Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

This, our thirteenth issue of a National Newsletter, as usual, is a compilation of the Reports given by Local Associations and other officers on the National Council at our last meeting, which took place at the Salesian School, Battersea, London on 11 November 2007. It also has news about our decision to widen the effect of our Mission support to cover more than just , as we have done for the last four years; where we provided for Clean water facilities, Electricity generators and Medications to save lives from Malaria and HIV/Aids. We are now moving into Education as our Mission objective for 2007/8 in a number of African countries.

Leaving the School Chapel after Mass, shared with the Battersea Old Boys Association, to attend their Memorial Service at the Ambulacrum for Battersea Old Boys and others lost in the two world wars.

Father John Dickson SDB, Battersea Rector, leading the Memorial Service at the Ambulacrum. Father Sean Murray, our National Delegate, is to Father John’s right.

1 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

Nick Potter, Battersea Presi- dent, with Susan Cook from Florida and E J McCarthy, known as Mac.

Some of the crowd paying their re- spects to fallen heroes from Batter- sea Past Pupils and others.

Fr. Sean was invited to open our meeting with a prayer. Patrick Morrissey, National President, thanked everyone for coming at 0900 to allow National Council members to join with the Battersea Old Salesians Association for their annual Remembrance Mass at 1100.

Fr. Joe Brown, Missions Director, emphasized to the meeting what a massive impact the late Sean Devereux has and how the National Council should build on this great asset.

Father Joe also provided those at the meeting with a listing of upcoming Jubi- lees for the year 2008. These are of great men who will be celebrating key events in their lives as Salesians. I am sure many of our Readers will like the opportunity to mark the Jubilee(s) of some of those listed below, who were im- portant influences in their young lives.

Jubilees of Ordination 50 Fr. John Booth Tue 01 July 1958 Fr. Brian Jerstice Tue 01 July 1958 Fr. Francis Sutherland Sun 13 July 1958 40 Fr. Joseph Brown Fri 28 June 1968 Fr. Des O’Riordan Sat 29 June 1968 Cont’d overleaf

2 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

Jubilees of First Profession 70 Br. Thomas Caulfield Mon 03 October 1938 Fr. William (Bill) Boyd Wed 31 August 1938 Fr. Albert Carette Wed 31 August 1938 60 Fr. Peter Burns Wed 08 September 1948 Fr. Brian Jerstice Wed 08 September 1948 50 Fr. Des O’Riordan Mon 08 September 1958 40 Fr. John Dickson Thu 15 August 1968 25 Fr. Keiran Anderson Thu 08 September 1983


National President wished to progress the decision of the National Mission pro- ject for 2007/8. He had previously circulated to all Local Associations a pro- posal from the Salesian Vice Province in West , proposing that we sup- port scholarships for pupils in various West African countries. This proposal was agreed at the meeting and is now firmly our 2007/8 project. It was agreed to fund the Tuition/Boarding fees, for one year, for 90 students in primary and secondary schools in Liberia, and Nigeria, at a cost of £13,500.00. Local Associations were asked to consider sponsoring specific schoolchildren, in order to further ‘personalise’, both the Appeal this year and the feedback next year, in terms of photos and details of the academic progress achieved. National President agreed to produce a daft for an Appeal poster to be used by all Local Associations, and for promulgation on the National Federation Web- site Home page.

National Football Competition - 28 April 2007 National President thanked the Battersea, Chertsey and Farnborough Associations, and the Battersea School, for entering teams. He also thanked the Battersea Old Salesians Football Club for hosting the event at the Ewell sports ground, with their customary generosity. He was glad to report that as a result of the entrance fees paid, sale of Salesian memora- bilia and raffle receipts, costs for trophies and food provided were fully covered. Greg Sudell, the new President of the Farnborough Association stated that he hoped that next year he might be able to get the Salesian Farnborough College’s first eleven to enter a team.

The meeting agreed to hold another Tournament for the “Don Bosco Cup” in 2008 , when it is hoped that Thornleigh and Bootle, who will again be invited, might each be able to enter a team.

European Football Tournament National President reported that we had submitted a proposal for an international tour- nament to the Council of the World Confederation of Past Pupils, to perhaps coincide with the Eurobosco Congress. Unfortunately the Spanish hosts of the Eurobosco Con- gress were unable to organsie such an event. 3 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

Old Salesians Football Club (Battersea) later received an invitation to play in Barcelona against the local Past Pupils Association, but this also failed to come to fruition. It is hoped that some form of European inter-change can take place in 2008, possibly in Poland, through Peter Hunter’s contacts. From the following photos, it is good to know that our National President was flying the flag, as they say, for the Salesians and Battersea:

The cricket ground in Mel- bourne , Australia. A place Pat- rick has been many times no doubt, as he worked for a few years in Australia.

