(2Nd Session); 1972; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1975 (2Nd Session); 1976; 1976 (2Nd Session); 1977; 1978 Ontario

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(2Nd Session); 1972; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1975 (2Nd Session); 1976; 1976 (2Nd Session); 1977; 1978 Ontario Ontario: Annual Statutes 1978 Table of Proclamations: RSO 1970; 1971; 1971 (2nd Session); 1972; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1975 (2nd Session); 1976; 1976 (2nd Session); 1977; 1978 Ontario © Queen's Printer for Ontario, 1978 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/ontario_statutes Bibliographic Citation Repository Citation Ontario (1978) "Table of Proclamations: RSO 1970; 1971; 1971 (2nd Session); 1972; 1973; 1974; 1975; 1975 (2nd Session); 1976; 1976 (2nd Session); 1977; 1978," Ontario: Annual Statutes: Vol. 1978, Article 158. Available at: http://digitalcommons.osgoode.yorku.ca/ontario_statutes/vol1978/iss1/158 This Table is brought to you for free and open access by the Statutes at Osgoode Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ontario: Annual Statutes by an authorized administrator of Osgoode Digital Commons. TABLE OF PROCLAMATIONS Setting out the Public Acts and parts of Public Acts in the Revised Statutes of Ontario, 1970 and subsequent annual volumes that have been and that are to be brought into force by Proclamation. A ACTS AND PARTS OF ACTS PROCLAIMED AND THE DATES UPON WHICH THEY CAME INTO FORCE ADMINISTRATION OF JusTJCE AMENDMENT AcT: 1971, c. 8 (12th January, 1972). AGE OF MAJORITY AND ACCOUNTABJLITY ACT: 1971, c. 98, s. 4 and Sched. Pars. 3, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31 and 32 (28th July, 1971); ss. 1-3, 5.20 and Sched. Pars. 1, 2, 4-11, 13-16, 20, 22, 25, 28, 30, 33 and 34-37 (1st September, 1971). AGRICULTURAL TILE DRAINAGE [NSTALLATION ACT: 1972, c. 38 (2nd April, 1973). ALGONQUJN FORESTRY AUTHORITY ACT: 1974, c. 99 (lst January, 1975). ART GALLERY OF ONTARIO AMENDMENT ACT: 1978, c. 74 (31st January, 1979). ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATJON OF CATTLE AMENDME:'\'T ACT: 1973, c. 119 (lst January, 1974). AssEsSMENT AMENDMENT ACT: 1973, c. 26, s. 2 (30th August, 1974); 1974, c. 41, s. 22 (29th August, 1975). ASSIGNMENT OF BooK DEBTS AMENDMENT AND REPEAL ACT: 1967, c. 5, s. 3-but see R.S.O. 1970, c. 33, s. 24 (1st April, 1976). AUDIT ACT: 1977, c. 61 (1st April, 1978). AUDIT AMENDMENT ACT: 1971, c. 54 (31st August, 1971). BANTING AND BEST MEDICAL RESEARCH REPEAL ACT: 1973, c. 29 (1st January, 1974). BEEF CATTLE MARKETING AMENDMENT ACT: 1974, c. 43 (15th April, 1976). B1LLS OF SALE ACT: R.S.O. 1970, c. 44 (1st April. 1976). BJLLS OF SALE AND CHATTEL MORTGAGES AMENDMENT AND REPEAL ACT: 1967, c. 8, s. 4--bul see R.S.O. 1970, c. 45, s. 40 (1st April, 1976). BUILDING CODE ACT: 1974, c. 74 (31st December, 1975). BUILDING CoDE AMENDMENT AcT: 1978, c. 40 (14th August, 1978). BUSINESS PRACTICES ACT: 1974, c. 131 (1st May, 1975). CHILD WELFARE AMENDMENT ACT; 1972, c. 109, s. 5 (1st September, 1972); 1975, c. I. SS. I to 7, 10 to 40 (1st August, 1975). CIVIL RIGHTS STATUTE LAW AMEND~IENT ACT: 1971, c. 50 (17th April, 1972). COMMUNITY RECREATION CENTRES ACT: 1974, c. 80 (1st April, 1975). COMPENSATION FOR VICTIMS OF CRIME ACT: 1971, ~ :--51 (1st September, 1971). CONDITIONAL SALES AMENDMENT AND REPEAL ACT: 1967, c. 11, s. 4--but see R.S.0. 1970, c. 76, s. 18 (1st April, 1976). CONDOMINIUM AMENDMENT ACT: 1974, c. 133, SS. 10, 15 (30th June, 1975); 1977, c. 67 (1st January, 1978). CONSTRUCTJON SAFETY ACT: 1973, c. 47 (1st August, 1973). CONSUMER PROTECTION AMENDMENT AcT: 1971, c. 24 (18th October, 1971). CONSUMER REPORTJNG ACT: 1973, c. 97 (2nd July, 1974). Co-OPERATIVE CORPORATIONS ACT: 1973, c. 101 (31st March, 1974). CORONERS AcT: 1972, c. 98 (31st 'May, 1973). CORPORATIONS AMENDMENT ACT: 1973, c. 104, s. 2 (1st February, 1974), s. I (31st March, 1974). CORPORATIONS INFORMATION ACT: 1971, c. 27 (1st October, 1971 ). Excepts. 