QIZ Company Statistics - 600 Companies as until Dec 21st, 2014

Distribution of listed companies by location Location Freq. Dakahleyya 131 Alexandria El Kalioub130 Govr. 10th of Ramadan 93 10th of Ramadan3% 2%93 1% 1% Shoubra El Kheima 54 Shoubra Monofeya El KheimaGovr. 54 Gesr Suez 2% Govr. Said 33 Port Said4% 33 1% 0% Nasr City 29 NasrSouth City Giza 29 Govr. Other Area 36 Other3 %Cairo Area 36 Gharbeyya Govr. 38 Gharbeyya Govr. 38 Minya 3% Ismailia 15th May 23 6th of October 23 Govr. Qualifying 3% 1% Ismailia 18 Ismailia 18 2% Factory South Giza 16 South Giza 16 6th of October 1% Monofeya Govr. 21 Monofeya Govr. 21 Alexandria 4% El Obour 20 El Obour 20 22% 15th May 8 15th May 8 Kalioub 13 KalioubGharbeyya Govr. 13 Gesr Suez 7 Gesr Suez6% 7 Giza 12 Giza 12 Suez 4 Suez Other Cairo Area 4 Dakahleyya Govr. 5 Dakahleyya Govr.6% 5 Badr City 2 Badr City Nasr2 City 10th of Ramadan 5% Damietta Govr. 2 Damietta Govr. 2 Port Said Shoubra El 16% Beni Suef Govr. 18 Beni Suef Govr. 18 6% Kheima Minya Govr. 14 Minya Govr. 14 9% Qualifying Factory 3 Qualifying Factory 3 Grand Total 600

Worker.Category Freq. 250 More than 300 206 200 More than 300 206 Less than 50 101 150 Less than 50 101 50 - 99 96 50 - 99 96 100 100 - 149 70 100 - 149 70 50 150 - 199 38 150 - 199 37 0 N.A 31 N.A 31 200 - 249 30 200 - 249 More Less than 50 - 99 30 100 - 149 150 - 199 N.A 200 - 249 250 - 299 250 - 299 28 250 - 299than 300 50 28 Grand Total 600

ProcessedEngineering Agricultural Footware Products &38 Drying, and Sector1 Freq. ChemicalIndustries products headgear 10 packing of Marble & Granite Medical Textile & textile articles 531 Base2.9 metals% 2.9% 4 medicinal plants 2.9% Equipment Processed Agricultural Products 39 LeatherPlastic products products 4 1.5% 1.5% Chemical products 10 Plastic4.4 products% 3 Base metals 4 Engineering Industries 2 Printing Industries Leather products 4 FootwareLeather products & headgear 2 1.5% Plastic products 3 Marble5.9 &% Granite 2 Engineering Industries 2 Drying, and packing of medicinal1 plants Footware & headgear 2 MedicalBase metals Equipment 1 Textile & textile Marble & Granite 2 Printing5.9% Industries 1 articles Drying, and packing of medicinal plants 1 83% Medical Equipment 1 Printing Industries 1 Chemical products Grand Total 600 14.7%

Distribution of listed companies by capital (EGP) Distribution of listed companies by investments (EGP)

Column1 (Multiple Items) Column1 (Multiple Items) 300 160 140 250Capital.Category Freq. Investment.Category Freq. 120 200 less than 1mil. 280 100 1 mil. - lt 5 mil. 142 1 mil. - lt 5 mil. 128 10 mil. - lt 50 mil. 129 150 80 5 mil. - lt 10 mil. 49 less than 1mil. 128 100 60 10 mil. - lt 50 mil. 94 N.A 72 40 5050 mil. - lt 100 mil. 23 5 mil. - lt 10 mil. 67 20 0100 mil. + 10 50 mil. - lt 100 mil. 38 0 N.A 16 100 mil. + 24 less than 1 mil. - lt 5 5 mil. - lt 10 10 mil. - lt 50 mil. - lt 100 mil. + N.A 1 mil. - lt 5 10 mil. - lt less than N.A 5 mil. - lt 50 mil. - lt 100 mil. + Grand1mil. Total mil. mil. 50 mil. 100 mil. 600 mil. 50 mil. 1mil.Grand Total 10 mil. 100 mil. 600