Salesian Newsletter

June 2018


FINDING THE BALANCE Annie, Year 12 French exchange and the In a Catholic school we believe that we're all by Ben McCann, Assistant Headteacher Maths PGL trip… This is on top of all of the part of the same family. The challenge is to sport that is part of our regular extra- then ingrain this in the children and impress curricular timetable. Do encourage your upon them how important it is that they treat Since the last newsletter, pupils in Year 11 and children to get or make a note to sign up to a everyone they meet in the wider world in the 13 have been working their socks off getting next year if they have missed the sign up this future, as a family member. We can't build the through their examinations. Each exam time round. There is nothing lost in trying Kingdom if the family is divided! completed brings them one-step closer to a something new, tell them to be brave! Our Reflections for this week community grows stronger through shared well-deserved restful summer holiday and  What are my family rules and experiences. excellent qualification results in August. expectations? Whilst the GCSE’s are nearly complete and As an supporter who has drawn  Who do I apply them to? the A-Level pupils only have two weeks to go, Australia in the staff sweepstake, I am not  Who else could / should I apply them to? sure if the results in the World Cup will live up the rest of the school continue to work hard  What are the expectations of me as a to my high expectations! Worst-case right up until the summer holiday. Most member of God’s family? notably the Year 7 and 8 pupils have been scenario, we have the Tour De France to look revising furiously for their end of year exams forward to afterwards, Geraint Thomas looks School Production – Annie which are now about to start. strong. The timing of the World Cup starting today Gospel Reflection made me reflect on the importance of balance Mark 3:20-35 (and grateful that the competition did not 2017-18: Building the Kingdom from Salesian start two weeks ago, it might have been a School slight distraction to all of those pupils revising!). Working hard is important but to Jesus causes controversy in this week's Gospel avoid burn out, the pupils need to take a passage when he lets it be known that he break. A perfect way to take an evening off considers not just his blood relatives as family would be to watch a football game but but in fact everyone who has faith in God. This significantly better when you watch the would include all those that he spent time games with friends and family who you enjoy with including those who would have been spending time with. The importance of considered unworthy by society at the time. spending time together both in and outside of If everyone took this concept on board and lessons is at the core of our community. With treated every other person as part of their such little time left before the end of term, I family, it would have great implications for would urge all students to get involved in building the Kingdom. Sets of family rules or Rehearsals are well underway, for what is something extra-curricular to balance the expectations are common place and may look promising to be Salesian's best musical yet! hard work involved in end of year exams and something like this: Keep your promises; With students now dancing and singing all to build stronger relationships with teachers Share; Think of others before yourself; Say I over the stage in preparation for the July and peers. In the few remaining weeks left love you; Listen; Do your best; Say please and show, it would be a shame for you to miss out there are a whole host of opportunities thank you; Always tell the truth; Laugh at on tickets, now available to buy from TUCASI! available to them; Year 7 no-homework- yourself; Hug often; Say sorry and forgive There are solos, ensemble dances, amazing week, Year 9 extra-curricular evening, two each other; Be kind; Love each other. Great acting and a live dog, what more could you Duke of Edinburgh expeditions, Slovakia stuff! Now imagine what it would be like if we want from a show? exchange, Sports Day, Year 10 careers day, applied this to everyone, not just our nearest Tickets are now on sale for the shows on Year 10 work experience day, Eden Project and dearest. shows on Wednesday 11th and Thursday 12th trip, Year 10 History trip, school production of SALESIAN NEWSLETTER | Issue 9 2

July, it is expected to be a sell out, so get in day students enjoyed the delights of Art in School Chapel quick! authentic Italian pizza making, when in Rome The Chapel of St. Francis of Sales, at our do as the Romans do! Sarah Garbett Harte (Head of Drama) Guildford Road site now has an added Curriculum update attraction. One of our current Year 8 students, Nicola Howie, had the idea, last year, of Next year we will be moving from our current running a stained glass window competition timetable structure of 5 1 hour lessons a day for our chapel. A number of entries were to 6 50 minutes lessons. The change will submitted and passed to the Chaplain, Fr. enable us to deliver a broader curriculum, Marco Villani SDB. particularly at KS3, leading to an increase in provision for the more creative subjects. We In consultation with Ms. Baker, Art Technician remain committed to the core subjects; the and Teacher, a decision was made to blend move will create extra lessons in English, the submitted designs into three final designs. Day 2 saw us accomplish an epic walking tour Maths, RE and allow more students to be The three designs – applied on Perspex using