Parish Guide

St. Edmund King & Martyr 19 Croft Road, , GU7 1DB

Mass Times: Saturday Vigil 6.00pm at St. Edmund’s, Godalming

Sunday Mass: 8.45am at St. John’s Anglican Church, St. John’s St, Farncombe, Godalming, Surrey GU7 3EJ

St. Joseph’s Milford Surrey GU8 5DU

Sunday Mass: 10.15am at St. Joseph’s, Milford

Sacrament of Reconciliation At Call and 5.15pm to 5.45pm Saturdays at St. Edmund’s

Tel : 01483 416880 Email : [email protected]

Website :

The Parish Vision

"Proclaiming Christ to the world : empowering all around us with the presence and joy of the Holy Spirit."

In order that the Gospel may be lived in our lives through the Power of the Holy Spirit and our Parish may become a community where all who love Christ Jesus act together to build a better, more human world, we the people of Godalming Parish pledge ourselves that we will become more fully :

1. A Learning Church : Deepening our understanding of faith, humbling ourselves to learn from Our Lord and each other and discovering the true nature of the Body of Christ - open to the Power of the Holy Spirit.

2. A Celebrating Church : Aiming, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to deepen and enrich our experience of Prayer and Liturgy, praising Him for His Goodness to us, thanking Him and praying for His help.

3. A Caring Church : Developing a loving, caring and supportive community.

4. A Living Church : Participating in helping the Church become an alive and vibrant force in our Godalming Parish and in the local community; aiming to be Christ in our world, committed to Evangelisation in response to Jesus' commission actively to spread God's truth.

5. Partners in Service : Pooling our efforts with other Faith communities as Jesus taught in the Gospels.


St Edmund's Parish

Our Parish Priest is Fr. David Parmiter who is supported by many Parish teams.

There is an elected Finance and General Purposes Committee responsible for Parish finance and buildings.

Chairman - Alan Lion ( [email protected] ) Secretary - Ann Bleddyn ( [email protected] ) Treasurer - Rory Flynn ( [email protected] )

The full Committee is : Alan Lion (Chair), Ann Bleddyn (Secretary), Fr David, Rory Flynn, Arthur Gomez, Sean Leathem, Margaret McClinton & Damian Wheeler.

There are also Teams to look after each area of Parish Life (e.g. Liturgy). Members of each team work together led by a Co-ordinator.

Each team aims to help parishioners to form a closer relationship with God and to share that love with one another. And so to SPREAD THE GOOD NEWS by evangelising with LOVE!

The Co-ordinators usually meet together every other month to discuss how they can help make the Parish Vision a reality and they then communicate that to the Parish, especially through the Parish Newsletter and website.


St. Edmund’s Parish Co-ordinators

Baptism : Judith Carroll 01483 414543 [email protected] and Janet Quinlan 01252 702156 [email protected]

Christian Unity / Churches Together : Angela Gilmour 01483 424988 [email protected]

Confirmation : Ali McAully 01483 422191

First Holy Communion : Anne Hodgson [email protected]

Justice & Peace : Mary Waight 01483 428031 [email protected]

Liturgy : Susan Strudwick 01483 428564 [email protected]

Marriage and Family Life : Andrew Lodge 01483 415614 [email protected]

Pastoral Renewal : Ian Honeysett 01483 860341 [email protected]

Saint Edmund's School : Mrs. Elizabeth Higgins (Headteacher) 01483 414497 [email protected]

Social Concerns : Margaret McClinton 01483 424967 [email protected]

Social Events : Sandra Paiano 01428 684766 [email protected] and Natasha Brown 01483 860464 [email protected]

Youth : Bernadette Thatcher 01483 421072 [email protected]

The role of each Co-ordinator is described in the following pages.


Baptism Co-ordinators : Judith Carroll 01483 414543 [email protected] and Janet Quinlan 01252 702156 [email protected]

The role of the Baptism Team is to support the Parish Priest by arranging all Baptisms and Naming Ceremonies within the Parish. This involves:

• Fielding all enquiries and questions about Baptism • Meeting the parent/s of all candidates and dealing with their queries and arrangements, including relevant documents and materials • Scheduling all relevant ceremonies • Arranging and conducting periodic Baptism Preparation courses for parents • Facilitating the induction of young families into wider Parish life.