National President, Patrick Morrissey and his brother, John, both Battersea Old Boys, in front of the statue of Dennis Lillee at Melbourne Cricket Ground.

Battersea Old Boys have twice won the “Don Bosco Football Cup”, but they also have a great affection for the game of Cricket


Father Sean Murray SDB Tel: 0151 944 1039

Father Sean was gave a brief outline of his attendance at the Pamplona, Eurobosco which he attended with Peter Hunter. He was not aware that Peter would not be able to attend the meeting, due to family difficulties.

4 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008


John Ward Tel: 01895 257623

John Ward reported that, with the vital help of Father Pat Sherlock SDB, Pro- vincial Secretary, he was maintaining the National website John is looking forward to updating the National Website Home Page, to bring it up to date, with the promotional flyer for this year’s new Mission scholarships project in West African countries in 2008, just as soon as the final version is agreed. MEMBEROFWORLDCOUNCIL

World Council Member: Peter Hunter: Tel: 01924 361212

Peter Hunter was unable to attend this National Council meeting. It is hoped that a report by Peter on the proceedings of the Eurobosco (European Congress of Salesian Past Pupils in Europe) in Pamplona, will be available soon. BATTERSEA ASSOCIATION

President: Nicholas Potter Tel: 0208 679 0126

National Council Meeting - Sunday 11th November 2007

The period from March to October does not include any events for Battersea.

We have sent out the first letter for the 2007/8 appeal and early responses are very encouraging. I will have an up to date report available for the next meeting and National Newsletter.

5 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

Our membership roll continues to be circa 200, but we do have a steady trickle of older Past Pupils signing up - particularly those who feel a need to get in touch with their contemporaries after a long absence. Both the internet and our Newsletter “Maroon & Gold” have proved very effective tools in making this possible, especially where distance is involved.

The main topic of interest is of course the future involving the demolition of the existing school buildings at Battersea to be replaced by a state of the art new mixed sex school with a Sixth Form. It is very exciting and if all goes to plan the new school will open in 2012. The public consultation process has now been completed and the Secretary of State has agreed to publish the proposals which will be determined by Wandsworth Council in January. We should therefore be able to give an up to date report at our next AGM in early 2008. The next chap- ter in the story, of Don Bosco's original foundation in the UK, is about to unfold and will present the Battersea OSA with an opportunity to double the member- ship next chapter in the story, of Don Bosco's original foundation in the UK..

Nicholas Potter - Chairman ------A very special event occurred after the National Council meeting finished. This was clearly inspired by the Battersea Teaching Staff, and a “Student Voice” meeting that had occurred in Bollington of the older students of various Sale- sian Colleges. A group of Battersea Fifth Form students requested a meet- ing with the National Council. At and subsequent to the Bollington meeting this group had developed a “Charter” which they wished to discuss with, and seek help from, the National Council of Great Britain.

This group met in the School Hall with a delegation from the National Council, at which they presented their Charter and stated that they wished to share its ideas with Salesian Pupils in Europe. From this encounter the National Council delegation determined that Battersea Pupils’ purpose seemed to match the ob- jectives of the European Gex (Youngsters) movement’s objectives.

The National Council has long been keen to establish to establish a “Young Salesian Past Pupils Association” in Great Britain. It was agreed that Council would investigate the sending of Representatives of this new Battersea group to the next Eurogex Leaders meeting , which is likely to be in Portugal in April/ May 2008.

Peter Hunter is a World Council representative, and until recently was our Euro- gex representative, until age limitation was reached, will be asked to contact the Eurogex President in Portugal and report back to National President, Patrick Morrissey, and to Nicholas Potter, Battersea President on the outcome of his discussions.

National Council were delighted with this initiative of the Battersea Pupils. We trust and pray that, in time, this may become the start of a Great Britain Eurogex branch, including all our schools and colleges.

6 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

National President with hands open showing his enthusiasm for this initia- tive

Battersea President (standing), Nicholas Potter, with Fr. Joe Brown to his left, both enthralled at the prospects and potential developments that could flow from this small, but vital, start.

A sad but at the same time joyous occasion was the death of Father Pat McGrath SDB. A few photos of the celebration of Father Pat’s life at set out below:

A wonderful gathering of the Salesian Community at the Req- uiem Mass for Father Pat.

The Salesian Parish Church, Battersea, full to overflowing for Father Pat’s Funeral Service.

