GET POWER OVER WEEDS a Unique Formulation of Three Proven Ingredients
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GET POWER OVER WEEDS A unique formulation of three proven ingredients. Extraordinary power against tough weeds. THE SCIENCE ™ BEHIND RESICORE . Proven active ingredients deliver powerful control. THE POWER TO CONTROL ACETOCHLOR CH 3 CH2 O CH2 CH3 TOUGH WEEDS. MODE OF ACTION N C CH2 Cl Seedling shoot growth inhibitor O CH2 CH3 A POWERFUL FORMULATION OF SITE OF ACTION INGREDIENTS. TOGETHER AT LAST. Group 15 long-chain fatty acid inhibitor Protecting corn yield season after season CHEMICAL FAMILY ACTIVE INGREDIENT means finding new ways to eliminate herbicide- Chloroacetamide 2.8 lb/gal ™ resistant weeds. Resicore herbicide offers a HOW IT WORKS unique formulation featuring three leading active Controls weeds by inhibiting the growth of ingredients and three modes of action to deliver seedling shoots. Selective herbicide absorbed powerful broad-spectrum control of broadleaf mainly by shoots and roots of germinating weeds. weeds and annual grasses. When applied prior to weed emergence, it inhibits proper cell division. Chloroacetamides are believed to inhibit synthesis of very-long-chain fatty acids EARLY CONTROL OF (VLCFAs) during cell division. HERBICIDE RESISTANT WEEDS. MESOTRIONE Resicore gives growers a new and effective ON OO way to control the toughest weeds that may MODE OF ACTION O O CC S H Pigment inhibitor 3 be herbicide-resistant to glyphosate, atrazine O or ALS herbicides, such as Palmer amaranth, SITE OF ACTION O giant ragweed, marestail, waterhemp and Group 27 HPPD inhibitor morningglory. Since Resicore is tank-mix- CHEMICAL FAMILY ACTIVE INGREDIENT compatible with glyphosate, atrazine and Triketones 0.3 lb/gal other herbicides, growers have the flexibility HOW IT WORKS and convenience they need to customize Selective herbicide absorbed by shoots and roots of their weed control. weeds and translocated. Mobile in xylem and phloem. It causes bleaching due to inhibition of the enzyme 4-HPPD, (4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase), CONTROL WEEDS DEEP which is involved in the synthesis of carotenoids. INTO THE SEASON. Keeping fields cleaner longer is a key to getting CLOPYRALID O higher yield potential. Resicore delivers the MODE OF ACTION CO H residual activity you need for long-lasting weed Growth regulator N Cl control with excellent crop safety. SITE OF ACTION Cl Group 4 synthetic auxin CHEMICAL FAMILY ACTIVE INGREDIENT Carboxylic acid 0.19 lb/gal HOW IT WORKS Systemic herbicide absorbed through leaves and roots of annual and perennial weeds. Acts on plant hormones. Mobile in xylem and phloem. Synthetic auxins interfere with plant growth by disrupting hormone balance and protein synthesis. Believed to have several sites of action. RESICORE™ AT A GLANCE. With powerful ingredients that have never been used together before in a single herbicide formulation, Resicore™ herbicide helps growers combat herbicide resistance and maintain clean fields deep into the growing season. LABELED CROPS USE RATES For use on field corn, field seed corn, Use rates of Resicore™ are based on soil texture and organic matter field silage corn, and yellow popcorn. content as outlined in the table below. Do not apply Resicore more than 28 days prior to planting or to field corn taller than 11 inches. Resicore™ herbicide should not be used on soils with greater than APPLICATION TIMING 10 percent organic matter. TIMING TO WEEDS: Make soil applications prior to weed emergence. Make postemergence applications before broadleaf weeds RATE PER ACRE (QUARTS)* reach 3 inches tall. SOIL ORGANIC MATTER CONTENT TIMING TO CROP: Soil Texture Less than 3% 3% or Greater Make soil applications prior to crop emergence. Coarse 2.25 2.5 Make postemergence applications before corn reaches 11 inches tall. Medium 2.5 2.75 Resicore must be applied prior to crop emergence for yellow popcorn. Fine 2.75 3.0 *An additional 0.25 quart per acre may be used in areas of heavy weed infestation. Do not exceed 3.25 quarts per acre of Resicore™ herbicide per season. “I’m excited about what I saw in the plot today. I like being on the cutting edge of everything and bringing new products to the growers.” Ryan Buckler - Retailer, Oakland, IL TANK-MIXING AND TILLAGE SYSTEM FLEXIBILITY CROP ROTATIONAL INTERVALS Resicore™ can be used in conventional, reduced and no-till corn ROTATIONAL CROP ROTATIONAL INTERVAL systems. Weed control will be greatest when applications are Field corn Anytime made as close to planting as possible. It is recommended that Field seed corn a burndown herbicide be tank-mixed with Resicore in reduced, Field silage corn minimum and no-till systems if weeds are present at application Yellow popcorn and corn has not yet emerged. Wheat 4 months Resicore is tank-mix-compatible