The team liaises most closely with Fr David, the Parish Secretary and the Sacristans, as well as with the Bumps, Baby and Toddler Group. It consists of:

Janet Quinlan, Co-ordinator 01252 702156 Elena Gomez and Susan King, Catechists 01428 482333 (Susan) [email protected]. Judith Carroll, initial enquiries 01483 414543 [email protected] Caren Heslop, congratulation cards after Baptism.

Further plans are: • We would like to celebrate the anniversaries of Baptisms every two or three years, with a Mass and lunch. • Arrange for new families in the Parish to be befriended by an established family. • Find ways of making it easier to manage very young children at Mass.


Christian Unity / Churches Together Co-ordinator : Angela Gilmour 01483 424988 [email protected]

St Edmund’s is an active member of Churches Together in Godalming. The Christian Unity group co-ordinates our participation in numerous ecumenical events throughout the year, including Prayer Breakfasts, Lent Groups, the March of Witness on Good Friday, and the joint ecumenical communion service in the New Year. Associated activities include : • Prayer Breakfast / Farncombe Mens' Prayer Breakfast (See Parish A-Z). • Surrey Churches Ride & Stride (See Parish A-Z). • Good Friday Walk of Witness : There is an Ecumenical Walk of Witness starting at 10.45 at The Wharf, Godalming and finishing at the Pepperpot (See Churches Together). • Ecumenical Farncombe Prayer Group : All are welcome to join the group which meets on the second Monday of the month at 7.00pm at St John's Anglican Church, Farncombe (See A-Z list). • The Cellar : The Cellar is a café (the trustees of which are The Warehouse Christian Trust) in the centre of Godalming which is open to everyone, but with the principal objective of providing a caring and friendly meeting place for disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the community. Everyone is welcome without discrimination or judgement, and the cost of food and drink is kept at an affordable level. They are seeking volunteers to help at lunchtime in particular (for contact see A-Z list) Their website is at : • Christian Fellowship have ecumenical Prayer gatherings to pray for the Village, Bible Studies and Services twice a year: see their website at : 6

Confirmation Co-ordinator : Ali McAully 01483 422191

The Confirmation Preparation Programme each year will begin with a meeting for candidates interested in the programme (and their parents) in the Parish Room at 4:30pm on a date published in the Newsletter, followed by the Youth Mass. The programme is open to all young people within the Parish who are in school year 10 and above but who are under 18 and who wish to confirm their faith.

The sessions take place in the Parish Room every fourth Saturday of the month (unless stated) to coincide with the Youth Mass. Sessions will begin at 4:30pm and will finish after the Youth Mass at 7pm; worshipping together will be a part of the programme. If you would like to register your interest in the programme then please speak with your parents and then contact the Confirmation Co-ordinator - or come along to the annual meeting as above to find out more.

The aim is to prepare the young people to receive the sacrament of Confirmation and we do this by encouraging each young person to enter into a personal relationship with God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; the essence of God that is with us and in us.


First Holy Communion Co-ordinator : Anne Hodgson [email protected]

The First Holy Communion programme takes place every year for children from the Parish who are in school Year 4 or above (i.e. turning 9 years old). Regular meetings are scheduled between September and April/May for children and parents, which take place at St. Edmund's Primary School. The children also regularly contribute to Mass at St. Joseph's.

For your reference, the programme for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion can be downloaded from the Parish website at This will be updated with each new year's details once they become available.

For more information about the FHC programme, please contact the First Communion Co-ordinator or via email: [email protected]

The First Holy Communion Masses are celebrated in May.


Justice and Peace Co-ordinator : Mary Waight 01483 428031 [email protected]

In his days justice will flourish and peace till the moon fails. (Psalm 71)

The Parish Justice and Peace group tries to take forward the Gospel and the Church's teaching on social justice. We look at human rights and social justice issues for our brothers and sisters living in other countries. We aim to raise awareness about poverty and oppression in the two thirds or developing world. We do this through a variety of activities. We have twinned St Edmund's Parish with Kasanka, a Parish in rural Zambia and each year throughout Lent raise money and awareness about what happens in Kasanka (see the Parish website for the latest news).

We sell Traidcraft goods and promote Fair Trade at Masses every other month. We have been part of the campaign to make Godalming a Fair Trade town - the status was awarded in 2008. We raise awareness of relevant campaigns, for example Jubilee 2000 debt cancellation, fair trade, racial justice. When possible we encourage parishioners to join on rallies and protests. We have promoted praying for peace, for example through peace vigils. We also support events such as One World Week.