7 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008 BLAISDON ASSOCIATION

President: Charles Springett Tel: 01782 767931

President’s Report to National Council – 11 November 2007

Please accept my apology for not attending, owing to family commitments. The Blaisdon Old Boys Association had their Reunion in July, in Blaisdon Vil- lage Hall as is usual, but there was a noticeable lack of numbers attending this year. It had been proposed and agreed that the Reunion would be held in July instead of the usual August Bank Holiday weekend, and this may have been the reason for the lack of numbers and support. The annual Reunion will revert to the late August Bank Holiday weekend in 2008 A block booking was made for a number of us to meet up for a meal etc. on the Saturday night at a local Pub, but unfortunately the management and staff were new. They failed to inform us in advance that they would not be able to cope with our numbers. This resulted in very poor service, incorrect meals and com- plaints. Those who had arrived early and ordered their meal first were in fact served last. On making a complaint to the management on behalf of some of those present, it caused a problem from those who arrived last over (40 minutes later) and were served among the first. The attitude of some did not help the feeling of others at the reunion the following day. Regretfully owing to uncom- plimentary letters received since, it has been decided that no such arrangements prior to the Reunions will be made in future, to avoid upsets. There has been very few members making contact over the last five months, in fact there has only been three who make contact by phone or email on a regular basis. We have had no requests for information, or indeed for any information to pass on to others.

It is possible that we may not be producing a Newsletter at this time, as this will require the efforts of others to collate, print, post and do all that is required to help make it possible. So far there are no volunteers forthcoming. Regarding our numbers, no indication can be given at this time, as we will have to wait for members to make the effort to make contact.

It was agreed and hope to have our usual meet-up in Blaisdon over Easter week- end next year at which time requests for donations will then be considered.

Charles W Springett

A couple of photos of the Summer 2007 Reunion are produced below.

8 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

A painting by a lady artist, gifted to Newent Salesian Parish by a Blaisdon Past Pupil. The gentleman in the Roman collar is Dea- con Jim Richards, CEO of the Catholic Chil- dren’s Society (Westminster). Sum- mer 2007 Reunion.

Young Simon, Ceri Evans of Blaisdon House, and John Ward. Ceri has kindly invited us, at our Easter Reunion, to use his beautiful gardens for our lunch, or his House if weather is poor. Summer 2007 Reunion.

John Ward and his Grandaughter Paige waiting patiently for the Papal Blessing at St. Peters. A Confirmation treat for Paige. Note the Don Bosco Cap.


Awaiting a volunteer to take up the position vacated by Terry Rimmer. BURWASH ASSOCIATION

Vacant Still not yet established

9 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008


No report to National Council, but known to be one of the Associations that will take part in the next, our third, National Football event. COWLEY ASSOCIATION

President: Richard Blake & National Treasurer Tel: 01753 863568 Email: [email protected]

Report at National Council – Battersea 11 November 2007

Cowley President reported on their successful annual Reunion Day on Sunday 14 October, which included their AGM and Mass at the Salesian Parish Church of Our Lady Help of Christians, in Cowley.

This was followed by an excellent lunch at the Four pillars Hotel, Sandford on Thames.

The early arrivers having coffee and biscuits at the Four Pillars Hotel. Cow- ley AGM 2007.

Richard Blake, Chairing and his Secretary and Treasurer at the Cowley AGM 2007.

Richard Blake Chairman CSOBA

10 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008 FARNBOROUGH ASSOCIATION

President: Greg Sudell Tel: 01256 330187

Report to National Council Meeting – Battersea 11 November 2007 Firstly, National President welcomed Greg to the National Council as the new President of the Farnborough Association. He also thanked John Clenshaw, Past President, for his long and loyal membership of National Council, representing Farnborough and as- sured him he will be welcome to remain a member of National Council. Reunion Following the publication of our newsletter in March we held our annual AGM & Re- union on Sunday 30th April 2007 at the college with 25 attending Mass and the AGM. At the AGM we elected a new President of the Association, Greg Sudell, to take over form our immediate Past President (for many years) John Clenshaw. John had previ- ously indicated that it was opportune for a younger Past Pupil to take the chair and help reflect the wishes of Past Pupils from more recent years at the college.

Following the AGM, about 20 stayed for lunch, a photo and thence in the afternoon to the college playing fields for a match between the current college first XI and an old boys eleven.

