Portland State Perspective; May 1975
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Portland State University PDXScholar University Archives: Campus Publications & Portland State Perspective Productions 5-1975 Portland State Perspective; May 1975 Portland State University Follow this and additional works at: https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/perspective Let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Portland State University, "Portland State Perspective; May 1975" (1975). Portland State Perspective. 61. https://pdxscholar.library.pdx.edu/perspective/61 This Book is brought to you for free and open access. It has been accepted for inclusion in Portland State Perspective by an authorized administrator of PDXScholar. Please contact us if we can make this document more accessible: [email protected]. perspective Puhlislied by ihe Officeof Communications at Portland Stat1? University \.'oluine i. No. 2 t news \ New Academic \ summary Richelle Surveys Issues A noi-so-iypical geography An educator with a cosmopolitan situation at Portland State in that respect. siudeni wins a national award. background who holds medical and Ph.D. A*There has been nimiderable Twogeneral commentsmay be in order. It an engineering professor degrees has been appointed to a high-level debate over the last feur years on the is cornmon in univenities to treat people receives a Sational Science academic administrative post at Portland proper balance between autonomous involved in service activities. such as continuingeducation. extension work. etc., Foundation grant. .the School of State University. functions of the university - thme func- Social H'ork starts a new He is Dr. Leon J.V. Richelle. associate tions which the university defines for itself as second-rate citizens of the institution. dean of the Graduate School of the This is reflected in salaries, chances for program. .the School of -- and the socalled popular functions Ediication moves in a new University of Connecticut. Richelle, who which comprise part of the teaching promotion. and. in general, overall in- direction. .PSL"s radio will be responsihle for instructinnal and program. services. and oriented research. volvement in university activities. I fim- program "Cityscape" fncuses research prograins at the Ilniversity. \vill I helieve that it is important that a .ly helieve that such situation is wrong on ihe hliddle East. This. and nssiime his new duties as Tice president I have discusscd in another answer the particular challenge which urban inorc. iri "Around the Park for acadeinic affairs on Sept 1. Rlorks."Sturieson pages 2 and 3. His appointment was recommended by universities face in hringing the expertise PSU Prrsidcnt Joseph Rlumcl and ap- of thrir facully to benr on the soltition of proved hy the State Board of Highw societal prohlems. ':qually important are Sittiimer Sessinn is just around Ediicat ion the rncchanisrns by which the university the corner. Il's nni too early to Ilichellc's sclection as vice president actually tleals with inany of these lind out ahoiil it and the special cliinaues a several-inonth-long search for prohlems. Service areas and service advantages it offers for studrnts. a replacement for Blumel who was named pcople are at the forefront of that hattle. nle hig plus is flextbility. ac- to the presidency hy the State Board of They. more than anyhody else. will be cording to Summer Session Rieher Ediication last Mav. Richard rcsponsihle for conveying to the com- Direclor Charles M'hite. There kfalley. prnfessor of economics. has been munity the concern and availability of the are a host of courses in personal acting vice president for academic affairs university. A smooth integration of interest suhjects as \vell as since Blumcl stepped up to president. academic and service activities is regdar arademic offerings in Richelle. ahose academic fields are essential to university operation. evcry department Details on biology and physiology of calcified tissues. Support areas must be organized to special visiting professors. ~IIIhold academic rank as a professor of provide the university with efficient and murses and registration are in a biology ai PSU. Hr has done research and sensible rnanagement of its activities. story on page 4. presenled scholarly papers on the >lost often here hureaucratic red-tape is physiology and structure of bones and seen by academicians as a hindrame .^^.L LCCLII. rather than a help lo their work. G& Ltwn Richelle Small hitsiness owners often Richelle. 