The group meet on a monthly basis, usually the first Wednesday of the month but this can vary. Everyone in the Parish is welcome to join us.

Among our tasks as witnesses to the love of Christ is that of giving a voice to the cry of the poor. (Pope Francis, Address to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 6/4/13)


Liturgy Co-ordinator : Susan Strudwick 01483 428564 [email protected]

The Liturgy Team has the special prayerful responsibility of putting together all the Services in our Churches.

They work together to make our Masses and other Services appealing and draw people closer to God in creating an atmosphere of seriousness but also of adoration and joy.

The Liturgy Group was formed in 1991, under the leadership of the late Rev Jim Lawler, Parish Deacon. In 1994, Susan Strudwick took on the role of Co-ordinator. She works alongside Sean Leatham who oversees each service and who also welcomes and instructs Altar Girls and Boys to enjoy being Altar Servers.

The Group is responsible, in consultation with all involved, for the organisation of preparations for Christmas and Easter liturgies, First Holy Communion celebrations and so on. The Group meets four times a year to supply dates, times, venue and altar requirements for the Sacristans for each proposed service. They like to make sure that all requirements involving Sacristans, servers, musicians, service sheets and clergy are in place.

Once information about an event is supplied to a Liturgy meeting, it should not be altered unless absolutely necessary. Any completely new or additional liturgical event should not be fully arranged until the Liturgy Group has been advised so as to avoid possible clashes of interests.


Marriage and Family Life Co-ordinator : Andrew Lodge 01483 415614 [email protected]

The Role of the group is :

• To foster, support and sustain Marriage and Family life • To assert and uphold the enduring Sacramental ideal of Marriage • To develop a contact group in the Parish to promote Family values in close liaison with our Parish Priest • To maintain links between the Parish and Diocese • To promote Family life events through newsletter and website • To recognise special Wedding Anniversaries and Birthdays • To organise Marriage Blessings and Family days

Support groups include: Family Day Events Andrew Lodge 01483 415614 and Sandra Paiano 01428 684766 Bumps, Baby and Toddler Group Janet Quinlan 01252 702156 Marriage Encounter Alan and Nicki Lion 01483 420859 - See Parish A to Z Marriage Preparation Andrew Lodge 01483 415614 - See Parish A to Z Teams of Our Lady Jo and Julian Lewry 01483 421520 - See Parish A to Z Bereavement Support Nuala Gallagher 01483 423463

Help from parishioners for family days and events are welcome - contact Andrew Lodge.


Pastoral Renewal Co-ordinator : Ian Honeysett 014893 429615 [email protected]

We see our role as based on helping to turn the Parish Vision into reality. In particular, our aim to become “1. A Learning Church : Deepening our understanding of faith, humbling ourselves to learn from Our Lord and each other and discovering the true nature of the Body of Christ - open to the Power of the Holy Spirit”. To this end we have been studying such books as ‘Forming Intentional Disciples’ by Sherry Weddell which focuses on “the personal, interior journey of a living relationship with Christ resulting in Intentional Discipleship”.

In the past, Pastoral Renewal initiatives have included the Alpha and Post- Alpha programmes, RCIA, and Holy Spirit seminars as well as talks on the Sacraments and the History of the Christian Church. Recently we have managed the Parish Census and led on a Parish Development Plan to implement the Parish Vision. Ideas for activities include Days of Renewal, Parish Pilgrimages, home-based Alpha courses and a 'Catholic Basics' refresher programme.

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the official way of welcoming and receiving new members into the Catholic Church. RCIA runs from October to the following Easter. Details are on the Parish website:

There are various groups (eg Bible Study, Prayer and Book groups) in the Parish whose aim is to deepen understanding of the faith - see the A to Z below for further information. Ladywell Convent also run Retreat Days and


there are Bible Studies and other Activities at Wintershall as well as Days of Renewal run by the Benedictines at Chilworth Abbey and in Alton monthly.

Pastoral Renewal has also taken on responsibility for supporting and encouraging small home-based groups in the Parish. A number of these already exist, for example Prayer and Bible Study (see A to Z for details). There are also Lent and Advent / Jubilee 50 groups. The Vision is to develop such groups to identify local needs and offer appropriate support.