2, s. 2 (1st January, 1972). CORPORATIONS TAX AMENDMENT AcT: 1976, c. 63 (24th February, 1977): 1977, c. 58. s. 8 [ss. 14 (11), 15 (5), 16 (4, 5, 6). 25 (5), 31] (12th January, 1978). COUNTY JUDGES AMENDMENT AcT: 1977, c. 44 (1st December, 1977). 1191 11 92 TABLE OF PROCLAMATIONS (HElllT lls10ss .\ND CA1ssEs POPCLAIRES AcT: 1976, c. 62, ss. 1, 2, 4 to 10, 12 to 18, 20 to 34, 36, 38 to bl, 66 to 69, 72. 73, 75, 77 to 80, 83 to 91, 93, 94. 119 to 123, 125 to 135, 137 to 142, 144 to 146, 14S, 149 (Jlst January. 1977), ss. 95 to 98, 103 (24th March, 1977), ss. 101, 102 (31st May, 1977), ,, J, 11.19, 37. 71. 8 1, 82. 147 (29th July, 1977), ss. 99, 104to113, 116 to 118, 124 (1st December, I 077), ,;,; 62 to 6-1, 70, 74, 92, 114, 115, 136, 143 (1st January, 1978), s. 35 (31st January, 1979). (Rt::DIT UNIONS AMENDMENT ACT: 1974, c. 39 (19th June, 1974). (Hows E~ll'I o\'EES Col.LECTI VE H11 RGAINING Acr. 1972, c. 67 (29th December. 1972). (HOWS E~!PLOYEES COLLECTIVE BARGAINl!llG AMENDMENT ACT: 1974, c. 135, Ss. 5, 6, 8 (17th April. 1975), ""I tu 4, 7, 9 to 22 (21st July, 1975). CHOWN \\'ITNl'SSF.S AMENDMENT Ac T : 1971, c. s (3rd July, 1972). {),\\' ~l'HSl'RIES AMENDMENT ACT: 1973, c. 77, SS. l (1, 2, 5), 2, 3, 4 (2), 5, 9 (13th March, 1974). llENTisHY AME:"DME!llT ACT: 1972, c. 141. ss. 1, 2 (22nd November, 1973), ss. 3, 4, 5 (8th February, 1973): 1974, c. 35 (24t h January, 1975). DE:>Tl'RE THERAPISTS ACT: 1972, c. 163, SS. 2, 3, 7, 18, 19, 20, 21 (22nd February, 1973). SS. 1, 4, 5, 6, 8. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 (6th July, 1973); 1974, c. 34 (24th January, 1975). DEPARTMENT OF COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITJES ACT: 1971, c. 66 {1st October, 1971). DEPARTMENT OF EDVCATION AMENDMENT ACT: 1971, c. 89, s. 4 (1st October, 1971). DEVELOPMENT CORPORATIONS ACT: 1973, c. 84 (Sth December, 1973). DE\'ELOP)tENT CoHPORATIONS AMENDMENT ACT: 1973, c. 125 (5th December, 1973). DISTRICT WELFARE ADMINISTRATION BOARDS AMENDMENT Act: 1972, c. 25 (1st January, 1973). DOG LICENSING AND LIVE STOCK AND PoULTRY PROTECTION AMENDMENT AcT: 1974, c. 94 (1st March, 1975); 1975, c. 86 (15th February, 1976). DRAINAGE ACT: 1975, c. 79, SS. 1 to 84, 85 (a) (i), 85 (c), 86, 87 (1, 2), 88 to 128 (1st April, 1976). DRAINAGE AMENDMENT ACT: 1976, c. 8 (1st June, 1976). EMPLOYEES' HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT: 1976, c. 79, s. 8 (1st July, 1977). E}JPLOYMENT STANDARDS ACT: 1974, c. 112, ss. l to 33, 35 to 69 (1st January, 1975),s. 34 (1st November, 1975). E:o;ERGY ACT: 1971, c. 44 (16th June, 1972). El'VIRON)(ENTAL ASSESSMENT ACT: 1975, c. 69, SS. 18 (1-11, 13), 19, 21 to 23. 46, 47 (20th April, 1976), ss. I (a-n), (o} (i), (p}. 2, 3 (a), 4 to 17, 18 (12, 14-20), 20, 24 to 40, 41 (c.J, g, h), 42 to 44, 45 ( I, 3) (20th October, 1976); ss. 1 (o) (ii), 3 (b), 41 (a, b, d, e), 45 (2) (16th January, 1977). ENVIRONME1'TAL PROTECTION Act: 1971, c. 86, SS. 1-56 and 63-107 (11th August, 1971), SS. 60 (2), 62 (15th A pril, 1974). E:-i\'IRO!llMEl'TAL PROTECTION AME NDMENT ACT: 1972, c. 106, SS. 18, 19, 20, 21, 31 (4-10) (1st January, 1973): 1973, c. 94, ss. 