Contact with Past Pupils Our OSA (Farnborough) Website is now fully operational, with its content about to be updated. It also maintains links with the college website with support of Carole Byrne, the headmasters PA. We should also thank our Salesian delegate, Fr. Joe Brown for his valuable work in updating our database of Farnborough’s past pupils. At present this contains over 7,000 names. Contact with the school Many of last years sixth form were present at the annual prize giving ceremony when prizes were distributed by a past pupil of the college, Mr. John McMonigall (Proprietor of the Grey School). Our new president was able to attend, representing our association and to congratulate the prize winners. Our headmaster, Mr. Patrick Wilson MA, in his report recorded a 99% pass rate in the ‘A level’ and GCSE exams with many individual outstanding individual achievements. We should also include a mention, that one of our recent past pupils took part in the recent BBC TV contest of ‘Joseph and his amazing technicoloured dreamcoat’. We should also pass on the news that the sixth form is now admitting girls to the col- lege. Sport We were pleased that Farnborough were able to send a team to the OSA National Foot- ball competition at Battersea’s sports ground at Ewell on the 28th April 2007 and to en- ter the competition organised by Battersea. The OSFC (Farnborough) is still entering 2 teams in the County Intermediate League and this year the first team finished just outside of the promotion places. There was also a very successful OSA Golf day held at Milford GC in May.

11 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008

On the College Fete Day – 23rd June 2007. Thanks to our President, Greg Sudell, a five a side tournament was held at the College playing fields. In this, what is now an annual competition; teams included those who left in the early eighties through to the current sixth form and staff. This event usually coincides with the Fete day and this year the Fete was due to be held at the College fields, but was cancelled at the last minute due to the weather. We should acknowledge our thanks to John Ward, the National Vice-President for recording and editing Farnborough’s events and news in the National Newsletter and website. Greg Sudell


Joe Lomax Tel: 01204 843874 Email:[email protected]

Shrigley Association Report – National Council Battersea 11November 2007

It is with a great awareness of the spirit that we have seen in the Associa- tion in the last few weeks that I submit this report. I am pleased to record that 28 members and 10 ladies gathered together for the Don Bosco Mass and “Committee” meeting in Glasgow in January, and we had 27 at the Thornleigh (Bolton) Mass in early February. This allied to the great gen- erosity of so many of our members shows that the future of our Associa- tion is viewed as something of great importance. The “Committee” meet- ing in Glasgow showed a great willingness for our Scots to become more involved in the running of the Association. They arranged another meet- ing for June At the June meeting a great deal of support and good will was expressed for the Asso- ciation and those present discussed a number of possible ways forward, ranging from the Association being developed as a charity, to having its own “Scottish” body, or to being a much looser social grouping. A number of specific ideas were raised, including fundraising activity and support for Salesian re- lated projects. Yet another meeting was arranged for September. At the September meeting support for the September dates for the Annual Reunion were expressed and it was also agreed that contact with other Salesian Associations was very much to be desired. Once again we celebrated a very successful Annual Reunion. The highlight was the launch of the excellent work by Peter Roebuck and Mike Kilduff on our friends who rest in the little cemetery at Shrigley. An added bonus was the presence of relatives of most of those boys, Priests and Brothers who were so very impressed and grateful. All this of course required a tremendous amount of organising and this is all down to the titanic effort of Mike Kilduff, to whom we are all so very grateful. The accommoda- tion was so

12 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008 well organised and the buffet was another very enjoyable moment of a memorable Saturday at Shrigley. Paul Barnes as usual was MC for the evening concert and this year excelled himself with the PowerPoint presen- tation of the life of our President Fr Albert Carette SDB who was celebrat- ing the Diamond Anniversary of his ordination. Our thanks go also to the members of “Salve” and our Association who served us at table, washed up and contributed to these pleasant few days together. We are very much at home in Savio House but with this establishing of the Saturday at Shrig- ley we hope that this will appeal to even more members. We encouraged all who attended (92 on the Saturday counting relatives) to come back next year and, just as the Scots are intending for the January meeting in Glas- gow, to bring another member with them. We hope that together with all our faithful visitors we will next year, in SEPTEMBER, have a large number of “Boys” who were at Shrigley in 1958. The September date may also be more convenient for our Scots, who have always contributed much to the enjoyment of these gatherings. The meetings arranged for the coming twelve months are as follows: - Don Bosco Mass at St Benedict’s, Glasgow on Sunday, January 27th 2008 Don Bosco Mass at Thornleigh, Bolton on Sunday, February 10th 2008 Annual Reunion for the weekend Friday September19th to Sunday September 21st I have no information at this moment on a Spring Weekend.

During the year we have sadly seen the passing of Kevin Gussow and now Father Pat McGrath SDB. We have however been pleased to welcome sev- eral new members so that our membership, on paper, who receive our cir- culars and news items either by post or by email, is now 422. The number of active members is however only about 50. Approximately 40 to date have paid their subscription of £10. Finally we are pleased to see that, through our contacts with the Catenians, we were able to advise the Thornleigh students that they could receive some financial help for their forthcoming work in Tanzania. Each received a very substantial award. In total the Catenians have awarded £100,000 to help in Community projects this year.



