1975 June Engineers News
i Conf erence Delegates Push Legislation *** ENG INEERS@SNEWS Local 3 Sends Delegates To Joint Legislative Conference PUBLISHED TO PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL MEMBERS AND THEIR FAMILIES A $900 million housing construction program, a $500 :3:L.W.jilluT~- ~~~ 5/23~ZiWi million bond issue for public works and legislation provid- ~ t~~5 ~CZ~lle~~Iit~7~~~ ~~~~~rr~~r:%31~ Guam, Where America·s Day Begins • Hawaii, The 50th State • No, Catifoinia, The Golden State • No. Nevada, Silver State • Utah, Heart Of The Rookies supported by building tradesmen at. the Joint Legislative Conference held by the California Labor Federation, AFL, VOL. 34-NO. 6 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA o*§1Bj*,40 JUNE, 1975 CIO, the State Building and Construction Trades Council and the California State Council of Carpenters in Sacra- mento in early June. .* Local 3 delegates to the con- : ference, held June 2-4, were only one purpose," said Marr. Dale Marr, business manager; ,'That purpose is to provide a Harold Huston, president; Bob means in which anyone can stop 1 ~~ 4 .4% Mayfield, vice-president; James a project regardless of what the 't "Red" Ivy, recording-correspond- report might say. This act should ing secretary; Don Kinchloe, be repealed." treasurer; District Representa- SB 883 (Senator Robert Pres- tives Alex Cellini, Ken Green, ley). Existing law permits the Clem Hoover, Mike Kraynick, Labor Commissioner to take as- Bob Skidgel, Russ Swanson, Walt signments of wage claims and Talbot, Bob Wagnon and Ralph other specified claims of em- Wilson; Ray Cooper, job stew- ployees upon the filing of a claim ards director; and Ken Erwin, by an employee, and pursue the ..4 director of public relations.
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