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No. 11400. INTERNATIONAL WHEAT AGREEMENT, 1971 (A) WHEAT TRADE CONVENTION, 1971 334 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 1979 No. 11400. INTERNATIONAL WHEAT AGREEMENT, 1971 (a) WHEAT TRADE CONVENTION, 1971. OPENED FOR SIGNATURE AT WASHINGTON FROM 29 MARCH 1971 UNTIL 3 MAY 1971© PROTOCOL2 FOR THE FURTHER EXTENSION OF THE ABOVE-MENTIONED CONVENTION. OPENED FOR SIGNATURE AT WASHINGTON FROM 25 MARCH UNTIL 14 APRIL 1975 Authentic texts: English, French, Russian and Spanish. Registered by the United States of America on 22 October 1979. 1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 800, p. 45, and annex A in volumes 813, 830, 850, 1123 and 1136. 2 Came into force on 19 June 1975, with respect to all provisions other than articles 3 to 9 inclusive and article 21, and on 1 July 1975, with respect to articles 3 to 9 inclusive and article 21, among the following Governments that had deposited not later than 18 June 1975 with the Government of the United States of America, instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval, conclusion or accession or declarations of provisional application under article 8, and which held at least 60 per cent (exporting members) and 50 per cent (importing members) of the votes set out in annexes A and B, respectively, in ac cordance with article 9 (1): Date of deposit Date of deposit of the instrument of the instrument of ratification, of ratification, acceptance (A), acceptance (A), approval (AA), approval (AA), or accession (a) or accession (a) or declaration or declaration of provisional of provisional State application (n) State application (n) Argentina ......................... 14 April 1975 n 18 June 1975 « Australia .......................... 13 June 1975 Malta ........................... 29 April 1975 a Belgium* .......................... 18 June 1975 n 10 June 1975 Bolivia ............................ 2 June 1975 a 18 June 1975 n Brazil ............................. 18 June 1975 n Netherlands* .................... 18 June 1975 n Canada ........................... 18 June 1975 (For the Kingdom in Europe and Cuba* ............................ 14 April 1975 « Suriname.) Denmark* ......................... 18 June 1975 a 18 June 1975 a Egypt ............................. 17 June 1975 18 June 1975 AA European Economic Community* .... 18 June 1975 n 17 June 1975 Finland ........................... 16 June 1975 « 16 June 1975 a France* ........................... 18 June 1975 n 5 June 1975 n Germany, Federal Republic of* ....... 18 June 1975 « 18 June 1975 Greece ............................ 18 June 1975 a 18 June 1975 a Guatemala ........................ 18 June 1975 « South Africa ..................... 7 May 1975 HolySee .......................... 16 June 1975 15 April 1975 n India ............................. 12 June 1975 16 June 1975 Iran .............................. 17 June 1975 « 12 June 1975 « Ireland* ........................... 18 June 1975 n 17 June 1975 n Israel ............................. 18 June 1975 « 20 May 1975 Italy* ............................. 18 June 1975 « 4 June 1975 n Japan* ............................ 18 June 1975 n Union of Soviet Socialist Republics* . 6 May 1975/4 Kenya ............................ 17 June 1975 n United Kingdom of Great Britain and Lebanon .......................... 13 June 1975 a 18 June 1975 a Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ............. 18 June 1975 « United States of America* ......... 18 June 1975 « (Footnote 2 continued on page 335) Vol. 1146, A-11400 1979 United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités 335 PREAMBLE The Conference to establish the texts of the Protocols for the further extension of the Conventions constituting the International Wheat Agreement, 1971,© Considering that the International Wheat Agreement of 19492 was revised, renewed or extended in 1953,© 1956,4 1959,5 1962," 1965,7 1966,© 1967,© 1968, 1971,© and 1974, 10 Considering that the International Wheat Agreement, 1971, consisting of two separate legal instruments, the Wheat Trade Convention, 1971©, and the Food Aid Convention, 1971,© both of which were extended by Protocol in 1974,© will expire on 30 June 1975, Has established the texts of Protocols for the further extension of the Wheat Trade Con vention, 1971, and for the further extension of the Food Aid Convention, 1971. The Governments party to this Protocol, Considering that the Wheat Trade Convention, 1971 (hereinafter referred to as "the Con vention") of the International Wheat Agreement, 1971, which was extended by Protocol in 1974, expires on 30 June 1975, (Footnote 2 continued from page 334) Subsequently, the following States deposited an instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval, conclusion or ac cession with the Government of the United States of America, and the Protocol came into force for those States on the date of such deposit, except when the Protocol had already come into force for them as the result of the deposit of a declaration of provisional application under article 8 (see above), in accordance with article 9 (2): Date of deposit Date of deposit of the instrument of the instrument of ratification, of ratification, acceptance (A), acceptance (A), approval (AA), approval (AA), or accession (a) or accession (a) of declaration or declaration of provisional of provisional State application (n): Slate application (n): Argentina ..................... 