Schools Primary : St Edmund's School, Godalming : Elizabeth Higgins (Headteacher) 01483 414497. See School website :

Secondary : St Peter's Catholic School, . See School website :

St. Edmund’s School : Learn, Love and Live with the Lord

St Edmund’s is a vibrant environment where we aim for every child to be loved, every child to matter, every child to achieve and all staff to be enthusiastically committed to children’s learning and development.

With God’s help we aim to… • promote Gospel values and the teachings of the Catholic Church as an integral part of our mission, providing a comprehensive religious education which expresses the life of faith through worship, liturgy and prayer


• ensure a Catholic ethos which will be experienced by all who enter the school and which will allow God’s light to shine out of each child • create an exciting and vibrant curriculum where high standards are achieved through high quality teaching, learning and assessment • provide a warm emotional environment where learning is enjoyed by all, and in which all children are treated as special, individual and important • provide a safe and healthy learning environment where behaviour is excellent, developing in children a respect for themselves and each other within a loving Catholic community • be at the heart of the Parish, an active part of the local community and of the universal Church • sustain improvement through high quality leadership and governance • recruit and retain high quality staff and use our time, effort and resources in the most efficient way to meet these aims.


Social Concerns Co-ordinator: Margaret McClinton 01483 424967 [email protected]

The group looks after many activities including arranging lifts to Mass, visits to the sick both at home and to those in hospital, financial help to parishioners, DSS queries, help for the homeless, help for those seeking accommodation, and distribution of Christmas hampers to the elderly.

Margaret McClinton also leads on Pro-Life activities including running the annual Pro-Life stand in Guildford, vigils at abortion clinics, arranging support for pregnant ladies with the Good Counsel Network, supplying Pro-Life literature to schools and libraries, and many more activities. Further details may be found under Pro-Life in the Parish A to Z section.

There is also the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP), St Edmund's Conference: Turning Concern into Action. This is a voluntary Christian organisation that provides practical help to those in need. For further information see St Vincent de Paul in the A-Z section.


Social Events Co-ordinators : Sandra Paiano 01428 684766 [email protected] and Natasha Brown 01483 860464

Our role is :

1. To bring together parishioners from the three Mass centres of St. Edmund's, St. Joseph's, St. John's and families from St. Edmund's School within a social setting with a variety of enjoyable parish events spread throughout the year. To organise these social events within the Parish. Past events have included Parish Family Days on the Feast of the Assumption and Corpus Christi, Pancake Party, Valentine’s Party, Fr Michael's Birthday and Golden Jubilee, Barn Dance, Sunday Lunches, 'History of the Church' talks with shared suppers, Welcomers’ and Altar Servers’ Lunch and Afternoon Tea.

2. To liaise with Co-ordinators on ideas for social events and to research and book venues.

3. To produce literature to advertise social events within the parish through the weekly newsletter, flyers, posters and announcements after Mass.

There is Afternoon Tea at St Joseph’s, Milford from 2 – 4 pm on the second Wednesday of the month. Do come along and catch up with old friends from the different Mass centres or make new ones. If you would like a lift, contact the Coordinators.

There is also coffee after Mass on some Sundays at St Joseph’s, Milford and on the first Sunday of the month at St John’s, Farncombe.


Youth Co-ordinator : Ali McAully 01483 422191

You can find details of our activities at These include ( see A to Z below for further details) :

• A thriving Children’s Liturgy

• Bumps, Baby and Toddler group

• First Holy Communion programme

• Confirmation programme

• A Youth Mass on the fourth Saturday of each month

The Youth Co-ordinator works closely with the Trinity Trust Team which is a local community youth organisation supported by Churches Together in Godalming. Trinity Trust Team runs a number of after-school clubs and youth cafes.

More information can be found at their website at :


Parish A to Z A to Z of Parish Groups / Activities

Access : access for those with limited mobility (for example in a wheelchair) is very limited at St Edmund's church due to the steep flight of steps leading to the entrance. However, there is access at St Joseph's, Milford (10.15 Sunday and weekday Mass on Wednesday and Friday), and St John's, Farncombe (8.45 Sunday).

Acorn Christian Healing : They are based in Whitehill Chase, Bordon, and their unique healing ministry is particularly focused on reconciliation and listening. They also hold a Guildford Diocese Summer school.