of the City where we took in the wonders of taught triple Science in KS4 as this will now glass paint – were completed by Ms. Baker the Coliseum, Pantheon and the Roman form part of their curriculum offer. The shift to and affixed into position by members of the Forum while also having our pick of the simply 50 minute lessons will not affect the start and Premises Team. delicious Italian Gelato on offer! Students finish times to the school day with students impressed me with their interesting continuing to be expected to arrive at 8.45am questioning throughout the trip and I was so to start the day, with 3.30pm remaining our proud, when not only the hotel staff said how finish time. brilliant they had been but also the airline Paul Gower (Head of School) staff. Year 10 Maths Inspiration Day Katie Hibbins-Durkin (2nd in RE) On Monday 4th June, the following year 10 Year 11 Leavers Day pupils joined Miss Woodroffe and myself for a Maths inspiration day at Guildford County School: Lottie Fry, Ellie Needham, Nika Rizol, Thank you to everyone who has contributed Emma Davies, Aisling Eaton, Colm Crosby, to this stunning and most fitting religious Jason De Freitas, Isabelle Stanley, Kesley- display. Jane Donnachie, William Lavery, Tom Fr Marco Villani (Chaplain/Teacher of RE) Keating, Ethan Clark, Dylan Schofield and The year 11 students celebrated the start of Year 10 Art Trip Nathan McKeown. study leave with their final full day of school. They completed 5 different activities beyond Some of them, of course, will be staying on at the curriculum with the idea of inspiring them Salesian Sixth form so we look forward to to continue Maths beyond GCSE. These welcoming them back in the new academic activities included coding, creating 3D year. The students celebrated with mass as a packaging for ping-pong balls, solving whole cohort at St Anne’s church, a leavers questions using only four 4’s, algorithms and assembly and finally some photos and shirt theory of relativity. All students unanimously signing at our Highfield Road site. I am sure agreed they enjoyed the coding and that parents, guardians and staff alike will algorithms activities, and the majority are agree that this year’s leavers are a truly now contemplating taking A-Level Maths. Go wonderful bunch of young people continuing on do it! on their journey promoting the Salesian ethos Alice Peterkin (Maths teacher) and values out in the wider community. I have no doubt they will continue to succeed in all RE Trip to Rome they do. Over May half term, the RE department were On Tuesday 12th June, a large group of lucky enough to take a group of Year 9 and 10 Salesian Art and Photography Students, from students to Rome. The plan was to see all that Year 10 and 12, visited Wisley Gardens. this beautiful city had to offer in 3 days, no Students explored the gardens, which were in mean feat! An early morning train ride took full bloom, capturing images through drawing us to the Vatican Museum where students and their photographic work. were able to see, in person, the glory of Michelangelo’s Last Judgment and the Erica Creation of Adam, simply jaw dropping! Di Followed by a brisk walk across Rome to the For those Year 11’s who will be moving on to Gregorio English college where we took part in a pastures new, you will be sorely missed. walking lecture on the history of the building Thank you for all of your hard work and great and its artwork surrounding the English humour. It has been a pleasure to watch you martyrs. Students were given an opportunity grow over the past five years. Good luck with to speak with a priest who sits on different your remaining examinations and we look Vatican councils about why the Church is both forward to seeing you at Prom. Pontifical and Conciliar in nature. After a busy Chris Browne (Head of Year 11) SALESIAN NEWSLETTER | Issue 9 3

Celebrating Our Students MOCKs/grade collection, they have both Harry increased by 6+ grades! Our students continue to make us proud of Pritchard their academic, extra-curricular and personal We are always keen to hear about our development, we could produce a newsletter students achievements outside of the just based on this! classroom, so please do share these by emailing [email protected] Congratulations to all Year 7’s on their final pieces across DT from their penultimate House Events Students relished the opportunity to apply rotation of the year! This year marks the 25th anniversary of the themselves to their work and were death of Sean Devereux; a much loved encouraged to look at close-up and cropped Salesian pupil and teacher, who died living out images as well as more general landscapes. his vocation to help those less fortunate than The students were a credit to the school and I himself. am certain, the work that ensues will be fantastic. We thought it fitting that this year we should try to raise as much awareness about the Rorie O’Keeffe (Head of Art) good work he did, and raise money for the Year 12 Geography Field Trip Sean Devereux Children's Fund, which has Nicola Howie (Year 8) for her inspiration been set up in his name. behind the stained glass window competition Salesian School are taking park in the annual for the school chapel. "Walk for Sean". It is a 5km walk, with the aim Matthew Sandfort, Katie McLeod, Edward of raising money and awareness. Scott, Charlie Hawkins, Jorge Campos We want to get as many pupils, parents, Olcina, Alex Reilly and Rafael Thompson- family and friends there as possible. The day Souto (Year 9) Currently in Drama, we have is designed for families, with a BBQ and lots of