12 October 1976 Ireland ...................... 24 June 1976(7 Austria ....................... 15 June 1976 Israel ........................ 21 August 1975 Barbados ..................... 28 November 1975 a Italy ......................... 3 April 1978 a Belgium ...................... 4 October 1977 a Japan ....................... 20 February 1976-4 Brazil ........................ 8 August 1975 Kenya ....................... 25 May 1976 a Cuba» ........................ 6 April 1976 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya ........ 28 July 1975 Dominican Republic ............ 10 October 1975 Luxembourg .................. 5 January 1976 a Ecuador ...................... 30 July 1975 n Morocco ..................... 3 June 1976 23 December 1975 Netherlands .................. 29 December 1978 a El Salvador ................... 7 January 1976 a (For the Kingdom in Europe.) Finland ....................... 23 January 1976 Peru ......................... 9 July 1975 a France ....................... 30 June 1976 a Portugal ..................... 3 December 1975 Germany, Federal Republic of ... 15 September 1975 a Spain ........................ 15 July 1975 a (With a declaration of applica Switzerland ................... 23 September 1975 tion to Berlin (West).) Syrian Arab Republic .......... 19 July 1976 a Guatemala .................... 2 September 1976 Tunisia ...................... 13 April 1976 a Iran .......................... 19 January 1978 a United States of America ....... 5 January 1976 Iraq* ......................... 27 June 1975 n 4 December 1975 * For the texts of the declarations made upon ratification, accession, approval or declaration of provisional application, see p. 363 of this volume. 1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 800, p. 45. 2 Ibid., vol. 203, p. 179. 3 Ibid., p. 242. 4 Ibid., vol. 270, p. 103. 5 Ibid., vol. 349, p. 167. 6 Ibid., vol. 444, p. 3. 7 Ibid., vol. 544, p. 350. 8 Ibid., vol. 723, p. 346. 9 Ibid., vol. 727, p. 3. 10 Ibid., vol. 1123, p. 363. Vol. 1146, A-1J400 336_____United Nations — Treaty Series • Nations Unies — Recueil des Traités_____1979 Have agreed as follows: Article I. EXTENSION, EXPIRY AND TERMINATION OF THE CONVENTION Subject to the provisions of Article 2 of this Protocol, the Convention shall continue in force between the parties to this Protocol until 30 June 1976, provided that, if a new interna tional agreement covering wheat enters into force before 30 June 1976, this Protocol shall re main in force only until the date of entry into force of the new agreement. Article 2. INOPERATIVE PROVISIONS OF THE CONVENTION The following provisions of the Convention shall be deemed to be inoperative with effect from 1 July 1975: (a) Paragraph (4) of Article 19; (b) Articles 22 to 26 inclusive; (c) Paragraph (1) of Article 27; (d) Articles 29 to 31 inclusive. Article 3. DEFINITION Any reference in this Protocol to a "Government" or "Governments" shall be construed as including a reference to the European Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as "the Community"). Accordingly, any reference in this Protocol to "signature" or to the "deposit of instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or conclusion" or "an instrument of acces sion" or a "declaration of provisional application" by a Government shall, in the case of the Community, be construed as including signature or declaration of provisional application on behalf of the Community by its competent authority and the deposit of the instrument required by the institutional procedures of the Community to be deposited for the conclusion of an in ternational agreement. Article 4. FINANCE The initial contribution of any exporting or importing member acceding to this Protocol under paragraph (!)(£) of Article 7 thereof, shall be assessed by the Council on the basis of the votes to be distributed to it and the period remaining in the current crop year, but the assessments made upon other exporting and importing members for the current crop year shall not be altered. Article 5. SIGNATURE This Protocol shall be open for signature in Washington from 25 March 1975 until and in cluding 14 April 1975 by Governments of countries party to the Convention as extended by Protocol, or which are provisionally regarded as party to the Convention
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