Administration : Susan Strudwick is the Parish Secretary and can be contacted on : 01483 428564 and at [email protected]. Among many other things, she produces rotas for Readers and Communion Ministers and the Parish Newsletter which goes to press on Thursdays.

Afternoon Tea : St Joseph's, Milford : 2pm - 4pm on second Wednesday of the month. Do come along and catch up with old friends from the different Mass centres, or, perhaps, make new ones. If you would like a lift, please ring Janet Quinlan 01252 702156.

AGM : The Parish AGM is held in May each year at St Edmund's School. The minutes are available at :

Alpha / Post Alpha : not currently active but the Parish has run many successful programmes in the past and may do so again - possibly in parishioners’ homes. It is organised by the Pastoral Renewal Team.


Parish A to Z

Altar Servers : Sean Leatham 01483 423954 organises the altar servers (male and female) for the Parish.

Assisting In : As trustees of the Sean Devereux Children's Fund, Nicki and Alan Lion work to help those who are less fortunate. Please see the fund's website for details of what they do : If you would like to become involved in this work in any way, please contact them for a chat. 01483 420859 [email protected] or [email protected]

Bible Alive : Bible Alive is a monthly magazine with daily reflections on the Mass readings & inspiring stories of Faith in action. Subscriptions are available. They support international & prison outreach: 01782 745600

Bible Study : There is a Bible study group which is open to all comers regardless of experience which takes place regularly on Tuesdays at 10.30am during term time at St. Joseph’s Room in Milford.

Book Group : Ian & Jan Honeysett 01483 429615 [email protected] organise this Ecumenical Book Group which meets bi-monthly in parishioners' homes. They read a wide range of books - fiction and non-fiction. All are welcome.

Book Stall / Repository : There is a book stall which is kept in the Parish room at St Edmund’s Church Croft Road Godalming - please contact Anna Rogers 07896 971691.

Bumps, Baby & Toddler Group : Janet Quinlan is the organiser : 01252 702156 [email protected] The group offers an opportunity for Mums and other carers to meet on Mondays at 10.30am at St John's Parish Room, Farncombe. 19

Parish A to Z

CAFOD (The Catholic Agency for Overseas Development) is the Catholic international aid agency working to alleviate poverty and suffering in developing countries. It’s part of Caritas International which operates in over 200 countries. The Parish contact is Julian Lewry 01483 421520. The CAFOD website is at :

Cellar : The Cellar is a café (the trustees of which are the Warehouse Christian Trust) in the centre of Godalming which is open to everyone, but with the principal objective of providing a caring and friendly meeting place for disadvantaged and vulnerable people in the community. Everyone is welcome without discrimination or judgement, and the cost of food and drink is kept at an affordable level. They are seeking volunteers to help at lunchtime in particular (contact Debbie on : 01483 417097). Their website is at :

Child Protection : There is currently a vacancy for a Parish Child Protection Officer but the Diocesan Child Protection Service is on : 01273 241203.

Children's Liturgy : Young children are invited to go into a separate room most Sundays at the 10.15am Mass at St. Joseph's Milford and 8.45am at St. John’s Farncombe for their Liturgy. The organisers are: Agnieszka Dziemba [email protected] (at St. Joseph’s) and Eleanor Streatfield [email protected] (at St. John’s). The aim is to help and instruct children about the Mass and the life of Jesus Christ so that they can enjoy being Christians, and develop a real relationship with Jesus and want to take part in the life of the Church. Parents are always welcome to join them and their help is always appreciated.


Parish A to Z

Church Cleaning & Flowers : new helpers are always welcome. You work as part of a team of two and over a six month rota do the cleaning or flower arranging on approximately four occasions, so it's not overly demanding. The cleaning can be done on any day of the week and at any time there is not a service so you can work this around family and other commitments. The flowers are normally arranged on a Friday or Saturday (in time for the weekend). The Parish provides all the materials - it's just your time we need. If you can help with the cleaning please contact Helen McSherry on 01483 414513 or email [email protected] and if you would like to do flowers contact Catherine Maxwell-Miles 01428 682045 or email [email protected]

Collection & Counting : There are teams for the offertory collections at Mass as well as for counting the collections. The organiser is Eileen Hudson [email protected]

Dine for Nine : This was an opportunity for single people and couples to meet for a meal in members' homes. It is not currently active.

Ecumenical Farncombe Prayer Group : Reverend Maggie Stirling-Troy 01483 428733 is the contact. All are welcome to join the group which meets on the second Monday of the month at 7.00pm at St John's Church, Farncombe.