THORNLEIGH PAST PUPILS We are pleased to see that, through Shrigley’s contacts with the Catenians, the Thornleigh students received some financial help for their forthcoming work in Tanzania. Each received a very substantial award. Joe Lomax

13 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008 LIBERIA UPDATE & NOW WEST AFRICA LIBERIA 2006/7 The 2006/7 financial objectives were once again achieved, through the generosity of so many Past Pupils and their families and friends. On behalf of Liberia, National Presi- dent thanks you all; most wholeheartedly. It will be heart warming for readers to know that, for the two years 2005/6 and 2006/7 where we were endeavouring to save the lives of children from Malaria and of families with HIIV/Aids, we more than met our objectives. As a result of your generosity we saved the lives of over TWENTY THOUSAND (20,000) babies and young children, from death to Malaria. We also gave appropriate medicines to a number of complete family groups, where all the members of these fami- lies were stricken with HIV/Aids. THANKS TO ALL OUR CONTRIBUTORS ONCE AGAIN. Mission Project for 2007/8 – West Africa Father Joe Brown’s suggested proposal to widen our area of impact, that we mentioned in our last issue, has been discussed and agreed. As reported above in National President’s Report, our efforts will be to have significant effect in a number of West African countries, namely: Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nige- ria. We seek to raise £13,500 to support the schooling and/or boarding of 90 West African children. With your generous help we feel confident to take on this challenge. SEE OUR PROMOTIONAL FLYER ON THE LAST PAGE. Due to the change of area which our new Mission project will cover, we will need to change to name of the Bank account, since “SMILE” (Salesian Mission in Liberia Expansion) referred specifically to Liberia alone. So for this year and future years cheques should be made out to: “SDB Trustees” and sent to: c/o National Treasurer Forest Rose Gardens Oakley Green Road Oakley Green Windsor SL4 4PZ

So that we know which Association has provided the funds it is important to endorse the reverse side of the cheque with your Local Association identity. Personal Cheques can of course attract the 20% Gift Aid if you are a tax payer, and who isn’t , at no cost to you. Gift claim forms can be provided by National Treasurer or Father Joe Brown SDB.

See last page for the Promotional Flyer and other details.

14 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008


The planning by Alex of the “AFROBOSCO”, mentioned in our last issue, has come to fruition. The Congress will take place in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo, be- tween 14 to 16 August 2009. The theme of the Congress will be “The Development Ferment for Africa”. A very colourful Logo has been developed which is shown be- low.


We are always looking to promote information of interest to Past Pupils. We just need you to send us articles for publication. Just Email text and photos to [email protected] for inclusion in the National Newsletter. For information about future Events and News of past events for all Local GB Associa- tions; see our Website: http// Prepared by: John Ward, Vice President, Salesian Past Pupils Federation (GB) Tel: 01895 257623 Email: [email protected] Designed by: Fr Pat Sherlock SDB, Provincial Secretary, Salesian Provincial House

15 Issue 13 Past Pupils’ Newsletter January 2008 Salesian Past Pupils of Great Britain Mission Appeal 2007/8

Scholarships for children in Salesian Schools in Africa Dear Salesian Past Pupils, family and friends, Over the past 5 years, thanks to your generosity, we have provided water and elec- tricity to schools, helped children who had lost their parents to HIV/AIDS, and saved 20,000 children from death from malaria, all in Liberia. For this year's Appeal, we want to give personal scholarships to cover tuition and in some cases also boarding fees to 90 needy children and students in Salesian schools in Liberia, Sierra Leone and Nigeria. Costs per child range from £80 per annum tuition fee in a primary school in Liberia, to £350 per student annual boarding fees in the secondary Technical School in Nige- ria. We would receive individual reports on the academic performance of students during their scholarship. Any donation would be welcome. But could you, or your family and friends donate the annual fee for one of these young people to receive a year's education? Our target is to raise the £13,500 needed for scholarships by March 2008. Please give your donation to Past Pupil Associations in Battersea, Blaisdon, Cowley, Farnborough or Shrigley, or make out cheques to "Salesians of Don Bosco UK" and send to - 'Scholarships 2007/8' c/o National Treasurer Forest Rose Gardens Oakley Green Road, Oakley Green, Windsor, SL4 4PZ Yours in Don Bosco:

Patrick Morrissey : National President. Reg. Charity (233779)