Over a long weekend in June all Year 12 been creating Stage Combat sequences. events to remember Sean; it is set to be a Geography students embarked on a 4-day These students have shown real commitment great day out! residential trip to Juniper Hall, Dorking to in lessons and have created some fantastic collect data for their coursework. After So, for the finer details… believable pieces of theatre! thorough planning and pilot studies during Date: Sunday 8th July 2018 Helen Soane (Year 9) was successful in her day 1 and 2, the students were ready to put it Location: Chandlers Lane, Sean Devereux audition for the prestigious National Youth all into practice at their study areas. Some of Park, , , GU46 7SZ our students ventured down to the coast, Choir – this is an extremely high-level choir, Travel: We are planning on taking up to 50 whilst others conducted an urban study in drawing on under-18s from across the UK. pupils in the school minibuses. It will be first Leatherhead. We were lucky to have Helen has performed in her first concert with come first served, but if it is full we would still gorgeous sunny weather throughout, and the them and has already attended one of their encourage you to come with your family and students worked really hard to plan and start residential courses. In addition to this, she has meet us there. You can sign up separately on analysing their data for this important part of recently achieved a distinction at Grade 4. the website. Please follow this link if this is their A Level. Alfie Holmes (Year 10) for continually what you decide to do: Emily Rawlins (Head of Geography) showing Kingdom values in his actions. Christian Winter, Imogen Lunn and Sophie Prefect Appointments 61217 Kerswill (Year 10) who have been on fire this I am pleased to announce that after some week with their answers during RE lessons! If you are planning on making your own way pretty tough rounds of interviews, the to the event please email Miss Barnsley Christine Simon and Nika Rizol (Year 10) for [email protected] so we know following student have been awarded the showing their Salesianity to the wider who to expect. following prefect roles: community, recently helping at Christ the Head Boy – Cameron Makin, Head Girl – Prince of Peace Vintage Tea party and Cost: £12. (£10 of this goes straight to the Charlotte Fry. Deputy Head Boy – Elijah contributing to its huge success. Sean Devereux Children's Fund). Smith, Deputy Head Girl – Imogen Burton Ryan Proctor (Year 10) for showing so much How to apply: Sign up on Tucasi Prefects - Alfie Holmes, Aisling Eaton, Leizel positivity this week in the face of extra work. Raise money: Details of how to donate and Abrahams, Olivia Taylor, Maisy Cronin, Elijah Smith (Year 10) for persevering with raise money will be released later. Amelia Guy-Williams, Kitty Haire, Emma his hopes and dreams and making them come We would encourage as many family Horsey, Zoe Grimes, Toby Punton, Jacob true. members and friends to meet us there and Vellucci, Juliette Grammer, Nicole join us to celebrate the work of this great man, Mongaudon, Gabriella Alexandru, Gianluca Emily Smith, Ethan Clark and Katie Couch in addition to enjoying a fun day out with the Maffi, Lily Bayliss, Nathaniel James, Jamie (Year 10) for excellent progress in their exams Salesian community. Sinclair Williams, Lucia McLean, Finn all achieving a 7+. Mitchell, Ella Howe, Sofia Scott, Zahra Natalia Scannella Caitlin Walsh Caitlin Neal Sporting News Princess Ann Badilla (Year 10) for their Hadfield, Jasmine Fawcus-Smith, Calogera On the 9th of June selected athletes were amazing efforts in improving their Textiles Scannella, Nika Rizol, Zak White-Sey. chosen by North West Surrey to compete at theory knowledge following the I am certain they will all do a splendid job the Surrey Schools Athletics Championships. MOCKs/grade collection: representing the school in their new To be picked for this event is a HUGE deal as prestigious roles, wearing the tie of honour. Mia Charfaoui and Katie Treanor (Year 10) only a handful are picked so those that were Kate Honeywood (Hear of Year 10) for their amazing efforts in improving their should be very proud of themselves. Graphics theory knowledge, following SALESIAN NEWSLETTER | Issue 9 4

All athletes competed very well in their Whitfield, Mr Bicknell & Mr Ryan who all Building Our Alumni respective events. Holly Landon ran the 800m instilled a love of sport and coaching amongst If you are a past student or parent of past for the Junior Girls where she came 3rd in her my peers and I. All three were outstanding student interested in joining our alumni heat narrowly missing out on the final. Will teachers, sportsmen and mentors for when I please do get in touch by emailing Harding made it through to the 200m final for began my teacher training. Finally, Dr Lydon [email protected] with your the Junior Boys and came a respectable 7th (Governor) who steered me towards a contact details so we can continue to grow our place in what looked to be a very fast final. teaching career, aiding my application to St school community. Katie Clutterbuck competed in the 3000m for Mary’s and providing me with my first post the Inter Girls, a new event she just started here as a Teaching Assistant, whilst I Family this year, where she came 5th, along with completed my studies. On completion of my Working in education is not, like most older brother Matthew also competing in the degree, Mr Kibble accepted me on the industries, a 9-5 job and I am yet to meet 3000m coming 2nd earning the silver medal. Graduate Teacher