdoin, 16. Bat- T. Clow to tne Bible Training school, men to light the iiames. A very high ready applause. teries, Cooke and Drew; Pratt and KILLED BY A CYCLONE. Marshall Brown was elect- On motion of Dean Sills a resolution INJURED. ble all through the game. Most of us Wlg- Weet Gardiner; E. A. Dlnslow. South wind was blowing and this caused ap- Gen. John HOD nott. 17.—A ed to fill tbe on tha of and to Mr. worried a good deal about the ninth in- MontviUe. Manchester, Iowa, May dissus prehension that the lire may give consid- existing lay vaoanoy encouragement sympathy boston, May 17.— C. H. Nelson, of Wat- over the hit to Miller and U. OF M. BEATS AMHERST. trous cyclone swept vicinity of erable bother before it is trnstees. Degen was jiassed, the school being rec- M**.. the well-known ho»se»nan. ning nt that. Kennedy northeast of extinguished. erville, Colesburg, 20 miles this city Canon to all was through Pemberton are ont. fields had been be- There are no summer or The Bishop appointed Charles T. ommended in the dlooese. uriviug sq was an easy easy MAINE PENSIONS. last doing great danmgo. Three cottages build-1 with a friend when the 17.—Amherst was beat- night canon of Mr. If his afternoon looked to see him re- Amherst, May wree killed and others that are in Ogden as an honorary the Ca- Rev. Paplnesn asked pledges for fore and we rather Washington, May 17.—The persons many in- lags danger. horse run away. Mr. Nels >n su c e i-d en by the University of Maine In a close- following town is hfteeu miles a and Rav. Robert M. the school's deficit were He but he sent it over tbe heads of the jured. The from In the cane rush at the University of thedral, appointed In order. In throwing the animal, but In so uo n« tired, ohanges are announoed: and details are ly contested game In whloh there was pension railroad meagre but the Plant as oanon to suooeed Rev. John was told that were and several tell between the wheels and was some- inlield for a single. Welsk beoer and Maine, Monday night, Henry U. Hoyt they following are known to have been killed: himself. A deaf ml Hum of batting at Pratt’s field this ORIGINAL. Foster, wbo has removed from tbe were received what Injured both their evil Intentions plenty Jerome a child ,f Aroostook county was caught in a MoG. pledges accordingly aggre- Lapiue signified George Lang, Jacobs, man who was croslng the square *w»s afternoon: Daniel W. Lufkin, South Mr. and Mrs. in two dlocjse. These were con- about Rev. Mr. Plant re- br the ball with a great deal Levant, IF; named Tupper. Ridenous jam and his right leg broken appointments gating $250. knocked down by the runaway and “swatting” Jaoob Soldiers' ami the Seortt Judge, Home, Kennebec, are seriously injured two firmed. turned to ones more and asked uf hut both times Mr. Nobllt Tupper the'obarge trampled upon. vim, plaosd *d. children are not expected to live. The places. U. 6 0 2 3 0 1 3 0 x-18 ore W. Pierce hvl been ar- The report of the reotor, wardens and If in fact St. Catherine’s Rail Is a dio- Himself in the right plaos and it was all ofMa, storm alec did great damage in the vicin- Ref George 0 3 0 0 1 1 4 3 0—10 ADDITIONAL. Art. Amherst, Port and the for murder and crlmi- of tbe Cathedral, was cesan sohool. He honored Mr. over ity of Little along Turkey tested attempted vestrymen received, sald£he she is in John Morrow, Madison, f4 to |e. river. his that the Parish house Is now but did not understand that St. 14Mrs Wall says Interested high was the best hall Hits, University of Maine, 15; Am- ll til libel, wife, Edith R. Pieroe, had showing Degen, Altogether It playing art.” herst, 11. Errors, Unlvsrslty of Matas, INCRXAM. a on Catherine's Hall la a diocesan sohool. seen this sis son. Moth teams sued for divorce the grounds of cruel completed. we have 3; Amherst, 2. Batteries, Cushman and LIKED MAINE U1KLS TOO WELL. “No doubt. Her husband is a frescoer. Thomas S. Bowden. abusive treatment and $10,- The Bishop nominated Rev. Charles alnoe Mr. Degeo leased It and opened It lidded beautifully, and It did one’s soul Clark; Kant and Rushmore. Washington, |17 And askiug —Philadelphia Bulletin. to tau; Isaiah W. Cross. Morrill, tlU to Newton, Mass., May 17.—.Samuel D. lieu of The Dee as a member of the General himself. to be there. Portland’s errors, Were jOO iu alimony. divorce was Folleu good At Worcester—Holy Ciuss, 6; Williams, nr. Eaton, a drummer of -Newtouville, is and Mrs. Pierce about Missionary Council of the dloosse^to fill Mr. Plant denied that he bed ever re- About the Same all excusable exoept Counlban’s fumtie 0. under arrest, charged with polygamy. granted gets Thing. KK1J3CE AND INCREASE. of the The was made by Chief Tarbox the wbloh she a vacancy. ceived any notloe of the meeting in the second Inning. The latter bus not At Mlddistown—Yale, 1U: Wesleyan, 6. complaint *4,000, including $1,300 Patrice-—Does your friend keep horses? At Harvard, 4. go to JF. and alleges that Eaton was married to Pierce borrowed of The convention sleeted Rev. Walter trustees called to see what action should his horses bis any wbsre uear Cambridge—Tufts. 10; Joseph Ifaoruton, Tugus, aihrms her, giving Patience—Well, no; keep him. been Holding position At Princeton—Brown. 3. Miss Mildred Gilman of , 6; Prluoeton, his note, which he afterwards de- Stewart of Bath and Mr. John M. Cole- be taken to. help Mr. Degen, as Mr. He's in the livery business.—Yonkers to redeemed blmaelf to some O-HIUl.NAL, WIDOWS, RTO. Me., in 1894 and that in of the her up mark,bat At Amherst—University of Maine, 12. January Statesman. be married Miss Settle M. man members ofjthe council. Degen had stated. i extent anyway, by one beautiful play, Amherst, 10. Velzora T. White, Moulton, fb. present year stroyed. nincEiunova ! MISCLLLA NEOUSL to MinooxANion. daring the evening, the wind increasing than usual, and he reuarked to on* of his Lincoln street a 4-lr.ch, extension or near Cnmborlnnd tbi T FOUR SHORT BLASTS. some. Up to 9 o'clock p. m., there were crew that shs would probably pats street to North to supply tlms the Mtinjoy hill and a 4-lnoh on WEAK CHILDREN. no Indications of snob a storm as came. to Thatcher’s Island. At that district, were Ills wife had Vaughan from Danforth to A sen LIFETIME. The glens did not seem to be high cnoogh wind and light street, Spring THE”CHANCE OF that street. fora northeaster. Generally with such Intended to go home on the Port land to sho A 4 a northeast the In night; and he had reason suppose per cent, dividend was declared. wind glass starts very of You have never known of bucIi Values as wa* on but he thought nothing Bioyole and high and drops Witness saw nothing in board, The following annual statement of th« an of Last Sights not that anything would and Girls Seed In- Story the conditions at 7 m. to' a it, supposing finance* we offer you in the ’99 Chain MBs*Cures Form of Inflammation; p. prevent of fiscal Growing Boys a for the the company for the yeai regular highest grade Every vessel saw vessels interfere with rnfe voyage leaving Boston. He INTERNAL as much as EXTERNAL. Portland. steamer. The Maud 8. got into Uloir endlog April 1899. was made: Tonic. Sounds of passing op and down the Cape that even- 29, The real danger from known ailmwit of vigorating all At flrvt he thought 01 every ing. At 10 o'clock the weather was not (outer right. ASSETS. mankind 1s caused by inflammation. (’lire the in- to but ns it was Saturday flammation and the disease. Inflam- bad, and if the weather was the same at going Boston, you eonquor and was to be gained by pushing (Jas works, street mains and mation is manifested outwardly by redness,awelliffc Thatcher's Island as at Race Point he nothing and heat. Inwardly hy of the blr«Ki he would" into Glouces- other roul (X congestion saw nothing that should prevent the on he thought get estate, $250,000 reuse's, growth of unhealthy tissue, pelt), fever and If It Mas its abacesses. bums, bruises, broth, course. ter and proceed to Boston Sunday. works, new contructions, 66,878.21 I. disease; sithmt, Vinol Will be Found to b« the Best Portland continuing on her At VICTORS All forms had been a he should $4 rliltls, colds, coughs, croup, catarrh, chaps. Friday probably midnight, however, the wind had become of sore throat, la grippe, mumps, muscular aoreix sa. and Life Savers Tell Their have on to and been lost Thing lu the World for Them. Mariners very severe. Witness showed from bis gone (Boston 816,878.21 with all hands, 'lne storm when it came Less 15 791.21 records that the barometer was at 2'.*. 52 at depreciation charged off, Stories. with of the fallen from burst suddenly and great fury. The Victor is the best Chainless made. midnight 20th, having of Portland, Spinrolier Bicycle 30.(2 at sunset. Most of this fall came Captain Albert Bragg 8U0.081.0S master the steamer Horatio Hall, n Cash, SAFESoOTHm6SATlSmHG of after 11 and the fall wa* 4.538.0 an Family in 1^10. o’clock, very for over Originated by old Physician sailor and Investment o\ re rapid. Witness has studied the barome- for forty-five years, fund for renewals Let us show you why they are the best in the world. Could a remedy have existed for eighty yea This Delicious is connected with the New and unless it has cured family ills? There is not Builder-Up Enjoyed but never saw such IhWty years insurance, 81,647.0' many terlong; just per- He a In use wnich has tho cunlidence of York wts the next wltntsa. Consumers accounts remedy today conditions. line, receivable, 13,£01.27 an as this formance during such weather of tor tho public to so great extent Anodynes the Children. sailed from Portland for New York, tSalea accounts receivable, 2,672.14 aaaaaaaa by of About three o’clock Punday morning Mailed free.* Continuation Hear- on Novem- tills Our Book on INFLAMMATION a hurricane. eight o'clock .Saturday night, Notes, receivable, 8,0-10.01 the wind was blowing The Doctor** signature and directions oa every bottlcj ber 28. lie found the sea and wind light as 31,854.71 » Klx ta.0ft. The question of counsel then brought Inventories, per soheilule, Bold by all DrugtUts. l*rS-«\ cents. kettle*, in U. when he wont and had be iieen In s. >H XSQN AO On»t om House flt-. Boston, BaesJ ing S. Court. out the mest Interesting testimony of the out, j, Cant. Blancimrd's he should have day: place $381,794.31 “Best Liver Bill Mado.’* Gives and Strength to the had no hesitation about sailing. In the Vinol Vigor "At 5.45 o'clock Sunday, as I was stand- LIABILITIES. course of the Horatio Hall, whiah Is forty F. O. BAILEY & bed I heard a as as the ing at foot of my wile’s CO., Mind Well Body. and direct steamer’s whistle miles cast of Thatcher's island, Capital stock, $849,800.0' from Portland to Cape Uod, the storm Consumers deposits, 657.0( 46 Street. .arsons’ Pills SHORT BLASTS came is 16 Exchange BLOW FOUR on gradually. The oourse Purchase .'icoounts, 5,974.14 n.y9eod2w Positively cure biliousness and sick hesdschn, he UTerandfJowelcoaipialnt Thtyoxn^ialllinpuriiles Testimony Concluded aud went miles from Boon Island, and usually Profit and May 1, Ques- (which is the signal of distress). I loss, autplus from tho blo«>il. Delicate women find relief fr«»rtx saw the light, but did uot tliat. night. 