39, will bring a cosmopolitan sense and a lot of mutual understanding is walk a financial tightrope. background to his new job. He was born in university. specially an urban univenity, needed. Happily. PSU has not reached a especially in Oiese days of Relgiiim and served as a research recognizes its obligations towards the size such that its management and ad- economic unceriainty. %I says associateat the 2:niversity of Liege in that community within which it lives. ministration should crcate undue Pele Allen. a small businessman country. and as a researrh felluu, at the The university is eminently suited to problems. Dunng my visit I have been himself who teaches a special Cornell Cniversity School of Medicine. reflect on the tremendouschanges that are irnpressed by the commitment of various field experience course -- From 1961-63. he was an assistant taking place in our society. It is equally administrators to the academic objectives Problems in Small Business - in physician at New York Hospital, and from important. however. that the university of the institution. the School of Business lYM67 he was in charge of research at the retains its intellectual independence and Adminislration: Allen says it L'tiiversity of Licge. He joined the continues to serve as a haven for the takes somelhing special for a Cnivenityof Connecticut asa professor in scholar. the humanist and the academic Q Ho*does an administrator eiicit sniall hirsiness owner to be able 1967, and became associate dean of the researcher. broad involvement on the part of the to withstand the rigors and Graduate Schwl in 1972. If it does not provide its faculty with the faculty in determining institutional whims of the marketplace. Ad- Thenew PSU administrator reeeived his resources needed to carry out scholarly priorities9 ditional manpower at critical B.S. degreein 1956. his M.D. degree in 1% activities, the university will not have the times may help and that's where and his Ph.D. Degree in 1967, all from the expertise required to work towards solving A. 1 am not sure .at detemining Allen's students come in. Allen University of Liege. He also has pursued many of the pressing swietal pmblems imtitutional priorities is the most ap and others talk atout these postdoctoral studies at Cornell University facing us today. propriate level of involvement for the special relationships in a story on hledical College in New York. If these premises are accepied, then. one faculty. Faculty participation in planning pages 6 and 7. Richelle has written more than 40 can say that the piblic urban university is is essential. Prerogatives and respon- publications in his field of research in- in a unique and privileged position. If sibilities for planning must be deiined for Fndhall has a new coach and terest. and he is a member of severai sucrrssful. it will emerge as one of the each of the many dernents of the new life. Darrel Davis. who professional asswiations. both in the most significant institutions of the coming university. Faculty has a role to play in moved up to the head coaching United States and Belgium. decades. Immersed in the urhan com- designing specific and detailed programs position from his job as offensive Besides providing overall direction to munity. it opem higher education to a as wcll as seeing to their implementation. coordinator last year. has re- the academic and research program at larger andmore diverse group of students. Their input in determining priorities is cruited a large group of PSU. Richelle also will be responsible for including people with jobs. women and important bul the final determination dws prospects from Oregon high the lihrary and certain student personnel minorities. It is naturally attracted to not rest with the faculty. xhools. 3leanu.hile. the baseball services. In additinn. Blumel said he will studying pmblems of the city. By in- There are two factors which hamper team. under new coach Jack be a chief adviser in recomrnending stituting advanced programs in facultv participation in bringing reform Dunn. is ausaiting several more financing for academic programs. environmental science. urhan affairs and and change at their institulion. One is lack home games this spring. niis. recommending final decisions on faculty similar suhjects. PSU has shown that it of incentive. Faculty promotion and plus spring calendar. on page 10. appointments. promotion. tenure and was ready to meet these challenges. reward systems do not generally pmvide salan actions. and initiating curricular "points" for efforts spent in creative Ihi thr mvrr -- Stiff hreezes changes. including new programs. activity in teaching or-in the matter of along the Willamelte are a bmn What follows is an interview with reform. The problem entends beyond the to students [aking sailing classes Richelle. How do you view the relationship institution's reward system because through the Health and Physical Q n between the academic area of the faculty are both memben of a discipline Education Department. During llniversity and the service and supporl and part of a national hiring market. four classes this sommer. hals u What is ywr concept of the There IS not much that one can do about particular kindof responsibility carried by areas? will 1eat.e from the klauThorne this situation except to create a climate of a public institution in an urban area9 How Docks on the Willarnette River. innovalinn and excitement that will make should an urban university capitalize on participation rewarding in itself. its location? A - ' iave little information on the J IConrinu~don panr U) I A Not-So-Typical Undergrad I Students Publish Viking, Review The 1975 editionr n1 l\vo rtudenl ileanuhile.