Parish Guide St. Edmund King & Martyr 19 Croft Road, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1DB Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 6.00pm at St. Edmund’s, Godalming Sunday Mass: 8.45am at St. John’s AngliCan ChurCh, St. John’s St, Farncombe, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3EJ St. Joseph’s Milford Surrey GU8 5DU Sunday Mass: 10.15am at St. Joseph’s, Milford Sacrament of Reconciliation At Call and 5.15pm to 5.45pm Saturdays at St. Edmund’s Tel : 01483 416880 Email :
[email protected] Website : www.stedmundgodalming.btCk.Co.uk1 The Parish Vision "Proclaiming Christ to the world : empowering all around us with the presence and joy of the Holy Spirit." In order that the Gospel may be lived in our lives through the Power of the Holy Spirit and our Parish may become a community where all who love Christ Jesus act together to build a better, more human world, we the people of Godalming Parish pledge ourselves that we will become more fully : 1. A Learning ChurCh : Deepening our understanding of faith, humbling ourselves to learn from Our Lord and each other and discovering the true nature of the Body of Christ - open to the Power of the Holy Spirit. 2. A Celebrating ChurCh : Aiming, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to deepen and enrich our experience of Prayer and Liturgy, praising Him for His Goodness to us, thanking Him and praying for His help. 3. A Caring Church : Developing a loving, caring and supportive community. 4. A Living Church : Participating in helping the Church become an alive and vibrant force in our Godalming Parish and in the local community; aiming to be Christ in our world, committed to Evangelisation in response to Jesus' commission actively to spread God's truth.