25,863.8! livefl.fC. and at the clock, and rang 1899, BSlnglliem. PriceWctv.; Pamphletfr«t. We Guarantee that Vinol is Harmless tion of Law Now Follows. out glanced About one o’clock Sunday morning the J.B. JOHNSON S. LO„ 22 Custom House St., Boston* the gong for the boat." The sound In- wind was blowing about forty or fifty $881,794.3! an and he and Espeeially Good for Weak dicated that the steamer must have been miles honr, off Peaked Hill bar. Witness telephoned 1IOVE THE HORATIO HALL TO, TH K TEMPORARY HOME. Children. Peaked bar and then and Growing to the Hill station, remaining that way until eight o’clock of th< The the loss oi the sent a man ont to locate tbs wreck. The “I never saw suob a Annual Mfrllng and Reports The Public. examination into Sunday morning. To sea was at that time the tide steamer Portland was begun again very high, storm in my life,” said the witness. Officers. contributing to make the conditions the Wednesday In the United States Counsel nttemped to ask the witness On ami after May 1, 1890, Are >ot Satisfied. morning eor-t he had ever seen. At about 8 Try It, and tf Von been At the annual meeting of th court before Judge Webb. As on the pre- o’clock in the evening Sunday one of the whether or not, had the Portland adjourned WILTON all hills of the Consolidated the after We Will Give lou Back Money. vlous.afternoon the testimony was a most men of the station came In with a life near Boon island when the storm struck, Temporary Home, held Wednesday marked "Steamer Portland." as follows Electric Light Co. of Maine for ! interesting recital of the events of Satur- preserver it would have been safe to attempt to noon, the oflioers were sleeted The man also that he had seen -tith and reported turn her but Judge Webb excluded the President—Mrs. A. W. Longfellow. and will be made out day and Sunday, November an oil such ns would be used to light power bag question, us going into the realm of spec- Vice Presidents-Mrs. Philip H. BrOWl 27thv by those who had the best facilities spread oil to calm the sea. The next at the as the, not thrive as be ulation. and 51 rs. J. W. D. Carter. prices, quoted by If your boy or girl does much wreckage began to ooine for knowing the few facts which have morning Capt. Bragg testified that his steamer Secretory—Mrs. F. O. Johnston. ' may make up your ashore, belonging to four distress Portland Electric Light Co. or she should, you been obtainable concerning the sad mys- apparently did not at any time blow any Treasurer—Miss Cornelia M. Dow. their different vessels. Three miles of the coast off mind they are out growing strength. The signuls while she was hove to Cape The of Miss Dow, the treasurer Velvet In addition to this all tery of the steamer and her people. were strewn. There w«s part of a dory roport lump Cod on the Sunday -_____ notice that your boy does not play morning. th s Carpets. If marked "Farmer during jou attorneys of the company had brought Welker," linking kits, Mr. J. F. Llscomb was called and tes- showed a total expenditure renewals will be furnished himself as with the other boys and enjoy spars, and purts of a steamer painted yel- Port- which wa with great care witnesses from all por- tified tbut no part of the steamer year of $3,098.54, of $1,515.48 This serviceable grade of has better low with a red deck nua wreckage Carpeting free. is the nature of a boy, you bad piece, land was red or yellow, like the fuel and water tions of the const between hero and Cape of the Witness did not himself painted for provisions, light, Portland. of a steamer as found make mind that his health Is portion described am been in and g up your Cod. The mariners of Ann, of see of the of the schooner for salaries; »18Cfcr repairs largely improved manufacture, CONSOLIDATED* ELECTRIC Cape Cape any wreckage among the wreckuge on Cape Cod. $1*048.99 cot whnt It should be. The flrst body came ashore Cod, aud of Casco liay, the hardy life- King Philip. This closed the testimony, and a dis- the remainder for nitJcellam>ou» expen at in LIGHT CO. OF MAINE. atten- at his 7.8J m., Daoineber 5. present compares favorably designs Urowine children need careful stallonat p. cussion as to the status of the ot whlol j§ savers of began see. Xhe were $3,222.09. who guard the deadly prong When asked where he thought the receipts food, well cooked, claims, ana what the effect was of the Weston F. Millikeu, Pres. tlon. They need proper sand which Cod into the was from state appropriation ; $6S i and colorings with the Cape protrudes withdrawal of the claimants from the $1000 and of It, but above all, they need STEAMER PORTLAND FOUNDERED, frori Wm. II. Treas. plenty Atlantic like the sickle of the Grim proceedings for the limitation of liabil- from annual subscription; $176.77 Wood, one watch them, and bo sure "In gome to Reaper, the light-house keepers who Il- the witness replied: my opinion ity. The commissioner had reported board of children; $690.44 from Interea hut this same food is digested, tnn nu'niucr ruiuauu iuuo» unm about half a million dollars of claims etc. that properly lumine the uncertain pathway of the on Inrestment; $234 from donations, Mr. took the ground that tms re- YOU WILL BE QLAD and accomplishes the results that it dered somewhere off Peaked Hill liar Libby 'I lin oanrutiirT. Mrs. F. C. Joimston ROYAL WILTONS. ocean, and some of the few hardy men port should not Aland absolutely since BUY TIIE-- should. Lfe Station, northeast.” 'Jhls is —IF YOU who were on the sea in tbo Having there had been no hearing on any one of Is her annual report, says: Our is one-half with the reason Wine of of Province- filed price nearly This is one why Vlnol, that and sur/ived their Captain Wm. W. Cook, the claims. The claims had been hy home where friendless, needy women nm night ^through on Liver "Ife the most invaluable of the Peaked Hill Bur Life the commissioner as ponding heatings who are no t Cod Oil, own seamanship or the favor of Neptune, town, keeper girls, and little children, same durability. solenoe. them. Mr. Libby stated that they should of all tonlos known to medical Having Station for the last three years, for other Institution, cal were culled In succession to give opinions of course object to this as a final court. eligible any to more was next called. He is another fine spec- designs and colorings. n Vinol helps the stomach easily fear- It would seem proper that thhis examina- find a more nearly in accord wit | Special and facts about the events of those imen of Kimball's Jfe saving refuge, that is token into it. Sopt. tion of claims should b# deferred ufitl 1 know: digest everything came a real home than they have ever ful hours In November. corps. He told how the great|storm determined the stomach for itself all the court should have hot Vlnol helps the g«t continued on that bleak November Saturday night, before, and he tenderly oarod for, Messrs. Libby and Thompson degree of llubilitgr of the steamboat com- the nourishment that fs from the until it became such |a hurricane from their sad heart possible the line of which they had been pany. soul and body, that is Inquiry 0 a. ui. to 12 m. Sunday as he never be- food that is eaten. The oonsequenoe It was determined (hat Commissioner shall be from the downward ste pursuing when court adjourned the fore saw in his seventeen years experience turned, of ilesh is increased, the Bradley should withdraw his report ond of FOR LADIES AND GENTS. that the renewal on the back side of Cape Cod. The wit- and taught of hcpe and possibilities night before. amend it by stating that pending the and healtny, the ness described the weather conditions to oarefo Regnlar Road Wheel, IfW blood is kept pure Frank of determination of the examina- better future. It is our mission Captain Scripture, Rockport, and were such as liability, ! 11 Racer Koaf Provinoetown, Treasurer and Clerk—Frederick E. est possibilities for the future lie aion General Consultation Clerk. Miss Owen ' amount of steamer pass each It usually went doing him a wo derful good.” night. member of the crew at Race Point sta- Moore. the line of mother love and mother ri will be at tbc .ervice of our lady custo- our store we about 9 and no other 6teamer Directors—Ed ward II. Elias consult with her If you will but come to by o’olock, tion, went on duty at 8 p. in. Nov. 2% Daveis, sponslbilltles. Therefore we expect eve: mers who may wish to ever went that Thoinus, Wm. 11. Moulton. Fred N. Dow, of iu or will to you that Vinol, though it to his knowledge by as to the of her child c ou the points style costume, prove surfman, patrolling westward, ri. Lamson. to assume the oare for Charles Fobes, Hufus girl and fitness of material: her does contain the ootlve. ouratlve princi- course at that time of night. Except The,weather was hence are durability up aroundJKaoe.Point. Mr. Lamson takes the of Mr. E. leaving the Home, they taugt and extensive in this oil fa- and the direction of place long experience ples wbioh hare made ood liver the hour of passing moderate up to 1U o'clock that night, in Its various) E. Hounds as the city’s representative. housekeeping departmem lino amply prepares her to be of great free from there was no means of know- when a severe i-quall of wind burst upon mous, Is positively fat, grease, poreeeding, to lit them for thsse duties. Kvery caf service in this and w« At 12 o’clock it was snow- 'ihe annual report of President E. H. position will, feature. On the the unless the ejeotrlc that region. or any objeotionable ing steamer, by comes before the board Is careful! trust, a long felt need iu this ing, and blowiogjvery hard. On the night Davels was a very clear and full presen- that supply delloious and whioh were located on the contra’-y, it is most appetiz- lights, high of November 27 witness found doori, tops considered and every effort made to ine< special department. tation of the operations of the company to all that we soil Vinol That six vessels wout of electric bulbs ami other We extend a cordial invitation ing. Also remember Portland. night wnsbstunds, Its individual need. This requires muc scat- the year. The consumption of to and return the Cove and 23 at wreckage piled up on the beach, during our lady customers freely fully under a guarantee, and will ashore at Pigeon uuu Kind You Have and which has been tered on the beach for a mile and a gn« for the year ending April 80th was time thought. The Always Bought, avail themselves of Miss Owen's valuable The witness said that never money that you pay us if you do not llnd Gloucester. station. The habit are not brol of aud we quarter eastward of tha top 74.404,300 feet, against 77,033, S00 feet last The chulns of easily in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature services in this new sphere coqti* hud a 6torm like that Vinol accomplishes all we claim for it. within his memory of a steamer’s cabin, about ten feet we have undertaken * believe that it will of mu- a off of 0 owing en, and the work and has been made under his denly prove Ann. straw color with red on year, failing 2,029,5 feet, per- of November 2rt occurred on Cape square, painted ri tual benelit to all concerned. SIMMONS & not have been to the richer of the gas not. as a rule, followed, by speedy its HAMMOND, the to the inside, (this cuuid largely quality sonal supervision since Infancy. there was nothing during day we have endeavored I — and is to suits. The Pharmacist* 575 fougrts* St. from the Portland, supposed made since September 15th last when the good no one to in this. EASTMAN BROS. <*• BANCROFT. such a storm. Allow deceive you — presage have to the cauie and ALSO— belonged Pentagoet) new was in accomplish, both morall; mayisdat generator plant put opera- physically Substitutes are but Ex- Captain William D. Knowlton, of ashore among the wreckage from the Insubo: All Counterfeits, Imitations and D. W. HESELTtNE & tlnn V.mr t.hniuimH (Ivh i\nri seems far fr-uu disappointing. CO, of one f Mr. Portland. with and the health of Rookiort, Mass., master has been much less du: periments that trifle endanger for. ami SI*.. Levi A. of the Peaked 11111 Bar tons of Westmoreland coal dinatlon frequent Cuugrr** -Ilyrllr No- Kelly, eighty-two Scripture’s steamers, testified that on all oases the i- Infants and Experiment. station, said that he was on duty on No- have been carbonized and 483 tons of an- Ing the pnst year and In j: Children—Experience against ...... vember 23 ho had made a trip In his vember 2eth from sunset to 8 p. uj. The matrons havo a thracite have been used in the generator diclous appeals of the steamer to the breakwater. sky was overcast during that time, hut Sandy Bay 1 the desired results, showln there was not much sea and vessels were plant. To enrioh the gas, 288,Dt>2 pounds complisbed Just Arrived. He had kept watch of the weather dur- some going along to the westward with fair of naphtha, gas oil, and Canned coal that 111 each heart lies responsil What is CASTORIA the but saw no of a storm. this * ing day, signs wind. There was nothing during been used. The of chord that Is touched by loving klndnei Sell. “D. J. direct front have yield gas per is a substitute for Castor Oil, Sawyer" In the evening Captain Scripture came Castoria Paregoric, Drops of oil and carbon- nuu IOUIU’1 IMavauuwv. ICftco willi llic first steamer from leaving Boston for Port- pound coal, naphtha j It is Harmless and Pleasant. It Porto career down to ask about the weather. Witness as we oloi e and Soothing Syrups. wan ut the average rate of 5 15 feet. : We have cause for gratitude to arrive here this sea* land. Ized, nor Tloiasies consulted his glass and expressed the needs t contains neither Opium, Morphine other Narcotic Sunday evening witness saw The illuminating power averaged ID.48 this yeur’s work as special urougl 5GI lllids. and no It ioii, containing opinion that there would be storm. and from those Interest* d substance. Its age is its guarantee. destroys Worms LAKGE PILES OF WRECKAGE candles from May 1 to September 15, special rtsponse 4(i Tierces Choice Arroyo itto* He consulted the cuptain of a near-by M Diarrhoea and Wind 70 cartdles for the rust of the It and we are able to close free of deht. o and allays Feverishness. It cures the Portland on the beach. 