English Catholic History Association : Parishioner Bernard Polack 01483 421412 is a Regional Co-ordinator for this nation-wide organisation which seeks to encourage interest in the Catholic history of and Wales and provides support systems for researchers in this field. Visits to places of Catholic historical interest with talks by eminent


Parish A to Z

speakers are arranged once a month from April to September with an AGM and day conference in October. Residential conferences have been held on a biennial basis. A quarterly newsletter gives news of Association activities and contains short articles by members. Their website is at

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion : The extraordinary minister's function is to distribute Holy Communion, either within Mass or by taking it to a sick person, when an ordained minister (bishop, priest or deacon) is absent or impeded. Susan Strudwick organises the rotas for Godalming & Milford and Damian Wheeler covers Farncombe. Anyone interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister should contact them; Susan on 01483 428564 [email protected] and Damian on 01483 422137 [email protected]

Ex-Offenders : Nicki Lion 01483 420859. See website at

Farncombe Music Club : Julian Lewry 01483 421520. Concerts are held regularly in St John's Church, Farncombe. A proportion of the receipts goes to support the Trinity Trust (see below).

Flowers : see Church Cleaning & Flowers.

Food Bank : To help those most in need, an ever-growing number of Food Banks have sprung up; cooperatively run community projects and drop-in centres that provide desperately needed food packages to families and individuals who are struggling. In Godalming, there is the Cellar (see above) and the St Mark's Foodbank, 22

Parish A to Z

St Mark's Church and Community Centre, Godalming, GU7 2LD. The latter provides three days’ emergency food parcels for individuals and families in crisis. Access to the Foodbank is normally through referrals, for example by health professionals, schools, local police and community/voluntary organisations. This service is operated in partnership with the Anglican Group Ministry in Godalming and Waverley Borough Council. Opening Times: Weekday mornings 9.00am - 1.30pm. Tel: 01483 418741. The contact is Rev. Bev Hunt 01483 424710.

Gap Year Opportunities : See Volunteering Overseas.

Gift Aid : Gift Aid allows UK income taxpayers to add approx 25% (at basic rate) to the value of any gift they make to charity. Contributions to the Parish are covered due to the Diocese being Registered Charity 252878. Eileen Hudson 01483 208238 is the Parish organiser and will happily supply the relevant form for signature by anyone not yet in the scheme.

Good Friday Walk of Witness : there is an Ecumenical Walk of Witness starting at 10.45 at The Wharf, Godalming and finishing at the Pepperpot. See Christian Unity / Churches Together.

Heaven's Road fm Catholic Radio : is a new internet radio station broadcasting prayers, interviews and features to appeal to a Catholic audience. They also webcast up to 40 Masses and other services daily and have over 200+ podcasts available as listen-again. Tune in and listen or watch! The station is run on a shoestring by unpaid volunteers, so any donation, however small, would be very welcome. Cheques should be made payable to Heavens Road fm Catholic Radio and sent to Heavens Road fm Radio, St John's


Parish A to Z

Seminary, , Guildford, GU5 0QX. Follow on Facebook (Heavens Roadfm) or twitter (@HeavensRoadFM).

Holy Hour with Rosary and Benediction is held at St Joseph's, Milford on Friday evenings from 6.30pm so long as Rev. Jeremy Oliver (Deacon) is with the Parish; otherwise Rosary is at 6.45pm.

House Masses : there is a monthly home Mass in Elstead on the first Wednesday at 8.00pm. All are welcome. Please contact Sheila O'Kelly on 01252 702366 [email protected] This started over 25 years ago when 'Small Communities' was established. It is a lovely experience getting together once a month, giving a chance to get to know one another better and identifying needs where we can support one another. It is also fun!

Kasanka : Each year the Parish raises funds to support the Parish of St Francis in Kasanka, Zambia which is run by Sisters from Ladywell Convent. In Lent 2014, £2623.50 (including Gift Aid) was raised in the Parish. Further details at:

Knights of St Columba : The Knights of Saint Columba is a Catholic fraternal service organisation and the largest of its kind in Britain where it has over 4000 members. They are dedicated to the principles of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. They follow the social teachings of the Catholic Church and work for the moral and social welfare of our communities and in particular to help the development of young people. Membership is limited to practising Catholic men aged 16 or older. Sean Leathem is the local contact on 01483 423954.