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12 (27th December, 1973), ss. 6, 11 (l, 2, 4) (15th April, 1974), ss. 4, 5, 11 (3) (3rd June, 1974); 1974, c. 20, ss. 8, 10 (9th August, 1974): 1974, c. 125 (8th October, 1975); 1975, c. 70 (20th April, 1976). EXECUTIVE CoUl'CIL AMENDMENT ACT: 1971 (2nd Sess.), c. 14 (Sth January, 1972). FAMILY LAw REFORM ACT: 1975, c. 41 (10th July, 1975). FARM INCOME STABILIZATION ACT : 1976, c. 77 (4th April, 1977). FARM PRODUCTS GRADES AND SALES AMENDMENT ACT: 1974, c. 6 (5th May, 1975). FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING AMENDMENT AcT (No. 2) : 1971, c. 42 (24th November, 1972). FI~'Al'CIAL ADMINISTRATION AMENDMENT ACT: 1971, c . SS, SS. 1-3 (31st August, 1971): ss. 4-7 (30th July, 1971). FoRT WILLIAM LAND TITLES AND REGISTRY OFFICE REPEAL ACT. 1971, c. 58 (22nd November. 1971). Fv.l'ERAL SERVICES Act: 1976, c. 83, ss. 2 (1-8), 33. 46, 47 (28th November, 1977); ss. 1, 2 (9, 10), 3 to 32, 34 to 45 (5t h December, 1977). TABLE OF PROCLAMATIONS 1193 GASOLINE HANDLJNG AMENDMENT Acr: 1973, c. 115, s. 5 (1). part-bul see 1973, c. 115, s. 5 (2) (15th June, 1974). HABEAS CORPUS AMENDMENT ACT: 1970, c. 102 bul see R.S.0. 1970, c. 197, ss. I (4), 9 (2) and 12 (4) (17th April, 1972). HEALTH D1sc1PL1NES AcT; 1974, c. 47, ss. 1 to 5, 7 to 168 (14th July, 1975). HEALTH DISCIPLINES AMENDMENT ACT: 1975, C. 63 (14th July, 1975). HIGHWAY TRAFFIC AMENDMENT ACT: 1972, c. 128 (2nd April. 1973); 1973, c. 167, 5. 9 (6th February, 1974), ss. 1, 8 (1st September, 1974). ss. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 (1st February, 1977); 1974, c. 123, ss. 6, 7, 8, 9 (24th February, 1975), s. 3 (1st February, 1977); 1975, c. 64 (1st September, 1975); 1975, c. 78, ss. 1 (2, 3), 3, 4, 6, 7, 10 (1st January, 1976), s. 5 "(1st January, 1977); 1976, c. 37, ss. 3 [s. 20 (1, 2, 3, 5, 6)], 4 [s. 24 (l)l (20th September, 1976), s. 2 (1st February, 1977); ss. 3 [20 (4)], 4 [24 (2)], 19 (14th February, 1977); ss. 9 (1), 10 (1st April, 1977); 1977, c.
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    VIII. AUGUST, 1975 OFFICE OF CIVIL RIGHTS MEMORANDUM, "IDENTIFICATION OF DISCRIMINATION IN THE ASSIGNMENT OF CHILDREN TO SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAMS" August 1975 HEW Memorandum for Chief State School Officers and Local School District Superintendents Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Departmental Regulation (45 CFR Part 80) promulgated thereunder require that there be no discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in the operation of any programs benefiting from Federal financial assistance. Similarly, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities benefiting from Federal financial assistance. Compliance reviews conducted by the Office for Civil Rights have revealed a number of common practices which have the effect of denying equality of educational opportunity on the basis of race, color, national original, or sex in the assignment of children to special education programs. As used herein, the term “special education programs” refers to any class or instructional program operated by a State or local education agency to meet the needs of children with any mental, physical, or emotional exceptionality including, but not limited to; children who are mentally retarded, gifted and talented, emotionally disturbed or socially maladjusted, hard of hearing, deaf, speech-impaired, visually handicapped, orthopedically handicapped, or to children with other health impairments or specific teaming disabilities. The disproportionate over- or under-inclusion of children of any race, color national origin, or sex in any special program category may indicate possible noncompliance with Title VI or Title IX. In addition, evidence of the utilization of criteria or methods of referral, placement or treatment of students in any special education program which have the effect of subjecting individuals to discrimination because race, color, national origin, or sex may also constitute noncompliance with Title VI and Title IX.
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