23 year. to three-masted schooner, who wus of the from lasses, consigned a new bar record with thankfulness the respotu « It relieves Troubles, cures Constipation W. of Port- was determined by photometer also Colic. Teething same In witness’s there Captain George Bunker, 1 opinion. opinion most and from the to our petition ft r the the of the construction, legislature and It assimilates Food, regulates master muriner for lorty years, and approved Flatulency. was no reason why land, the tests have been made according an Increased appropriation. and natural now master^of the schooner Alioia B. daily Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy sleep. turn aws A PRUDENT CAPTAIN to the standard of the gas inspector of We were obliged to many Friend. nwyffipf Crosby, testified that on November 23 be The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s not sail at 7 o’clock that Massachusetts. thousand toward whom our hearts went out 1 D should evening. wus bound for Portland, testified that ull Ninety-nine of means to eaten The storm came after, midnight, with day Friday the 25th and Saturday tne two hundred and nine bushels of coke sympathy, for want pres::\'T sales, two millions a wicke, I tbo sboro four 2iith, he was In compauy with tlie schoon- and burrtds of coal tar have been tbe work. Now, while we feel the net d GENUINE ALWAYS uncommon severity. On 1,470 I er When he tacked oil the CASTORIA King Philip. In our acres of trees, some of them 22 inches sold. The present number o! ounwumeis of eareful consideration expend pine Hue and Cry the King Philip was nearly or ® sev- a of hundred we do feel that If the number if jsrv^fa None can tell how soon where, in diameter, were laid low. During nbreat off i t. The Hue and Cry is a is 2,D82, gain 258. Three tures, made * and tlom 2 yet a use can be of Life enteen years on the Cape witness had ledge outside of Alden's Hock, off Cape and thirty-one gas stoves have been sold, subscribers does not grow leas, Insurance, sooner or later, every Q Elizabeth. Witness knew the King Phil- we can care for tl t* fa by never seen anything like it. The break- making the number now in usa 1,-107. tions do not fall off, that is to no individual ® ip very well, and was acquainted with b person; say, feet above the sur- Five are now in use. most of those who apply. We wii 'OR BILIOUS AND NERVOUS DISORDERS water is about lifty her master, Duncan. The Alicia gas engines needy ever more than temporarily eludes Captain n J face of the water., and the waves went B. Crosby got Into Portland and dropped The new generator plant is a model the time might come when our positic inch as wind and Pain In the Stomach, death, every one has it within fa Fullne** after men!*, Headache, yet r about 1.45 o'olock on the disas- be assured ami v e Giddiness, over stones oil the top. auch one in and has operated In this line could of his or her power to bestow, by a it, tearing huge every particular, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Flushings Heat, jij trous Sunday morning. to more, 'll e Lose of Blotches ou X The storm came on than any oth- perfectly from the time it was started. oould extend our work Appetite, Costiveness, policy, lasting financial benefit upon quicker the Bkin, Cmd Chills, Disturbed Sleep. THE KING PHILIP WAS NEVER brick build- exoeeds the to su: some worthy human being. No fa er storm that he ever experienced on the It is housed in a substantiaf demand always ability Frightful Dreams ami all ner veils and investment is more certain of ulti- ® SEEN ing 58 30 feet, with 30 feet wulls, und Trembling Sensation*. THE FIRST ONE Cape. by WILL GIVE RELIEF IN TWENTY MINUTfS. none more X pir-__ mate payment; easy of of the Race a brick annex for the and blow- Captain Samuel O. Fisher, after that. eugiues COMPAN1 Kind Every sufferer will acknowledge them to bo PORTLAND ELEVATOR The You Have purchase. are covered with steel Bought' on the backside of *rs. The Always Point Life station, Captain Bunker made Cape Elizabeth buildings The present forms of UNION the Portland Com- At the annual meeting of tne Portlar Sj Cape Cod, was called next. Captain about 18 miles off, at 8 o’clock truss roofs built by In Use For Over 30 Years. WONDERFUL MUTUAL Policies embrace S Lignt, these officers wei jm every belits his and and slated. They are made Elevator company ae ® Fisher, as position duties, Saturday night, the 2ith. At that time pany, planked ▼HC CCNTAUW COMMNY. TT MUM1Y ■TWKCT, WW VOW* CITY. feature desirable and popular in for the year: whs to alarm him as mus- dimensions as to provide space elected ensuing Insurance. In liberal- X is a young, strong and resolute looking there nothing of such M MEDSGSNE Life point of that he had fear President—Charles M. He of that station ter of his vessel, except for a apparatus whenever it Hays are unexcelled; in man. has been keeper duplicate Thmy promptly pure Slok Heorlaokp ity, they respect fa that a snow stcrm might prevent him from Vice President—Ueorge P. Wescott. none are in the ® eleven having been for nine years iu »y be required. For a Weak to values, better; years, up the laud. The glass uld not Treasurer and .Secretary—Charles Peru; Stomach, Impaired Diges- picking the is Disordered Liver in Men. Woman or matter clearness, they are con- at the Peaked Hill station. lie- indicate a wind storm of severity, and The capacity of plant easily 800, Clerk—C. A. Hlght. tion, of Jg previous Children Tabnlee are without a rates there was of each 24 Directors—Charles M. Hays, Ueorge P Rip&ns spicuous for plainness. The fa fore that he had been at sea. On Novem- in witness’s opinion nothing 000 cubic feet gas per hours, rival and now have the sale of F. Fred I they largest never to ® io deter the of the Portland from in Wescott. Weston Milliken. medicine in the world. are reasonable, guaranteed ber 2d last he was at hiB station. Tbe captuin which means that almost any emergen- any patent out of Boston. John W. Loud, Marshall 1 The seat o! Nenrons Diseases is at base of brahfc the I X sailing so the Richards, $ increase; pro- it will gas rupidly that a terribl* wind was all around the compass, but When Captain Bunker last saw the cy produce Uouiug, Frederick Smith, Charles Percy When the nerve cells at this point waste, tection is absolute, Hsh for... fa a short is decline of the occurs. Nervous fa j sea not In she was a mile and a half of supply practl- H. Reeve. system Debility, the was rough. the evening King Philip contingency Ueorge Pain in Back fa not problematical. particulars. bis and he thinks she Atrophy, Varicocele,Failing Memory, I under lee, eliminated. are was cloudy, wind east, barometer 30.02. cally Insomnia, Ktc., symptoms of this WANTED sail to lie to. how- A TO SERVE IN THE PHI1 Dyspepsia, shortened Witness, on the street maln« CHANCE condition. it results in Paresis, weather continued much the same The low pressure Neglected, A cm** of bad health that will not bone- The ever. sail on and made for Portland, Cfl* RTPvA'N’fc kept IPP INKS. Insanity, or Consumption. Palrao Tablets fit. lfl-P-A NT,8, 10 for fi cents, or IS for IS about half an hour before the in certain sections of the city, especially Jjy Jj0 packet* getting in cure these ills by renewing the starved conts. may be had of all drnggltta *'b nre idling enlistment at tt at a AUGFNT 'fLOWJBK'. storm shut down thick, and became one in the Commercial street district, iu the Men applying for all drains and replacing weakness to aell a low-priced mndidne moderate j-refit. Union mutual Cife cells, checking bnnt»n pain and life. seen. slrot and ambition. a box11 l>oxes They prolong | of the worst ever has shown the Dead of ad- recruiting rendezvous, J77A Fore UrDlMI'O flCDII ITY with strength 30c. One gives relief. Accept no substitute “it is a fact” says Prof. winter season, I I • tor hrefi surprising William Thomas of Hailey’s Is- RtnVUUO UtDILI (wiPi iron-clad guarantee) $5.00. Send Not# the word R P A vS on tbe packet, Capt. lines as feeders can he to the 19th U. S. infni 10 Houton, ‘‘that in my travels in all parts of schooner ditional trunk to tqualize assigned Book. HALS1D DRUQ CO., CLEVELAND, O. tend & cents to Rlpans Chemical Co.. No. Sprnc* Insurance land, Me., master the fishing Old ae-a^oatDancd.-~~" 10 and | Company, the last ten ®t., New York, for ■ample*, l.ttt tcaLmo.'.iii*. the for 1 now Pennsylvanit of world, years, Maud B., and for 21 years muster of fish- the pressure. The original ltt-lncb main try, ut Camp Meade, a H. GUPPY ft CO., AGENTS, PORTLAND, ME. met more used have people having testified that on tbe 20th of from the works to West Commer- for service in the Philippine island* at ■ • maine. ing vessels, leading illE QUlNNLRASSKTT INN Norridgo Portland, Green'* August Flower than auy last November he was thirteen miles N. oflloer i is a shop for Kueumui I cial-street, seems to be partially obstruct- Capt. James H, F'rler, the wock, perfect repair other remedy, for dyspepsia, deranged E. of Thatcher’s island, fishing in his tics and all manifestation* of irriiathgpolsoiums was laid in order to uf the recruiting station, wi and Nervous liver and stomach, and for constipation. schooner. Late in the afternoon be start- ed. It very deep pajs charge diseased conditions: Paralysis this Prostration fully overcome by restoring the en- find for tourists aud or for ed to go into Gloucester, tut the breeze under the bed of the C. & O. canal. Ow make enlistments lor regimes I salesmen, tire organism through Mood renovation, by this was At seven o’clock the tea was an earlr datt filling office positions, where light. ing to the sandy soil und to the water which will go to Manila at luxurious Fuminn ami Rathiut; of the per- persons with indications of snow. There and bad from light, spiring body, while capil ary absotpciou i* most headaches general feelings the level being above the main, it has now habits exist, that Green's was nothing at that time to prevent active. Diphtheria and all epidciinc.il poison irregular steamer Portland from from Bus- been dtolded to lay a new’ U5-lnoh main hv tho-e fumes. All in distress, w th- is a It sailing expeiled Flower grand remedy. or half ELIHSR orn relief or removing the cause, will re- Angti*l ton. It was about past finding quarter instead from the works to West Commer- of does not the system by frequent worms. It ■ ceive estimates of lima and cost rtsroratlou, injure tig.it when the Maud a. made Thatcher’s ble which cures disorders of the digestive tract and expels is excellent for sour stomachs in- cial etreot and on West Commercial street (DTRUE’S| ingredients without regard to names given the symptoms, use, aud island. The breeze at that time had i PE-RU-NA ns most remedies do, followed B does not whip the tired organs into temporary activity blooded Aridrosis is no place hollies when to Clark 13-inch and 10-lnch Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. and Its tonic ||P as a pure body by aud indigestion." Sample creased. It wav ucout nine o’clock strsefc,thence : an but True’s Elixir removes tne cause of the trouble Semi tor Tree | cures by equal reaction, for any such development. 212 K. island. At 9.81) X A sure, safe, time-tried remedy that B which follow its use. Ala vorite ■ fret? at F. E. Pickett's, Danforth, he went past Thatcher’s main will be laid through Clark and effects are due to sounddigestlon and pure blood, bool;. Bftvurr ofIinlMtors. STEPHEN * Catarrhal Aflectious of «verv description. fl good, BERRY, 107 & o’clock Its Is due entirely to its Ask your K S \V. Stevens', Portland, McDonough they York streets to Park street. I Sold all Write its discoverer, I family medicine for 47 years. popmurity -^^es* A XIDROS1S VKlTARlfW, by Druggists. TRUK dc. 235 Congress, aud J.E- Ooold L Dr. S. 1?. of Ohio. M for it. 35 cents a J» P« CQt> .>!»', Sheridan's, PAettED THE fcl EAMER PORTLAN D There will be also a new s-inch feeder Hartman, Columbus, druggist SlmOwhe^uM, Federal St. He will advise free. bottle._DU, Job aid Card Priitar, & Co.’s 201 | you Call 164 brackctt St., Portland. aptry^fi Bill, in all civilized countries. bke was Hen a little nearer in shore on Pearl street, from Commercial street I—.. ... SO. 37 FLUX STREET. Sold by dealers FINANCIAL. FINANCIAL. daea 1« ■ light and no eigne of a heavy storm. ■tnsu moared paying their )_■IWH.LANIOBh _MMCHUWOW. r raaaon should continue to si roc press. The barometer gave no eigne of anything why they oapst Those oan bs ao vested right 1 unusual until 11 when l< c preferred stock. 