with atrazine, glyphosate Barley 10.5 months and other corn herbicides, giving growers the flexibility they Millet (pearl and proso) need to customize their weed control program to current Oats conditions and weed pressure. Rice The following tank-mix partners may be applied by the same Rye methods and at the same timings as Resicore™ herbicide unless Sorghum otherwise specified in the tank-mix product label: Soybean • Glyphosate, glufosinate, paraquat, or 2,4-D, per product Sunflower labels to control susceptible emerged weeds. All other rotational crops 18 months • Atrazine, per product label, to improve control of some If Resicore™ herbicide is tank-mixed or used sequentially with other products, broadleaf weeds and grasses. follow the most restrictive product’s crop rotation interval. *Refer to Resicore label for additional crop rotation interval restrictions PROVEN CONTROL WHERE IT COUNTS. 2014-15 DOW AGROSCIENCES FIELD TRIALS Field testing shows that Resicore™ herbicide delivers performance you can trust. AVERAGE WEED CONTROL 8 WEEKS AFTER APPLICATION 100 95 90 PERCENT CONTROL PERCENT 8 8 Lambsquarters Waterhemp Giant Ragweed Moriningglory Palmer Amaranth Velvetleaf Resicore™ Resicore Atra Corus Atra Luma idua Atra Preemergence Treatment (1X = 1X label rate for soil type, Atra = 1 lb ai/A atrazine) “The Resicore demos here today at the Sheridan Plot are very clean. There was virtually no weed pressure at all, and the crop looked good. So no injury, no crop symptomology of herbicide damage on the corn.” Austin Mattern - Retailer, Star City, IN WEEDS CONTROLLED OR PARTIALLY CONTROLLED BY PREPLANT OR PREEMERGENCE APPLICATIONS OF RESICORE™ HERBICIDE. GRASSES AND SEDGES BROADLEAF Barnyardgrass Amaranth, Palmer Nightshade, hairy Crabgrass Species Amaranth, Powell Pigweed, redroot Crowfootgrass Amaranth, spiny Pigweed, smooth Cupgrass, prairie Bedstraw, catchweed * Pigweed, tumble Cupgrass, Southwestern Beggarweed, Florida Puncturevine * Cupgrass, woolly Buckwheat, wild * Purslane, common Foxtail, bristly Buffalobur Pusley, Florida Foxtail, giant Carpetweed Radish, wild Foxtail, green Chickweed, common Ragweed, common Foxtail, robust (purple, white) Clover, red Ragweed, giant * Foxtail, yellow Cocklebur, common * Sesbania, hemp Goosegrass Deadnettle, purple Sheperdspurse Johnsongrass, seedling Devilsclaw Sicklepod * Millet, foxtail Galinsoga Sida, prickly * Millet, wild proso Groundcherry, annual * Smartweed, ladysthumb Nutsedge, yellow * Groundcherry, cutleaf * Smartweed, Pennsylvania Oats, wild Henbit Sunflower, common * Panicum, browntop Horseweed (marestail) Velvetleaf Panicum, Texas Jimsonweed Waterhemp, common Rice, red Kochia * Waterhemp, tall Sandbur, Field Lambsquarters, common Waterhemp, biennial * Shattercane Mallow, Venice * * Signalgrass, broadleaf Morningglory, entireleaf Controlled Partially Controlled Signalgrass, narrowleaf Morningglory, ivyleaf * * Strangletop, red Morningglory, tall *The addition of atrazine at recommended label rates may improve control. Starbur, bristly Mustard, wild Thoroughly till soil or make an application of a burndown herbicide to control emerging weeds. Plant crop immediately after tillage. If a significant rainfall Wheat, volunteer * Nightshade, black does not occur within seven days after application, weed control may be reduced. If irrigation is available, apply 0.25 to 0.75 inch of water. If irrigation Witchgrass Nightshade, eastern black is not available, a uniform shallow cultivation is recommended as soon as weeds emerge. “It looks like a great tool that we’ll be able to use in the coming years.” Dennis Gass - Retailer, Gifford, IL TAKE OUT CORN’S TOUGHEST ENEMIES. Control today’s most troublesome weeds. PALMER AMARANTH GIANT RAGWEED WATERHEMP Palmer amaranth can Just two giant ragweed plants Waterhemp is the first U.S. lead to corn yield loss of up to per 110 square feet can reduce corn weed to develop resistance to 91 percent when allowed to compete yield by 13 percent. three sites of action. throughout the growing season. CONTROL FACTORS CONTROL FACTORS CONTROL FACTORS Adapts quickly: Produces many seeds: Adapts quickly: Spreads herbicide-resistant genes. A single plant can produce up to 3,500 seeds Spreads herbicide-resistant genes; per square yard in corn production areas. pollen can travel half a mile or farther Prolific production of small seeds: under windy conditions. A single female plant can produce Competes aggressively: approximately 600,000 seeds, which Due to early emergence, rapid growth and Extended emergence period: are rapidly spread through grain, seed, large, 4- to 8-inch leaf area; giant ragweed Emerges throughout the growing season; feed or equipment contamination. plants are often 1 to 5 feet taller than seeds can remain viable in the soil for competing crops. several years. Competes aggressively: Palmer