Program in 2012. someone who isn’t committed to ensuring Marvin Tchangwa came 3rd in his 800m final Why I love my job that every student gets the best possible deal. in which he was less than a second away from Salesian relationships are at the basis of my Therefore, when we wrongly or rightly dip the silver medal. Finally, in the hurdles events, career, we have superb relationships in this into our email at 22:19 on a Thursday night Emma Horsey ran very well to come 2nd in the school with colleagues, parents and students and sitting in our inbox is a thank you message 300m and Tom Cursons won his 400m race by alike. These same relationships see so many (see below) from a student to every member two seconds! They will both be competing at ex-students coming back to work here, or in of staff, I know that we all rest our heads on the inter counties competition next weekend. the profession; a testament to how positive our pillows feeling a warm glow and huge job Well done to everyone who competed, we are the atmosphere is and what a great family satisfaction. immensely proud of their achievements. ethos Salesian instills. Rugby is my main Good evening, Lisa O’Brien (Sports Coach) passion in life and I take great pride in our With tomorrow's exam being my last one, I achievements where we compete against Getting to Know Our Teachers thought that this would be an appropriate some much stronger rugby schools. The time to say a quick thank you. Over the students often take up Rugby in their free last five years, I have come in contact with so time, which comes with so many other many staff members that it would be pretty benefits and can set them up with core values much impossible to say thank you to each and characteristics for life. Finally I love the person individually. extra-curricular trips we get to have whether As many of you know, I won't be staying for that being to a sports fixture or a residential Sixth Form because we have moved however ski trip. Sharing your passions with young the last five years have definitely shaped me Current Position in School people and getting to know them away from as a person so I would like to say a massive the classroom is pivotal to what teaching is all Currently I am Head of Year 11, Head of Rugby thank you for all the help, support about. and teacher of Physical Education & Science. and opportunities I got over my time at When not teaching I am responsible for the If you are interested in pursuing a career in Salesian School, it is definitely appreciated! I day-to-day running of the year group. In my teaching, email Joanne Hawkins feel honoured to have come to a fantastic role as Head of Year, I work with the students, [email protected] or visit our school like Salesian, and sad that I won't be parents, teachers, heads of department and website able to continue my education on here. the senior leadership team. I am responsible, not only for their academic progress, but Work Placement Opportunity It is five years I won't forget as long as I live!! equally importantly for their pastoral care and We have an opportunity at Salesian for an All the best, instilling the schools catholic ethos within undergraduate/graduate as a Maths specific Gellért Kiss every Salesian pupil. Previously I have worked Assistant Teacher. You will be working as part Gellért is no different to many of our students as Head of Boys PE, Assistant Head of Year of the Maths team to support students on a who contribute so widely to the school and Head of House. daily basis. community, whether it be mentoring younger How I got into teaching Your role will be varied and include: students, helping with mass or school Supporting in maths lessons; I attended Salesian school myself from 1999- productions, acting as a student voice or Facilitating small withdrawal groups; 2006, then going on to St Mary’s University. I being part of the prefect team. Perhaps One-to-one support; had a fantastic experience at school, made Gellért, is exceptional in that he recognises Preparation of support materials; friends for life and had some incredible every member of staff plays a part in his Assessment, recording and reporting of teachers who inspired me to pursue a career education and development. We will all progress; in teaching, to name but a few, Fr Dickson certainly miss his innovative ‘Salesian Radio’ Provision of extra-curricular (Rugby Coach), Mr Doherty (Deputy Head station. opportunities. teacher) and Mrs Giltinan (Maths). At the It seems fitting to end this newsletter saying time, these teachers simply made school The paid placement will run from 1st that every student that enters our doors enjoyable, in addition to supporting me September 2018 until the 31st July 2019. becomes and remains part of the ‘Salesian through my GCSE’s and A levels. Of course, The post would suit anyone who is thinking of Family’ and we hope that they remember this they told me off when need be! In hindsight, I embarking on a career in teaching at some as they follow their path in life. I have no now know they were just fantastic teachers point in the future as it offers successful doubt that Don Bosco would be proud of who had mastered their trade, knew how to candidates the opportunity to gain valuable every single member of his ever-growing connect with young people and taught in a insight into how schools work and how family. Salesian way. students learn best. Paul Gower (Head of School) The most influential teachers for my career For further information, please contact Pippa choice have to be my PE teachers, Mr Carr by email [email protected]