20 preferred past o'clock, a plans of Inch, and ths exemptions 20 ss, & stock, THURSDAY, MAY 18* began to fall. Capt. Bunker, whi franchises from local taxation for a f r »>> INVESTMENTS. brought the Alloia B. Crosby Into thU years weg a piece of luch, owing A collar of the old lit GOOD AN EXCEPTIONAL HOMeTnVESTMENT p THING TERMS: Interpretation port on the of the dliaeter, dlsooy new on i night and to the DAILY PRESS— neglect preside WE OFFER ered no Indications of any entraordlnafj which the court declared neoeswtry 1 FOR DISCRIMINATING INVESTORS. the $0 In advance or 97 at the end el oom By year, storm during the afternoon or evening franchises wore to be taxed. The City of Hoering ♦’», dne 1919 the year. through Inadssr and testified that there was nothing In th< simply enjoyed City of I aitport 4M’a, dne 1907 60 cents. m of I IN the month. ths IT By Klee prlsllegs squatters. conditions at 7 o’clock to detei Tonn of Hamarlicotta due 1900 The DAILY PRESS is delivered at these ratei prevailing 4H'l a prudent captain from sailing out ol Portland Water Co. dne 1997 every morning to subscribers in all parts ol NEW PUBLICATIONS. [RUB THE METALLURGICAL CORPORATION. 4’», Portland, and in Westbrook and South Port Boston harbor to the eastward. Capt. Maine Central R. it. #’«, dne 1900 that land. iiragg of the Horatio Hall testified Maine Central R. R. •}’», dne 1912 of Portland at about are wen MAINE STATE PRESS (Weekly) when he Bath'd out Ax this season of ths year ws Office, 11 Exchange St., Portland, Me. St. Croix El. A Water Co. in or at 8 o'clock the wind was and the sea to the houm * a. Bytneyear. $1 advance, Si.25 the light expect from publishing OWERFUL N. H. dne 1909 end ol the smooth, and there were no indications summer in oh as one maj Smelting Works, Portland. Warren, I year. light, books, PENFTRATIIIG^“" | Mines, rle Telegraph A Telephone For six mom bJ, 60 cents; lor three months set In about mid* aof of the terrific gale that lazily dream or drowse over, in the Co. Collat. Truit ft’s, doe 1929 26 cents. The was nil In one seems a sin night. testimony sunshiny days when labor CLEAN Cloroland City Ry. 6’«. dne 1909 1 1 THIS CORPORATION under Maine lewe with an Allowed and negatived the oltlea are and the field organized capital, Subscribers whose are not delivered direction, completely deserted, green Hamilton papers stock of and Toronto, A Buf- idea that Immediately after ths and soft wares "have It." $600,000.00 divided Into (360,000.00 Common, (110,000.00 Preferred, promptly are requested to notify the office ol prevailed lapping ! I to ;; falo By. 4’a, dne 1949 that Blanchard was guilty But this us literature o offers a block (30,000.00) of its apeolal 30 per cent CUMULATIVE PRE- the DAILY PRESS, No. 97 Exchange street. disaster Capt. spring brings (lmited Union Pacific Ky. Co. 4’s, due 1947 Portland, Me. of recklessness or imprudence in sailing divers kinds; books which make us think FERRED STOCK for sale at par, (100.00 per share. This stock Is cumulative to 100 ; USE. Niagara Falla PowerCo.ft’a, due 1982 out of Boteon on the night of the disas- and and wonder; so that tb cent which time It all the of Common Stock in earn- ponder, | per during enjoys privileges Fond du Lac Water Co. 5’a. due 1915 Patrons of the PRESS who are leaving town ter. reader who rather soorns pure romance ings above 20 per cent. This Company shows earning capaoity of 100 per cent upon temporarily may have the addresses of their A Ml OTHER GOOD SECURITIES. nud does not, like the rest of the world its entire stock Issue with present good prioea, and is so pushed with orders for its as often as desire by fss papers changed they may court on his Oil of lor —In the Supreme in Auburn "lorn a lover," may have that It has decldsd to increase its SMELTING WORKS and add a SUL- notifying the office. goods the Interesting case of Bearce to suit his more serlona moods an< Rheumatism, Wednesday, PHURIC ACID FACTORY to ita PLANT. The rise in ZINC ORE from $20.00 to vs. Levi M. was moments. Os Clifford, Stewart, in an for thia to of its Mr. wishes that he Pains the (55.00 PER TON opens opportunity corporation dispose large Carnegie probably withdrawn from the jury and left to the A volume to please renders of all olasse Back, ore reserves in its mines st an immense Oesh is wanted to better its SWAN & BARRETT, had not advertised his philanthropic in- of protit. equip decision of Judge Wbltehouse. Mr. is the delightful Fragments an Auto 186 Middle Street, tentions so Three thousand Neuralgia, Sore mill and provide carrying oapltal, to tnsble plaoing quickly upon the market thia widely. Stewart, the defendant, lives in Minne- biography, by Felix Mosohelee, ths) au Throat, letters a must make even the ZINC ORE. This stock sale wlH be olosed absolutely when this block is disposed begging day apolis and Is accounted to be worth from tbor of In Bohemia with|Du Maurier, PORTLAND, M£. most zealous very tired. and and investor! should The corporation is philanthropist twenty to thirty-five millions of dollars. book whloh la not easily forgotten bj i Sprains Bruises, of, Intending speak early. manufacturing aprl«_4U ZINC and SILVER LEAD ORE CONCENTRATES at Its mines and ZINC OXIDE the He is a native of uorinna in this state, whomever has had the pleasure of read The Indianapolis Jrounal says : went to when It was a It. Asthma, PIGMENT, and SULPHURIC ACID at IU Works, also SMELTING its residues for people will show on Dewey’s return the lie Minneapolis log Coughs, and for and his town of 500 Inhabitants and has been Mr. Mosrheles Is a celebrated portral COPPER SILVER. relative respect held him I Contraction : We there ever since. He has law and edited and translated tbi ; of the Muscles. To investors who have noted the reoeot rise lu metal|prloes. it will be unneces- $100,000” traducsr*. Who are his tradueeis? practiced painter, and has In real estate. Mendelssohn to hli , X SOLD BY ALL AND MEDICINE DEALERS. an In deolded or how such have never seen a line written nor heard speculated Money letters written by DRUGGISTS I sary to explalD, why Increase capacity Is upon, inrge * 5 cent, ^0 (lowed Into his oare and and Charlotte Moscl.eles Trial Bottles Free for First Mortgage, per a word spoken which traduced Dewey. has rairly parents, Ignaz RECULAR SIZE, aBc. dividends can be earned. STOCK CERTIFICATES can be obtained at the Office of he entertained Mis Is brilliant, clever ant *4c. In stamps to pay SIX TIMES THIS SI.OO Possibly there may be tmducers of Dewey custody. Naturally always literary style postage. SIZE, ! tha Corporation, 11 Exchange St., from its Officers. Parker C. Choate, President Bonds of 1 year a in his old Corlnna, which and one wishes bis mod LINIMENT 273 in Indiana, but there are none In the pride town, charming, only MFQ.CO., or Elmer G. Gerrisb, Treasurer. raaylOeodlw East. regard he showed a few years ago by ssty less that be might say more of him ^^MINARD'S CommerclaH5L^oiton^Ma«.^ the town land and a line library 6elf. "It Is he says, "thai donating regretable,” riNAsriAL THE BRUNS- Another has been Awnuinn. LEWISTON, Filipino capital cap- building, which building has been long one cannot write one's renilnisoencsi tured our bat the who knows anything about accident insurant!* knows that by troops, Filipino since dedicated. But before the dedica- without mentioning one’s self. Thing' Everyone WICK & BATH ST. RY. seems to be still at It Is, array larga tion Bearce & Clifford, the Lewiston go so smoothly aB long as one records the however, being gradually penned up and tut so contractors, brought this suit placed doings of others, become puzzlin': —■ nadaM—Prince of ».iar«. Evening;— Jlr. Byall of Texas. Dated Sept. 1, 1*98. Dne Sept. 1, 1918 and It looks as if Its nr destruc- capture an attachment on the building. The when one has to Introduce the Ego. Me The Preferred ...FORSALEBY ... could not be far off. Let us tion hope question Is largely one of law relative to tween self-laudation and mock modesty la Ihe prompt paying company. Surplus is a good thiug aud this company that this Is the case, for the continuance there.ls not much to choose, and If you THE ORIGINAL WAITE’S COMEDY GO. has more of it than any company doing tho sumo line of business. of the present warfare must be entailing And the People's Favorite Comedian. ALFRED KELCY.anda Supporting Company RALPH -Ad case at Alfred is one of 33 In a of Comedies and Dramas. L. MERRILL a trniwI iW»a! of unon our troons Interesting remark th« People—35. repertoire Bright Comedy to fall Into.tbejrther.Injthln Kach performance rendered continuous by ihe appearance of the In which Leonard H. Brown prays for STATEMENT OF THE FINANCIAL CONDITION OF ■nveatmeiit Securities, as well as upon the Filipinos. However, writer Jdoes himself Injustice, for he following well known Vaudeville Arthla: of a temporary Injunction restraining Her- 4 TIIK WILLI AMS MASTER men may disagree as to the merits absolutely avoids both of these pitfalls. KELOY LeROHE, TRIO, HUGH FLAHERTY, bert H. Col berth from medi- THE WILSONS, M LLK. LIKA, TIIK DRAYS, SISTERS LaliLAM. 53 EXCHANCE STREET, the struggle there oan he no doubt that practicing across a book whloh con- One rarely runs Accident Insurance And a Series of the latest Motion Pictures by the Warograph. end must be the of the cine within a prescribed limit in North Co., Matinees lO and 40c. 40 and 30e. Portland, Me. aprtttf Its triumph tains BO lunch entertaining reading, und PpAfAKHArJ Dally, Evenings, lO, to United states and the sooner the Berwick. Col berth sold his praotice I Tlv? r reTeriUU "90-292 llroad way, New Tork arms, the personal recollections of Moaobele’s * E- Burns for a consideration of |4C0, and end oomes the better for all concerned. and Mendlessohn, PORTLAND THEATRE. father mother, Jof DECEMBER 31, J898. covenanted to refrain from practice inside Ellen We if the colored of the Dupont, ‘Mazzlnl, Hosslnl, Irving, imagine people of a certain limit. Petitioner alleges that One Solid and Robert are most in- Aaobsia. biAmiiiixibo, Week, Commencing; Monday, May 22d, should start a Terry Browning South general emigration the was broken. The agreement injunc- •. lleturn Engagement* of movement to the or teresting. U. S. Bonds, 4 per Reserve for Unearned Pre- Philippines any tion was allowed. Registered was his Casco National Bank miums, where else the leaders in it would become Mendelssohn godfather. cent, $223,750.03 $270,854.37 S. 3 Reserve for Unde- AND THE — OF — is the distinction Mosoheles's childhood, hli U. Registered Bonds, per Contingent SARA MCDONALD EDWIN MAYNARO BIG CO. as obnoxious to the whites ns negroes —Freeport enjoying Through 50 termined Claims and cent. 53,812 Losses, 48,850.00 of 44 Stellar In a New of at 10-30*30 cents no woman’s club whist student days In Paris, his sketching tour; Players—44, Repertoire Players, who undertake to organize their race for of having except New York City Bonds, 3 1-2 Commission on Premiums in PORTLAND, MAINE. and no libraries except along the Loire with his friend, Ulaud 178,000.00 Coarse of Collection, 22,894.46 political movements. The South needs clubs, Sunday per cent, FINANCIAL.. libraries. The tendencies of the Kaoul follow, him with un West Shore R. K. Bonds, 11,036,00 All other Liabilities, 2,309.81 negro labor, can hardly get along with- school Dupont,.we 8t. Louis Gold Bonds, 1,000.00 Capital Stock, $100,000.00 BASE BALL. 1824. town s?em to be sedate on the whole. Incorporated out it in fact. Some years ago when flagging pleasure. Cash Id Bank, 120,184.93 Met Surplus, 224,199.19 describes to Manchester vs. Portland. undertook to Induoe the to He briefly and succinctly Cash In Ollioes, 6,087.87 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS agents negroes —The list of named a? pos- May Ift.16 gentlemen us his,trip to America in 1883 with Henry Interest due and aocnred, 8,562.01 emigrate from the Southern states they to holders, 324,199.19 WOODBURY Pawtucket vs. Democratic candidates for course Surplus Policy Portland, sible Congress and Ellen remarking thal Premiums Id of collection, 74,641.53 were notified that were Irving Terry, promptly they In this includes Messrs. William May 17.18 district, he oame to Amerlo* with the usual Eng- engaged In dangerous business and had $667,608.^3 $667,608.83 Newport vs. Portland, May 19*20 A. Roberts of Biddeford, Johu W. Deer- he MILLION lish it, but before ONE better desist. prejudice against Admission 25c. Ladles Free. und George K. Bird of Portland, and ing had been in the oountry long found It de- THE PREFERRED Accident Insurance Company has Paid Claimants Nearly SdUOQ.OOU & mayl2dtd Parson McKinney of Brldgton. that MOULTON, Whether the conspiracy which President sirable to ,■cllmbdown,•, discovering over in this a of claims to have discovered among It was as muoh as he could do to In 1808 the Company colleoted $15,000.00 premiums state, gain Kruger —A water spent, which lifted the Ken- quite CHESTNUT ST M7E.