Parish A to Z

Ladywell Convent (Franciscan Missionaries of the Divine Motherhood) : The Mother House of the Order is at Ashtead Lane, Godalming, Surrey GU7 1ST. Tel no. 01483 425775. They have a Retreat and Spirituality Centre and offer Days and Weeks of Prayer etc. See website

Lent Groups : Details are announced in the Parish Newsletter.

Les Amis : A charity established by a parishioner, Gillie Nicholls 01483 208432 [email protected], to support the people of Burkina Faso in Africa. See

Loseley Christian Cancer Help Centre : A group of about 45 affected by any cancer. The meetings usually begin with a simple communion service in the Chapel at 12.30 p.m. with an invited guest speaker such as a Dr, Rev, or similar, which is followed by a couple of hours of talks and discussion. They meet on the first and third Tuesday of each month: or contact Richard Grey [email protected] 01252 702230.

MacMillan Coffee Mornings : Ali McAully - 122 Lane.

Marriage Encounter : The movement offers engaged and married couples, priests and religious the opportunity to examine their attitudes and expectations, and to deepen their experience of their Sacraments. Over 5 million couples in 100+ countries have attended one of their weekends. See :

Marriage Preparation : for details of marriage preparation courses in the Guildford area, go to :


Parish A to Z

Music : We are blessed to have music at Mass on Saturday evenings at St. Edmund’s and on Sundays and Feast days at St Joseph’s, Milford. There is also a lively Youth Band which plays at the Youth and Children’s Masses. In addition we have a Parish Choir which sings particularly during Advent, Lent and Holy Week services. For Parish music matters, please contact the Parish Office 01483 428564 [email protected]

Newsletter : Susan Strudwick edits the newsletter and items should be sent to her : 01483 428564 and also [email protected]. Copies of current and past newsletters are available on the Parish website at :

Outreach to non-Churchgoing (lapsed) Catholics/Home Mission. See website :

Parish Vision : [email protected]

Parking : Parking is very limited at St Edmund, Godalming. The nearest car parks are on Flambard Way and at the far end of Croft Road. There is a dedicated car park at St Joseph’s, Milford.

Prayer Breakfast / Farncombe Mens' Prayer Breakfast : Edouard Le Maistre in St John’s Anglican Parish. Damian Wheeler is the Parish contact 01483 422137 [email protected]

Prayer Group : Richard Grey 01252 702230 [email protected]. The Parish Prayer group meets on Monday at the Old Farmhouse, Elstead at 8.00pm (except Bank Holidays). All are welcome.

Prayer Weeks at Ladywell Convent (see Ladywell Convent).


Parish A to Z

Prison Work : Have you ever considered working to help prisoners? If you are interested in such work, Nicki and Alan Lion would love to hear from you. It is a very interesting and rewarding area of ministry. Please call them for an informal chat. 01483 420859 [email protected] or [email protected]

Pro Life : Margaret McClinton 01483 424967 [email protected] is the Parish organiser for pro-Life activities which form part of Social Concerns (see ‘Coordinators’ entry above). Their activities include : • Presiding over the Pro-Life stand in Guildford High Street annually, displaying a model of the unborn child. Over 4,000 pro-life leaflets handed out to passing public. Have had discussions and answered questions from the passing public in Guildford regarding the reality of abortion and euthanasia. • Street collection in Guildford for Pro-Life. • Post abortion counselling arranged. • Putting childless couples in touch with NaPro (Natural Family Planning). • Rosary Vigils at various abortion clinics in London every month. • Pregnant ladies put in touch with Good Counsel Network who give practical, emotional and spiritual help. • Letters to M.P.s and peers opposing Mental Capacity Bill and Assisted Suicide Bill. • Supplying Pro-Life literature and videos to libraries and schools.

RCIA : The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the official way of welcoming and receiving new members into the Catholic Church. Ian Honeysett is the organiser and always keen to hear from those who are considering becoming Catholics. You can contact him on 01483 429615


Parish A to Z

[email protected] RCIA runs from October to the following Easter. Details are on the Parish website:

Readers : Susan Strudwick 01483 428564 [email protected] organizes the rotas for Parish Readers for each of the Mass centres. Please contact her if you are interested in becoming a reader at Mass.

Rosary : See Holy Hour.