“CHURCH“ DOLLARS. the British in the Transvaal had a real his footing'.at all on onejor the other $3,000.00 compared with 1S96 or 7 and now has on its books nearly half the Bankers, nebec iluld twenty-live feet in the air, keep nearly existence or was trumped for effect is a of the scaling ladders which he had tried entire accident business written by stook companies. Active agents visited Bath on Monday. personal Thursday Etc., May 18, ’99. disputed question. Kruger is jnst now to asoend. wanted. CORNER OF MIDDLE & EXCHANGE STS. Interest Paid on a Is the of a he thinks "In- engaged in controversy with the Brit- —Bethel agitating question Mosobeles declares that This company in addition to selling the most liberal accident insurance now : ish over the treatment of the Utlanders of sewers. the men “a Recital and TIME DEPOSITS. system terviewlng” by newspaper offered to tho public, also furnishes tho most desirable Health or Sick Benefit Organ Concert. or in his as one hus an op- foreigners dominion, they alleg- splendid Institution,” Insurance on the market. ing that they are harshly used. There can CURRENT COMMENT of making himself appear just GEO. F. SANGLIER, portunity Further particulars oheevfuUy furnished by Investment Securities. Draft* drawn on National Provincial Ellen or be no question that the discovery at this as be wishes to be, and addsi /‘On Orcanlat. Bank of Ragland, London, iu large small for sale at current lates. time that the foreigners were conspiring Terry the Interviewers must have doted amount*, RIVALRY WITH PORT- C. F. DUNLAP, state 86 Maine. Assisted by Well Known Talent. Current Account* received ou favorable his should ke us HALIFAX'S was so Agent. Exchange St., Portland, against government from the first;—she charmingly myiSoodtf Letters of Credit. term*. as was on LAND. and helpful to him Jameson’s raid so overflow- ■-- solicited from Individ- Irnpu lalve, spontaneous Admission, 85c. Reserved seats 50o. Correspondence ual*, Corporations, Bauks and other* a former occuslon, and henoe a strong ing with uopy. I dare say she gave them will not And hc Tickets for sale M. Steinert (Halifax Herald.) Sportsmen perhaps cult. To this the ducks were tied by a by & Sons desiring to open accon&ts. a* well a* from temptation exists to find one. On the about Art and the Drama from mnoh aid and instruction as Co., and at Frank B. Clark’s store. those wishing to transact Hanking busi- the that tiir points practical leather noow. As one bird was fastened Drafts. Regarding allegation Foreign 1-13-16-17-18 ness of soy description through this other hand the treatment which the for- Sophocles via Shakespeare down to the amusement in Mr. Sears's first mytt-l Charles Tuppar said the other day ;that It chapter* and dropped Into the Icy water, I pulled Janlftdtf bank. eigners have been receiving from the to to at last out; but I only remember [the wherein the was “monBtrous" try compete thing entitled Henry’s Birds, in on the other part of the rope and gent- Boers is calculated to them to re- Halifax against Portland, Maine, the Into her personal provoke delightul insight writer describes using trained barnyard ly forced Mistress Uuok three or four feet STEPHEN R. SMALL. President reply again is that Sir Charles said no when A LECTURE volt. habits and tastes she let them have, fowl as for wild ducks. Henry MARSHALL R. Cashier. such thing. What Sir Charles said the ieooys out on ")he blaok water. Titus in a few GDDING, the her con- Investments. -BY- teb7d» ohoae to take world Into Home she then other day on that head was just what he dips the wings of his tame ducks, moments we had what to any wild duck, The principal objection made to the In this And in LEWISTON GAS LIGHT had said years ago, city fidence. teaobee them to fly, and In fact educate* to of tame would $50,000 franchises say nothing any man, Deland ford bill for taxing which parliament, that experience had shown “What do I drinkt" she said on one oc- First due Nargaret them and toughens their constitution to be a Hook of birds COMPANY, Mortgage, 4’s, Gov. Roosevelt now hjlds under advise- that the Intercolonial was too long to appear swimming -ON- casion. little wine, 1 am so more than he and without the shorter “Very until they know do“s, about at random and a 1024, option. PHILIP H. FARLEY ment is that it taxes franchises as real compete successfully against raising horrible The doctor restrlots me to line from Montreal to Portland, Maine nervous. milk, oan lire all right in a pond of icy oold In all «dlenoe the This Company furnishes gas to both estate. The want to have racket this of night." 41 WALL STREET corporations The Chronicle's pretence that this Is but restrictions and doctors combined Lewiston and a com- water without turning a feather, as it I leave it to if Auburn, having THE VALUE OF THE NOVEL. it amended so that it will tax upon the new from air Charles Lany sportsman ..today NEW YORK something Tupper will never oome between me and my tea. bined of about 30,0% people. were. this is not an population much in the that which he would be ashamed to repeat In extraordinary method 1 4 EXCHANGE STREET gross earnings, way L must have tea—tea or death—three Searf and State Street Hullfax, is mere pretenoe. People In On a oold January night Mr. And oh was .FOK SALE BY. Vestry, steam and electric railroads are taxed In where, where, the S. F. T. PORTLAND Halifax, heard the same years ago from times a day, and, as Johnnson said about to a the resort cf Henry proceed pond, P. O. C. T. A A Friday Evening, May 19lh, at REPRESENTING... this state. But Gov. Roosevelt is op- rilr Charles s own und Tupper llpe, they Mrs. Woffington and her tea, ‘It Is strong, black and In the words of the n„t. ducks, Other In 8 O’clock. posed to this idea and though he is willing ii^ni'ii it hut nnnrnveri nf It. To papers this very attractive M. PAYSON ft and red ae blood. I take English tea this cold H. CO., overcome tbe of this writer, "in bitterly water,whloh volume are to a bill amended so that the of difficulty long The Marquis’s Meet, Wil- Ticket* 50c. For sale at Short & sign duty 1 iur auu wuncicr Loring, Wilson & route, Sir Charles favored the C. P. K. W1HUU UUJ vj IWIU», froze on the dock's feathers as soon as It Bankers. Harmon’s and Lord’s Store. Stephens ocaaalnrr kha tur ahull full nnnn thu at n to liam’s , Vlgdal of the Jotunhelm, Candy mydl5d5t Short Line, which would not only make I am there are my caddy and my dog— those 33 EXCHANGE STREET. touched them, wejtied unoffending and A Little which latter board of assessors instead of the assessors tbe Dominion of Canada independent of Upland (iume, mayldtf Nil I Matiner and BANKERS and caddy. Without them the to a cord which ran Tuesday au im- Fussy creatures by leg means Robin’s Island plTy of the various towns and cities he will Portland, Maine, but which ^by with all Its charms. Ul I ’Otehllo’s occupation's gone.' in the I llALL, Evening, May 83d. provtd connection from Harvey to Salis- out on the water.and disappeared "You are one in New York not consent to the change the corpora- day City," INVESTMENT SECURITIES bury, should afford Halifax its proper There Is delightful chat of Mazzlci and darkness. It that this As time before appeared glacial writes Mr. Sears. "That night you are tions want. any the 27th i beneilt from the great trane-oontlnental and last the about Kosainl, chapters cord was a ‘runner,’ and that It extend- a roan. The Chronicle to be hugging big lire in tbe club-house far he oan sign the Ford bill in its present appears Kobert which the $100,000 Information cheerfully furnished concerning Bonds Charles for Cannda Browning, present ed out into the pond four hundred feet to In it looks as if the would angry at^Sir allowing away the oountry, with the conscien- sfcqpe legislature will find a dealt in. on New fork, Boston, Philadelphia, Balti- to have shorter than the Browning revivalists timely a on the end of a long which udj railway pulley pole, tious of finished a orders have to choose between that measure in lirlt from feeling having day’s more and Chicago Stock Exchanges, and Intercolonial; rind the spleen a ml valuable addenda to the I «ove Litters. In such a u anner as to be was anchored work In town before on the usual terms its form or that measure amend- the first was so great as to prevent, by its leaving. Next therein executed present ] Moreover, we know more of Browning’s the surface. The line the held Just under are on & Aroostook -. ed a not obnoxious to defeat of the Harvey-Salisbury bill, morning you the uplands or in the In way the gover- from these than Bangor son “Pen” from any returned to the full and just (measure tof beneilt ooming running through this marshes down wild mar ‘1 it nor. bringing birds and RAILROAD to Halifax; and Blair now seems deter- other printed pages. Of the hours spent a small hole to the COMPANY, stand, passed through making wild shots, but never mined to carry out the same policy of en Mosoheles’s studio Mr. wuitlng The testimony given in the United In by Browning, Inside, and onfc again through another Division. to this cutting Halifax off long for another chance. And by noon Bungor A I'l.calaquis roity port, by an such a States court in the case of the steamer with the C. there is enchanting portrayal; until, at the end of its eight hundred-foot entirely from any connection you have your limit, whloh le a generous ■■—I of the FIRST MORTGAGE Portland seems to have P.R. The C. P. R. with Its Short Line life-like pen portrait poet lounging it itself and formed a cir- completely journey, joined one with plenty of time left to reach New John Conductor. and connections, was designed to enable in his favorite easy chair with the artist Philip Sousa, vindicated Captain Blanchard show York that and tell 5 PerCent Cold the Dominion to be independent of Port- evening, the family all Bonds, Miss Maud Reese Davies, Soprano. INVESTMENTS. he was at work upon bis beautiful pictures* “The lngthat guilty neither of Maine; and it is to be noted that about the day before bedtime. DATED APRIL 1. 1S0U. DUE JAN. 1. 1943. Miss Dorothy Hoyle, Vloliniste. land, and “The disobedience of orders or reck- Sir Charles Cloud-Compeller Cloud-Dis- there was nothing In Tupper’s M. JU B. W, Hear Suuia'i Haw March, “Hands the of the C. while Issue Limited to 91,500,000. lessness. It is admitted now thut no or- remarks against capability peller,” Browning quotes Shelley’s Across the Sea.** j P. R. at Dominion competing suc- Jailed States, 1908-1918 3’s der was ever Blanchard port# Cloud: We offer the above mealiaMed Matinee at 2.30. Evening at 8.15. given Capt. not the roads to cessfully against Portland, showers and $1.50. I to sail or not to sail until 9 o’clock. That ”1 bring forth for the thirsting bonds at 114 1 -I nnd accrued Evening Tickets. 50c. 75c. $1.00 Inited States, 1925. 4’s Maine. But. the very road built to give A Rare Business on sale at (lowers Bon Opportunity. Interest, to .ale and ad- Matinee, 5oc. 75c, $100. Now Stock- subject disposes of the charge of disobedience. Halifax Its true position iu Canadian Piano Rooms. 50712 Congress, Room* 7 I 1919. 4’s From the seas and the streams; The subscriber offers for sale the stock aud ranee in at which bridge's Jeering, Maine, is to be denied entrance price, they Owen & Moore’s. 1 As for the of recklessness or im- transportation, fixtures of his store on Maiu street, BridRton. and 8, over oharge I bring light shades—” will net about 4.30 cent. Sousa” tickets I to this port by Mr (Blair. And the Chron- Maine, next door to tlie l'ost Office, where for per HALF FARE to all holding’ 'ortland & Rumfori Falls, 1926, 4’s In from Boston that T. R. R. and P. & R. R. R. prudence starting icle Later Moscheles was painting what he he has cone a prosperous business uf the above on M. C. K. K.. ti. applauds! eight years The larger part issue has 24tli. i to be as in soda, tobacco, and The 1 ickels good to return 'ortland & fiumford Falls. 1927, 4’s ,eeeins thoroughly disproved as oalled his shell-pi oture,” and wished to cigars, periodicals. men taken for THE TAXATION OF FRANCHISES. only news stand tor Portland and Boston permanent investment, myl7dlw the of orders. A dozen Ami a amount 4 charge disobeying find a name adapted to it, his idea dailies. low, art illo soda fountain. Iterator. only limited will be 'ortland Street R. R., 1913, 1-2’s York being, Cleans and Polishes New, mien familiar with the sea and (New Tribune.) reason for sale, much health of jffered on the market. The will cognizant as he suggested to Mr. Browning, some- Only impaired price FROM KITCHEN TO owner a to out of door life. 'rovideice & Taunton Railway, 1918.5’s of the conditions that While to the Court ef THE HOUSE PARLOR. demanding change ioubtlees soon be advanced to 120, at SUFFRAGE CLUB prevailing evening, bowing Appeals thing of this kind: “And as 1 walked Correspondence solicited. EQUAL and administering the law as hs found POTS TO STATUARY. PAINT TO MIRRORS- vhich they will net four per cent. Vest 190S 3’s testified that there was nothing observa- along those lovely shores, and breathed mayP.M-W F.\v« A. W. INGALLS. Chicago Railway, it, Judge Cullen of New York has point- Special circular descriptive of this is- ENTERTAINMBNT, ble which should have deterred a air of dimes. I oliet 3’s prudent ed out with convincing force the justice the balmy waking ;ue; also a list of other high class bonds Second Advent Church, Railway- 1918. from at the time lie has shown the neces- captain sailing Capt. of such taxation, dreamt of living forms that wedded nailed ou application. 8 ATI It DAY, MAV 20tli, a P. M. I Railway, 1918, 5’s Blanchard sailed. The of two of sity and the propriety of just such a of Juincy keepers opalesoent shells; peaoe and rest, and Tickets 25 cent, each. Five for »1.0". For I measure as tbe Ford bill, and told how 1 irie & Te 1926, 5’s the life saving stations at Cod, harmonies. In a or sale at F. B. Clark's, A. W. Lowell's. Charles Telegraph ephone Cape for the bore blissful day two EYES TESTED FREE forty years corporations t MERCANTILE TRUST Day’s. my 1 -d;u whose business it is to close watch or Pfcre—Harmless—Economical CO., | )am:len & Rockland Water. i 2’s keep such a tux “without cavil complaint, the poet sent him the following lines £ We have made tills a special branch 1917,4 saw' in without that it was not of our business and can give you glasses of the weather nothing the con- and suggesting Felix and the 57 St. 1916- 5’s them law.” Justice signed Moscheles, picture of any description. Exchange rwin Village Water Co., the or imposed upon by >ortl«ml, Me. aj>rl4dtf ditions prevailing through day was christened “The Isle’s All glasses warranted or money re- EZRA Cullen’s legal opinions are not common- Enchantress.’* HAWKES, Clinton St. 1919, 5’s late into the to a funded. Vorcester & Rv, even evening presage as Roswell P. Estate ly reproached Popnllstlo. “Wind wafted from the sunset, o’er the Real Agent storm. The of the Maud Is not to attacks on AUCTION MUS. Gas & Electric, 5’s heavy captain blower given leading swell Don’t work McKEJiXEY the Jeweler, and Fire Insurance, lalesburg 1919, that is a 8., which passed the Portland off Thatch- capital or showing prosperity Of summer’s slumb’rous sea, herselt and other choice securities. his 1 Monument 86 EXCHANGE ST. crime. Yet Mr. Flower wlih all great | Square. janlGdtl [JY F. O. BAILEY A (.0 Auctioneers. er’s island about half past nine, testified asleep, rapid-transit interests, acknowledged the Came shoreward, in her iridescent shell that while the wiud was blowing quite tax. justice of the Cradled, the islefs enchantress. You who Deftirablp Krai Estate on Sher- Special attention paid to sale of Real Estate he had no of franchises is no or tenements to let. in hands. 1 uow I fresh^at the time, suspicion that The taxation public keep man Street at Auction. placed my ’ORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. new in this or other countries. In 1 i have parties that want to purchase houses thing hard a hurricane or a blow, was A watch beside her—watch her So heavy even, drowsy maril dtf are IVTK Hint 11 sell ou 18th, at 2 from $2500 to $8o00 in western part of city, also many cities of Europe corporations well.” a* J i Thursday. May p. and he had no apprenension 1® In woodwork, yf in., the two and one-half story house in other sections of the city, Dee ring district approaching, to exactions unheard of here, cleaning ■ subject lli> Sherman street, Included. Please give me a call. n»ayl2dlw* for the safety of the Portland, though he but is not discouraged. In The volume is published by the Harpers, floors, marble, tiling,greasy | lumbered containing eight T) THE SHAREHOLDERS OF" enterprise *® ft) rooms and bath; good plumbing; house is some states of the Union franchises are and pans, and i thought at the time that his wife was on (Portland: Lorlng, Short & Harmon) is pots finger- : n good condition; lot fifty t&0* feet trout with ANNUAL HLLTINC4. taxed in substantially tbe same manner marked window sills and I rear. This sale otters a tine board. He did not put into Gloucester to illustrated .with portraits of the author's I® ; table in opportu- in which New York franchises will be door — don’t diy to secure a pleasant, sunny home, rrmc ANN CAL MELTING of the stock as has been of casing, you I aud Ports- Amalgamated Copper. escape an Impending gale In- taxed under the Ford bill. There Is noth- mother, and Alazzlni and Kobert 7?$ ^ l or further particulars inquire of auctioneers holders of the Portland. Saco, have to wear yourself out l&J. for the choice oi Thu atteotioi) of speculator*atud ip vectors is for the fact that the next about It. There is no l® mouth Railroad Company, timated. But ing revolutionary from Mr. Mus- mylt>did < the & Browning, reproduced to scrubbing, scrubbing, scrub- Directors tor the ensuing jear aud for the ailed ?o stock of the BOSTON BRITISH confiscation in it. If these street fran- oi MBIA COPPER MINING & SMELTING day was Sunday he would have kept on cheles’s paintings. just use Swift’s -St transaction of such other business as may chises are valuable and command a high I® blng— be will he held ou the first < )MPAK Y. 1 his atoek will posimety advauee ts but it being he Powder. P. O. BAILEY & CO. legally presented, Boston, Saturday night when and sold, as many Washing the fifth day of June. leUO.i at Eleven a price The subscription list ts rapidly belli*; price, bought SjJ Monday, of thought he would put into Gloucester of them do, the fact should be ascertained Another beautiful book from the same o’clock in the forenoon. In the Company's hall t lied ut the low price $3.50 fie:* share. Koi Swift and Company, Makers, Chicag and In Maine. f irthar particulars address run to Boston the next Several and they should pay their fair share of house Is Fur and Feather lietiMeen Commission Merchant* Klttcry. and day. publishing order of the Directors. the burden. If they are not val- By men on Thatcher’s Island saw the boat public Tales By Hamblen with hue SPOT CASH-OLD COLD. 4It Street, K. R. BA BRETT. uable that fact will and there Hears, Salesroom Lxnhauge t C. LIBBY & appear, XVo kive you tile highest price Tor Old tii.id n Clerk oi the Company. OC., o at half and testified The foot illustrations Frost Tavernier and W l--i f by pastinine, they will l» no assessment. that for by wo use it ior making rings. iho r. O.BA1LXL C. W. ALLB> Me., IT \m. Eschsagc PoitisMd. TuTMtaunu MoSINnKV Portland, May that the sea was tben smooth, the wind a few years thosefwho did business in the Jaocaci. Jeweler. Monument Suu.ro. oavtltU ■WU4 tl BMgr tf«ktd | Nl:W KKW APTKRTIAI'MHTITA. HKW ADVERTISEMENTS, ADVERTISEMENTS. river but mid he wm not at to tell I __ liberty _ MUSIC AND DRAMA. PETITION WITHDRAWN. just where this power was located. When PVTHIAA GRAM LODGE 4 told thtt many people were Inclined to WAl'l’K COMKDY COMPANY, believe the petition of the Portland Light and Power company was merely a blutf The performance* by the Waite Coined; Ur. Bradley mid that tbe people who rompaoy at tbe Jefferson are at tract ini 1 Portland and made this statement were not well In- of Grand Officers large audience* notably eo in the evening Light Reports formed. He said he regretted that be and there is no doubt that this aggrega BARGAINS Has re- Their Domain. REAL Power Co. oould not give further Information In of tlon of entertainers has renewed its popu Rights. gard to the new company at present. larlty with Portland play-goer*. lilac i OTHER Flag” and Casey's Trouble” were ye# BUSINESS. terday’s offering and today a good bil i The following building permits wsre will be presented. In the afternoor Order Passed Alder- gianted subject to tho usual ocndltloos: Her “Prince of Liars” will be produced to to , (iraiild by by Berlin Mills company, a wooden shed Seventy-Six Past Chaneellors to be uied for tbe of on CLOTHING followed tonight by “Mr. iiyall ol storing wagons GOOD men in 1887. tiuildford court. Texas.” The specialties which are given, IlltHMlliml P. J. Larrabee, to raise a wooden form an of the bill. Pop 11 street. I flic Important part building one story at Brattle For Men and Boys Direct from Manufacturers, ular prices still prevail, and the peopli Albert J. Hunnewell, to erect a dwell- at 47 Smith street. now realize that a creditable perfonnanc< ing Bearing. Ueorge C. Shaw, addition to wooden oin be seen at a low rate. building at 688-587 Congress street The SOUSA'S BAND. Claim They Do Not Re- first story of this building Is already JohnH. Maxwell Elected erected and tbe eddltlon will be a seoond GREAT STOCK-REDUCING SALE, ~ OUR The merits of the Sou6a band are toe AT Further etory sheathed with iron. THIS, well known to need comment. No must quire Rights. addition to store Grand Chancellor. Johnson & Lambert, in at our store. cal event of the season bring* pleasure at 21 Wllruot street. to decided alterations, improvements and changes departments S. H. Colsswortby, at 39-41 previous able to more people that dwelling anticipations Urove street. his band, the annual oonoert of Sousa aud Mrs. Mnila A. Leonard, addition to aud the announcement of the early ad dwelling at 42 Alba street. bf And Mean fo l)o Busi- I*. Jt. O'Conuor, building to be used as vent of that famous organization will Say They William E. Allen of South Port- ARE OFFERED FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY a store at 42 Washington street GREAT VALUES hailed with The oonoert will be delight. ness in Peter tireaney, addition to dwelling and eve- Portland. land Honored. given on/Thursday afternoon at 24 Thomas street. THAT AROUSE ENTHUSIASM, will be made. ning, May ::8d at City hall.and Mr. Sousa Tbe following victualler’s licenses were When LOW PRICES, has prepared a programme that cannot granted subject to the usual conditions: fail to satisfy the most exacting tastes. Sarah Harris at 86 Middle street, Frank Seats now on sale at Stockbridge’s plane L. Brackett at , Annie FINE TOPCOATS—Ihe very nteesl styles anil qualities and 'ihe of of 8 to 16, worth #8.50, only BOYS’ the railroads to all A special meeting of the Mayor grand lodge Knights Pythias Boys" Knee Pant Suits, ages $2.4)0 nnd 10.00 this stock rooms. Half far* on Abrahams at 60 India street, Alice F, severnl this season affords, nl $7.50, 8.50 grades—at Board of Aldermen was called for yester- the grand domain of Maine, assembled in (175 of them, styles.) holding Sousa tickets. Merrill to run lunch wagons. ... day afternoon to coutdder the petition of Pythian hall yesterday forenoon at ten 8 to worth Edward U. to keep Boys nil wool Knee Punt Suits, ages 18, $2.75 $6.50 EACH A GREAT VAUDEVILLE ATTRAC- Haggett’s petition o’clock. Grand Chancellor Waldo Petten- the Portland Light and Power company to only gun was referred to the chief en- #1.50 5.00, on a powder of Kuraford Falls Reefer* for 4 to 15 TION. to erect ptles and wires great many gill presided. (Seventy* 8 to 4{uic a lot of fine Top fonts and Boys gineer ot the tire department with power. Boys tine nil wool, extra quality, age* l«. regular $4.50 of the streets of the city. six past chancellors were introduce A and thl* years, tine good*. $5.00, 0.50 uml 8.00 grades only Aside from the very strong and talented The petition of Worcester & Wilson to price #0.00 to 0.50, at sale. dramatic It was anticipated that this petition reoeived the grand lodge rank. Grand Inun company of clever players bla6t rock in wards eight and nine was ST4K SillltT WAISTS, new this season style, 75c $2.45 EACH would be fought by the Consolidated Chancellor Fred E. White of Boston, the to 14. with the Edward Maynard organization, granted subject to tho approval of the dered, regular #1.00 grades, ages 7 Electric and the Portland grand chancellor of Massachusetts, occu- there is the vaudeville Light company positively biggest chief of the tire department. LE SUITS, nges O to 13, regular #0.50 Boys line sailor Sails—lo reduce stock have reduced price on a Electric Light company but yesterday pied a seat at the right of the Maine BOVS’ Bit VI $5.00 feature introduced between the acts that Tbe of Earnest Wllinan to absolutely all wool and great lot ot 0.00 and 0.50 to only petition chancellor the ceremonies #8 and in grades, $5.00, grades New there were no attorneys present represent- grand