St Vincent de Paul, St Edmund's Conference : Turning concern into Action. Jo Lewry is the organiser and the contact number is 07990 717067. The St Vincent de Paul society - SVP - is a voluntary Christian organisation that provides practical help to those in need. The main purpose is to offer the hand of friendship by visiting people in the local community who are elderly, lonely or in need of support. The SVP has more than 10,000 members in England and Wales. As it is a voluntary organisation each conference needs to raise funds in order to support those in need by encouraging parishioners to support the group through collections and participating in fundraising events. The St Edmund’s SVP conference meets once a fortnight and during these meeting visits to those in need are organised and the type of support that clients require is discussed. We have a helpline number for people to contact and then a visit to the client from two of the members of the conference will be arranged. The members of the group are all DBS checked and we respect the confidentiality of each client.

Surrey Churches Ride & Stride : Ian Honeysett 01483 429615 [email protected] There is an annual fundraising event on the second Saturday in September to raise money to preserve local church


Parish A to Z

buildings. Ian Honeysett is the Area Organiser for Godalming and & speaks at all the Masses to raise sponsorship money. Half the money raised returns to the Parish and half goes into a central fund for Surrey churches. The website for the Surrey Churches Preservation Trust (which runs the scheme) is at :

Teams of Our Lady : Jo and Julian Lewry 01483 421520 [email protected] Teams is for Christian married couples who wish to assist each other to develop their married spirituality and relationship. 'Equipes Notre- Dame', known in GB as 'Teams' was started in France in the 1940's and has flourished so much that there are now 11,000 teams across the world with over 120 in Britain.

The Trinity Trust : Andy Poulsom 01483 420206 [email protected] The Trinity Trust Team (TTT) was formed in 2000 and was driven by the vision of the Churches Together in Godalming and District(CTiGD) who were keen to see Christian youth workers present in the local schools and community, as well as actively involved in church-based youth ministry. Today the team comprises a full time Director and two full time youth workers. See website :

Traidcraft : As one of the leading suppliers of fair trade products in the UK, Traidcraft are committed to fighting poverty through trade. Traidcraft products are available for purchase through the Parish – see the Justice and Peace section.


Parish A to Z

Union of Catholic Mothers (UCM) : Pat Wilson [email protected] is the local organizer. The aims of the UCM are: to help Catholic women to live fulfilling lives, to appreciate the sacramental character of marriage, and to encourage the development of Christian values both in our families and as citizens. One of the great strengths of UCM is that through it, they maintain links with other Foundations all over the , and so through Diocesan, and ultimately, the National Officers, they are able to speak to Government with a much more powerful voice. The Parish UCM is a small group (or 'Foundation') of women who meet on the 2nd Friday of each month for Mass at St Joseph's, Milford, followed by coffee at a local café. Visitors often join them. On occasion they may go on an outing or to the theatre. During coffee they discuss UCM business, and note any action to be taken. They then discuss their own and Parish news.

Visiting the Sick, Disabled or Housebound : see Social Concerns.

Volunteering Overseas: Nicki and Alan Lion welcome enquiries from anybody wishing to volunteer to help overseas. Opportunities are not age restricted - you can be a gap year student or retired. Your assistance is always welcome in the developing world. If you would like to see examples of where people have been and how they have helped, please visit the web site : If you would like to talk about this, please contact Nicki and Alan 01483 420859 [email protected] or [email protected]

Website : Cathy Sanderson manages the Parish website and can be contacted at : [email protected]

Welcomers : Susan Strudwick organizes the Welcomers' rotas for St. Edmund's and St. Joseph's. Jan Honeysett organises that for St. John's.


Parish A to Z

Wintershall : They produce powerful Biblical productions including ‘The Life of Christ’ which is into its 15th year depicting 'The Life of Christ' in its entirety from 10am - 4pm in the grounds of Wintershall in Bramley. They have also produced 'The Passion and Resurrection of Christ' in Trafalgar Square on Good Friday for the last four years. Many parishioners are involved. For tickets ring 01793 418299 or email : boxoffice@bible The Wintershall website is at :

Youth / Youth Masses : Ali McAully 01483 422191. See website :


The St. Edmund Parish Guide was produced in June 2015 by Hilary Grey, Susan Strudwick, Ian Honeysett and Cathy Sanderson. Any amendments or additions to the Guide should be sent to Ian at : [email protected]