during fcacn. have ever toured England. Every have a tree removed at 689 Forest avenue for this sale, A SUIT and William M. of the wearing, $3.75 headline and a ing either cumpany only day. specialty i* a big city was granted. the attorney for the ihe following a re the abstracts of the novelty. The marvelous Barelllf troupe, Bradley, Esq., BOYS’ I.OMi TKOf SEIl sf I I's, in many liandsome and sty- As soon official seoond petitioning company appeared. IN. reports: lish io reduce are tnMrked down to French acrobats, are making their HA KISO It NOT MEN'S GOOD ALL WOOL SUITS. patterns stock—higher grades as the was called to order Mr. tour of America and will shortly join the meeting REPORTS OF GRAN ED OFFICEKS. Bradley addressad the board. for #0.75 AND Walter Main circus for the summer; John Item* of Interest Picked Up Along Ihe ihe report of Grand Chancellor Waldo $10.00 qualilies $5.00, 6.50 8.00 He said that the petitioners would re- for #8.50 K. lurton, the favorite and well-known Water Front. Pettenglll is a voluminous review of #1'J.OO qualities iu wiwiuww Lunr peti- #8.50 of TROUSERS and liasre baritone; Alvan, the comedy juggler; quest penillBBMiu administrative details for the year. #l».0O Blue Serge Sultt, We want lo sell 2,000 pairs good tion as they had found that they had all #0.50 made special l.ow frlees to no it. iioHtou marine underwriters were Among the most Important of the feat- #10 01) Blue Serge Suits, f ir and of the slack the rights they oared at present frock coats and vests #11.00 and OO Ben's Trousers $1.50 dunces; Cndieux, king wire, troubled Tuesday over two disasters In ures touched upon was the arrangement Hen's Bluck Clay diagonal $2 Working for a cn this mat- the world’s would not ask hearing ench. and Clara Beckwith, great- which were interested. Ihe Selkirk of the seventeen Pythian districts of the only #5.00 and 7.50 $5.50 all wool Trousi'is only $2.50 He said that at some they #15.00 grades who the ter at present. lat- Overcoats. est aquatic artiste, performs from with a 1250,000 cargo of State, anil the benefit* which arose to We are out a large lot of Hue Spring On al values in good Trousers at $5.50. ask for the location Manila, doting difficult tricks ot ter period they might from the brethren eating, writing,sleeping most of it for the Plymouth the order bringing for #4.05 ut 4.50 and 6.00 are all but at this time had hemp, #8.00 grades Our “KI.NOTROI SEKS” $5.50. right. beneath the water in a of more poles they ami sewing huge Cordage company,and tie St r lento from Into communication with the grand for #6.50 Yon men \ilti» have Ihe habit ot paying $8,00. lO.OOand 12.00 ut the to erect all the poles they re- $10.00 grades tank, weighing 1400 pounds, right were officers at the district conventions. lie llie tui'ors examine. crystal Portland for buenos Ayres, report- * I *2.00 grades for #8.50 please at an enor- which was made in London quired. ed wrecked and both were total losses. reports that the endowment rank has “The World Between Alderman Moulton then moved that mous expense. The former was fully Insared, and been sadly neg leoted In the past in this be leave to with- quite Skeleton Coats for will be the the petitioners given most Golf Trousers, Golf Blue Serge Them’’ opening Monday night the latter bud 115,000 of protection. Grand Domain. It is 'one of the We sell Golf Suits, Vests, Matinees draw in accordance with their request play. Change of bill nightly. Articles have been opened ut the ship- minortant features under the oontrol of and it was so voted. low dally. Tickets on sale Friday morning commissioners’ office for the schoon- the Supreme Lodge and every attention illen and Boys at popular prices. In connection with this matter Mr. ping at the box office. should be it er benjamin k. Poole, to an loe port in and encouragement given hy Bradley presented the following commun- the state of Maine, thence to a coal port the members of the Order. His experi- ENSIGN COLLINS IN THE SPANISH ication which was read to the board by and return cast; schooner Charles P. ence as Grand Chancellor has thorough ly WAR. the mayor: Nutmun, to a coal port and return cast convinced him that if they desire to ad- To the Mayor and Aldermen of the City The Review, a publication devoted to of an ice and vance the of the Order in this of Portlund: wilh the privilege port, prosperity the Interests of the Massachusetts Insti- and ex- Portland Light and Power company the schooner 1). J. Sawyer to Hillsboro, Domain, increase Its membership of devotes considerable of intention to tute Technology, hereby gives notice its N. D., thence to New York. tend its influence In every respect, they erect and maintain poles and wires in the space in a recent Issue, to the part taken Sol Jacobs of the schooner Ethel must one and nil make a united effort. of Portland in accordance with per- Capt. the of that institution in city by graduates therefor b. Jacobs, arrived in Now York with Upon the subject of suspensions the CLOTHING mission heretofore duly granted STANDARD the war with In the list is En- and "The ol CO., Spain. by the Board of Mayor Aldermen the largest catch of fresh mackeiel of the Grand Chancellor says: subject Bertrand R. T. son of Rev. under orders of said board read and sign Collins, seafcon. He had landed bO barrels at that suspension for non-payment of dues hne former of the Me- November 7th. 1887, and December John Co.lins, pastor passed and after out only 20 hours been growing upon us for a number of 5, 1887. port being Me. at Peaks and now Middle thodist church island, Portland Light and Power company. returned with 150 barrels. years and has now become of vital im- 255 Street. Portland, maylSdSt of Somers N. H. Bertrand R. T. President. worth, By Henry P. Cox, lug Plymouth arrived yesterday tow- portance. The past year the number of Collins from the Tech in the of the records shows was graduated An investigation ing bar^e No. II, Central R. H., New suspensions in this Domain CUE class of 1^88. ills record in the Cuban that at a meeting of the aldeimen Decem- against 823 for 18J 7. The suspensions ol Jersey consists of Elgin U. A. F. Moul- is at On 143 of 50,496.44 Verrlll, campaign given length. May ber 5th, 1887, recorded on page the tender returned 1893 me 244, and us we look backward for the year 1898, " U. S. lighthouse Myrtle ton and End L. Tower. he received his commission as in that Cash receipts for other £4, 1808, city clerk’s records year was from a trip to the westward. we see the increase has been alarming, so yesterday sources for the year Resolutions of respect In memory ot ensign in the U. S. navy, after a com- passed the following order: at Peaks island much so that something must be done as The new steamer built 1898, 19,285.50 R. Ulmnr of Rockland and and left a I would suggest, for one Major Kalpb petitive examination, Chicago Ordered, That permission be and hereby Howard, was dropped remedy. by Capt. Joseph that the Lodges elect to the flics Albert E. Marlin cf Portland, were for Key West with £03 enlisted men for is granted to the Portluud Light and remedy, Total receipts, 81,449.34 :: down to the beach at low tide yesterday, of of finance suoh brothers as'wili LAWN MOWERS. Power to erect and maintai n Master sick off June tid company Cash paid for adopted. Sampson’s fleet, Santiago. the tide in the eve- strict attention to the business of the poles and wires for electric lights and and high pay benefits for the year i be following officers were elected for he was for on board the attention ordered duty in accordance with its her. She was taken In tow utlice. Jn order to obtain such power, petition ning floated 1898, $26,677.85 tbe ensuing on which a was 1 deem it necessary that the Lodges re- yeari U. S. S. Scorpion as watch officer in (seepage 141) hearing and hauled to the Cash paid for funeral by the tug Dickey munerate their Master of Finance to'such Grand Chancellor—John H. Maxwell of the forward hud before the Mayor and Aldermen De- benefits for the year commund 0-pounder rapid- Portland side. The steamer was cember 5, lb87, subject to the following South | an extent that it will be of some financial 1898 2,600.87 Livermore Falla. lire June 7th the Scorpion left see the business is Chancellor—William E guns. restrictions: christened Alice E. Howard. benefit to him to that Cash paid for current Grand Vice West to fleet off San- attended to.” South Portland. Key join Sampson’s fcjaiil poles to be from 35 to 70 feet in The Mina and Lizzie brought 8000 lob- properly expenses for the year Allen, '‘This is a F. Pitts- Marblehead’s on as the electrician deter- On direct taxation, he says: Grand Prelate—Henry Llbny, tiago, taking the place height city may & and the Ocean 1898, 48,199.54 ZHZ inches in sters to Willard Wyer j which we must meet at this Con- field. circle. From then until mine and from six to eight subject the blockade on which we will lie of Records and Seals— diameter at the tup, to be of cedar or View 4000 lobsters for k\ 55. Willard. vention and obliged Total expenses, 77,484.26 Grand Keeper £0 when she entered at Its Old Orchard. August Santiago chestnut, to be reasonably straight and Other arrivals were the Minette with a to legislate. The Supreme Lodge, Wesley G. Smith, was be Convention held 23 to l*t, Grand Master of win C harbor,the Scorpion activoly engaged all pi les over 40 feet high to stepped. Clark with Aug. Sept. Net gain. 391,65.08 Exchequer—Ed trip of flsh; Alice E. ooal; In order to main- BALL BEARING. of found It Portland. in the work of the A top arm to be furnisned for the u*e 189b, necessary, Cash Assets. Deoember Milllken, campaign. Ensign {Samuel Clara and Mabel and Nel- to make hums at Arms—Fred 0. Dun the cit) wires. All wires next to poles to Lewis, tain itself financially, 81, 1898, $140,794.42 Grand Master Collina was honorably discharged Octo- of revenue. Here- be ut least thirty inches apart and all lie k\ Sawyer. change in its medium Cash Assets, Deoember lap, Skowh egan. of the following letter from one of flto ber 22. tofore the revenue of the J*Klge Grand Inner Guard —J. Maurice At Weare just In receipt circuits where the police signal telegraph recent chatters are the follow Supreme 31 1897 136,829.84 Among been derived from the A Portland: wires run to be retained on the same has largely profits nold of ugusta leading Landscape Gardeners of ing: bark birnam Wood, Portland to on of a Guard—(J. B Rolling MRS. DELANO’S LECTURE. poles. All worls and mats rial to be sat- j the sale supplies, augmented by Net gain as above, 3,965.08 Grand Outer 1899. Rio schooner E. J. r.i4T flft.v (ImII.-lp- mat vt-HP fnr each .Su- Portland, Me., May 10, in isfactory to the city electrician. Janeiro, lumber; Farmington. Mrs. Margaret Delancl "Philip and to the to the T. HARMON A pro me Representative. Owing ASSETS OF SUBORDINATE LODGES Representatives Supreme Lodg*- MESSRS. II. CO,, oi According to the petition which is re- j tout in. Ball His Wife" and "John Ward Reader" dec roused demand for supplies for the —Edward C. Reynolds, South Portland j i;\ i,i;mh\;—| beg to say that l purchased one of 18 Stearns ferred to in this the schooner Empress, Jersey City to Port- it to he the best and won for herself a foremost place as an order, loilowing past few years, the revenue from that Cash on band Dec. 31, and Fred Emery Beane, Hallowell. Be.ii iu1 Lawn Mowers this voar and I have found running streets are named. east side from coal; schooner Mary Manning, source has been dimin- In- the most work of any Lawn author but.the "Old Chester Tales" have Pearl, land, very materially l898(not including In the evening tne»j ottlcluls were in most easily adjusted, and to perform satisfactory with a j to east side from Philadelphia to Portland, coal; schooner ished, leaving the Supreme Lodge vestments), $13,631.19 1 have ever used. even with Fore Congress; Plum, stalled with the usual ceremonies by Ed- Mower made her more popular the old comparatively empty exchequer. Ip this Investments, (stocks, JAMES O. DOBSON. Fore to Cross, west sido from Kim City, Baltimore to Portland, coal; chancel- j [Signed] and young. Mrs. DeJund to her gift a- Middle; dilemma the Supreme Lodge was forced bonds, notes, mort- ward (’. Reynolds, past grand and Phila- Fore to Middle; west side from barges Phoenix Eagle Hill’} to some of a tlxed revenue eto.), 127 163.23 at a late a an author adds a rare charm as a public Center, adopt system gage?, lor. The grand lodge adjourned We are sole agents for (he Stearns and constantly carry Fore to Congress; east side from delphia to Portland, coal. which would not be subject to the fluctua- Real Estate, 34.439.67 » All should avail themselves Grove, hour. eaker. tion incident to the sale of supplies but Paraphernalia, Furni- stock. Xo. 174 to Congress; lJramhall, west side large of the opportunity of neariug this distin- CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR CONVEN- would insure the realization of an an- ture, etc., 94,617.08 from Congress to Brackett; Bracket!, *uiIioleut to meet ull the guished woman on Friday evening in TION. nual revenue MARRIAGES. south side from Bramhall to At sen a of that 'iotil assets, 269.851.12 StatJ street o’olock ; necessary expenditures body. vestry, JJat eight The excursion of the Muiue Christian consideration and delibera- Gre. n, west side from Portland to Con- After careful Tickets cau be secured at Loring, Short decided to a of NEW LODGES. 1 Kndeavorers to the international conven- tion it was adopt system In May 9. Elmer K. Osborne amJ PLANTS. south side from Grove I’&lmyru. and at under the gress; Portland, direct taxation each member of t'in & Harmon’s, Lord’s, tion at Detroit, Mich., will leave Port- upon The following new Lodges have been Miss l.ucy Z. Kills, both of Palmyra. to Hanover, west side from Ken- Order. tax was llxed at cents A. Woods of still continue to receive from (he Growers, daily, Pansies, Columbia. Green; This eight instituted the official term of In Princeton, Mav «>. Samuel j We land at 8.45 a. in. on the morning of July during nebec u Cumberland; Elm, west side per year, to be paid by each Grand Lodge Calais nd Miss Clara Sylvester. Chinese Pinks, Hnd other the Grand Chancellor In Saco. Kills I olselle ami Miss .1I Asters, Petunias. Phlox, Stocks, 4th. going via White Mountains. On semi-annually and to be based upon the at Abbott May 3, from Kennebec to Congress; Free, south Juar.etn, No. 122, located tenhtue Dion. ere a handsome of Bed- OPENING OF THE POLAND SPRING as at the close of Seedlings, and we showing very display the retur trip exoursionists may stop membership reported instituted July 8th, 1898, with Edward A. Anderson of side from Middle to High. To he 15U of Village, In Alfred, May ti. euch semi-annual term. The paymeot ^8 charter members. and Mrs. Julia T. Walker of Alfred. din,r Plants such as Geraniums, large and small, Heliotrope, HOUSE off at Niagara, Hamilton, ioronto and be Liiningtou feet and 35 to 70 feet high. this tax to the Supreme Lodge must at Jones- In A. Lutit if Liu apart Montreal. Special rates have been granted Moose-a-beo, No. 123 located Camden, May H, IMsar Vinca. French Marigolds, Sweet Alyssum, Salvias, The Messrs. Hiram Ricker 6c Son an- made on or before April 1st and Outoher with 48 eoluville aud Miss Clara L. sv iventer of Camden ; Ageratum, Just what this withdrawal of the peti- lor a sail down the St. Luwrence port, instituted l)?c 7th, 1898, day's As our did Ai' crt ami MBs Mabel Bryant. and m, the of 1st of each year. Convention charter members. Fitzgerald Cannes, Lobelia, Venediums, Gazanias Mesenhryantheinu nounce opening their Poland tion of the Portland Bight and Power among the Thousand Islands and the ol In Madison. Mav 9. Beniamin B. Mooie am! Dot meet until after the requirement No. located at on our on house to the on celebrated Full particulars can Goodwill, 124, Elling- Miss A ldle MehoK both « f Starks. liiese will he tables under awning Exchange Spring public June 1. means the aldermen were un- rapids. 1st. I*i99, our will not displayed company be had Mr. E. W. April payment wood Corner, Insittuted March 1st, 1899, lu Albion, 7. Lester Bickue I of Madison Extensive have been made by writing Packard, become until Oc ober 1st ol May of clerks will be In attendance. improvements able to decide. They were of the impres- obligatory with 39 charter members. *ml Mi.vs Jennie Rollins oi Albion. street. Plenty Lewiston, Me. -«ee the last season. this year. You will therefore lu Gardiner. 10, Charles BradstreeL aud fclnce sion that it was a way cf with- Supremo Representatives E C. bairing• May graceful of to meet this re- Miss Harriet 1). Whitney; Alvah J. Ltnekin of necessity legislation ton, bred Emery Be»ne and George M. a which had been pre- MUNICIPAL COURT. recommend that Thonmslon ami Miss Gertrude Grcenlief. drawing petition quirement, and 1 would the results of the Su- Hanson, reported Win. sented before the of the in the court the tox of our Subordinate lu hast Newport. May *», Downes ami granting petition Municipal Wednesday per ouplta preme Lodge held at Indianapolis, Aug. Mrs. be increased from lifteen cents Pliilena Beuway. of the Portland Electrlo Bight company, Samuel L. Moore was ou a Lodges 1 23, 1898. in Machlas, Everett L. Marston and Jessie It. arraigned to cents. semi-annually twenty The on Norton, both of Machlas. & committee foreign coircspon HARMON as a it was T. a sort of “bluff.” search and seizure an H. openly process, adjudged that GO., a reoommendatlon There is al«n Uence, WIlford G. LUw. C. Iu Macniasuort, G. A. l oss aud Miss E hel to secure uni- Chapman, Sts. tuttd by some of the aldermen yesterday guilty and lined $110 and costs. From instructor be employed and Charles A. Strout, called Small of Bucks Harbor. Corner Kvchsinsc and Federal work of the subordinate Reynolds mfiedtl afternoon that in their opinion the Con- this sentence he appealed and furnished formity in the attention to the fact that Josiah H- lodges. solidated was the of lull for his in the Druinmund had been obliged by pres- company instigator appearance Super- of the Grand Keeper ol The report sure of other work to retire from th. OEAT i.» the which was withdrawn at ior court. Wesley O. ‘Fleece’ petition Records and Seals, Smith, after service. The In the civil suit of Robert Bell vs. B. committee, long report shows the following statistics; /IV Vl/ yesterday’s meeting. C which went on trial ut throe is voluminous, giving letters from vari- a § Peabody, Is (he name of f A PRESS saw Mr. LODGES ous with this para 17. James K. McDowell. jk^ reporter Bradley o’clock, Tuesday afternoon, judgment SUBORDINATE domains, andjcloses lu this city. May yesterday afternoon and asked him what was reserved. graph: [Notice of (uncial hereafter. PARK NEW DESSERT Number of Lodges January 1st, “On the question of benefits there has In this city, Mav 17. Francis W„ youigest son COYLE /|V V|/ is the of the com- ami Lizzie McGiaaflm. 2 purpose petitioning 1898, 1!f been a wide departure from the original of George aged years, < 9 months. pany. Mr. Bradley said that the com- Instituted during the year 1898. ideas which in the Order upon Suburb 121 prevailed John NB. papers please copy, Tlie Most lieautiful Total Lodges, January 1st, 1899, are taking the [St ‘So to Make’ pany meant to do business as far as he this subject. Many posi- lu South Portland. May 17. George Cash, Easy cunnot continue to Portland is now ready for The lots are § MEMBERSHIP. tion that the Lodges aged 70 years, ever offered to Hie of iuspeotfon. $ knew. peopla At the time the order granting /hat do the SI. out. benefits to needy members, today (Thursday) at 2.3 > p. m. from all mit and a of same can be seen at our office. 53 Exchange m And (lie ueweit (hiug VI/ them pay except [Funeral staked map pole rights was in 1887 some of members Initiated dur- of and Brown llitl ■ no lots will be soul to passed Number thus making it a mutter charity Church. All streets nr toll, laid out with esplanades and any 76t In Scarboro. Charles L. Robinson, of the poles were located on Kennebec hildren l ing the year 1899, not a matter of right. The reason given 1 May 17, l.imitations as to prices of all houses. 59 20 hut I'ti sli lass IVnille. Number of members reinstated for this is that the are not finan- aged years. nays. and Commercial streets. These had Lodges services afternoon at 2 o’clk rial P. ices Purchasers of the I list Mix I.ots. poles the year 4C benefits. [Funeral Friday Si" io during 1898, cially able to continue paying at his lute residence. Scarboro. .1 at once. Look the over as you never been sold to the Consolidated or rink? of members admitted finan- is are to be openi property immediately {! Number by A very cursory examination of the In Boston. widow of A. us May Hi, Catherine, now. Hither call or xvrile or lclc|»liou« “FLEECE.” any other to his the 62 shows that cau save money hy buying company knowledge. The or Card during year 1898, ces of the various Domains J ml son Foster. surely >on’fc give them tea coffee, i: a time to meet to the current of the Subordinate [Prayers at Evergreen Cemetery Thursday and wc will appoint you. right place wires on them had been e tried the new food drink i expenses you Total 86i lhe a 1-rnoon at 3 o'clock. How to Make. additions, are too great, average granted the Western Union ed GRAIN-O? It is delicious LoJge? At . 10. Miss Carrie E. Telegraph Number of members suspended an ount for current expenses, May he and takes the expended Hamilton, daughter of Capt. Lorenzo and Levina Whip cream and stir in Grape-Nuts. company thought but they had never nourishing place 4I during the year 1898, 605 not including benefit* or money invested Hamilton, aged 23 years. l month. &3 St. been transferred to off re. Number of members withdrawn or Lodue is con- Excltaoga The is a cloud cf that in fund*, at in. M. result light, puffy company. He 41 paraphernalia ! Funeral Friday 2.30 p. at her late resi- LLEWELLYN LEIGHTON, niaviUAi) >\v he more Grain-O the during the year 1898, 84 50 cent of the delicacy which holds the brittle, crisp said that wheo the charter of the Port- you give ^ siderably mure than per dence. dren the more health you distri- Number of members deceased dur- total income, with a tendency to increas- In .SUmdish. April 15, Curtis Shaw, aged 75 of the In land Bight and Power company was the 95 h months. 21 d granules Grape-Nuts suspension 3 their V ing year 1898, The logical remedy years, ys. through systems. ing expenditures. lu 7. Rev. C. F. D. ADItllA’ISTHATOirs ISOTICE. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. and makes a charming dish when served bought the rights under that charter and f to be not to with a fun- Augusta, May Penney. D., raiu-O is made of pure grains, appears dispensa formerly of Yliiilnavthi. Total deductions, 78-1 of our Order but to subscriber notice that he mil 1: subscriber hereby gives notice that be and one the guest will not quickly for- were also acquired by the present com- *u tastes like i* damental principle hi st. George. May 7. Capt John Williams, mHii hereby gives properly prepared 1 lias been appointed Administrator ■ has been duly appointed Administrator of He said that but costs inslsr upon an economical uianageinyot lu K cklund. May 7. Jackson Weeks, a native duly get the fascination of. pany. the Consolidated choice grades of coffee () for 8-1 the (.-stale of the estate o: Net gain the year 1898, of finances.’’ ol Jeflersou, aged 77 year-*. of about as much. All sell i Lodge late ot in Grape-Nut* you know are a breakfast Electric Bight company had nothing to (J ^ grocers 4 Number of uiemberUDeceiuber 81, In KockDott May 7. Mrs. Sarah Hobbs of DAN lEl. H. BURNS, late of Yarmouth in the SC AM MAN FOGG, Gray. A 15c. and 25c. The business session nil the ot deceased, and me o' Cumberland, deceased.and given at first do with the present company When it. 41 1998, 12,350 occupied Norway. County Cumberland, given County food found any class grocery. the law direct-. All bonds as the law directs. A!! personshaving afternoon and lasted well luto lu Calais, May 6 Isabella T. Lee, aged 30yrs. bonds as persons when tne new forenoon, s the estate of said de- This food Is made of wheat and barley asked company would SUBORDINATE lodge finances. In Eastport, May 5, Lincoln R. Chidbouri e. having demauds again-*! the estate of .id de- demands against the The most of the business desired to the same for set- ceased are desired to present the same for set- that out the commence to erect its poles and its Grain-O! # evening. aged 39 Years. ceased are present by processes bring string fir mem > all thereto are prepared I Cash receipts < and all indebted iherel arc tlement. an.I indebted requested It o, Mrs. requested Try was transacted by the commit- Hath. May Sophia Plant, aged 70 tlement, from which the name is tak- wires Mr. Biadley said he did not know. v Insist that GRAIN-O ( judiciary to make inuuediatelx. grape sugar your grocer give* you Lerehip for the year years. ; to make payment immediately. payment A no imitation. m tee which is the most commit- Mrs. JOHN ll. KKHOU, Portland. C. FttANK FOGG. en. like "Fleece" made for He said that the company intended to Accept *11,067.-K important lu Rockland. May 5. Augusta N. Davis, Many up 189.'-, lo.o. 189A may44iaw3wTn* tee of the This committee a native ot Belfast, aged 5o years. Yarmouth. April .’i>. m